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Conflicting perspectives come about when two or more different viewpoints are put forward about a situation, event

or personality. Conflicting perspectives are portrayed in The justice Game: chapter 4 Michael X on Death Row by Geoffrey Robertson and Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn by Grant Morrison, Frank Queitly and Phillip Tan through the use of primary sources, recounts, animalistic conations, pessimistic language, repetition, lighter shades, colours, acute angles and writing tone. The law in countries around the world is said to be humane, just and final in the modern day world but back in Trinidad in the 1970s the law about keeping prisoners on death row was not seen as humane or just but it was final. The conflicting perspectives are shown through the use of different writing techniques which provided the evidence so the reader is able to detect them. The different sections of the Trinidad constitution like in section two state the provided that no law shall impose or authorise the impose or authorise of cruel or unusual treatment or punishment while section 3 said section 2 shall not apply in relation to any that is in force to any that is in Trinidad at the commencement of the constitution. The use of the primary source allow for the reader to see how Trinidad positions itself on how prisoners should be kept on death row and then make a judgement on where they stand with the law. Robertson positions himself quickly about how he thinks the the death penalty was in itself a cruel and unusual punishment and that any significant period of time spent on here (death row) was the cruellest of punishments. Robertson uses the case study of Michael de Freitas, also known as Michael X who was a black power prophet of the black sixties movement and how he was charged with the murders of people in his group, to explain what life on death row is like for a prisoner. Death warrants were read on Thursdays, between 2pm and 4pm. The inmates spent those hours in a state of terror, straining to hear the creak of the door through which the prison governor entered when there was a warrant to be proclaimed positions the reader with a sympathetic view point towards how the prisoners are treated on death row. Animalistic connotations are portrayed with references to the zoo-keeper, rarest specimen and fingers scratching through the wire of cages to show how the prisoners on death row are treated like animals. The use of the recounts and animalistic connotations create sympathy for the prisoners treatment on death row. Roberts attempt to create a sympathetic view point towards the prisoners treatment and Michael X continues as the story moves along. Michael X adds to the sympathetic view points by saying to Robertson to continue the crusade against the laws as it would offer hope to others event though the state would hang him no matter whatever happens. Michael de Fretia was eventually hung in 1975. Geoffrey Roberts continued his fight with the law for a further twenty years. Then in 1990 Jamaican Judges started to make constitutional guarantees of human rights to prisoners on death row and that after a set time period on death row they could elect when they wanted to be put to death.

In "Batman and Robin: Batman reborn" by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Phillip tan use pessimistic language, repetition, lighter shades and colours that contribute to the audiences idea that professor pyg wants to achieve his goal of changing Gotham city into his idea of perfection. At the start of 'Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn Part three: mommy made of nails' robin steps into the entry of pyg's hideout, he hears a cry out from one of pyg's latest forced transfigurations but ends up being captured by the rest of pyg's dollotrons so that pyg can transform him into a dollotron as well. When pyg is standing in front of robin husbands consist of linear lines that come together to form numerous angles that along with light shades and colors. Though out the the text Morrison repeats the word perfect over and over again and in conduction with pessimistic language to reinforce thT "NOTHING'S EVER GOOD ENOUGH!" "you can do better!" "dollotron after perfect dollotron, and it's always the same". through the use of pessimistic language, repetition, linear lines, lighter shades and colors the reader is able to see the pyg is stereotypically speaking not normal but with the techniques listed above the reader is able to deduce that pyg is dedicated to his cause of changing everyone to his idea of perfection. Morrison, Quitely and tan demonstrate robins disgust towards professor pyg's idea of perfection because of his morals, which can be seen through the use of acute angles and harsh writing tone. The lines that make up robin throughout the scene are all linear that come together to form acute angles which show Robins disgust towards professor pyg's plan of turning him into a dollotron. 'you just redefined wrong' is a demonstration of how Morrison has used harsh writing tone to demonstrate robins views regarding professor pygs plan. Through the use of the acute angles and harsh writing tone the reader can see that robin shows disgust to pygs plan of turning everyone into his idea of perfection because of his morals of right and wrong that have been embedded into him throughout his life.

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