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By : Josh, LRT

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Chapter 2 Kinematics
2.1 Linear motion
Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of points, bodies (objects)
and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the forces that cause it. It deals
with the concepts that are needed to describe motion.
Dynamics deals with the effect that forces have on motion. Together, kinematics and dynamics
form the branch of physics known as Mechanics.
1D Kinematics Basics:
a. Displacement

= final position
= displacement

= initial position

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By : Josh, LRT

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b. Velocity & Speed

Speed is a scalar quantity and defined as the rate of change of distance.

SI units for speed meters per second (



Velocity is a vector quantity and defined as the rate of change of displacement.


SI units for velocity meters per second (



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Instantaneous velocity, v is defined as the instantaneous rate of change of displacement. (Velocity
at a particular instant)
= lim

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c. Acceleration & Deceleration

Acceleration is a vector quantity and defined as is defined as the rate of change of velocity.

SI units for velocity meters per second (


Deceleration is a negative Acceleration which decreasing it speed with time.

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Lets understand the graph and the concept of S, V and A.

** This is the way to get the equation!
Going Down, using differentiates function, opposite for the integrate function.

1. To find V,

or =

2. To find A,

or =

3. To find S,


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** This is the way to find values from graph!
Going Down, using differentiates function, opposite for the integrate function.


1. To find V,

or =

Graph of v against t, gradient = , Area =

2. To find A,

or =

Graph of a against t, gradient = , Area =

3. To find S,


Graph of s against t, gradient = , Area =

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** This is the formulas to calculate 1D!
Using Linear Motion formulas:

This only applied for a body that travels along the straight line.
Defining symbol:

From acceleration,

Acceleration = rate change of velocity


= (

) Displacement = Product of average velocity and time

= (


From, = and =

( )( ) =

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2.2 Projectile
Projectile, is when a particle is projected under gravity at a velocity u at an angle to the horizontal
(neglecting air resistance, due to what we learn now is VACUUM PHYSICS) it follows the
curve of a parabola.
This motion Projectile is a 2D motion due to exist of 2 components in the action of kinetic
projectiles. The components are vertical (y-axis) and horizontal (x-axis).

Diagram below is Oblique Projectile:

At Fy, the motion should be constant
acceleration (due to GRAVITY).

At Fx, the motion should be constant
velocity (due to linear).
What we can saw in the diagram is:
1. The

is constant, because there is no

any force [horizontal] acting on it.
2. The

is changing, because the height

of motion per second is different.
[Decreasing towards maximum point and
increasing towards same level of initial
3. At highest point of the trajectory:

= 0 but

= .
4. Acceleration is constant and vertically
downwards. Therefore, = .

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Projectile Equations and Formula:

Symbol define:
1. = acceleation
2. = gavit
3. = initial velocit
4. = angle of pojectile
5. = maimum height of pojectile
6. = ange of pojectile

Since, the gravity is equal to acceleration and it is always towards to the earth. Therefore the
equation is derived as: = .

To calculate Y component, informations needed is:

= sin
b. =
c. =

Given that,

Since, maximum point is reached, final velocity of

= 0.

= ( sin )

( )

. used to calculate MAXIMUM height for component Y.



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d. Since, an object is projected from a starting time and end with a ending time.

Given that,
0 = sin

used to calculate time of HALF projectile for component Y.

e. Instantaneous

can calculate at any time by using the formula below:

Given that,

= ( sin)

used to calculate any time of projectile for component Y.

f. To calculate FULL TIME of an object projectile, just simply take answer of


= time of FULL projectile.

To calculate X component, informations needed is:

= cos
b. Instantaneous horizontal displacement at any time is
= ( cos )
c. To find Range, R which is the total distance from start point X to end point.
= ( cos )
= ( cos ) (

= (



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By : Josh, LRT

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= = cos 0

= = sin0
The displacement of the ball in horizontal axis,


00 = (

cos 0)
ituation =


= (


= (0 00)

(0) = (

sin 0) (

cos 0

() (

cos 0

0 = (0tan 0)

() [

(cos 0)

0 (0tan 0)

= [

(cos 0)


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(cos 0)









(cos 0)




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