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SUMMARY OF COORDINATORS QUESTIONNAIRE The activities I undertook as Coordinator of the Spanish team involved in this project have been

very varied. Before applying for the project I presented it to all my colleagues to get teachers involved in it and I took their suggestions into account for the application form. I wrote our part of the application form and the Intermediate Report. I distributed the questionnaires for the final Report and summarised the conclusions from them. I had a fluent communication both with the coordinators of the countries involved in the project and with my team. With the coordinators the communication took place regularly on the Internet to plan tasks, share results, solve problems, organise mobilities .... With the teachers in my school we had as many meetings as needed at which I informed them about the agreements taken by the coordinators, we distributed the tasks and decided the students we would work with, planned the meeting in Spain, do preparations for other meetings, shared results, discuss how to improve our work.... I also bought the plane tickets, organised transport to the airports from which we flew, and provide the host country with all the data they needed from us. I kept parents informed about our activities and, before each mobility I organized a couple of meetings for all the parents whose children were travelling or hosting students from the associated countries. During the mobility in Spain I coordinated all the activities which were going to take place in our school with the help of my colleagues, especially with the help of the Head of Extracurriculum activities, who is also involved in this project. I divided the tasks among my colleagues. I arranged the accommodation and organised some of the visits, I did part of the decoration of the room where we had our project meetings . I booked restaurants and guided tours. I made sure everything would be on time before the arrival of our guests. I decided who would accompany them on each visit, for lunch and dinner... and I tried to be present at all the activities. As for the management competences I have achieved along this project I think I have achieved all of them to a certain extent since coordinating this kind of projects made me negotiate with my team and with coordinators from other countries. I also had to be responsible for everybodys carrying out his/her tasks on time, I had to divide work in the fairest possible way, trying everyone to assume the part they could deal with more easily and I had to be flexible and motivate students and teachers when they felt overwhelmed by too much work. But I must admit the Spanish team has worked very efficiently and has always been eager to collaborate. The hardest part for me as a coordinator was sometimes to get all the work done on time, but I tried to be understanding as we are all very busy and involved in some other activities related to school. Regarding my best points as a leader I must say that I consider myself understanding, responsible, cooperating, enthusiastic and easygoing. My bad points as a leader are that I should be sometimes a bit more demanding with deadlines and a bit more bossy.

I always felt my participation in this project as a group activity because I knew I could count on my colleagues to share tasks even though the role of the coordinator means lots of extra work. Eleven teachers belong to the Spanish team and they all got involved in this project. As for parents around forty took part actively. On the other hand the target group of students was formed by over 20 students, but over 80 took part in some of the activities. Along these two years we did not have to make very important changes. A couple of teachers left the project and we had to redistribute some tasks, but on the whole we followed the initial plan. We improved our way of working during this second year, which in my opinion was more efficient as we knew who could best carry out each task. I feel very happy about the results. All the activities have been done and lots of them with better results than I expected thanks to the good work of teachers and students which contributed in lots of occasions with very original and good ideas. All the students in the target team have had the opportunity of participating in a meeting, experience which has helped them develop at a personal and educational level. All the colleagues working in the team have also taken part in one of the meetings having the chance to exchange experiences with teachers from the associated countries. All of us have learnt about topics related with environmental issues and have improved our technological skills. I must conclude this kind of projects enriches our experience as teachers and as students and I am definitely looking forward to participating in another one. I also want to add it has been a pleasure working with you all. MEDIATISATION AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT

We have had a few associated partners in this project: the Puente Ajuda wine cellar in the town of Olivenza, which collaborated with us showing their premises and explaining the process of making wine. A pig farm in Alburquerque, a sustainable explotation, at which we had the opportunity to learn about how iberian pigs are reared and to see the Dehesa, typical landscape in Extremadura. The owner of the farm did this without charging us any money. We also have to mention the Photovoltaic Solar Plant in Alburquerque; the people in charge were very kind to show us the Solar Pannels and explain the way they work. We did not have to pay anything at the Solar Plant either.

The two last companies above mentioned collaborated with us offering a free guide of their installations. Nobody belonging to them took part in a mobility.

The local press also collaborated with us publishing a few articles on our project which contributed to the diffusion of it in our town. To finish with, a big Supermarket allowed us to do the interviews we prepared for our work on Sun Day at their entrance.

As for the intitutions of the State involved in our project we have to thank the Town Hall of Badajoz, which offered us a reception during the Spanish meeting and organised a free visit of the Mudjares Houses in our town. We also want to thank The Town Hall of Olivenza, which offered us a free guided tour of their town and The Tourist Office of Badajoz, which gave us free gifts for our partners, such as plans and leaflets of several towns in Extremadura, notebooks, pens, etc

Regarding the mediatisation of the Project we tried all the students, parents and teachers to be aware of what was being done. We profitted from occasions such us our School Day and during the meeting celebrated in our school to show them our work and talk about our experience. They also have access to our webpage. The mediatisation in the local community was done through the articles published in the newspaper and with the distribution of some of the leaflets on differents tasks carried out.

To conclude I think our project strengthened the links between the school and the community providing the last one with the opportunity to learn something about environmental problems and about possible solutions from all of us. It also paved the way for future collaborations.

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