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This is ridiculous! Just let me inside!

Im afraid, sir, that I cannot. You see, this is a very exclusive club, which is held in
high regard by many of a certain... distinction. If we were to allow admittance to, say, the
average man on the street, our reputation would plummet. I hold few hard feelings
toward you, sir, but thats simply the way it is. Now, sir, if you will, please vacate the
Dont you know who I am? Im not just the average guy on the street, you know.
Where I come from, Im big name. Theres nobody who hasnt heard of me, you know?
Youve gotta at least know my name. Its-
The thing youre ignoring, sir, is that you are important where you come from, not
here. There is quite a large diference between the two things, as many people here
would be quick to tell you.
The potential customer shot the doorman a glare. If this place is so important,
whys it in some dump like this instead of somewhere on the beach or something? Cant
aford the seaside view?
Youll fnd, the doorman said, not letting his gaze of the man, that those of
certain class grow tired of the average gaudy experience you from Eagleland so cherish.
Here in Summers, a nice, secluded room is preferable to an old shack by the beach any
day. It bears a certain mystique, you see, that those from the city simply cannot
understand. Now, sir, I would appreciate it if you would leave. Your presence could
frighten of potential patrons.
What potential patrons? How do you expect anybody to come here at all if you
send them all out at the door?
We only allow entrance by reservation, sir, and those with reservations may fnd
themselves less inclined to approach the premises when those such as yourself are
Oh, is that it, then? Reservation-only? Why couldnt you have told me in the frst
place? The man reached into his wallet. Ill take a reservation for P. Giovanni at six
tonight. Somewhere close to the door, if you could.
Sir, you seem to have misunderstood me. We only accept reservations by phone.
By phone? But Im right here. Whats the point in going back to the hotel and
phoning you from there? The man let out an exasperated sigh. Forget it. Whats the
I beg your pardon, sir?
What number should I call for a reservation?
No, sir, it does not work like that. Here at Club Stoic, we prefer to maintain an air
of exclusivity. We do not give the number out to anybody.
The man gritted his teeth. If you dont tell anyone the number, how do you get any
Sir, our reputation spreads purely by word of mouth. One may only obtain the
number from previous customers. Im afraid, though, that since youve taken up so much
of my time, Im going to have to put your name down on the blacklist. We cannot allow
disreputable persons such as yourself to tarnish our reputation. Now, sir, I am not going
to ask you again. Please vacate the premises at once.
The man threw his arms up into the air. You know what? Fine. Im leaving. Are you
happy? Your fancy little club isnt worth the efort. Im just gonna go grab some seafood.
At least over there they know how to treat a customer.

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