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University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport

Lesson Plan
Student teachers Name: Lesson Number: School Action Plus 1 SEN Pupils School Action Fiona Buchanan of 7 4 1 CR Date/Time: 13/11/12 Curriculum Area / Activity: Lesson Duration: French 30 minutes Number of Pupils: 27 Class: Year 5/6 SS (refer to departmental register / IEPs) Names of other adults present:

Student teacher target in relation to Standards and ITDP

T1 - Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils T2 - Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils T3 - Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge T4 - Plan and teach well structured lessons T5 - Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils T6 - Make accurate and productive use of assessment T7 - Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment T8 - Fulfil wider professional responsibilities Personal and professional conduct

Identified targets based upon previous lesson plan evaluation

Cover a topic they have not already done,

Learning Objectives
What do I intend the pupils to learn? (Knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes and skills) To understand how to ask and say my name in French Working towards... To understand and repeat what is your name, to reply my name is...

Differentiated Learning Outcomes

Achieving... To understand and repeat what is your name, to reply my name is and combine with other words they have learned EG Bonjour, Comment tappelles-tu? Beyond... To understand and repeat what is your name to reply my name is and combine with other words they have learned.. To be able use them confidently in class and use with previous French knowledge to create a simple phrase. E.g. Bonjour, Bonsoir, Mademoiselle Comment tappelles-tu? Without help.


With help from the teacher / AOT/ peers.

With little or no help from the teacher/AOT / peers.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport

Learning across the curriculum

Lesson plan x 3 teacher, observer(class teacher), TA Seating plan Check speakers / volume Early Start teaching resource open and ready to go Flashcards to be added to working wall IWB / Whiteboard /Pens Backup files on USB stick Access to the school network TA or AOT for SEN pupils Tidy up music ready to go

Learning across the curriculum

French - Understanding and using the foreign language English EN1 Speaking and Listening, EN2 Reading, EN3 Writing PSHE - Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people Geography - Knowledge and understanding of places

Time & Learning Objectives

Pupil Learning Activities

Including reference to inclusion strategies

Teaching Points / Strategies / Teacher Role

Including reference to how tasks have been differentiated

Organisation and Risk Assessment

Assessment for Learning Strategies

Formal and informal


3 minutes

SAFETY Speakers / volume Starter Children listening and answering during Q&A

Print LI and remember to LI Ask and say my name in French Remember to Listen to the children on the video, say the word and repeat Match the written word to the speech Make a phrase with other French words you know SAFETY Check speakers / volume Explain Activity / refer LI Recap on lest session and other words they know Q & A to assess for prior knowledge. Use the answers to extend questioning and support other children.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport Time & Learning Objectives

Pupil Learning Activities

Including reference to inclusion strategies

Teaching Points / Strategies / Teacher Role

Including reference to how tasks have been differentiated

Organisation and Risk Assessment

Assessment for Learning Strategies

Formal and informal

20 minutes

Main Activity Monitors hand out class books for vocabulary. Listening Answer Ca va or ca va bien or ce ne vas pas, Et toi?

Main Activity Ask monitors to hand out books Bonjour la classe Ca va? Ca va bien merci Learning four new phrases today Je mappelle My name is Comment tappelle-tu? What is your name C;est (it is) Or Je mappelle Fiona (my name is) Show the Early Start resource Sing the song as per the video Teacher leads Q & A Who can tell me what the words mean? Use Flashcards 1. For pronunciation For meaning 2. For spelling Mix with greeting words to ceate a phrase Teacher prompts: Informal meeting another child Formal meeting an adult Teacher directs children to talk to each other IN FRENCH in pairs Differentiation: SEN: To understand and repeat what is your name, to reply my name is... with another child With support , especially with spelling and class Miss Sinclair to observe/ help around the class TA and SEN working together to reinforce vocabulary and pronunciation Open verbal questioning to elicit discussion.

Children listen to pronunciation Children repeat the words

Children watch the video and repeat the words to practice pronunciation. Children repeat the words shown on the Flashcards say what they mean and when they are used

Evidence of understanding, application and synthesis will be observed through listening to the children during the Q&A and speaking activity Use praise and extend learning by providing different contexts. Children apply knowledge to use the correct word in the correct context e.g. formal informal, day and evening

Children practice with each other in pairs using all the new words see differentiation

Sunday, 24 February 2013

University of Brighton, Faculty of Education and Sport Time & Learning Objectives

Pupil Learning Activities

Including reference to inclusion strategies

Teaching Points / Strategies / Teacher Role

Including reference to how tasks have been differentiated

Organisation and Risk Assessment

Assessment for Learning Strategies

Formal and informal

Children use the words and work with other children in the class

vocabulary book Achieving: To understand and repeat what is your name, to reply my name is and combine with other words they have learned EG Bonjour, Comment tappelles-tu? To speak in French to another child With minimal help Working beyond: To understand and repeat what is your name, to reply my name is and combine with other words they have learned.. To be able use them confidently in class and use with previous French knowledge to create a simple phrase. E.g. Bonjour, Bonsoir, Mademoiselle Comment tappelles-tu? Draw class back together. Teacher moving around the class and listening to the children to assess progress. Teacher and TA saying bonjour, salut, ca va, bonsoir and the asking Comment tappelletu? What is your name To elicit a response For assessment. To help with pronunciation and comprehension.

Assessment of written work in vocabulary books. Check for spelling and correct definitions.

Children to write in vocabulary books with English word first then French Word 5 minutes Plenary: Recap of main ideas Whole class participation in answering questions

Q&A recap what does Bonjour mean? to get a definition Plenary Teacher directing questions to individuals What were the new words we learned today Use lolly sticks Correct pronunciation, context, Extended ... using bonjour, ca va bien madame etc Use tidy up music track to countdown to being ready to leave. Chairs away / stand behind chairs Evidence of understanding, application and synthesis will be observed through Q & A.

2 minutes

Children put books into centre of the table, pens away and sitting at their tables

Sunday, 24 February 2013

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