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Anmol Bohre Aparna A. Arshe Noor Malavika C. Sharad Anand 09 11 12 24 44

Effectiveness of 24/7 Policy in Alliance University

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Sl .No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 Abstract Introduction Hypothesis Objectives Description of Research Methodology Questionnaire Analysis of the SPSS Conclusion Topic Page No. 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 14

Effectiveness of 24/7 Policy in Alliance University

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Alliance University is a private University established in Karnataka State by Act No. 34 of year 2010. The University is notified under private universities list maintained by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. Sprawling over vast acres of land, Alliance University is steadily climbing up the ladder of the top MBA universities in India through a series of strategically crafted moves, precisely calibrated action plans and an unwavering commitment to the pursuit of excellence. Of the many moves to increase its student quality, one is to make the campus open 24/7. Through our research, we study the effectiveness of this policy by first conducting an exploratory result to determine deciding factors and then conduct a quantitative study to obtain final results.

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With the plethora of assignments and reports being given, the students were hard pressed to find time to complete them before deadline along with finding time for themselves. The administrative department hence came up with the policy of keeping the campus open 24/7 to facilitate group and study meets as the students are scattered over various residential halls. This study tries to see the effectiveness of this policy. The research is carried out in three stages : In the first stage, in depth interviews were conducted to determine the parameters required to measure the effectiveness of the policy. The second stage involved the development of a mixed scale questionnaire and acquiring data through them. In the final stage, the collected data is analysed using t-test in SPSS and conclusions are drawn. For this, the hypothesis is taken as given below.
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H0: There is no significant difference in academic performance after the implementation of the 24/7 campus policy. Ha: There is a significant difference in academic performance after the implementation of the 24/7 campus policy.

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The purpose of the research is to determine if there is an improvement in academics after the implementation of the 24/7 policy. This is a pure research as there is no problem that needs to be solved here. We are studying in depth about a current scenario. In order to measure the academic progress which is a qualitative it is broken down into certain parameters.

These are as follows: Number of group meets after 12. Number of study sessions / academic related interactions among students after 12. Group cohesiveness and effectiveness (measured in terms of assignments submitted on time, improvements in the group performance during assignments, improvements in the exam performance, interaction hours and submissions) Flexibility to change the study hours timings.

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In order to find out the parameters which determine the academic progress/usefulness for the students an exploratory research was initially conducted. This research is done in order to clearly know about the problem or in order to know the metrics used to measure a problem. In this case the parameters for the academic usefulness had to be determined in order to conclude if the 24/7 policy is useful for academics or not. In depth interviews were conducted among Alliance students to find out what they think affect their academic performance.

After conducting such interviews the following parameters were considered the most important by the students:
Meeting/ study sessions after twelve. Flexible timing in terms of usage of library Flexibility in terms of the study pattern/group cohesiveness. Time spent on academics. This survey excludes the groups that have all day scholars.

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Once the parameters have been decided and objectives stated, a questionnaire that answers the objectives was designed. The questionnaire includes a combination of likert scale, nominal scale and open ended questions.

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1. Are you happy with the college adopting 24/7 campus policy? * Yes No 2. How many group meets have you conducted after 12? *

3. Are these study sessions effective? * Yes No 4. How many study sessions have you had after 12? *

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5. Are these study sessions effective? * Yes No 6. Has the 24/7 policy helped you/your group submit your assignments on time ? * Yes No 7. Did you experience increased group cohesiveness due to higher interaction hours ? * Strongly Agree Agree May be Disagree Strongly Disagree 8. Do you now have enough time to spend on assignments as compared to before ? * Strongly Agree Agree May be Disagree Strongly Disagree 9. Do you feel an increase in interaction hours between you and your friends ? * Strongly Agree Agree May be Disagree Strongly Disagree
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10.Do you think that this policy makes a difference in your exams performance ? * Strongly Agree Agree May be Disagree Strongly Disagree 11. Due to the current policy are you able to use the library effectively ?* Strongly Agree Agree May be Disagree Strongly Disagree

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We have used a five point likert scale in order to measure the objective. The option varies from strongly agree to strongly disagree (1 to 5) for the same. The SPSS table shows the weighted output as a result of the respondents filling the questionnaire.

The outcome variable is a scale generated as a mean of the following five variables
grp cohesiveness, ontime submission, Incrsd_intrction_hours, exm_performance, and effective_library_usuage. Once this is done T-test is applied and the level of significance demonstrates that we have to reject the Null hypothesis, and accept the alternate hypothesis.

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A regression equation can be constructed in order to show the relationship of the various independent variables on the dependant variable. (look at the output file and put the regression equation)

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From the analysis of the data we can conclude that the 24/7 campus policy helps academic effectives of the students. This is facilitated in terms of effective assignment submissions, usage of library, combined study sessions and group cohesiveness. This certainly is a positive step to improve the academic quality.

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