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Peter Lindberg: 3D Multibeam sonar data take a while to process.

It will not be untill end of next week we will be able to seee the first 3D images from the area. I have seen the raw data though and if what I have seen will be confirmed by the finnished result we will get some quite amazing facts to think about. Peter Lindberg: No there is no golden arches, I have explained that the "top" of the other object looks like the top of two church window arches. Peter Lindberg: Regarding the "remote viewing": Yes, the last guy gives quite a spooky resembling explanation. Maybe he's right if we find any more holes Peter Lindberg: Jerry: More pictures will come, no more diver taken pictures though, not before untill next expedition. The production company is right now working with the ROV films and still pictures from them will be released. Peter Lindberg: They do not know about all we have seen with the ROV. It take some time to tape everything over to a format with which they can use, and people have their working hours. I think though that they must be like 10 persons working with this now. Peter Lindberg: Per: Bad resolution, we have been sponsered by Ocean Modules with an "older" model of the V8 Sii ROV. It should not be able to send both video and the "real time sonar" images at the same time through a 450 meter cable (which we had) but it worked, though on the expence of the quality of the video. On the next expedition they will provide us with a newer modell and then we will probably get much better quality on the video Peter Lindberg: Peder: They are doing lab tests on the stones right now. But I think we will find that they are made of quite common minerals. I believe that since there is loose stones laying on the circle the circle must be from pre-ice age. The ice has dropped the stones when it melted away Peter Lindberg: Damian: The strange about the cloud is that it looked like a very distinct "plume" of something that catched the echo sounder beams so hard that it looked like a big rock hoovering in midwater, above the "volcano". I think we might have found something which is active in the way of like a "black smooker" or that maybe heated water is jetting out under high pressure. But this was not in the area of the circle, this volcano was found many miles away. We will certanly go back and try to find out if the "plume" just was a very densed shool of fish or something else Peter Lindberg: The pillar is thicker than on Pauls artistic drawing, the circle might be like 1-4 meters wider than the pillar Peter Lindberg: Adam: It might be like that, I do not know but if I must bet my money on something I would go for the possibility that the circle is of pre-ice age - age.

Peter Lindberg: It is the divers "reel" line which you can see on the picture. It is quite thin and they have laid it so they could find they way back to the down line Peter Lindberg: Yann: 99% a natural formation, unique in its kind though, and also that we have found an area in the Baltic with volcanic activity. And the last percent? Well 0.9 % that it is remains from an ancient civilisation and 0.1 % that some aliens took an asteroid and made a space craft out of it. As someone asked me: Who have decided that an alien space craft must be made of somekind of metall...? Peter Lindberg: Peder: Vi har ingen aning om hur hlet har kommit till, det r vldigt runt dock... We have no idea how the hole was created, it is very round though... Peter Lindberg: Matthew: The divers said that a "blackish" powder had attract to the camera, I did not see it my self though. An other thing is that we could not use the satelite phone when we where laying above the circle, but just some tenth of meters off postion the phone worked. i do not know why but it is a fact. Further more, the video camera's lights blow when the diver started them up on the surface when testing them before dive # 2. They decided anyway to bring the video camera with them and try to use their ordinary lights to iluminate for the video. When they decended the video camera started to showing an "error" message on the small monitor. The diver restarted the camera several times and finnaly it seamed to work. So he filmed their dive but nothing was on the tape when waching it afterwards. The only problem we had with the ROV was that we constantly had to restart the sonar. Finally it did not work and we continued with just the video camera. When we left the circle we went to a wreck and spent like 35 hour of ROV flying on the wreck and the sonar worked all the time. Magnetic disturbances, well you tell me! Peter Lindberg: Someone asked about what temperature we had down there. Well the divers thermometer showed -1 degree Celsius when they were on top of the circle, it should be +4 degree Celsius. The thermometer may have showing a wronly value of course. Peter Lindberg: The divers thermometer is a part of their dive computors, I do not know for sure how it messure the temperature. But most probably by a resistor. You know, platina has a ressitance of 100 ohms at 20 degree celsius. Many electronically thermometers messure the temperature with some kind of resistor. Peter Lindberg: I can not reveal the truth before I have all the facts. Till then everything is pure speculations, even from my side. I have not thought about if it can be hollowed, I have not even penetrated the surface yet.. Peter Lindberg: A new expedition will take place in approx three weeks. Peter Lindberg: The lines can be made by natural causes, but they looks very "man made".

Peter Lindberg: As you understand it is very much in this that points toward this not being just a "stone formation". The cracks seams not to be irregular, they seams to go vertically or horizontally. Behind them you can see a blackish collored mineral(?) with the structure of old wooden planks Peter Lindberg: We still have some months before it is too late going out to the site. But as it looks like now it will be last expedition for us. I think a real scientiffic team should take over and make a real scientiffic exepdition to the area. After all, we are just wreck hunters who's trying to find out what we a have discovered.

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