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Calvin Cycle y y y y y y y Starting material is regenerated after molecules enter and leave cycle Anabolic, builds sugar from

smaller molecules and consumes energy Carbon in as CO2 out as sugar Spends ATP as energy source consumes NADPH as reducing power for adding high energy electrons to make the sugar Carb produced directly is 3 carbon sugar G3P For the net of one molecule of G3P, cycle takes place 3 times fixing 3 molecules of CO2 Phase 1: Carbon Fixation- The Calvin cycle incorporates each CO2 molecule one at a time by attaching it to RuBP. Enzyme that catalyzes this is rubisco (most abundant protein in chloroplasts and Earth) Product is 6C intermediate that s so unstable, it splits in half, forming 2 molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. Phase 2: Reduction- Each molecule of 3-phosphoglycerate receives extra phosphate group from ATP becoming 1, 3-bisphosphoglycerate. Next a pair of e s donated from NADPH reduces 1, 3bisphosphoglycerate to G3P. G3P stores more potential energy. Every 3 molecules of CO2= net 1 G3P even though there are 6 G3P. The one net molecule exits cycle to be used by plant cell. However, other 5 are recycled to regenerate the 3 molecules of RuBP. Phase 3: Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (RuBP)- Carbon skeletons of 5 molecules of G3P are rearranged by last steps of Calvin Cycle into 3 molecules of RuBP. Cycle spends 3 more molecules of ATP to accomplish this For net synthesis of one G3P molecule, cycle consumes: 9 ATP, 6 NADPH G3P exiting Calvin Cycle becomes starting material for metabolic pathways that synthesize other compounds, including glucose and other carbs. Cycle can t make sugar from CO2 alone To synthesize one glucose molecule, Calvin uses 6 CO2, 18 ATP, 12 NADPH To determine the initial amount of CO2 and the internal styling of the webpage doubled into

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