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Project Plan (DRAFT)

Project Name: Project Manager: Susan Bourque, Provost

Foundational Commitment:
Advance Technological

Project Description
Advance Smith's technological capabilities, with particular attention to the Web and its capacities to enhance teaching, recruitment and visibility.


Project Implementation Team Members

Name Role
Susan Bourque, Provost Project Manager
Herb Nickles, Director, ITS
Tom Laughner, Director Educational Tech, ITS
Richard Myers, Director of Finance
John Shenette, Exec. Dir. Campus Operations

Objectives (What are we trying to achieve?) Status

(Metrics) Programs/Projects/Tactics to Achieve
(Study, Planning, Execution, Completed,
(Specific, Measurable Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound) Objectives Assessment)
Launch departmental and programmatic efforts to  Clarify to chairs and directors the importance of involvement  Planning
enhance the utility of the web to advise students in web presence
on clear pathways through the major  Expand College Relations new media staff  Execution
 All departments and programs will participate  Hold departmental retreats to support advancing technology  Planning
 Make course catalogue available online
 Work with College Relations staff on web updates  Planning
 # of departments that have expectations for majors  Revise Smith’s online course catalogue  Completed
on the web  Make available Five-College catalogue online  Completed
 Assessment of efficacy of web  Regular assessment of efficacy through the Advising  Planning

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Enhancing pedagogy through technology  Committee on Educational Technology to create workshops  Completed
 Classroom equipment upgrades on how to use technology in the classrooms
 Upgrade equipment in the classrooms  Execution
 Create and staff Technology Learning Commons (Seelye)  Completed
 Maximize use of Center for Media Production (Alumnae  Completed
 Reorganize classroom support services  Completed
Enhance Student Learning in the area of  Expand Information Literacy Program  Execution
Information Literacy  Create Information Commons in Neilson Library  Completed
 Create Information Commons  Create and staff the Quantitative Learning Center in Neilson  Completed
 Create Quantitative Learning Center Library
 # of departments that have expectations for majors
on the web
 % of each incoming class completing an
information literacy scorecard
Increase technological efficiency and safety of  Put in place plans for emergency power and A/C for  Planning
college operations business continuation
 Increase Five-College bandwidth to 100mb by  Launch Emergency Messaging System  Completed
Aug‘08  Increase 5-Coll bandwidth to 60mb by March and 100mb by  Completed
 Launch Emergency Messaging System
 Install wireless access in public buildings, classrooms,  Execution
 Keep pace with expected 5-College bandwidth common areas of houses
growth  Install Banner Extender to integrate with Banner system  Completed
 Wireless upgrades: provide every building on  Implement controlled door access using OneCard system  Completed
campus with some wireless access  Install PeopleAdmin software for recruitment  Completed
 Add online document retrieval capability to Banner  Digitize SCMA and art department collections  Completed
 Expand controlled door access for improved safety
 Increase efficiency of HR recruitment tools
 Expand library and museum electronic resources

(Risks are things that MAY happen; Issues are things that are already happening)
Issue: Being able to keep pace with the demand for bandwidth expansion.

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