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Good Health1 min read
Good Health
Editor-in-Chief Nicky Dewe Editor Amy Prebble Creative Director Louise Thomson Feature Writers Erin Fisher, Monique McKenzie Beauty Editor Helene Ravlich Senior Designer Kate van den Bergh Designers Archie Blohm, Robyn Te Whata Chief Su
Good Health6 min read
Tired and worried following an unexpected trip to the doctor’s after her daughter developed a “rash from head to toe”, when Good Health & Wellbeing catches up with small-screen stunner Carrie Bickmore, it’s clear that her child isn’t the only one Car
Good Health1 min read
Last Word
What books are you reading? Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck. It explores the differences between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. I’m a fan of learning new ways to do things. IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN A CALMING YOGA CLASS OR AN ACTION-PACKED B