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Fisa de lucru
Clasa a VI-a

1. Rescrie propozitiile in ordinea corecta a evenimentelor. a. I go to sleep at 10 pm. b. I have lunch with my sister at 15 oclock. At lunch I have soup and fruits. c. I have dinner with my family at 8 pm. At dinner we have stake. d. I wake up at half past six in the morning. e. I go to school with my friends at half past seven. f. I arrive at school at 8 oclock. g. I finish school at 2 oclock in the afternoon. h. I go back home at half past two in the afternoon. i. I have breakfast at 7 oclock in the morning. I have milk and cereals.

2. Completeaza cu forma corecta a verbului din paranteza la Present Simple. a. I (have) dinner with my family everyday. b. you (go). to school with your friends? c. breakfast? d. She...(do) her homework before lunch. e. He.(have) lunch with his father and sister. f. ..she (like) elephants?

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