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Deutsche Presse Agentur Misquotes NLD’s Win Tin

As if the struggle for Burma’s democracy did not have enough to contend with, a
European news service, Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) negligently misquotes
National League for Democracy, Win Tin. In a scathing article published November
29, 2008 this journal eluded to the notion the NLD was divided over the 2010
elections according to *Irrawaddy.

With a nation under constant siege from the criminal regime of Dictator Than Shwe
and a populous still reeling from the results of the bogus Constitutional
Referendum it is clear this was patently offensive. With deep ties within Burma
and the world I find this absolutely appalling that a news agency would allow for
such inaccurate and irresponsible news to be reported.

With moral within the borders of Burma at an all time low this news story was
exactly what Than Shwe would have wanted. Like driving the final nail on the
proverbial coffin, Deuche Presse Agentur only added to the misery and sorrow of a
beleaguered nation. Outrage and insult is the response from the political and
refugee communities around the world and I find this patently offensive to say the
very least. Shame on you DPA for you now own the Burmese community an apology at
the very least.

The Burmese community deserves more respect and equally responsible reporting of
their news especially when dealing with statements made by NLD leadership. This
may only be a news story for DPA but for the people of Burma it’s a thermal
nuclear strike at the very fiber of democracy. Than Shwe and his criminal regime
have an unwitting ally on the war against democracy. Maybe DPA forgot there was an
election in 1990 where Aung San Suu Kyi was duly elected by the people of Burma
only to be arrested and place in irons. Maybe DPA did not read of the most recent
rape of a **7 year old Karen girl by Than Shwe’s forces. Here; let me give you a
reliable news site.

With secret arrests and convictions of both popular entertainers, laureates, NLA,
88 Generation and others being carried out as we speak, you have to wonder exactly
how unbiased this news agency is. Is it all about sensationalism or is it all
about the money for responsible journalism in clearly not on the agenda in this
situation. Catering to a criminal regime that is responsible for the wholesale
murder of innocent men, women and children makes DPA a party to these atrocities
intentional or not. Whether I agree or disagree with other publications is a
personal opinion. But when a publication misrepresents and or lies about a story,
I find this reprehensible and irresponsible at best. Win Tin is behind the bamboo
curtain and is not able to speak his mind and only through the press can his
message can be told. DPA you blew it at the most critical time in Burmese history.
You only furthered Than Shwe’s agenda of Double Speak and the total destruction of
the Democracy Movement. Here is a news flash for you DPA, Than and his goons are
placing pro democracy prisoners in prisons deep in the jungle where no one can
hear their screams as they are tortured to death. Why, so there will be no
opposition to his next bogus election.

How far beyond stupid are you DPA? Was this intentional and you actually are
courting Than Shwe and his criminal regime? Makes me wonder how much
misinformation you may have disseminated throughout the years. How many more
victims have gone misquoted and misrepresented by negligent news reporting? I can
only imagine the people who were left without recourse do to dismal journalistic
prowess. How many people died waiting for help that never got there do to
inaccurate stories? Or are you just another corporate owned hack news agency only
worried about the bottom line? I can only wonder, Capice Paisan?
Kaba Ma Kyay Bu! Kaba Ma Kyay Bu!



Your Devil’s Advocate


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