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1 Introducere
Ventilatorul Shangrila 510 este un aparat de ventilatie pentru urgenta, cu un principiul de functionare simplu pentru utilizator. Acesta poate fi folosit in uniti medicale, , ambulante, centre de prim-ajutor, ( cabinete medicale din scoli, institutii, stranduri, aeroporturi,) in cazul accidentelor.

Shangrila 510 Generalitati

Sistem de ventilatie pneumatic controlat electric. Sistem de avertizare inteligenta in cazul detectarii unei defectiuni. Combinarea tastelor inpreuna cu cursorul rotativ face mai usoara combinarea parametrilor. Contine 5 moduri de ventilatie: A/C, SUSPIN, SIMV, SPONT si MANUAL. Autonomie electrica de 3 ore. Mod simplu de utilizat, volum si greutate mica, performant si siguranta pentru pacienti.


Shangrila 510 nu poate fi utilizat langa generatorul RMN.

Introducere in panoul frontal.

1.1.1 Panoul central

Figure 1-1 Panoul central

Panoul frontal include: display, taste pentru modul de ventilare ales, comutatorul de alimentare, i butoanele de stabilire a parametrilor de ventilatie.

1. Introducere

Figura 1-2 Fereastra de afisaj

1 Fereastra de afiaj 1Alarma lumini indicatoare: contine 10 lumini si sunt mprite n 2 tablouri; Primul rnd indic alarme de urgen maxim Rndul al doilea indic alarme de urgen medie. 2. Zona de afiare a alarmelor conine: - Afiarea timpului de apnee, - Baterie descarcat, - pierderea puterii, Vt scazut sau lips O2, - valoare scazut / ridicat a Paw. - Toate alarmele luminoase sunt insotite de alarm Sonor. 3. Pictograma bateriei arat capacitatea bateriei. 4. Zona monitorizarii indic: - presiune-timp, - forme de unda: VT, MV, f (total), P( peack), P varf Display.

Exist un buton "Setings" figura 1 2. Cand tasta este apsat pe ecran apare afisarea setarii respective. Pentru validarea setrii se apas din nou tasta "Setings" . Dup 30 de sec. Dup setare, Fereastra "Setings" va disprea automat Detalii despre zona "Setings" va fi descris n partea 3.3.

1. Introducere

2. Zona de afiare a alarmelor

Figure 1-2 Condition indicator area

1. Modul de setare a ventilrii:

Cnd apsai tastele, luminile indicatoare de la stnga sus va fi luminoase Sunt 5 moduri de ventilaie: A / C (automat controlat), Suspin, SIMV, SPONT i manual; 2 Indicatoare luminoase: Arat modul de alimentare (sursa de alimentare extern sau baterie interna), Respiraiile spontane ale pacientului. 3. Oprirea alarmei sonore pentru <2 minute Condition indicator area includes: 1. Ventilation mode setting: When you press the keys, indicator lights at the top left will be bright. 5 ventilation modes, A/CSighSIMVSPONT and Manual 2. Indicator lights: Show the power (external power supply or internal battery) or trigger of patient conditions at present. 3. Silence: <2 minutes
2. Domeniul de setare a parametrilor

Figure 1-3 Setarea parametrilor

Zona de setare a parametrilor (Figura 1-4) include 7 butoane de reglare, care controleaz: Rata respiratorie, sensibilitatea presiunii, limitele de presiune n cile respiratorii, concentraia de oxigen maximul de flux (ajustarea volumului tidal, prin actionarea butonului rotativ).

1. Introducere

Parameter setting area (Figure 1-3) includes 7 adjustment knobs, they control: breathing rates, pressure sensitivity, airway pressure lower limit, airway pressure upper limit, oxygen concentration and peak flow (adjust tidal volume through this setting).

Utilizarea butoanelor se realizeaz cu finee. 2.1.1 Partea dreapt a panoului n partea dreapt a panoului exista 3 orificii dup cum se observ n fig. 1-5: 1. orificiul de alimentare cu gaz a pacientului. O2 intr prin tubulatura circuitului pacient prin acest orificiu. 2. Orificiu de prelevare de probe de presiune : - Se face conectarea cu tubul de prelevare de probe de presiune in pct 2, de cealalt parte a tubului de prelevare de presiune este conectata la supapa de respiraie. Este important ca gazul sa fie pleluat cat mai proximal de la pacient. Sistemul de control electronic colecteaza presiune pacient prin ea. 3. Orificiu de alimentare gaz: Conector rapid ce conecteaz intrarea O2 (n care gazul a fost decomprimat cu reductor la 3-6 Bar). 2.1.1 Right hand side panel

There are 3 connectors in the right hand side panel. As Error: Reference source not found shows: 1. Gas outlet pipe connector: Gas enters the patient circuit pipe through this Connector. 2. Pressure sampling connector: Connect with the pressure sampling pipe, the other side of the pressure sampling pipe connect with breathing valve. For this samples gas pressure nearest patient. Electronic control system collects patient pressure through it. 3. Gas supply connector: Quick connector connects O2 Inlet pipe (in which gas has been decompressed).


Panoul stnga lateral

Pe partea stng a ventilatorului, exist un panou care se poate deschide. Aceasta este pentru nlocuirea bateriei interne. Deschidei aceast panou pentru a nlocui bateria intern. Detaliile vor fi afiate n partea 5.4. 2.1.3 Left Hand Side Panel

In the left hand side panel (Error: Reference source not found) of the ventilator, there is a window which can open. That is the internal battery replace window. Open this window to

1. Introducere

replace internal battery. The details will be displayed in part 5.4. 2.1.4 Rear panel

Figure 1-4 Rear panel Dup cum arat Figura 1 7, panoul din spate include 4 piese: 1. Admisie gaz proaspt: consumul de gaz proaspt, cantitatea de gaze introdus nu este legat de concentraia de oxigen.

Nu-l blocati!

Priza de alimentare: de intrare de putere al ventilatorului, cu adaptorul de alimentare sau de alimentare 12 V al masinii. O siguran este n spatele ei. Atunci cnd trnsiunea electric va creste nepermis de mult, sigurana va fi distrusa. nlocuii siguranta cu o siguran noua. Partea 5.2.1 va arta procedura de nlocuire Orificiul de ieire de gaz: In timpul ventilatiei, pentru procesul de expirare supapa se va deschide iar presiunea din caile aeriene va scadea. Buzzer: Pentru alarma sonora atunci cnd alarma a fost declanat



As Figure 1-4 shows, rear panel includes 4 parts: 1. Fresh Gas Intake: The intake of fresh gas, the quantity of gas entered there is related to oxygen concentration. Do not block it. 2. Power Supply Socket: Power inlet of the ventilator, for power adapter or +12V Vehicles Power Supply. A fuse is behind it. When the electric power has a big change, the fuse will be destroyed. Replace a new fuse here. Part 5.2.1 will show how to replace it. 3. Gas Output: The vent for the expiration process, also for the save valve to vent. 4. Buzzer: Buzz when the alarm has been triggered.

1. Introducere

1.3. Caracteristici
1.3.1 Ventilatorul Shangrila 510 este de nalt fiabilitate Circuitul integrat este utilizat pe scar larg n Ventilatorul intern; toate prile ventilatorului au fost testate de imbatranire examen, fiabilitate ridicat a circuitului electronic. Potrivit cererii de proiectare, timp mediu ntre defectri (MTBF) pentru Shangrila 510 este de peste 2000 de ore. 1.3.2 diferii parametri de monitorizare Monitor: Volumul tidal, minut volumul, rata de respiratie, Varful de presiune in caile aeriene, valori de presiune a cailor respiratorii, capacitatea bateriei, AC, DC, de ncrcare, de trigger. NOT software a Shangrila510 ventilator a fost testat c posibilitatea de a pericolelor care rezult din erori in programul de software-ul este minimizat. 1.3.3 Capacitatea de alarm a parametrilor de monitorizare: Deficitul de O2, presiunea maxim a cailor respiratorii superioara,limita presiunii de PEEP, Apnee, Valoare Volum Tidal, defectiune alimentare DC , Capacitatea scazuta a bateriei, neetanseitatea sistemului pacient Exist 2 tablouri de lumini din panoul frontal, unul este de culoare roie, iar cellalt este galben. Culorile diferite indic diferite niveluri de alarm. Luminile rosii active nseamn c alarma de mare urgen, a fost declanat. Alarm de mare urgen include: apnee, Valoare Volum Tidal, Presiune Limita cilor respiratorii depasita, limita presiunii scazuta; Luminile galbene active nseamn alarma de medie urgen, c a fost declanat. Mediu-alarm de urgen include: Deficitul de O2, pan de curent extern. Cnd sistemul de alarm a fost declanat, luminile de culoare roie i alarma sonor apar afiate pe ecranul LCD. 2.1.5 High dependability

Integrate circuit is widely used in the Ventilator internal; all parts of the ventilator were tested by aging examination, high dependability of the electronic circuit. According to the design request, the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of Shangrila510 Ventilator is over 2000 hours. 2.1.6 Various monitor parameters

Monitor: Tidal Volume, Minute Volume, Breathing Rate, Airway Pressure Peak, Airway Pressure Waves, Battery Capability, AC, DC, Charge, Trigger.

1. Introducere

NOTE The software of Shangrila510 ventilator has been tested that the possibility of hazards arising from errors in the software program is minimized.


Perfect alarm ability

Monitoring Parameters: O2 Deficiency, Airway Pressure Upper Limit Airway Pressure Lower Limit, Apnea, No Tidal Volume, DC Failure, Low Battery Capability, System Breakdown. There are 2 arrays of lights in the front panel, one is red color, and the other is yellow. Different colors show different alarm levels. When the red lights turn on, it means the high-urgency alarm has been triggered. The high-urgency alarm includes: Apnea, No Tidal Volume, Airway Pressure Upper Limit, Airway Pressure Lower Limit; Yellow lights turn on means the medium-urgency alarm has been triggered, medium-urgency alarm includes: O2 Deficiency, external power failure. When the system Breakdown alarm has been triggered, red lights turn on and buzzer buzzes continuously, noting displays in the LCD.

Noiuni de baz Start Aceast seciune v spune cum s configurai ventilatorul nainte de a ncepe instalarea pacientului la ventilator verificati: - Conectarea la sursa de alimentare - Conectarea de aprovizionare cu oxigen - Conectarea circuitul pacientului i accesorii

Avertisment: Toate componentele trebuie s fie bine montate i conectate de ctre un tehnician calificat n conformitate cu instruciunile corespunztoare Aeonmed de instalare. Pentru a evita posibilitatea de deteriorare a componentelor ventilatorului sau ntreruperea functionarii ventilatorului, folosii ntotdeauna ventilatorului pe o suprafa plan, n orientarea corect. Pentru a minimiza riscul crescut de incendiu din cauza unui mediu mbogit cu oxigen, nu utilizai ventilatorul ntr-o camer hiperbaric. Pentru a evita creterea concentraiei de oxigen a aerului din ncpere, utilizai ventilatorul ntr-o camer ventilata n mod corespunztor. Nu scoatei bateria intern n timpul functionarii ventilatorului sau sa deconectati aparatul de la sursa de alimentare DC cu care a fost echipat. Pentru a evita un pericol de electrocutare n timpul service-ului ventilatorului, asigurai-v c aparatul a fost deconectat de la orice sursa de alimentare. bateria intern trebuie instalata n ventilator de catre tehnicianul Service. Cnd utilizai ventilatorului, asigurai-v c bateria de a fost instalata. Detalii despre managementul bateriei interne vor fi artate n seciunea 5.4. Atenie: Nu blocai orificiul de aer de pe panoul din spate. Pentru a evita posibilitatea de deteriorare a componentelor de ventilatorului, nu amplasati obiecte pe carcasa ventilatorului

1. Introducere

NOT: Pentru prima de instalare, consultai instruciunile de instalare separate, furnizate cu ventilator dumneavoastr. Aeonmed recomand ca nainte de a utiliza ventilator pentru prima dat, sa tergei suprafaa exterioar ventilatorului sa curati i sa dezinfectati componentele sale n conformitate cu instruciunile din partea 5 din acest manual. Urmai protocolul din instituia dumneavoastr pentru curarea i dezinfectarea ventilatorului i a componentelor sale. 2.1 Cerine de funcionare a ventilatorului 1. Acest manual trebuie s fie citit i neles nainte de a utiliza acest ventilator. 2. Cerine pentru persoanele care opereaza ventilatorului: 1) mare responsabilitate pentru pacienti. 2) Unele cunotine despre ventilaie. 3) starea sntii bun, inteligent, rspundere 2.2 Conectarea la sursa de alimentare Avertisment: Puneti tubul de alimentare cu O2 i tubul gofrat de inspir n asa fel incat sa nu se cuteze, pentru a evita apneea pacientului. conectati doar adaptorul de alimentare extern cu ISO standard soclu. i s acorde atenie la polaritate, dac este necesar. Pentru dou faze de utilizare circuit de curent alternativ, nu ncercai s treac linia de pmnt i de linia zero. alarma baterie descarcata poate fi s apar, dac puterea de la ventilator cu ea, nu au surs extern de alimentare pentru o lung perioad de timp. Dac se ntmpl acest lucru, conectai ventilator cu sursa de alimentare extern (folosii adaptorul de alimentare exclusiv) de a taxa pentru 10 ore cel puin. n cazul n care alarma este n continuare existat, bateria intern trebuie s fie nlocuit. (V rugm s v conectai tehnician calificat). nlocuii bateria intern, la o temperatur n timpul 0 ~ 45 . Atenie: Dac net de alimentare au o fluctua peste 10%, Aeonmed sugereaz folosind un presostat de curent alternativ. O baterie ncrcat complet nou poate furniza ventilator pentru locul de munc de cel puin 3 ore. Este convenabil pentru tine de a utiliza Shangrila510 pe o ocazie special, fr surs de alimentare extern.

2. Getting Start

This section tells you how to set up the ventilator, includes: Things to do before beginning patient setup Connecting the power supply Connecting the oxygen supply Connecting the patient circuit and accessories Warning All components must be securely mounted and connected by a qualified service technician according to the appropriate Aeonmed installation instructions. To avoid the possibility of damage to ventilator components or interrupted ventilator operation, always use the ventilator on a level surface in its proper orientation. To minimize the increased risk of fire due to an oxygen-enriched environment, do not use the ventilator in a hyperbaric chamber. To avoid raising the oxygen concentration of room air, use the ventilator in an adequately ventilated room. Do not remove the internal battery during ventilator is working or the DC power supply has been built. To avoid an electrical shock hazard while servicing the ventilator, be sure to remove all power to the ventilator by disconnecting the power source and turning off all ventilator power switches. The internal battery must have been installed in the ventilator, or the protection of external power off will become inefficacy. When using the ventilator, make sure a changed battery has been installed. Details about the management for internal battery will be showed in section 5.4.

Caution Do not block the cooler vent in the rear panel. To avoid the possibility of damage to ventilator components, do not use the horizontal surfaces of the ventilator to place stack objects. NOTE For first-time installation, refer to the separate installation instructions supplied with your ventilator. Aeonmed recommends that before using the ventilator for the first time, wipe the ventilator exterior surface clean and disinfect its components according to the instructions in part 5 of this manual. Follow your institutions protocol for cleaning and disinfecting the ventilator and its components.

Requirements of operating the ventilator

1. This manual must be read and understood before using this ventilator. 2. Requirements for the people who operates the ventilator: 1) High responsibility for patients.

2. Getting Start

2) Some knowledge about ventilation. 3) Good heath condition, smart respond

Connecting the power supply

Warning Put the power cord and screwed tubing in a certain place, to avoid apnea the patient. Only connect external power adapter with ISO-standard socket. And pay attention to polarity if necessary. For two-phase alternating current circuit user, do not attempt to switch earth line and zero line. Low battery alarm may be occur, if you power on the ventilator with it do not have external power supply for a long time. If this happens, connect the ventilator with the external power supply (use the exclusive power adapter) to charge for 10 hours at least. If the alarm is still existed, the internal battery must be replaced. (Please connect qualified technician). Replace internal battery at a temperature during 0~45.

Caution If power supply net have a fluctuate over 10 , Aeonmed suggests using an AC manostat. A full charged new battery can supply the ventilator work for at least 3 hours. Its convenient for you to use Shangrila510 on some special occasion without external power supply.

Figure 2-5 External power supply Extern priz de alimentare este n panoul din spate, cum Figura 2 1 arat, o siguran este n spatele ei. V rugm s folosii adaptorul de alimentare, care este de acord atestare CE pentru a furniza energie pentru ventilator. Dac se ntmpl ceva anormal, nu mai folosii ventilatorul imediat, i conectai productor pentru unele reparatii. External Power Supply Socket is in the rear panel, As Figure 2-5 shows, a fuse is behind

2. Getting Start

it. Please use Power adapter which is accord CE attestation to supply power for the ventilator. If something abnormal happens, stop using the ventilator immediately, and connect the manufacturer for some repairing.

2.3Connecting oxygen supplies, patient circuit and accessories Shangrila510 can work with oxygen bottle, gas supply in the ambulance or on the wall. When the ventilator is working, make sure the gas supplies has been connected without any false, no break, no leak or wrong connecting, and check the pressure monitor is right. If something wrong happens, stop using the ventilator immediately then check connecting. Please connect the oxygen supplies, patient circuit and accessories fellow these steps:Connecting oxygen supplies, patient circuit and accessories

Shangrila510 can work with oxygen bottle, gas supply in the ambulance or on the wall. When the ventilator is working, make sure the gas supplies has been connected without any false, no break, no leak or wrong connecting, and check the pressure monitor is right. If something wrong happens, stop using the ventilator immediately then check connecting. Please connect the oxygen supplies, patient circuit and accessories fellow these steps: NOTE Make sure the gas supply is always between 0.28Mpa and 0.6Mpa, and velocity of flow is between 50L/Min and 90L/Min.

Figure 2-6 Connect gas outlet pipe to the right hand side panel

2. Getting Start

Figure 2-7 Connect pressure sampling pipe

Figure 2-8 Connect the O2 inlet pipe

Figure 2-9 Connect gas outlet pipe to breath valve

2. Getting Start

Figure 2-10 Connect pressure sampling pipe

Figure 2-11 Connect simulation lung to breath valve

Figure 2-12 Connect mask to breath valve

Warning avertisment:

2. Getting Start

Conectai numai de oxigen la admisie oxigen. Nu ncerca s se conecteze orice alt gaz. Pentru a minimiza riscul de rnire pacientului, utilizai numai circuite de pacient calificate pentru utilizare n medii mbogite cu oxigen, cu ventilator Shangrila510. Pentru a evita un pericol de oc electric, nu folosii tuburi antistatic sau conductiv electric. Pentru a asigura o conexiune etan, folosesc numai conectori i tuburi cu ISO-standard de con i priza. Aeonmed v recomand s utilizai unul dintre circuitele pacientului identificate de Aeonmed, sau echivalentele lor, pentru a se asigura c presiunea maxim / debit valorile specificate de EN794-1 nu sunt depite (a se vedea coninutul legate n parte de 7 caietul de sarcini). Folosind un circuit cu o rezisten mai mare, nu se mpiedic de ventilaie, dar poate provoca compromite capacitatea pacientului de a respira prin circuit. folosi numai ventilator pentru a mareei pacient a carui volum de peste 100 ml i avoirdupois peste 10 kg. Aceasta masina nu este potrivit cu copilul. Distana dintre supap de respiraie i pacientul este ct mai scurt posibil, sau poate steagului concentraia de CO2. Pentru performane optime ventilator, lsai aparatul s ruleze timp de cel puin 3 minute nainte de a utiliza pe un pacient pentru a permite sistemului s se nclzeasc, dac este necesar Anulai modificrile

Connect only oxygen to the oxygen inlet. Do not attempt to connect any other gas. To minimize the risk of patient injury, use only patient circuits qualified for use in oxygen-enriched environments with the Shangrila510 ventilator. To avoid an electrical shock hazard, do not use antistatic or electrically conductive tubing. To ensure a leaktight connection, only use connectors and tubes with ISO-standard cone and socket. Aeonmed recommends that you use one of the patient circuits identified by Aeonmed, or their equivalents to ensure that the maximum pressure/flow values specified by EN794-1 are not exceeded (see related content in part 7 specifications). Using a circuit with a higher resistance does not prevent ventilation, but can cause compromise the patients ability to breathe through the circuit. Only use the ventilator to patient whose tidal volume over 100ml and avoirdupois over 10kg. This machine is not suitable with infant. The distance between breathing valve and patient is as short as possible, or it can hoist the concentration of CO2.

For optimal ventilator performance, let the unit run for at least 3 minutes before using on a patient to allow system to warm up if necessary. NOTE Alarm functionality is tested and verified as part of ventilator test before using. Details about Alarms will be displayed in part 3.3 and part 4.

2. Getting Start

Power on (pornire)

Figure 2-13 power on Apasand butonul de pornire, toate luminile indicatoare de pe panoul frontal se vor aprinde (a se vedea figura 2 9), mpreun cu o alarma scurta. Dac sa ntmplat ceva anormal, nu mai folosii ventilatorul, ci contactai productorul pentru unele reparatii. Detaliile erorii vor fi afiate n seciunea 5.1 i 5.3 "Sistem de alarma ". Presses the power button, all indicator lights on the front panel are ON (See Figure 213) together with a short buzz. If something abnormal happened, stop using the ventilator immediately, and connect the manufacturer for some repairing. Details about it will be displayed in the section 5.1 and 5.3 System breakdown alarm. Caution Atenie: Dupa pornirea ventilatorului daca ecranul LCD afieaz n mod normal, dar alarma Sonora nu apare, este defect sistemul da alarma. Trebuie acordata atentie acestui caz. Contactai productorul pentru unele reparaii, dac este necesar If the ventilator can power on with LCD displays normally but without any buzz, the alarm is failure. You should pay attention to this case. Connect the manufacturer for some repairing if necessary.

Things to do before beginning patient setup Operatiuni ce trebuie executate nainte de instalarea pacientului.

Nu numai dezinfectarea ventilatorului nainte de utilizare este importanta, ci si efectuarea procedurilor preoperatorii trebuie verificate nainte de a utilize aparatul.
Not only disinfect the ventilator before using, but also carry out the preoperative checkout procedures before putting the system back in use.

2. Getting Start

ATENTIE: Nerespectarea asigurarii de funcionarea corect de instalare nainte de utilizare poate prejudicial siguranta pacientului.

Warning Failure to make sure of correct setup and operation before use can result in patient injury. V rugm s urmai aceti pai pentru a face inainte de a incepe setarile de ventilator (descrise n partea 3): 1. Alimentarea cu gaz de la surs de alimentare extern Verificai daca sursa de alimentare extern poate furniza resurse suficiente pentru ventilator. Verificai circuitul pacientului pentru eventuale scurgeri, deconectare sau erori de conectare. i asigurai-v c toate cablurile, prize, prize de curent i tubulatura sunt acord cu cerina de siguran. Oprii sursa de alimentare extern si verificai daca pierderea alimentarii externe este semnalata prin alarma. 2. Verificai Alarma apnee Setai modul de ventilator pentru a SPONTsi verificati daca timpul de apnee este respectat, pn cnd alarma se declanseaza. Aceast perioad ar trebui s fie de aproximativ 12 la 18 de secunde. 3. Verificai starea de lucru a ventilatorului Aceasta este o stare de lucru standard de la setarile de ventilator: Mod de ventilare: A / C; Rata de respiratie: 20 bpm; I: E: 1:2; Airway limita de presiune superioar ( 0.1kPa): 40; Airway limita de presiune mai mic ( 0.1kPa): 5; Presiunea de declanare pacient ( 0.1kPa): -3; Volumul tidal: 700 ml; Concentraia de oxigen: 48%; 4. Verificai volumul tidal (volumul curent) Opturati aprovizionarea cu gaze, pentru a trece modul de ventilaie A / C, ar trebui s fie 0 al monitorului volumului tidal. Reporniti alimentarea cu gaze i adaptati debitul de vrf la maxim, verificai monitorul volumul tidal care trebuie sa fie 1000ml la 1200ml. 5. Testarea alarmei de nalt presiune cailor respiratorii: Reglai volumul tidal pentru a seta de vrf de presiune cailor respiratorii este de aproximativ 2.5kPa, apoi setai limita de presiune cailor respiratorii superioare la o valoare numeric mai mic dect 2.5kPa uor. Alarm pentru presiune Airway Limita superioar a fost declanat ntre timp ventilatorului ntoarce la expirare, de presiune cailor respiratorii scade.

2. Getting Start

6. Testarea alarmei pentru presiune sczut a cailor respiratorii: Setai limita de presiune cailor respiratorii superioare la 0.1kPa, apoi deconectai tubul de pacient, alarma de presiune cailor respiratorii limita inferioar are loc dup 4-15 sec.

7. testarea sensibilitatii la presiune de ncercare de testare: Setai presiunea de declanare de la-0.1kPa, purta masca i de a face o surs de inspiraie, inspiraie pas a ventilatorului ncepe dup presiune cailor respiratorii inferioare dect setarea, ntre timp "trigger", indicatorul luminos clipete pe panoul frontal. 8. SIMV Setai modul de aerisire pentru SIMV, modifica ratele de respiratie, a se vedea ecranul de "ftotal" n 1 minut, ar trebui ca n armonie setarea pe care tocmai ai fcut. 9. Suspin S munca ventilatorul de la un stat standard de lucru, nregistreaz volumul de maree. Apoi, schimba modul de ventilare la A / C + oftat, a regla presiunea cailor respiratorii superioare limita la maxim, a se vedea de afiare a datelor de volum mareelor, ar trebui ca timp normal de 1.5 respiraia timp, are loc a doua. Acest lucru se intampla la fiecare 100 de ori, n acest mod de ventilaie. 10. SPONT Setai modul de ventilare a SPONT, a regla presiunea de declanare cu-0.2kPa, purtai o masc. Ventilatorul ncepe o ventilaie atunci cnd presiunea cailor respiratorii inferioare dect 0.2kPa. atunci cnd se termin pacientului spontane de inspiraie sau timpului de ventilaie pentru a ajunge anumit perioad de timp determinat de respiraie preurile i I: E, sau de presiune cailor respiratorii pana la 60cmH2O, ventilatorul se va ntoarce la expirarea inspiraie i de ateptare pentru pacient spontan viitor. Please follow these steps to do before you begin Ventilator Settings (described in part 3): 1. Gas supply and external power supply Check the gas supply and external power can supply enough resource for the ventilator. Check the patient circuit for leak, disconnect or connecting mistakes. And make sure all cables, plugs, sockets and screw pipe are accord to safe requirement. Cut down the external power supply, check the external power lost alarm occurs. 2. Check Apnea Alarm Set the ventilator to SPONT mode, meanwhile start to time until the alarm is triggered. This period should be about 12 to 18 seconds. 3. Check the work state of the ventilator This is a standard work state of the ventilator settings:

2. Getting Start

Ventilation mode: Rates of breath I:E Airway pressure upper limit (0.1kPa) Airway pressure lower limit (0.1kPa) Patient trigger pressure (0.1kPa) Tidal volume Oxygen concentration

A/C 20 bpm 1:2 40 5 -3 700mL 48%

4. Check tidal volume Cut off the gas supply, turn to the A/C ventilation mode, it should be 0 of the tidal volume monitor. Recover the gas supply and adjust peak flow to maximum, check the tidal volume monitor is at a range of 1000ml to 1200ml. 5. High airway pressure alarm testing: Adjust the tidal volume to set the airway pressure peak is about 2.5kPa, Then set the Airway Pressure Upper Limit to a numerical value lower than 2.5kPa slightly. The Airway Pressure Upper Limit alarm has been triggered meanwhile the ventilator turn to expiration, the airway pressure decreases. 6. Low airway pressure alarm testing: Set the airway pressure upper limit to 0.1kPa, then disconnect patient pipe, the airway pressure lower limit alarm takes place after 4-15 sec. 7. Test trigger pressure sensitivity testing: Set the trigger pressure at -0.1kPa, wear the mask and do a inspiration, the inspiration step of the ventilator begins after airway pressure lower than the setting, meanwhile the trigger indicator light on the front panel flashes. 8. SIMV Set ventilation mode to SIMV, change the breathing rates, see the display of ftotal in 1 minute, it should accordant as setting you just made. 9. Sigh Let the ventilator work at a standard work state, record the tidal volume. Then change ventilation mode to A/C+Sigh, adjust the airway upper limit pressure to maximum, see the display of the tidal volume data, it should 1.5 time as normal the second time respiration takes place. This happens every 100 times, during this ventilation mode. 10. SPONT Set the ventilation mode to SPONT, adjust the trigger pressure with -0.2kPa, wear mask. The ventilator begins a ventilation when the airway pressure lower than -0.2kPa. when the patient spontaneous inspiration finishes or the ventilation time get to the certain time determined by breathing rates and I : E, or the airway pressure up to 60cmH2O, the ventilator will turn to expiration and waiting for next patient spontaneous inspiration

3. Ventilator settings

Ventilator settings
Ventilator 3 setri Aceast seciune v spune: Shangrila510 Ventilator de panoul de operare Cum de a stabili Shangrila510 5 al modul de ventilare Cum de a stabili limite de alarm. AVERTISMENT: Nu conectai la pacient nainte de a termina setarea pacientului. Security este primul factor Am conceput acest ventilator, dar nu ignora la monitorul ventilator i starea pacientului. ATENIE: Nu extenua atunci cnd reglai butoanele. n cazul n care orice butoane nu reuesc s lucreze, nu mai utilizai imediat ventilatorul. Contactai reprezentantul de service, dac este necesar. NOT: Dac ai gsit unele date monitor nu este corect, verificai n primul rnd pacientul, apoi verificai starea ventilatorului de lucru. This section tells you: Shangrila510 Ventilators panel operation How to set Shangrila510s 5 ventilation mode How to set alarm limits.

WARNING Do not connect to the patient before finish the patient setting. Security is the first factor we designed this ventilator, but never ignore to monitor ventilators display and patients state. CAUTION Do not overexert when you adjust the knobs. If any knobs fail to work, stop using the ventilator immediately. Contact service representative if necessary. NOTE If you find some monitor data is not accurate, check patient firstly, then check the ventilators work state.

Panel Operation
2.1.8 Parameters Settings

Table 3-1 Parameters Setting Setarea Ratei Respiratorii: apsai tasta "setings", apoi butonul corespunztor pentru a ajusta rata de respiraie. Monitorul de date este afiat pe ecranul LCD. Sensul acelor de ceasornic stabileste creterea. Anti-sensul acelor de ceasornic pentru a reduce. Domeniul de reglare: 4 la 99bpm. Breathing rates setting: press setting key, then turn corresponding knob to adjust breathing rates. The monitor data is displayed on LCD. Clockwise the setting

3. Ventilator settings

increase. Anti-clockwise to decrease. Adjustable range: 4 to 99bpm. Reglarea Presiunii de Trigger ( sensibilitatea): similar cu setarea ratei respiratorii, domeniul de reglare: -20 - 0 cmH2O. Trigger pressure setting: similar as breathing rates setting, adjustable range: -20 to 0 cmH2O. Setare presiune Limita superioar : similar cu setarea ratei respiratorii, domeniul de reglare: 0 - 20 cmH2O. Airway Pressure Upper Limit setting: similar as breathing rates setting, adjustable range: 0 to 20 cmH2O. Setare presiune Limita superioar : similar cu respiratia ratele de setare, raza de reglare: 20 - 80 cmH2O. Airway Pressure Upper Limit setting: similar as breathing rates setting, adjustable range: 20 to 80 cmH2O. Raport I: E setare: rotii butonul corespunztor pentru a regla I: E. sensul acelor de ceasornic stabileste cretere. Anti-sensul acelor de ceasornic pentru a reduce. De la 2:01 - 1:4, 6 raporturile sunt opionale. : E setting: turn corresponding knob to adjust I :E. clockwise the setting increase. Anti-clockwise to decrease. From 2:1 to 1:4, 6 ratios are optional. Concentraia de oxigen: similar cu setarea ratei respiratorii, domeniul de reglare: 48% la 100%. Oxygen concentration: similar as breathing rates setting, adjustable range: 48% to 100%. Setarea volumului tidal: similar cu respiratia ratele de setare. Reglai volumul Tidal prin vrf de flux. Raza de reglare: de la 0 la 1000 ml / s.. Tidal volume setting: similar as breathing rates setting. Adjust Tidal volume through adjust peak flow. Adjustable range: 0 to 1000mL/s.

3. Ventilator settings


Parameters Monitor

Table 3-2 Parameters Monitor Paw: Reflecta schimbarea presiunii in caile respiratorii a pacientului. Este o relatie intre flux si rezistenta de inspir. Ea poate fi consultata pentru stabilirea presiunii de trigger. Paw: Reflect the airway pressure of patients changing. Related with flow and airway resistance. It can be the consult of setting of trigger pressure. MT volum Tidal: Monitorizarea Vt a pacientului. Tidal Volume mL: Monitor the Vt of patient. MV Minut Volum: Monitorizarea MV a pacientului. Minute Volume L: Monitor the MV of patient. Rata total bpm: Monitorizarea Rata Total pacientului (cumulate cu respiratiile spontane) Total Rates bpm : Monitor the Total Rates of patient. Peak pressue cmH2O: presiune maxim de cailor respiratorii. Peak pressue cmH2O : The maximum airway pressure. 2.1.10 States settings and indicators

1. Starea setrilor i zona de indicatori: indicatorul de stare include 5 taste pentru stabilirea modului de ventilaie, indicator de alimentare extern, indicatorul de baterie intern de ncrcare i indicator de trigger pacient. Cele 5 Moduri de ventilatie sunt : A / C, suspin, SIMV, SPONT, manual. Setri pentru modurile de ventilaie sunt bazate pe tabelul 3 3..Figure 3-14 1. States settings and indicators area: Sates indicator includes 5 ventilation mode indicator, external power indicator, internal battery charging indicator and patient trigger indicator. 5 ventilator mode includes: A/C Sigh SIMV SPONT Manual.Settings for the 5 ventilation modes are based on Table 3-3.

3. Ventilator settings

Table 3-3 Setting for Ventilation Modes Key How to use A / C (Asistent / Control): Atunci cnd apsai tasta, indicatorul luminos de la stnga sus va fi luminos. Cu acest mod de ventilaie, Triggerul de inspire (declanarea de inspir) depinde de cererea pacientului, ceilali parametri sunt determinati de setarile stabilite de medic pe ventilator. A/C (Assistant/Control): When you press the key, indicator light at the top left will be bright. With this ventilation, inspiration trigger is depend on patients demand, other parameters is determined by the setting your give the ventilator. Oftat: Cnd apsai tasta, indicatorul luminos de la stnga sus va fi luminos. Cu acest mod de ventilaie, la fiecare de 100 de respiratii n timpul ventilatiei A / C, avand o valoare max 1,5 x Vt pentru a fi suportat Sigh: When you press the key, indicator light at the top left will be bright. With this ventilation, every 100 times during the A/C period, an at least 1.5 times Vt will supported. SIMV (sincronizat ventilaie intermitent obligatoriu): Atunci cnd apsai tasta, indicatorul luminos de la stnga sus va fi luminos. Cu acest mod de ventilaie, rata de respiraie spontan i volumul tidal este controlat de ctre pacient, controlul ventilatiei de control se face periodic in functie de frecventa presetata. SIMV (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation): When you press the key, indicator light at the top left will be bright. With this ventilation, spontaneous breathing rates and tidal volume is control by patient himself, a control ventilation happens every a certain period which you set. SPONT (spontan): Atunci cnd apsai tasta, indicatorul luminos de la stnga sus va fi luminos. Cu acest mod de ventilaie, toi parametrii de respiratie sunt modificati in functie de activitatea pacientului.(ventilatie in support de presiune) SPONT(spontaneous) When you press the key, indicator light at the top left will be bright. With this ventilation, all breathing parameters are due to patient himself. Manual: Cnd apsai tasta, ventilatorul se va face o ventilare vigoare la pacient, desface va termina de ventilaie. Aceasta cheie poate grnera o respiraie suplimentara pacientului. ManualWhen you press the key, the ventilator will do a force ventilation to the patient, unloosen will finish the ventilation. This key can simulate breathing of patient.

3. Ventilator settings

Ventilation mode introduction

3.2 Mod de introducere de ventilaie 3.2.1 A / C ntr-un mod / C, ventilatorul ofer doar respiraii obligatorii. atunci cnd detecteaz ventilator efort inspirator pacient, acesta ofer un pacient-a iniiat obligatorii (PIM) respira (de asemenea, numit respiratie asistata). Dac ventilatorul nu detecteaz efort inspirator, acesta ofer un ventilator-a iniiat obligatorii (VIM), respiraie (de asemenea numit un suflu de control), la un interval bazat pe rata respiratorie set. Respiraii poate fi sub presiune sau de debit-a declanat ntr-un mod / C. Figura 3 2 prezint A / C de livrare respiraie atunci cnd nici un efort pentru pacient inspirator este detectat i de toate inspiraiile sunt VIMS. TB este i perioada de respiraie n cteva secunde 2.1.11 A/C

In A/C mode, the ventilator delivers only mandatory breaths. when the ventilator detects patient inspiratory effort, it delivers a patient-initiated mandatory(PIM)breathe(also called an assisted breath). If the ventilator does not detect inspiratory effort, it delivers a ventilator-initiated mandatory (VIM) breath (also called a control breath) at an interval based on the set respiratory rate. Breaths can be pressure- or flow-triggered in A/C mode. Figure 3-15 shows A/C breath delivery when no patient inspiratory effort is detected and all inspirations are VIMs. And Tb is the breath period in seconds.

Figure 3-15 A/C mode, no patient effort detected Figura 3 3 prezint A / C respira de livrare atunci cnd pacientul efort inspirator este detectat.Ventilator ofer PIM respira, la o rat mai mare dect rata stabilit respirator. TB este i perioada de respiraie n cteva secunde. Figure 3-16 shows A/C breathe delivery when patient inspiratory effort is detected. The ventilator delivers PIM breathes at a rate more than the set respiratory rate. And Tb is the breath period in seconds.

3. Ventilator settings

Figure 3-16 A/C mode, patient effort detected Figura 3 4 prezint A / C de livrare respiraia atunci cnd exist o combinaie de respiraii Vim i PIM. TB este i perioada de respiraie n cteva secunde. Figure 3-17 shows A/C breath delivery when there is a combination of VIM and PIM breaths. And Tb is the breath period in seconds.

Figure 3-17 A/C mode VIM and PIM breaths Atenie: Setarea a capacitii de presiune de declanare "false sau pentru respiraie a pacientului intensifica poate duce la un mod de / C ofer prea mult Caution Setting of trigger pressure false or ability for breath of patient intensify may lead to A/C mode delivers too much. 2.1.12 A/C+SIGH

A / C + suspin, n baza unui modul / C.Diferena este un volum mare maree (de 1,5 ori mai set), ofer n fiecare respiraie 100. A/C+SIGH, base on A/C mode. The difference is a high tidal volume (1.5 times as set) delivers every 100 breath. 2.1.13 SIMV

SIMV (sincronizat ventilaie intermitent Obligatoriu) este un mod de ventilator mixt, care permite respiraii att obligatorii i spontan. Cele respiraii obligatorii pot fi de volum sau de presiune pe baz de, i respiraii spontane pot fi asistate de presiune (de exemplu, atunci cnd suportul de presiune este n vigoare). Putei selecta presiune sau de debit, de declanare n SIMV.

3. Ventilator settings

Algoritmul SIMV este conceput pentru a garanta o respiratie obligatorie pentru fiecare ciclu de respiratie SIMV. Aceasta respiratie este obligatorie, fie un pacient-a iniiat obligatorii (PIM), respiraie (de asemenea, numit respiraie asistat) sau un ventilator, iniiat obligatorii (VIM), respiraie (n cazul n care efortul pacientului inspriratory nu este sesizat n cadrul ciclului de respiraie). Anulai modificrile SIMV Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation is a mixed ventilator mode that allows both mandatory and spontaneous breaths. The mandatory breaths can be volume or pressure-based, and the spontaneous breaths can be pressure-assisted (for example, when pressure support is in effect.) You can select pressure- or flow-triggering in SIMV. The SIMV algorithm is designed to guarantee one mandatory breath each SIMV breath cycle. This mandatory breath is either a patient-initiated mandatory (PIM) breath (also called an assisted breath) or a ventilator-initiated mandatory (VIM) breath (in case the patients inspriratory effort is not sensed within the breath cycle). Dup cum arat Figura 3 5, fiecare ciclu de respiratie SIMV (TB) are dou pri: prima parte a ciclului este intervalul obligatorie (TM) si este rezervat pentru un PIM. Dac un PIM este livrat, capetele Tm interval de ventilaie i trece la a doua parte a ciclului, intervalul spontan (T), care este rezervat pentru respiraie spontan tot restul ciclului de respiraie. La sfritul unui ciclu de respiraie SIMV, ciclul se repet. Dac un PIM nu este livrat, ventilatorul ofera o VIM la interval obligatoriu, trece apoi la interval de spontan As Figure 3-18 shown, each SIMV breath cycle (Tb) has two parts: the first part of the cycle is the mandatory interval (Tm) and is reserved for a PIM. If a PIM is delivered, the Tm interval ends and the ventilator switches to the second part of the cycle, the spontaneous interval (Ts), which is reserved for spontaneous breathing throughout the remainder of the breath cycle. At the end of an SIMV breath cycle, the cycle repeats. If a PIM is not delivered, the ventilator delivers a VIM at the mandatory interval, then switch to the spontaneous interval.

Figure 3-18 SIMV breath cycle (mandatory and spontaneous intervals) Warning

3. Ventilator settings

avertisment: Acest mod poate provoca ventilaie insuficient sau apnee n cazul n care starea pacientului "devine depravare. 3.2.4 SPONT n SPONT (spontan) modul, sursa de inspiratie este de obicei iniiat prin efort pacient. Respiraii sunt iniiate prin presiune sau de debit de declanare, oricare dintre acestea este activ n prezent. Un operator poate iniia, de asemenea, o surs de inspiraie n timpul SPONT manual. Un operator poate iniia, de asemenea, o surs de inspiraie n timpul SPONT manual. Respiraii Vim nu sunt posibile n mod SPONT. This mode may cause insufficient ventilation or apnea if patient state becomes depravation.



In SPONT (spontaneous) mode, inspiration is usually initiated by patient effort. Breaths are initiated via pressure or flow triggering, whichever is currently active. An operator can also initiate a manual inspiration during SPONT. An operator can also initiate a manual inspiration during SPONT. VIM breaths are not possible in SPONT mode.

Alarm Settings Setri de alarm Noi oferim o fereastr de afiare setare (figura 3 6), pentru limita de presiune cailor respiratorii superioare, Airway presiune limita inferioar, de respirat Rata de presiune i de declanare stabilirea mai convenabil. 1. Setarea cheie: fereastra Display setarea are loc atunci cnd apsai aceast tast. Apsai-l din nou pentru a reveni la fereastra de afiare de und. 2. Rata de respiraie: Rotiti Rata de respiratie Stabilirea butonul pentru a seta ratele de respiraie. 3. Presiunea Trigger: Reglai butonul Psens pentru a seta valoarea necesar. 4. Limita de presiune cailor respiratorii inferioare: Reglai butonul Plug pentru a seta valoarea necesar. 5. Airway limita de presiune superioar: Reglai butonul Phigh pentru a seta valoarea necesar.Gama pentru setri de sus este de baz n tabelul 3 1. avertisment: Cnd setrile de alarm ajunge la limita, sistemul de alarm poate eec.

We offer you a setting display window (Figure 3-19), for Airway Pressure Upper Limit, Airway Pressure Lower Limit, Breathing Rates and Trigger Pressure setting more convenient. 1. Setting Key: the setting display window occurs when you press this key. Press it again to return to waveform display window. 2. Breathing Rates: Turn the Breathing Rates Setting knob to set breathing rates. 3. Trigger Pressure: Adjust the Psens knob to set the value required. 4. Airway Pressure Lower Limit: Adjust the Plow knob to set the value required.

3. Ventilator settings

5. Airway Pressure Upper Limit: Adjust the Phigh knob to set the value required. The range for settings upper is base on Table 3-1. Warning When the alarm settings reach the limit, the alarm system may failure.

Figure 3-19 Setting Display Window

4. Alarm Handling

Alarm Handling
4 de alarm de manipulare Aceast seciune descrie alarme de ventilaie i de ce s fac n cazul n care acestea apar. Figura 4 1 arat indicatorii de alarm. Shangrila510 Ventilator are mare urgen i de alarm mediu de alarm de urgen. High-anterioare alarme necesit o atenie imediat pentru a asigura sigurana pacienilor. n timpul unei alarme de mare urgen, indicatoare luminoase lumini de culoare roie, mpreun cu noutile buzzer. Mediu-anterioare alarme necesit o atenie prompt. n timpul o alarm mediu de urgen, luminile galbene indicatoare luminoase, mpreun cu noutile buzzer. Soluie pentru aceste alarme vor fi descrise n parte 4.3. avertisment: Fii atent la alarme, verifica starea pacientului primul. Dac ai gsit ceva n neregul cu sistemul de alarma, nu folosii ventilator sau se poate pune n pericol pacientul 4.1 Alarma de performan 1. Airway Limita superioar de presiune: 20 ~ 80cmH2O. precizie: 10%. 2. Airway limita de presiune de Jos: 0 ~ 20 cmH2O, precizie: 100Pa (0.5kPa de mai jos); 20% (altele). 3. Nu volumul de maree: atunci cnd valoarea volumului de maree monitorizate este zero. 4. Aprovizionarea cu gaz Low: apar atunci cand presiunea de alimentare cu gaze naturale <0.28Mpa. 5. Apneea de ora de alarm: 15 ani, precizie: 20%. 6. Extern de alimentare pierdut: ora de alarm este cu privire la exactitatea 150s,: 20%. 7. Baterie descrcat: apar atunci cnd restul de puterea bateriei este de aproximativ 30 de minute. 8. De eec al sistemului: apar atunci cnd una dintre acestea are loc. Cip de control al ventilatorului eec; volumul de maree> 200ml, dar presiunea cailor respiratorii este de 0 (de exemplu, scurgeri de conducte de pacieni), volumul de maree este 0mL, dar presiunea cailor respiratorii> 1KPa (de exemplu, blocuri de conducte de pacieni). 9. Silence de alarma: 120 secunde. Alarme loc cu lumina si Buzz. Operatorul poate reduce la tcere noutate, dac este necesar. This section describes ventilator alarms and what to do if they occur. Figure 4-20 shows the alarm indicators. Shangrila510 Ventilator has high- urgency alarm and medium-urgency alarm. High-prior alarms require immediate attention to ensure patient safety. During a high urgency alarm, the red indicator lights bright, together with the buzzer buzz. Medium-prior alarms require prompt attention. During a medium-urgency alarm, the yellow indicator lights bright, together with the buzzer buzz. Solution for these alarms will be described in part 4.3. Warning Pay attention to the alarms, check patient condition first. If you find something wrong with alarm system, do not use the ventilator or it may endanger patient

4. Alarm Handling

Alarm performance

1. Airway Pressure Upper Limit: 20~80cmH2O. accuracy: 10% 2. Airway Pressure Lower Limit: 0~20 cmH2O, accuracy: 100Pa (below 0.5kPa); 20% (other). 3. No tidal volume: when the value of tidal volume monitored is zero. 4. Low gas supply: occur when the gas supply pressure<0.28MPa. 5. Apnea alarm time: 15s, accuracy: 20%. 6. External power lost: alarm time is about 150s, accuracy: 20%. 7. Low battery: occur when the rest of battery power is about 30 minutes. 8. System failure: occur when one of these takes place. Control chip of the ventilator failure; tidal volume >200mL, but airway pressure is 0 (e.g. patient pipe leaks); tidal volume is 0mL, but airway pressure >1KPa (e.g. patient pipe blocks). 9. Alarm Silence: 120 seconds. Alarms occur with light and buzz. Operator can silence buzz if necessary.

4. Alarm Handling

Alarm display

Figure 4-20 Alarm Display 1. Indicatorul de alarm: 2 rnduri, i a 5 lumini indicatoare n fiecare. Atunci cnd o alarm de mare urgen, a fost declanat, rndul de sus luminos de culoare roie. n caz de urgen, alarme mediu, n conformitate cu rndul luminos de culoare galben. 2. Indicator zon de alarm: Aceast zon poate afia informaii de alarm: apnee, baterie, ex. pierderea puterii, nr VT, deficit de O2, redus laba, lab de mare. Soluii pentru un mesaj de alarm sunt descrise n Tabelul 4 1: 1. Alarm indicator lights: 2 rows, and 5 indicator lights in each. When a High-urgency alarm has been triggered, the upper row bright in red color. In case of Mediumurgency alarms, the under row bright in yellow color. 2. Alarm indicator area: This area can display alarm information: apnea, battery low, ex. power lost, No Vt, O2 deficiency, paw low, paw high. Solutions for Alarm message are described on Table 4-4:

Causation for Alarm

Table 4-4 Alarm Messages When you see this message It means Do this

The ventilator has Check patient and entered apnea. settings.

4. Alarm Handling

Table 4-5 Alarm Messages When you see this message It means Do this

The internal battery have low capacity

Replace internal battery or allow it to recharge during normal ventilator operation. Prepare for power loss. Obtain alternate ventilation. Check integrity of external power source. Contact service if necessary. Check the setting of Peak Flow adjustment. check the state of O2 inlet pipe and patient circuit.

The power switch is ON, external power supply is not available, and the ventilator is being powered by the internal battery.

No tidal volume monitored.

Oxygen supply pressure is less than the minimum required pressure for correct ventilator operation. Accuracy of O2% delivery may be compromised.

Check patient and oxygen source. Obtain alternative ventilation if necessary.

4. Alarm Handling

Table 4-6 Alarm Messages When you see this message It means The patient circuit pressure transducer has measured a pressure lower than the Airway Pressure Lower Limit you set. The patient circuit pressure transducer has measured a pressure upper than the Airway Pressure upper Limit you set. Do this Check if your setting is suitable for the patient, and also check patient condition. Obtain alternate ventilation. Remove ventilator form use and contact service if necessary Check if your setting is suitable of the patient, and also check patient. Obtain alternate ventilation. Remove ventilator form use and contact service if necessary Check patient. Obtain alternate ventilation. Remove ventilator form use and contact service

The red alarm lights bright and the buzzer buzz continuance, and nothing display in the LCD.

System Failure

5. Maintenance and Service

Maintenance and Service

Pentru a asigura funcionarea corect ventilator, efectuai urmtoarele proceduri de ntreinere, la intervalele recomandate. Toate procedurile trebuie s fie adaptat la politicile instituiei dumneavoastr i de protocol.Viata de utilizare a acestui ventilator este de 6 ani. Aceasta sectiune este despre unele tehnic de referin, se descrie: Curarea i dezinfectarea de ntreinere preventiv depanare de stocare Pentru instruciuni de tehnicieni de service calificai cu privire la efectuarea de depanare mai detaliate, sau alte proceduri de servicii, a se vedea 6 parte i o parte 7 pentru mai multe informaii, inclusiv teoria de funcionare i lista de piese. Ventilator componente electronice nu sunt de teren reparabile. avertisment: Personalul necalificat trebuie s ncerce s reparai mot ventilator. Reparaii necorespunztoare sau modificarea neautorizat poate compromite sigurana i a prejudiciului rezultat din pacient. Asigurai-v c ai tiat n jos sursa de alimentare extern atunci cnd repara ventilator. adaptorul de alimentare este o parte important a ventilatorul nu se poate folosi aproape de foc, i de a folosi ntr-un mediu cu umiditate prea (cum ar fi n ploua mediu), i nu folosii eava de adaptorul de alimentare ca o funie!Adaptorul nu este domeniul-reparabile. NOT: Atunci cnd manipularea orice pat de sistemul ventilator Shangrila510, urmai ntotdeauna dvs. de control al infeciilor liniile directoare de spital de manipulare a materialelor infecioase. To ensure proper ventilator operation, perform the following maintenance procedures at the recommended intervals. All procedures should be adapted to your institution policies and protocol. The use life of this ventilator is 6 years. This section is about some technical reference, it describes: Cleaning and disinfecting Preventive maintenance Troubleshooting Storage For instructions for qualified service technicians on performing more detailed troubleshooting, or other service procedures, see part 6 and part 7 for more information,

5. Maintenance and Service

including theory of operation and parts list. Ventilator electronic components are not fieldrepairable. Warning Unqualified personnel must mot attempt to service the ventilator. Improper repair or unauthorized modification can compromise safety and result in patient injury. Make sure you have cut down the external power supply when you repair the ventilator. The power adapter is an important part of the ventilator it can not use near fire, and use in a too humidity environment (such as in raining environment), and do not use the pipe of power adapter as a rope! The power adapter is not field-repairable. NOTE When handling any pat of the Shangrila510 ventilator System, always follow your hospital infection control guidelines for handling infectious material.

5. Maintenance and Service

Clean and disinfection

5.1 Curenie i dezinfectare Tabelul 5 1 v spune cum s curai, dezinfectat componente ventilator. avertisment: Pentru a evita expunerea pacientului la ageni de dezinfectare, asigurai-v c pentru a dezinfecta pri n conformitate cu tehnicile descrise n tabelul 5 1. Expunerea la ageni de dezinfectare poate reduce durata de via util a unor piese. filtrul cu mner cu grij, pentru a minimiza riscul de contaminare bacterian. urmai ntotdeauna instituiei dumneavoastr / s orientri infectie de control. Urmai instruciunile din partea 2.5 pentru a verifica ventilatorul poate lucra ntr-o stare bun nainte de a conecta la un pacient. NOT: Acest manual poate da doar orientri generale pentru curarea i dezinfectarea. Este responsabilitatea utilizatorului de a asigura validitatea i eficiena metodelor folosite. Table 5-7 tells you how to clean, disinfect ventilator components. Warning To avoid patient exposure to disinfecting agents, be sure to disinfect parts according to the techniques described in Table 5-7 . Exposure to disinfecting agents may reduce the useful life of some parts. Handle filter with care, to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination. Always follow your institution/s infection control guidelines. Follow the instructions in Part 2.5 to check the ventilator can work in a good condition before connect to a patient.

NOTE This manual can only give general guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting. It is the users responsibility to ensure the validity and effectiveness of the methods used. Table 5-7 Cleaning and disinfecting Part Ventilator exterior (including LCD Screen) Procedure Curai cu o crp umed i soluie de spun sau cu una dintre aceste substane chimice sau echivalentele acestora. Foloseste apa pentru a se clateste reziduuri chimice dup cum este necesar. Wipe clean with a damp cloth and mild soap solution or with one of these chemicals or their equivalents. Use water to rinse off chemical residue as necessary. Comments Nu permite lichid sau spray-uri pentru a penetra ventilator sau conexiunile prin cablu. Nu folosii aer sub presiune pentru a cura sau se usuce ventilator. Do not allow liquid or sprays to penetrate the ventilator or cable connections. Do not use pressurized air to clean or

5. Maintenance and Service

dry the ventilator.

Warning avertisment: Nu folositi impregnant organici pentru a curata suprafata de ventilator. Dac radiaii ultraviolete de utilizare pentru a dezinfecta, nu lasa timp de peste 1 or. Do not use organic impregnate to clean the ventilator surface. If use ultraviolet radiation to disinfect, do not let the time over 1 hour.

5. Maintenance and Service

Table 5-8 Cleaning and disinfecting Part Procedure Comments Dac scufundat n lichid, se folosete aer comprimat pentru a sufla de umiditate din interiorul tubului nainte de utilizare. Verificai pentru porecle i buci, i nlocuii-l dac este deteriorat. If submerged in liquid, use pressurized air to blow moisture from inside the tubing before use. Inspect for nicks and cuts, and replace if damaged.

Demontai i curai, apoi autoclave, pasteuriza, chimic sau dezinfectat. Single-pacient utilizare: Renunai Disassemble and clean, then autoclave, pasteurize, or chemically disinfect. Single-patient use: Discard.

Patient tubing


Caution Atenie: dezinfectarea cu abur este o metod viabil de dezinfectare a circuitelor pacientului Shangrila510 furnizate de Aeonmed, dar se poate scurta durata de tubulatura de via. Modificri de culoare (ingalbenirea), i de flexibilitate a sczut tuburile sunt de ateptat efecte secundare ale acestui tuburi de abur de dezinfectare. Aceste efecte sunt cumulative si ireversibile. Steam disinfection is a viable disinfecting method of Shangrila510 patient circuits supplied by Aeonmed, but it may shorten the tubings life span. Discoloration (yellowing) and decreased tubing flexibility are expected side effects of steam disinfecting this tubing. These effects are cumulative and irreversible. Admisie a aerului Curai i dezinfectai la fiecare 2 nlocuii un burete nou, cel Filtru burete pn la 3 sptmni puin o jumtate de an. Air inlet filter Clean and disinfect every 2 to 3 Replace a new sponge at sponge weeks. least half a year. Warning avertisment: de intrare a aerului filtrul de burete se poate filtra schelet, etc microorganisme peste 100m. Dezinfectarea dup infecie sau o utilizare special pacient infecioase: a se utiliza apa minerala de 2% pentru a cura suprafaa de ventilator. Dup ce c-l curai cu ap. Dup utilizarea ventilatorului pe un pacient de tuberculoz, un special de dezinfecie este necesar. Scufund componentelor n soluie de dezinfectare anumite peste 2 ore. i apoi pune-l ntr-o cutie de fum formalin de 12 de ore pentru

5. Maintenance and Service

dezinfectare mai mult. Air inlet filter sponge can filter atomy, microorganism etc. over 100m. Disinfecting after special infection or infectious patient use: use 2 soda water to clean the surface of the ventilator. After that clean it with water. After using ventilator on a tuberculosis patient, a special disinfecting is needed. Immerse components in certain disinfection solution over 2 hours. And then put it in a formalin fume box 12 hours for more disinfection.


Cleaning: general guidelines

.1.1 Curarea: orientrile generale Nu curai sau reutilizai-un singur pacient de utilizare sau de produse de unic folosin. La curarea pieselor, nu utilizai perii dure sau a altor instrumente care ar putea deteriora suprafeele. 1. Splai pri n ap cald i soluie de spun. 2. Clatiti pri bine n ap curat, cald (apa de la robinet este bine). 3. Aeonmed v recomand s verificai toate prile de la fiecare curare. nlocuii toate piesele deteriorate. 4. Ori de cte ori nlocuirea unor piese de pe ventilator, asigurai-v c se poate lucra ntro stare bun nainte de a se conecta la pacient.

Do not clean or reuse single-patient use or disposable products. When cleaning parts, do not use hard brushes or other instruments that could damage surfaces. 1 Wash parts in warm water and mild soap solution. 2 Rinse parts thoroughly in clean, warm water (tap water is fine). 3 Aeonmed recommends that you inspect all parts at every cleaning. Replace any damaged parts. 4 Whenever you replace parts on the ventilator, make sure it can work in a good condition before connect it to patient.

5. Maintenance and Service

Caution Atenie: Urmai instruciunile productorului de spun. Expunerea la soluie de spun, care este foarte concentrat mai mult dect este necesar se poate scurta durata de via util a produselor. Reziduuri de spun poate provoca pete sau fisuri fine, mai ales pe piesele expuse la temperaturi ridicate n timpul dezinfeciei. 5.1.2 Dezinfectarea Nu dezinfectat, sau reutiliza-un singur pacient de utilizare sau de produse de unic folosin. Cnd dezinfectarea tubulatura, bobina ntr-o bucla mare, evitnd ndoit sau tuburi de trecere.Lumenul tuburi ar trebui s fie liber de orice picatura de vizibile nainte de ambalare. 5.2 de ntreinere preventiv NOT: Evitai ventilatorului de oc sau se ciocnesc. Tabelul 5 3 rezum intervale de ntreinere preventiv i proceduri.Bateria intern poate ncrca peste 350 de ori, v rugm s ncrcai la temperatura cuprins ntre 0 ~ 45 . Dac bateria intern trebuie s fie nlocuit, v rugm s urmai etapele descrise n partea 5.4

Follow the soap manufacturers instructions. Exposure to soap solution that is more highly concentrated than necessary can shorten the useful life of the products. Soap residue can cause blemishes or fine cracks, especially on parts exposed to elevated temperatures during disinfection.



Do not disinfect, or reuse single-patient use or disposable products. When disinfecting tubing, coil it in a large loop, avoiding kinks or crossing tubing. The tubing lumen should be free of any visible droplets prior to wrapping.

Preventive maintenance
NOTE Avoid the ventilator from shock or collide.

Table 5-9 summarizes preventive maintenance intervals and procedures. The internal battery can charge over 350 times, please charge it at temperature between 0~45. If the internal battery must be replaced, please follow steps described on part 5.4 Table 5-9 Preventive maintenance intervals


5. Maintenance and Service

Frequency De mai multe ori pe zi, sau, dup caz, de ctre instituia dumneavoastr circuitul pacientului politica Several times a day or as required by your institutions policy Fiecare 2 pn la 3 sptmni Every 2 to 3 weeks . La fiecare 3 luni (sau mai des, dac este necesar) Every 3 months (or more often, if required)



Patient circuit

Curai i pstrai uscciune Clean and keep dryness.

de intrare a aerului filtrul de burete Air inlet filter sponge.

.. Curai Clean. face un proces de descrcare de gestiune i de rencrcare Do a discharge and recharge process. Utilizai setul corespunztor de ntreinere preventiv. i de ntreinere preventiv trebuie s fie efectuat de un tehnician de service calificat. Use appropriate preventive maintenance kit. And preventive maintenance must be performed by a qualified service technician .

baterie intern

,. Fiecare ventilator n ntregime i senzorii sai de 2000 de ore Every 2000 hours Entire ventilator and its sensors.

5. Maintenance and Service


Replacing fuses

5.2.1 nlocuirea sigurane Locul de amplasare de sigurane este n panoul din spate a ventilatorului, a se vedea figura 5 1. nlocuirea pai: 1 Conectai surubelnita pentru a canelura de pe sfritul de cutia de sigurane. 2 ntoarcei invers acelor de ceasornic 3 ~ 5 cercuri apoi tragei uor din tuburi de sigurane. 3 Scoateti tuburi de sigurane. 4 ncadrai cele noi. 5 tuburi de sigurante mping la locul iniial uor. 6 Pornii sensul acelor de ceasornic 3 ~ 5 cercuri cu surubelnita pentru a strnge. 7 Connect reea de aprovizionare. avertisment: Deconectai de la sursa de alimentare nainte de a nlocui sigurante, n caz contrar, care poate afecta operatorul chiar la deces. nlocuii siguranele numai cu cele de tip specificat i de evaluare curent, de altfel, care pot deteriora echipamentul. Atenie: sigurana este fragil, att de nlocuire trebuie s fie atent. Nu utilizai for excesiv. Anulai modificrile The location of fuse is in the rear panel of the ventilator, see Figure 5-21. Replacing steps: 1 Plug the screwdriver to groove on the end of fuse box. 2 Turn counterclockwise 3~5 circles then pull out fuse tubes lightly. 3 Take off fuse tubes. 4 Enclose the new ones. 5 Push fuse tubes to original place gently. 6 Turn clockwise 3~5 circles with screwdriver to tighten. 7 Connect mains supply. Warning Disconnect from power supply before replacing fuses, otherwise that can injure operator even death. Replace fuses with only those of the specified type and current rating, otherwise

5. Maintenance and Service

that can damage the equipment. Caution The fuse is fragile, so replacement should be carefully. Do not use excessive force.

Figure 5-21 Replace fuse 2.1.18 Maintenance during convey the machine

5.2.2 de ntreinere n timpul transmite main Maina trebuie s fie pus n loc adecvat pentru confortul personal al clinicii n timpul funcionrii. n timpul n sus i n jos de scari circulaie trebuie s aib grij de bucla de ventilaie i cablurile electrice. Este mai bine s ia bucla de ventilaie de pe prevenirea pagubelor. NOT: face o micare de securitate n timp ce anume transmite ventilator. Figura 5 2 arat modul corect de a asigura sigurana. lichide Pstrai departe de componente electrice Repararea i mutarea este interzis n timp ce ventilatorul este de lucru. De asemenea, verificai nimic nu este acoperit cu maina n timp ce funcioneaz. The machine must be put in proper place for the clinic personnels convenience during operation. During the up and down-stairs movement one must take care of the ventilation loop and power cables. Its better to take the ventilation loop off preventing damage. NOTE Make a certain security movement while convey the ventilator. Figure 5-22 shows the correct way to ensure safety. Keep liquids far from the electrical components Repairing and moving is forbidden while the ventilator is working. Also check nothing is covered with the machine while it works.


5. Maintenance and Service

Figure 5-22 The correct way to convey Shangrila510 ventilator


5. Maintenance and Service

2.1.19 Ventilator technical troubleshooting and analyzing

5.3 Rezolvarea problemelor 5.3.1 Ventilator rezolvari de probleme tehnice i analiza Table 5-10 Ventilator technical troubleshooting and analyzing Possible Cause Cablul de alimentare este deconectat Comutatorul de alimentare este oprit Siguranta ventilator does not este ars work Power supply cable is unplugged Power switch is off Fuse is burned Ventilator de funcionare se oprete brusc, indicatorul luminos se stinge, i Sursa de alimentare este sun alarma ntrerupt Power supply is Ventilator stops interrupted operating suddenly, indicator light turns off, and sounds alarm Extern de alimentare, indicatorul Cablul de alimentare nu este luminos plpie, att de conectai Rezistena uneori, Power supply cable is not The external power connect so fastness supply indicator light flicker sometimes 2.1.20 Symptom Recommended Action Conectai cablul de alimentare Pornii comutatorul de alimentare nlocuii cu o siguran nou Plug in power supply cable Turn on power switch Replace with a new fuse

Utilizai ventilaie manual, i verificai sursa de alimentare. Use manual ventilation, and check the power supply.

Fixai cablul Fasten the cable

Ventilator Clinic troubleshooting and analyzing

5.3.2 Clinica Ventilator rezolvari de probleme i analizarea 1. Cilor respiratorii superioare Limita de presiune


5. Maintenance and Service

1. Airway Pressure Upper Limit 2. Table 5-11 Airway Pressure Upper Limit alarm sounds continuously Symptom Possible Cause Recommended Action

Verificai i ajustai circuitul de Circuitul pacientului este astupat pacient Patient circuit is occluded Check and adjust patient circuit Alarm pentru presiune maxim sun continuu Maximum pressure alarm sounds continuously Tractul respirator al pacientului este astupat Patients respiratory tract is occluded Setarea maxim de presiune este prea mic Maximum pressure setting is too low Verificai pacient Check the patient Reajustai setarea de alarm Readjust the alarm setting parametru the ventilator

Recalculare Parametrii ventilator schimbat ventilatorului Ventilator parameters changed Recalculate parameter 2. Airway Pressure Lower Limit Table 5-12 Airway Pressure Low Limit alarm sounds continuously


Possible Cause

Recommended Action nlocuii sau reinstalai Replace or reinstall

Tuburi elicoidale sunt rupte sau conectorul slabeste Screw tubes are broken or the Respiraie circuitul de gaze connector loosens pacient scurgerii supape slbii Patient breathing circuit gas valves loosen Simulare pulmonar / ventilator leak Comutator eec eligibile. Simulation lung / ventilator switch failure Limita setarea alarmei prea mare The alarm limit setting too high

strngei-le Tighten them V rugm s contactai reprezentantul service Please contact eligible service representative. Reajustai setarea de alarm Readjust the alarm

5. Maintenance and Service

setting Schimbarea de respectarea pacientului Changing of patients compliance Auto-determinat lipsa de respiraie atunci cnd ntr-o ventilatie SIMV sau SPONT Self -determinate breathing lack when in a SIMV or SPONT ventilation

Verificai situaia pacientului Check patients situation A schimba modul de Proces-verbal de volum i ratele ventilare i de parametru totale de respiraie prea mici. pentru pacient Minutes volume and total Change ventilation mode breathing rates too low and parameter to the patient

3. The patient trigger indicator light flicker Pacientul Indicatorul de declanare flickerului Tabelul 5 7 de declanare Pacientul indicatorul luminos plpirea Table 5-13 The patient trigger indicator light flicker Symptom Declanare pacient de auto-determinarea de respiraie . Patient trigger selfdetermine breathing Possible Cause Setarea de declanare este prea mic Setting of trigger is too low Recommended Action Reajustai setarea de declanare pacientului Readjust the patient trigger setting.

5.4 nlocuirea bateriei interne Atunci cnd bateria intern a fost acuzat de peste 10 ore, putere pe ventilator, fr surs de alimentare extern, pictograma bateriei nc prezinta bateria intern este n capacitatea redus, mpreun cu alarma baterie descarcata, poate fi necesar s nlocuii o baterie nou interne. avertisment: Asigurai-v c sursa de alimentare extern a fost tiat nainte de a nlocui bateria. Shangrila510 adapta cu nlocuibil nichel-hidrogen acumulator (DC alimentarea cu energie), caietul de sarcini: (HY Ni-MH AA1800mAh 12V); dimensiune: mai puin de 52X15X145mm.Replacing internal battery

When the internal battery has been charged over 10 hours, power on the ventilator without external power supply, the battery icon still shows the internal battery is in low capability together with low battery alarm, you may need to replace a new internal battery. Warning

5. Maintenance and Service

Make sure the external power supply has been cut off before you replace the battery. Shangrila510 adapt with replaceable nickel-hydrogen battery (DC power supply), specification: (HY Ni-MH AA1800mAh 12V); size: less than 52X15X145mmFollow these steps to replace the internal battery: Urmai aceti pai pentru a nlocui bateria intern:

Open the battery replacing window in the left hand side panel. Deschidei fereastra battery nlocuirea n panoul din stnga partea stng.

Disconnect the electric connector between internal battery and ventilator. Deconectai conectorul electric ntre baterie intern i ventilator.

Untie the batterys fix-tie. Dezlege a bateriei fix-cravat.


5. Maintenance and Service

Take out the battery and change a new one. Then put it back, tie the fix-tie, connect the electric connector and close the Battery Replacing Window. Scoatei bateria i schimba unul nou. Apoi pune-l inapoi, lega fix-cravata, conectai conectorul electric i nchide fereastra nlocuirea bateriei.

Transport and storage

5.6 Transport i depozitare 5.6.1 Transport Numai produse i casetat poate transporta prin camion, cale ferat, nav sau avion. Evitai oc feroce i vibraii n timp ce transporta ventilator. ntotdeauna se transporta cu un mediu dewiness. 5.6.2 DepozitareProdusul trebuie s fie stocate n camera cu temperatura de -10 ~ 40 , umiditate relativ de a nu noroi mult de 80%, o bun ventilaie i fr gaz coroziune. Atenie: Atunci cnd condiiile de depozitare sunt dincolo de cerinele de mediu operaional, precum i starea de stocare este transferat n stare funcionare, singurul produs poate fi folosit dup ce a fost depozitat ntr-un mediu de peste 8 ore. 2.1.21 Transport

Only well cased products can transport through lorry, railway, ship or plane. Avoid fierce shock and vibration while transport the ventilator. Always transport it with a dewiness environment. 2.1.22 Storage

The product should be stored in the room with temperature of -10~+40,relative humidity of not mire than 80%, good ventilation and without corrosion gas. Caution When the storage conditions are beyond the requirements of operational environment, and the storage state is transferred into operation state, the product only can be used after being stored in environment for over 8 hours.


6. Theory of operation

Theory of operation
Teoria de funcionare Aceasta sectiune este despre unele tehnic de referin, n special cu privire la principiul de produs i de caracterul de proiectare a Shangrila510 ventilator. Schema bloc simplificat pentru 510 ventilator este aa cum se arat n figura 6 1. n partea dreapt a figurii, blocuri conectate prin conducte formeaz partea circuitul de gaze din unitatea principal i n partea stng, blocuri conectate prin sgei sunt partea de control electronic al unitii principale. Dup intrarea, oxigenul trece supapei de siguran care limiteaz presiunea la 0.28Mpa. Apoi, trece electrovalva, din care o parte din oxigen merge la supapa care controleaz rata de flux de oxigen furnizat pacientului n timp ce se deplaseaz n alt parte supapa de reglare de aer-oxigen, care controleaz concentraia de oxigen furnizate pacientului. De gaz n micare la vitez mare prin supapa de presiune negativ prevede, la intrarea n mixer aer-oxigen, antrenor de o anumit proporie de aer sau de oxigen i de gaz mixt intr cailor respiratorii. Pentru scopul de siguranta, supapa de siguranta este proiectat n cilor respiratorii i folosite pentru a limita max. cilor aeriene de presiune a unui pacient. Presiunea este n mod normal, stabilit la 6kPa. Cnd presiunea cailor respiratorii depete presiunea de siguran a sistemului de circuitul de gaze, supapa de siguranta se va elibera. el fluxul de aer trece senzorul de debit inhalare i este transformat n semnal de monitorizare a sistemului, care indic volumul aspiratory mareelor si ventilatie minut, i apoi, se duce la pacient i prin intermediul tubului de gaz. Aerul expirat, de ctre pacientul este externat din unitatea prin tub i supapa expirator. Aceasta este descrierea pe scurt a procesului de aer mixte se deplaseaz n plmnii unui pacient. n acest proces, supapa de gaz controleaz intrarea cailor respiratorii, care este supus reglementrii de operatori. n timpul inhalare, electrovalva deschide i nchide supapa expirator. n timpul expiratie, este invers, care este, electrovalva nchide i se deschide supapa expirator. Procesul complet este controlat de sistemul de control electronic. Aa cum se arat n diagrama simplificat, placa de baza ofera mai multe ori de funcionare a unitii, inclusiv prin inhalare de timp, semnal de comutare n timpul respiraiei autonom i semnalul de control de electrovalva. n plus, acesta ofer ceas de timp de baz, procesare de semnal de senzor de volum convecie, de prelucrare a tastaturii de management i de afiare i diferite semnale de alarm. Partea de monitorizare a presiunii i de prelevare de probe, n principal monitorizeaz presiunea pacientului cilor respiratorii i le-a artat pe ecran, genereaza semnalul de alarm de presiune i de pacient-declanat de semnal, i monitorizeaz puterea de unitate complet. Este alarme n caz de anomalie de alimentare. Seciunea de afiare a panoului se adreseaz n principal, stabilirea parametrilor i afiarea de date. Consiliul de putere

6. Theory of operation

funcioneaz n principal, pentru furnizarea de energie necesar pentru funcionarea normal a diferitelor pri din sistemul complet. NOT Senzorul Shangrila510 ventilator de debit i senzor de presiune sunt integrate interne

This section is about some technical reference, mainly about product principle and design character of Shangrila510 ventilator. The simplified block diagram for 510 ventilator is as shown in Figure 6-23. In the right part of the figure, the blocks connected by pipes form the gas circuit portion of the main unit and in the left part, the blocks connected by arrows are the electronic control portion of the main unit. After entry, oxygen passes the relief pressure valve which limits the pressure to 0.28MPa. Then, it passes the solenoid valve, from which part of the oxygen goes to the throttle valve which controls the rate of oxygen stream supplied to the patient while the other part moves to the air-oxygen regulating valve which controls the concentration of oxygen supplied to the patient. The gas moving at high speed through the throttle valve provides negative pressure at the inlet of the air-oxygen mixer, entraining a certain proportion of air or oxygen and the mixed gas enters the airway. For safety purpose, safety valve is designed in the airway and used to limit the max. airway pressure of a patient. The pressure is normally set at 6kPa. When the airway pressure exceeds the safety pressure of the gas circuit system, the safety valve will release. he air flow passes the inhalation flow sensor and is converted to monitoring signal of the system, which indicates the aspiratory tidal volume and minute ventilation, and then, it goes to the patient via the gas tubing. The air exhaled by patient is discharged out of the unit through the tube and expiratory valve. This is the brief description of the process of the mixed air moving into the lungs of a patient. In this process, throttle valve controls the gas entering the airway, which is subject to regulation of operators. During the inhalation, the solenoid valve opens and the expiratory valve closes. During the exhalation, it is the other way round, that is, the solenoid valve closes and the expiratory valve opens. The complete process is controlled by the electronic control system. As shown in the simplified diagram, the mainboard provides the various operating times of the unit, including inhalation time, the switching signal during autonomous respiration and control signal of solenoid valve. Moreover, it provides basic time clock, signal processing of convection volume sensor, processing of management keyboard and display and various alarm signals. The portion of pressure monitoring and sampling mainly monitors the patients airway pressure and has it shown on the display screen, generates the pressure alarm signal and patient-triggered signal, and monitors the power of the complete unit. It alarms in case of power supply anomaly. The section of panel display mainly

6. Theory of operation

addresses the parameter setting and data display. The power board functions mainly for supplying power needed for the normal operation of the various parts in the complete system. NOTE Shangrila510 ventilators flow sensor and pressure sensor are integrated internal.

6. Theory of operation

Figure 6-23 Product principle and anticipat Capacitatea de ventilare Volumul mareelor: 0 ~ 1200mL, precizie: 30ml (200ml de mai jos); 15% (altele). A / C ratele de respiraie: 4 ~ 99bpm, de precizie: 15%; alte 1bpm. SIMV ratele de respiraie: 4 ~ 40bpm, de precizie: 15% I: E Ratio: 2:1 - 1:04, precizie: 15% Concentraia de oxigen: 48% ~ 100% Sensibilitatea Trigger: -2 ~ 0kPa, precizie: 50Pa (mai sus-0.5kPa); 10% (altele) NOT Toate datele sunt baza pe un ntpd (20 1013hPa, uscat), de mediu. , 7.2 Sistemul de pacient Combinat cu ventil respira si tuburi de 1,1 urub. Conformitate: 10ml/kPa, si rezistenta la expirare: 0.6kPa/L/s, (pentru aduli folosi o viteza de curgere de la 60L/min pentru copii de la 30L/min) cavum este 12mL. 7.3 Dimensiuni si Greutate Dimensiuni: nlime Adncime Lime (mm): 175 170 300 Greutate: 3.5 kg aproximativ 7.4 Valoare de siguran Nu mai mult de 6KPa. 7.5 Mod de ventilare A / C, suspin, SIMV, SPONT, Manual. 7.6 Monitor capacitatea de 1. Volum Tidal: 0 ~ 1200mL. (0 ~ 200ml: precizie de 30ml; volum Tidal altele: precizie de 15%) 2. Presiunea de vrf:. Maxim de presiune cailor respiratorii pacient n timpul unei respiratie pacient (0 ~ 60cmH2O.accuracy 10%)

6. Theory of operation

3. Rata de respiratie total: 4bpm ~ 99bpm. (Rata de 40bpm, precizie alte 1bpm, 5%) 4. Pacient de declanare indicaie. 5. Extern de alimentare indicaie 7.7 capacitatea principal de activitate al Shangrila510 1.Conformitatea sistemului de ventilator: 4mL/100Pa. 2. Ventilator de zgomot: 65dB (A). 3. Electrice n condiii de siguran: satisface cerinele pentru clasa II, de tip B, echipamente specificate n echipamentele electrice IEC60601-1 Medical: Partea nti: cerina general de siguran. 4. Putere: 2 A.

5.Consumul intern a ventilatorului: aproximativ 1.0L/min. Ventilation capability

Tidal volume: 0~1200mL, accuracy: 30mL (below 200mL); 15% (other). A/C breathing rates: 4~99bpm, accuracy: 15%; other 1bpm. SIMV breathing rates: 4~40bpm, accuracy: 15% I:E Ratio: 2:1 to 1:4, accuracy: 15% Oxygen concentration: 48%~100% Trigger sensitivity: -2~0kPa, accuracy: 50Pa (above -0.5kPa); 10% (other)

NOTE All dates are base on a NTPD (20,1013hPa, dryenvironment.

Patient system

Combined with breathe valve and 1.1m screw tubing. Compliance: 10ml/kPa, and expiration resistance: 0.6kPa/L/s, (For adult use a velocity of flow at 60L/min for children at 30L/min) the cavum is 12mL.

Size and Weight

Size: Height Depth Width (mm): 175170300 Weight: 3.5Kg approximately

Safety Value

Not more than 6KPa.

6. Theory of operation

Ventilation Mode

A/C, Sigh, SIMV, SPONT, Manual.

Monitor capability

1. Tidal Volume: 0~1200mL. (0~200mL: accuracy 30mL; other Tidal Volume: accuracy 15) 2. Peak Pressure: Maximum patient airway pressure during a patient breath. (0~60cmH2O.accuracy 10) 3. Total Breathing Rate: 4bpm~99bpm. (Rate 40bpm, accuracy 1bpm, other 5) 4. Patient trigger indication. 5. External power supply indication

Main capability of the Shangrila510

1. The compliance of the ventilator system: 4mL/100Pa 2. Ventilator noise: 65dB(A). 3. Electric safe: Meet requirements for Class II, Type B, equipment specified in IEC60601-1 Medical Electrical equipment: Part one: General requirement for safety. 4. Power: 2 A. 5. The internal consume of the ventilator: about 1.0L/min.

Special icon, nameplate and graph on the ventilator

7.8 pictogram special, plcua de identificare i grafic pe ventilator Tabelul 7 1 pictogram special i Graficul pe ventilator

Table 7-14 Special icon and graph on the ventilator Sign Position Front panel Description Logo of manufacturer.

Rear panel

Position of buzzer.

6. Theory of operation

Figure 7-24 Nameplate and sigh under the ventilator

6. Theory of operation

1 . Asamblarea pentru indicarea funcionrii ventilaie, de ventilaie, de obicei, legtura de cauzalitate pentru alarm. 1 Assemble for ventilation, operation indication for ventilation, usually causation for alarm. Note: Dont use the ventilator without supervising.

Not: Nu folosii ventilatorul fr supraveghere.

Figure 7-25 Internal battery replace window sign 1.Internal nlocuii bateria fereastr semn: deschide pentru a nlocui bateria intern. 2.Nameplate de ventilator, includ o mulime de informaii. Not: ncrcare i descrcare la fiecare 3 luni. 1Internal battery replace window sign: open to replace the internal battery. 2Nameplate of ventilator, include lots of information. Note: Charge and discharge every 3 months.

External power supply

extern de alimentare 1. 230 V, 50 ~ 60 Hz, +12 V alimentare vehiculului. Baterie intern: nichel-hidrogen baterie DC12V, 1.8Ah/20HR (10 de ore pentru un timp minim de ncrcare). 2. Sursa de alimentare pentru ventilator de peste 3 ore la o stare normal de lucru. Pentru a prelungi durata de via a bateriei interne, Aeonmed sugereaz faci o descrcare i ncrcare de cel puin o dat la 3 luni . Descrcarea de gestiune: taie alimentarea extern i de alimentare de pe ventilator pn cnd alarma baterie are loc. ncrcare: Conectai sursa de alimentare extern (prin adaptor AC). 1.2 Mediul de operare Temperatura: 0 ~ 40 C; Umiditatea relativa: 85%;

6. Theory of operation

Presiunea atmosferic barometric: 70 ~ 110kPa avertisment Folosind ventilator la un mediu de dincolo de obligaia de mediul de operare poate provoca volumul mareelor i presiune cailor respiratorii inexacte, att de mult ca ventilatorul nu poate funciona. 1.3 Precizia de volum a mareelor despre presiunea de schimbare (VT = 700ml)

1. 230 V, 50~60 HZ, +12V Vehicle Power Supply. Internal battery: Nickel- hydrogen battery DC12V, 1.8Ah/20HR (10 hours for minimum time charging). 2. Supply power for the ventilator over 3 hours at a normal work condition. For prolonging the life-span of the internal battery, Aeonmed suggests you do a discharging and charging at least every 3 months . Discharge: Cut off the external power supply and power on the ventilator until the low battery alarm takes places. Charging: Connect external power supply (through the AC adaptor).

Operating environment

Temperature: 0~40C; Relative Humidity: 85%; Atmospheric pressure barometric: 70~110kPa Warning Using ventilator at a environment beyond the operating environment requirement may cause the tidal volume and airway pressure inaccurate, so much as the ventilator can not work.

The accuracy of tidal volume about pressures changing (VT=700mL)

Pressure P1=100kPa P2=100.5kPa P3=101.5kPa P4=103kPa P5=106kPa Tidal volume 700mL 696.517mL 689.655mL 679.612mL 660.377mL accuracy 0% 0.5% 1.5% 3% 6%

6. Theory of operation

Name Description Code manufacture corporation Aeonmed Aeonmed Aeonmed CE symbol _ _ _ CE

Main unit O2 Inlet pipe Fillet Mask Breathe valve Bag AC adapter

Full name: Shangrila510 510(E) ventilator White ,2m silica gel Big model One patient use 1L 12V 3A 510(E).3 WJ137

REF35-40-205 VBM, Germany 71007 50420300 MW4012 69-16110/1100 M22/22

Galemed, Tai CE Wan, China Dongguan, CE China ELPAC, CE Shenzhen VBM, Germany CE

Whorl output 1.1m, silica gel pipe Battery

HY Ni-MH: AA1800mAh 12V; 52X15X145mm in KAN AA(49) the Main unit

Kaien, zhejiang, CE China


6. Theory of operation


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