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The Sunset Services

Meditation Tarot
A tool for understanding your daily life.

Your guide to Using the Tarot for Meditation

By Dayna Lee
Copyright 2005 Dayna Lee Colell

Meditation with the Tarot

Meditation with the Tarot will bring forth within yourself, consciously or unconsciously areas of your life that you wish to deepen or explore further. The symbols are ancient and have been used by these methods so many times that collectively on the unconscious level, they have strengthened.
For example, if you are in a rut and cannot seem to break away from a distressful way of thinking, use the Fool to open your mind to fresh new ideas and thoughts, allowing them to break the patterns you are currently set in. The Fool has boundless energy, like a child everything is new. Gaze upon the picture and study it, absorb its energy. Then close your eyes and picture as yourself the energy of the Fool within. Allowing it to come forth, calling it to the surface will trigger unconsciously the aspects behind card into your life. Another way to use these cards for one card meditation, is to make 22 small pieces of paper and number them 0-21, representing the cards. Fold them into quarters and mix them up so that you dont know which is any particular number. Upon waking, ask spirit which aspect of your life should be focused on for that day. What is it that you may not be noticing, or should you pay extra attention, trying to notice when it makes itself known to you that day. Thenuse these slides and forward to the card corresponding to the number you chose. Sit and gaze into the card, and close your eyes for a minimum of 5 minutes, allowing the energy to place itself into your consciousness before setting out and starting your day. Youll be surprised at how often you will choose the same card for many days in a row. You may wish to journal this exercise and also see how it plays into your dreams at night. Enjoy and as always, Blessed Be.

Primal energy, optimism, childlike exuberance, discovery, adventure, and new beginnings.

Will, wits, mastery, making things happen.

Feminine, knowledge, perception, attraction.

Pregnancy, maternal qualities, creativity, fruitfulness.

Logical, paternal qualities, executive, mathematical.

Conformity, orthodoxy, religon.

Reciprocal love, affection, cooperation.

Direction, staying the course, control.

Mental and physical health, control over impulses.

Soul searching, meditation, guidance.

Fate, destiny, going with the flow instead of fighting it, karma.

Fairness, just decisions, understanding all sides, balance.

Faith, suspend decisions, letting go.

Endings, transformation, clearing the way for renewal, change.

Temperance, patience, balance and moderation.

Facing fears to overcome them, obsessions, negativity, temptation.

Breaking up misaligned thought, the breakdown of instability to begin with better foundations.

Intellectual ability, inspiration, hope, wishes.

Psychic ability, rhythm, subconscious, imagination, dreams, artistic talents.

Happiness, good health, joy of living, bliss.

Atonement, repentance, rebirth, spiritual cleansing.

Balanced, achievement, happy, productive and successful life.

Thank You for your interest in selfhelp education services available free of charge at the Sunset Services.
Compiled in this format, I have created this page by page presentation so that you may use this deck for the purpose of meditating, in the event that you do not have your own tarot deck, or that you just prefer the larger pictures, as do I. The deck I have chosen to use is the Universal Waite, available for purchase through US Games, Inc.
Some of the meditation thoughts are from the Hanson-Roberts Tarot companion, a book that defines with much detail not only the story of the Tarot, our life journey, but simple and easy to understand definitions including reversed. A great deck, and book for beginners that I highly recommend. Very powerful, these symbols have been a part of humanity for thousands of years, and will help not only guide, but will unconsciously begin to create and manifest into the physical reality that which you seek.

Copyright 2005 Dayna Lee Colell

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