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Set 1

C++ programs to implement the following using an array, Stack ADT

Set 2
C++ programs to implement the following using an array, Queue ADT

Set 3
Write C++ programs to implement the following using a singly linked list, Stack ADT

Set 4
Write C++ programs to implement the following using a singly linked list, Queue ADT

Set 5
Write C++ programs to implement the deque (double ended queue) ADT using a doubly linked list and an array.

Set 6
Write a C++ program to perform the following operations: Insert an element into a binary search tree.

Set 7
Write a C++ program to perform the following operations: Delete an element from a binary search tree.

Set 8
Write a C++ program to perform the following operations: Search an element into a binary search tree.

Set 9
Write C++ programs that use recursive functions to traverse the given binary tree in Inorder, write display and

create method also. Set 10

Write C++ programs that use recursive functions to traverse the given binary tree in Inorder, write display and

create method also. Set 11

Write C++ programs that use recursive functions to traverse the given binary tree in Inorder, write display and

create method also. Set 12

Write C++ programs for the implementation of bfs and dfs for a given graph.

Set 13
Write C++ programs for implementing the following sorting method : Merge Sort

Set 14
Write C++ programs for implementing the following sorting method: Heap Sort

Set 15
Write a C++ program to implement all the functions of a dictionary (ADT) using hashing.

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