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1. Kata sifat ARE WERE 2. K.Benda

3. K.Keterangan Tempat/waktu


4. K. Kerja I + ing = sedang...


5. K. Kerja III yang WAS Berarti di./ter

Pada bab ini dijelaskan bahwa TO BE bentuk sekarang yaitu: am, is dan are dan TO BE bentuk lampau yaitu: was dan were hanya bisa diikuti oleh lima kelompok kata di bawah ini, yaitu: 1. Adjective (kata sifat), contoh: diligent (rajin), patient (sabar), stupid (bodoh), greedy (rakus), crazy (gila), angry (marah), hungry (lapar). 2. Noun (kata benda) contoh: Arman, a teacher (seorang guru), a president (seorang presiden), a driver (seorang sopir), an engineer (seorang insinyur), a book (sebuah buku), etc. 3. Adverb of place/time (kata keterangan tempat / waktu) contoh: in school (di sekolah), at supermarket (di pasar swalayan), outside (di luar), in classroom (dalam kelas), in Pagatan (di Pagatan) at eight oclock (pada jam delapan) , etc. 4. K.K. I + Ing (kata kerja bentuk I + ing) contoh: smoking (sedang merokok), writing (sedang menulis), speaking (sedang berbicara, swimming (sedang berenang). 5. K.K. III (kata kerja bentuk III) yang berarti di/ter... contoh: invited (diundang), called (dipanggil), amused (terhibur), killed (terbunuh), written (tertulis ).


1. A D J E C T I V E


Kata sifat adalah kata yang memberi penjelasan pada kata benda. Adjective cocok dengan TO BE bentuk sekarang (am, are, is) dan lampau (was dan were.) Adjective yang bertemu dengan TO BE umumnya TO BE tidak diterjemahkan. Contoh kalimat: 1. He is clever. (=Dia pintar.) 2. Yesterday afternoon, my elder sister was aware of her mistake.(=Kemarin sore kakak perempuan saya sadar akan kesalahannya.) 3. We are anxious about operation. (=Kami khawatir dengan operasi.) 4. Two days ago, we were welcome to use the car. (=Dua hari yang lalu kami diperbolehkan memakai mobil itu.) 5. His parents are very religious. (=Orang tuanya sangat agamawan.) >> Catatan: Untuk kalimat menyangkal tambahkan not di belakang TO BE dan untuk kalimat bertanya pindahkan TO BE di depan subjek atau kata ganti orang. Contoh Kalimat: 1. Is she clever? (=Apakah dia pintar?) 2. He is not clever. (=Dia tidak pintar.)


Cocok dengan TO BE bentuk sekarang dan bentuk lampau. Noun yang bertemu dengan TO BE biasanya tidak diterjemahkan dan terkadang diterjemahkan adalah Contoh kalimat: 1. He is a lawyer. (=Dia adalah seorang pengacara.) 2. They are bricklayers. (Mereka tukang batu.) 3. My father is a doctor while my mother is a nurse. (=Ayah saya adalah seorang dokter sedangkan ibu saya adalah seorang perawat.) 4. Three years ago, my elder sister was a student of Lambung Mangkurat University, and now she is a nerve specialist. (= Tiga tahun yang lalu kakak perempuan saya adalah seorang Mahasiswa Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, dan sekarang dia seorang dokter ahli syaraf.) 5. It is a wolf. (=Itu seekor srigala.) >> Catatan:

3 Untuk kalimat negative (kalimat menyangkal) tambahkan not di belakang TO BE dan untuk kalimat interrogative (kalimat tanya) pindahkan TO BE di depan subjek.


Adverb adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan yang lain dan juga kadang menjelaskan suatu kalimat. Pada bahasan ini hendaknya dipahami bahwa kata keterangan tempat dan waktu bisa dipertemukan dengan TO BE. Kata keterangan yang bertemu dengan TO BE biasanya diterjemahkan ada atau berada. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini! 1. He is in the mosque. (= Dia ada di mesjid.) 2. My wifes uncle and my friends younger sister were in Banjarmasin two months ago. (= Pamannya istri saya dan adik perempuannya teman saya itu berada di Banjarmasin dua bulan yang lalu.) 3. The carpenter was on the roof of Mr. Amin Roys home yesterday afternoon. (Tukang kayu itu ada di atas atap rumah bapak Amin Roy kemarin sore.) 4. We are at Kusan Berjuang course now. (= Kami berada di kursus Kusan Berjuang sekarang.) 5. It is half past two. (=Lewat tiga puluh menit jam dua.) 6. It is two oclock. (=Jam dua.).

4. V E R B + I N G

( S E D A N G)

Cocok dengan TO BE sekarang yaitu: AM, ARE, IS dan TO BE lampau yaitu: WAS and WERE. Verb + ing (kata kerja bentuk ing) ini diterjemahkan sedang/sementara mengekspresikan aktivitas yang sedang terjadi sekarang atau pada suatu kurun waktu tertentu. Contoh kalimat: 1. He is smoking now. (=Dia sedang merokok sekarang.) 2. They are writing some letters now. (=Mereka sedang menulis surat.) 3. She was studying English when you came. (=Dia sedang belajar bahasa Inggris ketika kalian datang.) 4. We are thinking about our future life. (Kami sedang memikirkan masa depan kami.) >> Catatan: Untuk kalimat menyangkal tambahkan NOT di belakang TO BE dan untuk kalimat bertanya pindahkan TO BE di depan subyek (kata ganti orang). Contoh kalimat negative (kalimat menyangkal) 1. They are not (arent) writing any letters right now. (=Mereka tidak sedang menulis surat sekarang.)

4 2. She is not reading a magazine now, but She is reading a novel. (=Dia tidak sedang membaca majalah tetapi dia sedang membaca sebuah novel.) 3. They were not listening to classical music this morning. (= Mereka tidak sedang mendengarkan musik klasik tadi pagi.) Contoh kalimat interrogative (kalimat bertanya) 1. Are they writing any letters right now?.(=Apakah mereka sedang menulis surat sekarang?) 2. Were you reading a magazine yesterday morning when I called you? (=Apakah kamu sedang membaca sebuah majalah kemarin pagi ketika saya menelponmu? ) 3. Were they studying English when you came? (=Apakah mereka sedang belajar bahasa Inggris ketika kalian datang?) 4. Is your wife cooking now?.(=Apakah istrimu sedang memasak sekarang?)

5. V E R B III

(kata kerja bentuk III)

Cocok dengan TO BE present dan past. Verb III ini manakala berhadapan dengan TO BE cara menerjemahkannya memberi awalan di../ter.. pada Verb III tersebut. Contoh kalimat: 1. This business letter was written by my aunt this morning. (=Surat bisnis itu ditulis oleh tante saya tadi pagi.) 2. This book is written by Mr. Hengki. (=Buku ini ditulis oleh Pak Hengki.) 3. There were born in Batulicin. (Mereka dilahirkan di Batulicin) 4. My old motorcycle is being painted by my uncle. (= Sepeda motor tua saya sedang diperbaiki oleh pamannya.) 5. The robbers were shoten last night (= Perampok perampok itu tertembak tadi malam.) EXERCISE II Betulkan kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan bila kata tersebut salah. Dan tulislah huruf T bila dianggap sudah betul 1. My classmates is very clever 2. Are your father a doctor? 3. They is in the office last night 4. Asmar and Zul live at. Ayani street no.1 5. Are your brother invited to have a lunch 6. My parents is watching TV now 7. Your dictionaries is on the table 8. Are their sister in the dining room? 9. My father was at home now 10. I like studying English. It was easy. 1. ....are....................... 2. .is.......................... 3. ........................... 4. ........................... 5. ........................... 6. ........................... 7. ........................... 8. ........................... 9. ........................... 10. ...........................

5 Translate Into English the Sentences Below 1. Apakah teman mereka sibuk? 2. Paman kami sangat malu. 3. Apakah dia mengantuk? 4. Saya tidak cemburu. 5. Itu bukan sebuah paku tapi itu adalah jarum 6. Itu bukan surat kabar tapi itu adalah majalah. 7. Apakah dia seorang dokter gigi? 8. Dia bukan seorang pemimpin. 9. Kami bukan wartawan tapi kami adalah pengacara 10. Ayah saya berada di Pagaruyung minggu lalu. 11. Zulkifli tidak berada di Pelajau sekarang tapi dia berada di Sebamban. 12. Mereka biasanya diajar bahasa Inggris oleh Pak Hengki. 13. Mereka sedang diajar Akuntansi oleh Ibu Ratna. 14. Mereka selalu berada di Pagatan. 15. Apakah ayahmu sedang bermain tenis. 16. Kami selalu didenda. 17. Lelaki itu terbunuh tadi malam.

TO DO (DO, DOES, DID) dipakai untuk membuat kalimat menyangkal dan kalimat bertanya, tidak dipakai untuk membuat kalimat biasa (positive). TO DO ini hanya bisa berhadapan dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama murni tanpa embel-embel di belakangnya. Untuk mencermati Subyek yang cocok dengan TO DO, perhatikanlah bagan di bawah ini! Sekarang I YOU WE THEY THE EMPLOYEES MY FRIENDS YOUR FRIENDS OUR FRIENDS THEIR FRIENDS HIS FRIENDS OLIS AND ATI Lampau

DO Verb 1 (murni) hanya dipakai DID untuk bertanya dan menyangkal



1. Does he play football every Sunday afternoon? (=Apakah dia bermain sepak bola setiap minggu?) 2. Do they always go to school on foot? (=Apakah mereka selalu berjalan kaki ke sekolah?) 3. Did Ratna go to the zoo yesterday? (Apakah Ratna pergi ke kebun binatang kemarin?) 4. Did the dog bark loudly last night ? (= Apakah anjing itu menyalak dengan keras tadi malam?) 5. Does the Inn contain fifteen rooms (= Apakah penginapan itu memiliki lima belas kamar?) 6. Yuliani doesnt love you. (=Yuliani tidak mencintai anda.) 7. Did Dedi meet you last night? (=Apakah Dedi menemui kamu tadi malam?) 8. Anang doesnt always finish his work well. (= Anang tidak selalu menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan baik?)

>> Catatan : Untuk kalimat positif, yang menggunakan subyek seperti: she, he, Ratna, Olis, paman dan it, maka kata kerjanya akan mengalami perubahan sebagai berikut: a. Pada umumnya, kata kerjanya hanya ditambah huruf s Contoh kalimat: 1. He works in the yard every morning (=Dia bekerja di halaman setiap pagi) 2. Ratna reads some newspapers every Sunday morning (= Ratna membaca beberapa surat kabar setiap minggu pagi) b. Tetapi kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan : -es, -ch, -sh, -x, dan o bukan huruf s yang ditambahkan melainkan es Contoh kalimat: 1. He passes my house every week. (= Dia melewati rumah saya setiap minggu.) 2. Mis Eta finishes her work well. (Nona Eta menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan baik.) 3. My uncle fixes his motorcycle every three months. (= Paman saya memperbaiki sepeda motornya setiap tiga bulan.) 4. Mr. Hengki teaches us English three times a week. (= Pak Hengki mengajar kami bahasa Inggris tiga kali seminggu.) 5. His younger brother sometimes goes to school on foot (=Adik laki-lakinya kadang-kadang berjalan kaki ke sekolah.) 6. Jhon does her homework everyday. (=Jhon mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya setiap hari.) c. Kata-kata yang berakhiran dengan huruf y dan didahului oleh huruf mati. y diganti dengan i kemudian ditambahkan dengan es. Contoh Kalimat: - Study = Roy studies English - Carry = Mr. Jaka carries a box - Fly = The bird flies in the sky d. Kata- kata yang berakhiran dengan y dan didahului oleh huruf hidup, langsung ditambah s di belakangnya. Contoh: - Play = The boy always plays football in front of his house. - Buy = My wife buys new dress every month.

8 EXERCISE II Betulkan kata-kata yang bergaris bawah pada titik-titik jalur kanan bila kata tersebut salah. Dan tulislah huruf T bila dianggap sudah betul 1. Do your brother go to office everyday ? 2. My friends doesnt speak Banjarese at school 3. We dont go to the hospital last night. 4. My boy friend dont like tea 5. Dani dont want to go to the movie 6. This car dont belong to you 7. Do your friends like cigarette ? 8. Mr. Medi and I doesnt live in a dormitory 1. ............................. 2. ............................. 3. ............................. 4. ............................. 5. ............................. 6. ............................. 7. ............................ 8. .............................

9. Does she watch Sinetron Disini ada Setan last night 9. ............................. 10. Does their father have a motorcycle 10. .............................

Translate into English these following sentences! 1. Apakah ibu mereka selalu membuat kue dadar? 2. Siapa yang kamu tabrak tadi malam? 3. Robin digiring ke penjara minggu lalu. 4. Apakah dia mencintai anda? 5. Dia tidak sering mendengar lagu-lagu Pop. 6. Apakah ayahmu membaca surat kabar setiap pagi? 7. Ibuku tidak selalu mengeluh. 8. Apakah anda berbahasa bugis ? 9. Apakah pacarnya suka makan Bakso? 10. Apakah anda menghadiri Pesta Laut di Pagatan setiap tahun?





Cocok dengan Kata Kerja Bentuk III


To Have (have, has, dan had) cocok dengan kata kerja bentuk III, tidak cocok dengan kata kerja bentuk I dan II. To Have yang ditambahkan BEEN setelahnya cocok dengan : (1) Noun (kata benda), (2) Adjective ( kata sifat ) (3) Adverb of place/time (kata keterangan tempat/waktu) (4) Verb I + ing, (kata kerja bentuk I + ing) (5) Verb III (kata kerja III), contoh: written (ditulis), eaten (dimakan), punished (dihukum) Etc. Berikut kata kerja bentuk III yang berhadapan dengan To Have yang tidak ada BEEN nya. Contoh Kalimat: 1. Arman has written a letter for you (=Arman telah menulis surat untuk anda) 2. Have you had your dinner already ? (= Sudahkah anda makan malam?) 3. You had slept when we came. (=Anda sudah tidur ketika kami datang.) 4. I have saved a lot of money, and now I can buy a new car (= Saya telah menabung banyak uang dan sekarang saya dapat membeli sebuah mobil baru.) Juga perhatikanlah kata sifat, kata benda, kata keterangan tempat/ waktu. Kata kerja I + ing dan kata kerja bentuk III yang diletakkan BEEN di depannya, seperti pada contoh kalimat berikut :




Contoh Kalimat: 1. She has been very busy lately (= Akhir-akhir ini dia sudah sangat sibuk) 2. They have been ill for three months (= Mereka telah sakit selama tiga bulan) 3. You have been late (= Kamu sudah terlambat) 4. You had been ill before he came here (= Kamu sudah sakit sebelum dia ke sini) Contoh Kalimat: NOUN 2. BEEN diterjemahkan sudah menjadi

1. She had been a doctor before I became a teacher ( = Dia sudah jadi seorang dokter sebelum saya menjadi guru). 2. They had been doctors when they went abroad. (= Mereka sudah jadi dokter saat mereka ke luar negeri) 3. I hadnt been a businessman when I went to Australia at the time. (= Saya belum jadi pengusaha saat saya pergi ke Australia) 4. She has been a professor (= Dia sudah jadi profesor) 3. BEEN ADVERBS OF PLACE/TIME diterjemahkan berada atau ada

Contoh Kalimat : 1. We had been in Surabaya when they came from Makassar (=Kami sudah berada di Surabaya ketika mereka datang dari Makassar) 2. I had been here since two hours (= Saya sudah berada di sini selama dua jam) 3. Had you been in Aceh when it was devastated by Shunami earthquake (= Apakah kamu sudah berada di Aceh ketika daerah itu diguncang oleh gempa tsunami ?) 4. We have been in Batulicin for three months (= Kami sudah berada di Batulicin selama tiga bulan) 4. BEEN V ERB + ING sedang ..

Contoh kalimat : 1. They have been learning English since seven oclock (=Mereka telah sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sejak jam delapan) 2. She had been being sick two week when we went to America (=Dia sudah sakit selama dua minggu ketika kami pergi ke Amerika) 3. Angga hadnt been studying English at Kusan Berjuang course when Mr. Hengki came from Banjarmasin. (= Angga belum belajar bahasa Inggris di Kusan Berjuang kursus ketika Pak Hengki datang dari Banjarmasin) 5. BEEN VERB III diterjemahkan di ./ter

Contoh Kalimat :

11 1. The letter has been written by Wira (=surat itu telah ditulis oleh Wira) 2. The book had been copied by him before we came home (= buku itu telah dipotokopi oleh dia sebelum kami pulang ) Berikut jenis kata keterangan frequency dan kata keterangan lainnya yang sering disisipkan diantara TO HAVE (HAS, HAD) dan kata kerja bentuk III yaitu: Already Just Ever Never Sometime Occasionally Often Always Almost Penggunaan dalam kalimat : = sudah = saja = pernah = tidak pernah = kadang-kadang = sekali-sekali = usually = selalu = hampir

1. ALREADY (Sudah)
Dipakai dalam kalimat positif dan interrogative dan letaknya sebelum verb III atau pada akhir kalimat. Contoh : 1. I have already posted the letter = I have posted the letter already. (=saya telah memposkan surat itu) 2. Roy has finished his work already = Roy has already finished his work. (=Roy telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya)

2. YET (Belum)
Dipakai dalam kalimat menyangkal dan kalimat tanya. Dan letaknya pada akhir kalimat. Contoh Kalimat: 1. I havnt seen the film yet (=saya belum melihat filem itu) 2. Havent you read the book yet? (= belumkah kamu baca buku itu ?)

3. JUST (Saja)
Letaknya sebelum kata kerja III Contoh kalimat : 1. I have just received a short massage of hers (=Saya baru saja menerima SMS-nya) 2. They have just arrived. (=Mereka baru saja tiba)

4. EVER AND NEVER (Pernah/Tidak pernah)

Letaknya sebelum kata kerja EVER dipakai dalam kalimat positive dan kalimat tanya, sedangkan NEVER dipakai dalam kalimat positive. Contoh kalimat :

12 1. Have you ever gone to Surabaya? (=Sudah pernah ke Surabaya) 2. Has she ever come here? (=Sudah pernah ke sini) 3. I have never smoke in class.(= Saya belum pernah merokok di dalam kelas)

5. SOMETIMES (Kadang-kadang)
Dipakai dalam kalimat positive dan interrogative dan letaknya sebelum Verb III. Contoh kalimat : 1. I have sometimes been late (=Saya kadang-kadang datang terlambat) 2. Have they sometimes come here?. (=Apakah mereka kadang-kadang datang ke sini ?)

EXERCISE V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Saya belum melihat dia sejak bulan Januari Apakah anda sudah tinggal di Tanah Bumbu sejak 2003? Dia sudah selalu menelpon saya Sekarang jam 3, tapi kami belum makan siang Saya belum mendengar dari dia sejak bulan lalu Saya sudah mendengar dari dia sebelum berangkat ke Australia. Anda telah ketinggalan kereta api dan sekarang anda harus menunggu kereta api berikutnya. 8. 9. Kami telah menjawab lima pertanyaan dari pak Hengki hari ini Pamannya sudah jadi dokter.

10. Staf-staf Pemkab. Tanah Bumbu sudah berada di Gedung serbaguna. Mereka 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. menunggu bapak Bupati.

Kami telah menunggu anda selama 1 jam Pak Bupati sudah sangat sibuk akhir-akhir ini. Wanita itu sudah sangat cantik Pembunuh keluarga tetangga saya sudah ditembak mati Materi pelajaran ini sudah dijelaskan oleh Mr. Hengki .







Modal Auxiliary berhadapan dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama murni, yang tidak mendapat tambahan s dan es sesudahnya, dan perlu diingat kata kerja tersebut tanpa to. Modal auxiliary tersebut bisa diikuti oleh kelima kelompok kata yang sudah dijelaskan pada bab terdahulu tetapi sebelumnya diletakkan BE. Contoh Kalimat : 1. She will be rich. (= Dia akan kaya.) 2. She will be a nurse. (= Dia akan jadi perawat.) 3. She will be in Pagatan at 10 oclock (=Dia akan berada di Pagatan pada jam 10.) 4. She will be studying English at Kusan Berjuang Course at 4 oclock p.m. (= Dia akan belajar bahasa Inggris di Kusan Berjuang pada jam empat sore ) 5. They will be taught English by Mr. Hengki Berikut kalimat modal auxiliary yang tidak mengikuti kaidah yang semestinya. Contoh:

1. Salah = She can to speak English fluently Benar = She can speak English Fluently. (= dia dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan lancar.) 2. Salah = He must works hard Benar = He must work hard. (=Dia harus bekerja keras.) Penggunaan modal auxiliary >> Diingat!!!

14 Dalam sebuah kalimat tidak boleh ada dua buah modal auxiliary, berikut contoh kalimat yang menggunakan dua buah kata bantu modal, sehingga kalimat berikut ini adalah kalimat yang salah: I must can speak English well (=Saya harus dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik) Mestinya : I must be able to speak English well.


CAN Can dipakai untuk menyatakan : 1. Kesanggupan atau kemahiran seseorang. Contoh Kalimat : 1. She can sing beautifully. (=Dia dapat menyanyi dengan merdu) 2. We can speak English well. (= Dia dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik) 3. She can drive a car. ( = Dia dapat mengendarai mobil dengan cepat) 2. Minta izin Contoh Kalimat : 1. Can I borrow your book ? (=Bisakah saya meminjam buku anda ?) 2. Can I come to your house ? (=Bisa saya datang kerumah anda?) 3. You can go home now (= anda bisa pulang sekarang) 4. Can I go to the party with you to night ? (=Bisa saya pergi kepesta itu dengan anda sebentar malam ?) 3. Kemungkinan 1. She can be at home at noon. (=Dia mungkin berada di rumah pada siang hari.) 2. He can be ill (Mungkin dia sakit.) 4. Untuk menyatakan suatu Power /Ability atau Kemampuan / Kecakapan. Dalam hal ini CAN mempunyai pengertian yang sama dengan know how to (=Tahu bagaimana caranya), dan dapat digantikan oleh to be able to. Contoh Kalimat : = Rince can sing a song very well = Rince is able to sing a song very well = Rince knows how to sing a song very well. COULD Could selain digunakan untuk kata ganti lampau dari can juga dapat digunakan untuk menghaluskan suatu permohonan dan memberikan kesan sopan dari pada can. Contoh kalimat : 1. Could you give me a favor? 2. Could you help me a moment? 3. Could you hand me that book ?

15 4. Could you spare me a few minutes? 5. Could I go with her?


Kedua kata kerja bantu ini dapat digunakan untuk: 1. Menyatakan suatu PERMISSION (pemberian izin). Dalam hal ini MAY atau MIGHT dapat dipergantikan dengan TO BE PERMITTED TO atau BE ALLOWED TO (boleh / diizinkan).

Contoh Kalimat : = You may go home now (= Kamu boleh pulang sekarang) = You are allowed to go home now = You are permitted to go home now. MIGHT MIGHT ini adalah lampau dari MAY Contoh Kalimat : = He said we might stay here last night (Dia berkata kita bisa tinggal di sini tadi malam). = He said we were allowed to stay here last night. = He said we were permitted to stay here last night. 2. Menyatakan suatu Possibility/Probability atau suatu kemungkinan. Dalam hal ini yang lebih keras daripada MIGHT. 1. Susi looks pale, she may supper from Anemia. (Susi nampak pucat, kemungkinan besar dia menderita anemia). 2. I dont remember where I put my key, I may leave it at home. NOTES: MAY dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pengharapan atau kemungkinan (Wish). Dalam hal ini kata kerja bantu MAY ditempatkan pada bagian kalimat depan. Contoh Kalimat : 1. May God bless you. (= Semoga tuhan memberkatimu) 2. May you success in your life ( = Semoga kamu sukses dalam menjalani hidup ini.) 3. May God always forgive you (= Semoga Tuhan selalu mengampunimu.) 4. May all your dreams become true. (= Semoga mimpi-mimpimu menjadi kenyataan.) 5. May all the happiness be with you (= Semoga kebahagiaan bersamamu.) 6. May you enjoy good health. (= Semoga kau sehat walafiat.)


Kata kerja bantu ini digunakan untuk : 1. Menyatakan Necessity/Compulsion keharusan. atau suatu keperluan/

Contoh Kalimat: : 1. You must obey this regulation. (= Kamu harus mentaati aturan ini.) 2. You must study hard of fail the exam (= Kamu perlu belajar dari kegagalan pada ujian itu.) 2. Menyatakan tujuan atau niat yang sudah pasti. Contoh Kalimat : 1. I must repair my car before I go (= Saya harus memperbaiki mobil saya sebelum saya pergi.) 2. I must marry the girl, in all risk ( = Saya hurus menikahi gadis itu, apa pun resikonya.) 3. Menyatakan tugas atau kewajiban. Contoh Kalimat: 1. We must pay the income tax to the government. (=Kamu harus membayar pajak kepada pemerintah.) 2. You must pay your debts (= Kamu harus membayar semua utangmu.) 3. All students must do the their homework. (= Semua siswa harus mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya) 4. Menyatakan suatu keyakinan yang kuat pada suatu fakta . Contoh Kalimat: 1. Hi, you look so happy today, you must have much money. (= He..., kamu nampak sangat bahagia, kamu pasti punya banyak uang.) 2. She has beautiful wife, he must be happy (= Dia mempunyai istri yang cantik, dia pasti bahagia) 3. She must be in hospital by this time. (= Dia pasti berada di rumah sakit sekarang.) 5. Bentuk Must not (mustnt) untuk menyatakan larangan. Contoh Kalimat: 1. You mustnt smoke. (=Kamu tidak boleh merokok.) 2. You mustnt go alone. It is too risk (= Kamu tidak boleh pergi sendirian. Itu terlalu beresiko.) 3. You mustnt smoke near gasoline tank. (Kamu tidak boleh merokok di dekat tangki bensin.) Notes: MUST saat digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keharusan bisa dipergantikan dengan have to; Contoh kalimat: Must Have to

17 We terjadi) know whats going on (kami harus tahu apa yang sedang


Must Has to

return this book to the library

Contoh kalimat: 1. Hi, you looks so happy today, you must have much money 2. She beautiful wife, he must be happy 3. She must be in hospital by this time Bentuk MUSTNT digunakan untuk menyatakan larangan: Contoh Kalimat: 1. You mustnt smoke here ( Kamu dilarang merokok di sini ) 2. You mustnt go alone. It is too risk ( Kamu jangan pergi sendirian. Itu sangat beresiko) 3. You mustnt smoke near gasoline tank. (Kamu dilarang merokok dekat tangki bensin)


WILL WILL mempunyai beberapa kegunaan, yakni: 1. Menyatakan keadaan atau kegiatan yang akan terjadi. Contoh Kalimat: 1. I will go to Surabaya tomorrow 2. The examination will begin on Monday 2. Menyatakan permintaan secara halus atau sopan. 1. Will you help me, please? 2. He will you come in, please? 3. Will you go to mosque with me? 3. Menyatakan janji atau tekad yang akan dilakukan Contoh Kalimat: 1. I will ask her when I see her 2. He will do better on next time. WOULD Would mempunyai beberapa kegunaan, yakni: 1. Sebagai bentuk lampau will dan kegunaan dalam jalinan kalimat lampau: Contoh Kalimat:

18 1. He said that he would come in time (dia berkata dia akan datang tepat waktu) 2. You promised me that you would buy me a new car 3. I knew that she would come yesterday 4. He would buy that house, but he had not much money. 2. Would digunakan pula dalam menyatakan perintah atau permintaan secara lebih halus dari pada will. Contoh Kalimat: 1. 2. 3. 4. Would you opeh your book, please? Would you give this book to Anis? Would you like something to drink? Would you like some coffee?

NOTES: Untuk menjawab would you like . please, dipakai salah satu di antara ungkapan berikut : 1. Sure, I will 2. Okey , I will 3. of course, I will 4. All right 5. Yes, I will. 6. Why not. Ect.


SHALL Shall digunakan untuk menyatakan : 1. berarti akan dalam bentuk future tense. Contoh kalimat: 1. I shall go to London tomorrow. (Saya akan pergi ke London besok) 2. We shall buy a new motorcycle next week. (Kami akan membeli sebuah motor baru minggu depan) Catatan : Dalam British English, untuk subyek I dan We dipakai SHALL dan untuk selainnya yaitu You, She, He, They digunakan WILL. 2. Menawarkan bantuan Contoh kalimat: 1. Shall I open window? 2. Shall I make coffee for you? 3. Janji (perjanjian)


Contoh Kalimat: 1. I shall meet her tomorrow. 2. You shall have a motorcycle. SHOULD Should mempunyai beberapa kegunaan yakni: 1. Untuk menghaluskan suatu permintaan atau permohonan. Contoh: 1. You call me Johari. Thats is not my name. You should call me Jauhari 2. You dialed 46667; but it should be 47766 3. Should dapat juga menyatakan suatu Weak Obligation atau kewajiban yang lemah. 2. Keharusan atau yang seharusnya dilakukan. Dalam hal ini pengertian Should sama dengan Ought to (=seharusnya). Contoh Kalimat: 1. You should do your homework everyday (=You ought to do your homework everyday) 2. You should come to this party earlier (= You ought to come to this party earlier) 3. He should be more careful (= He ought to be more careful) 4. You should do what I told you (=You ought to do what I told you) 3. Bentuk lampau dari Shall Contoh kalimat: 1. He said that he should go home right away. 2. I told that lady I should be in her house a little late. 3. We informed her that we should take her to a movie.

Digunakan untuk menyatakan pengertian kebiasaan atau perbuatan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang pada masa lampau, tetapi kebiasaan ini tidak lagi dilakukan. Contoh: 1. She used to sing when she was young. (Dia biasa menyanyi ketika ia muda) 2. He used to cry when he was a child. ( Dia biasa menangis ketika ia masih kecil) 3. She used to come here every week. (Dia biasa datang setiap minggu) Bentuk kalimat tanya dan kalimat menyangkal dapat menggunakan kata bantu DID, biasa juga tidak. Contoh Kalimat:

20 1. 2. 3. 4. Used you to sleep after lunch? Yes, I used to/ No usednt to. She usednt to sleep after lunch. Did you use to sleep after lunch ? No, I didnt / Yes I did. She didnt use to visit me regularly.

Need adalah kata kerja yang berarti perlu yang dapat digunakan sebagai kata kerja bantu, terutama membuat kalimat negatif dan jawaban dari pertanyaan dengan must. Contoh kalimat: 1. I must go now (positif) (=Saya harus pergi sekarang). 2. I neednt go now (negatif) (=Saya tidak boleh pergi sekarang). Bukan :I musntt go now. Karena kalimat ini berarti : Saya melarang pergi sekarang). 3. Must I go now ? hendaknya dijawab : NO, you neednt atau yes you must (=haruskah saya pergi sekarang ? ) (Tidak, kamu tidak boleh pergi, ya kamu boleh pergi).

10. DARE
DARE mempunyai arti berani (have the courage to) dapat digunakan sebagai : 1.Kata kerja bantu Contoh Kalimat: 1. He dare go there alone 2. Dare she do it 3. I dare not to climb the tree Tidak memakai S untuk orang ketiga tunggal untuk kalimat nomor 1, Bukan S H E / H E D A R E S 2. Kata kerja biasa Maka kalimat tanya dan negatif menggunakan Auxiliary Verb. Contoh kalimat: 1. She doesnt dare to go there alone. 2. Does he dare to come alone ? 3. I dont dare to come alone. Dalam bentuk Past Tense, DARE terkadang dipakai untuk kalimat tanya dan kalimat menyangkal. Contoh kalimat: 1. He dare not to go alone yesterday = (He didnt dare to go alone) 2. Dared he go there alone? Atau = (Did he dare to go? ) EXERCISE VI 1. Bisakah saya datang kerumah anda? 2. Dia Mungkin ada di rumah pada siang hari

21 3. Mungkin ia sakit 4. Saya akan pergi ke Kotabaru besok pagi 5. Dia lelah, dia sebaiknya beristirahat 6. Kamu sakit, kamu sebaiknya ke dokter 7. Dia akan dihukum mati sebelum ia melarikan diri. 8. Maukah saudara pergi ke sana? 9. Saya mau makan 10. Saya lebih suka menjadi dokter daripada menjadi seorang guru 11. Anda dilarang merokok di dalam kelas. 12. Kamu kemarin harus berjumpa dengan saudara perempuanku. 13. Dia biasa menangis ketika ia masih kecil. 14. Dia berani pergi sendirian ke sana 15. Kemarin saya pergi sendirian ke teater itu. 16. Mereka harus membayar semua utang-utangnya kepada saya. 17. Semoga Allah selalu menunjukimu jalan yang lurus. ATURAN TEORI KUNCI PERTANYAAN BAHASA INGGRIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What What book Whose Whose book Which Am.......... Are ......... Is ........... was ....... were ...... 1. Adjective 2. Noun 3. Adverb of place time 4. Verb I + ing sedang 5. Verb. III = di......

6. Which book 7. Who 8. Whom (Who) 9. Where 10. When 11. Why 12. How (keadaan/cara) 13. How old 14. How many times 16. How many books 17. How much 18. How much wine

Do ......... Does ..... Did ........

Verb I

Have ...... Has ........ Had ........ Will ....... Shall ........ Can ........ May ....... Must ...... Should ... Might ...... Could ..... Would ....

Verb III

Verb I

22 Semua kunci pertanyaan di atas tidak bisa digunakan dalam kalimat tanya tanpa diikuti langsung oleh salah satu dari keempat kelompok kata bantu berikut ini, yaitu: TO BE, TO DO, TO HAVE, MODAL AUXILIARY Contoh kalimat: Salah Betul Salah Betul Salah Betul Salah Betul : Why you always cry ? : Why do you always cry ? (=Mengapa kamu selalu menangis ?) : Where you were you born : Where were you born (= Dimana anda lahir ?) : What she has done ? : What has she done? (= Apa yang sudah dia lakukan?) : Whose son they will invite? : Whose son will they invite ? (=Putranya siapa yang mereka akan undang ?) dan e.t.c. : Who you did call yesterday? : Who did you call yesterday ? (= Siapa yang kamu panggil kemarin?)

Salah Betul

Pengecualian Kata-kata who, what.., which..., whose..., manakala digunakan untuk menanyakan Subyek maka kata-kata tersebut langsung diikuti kata kerja. Contoh : Salah Betul

: Who did call you yerterday ? : Who called you yesterday? kemarin).

(= Siapa menelpon


Salah Betul

: Whose daughter do love you ? : Whose daugther loves you? ( = Putrinya siapa yang mencintai kamu). : Which man do like you very much ? : Which man likes you very much ( Lelaki mana yang sangat menyukai kamu ) : What does make you disappointed ? : What makes you disappointed ? (Apa yang membuatmu

Salah Betul

Salah Betul kecewa).



POLA POKOK A. PERNYATAAN Ali is here B. n , PERNYATAAN Ali isnt there C PERINTAH Stop that noise , , , , Tag -? Isnt he Tag-+ Is he Will you? Will you?

, ,

Lets ......... (Ajakan) D Lets go

, ,

Shall we Shall we

Penjelasan: QUESTION TAG adalah pertanyaan singkat yang ditambahkan pada akhir kalimat/pernyataan yang dalam bahasa Indonesia terkadang diterjemahkan bukan?, Maukan? Tooo?. Ciri-cirinya adalah: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bila pernyataan Positif (+), maka question tag-nya harus Negatif (-) Bila pernyataan Negatif (-), maka tag-nya harus positif (+) Subyek dalam question tag harus pronoun Jika statement menggunakan kata kerja bantu maka ia harus diulang dalam tag-nya. 5. Jika statement tidak menggunakan auxiliary maka pakailah do, does, did dalam tag-nya Berikut uraiannya: 1. Pernyataan Positif, Tag-nya Negatif Contoh kalimat:: 1. You are a student, arent you? (Kamu seorang siswa bukan? 2. You were in Pagatan last week, werent you? (Kamu tidak berada di Pagatan minggu lalu bukan?) 3. She is studying English now, isnt she? (= Dia sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang, bukan?) 4. They are being taught English by Mr. Hengki, arent they? (= Mereka sedang diajar bahasa Inggris oleh Pak Hengki bukan ?)

24 5. She likes drinking tea, doesnt she? (=Dia suka minum teh, bukan ?) 6. They have met you, havent you? ( = Mereka telah menemui kamu, bukan?) 7. Ninis will leave, wont she? ( =Ninis akan berangkat, bukan?)

2. Pernyataan Negatif, Tag-nya Positif Contoh kalimat : 1. You are not a nurse, are you ? (=Kamu bukan perawat, bukan) 2. You dont like tea, do you? 3. They havent left, have they? 4. You were not busy, were you? 5. He was not at home, was he? 6. Ali seldom goes to school, does he? 7. She is never late, is she? 8. There is nothing to do now, is there? 3. Tag Harus Menggunakan kata Ganti (Pronoun). Contoh : 1. Mr. Jhohari is in, isnt he? 2. The ladies are friendly, arent they? 3. That is your cat, isnt it? 4. This is her, isnt it? 5. That is your cat, isnt it? PENGECUALIAN: Kata There yang ada pada pernyataan tetap menggunakan There pada Tag-nya. Contoh: 1. There were a lot of people at the party, werent there? 2. There is a book on your table, isnt there? Kata-kata these, those dan kata benda jamak, seperti books, pens harus menggunakan They pada Tag-nya. Contoh Kalimat: 1. Those are your pens, arent they? 2. These are mine, arent they Kata-kata everybody, everyone, somebody, none, someone, neither harus menggunakan They pada tag-nya.

Contoh kalimat: 1. 2. 3. 4. Everybody is ready, arent they? Nobody is absent, are they? None of them cried, did they? Neither she nor you went, did they? (Baik dia maupun kamu tidak pergi, bukan?)Etc.

25 4. Auxiliary yang ada pada pernyataan diulang pada taq

Contoh Kalimat : 1. They are sick, arent they? 2. He wont go, will he?


pada pernyataan positif diganti

dengan ARE pada

Tag-nya. Contoh Kalimat : I am late, arent I ? I am not late, am I ? 5. Statement tanpa auxiliary menggunakan do, does, dan did pada tag-nya Contoh Kalimat : 1. You write a letter every month, dont you? 2. She speaks English everyday, doesnt she ? 3. They went to Pagatan last week, didnt they? 6. Perintah/ajakan memakai tag will Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. Come here tomorrow, will you? Be carefull, will you ? Lets read loudly, shall we ? Lets study, shall we ?.


There is & there are berarti ada. There is diikuti kata benda tunggal (Singular Nouns) atau kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (uncountable Nouns). There are diikuti kata benda jamak (plural noun ) atau kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Contoh kata benda tak dapat dihitung (Uncountable Noun): 1. Beer = bir 2. Gasoline/petrol = bensin 3. Blood = darah 4. Grass = rumput 5. Ccorn = jagung 6. Sand = pasir 7. Powder = tepung/bedak Etc. Contoh kata benda dapat dihitung (Countable Noun): 1. Book = buku 2. Dictionary = kamus 3. File folder = map Contoh kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is a boy in the classroom There is an engineer in the building There is some sugar in the cupboard There are three English books on the table There are two new cars in the garage.


Some berarti beberapa manakala diikuti oleh kata benda yang dapat dihitung (Countable Noun) dan berarti sedikit untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (Uncountable Noun). Some digunakan dalam kalimat positif. Contoh kalimat : 1. He has some English book.(=Dia mempunyai beberapa buku bahasa inggris) 2. She has some money in her pocket. (Dia mempunyai sedikit uang ) 3. I have some English dictionaries. (=Saya mempunyai beberapa kamus bahasa Inggris Any mempunyai arti sama dengan some, tetapi Any digunakan dalam kalimat negative dan kalimat interrogative. Contoh Kalimat :

27 1. He doesnt have any English books. (=Dia tidak mempunyai beberapa kamus bahasa Inggris) 2. Mrs. Santi doesnt have any money in her pocket. (= Ibu Santi tidak mempunyai sedikit uang) 3. Doesnt she have any novels on her table? (=Tidakkah ia mempunyai beberapa novel di atas mejanya) 4. Doesnt Miss Tenri have any friends here? (= Tidakkah nona Tenri mempunyai beberapa teman di sini Pengecualian: Some dapat digunakan dalam kalimat interrogative, jika Si tahu jawabannya pasti Yes. Contoh Kalimat: Do you have some money? Si penanya sudah tahu bahwa kamu punya uang. Jadi jawabannya pasti Yes. penanya


MANY Many berarti banyak dan diikuti kata benda jamak. Many digunakan dalam kalimat negative dan kalimat tanya. Contoh Kalimat : 1. He doesnt have many friends 2. Did he have many apples? Untuk kalimat positif digunakan a lot of Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. MUCH MUCH berarti banyak dan diikuti oleh benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. MUCH digunakan dalam kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya. Contoh : She has a lot of sugar in the cupboard. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada table berikut : Untuk Countable (benda yang dihitung) Some Any Many A lot of Noun Untuk uncountable Keterangan dapat Noun (benda yang tak dapat dihitung) Some Any Much A lot of +, ? -, ? -, ? + He has a lot of friends (Dia mempunyai banyak teman ) They have a lot of money (Mereka mempunyai banyak uang ) We have a lot of milk (Kami mempunyai banyak susu) She has a lot of dictionaries (Dia mempunyai banyak kamus)



Dalam bahasa Inggris kita selalu menghindari pemakaian kata-kata yang sama secara berulang. ONE digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda tunggal yang dapat dihitung (a singular countable noun). Ones untuk menggantikan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung. Contoh Kalimat : 1. This is a blue bag and that is a red bag = This is a blue bag and that is red one. 2. This car is mine, but that car is yours = This car is mine, but that one is yours. 3. These are brown rules and those are yellow rules = These are brown rules and those are yellow ones. 4. These are six pencils, the ones are on the tables, and the four ones are on the chair.

5. FEW & A FEW

Few dan a Few dipakai untuk Countable Nouns (Kata benda dapat dihitung) A few = beberapa Few = tidak banyak (Hampir tidak ada) Contoh kalimat : 1. I have a few dictionaries of English (Saya punya beberapa kamus bahasa Inggris). 2. She has few dictionaries of English (Dia tidak punya banyak kamus bahasa Inggris (hampir tidak ada)).


Little dan a little dipakai untuk Uncountable dihitung) a little = sedikit little = tidak banyak (hampir tidak ada). Contoh : 1. I have a little time 2. I have little time ada) Nouns (Kata benda tidak dapat

= Saya punya sedikit waktu = Saya tidak punya banyak waktu (hampir tidak

Too berarti = terlampau, terlalu Very berarti = amat sangat Too dan very dapat digunakan baik dengan adjective maupun adverb. Dan letak Too serta Very selalu sebelum adjective/verb.


Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. Hasan speaks too rapidly. We cant understand him. The blue jacket is too small. I cant wear it. Olis is very brave student. Ratih speaks English very clearly. We can understand her.

8. ENOUGH (Cukup)
1. Dapat digunakan baik dengan adjective maupun adverb. Dan letak Enough selalu setelah adjective/adverb. Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This book is simple enough. We can understand it. Amir is strong enough. He can lift a big box. Farida wrote sentence clearly enough. We like her. Aminah speaks politely enough. We like her. Enough dapat digunakan sebelum dan sesudah noun.

2. ENOUGH dapat digunakan sebelum dan sesudah noun. Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. enough 4. 5. There are enough apples for the children. There is enough milk for you She will invite us dinner. She has enough food. Atau She has food Have we got enough rice? Do you have enough time to come to my house?

3. ENOUGH Of ... digunakan sebelum article (kata sandang), possessive atau demonstrative, yang pada noun dan juga dapat digunakan dengan pronoun. Contoh kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. Is there enough of the blue material? Is there enough blue material? Have we got enough bread? We didnt buy enough of them.

9. NO- NOT
Mengatakan tidak dalam bahasa Inggris ada 2 cara, yaitu no dan not, tetapi penggunaannya dalam kalimat berbeda. No harus bergandengan tempatnya dengan (sebelum) kata-kata nama sesuatu, seperti orang, barang, tempat, waktu, binatang dan sebagainya. Misalnya : No book (tidak ada buku) No friend (tidak ada teman) No time (tidak ada waktu) No money (tidak ada uang) etc. Contoh kalimat: 1. I have no friend in Pagatan

30 2. 3. 4. 5. She has no money to buy the book. He has no time to come here. No cigarette is completely harmless. No tourist came to Batulicin last week. Ect.

No dapat diganti dengan not any dan artinya tetap tidak berubah. Contoh Kalimat: 1. I have no time to help you = I have not any time to help you. 2. There is no more sugar = There is not any more sugar 3. They have seen nobody = They have not seen any body. Not harus selalu bergandengan (tempatnya) sesudah auxiliary verb (modal) dan tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Contoh Kalimat : 1. I cant not go out today because I have no money. 2. He will not come again.


ALL (=Segenap, semua) dapat diikuti : 1. Bentuk jamak kata benda dapat dihitung. 2. Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Contoh kalimat : 1. All the pencils are black 2. All the children can be naughty sometimes 3. I have all the powder


Also dapat ditempatkan di mana saja dalam kalimat positif, dan kalimat tanya. Dan dalam kalimat negative diganti dengan Either Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. I can do that also. I also can do that. I can also do that. Tetapi, dalam kalimat negatif. I can not do that either.

As well dan Too hanya dapat ditempatkan pada akhir kalimat atau pada bagian akhir suatu kalimat. Dan as well lebih sering dipakai dalam pergaulan sehari-hari. Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. I can do that too. I can do that as well. we have been there too. we have been there as well.



Ketiga kata tersebut berarti lagi, tetapi mempunyai cara menggunakan yang berbeda. Any more dan Any longer digunakan untuk kalimat negative. Contoh Kalimat : 1. Ani doesnt live here any more (Ani tidak tinggal disini lagi). 2. Linda isnt working in this office any longer (Linda tidak bekerja di kantor ini lagi). 3. He promised to come here again (Dia janji datang ke sini lagi). Catatan: 1. No longer =Not any more, digunakan untuk menyatakan ungkapan negatif yang berkaitan dengan waktu. 2. No more, digunakan untuk menyatakan tentang kuantitas atau tingkatan.



Adverbs adalah kata yang menjelaskan : bagaimana caranya, dimana tempatnya, kapan waktunya, berapa kali suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi. Fungsi adverbs yaitu menjelaskan atau memberi keterangan terhadap verbs, adjective, adverbs yang lain atau seluruh kalimat. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada banyak jenis adverb yang sangat penting fungsinya dalam kalimat. 1. Adverb of manner 2. Adverb of place and direction 3. Adverb of time 4. Adverb of degree 5. Adverb of frequency 6. Adverb of quatity 7. Interogative adverb 8. Relative adverb 1. Adverb of Manner adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan bagaimana caranya sesuatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Contoh Kalimat : 1. He sings quickly. ((dia lari dengan cepat) 2. Yuli sings sweetly. (Yuli bernyanyi dengan merdu) 3. She is typing neatly. (dia mengetik dengan rapi) 2. Adverb of Place and direction adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan tempat terjadi dan arah terjadinya tindakan atau peristiwa.

Contoh Kalimat : 1. She will come here again. 2. They will go abroad. 3. I cant find any glasses everywhere 3. Adverb of Time adalah kata keterangan yang waktu terjadinya suatu pekerjaan atau peristiwa. Ada dua macam keterangan waktu: 1. Definite Time (tertentu). Misalnya :Yesterday, now Saturday night, today, tomorrow, lastweek etc. 2. Indefinite time (tak tertentu). Misalnya: recently, soon, already, just, still, nowdays first, next, later,etc. Contoh kalimat : 1. I am studying English now 2. She arrived here yesterday 3. Wira has just finished working.

33 4. Adverb of Degree adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan tingkat, derajat atau seberapa jauh sesuatu hal itu. Ada dua macam adverb of degree, yaitu:

1. Yang menunjukkan how much berkenaan dengan Adjective atau Adverb. Misalnya: very, too, rather (agak), somewhat, (agak,sedikit), extremely (luar biasa sekali), fairly (hampir), exceedingly (sangat)

Contoh kalimat : 1. She become quite angry with me. 2. He always walks rether quickly 3. This coffee is very hot 2. Yang menunjukkan how complete (seberapa sempurna) Misalnya: almost nearly, partially, wholly, utterly, practicall, entirely etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. He has almost finished working. He has now partially recovered form his ill. She completely misunderstood her husband remark. They are practically ready to begin this show. The men were uttery exhausted. ( Lelaki itu amat letih)

3. Adverb of Frequency adalah kata keterangan yang menyatakan frekuensisering tidaknya suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Misalnya: Usually, always, often, sometime, rarely, scarcely, hardly,ever, never etc. Contoh Kalimat : 1. She sometimes come late 2. He always wakes up early 3. He often studies in the night. 5. Adverb of quantity adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan jumlah atau berapa kali suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi.

Contoh Kalimat : 1. She studies English little 2. He has won the price twice. 6. Interrogative Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang membuat pertanyaan. Misalnya: Why, Where, when, How long etc. digunakan untuk

Contoh Kalimat : 1. Where did you buy this book? 2. How didi she come here? 3. Why were you absent yesterday?

34 Relative Adverb adalah kata keterangan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam kalimat. Misalnya: therefore, accordingly, moreover, besides, however, nevertheles, where, why, Contoh Kalimat: 1. She is very busy, accordingly she cant see me. 2. I dont know why he is absent today. 3. They wanted to go out eventough it was rainning (Mereka ingin keluar meskipun hujan)

PHARASE adalah rangkaian kata yang sudah mengandung suatu pengertian, tetapi tidak mempunyai subject dan predicate, dan merupakan bagian dari suatu kalimat. Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. The girl at the door is my sister The book on the table is mine. The man with the red hat is my teacher. The boys in the street are students.

Berdasarkan penggunaannya pharase dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 macam yaitu: 1. Sebagai Noun Pharase. 2. Sebagai Pharase Adjective. 3. Sebagai Adverbial Pharase. Noun Phrase adalah pharase yang digunakan/berfungsi sebagai noun. Contoh kalimat : 1. Dedy went to the store for some books. 2. My new car near the door is old enough. 3. The desk in this room is small. Adjctive Pharase adalah pharase yang digunakan/berfungsi adjective, memberi sifat kepada noun atau pronoun. Contoh Kalimat : 1. The girl with long hair my friend. 2. His success in life began early. Adverbial Pharase adalah pharase yang digunakan /berfungsi sebagai adverbial, yakni menerangkan kata kerja. sebagai

35 Contoh kalimat : 1. He shouted on house top. 2. Udin fishes in the big lake. 3. He put the money into his pocket. Adverbial pharase dapat juga digunakan untuk menyatakan (mengekspresikan) beberapa hubungan; seperti mengekspresikan hubungan waktu (expressing a relation of time), place (tempat),manner(cara), degree (tingkat /derajat), cause (sebab), purpose (tujuan/maksud), condition (syarat), atau concession or contrast (pertentangan). Contoh Kalimat : 1.Expressing a relation of time 1. she has been ill since two days ago. 2. We have been studying English for three years. 2. Expressing a relation of place 1. I live near the school. 2. He hurried into the classroom. 3. The childrens toys were all over the room 3. Expressing a relation of manner 1. He cut it with a knife. 2. She writes an angry letter in red ink. 4. Expressing a relation of degree. 1. I love her very much. 2. You must study English more liligently. 5. Expressing a relation of cause 1. She was injured because of the bus accident. 2. I was late because of the rain. 3. Your father is very angry with you for staying out so late. 6. Expressing a relation of purpose 1. She has come come to tell you the latest news. 2. I leave for Jakarta to buy some books 7. Expressing a relation of concession or contrast 1. In spite of the reain he went out. 2. Regardless of the rain he always brings an umbrella. 8. Expressing a relation of condition. - Well go if necessa. PHARASE dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu: 1. Prepositional pharase 2. Principle pharase 3. Infinitive pharase 4. Gerund pharase Prepositional pharase adalah ungkapan yang mengandung preposisi (kata depan); dan biasanya dapat dipakai/berfungsi sebagai Noun, Adjective, atau Adverb.

36 Contoh Kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. The report will be sent in a few days. He is sometimes angry with his wife. I am sorry for having come late. The traffict sign points to the left.

Principle Pharase adalah ungkapan yang mengandung participle yang biasanya berfungsi sebagai adjective. Contoh kalimat : 1. 2. 3. 4. Not knowing anyone in town he felt very lonesome Having finished his assigment, he went home. Having lost all my money, I went home. Student arriving late will not be permitted to enter the lecture hall (arriving late menjelaskan student). 5. We heard the children crying. Arti atau pengertian dari kalimat yang mengandung participle pharase dapat menunjukkan: 1. Waktu a. After (=setelah) Having finished all the work, she went home. (Sesudah menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan, dia pulang) b. While or when (=ketika) Walking along the street, I met afriend whom I had not seen for long time. (Ketika berjalan sepanjang jalan, saya bertemu teman yang telah lama saya tidak berjumpa). 2. Cause (= sebab) Having worked hard all his life, he decided to take a long vocation. (Karena telah bekerja keras sepanjang hidupnya, maka dia mengambil libur yang panjang).

37 QUESTIONS OR STATEMENTS AND THEIR ANSWERS 1. A. Its nice to meet you kali. (How do you do) B. Pleased to meet you (How do you do) 2. A. Whats your name? B. My name is Olis 3. A How are you? (How are you doing) B. Fine, thanks How about you? 4. A. Have a seat! B. Yes. (Thank you) 5. A. See you later B. Hope so 6. A. Can you help me with this? B. Of course (sure) Why not. 7. A. Thanks B. You are welcome Thats all right) (No problem) 8. A. Excuse me B. Thats O.K 9. A. Im sorry B. Its O.K. 10. A. Congratulations! B. Thank you 11. A. May I close the window? B. Sure. Go ahead! 12. A. How old is he? B. He is thirteen years old (thirteen) 13. A. What year /grade/ semester / are you in? B. Im in the first year / grade / 14. A. How long have you been studying English ? B. For six months (since 1986) 15. A. Where do you live? B. I live on jalan S. Parman I live in Banjarmasin I live at Jalan S Parman number 2 16. A. Excuse me, Id like to ask you a couple of questions B. Sure, go right ahead! What is the problem? 17. A. What day is today? B. Its Monday 18. A. Where have you been? B. I have been outside. Ekspresi ini dipakai bila bertemu pertama Sekali seumur hidup

Siapa nama anda? Nama saya Olis Apa kabar Baik-baik saja Bagaimana anda? Silahkan duduk Terima kasih Sampai jumpa kemudian Semoga Bisa minta tolong ini ? Tentu saja. Kenapa tidak Terima Kasih Sama-sama Tabek, maaf Heee.... eee (tidak apa-apa) Maaf. (merasa bersalah) Tidak apa-apa Selamat! Terima kasih. Boleh saya tutup jendela? Ya silahkan! (Terus!) Berapa usianya? (13 tahun) Kelas /tingkat / semester/ berapa? Kelas / tingkat Saturday Sudah berapa lama anda belajar bahasa Inggris ? Selama enam bulan (sejak 1986) Dimana anda tinggal? Di jalan S. Parman Di Banjarmasin Di jalan S. Parman nomor 2 Maaf saya ingin menanyakan beberapa per tanyaan Apa masalahnya Hari ini hari apa? Hari senin Dari mana anda (baru-baru ini) Dari luar

38 19. A. How did you come here? B. On foot. By car. By ship. 20. A. How do you like living here? B. I like this city very much. Its cold. 21. A. It was nice talking to you. I have to run to class. B. OK, may be we can meet kapansometime soon. 22. A. Yeah! Love to. Why dont you try kalau to drop my house sometime. B. Great. See you soon. 23 A. What time do you usually go to bad at night ? B It is nine thirty. Naik apa datang ke sini Jalan kaki Naik mobil Naik kapal Bagaimana? Senang tinggal di sini? Saya sangat suka kota ini. Dingin Senang sekali ngomong-ngomong dengan anda. Saya ke kelas dulu. Baiklah, barangkali kita bisa ketemu kapan. Ya! Baiklah. Singgah-singgah di rumahku ada waktu! Insya Allah. Sampai jumpa Jam berapa biasanya anda pergi tidur pada malam hari? Jam 9. 30

39 THE LIST OF BASIC STATEMENTS AND QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. How are you (How do you do) (Bagaimana kabar anda ?) May I have your ... (name) please ? (Boleh saya tahu nama anda ?) What is your nickname? (Siapa nama samaran anda?) Where do you come from ? (Anda berasal darimana ?) When and where were you born? (Kapan dan di mana anda dilahirkan ?) How old are you? (Berapa usia anda) What is your height /hait/ ?(Berapa tinggi anda?) What is your weight /weit /? (Berapa berat anda?) Where do you live ? / What is your address? (Di mana alamat anda ?) Do you have a telephone at home? (Apakah anda mempunyai tlp di rumah)? > What is the number? (Nomor berapa?) > Who always calls you most? (Siapa yang paling sering menelpon anda?) 11. Do you know the telephone of airport? (Apakah anda tahu telepon bandara?) 12. With whom do you live? (Dengan siapa anda tinggal?) 13. Is your house far from here? (Apakah rumah anda jauh dari sini ?) 14. Are your neighbours kind and friendly (Apakah tetangga-tetanggamu baik dan ramah) 15. Do you have special group? (Apa anda punya grup khusus?) 16. May I come to your house someday? (Boleh saya datang ke rumah anda di suatu hari?) 17. How can I get your house from here? (Bagaimana caranya saya dapat menemukan rumah anda dari sini?) 18. What bus goes to your house? (Mobil apa yang ke rumah anda?) 19. How much do you pay from here to your home? (Berapa ongkos dari sini ke rumahmu?) 20. Have your friends come to your home? (Pernakah teman anda datang ke rumah anda?) 21. How long have you live there? (Sudah berapa lama anda tinggal di sana ?) 22. Where did you grow up? (Dimana anda besar?) 23. What is your tribe? (Apa suku anda?) 24. What is your nationality? (Anda berkebangsaan apa?) 25. Do you come from a large family? (Apakah anda berasal dari keluarga besar?) 26. Where are you in your family?(Anak keberapa anda dalam keluarga?) 27. How many brothers and sisters do you have? (Berapa banyak saudara laki-laki dan perempuan yang anda punya?) 28. Could you tell me a little about your brothers and sisters? (Dapatkah anda bercerita sedikit tentang saudaramu?) 29. Are your parents still alive?(Apakah orang tua anda masih hidup?) 30. What is your fathers job (Apa pekerjaan ayah anda) 31. How is your father? (Bagaimana kabar ayah anda?) 32. Can you tell me liltle about your parents? (Dapatkah anda menceritakan sedikit tentang ayah anda) 33. Do you love your parents, why? (Apakah anda mencintai orang tua anda?) 34. Do you have plan to get married soon after finishing your study at senior high school/university/ (Apa anda punya rencana segera menikah setelah tammat SMA/University)

40 35. Which one do you like, your parents choice or your own choise? (Yang mana anda suka, pilihan orang tua atau pilihan sendiri?) 36. May I know your fathers job? (Boleh saya tahu pekerjaan bapak anda?) 37. What is your hobby? (Apa hobi anda?) 38. Do you have the other hobby ? (Apakah anda punya hobi lain?) 39. Why do you like it ? (Mengapa anda menyukainya?) 40. How did you come here? (Dengan apa anda kemari?) 41. With whom did you come here? (Dengan siapa anda kemari?) 42. Do you have special group? (Apakah anda punya kelompok khusus ?) 43. What is the name? (Apa namanya?) 44. Do you speak Bugisese? ( Apakah anda bisa berbahasa Bugis?) 45. What is your idea? (Apa cita-cita anda? ) 46. What is your effort to support finding the ideas? (Apa usaha anda untuk mencapai cita-cita?) 47. Are you a student or do you work? (Apakah anda seorang pelajar atau kerja?) 48. Where do you study or do you work? (Dimana anda belajar atau kerja?) 49. Why do you choose? (Kenapa anda memilih sekolah itu?) 50. What is your major? (Apa jurusan anda?) 51. Why do you study English? (Kenapa anda belajar berbahasa Inggris?) 52. What is your opinion about the English Course (Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang kursus bahasa Inggris) 53. Have you ever joined English course before (Sudah pernahkah mengikuti kursus bahasa Inggris sebelumnya?) 54. From where did you get the information of this frogram ( Darimana anda memperoleh informasi mengenai program ini ?) 55. One day you have been able to speak English fluently, what will you do? (Suatu hari anda sudah dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan fasih, apa yang akan anda lakukan?) 56. What do you want to be? (Anda mau jadi apa? ) 57. Do you plan to go abroad (Overseas country)? When and where?(Apakah anda punya rencana pergi ke luar negeri? Kapan dan dimana? 58. What subject do you like best? (Mata pelajaran apa yang paling anda sukai?) 59. What is your last education?(Apa pendidikan terakhir anda?) 60. When and where did you get your elementary, junior, and senior high school? (Kapan dan dimana anda menamatkan SD, SMP, dan SMU?) 61. Can you tell me your schedule of a days activities? (Bisakah anda ceritakan tentang aktivitas sehari-hari anda?) 62. How do you go to the office, campus, or school? (Dengan apa anda ke kantor, ke kampus, atau ke sekolah ?) 63. What time do you get up in the morning? (Jam berapa anda bangun di pagi hari?) 64. Do you usually drink .....(tea)? (Apakah anda biasanya minum.... (teh)?) 65. What do you use to eat in the morning? (Apa yang anda selalu makan di pagi hari) 66. May I know your marital status ? (Bolehkah saya tahu status anda? ) 67. Why dont you get married yet? (Kenapa anda belum menikah?) 68. Do you have a boy (girl) friend? (Apakah anda punya pacar?) 69. Whats the characteristic of the boy/girl do you like ? (Karakter cowok/cewek yang bagaimana yang anda suka?) 70. From what tribe the girl / boy do you like? (Dari suku mana gadis / laki-laki yang anda sukai?) 71. When you will get married? (Kapan anda akan menikah?)

41 72. How many children do you hope? (Berapa anak yang anda harapkan?) 73. What is your religion?(Apa agama anda?) 74. How many religions are there in Indonesia? (Berapa banyak agama di Indonesia?) 75. Do you like playing sport?(Apakah anda suka berolah raga ?) 76. How many times do you play a month? (Berapa kali anda bermain dalam sebulan?) 77. Have you ever been in any competition? (Apakah anda pernah ikut dalam suatu pertandingan?) 78. Do you like playing... (Football)? (Apakah anda suka bermain..... (bola)?) 79. Who is your favorite .. player? (Siapa pemain kesukaan anda?) 80. Do you like going to the movies? (Apakah anda suka pergi ke bioskop ?) 81. Do you know the movies which are there in Kalimantan?( Apakah anda tahu bioskop-bioskop yang ada di Kalimantan ?) 82. How often do you go to the movies a month? (Berapa kali anda pergi ke bioskop sebulan ? ) 83. What film do you like best ? (Film apa yang paling anda sukai?) 84. Why do you like it? (Kenapa anda menyukainya?) 85. What time is the film on ? (Jam berapa filmnya ditayangkan?) 86. How much is a one- way ticket? (Berapa harga tiketnya?) 87. What is your fovorite star film? (Siapa bintang film kesayangan anda?) 88. Do you have television set at home? (Apakah anda mempunyai televisi ) 89. What programs do you like best? (Program apa yang anda paling sukai?) 90. What is your family response?( Bagaimana tanggapan keluarga anda?) 91. Can you tell me the time please? (Jam berapa sekarang?) 92. When is bank open ?(Jam berapa bank terbuka) 93. What is the date today?( Tanggal berapa sekarang?) 94. What is it today?( Hari apa hari ini?) 95. What do you usually do in your spare time?( Apa yang biasa anda lakukan di waktu senggang anda?) 96. Since when did you interest in it?( Sejak Kapan anda tertarik dengan itu?) 97. Have you ever been to Bali / Jakarta? (Pernakah anda pergi ke Bali /Jakarta?) 98. Are you used to living in the cool area?( Pernahkah anda tinggal di daerah yang dingin?) 99. Do you mind if I borrow your book? (Apakah anda keberatan kalau aku meminjam buku anda?) 100. Would you like to...? (apakah anda mau...?) 101. How about .... having lunch together today? (Bagaimana kalau makan siang bersama?) 102. When do you get hungry? (Kapan anda merasa lapar?) 103. You look happy /sad. Why?( Anda kelihatan gembira /sedih. Kenapa? ) 104. Have you had your (breakfast)? (Bagaimana dengan sarapan anda?) 105. When is your breaksfast, lunch and dinner? (Kapan makan pagi, siang, dan malam anda ?) 106. What time do you usually go to bed? (Jam berapa biasa anda pergi tidur?) 107. Where do you go on Saturday night? (Kemana anda pergi pada sabtu malam?) 108. Do you tend to have a certain disease? (Apakah anda menderita suatu penyakit?) 109. Have you visited the doctor? (Sudahkah anda ke dokter?) 110. How much money do you spend on...? (Berapa banyak uang anda habiskan pada...?)

42 111. What is your favorite color, food and drink? (Apa warna, makanan, dan minuman kesukaan anda?) 112. What do you do for a living? (Apa mata pencarian anda?) 113. When did you come to Kotabaru? (Kapan anda ke Kotabaru?) 114. How long are you going to stay in Pontianak? (Berapa lama anda akan tinggal di Pontianak?) 115. When are you going to go to Banjarbaru? (Kapan anda akan ke Banjarbaru?) 116. How far is Banjarmasin from here? (Berapa jauh Banjarmasin dari sini?) 117. Could you tell me, where can I buy...? (Dapatkah anda memberi tahukan dimana saya dapat membeli.......?) 118. What is the bottom price? (Berapa harga pasnya?)



Rina Machinery Works, a joint venture company, specializing in manufacturing high quality hydraulic sawing machines, now develops a new model of complete automatic high-speed hydraulic sawing machine. The machine is capable of high-speed cutting of pipes, steel rods, aluminum pieces, and cutting the work-pieces in only a few seconds. This new model sawing machine can cut off steel pipes of a wall thickness f three inches, leaving smooth, clean and burrless finishes to the cut. The sawing machine is effective because material loss is only 2 mm, and the cutting surface will not heat up. The saw blades are very durable, and they can be easily sharpened if blunt. The company also supplies hand-operated model and semi-automatic model. The new model i.e. complete automatic model is widely liked by customers. The manufacturer also renders after sale service to its customers. Vocabulary sawing machine to saw-sew-sawn machinery works a joint-venture company to develop development developing country developed country underdeveloped country complete (to complete) high-speed to cut steel rod pieces to break into pieces of a wall thickness of 3 inches to leave-left-left smooth clean (to clean) burrless surface effective loss (to lose - lost - lost) to heat up durable blade to sharpen (sharp) easily blunt to supply - mesin gergaji - menggergaji - bengkel permesinan - sebuah perusahaan patungan - berkembang; mengembangkan - perkembangan; pembangunan - negara yang sedang berkembang - negara maju - negara yang belum maju (terbelakang) - lengkap (melengkapi; menyelesaikan) - kecepatan tinggi - memotong - batangan baja - potongan; lembaran - pecah bcrkeping-keping; hancur luluh - setebal dinding berukuran 3 inci - meninggalkan - halus - bersih (membersihkan) - tanpa duri; tanpa sembilu; tanpa memar - permukaan; muka - efektif - kehilangan; kerugian - memanas - tahan lama - daun gergaji - mengasah; menajamkan (ks. tajam) - dengan mudah - tumpul - menyediakan; memberi

44 hand-operated= manually-operated i.e. (id est) is widely liked to render = to provide after sale service - dijalankan dengan tangan - yaitu - disukai secara luas - memberikan - pelayanan purna jual

Answer the following questions in good English 1. What company is Rina Machinery Works? 2. What model of sawing machine is now being developed by R.M.W.? 3. What materials can the new machine cut off? 4. How long can the machine cut off steel pipes of three inches? 5. How does the sawing machine work to the steel pipe? 6. Why is the sawing machine work to the steel pipe? 7. How is the durability of the saw blades? 8. What models of sawing machine does R.M.W. supply? 9. Is hand-operated model mechanically-operated? 10. How do customers like the new model? 11. Is the new model a hand-operated one? 12. Does the manufacturer render after sale service?


There are many types of docks, viz. graving dock or dry dock, slipway, and floating dock. Dry dock is a place for repairs, cleaning and painting of ships bottom, propellers, rudders and other parts below water line. This dock is made of concrete masonry flooring called the basin and strong side walls. The entrance of this dock is closed by means of a gate or removable floating caisson or by a sliding caisson. The flooring has one or more rows of bilges blocks to support the weight of the vessel being docked. The dock is equipped with pumping machinery for removing water. Floating dock is a vessel capable of lifting a ship out of water. This floating dock will keep the ship in such a position for a certain period by means of its own buoyancy. This type of dock constructed of heavy steel also requires considerable amount of painting and maintenance compared to a masonry dock. The other type of dock is a slipway. The ship is completely hauled out of the water by mechanical means for repairs and lower it down subsequently. This slipway is constructed with inclined path of timber or stone, upon which a series of rails are fixed. These rails run up from a sufficient depth of water to the required height above the highwater level. The vessels are supported by suitable carriages which are hauled up or lowered down with the help of winding gear. Offshore dock is a floating dock normally used for medium sized vessels. The dock is moored to buoys or attached to fixed dolphins by means of chains. This dock is very convenient and can be placed alongside ship- repairing workshops. Because of its size, this type of dock can be served by crane placed on the quay. When putting ships in dry docks the preparatory operations (setting of keel blocks) are similar to those described above for floating docks. The only difference is that with floating docks, the ship comes to rest on the keel blocks as a result of discharging ballast from flooding compartments of the dock, whereas in dry docks the ship settles down as the water in the dock is pumped out and the level drops. Docking repairs consist of repairs to the shell plating and framing below the waterline and to the associated installations, fittillgs, and othcr parts, such as rudders, propellers, and stern tubes. Work in dock starts with cleaning the hull of fouling organisms, old paint, and corrosion products. In addition to this, the hull must also be inspected to assess the amount and the character of the repair to be done. Hull cleaning can be carried out manually or mechanically by using, for example, impact devices, sand blasting, wet blasting, water-jet blasting, shot blasting and electrolytic cleaning. Before undocking a thorough inspection of the underwater parts is made, paying particular attention to the repaired regions, to check if any openings have been left or detect other possible omissions.

Vocabulary graving dock = dry dock to dock = to enter into dock to undock slipway floating dock repairs to repairs cleaning - dok kering - naik dok - keluar dok; turun dok - galangan tarik - dok apung - perbaikan - memperbaiki - pembersihan

46 to clean painting to paint ships bottom propeller three-bladed propeller to propel propelling force rudder waterline below is made of concrete masonry flooring basin entrance to enter log entry is closed by means of gate removable to remove caisson sliding caisson row bilges blocks bilge to support weight to weight being docked is equipped with to equip with equipment pumping machinery for removing water capable of lifting capability to lift out of water to keep in such a position for certain period its ownbuoyancy constructed of steel to require to need considerable amount maintenance to maintain - membersihkan - pengecatan - mengecat - dasar (pantat) kapal - baling-baling - baling-baling berdaun tiga - mendorong maju; bergerak maju - tenaga dorong; kekuatan dorong - kemudi arah - garis air - di bawah - dibuat dan - batu cor - lantai - kolam - pintu masuk - memasuki - catatan yang dimasukkan dalam buku harian kapal - ditutup - dengan cara; dengan menggunakan - pintu gerbang - dapat dipindahkan; dapat diangkat - memindahkan; mengangkat - besi penutup pintu dok gali yang dapat terapung dan tenggelam; kaison - kaison dorong (ke samping) - baris; jejer - blok yang menahan bilge selama kapal di atas dock - bagian kapal yang di bawah air yang melengkung sampai ke lunas. - menopang - berat; beratnya - menimbang; berberat - yang dinaikkan ke dok - dilengkapi dengan - melengkapi dengan - peralatan - permesinan pompa - untuk membuang air - mampu mengangkat - kemampuan - mengangkat ke luar dari air - menahan - dalam posisi sedemikian rupa - untuk masa tertentu - daya apung sendiri - dibangun dari - baja - membutuhkan - sangat banyak - pemeliharaan - memelihara; mempertahankan

47 compared to to compare masonry dock completely complete to complete completion to haul out mechanical means to lower down subsequently inclined path timber stone sufficient depth the required weight highwater level carriages tohaulup winding gear normally used medium sized vessel to moor mooring line buoy to attach to fixed dolphin convenient can be placed placement alongside repairing workshop size can be served crane floating crane quay to put ship in dry dock preparatory operations to prepare preparation to set keel block keel similar similarity described the only difference come to rest on as a result of to discharge to discharge cargoes from the ship the battery discharges ballast - dibanding dengan - membandingkan - dok dari bangunan batu - seluruhnya; sepenuhnya - lengkap - melengkapi; selesai - selesainya - menarik keluar - alat mekanis - menurunkan - kemudian - jalan (alur) miring - kayu - batu - cukup dalamnya - berat yang dibutuhkan - tinggi air pasang - alat angkut - menarik keatas - perangkat gulung; alat gulung - lazim dipakai - kapal yang berukuran sedang - menambat; mengikat - dadung kepil; tali tambat - bui; pelampung - mengikat pada; menambat pada - dolfin (tiang tambatan) tetap - enak; menyenangkan - dapat ditempatkan - penempatan - di sisi; di lambung - bengkel reparasi - ukuran - dapat dilayani - kran - kran ngambang - dermaga - menaikkan kapal ke dok kering - pekerjaan persiapan - mempersiapkan - persiapan - memasang blok lunas - lunas kapal - serupa; sama - kesamaan - yang dijelaskan - satu-satunya perbedaan - bertengger pada; duduk pada - sebagai akibat dari - membongkar; membuang - membongkar muatan dari kapal - bateri tidak mengisi - tolak bara; balas

48 flooding compartment whereas to settle down is pumped out level to drop shell plating framing associated installation in association with below fittings such as stern tube to start = to begin = to commence fouling organism corrosion product in addition to to be inspected to inspect = to check = to examine inspector to assess assessment amount = extent character to he done = to be carried out manually mechanically impact device sand blasting water-jet blasting shot blasting electrolytic cleaning to undock a thorough inspection to pay attention particular repaired regions openings have been left out to detect detection possible omission to omit - ruangan yang diisi air - sedangkan - duduk - dipompa keluar - tingkat; tinggi air - turun - pelat lambung; kulit kapal - gading-gading - instalas yang terkait - dalam kaitannya dengan - dibawah - kelengkapan - seperti - bumbung poros baling-baling - mulai - organisme teritip - produk korosi - di samping itu; lagi pula - diperiksa - memeriksa - inspektur; pcmcriksa - menilai - penilaian - jumlah; besarnya - sifat - dilakukan; dilaksanakan - secara manual (dengan tangan) - secara mekanis (dcngan mesin) - alat yang kuat - penyemprotan dengan pasir - penyemprotan dengan air - penyemprotan tembak - pembersihan secara elektrolitik - turun (keluar) dari dok - pemeriksaan yang saksama - memperhatikan - khusus - daerah-daerah yang diperbaiki - lubang-lubang - telah ketinggalan - inendeteksi - deteksi - mungkin - penghilangan; kelalaian - menghilangkan; mengabaikan

Answer the undermentioned questions in good English 1. How many types of dock do you know? 2. What material is dry dock made of? 3. Tell us the function of a propeller.

49 4. What is basin? 5. How is a dry dock closed? 6. What is the use of bilge blocks? 7. How do you remove water from a dry dock? 8. Why can a ship settle on a floating dock? 9. What material is a floating dock constructed of? 10. How is the ship hauled out of water when it wishes to rest oil a slipway? 11. Is a slipway made of masonry? 12. Describe briefly an offshore dock. 13. Why is an offshore dock considered convenient? 14. What repairs must be done to a ship put on a dock? 15. How many methods of cleaning the hull do you know? 16. What will you do before undocking your ship?

Corrosion is a destructive attack on metals which may be chemical or electrochemical in nature. Direct chemical corrosion is due to corrosive environments such as atmospheric oxygen, various gases and also electrolytes, i.e. aqueus solutions of acids, bases, salts, etc., capable of conducting electric current. Accordingly, several fonns of corrosion are distinguished: 1) atmospheric corrosion, that due to oxygen in the air; 2) gas corrosion, that due to some gases; 3) chemical corrosion, that due to reactions between the metal and gases or liquid dielectrics (nonconductors of electric current) such as petrol, oils, resins, etc.; 4) electrochemical corrosion, that due to the action of an electric current. The metals most subject to corrosion are iron and steel. Between 1890 and 1923 world production of steel and iron was 1766 million tons. During this same period 718 million tons of metal, 40 per cent of world production, was destroyed by corrosion. The loss is very large. This is why corrosion control is of pa ra mount importance. The corrosion resistance of metals can be improved by adding alloying elements. Small percentages of copper, silicon, nickel, or chromium added to steel retard corrosion appreciably. Sulphur and manganese, on the contrary, promote corrosion. Corrosion can be controlled by applying oxide films or metal coatings (zinc, lead, copper, tin, nickel, etc.) to the surface. Protection is also provided by coating the surfaces with paints, varnishes or enamels. Smoothly finished or polished surfaces resist corrosion better than rougher surfaces. Because of this, scratches and other surface defects should be removed immediately. Vocabulary to corrode corrosion to destroy destructive to attack - Berkarat; karatan - kb. Korosi; karatan - menghancurkan - kb. bersifat menghancurkan; merusak - menyerang

50 attack chemical in nature elcctrochemical dueto environments atmospheric oxygen electrolytes aqueous solution salts to conduct electric current accordingly form to be distinguished liquid dielectric nonconductors most subject to corrosion iron loss to be of paramount important (to be very important) resistance of metal to retard on the contrary on the other hand reversely to promote corrosion by applying oxide films metal coating to coat lead to provide varnishes enamels to resist corrosion rougher surfaces scratches defect to be removed immediately; promptly - serangan - bersifat kimiawi - elektrokoimia - karena - lingkungan - oksigen udara - elektrolit - larutan air - garam - menghantar arus listrik - karena itu - bentuk - dibedakan - barang cair; cairan - di-elektrik; bahan isolasi (bukan penghantar) - bukan pengantar - kebanyakan mudah kena karat - besi - kerugian; kehilangan - sangat penting - tahannya metal - sangat menghambat - sebaliknya - memperbanyak/meningkatkan korosi - dengan menggunakan selaput oksida - penutupan (pelapisan) dengan metal - menutup; memernis - timah hitam - memberi - pernis - email; pernis; lak - tahan karat; menahan karat - permukaan lebih kasar - goresan-goresan - cacat; celaan - dibuang; dihilangkan - selekasnya; secepatnya

Answer the following questions in English 1. May atmospheric oxygen cause corrosion on metal? 2. Tell us some materials capable of conducting electric current. 3. How many classes of corrosion do you know? 4. Explain briefly the chemical corrosion. 5. Which metal is most subject to corrosion? 6. How many tons was the world production of steel and iron between 1890 and 1923? 7. What do the figures 718 indicate? 8. What was the percentage of metal destroyed by corrosion during 1890 and 1923? 9. How do you improve the corrosion resistance of metals? 10. Tell us some materials that promote corrosion.

51 11. What is the function of coating the metal sjrface with paints or enamels? 12. Why should scratches and other surface defects be removed immediately?

Carbon steel is the general name for alloys of iron and up to 1.7 percent carbon. Steels my also contain some useful additions (chromium, manganese, silicon, tungsten, etc.) and certain harmful impurities (sulphur, phosphorus). In the Soviet Union carbon steels are classed as structural (fluid steels and steels of medium hardness with up to 0.65% carbon) and tool (hard steels containing over 0.65% carbon) Structural steels, in turn, are subdivided into three groups: 1) Steels furnished according to mechanical properties. The steel mnanufacturer must guarantee the prescribed mechanical properties (tensile strength, yield point and elongation); 2) Steels furnished according to chemical composition, for which the prescribed per cent content of given elements must be guaranteed. The above two groups make up ordinaiy steels. 3) Steels of improved quality (quality steels) are furnished according to both chemical composition and mechanical properties. These steels are relatively low in impurities and are more uniform in composition. Carbon tool steels are of two classes: quality and high-quality. The fundamental property of tool steel is its extreme hardness, attained after special heat treatment. Law-carbon tool steels, due to their toughness,are used for the manufacture of cutter picks, chisels, dies, etc. High-carbon tool steels arc made into metal-cutting tools. (The mine Electrical Fitter by Y. Mikheyev and I. Faibisovich-Peace Publisher, Moscow.) Vocabulary carbon steel alloys of iron up to = until addition to add in addition to harniful to harm impurities impure pure tungsten certain sulphur phosphorus to be classed mild steel - baja zat-arang; baja yang dapat disepuh - paduan besi; kadar besi - sampai; hingga - tambahan; penambahan - menambah - selain itu - ks. merugikan - kk. merugikan - ketidak-murnian - ks. tidak murni - ks. murni - wolfram - tentu - sulfur - fosfor - digolongkan - baja lunak

52 medium hardness to contain in turn to be subdivided furnished according to accordingly manufacturer to manufacture = to produce to guarantee to prescribe yield point elongation to elongate composition forwhich the prescribed per cent content ordinary improved quality to improve improvement relatively uniform uniformity fundamental extreme hardness attained treatment heat hot toughness tough cutter pick chisel dies etc. (et cetera) metal-cutting tools - kekerasan sedang - berisi - sebaliknya - dibagi-bagi - diberikan - menurut - demikianlah - pabrik; pembuat - membuat; incnghasilkan - menjamin - menentukan - titik luluh; gerak datar lemah - kb. perpanjangan; keregangan - kk. memperpanjang; mcregang - komposisi - untuk mana - kadar persen yang ditentukan - ks. biasa - peningkatan kualilas - meningkatkan; memperbaiki - peningkatan; perbaikan - secara relatif; relatif - seragam - keseragaman - fundamentil; mendasar - sangat - kekerasan - diperoleh; dicapai - pengolahan; pengerjaan; perlakuan - kb.panas - ks.panas - kekenyalan; kekuatan - ks.kenyal;kuat - pernotong; pisau - palu runcing - pahat - blok bentuk - dsb. - alat-alat pemotong metal

I. Answer the undernientioned questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. Define the words carbon steel. Tell us the subdivision of structural steel. How many classes of carbon tool steels are there? Which type of steel are metal-cutting tolls made of?

II. Translate the above sentences into good Indonesian.


Many desired combinations of the mcchanical properties in carbon steels cannot be obtained by solely changing their carbon content or by heat treatment. Though it raises the tensile strength and hardness of the steel, an increase in carbon content simultaneously reduces plasticity and toughness. Heat treated cutting tools have high hardness, but are very brittle, cannot withstand impact loading, and lose their cutting edges at high speeds because of temperature rise. Moreover, carbon steels quickly rust and are easily attached by acids, base, and other mediums. On the other hand, new properties can be imparted to ordinary carbon steels, by adding some elements such as manganese, silicon, nickel, chromium, copper, tungsten, molybdenum, cobalt, etc. These elements are knows as alloying additions, and the resultant product as alloy steel. Alloy steels arc classed on the basis of the predominant alloying clement into silicon, nickel, chromium-nickel, tungsten, and other steels. Silicon steels arc very elastic and find use in the manufacture of electric machines, transformers and also coil and leaf springs. Manganese steels (with up to 14% manganese) serve for making machine parts subject to rapid wear because of impact and abrasion, for example, rock- crusher jaws, power-shovel buckets, grinding-mill balls. Chromium and chromium-nickel stainless steels, in addition to their high tensile strength, are very resistant to rust and to the action of acids, at both ordinary and elevated temperatures. Chromium-nickel steels are used to manufacture pick boxes and strap links for cutter chains, gears for coalcutting machines, parts for pumps handling acid waters, etc. The alloying of carbon steel with tungsten, chroiniuni and vanadium produces steels which do not change in microstructure and hardness when heated to temperature as high as 6000 C. Cutting tools made from these steels can work at extremely high cutting speeds a characteristic which has given rise to their name: high-speed steels. (The Mine Electrical Fitter by Y. Mikheyev and I. Faibbovich Peace Publisher, Moscow). Vocabulary alloy steel desired properties carbon steel to be obtained solely content heat (hot) treatment though to raise tensile strength hardness hard an increase to increase simultaneously to reduce

- baja paduan - yang diinginkan - sifat-sifat - baja zat arang; baja karbon - diperolch - semata-mata - kadar - kb. panasnya (ks. panas) - pengolahan; pengerjaan; perlakuan - walaupun; meskipun - naik; menaikan - kekuatan tarik - kekerasan - ks. keras - kenaikan - naik; menaikan - bersama-sama; serempak - mengurangi

54 plasticity toughness tough heat treated cutting tools brittle to withstand impactloading to lose edges at high speeds rise to rise moreover to nist to be easily attacked acid bases mediums on the other hand = reversely to be imparted to ordinary by adding elements such as manganes nickel silicon chromium copper tungsten molybdenum cobalt etc. (et cetera) to be classed on the basis of predominant alloying element elastic to find use in the manufacture transformer coil leafspring to serve for making... machine part subject to rapid wear impact abrasion to abrade abrasive cloth rock-crusher jaw power-shovel buckets grinding - mill balls - plastisitas; sifat dapat diremas - kekenyalan; kekuatan - a. kenyal; kuat - perkakas potong yang dikerjakan dengan panas - ks. rapuh - tahan; menahan - beban pukulan - kehilangan - pinggiran - dengan kecepatan tinggi - kenaikan - naik; terbit - lagi pula - berkarat; karatan - mudah diserang - asam - dasar; fondamen - bahan pengikat; bahan pelarut - sebaliknya - diberi; ditanamkan pada - biasa - dengan menambahkan - unsur-unsur - seperti - mangan - nikel - silikon - khrom - tembaga - wolfram - molibdenum - kobal - dsb., dll. - digolongkan - berdasarkan; atas dasar - ks. utama; berkuasa; menonjol - unsur pemadu - ks. elastis - terpakai - dalam pembuatan; untuk membuat - transformator - kumparan; lilitan; gulungan - per daun - berguna (bermanfaat) untuk membuat - suku-cadang mesin - dapat lekas aus; menjadi lekas aus - pengaruh kuat; tubrukan - kb. lecet; kikisan; pengausan - kb. lecet; mengikis - ampelas kertas - gigi penghancur batu - ember penyendok dengan kekuatan - bola-bola pengasah di pabrik

55 stainless steel in addition to to be resistant to rust ordinary tcmperature elevated temperature to manufacture = to produce manufacturer = factory pick boxes strap links cutter chains coal-cutting machine handling acid water vanadium extremely characteristics togivenseto - baja tahan karat; baja anti karat - di samping itu; lagi pula - tahan terhadap karat - temperatur biasa - temperatur tinggi - membuat; menghasilkan - pabrik - peti-peti pengunipul - sambungan sengkang - rantai pemotong - mesin pemecah batu-bara - yang Inenangani air asam - vanadium - sangat - karakteristik; sifat-sifat - menaikkan

Answer the following questions in English 1. Can many desired combinations of the mechanical properties in carbon steels be obtained by solely changing their carbon content or by heat treatment? 2. Does an increase in carbon content raise the tensile strength and hardness of steel? 3. Does an increase in carbon content also raise plasticity and toughness of steel? 4. What advantage and disadvantage do heat treated cutting tools have? 5. Are carbon steels resistant to corrosion? 6. What is alloy steel? 7. Tell us the elements known as alloying addition. 8. How do you class alloy steels? 9. Why are silicon steels widely used in the manufacture of electric machines, transformers and also coil and leaf springs? 10. What type of steel is resistant to rust? 11. Which steels are pick boxes and strap links for cutter chains, gear for coal-cutting machine, parts for pumps handling acid water made of? 12. How do you get steels which do not change in micro structure and hardness when heated to temperatures as high as 600 C. 13. Why are cutting tools normally called high-speed steels?



From tune immemorial mankind has been using the energy of burning fuels, the wind and falling water. However, the extensive possibilities of utilising natural sources of energy became available only during a relatively recent periodat the end of 19th century when, as the result of a series of discoveries and inventions, it became possible to convert the energy of fuels, the wind and falling water into electric power. Electric power can be easily transmitted over considerable distance, converted into mechanical, heat, light or chemical energy and supplied to any number of consumers. Electric power is generated in power stations. The principal machine for producing electric power is the generator, a machine with a revolving rotor. To turn the rotor, some kind of engine or turbine, or, as it is called in power engineering, a prime mover is necessary. Depending upon the kind of energy used by the prime mover, electric power stations are classified as thermal, hydroelectric, and wind power stations. Thermal and hydroelectric power stations are the largest in nuniber and have the greatest industrial significance. Among the thermal electric power plants, the most wide-spread are those in which a steam turbine serves as the prime mover for rotating the generator; these are called steam-turbine power stations. Also to be considered in the thennal steam-turline class are the atomic electric power stations which are requiring ever greater industrial significance and employ, in place of conventional fuels, an atomic fuel from which the heat necessary for changing the water into steam is obtained by utilisimig the energy released during splitting of atomic nuclei. Hydroelectric power stations have prime movers in the form of water turbines and are for this reason called hydroturbine stations. The main generating unit in such stations is a hydrogenerator or water-wheel type generator. (Industrial Wiring by G. Polyakov and A. Kovarsky Progress Publisher, Moscow). Vocabolary generation to generate electric power station from time immemorial mankind energi burning fuel wind falling water however extensive to extend extension possibility possible impossible utilise utility - pembangkitan - generator; dinamo - stasiun tenaga listrik - dari zaman dahulu kala - umat manusia - energi; tenaga - bahan baker pembakar - angin - air terjun - namun; tetapi - luas - memperluas - perluasan - kemungkinan - mungkin - tidak mungkin - menggunakan; memanfaatkan - penggunaan; pemanfaatan

57 natural resource become available relatively recent (ly) century as the result of a series of discoveries to discover invention to invent convert = chande = alter convertion transmit considerable distance supply consumers principal machine for producing revolving rotor turn the rotor turn = revolve = rotate power engineering prime mover depend upon thermal station have the greatest industrial significance significan = important power plant the most wide spread serve as the prime mover for rotating steam turbine condensing station also too be considered consider acquire = get = obtain = gain ever greater employ employee employer in place of conventional fuel for changing be obtained released splitting hydroelectric power station in the form of reason reasonable reasonable price water-wheel type generator - sumber daya alam - menyediakan - relative; agak - baru; baru-baru ini - abad - sebagai akibat dari - suatu rentetan - penemuan (benda) - menemukan - penemuan ilmiah - menemukan - mengubah - konversi; pengubahan - mengirimkan - jarak yang sangat jauh - memasuk - konsumen - mesin induk - untuk menghasilkan - rotor yang berputar - memutar rotor - memutar; berputar - rekayasa tenaga - penggerak utama - tergantung pada - stasiun panas bumi - mempunyai arti penting sangat besar pada - penting - pabrik tenaga; stasiun tenaga - yang tersebar sangat luas - berfungsi sebagai penggerak utama - untuk memutar - turbin uap - stasiun pengembun - juga harus dipertimbangkan - mempertimbangkan - memperoleh - semakin besar - memperkjakan - karyawan - majikan - sebagai ganti dari - bahan baker konvensional - untuk merubah - dapat diperoleh - dilepaskan - pemecahan - stasiun tenaga hidroelektrik - dalam bentuk - alasan - beralasan - harga murah - generator tipe roda yang digerakkan

58 dengan air Answer the following questions in good English 1. What energy has machine been used from time immemorial? 2. When did the extensive utility of natural source of energy become available? 3. Can electric power be easily transmitted over considerable distance? 4. Where is electric power generated? 5. What is a generator? 6. How docs a generator work? 7. How many classes of power stations do you know when seen from the energy used by their prime movers? 8. What type of power stations is widely used by industries? 9. Tell us further the atomic electric power stations. 10. What is the main generating unit in hydroelectric power station?


There are many kinds of hammers, namely: a machinists hammer, a soft hammer, a sledge hammer and a scalling hammer. A machinists hammer is used for hammering hard place of metal, and a soft hammer is used for hammering a finished surface. A sledge hammer is used for. producing heavy blows and a scaling hammer is for removing scales, paints, etc. from metal surfaces. A soft hammer si usually made of plastic, rawhide, brass, or lead. A sledge hammer usually weighs between 5 and 25 pounds. A scalling hammer is also frequently called a chipping hammer. Its edges are slightly rounded. Other hammers are wood hammer, curved claw hammer, ball peen hammer, carpenter hammer and pneumatic chipping hammer. Hold the end of the hammers handle tightly when hammering objects. Never hold the handle close to the hammers head. Most accident in using hammer is caused by loose heads of hammers. In order to avoid accident, make sure your hands are dry of sweat, grease or oil. Oily handle and face of the hammer is also the cause of accident, therefore clean the handle and face before using it.

Vocabulary hand tools - alat-alat tangan

60 hammer machinists hammer soft hammer sledge hammer scalling hammer = chipping hammer to hammer hard place to be used finished surface rawhide to produce heavy blows to remove Scales Paints made of brass lead to weigh frequently to be called edges slightly wooden hammer curved claw hammer ball peen hammer carpenter hammer pneumatic chipping hammer to hold end hammers handle tightly close to hammers head tobe caused loose heads to make sure dry of sweat grease oily handle face cause therefore pound - palu - palu yang lazim digunakan oleh masinis - palu kecil, palu lunak - godam, palu besar - palu ketok, untuk mengupas karat-karat - memukul dengan palu - tempat keras - digunakan - permukaan yang sudah selesai - kulit - menghasilkan - pukulan berat - menghilangkan, membuang - karat - cat - dibuat dari - kuningan - timah hitam - beratnya, menimbang - sering - disebut - pinggir, ujung - sedikit - palu dan kayu - palu yang giginya lekuk - palu yang kepalanya seperti bola - palu tukang kayu - palu ketok dengan angin - memegang - ujung - tangkai palu - erat-erat, kencang - dekat - kepala palu - disebabkan - kepala yang kendor (goyah) - memastikan, meyakinkan - kering dan keringat - gemuk - tangkai yang berminyak - muka - sebab - oleh karena itu - pon (ukuran berat)

I. Answer the following questions 1. Tell us the use of: machinists hammer, sledge hammer, soft hammer and scalling hammer. 2. How many pounds does a sledge hammer weigh? 3. Which materials is a soft hammer made of? 4. Must you hold the handle close to the hammers head when hammering objects?

61 5. Tell us how to avoid accidents when using a hammer. II. Fill in the blank with correct words A soft hammer is usually made plastic. A machinists hammer is used hammering hard place metal. A sledge hammer usually weighs 5 and 25 pounds. You must hold the end the hammers handle tightly when hammering objects. 5. Most accident in using hammers is caused loose heads of hammer. 1. 2. 3. 4. III. Retell the above passage according to your own English.

62 SCREWDRIVER A screwdriver is used for tightening or loosening screws. There are several types of screwdrivers, namely: an offset screwdriver, a ratchet screwdriver, a phillips screwdriver, a machinists screwdriver, a stubby screwdriver and an electricians screwdriver. An offset screwdriver is used for screws located in inaccessible places, and a phillips screwdriver is used for tightening or loosening phillips type screws (screws cut with 4-way slots), whilst a ratchet screwdriver has the same function as a standard screwdriver. The tip or blade of the screwdriver is very hard to hold its shape and resists the shearing action of the slot in the screw. The blade of the screwdriver must always be sharp, and when grinding the blade, its edges must also be flat. The electricians screwdriver is one commonly used by electricians. It is made with insulated handle. In an emergency, the handle of an ordinary screwdriver can be insulated by wrapping it with electricians tape. When using a screwdriver, please hold the objects firmly in a vise and not in your other hand, because slips may cause severe hand injures. Vocabulary screw to unscrew screwdriver offset screwdriver ratchet screwdriver phillips scredriver machinists screwdriver electricians screwdriver stubby screwdriver to drive to tighten to loosen - skrup - membuka skrup - obeng - obeng ofset - obeng dengan roda bergerigi - obeng kembang, obeng bintang - obeng ahli mesin - obeng ahli listrik - obeng bertangkai gemuk mendorong - mengencangkan - mengendorkan

Answer the undermentined sentences in English 1. How do you tighten or loosen screws? 2. Mention the types of screwdrivers! 3. Which screwdriver do you use if you want to tighten or loosen screws located in inaccessible places? 4. Can you use an offset screwdriver to tighten or loosen phillips type crews? 5. Which screwdriver is commonly used by electricians? Translate the following sentences into English 1. Apakah mereka sangat sibuk? 2. Apakah dia sedang memperbaiki mesin itu? 3. Kami tidak kecewa. 4. Bupati Kapuas sangat bahagia 5. Apakah obeng itu ada di atas meja?


Pliers are mostly used for gripping and bending objects. There are many types of pliers, viz, a slip join plier, a side cutting plier, a needle-nose plier, a round-nose plier, an flat jaw plier, etc. A slip join plier is also referred to as a combination plier. A side cutting plier is used in electrical work to strip the insulation from the wire, and a needle-nose plier is used in tight space or corners, where the ordinary types of plier does not fit.


Vocabulary Pliers a pair of pliers mostly to grip to bend slip join pliers needle-nose pliers side cutting pliers round-nose pliers flat jaw pliers etc (etcetera) to strip to insulate insulation wire tight space corner does not fit - tang, sepit - sepasang tang - kebanyakan - memegang - membengkokan - tang anti slip - tang berujung runcing - tang dengan sisi untuk memotong - tang berhidung bundar - tang bergigi datar - dll - mengupas, menguliti - menyekat - sekatan, isolasi - kawat - ruang sempit - sudut - tidak cocok.

I. Answer the following questions in English: 1. 2. 3. 4. Which plier do you use to grip and bend objects? Give the synonym of a slip join plier. Tell us the use of a side cutting plier. Which plier do you use in tight spaces or corners when the ordinary types of plier does not fit?

II. Fill up the blank with correct words

65 Pliers are mostly used gripping and bending objects. There are many types pliers. A slip join plier is also referred as a combination plier. A side cutting plier is used electrical work. A needle-nose plier is used spaces or corners when the ordinary types plier does not fit.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

III. Translate into good English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bagaimana anda mengencangkan skrup ini? Dapatkah anda mengebor pelat ini? Apa gunanya tang? Mana tang anda, yang ini atau yang itu? Di mana Amin menaruh obeng saya? Dengan apa dia membuka sekatan kawat? FILE Single-cut files are used for cutting, smoothing, removing small amount of metal, or sharpening tools. However, for quick removal of metal and rough work, double-cut files must be used. Files are distinguished as follows: a square file, a triangular file, a round file, a half-round and a flat file. When filing soft metal, do not rock .the file up and down like a see-saw. The student or apprentice must know the correct position and method of holding the file. Pressure must be given on the forward stroke only, since the teeth of the file or the cutting edges are pointed towards the end of the file. No cutting action will be produced on the return stroke, but it tends only to make the teeth dull.

Pins (smalls particles of the metal remaining between the file teeth) sticking too hard may cause the file to scratch the metal that is being worked on. Use a file card or a stiff brush to clean them out. For safety purpose, never use a file without a handle. If you want to order a file, you must mention the length, type and shape, for example: 12, single- cut, smooth, flat. Vocabulary

66 file to file single-cut file to cut to smooth sharpening tool rough to distinguish square file triangular file flatfile to rock up and down see-saw to hold forward stroke since teeth cutting edge pointed I toward No cutting action will be produced on the return stroke to tend tendency dull pins particle to remain to stick to scratch scratches being worked out File card stiff brush to brush to clean safety purpose handle to order to mention length shape to shape - kikir - mengikir - kikir dengan pemotong tunggal - memotong - menghaluskan - alat untuk mengasah - kasar - membedakan - kikir persegi-empat - kikir segi-tiga - kikir datar - menggoyang - ke atas dan ke bawah, naik turun - ungkitan - memegang - depan - tekanan - karena - gigi-gigi - sisi pemotong - runcing - kearah - Pemotongan tidak akan dihasilkan pada - langkah-balik. - cenderung - kecenderungan - tumpul - serbuk - bagian terkecil, partikel - tinggal, tersisa - menempel. - menggores - goresan - yang sedang dikerjakan - kertas kikir - keras, kaku - sikat - menyikat - membersihkan - keselamatan - maksud - tangkai - memesan - menyebut - panjangnya - bentuk - membentuk

I. Answer the following sentences in English 1. 2. 3. 4. What is the use of single-cut files? Which file do you use for quick removal of metal and rough work? How do you distinguish files? Tell us the method in filing soft metal.

67 5. 6. 7. 8. Explain the word pins. How do you clean pins on the file teech? May we use a file without a handle? What must you mention when ordering a file?

II. Translate the following sentences into English 1. Dimana anda menemukan kikir yang hilang itu? 2. Apakah kikir itu masih bisa dipakai? 3. Periksalah tangkai kikir sebelum dipakai 4. Apakah dia montir di bengkel Imora? 5. Apakah sudah mengikir pipa yang baru saja dipotong? 6. Apa yang anda lakukan setelah mengikir pipa tsb.? 7. Kapan anda mulai bekerja di bengkel ini? 8. Siapa yang memerintah anda untuk mengikir pipa ini? 9. Apakah Anton menyimpan kikirnya pada tempat yang disediakan? 10. Kepada siapa anda pinjamkan kikir saya?

Wrenches are used for tightening or removing bolts, nuts, studs, etc. They also can be used for gripping round material such as pipe, round rods and so on. A chain pipe wrench which is known as a chain tong is used for holding pipes. The types of wrenches are adjustable wrench, S-wrench, monkey wrench, stillson wrench, offset wrench, T-hand wrench, socket wrench, spanner wrench, crowfoot wrench, spark plug wrench, pipe wrench and so on. There is a multipurpose tool which is called a handy seven way tool that can be used as a hammer, a screwdriver, a wrench, a nail-puller, and a can bottle opener.



Vocabulary wrench to remove bolt nut stud such as to grip = to hold chain which is known adjustable wrench to adjust monkey wrench offset wrench T-handle wrench socket wrench spanner wrench crowfoot wrench spark plug wrench chain pipe wrench ratchet socket wrench handy seven way tool hammer screwdriver nail-puller to pull can opener - kunci - memindahkan, membuang, membuka - baut - murskrup - sejenis paku - seperti - memegang - rantai - yang dikenal - sepit yang dapat distel (kunci Inggris) - menyetel, mengatur - kunci Inggris - sepit ofset - sepit mur dengan tangkai berbentuk T. - sepit lekuk, kunci dengan lobang mur - kunci pas - kunci krofut - kunci busi - kunci pipa dengan rantai - kunci soket dengan roda bergigi - kunci praktis serba-guna - palu - obeng - pencabut paku, gegep - mencabut, menarik - pembuka kaleng

Answer the following questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tell us the use of a wrench. Which wrench is usually used for holding pipes? Tell us another name of a chain pipe. How many types of wrenches do you know? Mention a special tool having multipurpose use. How do you tighten or loosen a spark plug? Explain briefly a spark plug.


Chisels are classified according to the shapes of their points, viz, flat (cold), cape, diamond point and round nose. Flat (cold) chisels are used for cutting cold metal, and for all general chipping operations. Cap chisels are used for facilitating work in removing considerable metal from a flat surface. These later chisels are also used for cutting keyways and channels. Diamond point chisels are used for cutting V grooves and inside sharp angles, while round chisels are commonly used for cutting oil grooves in bearing. A student or apprentice wishing to be a machinist must know how to hold the chisel, and how to use the hammer properly. Grasp the hammer near the end of the handle, and hold the chisel firmly with the second and third fingers of your left hand.

If you are going to chip steel, lubricate the chisel point with oil in order to make the chisel easier to drive. Keep the chisel handle dry and clean to avoid slipping. When chipping steel, you must always reset your chisel to its proper position after each blow. Do not forget to use goggles in order to protect your eyes. Vocabulary chisel to chisel classification to classify shape to shape point pointed flat cap diamond nose to chip operation to operate - pahat - memahat - klasifikasi, penggolongan - menggolongkan - bentuk - membentuk - titik, tempat, hal - runcing - datar, rata - tudung, topi - intan - hidung - mengiris, menarah - pekerjaan - bekerja

71 facility to facilitate to remove considerable later keyway channel groove inside = internal sharp angle bearings apprentice properly handle to lubricate lubrication lubricant to make easy to drive to keep dry to clean cleanliness to avoid to slip to reset position to blow blow goggles to protect protection - kemudahan - memudahkan - memindahkan, membuang - banyak - kemudian - jalan kunci - alur - alur, celah - sebelah dalam - tajam - sudut - bantalan - magang - memegang (erat-erat dengan tangan) - tangkai - melumasi - pelumasan - bahan lumas - memudahkan - mendorong - menjaga agar tetap kering - mernbersihkan - kebersihan - menghindarkan - meleset, terlepas, tergelincir - memasang kembali - posisi - memukul - pukulan - kacamata penahan debu/panas - melindungi - lindungan

Aswer the undermentioned questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tell us the classification of chisels. Explain the use of flat (cold) chisels. How do you remove considerable metal from a flat surface? Which chisel do you use for cutting V grooves? How do you grasp the hammer when it is used with the chisel? Why 4o you use goggles when chipping steel? How do you avoid slipping when using a chisel? Explain the function of lubricant if you are chipping steel by using a chisel?


Drills are generally used for drilling holes. There are many types of drill, viz. a high-speed bench drill, a straight shank drill, a taper shank drill, a square shank drill, and masonry drill. Twist drills made of carbon steel are satisfactory for general work, & though they may lose their hardness if heated too long.

Hand drills made of high-speed alloy steel, usually referred to as high- speed drills are used for tough metal. Some materials, when drilled, need a lubricant, such as tool steel and copper need oil lubricant, soft steel and wrough iron needs oil or soda water lubricant, babbitt, brass and cast iron need no lubricant. Glass, however, requires turpentine lubricant. In the event the size number on the drill has been worn off, and in order to know exactly the size of the drill, you may use a drill gauge. A drill gauge is a flat

73 piece of steel having a large number of holes in it. Each hole is marked with a size number, and the drill is fitted to the suitable hole and the size noted. Since to sharpen a drill by hand is an art which requires much practice, apprentices in learning it must use some old or broken drills, and then test them out on a piece of metal. If you want to drill a large hole, you are advised to drill a smaller or pilot hole which will guide the larger drill. When drilling iron or steel, never forget to use lubricant. Vocabulary drill to drill twist drill high-speed to speed up to straighten straight shank taper to taper square masonry carbon steel satisfactory general work to lose hardness alloy lubricant copper brass cast iron soft to require in the event size worn off to fit since to sharpen broken drill pilot hole to guide - bor - mengebor - bor spiral, gerak spiral - kecepatan tinggi - mempercepat - meluruskan - lurus - tangkai - tirus, konis, lancip - meruncing - persegi empat - tukang batu - baja yang dapat disepuh - memuaskan - pekerjaan umum - kehilangan - kekerasan - (logam) campuran - pelumas (bahan) - tembaga - kuningan - besi tuang - lunak - memerlukan - dalam hal, jika - ukuran - aus - mencocokan - karena - menajamkan - bor rusak - lubang awal - memandu

Answer the undermentioned questions in English 1. What is the use of a drill? 2. Is hand drill suitable for tough metal? 3. What is alloy steel? 4. Why must some materials, when drilled, need lubricant? 5. Which material is a drill gauge made of? 6. What is the use of a pilot hole?


The operation of correcting irregularities or high spots from flat surfaces so that the finished surface can approach a plane surface is called scraping. And scraping can be done by using a special tool called a scraper. There are various types of scrapers, viz, a flat or straight scraper, a hook scraper, a half-round scraper, a triangular or three-cornered scraper, and a two-handled scraper. The three-cornered scraper is commonly used for removing burrs or sharp internal edges from soft bushing, etc. Circular surfaces such as bearings can also be trued with a scraper. If you want to scrape objects you must select a suitable scraper. Scrapers must be ground on a grinding wheel and carefully honed on the oilstone. Sometimes, discarded files can be turned into scrapers.

Vocabulary scraper to scrape irregularities spots flat surface so that finished surface to approach plane scraping tool straight hook triangular three-cornered two-handled scraper commonly burrs edges soft bushing bearing can be trued up objects - alat pengikis cat, alat kerok - mengikis cat, mengerok - hal-hal yang tidak wajar - bintik-bintik - permukaan yang datar - sehingga - permukaan yang telah selesai dikerjakan - mendekati - bidang, datar, rata - pengikisan - alat - lurus - cintelan, kaitan - segitiga - bersudut tiga - alat kerok bertangkai dua - biasanya - duri-duri; benjolan - pinggir - lunak - lapisan dan metal yang dapat dilepas - bantalan - dapat dibetulkan seperti keadaan semula - benda-benda

75 to select suitable to grind-ground-ground grinding wheel carefully honed oilstone discarded to turn into - memilih - cocok, sesuai - menggerinda - gerinda - diasah dengan hati-hati - batu asah - dibuang (karena tidak berguna) - berubah menjadi

Answer the following questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How do you correct irregularities or high spots on the finished surface? Explain the word scraping. Tell us some scrapers. What is the use of a three cornered scraper? Can a scraper be used for truing up bearings? How do you grind a scraper? Tell us another advantage of a discarded file.


There are several types of punches, viz, a centre punch, a prickle punch, and i starting punch. A centre punch is used for making a starting mark for a drill when you are going to drill a metal. A prickle punch is used for marking centres and lines in layout work, while a starting punch which is also called a drift has the same function as a centre punch. A starting punch may also be used for knocking out rivets after their heads have been cut off, or for freeing pins or bolts from their holes.

Vocabulary punch - derip,penenibus Viz - yakni centre punch - derip pusat starting punch - derip duri starting mark - tanda awal drill - bor to drill - mengebor offshore drilling - pengeboran lepas pantai to be going to - akan lines - garis-garis to have the function - berfungsi to knock out - memukul ke luar rivets - paku keling head (of rivet) - kepala (paku keling) have been cut off - telah dipotong hingga putus to free - membebaskan pin - pen bolt - baut holes - lubang-lubang Answer the following questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How many punches do you know? Which punch do you use to drill a metal? Give another name of a starting punch. Tell us the use of a drift. May a starting punch be used for knocking out rivets?


The bench is required by a machinist to perform technical work conveniently. It must be strong and rigid, and be located at the place where there is plenty of light. A vise is a clamping device usually attached to a workbench. It is used for holding a piece of work firmly. It has usually two jaws which close with a screw or a lever. There are several classes of vises such as blacksmiths vise, machinists vise, plain vise, self-adjusting vise, quick-acting vise, combination pipe vise and swivel vise. Quick-acting jaws and swivel action vise are suitable for a heavy and rough work, whilst a combination vise is commonly used in shops for round stock and pipe work. The cross cuts on the face of vise jaws are aimed at gripping the work more firmly. A piece of finished work held in such jaws will cause a serious marr. However, it can be prevented by using false jaws made of brass or babbitt metal, or by attaching leather to the steel jaws.

Vocabulary vise work bench to perform conveniently rigid to be located at plenty of light clamping device to clamp to attach to hold firmly a piece of jaw lever blacksmith plain vise self adjusting to adjust - catok - bangku kerja - melaksanakan, menjalankan - menyenangkan, enak - tegar, kuat - terletak di - banyak cahaya - alat penjepit - menjepit - memasang, menempelkan - memegang erat-erat - sepotong - gigi - pengungkit - pandai besi - catok rata - rnengatur/menyetel sendiri - mengatur, nienyesuaikan

78 quick-acting swivel vise suitable for rough whilst shops round stock cross cut face to aim to grip marr however to prevent false brass babbitt leather - bekerja cepat - catok kili-kili - sesuai untuk; cocok untuk - kasar - sedangkan - bengkel-bengkel - batang bundar - dipotong menyilang - muka - mengarahkan - memegang - memar - namun, tetapi - mencegah - palsu - kuningan - babit (sebangsa logam) - kulit

I. Answer the undermentioned questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is the function of a bench? Where is the proper place of a bench? To which is a vise usually attached? What is the use of a vise? Why can a vise hold a piece of work firmly? How do you close two jaws of a vise? Tell us the classes of vises. Which vises are suitable for the following work: a. heavy and rough work, b. round stock and pipe work. 9. What is the function of cross cuts on the face of vise jaws? 10. May a piece of finished work be held in cross cut jaws? 11. Describe the function of false jaws. 12. Which materials are false jaws made of? II. Retell the above passage in your English.


Although rivets are not threaded, they are classified as metal fasteners.The pressure of their heads, in lieu of thread, exercises the holding force.If you need permanent fastening, rivets must be used. Rivets holes are made by means of driling or punching. They must be properly spaced and aimed. In riveting thin metal sheets, tinners rivets are used. The heads of tinners rivets are flat. They are made of soft iron or steel which are coated with tin as a protection against corrosion. Vocabulary rivet to thread to classify fastener to fasten pressure in lieu of to exercise holding force to need permanent fastening bymeansof to punch to space properly to a line = to align alinement = alignment metal sheet tinners rivet flat soft iron steel to coat tin protection to protect against corrosion to corrode - paku keling - membuat alur - menggolongkan - alat pengencang - mengencangkan, mengikat - tekanan - sebagai ganti - melakukan - gaya tenaga pegang - membutuhkan - pengikatan tetap - dengan cara - melobangi - memberi spasi, menjarangkan - dengan baik - meluruskan - pelurusan, penjajaran - baja lembaran - paku keling yang dilapisi dengan timah - rata, datar - besilunak - baja - melapisi - timah - perlindungan - melindungi - terhadap - korosi, karat - berkarat

Answer the following questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Are rivets threaded? Are rivets classified as metal fasteners? Why can a rivet exercise the holding force? How do you make rivet holes? Must the rivet holes be properly spaced and aimed? Which rivet do you use for thin metal sheets? Are the heads of tinners rivets round? Which material are tinners rivets made o17 Why are tinners rivets coated with tin?

80 THREADS External or outside threads are threads cut on the outside of a piece of round stock, whereas internal or inside threads are those cut on the inside of a cylindrical hole. Threads are made by using a die. Before threading a round stock its end must be tapered or chamfered slightly with a file to enable the die to start cutting more easily. If there is no file to tap, a grind is used. Pitch is the distance measured from the top of one thread to the top of an adjacent thread. It is commonly stated as the number of thread per inch. If a die bears the marks 1/4 - 10, it indicates 1/4 diameter and 10 threads per inch. If you have any doubt as to the number of threads on a bolt, nut, screw, etc. you may use a screw pitch gauge to check it. When starting to thread, do not forget to press down firmly on the stock. When the die catches, turn it to the right (clockwise) continuously.


Vocabulary thread to thread external (outside) internal (inside) - ulir - membuat ulir - luar - dalam

82 round stock whereas cylindrical hole die end to taper to chamfer slightly tile to tile pitch distance to measure measurement adjacent Commonly to state as to bear to indicate to press firmly the die catches to turn clockwise continuously diameter - bundar - batang - sedangkan - lubang berbentuk silinder - alat untuk membuat ulir - ujung - meruncingkan ujungnya - membuat alur - sedikit - kikir - mengikir - celah - jarak - mengukur - ukuran - dekat - lazimnya - menyatakan - sebagai, seperti - membawa, menanggung - menunjukkan - menekan - dengan erat - alat pembuat ulir menggigit - memutar - arah jarum jam - terus-menerus - garis tengah

I. Answer the undermentioned questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Explain the words external or outside threads and internal or inside threads. How are threads made? What initial work must you do before starting threading round stock? Describe the word pitch. Explain this figure: 1/4 10 marked on a die. How do you ascertain the number of threads on a bolt, nut or screw.? Where must the die be turned when it catches?

II. Change the following verb into noun 1. to describe 2. to explain 3. to start 4. to turn 5. to mark 6. to screw 7. to check 8. to press 9. to cut 10. to continue


GRINDING WHEEL AND BENCH GRINDER The abrasive grains of grinding wheels are formed by holding together with special bonds. The type of bonds determines the uses of the wheel, such as Shellac bond wheels are used for sharpening tools and finish grinding. The grades of grinding wheels are determined according to the softness and hardness of the grains. Because the grains of the soft wheels wear away rapidly which may cause the wheel easily broken, you are advised to use the wheels at slower speeds, and mediumhard and hard wheels are applied at higher speeds. Fine-grain wheels are used for precision grinding. Bulcanite wheels are strong and t ugh. These later wheels used for high speed grinding are bonded with rubber by vulcanizing process. Whereas thin wheels are used to cut-off things. There arc many types of grinders viz, hand grinder, an electric bench grinder. One wheel of a bench grinder is usually coarse used for rough grinding, whilst the other wheel is fine for sharpening tools and finishing the grinding. Bench grinders must be provided with shields and guards for the safety of mechanics. You must run all new grinding wheels at full operating speed for


at least one minute to ensure that everything is in order. If the wheel is chipped, or uneven in any way, it must be put in order before you attempt to grind fine tools. Clogging with metal, dirt, grease, etc. on the grinding wheels will take place after the grinding wheels have been used for some time. Grinding Wheel & Bench Grinder grinding wheel bench grinder to grind abrasive grain to bold together bond to determine grades softness soft to wear away rapidly easily broken to apply fine-grain wheel precision vulcanite wheel to bond to vulcanize coarse to provide with shield - roda gerinda - gerinda bangku - menggerinda - ampelas - butir-butiran - melekatkan bersama - perekat - menentukan - tingkatan - kelunakan - lunak - menjadi aus - dengan cepat - mudah rusak - memakai - roda bergigi halus - presisi, ketelitian - roda ebonit - menyambung dengan perekat - mengerjakan dalam api - kasar - melengkapi dengan - perisai

85 guard safety mechanics operating speed at least to ensure to chip uneven to put in order to attempt to clog dirt to take plase - pelindung - keselamatan - mekanik, montir - kecepatan kerja - sedikit-dikitnya - menjamin - memotong, meretakkan, memecah kecil kecil - tidak rata - membetulkan - mencoba - menyumbat - kotoran - terjadi

I. Answer the following questions in English 1. Why can grinding wheels sharpen tools? 2. How are abrasive grains held together? 3. How are the grades of grinding wheels determined? 4. Do the grains of soft wheels wear rapidly? 5. Why must you use the wheels at slower speeds? 6. When will you use fine-grain wheels? 7. What is the use of vulcanite wheels? 8. Which wheels must you use to cut-off things? 9. Tell us the types of grinders! 10. How are mechanics protected when they are working on bench grinders? 11. How do you ensure that everything is in order for new grinding wheels? 12. What will happen to new grinding wheels after being used for some time? II. Change the following words into adjectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to sharpen to abrade to determine to protect to use

86 MEASURING TOOLS Rules, calipers, dividers, protactors, gaugers are measuring tools. Rules can be made of tempered steel or transparent substance. They arc available in various length. Rules have different thickness, depending on their length. A hook rule is suitable for taking. measurements from round corners, for measuring through hubs of pulleys, etc. For quick measurement on small rod or tubing, the caliper rule (sometimes called slide-caliper rule) is commonly used. Depth rule are used to measure the depth of holes, slots and other recesses. Combination caliper rules are used to measure the diameter of a hole and a shaft, whilst calipers arc used for measuring diameters and distances. Calipers have three types, namely: outside caliper, inside caliper, and hermaphrodite caliper. If you want to measure outside dimension as, for example, the diameter of a pipe, outside calipers are commonly used. But if you want to know the dimension of the inside diameter of a hole, you may use inside calipers. For scribing arcs and marking a layout work, hermaphrodite calipers are used. Machinists wishing to measure distances between points or transferring distances directly from a rule, or scribing circles, etc. are advised to use dividers.



Protactors are used in measuring or laying out angles. They arc made of a transparent substance, such as celluloid. A protactor is semi-circular, and divided into 180 equal parts. Each division represent 10. If you want to know exactly the cross section of wire or the thickness of metal sheets you may use wire & sheet gauges. Before using these gauges, you are advisable to remove all burrs from the material being measured. Vocabulary measuring tool to measure measurement toolkits rule caliper divider to divide protactor gauge tempered steel transparent - alat ukur - mengukur - ukuran - tempat alat-alat - mistar, jangka - jangka bundar, jangka bengkok - jangka bagi, jangka tusuk - membagi - busur derajat - pengukur - baja muda - tembus cahaya

89 substances available to depend on hook corner hubs pulley rod tubing slide-caliper rule depth to deepen slot recess shaft-pins namely hermaphrodite caliper to scribe arc to mark layout work points to transfer circle angle celluioi semi-circle equal part to represent exactly cross section wire metal sheet advisable to remove - bahan zat - tesedia - tergantung pada - kait - sudut - leher poros - kerekan - batang - benda geronggong - mistar ingsut - kedalaman, dalamnya - memperdalam - alur - belah, retak - pen poros - yakni - jangka hermaprodit - menulis, membuat - busur lingkaran - menandai - pekerjaan rancangan - titik, tempat, hal - memindahkan - lingkaran, - sudut - seluloid - setengah lingkaran - sama - bagian - merupakan - dengan tepat, tepatnya - bagian melintang, penampang melintang - kawat - lembaran baja - dinasehatkan - membuang, menghilangkan, memindahkan burr - serbuk besi, serpihan

Answer the following questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tell us some measuring tools. Which material can rules be made of? Describe the suitable application of a hook rule. Which caliper is commonly used for quick measurement on small rod or tubing? How do you measure the depth of holes, slots and other recesses? Tell us-the main function of combination caliper rules. Mention the types of calipers. How do you measures outside diameter of a pipe? Which tool is needed by machinists for measuring distances between points or transferring distances directly from a rule or scribing circles? 10. Tell us the function of protactors. 11. How many degress is a protactor divided into? 12. How do you know exactly the cross section of wire or the thickness of metal sheets?



In general, bolts, nuts, screws, washers and rivets are used for fastening or holding metal parts together. Unlike rivets, specially used for permanent fastening, bolts, nuts and screws are commonly suitable for holding pieces or parts together which on occasion must be taken apart or removed. Therefore bolts must be used with suitable nuts. Cap screws and machine screws are usually used without nuts, and that the holes must be threaded to receive them. Lag screws are for holding metal and wood together. The types of bolts are carriage bolt, machine bolt, stovebolt, studbolt, hub- bolt, etc. Screws have also various types, viz, hexagonal head screw, cap point screw, cone point screw, flat point screw, headless set screw, socket type set screw, round head screw, oval head screw, etc. Wing nuts are most suitable for objects which require repeated hand adjustment. Machinists who wish to protect the pieces being fastened or to make tightening up easier, sometimes put plain washers under the nuts or bolt heads. Whereas lock washers have the function to keep a light bolt from turning or becoming loose on a nut. Lock washers are made of spring steel.

Vocabulary bolt nut screw in general = generally washer lock washer plain washer rivet - baut; besi pasak - mur sekrup - sekrup - pada umumnya - cincin; ring - cincin per - cincin rata - paku keling

91 to rivet devices to fasten unlike on occasion = sometimes to take apart therefore cap screw machine screw and that to thread carriage bolt hub-bolt etc. (et cetera) viz. stud bolt various variety hexagonal head screw cone point screw flat point screw headless set screw socket set screw oval head screw repeated adjustment to adjust to require = to need requirement = need wing nut to wish to protect to make fastening easier whereas to have the function to keep light turning to turn to become loose loose to loosen spring steel - memaku dengan paku keling - alat - mengencangkan; mengikat - tidak seperti; berbeda - kadang-kadang - memisahkan - oleh karena itu - sekrup bertopi - sekrup mesin - karena itu - membuat ulir - baut eretan mesin bubut - baut nabe - dsb.; dll. - yakni; yaitu - baut-tap - bermacam-macam - kata benda dan various - sekrup berkepala segi enam - sekrup berkepala kerucut - sekrup rata (datar) - sekrup tanpa kepala - sekrup sok - sekrup lonjong - berulang-ulang - pengaluran; penyetelan - mengatur; menyetel - memerlukan; menyetel - kebutuhan - mur bersayap; mur kupu-kupu - menginginkan; ingin - melindungi - mengencangkan - lebih mudah - sedangkan - berfungsi - menahan; menyimpan - ringan - putaran - memutar; belok - menjadi longgar - longgar - melonggarkan; mengendorkan - baja per

Answer the undermentioned questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tell us the devices generally used for fastening or holding metal parts together. What is the main function of a rivet? Are cap screws and machine screws usually used with nuts? Describe the use of lag screws. Explain the types of bolts, screws and nuts. What is the wing nut used for? Describe the use of: plain washers and lock washers!

92 8. Which material is a lock washer made of? Give the noun form of: 1. to use 2. to remove 3. to thread 4. to bold 5. various 6. headless 7. to repeat 8. to adjust 9. to require 10. to wish 11. to protect 12. easy 13. to function 14. to turn 15. to receive 16. to explain 17. to describe 18. to rivet 19. to lock 20. to weld

A great part of internal combustion engines, such as automobiles use gasoline as their fuel. Gasoline is a clear and clean liquid consisting of the composition of hydrogen and carbon which quickly vaporizes and ignites terribly if burned. Essentially, liquid gasoline does not cause fire, although most people think so. In fact, the cause of a gasoline fire is a spark or other minor sources of ignition. Therefore, you must store gasoline in closed places in order to reduce vaporization because it is the main basis in the supervision of fire hazard. Since gasoline contains Tetra Ethyl Lead which is extremely toxic and harmful to health, it is advisable that you may not suck gasoline through a hose. When you pour gasoline from one container into another, avoid breathing the vapours, because this produces drowsiness and headaches. After handling gasoline, please never take food with your fingers until they are completely dry. Vocabulary gasolie a great part internal = inside combustion engine fuel Essentially composition hydrogen carbon - bensin - sebagian besar - dalam; sebelah dalam - motor bakar - bahan bakar - hakekatnya - komposisi - hidrogen - karbon

93 to vaporize to ignite ignition terribly if burned to burn to cause fire although most people think so in fact the cause spark minor source therefore to store closed places to reduce vaporization main basis supervision to supervise supervisor fire hazard since to contain tetra ethyl lead extremely toxic harmful to health advisable that to suck through hose to pour container another to avoid to breath vapours to produce drowsiness headaches to handle please never to take food fingers completely dry - menguap - menyala - penyalaan; pengapian - menakutkan: - jika dibakar - membakar - menyebabkan; mengakibatkan - kebakaran - walaupun - kebanyakan orang - berpikir demikian - sebenarnya; kenyataannya - sebab - bunga api - sumber kecil - karena itu - menyimpan - tempat-tempat tertutup - mengurangi - penguapan - dasar utama; dasar pokok - pengawasan - mengawasi - pengawas - bahaya kebakaran - karena - berisi; mengandung - tetra etil - timah hitam - sangat beracun - merugikan terhadap kesehatan - dinasihatkan - bahwa - menghirup - melalui - slang karet - menuang - wadah; tempat - yang lain - menghindarkan - bernafas; menarik nafas; menghirup - uap - menghasilkan; menimbulkan - kantuk - pusing; sakit kepala - menangani - harap - jangan; tak pernah - mengambil makanan - jari-jari - benar-benar kering

Answer the following questions in English

94 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Is gasoline mostly used for automobile? Explain the composition of gasoline. What does gasoline contain? What is the cause of a gasoline fire? What will you avoid in pouring gasoline from one container to another? Why is breathing the vapours of gasoline considered dangerous? What must you do after handling gasoline?


After cleaning the hull, then inspection is made to assess the extent and character of the repair work to be done. Usually the inspection is carried out by a team consisting of representative of the ship, the classification and the owner of the ship. The inspection should cover the following: parts affected by corrosion, craks in the shell plating and elements of framing, deformations and dents in plating and framing, actual thickness of shell plating and framing members.

The repair work to be executed on the underwater hull arc as follows: replacement of shell plates and structural elements of the double- bottom and framing, levelling of dents and straightening of framing, elimination of cracks and leaks, repair of rudder, stern tube, and appendages. If side plating must be repaired or replaced, it is necessary to use staging placed round the hull. Wooden staging with several tiers needs a lot of sawn timber, and the preparation of wooden staging is indeed Ii me-consuming. Vocabulary to clean hull inspection to inspect inspector to assess assessment the extent of the repair character tobedone the inspection is carried out consisting of representative classification owner - membersihkan - badan kapal - inspeksi; pemeriksaan - memeriksa - inspektur; pemeriksa - menilai - penilaian - besarnya perbaikan - sifat - yang harus dikerjakan - pemeriksaan dilakukan - yang terdiri dari - wakil - klasifikasi (maksudnya Biro Klasifikasi) - pemilik

95 to cover the following parts shell plating elements framing actual thickness framing member to be executed underwater hull replacement to replace double-bottom levelling of dents straightening of framing the plate is dented to level to straighten elimination of cracks and leaks to eliminate to leak to be leaky leakage rudder stern tube appendage side plating must he repaired or replaced it is necessary to use staging round wooden staging wood tiers to need sawn timber preparation to prepare indeed time-consuming - mencakup; meliputi - yang berikut - bagian; suku cadang - pelat lambung - unsur-unsur - kerangka kapal - tebal yang sebenarnya - penguat kerangka - yang harus dilaksanakan - badan kapal yang ada di bawah air - penggantian - mengganti - alas-gana; dasar-ganda - meratakan penyok-penyok - meluruskan kerangka - pelat itu penyok - meratakan - meluruskan - menghilangkan retak dan bocor - menghilangkan - bocor - bocor - kb. bocornya - kemudi - bumbung poros baling-baling - pemasangan kulit kapal - pelat samping - harus diperbaiki alau diganti - perlu menggunakan peranca - sekeliling - peranca dan kayu - kayu - tumpukan; susunan - memerlukan; membutuhkan - kayu gergajian - persiapan; pembuatan - mempersiapkan; membuat - benar-benar; sungguh-sungguh - memakan waktu; menghabiskan waktu

Answer the following questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the word underwater hull. Why must inspection be made after cleaning the hull? Who will usually carry out inspection? What areas should be covered in the inspection? What do you require if side plating has to be repaired or replaced? Which material is wooden staging made of?



Long use of ships in service may lose, wholly or partly, parts of engines, machinery and installations. This will, of course, disturb their operation, and repair must be carried out as soon as possible. The loss of original qualities may be caused by frictional wear, corrosion, erosion, metal fatique heating of parts to high temperatures, change in metal structure, inadequate repairs, break-downs, etc. The original dimension and shapes of the rubbing parts can be changed because of the wearing process. The cylindrical parts can become elliptical, conical, or barred shape. The wearing process may also affect oil clearances. Corrosion and erosion may cause a reduction in dimension and the formation of cracks. Cracks are formed due to metal fatique which can lead to fracture of the parts. Heating to high temperature may happen due to direct contact with hot gases or flames. This may result in warping of the parts, structure of the metal is changed, cracks appear and serious damage may occur. Abrasion, corrosion and erosion may cause wear and damage. These are difficult to eradicate in parts of marine engines, machinery, and installations. In order to reduce wear and damage and to increase the service life of ships and engine parts, the service instruction must be strictly observed. Vocabulary to cause causes wear damage long use in service lose wholly or partly parts of engines machinery installation to install to disturb disturbance operation repair to repair to carry out must be carried out - menyebahkan - sebab-sebab - keausan - kerusakan - pemakaian yang lama - dalam dinas - melonggarkan; menghilangkan - seluruhnya atau sebagian - bagian (suku cadang) mesin - permesinan - instalasi; bangunan - memasang - mengganggu - gangguan - operasi; pekerjaan - perbaikan - memperbaiki - melaksanakan - harus dilaksanakan

to carry out to implement to execute to do the loss of original qualities frictional wear friction corrosion erosion

- melaksanakan; melakukan

- hilangnya mutu asli - keausan karena gesekan - gesekan - korosi - erosi; kikisan

97 fatique heating of parts change structure inadequate inadequacy break-down dimension shape rubbing parts to rub wearing process cylindrical elliptical conical barred shape to affect oil clearance reduction to reduce formation of cracks to be formed due to to lead to fracture direct contact gases flames to result warping cracks to crack to appear serious damage may occur - kelelahan; kepenatan - pemanasan dan bagian-bagian (sukucadang) - perubahan - struktur - ks. kurang - kb. kurangnya - kerusakan - ukuran - bentuk - bagian-bagian yang menggosok - menggosok - proses keausan - seperti silinder - eliptis; bulat-telur - konis - bentuk batang-lurus - mempengaruhi - kerenggangan; lubang minyak - pengurangan - mengurangi - pembentukan retak - dibentuk - karena - menuju pada; mengarah pada - pecahnya; patahnya - hubungan langsung - gas - nyala api - berakibat - bengkoknya - retak-retak - meretak - tampak; kelihatan - kerusakan besar; kerusakan berat - dapat terjadi

to occur to happener to take place abrasion, corrosion and erosion to eradicate eradication marine engine in order to to increase service life of ships service instruction must be strictly observed

- terjadi - abrasi, korosi dan erosi - memberantas; membasmi - pemberantasan; pembasmian - mesin laut (mesin kapal) - agar supaya - menambah - umur kapal - petunjuk servis - harus benar-benar dipatuhi


Answer the following questions in English 1. What are the causes of loss of original qualities of ships parts? 2. What may cause the change of the original dimensions and shapes of the rubbing parts? 3. Tell us some examples of the parts subject to changes. 4. May the wearing process also affect oil clearance? 5. Define the word clearance. 6. What will corrosion and erosion cause? 7. What may cause a crack? 8. Explain the method to increase the service life of ships amid engine parts.


Flanges, elbows, tees, crosses, bushings, couplings, unions, Y- bends, caps, plugs, nipples etc. are parts of pipe fittings. They are used for joining lengths of pipes, making turns, or connections, etc. Elbow or bend fittings are used for changing the direction of pipe line. The bend is expressed in degree e.g. 900 bend. The standard bands, however, are 90, 45, 22 1/2, 111/4, and 5 5/8. If someone wants to change the diameter of the pipe line, the reducing I elbow is used. And Y-branch is used to join a branch pipe to main pipe line, I whereas for the branch of 90 Tee is used. Tee is also called three-way branch. Cross or four way branch is used where the two branches leave the main pipe line at right angles and on either side. Coupling and nipples are used for connecting two straight pipes. There are short and long nipples. Nipples threaded on the entire length are named close nipples, if not they are called short or long nipples. Another type is a union which is used to connect pipes needing frequent disconnection for the purpose of making repairs. If you want to close an opening with fitting you may use a plug. A cap has the same function as a plug, but it is screwed on the end of a pipe to close it. Vocabulary fittings flanges elbow tee cross bushing coupling union plug nipple parts to join length to make turns connection (to connect) to change to direct direction pipeline to express degree bend to reduce branch main pipe whereas to leave at right angle oil either side straight - kelengkapan - flensa - siku -T - samubungan empat arah - tabung penyambung - kopeling - union - sumbat - nipel - bagian-bagian - menyambung; menghubungkan - panjangnya - membelokkan - hubungan (menghubungkan) - menukar; merubah - mengarahkan - arah - saluran pipa;lin pipa - menyatakan - derajat; tingkat - bengkokan; lekukan - mengurangi - cabang - pipa induk - sedangkan - meninggalkan - dengan sudut 900 - pada kedua sisi - lurus

100 to straighten close nipple frequent to need to disconnect disconnection to make repairs = to repair to close plug cap function to have the function = to function as screwed end - meluruskan - nipel penutup - sering - membutuhkan - melepas; membuka; memutus (hubungan) - pemutusan; pelepasan - memperbaiki - menutup - sumbat - sumbat berbentuk topi - fungsi - berfungsi - seperti - berulir - ujung

Answer the undermentioned questions in good English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tell us the use of: flanges, elbows, crosses and plugs. What is the general use of the fittings? What kind of fittings do you use to change the direction of pipe line? How do you express the bend? Explain the standard bends. Explain the use of: coupling and nipples. What fittings do you use if an opening must be closed? What is the function of a cap?


Roro Eva Engineering Ltd. is the manufacturer of steel cylinder liners, piston, piston rings, piston pins and connecting rods. All these parts are of high quality and precision made. Those parts are capable to withstand friction, heat and corrosion. Besides, they have high heat conductivity and extraordinary tensile strength and elasticity. The uniform thickness of cylinder walls will guarantee longer and smother operation. Roro Eva Engineering Ltd. which was established in 1970 is currently employing 800 experienced workers. The company produces 600,000 rings, 20,000 rods and 20,000 liners every month. Vocabulary parts liners piston piston ring piston pins connecting rod precision made to be capable to to withstand friction heat corrosion besides conductivity extra ordinary tensile strength elasticity to be elastic to guarantee uniform thickness for longer operation smoother was established currently company to employ employer employee = worker employment experienced to experience experience - bagian;suku cadang - lapisan; baja pengisi - seher - cincin seher - pen seher - lengan pengungkit; tongkat pcngisap - dibuat secara teliti - mampu; dapat - menahan - gesekan - panas - korosi; karat - disamping itu - daya hantar - luar biasa - kekuatan tarik; sifat tahan tarik - elastisitas; kekenyalan; gaya pegas - kenyal; elastis - menjamin - seragam; sama - ketebalan; tebalnya - untuk bekerja lebih lama - lebih halus - didirikan - sekarang - perusahaan - mempekerjakan - majikan - karyawan - pekerjaan - berpengalaman - mengalami - pengalaman

102 Answer the undermentioned questions in English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What does Roro Eva Engineering Ltd. manufacture? How is the quality of the parts? Are the parts capable to withstand friction, heat and corrosion? How are the cylinder walls? When was Roro Eva Engineering Ltd. established? Tell us the number of rings, rods and liners produced by Roro Eva Engineering every month?


Most internal combustion engines either diesel engine or gasoline engine burn their fuel inside the cylinder. In the diesel engine, fuel is injected into each cylinder and is ignited by hot compressed air. In the gasoline engine, however, fuel and air are mixed in a carburetor and are ignited by a spark inside he cylinder. In the diesel engine, the fuel used is economical, compact, convenient to handle, and easily stored. The diesel fuel has less fire hazard than the more volatile fuels, like gasoline generally used in automobile engines. Diesel exhaust in non-poisonous. No high voltage ignition system is necessary to operate a diesel engine. This engine also has no carburetor which may reduce potential source of trouble. Diesel engines have proven themselves to be the ideal engines for yacht or boat, fishing craft or tug. Push-button starting gives you instant power when you want it. Diesel engines are also widely used in oil field, industries, lumbering, mining, pumping, construction and auxiliary power. Vocabulary most combustion to bum either or gasolinne = petrol fuel inside = internal to inject injection injector to ignite ignited by compressed air ignition however spark spark plug economical compact convenient to handle easily stored to store less fire hazard volatile to volatilize exhaust non-poisonous to operate operation to reduce a reduce source of trouble to prove ideal - kebanyakan - pembakaran - baik. Maupun. - bensin - bahan bakar - di dalam; sebelah dalam - menyemprot; menyuntik - penyemprotan; penyuntikan - injektor; penyemprot - menyalakan - dinyalakan dengan udara yang dipampat - penyalaan; pengapian - tetapi; namun - bunga api - busi - hemat - padat; ringan - enak dijalankan - mudah disimpan - menyimpan - kurang - bahaya kebakaran - mudah menguap - menyebabkan menguap - asap buangan - tidak beracun - bekerja; menjalankan - bckerjanya - mengurangi; berkurang - pengurangan - sumber kesulitan; sumber kerusakan - membuktikan - ideal; baik

104 jahct boat fishing craft tug push-button to push instant power widely used lumbering mining pumping construction to construct = to build constructor auxiliary power - kapal pesiar - kapal - kapal penangkap ikan - kapal tunda - kenop-tekan; tombol-tekan - mendorong; menekan - tenaga baru - dipakai secara luas - perkayuan - pertambangan - pemompaan - bangunan - membangun - pembangun; pembuat - tenaga Bantu

Answer the following questions in English 1. Where does diesel engine and gasoline engine burn their fuel? 2. How is the fuel in the diesel engine injected? 3. How are the fuel and air in the gasoline engine ignited? 4. Has the diesel fuel less fire hazard than the more volatile fuel? 5. How is the diesel exhaust? 6. Is high voltage ignition required in a diesel engine? 7. What is the function of a carburetor in the diesel engine? 8. Tell us the starting system of the diesel engine. 9. Are diesel engines ideal for jacht or boat, fishing craft or tug? 10. Where are diesel engines widely used?

Welding machine is the most important component of the equipment. It provides electric power of the current and voltage sufficient to maintain a welding arc. Welding machine utilizes either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC).

105 Straight polarity (negative electrode) or reverse polarity (positive electrode) can be used in direct current. The welding circuit consists of insulated cables and connectors. The function of connectors is to conduct the current from the welding machine to the arc. The electrode cable runs from the electrode terminal on the welding machine to the electrode holder. The work lead runs from the work terminal on the welding machine to the work or to the table on which the work is placed. The welding cable is usually made of multiple strands of spiral copper wire or aluminum. The cable is covered by rubber or neoprene insulation. In welding an object, the weldor requires the covered electrodes and electrode holders. The covered electrode is the source of the weld metal, whilst the electrode holder has the function to firmly grip the electrode and carries the welding current to it. Electrode holders also guide the electrode in making the weld. The function of the covered electrodes is: a. producing an inert gas which protects the arc and weld formation from the surrounding atmosphere; b. producing deoxidizers which purify the deposited weld metal; c. forming a slag which protects the weld metal from oxidation; d. providing ionizing elements making the electrode operate more smoothly; e. supplying allying elements which provides higher strength to the deposited metal; f. providing iron powder to improve the productivity of the electrode. Vocabulary welding machine to weld weldor = welding operator most important component equipment to equip to provide electric power voltage current sufficient to maintain maintenance welding arc to utilize = to use alternating current (AC) direct current (DC) straight polarity reverse polarity welding circuit insulated cable connectors to connect connection function to function = to have the - mesin las - mengelas - juru las - sangat penting - komponen; bagian - peralatan - melengkapi - memberi; menyediakan - tenaga listrik - voltase - arus - cukup - memelihara; menjaga - pemeliharaan - lengkung listrik las - memakai; menggunakan - arus bolak-balik - arus searah - polaritas langsung (elektroda negatif) - polaritas terbalik (elektroda positif) - rangkaian las - kabel yang diisolasi - penyambung - menyambung - sambungan - fungsi; tugas; gunanya - berfungsi

106 function to conduct conductor conductivity arc electrode cable terminal electrode holder work lead on which the work is placed object to require whilst multiple strands spiral copper wire to be covered by rubber neoprene insulation to insulate covered electrode source weld metal to produce inert gas to protect weld formation to form surrounding deoxidizer to purify purification deposited weld slag oxidation ionizing element more smoothly to operate to supply = to provide alloying elements to provide higher strength iron powder to improve improvement productivity product to produce firmly to grip = to hold to guide guidance

- menghantar; membawa - konduktor; penghantar - daya hantar - lengkung listrik - kabel elektroda - terminal - penjepit elektroda - saluran kepekerjaan - di atas mana - pekerjaan terletak - benda - memerlukan - sedangkan - ganda; banyak - pintal; unting - kawat tembaga spiral - dibungkus dengan - karet - neopren - sekatan; isolasi - menyekat; mengisolasi - elektroda terbungkus - sumber - logam las - menghasilkan - gas lembaran - melindungi - pembentukan las - membentuk - sekeliling - zat penyerap oksigen - membersihkan - pembersihan - metal logam las yang diendapkan - terak - oksidasi - unsur ionisasi - lebih lancar - bekerja; menjalankan - memberi - unsur-unsur penyampur - memberi kekuatan yang lebih tinggi; lebih menguatkan - serbuk bubuk) besi - meningkatkan; memperbaiki - peningkatan; perbaikan - produktivitas - produk (barang yang dihasilkan) - mcnghasilkan - dengan kokoh; dengan kuat - memegang - mcnggerakkan; membimbing; menuntun - bimbingan; tuntunan

107 to carry the welding current to make the weld - mengantarkan amrus listrik las - mengelas

Answer the following questions In good English 1. Why Is a welding machine considered the most important component of the equipment? 2. What currents does a welding machine utilize? 3. What does a welding circuit consist of? 4. Tell us the function of a connector! 5 Where does an electrode cable run from? 6. Where does a work lead run from? 7. What material is a welding cable made of? 8. Describe the insulation of a welding cable. 9. What does a welding operator need in welding an object? 10. What is a covered electrode? 11. Mention the function of an electrode holder. 12 Tell us the function of a covered electrode.

108 REFERENCE Alexander, L.G. 1978 Practice and Progress Yogjakarta: Kanisius. Masud Fuad. 1992 Essentials Of English Grammar BPFE Yogyakarta: Azhar Arsyad, 1992 Improve your english structure Jakarta: PT Al-Qushwa Echol Jhon and Shadily Hasan, Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia Azhar Arsyad, Your Basic Vocabulary. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Abbott Gerry. Greenwood Jhon, Douglas McKeating Wingard Peter i985 The teaching of English as an International Language Great Britain: Biddles Ltd. Guilford. Krohn, Robert. 1975l. English Sentences Structur. Michigan University of Michigan Press. Subandi, 1994 Bahasa Inggris untuk engineer mekanik Jakarta: Arcan

109 LIST OF CONTENT UNIT I APA COCOK DENGAN APA? UNIT II DO AUXIALIARY UNIT III TO HAVE UNIT IV MODAL AUXILIARY ATURAN TEORI KUNCI PERTANYAAN BAHASA INGGRIS UNIT V QUESTION TAG UNIT VI MISCELLANEOUS EXPRESSIONS (SERBA ANEKA UNGKAPAN) UNIT VII ADVERBS UNIT VIII P H A R A S E UNIT X VARIOUS EQUIPMENT IN THE WORKSHOP SAWING MACHINE - Dry dock - Corrosion of metal - Carbon steels - Alloy steels - Generation and electric power stations - Hammer - Screwdriver - Pliers - File - Wrench - Chisel - Drill - Scraper - Punch - Vise - Rivet - Threads - Grinding wheel and bench grinder - Measuring tools - Bolts, nuts and screws - Gasoline - Inspecting underwater hull - Causes of wear and damage of ships - Causes of wear and damage of ships - Engine parts - Diesel engine - Welding machine REFERENCE 1 6 9 13 21 23 26 32 34

43 45 49 51 53 56 59 62 63 65 67 70 72 74 76 77 79 80 83 86 90 92 94 96 99 101 102 104 107




By Hengki,S.S., M.Pd


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