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complex Litigation foteckt ta po) Amend (aMND) D Amended AnswerfReply (AMND-Response) Amended Complaint (ANND) i Assase costs (Cost) ‘AnswerfRoply (ANSW-Respanse) (566 Note) change Venue (CHVN) Complaint (COMP) Confession OF Judgment (CNJF) Consent order (CONS) Gi Consotiate (CSL) 1 Contempt (cnTP) © Continue (NTN) TD Compet (cmt Countercisin (CTCL) Assess Court Costs: CCrosscisim (ston back) (CRSS) Assess Court Costs 1 Dismiss (018M) Assess Court Costs ExomptlWaive Mediation (EXMD) Extond Statute Of Liitatons, Rule 8 (ESOL) extend Time For Complaint (EXCO} Faire To Join Necessary Party (FJNP) 7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA prrscvuooo2s in The General Cour OF Juste WAKE County Coistict” BY Superior Gourt aoe Aaa PT Mar ari - co Crumpler Freedman Parker & Witt 9 ski = 5 doe 860 West Fifth Street CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET Winstons Now 27101 BJINTIAL FILING) SUBSEQUENT FILING Ren Ras TPE ; ule st), Geral ls of Precio Fer Stoefor and Osi Cours 4 tas ar Pa ap oa Dudley A, Witt and David B Freedman Crumpler Freedman Parker &e Witt a : VERSUS 860 West Fifth Street TREWGor Cain bipanan State Board ot Eecions and | WitslonSalem cara 20101 Eihies Enforcement ale The North Carolina State Board of 536-725-1304 Blections and Ethie Enforcement, TCAiSey bor asaya a 11155 / 10334, | / Semirons SaR Byes) No Intel Appearance in Case | Clenange of Adcress Tae OORT eo Crumpler Freedman Parker & Witt PrN 326 ~ Fb/— FEY ite CJAbPiaintitis []All Defendants [X) Only (ist party(ies) represented). CivesE1 No Petitioner ver Conard n Patna 17 Aneuntnconrovery oes ot exceed 15000 1 Stpulate to arbitration LEADING (eteck a hat poH | C1 Failure To State A Ciaim (FASC) Implementation Of Wage Withholding In Non-IV-D Cases (OTHR) D. Improper VenwerDivision (IMVN) including Attormey’s Fees (ATTY) intervene (NTR) D interpiead (OTH) Back of Jurtscicton (Person) (LJPN) Lack oF Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) (LISM) Medication OF Child Support In IV-D Actions (MSUP) Notice OF Dismissal With Or Without Prejudice (VOLD) Petition To Sue As Indigent (OTHR) De 12 Motion in Liaw OF Answer (MLA) Sanctions (SANC) Set aside (OTHR) show couse (sHow) Transfer (TRFR) Thied Party Complaint fist Thi Party Defendants on back) (TPCL) ‘Vacateadiy Judgment (VCMD) D withraw As Counsel (WOCN) EX] ther specify and ist each separately) Petition for Wet of Mandamus and Appeal from the Failure of State Board to Act AOC-CV-751, Rev. 144 (© 2044 Admibistratve Otic ofthe Courts NOTE: Afings nc ace sha nade as rel pag he ing cover heat urmariang te cial laments he fing na fat presonbod byte Anise Otte ofthe Courts, andthe Cle of Superior Cur sal requ a par ool a hg whieh doesnt ela te raged cover hoe For subeoguan ng inch ‘selon the ing party ms eter la 9 Ganaral Gi (AOC-CV.75), Maton (AOC-CV-782) er Cou Actin ACE-CV-75) coer sheet (ovr CLAIMS FOR RELIEF 1 Administ Appeal (ADNA) Cine ovina Privige-Outorsiate Product Liabtty ROD) 1 Appoinment OF Receiver (APR) Cenvictors (PLO) ea! Property RLPR) 1G atactnensamishen (ATT) Metical Malpracice(MDML) specie Pertomance(SPPR) (Claim And Deivery (CLMD) C. winor setiment (MSTL) other (specity and ust each separately) Collection On Account (ACCT) CF Money owed (Minvo) ialceaeeal Cl condameaten cam) (El Nogigeres - Motor Vebic(MVNG) contact cn) i neaigenee- oer (NEGO) 1 Discovery Scheduling Order (OSCH) D Motor Vehicle Lien G.S. 444 (MVLN) 1 tnincon nau Possession of Personal Propry (POPP) Tip 3, 21k Teint B. Fuzedkmon Ae FEES IN GS. 7A.308 APPLY ‘Assert Right Of Access (ARAS) Substitution Of Trustee (Judicial Foreclosure) (RSOT) ‘Supplemental Procedures (SUPR) PRO HAG VICE FEES APPLY Motion For Out-OF-State Attomey To Appear In NC Courts In A Civil Or Criminal Matter (Qut-OF-State Attorney/Pro Hac Vice Fee) No, | Aaltional Piaintit(s) ‘Summons, Submitted Cives Tino Dives Dino Dive Eno Lives E]No Cves Cn No. | (] Additional Defendant(s) [1] Third Party Defendant(s) are) gaint Wan Courtesan Asad tena Ageia Wh Casecla Asarod AOG:CV-751, Side Two, Rev. 1/14 ©2014 Administatvo Oftee of he Courts STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 19CVvoo0025 pr In The General Coutt Of Justios a County (Distt Bei Superior Court Division Ts — Mack. Haro _ aasees CIVIL SUMMONS. BO. Box 77451 — IALIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS (ASSESS FEE) aaram Ze Charlotte, N.C. 28271 VERSUS 6.8.14, Ro and 4 a sO a aT “Tie Nort Civoling Bipartisan State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement sel The Norty Carona State Board of Election and |S Se Sinan RT Ethics Bnforcenent To Bach OF The Defendant(s) Named Below: liar? it air OE cimberty Stach, Executive Diteetor Novth Carolia State Bodrd of Elections and Ethics Enforcentent 430 North Salsbury Stret, 3x Floor Raleigh, NC 27603, IMPORTANT! You have been sted! These papers are legal documents, DO NOT throw these papers cut! A IIMPORTANTEI Se ha entablavo uh proceso ci INOTIRE estos papeles! You have to respond withit 30 days. You may want to talk with a lawyer about your case-es soon as possible, and, if needed, speak with someorie who reads English and can translate these papers! vil en su contra! Estos papeles son documentos legale: Tiehe que contestar a mids tardar en 30 dias. ;Puede querer consultar con wn abogado lo antes posible acerca dé su caso y, de ser nécesario, hablar con alguien que'lea inglés y-que pueda traducr estos documentos! ‘Avil Action Has Boon Commenced Against You! ‘You are notified fe appear and eriewer the complaint ofthe plant e follows: 41. Serve a copy of your writen answer tothe complaint usanthe plain or paints attorney within thirty (30) days aftr You have been served. You may serve your ansvier by delivering a copy tothe plentt or by mating It othe plants ast known address, and 2, File the orginal of the witen answer with the Clerk of Supetor Court ofthe county named above, you fal to answer the complaint, the plant wil poly Yo the Court forthe relief demanded inthe complaint ns i es CP My Oe, Ae OTS Dudley A. Witt ad David B. Freedman ‘CRUMPLER FREEDMAN PARKER & WITT 860 West Fith Sweet el Winston-Saern, NC 27101 Foepayest Janene csc Che Orsini out ie erence io (CTENDORSEMENT (ASSESS FEE) oO Om ‘This Surhmons ws orginal issued on the date indicted pate above sd telutned not served. Atthe request ofthe plain, the time, within which this Summons must be seried I extended aby (60) days, Camayose — Classemnese Comores cot NOTE TO PARTIES: Mery countes have MANDATORY ARBITRATION progoms in which mast cases were the emunt In gontoversy is $26,000 or ‘as are haat by an aber before a tel, The pets wile noi fh caso fs assigned for mandatary ablation, ah, 1, What procedure sa bo ferowed: (over) ADO.N4400, Row 48 (© 2018 dmiistaive Ofte ofthe Courts

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