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Virtue #3 (Name of Presenter)

This is the experience from the YW Personal Progress Book.

3 Prepare to be worthy to enter the temple and to participate in temple ordinances. Read Alma
chapter 5. Make a list of the questions Alma asks. Answer the questions for yourself, and make a list of the things you can and will do to prepare yourself to be pure and worthy to enter the temple and receive all the blessings our Heavenly Father has promised His beloved daughters.

The Personal Progress Marathon is on Wednesday, January 26th. Class schedules will be as follows: 6:00 6:25 1st class 6:30 6:55 2nd class Opening Exercises (aka Break Time ) 7:20 7: 45 3rd class 7: 50 8:15 4th class 8:15 8:30 Refreshments and get Personal Progress Book signed off by leader
The number of classes you will need to teach will depend on the number of girls that sign-up for your class. I will have the girls sign up on Wed, Jan 5th and Sun, Jan 9th. So, by Jan. 10th I should have the number of girls attending your class and how many classes you will be needed. Please let me know if certain class times work better for you. Thank you so much for helping our Young Women grow and become closer to our Heavenly Father by passing off these Personal Progress experiences. This will be an activity they will always remember. Thanks again,

Ashley Lewis

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