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The Gospel According to Earthbound

To many players Earthbound serves as a reflection and as a reminder of what is important in life. When
some play the game they are reminded of the power of friendship, wisdom and courage. To others it
reminds them of the good old days. A time where living was innocent, fun and without the demands
of life that we face in our present day and age. For me when I think about Ness, Earthbound and the
different elements in the game I think about Jesus, his life and what he has done for mankind. I believe
that this great story can be used to tell an even greater story. In this article I am simply reviewing parts
of Earthbound and then comparing it to the life of Christ. I am going to attempt to convey the
similarities I see between the two in order to show that possibly God is wanting to use Earthbound to
draw people to himself. I respect the fact that many readers of this article might not be Christian. I am
open to hear your thoughts on anything I have put in here or anything that I might have left out.

It is plain to see that throughout the Mother series song, prayer and faith are used as channels to
release power against darkness. Could these spiritual elements have been put in the game so players
could be pointed to a higher being? Was Earthbound intentionally released by Nintendo so people could
be led to Christ? Honestly, probably not. In fact Shigesato Itoi lives in a predominately Buddhist nation,
possibly is a Buddhist and the game is filled with elements that reflect religions other than Christianity.
Not to mention the fact that Ness and his crew are often doing things that dont necessarily seem
Christian.Honestly I dont know enough about Itoi to say what his intentions were (if any at all) in
putting elements of faith into his creation. One thing I am confident in is this, when I think about
Earthbound I am reminded so much of the life of Jesus and what he has done for the people of Earth.

Lets revisit Earthbound looking at specific events that I will later compare to events in Jesuss life.
Before Ness even entered onto the scene The Apple of Enlightenment predicted that The Chosen Four
would come and defeat Giygas. This would save Earth from annihilation and make Ness the great savior
for mankind. In the beginning of Nesss adventure a creature from afar by the name of Buzz Buzz came
as a messenger announcing to Ness his significant destiny. After much travel and adventure Ness paired
up with Paula and then Jeff. In the beginning of Poos journey, he underwent spiritual training before
uniting with his team. Poo is tested as he discerns truth and denies self-gratification. Once his series of
temptations are over he then meets his team.

The Chosen Four did many great things that helped a number of people. Their conflict was not against
people but was against the evil that influenced the individuals. They tenaciously fought against evil
minions in the form of demons, aliens and robots sent by Giygas so that people could be protected. They
delivered people from evil possession; they helped solve problems and truly cared about those they
came across. The team also helped one another by using powers of physical healing and the ability to
revive unconscious teammates. Their love for another was evident in all they did.

Throughout the journey The Chosen Four searched out locations called Your Sanctuary where they
found peace, quite, reflection and renewal after they defeated the evil that initially inhabited the
location. Without going to these locations the team would not have the power to defeat evil. After
discovering all eight Your Sanctuary spots Ness then went deep inside his mind, into Magicant where
he faced his worst fears. The very core of Magicant is the Sea of Eden which held a great evil. This evil
had the appearance of the Mani Mani statue, the evil that resided since the near beginning of the game.
Once Ness faced and defeated his own nightmare he then reunited with his friends in order to defeat
the very essence of evil, Giygas.

To defeat Giygas Ness and his team had to transform from human to robot. This took great courage and
humility when they chose to become less than themselves taking the very nature of a machine. Going
from a person to a robot is an act of humility. This is so because of the superiority that humans have to
metallic objects. Choosing to not stay human but taking the nature of a robot was a key element in the
defeat of Giygas.

The prayers of the people around the world led to the end of the rein of evil in the lives of the people of
Earth. Paula would pray initiating with their friends and followers worldwide who would then respond to
this urge within them to pray. This unity in prayer brought a defeat to Giygas. People were no longer in
bondage to the evil that once possessed them. The heroes were then resurrected, crossed over space
and time to be brought back to their Earthly bodies. The world had become a better place as Ness and
friends became the saviors of the world just as the prophecy had predicted.

Now lets look at the life of Jesus in relations to the Earthbound story above. A prophecy about The
Chosen Four defeating evil was declared many years before Ness and his team even walked the Earth.
Many prophecies were stated hundreds of years about Jesus before he was born. The prophet Isaiah
declared that that Jesus would deliver the world from sin and its evil (Isaiah 53:5). The Apple of
Enlightenment predicted that The Chosen Four would deliver the world from evil. It was an apple
that enlightened the first man and first woman of evil, sin and death (Genesis 3). Soon after they were
enlightened God provided a way to cover their shame with the skin of a sacrificed animal (Genesis 3:21).
This sacrifice was the first prophecy that pointed to Jesus who would be the great sacrifice for all of
mankinds shame, sin and evil. The story of Jesus and Earthbound both have a prophetic message that
begins with an apple that enlightens.Both these messages are of deliverance from evil for mankind.

Worth noting are a couple similarities between the beginning portion of The Chosen Fours adventure
and the start of the journey of Jesus. The long traveled Buzz Buzz announced Nesss significant destiny
so did the angel Gabriel announce the significant of Jesus to his mother Mary (Luke 1:30-38). Poo
underwent trials and temptations where he was challenged with distractions and that of denying
himself. Poo passed this test with flying colors as he stayed focus on the task at hand. A similar incident
happened with Jesus as he fasted for forty days without food or water in the wilderness. Satan tempted
him with distractions that would satisfy Jesuss momentary needs but Jesus refused to give in to any
temptations. Jesus passed his test flawlessly just as Poo did. The incident Jesus triumphed over was
proof that he never sinned even under temptation (Luke 4:1-13). I am not saying that Poo and Jesus
were fasting, mediating and were under temptation for the same reason or purpose. Dalaam appears to
be a Buddhist nation and Poos Mu training had more Buddhist influence than Christian by obvious
observation. If Poo was real he would most likely be a Buddhist not a Jew or a Christian. The point I want
to make is that both the fictional character Poo and the historical character Jesus were tempted but did
not fall for the temptation.

As stated earlier The Chosen Four lived a life that helped and loved people. They did not fight against
people but they fought against the evil that inhabited the individuals. The same is true for the life of
Jesus. He loved people and it showed by his actions, words and life. He cared about peoples well being,
delivering them from the control of evil just as Ness and his crew did. Jesus miraculously fed the hungry,
healed the sick, controlled the weather and raised the dead (all similar to situations happening in
Earthbound). His abilities were used to show his power, to help others, defeat evil and to show others
that he can be trusted (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). These are similar reasons The Chosen Four had
when using their special powers.

Jesus entered into sanctuary locations pulling away to be alone so that he could also find peace, quite,
reflection and renewal similar to what Ness and his friends did. In Jesuss sanctuary spots he talked to
his father who is in Heaven because he knew that apart from the Father the Son can do nothing (John
5:19). I see a similarity here. Jesus cannot destroy the work of Satan apart from his father. Ness being
apart from his sanctuary spots can do nothing in defeating Giygas.

In Magicant Ness had to face his fears. Jesus had to face great agony as he waited in the Garden of
Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion. Note that both Ness and Jesus had to do this alone, with no
one by their sides. Jesus being fully God and fully man knew that being killed was going to be painful. He
faced and defeated this nightmare as he chose to accept what needed to be done without backing down
(Matthew 26:36-46, Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46). In the center of the Sea of Eden was Nesss
Nightmare in the form of the Mani Mani statue. The statue was a symbol of evil that existed since the
near beginning of the game. It had wicked influence on people throughout Earthbound. In the Bible, sin
and its evil influence on man began in the center of the Garden of Eden when man and woman chose to
disobey God. Jesus came to destroy the origins of evil just as Ness destroyed an icon that represents the
origin of evil for the people of Earthbound. Both of these evils have ties with the Garden and the Sea of
Eden. Coincidence? I think not. Hold on tight for this next part. Ness went into Magicant to face his
nightmare that represents the origin of evil. Overcoming it would allow him to move forward in seeing
evil delivered from the world just as The Apple of Enlightenment had predicted. Now lets parallel it
with Jesus. He went into Gethsemane where he faced the nightmare of being the sacrifice for the
destruction of the origin of evil which is sin. Accepting the fact of his life as a sacrifice without refusal
allowed him to move forward in seeing evil delivered from the world just as the original prophecy
stated. Remember this is the prophecy that occurred in the Garden of Eden immediately after the
apple was eaten that brought the enlightenment of sin and death (Genesis 3:21). In the center of
Eden stands the ultimate nightmare the protagonists must face; their sacrifice for the purpose of
delivering people from evil, which has been prophesied over their lives since the dawn of the ages!

The Chosen Four was able to enter into the battle against The Devils Machine because they took on
the nature of a machine. Jesus was able to enter into the battle with the devil because he took on the
nature of man. Ness and company went from humans to robots. They went from a superior being to an
inferior structure for the fate of mankind. The Chosen Four doing this had much humility and
tremendous amounts of courage. Jesus did not become a robot. However, he did make a decision that
caused him to take on an inferior nature. This took great humility and courage similar to what The
Chosen Four displayed when they took on the nature of a robot. Jesus who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very
nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (Philippians 2:6-7). He went from fully God seated in
the Heavenly realms to being God found with the appearance of a man living on Earth (Philippians 2:5-
9). Going from the all powerful creator of the Universe to becoming a seemingly common everyday
man takes much humility. Being put to death, defeating Satan and then being raised to life takes
tremendous courage. Both Jesus and The Chosen Four took on the nature of something more inferior to
what they previously were.

In Earthbound the prayers of the people around the world was the final x-factor leading to the defeat
of Giygas. This caused the world to be free from its evil influence and the bondage it put on peoples
lives. Everyone was able to get this free gift of deliverance whether they wanted it or not. However in
the Christian faith it is different in one aspect but also similar to the Earthbound situation in another
aspect. Its different in that Jesus does not force anyone to receive this free gift of salvation but instead
each individual must choose to accept it or not. It is similar in both Earthbound and in real life in that
there is an initiation and a response that serves as the final x-factor. Paula initiated by praying,
hoping for a response. In one way she was saying Here we are, we want to defeat evil. Do you want it
also? If so let us know. Please let us know! With Jesus there is also an initiation and a response. He
is saying Here I am, I have defeated evil. Do you want to be free from it? If so let me know. Please let
me know! (Romans 10:9) In both the game and in reality there is freedom from all evil through this
initiation and response system. The initiation is Paulas plea for prayers and in our case Jesuss plea for
us to go to him (Revelation 3:20). The response that defeated Giygas and his evil was the one that
prayed and the response that defeats Satan and all of our sin is the heart that says yes to Jesuss
invitation. If the people that Paula prayed to didnt responded they couldnt be saved. If people dont
respond to Jesus they cant be saved either (John 14:6).

The observations in this article show how Earthbound has similar events and uses certain key words that
reflect important concepts in the life of Jesus. As I said from the beginning Shigesato Itoi probably did
not make Earthbound to point people to Jesus. However that doesnt mean the game cannot be used to
direct people to him. God wants all people to be drawn to his grace and he is using every possible means
to make his love known. He is even using Earthbound.

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