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Yookoso! Face it. Few politicians are straight shooters, most of them pretend to work for public interests.

You know, politicians deceit. Especially those from the leftand those from the rightand those for the centre too. Basically every politician might be a pretender, but that is only part of the story. You have to consider that in most countries, especially in the west where the expert political animal exist, politician is a class that rules the masses through deception, or they will not be elected. Politicians pretend to have been elected by the public, and the public pretends not to know that the have been elected by the public bunch pretend to represent the public interest. And those politicians that you think do not pretend, in reality have mastered the pretend technique so much that it seems they are serious about politics, but some tickles here and there will expose their truth. I am not saying that every politicians is a master of disguise, I know it, but since I can not prove it I shall keep my opinion to myself. But again that misses the point. The point is that the public should not measure its political environment by measuring the rulers of the moment. Is that the whole picture? If the current government is rough, full of lies and suckers, it means the political class is rotten and anti-democratic? What about us, the public? Is not the government a reflection of the public? What can be said about everyday man? How does a plebeian behaves on his every day activities? The fact is that most states have the government they deserve. For instance, the rich and wealthy states where the Professional Politician roams tell whoever wants to hear that this state and that state has a rotten government that oppresses its people. So we, the general public, must accept and finance their go to help those innocent souls, and get rid of the often rich oppressor, and replace the local governor with poor working class fellows that understand the importance of democracy. Persons who will bring modernity and clarity to government affairs. But in my near fifty years as part of the general public in different states that have gave me home, I have never seen that the life of those rescued states betters. Mostly it has not worsen, but the status quo is naturally considered as immobility. If the state remains the same after been saved, it means that it is worse. Because if there is no change how can anybody consider that as an improvement? The rich and wealthy states may said that if the axis of evil are not removed

from power, the life of the governed would be worsen daily, but there is no prove that it will if nothing is done about it. We, the general public, are responsible when things go wrong. And we share that responsibility with our states political class, because we permit them to reach to that point. We, the public, may try to play the victims, but we have what we deserve. We live with the monster we created.

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