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Energy Vampires: How to get rid of energy predators
Energy Vampires: How to get rid of energy predators
Energy Vampires: How to get rid of energy predators
Ebook198 pages4 hours

Energy Vampires: How to get rid of energy predators

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Everything that can be bought has no value. It is in the experience that you can find the true treasure.
I wrote this book imagining in you that you read me, me: like a wanderer. A wanderer who seeks, he realizes, discovers. This wanderer begins to stop blaming others, God, politics, karma, takes over his life and decides and works to be free.
I wrote this book for free minds. Those who, when something happens, delimit their area, as a forensics detective would: they look at every detail to understand well who, where, how, when and why.
To narrow the field, avoid mistakes, optimize resources and time.
Time. I wrote this book because while it is true that time does not exist, it is also true that it is our greatest ally in understanding the experience called life, in the understanding of the system called Existence, of how energies move.
I wrote this book to lift the veil from the appearance, starting to call things by their real name.

Dear Wanderer, do you think the money is the one that governs the world? You think that's why everyone, in a kind of collective traffic syndrome, we are going from morning to night. Is it to get more money? Are you really convinced that it is the monetary aspect that makes gestures, sometimes even terrible, to this world?

I wrote this book just to make You, my dear Wanderer, realize that no, it is not money that represents the motivation of the motivations that drive humans to do what they do. Without too many turns of words, I'll make it short: everything, but just everything, revolves around only one word: ENERGY.
People want more money to buy more things, to be more envied, to attract the energy of those who will watch them.
More people want more power, more money, to accumulate more observers who provide them with energy currents. More energy they build up, more powerful they will feel, more they will be able to extort them, more they will want much more.
Energy-hungry as water that never quenches thirst, in fact, makes you thirsty and then thirstier.
I wrote this book to explain how this process of energy depletion, milking, big energy hunting works.

In this manual you will learn how our bodies of light work, the underlying laws that move the procuring system, how to recognize energy hunters from the simplest, to the most cunning vampires of the situation.
You will learn to recalibrate your energy, protect yourself and those you love, become aware of your bodies of light and, finally, how to avoid becoming You an unconscious vampire, moved by the stressful system that we often force ourselves to support.
Life energy is what keeps us alive. Without it, no one could not only live, not even die, since even to leave the physical body requires energy. Unconsciously, each of us fears losing it, of not having enough.
In literature, we have many examples of fears of this kind, masquerading as popular legends, the blood-sucking vampire who lives parasitic and manipulating minds until his victim drains are an interesting key.

In fact, blood represents the vital energy of the person. The vampire, for that matter, feeds on just that. The subtle manipulation games to push the unfortunate to get easy bite are systems that we know well, real, daily.
The predators of vital energy are, in all respects, of the vampires without sharp teeth, perhaps uncooled with powers of transmutation into horrid animals, deprived of the opportunity of flying, but to all intents and purposes vampires, energy vampires cleared to the world of the imaginative and delivered to the most modern stories of every day.
However, the situation is much more complex than it seems, because it is not enough to block the doors of their homes to be protected. No one can really be safe. Warning: the predator concerned is
PublisherBlu Editore
Release dateSep 26, 2020
Energy Vampires: How to get rid of energy predators

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    Book preview

    Energy Vampires - Monia Zanon



    Everything that can be bought has no value. It is in the experience that you can find the true treasure.

    I wrote this book imagining in you that you read me, me: like a wanderer. A wanderer who seeks, he realizes, discovers. This wanderer begins to stop blaming others, God, politics, karma, takes over his life and decides and works to be free.

    I wrote this book for free minds. Those who, when something happens, delimit their area, as a forensics detective would: they look at every detail to understand well who, where, how, when and why.

    To narrow the field, avoid mistakes, optimize resources and time.

    Time. I wrote this book because while it is true that time does not exist, it is also true that it is our greatest ally in understanding the experience called life, in the understanding of the system called Existence, of how energies move.

    I wrote this book to lift the veil from the appearance, starting to call things by their real name.

    Dear Wanderer, do you think the money is the one that governs the world? You think that's why everyone, in a kind of collective traffic syndrome, we are going from morning to night. Is it to get more money? Are you really convinced that it is the monetary aspect that makes gestures, sometimes even terrible, to this world?

    I wrote this book just to make You, my dear Wanderer, realize that no, it is not money that represents the motivation of the motivations that drive humans to do what they do. Without too many turns of words, I'll make it short: everything, but just everything, revolves around only one word: ENERGY.

    People want more money to buy more things, to be more envied, to attract the energy of those who will watch them.

    More people want more power, more money, to accumulate more observers who provide them with energy currents. More energy they build up, more powerful they will feel, more they will be able to extort them, more they will want much more.

    Energy-hungry as water that never quenches thirst, in fact, makes you thirsty and then thirstier.

    I wrote this book to explain how this process of energy depletion, milking, big energy hunting works.

    In this manual you will learn how our bodies of light work, the underlying laws that move the procuring system, how to recognize energy hunters from the simplest, to the most cunning vampires of the situation.

    You will learn to recalibrate your energy, protect yourself and those you love, become aware of your bodies of light and, finally, how to avoid becoming You an unconscious vampire, moved by the stressful system that we often force ourselves to support.

    Life energy is what keeps us alive. Without it, no one could not only live, not even die, since even to leave the physical body requires energy. Unconsciously, each of us fears losing it, of not having enough.

    In literature, we have many examples of fears of this kind, masquerading as popular legends, the blood-sucking vampire who lives parasitic and manipulating minds until his victim drains are an interesting key.

    In fact, blood represents the vital energy of the person. The vampire, for that matter, feeds on just that. The subtle manipulation games to push the unfortunate to get easy bite are systems that we know well, real, daily.

    The predators of vital energy are, in all respects, of the vampires without sharp teeth, perhaps uncooled with powers of transmutation into horrid animals, deprived of the opportunity of flying, but to all intents and purposes vampires, energy vampires cleared to the world of the imaginative and delivered to the most modern stories of every day.

    However, the situation is much more complex than it seems, because it is not enough to block the doors of their homes to be protected. No one can really be safe. Warning: the predator concerned is not powerful enough to smash walls or decode sophisticated alarm systems or possess super powers that allow it to permeate the door of your dwelling. Quite the contrary!

    Dear Wanderer, you might be surprised when you realize that many vampires know them very well! Some even have the keys to our house. Others we call them Mum and Dad. Some of them commonly call their names: they can be children, friends, people close to us. So close that even us!


    CHAPTER 1: The Three Dantians

    Life energy tanks

    Dear Wanderer, we begin this journey of awareness about how energies move and how it is possible that there are creatures that feed on them without our knowledge, by observing the effects of energy deprivation that we may suffer after the meal of what we call energy vampires.

    When we find ourselves losing vital energy due to an energy predator, we may notice some glaring effects, such as a succession of yawns, nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, tension, and tendency to melancholy or a sudden reduction in attention. The deprivation of vital energy is different from subject to subject as a symptom, from a gradual headache, to the suddenly swollen belly, to a sudden confusion that can turn into difficulties of practical management of daily life.

    In my experience, in addition to the swollen belly or headache, I start to bump or drop objects, to yawn several times while I’m listening to someone talking, to bite my lip while I eat or talk, to feel some sickness or fall. In short, small and annoying accidents that give boredom and there for there, we would never connect them to anything other than personal distraction.

    The sudden deprivation of energy can also lead us to do or say things we would not have liked to do or say, mental blocks and a tendency to take actions against one's own interest, such as buying an item that we absolutely do not need, all for energy deprivation.

    In this regard, there are even real systems related to unethical marketing or commercial hypnosis techniques, which literally live through the manipulative and destabilizing effects of trained and deliberately strong minds, which manage minds that are more labile or unattractive.

    This book can immediately begin to open a rift in the fog, equipping my dear Wanderer to understand how this system works. Let's start from the beginning.

    To understand the dynamics of emotional hostage created specifically to easily seize our vital energy, you need to take a step back.  What energy we are talking about and where is that strength in us?

    The life force of man circulates throughout his body thanks to particular absorption fields called Chakra (a word that in Sanskrit means wheel spinning), flowing along energy channels called nadis or meridians.

    The energy that is conveyed inside is called Prana, Ch'i, Qi, this is concentrated in particular areas of the body; the ancient Taoists, they called these areas Cinnabar Fields, also known as Dantian or Tan Tien.

    In conventional medicine, we might recognize them as a hypothalamus pituitary gland - adrenal glands axis. Cinnabar is the natural sulphide of mercury and is presented in nature of vermilio red colour. It was considered by the ancient Chinese, as the perfect mineral par excellence since free from any impurities.

    It is found in some deposits near the auriferous veins. For this reason, it was believed that gold, in nature, slowly turned into this mineral. Both Cinnabar and gold, for ancient cultures, are associated with immortality, considered by alchemists, the raw material of the philosopher's stone for alchemical transformation.

    There are areas of transformation of gold, of inner energy in our body, and these are precisely the Dantian. They are three and contain the energy of this mineral: the energy of this physical trinity forms the centre of the body and in it is contained for the ancients, the embryo of longevity.

    When we are stressed, this area can no longer function optimally, it becomes dysfunctional. So we get old faster, to transmit less and less information to our cells, entering a system that, in epigenetics (branch of biology that studies systems that are above genetics, from epi, which means above and genetics: what lies above genetics) is called struggle or escape.

    This defence system leads man to closure. To find ourselves in a state of openness would mean trust and love, so nourishment. On the contrary, staying in a locking system causes cells to stop feeding and reproduce in the most functional way.

    In the book Progetto Anima (Project Soul) that I wrote in 2011, published by Anima Edizioni, I explain in depth this dynamic, studied by science. In this book I tell how to get rid of the parental installs due to the automatisms that we support and get used to using from birth that are fixed in what we will call as our hard drive, up to six, seven years.

    Closure, protection induces discomfort, disease. In particular, stress is the source of all evil. However, the absence of stress is not enough for well-being; we need love and joy. If you are in love, there is growth, stimulus, which is why it is essential to bring joy into your life. Those who live joy in everyday life can experience a particular beneficial effect that I like to call the state of the lover.

    When you are in love, Wanderer, we don’t age: everything is fluid. You enter into a special state of flow in which everything seems to align and work. When we are in an environment that we consider hostile, we become guarding, going like the cells of our body, in protection, in closure. We perceive what surrounds us not only as not at all nutritious but even dangerous.

    Fear information will be recorded in our system. Everytime we find ourselves in a similar situation, the unconscious will repeat again the same kind of attitude. Our whole system will be shut down. Unfortunately, it happens that in this condition we stop recharging with energy.  Well, it is to be known that behind every potential vampire hides an energy-hungry human, who for various reasons, has failed to procure it in the right way and is therefore forced to deprive it to the first bad guy who has it.

    Dear Wanderer, behind every energy predator, hides an energy-hungry.

    Fear is the first of infections when we humans arrive on Earth. When we come to the world we perceive the unknown, and it is then, when we do not know what to expect, that fear prevails.

    Fear information is recorded for the first time in this way. And it will activate when we have similar sensations, when we don't know what can happen or what to expect from life. When we are in the Fear formulation, as an active program, she will choose for us. Another would happen if we were in an attribute of love: trust! In love we open ourselves to experiences, not at all interested in reaction, rather in action.

    By activating the state of joy then, another attribute of love, we can integrate data, learn and discover. We will be open to adventure and attract similar people to us, as if we were human tuning fork. The diapason is in fact a musical instrument that vibrates a specific note, and if beaten and putting next to another stationary tuning fork, it will begin to vibrate the same

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