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Part 2 / Parte 2

Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Jess convierte el agua en vino
Jesus went to Cana, a town in the district of Galilee to attend a wedding party. His mother, Mary, also attended. But the host of the wedding party did not have enough wine for everyone who had gathered. This was an embarrassing situation for the wedding host. So Mary told Jesus about the problem. Jesus then miraculously changed six large clay pots of water into fine wine for the wedding party. (John 2:1-11) Jess se fue a Can, pueblo de la regin de Galilea, para asistir a una boda. Tambin estaba presente su madre, Mara. Pero el anfitrin de la fiesta de bodas no tena suficiente vino para todos los invitados. Se trataba de una situacin embarazosa para l. De modo que Mara explic a Jess el problema. Jess entonces convirti el agua de seis jarrones grandes de arcilla en vino para que hubiera suficiente para la fiesta. (Juan 2:1-11)

Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

Jess cura diez leprosos
As Jesus was going into a village, ten men with leprosy came toward him. They shouted, Jesus, Master, have pity on us! Jesus looked at them and said, Go show yourselves to the priests, so they can see that you have been healed. And on their way they were healed. When one of them discovered that he was healed, he came back, bowed down at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. Jesus told the man, You may get up and go. Your faith has made you well. (Luke 17:11-19) Cuando Jess entr en una aldea, salieron a su encuentro diez hombres leprosos. Le gritaron: Jess, Maestro, ten compasin de nosotros y snanos! Jess los vio y les dijo: Vayan al templo, para que los sacerdotes los examinen y vean si ustedes estn totalmente sanos. Y mientras iban, quedaron sanos. Uno de ellos, al verse sano, regres. Cuando lleg ante Jess, se arrodill y le dio las gracias. Jess le dijo al hombre: Levntate y vete! Has quedado sano porque confiaste en m. (Lucas 17:11-19)

Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus

Jess y el ciego Bartimeo
Jesus and his disciples went to Jericho. As they were leaving, a blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus was sitting beside the road. When he heard that it was Jesus from Nazareth, he shouted, Jesus, have pity on me! Jesus stopped and asked, What do you want me to do for you? Bartimaeus answered, Master, I want to see! Jesus told him, Your eyes are healed because of your faith. Right away the man could see, and he went down the road with Jesus. (Mark 10:46-52) Jess y sus discpulos pasaron por la ciudad de Jeric. Junto al camino estaba sentado un ciego llamado Bartimeo. Cuando Bartimeo oy que Jess de Nazaret estaba pasando por all, empez a gritar: Jess, ten compasin de m y aydame! Jess se detuvo y le dijo: Qu quieres que haga por ti? El ciego respondi: Maestro, haz que pueda yo ver de nuevo. Jess le dijo: Ests sano porque confiaste en Dios. En ese momento, el ciego pudo ver de nuevo, y sigui a Jess por el camino. (Marcos 10:46-52)

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

Jess resucita a Lzaro

One day, Jesus received word that His friend, Lazarus, was seriously ill. A few days later, Jesus traveled to Lazarus town, where he was told Lazarus had been dead for four days. Jesus went to the tomb and called out for Lazarus. Lazarus rose back to life and walked out of his tomb. (John 11:1-44) Un da, Jess se entero que a Su amigo Lzaro le aquejaba un grave mal. Unos das despus, Jess viaj al pueblo de Lzaro, donde le dijeron que ste haba muerto haca cuatro das. Jess se dirigi al sepulcro y llam a Lzaro. ste resucito y sali de su tumba caminando. (Juan 11:1-44)

Jesus Heals a Lame Man

Jess cura un paraltico
Jesus was teaching in a house when four people came up, carrying a crippled man on a mat. But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. So they made a hole in the roof above him and let the man down in front of everyone. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the crippled man, My friend, your sins are forgiven. Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home. The man got right up. He picked up his mat and went out while everyone watched in amazement. (Mark 2:1-12) Jess estaba en casa, predicando la Palabra de Dios. De pronto, llegaron cuatro hombres cargando a un paraltico. Como no podan llevarlo hasta Jess debido a la multitud, subieron al techo y abrieron un agujero. Por all bajaron al enfermo en la camilla donde estaba acostado. Cuando Jess vio la gran confianza que aquellos hombres tenan en l, le dijo al paraltico: Amigo, te perdono tus pecados. Levntate, toma tu camilla y vete a tu casa. En ese mismo instante, aquel hombre se levant, tom la camilla y sali de all. Al verlo, todos se quedaron admirados. (Marcos 2:1-12)

Jesus Heals a Woman

Jess cura una mujer
One day, Jesus was teaching in a Jewish meeting place, and a woman was there who had been crippled for eighteen years. She was completely bent over and could not straighten up. When Jesus saw the woman, He placed his hands on her, and right away she stood up straight and praised God. (Luke 13: 10-13) Un da, Jess estaba enseando en una sinagoga. All haba una mujer que tena dieciocho aos de estar jorobada, y no poda enderezarse para nada. Cuando Jess la vio, puso sus manos sobre ella, y en ese momento la mujer se enderez y comenz a alabar a Dios. (Lucas 13:10-13)
Art Zondervan

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