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Anger By Oriah Mirza Anger can be good.

Most people will not want to admit to that, keeping anger as a hostile and negative experience. Well, sometimes it is. I will break down the different forms of anger and how it can hurt you or help you. This is helpful if you are generally angry most of the time, or you afraid of the outburst of anger from others, or use anger to get things done. We have all experienced some of these types of angers, so we are not stuck to one type of anger behavior. Hostile anger Anger that is intended to hurt someone else in a form of manipulation or vindictiveness. The main objective is to hurt, scare, oppress or be heard no matter how the anger is expressed. Listening to the other person is not apart of the equation. This is about releasing, venting your angerthere is sometimes hate involved. NO resolve or problem solving is present. It is directed at someone or something. Usually self-hate is involved. Frustrated Anger This anger is not necessarily directed at anyone. It is a form of venting. This anger comes with outburst, tantrums, name-calling and cursing. This type of anger has frustration because the person hasnt figured out how to accomplish the thing he/she wants, or the have not found a conclusion. Communication that is blocked, or that cannot be expressed usually has this type of anger. It can be taken out on another person or kept solely for themselves. It can be good for the angry person to release the pent up emotional charge as long as there is not too much damage done. In this case there is usually a lot of personal, verbal or physical damage done-the idea of cleaning up those messes later can keep one in a vicious cycle. A form of manipulation and victimization could be at the core intention of the individual. Mostly considered a storm that has to blow over. Triggers to past behaviors or patterns can result in this type of anger. Constructive Anger This type of anger usually has an ending, there is a goal that is intended to be accomplished, and the angry person sometimes needs this type of anger as fuel to help propel them to the next level, or through the barrier that they are stuck behind. This type of anger is very focused and directed at one particular goal. It could even be to feel better, change ones life, get relief, change a relationship, or personal behavioral pattern. A sense of anger helps motivate them into an action or making a decision that would not be made otherwise. This type of anger could be directed towards something or someone. This anger can move mountains and fast quick decisions could be made. The angry person feels fed up, over it, done with it, and needs a transformation. Results usually occur, but not without cleaning some messes up afterwards. Personal Truth Anger There is an anger that comes with taking a stand against the ills of society. Or against something that you do not believe in, that you do not believe it is at the highest good for yourself or for others. This anger has quick words and actions with it, but it usually is connected to a Higher Feeling, or Source. It is to keep things in integrity around you. It is to clean up messes or start organizations. It can be a very useful tool in waking someone up

from unconscious behavior. It can also be used when someone who is ill informed, who speaks their truth but has a destructive outcome. They dont know why that is the out come. It was the way it was expressed without a lesson behind it or explanation that properly aligns everyone to the highest good. Crazy Anger This anger is obviously out of control. Like monkeys being stung by scorpions. This anger has no resolve, this is simply an expression and outburst and reaction to something or someone. This anger has no objective. It is to simply release the pressure, the steam, the hate, the pain, the frustration, the injustice, the wanting of love, of being heard, of just letting it all out. It can be the most dangerous for everyone involved because nothing satisfies the angry one. So any actions can be accompany this anger and not a second thought about it. This anger should be left a lone. This anger is definitely a cry for help. Unfortunately help doesnt always come because of the nature of the outburst. They calm down, and clean up can be traumatic. Pent Up Anger This form of anger is very common. It is the anger that lays dormant waiting for a trigger, sometimes it is released, and sometimes it is not. It usually steams from not being heard, loved or acknowledged. It could be stories of unworthiness, jealousy and lack of powervictimization. This type of anger hangs around sometimes for a persons entire life. This anger is the cause for many sarcastic comments, vicious remarks, biting words, harsh judgments and bully behavior. This anger if unresolved festers inside of the body system, causing many health disorders and mental disturbances. This anger does not allow for fun, freedom, love, joy and peace. This anger is looking for a targetalways. Can it be helpful? Why is anger necessary? Well, like the wise old Chief Red Eagle has said; Sadness can make the mountain fall on you, but anger can help you punch through it. The purpose here of shedding light on the varied forms of these types of angry behaviors are to awaken a sense of responsibility in oneself to the truth about the anger they have. Most people know they are angry; some are proud of the fact and wear it on their clothes, skin, face and words. Some are resigned to be angry, like it is never going to change-so why try? Others are backed in a corner, and feel there is no other choice to be angry. But, heres what happens when anger is apart of your routine on a daily basis: When you get angry, your heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone production increases, cortisol (the stress hormone) decreases, and the left hemisphere of your brain becomes more stimulated. Researchers induced anger in 30 men "Anger Induction" (AI), which consists of 50 phrases in first person that reflect daily situations that provoke anger. Before and immediately after the inducement of anger, the researchers measured heart rate and arterial tension, levels of testosterone and cortisol, and the asymmetric activation of the brain. According to Eurekalert:

"The results ... reveal that anger provokes profound changes in the state of mind of the subjects ('they felt angered and had a more negative state of mind') and in different psychobiological parameters." The feeling of anger, like all emotions, is not isolated in your mind. The mental reaction triggers a cascade of physical reactions that extend throughout your body, including:

Increases in heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone Decreases in cortisol (the stress hormone) Stimulation of your left brain hemisphere, which is involved in experiencing emotions related to closeness

Interestingly, the last finding, uncovered by researchers from the University of Valencia, suggests that although anger is perceived as a negative emotion, it actually prompts you to become closer to the object of your anger, likely as a means to stop the conflict. And when it comes to anger, resolving the upset is a very wise decision. Why Unresolved Anger Can be Deadly Anger is a normal emotion, one that all of us experience from time to time. Its a feeling that evokes that well-known "fight-or-flight" response, preparing us to defend ourselves physically and psychologically in a conflict. Back when anger corresponded to real threats, this response could be lifesaving, but today it pushes your body into an overdrive mode that is almost always unnecessary. As soon as you start to get hot under the collar, your body starts preparing for a fight. Your muscles get tense, your digestive processes stop and certain brain centers are triggered, which alters your brain chemistry. The feeling of anger may actually help you make better choices -- even if you are normally not great at making rational decisions -- because anger can make you focus on that which is important, and ignore things that are irrelevant to the task of making a decision. In the long run, and sometimes even the short term, however, this automatic response to anger can weaken your immune system and lead to a variety of health problems such as:

Headaches Problems with digestion Insomnia Increased anxiety Depression High blood pressure Skin problems, such as eczema Heart attack Stroke

Not only that, but anger can lead to other negative emotions like bitterness, hopelessness, futility and overall sadness. Lets face it -- its hard to have a good time if youre holding on to anger.

Feelings of Anger Damage Your Heart It does not feel good to be angry, and this is a clue that this emotion is also likely damaging your body on a physical level. This is especially true of your heart, and one study from Washington State University found that people over the age of 50 who express their anger by lashing out are more likely to have calcium deposits in their coronary arteries -- an indication that youre at a high risk for a heart attack -than their mellower peers. Letting your anger out explosively may be harmful because it triggers surges in stress hormones and injures blood vessel linings. However, simply holding in your anger isnt the answer either; this has been linked to increases in blood pressure and heart rate. A new study even found that suppressing your anger may triple your risk of having a heart attack. Since its a given that youre going to experience anger from time to time, its very important for your health to have a healthy form of release. You dont want to lash out violently but you dont want to hold it in either turns out the best solution is actually somewhere in the middle. (Source) The entire purpose of this article is only to awaken you to alternative ways of speaking your truth calmly and affectively. This takes insight, practice, and acknowledging your stories that caused the anger. I can lead you through this journey of the mind of anger and help you find peace.

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