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E v e n i n g Wo r s h i p

Prelude When We Walk with the Lord arr. Anna Laura Page Hymn # 245 At Calvary CALVARY Hymn # 611 On Jordans Stormy Banks PROMISED LAND Prayer and Reflection Praise Songs How Great Thou Art Days of Elijah Message Bob Wiley Benediction

Hapeville First Baptist Church

612 College Street Hapeville GA 30354-1716

Bob Wiley, Pastor 770.826.9133 Tom Howard, Minister of Music/ Financial Administrator 404.245.9272 Sue Harris, Secretary Kay McWatters, Organist Charlie Clark, Building Superintendent

Office hours: 8:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Mon - Thurs Phone: Fax: Email: 404.767.8211 404.762.7363 Website:

CCLI number 1332575

Bobbie Taylor, Nursery Worker

M o r n i n g Wo r s h i p
We gather to worship . . . Greetings and The Church Program Bob Wiley, pastor Prelude Grand Choeur George F. Handel Call to Worship What a Mighty God We Serve arr. Ken Barker Hymn # 258 Blessed Redeemer REDEEMER (please stand) Invocation Steve Darrow Deacon of the Week (please be seated) Hymn # 251 Lead Me to Calvary DUNCANNON Worship Sequence Responsive Reading #8 Hymn # 164 No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus WEIGLE

April 3, 2011

Hymn #165 In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came HE LIFTED ME Offertory Prayer Usher (please be seated) Offertory There is a Redeemer arr. Mark Kellner Message God So Loved the World Bob Wiley, pastor Hymn #399 Let us Break Bread Together BREAK BREAD Celebration of The Lords Supper Benediction Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Postlude Bourre Leopold Mozart

We depart to serve . . . ................................................. We welcome everyone today, and we rejoice that you have chosen to worship with us. We pray that you have experienced the presence of God and a warm welcome from our church family during our worship time together. We hope that you will return to worship with us again. .................................................

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