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Sandovals 7th Grade Science 2nd 6 Weeks Project

CHOICE BOARD: Choose ONE of the projects: Due Nov. 13, 2012

Write a one page newspaper article about the discovery one of the systems below. Create a Test for the class to take over one of the systems below. Create a poem/rap about one of the systems below.

Draw or create a model of one of the systems below. Label organs and define functions. Create a set of flash cards. Be sure to include the answers on the backs of the cards. Xtranormal Movie or Powerpoint presentation about one of the systems below.

Complete ONE of the above projects for ONE OF THE FOLLOWING Systems: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration, The Respiratory System, The Skeletal
System, Muscular System, and Integumentary System.

Key concepts to include: tissue type, organs, pathway, functions and interactions. Include organs, name of organ system,
structure and function. Key words to include for each system... Respiration: Stomata, carbon dioxide, chloroplast, sun, radiant energy, chemical energy, photosynthesis, transformation, chlorophyll External stimuli: tropisms, phototropism, geotropism or gravitropism, thigmotropism, hydrotropism, geotropism (include with photosynthesis) The Skeletal Muscular Systems: cartilage, joints, ligament, muscle, voluntary muscle, involuntary muscle, skeletal muscle, tendon, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, epidermis, melanin, dermis, vertebra, marrow, spongy bone, compact bone. Name_________________________ Period ____ System_____________________________

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