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HUFFMAN MINIMUM REDUNDANCY CODES -------------------------------(A Brief Summary)

Symbol or sequence of symbols associated with a given message-message code entire number of messages which might be transmitted-message ensemble meaning of code for each message of ensemble-ensemble code N (E) P(i)=1 i=1 N=number of messages, P(i)probability of ith message Length of a message L(i) is the number of coding digits assigned to it average message length is N = L av = (E) P(i)L(i) i=1 minimum redundancy code-an ensemle code which yields the lowest possible average message length minimum redundancy code=optimum code basic restrictions -----------------***a-no two messages will consist of same arrangement of coding digits ***b-there will be no extra indication for starting or ending of message, once t he starting point of sequence of messages is known. ###shannon n fano developed ensemble coding procedures to prove that the avg num ber of binary digits required per message approaches from above the average amou nt of information per message### an optimum code can never have a smaller length for a given message code than th e more probable code denying the above condition, we can reduce the averge message length by interch anging the codes for the two messages mentioned. same probability messages with different code lengths, can have their codes inte rchanged without changing the average code length. P(1) >= P(2) >= ... >= P(N-1) >= P(N) and ***c) L(1) <= L(2) <= ... <= L(N-1) <= L(N)

to keep the Lav constant, it is necessary for an optimum code that L(N)=L(N-1).. and also,,

***d) it is necessary that atleast two (no more than D) of the codes with lengt h L(N) have identical prefixes of order L(N)-1..(have codes which are alike exce pt for their final digits.) also,, ***e) all possible sequences of L(N)-1 digits must be used either as message co des or have one of their prefixes used as message code

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