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The expressions in English

1. Expression of Greeting and introduction with their responses Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, ada ekspresi-ekspresi yang biasa digunakan untuk memulai, dan mengakhiri suatu pembicaraan. Yaitu Greeting (kalimat sapaan) yang digunakan untuk memulai percakapaan. Sedangkan untuk mengakhirinya digunakan Closing(penutup). a. Formal (to older people) greeting expression Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. How nice to meet you! Good to see you Pleased to meet you The responses Good morning Good afternoon God evening How nice to meet you, too! Good to see you, too Pleased to meet you, too Example: Beni : Good morning, Sir. Mr Fahri : Good morning. Are you new student? Beni : Yes, sir. I am Beni Harun. I am in 7 C. How are you? Mr. Fahri : Fine. My name is Fahri. I am a English teacher. Where you come from? Beni : I come from Bandung Mr. Fahri : Pleased to meet you Beni Beni : Pleased to meet you, too, Mr. Fahri b. Informal for greeting expression Hi, Hello The responses Hi, Hello Nice to meet you Example Virly is a new student Virly : Hello. I am Virly, I am a new student Lila : Hello, Virly. My name is Lila Fatimah, do you come from Cirebon?

Virly : Yes, nice to meet you Lila Lila : Nice to meet you, too c. Closing a. Good bye b. Have nice to meet you c. See you later The Responses Good bye You, too So long. Take care. d. Introduction Untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada lawan bicara, ada beberapa kalimat yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Self introductions Hello. Im Wawan Hello. My name is Lusi Hi. Im Fatih. Whats your name? The Responses How do you do? I m Rudi Pleased to meet you Hi. Im Siti Introduction someone to another Introducer Response A Response B Id like to introduce Shifa How do you do? How do you do? Id like you to meet Mita Nice to meet you Nice to meet y Example Danar : Hi, Tina. Id like to introduce my friend Rian, he is our new classmate Rian : Hello, my name is Rian. I am a new student here Tina : Hello Rian. My name is Tina. I am in class 7A,same with you and Danar. Rian : I see. Nice to meet you Tina : Nice to meet you, too 2. Expression of Request Request adalah permohonan yang lebih sopan untuk meminta seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk diri sendiri. Request expression Could you bring me some water, please? Would it be possible for you to borrow your novel

Would you mind lending me some money?

The responses Yes, of course Certainly Sure Im afraid I cant Im sorry Example Waitress : Can I help you? Ayu : Yes, could you bring me the menu, please? Waitress : Yes, of course. Here you are Ayu : Would it possible for you to bring orange juice, please? Waitress : Sure. 3. Expression of Inviting People Ada beberapa kalimat yang bisa digunakan ketika mengundang atau mengajak seseorang. You can use these expressions ti invite someone. Formal expression to invite older or stranger people Would you like to come? Id like very much thank you to come I was wondering if you like to.. The responses (Accept an invitation) I would, very much Thank you Id love to Yes, Id like nothing better The responses (refuse an invitation) Im terribly sorry, I cant.. Im very sorry, I dont think I cant Thank you very much but Example: You are invite by your new friends to watch a movie at the 21 st studio theater. Your favorite film is going to play Farah : Would you like to come and watch the Harry potter movie with me? Soraya : Thank you. Id love to. When we are going to there? Farah : I think about 2 p.m. How about you Hawa? Would you come to with us? Hawa : Im very sorry, I dont think I cant because I have to help my mother to accompany her Farah : All right, Hawa, never mind

Informal expressions Shall we? Can you come to.. Are you free on..(day/date) Lets go to.. The responses (accept an invitation) Thanks. Id love to Sounds great OK All right The responses (refuse an invitation) I wish I can but.. Sorry. I cant I really like to, but Example Your friend invites you to come to his house to do home work together Fadli : Do you want to come to my house? We can do our home work together. Alfa : Sounds great 4. Expression of offering something Ada beberapa kalimat yang biasa digunakan ketika menawarkan bantuan, makanan, minuman atau hal lain ke seseorang. Would you like. Could you bring. Can I help you The responses Yes, please. No, thanks. Sure Example: Bayu is a waitress in the Food Fast Restaurant, he give offering to his guess Bayu : Can I help you sir? Mr. Ridwan : Yes, please. Could you bring list of menus in here? Bayu : Sure. Would you like to some tea for drink? Mr. Ridwan : No, thank. I would like to a cup of coffee. Bayu : Certainly 5. Expression of asking and giving something Ada beberapa kalimat untuk mengungkapkan permintaan dan memberikan sesuatu kepada orang lain.

Asking (Formal expression) Giving (the responses) Could you please Sure. Glad to help Would you kindly. Yes, of course Example: Mita : Sir, could you please get dictionary above? I cant reach it Shopper : Sure. Glad to help you miss. Here it is Asking (Informal expression) Giving (the responses) Can you give me. Certainly Pass me. Sure Example: Salsabila : Fitri, pass me the salt, please? Fitri : Certainly. Here you are 6. Expressions of gratitude Ucapan terima kasih biasa diucapkan ketika menerima hadiah, pujian atas prestasi, undangan ke pesta, pelayanan restoran, atau tempat lainnya. Im very grateful for. Thank you very much for.. That was nice of you. Thank you Thank you Thanks a lot Thanks The responses Youre welcome Youre entirely welcome Dont mention it It was my pleasure Dont worry about it Forget it Example: Rizals mother need some sugar for the cake, she is baking. She asks Rizal to go to market Mother : Rizal, I need some sugar for the cake and Im busy to go to market. Can you help me to buy it? Rizal : Of course, mom Mother : Thank you, son Rizal : My pleasure, mom 7. Expressions of Apology Ucapan permintaan maaf diucapkan ketika merasa bersalah atau tidak dapat memenuhi suatu ajakan. Formal expression The responses I apologize for please dont be sorry

Please excuse me It doesnt matter Please accept my apology Thats all right Example: Tatang forget to feed her cat, pussy. Her father is upset Father : Tatang, have you feed pussy? I heard Pussys sounds Tatang : Oh God, I forgot to feed Pussy. Please accept my apology Dad Father : What? How could you forget? Oh, poor Pussy. But never mind. But next time dont forget it. Ok Tatang : Of course Dad Informal expression Sorry I am very sorry The responses Thats ok Never mind

8. Expressions of Congratulation ucapan selamat diberikan ketika seseorang behasil melakukan sesuatu seperti lulus ujian, memenamgkan pertandingan, atau mendapat nilai bagus. Congratulation Well done Fantastic The response Thank you Example: Sri : Mom, I have won the speech contest competition Mother: Congratulation, Sri. I proud of you Sri : Thank you, mom 9. Expression of complement someone Ucapan pujian yang diberikan kepada seseorang pada penampilannya atau prestasinya. Thats nice.(appearance) Youre looking good. (appearance) Wow. Youre very cleaver The responses Thank you Dont said that Thanks Example: Prilly has came from Jakarta. She wears new dress Citra : Hi. Prilly, you are looking good today. Thats nice dress Prilly : Dont said that, Citra. Im just wear ordinary 10. Expressions of asking, Giving, and Refusing Permission

Untuk meminta, memberi, atau menolak izin biasa digunakan kalimat-kalimat tertentu. Asking permission May I have your permission Can you allow me.. Giving permission Yes, certainly I can see no objection Of course Refusing permission Im sorry, we cant allow you to I afraid you cant Example: Ahmad ask permission to Agus to use his dictionary to look for difficult words Ahmad : May I use your dictionary, please? I need it to look for difficult word. Agus : Sure, I have nothing to do with it now. 11. Expression of Command, Prohibition, and Warning Command expressions Close the door, please Could you please give me Bring the book! Open the window! Example: Teacher : Who can answer the question? Bambang : What is your question, Sir? Teacher : Listen carefully! Ill read the question once more Prohibition expressions Dont bring anything please Could you please dont enter that room Dont steep the grass Dont come late Example: Aziz : I am sorry, miss. I come late Miss Irma : Why do you come late? Aziz : I got up late because my mother is sick Miss Irma : Well, dont be late again Aziz : Thank you miss Warning expressions

Watch out! Keep your eyes open! Look out! Be careful! Example: Rafi : Mom, may I climb the mango tree to pick it? Mom : The tree is too tall Rafi : I can climb it mom Mom : Ok, but be careful. Usually the tree is wet because tonight it was rain 12. Expressions of opinion Ungkapan yang menyatakan pendapat kepada pihak lain Asking for someones opinion What do you think about.. Whats your opinion of What about..? What would you say to.? Giving opinion I think, its a good idea Well, I must say. Id say I dont know Example Gina : What do you think about my new pair of shoes? Dian : I think they look good on you. Are you free tonight Gina? do you have any opinion if were going to movie to watch Ketika Cinta Bertasbih? Gina : Well, I must say ok. Its a good idea 13. Expressions Like and Dislike Suatu ungkapan yang menyatakan kesukaan atas sesuatu atau ketidak sukaan pada sesuatu. Likes I like/love I do like/love I really enjoy Im really very find of Dislikes Im afraid I dont like I hate.. I dislike.. I cant stand Example Ibrahim: Where are you going, Firman? 8

Firman : Oh, Im going to canteen Ibrahim: Can I join? Firman : Sure. Lets go Ibrahim: Anyway, whats your favorite food? Firman : I love fried noodle so much, but I cant stand with fried prawn, Im allergy. What about you? Ibrahim: I see. Well, I do like chicken soup and I hate meat

14. Expression of possibility / impossibility Ketika menyatakan sesuatu hal mungkin atau tidak mungkin terjadi, ada kalimat-kalimat tertentu yang dapat digunakan. Expressing possibility It is possible that.. Its likely Expressing impossibility Its not possible that Its impossible Its unlikely Example Ridawan : Do you like Mr.Arman when he taught? Dion : Yes, I like him. By the way, it is possible that the headmaster will teach our class Ridwan : I think so, because if he find the empty class, he change the duty of our teacher to teach us. Dion : Have you done your homework? Ridwan : Its impossible that we finish the homework properly, because I dont understand explaining from Mr.Sarif 15. Expression of Agreement / Disagreement untuk menyatakan kesetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan terhadap sesuatu hal, dapat digunakan beberapa kalmat. Expressing agreement I agree with you You are right I couldnt agree more Thats true Expressing disagreement I dont agree with you No, I am afraid I cant agree I dont know for sure No, thats wrong Example: Susi : How shall we arrange these chairs? 9

: We could put them in groups at ten to twelve with a small table in the middle. Susi : What do you think Tuti? Tuti : I agree with you 16. Expression of Sympathy Ungkapan simpati dapat digunakan ketika mendengar seseorang tekena musibah atau mengalami peristiwa buruk. Im sorry to hear that Thats too bad Thats awful Example: Elis : Why you didnt come to my house yesterday? I waited you till evening Ita : I am sorry Elis, yesterday my father is sick. He is hospitalized Elis : Oh. I am sorry to hear that. Why you didnt call me? Maybe I can help you 17. Expression of Hope Ungkapan harapan digunakan ketika mengharapkan sesuatu hal terjadi baik untuk diri sendiri atau orang lain. I hope that.. I hope you will.. Example: Cinta : I heard that your house was robbed last night Laura : Yeah. My computer was lose Cinta : I hope that the robber will be prison by the police Laura : I hope so 18. Expression of Certainly / Uncertainly Ketika menyatakan suatu keyakinan atas suatu hal, dapat digunakan kalimatkalimat tertantu yaitu: Im positive Im very sure Im certain I believe so Atau ketika menyatakan suatu ketidak yakinan atas suatu hal, dapat digunakan Im not sure I doubt it Im not certain I dont think so Example: Bobi : The sky is cloudy. The sun doesnt shine. Do you think is going to rain?



Aji Bobi

: I believe so. Well what about tomorrow? I afraid it is going to rain again : I am little doubt about that because its not rainy season Giving Information Yes, of course You must go straight..

19. Expression to ask and give information Asking Information Excuse me, can you tell me.. Could you tell me.. Can you help me to find.. Do you know

Example: Bunga : Could you tell me where the station is, please? Citra : Yes of course, you must go to straight and the station is first on the left Bunga : Thank you very much 21. Expression of starting, extending, and ending conversation on the phone Dalam percakapan di telepon, tedapat beberapa sapaan baik itu pembuka , isi dari percakapan maupun penutup nya. To start a conversation on phone Can I speak to.. May I speak to. Hello, this is Hello. speaking. To extended a conversation on phone Hold on, please. By the way. Furthermore,. Moreover,. To end conversation on phone See you then. Bye. Ill call you later All right. See you again, sir/maam. Thank you very much. Example Eliana : Hello. Tiyo : Hello. May I speak to Eliana? Eliana : This is Eliana. Whos speaking? Tiyo : This is Tiyo. I just want to tell you that I cant go to the bookstore with you today.


Eliana : Hold on. Tell me whats wrong? Tiyo : Well, my brother is being treated in the hospital for dengue fever. So I have to stay in the hospital today. Eliana : Oh Im sorry to hear that. I hope your brother will get well soon. Tiyo : Thanks, Eliana. I hope so 22. Expressions of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Untuk mengungkapkan suatu perasaan puas dan ketidak puasaan a. Satisfied expressing I really like it Im really satisfied with. It satisfied me that.. b. Dissatisfied expressing I dont really like it Im not satisfied with.. Im never satisfied with. Example: Amir : We watched football match yesterday Burhan: What were teams fighting? Amir : Persib vs Persija Burhan: whose is won? Amir : Persib, I really like it Burhan: Really??! OhI dont really like it, because I am The Jack Mania 23. Expressions of Asking and Giving Advice Dalam mengungkapkan suatu permintaan dan memberikan nasehat Asking Advice Giving Advice Could I ask for your advice about..Certainly Would you recommend I think you should What would you advice.. Youd better if. What should I..? If I were you, I Example: Arik : What should I do, I am going to face the final examination tomorrow? Farid: If I were you, I think you must study hard and memorize all lessons Arik : Thank you for your advice Farid: Its ok 24. Expression of Pleasure Untuk mengungkapkan kesenangan dapat di ungkapkan sebagaimana dibawah ini We are pleased to hear about.. I cant say how pleased I am.. Great! Fantastic!


Terrific! Example: Mrs. Yuli : Announcement for class 7 students that tomorrow until Sunday, youll study in your own home, because class 8 and 9 will go to study tour with teachers so you take holiday Students : Hooray, Its holiday time Well be very pleased tomorrow.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Bates, N. 2005. Real Time: An Interactive English Course for Junior High School Students. Jakarta: PT Phibeta Aneka Gama. 2. Richards, Jack. C., 1996.Interchange: English for Interaction Communication, Studetss Book 2. Cambridge: CUP. 3. Sudarwati, M. 2006. Look Ahead: An English Course for Junior High School. Jakarta: Erlangga 4. Wardiman, Masduki Jahur, Djusma. 2008. English in Focus for Junior High School. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan. Departemen penddikan Nasional


KATA PENGANTAR Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena atas karuniaNya diktat tentang ungkapan-ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris ini dapat kami susun. Diktat ini disusun berdasarkan kurikulum yang berlaku dan kami sajikan sebagai pendamping/penunjang materi pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah. Isinya singkat, padat, mudah dipelajari dan dipahami oleh siswa. Diktat ini diharapkan dapat membantu Guru dalam membelajarkan dan dapat membantu siswa dalam pelajaran, sehingga siswa giat, aktif, terampil, untuk menuju prestasi tinggi dan dapat mengungkapkan sesuatu dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar Ucapan terima kasih setulusnya penulis sampaikan kepada rekan-rekan yang telah memberikan motivasi dan masukan sehingga diktat ini dapat terwujud. Akhirnya, dengan kerendahan hati kami berharap rekan-rekan Guru dan para praktisi pendidikan semoga berkenan memberikan kritik dan saran demi perbaikan dimasa yang akan datang.



DAFTAR ISI KATA PENGANTA DAFTAR ISI 1. Expression of Greeting and Introduction with their responses.... 1 2. Expression of request................................................................... 2 3. Expression of Inviting people....................................................... 3 4. Expression of Offering something............................................... 4 5. Expression of asking and giving something................................. 4 6. Expression of Gratitude................................................................ 5 7. Expression of Apology................................................................. 5 8. Expression of Congratulation....................................................... 6 9. Expression of complement someone............................................ 6 15

10. Expression of asking, giving, and refusing permission............... 6 11. Expression of Command, Prohibition, and Warning................... 7 12. Expression of Opinion................................................................. 8 13. Expression Like and Dislike........................................................ 8 14. Expression of possibility/impossibility........................................ 9 15. Expression of Agreement/Disagreement..................................... 9 16. Expression of Sympathy.............................................................. 9 17. Expression of Hope...................................................................... 10 18. Expression of Certainly/Uncertainly........................................... 10 19. Expression to ask and give information....................................... 10 20. Expression of starting, extending, and ending conversation on the Phone...................................................................................... .................................................................................................11 21. Expression of Satisfied and Dissatisfied...................................... .................................................................................................11 22. Expression of Asking and giving advice..................................... .................................................................................................12 23. Expression of Pleasure................................................................. .................................................................................................12


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