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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

August 2006

Ames’ FACET receives NASA’s Software of Year 2006 award

Before 5:00 a.m. on the East Coast, and 'red-eye' flights. However, a storm and slowly moves west as people and
the skies across the United States are is brewing. As the day begins, there is a cargo travel to their destinations.
fairly quiet with a few hundred cargo flurry of activity which starts in the east To help keep track of these aircraft
and maintain safety and efficiency
through the inevitable weather-related
delays and system overloads, the Fed-
eral Aviation Administration (FAA) and
airlines use technology developed at
NASA Ames. The technology is called
the Future Air traffic management Con-
cepts Evaluation Tool, better known as
In recognition for its innovation and
contributions to science and technology,
FACET was selected as NASA's Soft-
ware of the Year winner for 2006. The
FACET team, led by Banavar Sridhar, is
composed of Karl Bilimoria and Shon
The Future Air traffic management concepts Evaluation Tool (FACET) team, from left to right, Daniel Grabbe (NASA); and, Kapil Sheth, Gano
Mulfinger, Karl Bilimoria ,Gano Chatterji, Banavar Sridhar, Kapil Sheth and Shon Grabbe. FACET was Chatterji and Daniel Mulfinger (Univer-
selected as NASA’s Software of the Year winner for 2006. FACET can enable efficient planning of sity of California-Santa Cruz). The team
traffic flows and holds the promise of more frequent on-time departures and arrivals. will travel to Washington for the official
awards ceremony in early September.
FACET is a flexible software tool
that provides powerful simulation ca-
pabilities and can rapidly generate thou-
AIAA conference explores sands of aircraft trajectories to enable
efficient planning of traffic flows at the
the business case for space national level. FACET uses air traffic
data from the FAA and weather infor-
As a kick off to the American Institute of mation provided by the National Oce-
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) anic and Atmospheric Administration
Space 2006 Conference and Exposition (NOAA) to analyze the flight plan route
scheduled for Sept. 19 to 21 at the and predict trajectories for the climb,
McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, cruise and descent phases of flight for
the AIAA held a luncheon in August at each aircraft type. For the commercial
the Computer History Museum located
on Shoreline Avenue in Mountain View.
airline passenger, this holds the promise
The luncheon's theme was ‘Exploring of more frequent on-time departures and
the Business Case for Space’ and continued on page 3
featured a panel discussion. Left to right
are: Andrea Seastrand, executive
director, California Space Authority; Len On the Inside . . .
Kwiatkowski, vice president, military Page 2 -Methane drizzles on
space, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Saturn’s moons
Company; Peter Engel, vice chairman,
Investment Banking, J.P. Morgan; Paul Page 3 -Carl Pilcher named director
Lencioni, director, Global Defense and of NAI at Ames
Space Group, Cisco Systems; and Dan Page 10 - Upcoming events
Rasky, senior staff scientist, Space NASA photo by Tom Trower Page 12 - Ongoing events
Technology Division at NASA Ames.
Page 13 - Classifieds
Scientists discover methane drizzles on Saturn's moon, Titan
Liquid methane drizzles on the sur- tists say the downward flow of methane much rain as Death Valley (receives).
face of Titan, a moon of Saturn, accord- due to the rain is balanced by upward The difference is (that) on Titan, this rain
ing to a paper by NASA and university transport of methane gas by large-scale is spread out evenly over the entire year."
scientists that appeared in the July 27 atmospheric circulation. The scientists reported that erosion
issue of the journal, Nature. According to scientists, the rain potential from the very light methane
comes from thin clouds drizzle may be quite limited, but at least
of methane. The upper would be sufficient to wet the surface
clouds are methane ice, material, and may explain its generally
and the lower clouds are wet character.
liquid and composed of In addition to McKay the other co-
a combination of meth- authors of the scientific paper include
ane and nitrogen. Com- Fritz Neubauer, of the University of Co-
puter models indicate logne; Sushil Atreya, University of
these thin liquid meth- Michigan, Ann Arbor; Francesca Ferri,
ane clouds cover about University of Padova, Italy; Marcello
half of Titan, even Fulchignoni, of both the Paris Observa-
though methane abun- tory and the University of Denis Diderot,
dance on the moon de- Paris; and Hasso Niemann, NASA
creases with latitude, the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
team reported. Md.
"We determined More information about the
that the rain on Titan is Huygens mission to Titan can be found
Artist’s concept of the Huygens probe at Titan. The probe has equal to about two on the Internet at http://
recently sent back data that indicates that there are liquid methane-
nitrogen clouds that rain on Titan’s surface.
inches (about 5 centime-
ters) a year," McKay huygens-mission.cfm
said. "This is about as BY JOHN BLUCK

Data from the European Space

Agency's Huygens probe indicates there
is a lower, barely visible, liquid meth-
ane-nitrogen cloud that drops rain to Global space leaders meet to
the surface of Titan, reported a team of
scientists from universities, an observa- discuss space exploration
tory and NASA. The probe collected the

NASA photo by Dominic Hart

data on Jan. 14, 2005, when it approached
and landed on Titan.
"The rain on Titan is just a slight
drizzle, but it rains all the time, day in,
day out. It makes the ground wet and
muddy with liquid methane. This is
why the Huygens probe landed with a
splat. It landed in methane mud," said
Christopher McKay, a scientist at Ames
and second author of the study. The
principle author is Tetsuya Tokano from
the University of Cologne, Germany.
On Titan, the clouds and rain are
formed of liquid methane. On Earth,
methane is a flammable gas, but Titan
has no oxygen in its atmosphere that
could support combustion. Also, the
temperatures on Titan are so cold --
minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit (minus
149 degrees Celsius) -- that the methane
can form liquid. Titan's landscape in-
cludes fluvial, river-like features that The Next Generation Exploration Conference, a gathering of emerging global space leaders,
may well be formed by methane rain, gathered at Ames in August for a three-day session to discuss the future of space exploration. The
scientists noted. conference featured discussions focused on establishing a framework for developing strategies for
A gap separates the liquid methane human space exploration in the 21st century as the United States and other nations prepare to
cloud -- the source of the rain -- from a return to the moon and destinations beyond. Ames Research Center Director S. Pete Worden was
higher, upper methane ice cloud, ac- a featured speaker. For more information, visit
cording to the scientific study. Scien-

Astrogram 2 August 2006

Ames’ FACET receives NASA’s Software of Year 2006 award
continued from front page
FACET has suite of air traffic management tools
transitioned suc- developed at NASA Ames as part of the
cessfully from NASA Airspace Systems Program, at
NASA laboratory NASA Headquarters in Washington.
theoretical use to "I'm absolutely thrilled that the
national opera- Ames team has been honored with this
tional use. Tech- prestigious award," said Ames Center
nologies derived Director S. Pete Worden. "As a center,
from FACET have we have enjoyed great success in previ-
been incorporated ous NASA Software of the Year compe-
into the FAA's traf- titions; this award adds to our proud
fic management legacy and is a harbinger of great things
system, which is to come for our center."
used currently by Previous NASA Ames software to
more than 500 air receive the Software of the Year award
NASA's Future ATM Concepts Evaluation Tool (FACET) display of air
traffic over the continental United States during peak hours. FACET is a
traffic managers at include: Cart3D, Remote Agent, Center
flexible software tool that provides powerful simulation capabilities and about 100 sites TRACON Automation System Software
can rapidly generate thousands of aircraft trajectories to enable efficient across nationwide. (CTAS) and Flow Analysis Software
planning of traffic flows at the national level. NASA has commer- Toolkit (FAST).
cially licensed the For more information about
arrivals. FACET software to Flight Explorer®, FACET, visit
According to engineers, the analy- Washington, a leading vendor of flight aatt/facet.html and also http://
ses of these trajectories drive the various operations management tools that are
air traffic management applications. This used by nearly 5,000 dispatchers at more SOY_FACET/index.cfm
innovative feature enables FACET to than 600 customer sites including 80 To view a short FACET animation,
model airspace operations at the U.S. percent of major United States airlines. visit
national level, and process more than FACET is a component of a growing eos/day_in_the_life.htm
15,000 aircraft on a single desktop or
laptop computer.
"FACET started out as a simulation
tool for NASA research and has evolved
Ames announces change in
into an operations planning tool for the astrobiology management
FAA and airlines," said Sridhar. "I would
Dr. Carl Pilcher, senior scientist

NASA photo
like to thank our colleagues for support-
ing and contributing to this successful for astrobiology at NASA Headquar-
endeavor." ters, Washington, has been appointed
The Software of the Year Award director of the NASA Astrobiology
developed by the NASA Inventions and Institute (NAI) at NASA's Ames . The
Contributions Board recognizes out- appointment is effective Sept. 18, 2006.
standing contributions in software de- Pilcher succeeds Dr. Bruce
velopment. Selection is based on a rigor- Runnegar, who served as the third
ous set of criteria including the software's director of the NAI from 2003-2006.
significance to science and technology, Runnegar is returning to his home
its impact on NASA's mission, quality, institution, the University of Califor-
usability, extent of potential use and nia at Los Angeles in September.
innovation. All software must be li- Prior to coming to NASA, Pilcher
censed and commercially available. served on the faculty of the Institute
"Making NASA mission technolo- for Astronomy at the University of
gies applicable and available to meet the Hawaii. He has received numerous
needs of the American public, industry awards, including the NASA Excep-
and academia increases the value added Dr. Carl Pilcher, newly appointed director of
tional Achievement Medal. the NASA Astrobiology Institute at Ames.
from the tax payer’s investments in the
Founded in 1997, NAI is a part-
U.S. space program," said Robin Orans generation of astrobiology research-
nership between NASA, 12 major U.S.
of the Technology Partnerships Office at
teams and six international consortia. ers.
Ames. "The licensing of FACET is help-
NAI's goal is to promote, conduct and Astrobiology is the study of the
ing make air travel safer and more effi-
cient by saving fuel for airlines and time lead integrated multidisciplinary as- origin, evolution, distribution and
for passengers from gate to gate." trobiology research and to train a new future of life in the universe.

Astrogram 3 August 2006

Microscopic passengers to hitch ride on space shuttle
When space shuttle Atlantis rockets illness on Earth, according to Nickerson. but it has the potential to greatly ad-
into space on its next mission, it will take Prior studies indicate that space- vance infectious disease research in
three kinds of microbes so scientists can flight weakens the human immune sys- space and on the ground,” said Steven
tem, and that some microbes Hing, the experiment's project manager
become more virulent when at NASA Ames.

NASA photo by Tom Trower

grown under conditions that With these 'bugs' already present or
simulate spaceflight, thus in- with the potential to be present in hu-
creasing the risk of astronauts man-occupied spacecraft, this research
becoming sick during flight. is applicable to both current and future
Whatever the mission or its long-duration flights, Hing noted. Be-
duration, microbes are cause the microbes will be contained in
present where there are hu- Group Activation Pack (GAP) hardware
man beings. that provides three levels of contain-
This experiment will fo- ment, they will pose no threat of expo-
cus on investigating the ef- sure to the astronauts. A total of 12 GAPs
fects of spaceflight on three will fly on the upcoming mission.
microorganisms commonly “Spaceflight has been shown to in-
found where human beings duce key changes in both human and
live. The results will be used microbial cells that are directly relevant
in the risk assessment of crew to infectious disease, including changes
environmental conditions, in immune system function, microbial
Scientist Hami Teal of Ames holds the microscopic including drinking water and growth rates, antibiotic resistance and
organisms that will travel on the STS-115 mission. breathable atmosphere, to cell surface properties,” explained
Scientists will study how the microbes' genetic responses help prevent contamination Nickerson. “It is exciting to think of the
and their ability to cause disease change. and contagious infection potential benefit that research in space
while in space. Scientists also holds for translation to the clinical bed-
study how their genetic responses and believe this research some day may ben- side by providing a better understand-
their ability to cause disease change. efit people on Earth by leading to new ing of how pathogens cause disease that
The 'Microbe' experiment, part of therapies for infection. will lead to new ways to treat, prevent
the STS-115 space shuttle mission, will "This experiment requires only the and diagnose infectious disease."
study three common microorganisms -- minimum of space shuttle resources,
Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas BY RUTH DASSO MARLAIRE
aeruginosa and Candida albicans -- that
have been identified as potential threats
to crew health. Sending these microbes
into space will allow scientists to inves-
NASA study shows how delicate
tigate the microbes' genetic adaptation
and ability to cause infectious disease in
organics can survive in space
microgravity, and to better understand When scientists look up at the night In the vast, dust-filled regions be-
the astronauts' space environment. sky with powerful infrared telescopes, tween the stars, astronomers see free-
“Spaceflight holds tremendous po- they detect organics in every nook and floating, sturdy organic molecules called
tential for the development of novel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
therapeutics, vaccines and diagnostics (PAHs). Scientists also see organics of a
to treat, prevent and control infectious more delicate type - like fatty acids and
diseases,” said Cheryl A. Nickerson, even gasoline. How can such fragile car-
Ph.D., the experiment's principal inves- bon-hydrogen bonds survive the radia-
tigator and a researcher at the Biodesign
Institute at Arizona State University, tion and high-energy particles that shoot
Tempe. “Our Microbe experiment will through interstellar space?
be the first to investigate the effects of The question of the survival of or-
spaceflight on the disease-causing po- ganics in space is of broad interest. Ex-
tential and gene expression profiles of perts believe that about 3 to 4 percent of
disease-causing microbes.” NASA all available carbon in the universe is
Ames developed the Microbe payload found in organics. More than 4 billion
for flight. years ago, when our solar system was
According to scientists, understand- photo by T.A.Rector (NOAO/AURA/NSF) and
born from a large collapsing dust cloud,
ing human biological changes and mi- Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA/NASA)
crobial responses while living in en- early Earth was bombarded by meteors
closed quarters in space is important to The Horsehead Nebula consists of a cloud of and comets, which carried organics that
the health, safety and performance of ionized gas lit from within by young, hot stars; formed between the stars. Scientists theo-
crew members and requires further a dark cloud containing interstellar dust lies rize that a fraction of these organics may
study. The flight microorganisms, which immediately in front. The dust absorbs the have survived the cataclysmic impacts
may be carried to spacecraft on the hu- light form part of the ionized cloud. Scientists
on Earth and may have played a role in
man body and in water or food, have at Ames theorize that organics form inside the
tiny mineral grains of such interstellar dust.
the origin of life.
been identified as potential threats to Two NASA scientists, the father-
astronaut health based on previous son team of Friedemann and Minoru
spaceflight missions. The micro organ- cranny of our galaxy and in other galax- Freund of NASA Ames reported in a
isms also are major causes of human ies.
continued on page 11

Astrogram 4 August 2006

NAI and APS Lewis and Clark field scholars selected
Just over 200 years ago the Lewis scholars to sites around the world, and experience unheard of for a first year
and Clark's Corps of Discovery em- beyond, as they seek answers to some of graduate student and rare even among
barked on a journey of exploration across humankind's oldest and most funda- professors."
North America that forever changed the mental questions. The NAI, founded in 1997, is a part-
landscape of this continent. This spirit This new program is encouraging nership between NASA, 16 major U.S.
of exploration continues today, and no- the best of the best in young scientists to teams and six international consortia.
where is it more pronounced than in the enter and continue supporting the ex- NAI's goal is to promote, conduct and
vision and efforts of the National Aero- ploration vision of NASA. Speaking of lead integrated multidisciplinary astro-
nautics and Space Administration one of the selected applicants, a referee biology research, influence NASA's mis-
(NASA) and the NASA Astrobiology notes "In performing this combined sions and train a new generation of as-
Institute (NAI). remote sensing and geomicrobiological trobiology researchers.
The NAI and the American Philo- study, Damhnait will be one of the first For more information about the NAI
sophical Society (APS), the oldest learned graduate students ever to be trained as a on the Internet, visit http://
society in North America and the spon- true Europa astrobiologist." Another To learn more about
sor of Lewis and Clark's Corps of Dis- referee comments, "By the time Nick the American Philosophical Society, see
covery in 1804 have partnered to pro- arrives at Princeton University in the
mote the continued exploration of the fall, he will have the geological field BY ED GOOLISH
world around us through a new pro-
gram of research grants in support of
astrobiological field studies undertaken
by graduate students, post-doctoral Walker named NASA liaison to NSSI
students and junior and senior scientists Dr. Stephen Walker of NASA strengthens NASA's value in the esti-
and scholars. Ames was recently selected as the mation of the DoD and increases
The NAI and APS recently NASA liaison to the National Security NASA engagement in the dialog about
announced the names of six young Space Institute (NSSI). His appoint- the future of space security technolo-
researchers who will receive full sup- ment as the agency's first liaison to
port for their proposed field expeditions NSSI is an honor for both Walker and
and be named as Lewis and Clark astro- Ames, because competition for this
biology field scholars. They are: position was conducted across the en-
Mercedes Lopez-Morales (Carnegie tire NASA agency.
Institution of Washington), 'Searching Walker began serving as a liaison
for transits of extrasolar planets around to the NSSI at the beginning of April
their host stars using the Swope tele- this year. His responsibilities include
scope at Las Campanas Observatory in teaching NSSI courses and aiding in
Chile.' the development of curriculum, as well
Clara Fuchsman (University of as facilitating information between
Washington), 'Expedition to the mid- NASA and NSSI toward the further-
ing of the educational needs and goals
proterozoic: understanding the nitro- for space security training. Prior to his
gen cycle in the Black Sea suboxic zone. assignment to the NSSI, Walker, who
NicholasSwanson-Hysell (Princeton joined NASA in 1997, was a member
University), 'Testing the limits of global of the Experimental Aero-Physics
change: integrated magnetic and chemi- Branch.
cal stratigraphy of the Bitter Spring Stage, Located in Colorado Springs,
Australia.' Colo., the National Security Space In-
Damhnait Gleeson (University of Dr. Stephen Walker, selected as the NASA’s
stitute (NSSI) serves as the DoD center
Colorado), 'Sampling at the unique sul- liaison to the National Security Space
of excellence for space education Institute. The institute develops and provides
fur-rich, icy ecosystems at Borup Fiord throughout the National Security world-class instruction on space system
Pass on Ellesmere Island in the Cana- Space community. The Institute de- technologies, capabilities, operational
dian High Arctic.' velops and provides world-class in- concepts, acquisitions and tactics.
Penny Morrill (Carnegie Institution struction on space system technolo-
of Washington), 'Identification of gas- gies, capabilities, operational concepts, gies. Walker stresses that the associa-
eous hydrocarbon formation from Ul- acquisitions and tactics. By interfacing tion between NSSI and NASA pro-
trabasic Springs at a site of active with DoD research laboratories, in- vides many excellent educational op-
serpentinization in Sonoma County, dustry experts and space tactics ex- portunities for NASA personnel in
Calif.' perts, the NSSI influences the devel- the area of leadership development
Brian Hynek (University of Colo- opment of new space technologies and and space security.
rado), 'Mars' Astrobiology potential how they fit into future space cam- Additional information about
paign plans. NSSI course descriptions, dates, reg-
from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua.' In his role as liaison, Walker is istration or other training support can
Astrobiology is the study of the ori- working to increase awareness of and be found at the National Security Space
gin, evolution, distribution and future participation in the NSSI programs Institute Web site: https://
of life on Earth and in the universe. This among NASA personnel. This
year's selections will take these young

Astrogram 5 August 2006

Worden meets with ACC for special session
NASA Ames Center Director S. Pete
Worden visited the Ames contractor

NASA photo by Tom Trower

Council during one of their recent meet-
ings as a guest to share information about
the direction of the center and his ideas
on how the contractor community can
best support the center. He statedthat it
has been his past practice to work with
the contractor community as in a part-
nership, and that he expects to do that
here at Ames. He is specifically looking
for ideas and contacts from contractors
that will result in collaborative efforts at
Ames and across NASA.
Worden expressed his optimism NASA Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden (second from right, top row) met with the Ames
about the future of Ames and mentined Contractor Council (ACC) recently to talk about future partnerships with the ACC. Doreen Cohen,
several projects that he sees coming here ACC president is seated, front left.
soon, including work supporting the
Crew Exploration Vehicle (Orion). liaison to the Ames Contractor Council. contact Doreen Cohen (Planners Col-
Accompanying Worden was For further information on the Ames laborative project manager), ACC presi-
Deputy Center Director Chris Contractor Council, visit the West site at dent at
Christensen, who serves as the NASA or

Ames authors publish aeronautical engineering book

Above is the book cover from the recently published book 'Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification: Engineering Methods With Flight Test Examples,'
AIAA, Aug 2006. The book was written by Mark Tischler, an Army civil servant, Code YH and Robert Remple, UARC, Code AFC. System identification is a
highly versatile procedure for rapidly and efficiently extracting accurate dynamic models of an aircraft from the measured response to specific control inputs.
Although many books have been written on the theory of system identification, few are available that provide a complete engineering treatment of system
identification and how to successfully apply it to flight vehicles. This book provides the unique perspective of over 20 years of flight-test applications to both
aircraft and rotorcraft and is a valuable resource for students, working engineers and others interested in atmospheric flight mechanics, modeling and
simulation, and test and evaluation.

Astrogram 6 August 2006

A tribute to Lucy, a special Ames’ DART team member
Lucy was a 15-1/2-year-old border 4. Her last minutes were spent where had found a murder victim buried 6 feet
collie who was a FEMA and California she loved best, the rubble pile at N267 to 8 feet deep in a landfill. Finding that
Office of Emergency Services (CA OES) When I got Lucy she was a hard- lady's body put the bad guy away for-
ened professional with years of wilder- ever. That winter she found another
ness and disaster search experience. She murder victim, and the next spring she
had already sur-
vived two near-
death experiences,
one of which was a
rattlesnake bite.
She had worked
the Oklahoma City
bombing with our
urban search and
rescue team, Cali-
fornia Task Force
3. In the morning,
she would run over
to my cot, give me
kisses and then
race back for her Lucy with Lynn Englebert of Ames at the World Trade Center in New
breakfast. We were York City in September 2001, searching the 10th story roof of the
buddies from the Merrill Lynch building.
beginning. When I
Lucy, a border collie and FEMA and California
bought her from her former handler, found the victim of a drowning acci-
Office of Emergency Services certified Type 1
Caroline, and started to work Lucy, it dent.
disaster search dog and human remains
detection dog and Ames’ DART team member,
took me six weeks to earn her respect. It We trained and honed our skills as a
died recently.
wasn't easy. Those of us who witnessed team for years until we were called upon
her acceptance of me as her new handler to work the World Trade Center in Sep-
could tell the moment it happened. tember 2001 with California Task Force
certified Type 1 disaster search dog and At age 8, Lucy injured her back leg 4. Lucy was incredible, finding her first
a CA OES certified human remains de- and couldn't work on rubble for six human remains within five minutes of
tection (HRD) dog. She was a member months. In that six months, she became setting foot on the WTC site. In addition
of Ames' Disaster Assistance and Res- a California certified human remains to her work locating the victims of this
cue Team since 1996. Lucy died on Aug. detection dog. Within a few months, she tragedy, she would go up to firefighters,
police officers and construction work-
ers, offer little kisses of condolence and
absorb their tears into her coat.
Cars and air pollution - Following the crash of the space
shuttle Columbia in 2003, NASA head-
how you can help to reduce it quarters asked that Lucy fly to Texas to
help locate the remains of our astro-
The majority of the Bay Area's sum- At work, walk or bike to and from nauts. She worked there for nine days as
mertime air pollution is caused by mo- buildings rather than turning on the part of a massive team that eventually
tor vehicles. The good news is that car. Check out the RIDES web site for brought our astronauts home to their
ozone is a preventable pollutant. The helpful bicycle tips at families.
most effective way to prevent un- Telecommute. Work from home, Lucy worked with local police de-
healthy ozone levels is to leave your if your organization allows it, and partments and sheriffs' offices on crime
car at home. In fact, you can eliminate spend those extra commute hours scenes, went to grade schools and col-
up to a pound of pollution per day just doing something fun! leges to show what a disaster search dog
by not driving! Try other ways of get- Trip Link - Only one quarter of all can do and attended safety fairs. No
ting around instead. automobile trips are commute trips, matter what I asked her to do, she was
Take transit, the bus, train, BART and many of the remainder are taken more than willing to try and usually
or ferry to work. Call 511 for informa- for nonessential reasons. Because a accomplished the task after only a few
tion about all local transit carriers. You cold engine (one that's been sitting for repetitions. It did take a while to con-
may also call Amanda Dunham at ext. an hour or more) pollutes five times as vince her that 'dead' dogs don't bark and
4-6896 for Ames-specific information. much as a warm engine, a short trip to roll their eyes, however.
I'm going to miss working with
Join a carpool or vanpool and get the corner store can cause half as much Lucy. She was truly my partner in addi-
to work faster in the HOV lane. Visit pollution as a ten-mile trip. If you tion to being my best friend, accepting or call Solano Commuter In- must use your car, “trip-link” your anything I did and loving me no matter
formation at 1-800-53KMUTE to learn errands to avoid multiple cold starts. what.
Walk or bike to your destination. BY AMES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION

Astrogram 7 August 2006

Ames Education Associates complete a successful year
The nineth annual Ames Education participated in the program since its
Associates Program (EAP) summer pic- inception in 1998.

photos by Teresa Scherbing

program is a co-
operative Space
Grant education
program spon-
sored by NASA
Ames and ad-
ministered by
the National
Space Grant
Foundation to
link students and
faculty members
with projects at
the center.
EA program sent a wide range of educational levels
The nineth annual Educational Associates program picnic (both participants can (undergraduates to faculty) and a broad
photos) held recently at Ames in Chase Park. The event celebrates the be given variable spectrum of fields of study.
the contributions made by students and faculty on site who are appointments Candidates must be U.S. citizens
working on aeronautics, exploration and science projects.
from two to 12 and be enrolled or teaching at an
months. The ap- accredited college or university.
nic (this year a fiesta) was held recently pointment may be full- or part-time, The program gives Ames scientists
at Chase Park. The yearly event recog- and can start or end at any time during and engineers the same advantage as
nizes current participants and sponsors the fiscal year. university researchers -- high-quality,
as well as celebrates the contributions Ames sponsors may pre-select stu- low-cost student research assistants.
by so many to Ames over the years. dents or select qualified EA candidates Additional information, as well as
There are more than 150 students and from program's Web site. forms, can be accessed on the Web at
faculty on site who are working prima- An important feature of the or contact
rily on aeronautics, exploration and sci- program is the flexibility it provides Dale Stansbury at ext. 4-2470.
ence projects. More than 850 students for both the associates and Ames BY ASTRID OLSON
from 155 universities and colleges have sponsors. Associate candidates repre-

Students tour world's largest wind tunnel, located at Ames

More than 150 students recently
toured Ames' 80-foot-by-120-foot wind
tunnel and were treated to the “wit and
wisdom” of Bill Warmbrodt. He has Education Associates students
been with NASA since 1978 and has recently took a tour of Ames’
been the Aeromechanics branch chief at 80-foot-by-120-foot wind
Ames since 1985. tunnel, the world’s largest.
He is well known for his enthusi- Bill Warmbrodt. branch chief
asm. His guided tour of the 'world's of the Aeromechanics branch
at Ames, gave the annual
largest wind tunnel' has become a very tour to the students.
popular annual event that the Educa-
tion Associates Program organizes for
all students at Ames.
The students learned about the
various Ames wind tunnels and the
wide variety of aeronautical questions
photo by Dale Stansbury
that they can address. Warmbrodt
discussed the capacity of the wind tun-
nels to help answer many questions be- his branch relies heavily on student warding," Warmbrodt stated. The num-
yond the normal aeronautical uses such programs for a variety of tasks in ber of students that participated in the
as the design of racecars and '18-wheel- support of research and development. tour and their reluctance to have it end
ers.' He added that the 'jobs' allow a future attest to the fact that they also find
Warmbrodt's enthusiasm for his generation of engineers/scientists to the chance to experience NASA very
work is matched by his dedication to share in the excitement of NASA. rewarding.
students and education. He noted that “For me, this is personally very re- BY DALE STANSBURY

Astrogram 8 August 2006

Top teachers train at ASEC Summer Institute at Ames
Twenty award-winning teachers pants in scientific inquiry at the leading the opportunity to join the ASEC,
from the nation's K-12 classrooms were edge of education and technology. enduring a rigorous and competitive
selected recently by NASA to join a net- After their training at the ASEC, the selection process, including a review by
work of teacher-mentors to help inspire teachers returned to their educational a committee of NASA researchers, edu-
the next generation of explorers. communities and will train others in the cators and program mentors.
Chosen for the Airspace Systems use of NASA-developed classroom The ASEC was created at Ames
Cohort (ASEC) program, the teachers materials. under the sponsorship of Airspace
received special hands-on training at These interactive, ASEC multime- Systems Program as part of its commit-
the ASEC Summer Institute at Ames in dia programs, developed by the Ames ment to NASA's mission to 'inspire the
July. educational technology team, can be next generation of explorers to pursue
The program, now in its second year, found on the Web at http:// careers in science, technology, engineer-
uses a train-the-trainer model of profes- ing and math.
sional development to engage partici- Nearly 70 applicants competed for BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY

Summer students present poster session at Ames

The Tenth Annual Ames Summer Science Day was held at Ames in August.
Fifty student posters were presented, and students and summer faculty
shared the results of their summer's work at the center. The purpose of this
event was to provide an opportunity for individuals at Ames to meet in a
casual setting where they could view and discuss posters describing summer
projects conducted by students and faculty fellows. This year, posters were
presented in diverse fields including life sciences, nanotechnology, Earth/
space/astrobiological sciences, aeronautics and information technology.

NASA photos by Dominic Hart

In Memory of . . .
Bernard G. "Dino" Ponseggi passed grams including Viking and Pioneer,
away on July 2 at the age of 80. He was the Earth Resource Aircraft Project
born on Sept. 5, 1925. (ERAP), Mercury, Gemini and Apollo
Ponseggi grew up in New Jersey, programs, as well as early space shuttle
enlisted in the Navy after high school work. He became active in the Interna-
and later attended college after WWII tional Society for Optical Engineering
at Bergen County Junior College and (SPIE) and held numerous local and
Brooks Institute of Photography in national positions in the society, in-
Santa Barbara. He married his high cluding that of president 1970 to 1972.
school sweetheart, Norma, in 1951. He He was made a fellow of the society in
then brought his family to the Bay 1977 and received the SPIE President's
Area where he started working in the Award in 1982. Ponseggi retired to San
photo technology branch at Ames in Diego in 1988 to be closer to his son and
1956. his family. He is survived by his wife
During his 32 years with NASA, Norma, son Larry (Marilyn) and his
Ponseggi worked on a variety of pro- grandchildren Heather and Marc. Bernard G. “Dino” Ponseggi

Astrogram 9 August 2006

Upcoming special events . . .
Environmental forum on life support set for Sept. 7
John A. Hogan, Ph.D., National Location: Building 218, 2nd floor experiences that we encounter on a
Space Grant Foundation, Ames Ex- training room daily basis on Earth, and provide us
ploration Life Support program (code Hogan will discuss how advanced with a different way to view the world,
SLB) will present ‘Parallels between life support in space vehicles is analo- our work and our individual impor-
Life Support in Space to Life Support gous to the complex array of life support tance to the global life support net-
Systems on Earth’ systems on Earth. The presentation will work.
Date: Sept. 7 reveal the critical life support functions
Time: 9 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. of the seemingly mundane sights and

Commute alternatives fair scheduled on Sept.12 at Ames

Learn about commute alternatives est contributors to air pollution in the share information and discounts.
at the Ames transportation fair on Sept. Bay Area. At this event, you will learn Date: Sept. 12
12. more about the transportation alterna- Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Ames Environmental Services tives available for your daily commute Location: outside in front of
Division and Ames Commute Alterna- to/from Ames. Mega Bites Café's
tives Program invite you to attend the Representatives from local bicycling King Road entrance
upcoming transportation fair. Single- organizations, mass transit bureaus and For additional information, contact
occupancy vehicles are one of the great- hybrid car dealerships will be onsite to Stacy St. Louis at ext. 4-6810.

Fourth annual Hispanic Heritage

golf tournament set for Sept. 15
The Hispanic Advisory Commit- ors, provide community support for at the Moffett Golf Course at 9 a.m.
tee for Employees (HACE) is one of Hispanics on and off the center and to Registration is $75 and pays for a round
several employee advisory groups promote activities that will educate of golf, golf cart use, tee prizes, break-
aligned with the mission of the Diver- and demonstrate Hispanic culture that fast, BBQ lunch, range balls and more.
sity and Equal Opportunity Office at enhances diversity. Everyone is welcome to come out
NASA Ames. The objectives of HACE As one of HACE's events, HACE and enjoy a round of golf. For registra-
are to assist Ames management in pro- will be hosting its 4th Annual Hispanic tion, contact Salena Japlit at ext. 4-6811.
moting any and all diversity endeav- Heritage Golf Tournament on Sept. 15

Free electronic waste recycling at Ames, Sept 19 - 20

Has yet another one of your elec- collector of electronic devices. this event:
tronic gadgets become obsolete? Don't This event will be open to NASA Acceptable: Computer monitors,
throw it out! Recycle it at Ames free Ames employees and contractors, NASA computer hard drives, laptops, printers,
electronic waste recycling event in Sep- Research Park tenants and residents in televisions, stereos, VCRs, cell phones,
tember. the local communities. Please note that calculators and PDAs
Hundreds of thousands of comput- NASA-owned equipment absolutely can Not acceptable: Large appliances
ers, televisions and other electronic items not be accepted for recycling at this event. (e.g., refrigerators, freezers, washing ma-
are replaced in California every year. To recycle government-owned equip- chines), fluorescent bulbs, batteries and
This 'e-waste' contains materials such as ment, contact Frank Custer in the Logis- appliances containing Freon, oil or any
lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium that tics branch at ext. 4-4058. fuel (e.g., air conditioners, lawn mow-
can be hazardous if not disposed of prop- ers).
erly. They also contain valuable materi- Date: Sept. 19-20 If you have any questions about
als that can be recovered for recycling. Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. whether or not a specific item can be
In celebration of national Pollution Pre- Location: in the parking lot behind recycled, contact EarthCare at 408-573-
vention week, NASA Ames Environ- the Exploration Center at the Moffett 8573. NASA does not endorse any com-
mental Services Division has invited Blvd. gate mercial products or services. For more
Earth Care Recycling to collect and re- information about Earth Care, visit
cycle your personal electronic equip- Following is a list of items that can
ment. Earth Care is a state-authorized and cannot be accepted for recycling at

Astrogram 10 August 2006

Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture series presents
The lecture series presents a non- In 1998, observations of very He also has written about 500
technical, illustrated talk, ‘Dark En- distant exploding stars provided papers in astronomical publications,
ergy and Runaway Universe,’ by Alex intriguing evidence that the expan- and has been voted the ‘best professor’
Filippenko, professor of Astronomy at sion of the entire universe is speeding on campus five times. He has been
U.C. Berkeley. up with time, rather than slowing featured in three astronomy video
down due to gravity. courses published by The Teaching
Date: Oct. 4 Today, new and completely inde- Company, and won the 2004 Carl Sagan
Time: 7 p.m. pendent observations strongly sup- Prize for Science Popularization.
Place: Smithwick Theater, port this amazing conclusion. Over The event is co-sponsored by
Foothill College, the largest scales of space, our uni- NASA Ames, the Foothill College
El Monte Road and verse seems to be dominated by a Astronomy Program, the SETI Insti-
Freeway 280, repulsive ‘dark energy’ stretching the tute and the Astronomical Society of
in Los Altos Hills very fabric of space itself. the Pacific.
The event is free and open to the Filippenko, who is a leader in the
public. Parking on campus costs $2. group that has made some of these
For more information and driving remarkable observations, will give a
directions, call the series hot-line at progress report on the ‘runaway uni-
650-949-7888. verse.’

Ames hosts 10th annual chili cook-off Oct. 5

The Ames Exchange is pleased to past. We expect it to be no different this will choose the other categories.
announce the 10th annual chili cook-off year. At this event, chili sampling is free Trophies will be presented to the win-
to be held on Thursday, Oct. 5 from 11 for all NASA employees, contractors and ning team in each category. Prizes are in
a.m. until 1p.m. other on-site personnel and visitors. the form of trophies only. There are no
This year's theme is ‘Renaissance, Each taster will be given the chance cash prizes for this event.
Medieval. ‘ The chili cook-off has proven to cast his or her vote for the 'Peoples
to be very popular and successful in the Choice' award. A select panel of judges

NASA study shows how delicate organics can survive in space

continued from page 4

recent scientific paper that delicate of the same minerals that make up most studied the organics associated with in-
organics form inside tiny mineral grains, interstellar dust to conduct laboratory terstellar dust for many years."
not on the surface of these specks of dust observations of how carbon and hydro- The Freund article, 'Solid Solution
as most astronomers currently believe. gen combine to form organics. Model for Interstellar Dust Grains and
"In the outflow of dying stars, very "We extended these findings to tiny their Organics,' appears in the March 1,
small grains condense, only one to 10 dust grains. We concluded that, pro- 2006, issue of The Astrophysical Jour-
nanometers in size, less than a millionth tected by the mineral matrix, these car- nal. Friedemann Freund, the co-author,
of an inch,” said Minoru Freund, who is bon-hydrogen bonds survive in the hos- is with the SETI Institute, Mountain
principal author of the paper. He re- tile environment of interstellar space View, and is an adjunct professor of
cently joined NASA Ames as the direc- much better than if they were exposed physics at San Jose State University, San
tor of the Center for Nanotechnology. on the surfaces of the dust grains as a Jose. He recently returned to Ames after
(A nanometer is a billionth of a meter or thin veneer,” the younger Freund ex- two and a half years of research at NASA
about a billionth of a yard in size.) plained. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
“Under these conditions, gas mol- "Our theory represents a departure Md.
ecules containing carbon, hydrogen and from all previous theories discussed in BY JOHN BLUCK
oxygen - the major life-forming elements scientific literature,” Freund said. “Our
- dissolve inside the minerals somewhat theory is revolutionary in the sense that
like salt dissolves in water," he said. The it accounts for most, if not all, observa-
two scientists used gem-quality crystals tions made by astronomers who have

Astrogram 11 August 2006

Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar
Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each Ames Contractor Council Mtg, first Wednesday
month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: each month, 11 a.m., N-200, Comm. Rm. POC:
Michael Wright, KG6BFK, at ext. 4-6262. Doreen Cohen, ext. 4-5203. Environmental Forum, first Thursday of each
Ames Ballroom Dance Club, Classes on Tuesdays. Ames Diabetics (AAD), 1st & 3rd Weds, 12 month, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Bldg. 218/2nd
Beginning classes meet at 5:15 p.m. Higher-level class noon to 1 p.m., at Ames Mega Bites, Sun room. floor training room. URL:
meets at 5:50 p.m. Held in Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. Support group discusses news affecting diabetics. events/EHSseries/ POC: Stacy St. Louis at ext. 4-
POC: Helen Hwang at, ext. 4- POC: Bob Mohlenhoff, ext. 4-2523/e-mail at: 6810.
1368. The Hispanic Advisory Committee for
Ames Bicycling Club, Every 3rd Wednesday of the Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg, Excellence (HACE) Mtg, first Thurs of month in
month. The meeting location is Building 19, third Wednesday of ea. month, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., N255 room 101C from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Conference Room 1083 and the meeting time is 12 Bldg. 221, Rm 104. Guests welcome. Info at: http:// POC: Eric Kristich at ext. 4-5137 and Mark Leon at
noon - 1 p.m. Contact Julie Nottage at POC: Marianne Mosher, ext. 4-4055. ext. 4-6498., ext. 4-3711. By-laws of Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 p.m. to
Ames Bicycling Club can be found at http:// Ames Mac Support Group Mtg, third Tuesday of
ea. month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N262, Rm 180. 1 p.m., N-269/Rm.179. POC: Miwa Hayashi at ext.; the link is right under the picture. 4-1397,, Web: http://
POC: Tony ext. 4-0340.
Ames Bowling League, Palo Alto Bowl on Tuesday
nights. Seeking full-time bowlers and substitutes. Ames Model Aircraft Club, flying radio-
controlled aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on Native American Advisory Committee Mtg,
Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. fourth Tues each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Bldg.
weekend mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193.
Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg, 19, Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132.
every other Thursday (check Web site for meeting dates: Ames Sailing Club Mtg, second Thursday of ea., 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., N-210, month (Feb through Nov), from 12:00 p.m. -1:00
Rm. 205. POC: Cheryl Quinn, ext 4-5793. p.m. in Bldg. N-262, Rm 100. URL: http:// POC: Becky Hooey, ext. 4-2399.

ARCAPPS Web application receives face lift

In response to customer comments ployee has a unique identifier, which is quires you to enter your unique identi-
and privacy concerns, the ARCAPPS also referred to as AR number because it fier.
Web interface has been given a face-lift. begins with 'AR.' If you don't know Using this piece of information,
In August, the Application Development your unique identifier, you can look it ARCAPPS obtains your e-mail address
and Services Branch (Code JTA) made up in the X.500 directory at http:// from the X.500 directory and sends you
improvements to ARCAPPS' logon, reg- The switch to using an e-mail with a link to a personalized
istration and password reset features. unique identifier does not affect your Web page for resetting or creating your
ARCAPPS (located on the Web at: https:/ existing password. password. Since resetting passwords
/ is available to Current users who have forgotten and registering relies on e-mail, be sure
all Ames employees and provides ac- their passwords and first-time users your e-mail address is listed in the X.500
cess to a suite of Web applications, in- will find that it's no longer necessary to directory.
cluding visitor request and directory enter your social security number (SSN) In addition to these changes,
services. in order to reset a password or register. ARCAPPS now has an enhanced screen
If you're a current ARCAPPS user, ARCAPPS still provides self-service design that looks similar to other Ames
you'll immediately notice that you no password reset and registration features. Web pages, such as InsideAmes and
longer need to enter your official first However, these features rely on your Phonebook.
name and last name when you log on. unique identifier and e-mail address If you have questions about
Instead, you identify yourself by enter- rather than SSN. ARCAPPS, call the ITSC help desk at
ing your User ID, which is your eight- Once you've chosen to reset your ext. 4-2000.
character unique identifier. Every em- password or to register, ARCAPPS re-

Challenge 2007 set
The call-for-speakers is now open
for PM Challenge 2007, NASA's 4th
annual project management confer-
ence. Visit the internet at http:// for
more details.
The conference is Feb. 6 to 7,
2007 in Galveston, Texas. The contact
person for this notice is Niloo Naderi
at (301) 286-5694.

Astrogram 12 August 2006

Ames Classifieds Exchange Information
Ads for the next issue should be sent to and must be resubmitted for Information about products, services and Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba house in
each issue. Ads must involve personal needs or items; (no opportunities provided to the employee and contractor canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access to priv.
commercial/third-party ads) and will run on a space- community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between Carmel and
available basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads web site at: Big Sur. $175/night for 2; $225 for 4 and $250 for
more, plus $150 cleaning dep. Call (650) 328-4427.
Beyond Galileo N-235 (8 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
must include home phone numbers; Ames extensions and
email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to golf,
found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, ext. 4-6873 tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk to
we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night. Call
Ask about NASA customized gifts for special
made in the ads. Caveat emptor! (408) 799-4052 or (831) 623-4054.

Mega Bites N-235 (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

Incline Village, Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo, 3
Miscellaneous ext. 4-5969
bdrms/2 ba, sleeps 8, fireplace, TVs/VCR/DVD, stereo w/
CD player, microwv, W/D, jacuzzi, sauna, outdoor pool.
The Ames Cat Network needs help finding homes for
Walk to lake. Close to ski areas. Visit web site for
cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to See daily menu at:
pictures: $135/night
abandoned/lost pets. Tested, altered and inoculated. Call
Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 spring and fall, $173/night summer and winter
(holidays higher) plus $125 cleaning fee and 12 percent
interested in fostering or adopting a cat. (10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) ext. 4-5412 Nevada room tax. Charlie (650) 743-8990.
Wanted: 40-foot aluminum extension ladder. Call NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and New York, 5th Ave. One fully furnished bedroom in
(408) 281-7011. educational items. 24 hour security bldg. overlooking Washington Square
Park, $1,000/wk or $3,000/mo. negotiable. Call (650)
Ames retiree - estate items. Master bedroom furniture,
queen size Serta Perfect Sleeper mattress and box springs, Tickets, etc...(N-235, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) 349-0238.
tall chest of drawers, full size dresser. Exc. condition. All ext. 4-6873
Paris/France: Fully furnished studio, 5th Arr, Latin
$500 or B/O. Call (408) 252-0386 or e-mail
Check web site for discounts to local attractions, Quarter, Notre Dame and Lie-St. Louis., $1,400/wk. negotiable. Call (650) 349-0238. and click on tickets.
16ft ski/fishing boat w'trailer, 4 cyl Volvo inboard,
Santa Cruz townhouse, 2 bedrooms plus study, 2
Marine, CB radios, fish/depth finder, lots of spare parts. My
92-year-old dad has kept it in grt condition and no longer NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 baths, decks, totally furnished, 3 blocks from beach,
available July, August, September; $1,600 per month.
can use it. B/O over $2,500. Sal Rositano (408) 238-5310. Call (831) 423-5777 (H) or (831) 277-8476 (C).
Open 7 days a week, 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Rates
Skylane C182A, $48,000. New paint and recent from $40 - $50.
Lake Tahoe cabin rental in Agate Bay, North Shore.
annual. New fuel bladders. Good condition. Basic IFR
panel. Will also consider 1/2 share partnership to base at Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 4bd/3ba tri-level, AEK, cable TVs, fireplace, BBQ, deck,
sleeps 10. Closest skiing is Northstar, Alpine and Squaw.
LVK, 4Q5, or TCY. Key Dismukes. Call (408) 938-0455. Rates are $375 a weekend, $1,000 a week. Call (408)
Ames Swim Center, 25 meter swimming pool open
Day bed with trundle bed below. White enamel frame. and heated year round. (80-82 degrees) Lap swim: Mon, 867-4656.
Paid $1,000 less than 2 years ago; asking $750 or B/O. Call Weds, Fri, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3-6 Tues to Thurs 10 Florida west coast vacation in St. Petersburg,
(408) 248-1985 or (408) 373-8919. a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Seasonal recreation beautiful 2bd/2ba condo, fully equipped kitchen and
swim; swim lessons. Locker rooms w/sauna and shower furnished, sunset views, 1/4 mile from St. Pete Beach,
Automotive facility. Open to all civil servants and contractors.
Location: Bldg. 109 across the street from the tennis
monthly or 2 week minimum rentals only. Call (703)
299-8889 or e-mail:
'99 Toyota Solara SLE, pearl white/beige leather, all courts. Fees vary depending on activity. POC: Tana
power, ABS, sun roof, spoiler 73,500 mls. Looks good, Windhorst, ext. 3-8025; e-mail: Maui luxury oceanfront resort one-bedroom condo
runs great, asking $8,900. Call (781) 608-9639. available one week. Rents for $345/night now, $495/
night in the summer. We will rent to an Ames family for
'99 VW Passat station wagon, silver, sunroof, pwr Vacation Opportunities $1,750 for the week. See the condo at http://
windows, 4cyl, 63K mls, new tires and brakes. 8 CD
changer stereo, clean, very good condition. $8,500. Lake Tahoe Squaw Valley townhouse, 3bd/2ba- villafeatures.jsp?resortID=12 Call (650) 572-8877 for
Rachel (408) 847-8293. equipped, balcony view, horseback riding, hiking, availabilty and questions.
biking, golf, river rafting, tennis, ice skating and more.
Summer rates $100 per night, 2 night minimum. Call Monterey Bay vacation rental at Pajaro Dunes, 20
(650) 968-4155, e-mail miles south of Santa Cruz, 3bd/2ba beach house with
Protective Services Vacation rental, Bass Lake, 4 mls south of Yosemite.
distinctive architecture. Beautiful ocean and valley
views, only 150 ft from the beach, first-class tennis
3bd/1.5 ba, TV, VCR, MW, frplc, BBQ, priv. boat dock. courts. $700/wkend, $2,100/wk including cleaning by
monthly activity Sleeps 8. $1,050/wk. Call (559) 642-3600 or (650)
the maid service when you depart. Call (408) 252-
A statistical summary of activi-
ties of the Protective Services
Division's Security/Law Enforce-
ment and Fire Protection Services
units for the month of July 2006 is
shown below.
Security/Law Enforcement Activity Astrogram deadlines
Please submit articles, calendar
and classified advertisements to no
later than the 10th of each month. If
this falls on the weekend or holiday,
then the following business day be- Ames emergency
comes the deadline.
Fire Protection Activity For Astrogram questions, con-
tact Astrid Olson at the aforemen-
tioned e-mail address or ext. 4-3347. To hear the centerwide status
recording, call (650) 604-9999 for in-
formation announcements and emer-
gency instructions for Ames employ-
ees. You can also listen to 1700 KHz
AM radio for the same information.

Astrogram 13 August 2006

Thousands visit Vision for Space Exploration Trailer
The Vision for Space Exploration does far-out stuff." graphic control panels to 3D imagery,
trailer exhibit was at Ames for four days Housed on a 53-foot-long trailer, visitors discovered what it might be like
the traveling exhibit inspired space en- to live and work on the surface of the
thusiasts as they embarked on their simu- moon or Mars and to travel to Saturn's
lated journey to the farthest reaches of moon, Titan.
the solar system. From interactive holo- BY LARRY LASHER

New SATERN course for purchasers

Congress has mandated through Civil servants and contractors
several laws, and the president has who specify or request the purchase
mandated through executive order, of supplies, equipment or services are
that federal agencies use their spend- required to take this 'green purchas-
ing power to create markets for prod- ing' training. It must be completed at
NASA photo by Dominic Hart ucts and services that are energy- least once every three years, pursuant
Visitors inside the Vision for Space Exploration efficient and that do not deplete natu- to Executive Order 13101 and NASA's
trailer interacting with the holographic control ral resources, harm human health or Affirmative Procurement Program
panels. The trailer was at Ames during a the environment. These products and NPR 8530.1A.
state-wide tour. services often are called 'green' or To take the classroom training,
'environmentally preferred.' please complete the green purchasing
in July. A special Ames employee and As a result of these laws and ex- course on-line at https://
family-only tour also was held during ecutive orders, federal agencies that
that time period. use appropriated funds are required login.jsp. Environmental Services Di-
There were more than 2,500 visitors to change their purchasing practices vision, Code QE, requests that all pur-
to the trailer during the four-day event. to increase their purchase of 'green' chasers complete this training by Aug.
It was an unqualified success. Lines to products. Ames Environmental Ser- 30, 2006.
the trailer at times included more than vices Division has created an online If you have any questions about
100 persons on the weekend. Unfortu- training module through SATERN this training, call Mark Lacy at ext.
nately, many had to be turned away at that will outline the information pur- 4-1406 or Christel Van Arsdale at ext.
the end of the day. Comments people chasers need in order to comply. 4-1175.
made upon exiting the trailer included BY MARK LACY
"awesome," "cool," "magical" and "NASA

National Aeronautics and Space PERMIT NO. 85
Administration MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA

Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

The Ames Astrogram is an official publication of

Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.

Editor-in-Chief.............................. Laura Lewis

Managing Editor..........................Ann Sullivan
Editor, Layout and Design...........Astrid Olson

You can reach the Astrogram Office at: or by phone at
(650) 604-3347. Astrogram Web site: http://
Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.

Astrogram 14 August 2006

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