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1st January 199X:

Hello diary my name is Gummy Tenda


Im shy

2nd January 199X:

I am ten years old today
We had cake

3rd January 199X:

Mother says Ill go to school tomorrow.


What if I cant make friends?

4th January 199X:

I was at school today. Theres a boy there who is very loud
I dont
like him

5th January 199X:

At school I dont talk..
The boys dont like that.
And neither does teacher

6th January 199X:

I have a friend now.

Im happy.

7th January 199X:

My friend doesnt make me talk like everyone else.
Shes shy too.

8th January 199X:

Teacher said I have to talk or shell bring in my parents.

I do not like her.

9th January 199X:

I didnt have to go to school today.

But I like it at home.

10th January 199X:

My brother spilled tea and got in trouble.
I laughed

I dont want to go to school tomorrow

11th January 199X:
Back at school.

Not happy

12th January 199X:

My friend was ill today
I was lonely.

13th January 199X:

She is still ill.
Teacher was mean and the boys were picking on me
A bad day

14th January 199X:

I hope she comes back soon.

School is hard without her.

15th January 199X:

Teacher said my friend is in hospital.
I want her to get better.

16th January 199X:

Mum said my friend wont be coming home.

Why not?

17th January 199X:

I cried

18th January 199X:

Im sad

19th January 199X:

20th January 199X:

21st January 199X:

At least the boys dont pick on me anymore

22nd January 199X:

The very loud boy is nice to me now.
And hes not loud anymore.
I like him.

23rd January 199X:

My mum and dad are quiet now. I like it when theyre quiet I dont have to talk
Even my brother is quiet

24th January 199X:

It was quiet again.
But crying is loud.

25th January 199X:

I talked to the boy today

It made me feel better.

26th January 199X:

The boy told me his name today, Dosei San.
Its a nice name

His eyes are nice too.

27th January 199X:

The boy likes my name as well.

He said its pretty

Like me.

28th January 199X:

I like the boy, I think Ill call him Dosei now.

I wonder if he likes me as well?

29th January 199X:

Dosei said he liked me.

I blushed.

I didnt cry today, I was happy.

30th January 199X:

My mum said shes glad to see me smiling.
Shes happy as well.

31st January 199X:

Dosei came to my house today. We had tea and we talked.
He makes me feel better, because Im still sad.
I dont think Im as shy anymore.

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