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Upla Final Practicum Portfolio.

Student teacher: Miguel Cardenas Arcos Subject: English Pedagogy Supervisor Teacher: Milenko Abarca Guide Teacher: Gabriela Carrasco School: Las Acacias Class: English Practicum

Valparaiso, 2012


Bibliography: page 90 Evaluations instruments: pages 56-74

Learning materials: pages 75-89 Portfolio introduction: page 3

Reading Articles: pages 5-8 Reflective writings: pages 18-25

Reports: pages 9-17 School information: page 4

Unit plans and lesson plans: pages 26-55


In this portfolio you will find information about my experiences on my professional practicum. There is information about units and lesson plans and materials, activities and evaluation instruments. Also there are valuable material that is based on my beliefs and reflections and information about the school the class and everything related to this important experience that needs to be documented.

School information:
Location: Santos Ossa Avenue, Valparaiso. Organization: Principal: Ivan Avello Arias. General Inspector: Francisco Bueno. Teachers supervisor: Ricardo Aguirre. Financiation and students information. It is a semi-private school The student body is coeducation. The grades range from 1st junior to 8th junior high and 1st high to 4th high Mission: The mission of the institution according to its PEI: Its holds an humanist conception of education which goal is to offer to its student body an integrative good quality education that helps to promote and perfect the development of students competences according to solid ethical values and social, personal and cognitive skills without leaving aside the main basis of the society: the family. Vision: A positive transformation of the society based on humanism.

Articles that helped me.

Handling Difficult Students The First Week Of School by Michael Linsin on August 11, 2012 Hoping to head misbehavior off before it starts, most teachers try to be proactive with difficult students. Even before the bell rings on the first day of school, they peruse their new roster looking for those few whose reputation precedes them. They chat up previous teachers. They scrutinize student files. They nervously begin conjuring up creative ways of dealing with themall before they even set foot in the classroom. And so when Anthony or Karla or whoever shows up for the first day of school, they can feel the bulls-eye on their back. They can sense the proximity, the attention, and the intensity from their new teacher. They can feel labeled right out of the gate. And when students feel labeled, theyre pulled inexorably in its directionfulfilling the prophecy it foretells. To ensure this doesnt happen on your watch, and to get your reputed difficult students headed in the right direction, its best to make them feel like just another member of your classroom. Heres how: 1. Dont seat them closest to you. When a student with a difficult reputation walks in on the first day and is asked to sit closest to the teacher, she knows the score. She knows instantly that she wont be able to leave the mistakes and failures of the previous year behind her. She thinks, Here we go again . . . so I might as well give the teacher what he expects. 2. Dont spend more time with them. Kids are smarter than most adults give them credit for. Sure, some may be two grade levels behind in reading, but theyll pick up on nuances in your behavior like a primatologist. Your extra attention and frequent check-ins communicate loud and clear that youve got your eye on them, creating a distrustful relationship right from the get-go.

3. Dont speak to them any differently. Its common for teachers to speak to difficult students differently than otherswithout even realizing it. They smile and gab with some as if they dont have a care in the world. But in the next instant their face goes blank and their voice drops three octaves when they turn to speak to Anthony or Karla. Its like saying, I dont want you in my class, I dont believe in you, and I expect you to misbehave. 4. Dont bring up the previous year. By way of warning, its a common tactic to let difficult students knowin no uncertain terms that youre aware of their previous behavior problems. But this undermines your ability to build rapport. It puts you at odds and in competition, and makes them want to push your buttons, get under your skin, and misbehave behind your back. 5. Dont ignore their misbehavior. Another common strategy, particularly in the beginning of the year, is to ignore less serious, less disruptive behavior from difficult students. But this is yet another obvious sign to them that theyre not like everybody else. Misbehavior, silliness, and distraction then become their identity rather than something they can control. One Standard When you treat difficult students differently than their classmates, when you employ strategies, tactics, and teacher behaviors meant only for them, in effect youre telling them that theyre incapable of behaving like a successful student. It reinforces the message that misbehaving is who they are, like their eye color or shoe size, boxing them in and weighing them down by the label draped over their shoulders like a wet winter coat. And when it happens the first week of school, when you make it clear that youve got your eye on them, youre setting them up for failure. Youre setting them up for yet another frustrating, here-we-go-again school year. They become the clown prince or princess of your classroom, sadly feigning to take nothing seriously and having no care for tomorrow. Lasting change happens when we show students, when we prove to them, through our actions and our commitment to the same soaring standards as everyone else . . . That we believe in them.

How To Stop Wasting Time And Attention On Difficult Students

by Michael Linsin on October 10, 2009 Most teachers talk to difficult studentsthose with a proclivity for misbehaviorway too often. If youre spending more time on these students than others, its a sign youre not curbing their behavior. Its also not fair to the rest of your class. There is a correlation between the amount of time spent on difficult students and a worsening of their behavior. The reason is simple. By giving difficult students more time and attention than others, youre telling them that theyre different, that they cant control themselves and thus need your constant attention. Youll often hear teachers say, Oh my gosh, I have Anthony on my roster. Its going to be a long year. He needs so much attention! The fact is Anthony doesnt need any extra attention. Though now he thinks he does. Every teacher he has ever had has spent precious minutes of every day cajoling him, admonishing him, lecturing him, getting angry with him, and indulging in his ever-growing need for attention. The solution is to simply cut difficult students like Anthony off from any extra time and attention (from you). Instead, let your classroom rules speak for you. If you treat difficult students like everybody else, theyll start behaving like everybody else. Following your classroom management plan every time a student breaks a rule frees you from being forced to use your words to get students to behave as you desire, which not only doesnt work, but is also a major cause of teacher stress. As soon as a student like Anthony realizes that youre going to treat him like everyone else, his behavior will change. Part of the reason for this change is because he is being held accountable for his actions without the added commentary from the teacherwhich makes him resentful (see article on lecturing). The other part is because hes thrilled to finally not be treated like an outcast. If Anthony is new to your classroom, the change can happen quickly. If, however, he has been in your room for a while and has grown accustomed to your frequent conferences, reminders, warnings, and the like, it may take awhile.

Cutting difficult students off from the attention theyve been receiving doesnt mean you should ignore them. It means that, when it comes to behavior issues, they should be treated the same as anyone else who breaks a rule. However, you must go out of your way to let them see this new reality for themselves. Let difficult students see you enforcing rules for every student, regardless of who they are. Let them experience the same level of praise as other students. Much too often, difficult students are praised for things that arent worthy of it, which hurts your cause and is detrimental to them. If a difficult student does something well, let them know in the same manner you would all of your students. And when they break a rule, tell them what rule they broke and then enforce a consequence. And if they keep breaking rules, keep enforcing consequences. Lasting improvement doesnt come from frequent pow-wows, lectures, or feel-good pep talks. Difficult students improve because of the lessons learned from being held accountable for their actions. Focus your attention on creating an enjoyable classroom experience for your students, and refrain from speaking to individual students about their behavior or giving more attention to those that misbehave more often. Instead, follow your classroom management plan and heartily let your students know when theyre doing well. Your most difficult students will appreciate being treated the same as everyone else and, as a result, seek to be a contributing member of your classroom rather than the outcast behavior problem theyve been in the past.



Name of student teacher: Miguel Cardenas Arcos.

Name of School: Las Acacias.

Date: August 30th, 2012

Class: 6th junior high, 1st high.

Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

Briefly and objectively describe the following aspects:

a) The school: a) Las Acacias is located in Santos Ossa Avenue, Valparaiso. b) Its organization consists of the principal: Ivan Avello Arias; general Inspector: Francisco Bueno; teachers supervisor: Ricardo Aguirre. c) The student body is coeducation, the grades range from 1 junior to 8 junior high one grade for each level and from 1 to 4 junior high with two grades for each level (a and b)

d) The mission of the institution according to its PEI: Its holds an humanist conception of education which goal is to offer to its student body an integrative good quality education that helps to promote and perfect the development of students competences according to solid ethical values and social, personal and cognitive skills without leaving aside the main basis of the society: the family. The educational effort is aimed in order to develop individuals that will be able to adapt to the different situations that life consists, with a vision that aims to transform society. The school is a private school that is subsidized by the government and is part of the Sociedad de la Igualdad in which another school La igualdad is related too.


1. The classroom: a) Atmosphere: The atmosphere in the both rooms (first high and sixth junior high) is a somewhat messy especially in sixths since it seems students dont mind about the cleanliness and order, teacher has to be all the time telling them to throw the garbage in the bin and to pick up the things the throw to the floor but her efforts are meaningless since some of the student would do so, but then in thirty minutes later the room will be full of garbage again. b) Level of engagement: Students of both grades are incredibly unmotivated, they dont participate; they dont do their work unless it is graded and show no interest in learning instead of that they are always trying to use their mobile phone, listening to music or using a game console being hide from the sight of the teacher and always talking about a subject that is not related to the class. There are some exceptions, some students show interest in the class content but they are usually shy and try to call a teacher to ask questions and to clear doubts but never speak up or ask when others can hear them. c) Classroom characteristics: Settings: There is a table for the teacher, there are about 16 tables where there are two chairs each one, there is a medium normal whiteboard, an eraser, two sockets, four windows and no curtains. Other: Students have a good sight because the classroom is relatively small but for the same reason sometimes teacher has limited sight because students are too close to each other. The windows are big enough for the air and light, and there is no equipment integrated in the room.


3. The activities & resources

a) Make notes on the kind of activities used, the nature of student involvement, balance of student doing things and teacher doing things. Students were asked to do a correction of their last exam since only two of the students of the whole class obtained a grade above four. Most of the students werent interested in doing the work so most of them were talking about others things and waited until the good students did the work to copy it. The teacher gave the instructions and the students did the work, the teacher only answered questions of some students the rest of the class and did some review of difficult aspects of the test.

b) Describe the resources used and the materials available within the school. How are the resources used in the classroom? There is a library and a computer laboratory which could be reserved in case of need; also there are two data shows that could be reserved in case a teacher needs one of them.



Name of student teacher: Miguel Cardenas Name of School: Las Acacias

Date: September,1st week

Class: 1st high, 6th junior high

Task 2: Student learning

In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help to create conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a part in preventing learning.

1. The learners a) How motivated are the learners? - They are poorly motivated b) Why? - Different reasons: they dont see importance of English and many of them seem not to see the importance of other subjects as well (based on their grades and questions I asked about them), they have a very low level of English so is hard for them to put effort on doing the activities, they seem tired for different reasons. c) To what extent are they taking part in their own learning? - This is difficult to describe since these students dont have study habits as the guide teacher explained to me, Most of them dont like to copy the content, few of them do the exercises requested (like a 30% of them as most), most of the time they speak when the teacher gives instructions of gives explanations, they dont participate when they are requested to for different reasons: laziness, shyness, incapacity or a mix of these reasons.


d) To what extent are they expecting the teacher to do the work for them? A few of them expect the teacher to do the work because this group dont want do the activities at all, most of them just wait for the ones that worked to copy the activities done without doing anything else, some dont even bother with coping the activities or even important content . The ones that work usually ask teacher for guidance and help, always in private, putting as much effort as they can to do well on the activities.

2. Behaviour during classroom activities a) Describe the ways students are encouraged to participate in activities. The teacher used extrinsic motivation: Assigning grades to the work or by different threats made by the teacher, there wasnt an encouragement to work in terms of intrinsic motivation.

b) Are there any particular strategies for managing issues and motivating students? As I stated before, by assigning grades the teacher motivated some of them or forced others to do the work, in that class it was curious that some students didnt want to do the work even though the work was made in order to get them a good grade since the last exam almost all of them get a bad grade, the work consisted in a correction of the exam. Most of the students copied it from the ones that did it. The ones that refused to do their work were threaten by the teacher and she spent a lot of time arguing with them without results, at the end of the class these students copied the work badly and incomplete. There werent episodes of violence or serious disrespect but the laziness and unwillingness to participate and work was a constant issue.

c) Are there any students with special needs? Yes, there is a student with a strange disease on his kidneys and he showed traits of Asperger syndrome; since I entered the room he kept on asking me questions about vocabulary in English, most of them unrelated to the content of the class. He was the most motivated student in regard of English language, his classmates seem to respect him and I didnt see any attempt of bullying towards him or other student at least on the first months.

14 There were cases of extreme unwillingness of some students, they showed treats of amotivation, the grades nor were the threats useful with them. One student has depression; she behaved and copied the content but never participated or did the activities. *The teacher and I didnt know her condition until at the end of the year when her mother had taken her from the school informing that her daughter had psychological problems and cut her writs. On sixth junior high there is another student that showed traits of Asperger syndrome in a more pronounced way, he interrupted the teacher many times and did not tolerate changes on the way of instruction but he behaved and did all the work requested.

3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom. a) Learning styles: Most of students showed inclination to deductive learning; they like to know the rules and then applied them systematically, An approach that I had planned not to use so much because I thought it would not stimulate motivation, also focusing visual learning styles was a successful strategy but I didnt discover it until my teaching period. b) Level of English: The level was very low for most of them, they had problems with pronouns, verb to be, structure of the sentence, really poor vocabulary, and poor aural comprehension, they were asked to do things and they couldnt do them because of that problem, since the teacher was grammar oriented most of the time.



Name of student teacher: Miguel Cardenas Arcos

Name of School: Las Acacias

Date: September, 3th and 6th

Class: First high and sixth junior high.

Task 1:

For the following questions describe as accurately as you can the type of work performed as the assistant of your guide teacher:

1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time your guide teacher asked for your help? How long did it take? a) In first high I helped her with the correction of the correction of their last exam. It took the first 30 minutes. b) In sixth junior high the teacher had taken a test, so I helped in the first hour on the review of the contents, answering students questions and helping with vocabulary, it took all the first hour and then in the second hour I helped her with questions related to the test and I helped to watch for an appropriate students behaviour in the exam moment. 2. What were the students doing before you started helping out? Who gave the instructions, you or your guide teacher?

16 They were finishing their work on the correction of the exam. She gave the instruction (finish your work and bring it to us) They were doing some exercises, she gave the instructions.

3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the room. There wasnt any discernible reaction, it was like the last class, some were finishing their work, some of them bringing it to us, and some of them were distracted and were not following instructions, one student kept on asking me questions about English vocabulary that wasnt related to the content. They reacted well, some of them asked me things and others said that I got on well with them since that moment. Half of the class was focused on the teachers instructions and the other half was distracted, constant attract for attention was needed because all students were easily distracted and restless.

4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often? To write exercises about must and have to later, and help students with problems related to the rules and vocabulary, it was all the class. To help to understand tests questions, it was during the entire test.

5. What activities or resources did you propose? Were they used? How effective were they? The teacher used exercises from a grammar book that she would use and I proposed to change vocabulary and to simplify the grammatical complexity of the sentences written on the activities from the book. She agreed on this because she understood the purpose of my idea, and it worked well since students had a really low level and on this way they could follow the content without being distracted with complex vocabulary, grammar or pragmatics. I didnt proposed any activities because they had to take the test and needed to focus on the content that the teacher had thought but I helped with some ideas of exercises that were similar of the teachers.

6. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material for the required assignments? How did the student like it? No, the teacher only asked me to write the exercises she had selected; the rules were explained with a marker on the whiteboard. No, I wasnt.

17 7. Did your guide teacher provide feedback on your performance in the classroom? How often? How did you react? She gave information about the students and how to treat them, especially the Asperger student; she told me that I had to ignore his sometimes in order to make him learn not to interrupt. She gave feedback on how to treat students, especially the Asperger student because it was difficult to explain some things to him and he didnt know how to take turns to speak so he interrupted and wanted his questions answered immediately, the teacher told that I had to ignore him when he showed this type of behaviour.

AIVV/RAGS Teaching Practice Team 2012


English pedagogy Practicum 2012.

Reflective writing: Observation stage.

The observation stage was an opportunity to predict what was going to happen; the teacher was a substitute for the current teacher in the semester because she was post-natal. The substitute teacher was new and her teaching methods probably were different from the current teacher (information that I verified asking some students). Based on the content on the exam in which almost everyone got a bad grade I realized that the new teacher demanded too much from the students, but at the same time she demanded too little from them. This contradiction is based on that she offered an opportunity to get a good grade in order to improve their grades by the correction of her, in my opinion, highly grammatically demanding test (its contents consisted of: past simple and its irregular and regular verb forms, past continuous, present simple and continuous, sentences in affirmative, negatives and questions) but this work was made mechanically, most of the students just copied it from their classmates. There was not challenge in doing this, because, as I said before, most of them just copied it, they didnt learn, they didnt think, the only learning came from the repetition of the verbs forms by writing it; however, I couldnt identify a context or a semantic connection for all these verbs that were selected by the teacher. I realized that the teacher was very good in the classroom, in actions such as explaining, describing, etc, but the selection of the content, the context, the scald folding and some decisions that she

19 made were poor. What I learned from this is that we need to adapt our expectations to the reality of the students, if they cant identify one irregular verb in past, we cant evaluate their ability to make a sentences using that verb as a question or negative. I believe that we should carefully choose some topic, context or idea, and make students clear that they are going to be evaluated by what we chose. Also, we cant expect a student to master all the grammatical nuances, such as the use of s in third person or the use of does or do in questions accurately and in all contexts, there is the risk of fossilization but we can deal with that risk by a lot of prescriptive grammar input and a good amount of formative evaluation. Correcting these mistakes, that are basic and make their sentences look bad but do not hamper their meaning or the message that the sentences convey, is very important but in my opinion, based on language learning research (see I.S.P Nation and John Macalister, 2010) and based on the learning that I and my students have experienced, we cant judge their learning based on mistakes, which sometimes reflect that the learner has the knowledge but he or she hasnt internalized it, rather than errors which reflect that the student hasnt not got the knowledge we have expected from them. The question is: can we judge or blame the teacher for what he or she expects from the student? I think everyone has different point of views on how to teach and what works for them. I believe that it is right to let every teacher to choose what is better for them and we need to be flexible because what we choose is not always the solution for our purposes, also sometimes the decision of how to teach is influenced by different factors, such as, demands from the curriculum, the teacher doesnt have enough time to think well about what and how to teach, personality of the students, pressure of the moment, etc. My vision now, based on this experience and on the comparison of experiences to other teachers that Ive talked to and students that Ive taught to, is that in evaluation quality is better than quantity. Someone may ask: so what is the reason why some English teachers demand a lot of content, vocabulary and mastery from their students and these students indeed learn all of it? In my opinion, it is probably because that those students have more hours of English (some schools have 6 hours others 3 hours), so they are exposed to the content for more time than others, also it could be that theyve learned study habits, and its a teachers responsibility (and parents) that starts at the beginning of the year, because its a process, you cant change a students habit in a month, especially when you based on threats and grades since these students are used to copy and they dont have own discipline, maybe you can make student feel a little more interested in the subject by increasing intrinsic or extrinsic motivation but that doesnt mean that he would study, because the habit of studying cant be

20 created suddenly; you need to implement a methodology in which they have to work and in which copying other classmates work is impossible or at least difficult. These types of methodologies mean a lot of work from the teacher and, as we know, a teacher has little time for more work. So other question I ask is: how can we implement these methodologies? I believe that the best answer for that is hard work and set realistic goals.


I.S.P Nation and John Macalister, 2010, Language Curriculum Design, Routledge, New York.


English pedagogy Practicum 2012.

Reflective writing: Team teaching stage.

In this stage, I have experienced a curious situation: the negotiation of the way of teaching. It occurred in the situations where I helped on the instruction, creating and adapting exercises, the others situations, such as correcting students work and reviewing previous class content, were different. Sometimes we had differences in the selection of activities, at that point, she used to use exercises from a grammar book for the exercises. These exercises were structured by grammar aspects: must in affirmatives, negatives and questions they had to use must/must not in permission and prohibition sentences, also there were ordering sentences exercises. I suggested creating some exercises about the students, using vocabulary associated by a particular topic that may be related to the use of must. She agreed but after two exercises she asked me to write more exercises from the book, I wrote these exercises but I changed vocabulary and omitted some adverbial clauses and other complex grammatical structures. She reacted and looked at me surprised; she told me that it wasnt the way the exercises were written in the book. I explained to her the intention of my decision and she found it sound. Minutes later she used more exercises but didnt ask me to write them on the whiteboard, she wrote them literally from the book. The students, who have a very low level of English, struggled with the structures and vocabulary and were distracted by them, some were confused on what there were taught and didnt realize that must/must not was the focus of the class and almost all students that I asked didnt know the meaning of the sentences.

22 I learned that sometimes team teaching is hard to be performed because there are differences between the teachers styles that could interfere on the decisions. I believe that the best way to do team teaching is assuming who is going to take decisions and who is going to follow the decisions and these decisions must be discussed before the class. I wonder how we could organize the teaching when there are opposite decisions. Maybe a plan is necessary and a leader position should be negotiated in terms of what approach of teaching would be used. When I have the opportunity of being a guide teacher, I would talk a lot with the student teacher about the teaching method and decisions made and I will explain to the student teacher the reasons that I based on my decisions. Overall it was a rich experience and I got on well with my guide teacher because she was kind and comprehensive.


English pedagogy Practicum 2012.

Reflective writing: Teaching stage.

I have learned many things from the teaching stage: ways to deal with problems of discipline and motivation, and ways of dealing with difficult students. I have to point out that in both grades I had hard time dealing with issues related with indiscipline and lack of motivation. Most of the students were restless and lazy. There were good students and the process of dealing with restless students interrupted the process of teaching the good students, especially in sixth grade: sometimes, for example, I was answering a question, explaining to the student and in the middle of the explanation other student would stand up and would bother someone and it would distract the student that was being explained to, I would deal with the problem and then return to the explanation to the student and the student would be distracted by what happen and sometimes they would forget their questions made. The question I make here is: Should we sacrifice the learning of those attentive and motivated students for correcting problems of discipline? I believe that the discipline is important; on the other hand there is a lot of time and effort wasted in resolving those problems, sometimes restless students behave in that way in order to be the center of attention, so it is a tough question. Another problem was the lack of motivation that prevented students from participating of the class, answers like I dont know English, I dont know, no teacher please, ask anyone else, or just not saying anything were the usual answers that I got when I asked them anything, even when I asked questions or requested for information that were not related to the content, such as: tell me your hobby,

24 tell me a example of a situation, how was your weekend? They refused to answer because they were not interested in the topics and when they were interested they showed a shy behavior. What can we do when they dont want to learn and youve tried different methods and just few of them work? Well in my opinion when they dont want to learn many of them can be motivated by extrinsic motivation, specifically grades. The next time I perceive this type of lack of motivation, I would implement a method in which the record of the work would be important from the beginning of the year or semester, because I used this method and it worked but they got 3 grades before I started to teach, my idea is to sign their notebooks when they do their work and use these signs as points for the tests, I would created very challenging tests and at the same time I would consider if they worked doing the activities and exercises at the moment of grading. I think that if a teacher uses this method from the very beginning of the year, students would acquire a habit of working, so it could work. My method didnt work as well as I wanted because students werent used to the method (the teacher was new and started at the second semester and then I appeared, so they experienced another change) so I believe that you just need time to make this method work. Another problem was the dealing of difficult students, when I say difficult students I mean those students that cant be motivated by anything because they dont have the disposition for being motivated and those students that dont mind their grades or the punishments. There many students that never participated, they just stared at me and, some of them would copy the content or exercises, others wouldnt copy anything. There was a student that never caused trouble but never participated or showed interest, she was kind and shy, sometimes I wanted to force her to participate but my intuition prevented me from that. Later at the end of the year, she was retired from the school because she had depression, she would cut her writs. This had a big impact on me. I learned from this that sometimes we have to be aware of the students personal background, sometimes we only can suppose things since students like her would not communicate her emotional state to anyone. Should we make everyone participate when there is the possibility that there are students with personal problems and that is the reason of their unwillingness?

25 I believe that we should be careful, in my opinion it is not good to force people to make things. There are others options demanding from them in private circumstances, talking about their unwillingness or just being persistent in a friendly way accepting when they dont want to contribute but always trying the moment to make them participate. This was an issue that my supervisor teacher criticized on me, he wanted me to make students participate and worked more, I tried, there were few that participated and the supervisor considered this as a weakness of mine, and I believe that it was a little unfair since I would need more time to change a problem that had persisted on their educational history (based on opinions of other teachers). Those students that dont mind grades or punishment were a serious problem; nothing was enough for them to work, calling their parents and suspension threats were temporary but ineffective solutions for some of them but others dont even mind being threatened. What can we do with these types of students? I believe that we need to be very strict from the very beginning; in order to make them change but it takes a lot of time, I think it cant be made from in a semester. Now Ill make sure of those aspects the next time I teach, there is a need of being strict, constant and consequent with the rules and classroom habits, but this was hard on the practicum because the guide teacher sometimes wasnt consequent with the rules that I established, she used the mobile phone and ate in class. Once students from sixth grade talked to me about that in private one day that I had to talk with them about their discipline and maybe it was the reason of their rebelliousness for some of them.


Unit and lessons plans 1st high

*This is the unit plans format that the teacher demanded from me

Learning Unit 1 Grade: 1st high Time: 12 hours. Unit: What are you going to do? Teacher: Miguel Crdenas.

Contents Means Methodology Grammar: must, musnt, have. Explicit explanation of grammar rules. Affirmatives, questions and negatives. Using visual aids (signs and symbols) Vocabulary: Traffic signs. Driving actions and safety vocabulary. Exercises using grammar and vocabulary. Use of language: Prohibition, advices, obligations Inferring meaning of words and signs and using them in meaningful Pronunciation: Identifying sentences in meaningful situations. individual sounds, reductions and patterns of sounds, rhythm and intonation. Abilities and skills. Values and Attitudes. Objetives Skills: Writing, reading, listening, speaking Abilities: Identifying of the meaning of words and symbols in written and spoken language and act or produce according their meaning Values: Respect, safety, healthy relationships. Attitudes: Paying attention, concentration, being alert


Lesson plans Unit 1, 1st high.


Date: September 10th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: writing, reading, listening Expected Outcomes: Students are able to different the form of have to and must when it comes to a sentence according to the verbs and pronoun. Students are able to use have to in present and past, according to the vocabulary used in sentences. Students are able to pronounce words used in the worksheet correctly.

Resources: Markers, eraser, worksheets, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Calling of the roll Review last class

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Use of have to and must.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher explains to the students what the class is about today. Teacher gives a worksheet and explains what students have to do. While-stage. Students work on the worksheet while teacher walks around the classroom helping the ones who have problems related to the content. 30 minutes Checking if students make agree verbs with pronouns in present tense and checking if students understand the meaning of the words clearly. 5 minutes Teacher asks students about last class content, asks for some examples, and gives some examples.

5 minutes

First part of the worksheet: Practice on form have to/must Second part of the worksheet: Use of have in different tenses according to vocabulary.

Post-stage: Students give their worksheet to the teacher who cheeks it and writes the items that the students may have problems on the board and resolve with students that had wrong items, checking pronunciation and grammatical accuracy. 30 minutes Students have to write the one that they got wrong and correct them with the help of the teacher who checks the interpretation o f the sentences, correct grammar and pronunciation.

Closing: Writes the contents that were the most difficult for students and finish the class talking about what they are going to do next class. 10 minutes The difficult content will be considerate in the following class and gives a fast review about the use of have to and must in the negative form and in questions.


Date: September 13th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, reading, listening, speaking Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify situations related to traffic security in English. Students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to driving and safety. Students will be able of identify traffic signs in English.

Resources: Laptop, Markers, eraser, Traffic signs printed, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Review last class

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Students have to give last class worksheet to the teacher.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher explains to the students what the class is about today. Teacher gives students a sheet with some traffic signs on it. While-stage. Teacher ask students to write according to the signal a sentence that expresses what they have or must do in case they are driving and they see the signal. 35 minutes Teacher writes useful vocabulary on the board (driving, road, slow down, speed, etc). 10 minutes Teacher explains that he is going to teach about traffic security.

10 minutes

Teacher makes students participate in finding out the meaning of the traffic signs.

Post-stage: Teacher asks some student to write their sentences on the board, teaches pronunciation and points out mistakes that students may make. 15 minutes Teacher writes down the most common mistakes and focuses on the explanation of them.


Closing: Writes the contents that were the most difficult for students and finish the class talking about the content. 10 minutes Teacher explains to the students that still have problems and finishes the class.

Date: September 24th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, reading, listening, speaking Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify situations in which will and be going to are used. Students will be able to use verbs in situation related to the future. Students will be able of answering questions about What is going to happen?

Resources: Laptop, Markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Review last class

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains the objectives of the class and tells students what is going to happen in the class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher calls two students and have them acting a representation about a serial killer attack. . Students write the sentences on their notebooks with its correspondent situation. 15 minutes Teacher tells a fictitious story in which student a would kill student b teacher would sentences using will and be going to according to the situations: a plan: a situation bound to happen, a voluntary action, a prediction and a promise.

While-stage. Teacher shows a presentation with videos and students have to guess what is going to happen writing sentences using going to phrasal auxiliary. 40 minutes Teacher writes on the board important verbs.

Post-stage: Teacher writes the correct answers on the board to every video and explains vocabulary and grammar

20 minutes

He points out problematic aspects.


Closing: Teacher checks every students notebook with the class content and sign them. 5 minutes Teacher explains to the students that still have problems and finishes the class.

Date: September 27th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing and reading. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to understand traffic phrases and sentences in English. Students will be able to infer meaning of sentences according to the context. Students will be able to make sentences about the right use of traffic safety.

Resources: Markers, eraser, traffic signs printed, quiz, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Review last class

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Review of the video The Americas worst drivers

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher explains to the students what the class is about today. 10 minutes Teacher reminds that in this class students have to take a quiz on traffic signs and driving.

While-stage. Teacher asks students to make questions about things they do not understand before the quiz. 20 minutes Teacher reviews the most problematic areas of the content and prepare students for the quiz.

Post-stage: Teacher gives students the summative quiz called drive test Closing: Students finish the quiz.

40 minutes

Teacher gives instructions about the quiz and answers questions about unclear aspects of it.

5 minutes


Date: October 1st

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing and reading. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to correct their work. Students will be able to infer meaning of sentences according to the context. Students will be able to make sentences about the right use of traffic safety.

Resources: Markers, eraser, traffic signs printed, quiz, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Review last class

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher reviews the content

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher explains to the students what the class is about today. 15 minutes Checks the quizzes and grades them

While-stage. Gives the quizzes and tells students to correct their mistakes on their notebooks. 35 minutes


Post-stage: Teacher writes on the whiteboard the most common errors and explains them. 15 minutes

Closing: Teacher goes students by student signing their notebooks. 10 minutes

Learning Unit 2 Grade: 1 medio Time: 12 Horas. Unit: What are you going to do? Teacher: Miguel Crdenas.

Contents Means Grammar: be going to and will auxiliaries. Present tense. Affirmatives, questions and negatives. Vocabulary: weather and verbs related to plans and predictions. Use of language: Plans, voluntary actions. Pronunciation: Identifying individual sounds, and patterns of sounds, rhythm and intonation. Abilities and skills. Objetives Skills: Writing, reading, listening, speaking Abilities: Making of predictions based on evidence or thought, promises, interpreting sentences in future tense.

Methodology Explicit explanation of grammar rules. To express situations using be going to o will Exercises using grammar and vocabulary. Inferring meaning of words and sentences analyzing the context. Creating meaningful sentences in meaningful contexts. Values and Attitudes. Values: Respect, hard work, reflection and helping others. Attitudes: Paying attention, concentration, personal development


Lesson plan

Date: October 4th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, listening and reading. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify the form of be going to in questions. Students will be able to formulate questions are you going to?. Students will be able to identify meaning of questions using the phrasal auxiliary going to.

Resources: Markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains what the class is going to be about.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher writes on the board questions to the students about situations, students answer them. While-stage. Teacher explains different grammatical structures and provides different examples. 15 minutes Are you going to study in a university? Is Chile going to classify to Brasil world cup? Am Im going to be prepared for the next earthquake? Is going my family to pay for my studies?

25 minutes

Teacher provides examples from sentences that were written from homework.


Post-stage: Teacher writes exercises using going to on the course book and students have to answer them. Closing: Teacher checks that everyone has written the content and exercises on their notebooks. 10 minutes 25 minutes Page 33, number 2

Date: October 8th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, reading, listening, speaking Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify situations in which will and be going to are used. Students will be able to use verbs in situation related to the future. Students will be able of answering questions about What is going to happen?

Resources: Laptop, data show, markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Review last class Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes Teacher explains the objectives of the class and tells students what is going to happen in the class. Comments:

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher calls two students and have them acting a representation about a serial killer attack. . Students write the sentences on their notebooks with its correspondent situation. While-stage. Teacher shows a presentation with videos and students have to guess what is going to happen, writing sentences using going to phrasal auxiliary. 40 minutes Teacher writes on the board important verbs. 15 minutes Teacher tells a fictitious story in which student a would kill student b teacher would sentences using will and be going to according to the situations: a plan: a situation bound to happen, a voluntary action, a prediction and a promise.

Post-stage: Teacher writes the correct answers on the board to every video and explains vocabulary and grammar

20 minutes

He points out problematic aspects.

Closing: Teacher checks every students notebook with the class content and sign them. 5 minutes Teacher explains to the students that still have problems and finishes the class.

Date: October 11th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Listening and speaking. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify vocabulary related with going to. Students will be able to differentiate uses of going to and will. Students will be able to identify vocabulary related to the weather.


Resources: Markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains what the class is going to be about.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher reviews last class content 15 minutes Uses of going to.

While-stage. Teacher reads aloud text from the course book and asks question to the students. 30 minutes He writes questions of the book on the whiteboard and explains why the sentences use going to instead of will, he points out the differences of the use of both

Post-stage: Teacher introduces new vocabulary about weather and makes sentences with words and explains meaning . Closing: Teacher checks that everyone has written the content and exercises on their notebooks. 10 minutes 20 minutes

October 18: There were special activities for 1st high, I didnt plan because I was informed in anticipation.

Date: October 22th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Reading and writing. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify sentences using will in negative statements. Students will be able to write meaningful sentences related to the weather in future tense. Students will be able to identify adjectives and verbs related to weather and their meaning in sentences.

Resources: Markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains what the class is going to be about and gives students a sheet with grammatical structures related to use of will for reference.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher explains the rules of the sheet and then explains about vocabulary related to weather. While stage: Teacher have students doing an assessment in which they have to predict weather and temperatures for 4 cities of Chile 40 minutes Teacher asks and teaches the questions what will the weather be tomorrow and what will the temperature be like tomorrow explains the questions and their grammatical structure. Teacher shows a thermometer with temperatures according to degrees and draw examples of weather symbols. Students have to create their predictions using the degrees and its corresponding temperature and the weather and the corresponding picture. 20 minutes Writes on the board adjectives and verbs related to the weather and temperature (in future tense) from the coursebook (page 40).

Post-stage: Teacher checks their work and grade it according on the accuracy of it. Closing: Teacher waits for the ones who have not finished, checking their work and finishes the class. 5 minutes 15 minutes Explaining mistakes and errors.

Date: October 25th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, listening. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify sentences using will and wont. Students will be able to write sentences according to grammar of will. Students will be able to identify vocabulary related to promises.

Resources: Laptop, speakers, data, markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains the objectives of the class and tells students what is going to happen in the class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher plays two songs with lyrics related to the concept of promises. . 20 minutes Bob Marley is this love, Pearl Jam indifference

Teacher writes the sentences of the songs as they are played.

While-stage. Teacher writes the sentences on the board and separates them according to their grammatical structure. 40 minutes Explains that these sentences mean promises. Ask students to create more examples according to each structure.

Post-stage: Teacher asks students to write promises using these sentences as model and teacher checks their sentences. 20 minutes He points out problematic aspects.

Closing: 5 minutes Teacher checks every students notebook with the class content and sign them. Teacher explains to the students that still have problems and finishes the class.

Date: October 29th Level: 1 High School

Skills: Writing, reading, listening and speaking. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to answer questions in future, using will/wont. Students will be able to write and read predictions about the future. Students will be able to identify vocabulary related to predictions.

Resources: Markers, eraser, pieces of paper with questions, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 10 minutes


Teacher writes on the board the objectives of the class and the topic predictions: the end of the world and starts small talk about 2012s predictions.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher gives students pieces of paper with questions in future tense (predictions). . While-stage. Teacher writes on the board the title of the activity 2060 and gives instructions. 30 minutes In groups of two, three or four people, students must create 8 predictions. 4 using will and 4 using wont about what they think the future will be in the year 2060. 20 minutes Students are asked to read these questions and answer them according what they think. No, Chile wont classify Yes, Chile will classify. Teacher asks why they think so.

Post-stage: Teacher checks their work and has students read their answers: corrects their sentences, vocabulary and pronunciation. 20 minutes Each group chooses their best prediction and the teacher writes it on the board.

Closing: Teacher asks the class what are the best predictions and finishes the class. 5 minutes

Lesson plan

Date: November 5th Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, reading. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to formulate questions using will. Students will be able to indentify parts of speech on sentences using will. Students will be able to contrast the meaning of sentences using going to and will.

Resources: Laptop, speakers, data, markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains the objectives of the class and tells student the activities for today.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher reviews last class content. . While-stage. Teacher uses exercises from the coursebook got it cd room, teacher asks each students to do one exercises. 40 minutes Laptop and data will be used; the students should copy the exercises and content on their notebooks. Exercises: Declarative sentences transformed into questions, will and wont, *use of going to and will. *A fast review of the differences will be done before these activities. (page 41) 15 minutes Predictions and questions in future tense using will

Post-stage: 25 minutes Teacher writes on exercises from the (page 41) the board coursebook Write questions with will and answer the questions

Closing: 5 minutes Teacher checks every students notebook with the class content and sign them. Teacher asks students what the most difficult aspects of the content are in order to practice more the following classes.

October 8, there werent any classes because of schools alliances activities.


Date: November 12th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Listening, writing, speaking. Expected Outcomes: Students will see and listen to a movie and understand the story, characters, etc. Students will be able to answer wh questions using will or going to. Students will be able to make predictions based on evidence or based on what they think.

Resources: Laptop, speakers, data, markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction



5 minutes

Teacher tells students that they are going to see a movie (source code) and ask what they think the movie will be about. (English dialogue and subtitles)

Core of the class Pre-stage: Teacher reviews last class content. . While-stage: The movie is played 60 minutes The teacher stops the movie in order to make question as what is going to happen? 5 minutes The students make predictions using will

Post-stage: Teacher asks students to make predictions about how the movie will end. 10 minutes Students write what they think will happen.

Closing: Teacher tells students that next class they will see the end of the movie. 5 minutes

Date: November 15th Level: 1 High School

Skill: Reading and writing. Expected Outcomes: Students will identify grammatical structures. Student will be able to create questions and negatives with action verbs and state verbs. Students will be able to monitor their sentences.

Resources: worksheet, markers, eraser, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes


Teacher explains that there will be a review of the content that was taught before the teacher had arrived. (simple present, simple past, present continuous, past continuous)

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher gives students a worksheet and gives instructions. 20 minutes The teacher does a quick review of each item.

While-stage. Students answers. answer the worksheets 40 minutes The teacher walks around helping students

Post-stage: Teacher explains the most difficult aspects on the whiteboard. 20 minutes

Closing: Teacher checks their work and notes.. 5 minutes

November 19th Final Exam.

Lesson plan

Date: November 22th

Level: 1 High School

Skill: Writing, reading. Expected Outcomes: Students will correct their exam.

Resources: Markers, eraser, pens and notebooks, test.

Introduction: Roll call Introduction



5 minutes

Teacher reminds students of the final exam.

Core of the class Pre-stage: Teacher communicates the results of the test. . While-stage: Teacher calls each student to add extra points based on signs by the teacher for work done in class 40 minutes Every 3 signs 1 point. 5 minutes

Post-stage: Teacher corrects the mistakes and errors and explains to the students on the whiteboard. 20 minutes Students should write the corrections on their notebooks.

Closing: Teacher finishes the class.


November 26th, I took the final exam to the students that didnt take it and November 29th I calculated average grades and resolved cases of missing grades.


Unit 1 and lesson plans, 6th junior high. Learning Unit

Grade: 6 Junior high Time: 12 Hours.

Unit: Let me introduce you to.. Teacher: Miguel Crdenas. Methodology Explicit explanation of grammar rules. Asking for information about personal topics Exercises using grammar and vocabulary. Inferring meaning of words and sentences requesting information. Values and Attitudes. Values: Helping others, knowing about your partner, to value family, friendship and life Attitudes: Paying attention, will and interest.

Contents Means Grammar : wh questions. Vocabulary: do, live, eat, sleep, be, Use of language: Making questions to request information and answering those types of questions. Pronunciation: Identifying individual sounds, and patterns of sounds, rhythm and intonation. Abilities and skills. Objetives Skills: Writing, reading, listening, speaking Abilities: Formulation of questions, inferring and answering questions.


Lesson plans unit 1

Date: September 13th Level: 6 junior high

Skill: Understanding of questions and making of guesses. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to use and understand vocabulary related to introduction. Students will be able to understand personal questions in English. Students will be able to make sentences to respond questions.

Resources: Laptop, Markers, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher write objectives of the class

Core of the class Pre-stage One teacher introduce another teacher to the students using a pattern of questions 20 minutes In order to know each other better

While-stage. Teacher asks students to write in pairs about questions about their partners. 20 minutes He provides explanations and guidelines.

Post-stage: 20 Teacher asks students to describe their work in front of the class in pairs. One student describes another student acts out.

Closing: 10 minutes Students choose one sentences about their favorite things, write it down on a piece of paper and give it to the teacher who draw lots for a prize with the sentences, the one who guess who wrote the sentence is the winner

Date: September 27th Level: 6 junior high

Skill: Understanding of questions and making of guesses. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to understand questions about what and who. Students will be able to make guesses Students will be able to use vocabulary to define things.

Resources: A bottle of soda, markers, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher write objectives of the class

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher shows a covered object and asks students what it is. 25 minutes Teacher writes and explains the questions on board.

While-stage. Students make guessing about what it is; they write it on their notebooks. 25 minutes Teacher explains that the student guess will participate in winning the prize.

Post-stage: Then the students participate again, this time the students write on a piece of paper their favorite thing with their name, then the teacher reads them aloud and the students who guess the description read participate in winning the prize along the other student. Closing: The two final students participate in winning the prize, the teacher writes a word on the board and the students should try to explain the word without saying it, the student who guesses the word first is the winner. 20 minutes 30 minutes

Date: October 4th Level: 6 junior high

Skill: reading, writing, speaking and listening Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify whquestions when reading Students will be able to create sentences to talk about other person or thing. Students will be able to present orally their sentences.

Resources: Markers, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher writes objectives of the class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher talks about his pet. 25 minutes He writes sentences about its characteristics using third person: it is small, it eats dogfood, etc. and then write and explain sentences about talking about other thing or person.

While-stage. Teacher has students to do a task about describing someone in their family. 30 minutes Students has to choose one member of their family, friend or pet and have to describe according to its characteristics: Who/what is (she,he,it), what is his/her/its name, what is her/his/its favorite sport, food, movie?, what is her,him,its occupation? .

Post-stage: Students write their answer on the whiteboard one by one. Closing: Teacher review the content and answer questions. 10 minutes 40 minutes Teacher checks and correct the errors.

Lesson plan


Date: October 11th

Level: 6 junior high

Skill: reading, writing, speaking and listening Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify the meaning of when,where,what in questions. Students will be able to create sentences to talk about other person or thing. Students will be able to answer some wh questions.

Resources: Markers, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher writes objectives of the class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher writes and explains the content of the class on the board. 25 minutes Writes and create a table with when,where,when, their meaning and an example according to their meaning on the board.

While-stage. Teacher has students to do a task in pairs about thinking about something and the partner has to discover what it is by using wh questions? . 30 minutes Teacher provides an example calling a volunteer to think about something without saying the name of it, the teacher ask questions like: Where does it live?, where does it sleep?, where does it eat? When does it go out?, when does it sleep?, when does it eat? What does it do? what does it eat? What is it?

Post-stage: Students work in pairs and write the questions and answer in their notebooks, and then they present their work in front of the class which has to guess what the students are thinking according to the answer of the wh questions. Closing: Teacher checks that everyone finishes and ends the class. 5 minutes 45 minutes Teacher checks and corrects the mistakes and errors.

Date: October 18th Level: 6 junior high

Skill: reading, speaking and listening Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to infer meaning through sentences. Students will be able to identify and answer wh questions. Students will be able to read sentences and relate vocabulary.

Resources: Presi presentation, data, markers, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call Introduction

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher writes objectives of the class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher reviews last class content. 10 minutes How to make wh questions and answer wh questions, what is it? What color is it?


Teacher shows riddles using a Presi presentation sentences and asks students to find out the meaning of the sentence. Teacher gives a worksheet with riddles to the students.

25 minutes

Explains the meaning of the sentences and make connections about the relationship between them and the riddle.


Students have to guess the riddles.

Post-stage: Teacher checks students work on the worksheet and then makes them to read the sentences aloud and explains the meaning of word and sentences Closing: Teacher checks that everyone has finished their work and finishes the class. 5 minutes 45 minutes


Date: October 25th

Level: 6 junior high

Skill: Writing and reading Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to write meaningful sentences. Students will be able to identify and answer wh questions. Students will be able to make connections between words.

Resources: Markers, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call. Introduction.

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher writes objectives of the class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher reviews last class content. 15 minutes Teacher asks students to read and answer the questions what is it? of the riddles that were brought to the students last class.


Teacher writes different types of questions on the board. Teacher has students doing an evaluated pair work activity: writing their own riddles.

20 minutes

Teacher chooses declarative sentences of the riddles and transforms them into questions. (Where does it live?, what is its color?, what does it do?, what is it made of? What does it like?, etc). In pairs students have to write 4 riddles, the sentences of the riddles have to answer questions as the ones that were written on the board (minimum: three sentences per riddle).

20 minutes

Post-stage: Teacher walks around helping students with issues related to vocabulary, meaning and grammar. Closing: Students showed the work to the teacher and the teacher evaluates their work by a grade 15 minutes Teacher evaluates a basic grammatical structure as a requisite and a clear meaning in the riddles and their answers. 30 minutes

November 8th, there wasnt normal classes: special activities.

Date: November 15th Level: 6 junior high

Skill: Writing, speaking, listening. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify free time activities vocabulary. Students will be able to identify and produce the differences in pronunciation of can/cant. Students will be able to write meaningful sentences expressing abilities.

Resources: Markers, data, Prezi presentation, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call. Introduction.

Time: 5 minutes 10 minutes


Teacher writes on the class book the grades of students based on their work on the riddles that they had to create last class.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher introduces the new unit. 10 minutes Free time activities vocabulary and ability (can/cant).

While-stage. Teacher uses course books cd-room in activities related to free time activities vocabulary.

10 minutes

Teacher calls each student to participate in activities of picture-free time activity matching and then writing the words on a crossword.

(Lunch break)

Post-stage: Teacher gives student a worksheet of the course book (page 75) Teacher explains how to use can and cant in order to express ability or possibility. 60 minutes Students do exercises. Teacher explains to the students the difference of pronunciation of can and cant, make them pronounce the differences and then reads aloud sentences and students have to identify can or can Teacher explains degrees of ability showing a presentation and then students do some exercises.

Closing: Each student has to write two sentences, one true and the other false, using can or cant, read it and the classmate sitting beside them has to guess the false one. 10 minutes Homework: write 5 sentences about what their family or friend can or cant do.

Date: November 22th Level: 6 junior high

Skill: Writing, reading, listening. Expected Outcomes: Students will be able to identify syntax in sentences. Students will be able to ask and answer questions. Students will be able to distinguish between can and cant when reading and listening.

Resources: Speakers, markers, data, eraser, whiteboard, pens and notebooks

Introduction: Roll call. Introduction.

Time: 5 minutes 5 minutes


Teacher explains what the class is about (preparation for the test) and gives to the students a worksheet.

Core of the class Pre-stage Teacher gives instructions 10 minutes Teacher explains the content of each item by giving a quick review.


Students do the worksheet.

20 minutes

Teacher helps students with problems

Post-stage:. Teacher checks the students answers on the worksheet. Teacher plays some recorded sentences using can and cant Closing: 10 minutes Teacher writes the content of the final test. Vocabulary and grammar. 30 minutes Teacher reviews problematic aspects of the content. Practice for listening part of the test. Teacher asks student to identify can or cant depending on the sentence.

20 minutes

November 29th, Final exam.


Evaluation Instruments. 1st high Quiz: Answers in bold

Quiz Drive test Name: Date: I - Match with an X the correct traffic sign according to the sentence. Grade:

1 Pedestrians are prohibited: 2 I must stop: a) 3 I must not enter: a)

a) b) b) c) c) b) b) c) b) c)



4 Bikes have to drive on this lane: a) 5 - I must not block drive: a)


6 I must not drive at 28 kilometers: a) 7- I must not keep right: a) b)


8 I have to watch for pedestrians: a)



9 I must not drive that way: a)



II Write a sentence of what you have to/must do if you see the sign. 1. 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. 4. 5.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quiz Drive test

Name: Date:


I - Match with an X the correct traffic sign according to the sentence.

1 Enter is prohibited: a) 2 I must yield: a) 3 I must drive slowly: a) 4 I must drive one way: a) 5 - I must not drive this road: a) 6 I have to watch for traffic lights: a) 7- I must not keep left: a) b) b) b)

b) c) c) b) b) b) c) c) c)



8 I have to watch for intersection: a)



9 I must not park cars: a)



II Write a sentence of what you have to/must do when you see the sign. 1. ----------------------------------------------------------


2. 3. 4. 5.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Possible answers for the second Item. a) 1. I have to drive slowly 2. I must keep left/I mustnt keep right. 3. I must yield. 4. I have to watch for traffic lights. 5. I have to slow down. b) 1. I must stop. 2. I must keep left/I mustnt keep right. 3. I have to watch for pedestrians. 4. I have to slow down. 5. I must drive one way.

59 Scale:


The 2nd evaluation was a work on class where they had to create predictions about weather and temperatures.

The items consisted on 8 predictions: 4 weather predictions with a picture each and 4 temperature predictions with the degrees:

The ranges of temperatures were Hot, warm, mild, cold, freezing. The weather types were: rainy, foggy, windy, snowy, cloudy, sunny. Scale:


The final exam consisted on all the contents of the year, including unit 1 and unit 2.
English Final Exam
Name:_________________________________ Grade:_____ Date: ___________ Form: A

1. Transform the following simple past affirmative sentences into question sentences and negative sentences.

Example. The cat likes to play. Question: Does the cat like to play? Negative: The cat doesnt like to play.

a) I have to turn left. Question:_________________________Negative:________________________ b) People buy cars. Question:_________________________Negative:________________________ c) He plays tennis every day. Question:_________________________Negative:________________________ d) Children have to watch for danger. Question:_________________________Negative:_________________________

2. Complete these affirmative (+) and negatives (-) sentences in present continuous and transform them into questions.
Example: (-) I am not studying for the test. Question: Am I studying for the test?

a) (+)

It _________________(rain) today.

Question: ______________________ Question: ______________________ Question: ______________________

b) (-) You _________________(play) soccer. c) (+) We _________________(listen) radio.

d) (-) She _________________(dance) samba. Question: ______________________


3) Complete these affirmative (+) and negatives (-) sentences in past continuous and transform them into questions. Example: (-) We were not paying attention. Question: Were we paying attention? a) (-) You _________________(play) soccer. Question: ____________________ Question:_____________________

b) (+) Cars _________________(park). c) (-) d) (+)

She__________________ (look) at me. Question:_____________________ I __________________ (wait) for you. Question: ____________________

4) Complete the sentences using the verbs in simple past. wrote drank went- ate studied read talked a) I _______ a letter. b) The children _________ water. c) You __________ to a music concert. d) My mother ________a book yesterday. e) We _________ bread and eggs. f) Salfate ________about the end of the world on television.

5) Write sentences using must or musnt/have to according to the sign:

a) b)

________________________________ ________________________________






6) Match will/wont or be going to/ be not going to according to the context and transform the future sentence in a question. a) Yesterday I decided that you (are not going/wont) to the party. Question: ___________________________ b) I think, There (wont/is not going to) be any problem. Question: ___________________________ c) There are black clouds in the sky. It (will/is going to) rain. Question: ___________________________ d) Mary: I need help! Karl: I (will/am going to) help you. Question: ___________________________ 7) Order the words according to the temperature. Mild- hot cold warm freezing

8) Write predictions according to the picture.


It will be sunny.

a) b) c)

_________________ _________________ _________________




9) Listening exercises: Listen and match with an X according to the statement.

1) Where does Mary suggest? A) Going to the disco B) Eating in a restaurant C) Going to the cinema

2) What does John suggest? A) Going to the disco B) Eating in a restaurant C) Going to a concert

3) Where do they decide to go? A) to the pub B) to a concert C) to a disco

4) Why can't they take Mary's car?

A) It's been stolen B) Her brother has taken it to Scotland C) It's not working

5) How do they decide to go? A) By bus B) By train C) In John's car

6) When does the concert start? A) At six thirty (6.30) B) At seven thirty (7.30) C) At a quarter to seven (6.45)

Check your answers, success!

65 English Final Exam Name:_________________________________ Grade:_____ Date: ___________ Form: B

3. Transform the following simple past affirmative sentences into question sentences and negative sentences.

Example. The cat likes to play. Question: Does the cat like to play? Negative: The cat doesnt like to play. e) I must pay attention. Question:_________________________Negative:_________________________ f) You eat pizza. Question:_________________________Negative:________________________ g) They play tennis every day. Question:_________________________Negative:________________________ h) Women drive carefully. Question:_________________________Negative:_________________________

4. Complete these affirmative (+) and negatives (-) sentences in present continuous and transform them into questions.

Example: (-) I am not studying for the test. Question: Am I studying for the test?

e) (+) He __________________(drive) a car.


f) (-)They __________________(drink) water. Question:______________________ g) (+) I _________________(listen) to you. h) (-) John _________________(dance). Question: ______________________ Question: ______________________


10) Complete these affirmative (+) and negatives (-) sentences in past continuous and transform them into questions. Example: (-) We were not paying attention. Question: Were we paying attention? a) (-) I _________________(play) soccer. Question: ____________________ Question:_____________________

b) (+) She _________________(park).

c) (-) They__________________ (look) at me. Question:_____________________ d) (+)You __________________ (wait) for me. Question: ____________________ 11) Complete the sentences using the verbs in simple past. bought went- lost studied sent played -slept g) I _______ a game. h) The children _________ ice cream. i) j) You __________ to a music concert. My mother ________ all night.

k) We _________ the soccer match. l) She ________an e-mail.

12) Write sentences using must or musnt/have to according to the sign:



b) c) d)

________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________


13) Match will/wont or be going to/ be not going to according to the context and transform the future sentence into a question. The Plan: We (are going to/will) study for the test. Question: ___________________________


f) I think, There (wont/is not going to) be good news. Question: ___________________________ g) Today I decided that you (are not going/wont) to the party. Question: ___________________________ h) There is not a black cloud in the sky. It (wont/is not going to) rain. Question: ___________________________ 14) Order the words according to the temperature. Mild- hot cold warm freezing

15) Write predictions according to the picture.


It will be rainy.

e) f) g)

_________________ _________________ _________________




16) Listening exercises: Listen and match with an X according to the statement.

1) Where does Mary suggest? A) Going to the disco B) Eating in a restaurant C) Going to the cinema

2) What does John suggest? A) Going to the disco B) Eating in a restaurant C) Going to a concert

3) Where do they decide to go? A) to the pub B) to a concert C) to a disco

4) Why can't they take Mary's car?

A) It's been stolen B) Her brother has taken it to Scotland C) It's not working

5) How do they decide to go? A) By bus B) By train C) In John's car

6) When does the concert start? A) At six thirty (6.30) B) At seven thirty (7.30) C) At a quarter to seven (6.45) Points: one point each item.

Check your answers, success!



*Audio files can be found in mp3 format in the following link.


Evaluation Instruments 6th junior high. The 1st evaluation consisted on a class activity in which students, in pairs, had to create 4 riddles: each riddle with three sentences as clues, the question and its answer. Example of a riddle: It is brown and green (1 point). It is tall (1 point). It has leaves (1point). What is it? (1 point) It is a tree (1 point). Total: 20 points. Scale:


The 2nd evaluation consisted of the final exam including all the contents of the semester and the contents of unit 2. Final English Test Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________ Grade: _____

1) Match the free time activity with the picture.

2) Answer the following questions

a) What is your name? b) Who is your best friend?

: ____________________________________ : ____________________________________

c) What is your favorite animal?

: ____________________________________

d) What is your favorite hobby?

: ________________ ____________________

3) Order these adverbs of frequency.

Often, rarely, usually, never, always, sometimes.


4) Write the sentences in the correct order.

Example: You/always/study/at night. a) He/gets up/usually/ at eight oclock _____________________________________ b) Play/often/in the park/We/soccer _____________________________________ c) E-mails/She/reads/never/ _____________________________________ d) rarely/go to the movies/on Sundays/They _____________________________________

5) Match can or cant according to the picture.


He can/cant dance gangan style.


She can/cant see the picture.


The cat can/cant play soccer



Shakira can/cant sing.

6) Look at the chart. Write sentences for Danny and Mary. Can Can Very well Well Quite well Very well At all + (+++) + (++) (+) (-) (--)

cant Example: Danny can play the guitar very well (+++) Mary cant play chess very well (-)

a) b) c) d)

Danny_______dance__________ (--) Mary ________act ___________(+) Danny ________play tennis ___________(+++) Mary ________ sing ___________ (++).

7) Order these can sentences. a) b) c) d) Play the guitar/he/can : _________________________________________ Go to the movies/ can/you: _________________________________________ she/ go bowling/can : _________________________________________ can/go skateboarding/ we : _________________________________________

8) Write a riddle using three sentences and ask the question and the answer. a) ____________________ , ______________________, ____________________ Question: _____________ Answer:_______________________


9) Listen to the sentences and choose can or cant. a) He can/cant run. b) I can/cant sleep well.

c) I can/cant speak English at all. d) She can/cant speak French. Points: One point each item except item 8) five points. Scale:

The audio for the listening can be found in the following link:


Learning materials: 1st high. The school used the course book Got It! level 2 nguage=en&mode=hub



English Worksheet. Name:


I - Replace must for have to or has to according to the pronoun (subject). 1- Women must go to the Doctor every year. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Children must be protected. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- The government must give opportunities to study for everyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- People must respect traditions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- Chile must classify to world cup 2014. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- My family must be together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II - Write the correct form (have/has to or had to) according to the tense (past, present, infinitive or future) and write in which tense is every sentence. 1- I _______ pay my debts yesterday. 2- She_______ do her duties. 3- My hair_______be washed today. 4- In Chile, houses_______ be rebuilt because of 2010s Earthquake. 5- We________ make a sit-in last year in our school. 6- You________ study hard right now. 7- Students________ escape from the cops in the riot last week. 8- I always________ be careful when I walk at night. 9- Your Father________ pay for your school, clothes, food and fun every day. 10- You________ study this worksheet tomorrow.

Vocabulary: Women (mujeres),Children(ninos), Be protected (ser protegido) People (las personas),Together(juntas),Pay(pagar), Debts (deudas), Duties (deberes), be washed (ser lavado), be Rebuilt (ser reconstruido), a Sit-in (una toma), Cops (policias/carabineros), Riot (protesta), Be careful (ser cuidadoso),Worksheet (Guia de trabajo).

Pronunciation: Have to; HAfta, Has to; HASta, Had to; HAra/HAta, Must; Mast.


English Worksheet. Name:


I - Replace must for have to or has to according to the pronoun (subject). 7- I must go to the Doctor every year. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8- Your mother must be protected. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9- Teachers must give opportunities for everyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10- A real man must respect women ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11- Chilean soccer players must win next match ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12- Our families must be together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II - Write the correct form (have/has to or had to) according to the tense (past, present, infinitive or future) and write in which tense is every sentence. 11- I _______ pay my debts yesterday. 12- She_______ do her duties. 13- My hair _______be washed today. 14- In Chile, houses_______ be rebuilt because of 2010s Earthquake. 15- We________ make a sit-in last year in our school. 16- People________ study every day. 17- You________ escape from the cops in the riot last week. 18- Women________ be careful when they walk at night. 19- Your Father always ________ pay for your school, clothes, food and fun. 20- You________ study this worksheet tomorrow.

Vocabulary: Women (mujeres),Children(ninos), Be protected (ser protegido) People (las personas),Together(juntas),Pay(pagar), Debts (deudas), Duties (deberes), be washed (ser lavado), be Rebuilt (ser reconstruido), a Sit-in (una toma), Cops (policias/carabineros), Riot (protesta), Be careful (ser cuidadoso),Worksheet (Guia de trabajo).


Pronunciation: Have to; HAfta, Has to; HASta, Had to; HAra/HAta, Must; Mast.

Practice of future tense will.


Rewrite the following sentences as questions.

1) It wont rain tomorrow. Question: _________________________________ 2) I will watch for the weather anyway. Question:__________________________________ 3) You wont buy an umbrella. Question:__________________________________ 4) She will ask for an umbrella. Question:__________________________________ 5) He will get her an umbrella. Question:__________________________________ 6) We will sell umbrellas. Question:__________________________________ 7) They wont buy umbrellas. Question:__________________________________ Rewrite these sentences as will questions and give short answers.


1) In the year 2080, there wont be trees in our planet. Question:____________________________________ Answer :_____________________ 2) I dont like to study; I will get a job to get money. Question: ____________________________________Answer: _____________________ 3) My family wont buy what I need all my life. Question:_____________________________________Answer:_____________________ 4) These Worksheets will prepare you for the test, keep them. Question: _____________________________________Answer:_____________________ 5) Chilean students will help Chilean teachers to make Chilean education better. Question:______________________________________Answer:____________________ 6) I wont study because I am millionaire. Question:______________________________________Answer:____________________ 7) It will be a foggy day tomorrow. Question:______________________________________Answer:____________________

8) There will be students crying in the end of the year. Question:______________________________________Answer:____________________


Preparation for the test worksheet. 1- Transform the following affirmative sentences into questions and negatives in simple present. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) I must go to school today. Question:_____________________Negative:________________ You drive slowly. Question:_____________________Negative:___________________ We know the answer. Question:_____________________Negative:___________________ They have to stop. Question:____________________Negative:____________________ He plays soccer every weekend. Question:_________________Negative:________________ She likes to dance. Question: __________________ Negative:___________________ The dog eats everyday. Question: ________________Negative:____________________ Women drive carefully. Question: _________________Negative:____________________ Children have to watch for danger. Question:_____________Negative:_________________

2- Complete the following positive(+) and negative(-) sentences in present continuous (to be+verb+ing) and transform them into questions. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) K) L) People(-) ______________(buy) cars. Question: ______________________________ Children(+)_______________ (watch) for traffic lights. Question:_____________________ She (+)________________(dance). Question:_______________________ He(-)________________(play) soccer. Question:_____________________ It(-) ________________(rain). Question:________________________ I(+)________________(study). Question:_________________________ You(-)_______________(turn) to left. Question:______________________ My mother(-)_____________(drive). Question:________________________ My brother(+)______________(be) a good person. Question:_______________ I(-)________________(pay) attention to the teacher. Question:______________________ We(+)______________(become) good students. Question:________________________ They(-)______________(think). Question:_________________________


3) Answer the following questions in affirmative(+) and negative(-) sentences in simple past. A) Did you eat today? __________________________(+) B) Did she drive the car? _________________________(+) C) Did they eat today? ________________________(-) D) Did I sleep 6 hours? ________________________(+) E) Did my brother drive my car? ______________________(-) F) Did you pay attention to your teacher? ____________________(+) G) Did you write the verbs in your notebook? __________________(+) H) Did they think about you? ____________________(+) I) Did we come to school?______________________(+) J) Did you think about the problem? _____________________(-) K) Did I study for the test?_______________________(+) 4- Complete the following affirmatives (+) and negatives (-) sentences using past continuous (was/were + verb+ing) and transform them into questions. A) The children (+)_________________(eat) Question:_______________________________ B) The woman (-) _________________(read) Question:_______________________________ C) I (+)____________________(play) soccer. Question:_______________________________ D) He (+)___________________(think) Question:____________________________ E) They (-)_________________(pay) attention. Question: ___________________________ F) You (+)________________ (drive). Question:__________________________ G) We (-) _________________(speak). Question:_________________________ H) It (+) _________________(snow) Question: __________________________ I) The women (+)_____________(learn) Question:__________________________ J) The child (-) ________________(sleep) Question:_________________________ 5- Match will/wont or be/not going to according to the context and transform the sentences (in future tense) into questions. A) B) C) D) There are black clouds in the sky. It (will/is going to) rain. Q:_______________ Nothing (will/is going to) happen. I promise. Q:____________________ I think, There (wont/is not going to) be any problem. Q:________________ The Plan: We (are going to/will) study for the test. Q:__________________

83 E) Yesterday I decided that you (are not going/wont) to the party. Q:______________ F) Mary: I need money. Karl: I (will/am going to) give you money. Q:_________________ 6- Write sentences using must or musnt/have to according to the sign: ________________________________

___________________________________ ____________________________________


_____________________________________ YouTube videos: Americas worst drivers: Laugh for gags videos (pranks): Songs: Bob Marley Is this love Pearl Jam Indifference

84 6th junior high learning materials


Read the riddle and draw what you think it is.


It is hot. It lives in the sky. It is bright. Dont look straight at it. It disappears at night. What is it? ____________

2) It lives in the water. People drive it. Dont put a hole in it. It makes you sick when you are on it. What is it? ____________ 3) It is in your body. It is red. It is the symbol of love. Blood pumps through it. Please dont break it. What is it? ____________ 4) It is red, yellow and green. It is a healthy snack. It makes good juice. You can bite it. Give it to a teacher. What is it? ____________ 5) It is circular. It goes up and down. You can throw it. You can catch it. It breaks windows. What is it? ____________ 6) It is usually green and brown. It lives for long time. It is a house for a bird. Kids love to climb it. It needs rain. What is it? ____________

86 7) It smells nice. It is beautiful. It has many different colors. You can pick it. Dont forget to water it. What is it?_____________ 8) It is usually made of bricks or wood. It has many windows and doors. It will keep you warm and safe. Please clean it. What is it?_____________ 9) It entertains you. It tells stories. It is similar to a cube. It is plugged into the wall. People fall asleep with me. What is it?_____________ 10) It protects your house. It likes bones. It likes to run and play. It barks. It is mens best friend. What is it?_____________

87 Preparation for the test. 10) Make questions about. Go shopping _____you____________________? Play the guitar ______He_____________________? Play computer games _____they________________? Ride a bike ____you_________________? Go to the movies ____she_________________? Send text messages ____we_______________? Surf the internet _____I_________________? Go bowling _____we_______________? Play cards ____I_______________? 11) Answer the following questions e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Where do you live? __________________________ What is your favorite sport? ______________________ What is your name? ___________________________ What is your favorite movie? ______________________ Where do you study? ______________________ Who is your best friend?______________________ What is your favorite animal? _________________ What is your favorite hobby? ______________________

12) Order these adverbs of frequency From the most frequent (1) to the less frequent (6) Often, rarely, never, always, sometimes, usually, always. 1) ________ 2) ________3)_________4)________5)_________6)__________ 13) Write the sentences in the correct order. e) I /letters/write/never _____________________________ f) He/gets/up/usually/ at eight oclock _____________________________ g) Interesting/always/are/English lessons _____________________________ h) Play/often/in the park/we/soccer _____________________________ i) E-mails/she/reads/never/ _____________________________ j) She/home/rarely/gets/at six oclock _____________________________ k) Are/they/funny/never _____________________________

88 14) Complete the sentence with can or cant.

She/Play/Guitar ____________________

She/Sing ___________________

He/ride a bike________________

He/play tennis ________________ 15) Look at the chart. Write sentences for Danny and Mary. Can Very well Well Quite well Very well At all +++ ++ + _ __


e) f) g) h) i) j)

Danny_______dance______ (--) Mary ________act_______ (+) Danny ________play tennis _______(+++) Mary ________play soccer ________ (-) Danny ________play chess ________(+) Mary ________ sing ________ (++).

16) Order the sentences as can questions (abilities). e) f) g) h) Play the guitar/he/can _____________________ Go to the movies/ can/you ____________________ she/ go bowling/can ____________________ can/go skateboarding/ we _____________________

17) Write two riddles using three sentences and ask the question and the answer. b) _______________ , __________________, _______________ Question: _____________ Answer:______________ c) _______________, ___________________, _______________ Question: _____________Answer: _______________

89 Prezi presentations: Riddles: Can and cant: Audio used:


Bibliography. Caldern, M. Patricio (2007). Los Conflictos entre Profesores y Alumnos: Del aburrimiento, desmotivacin e indisciplina en la escuela. Publicacin patrocinada por el Proyecto MECESUP UPA 0102, Valparaso: Universidad de Playa Ancha. Brown H. (2000) Teaching by Principles. Pearson Education, Inc. 2nd edition. Drnyei Z. (2001) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom Cambridge University Press. I.S.P Nation and John Macalister, (2010), Language Curriculum Design, Routledge, New York.

Willis D. and Willis J. (2007) Doing Task based Teaching, Oxford University Press, Oxford,NewYork.


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