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Maeiki Merkelio Rakausko gimnazija

COMENIUS Multilaterial school partnerships Nr. LLP-COM-DP-2010-LT-00144

We are surrounded by water, but there is no drop to drink Pavelk vandens la ir pamatysi jame vis Pasaul
Task 1. Essays, poems and legends related to water

Vandens siela
Es inau, kad bangos dar ne kart du mano valt. Matydama marg vakaro dang, prisimenu, kaip kart vejojome su tiu. Tada nieko nesugavom. Utat pamatm vaivorykt, toki miel dovan mums, pasiryusiems nuostab vakar diaugtis dangumi, vandeniu, jame atsispindiniais meldais ir, aiku, nepraiopsoti kimbanio laimikio... Vidurnakt eisiu maudytis. A nersiu giliai, kad pajusiau vandens siel, jo paslaptingum ir artum btent iuo tamsiu nakties metu, o inirus bus gera matyti vaigdes. Neinau, ar manoma pajusti siel mainose arba didmiesiuose, bet gamtoje j visada jauiu. Ypa vandenyje. Ne veltui sakoma, kad Diev galima pajusti visur. Vien nakt msiau, kodl vanduo yra toks iskirtinis, kad jo siela man artima. Kiek prisimenu, is gamtos stebuklas visada man buvo svarbus. N su viena gamtos stichija negaliau jo lyginti, gal tik su eme, bet vanduo, skirtingai nei ji, sileidia mog vid, ir parodo jam brangakmenius, kuriuos slepia gelmj. Taiau buvo metas, kai idavikikai prisidjau prie t, kurie dedasi atiduod vandeniui gyvenim, o i ties paniekina jo siel, pamirta, kad ivis tokia yra. Prisidjau prie j lyg Dievo irinktoji tauta - ydai, persimet prie Dievo Baalo...

Pirm kart atjusi plaukimo treniruot supratau, jog i ties visai nemoku plaukti. Plaukiau netaisyklingai, ne taip, kaip reikjo, nriau per giliai, bet vis dlto tai buvo mano stilius... O nrimas gilyn atrod bdas geriau painti vandens slpinius... Po pirmosios treniruots buvo antroji, treioji ir plaukimas tapo mano gyvenimo dalimi. Anksiau net nesusimstydavau, bet kakodl pusjus tretiesiems metams pradjau labai danai plaukti nugara. Taip plaukdama galjau irti pro lang ir matyti ten vakarin dang. Tomis akimirkomis, kai pro lang stebdavau besileidiani saul, man norjosi itrkti, pro storus lango stiklus prasiskverbti lauk, uuosti gaiv vakaro or ir isilaisvinti i vandens, kuris, pirm kart pajutau, - man svetimas. Visgi vliau supratau, kad ne vanduo man buvo svetimas, bet tai, k mons i jo padar. Taiau neskubu smerkti t, kuriems gera plaukioti chloruotame vandenyje, ir nesigailiu, kad ten jau, nes, net ir plaukiodama paviriumi, vanden painau geriau. Nesigailiu, kad imokau taisyklingai plaukti. Nors nesivaizduoju, kad i mano taip mgstama gamtos dalis traukt mane dugn, bet vis dlto isiugdiau itverm ir galiu be baims (nors tos baims iaip jau niekad ir nebuvo) plaukioti net per giliausius vandenis. Tiesiog pasismiau visko, ko i ios patirties galjau pasisemti, ir atjo laikas baigti. Toliau plaukioti Pirm kart atjusi plaukimo treniruot supratau, jog i ties visai nemoku plaukti. Plaukiau netaisyklingai, ne taip, kaip reikjo, nriau 2

per giliai, bet vis dlto tai buvo mano stilius... O nrimas gilyn atrod bdas geriau painti vandens slpinius... Po pirmosios treniruots buvo antroji, treioji ir plaukimas tapo mano gyvenimo dalimi. Anksiau net nesusimstydavau, bet kakodl pusjus tretiesiems metams pradjau labai danai plaukti nugara. Taip plaukdama galjau irti pro lang ir matyti ten vakarin dang. Tomis akimirkomis, kai pro lang stebdavau besileidiani saul, man norjosi itrkti, pro storus lango stiklus prasiskverbti lauk, uuosti gaiv vakaro or ir isilaisvinti i vandens, kuris, pirm kart pajutau, - man svetimas. Visgi vliau supratau, kad ne vanduo man buvo svetimas, bet tai, k mons i jo padar. Taiau neskubu smerkti t, kuriems gera plaukioti chloruotame vandenyje, ir nesigailiu, kad ten jau, nes, net ir plaukiodama paviriumi, vanden painau geriau. Nesigailiu, kad imokau taisyklingai plaukti. Nors nesivaizduoju, kad i mano taip mgstama gamtos dalis traukt mane dugn, bet vis dlto isiugdiau itverm ir galiu be baims (nors tos baims iaip jau niekad ir nebuvo) plaukioti net per giliausius vandenis. Tiesiog pasismiau visko, ko i ios patirties galjau pasisemti, ir atjo laikas baigti. Toliau plaukioti bt buv lyg jausti malonum aidiant su pasibaigusio galiojimo bilietais... Dabar taip smagu prisiminti, kad ikart visk rytingai meiau... Deja, a grau ten ir dar kur laik apgaudinjau save. Vien dien mamai idsiau, jog suprantu, kad nebeturiu ten k veikti, taiau vis dar neapsisprendiu mesti. Ji nesuabejojo. Liep tuojau pat parayti

inut treneriui, kad mans nebelaukt. Tik tiek man ir tereikjo mayio stumteljimo. Per vien pokalb viskas tapo aiku. Lioviausi save apgaudinti ir supratau, kad tik gamtoje pajusiu vandens siel. Sulaukusi vasaros vl pasinersiu. inau, kad teks ilgai laukti, bet diaugsmas ir laisv, bridus pavasarikai alt vanden, atpirks laukim. Saul vies ir vandenyje padarys tak. Tak, kuriuo vaikioti nemanoma, bet grtis galima kiekvienam... Taigi nesigailiu, kad meiau plaukim. Vis dlto vien nakt sapnavau, kad plaukiu baseine. Bet tai n truputlio nestebina, nes plaukti man patiko vislaik, o juk sapne nejauiamas lyktus chloro kvapas... Tiesa, sapne maiau ir plaukikus. Bet jie nuplauk man dar nespjus okti. Kai pradjau plaukti, jie jau buvo pusj. Nebeturjau vilties pavyti. Bet tas jau ir neberpjo. inau, kad bangos dar ne kart du mano valt. Dar ne kart matysiu vaivorykt ir vidurnakt vandeny atsispindinias vaigdes. Mano bandymas plaukioti buvo i netikros mediagos, todl sugrusi ketvirtaisiais metais nieko neberadau. Tikiu, kad tie, kuriems tai yra tikra, daug pasieks. Juk ir jie bando painti vandens siel, tik man svetimu bdu... O a ir toliau plaukiosiu eere, jausdama vandens gaiv. Written by student Martina Ruginyt Teacher of Lithuanian Language Ms. Violeta Irnit

The Soul of Water

Essay I know, I shall take my boat and sail at the wavy sea some day anew. The variegated sky at night reminds me of the day I spent together with my dad fishing. We didnt catch anything though. As we were staring at the float, we saw a beautiful rainbow, a gift for us, the two willing souls, delighted with the beauty of the sky and the water and the reflected shadows of the rush-grown areas. When the midnight our strikes, I shall go into the water. I shall dive and dive so deep to feel the soul of it and the mystery and the proximity and my diving-out will lead to looking at the stars indeed. I cannot guarantee the possibility to feel something like this by driving a car or to find it somewhere in the city, but I am truly sure it can always be found in nature. It is present in water. 'This is just like God, he is everywhere present. I spent another night thinking of the water's uniqueness and the proximity. It seemed I had always considered it an extraordinary thing. And I would never ever compare it to any other element of nature, maybe just the land itself is somehow related, but you cannot simply dive into the ground to see its internal treasure. Once it seemed I had lost what I once had found as I joined a group of enthusiastic water-lovers who seemed to have spent most of

their time in water but they did not realize what was so marvellous about it. I joined them like a Jew who had become one of the chosen people. During my first swimming lesson I learnt that it was necessary to change the way I swam. My swimming was improper and my diving was too deep, but it was my own technique. But still it was the way to see what was inside the water, not what was outside. The first lesson was followed by the second; the second was followed by the third and so on, when it finally became a part of my life. Later on, I realized that I had started swimming on my back. I could both swim and look out of the window to see the sky at night. As I was looking at the sunrise, I realized that being in water was just like being imprisoned and I was the prisoner who wanted to escape from that place and to be somewhere in nature. Later on, I realized that I did not have to blame water for being like a prison, the only thing I should have blamed- was the way we humans treated it. Anyway, I am not going to blame anyone who just likes being in water and swimming and I do not have to blame myself for what I have done, because I have also learnt even more about it. I am also glad to have learnt to swim properly too. Anyway, I did not find anything more of this element of nature than I could have ever found, but I have become tough enough to swim even in the deepest waters (actually, I have never been afraid of doing this). I just learnt everything I could have ever learnt, and now it is time to turn my back on it. If I had

ever continued to do that, it would have been just something like trying to play using an unavailable ticket. Now I have to admit that it was a good idea to stop doing it. However, once I started doing it again. One day I explained my decision not to attend the lessons anymore to my mom but still I was not completely sure. She was not surprised though. She told me to let my trainer know that I was no longer going to attend his lessons. And that was all what I needed - a little assistance in choosing the right path. That short dialogue solved everything. So when I turned my back on my past activities I realized that the soul of water was present only in nature. In the summer I shall dive once again. I know that 'tis a long time to wait, but the joy and the freedom that you feel when you wade into the water seem to make this waiting time much shorter. The sun will shine showing the path on the water's surface. The path that cannot be walked, but easily be seen for everyone. Thus I do not regret turning my back on that activity. However, once I had a dream that I started doing it again. But it is not surprising for me, because I have always enjoyed swimming and what is more, you cannot smell that stinky chlorine coming out from the swimming-bath just in your dreams. I also dreamt the swimmers. But they swam away and did not wait for me. When I started swimming, they had already almost reached the end. I did not hope to reach them though. But I did not actually care about it.

I know, I shall take my boat and sail at a wavy sea some day anew. From time to time I shall see the rainbow and the reflected shadows of the stars in the midnight. My first attempt to become a swimmer apparently failed, so when I tried to start it again, I did not find anything anymore. I believe that some enthusiastic swimmers will find something more than I have found. They are also trying to find the soul of water, but the way they are trying to do this is too obscure for me to understand. And I shall never cease swimming in the lake that makes me feel really great. Translated by student Nerijus Ramanauskas Teacher or English Ms. Loreta Giniotien

Ups ir eerai
Sakm Auktai danguje, ant debes, gyveno maa mergait. Nors ir buvo labai maa, dirbo labai svarb darb. Gan debesis. Ten, kur reikdavo lietaus, nugindavo juos ir em praddavo kristi lietaus laai. Tose vietose, kur per daug prilydavo, savo aliklio pagalba mergyt vanden vl paversdavo debesimis. Sunku bt nepaminti keistos mergaits ivaizdos. Ji vilkjo balt suknyt ir avjo baltus batelius, turjo mlyn alikl, kur taip brangino. Plaukai jos buvo mlyni, o oda balta. Bet vien dien nutiko nelaim. Neklauados vjai, aisdami gaudyni, nupt mergaits alikl. Bekrisdamas ant ems jis suplyo vairaus ilgio juosteles. Tose vietose, kur nukrito skutai, isivingiavo ilgos ir plaios ups. Supykusi mergait nuoko nuo debesies, nes norjo surasti alikl. Ten, kur koj djo, em dubo, prisipild vandens ir virto eeru. Taip ir atsirado ups bei eerai, o debesis u bausm gano vjai. Written by student Silvija Gineityt Teacher of Lithuanian language Ms. Laima Skabickien

Rivers and lakes

Legend Once upon a time there was a little girl, who lived high in the sky, above the clouds. Despite her tiny size, she had a very special job. She was a shepherd of the clouds. The girl would herd them right there where some rain was needed and little drops of water would start falling. It would be a mistake not to mention the oddness of her appearance. The little creature wore a white dress and shiny shoes. Her hair was sky blue and the colour of her complexion was dazzling white. Also, the girl had a scarf that could turn water into the clouds and used it when there was too much rain. But one day something bad happened. The mischievous winds were chasing each other and suddenly blew the scarf away. When the scarf was falling down it ripped up into small pieces. At the moment when the pieces reached the land, they turned into long and wide rivers. The little girl cherished her scarf very much so she jumped off the cloud to collect it. She landed her feet on the ground and the water poured in the dint. These places were called lakes. This was how lakes and the rivers were born. Since then, all winds have become shepherds of the clouds. Translated by student Ieva Bumait Teacher of English Ms. Loreta Giniotien

Kaip atsirado vanduo?

Sakm Kadaise ms emje nebuvo vandens, ji panjo didel akmen. Planetoje gyveno tik viena balta uvdra, kuri leido dienas skrajodama, kartais aplankydama savo Krj. Paukt visada buvo labai laiminga, nes Dievas j myljo. Taiau syk uvdr apm didiulis lidesys. Paukt pajuto, kad negali bti laiminga, nes yra vienia, neturi nei eimos, nei draug. uvdra taip lidjo, jog m ir itryko i jos kairs akies didel mlyna aara. is srus laelis vis didjo ir didjo, kol uliejo vis planet. Dievas, pamats tok gra vanden, labai apsidiaug ir nusprend apdovanoti paukt. Jis sukr pulkel uvdr ir paleido em, kad ji niekada nebebt vienia. ie paukiai ir iki iol gyvena prie mlynosios jros, nes ino, kad vanduo atsirado btent i uvdros aaros. Written by student Rta ulpait Teacher of Lithuanian language Ms. Laima Skabickien

The Tear of the Tern

Legend Many ages ago, our Earth was like a one big stone. It was only dry unvaried area with no water. It wasnt very cosy place but there lived one big snow-white tern. She used to flutter around the Earth all days long and sometimes visit the Lord who originated it. The Lord loved the tern a lot so it was deliriously happy. One day the tern felt very strange feeling in its heart. It was keen sorrow. The bird felt that it doesnt have a family and friends and is alone in this huge dry planet. The sorrow flooded terns heart and a big blue tear dropped from its left eye. The salty tear became bigger and bigger till flooded all the Earth. When the Lord noticed this gorgeous water, He said: What a wonder! He felt very happy to see so beautiful material so He decided to make a present to the bird that it will never be alone. The Lord originated a flock of terns and sent them to the Earth. These birds have been living by the blue sea for ages because they now that the water came into being from the tear of the tern. Translated by student Rta ulpait Teachers of English Ms. Loreta Giniotien and Ms. Ramut epauskait

Sakm Sakoma, jog kadaise gyvens milinas Atlantas. Jis buvs toks darbtus, toks geras, kad visuomet padarydavo praomus darbus. Vien kart Atlantas turjs ikirsti mik. is tiek dirbo, vargo, kad net prakaitas lajo nuo nosies galiuko. Kur laas nukrisdavo, ten atsirasdavo eeriukas. Visi atsirad vandens telkiniai liejosi, jungsi, kol galiausiai atsirado didiulis vandenynas. Milinas pastebjo, jog vandenynas vis didja, gilja. Nebespjo Atlantas ilipti sausum ir nuskendo. Dar ir dabar vandenyne savo laivais plaukiojantys vejai ino, kad, kai oia vandenynas, i tikrj ten milinas dejuoja, dirbdamas vairius darbus. Taigi, mons vandens telkin pavadino milino vardu Atlanto garbei. Written by student Toma Dagyt Teacher of Lithuanian language Ms. Laima Skabickien

Legend People say that a long time ago there lived a giant whose name was Atlant. He was so industrious and kind, that always did what others asked him to. One day Atlant had to cut all the trees in the forest. He worked so hard that sweat started dripping from the tip of his nose. Where the drop of sweat fell, a little lake appeared. All kinds of water merged and after some time a huge ocean appeared. The giant noticed that the ocean became bigger and bigger, deeper and deeper. He didnt have enough time to get out of it and onto the land thus drowned. Nowadays fishermen say that, when the ocean is rough, the giant moans because of hard work. After some time, people named that pool of water Atlant to honour the giant. Translated by student Toma Dagyt Teachers of English Ms. Loreta Giniotien and Ms. Ramut epauskait


EN Water
Poem An elegant man brings a simple chair And puts it on the soil. Thats his long-lived office. He is to govern. He is to sit. He grasps four reins that come from the sky. Above his head. Above his dreams. Drink my water, Id say. And share the profits. So the water body is for what? The complete enigma. To me, to you. Should you understandThose reins burst. And gelatine falls down. The wrong ruling! The clarity of stiffed waters Of the sky Does a vanishing act.

Written by student Rta Gricit Teacher of English Ms. Loreta Giniotien

The Ocean
Poem The ocean smells wonderful. Do you smell? This is a breath of freedom. The ocean smells like happiness when it is calm but the waves remain in the past. Heres the blue space suddenly turned into black, bringing rain, Rain that touches me, you and all things around. We want to be barefoot... Dream of wings we can fly together. But where is the fly? Rain is still falling down and you will rise up Where the wonderful view of the World opens our eyes And sawn the feet of water dives deep in our thoughts. Written by student Ilona Jukait Teacher of English Ms. Neringa Saviien


Tap Revenge
Poem A man is going, going, going He blushes, he is thirsty. A tap is leaking, leaking, leaking It stops its thinking. The man is going crazy, cause the tap is sleeping. More blush is growing, more hope is leaving. In power of a glass of water he starts believing. He begs the tap; it will be giving but doesnt see beginning.

Written by student Skaist Petrikait Teacher of English Ms. Loreta Giniotien


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