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Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Reem Kanaan Ph.D. Anatomy and Cell Biology. Temple University School of

Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine,

Erasmus Mundus master of bioethics-Belgium-Italy-Holland

Dialogue with my unbeliever friend by Mustafa Mahmud (with modifications) Chapter One Who Created the Creator? My friend is a social man, he is talkative, and he always gets engaged in dialogs and debates. He thinks that we silly believers live on fantasias, fooling our selves with paradise dream, wasting all pleasures of this life. This friend has Ph.D from France. He dose not believe in God so he asked me: You believe in God existence, and your strongest evidence is that every created thing has a creator. Thus fabrics are evidence for the presence of the tailor, paint is evidence for the presence of the painter, and the universe is evidence for the presence of God. I will use this same rationale to ask who created the Creator?

I answered: You are admitting that God is the creator then you ask who created the creator. Thus, you think of Him as creator and being created at the same time. This is controversy because God is either or.

{Is then He, who creates as one who creates not}

You are imagining the creator to be subject to the laws that apply only to the created creatures. Created creatures' live in certain time and space, while God has created time and space and thus he is above time and space. The laws of time and space do not apply to Him. God has created the law. It follows that we should not imagine Him to be subject to the law. A similar methodology of thinking to yours is found in the example of a man how created a doll that moves by battery. This man should also move by battery, similar to the doll that he has made, thinks the doll. Simply that is not correct, because the law that apply to what is made dose not apply to the maker. However, if the doll has not seen the man it will assume that he needs the battery to move. When told that the man moves with no battery the doll refuses to accept that fact. It simply does not make sense to me, the doll said.

A German philosopher said "mans brain is able to understand phenomenon and partial facts, but is incapable to understand what is beyond such as God existence. We know God by our conscious. Aristotle believed that chair is made from wood, wood from trees, tree from seeds, so its like a chain. He continued with this rationale until he came to the conclusion that his chain must end up at a creator how is not in need for creation. God is the proof thus he dose not need a proof. God existence is obvious in the organization, accuracy, and beauty present in all His creations. His Greatness is manifested in the magnificence of creatures such as the leaves of trees, the feathers of birds, the day and the night, stars and planets. If people claim creation to chance, they will be similar to whom who imagines that letters thrown in air will assemble themselves forming a poem as good as Shakespeares poem but, without an author. God said {God is only one, God is the self-sufficient master, whom all creatures needs, he begets not, nor was he begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable to Him} My friend asked:

Why do you believe that God is one? Why could not He be more than one? i.e. two or three? Each God has his own specialty? We say God is one because the whole universe is created following a similar plan. Hydrogen atoms were formed by Fujin; similar to the atomic energy that irradiates from stars that were formed by the exact same way. All life components were formed from carbon compounds. All can burn to carbon. All creatures were created following similar anatomical plan. Hence, the anatomy of the frog rabbit pigeon, crocodile, and whale is similar.

All creatures have similar veins, arteries, heart cambers, bone, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system. The simple unit which is the cell behaves similarly in animals, plants, man, ameba (breath, proliferate, differentiate).

{Do people not think deeply in their own selves (about them selves) how Allah created them from nothing and similarity} The unity of the creation reflects the unity of the creator. God is the self-sufficient. He dose not need any other God to complete Him. Only un-complete creatures need to be in multiples.

If there is more than one God, then they would have fight with each other. They will differ and each one of them would have kept what He created for him self. Hence the universe would have been damaged.

{No son (or offspring) did Allah beget, nor is there any God along with Him. (If there has been many Gods), then each God would have taken away what He had created, and some would have tried to overcome others! Glorified is Allah above all that they attribute to him!}

{High exalted is Allah above all that they associate as partners (to Him)} {Is there any God with Allah? Say: Bring forth your proof, if you are truthful} My friend asked: Is it not strange that this God intrusive with every detail in our life? He is watching the camel in the desert, he is watching the bee sucking honey from the flower and taking habitation in the mountains, He is watching the fish swimming in the sea. Moreover, He knows when a leaf falls from the tree; He knows how many fruits the tree has! And He knows when a female gets pregnant and when she is going to deliver a baby! He also knows when a man falls on the ground and when a fly falls in soap pan! When the rain dose not fall down, it is because God did not order it to fall!

When the phone does not ring its because God did not want it to ring! Is not God more important than caring about those things? Is not He too busy with silly things?

I answered: do you believe a better God will be one who has relieved Himself from responsibilities and took few days off! Do you believe a better God is one who do not see or hear or answer our prayers! Do you believe a better God is one who does not care of His creatures? Who are we to decide for God which subject worth attention and which does not? The fly that you consider as insignificant creature might spread diseases such as cholera. If cholera did spread during war; one party might win the war over the other. Didn't Alexander the great die by mosquito bite! On one hand the smallest events might lead to the greatest results. On the other hand very dangerous events might end up without any consequences. God who disserves to be God is one who knows every single detail in the universe, even if it is as small as an atom. He is a creator who takes care of His creatures. {God is ever encompassing all things} {He manages and regulates affairs from heavens to the earth} {Neither you do any deed nor recite any portion of the Quran - nor you (mankind) do any deed (good or evil) but We are witness thereof, when you are doing it. And nothing is hidden from your Lord (so much as the

weight of an atom on the earth or in the heaven. Not what is less than that or what is greater than that but is written in a clear record}. Chapter Two If My Deeds are Distend to be My Deeds, why do God Judge me For Doing Them?

My friend said: you claim that God is aware of every incident in His kingdom. Every event or action runs according to His well. Moreover, it is all recorded. If my actions are all Distend to be mine why does God question me about them? Do not claim that I have freedom and I can get to choose, I did not choose when I was born, or when I well die, I did not choose my nationality, I did not choose my height, I did not choose my skin color, I did not choose when the sun rise or when the sun set. If I am a criminal isn't that what God wanted for me to be?

I answered: your actions are known by God but they were not imposed on you by Him. An example put forward is: If you know that your son will fail in school, and then at the end of the year he does fail, you did not force him

to fail but you knew he will fail. Your assumption that you were not given freedom (since you did not choose your date of birth, sex, or height and because you are unable to change the course of the sun) is dependent on the way you view freedom. You are talking about absolute freedom. This absolute freedom is limited to God. We Muslims agree with you my friend, that humans were not given this absolute freedom.

{And your lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses: no choice have they. Glorified is Allah, and exalted above all that they associate (as partners with him)}.

Thus, no one can choose in matters related to creation this is only in Gods hands. For this reason God is not going to ask you about your being short. He is not angry or pleased with you for being tall. God will only question you about your actions and responsibilities. This is the window of freedom that we believe in. Because you get to choose your actions, you are going to be asked about them. You are free in controlling your desires, anger, and in resisting bad deeds that are so appealing to you. You are free to give your money to

charity. You are free to tell the truth even if your only ways out of trouble is to lie. You are free not to take advantage of other people weaknesses. You are free not to say bad words. This is the freedom God given to you and it is what He is going to ask you about. It is relative freedom not absolute. God (Allah) order you to do good deeds, however, you choose to obey, or disobey.

{Verily, Allah enjoins justice and worshiping none but Allah alone and to be patient in performing your duties to Allah. Allah forbids evil deeds, e.g. illegal sexual acts, disobedience of parents, polytheism to tell lies. He admonishes you, that you may take heed}

God has created within human both evil and good. It is up to the human to do the election; either to propagate good or propagate evil. That is why humans are superior to angles that have no choice other than being good. Unfortunately, the majority of humans choose not to respond to their good side. According to the Hobbesian approach: men are predators of one another.


If you my friend still questioning this freedom look inside yourself; naturally we feel responsible for our bad deeds consequently, we regret them. Moreover, we feel happiness and self satisfaction when we control our desires. At every minute in our life we choose between different possibilities using our minds. This is the mind's main task. We also do distinguish between the motions of our hand if it is shaking involuntary out of fever or voluntary when we are writing. If the two motions were imposed on us we would not have the ability to distinguish. Another evidence that we entertain the relative freedom is that we can never force our hearts on things that they do not like. An example put forward is that you can beat a woman until she gives you her body, but you can never get her heart. God created hearts such that they are free. For this reason God looks at the heart intention when one is doing the action. Moreover, man is not punished for his worst actions if the heart intention was not in the action, thus the believer who is tortured and forced to say bad words about God is not going to be punished in the day after.

{Whoever disbelieve in Allah after his believe, except him how is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with faith; but such as open their

breast to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a great torment}

Some people think that human freedom is beyond God's well, this is not true. Man is free to act in a way that does not please God, but he can't act against God's well. God gave us freedom that is beyond his satisfaction so we disobey him, but God did not give us freedom that is beyond his well. All our actions are encompassed within God's well even if it is against Gods satisfaction. God choose to give us freedom, we did not force Him to give us freedom, thus our freedom is God's well. {But you cannot will, unless Allah wills. Verily, Allah is ever allknowing, all-wise.}

Because our will is included in God's will and is a gift from him, then there is no competition between the two wills. Another related point is that some people think that the destiny is enforced on man kind against man's will and nature. God has refuted this


idea stating that if He wanted mankind not to have the freedom of choice He would have done so.

{If We will, We could send down to them from the heaven a sign, to which they would bend their necks in humility}

Thus if God wanted He could have forced all people to become believers. Clearly this is not the way of Allah.

{There is no compulsion in religion. Verily the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in worshiping anything other than Allah and worship Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is Allhearer, All-knower} {And had your lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So will you (O Mohammed) then compel mankind, until they become believers}


Each man's destiny matches his own heart intention. God's will for a certain person is based on thats person will and heart intention.

{Whoever desires (by his deeds) the reward of the hereafter, We give him increase in his reward, and whoever desires (by his deeds) the reward of this world, We give him thereof (what is decreed for him), and he has no portion in the hereafter} {In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy) and Allah has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies} {While as for those who accept guidance, He increases their guidance and bestows on them their piety}

Also in Quran God address the prisoners of war.

{If Allah knows any good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what has been taken from you, and He will forgive you, and Allah is Oft-forgiving, most merciful}


God leads us to what we choose by our hearts; there is no enforcement against our will, or opposite to our nature

{As foe him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him, and believes in the best. We will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness). But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself selfsufficient. And denies the best. We will make smooth for him the path of evil} Man has the heart intention while God enable him to do what is in his heart. If the heart intention is good God enables the man to do good. If the heart intention is bad God enables him to do badly. However, human freedom dose not have steady state levels. It can increase or decrease. The first method by which human beings can increase their freedom is science, hence they are ordered to increase their knowledge.

{Read! in the name of your Lord} {He (Allah) has taught man that which he knew not} {Assembly of jinn and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass beyond them}

By inventing transportation and communication means, man was capable to travel through and explore the universe. By studying climate man was capable to find a way to stay warm in winter and cold in summer. Man used science to increase his freedom and to meet various challenges. The second method by which human beings can increase their freedom is though their faith. By studying God constitution our Religious beliefbecomes intersubjective, concrete, situated in time and place. We seek strength from God. We feel close to Him when we pray and supplicate. This is how the prophets and good people lead their life. They are rewarded by God's support, for example Prophet Solomon has employed Al jinn and the wind. He also talked to the birds by the help of God. Prophet Jesus razed died peaple, by God's help. God said

{I (Jesus) have come to you with a sign from your lord, that I design for you out of clay, a figure like that of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave, and I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by Allah's leave}


Prophet Moses split the sea

{Then we revealed to Musa (Moses) (saying): Strike the sea with your stick. and it parted, and each separate part became like a huge mountain}

In addition to prophets good people also receives God support.

Chapter Three Why Did God Created Evil

My friend said: how do you claim that God is perfect, merciful, kind, and gracious, however He is the one how created all this Evil in the universe? How do you explain illness, elderly, death, earthquakes, hurricanes, microbes, poison, high temperature, very cold winter and very harsh summer, ext. If God loves beauty and goodness how could He create ugliness, hatred and Evil?


This issue is one of the principle debates that have been studied by many philosophical schools. Those schools have come up with many different opinions. We say that God is all mercy and goodness, however He allows Evil. God only ordered justice, love, forgiveness, beneficence. God does not accept any deeds but good deed. The question that posits itself is why did not God stop the killer from killing and the thief from stealing? It's because God gave us freedom. Freedom encompasses mistakes. Giving us freedom is meaningless if we did not get to choose between right and wrong, and if we don't have the right to try good and bad. In God constitution it is stated that freedom is accompanied with pain. Freedom ranks man kind at much higher level than slavery with happiness. For this reason God did not stop us from doing wrong deed, suffer and learn.

Even though God allows evil, He makes good a general rule while evil is an exception. Health is the rule, while sickness is the exception. We spend most of our lives healthy getting sick for few days only. Earthquick altogether resemble few minutes in the earth life span, which is counted by millions of years, similar to volcanoes.

Wars constitute short intervals of the long peaceful periods of nation's lives. Next we think that every story has two sides. Getting sick will boost the immune system. Feeling pain will strengthen ones patience and tolerance. Earth quick reduces the pressure that is inside the earth thus protecting the earth crust from exploding. Earth quick also creates mountains that fasten the earth. Volcanoes release minerals hidden inside the earth and cover the earth crust with a very fertile soil. Wars intermingle different nations and assembled them in parties, such as world nation organizations. Moreover, many great inventions came out of wars, such as penicillin, atomic energy, missiles, and planes. From the snake poison a curing medicine is made. From microbe we make immunogen. If our grand parents did not die there would not be enough space for us to live. Evil in the universe is similar to the shadow in a picture. If one is looking very close to the picture he feels it ugly, but if he looked at the big picture from a distance he feels that it is necessary and is making the picture complete.

If we did not get sick we well never appreciate being healthy. If we did not know the exception we well never appreciate the dominant rule. One of the philosophers said: In the fact that universe is not perfect, lays its perfection. Because the universe is like a bended paw, if it straightens up it becomes unstable. Another importance of evil is that it differentiates good people from bad ones. A disaster constitutes the test that allows us to discover ourselves (how good we can be or how bad we can get). It is the challenge that sort people as good or bad.

{God will not leave the believers in the state in which you are now, until he distinguishes the wicked from the good}

Then I asked my friend what constitutes an alternative for evil? Do you want life without death, illness, or pain? Such life is total perfection. Total perfection is only to God and we are not God. A total perfect life is the life in paradise. What did you do to deserve paradise?


Chapter Four People who did not hear about the Quran do they go to Hill or Paradise?

My friend said: What do you say about a man who did not hear the Quran? A person living an area where he had never seen a prophet such as the North Pole, is he going to hill? What did he do to join me in the hill? What will happen to him in the day of the resurrection? Is it his fault that he is not a Muslim?

I answered: God's mercy is comprehensive and His wards reach every where and every one

{And there never was a nation but a Warner had passed among them} {And verily, We sent among every nation a messenger proclaiming: Worship Allah alone, and avoid any thing besides Allah}


Messengers who were mentioned in Quran are not the only messengers that God had sent. There were thousands of messengers whom we know nothing about. God told His messenger Mohammed about them:

{And, indeed We have sent messengers before you (O Mohammed) of some of them We have related to you their story. And of some We have not related to their story}

God inspires all creatures, even the bees

{And your Lord inspired the bees saying Take your habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect}

This inspiration might be a book deliver to human being by the holy spirit (Jibrael), it might be inspiration that one feels lightning his heart, it might be inspiration that relief one's conscience from any hardship, it might be wisdom, science, and obedience to Allah. Any person who has hearing and seeing if he chooses to listen and look, will be inspired from Allah the most acquainted, but people who choose not to

see, and not to hear, their hearts are not going to benefit from any kind of inspiration whether it is a book or a prophet or a miracle or what so ever.

{They could not bear to hear (the preachers of truth) and they used not to see (the truth because of their severe aversion, inspire of the fact that they had the sense of hearing and sight) They are those who have lost their own selves}

God will not be asked of what He does. On the other hand, we don't know how God is going to ask people in the day of the resurrection about their deeds. It might be that if the person living in the North Pole just took a look at the sky and asked God for guidance, that God will award him paradise. This man's look at the sky might be equivalent to our fast and pray. However, studying native African history reveals that they had their own messengers and scripture. For example, Al Maow Maow tribe, believes in one God that they call Mogabi, and they describe him to be the selfsufficient master, whom all creatures needs, he begets not, nor was he begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable to him. They also believe that this God is unseen, creator, provider, and merciful. All these

names of Allah are mentioned in the Quran. It must be that a prophet was send to them, he warned them, and then with time deviations and superstition integrated with that message. Another tribe so called Nyiam Nyiam believes in one God that they call Mobli, they claim that every creature in the forest moves according to Mobli's will, Mobli sends thunder on evil people, while good ones get wages. Another tribe so called Shailook tribe believes in one God that they call Joak; they claim that Joak is every where, and he is the creator of the entire universe The origin of all these massages is similar. God religion is one religion.

{Verily, those who believed and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believed in Allah and the last day and does righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve} The first and last guiding message that descended to earth was Islam (Literally means surrendering to God). Islam encompasses all religions.

{The religion of God is Islam}


God knows that some people are born blind and some are born deaf. Some people lived in prophet Moses time, and saw him striking the sea with his stick. There are people who asked Jesus: Can your lord send down to us a table spread with food from heaven. Allah warned them

{Allah said: "I am going to send it down to you but if any of you after that disbelieve , then I will punish him with a torment such as I have not inflicted on anyone among all the mankind and jinn}

Miracles are always accompanied with increased torment for the one who see then denies. Thus, a person living in the North Pole is going to be asked with Oftforgiveness that matches his looking to the sky while praying for Allah forgiveness. More over, prophet Mohammed said:" a man in whom is madness, sleep, or children are not judged for their actions in the day of resurrection. Hence, as much as man is capable to comprehend the message is as much as he will be asked about. And as much as man see miracle as much as he is torment. God descends mercy and forgiveness on

people based on there heart intentions. The Philosopher Giata said "the best ethics are the ones in the heart; there is no virtue without practice and no practice without Reflection on good. Prophet Mohamed said: belief is in the heart and is manifested via actions.

{He knew what was in their hearts, and He send down calmness and tranquility upon them, and He rewarded them with a near victory}

Also the answer to your question my friend is in this verse {And We (Allah) never punish until We have sent a messenger}

Chapter Five Paradise and Hell

My friend asked: how come God the most Gracious the most Merciful punish unbeliever with their limited sin (their life on this earth) by unlimited torment in hell?

{They will be abide therein (Hell)}


What do we mankind represent to the universe and to God? Are not we so insignificant in comparison to the lord of mankind, jinn and all that exists? If we are nothing why does He care to punish us?

I answered: mankind is not insignificant to God; Allah created Adam and Eve with His own hands; and blow from His soul into Adam. Then, He ordered the angles to prostrate themselves to Adam, and taught him the names of all things.

{And indeed We have honored the children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with lawful good things, and have preferred them to many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment}

We are not insignificant in this universe: even though our size looks so small to the universe, we can comprehend the universe with our minds. We explored the Moon, and many other planets. Doesnt this mean that our soul is bigger than the universe? Doesnt this mean that our soul encompasses

the universe? Man is of great importance and he is from God's soul, and he worth being asked for his deeds. {Then He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him the soul, and He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts. Little is the thanks you give!}

Your other question concerning our limited sins which we are punished for by unlimited torment, this was explained in the verse that states:

{If they were returned (to the world), they would certainly revert to that which they were forbidden. And indeed they are liars}

Thus their sins are immortal consequently they will dwell in Hell forever. God also says about those who reject believing in him:

{On the day when Allah will resurrect them all together (for their account); then they will swear to Him as they swear to you (O Muslims) and they think that they have something (to stand upon). Verily they are liars!}

This is clearly another way of mischief and disobedience towards God. They confront God with lies. Moreover, they swear to a lie while they know. This is the highest levels of prudent and arrogance. Those people's souls posses on going sin thereby they deserve disgrace and misery forever. This is justice and the verses says about them

{Thus Allah will show them their deeds as regrets for them. And they will never get out of fire}

One of the scholars said: the mercy given to those is that they get to be used to the fire and it becomes their natural habitat. Their soul nature matches the fire nature since these souls where full of envy, jealous, hatred, anger, and criminal sparks that feels as if it is a true fire. Such souls can not live in peace and living in hell in not unjustly in the least. We should understand that the hell fire is not exactly like earth fire. It is different since Allah says that people inside it talk, and a tree grows inside it too.


{(Allah will say: "Enter you in the company of nations who passed away before you, of men and jinn, into the fire." Every time a new nation enters, it curses its sister nation (that went before) until they will be gathered all together in fire. The last of them will say to the first of them:"Our lord! These misled us, so give them a double torment of the fire." He will say:" For each one there is double"}

This hell is unknown and is also beyond human being brain-comprehension. This does not mean that we say that the torment is not materialistic, it's being materialistic is stated very clearly in Quran:

{Surely! Those how disbelieved in our proofs, revelations, We shall burn them in fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for other skins that they may taste the punishment. Truly, Allah is ever most powerful, All-Wise}

But we say that the torment is beyond human being understanding, similarly paradise is not like a forest, it is stated in Quran:


{An example of the paradise description which the believers have been promised (is that) in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed, rivers of milk of which the taste and smell are not changed}

God said {An example}. So it is just as example of how things are, not how they are indeed. It is example put forward for the human brain to imagine. This paradise is unknown and is also beyond human being brain; Allah did not disclose the secrets of the unseen. Moreover, we do not Know how exactly life in paradise will be.

{No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do}

The origin of the rule is not to punish

{Why should Allah punish you if you have thanked Him and have believed in Him. And Allah is Ever All-Appreciative (of good), Allknower}

God's way in this life is to punish unbelievers in order that they may repent and stop worshiping others besides Him (Allah).

{And verily, We will make them taste of the near torment (i.e. the torment in the life of this world, i.e. disasters, calamities, etc.) prior to supreme torment (in the Hereafter), in order that they may return (accept Islam)}

God Mercy encompasses every thing including His torment.

{He said my punishment Afflict therewith whom I will and My mercy embraces all things. That mercy I shall ordain for those how are the pious}

Then I asked my friend: Do you think that God will be more justice if He treated all people equally! The killer and the victim! The oppressor and the oppressed? Is this fare? Chapter sex

Is Religion anesthetic?

My friend asked: What do you think of the idea that religion is some kind of anesthesia that anaesthetizes poor and oppressed people? Those anaesthetized people will dream of paradise and happiness meanwhile rich people get richer. What do you think of the idea that religion did not descend from God but it escalate from the land due to social needs so that one class will control the other?

I answered: There is nothing more wrong than the saying that religion is anesthetic drug. The religion is all about taking responsibilities and computing commandments from God. It is nothing about easiness or being irresponsibile; on the contrary it is fulfilling duties, obeying all the rules and regulations of the Islamic constitution.

{And say do deeds! Allah will see your deeds}

We say that Allah is the best disposer of our affairs, still one should take all reasons for success, working hard to achieve his goal; at the same time put

his trust in Allah. A believer knows that if he worked hard Allah will help him. Working hard is the condition for help because Allah does not like laziness.

{Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust in Him}

Making decisions should be based on studying all the possibilities, alternatives, capabilities, thorough thinking and Trusting God. Prophet Mohammed said (when he saw a man who lifts his camel untied because he thought that this is what putting trusting in Allah means): tie your camel and trust in Allah. Our religion is awareness, attention, self control and watching God in our actions, words, thoughts and moves. It entails studying outcomes and choosing honorable means to reach them. On the contrary, drug addicted person is the one who most likely denies religion so as not to abide by his duties and responsibilities; he worships his lusts. Moreover, drug addicted atheists imagine that they will not be asked about their deeds. Therefore,


atheists feel that they can do whatever they want to do; no matter how bad or evil their actions are.

In the contrary a Muslim man considers himself responsible on his neighbors, community, and on any other Muslim or non Muslim even if he is living hundreds of miles away. Muslim man considers himself responsible for the cosmos.

{Those who are faithfully true to all their duties (which Allah has ordained, honesty, moral responsibility and trusts) and to their covenants}

It is not true that Islam did not descend from God but it escalated from the land due to social needs so that one class will control the other. The opposite is true. Islam came as a revolution against hoarding up money.

{And those who hoard up gold and silver, and spend them not in the way of Allah, announce to them a painful torment}


Islam directly orders that money should not be circulating between rich. Moreover, a yearly 2.5% of one's saved money is a mandatory charity in Islam. A Muslim is encouraged to increase his spending on voluntary basis too.

{Those who spend their wealth by night and day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve} {And they ask you what they aught to spend. Say: That which is beyond your need} {And they (believers) give food, in spite of their love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive}

Islam also considers that poor have rights in the money of rich. Thus it is not charity in the since that it is not a favor that the rich is paying towards the poor. Considering the mandatory charity as a right preserves the poor dignity, and to teach the rich humility.


{And in their properties their was right of the beggar who asks and the poor who does not ask others}

Islam fights interest (usary) so that money does not gather in the hands of certain few minorities, while the majorities suffer.

{O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from usury, if you are really believers. And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allah and His messenger, but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not un justly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums). And if the debtor is in hard time, then grant him time till it is easy for him to repay, but if you remit it by way of charity, that is better for you if you did but know}

Islam came to fulfill social needs. Islam respected mankind, and raised him to the highest level. It considers one human being equivalent to the whole humanity


{If any one killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or to spread mischief in the land it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind}

Man in Islam is secure in his house, free with his money, no one spays on him. No Muslim can speak badly (gossip) about other Muslim or nonMuslim. Sweet words and forgiving are the basics of how Muslims interact with others. No Muslim hates, hurts, or envies others.

{And wish not for things in which Allah has made some of you excel others} {who repress anger, and who pardon men} {O you who believe! Let not a group scoffs at another group; it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) woman scoff at other woman, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nick names. How bad it is to insult one's brother after having faith. And whoever dose not repent, then such are indeed wrong-doers. O you who believe! Avoid


much suspicion; indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another}

No muslin should claim that he is preferred or superior over the others. Muslin is Modest. Show-off is forbidden.

{And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily Allah likes not any arrogant boaster}

Islam fights dictators, arrogant tyrant on the earth, corruptness.

{So remind them (O Mohammed) you are only one who reminds. You are not a dictator over them} {The believers are nothing but brothers}

Islam forbids worshiping rulers and people in authority {we worship non but Allah, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords besides Allah}

{And your Lord has decreed that you worship non but Him}

Islam forbids kissing up to people in power and following the misled majority

{And Allah has full power and control over His affairs, but most of men Know not} {Yet most people believe not} {And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah's. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie}

Islam forbids people from feeling that they are superior due to their race, color, nationality ext, stating that their origin is similar

{It is He who has created you from a single self }

And they are preferred according to their faith.


{Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that the believer who is pious}

Islam takes a middle position between Judaism (the very strict religion) and Christianity (the very spiritual one). Moreover, Quran is both practical and spiritual book adopting middle position between Al Taurat (Torah-old testimony) which was rewritten until it became a very materialistic book and the Injeel (Gospel-new testimony) which was edited many times until it became a very spiritual and unrealistic.

{Then woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say, This is from Allah,"}

Quran encompass both justice and forgiveness. It approves self defense but it encourage forgiveness and patience.

{Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah forgives you? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful}


Capitalism approves almost any method for earning money, to the extent that people became gritty, selfish, egocentric, and abusers for each other. On the contrary, Communism vanish human rights and freedom, killing ambition and hard work. Islam on the other hand is in-between system

{Thus We have made you (true Muslims - real believers of Islam) Monotheism, a just nation}

Contrary to Libertarianism which protects the property rights, claiming that we are autonomous hence we can own acquisitions as much as we want Muslims are free to earn, but he can not keep all his earning. 2.5% must be given away from the yearly saving. This mandatory charity is not a favor, instead it is the needy share in the rich money, it is the needy absolute right.

{And those in whose wealth there is a recognized right}


Islam dose not restrict human mind to one absolute theory. It only state guide lines giving the mind all the space it needs to excel, think and expand. Followers accept Allah ordering them to think.

{Do they not think deeply in the Quran, or are their hearts locked up} {Say: Travel in land and see how Allah will bring forth the creation of the hereafter (i.e. resurrection after death)} {So let man see from what he is created! he is created from water gushing forth, proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs} {Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? and at the heaven, how it is raised? and at the mountains, how they are rooted? and at the earth, how it is outspread}

These all are direct orders to look to see how we are created, the animals, mountains, earth sky,...ext. There is no fear of expanding our thoughts, no limits for our minds. Prophet Mohammed said "seeking education is a mush by every Muslin; male or female". He also said Muslim should seek education starting by the minute he is born until the minute he dies.


Arabs were uncivilized, there level of knowledge at that time when Islam descended was so low that historians classify this period as the Dark Age of human history. Verses of the Quran invite the reader to reflect over his own being, the changing of seasons, plants, animals and the universe. Man kind did not have even the basic knowledge of science and technology. The common man did not know the art of reading and writing. As a result of Islam, Arabic nation became the leading nation that led the rest of the world towards science. There were scientists who excel in medicine, philosophy, math, chemistry, biology, anatomy, astronomy, etc. The whole world used to study literature written by Muslim scientists, who were motivated by their religion instructions. Up till now, stars have Arabic names. Up till now the distillation apparatus is called in French language (imbique) after the Arabic word imbiquer. Islam is the religion of science. People are asked to use science as a mean to get to know God. Seeking education is mandatory on the followers of Islam. The idea that religion conflicts with science came from the Dark Ages in Europe. Mocks in churches forbid science and executed many scientists. In Islam there are no Mocks, there are no mediators between the believer and


his God. No one can speak in the name of God. Various verses in Quran encourage people to study. Quran is a scientific miracle. {And say:"My lord! Increase me in knowledge"} {Say: "Are those who know equal to those know not?" It is only understanding who will remember} {Allah bears witness that (none has the right to be worshiped but He), and the angels, and those having knowledge} {Allah will exalt in degree those of you believe and those who have been granted knowledge} No conflict between Islam and science. The word science and its derivatives are repeated about 850 times in the holy Quran.

Chapter Seven Islam or Christianity

My friend said: Just for the sake of argument I would say there is God. How do I know that God is the one whom Muslims acknowledge and not Jesus whom Christians acknowledge?


I answered: Christians and Muslims believe in Jesus, love him, and honor him. They are however divided over the question of his divinity. Fortunately, this difference can be resolved if we refer the question to both the Bible and the Quran, because both the Bible and the Quran teach that Jesus is not God. It is clear enough to every body that the Quran denies the divinity of Prophet Jesus, so we do not need to spend time over that. On the other hand the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God, the One whom Jesus worshiped (see John c.17 v.3). In no where in the Bible Jesus said: I am God In no where in the Bible Jesus said worship me In no where in the Bible Jesus said pray to me In no where in the Bible Jesus said he is the son of God In no where in the Bible Jesus said that he is personal savior In no where in the Bible Jesus said God is a trinity. Some body might said (son of God) about Jesus, but he did not say that in his own wards. Moreover, every one the Bible is son of God. Nothing though proofs biological relation between God and Jesus. If this is the


impression the bible wants us to make one would expect at least half or even one third of the bible would address that notion. Originally Christianity and Islam were one religion. Jesus lifts his eyes to heaven and prayed addressing God as a father: And eternal life means knowing You the only true God, and knowing Jesus Christ, whom you sent (John 17:3). Muslims first pillar is No God but one God, and Mohammed was messenger sent by God. God said in the Quran {Say: O people of Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partners unto him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah} (3:46)

Chapter Eight Quran the Miracle Could Mohammed be the Author of Quran?

My friend asked: I do not want to look offensive; I know how much you love and respect Prophet Mohammed. But could not Mohammed with his great personality be the author of Quran? I might not believe he was a prophet but I have to admit that at least he was social reformer. I mean he

has enlightened humanity and lead it to the critical, scientific and methodological thinking. Could not Mohammed be the author of Quran?

I answered: Quran is the living miracle of Mohammed. A miracle can be identified in various ways; for example: An act that can not be explained by laws of nature, an act that is beyond human power or capabilities, or an act that can not be explained by human reason and logic. It follows that since a miracle can not be attributed to the power of faculties of human kind. It must be regarded as direct act of Almighty Allah. Allah did bless each of his prophets with miracles. Thus, he established the credibility of his prophets beyond any shadow of doubt. History tells that every prophet was given numerous miracles for the people whom he was to call for God straight path. Prophet Mohammed is unique in the chain of Allah's prophets. All the other prophets were sent for specific culture or nation situated in place and time. Allah therefore gave these prophets specific miracles to show their respective people at a given time. These miracles were limited to certain time and space. Only stories of these miracles exist as part of human history. On the contrary, Prophet Mohammed was sent as Allah last prophet for the entire mankind, for all times to come and for every single spot in earth. The reason demands that Mohammed should have a universal miracle for all people irrespective of time and space. Every individual at every stage of human history, living in any spot in the world is therefore justified in saying: If Mohammed is a prophet for me today; I would like to have a miracle for myself today. This universal miracle is the Glorious Quran.

Scholars, historians, philosophers, and scientists have written countless pages showing the miraculous nature of the Quran. In Fact, each new generation for the last fourteen centuries, has been discovering new miracles in the Quran. These never ending miracles are the perpetual testimony that Mohammed is Allah last Messenger, and that the Quran is Allah's final book for the entire man kind. Quran is basically a book of instructions, a code of conduct for man kind but it also deals with attributes of God; duties of angels and jinn; histories of prophets and communities and various phenomena of nature like: creation and ending of the universe, alteration of day and night, changing of seasons, creation of plants, animals and man etc., subjects which fall in the jurisdiction of science through which man is invited to reflect on the creation and its mechanism and thereby accept the existence and supremacy of God. Quran the last religious deals with topics which impress people of all times and intellectual standards. God knew that the world would pass through an age of science when every thing would be weighed in the balance of science, it is quite possible that just due to this reason, and He included topics of science in the Quran in such manner that should provide a proof of the truth of the Quran. The common man who lived during the period of revelation of the Quran fourteen hundred years back was not so well informed on the subject of science as to understand, appreciate or admire the informative and intellectual standard of the book, but now we do.

Following are few of the miraculous verses of Quran starting with A-Scientific miracles Miracles in discoveries in nature: I refer the reader to the book " 155 miracles and mysteries in the Quran for Dr. Kazi

B- The miraculous Language of the Quran: Differences between human writing and Allah revelation: 1- A human writer has the command of knowledge of a certain specific subject, or few related subjects. e.g. one can write on the subject of history or economics or philosophy or ethics etc. It is not possible for a human being to write simultaneously on a large variety of different topics with an equal command of language and depth of knowledge. Further more, what ever the Quran has stated in a certain field has always been proved to be eternal truth. 2- Every human book represents the knowledge that was available to the writer at a certain time and place. Human knowledge keeps

advancing. As a result every human book keeps advancing. As a result every human book after some time is found to be either false or incomplete. All books of human authors thus need to be revised or rewritten after a period of time. Quran is the only authentic book of Allah. Muslims and non Muslims equally agree that it is the only book that is present in its purist form. None were able to find any mistakes in the Quran. 3- An effective writer always modifies his style and language according to the varying needs of the readers. What may appeal to a young person may not appeal to an old one. Similarly what may appeal to an illiterate person may not appeal to an educated one. Moreover, every person passes through various phases of emotional changes e.g. a person who is happy likes to read something different from a sad person. Every human being has a certain preference for the style of writing. Quran moves whom who likes simple language and whom who likes eloquent language. 4- If a human author keeps writing for years and years, he passes through gradual changes in his writing style, views and thoughts. The Qruan was gradually reveled on Mohammed during a period of 23 years. No

changes have been found in the message and philosophy of the earlier and the later revealed verses of Quran. 5- A human writer is mostly affected by the changing conditions of his environment, which in turn affect his emotions and feelings. These are then reflected in the style and the town of his writing. Prophet Mohammed during 23 years of his mission went through numerous periods of personal trials. He went from severe hardship in Makkah to the leader and the ruler of al-Madenah. The language of Quran remains steady in its own majesty far from being affected by any environmental ups and downs of the Prophet. 6- A human writer do mistakes, the Quran consists of a total of 6236 verses and 86432 words yet not a single verse, phrase, idiom or word of the Quran contradicts any other text of the Quran. Each and every verse is in perfect harmony with the entire text of the Quran. Arabic letters each has diacritical mark which gives each its specific pronunciation. Total number of alphabets are 323760, Total number of diacritical marks is 210338 not a single one of those has been changed in 14 centuries. Allah call us to do the falsification test, no


human can dare to say my book has no mistakes. No human will challenge humanity that he has 100% contradictions free book. C- The Numerical miracles. Examples of numerical relationship and symmetry the following words Number of times Word man Related Word Woman appeared in the Quran 24

Devil Faith (believe) Angles Dunia (this life) Fieel (action) Month Day

asking refuge kufer (not to believe) Satan Akera (life after)

11 17 68 115

Ajer (reward)

108 12 365

Other countless numerical miracles were reported by different people. D: Islamic constitution in the Quran


The most important miracle, the ability to change people life, behavior, manners so that love and justice, good economical conditions prevails in the society that is practicing Islam.

{This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah. On the contrary, it is conformation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the book; wherein there is no doubt from the Lord of the worlds; Or do they say: He (Mohammad) forged it? Say (to them) bring them a chapter like unto it, and call (to your aid) any one you can, besides Allah, if it be (that) you speak the truth.} Allah also said {We have heard an amazing Quran, which guide to Correctness}al-Jin1, 2 This chapter is a summery of the book " 155 miracles and mysteries in the Quran for Dr. Kazi"

Chapter Nine Why wearing the veil?

My friend asked: Why do you wear the veil? I am sorry to say you look unattractive. People look at you as a creature coming from the space. Why

can not you enjoy life? Why can not you feel the admiration in men eyes? This attraction is natural phenomenon. What do you think of the debate: woman should not join our schools if they do not want to look like us?

I answered: The ethical debate concerning wearing the veil by Muslim woman in schools and universities have been going on for years in Europe. The paradox is that European countries establish themselves as the leaders of liberties. Should Muslim woman be deprived from education if they want to practice the religion their way! Every one is contributing with his opinion regarding the debate except for Muslim woman! I thank you for the question it is our duty to speak up. But I want to ask you do you know why I wear this veil? My friend said: yes because Muslim woman are oppressed. Men force them to do so and because you follow blindly. I said: I am living in this country alone, I am single and no men are present in my life. I was never pressured to ware the veil this is my personal choice. I cover so that men treat me as a person not as female. I am not reduced to my sexuality. It is my sexuality that I covered not my femininity. The covering of the former allowed the liberation of the later1. Covering helps

me not being objectified. Men focus on my face and my words language rather than my body language. People appreciate my logic, reasoning, personality, and perspectives. My friend said: I do not agree that men are going to reduce you to your looking if you are not wearing this veil. I can look at your face which reveals that you still look nice. I answered: Prophet Mohamed said God is beautiful and He loves beauty. I am not supposed to look ugly; I am supposed to look respectful. Muslim men are ordered to lower their gaze if they have attraction feelings towards women other than their wives. Men should take accountability for their actions. Moreover, even though you can see my face, I do not look exactly like woman with micro skirt. My friend said: I think that women naturally enjoy showing the beauty. They are very mush suffering by not having the chance to enjoy seducing men! I said: it is true that woman likes to feel beautiful. I can do that in front of my husband, and bunch of my men relatives whom I can not have relation with (father, brother, nephewext) and all the women in the world. By covering I am protecting fellow women. It is a form of women social solidarity. Her husband can not see my wearing my full garments and in

return my husband can not see her wearing her full garments. This way, men will feel more attracted and content with their wives, and wives will not be worried about their husbands chastity. My friend said: I think you are living in Europe and you are not showing respect to our tradition. I said: I always thought that European tradition emphasizes respect of liberties. All societies in the world are pluralistic societies, beauty is in diversity. No one should impose his own perspective on the way others like to practice there religion. The veil is not a sign of disrespect! How I am inside does not directly change whether I am veiled or not. It is others perceptions of me that are changed1. The veil is a relationship between me and my God that drives me closer to Him. Then I said to her: Let me ask you the question if European woman is autonomous not to wear the veil, why am I not autonomous to wear the veil? She said: You are autonomous, and you are choosing to look different, for that I agree that women should not join our schools if they do not want to look like us. I said: I agree that I look different. However, I enjoy obeying God and my relationship with him can never be broken under any pressure. I have

accepted and chose to conquer rather than be conquered by the society stigmatization1. For that I will I accept to be punished, but why depriving from education? I mean Depriving from education is infringement of human rights. It is like depriving food and water. Dr. Josef Selling states (Professor, research unit theological ethics, K.U. Leuven): The gravest offenses against human freedom are precisely those things which attack personal identity: brain washing, the use of drugs or techniques to gain control over the person, any assault on the selfhood of the person, be it individual, social, political, through the use of violence, propaganda or deception. I think of being illiterate as transgression. The Quran tells us the story of woman Queen who ruled her country with consultation. Islam orders women to develop their highest potentials. Muslim women in their countries are doctors, engineers, and scientists. In Europe You have the choice to isolate Muslim women from the society, or to give them the chance to integrate in it. You can think of us as functioning nuns. I will conclude by asking the question: if version Mary2 (Peace be upon her) is alive, will you deprive her from her veil also?

1- Kathy Chin 58

2- Mary is praised in the Quran. She is the mother of Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him

Chapter Who Created the Creator? If My Deeds are Distend to be My Deeds, why do God Judge me For Doing Them? Why Did God Created Evil People who did not Hear of the Quran Do they go to Hill or Paradise?

Source Dialog with my unbeliever friend

Author Dr. Mustafa Mahmmod

Page number

Dialog with my unbeliever friend

Dr. Mustafa Mahmmod

Dialog with my unbeliever friend

Dr. Mustafa Mahmmod

Dialog with my unbeliever friend

Dr. Mustafa Mahmmod

Paradise and Hell Dialog with my unbeliever friend

Dr. Mustafa Mahmmod

Is Religion

Dialog with my unbeliever friend

Dr. Mustafa


Heroin Islam or Christianity Was Jesus crucified? Is Jesus God the Bible says no

Mahmmod Shabir Ally Ahmed deedat

Quran the Miracle: Could Mohammed be the Author of Quran? Why wearing the veil?

and and 155 miracles and mysteries in the Quran

Dr. Mazhar Kazi

Islam and Terrorism and Jamal Al Islam and liberty of believe banah



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