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SF6 Gas insulation for transformer, what is the advantage over oil?

Most transformer insulation that I heard of are dry-type (air) and oil-immersed. I just recently read of the Mitsubishi SF6 insulated transformer. How is this different from dry-type and oil-immersed? What is the advantage of using SF6 over the two? Disadvantages of oil-filled transformer are generally they are prone to leakage, the oil is an environmental hazard in the event of spillage, and oil has a low flash point in the event of fire. While for dry type, its disadvantages are extremely high cost, cooling system is very poor, no-load losses are high, operating temperature may reach 120 degrees C, and the ability to withstand overload is significantly poor. Advantages of using SF6(Sulfur Hexafluoride) transformer: a. Nontoxic, nonflammable and noncorrosive - have a excellent advantage over oil-filled transformer. b. Excellent thermal conductivity. High heat transfer permits lower operating temperatures unlike dry-type with high operating temperature. c. SF6 gas are abundant, readily available and low-cost. Thus transformer offer less cost than drytype of the same size. d. Chemical composition has properties to minimize contact wear and maintenance. e. Has excellent dielectric strength.

Just some clarifications: As per MSDS SF6 can be dangerous at 1000ppm? How can it be non-toxic? It has a lot of advatages over oil and dry type transformer, then why is it not widely used in the industry? Literally speaking yes it is still toxic but compare with other insulation it has very low is not still used mainly because its significantly expensive..

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