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When we
entered the dark cave,
they hid among the shadows and rocks,
disappearing from sight
when we turned
from the corners
of our eyes.
The shadows
but they hid
and not a
peep was heard.
We reached out
with a open hand
and one of them
came out,
a small green creature.
He whispered "Come."
one by one,
they gathered,
big green water drops.
only 2 stood out,
one was BLATANTLY outgoing,
the other was horned.
The green
horned one
came out
with the blushs.
His "silent" words
were brave,
but they were veiled
of shyness...
walked up to us
and he proclaimed:
"We need a book,
a book that would open
this village to anyone."
"It speaks of
the antidote
our village
deseperately needs."
"Our bravery is in it."

"Go find that that BIG RED BOOK!"

We nodded and headed our way,
waving goodbyes,
and the shy little ones said:
"Hey, Hello, Good-bye."
And we left in search,
Day after day,
tiredness hanging
over our heads,
That day,
the ONETT library,
small and rare,
We saw it inside.
The holy red
We found it!
In a unused bookshelf
hiding, until
we plucked it out
and carried it.
On the way back,
And we had to walk
through MUD, SAND,
SOIL and even
Just to take it to
our shy friends,
so they can talk without FEAR...
And when it opened onto them,
a grand revival began,
history was beginning to be written again,
culture began to grow,
and life flourished once again.
Words were spoken,
and "Thanks"
echoed from
the group.
Overcoming Shyness can do a lot of things.

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