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What the Holy Bible really tells us in the New Testament Apostolic Doctrine

When God had called his sons to appear before him in the realm of infinity and absolute singularity by his throne, the Holy Anointed One was there as well and he came to the Fallen Evil One, the Chief Rebel, Gods Great Adversary.

On that day, Jesus and Satan had a talk and Jesus asks Satan what he thought of doing with the people here in the World, now that Adam had lost his

mandate to rule Earth...

Satan Replied :

I will teach them how to do evil, make bombs and to kill; to hate and abuse one another; to accept my vile beastly son as their only master and to use democracy as their new religion whereby I can enslave them all

I shall enjoy myself very much!!!!

Jesus asked: Afterwards, what are you going to do with them?

I am going to enslave and destroy them all!! Lucifer said

I have many plans for the human race to serve me and my rebel Anunnaki for ages to come! The Fallen Evil One sneered

Jesus asked: How much do you want for them?

Satan Replied, Why would you love the Human Race? They are treacherous, lying, false, egoistic, and covetous! The price for them will be very high, because they are mine now!

They will never really love you and are going to blaspheme and spit in your face, they are going to despise you and they will not listen to you, but torture you and crucify you!

How much do you want for them, Satan? Messiah asked again.

I want your tears and your blood: your life! Lucifer said.

So be it. No one takes my life from me, but I lay it down freely and I take it again unto myself; that power I have from my Father

We shall see. Scoffed Satan, as Jesus paid the price of our redemption!

On the third day Jesus rose again from the dead and appeared to his disciples to teach and prepare them for the future things to come. He then went to be with God in order to prepare a place for us in his Fathers House of Many Mansions, the Holy Space City of New Jerusalem.




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