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T UES D A Y, D EC EM B ER 2 5 , 2 0 1 2

EEG Heterodyning Target And Former U.S. Government Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan Exposes The Department Of Defense & CIA Mind Control Programs: TAMI, SATAN & MIND
T he Electoral College Which Determ ines Presidential Elections In T he United States Is A Com plete And Utter Fraud Used By T he Zionist Bankers And T he Corporate Elite T o Maintain Control Ov er T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent, While Ignoring T he Will Of T he Am erican
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Inv estigativ e Journalist Targeted For Organized Stalking & An Ongoing FBI COINT ELPRO ST ING OPERAT ION/SMEAR CAMPAIGN -- This author has been used as an unwitting target of non consensual human ex perimentation for decades v ia the NSA's SIGNALS INT ELLIGENCE EMF Scanning Network - a cov ert dom estic spy program which uses brain scanners and analy sers deploy ed v ia NSA signals intelligence satellites

Middle Class We Are T argeted Indiv iduals In T he United States & Other NAT O Based Countries Who Are Being Ex perim ented On Within T he Priv acy Of Our Own Hom es - T ortured And Irradiated By Way Of T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com plex , T hrough Its Use Of Satellite Based Microwav e Weapons - T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com m unity 's Use Of HAARP T echnology As A Form Of Geophy sical Manipulation Of T he Weather Concerns Just One Aspect Of T hese Cov ert Attacks Winter Storm NEMO, Like Hurricanes Sandy And Irene, May Well Be Another HAARP Created Storm Used T o Cause Mass Destruction T o New Y ork State - New Y ork Is Hom e T o Perhaps T he Largest Group Of T argeted Indiv iduals In T he United States - Men, Wom en And Children Being Subjected T o A Modern Day Version Of MKULT RA Mind Control Ex perim entation "So we now m ay know why they call it the Centralized Intelligence Agency . It m ight be m ore appropriately called the wireless Global Brain project, created in 1947 . T hey constrict knowledge and decide when and who will dissem inate inform ation or disinform ation of their choosing through traditional m edia stream s. We also know why CIA agents are called 'Spooks'. It is because their first scripts were all based on hauntings and possessions when testing the EEG heterody ning technology ."
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signals intelligence satellites to rem otely scan the brainwav es of any Am erican citizen. Through Wireless fMRI & (EEG)- Computer To Brain interfacing v ia NSA artificial intelligence computers, NSA has remotely accessed this author's brainwav es for decades. NSA sees what I see through m y ey es by electronically intercepting & decoding im ages stored within the v isual cortex region of m y brain. As such, without my consent NSA has used me to spy on others. The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network can be used to remotely access the unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies of any American citizen's brain, as the result of a national brain fingerprinting program secretly implemented in 1 981 , under Ex ecutiv e Order 1 2333 - Google: John St. Clair Akwei VS NSA

197 6 Patent Held By Inv entor Robert Malech, And Usurped By T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com plex In Order T o Rem otely Read & Manipulate T he T houghts Of Any Am erican Citizen Without Our Knowledge Or Consent - Am ericans Hav e Been Electronically Enslav ed By T his T hought Reading - Mind Control T echnology , Y et Few Am ericans Know Any thing About T his In His Startling Book "T he Matrix Deciphered," T argeted Indiv idual, Dr. Robert Duncan, Describes His Association With Many Gov ernm ent Agencies Whom Duncan States, T ricked Him Into Believ ing T hat His T alent Would Be Used T o Protect T he United States, Instead Of Being Used T o Help Create A T echnocracy Which Operates Based On T y ranny - Dr. Duncan Also Describes T he Pentagon's Ability T o Rem otely Access T he Brain Of Any Person & T o Store T hat Person's Brainwav es So T hat T hey Can Be Cloned And Im planted Into T he Brain Of Another Person - What Duncan Describes As EEG Heterody ning - T he Matrix Deciphered Can Be Read In Its Entirety Here & T his Book Should Be Read By Ev ery Adult Liv ing Within T he United States, If Not Ev ery Adult Liv ing On T he Face Of T his Planet Editor's Note: NSA/FBI electronic torture of this author's Father continues. The electronic attacks on his person resulted in two seizures ov er the past few months, which Dad is now forced to take medication for, which he would not hav e needed had the attacks on his brain not been remotely induced.
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9-1 1 Site Search WWW 9-1 1 Black Op

T his Is T he Conspiracy T heory Episode Regarding GWEN Radar T owers & Satellite Based Mind Control Weapons T hat Resulted In T he Cov ert Murder Of Dr. Fred Bell, & A Plot T o Sabotage T he Conspiracy T heory Program Is Jesse Ventura Now Being

on his brain not been remotely induced. The attacks are being used to torture him, and the sy mptoms v ary from day to day , just as they do with all targets of non consenusual human ex perimentation and electronic warfare torture. Like this author and my riad other targets of satellite deploy ed directed energy weapons, my Dad is being slowly murdered by these FBI and NSA psy chopaths, who commit their cowardly crimes under the cov er of the National Security Act. The directed energy attacks on our persons are no longer isolated incidents in the United States either, but instead being reported on the Internet by thousands of other American citizens who'v e identified the U.S. Military Intelligence complex as the perpetrators responsible for these atrocities. Many Americans targeted by this electronic warfare technology hav e already been murdered. Moreov er, any person(s), including but not limited to those in the U.S. media, who willfully denies that these crimes are taking place (much less aids and abets them through such denial) through what can only be described as a modern day v ersion of the CIA's MKULTRA mind control program of the 1 950's, must be considered to be a conspirator in these v icious electronic attacks. These men and women must also take responsiblity for their silence in regard to the shadow gov ernment conspiracy within the United States, which inv olv es the electronic enslav ement of the American middle class, v ia the ty pe of EEG heterody ning mind
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T argeted By T he Military Intelligence Com plex Because He's T he Only Person In T he Mainstream Media Who Has Had T he Courage T o Ex pose T hese Mind Control Weapons? Am ericans Subscribing T o T ruT V Hav e Stated T hat Select Episodes Of Form er Gov ernor Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy T heory " Program (Including His Episode On T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com plex es' Mind Control Weapons - Entitled "Brain Inv aders") Are My steriously Being Erased From T heir DVR And T IVO Recording Dev ices T his Author Has Witnessed T he Electronic Sabotage Of T he Cable T V Program m ing In Our Hom e Since 2003, When I Becam e T he T arget Of An Organized Stalking Cam paign

control technology , which is discussed in great detail in Dr. Robert Duncan's book: "The Matrix Deceiphered." High Lev el Gov ernm ent Whistleblower Adm its T hat For Sev eral Decades, T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com plex Has Had T he Ability T o Read & Manipulate People's T houghts From A Great Distance T hrough Its Use Of Classified Signals Intelligence T echnology - In T his Contex t, T he Reader Should Also Consider John St. Clair Akwei's T estim ony Against T he NSA Regarding T he Agency 's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, & Its Use In Rem otely T racking Am erican Citizens By Way Of Our Own Electrom agnetic Flux Signatures "So can bio and neural telemetry be done without an implanted dipole or microstrip antenna? RFID chips hav e shrunk to the size of a grain of rice. But, are they necessary at all? No, not according to full spectrum RADAR signature analy sis or according to the Malech Patent. Just the changes in the brain resonances due to ion channeling is easily detectable from a return signal from these RADAR and other surv eillance method sources with many orders of magnitude sensitiv ity to spare. The math does not lie no matter how unintuitiv e it is. Y ou can get a sense of the sensitiv ity of the technology just by observ ing the edges of the univ erse (9 billion light y ears away ) with pictures from the Hubble space telescope. Y ou can get a hold of infrared imaging done during battle in Iraq on the internet. These images show the thermal heat of bodies
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Reporters Caroline Crowley & Serene Branson seen speaking alm ost the sam e ex act gibberish during liv e T V broadcasts, appears to be a form of transcranial m agnetic stim ulation of the brain. T he fact that these two wom en are speaking nearly identical gibberish prov es that m igranes (the official ex planation) were not the real cause of this phenom enon. Moreov er, there hav e been at least 20 different T V personalities ov er the past y ear who hav e started speaking such incoherent

causing photon emissions due to thermal instabilities with v ibrating molecules. There is no RADAR energy pulse to light them up. It is not necessary in that part of the spectrum. Y ou can clearly see the persons entire body lit up at great distances due to black body radiation. Well, this is what is happening in other parts of the spectrum that we dont usually see as an image. That is what can be seen by the giant ey e reflected in the sky . That is what is meant by full spectrum imaging. It prov ides an incredibly clear v iew of all energy emissions from ev ery point on the landscape when energy in ev ery frequency is directed at it. The entire Earth is v iewed this way . All life forms can easily be tracked. Using the signatures of all the waves lengths as well as body/brain resonances and heart beat rhythm , individuals can be tracked anywhere. Everyone has a unique body resonance signature, heart beat signature, and brain wave print. No RFID chip or dipole antenna is needed anym ore to do biotelem etry. Another point of reference to RADAR sensitivity can be seen with com m ercial weather satellite RADAR which can detect birds or even insects. It is so frustrating to see such ignorance amongst the psy chology community , policing community , and FBI. It is difficult to get people up to speed in science and technology if they don t hav e an interest and are already biased or programmed with disinformation.
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speaking such incoherent sentences while doing liv e T V broadcasts, as the result of their being unwittingly subjected to the rem ote influence of their own brainwav es. T his also serv es as further ev idence that the m edia are being subjected to m ind control ex perim entation, while their brainwav es are being sy nchronized with artificial intelligence com puters, v ia the ty pe of EEG heterody ning technology that Dr. Robert Duncan refers to in his book "T he Matrix Deceiphered" - Like the rest of the Am erican people, the m en and wom en within the U.S. Media hav e now becom e unwitting targets of this satellite predation.

Psy chic warfare has been going on for four decades mostly practiced on the citizens. Using the psy chology community to discredit v ictims of the practice kills and mind control programming, they hav e successfully been able to keep the truth of the technology under wraps and a taboo to ev en mention without the immediate conditioned response of that person is crazy who dares speak of cutting edge neural telemetry and psy chophy sics. Here is secret #1 that has been suppressed by the forces of ignorance in the gov ernment. There was a patent that I will keep referring to throughout this book because of the importance of the work. It is published in the appendix . In 1 97 4, Robert Malech , an employ ee of Dorn & Margolin Inc., a major defense subcontractor in radar design now owned by EDO Corporation an ev en larger all defense contractor in electronic warfare, inv ented a fairly simple radar dev ice that could read whole brain electrical activ ity at a large distance . It has the major adv antages of no wires and full brain electrical activ ity analy sis, not just points on the skull surface. He discov ered and perfected a way to use some simple electromagnetic oscillations any where from 1 00Mhz to 40 Ghz to read brainwav es by illuminating the brain and its electrical conductance then reading the return signal. The imaging method observ es the changes of frequency resonances, amplitude, and phase which represent the states of neuron depolarization throughout the brain.
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In Order T o Im plem ent A Global Dictatorship, T he British Monarchy & T heir Rothschild CounterfeitingWar Profiteering Cartel Must First Dum b Down T he Masses, T hrough T heir Control And Perv ersion Of T he Mainstream Media Editor's Note: After being prevented from electronically accessing the tem plate portion of this blog by FBI/NSA for m ore than a year, I am finally allowed to access it again. So m uch for freedom of speech when the federal governm ent can electronically sabotage your Website when they don't like what you are saying or writing about them . The U.S. Federal Governm ent is run by a Zionist crim inal banking cartel that

Secret #2. But m ore profoundly , he discov ered that he could influence brain wav es if precisely tim ed with a return training signal. He had no idea that at this m om ent in history , he had accidentally destroy ed dem ocracy as we env ision it to be. The military and surv eillance community immediately picked up on the patent and within two y ears had reprogrammed their communications and surv eillance satellites and terrestrial phased array s with the new concepts. The rapid deploy ment of this technology occurred because it only required software changes in already ex isting radar, imaging, and communications terrestrial dishes and satellites. Many additional spy satellites hav e been launched since to bolster the sy stem. So in 1 97 6, on the bicentennial of this great nation, a sy stem called TAMI was born. TAMI is an acrony m for Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface. A more inv asiv e Big Brother technology came about before George Orwells prediction of 1 984. Secret #3. Stealth RADAR techniques were first recorded by observ ing the Russian bombardment of the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwav es. Using high powered steered phased array s and focused directed energy from two sources nex t to each other, one can create a nearly undetectable scalar wav e, or destructiv e interference at the point of interest. With just a minor energy interaction, the interfering beams bounce back with strong signal to noise ratio to be resolv ed at the sources again. This allows for any imaging technique to be done from ex tremely large distances. In effect, it makes distance irrelev ant to the detection
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banking cartel that counterfeits its fraudulent currency and launders it through the U.S. Treasury, while using the U.S. Military to fom ent wars against other countries for the express purpose of profitting from these wars. For centuries, the House of Rothschild has been profitting off of the wars it has intentionally created between a num ber of countries who had no legitim ate reasons to go to war, while instigating the m urders of m illions of people.

"T he Following Is A

distances. In effect, it makes distance irrelev ant to the detection feature, be it RADAR, MRI, or ESR imaging." - Dr. Robert Duncan Author: T he Matrix Deceiphered Also See: T he Matrix Deceiphered Can Be Read In PDF Form at Here Form er Gov ernm ent Scientist Ex poses Pentagon-CIA Program s (T AMI, SAT AN & MIND) Inv olv ing T he Use Of T echnology Which Can Both Rem otely Access T he Hum an Brain & Read Our T houghts, As Well As Im plant T he Cloned T houghts Of Other People Into Our Own Brains - A T echnology Known As EEG Heterody ning
P O S T ED B Y J A M ES F. M A R I NO A T 8: 14 A M

Docum entary On T he T errorist Attacks On 9-11-2001 Which Was In Part Sponsored By 9-11 Activ ist/Widow Jane Pollicino - Like 9-11 Activ ist/Widow Bev erly Eckert, Pollicino Had Becom e A T horn In T he Side Of T he Conspirators Within T his Gov ernm ent Who Perpetrated T he 9-11-2001 T errorist Attacks - And Now, Like Eckert, Pollicino Is Also Dead Were Both Wom en Furtiv ely Murdered For T heir Outspoken Views And 9-11 Activ ism ? A gov ernm ent big-enough to giv e y ou ev ery thing y ou want, is big-enough to take ev ery thing that y ou hav e. President Gerald Ford, Address to Joint Session of Congress, 12 August 197 4 "By tradition, Am ericans are accustom ed to referring to them selv es as free citizens of a constitutional republic, and not subjects of an all-powerful

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"Farewell" By Lonely Pierot

ruler or state. T oday , howev er, ev idence continues to m ount that we are no longer a free people and no longer liv e in a constitutional republic. T he increasing size and scope of gov ernm ent at all lev els has been a fact of life in the United States for quite som e tim e, but in recent y ears especially since the Septem ber 11th 2001 terrorist attacks that growth has accelerated dram atically . Under the Obam a regim e, it has gone ex ponential." T he Zionists Control Ov er T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem , & Its Use In Destroy ing T he Am erican Middle Class

"T he Mother Of All Black Ops" Earns A Wikio's T op Blog Rating

Julian Assange's Wikio News' Website Has Been T argeted By A Finanical Was A NY Adv ertising Blockade, Perpetrated By Am erican Credit Card Com panies Being Used Ex ecutiv e By T he Nam e Of By T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com plex , T o Destroy Assange And His Suzanne Hart Murdered As Alternativ e Media Em pire Part Of A Dem ented Psy chological Warfare Operation T hat T he FBI & NSA Are Conducting Against T his Author, While A Man Nam ed Michael Hill Is Being Setup T o
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T ake Responsiblity For T he Death Of Suzanne Hart?

FBI Ignores Murder Plot Against Selected Occupy Wall Street Activ ists - Further Proof T hat T he FBI Is Controlled By T he Zionist Banking Cartel In T he United States

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Neuro Linguistic Program m ing & Its Use In Organized Stalking & Brainwashing T he Public Against T argeted Indiv iduals

Intel Keeps Rem oving The English Version Of This Movie From Y ouTube Everytim e I
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Post It On This Website, Because There Is A Scene In Deja-Vu That Shows The Advanced 3D Therm al Im aging Technology That The DOD And Intel Com m unity Use To Illegally Spy On Am ericans In Our Hom es. This Movie Is In Spanish, However, The Scene Is The Sam e - Advance It To About 31 Minutes Into The Movie To See This Technology - Also Google: Dr. Robert Duncan's Book "The Matrix Deceiphered" In Order To Learn About The Pentagon & CIA's Use Of EEG Heterodyning Technology To Rem otely Access Y our Brainwaves And Clone Them Into The Intelligence Com m unity's Com puter Database.

Hey , NSA Gestapo! Rem ote Neural Monitor T his!

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See: John St. Clair Akwei VS NSA Dr. Robert Duncan On EEG Heterody ning T echnology "The real problem with a small group of people who control these technologies unwatched by public ey e is its potential for great abuse. For ex ample, we can nev er fully solv e any accident or crime and know whether it was an EEG heterody ned crime or a regular one. Princess Dianas driv er could hav e been EEG heterody ned and made to crash into the barrier. John Hinckley could hav e been made to believ e that only by shooting President Reagan could he get Jody Foster to lov e him.
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I met a Colonel in the Air Force who test flew the new ex otic airplanes and who was menticized after discov ery of all sorts of corruption with Halliburton defense contracts. False memories were implanted in him and he was made to believ e he was married and had a kid with some music star for two y ears. Clearly the capability ex ists to create Manchurian Candidates like John Hinckley . JFK junior could hav e been made to misinterpret the horizon or his aircraft instruments to malfunction. All these ev ents could hav e been assassinations using EEG heterody ning and directed energy weapons but we will nev er know. How can y ou hav e justice when one can not be certain as to whose mind was behind the crime, or ev en if the jury or judge is being influenced? Clearly the current controls hav e failed and a major reorganization of the gov ernment is justified to regain constitutional controls ov er
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these weapon sy stems in order to restore justice, redistribute the power structure ev enly again, and hold accountable high traitors and special interest corruption from side stepping the laws and constitution. The capability for directed microwav e weapons and weak magnetic fields for silent assassinations with plausible denial is huge. Microwav es at specific power and wav eforms hav e been shown to be able to cause diabetes through sugar metabolism changes or cancers by breaking a weak hy drogen bond in the DNA. All sorts of medical problems can be created with directed energy weapons besides just fry ing a person. The day s of the CIA hit man hav e ended and been replaced. Thank Reagan for giv ing them more power with the huge Star Wars Initiativ e to fry a person rather than using an incoming missile. It is prov ing to be the fav orite weapon of the corrupt shadow agencies under the Ex ecutiv e
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branch. I think the leaders hav e misinterpreted the word 'ex ecute' to mean murder and not operations." - Form er Gov ernm ent Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan

T he NSA's Cov er Story : "T he National Security Agency (NSA) is a com bat support agency within the Departm ent of Defense (DOD) established by presidential directiv e in 1952. NSA has two separate m issions: signals intelligence and com m unications security . For signals intelligence, NSA m anages all U.S. signal collection and processing and produces signals intelligence in accordance with DOD and DCI priorities. For com m unications security ,
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NSA prov ides leadership, products, and serv ices to U.S. agencies that need to protect their inform ation and com m unication sy stem s from foreign ex ploitation. NSA is headed by a three-star flag officer, who reports to the Secretary of Defense. About 80 percent of the NSA workforce is civ ilian."

T im eline Of School Shootings Worldwide - Proof T hat Y our Children's Schools Are Being Furtiv ely T argeted For Mind Control Ex perim entation By T he Global Military Industrial-Intelligence Com plex - Such Mind Controlled Shootings Are Being Used By T he Gov ernm ents Of All NAT O Countries, Including T he United States, T o Justify T he Seizure Of All Legally Owned
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Handguns And Rifles From Law Abiding Citizens, In Order T o Depriv e T hem Of Being Able T o Use A Firearm T o Protect T hem selv es From An Ov erbearing Em erging AngloZionist World Gov ernm ent, Which Now T hreatens T he Surv iv al Of T he Global Middle Class With All Of T he Insider T rading Being Perpetrated By Mem bers Of Congress T he Am erican People Should T hrow T hem All Out Of Gov ernm ent How Could Y ou Cov er Up For A Gov ernm ent T hat Murdered Y our Own Father? Media Personality Cokie Boggs Roberts And Her Brother Political Hack, T om Boggs, Hav e Becom e Part Of T he Corrupted Sy stem Of Gov ernm ent T hat T heir Father, Congressm an Hale Boggs, Was Attem pting T o Ex pose In T he Early 197 0's, When He Was Murdered By
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T he Nix on White House - Both Boggs Siblings Are Ex am ples Of How People's Silence Can Be Bought And Rewarded T he Political Grav ey ard - A List Of Politicians Who Were Killed In Plane Crashes Or Other Accidents - One Must Wonder How Many Of T hese People Were Murdered By T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity ? Was Pan AM Flight 103 Used T o T raffick Illegal Drugs For T he CIA? And Was T his T he Real Reason For Its Being Blown Up, And T he FBI/CIA Cov erup Which Surrounded T he Downing Of Flight 103? Am erican Politicians & News Journalists Are Being Subjected T o Com puter T o Brain Interface Non Consensual Ex perim entation Without Ev en Realizing It

John St. Clair Akwei & Dr. Robert Duncan Are Ex posing
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T he Greatest Scandal In Hum an History - T he Electronic Enslav em ent Of T he Am erican Middle Class According to Form er Gov ernm ent Scientist Dr. Robert Duncan, George Orwell's 1984 arriv ed in the United States in 197 6, when the CIA and Departm ent Of Defense Deploy ed T he Cov ert Dom estic Spy Program s T AMI, MIND and SAT AN, against the Am erican people. Duncan has publicly stated that through these program s, both the Pentagon and CIA hav e the ability to access the unique brainwav e print of any citizen of interest through EEG Heterody ning technology , which is used to sy nchronize this gov ernm ent's artificial intelligence com puters with the brainwav es of any Am erican citizen. Duncan has also stated that
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EEG Heterody ning technology can be used to clone our thoughts and im plant them into another person's m ind, as a form of m ind control ex perim entation. In his 1992 civ il lawsuit against the NSA, whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei described the NSA's ability to access the EMF fields em anating from the brain of any Am erican citizen, through what Akwei has referred to as the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and its rem ote neural m onitoring technology . And one m ust rem em ber that the NSA is ov erseen by the Pentagon. T he cov ert program s that John Akwei and Dr. Duncan describe are being used to destroy the U.S. Bill Of Rights and the Am erican people's right to priv acy and due process of law under the 4T h and 6T h Am endm ents - Read
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John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA to learn m ore about the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, and Google "T he Matrix Deceiphered" by Dr. Duncan, to learn m ore about the program s T AMI, SAT AN and MIND. "NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject."

-- NSA Whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei

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Electrom agnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons Hav e Been A Reality Since T he Midst Of T he 20T h Century And T he Earth's Middle Class Population Is T he T arget Of T hese Weapons

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Zionist Jay Rockefeller's Intent T o Destroy T he Internet Under T he Pretense Of Cy ber Security - T he Rockfellers Are T he T op Representativ es For T he House Of Rothschild In T he United States & Fear T he Freedom Of Speech T hat T he Internet Prov ides Am ericans With "T he Illum inati Form ula Used to Create An Undetectable T otal Mind Controlled Slav e by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springm eier" - Whether Y ou
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Believ e T hat Project Monarch Ex ists Or T hat Monarch Was A Piece Of CIA Disinform ation, T he Following Book Makes For Interesting Reading Especially If Y ou Hav e Been T argeted For Som e Form Of Mind Control Ex perim entation T hat T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity Is Attem pting T o Conceal From T he Am erican People Wireless Com puter T o Brain Interface Is Being Conducted On T he General Population In T he United States, Most Of Whom Are Com pletely Unaware Of T his "T he 1950s Secret Discov ery of the Code of the Brain: U.S. and Sov iet Scientists Hav e Dev eloped the Key to Consciousness for Military Purposes & How T he U.S. Gov ernm ent Won the Arm s Race to Control Man"

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Satellite Surv eillance Of Y our Own Brain By Way Of Rem ote Means - T he National Security Agency Has T he Ability T o Rem otely T rack T he Unique Set Of EMF Frequencies For Ev ery Am erican Citizen Via Its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network T he Mental Rapist Or FBI Pre Natal Mind Fu*king - How T he FBI Manipulates Y our Children's T houghts Ov er T he Internet - A Psy chological Profile Of T he FBI Agent

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Eustace Mullins Ex poses T he Federal Reserv e As A Counterfeiter Ev idence that John St. Clair Akwei filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency in 1992, and that Judge Stanley Sporkin dism issed the lawsuit claim ing that it was friv olous, ev en though Sporkin knew that Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA im plicated the Agency in the creation of a national brain fingerprinting network

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Am ericans are the unwitting targets of an NSA im plem ented national brain fingerprinting network that has been used to destroy our protections to priv acy and due process of law under the United States Bill of Rights Y et Another Of T he T housands Of Websites Which Hav e Been Created T o Docum ent T he Vigilante Hate Crim e Of Organized Stalking & Electronic Harassm ent, Which Are Being Perpetrated By T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Under T he Draconian Patriot Act - T hese T y pes Of Crim es Hav e Been Reported By Citizens In All Countries Which Are Mem bers Of NAT O Classified Signals Intelligence Satellite Surv eillance T echnology Is Being Secretly Used By T he Global Military Industrial Intelligence
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Com plex T o Rem otely T rack, T orture And Ev en Murder People - Early On Most T argets Who Becam e Aware Of T his Satellite Monitoring T echnology Believ ed T hat T hey Must Be Im planted With A T racking Chip T o Be Placed Under Such Satellite Surv eillance - Howev er, Most T argets Of Such Illegal Surv eillance And Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Now Realize T hat T heir Brain's Own Unique Set Of Bioelectric/Entrainm ent Frequencies Has Been Catalogued Into A Gov ernm ent Com puter Database & And Can Be Used T o Instantly T rack T hem Many UFO's Are Satellite Projected Hologram s Being Used T o Condition T he Global Population In Accepting T he Ex istence Of Ex traterrestrials - Howev er, Is T he Purpose T o Ex pose A Mass Alien Inv asion,
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Or T he New World Order's Use Of "Project Blue Beam " In Which T o Fabricate An Alien Inv asion, In Order T o Im plem ent A Global Dictatorship?

Dr. Bob Jacobs Describes His Seeing A UFO Destroy An ICBM In 1964, And T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent's Cov erup Of His Ev idence Jacob's Military Record Was Also Ex punged As Part Of T his Cov erup

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"T he Mother Of All Black Ops" Earns A Wikio's T op Blog Rating

"For electronic surv eillance purposes, electrical activ ity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's v erbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex , thus allowing audio com m unications direct to the brain (by passing the ears). NSA operativ es can use this cov ertly to debilitate subjects by sim ulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Rem ote Neural Monitoring can m ap out electrical activ ity from the v isual cortex of a subject's brain and show im ages from the subject's brain on a v ideo m onitor. NSA operativ es see
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what the surv eillance subject's ey es are seeing. Visual m em ory can also be seen. RNM can send im ages direct to the v isual cortex , by passing the ey es and optic nerv es. NSA operativ es can use this surreptitiously to put im ages into a surv eillance subject's brain while they are in REM sleep for brainprogram m ing purposes. With special EMF equipm ent NSA cry ptologists can rem otely read ev oked potentials (from EEGs). T hese can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. T he subject is then perfectly m onitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the US." - John St. Clair Akwei
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- John St. Clair Akwei

Dr. Wernher Von Braun, T he Nazi Party & Its Control Of Outer Space T hrough T he Creation Of T he National Aeronautical Space Agency (NASA) George Orwell's 1984 arriv ed in the United States in 1981, when the National Security Agency 's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network was secretly deploy ed to track each Am erican Citizen by way of their brain's own unique set of bioelectric/entrainm ent frequencies - T his EMF Scanning Network has been used to destroy the U.S. Bill Of Rights and the Am erican people's right to priv acy and due process of law under the 4T h and 6T h Am endm ents Read John St. Clair Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA to learn m ore about the NSA's
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Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network "NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject."

-- NSA Whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei

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T he Abov e Video Contains T he T estim ony Of Another T arget Of Mind Control Ex perim entation Who Describes T he Perpetrators Of T hese Crim es Seeing T hrough Her Own Ey es - What John St. Clair Akwei Refers T o As Rem ote Neural Monitoring Of T he Brain

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Form er Chief Medical Officer Of Finland, Dr. Rauni Kilde States T hat Mind Control T echnology Is Worse T han T he Atom Bom b Because It Can Be Used T o Rem otely Enter People's Brains T o Alter T heir Behav ior

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NSA Rem ote Neural Monitoring Of T he Am erican People's Brains And T he Concept Of Punishing People For T heir T houghts Has Becom e A Reality In T he United States Ev idence that John St. Clair Akwei filed a lawsuit against the National Security Agency in 1992, and that Judge Stanley Sporkin dism issed the lawsuit claim ing that it was friv olous, ev en though Sporkin knew that Akwei's lawsuit against the NSA im plicated the Agency in the creation of a national brain fingerprinting network "In support of John St. Clair Akwei's inform ation, regarding his 1992 federal lawsuit against the National Security Agency , Internet searches for the following term s rev eal that there are num erous people claim ing that their thoughts are being rem otely read or m anipulated
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as part of this phenom enon" "My T houghts Are Being Rem otely Read - Is T he National Security Agency 's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network Being Used T o Com m it T hese Crim es? "My T houghts Are Being Broadcast Via Com puter T o Brain Interface" "My Mind Is Being Controlled"

Freedom From Cov ert Harassm ent & Surv eillance Group Petition T o Obam a Adm inistration T o Open Up A New Church Com m ittee Hearing Into T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity 's Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Of Am erican Citizens - Sign T he Petition Here Lawsuit Accusing T he FBI Of
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Collusion With T he U.S. Media As Part Of A False Flag Disinform ation Cam paign "T here needs to be a Congressional Inv estigation, m uch like the CHURCH COMMIT T EE inv estigation into the FBIs COINT ELPRO activ ities that went on from 1957 to 197 1, into the activ ities of the Am erican Stasi. Police, Firem en, Am bulance Driv ers, and Neighborhood Watch Groups are using a tactic called ORGANIZED GANG ST ALKING in the UNREMIT T ING HARASSMENT of citizens"

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Fam ily Of Organized Stalking Describes Being Attacked By Directed Energy Weaponry Satellite Surv eillance Of Y our Own Brain By Way Of Rem ote Means - T he National Security Agency Has T he Ability T o Rem otely T rack T he Unique Set Of EMF Frequencies For Ev ery Am erican Citizen Via Its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network

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Organized Stalking Case In California

Wom an Calls Police For Help

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After A Car Accident, And Police Officer Sm ashes Her Head Into A Wall - Police Brutality In Am erica Is At An All T im e High "T he surv eillance society is a secretiv e apparatus of intrusion and deception. An enigm a within a disinform ation perception of reality is at the core all activ ities of spooks. One of the m ost perv asiv e and all reaching agencies is the NSA. T he National Security Adm inistration officially is a cry ptologic intelligence agency whose prim ary function is Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID), which produces foreign signals intelligence inform ation, and the Inform ation Assurance Directorate (IAD), which protects U.S. inform ation sy stem s. T he General Accounting Office defines the nature of the structure of the
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NSA" "T he NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network is the electronic spy equiv alent of the T rojan Horse in Greek m y thology , since it can be used to enter y our m ind without y our ev en knowing it"

- Jam es F. Marino

"NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject."

-- NSA Whistleblower
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John St. Clair Akwei

"T he National Security Agency (NSA) is a com bat support agency within the Departm ent of Defense (DOD) established by presidential directiv e in 1952. NSA has two separate m issions: signals intelligence and com m unications security . For signals intelligence, NSA m anages all U.S. signal collection and processing and produces signals intelligence in accordance with DOD and DCI priorities. For com m unications security , NSA prov ides leadership, products, and serv ices to U.S. agencies that need to protect their inform ation and com m unication sy stem s from foreign ex ploitation. NSA is headed by a three-star flag officer, who reports to the
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Secretary of Defense. About 80 percent of the NSA workforce is civ ilian."

Form er Chief Medical Officer Of Finland, Dr. Rauni Kilde States T hat Mind Control T echnology Is Worse T han T he Atom Bom b Because It Can Be Used T o Rem otely Enter People's Brains T o Alter T heir Behav ior A Report Written By Another T argeted Indiv idual By T he nam e Of Robin Webster, Entitled: "Ev idence For T he Ex istence Of An Inv isible
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T hird Degree" - T hose Of Us Who Are T argeted For Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation & Organized Stalking, Will Find Dr. Webster's Report Of Interest

Senator Carl Lev in Accuses U.S. Military Of Using Psy chological Operations On His Person T o Manipulate Him Into Voting For More War Funds

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Wikileaks' Video Showing U.S. Military Murdering Reuters' Journalists Read Murder By Injection Here: Eustace Mullins' Ex pose On T he Rockefeller Controlled Medical Establishm ent In T he United States - "Murder By Injection" Is T he Best Book Ev er Written On T he History Of T he Am erican Medical Association & G. Edward Griffin's Book "World Without Cancer" Is T he Best Ex pose Ev er
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Written In Regard T o T he AMA's Fraudulent War On Cancer & T he Absolute Deception T hat Sloan Kettering Mem orial Hospital Is When T outed As Being T he Mecca Of Cancer T reatm ent

Racial Profiling Victim , Aaron Jam es, Describes T he FBI's Attem pts T o Murder Him

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Is Dr. Katherine Albrecht Being T argeted For A Cov ert Assassination Via Directed Energy Weaponry For Her Powerful Lobby Against T he RFID Industry ?

Most Am ericans Now Rightfully Believ e T hat A Cruise Missile Hit T he Pentagon On 9-11-2001, T hat T he FBI Cov ered T his Up By Confiscating T he Video T apes From Surv eillance Cam eras In T he Area & T hat T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Was Behind T he 9-11 False Flag
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T he 9-11 False Flag Operation

UFO Ov er Jerusalem In 2011 When Will T he U.S. Gov ernm ent Adm it T o Its Collusion With Ex traterrestrial Beings? In His "Septem ber Clues" Docum entary , Sim on Shack Makes A Com pelling Arguem ent T hat Cruise Missiles Cloaked In T he Satellite Deploy ed Hologram s Of Planes Are What Really Struck T he WT C T owers & Pentagon On 9-11-2001
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T he Cov er Up Regarding T he FBI's Cold Blooded Murders Of Men, Wom en & Children At T he Branch Dav idian Church Rem ains A T rav esty

"T he Deliberate Dum bing Down Of Am erica" By Charlotte T hom as Iserby t After Reading T his Book Y ou Will See T he U.S. Sy stem Of Education As Being Nothing More T han A Venue For Brainwashing Am erican Y outh In T he House Of Rockefeller's Indoctrination Am ericans Are Being Microwav ed Into An Early Grav e, While Being Brainwashed Into Aiding And Abetting It Autopsy Fails T o Prov e T he Cause Of Death For Gram m y
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Winner Am y Winehouse Who Was Found Dead In Her London Apartm ent Last Week - Giv en T he Conspiracy T o Murder Celebrities For T heir Wealth T hat's T aking Place In Holly wood, Am y Winehouse's Frequent Drug Use And Erratic Behav ior Made Her An Easy T arget For A Plausibly Deniable Murder - Especially With A Networth Of $10 Million Dollars - Giv en T he Inconclusiv e Autopsy Report One Must Now Wonder If T he T roubled Singer Really Was Murdered & By What Means? Directed Energy Weaponry Perhaps? T he Nix on White House Collusion With T he FBI & CIA In T he Murders Of Congressm en Hale Boggs And Nick Begich Senior Both Congressm en Were Incorruptible - After Learning T hat T he FBI Had
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Secretly Been Wiretapping T he U.S. Congress, Congressm an Boggs Suggested T o T he Nix on White House T hat J. Edgar Hoov er Be Forced T o Retire While T ry ing T o Conv ince T he U.S. Congress T o Either Abolish Or Com pletely Restructure T he FBI, Which Boggs Likened T o An Am ericanized Gestapo Hoov er Also Knew T hat Nix on Was Going T o Be Im peached And T hat As T he House Majority Leader, Boggs Would Hav e Likely Been T he Front Running Candidate T o Replace Him Ev en T hough T he FBI Knew T he Whereabouts Of Both Men After T heir Plane Had Crash Landed, T he FBI Let T hem Die In T he Alaskan Wilderness "FBI destroy ed thousands of UFO reports, 1949 m em o rev eals - Agents routinely destroy ed reports
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containing 'nothing of FBI interest' due to lack of filing space" - While T he FBI Was Using T he Media T o Discredit Any Am erican Who Was Either Abducted By A UFO Or Witnessed One, T he FBI Was Com pletely Im m ersed In T he Phenom enon - Another Ex am ple Of T he Outrageous Duplicity Of T he FBI & Why It Should Be Abolished Jesus Christ - Was Jesus Hum an Or An Ex traterrestrial Mem ber Of T he Anunnaki Sent T o Earth T o Help Colonize T his Planet? More T han 2000 Y ears After His Alleged Death Hav e We Finally Uncov ered T he My stery Behind Who Christ Really Was, And Can We Now Discard All Form alized Religions As Nothing More T han Largely Plagiarized And Significantly Altered Versions Of T he Ancient
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Sum erian T ex ts? CIA-FBI Collusion In T he 197 4 Kidnapping Of Publishing Heiress Patricia Hearst

Form er U.S. Federal Judge Stanley Sporkin, Used By T he National Security Agency T o Block A Lawsuit Which Prov es T hat T he NSA Has Secretly Im plem ented A National Brain
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Fingerprinting Program In T he United States

Mae Brussell; UC Santa Cruz Lecture on NWO Plans (1st US Conspiracy Broadcaster 197 3-88)

T he Nix on White House Hoov er FBI Conspiracy T o Murder Congressm en Hale Boggs & Nick Begich T he United States Is A Corporation Controlled By T he British Monarchy - See
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T he Following Video T o Learn About T he Legislativ e Act Of 187 1

T he United States Has Been A Corporation Since 187 1, And As Such T o T his Very Day Is Controlled Not By T he Am erican People, But Instead T he Vatican, T he British Monarchy & T he Zionist Jews Who Control
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T he House Of Rothschilds' Global CounterfeitingMoney Laundering Operations - T his Makes T he Am erican People Slav es T o T his T rium v irate "Why Would T he FBI Routinely Electronically Interfere With T his Website? Why Is T he FBI Presently Conducting A Vicious Sm ear Cam paign Against T his Author? Because As A Long-T erm T arget Of T he National Security Agency 's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network I Am Docum enting T he Fact T hat All Am ericans Are Brain Fingerprinted By T he NSA T he FBI Is Attem pting T o Conceal T he Fact T hat A National Brain Fingerprinting Program Was Im plem ented In T he United States In 1981, Which Has Since Been Used T o Destroy T he Am erican People's
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Inherent Rights T o Priv acy & Due Process Of Law Under T he U.S. Bill Of Rights"

- Jam es F. Marino "Facebook is the m ost appalling spy ing m achine that has ev er been inv ented. Here we hav e the world's m ost com prehensiv e database about people, their relationships, their nam es, their addresses, their locations, their com m unications with each other, their relativ es, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to U.S. intelligence. T he Internet is the greatest spy ing m achine the world has ev er seen."

- Julian Assange "In reference to Julian Assange's com m ent regarding Facebook, it is indeed a cov ert v enue for
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spy ing on Internet users, howev er the truly appalling 'spy ing m achine' is the National Security Agency 's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, since this satellite spy sy stem has been used to brain fingerprint all Am ericans, any of whom can be instantly tracked by way of their brain's own unique EMF field. A crim e that the NSA has been perpetrating against this author and m y riad other Am ericans for decades."

- Jam es F. Marino

"Only the guy who isn't rowing has tim e to rock the boat"

-- Jean-Paul Sartre
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"T hree Coins In T he Sewer" How T he U.S. Departm ent Of Justice, FBI And IRS Hav e Conspired T o Deny T he Am erican Middle Class Its Wealth - An Am erican T ragedy FBI Director Robert Mueller T errorist Hunter Or T errorist? "No gov ernm ent fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their priv ileges." ~ Buenav entura Durruti

In Its Clandestine Deploy m ent Of Directed Energy Weapons On Am erican Citizens, T he U.S. Military -Intelligence
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Com plex Com m its Felonies Regarding T itle 18 U.S.C. 2332h - Radiological Dispersal Dev ices: "It shall be unlawful for any person to use any dev ice intended to endanger hum an life through the release of radiation." "T he NSA, Ft. Meade has in place a v ast two-way wireless RNM sy stem which is used to track subjects and non-inv asiv ely m onitor audio-v isual inform ation in their brain. T his is all done with no phy sical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultim ate m ethod of surv eillance and dom estic intelligence. Speech and 3D sound, and sublim inal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject's brain (by passing the ears) and im ages can be sent into the v isual cortex . RNM can alter a subject's perceptions, m oods, and m otor control.
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Speech cortex /auditory cortex link has becom e the ultim ate com m unications sy stem for the intelligence com m unity . RNM allows for a com plete audio-v isual brain-to-brain link or brainto-com puter link - NSA Whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei

How T he CIA T ricked A Wom anizing, Alcoholic T ex as Congressm an Into Doing Its Dirty Work For It In T he 197 9 Sov iet-Afghan War, In Order T o Gain Access T o Afghanistan's Opium T rade, By Using Wom en And Children T o Fight T he Russians - T he Afghani Children Didn't Ev en Get A U.S. Financed Education For T heir Acts Of Courage, But Many Likely Ended Up Hooked On
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Opium ! A Courageous Am erican Jew Ex poses T he State Of Israel's T ies T o T he House Of Rothschild, Ex plains Why Israel Should Be Abolished, And Is T hen Murdered By Mossad For It When Form er FBI Agent Richard T aus Ex posed Crim es Com m itted By T he Reagan White House & FBI, He Was Setup By T he FBI On T rum ped Up Charges & Sentenced T o 50 Y ears In Prison T he Role T hat Winston Churchill Play ed In Fom enting T he Fraudulent Cold War Between T he United States And Russia

T he Rothschilds Declare War On T he United States: "T hat sam e y ear (1862) T he T im es of London publishes a story containing the following statem ent, 'If that
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statem ent, 'If that m ischiev ous financial policy , which had its origin in the North Am erican Republic, should becom e indurated down to a fix ture, then that gov ernm ent will furnish its own m oney without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will hav e all the m oney necessary to carry on its com m erce. It will becom e prosperous bey ond precedent in the history of civ ilized gov ernm ents of the world. T he brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North Am erica. T hat gov ernm ent m ust be destroy ed or it will destroy ev ery m onarchy on the globe.'- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e" "Banking and Currency and the Money T rust" By Congressm an Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. -- T his Was T he Book Which Congressm an Lindbergh Wrote T o Alert T he
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Am erican People T o T he House Of Rothschilds' Control Ov er T he United States T hrough Its Com m unist Central Banks; Warning Am ericans Not T o Allow T he Congress T o Pass T he Aldrich Plan, Which Would Hav e Allowed For T he Creation Of A Com m unist Central Bank In Am erica. T he Aldrich Plan Would Becom e T he Basis For T he T reasonous Federal Reserv e Act Of 1913, Which Would Giv e T he Rothschilds A New Com m unist Central Bank In Am erica Called T he Federal Reserv e Bank - T oday , T he House Of Rothschild Secretly Controls T he T hree Branches Of T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent, T he U.S. T reasury & Our Econom y T hrough T he Priv ate Corporation Known As T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem - As Punishm ent For Writing T his Book T he Rothschilds Had Lindbergh's Grandson Murdered
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T he War On Cancer Fraud Propagated By T he Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan Drug T rust - A Cov ert Conspiracy Inv olv ing T his T rium v irate's Genocidal Policy Anatom y Of A Public Interest Case - Orlikow VS CIA Gaining Som e Insights Into What It T akes T o File A Lawsuit Against T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent, And T he Ex tent T o Which An Intel Agency Like T he CIA, FBI, Or NSA Will Obstruct Justice In Order T o Conceal T heir Crim es Form er Washington Reporter Helen T hom as Stands By Her Com m ent T hat Zionists Control T he U.S. Congress, T he White House, Wall Street And Holly wood - Helen T hom as Is Correct - She Has Also Been Called An AntiSem ite By Zionist Jews Ev en T hough She Isn't - Helen
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T hom as Is An Anti-Zionist As Are Most Jews Landm ark Ruling In T he State Of T ennessee Bans fMRI T echnology From T he State's Courtroom s - A Brookly n, NY Judge Has Also Banned fMRI From His Courtroom Actor Randy Quaid Adm its T hat T he Vigilante Hate Crim e Of Organized Stalking Ex ists & T hat He And His Wife Are T argets Of It

T he National Security Agency 's Secretiv e Im plem entation Of A National Brain Fingerprinting Program In T he United States, Using A Wireless Form Of fMRI Brain Scanning T echnology Som ething A Form er NSA Em ploy ee Has Already Confirm ed In A Lawsuit Against T he NSA
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"NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject."

-- NSA Whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei

"I think the people I talk to nex t week are going to be shocked when I tell them what I hav e to tell them . It's pretty hard to believ e." - NSA Whistleblower Russ T ice

"T he Military Intelligence

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Com plex In T he United States Has Becom e A Modern Day Orwellian Nightm are -Especially T he NSA's Satellite Based Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, Which Has Been Used T o Secretly Im plem ent A National Brain Fingerprinting Program In the United States T his EMF Scanning Network, Deploy ed By T he NSA's Echelon Spy Satellite Array , Has Becom e T he Real Life Equiv alent Of Orwell's Big Brother."

- Jam es F. Marino

"Som e patents, now owned by Ray theon, describe how to m ake 'nuclear sized ex plosions without radiation' and describe power beam sy stem s, electrom agnetic pulses and ov er-the-horizon detection sy stem s. A m ore disturbing use is the sy stem dev eloped for m anipulating
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and disturbing the hum an m ental process using pulsed radio frequency radiation (RFR), and their use as a dev ice for causing negativ e effects on hum an health and thinking. T he v ictim , the innocent civ ilian target is locked on to, and unable to ev ade the m enace by m ov ing around. T he beam is adm inistered from space. T he Haarp (2c) facility as m ilitary technology could be used to broadcast global m indcontrol, as a sy stem for m anipulating and disturbing the hum an m ental process using pulsed radio frequency (RFR). What does all this m ean? It m eans, to begin with, that y ou will need to com e to term s - now, or in a few short y ears - with the fact that the U.S. Gov ernm ent has the technological capabilities to 'read y our m ind' 7 b and interact with it. With or without y our perm ission." - Electrom agnetic Warfare
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- Electrom agnetic Warfare Ex pert Carol Sm ith, PhD.

T he Ultim ate Blasphem y -T he Mechanism s Of Cov ert Mind Reading And Other High T ech Crim es By Paul Baird T he Consequences Of Brainwashing By Paul Baird T he Rothschilds Declare War On T he United States: "T hat sam e y ear (1862) T he T im es of London publishes a story containing the following statem ent, 'If that m ischiev ous financial policy , which had its origin in the North Am erican Republic, should becom e indurated down to a fix ture, then that gov ernm ent will furnish its own m oney without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will hav e all the m oney necessary to carry on its com m erce. It will becom e prosperous bey ond precedent in the history of
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civ ilized gov ernm ents of the world. T he brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North Am erica. T hat gov ernm ent m ust be destroy ed or it will destroy ev ery m onarchy on the globe.'- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e" "Banking and Currency and the Money T rust" By Congressm an Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. -- T his Was T he Book Which Congressm an Lindbergh Wrote T o Alert T he Am erican People T o T he House Of Rothschilds' Control Ov er T he United States T hrough Its Com m unist Central Banks; Warning Am ericans Not T o Allow T he Congress T o Pass T he Aldrich Plan, Which Would Hav e Allowed For T he Creation Of A Com m unist Central Bank In Am erica. T he Aldrich Plan Would Becom e T he Basis For T he T reasonous Federal
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Reserv e Act Of 1913, Which Would Giv e T he Rothschilds A New Com m unist Central Bank In Am erica Called T he Federal Reserv e Bank - T oday , T he House Of Rothschild Secretly Controls T he T hree Branches Of T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent, T he U.S. T reasury & Our Econom y T hrough T he Priv ate Corporation Known As T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem - As Punishm ent For Writing T his Book T he Rothschilds Had Lindbergh's Grandson Murdered T he War On Cancer Fraud Propagated By T he Rothschild/Rockefeller/Morgan Drug T rust - A Cov ert Conspiracy Inv olv ing T his T rium v irate's Genocidal Policy T he FBI/CIA Collusion In T he Kidnapping Of Publishing Heiress Patricia Hearst -- One Of T he Greatest Scam s Ev er Pulled Off By U.S. Intelligence
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"FBI links with Organized Crim e are nothing new. T he FBI was founded prim arily as an internal political repression agency , not a crim e fighting organization. A few spectacular arrests of rag tag bank robbers burnished the crim e fighting im age, but political control has alway s been the FBI's m ain role."

-Baltim ore Sun Blog

Y ou Hav e T he Right T o Rem ain T errified - Of T he Police - T he House Of Rothschild Is T urning Am erica Into A Cy ber Police State T he Atlantic Monthly Is One Of T he Oldest Magazines In Am erica - For Most Of T he Past Century It's Also Been A Useful T ool Of Disinform ation For T he House Of Rothschild & Its Federal Reserv e Com m unist Central Bank
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Com m unist Central Bank FBI T est Cheating Scandal Ex plodes As Further Allegations Of Widespread Cheating By FBI Agents On Ex am s Continues - T hese Agents Were T oo Lazy T o Study T he Required Course Material, So T hey All Cheated

Is House Of Rothschild Lackey , Senator Jay Rockefeller T he Real Driv ing Force Behind T he Internet Kill Switch Bill? If So, He Certainly Has Plenty Of Support In Congress What's T he Real Purpose For T he Internal Rev enue Serv ice? T he Am erican People Would Like T o Know - T he IRS Is Used As A Sm okescreen T o Make T he Am erican People T hink T hat T he Money T hey Pay In A Federal Incom e T ax Goes T o Support T he Daily
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Operations Of T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent, Instead Of Where T his Fiat Currency Really Goes - Straight Back T o T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem T o Pay Down T he Interest On T he Principle Which T he Federal Reserv e Claim s T he U.S. T reasury Owes It For Borrowing And Laundering T he Federal Reserv e Notes T hat T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem Counterfeits & Launders T hrough T he T reasury & U.S. Econom y T he Most Successful Financial Schem e In Hum an History "T he T orture Report" By Doctor Les Dov e - T his Report Was Written By A European Citizen Who Like His Am erican Counterparts, Is Being T argeted For T he Vigilante Hate Crim e Of Organized Stalking & Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation - T he T orture Report Does An Ex cellent Job Of Describing
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What It's Like T o Be T he Victim Of T hese Orwellian Crim es - Dr. Dov e Describes A Frightening Scenario Regarding T he Global Zionist Dictatorship Which Is Gradually Em erging Under T he Guise Of A War On T error - "T he T orture Report" Is A Must Read For T he Citizens Of T his Planet - "T he T orture Report" Has Already Been Electronically T am pered With On Many Of T he Websites On Which It Was Published, So Read It On T his Website While Y ou Still Y ou Can - Alternativ e Journalist Jam es F. Marino Why Was T he FBI Used T o Cov er Up T he Facts Behind T he Murder Of Chandra Lev y ? Actress Jean Seberg Murdered By the FBI's Sociopathic Bureaucrats - Another Ex am ple Of T he FBI's Deadly COINT ELPRO Operations & Why T he FBI Is A Cancer On
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Am erica T hat Must Be Abolished! "According to several Internet traffic m onitoring sites: 9-11 The Mother Of All Black Operations has received nearly 60 m illion unique readers since this author began publishing the m aterial on this Website back in June of 2006 and now receives m ore than 21 m illion page views per day. This in spite of FBI/NSA collusion in which to electronically tam per with this Website, while fom enting one of the m ost outrageous and vicious attacks on civil liberties and the U.S. Bill of Rights in the history of the United States of Am erica." In Court Docum ents, An FBI Agent Adm its Under Oath T hat T he FBI Has Access T o T he T y pe Of Satellite Deploy ed Electrom agnetic Weaponry T hat A T ex as Citizen Reports Being
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Attacked With By T he CIA T he FBI Agent Also Adm itted T hat FBI Agents Are Breaking T he Law By Using T his Electrom agnetic T echnology In Which T o Rem otely T orture Am erican Citizens Via Satellite, While Deny ing T hese Citizens T heir Inherent Rights Under T he United States Constitution; Such Satellite Deploy ed Predation Is T aking Place Against Millions Of Am erican Citizens As Part Of A Clandestine Gov ernm ent Program T o Perform Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation On T he Am erican Population T his Author Is Routinely T argeted By Such Satellite Based Electronic Weaponry As T he Direct Result Of T he FBI/NSA Crim inal Conspiracy In Which T o Deny T his Author My Inherent Rights As An Am erican Citizen, While T his Intel Crim e Sy ndicate Uses My Person For Non Consensual Hum an
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Ex perim entation What Did T he Late President John F. Kennedy & T he Lindbergh Baby Hav e In Com m on? T hey Were Both Secretly Murdered By Representativ es Of T he House Of Rothschild T he Planned NSA/Google Partnership Com bined With T he Internet Kill Switch Bill Is A Cov ert Black Operation In Which T o Destroy T he Blogosphere & T he Alternativ e Journalist, While Using T he Internet As Y et Another Venue For T he House Of Rothschilds' Zionist Agenda & T ool Of Disinform ation T he Rothschilds Declare War On T he United States: "T hat sam e y ear (1862) T he T im es of London publishes a story containing the following statem ent, 'If that m ischiev ous financial policy , which had its origin in the
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North Am erican Republic, should becom e indurated down to a fix ture, then that gov ernm ent will furnish its own m oney without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will hav e all the m oney necessary to carry on its com m erce. It will becom e prosperous bey ond precedent in the history of civ ilized gov ernm ents of the world. T he brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North Am erica. T hat gov ernm ent m ust be destroy ed or it will destroy ev ery m onarchy on the globe.'- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e" "T he people in the 20 U.S. States who seek to secede from the U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent understand that the House of Rothschild is using the Federal Reserv e Sy stem & Internal Rev enue Serv ice (both priv ate corporations) in
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order to im pose a cov ert form of class warfare on the Am erican citizenry , through an unconstitutional federal tax on their wages. What the Am erican people are now witnessing is history in the m aking. A growing patriotic subset of the Am erican population who hav e becom e defiant towards the Rothschilds and their global counterfeiting/ m oney laundering crim e sy ndicate, and who will no longer tolerate this m ass deception. It's as if Am ericans are reliv ing our forefathers' breaking away from the British Em pire and the House of Rothschild all ov er again; just as they did in the 17 00's when they founded the original T hirteen Colonies and declared their independence from England's King George III. Moreov er, this lack of trust for the present leadership in the United States is based on solid
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ev idence which prov es that this shadow gov ernm ent is not operating within the Constitutional rule of law and as such no longer serv es the will of the Am erican people. So how m uch longer will Am ericans tolerate a gov ernm ent which is clearly controlled by another country and financed by the House of Rothschilds' counterfeited currency ? In this author's opinion, not m uch longer." - Alternativ e Journalist Jam es F. Marino

Editor's Notation: "Many of the following hyperlinks are regularly electronically tam pered with by the FBI, in efforts to cover up som e crim e that the U.S. Federal Governm ent or its House of Rothschild leadership attem pt to prevent the public from reading about. If you find an article of interest that you cannot access, please try
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it again at a later tim e, since this author is now forced to repost m any of these articles on a regular basis. For the past four years, the FBI has desperately tried to get this Website deleted. And given the fact that this Blog now has m illions of readers who are fam iliar with the FBI/NSA collusion in which to deny this author m y Constitutional rights as an Am erican citizen, the FBI will continue to attack m y person while the bureau fom ents a treasonous attack on the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights. So m uch for our 1ST Am endm ent right to freedom of speech in Am erica - the House of Rothschilds' land of the lies." - Jam es F. Marino A Book So Dam aging T o T he House Of Rothschild & Its Zionist Dogm a, T hat Its Author, Jack Bernstein Was Murdered For Hav ing Written
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It - "T he Life Of An Am erican Jew In Racist Marx ist Israel" "If the FBI coerces a person to v iolate som e aspect of the law (including conv incing a person to take part in the v igilante hate crim e of organized stalking), the FBI can later use such a crim e to further coerce this person, or to ev en prosecute this person if the statue of lim itations has not ex pired. Such coerciv e tactics by the FBI cost its agents nothing; howev er the FBI's intim idation tactics can cost the target of such duplicity ev ery thing. T hus, allowing oneself to becom e ensnared in one of the FBI's COINT ELPRO deriv ed m achinations is akin to m aking a deal with the dev il Such people need to be freed from these constraints & the FBI and its Draconian operations need to be abolished, since the crim inal m indset of the av erage FBI
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agent is ex trem ely dangerous to our Constitutional rule of law" - Jam es F. Marino COINT ELPRO/Organized Stalking T arget Are Y ou Being Used By T he NSA As An Unwitting Piece Of Mobile Spy ware For Its Signals Intelligence Operations? According T o A Lawsuit By A Form er NSA Em ploy ee, Y ou Could Be Without Ev en Knowing It Mind Reading & Manipulation Of One's T houghts Via Specialized Gov ernm ent Satellites Has Been T aking Place Since T he 197 0's - Who's T he T arget? Y ou & Y our Fam ily ! T he T rue Agenda Of T he House Of Rothschild & Its Intentions For T he Am erican People & T he Rest Of T he Hum an Race Actual 197 4 Congressional
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T estim ony of Dr. Jose Delgado "We need a program of PSY CHOSURGERY for POLIT ICAL CONT ROL of our society . T he purpose is PHY SICAL CONT ROL OF T HE MIND. Ev ery one who dev iates from the giv en norm can be SURGICALLY MUT ILAT ED. T he indiv idual m ay think that the m ost im portant reality is his own ex istence, but this is only his personal point of v iew. T his lacks historical perspectiv e. Man does NOT HAVE T HE RIGHT to dev elop his own m ind. T his kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We m ust ELECT RICALLY CONT ROL T HE BRAIN. Som e day arm ies and generals will be controlled by electric stim ulation of the brain.'" -- Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsy chiatry Y ale Univ ersity Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24,
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197 4 (Author of "PHY SICAL CONT ROL OF T HE MIND" 1969)

Dr. Michael Sala's "Ex opolitic's" Website - Dr. Sala's Prem ise Regarding Ex opolitics Is T hat T he Earth Is Inhabited By An Adv anced Race Of Ex tra T errestrial Beings Who Secretly Control T he Planet Earth -- For T hose Who'v e Read Dr. Zecharia Sitchin's Startling Research Regarding A Race Of Ex tra T errestrial Beings Whom Sitchin Identified As T he Annunaki ( Which Literally T ranslated Means T hose Whom From Heav en T o Earth Fell)And Whom Sitchin Claim s Actually Created T he Hum an Race As Slav e Labor, Michael Sala's Research May Hold Particular Interest IGNORING T he Organized
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Stalker Is Key T o Neutralizing T his Vigilante Hate Crim e Orchestrated By T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity - A Sign Of T he Com plete Breakdown Of T he Constitutional Rule Of Law In Am erica President Franklin D. Roosev elt was alway s a pawn of the House of Rothschild and their global counterfeiting & m oney laundering establishm ent. And FDR's loy alty to the Rothschilds was nev er m ore apparent than with his passage of the Gold Confiscation Act of 1933, which not only m ade it a crim e for the Am erican people to use gold as legal tender, but also allowed the Rothschilds to cov er up the fact that they were using their Federal Reserv e Com m unist central bank in which to steal the Am erican people's gold from the United States T reasury . A high crim e of treason.
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Form er FBI Agent Wes Swearingen Blows The Whistle On The FBI's Inherent Corruption & Use As An Upper Level Crim e Syndicate -- "An agent from 1951 to 1977, Swearingen collaborated on two previous books the bureau no doubt hates: Agents of Repression and The COINTELPRO Papers. His new book is autobiographical, tracing his involvem ent with the FBI from the tim e he signed on after World War II to his retirem ent and beyond, as Swearingen began to testify to 'FBI chicanery' on behalf of bureau victim s. Swearingen began his career doing 'black bag jobs' on Com m unists in Chicago. In Kentucky and New Y ork City, he spent years doing serious crim inal investigations, which had been his goal in joining the FBI. But Hoover fixated on the threat posed by such groups as the Black Panthers and the
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Weatherm en, Swearingen explains, and the Constitution once m ore went out the window. Som e of his stories (e.g., the bureau's harassm ent of Jean Seberg) are fam iliar, but Swearingen is m ore explicit than m ost on the FBI's role in the police raid that killed Chicago Panthers Fred Ham pton and Mark Clark and in the fram ing of Los Angeles Panther Geronim o Pratt for a crim e he didn't com m it. FBI Secrets won't win awards for graceful prose, but it does shed new light on an im portant pattern of corruption and repression." -- Mary Carroll/ -- "In his latest book, 'FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose', Form er FBI Agent Wes Swearingen provides an insider's view of the COINTELPRO program of suppression of political dissidents, but also tells us that the program continues to this day under another nam e, apparently without a paper
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trail. He paints a picture of an agency riddled with corruption, incom petence, and inefficiency, com posed of m en who m ay have once been patriots, but who have been reduced to com m on crim inals, whose crim e fighting activities are lim ited at best and largely for show, with political repression being the prim ary m ission. The activities of FBI agents and their [inform ers] include warrantless break-ins, theft, fraud, kidnapping, perjury, fabrication of evidence, suborning of witness perjury, and m urder. The targets were political dissidents:anyone FBI agents didn't like.'" Read An Ex cerpted Copy Of Swearingen's "FBI Secrets" Here Was T he Car Accident In Which UFO Researcher Barbara Bartholic Was Seriously Injured & Her Husband Killed, A Cov ert
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Murder Attem pt By T he U.S. Military On T he UFO Researcher's Life? T he FBI Designs Its Entrapm ent Schem es In Order T o Com pletely Underm ine Y our Constitutional Rights As An Am erican Citizen - Y our Only Logical Recourse Is T o Learn How T he FBI's Cov ert & Oftentim es Illegal Operations Work, Including T he Use Of FBI Vehicle Surv eillance T eam s, Which Can Secretly Follow Y ou Whenev er Y ou Are In Y our Autom obile

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FBI Entrapm ent T y pical & T roubling

Whistleblower Sibel Edm onds Ex poses T he FBI's Crim e Sy ndicate "Edm onds stated her FBI supervisor told her to let work pile up in terrorism cases, thus enabling them to go into Congress stating they are swam ped, understaffed and need m illions m ore in federal funding, out of taxpayer
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m oney, on a yearly basis, when their ever increasing budget is up for review. 'And the public wonders why terrorists keep gaining illegal access to U.S. shores to inflict unconscionable harm on innocent citizens. It is because of the FBI's crim inal negligence and corrupt agenda. Millions in FBI funding paid for by the U.S. taxpayers, has gone m issing, as it was stolen in som e cases and m isappropriated in others, wasted on luxurious frivolities by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's high flying m anagem ent. If they want to spend like that, they need to go work on Wall Street. Leave the crim e solving to people who actually care.'" Whistleblower - Sibel Edm onds "Given the delight that they take in breeding an environm ent of distrust,
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while using deception in which to fom ent discord am ongst our com m unities and fam ilies, one m ust see m ost FBI agents for exactly what they are: a group of m iserable lowlife backbiting cocktail hor d'ourves whose existence only serves one purpose - the propagation of evil." COINT ELPRO T arget - Jam es F. Marino How Did T he Am erican People Becom e Unwitting Satellite Prisoners T o T he House Of Rothschild? It All Began With T he Creation Of T he NASA Space Program Under A Nazi Scientist By T he Nam e Of Wernher Von Braun U.S. Jury Rules T hat T he FBI Used Its Connections With T he Mem phis Mafia T o Murder Martin Luther King Jr. Further Proof T hat T he FBI Fabricated T he Faulty Fuel T ank T heory Regarding T he
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1996 Crash Of T WA Flight 800, While Ignoring T he T estim ony Of Ov er 200 Ey ewitnesses Who Saw A Missile Destroy Flight 800 Further Proof T hat T he FBI Is A Joke As Law Enforcem ent, A Political Pawn Of T he White House, And A Crim inal Sy ndicate T hat With Few Ex ceptions, Em ploy s Pathological Liars & Crim inals How T he National Security Agency Can Enter Y our Mind At Any T im e Without Y our Knowledge Or Consent T hrough Its Use Of Wireless Com puter T o Brain Interface T echnology - Y ou Don't Ev en Hav e T o Be Im planted With An Electronic T racking Chip Since T he NSA T argets T he Unique Electrom agnetic Field Which Em anates From Y our Own Body , And T hat It Uses T o Electronically T rack Y ou Via Its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network - Read About T he NSA's Signals
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Intelligence EMF Scanning Network Here - Y ou're An Am erican Citizen & Y ou Hav e Been Brain Fingerprinted Without Y our Knowledge Or Consent - So Much For Am erica T he Land Of T he Free - Welcom e T o T he House Of Rothschilds' Global Zionist Dictatorship & Its Billions Of Brainwashed Serfs T he T ruth About Osam a Bin Ladin & Why T he Zionist Controlled U.S Intelligence Com m unity Won't Let His Persona Die - Bin Ladin - T he Man VS T he My th - T he FBI Regularly T am pers With T his Article As Well Because T he Bureau Knows T hat Bin Ladin's Been Dead For Y ears And Rem ains Nothing But One Of My riad Intel Red Herrings Alternativ e Journalist Researcher Christopher Bolly n Breaks Down T he Zionist Crim inal Network In T he United States T hrough Many Of Its Secret Societies open in browser PRO version
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Bolly n's Writings Help T o Bring A Greater Understanding T o How T he House Of Rothschild & Its Zionist Leadership Hav e Fanned Out Across T he Globe Ov er T he Past Few Centuries And Infiltrated T he My riad Countries Which T hey 'v e T aken Furtiv e Control Of T hrough T he Establishm ent Of T heir Com m unist Central Banks Google T ex t T ranslator T ranslate T ex t In 51 Different Languages

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Form er T ex as Madam Robin Head Form er T ex as Madam Ex poses FBI/CIA Black Operation T o Entrap U.S. Politicians In Prostitution Stings In Order T o Blackm ail T hem - T he FBI Electronically Disables T his Article Ev ery tim e T his Author Reposts It -Brownstone operations are cov ert stings which inv olv e the use of prostitutes in which to entrap powerful people; especially politicians. Why would the FBI and CIA want to electronically sabotage this article as often as they do? Because they are concerned that the U.S. Congress, which appropriates the already ludicrous billions of dollars in annual funding for the Intel com m unity (including the FBI & CIAs' annual official
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budgets), m ight learn about form er T ex as Madam Robin Head's allegations against the FBI & CIA (why the FBI sent her to prison for ten y ears based on trum ped up charges), and consider reducing or ev en elim inating funding for both the Bureau and the CIA, if these politicians realize that they them selv es are being setup to be blackm ailed. T hey 'd nev er publicly state this, howev er, y ou can be sure that in the future they 'll be scrutizining the U.S. Intelligence com m unity like nev er before. And as these politicians should hav e been doing since the inception of this com m unity of dom estic spies. It's called self preserv ation. CIA Disinfo Agent Barbara Hartwell (Politis) Also Ex posed As An FBI Prov ocateur Who Aids & Abets T he FBI COINT ELPRO Against FBI COINT ELPRO
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T arget, Alternativ e Journalist/Independent Researcher, Jam es F. Marino "Sudden Heart Attacks/Fast Spreading Cancers & Electrom agnetic Weapons, Were Sim on Monjack & Brittany Murphy Murdered By T he U.S. Military Intelligence Com plex es Activ e Denial Weapons Sy stem ?"

A Long Island, NY T own Attem pts T o Ban Cell Phone T owers Giv en Concerns T hat T hey Are Very Dangerous - Cell Phone T owers Are Dangerous For Sev eral Reasons Including T he Powerful Electrom agnetic Fields Which T hey Giv e Off As Well As T heir Use In
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Broadcasting Frequencies Which Can Be Used T o Penetrate T he Hum an Brain; For T he Ex press Purpose Of Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation "FBI AGENT S CAUGHT CHEAT ING ON T EST S AND FABRICAT ING 'T ERRORISM EMERGENCIES' -- More Ev idence T hat T he FBI Is A Com plete Fraud T hat Hires Garbage T he Rothschilds Declare War On T he United States: "T hat sam e y ear (1862) T he T im es of London publishes a story containing the following statem ent, 'If that m ischiev ous financial policy , which had its origin in the North Am erican Republic, should becom e indurated down to a fix ture, then that gov ernm ent will furnish its own m oney without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt.
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It will hav e all the m oney necessary to carry on its com m erce. It will becom e prosperous bey ond precedent in the history of civ ilized gov ernm ents of the world. T he brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North Am erica. T hat gov ernm ent m ust be destroy ed or it will destroy ev ery m onarchy on the globe.'- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e" "T he History Of T he House Of Rothschild" By Dav id Allen Riv era - Riv era's Meticulous Research Into T he House Of Rothschild & T heir Creation & Control Ov er T heir Illum inati Global Crim e Sy ndicate, Parallels T hat Of T he Late Eustace Mullins, Whose Written Ex positions Of T he Rothschilds & T heir Global Counterfeiting/Money Laundering Operations Are
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Now Correcting T he T ainted History T he Rothschilds Hav e Sold T o T he Citizens Of T his Planet For More T han T wo Centuries Is T he FBI Illegally Spy ing On Form er Acquaintences Of T his Author? It Would Seem So

"Ninety Percent Of Creating A Com m unist Gov ernm ent Is Accom plished By Establishing A Central Bank In A Country ." -- Vladim ir Lenin - House Of Rothschild Lackey T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem Is A Central Bank Which T he House Of Rothschild Has Used T o Secretly T ake Control Of T he United States Federal Gov ernm ent - Read Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of
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T he Federal Reserv e" T o Learn How T he Federal Reserv e Com m unist Central Bank Has Been Used T o Destroy T he United States Of Am erica By T aking Ov er T he United States Monetary Sy stem , T hree Branches Of Gov ernm ent & Econom y T he Am erican People Should Be Paid With U.S. T reasury Notes, Not T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem 's Counterfeited & Laundered Federal Reserv e Debt Notes T he House Of Rothschild Uses T he Priv ate Corporation Known As T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem As Well As Internal Rev enue Serv ice T o Conduct A Secret Form Of Class Warfare Against T he Am erican People In T he Way Of An Unconstitutional Federal Incom e T ax On T he Wages Of T he Am erican Working Class

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By brain fingerprinting the entire United States population: "NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~
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RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject." -- Form er NSA Em ploy ee John St. Clair Akwei John St. Clair Akwei VS T he National Security Agency T he Most Im portant Lawsuit In Am erican History , Which Is Why T he U.S. Courts Hav e Refused T o Hear AKWEI VS NSA For T he Past T wo Decades - T he NSA's Secret Electronic Brain Fingerprinting Of T he Am erican People - Read It Here "Like the House of Rothschilds' use of *FDR's Presidential Adm inistration in which to m ake using gold and silv er coins (real m oney ) a crim e, as well as the Rothschilds' use of Andrew Melon and the Bureau Of Narcotics in
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which to m ake the use of m arijuana a crim e, the Rothschilds used the AMA and FDA to m ake the use of Vitam in B17 a crim e, because of its superiority in treating cancer patients. T his perv ersion of gov ernm ent is how the Rothschilds hav e alway s elim inated their com petition. T hey are the consum m ate m onopolists & crim inals, because throughout history they hav e m anaged to m onopolize this entire planet through their abjectly crim inal activ ities, and alway s gotten away with it. - T hat is until the adv ent of the Internet, the alternativ e journalist and the Blogosphere as a new frontier of antiRothschildism " - Jam es F. Marino "People ask 'em the difference between a
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Dem ocrat and Republican in Congress - like they don't get it: HERE'S HOW Y OU GET IT : It's organized crim e. It's just that the Dem ocrats are the Gam binos, and the Republicans are the Genov eses. T he people at the top, they act like it's a crap gam e. Like it's their crap gam e and their m aking lots of m oney . Ev ery once in awhile, som ebody at the table shoots eachother, but the m om ent ANY T HING com es in to disrupt their crap gam e - they all unite to protect it..." ~~~ Mike Ruppert, From T he " In April Of 1933 President Franklin D. Roosev elt was used by the House of Rothschild in which to pass treasonous legislation which m ade it a crim e for Am ericans to use gold as legal tender - T he Gold Confiscation Act Of 1933 open in browser PRO version
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Read m ore about how the Rothschilds used FDR to pass the Gold Confiscation Act, after the Am erican people m ade a run on U.S. banks, only to find that the gold which they had deposited had been stolen by the House of Rothschild, through the priv ate corporation known as the Federal Reserv e Sy stem . FDR then im m ediately closed all U.S. banks for two weeks. By the tim e these banks reopened, it had becom e a crim e to use gold as legal tender. - T he Rothschilds had not only m anaged to steal the Am erican people's gold bullion, they also succeeded in m aking it a crim e for Am ericans to use gold (i.e. real m oney ) as legal tender, while the Rothschilds' duped Am ericans into believ ing that the Federal Reserv e Sy stem 's counterfeited fiat m oney
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was real, and then conniv ed Am ericans into laundering this fiat m oney for the House of Rothschild" - Jam es F. Marino T he NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network - How T he NSA Can Use Y our Body 's Own Unique Electrom agnetic Frequency In Which T o Dial Y ou Up Like A Phone Num ber A Rothschilds' Genocidal Plot Against T he Global Middle Class - Get T hem Hooked On Sm oking, T hen Bilk T hem Of T heir Life Sav ings "T he House of Rothschild's Federal Reserv e Sy stem Is An Ev il Version Of T he My thical Character Robin Hood, Since Unlike Robin Hood, T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem Steals From T he Poor & Giv es T o T he Rich open in browser PRO version
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T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem & Its IRS Collection Agent Are Nothing But Cov ert Form s Of Class Warfare Being Waged Against T he Am erican Middle Class By T he House Of Rothschild's Global Zionist Crim inal Counterfeiting-Money Laundering Operation -Both Made Legitim ate By T he Rothschild's Furtiv e T ake Ov er Of T he T hree Branches Of T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent" -- Jam es F. Marino Am erican Civ il Liberties Union Objects T o Reported Partnership Between Google & T he National Security Agency - T he ACLU Has Good Reason T o Be Concerned Giv en T hat T he NSA Will T ake Google Ov er And Use It As Y et Another Front For T his Agency 's Global Spy Operations" Mind Reading &
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Manipulation Of One's T houghts Via Specialized Gov ernm ent Satellites Has Been T aking Place Since T he 197 0's - Who's T he T arget? Y ou And Y our Lov ed Ones Are!

T he Rothschild/Rockefeller Crim e Sy ndicate's Control Ov er T he T obacco Industry - Why T heir T obacco Giv es Y ou Cancer When T he Nativ e Am ericans Nev er Did More On T he 4T H Am endm ent Right T o Priv acy Which T he Am erican People Lost In T he Early 1980's - Y et Are Still Unaware Of Zionist Banker May er Am schel Rothschild's 18T h Century Plot T o Destroy T he United States By Establishing One Of His
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Com m unist Central Banks In T he United States T o Subv ert T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent & Destroy T he Am erican Econom y Rothschild's Dream Was Realized With T he Passage Of T he T reasonous Federal Reserv e Act & Creation Of T he Priv ate Corporation Known As T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem Y our Medical Records, Bank Accounts, Hom e Com puter, Em ail Accounts, Car's Com puter & Now Y our Body 's Own Unique EMF Field - Is T here Any thing Or Any one T he NSA's Not Electronically T racking? And Was T he Father Of T he T y pes Of Artificial Intelligence Com puters T he NSA Uses In Its Signals Intelligence Operations, Sey m our Cray , Murdered Because He Knew T oo Much About T he Ex traordinary Capabilities Of T hese
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Com puters? U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Whistleblower Ex poses A UFO Cov erup Within T he U.S. Military Only T o Find T hat His Military Career Has Been Com pletely Ex punged T he T ruth About Osam a Bin Ladin & Why T he Zionist Controlled U.S Intelligence Com m unity Won't Let His Persona Die - Bin Ladin T he Man VS T he My th IGNORING T he Organized Stalker Is T he Key T o Neutralizing T heir Vigilante Operations - Organized Stalkers Are Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Crim inals Who Represent T he Ov erthrow Of T he United States Of Am erica T his Author Now Concerned Ov er T he Recent Health Problem s Of Y et Another Fam ily Mem ber - Are T hese Health Problem s Related T o
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Som e Form Of Electronic Warfare? "Defrauding Am erica" An Introduction T o 50 Y ears Of U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Cov er Ups, Including T he Missile T ake Down Of T WA Flight 800, T he Oklahom a City Bom bing & T he T errorist Attacks On 9-112001 Were Actress Brittany Murphy & Her Screenwriter Husband, Sim on Monjack, Murdered By Way Of Directed Energy Weaponry , Because T hey Were A T hreat T o T he Success Of A Mov ie Which Warner Brothers Was Releasing? T he NSA Regularly Electronically T am pers With T his Article Because T here's More T han A Bit Of T ruth T o Monjack & Murphy Hav ing Been Cov ertly Murdered By Way Of T he U.S. Intel
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Com m unity 's Activ e Denial Weapons Sy stem T he FBI/DEA "OPERAT ION SWORDFISH" -- Intel Agents Set Up Dum m y Corporations T o Get Into T he Drug Business T hen Skim Off T he Profits For T hem selv es "Marinoism " -- "T he belief that ev ery thing from political to religious indoctrination is an abject fraud used in order to control the m inds of this planet's citizenry , as a m eans of effectiv e social control; and that the indiv idual m ust seek their own higher truths in order to rise abov e the psy chological bonds which the House of Rothschild's Zionist controlled society uses to secretly enslav e them ." T he Rothschilds Declare War On T he United States:
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"T hat sam e y ear (1862) T he T im es of London publishes a story containing the following statem ent, 'If that m ischiev ous financial policy , which had its origin in the North Am erican Republic, should becom e indurated down to a fix ture, then that gov ernm ent will furnish its own m oney without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will hav e all the m oney necessary to carry on its com m erce. It will becom e prosperous bey ond precedent in the history of civ ilized gov ernm ents of the world. T he brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North Am erica. T hat gov ernm ent m ust be destroy ed or it will destroy ev ery m onarchy on the globe.' T hrough T he Use Of EEG Heterody ning T echnology "NSA personnel can dial up
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any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject." -- Form er NSA Em ploy ee John St. Clair Akwei T he NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network - How T he NSA Can Use Y our Body 's Own Unique Electrom agnetic Frequency In Which T o Dial Y ou Up Like A Phone Num ber "From the New Paradigm s Project: From : Lloy d Miller
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<[EMAIL PROT ECT ED]> Subject: Cov ert Operations of the U.S.National Security Agency Date: Friday , May 12, 2000 7 :51 PM Subject: Cov ert Operations of the U.S.National Security Agency John St Clair Akwei v s National Security Agency Ft George G. Meade, MD, USA (Civ il Action 92-0449)" "Webm aster: Whereev er Mr. Akwei is now, he'd better watch his back while getting on a plane..."

Suggested Reading List Which Cov ers Many Books Docum enting T he FBI's Crim inal Operations T he T rue Agenda Of T he House Of Rothschild & Its Intentions For T he Am erican People & T he Rest Of T he Hum an Race:
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Actual 197 4 Congressional T estim ony of Dr. Jose Delgado - "We need a program of PSY CHOSURGERY for POLIT ICAL CONT ROL of our society . T he purpose is PHY SICAL CONT ROL OF T HE MIND. Ev ery one who dev iates from the giv en norm can be SURGICALLY MUT ILAT ED. 'T he indiv idual m ay think that the m ost im portant reality is his own ex istence, but this is only his personal point of v iew. T his lacks historical perspectiv e. Man does NOT HAVE T HE RIGHT to dev elop his own m ind. T his kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We m ust ELECT RICALLY CONT ROL T HE BRAIN. Som e day arm ies and generals will be controlled by electric stim ulation of the brain.'" -- Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsy chiatry Y ale
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Univ ersity Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 197 4 (Author of "PHY SICAL CONT ROL OF T HE MIND" 1969)

"If T he House Of Rothschild Had Not Used Its Federal Reserv e Com m unist Central Bank In Which T o Begin Looting T he United States T reasury In 1913, T here Would Hav e Been No Reason T o T ake T he Am erican People Off T he Gold Standard In 1933, Or T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Off T he Gold Standard In 197 1 T he Federal Reserv e Sim ply Looted T he Am erican People's Gold, And T hen T ricked Am ericans Into Believ ing T hat T he Federal Reserv e Notes Which T he Federal Reserv e
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Counterfeits & Launders T hrough T he United States T reasury Are Worth Som ething Of Intrinsic Value, When In Reality T hese Debtor Notes Are Nothing But Worthless Pieces Of Paper Created T o In-Debt T he Am erican People T o T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem & Its House Of Rothschild Zionist Banking Cartel" --- Jam es F. Marino CIA Disinfo Agent Barbara Hartwell (Politis) Also Ex posed As An FBI Prov ocateur Who Aids & Abets T he FBI COINT ELPRO Against T his Author New Age Greek Liar's Past Ex posed - Another Of Barbara Politis Hartwell's Victim s Finally Gets T ired Of T his Nasty CIA Blabberm outh - Note T hat T his Inform ation Is In T he Public Dom ain & Hartwell
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Intentionally Refrains From Publishing It On Her Website Because It Prov es T hat She Is A Pathological Liar & Disinform ation Artist Read About How T he House Of Rothschild Used T heir Am erican Representativ es In Which T o Sneak T he Federal Reserv e Act Past Most Mem bers Of Congress, Which Resulted In T he Creation Of T he Com m unist Central Bank Known As T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem T he Most Diabolical Financial Schem e In Hum an History

U.S. Military Whistleblower Adm its T o Gov ernm ent UFO Cov erup - T hen Finds T hat His Entire Military Record's Been Ex punged And Bob Jacobs Isn't T he
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First Gov ernm ent Whistleblower Who's Been T reated In Such A Despicable Manner

"Ninety Percent Of Creating A Com m unist Gov ernm ent Is Accom plished By Establishing A Central Bank In A Country ." - Vladim ir Lenin - House Of Rothschild Lackey Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e" - T his book is sev eral hundred pages long, and one of the m ost worthwhile that y ou will ev er read, in gaining an understanding of how the House Of Rothschild subv erted the U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent, when it orchestrated the bribing of sev eral U.S. Senators during the Christm as Holiday s in 1913. T his was done in which
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to pass the treasonous Federal Reserv e Act, which allowed for the creation of the priv ately owned and Zionist controlled corporation known as the Federal Reserv e Sy stem - A Congress authorized counterfeiter and m oney launderer that has destroy ed the U.S. econom y through its creation of fiat m oney , and inflationary and deflationary cy cles, which resulted in the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, as well as ev ery recession the Am erican people hav e ex perienced ov er the past century

May er Am schel Rothschild's Plot T o Destroy T he United States Of Am erica By T aking Ov er T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent With One Of
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His Central Banks Was T he Hit & Run Car Accident Which Killed T ulsa Artist Bob Bartholic & Seriously Injured His Wife, UFO Researcher, Barbara Bartholic, A Cov ert Black Operation In Which T o Murder Barbara Bartholic In A Plausibly Deniable Way ? T he FBI's At It Again - Using Search Engines Like Google T o Deceiv e T he Public Don't Let ' Em Fool Y a - T he FBI Has No Legislativ e Charter - So Why Are Y ou Allowing T he United States Congress T o Appropriate Billions Of Dollars A Y ear T o Finance T he FBI's Gestapo Crim inals When T hat Money Could Be Much Better Spent On Public Program s T o Help Am erica's Middle Class? "If Am ericans m anaged to abolish the Federal Reserv e
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Sy stem , the House of Rothschild would im m ediately seek another way in which to again infilitrate the United States of Am erica, since the only way that the Rothschild's can im pose their secret Zionist dictatorship on the Am erican people is through the use of one of its Com m unist central banks; the ty pe of counterfeiting/m oney laundering crim e sy ndicate that the priv ately owned Federal Reserv e Sy stem has alway s been. Without such central banks, the House of Rothschild would becom e powerless & the global m onarchy would be destroy ed, as it should hav e been long ago. T he hum an race would ex perience far less catastrophes if the House of Rothschild and its m erchants of ev il ceased to ex ist."
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-- Jam es F. Marino "History Repeated: T he Dangers Of Dom estic Spy ing By Federal Law Enforcem ent" - A Must Read For All Am erican Citizens Whose Constitutional Rights Are Being Com pletely Ignored By T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity T he Following Is A Rev iew Of "Murder By Injection" Since Scrib'd Was Forced T o Rem ov e T he PDF Downloadable Version Of T his Incredible Book, GIv en Its Indictm ent Of T he Am erican Medical Association In A Policy Of Planned Genocide - In T his Book Alternativ e Author Eustace Mullin's Describes T he Am erican Medical Association's Doctrine As Part PT Barnum And Part Joseph Mengele -- Im agine A Crim e Sy ndicate
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Operating Under T he Guise Of A Priv ate Regulatory Organization T hat Profits By Allowing Dangerous Products T o Be Sold T o Medical Patients, While Waging Crim inal Conspiracies Against T hose Doctors Who Offer Alternativ e Medicine Which Is Healthier For T heir Patients - T he Am erican Medical Association Is Such A Crim e Sy ndicate - Author Eustace Mullins T akes Us T hrough T he History Of T he AMA & How Its Corrupt Influence Has Sev erely Underm ined T he Am erican Medical Profession More T han 100,000 Gov ernm ent Em ploy ees Don't Pay A Federal Incom e T ax On T heir Wages, So Why Should Y ou? - Wise Up & Sav e More Of Y our Incom e T he Ly m e Disease Obituary List - Ly m e Disease Is A
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Gov ernm ent Created Biological Weapon Which Not Only T ortures & Incapacitates Its Victim s, But Also Kills Many Of T hem

"Im agine if y ou will a situation in which y ou are arrested on trum ped up federal charges, y et when y ou get to court, y ou hav e no legal representation, and the FBI is allowed to present its fraudulent case against y ou, while y ou are prev ented from say ing a word to the Judge or Jury . In post 9-11 Am erica, a sim iliar situation is taking place against hundreds of thousands of citizens in this country , who while nev er hav ing been arrested for a crim e, m uch less tried or conv icted of one, are
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routinely subjected to a parallel sy stem of injustice in which their inherent rights as Am erican citizens are com pletely disregarded. And by a group of gov ernm ent m iscreants who are operating as nothing less than a squad of v igilantes. And y ou can begin to recognize the Zionist's one world dictatorship em erging in the United States of Am erica. A situation in which the only rule of law is that of the jungle." T he FBI/DEA "OPERAT ION SWORDFISH" -- Intel Agents Set Up Dum m y Corporations T o Get Into T he Drug Business T hen Skim Off T he Profits For T hem selv es+ "Before T he Incom e T ax " By G. Edward Griffin -- T his Is Another Article On T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem /IRS
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Fraud T hat Is Constantly Being Rem ov ed From T he Internet - So Read It While Y ou Can

Pedophile FBI Agents - How FBI Agents Cov er Up For Eachother's Crim inal Activ ites "Mind Control, Im plants & Cy bernetics" -- An Article Describing How T hose Im planted With Microchips Can Becom e Unwitting T argets For Mind Control Research -- T his Is Not T o Be Confused With Program s Like T he NSA's Signals Intelligence Operations Which Inv olv es T argetting One's Own Bio Electrom agnetic Field Which Is T hen Used As Both A T racking Dev ice & Means In Which T o Enter T he
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Person's Mind By Way Of T he Infrared Spectrum Freedom From Cov ert Harrassm ent & Surv eillance Launches Online Petition Against Organized Stalking & Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Electronic Harrassm ent T wo Of T he Most Prev alent Crim es T aking Place Within T he United States In Post 911 Am erica & At T he Direction Of T he Zionist Controlled U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent & Its Intelligence Com m unity Crim inal Agents With No Regard For Basic Hum an Rights Or T he Constitutional Rule Of Law Who Operate Without Any Gov ernm ent Ov ersight & With Im punity T o Com m it T heir Heinous Crim es Without Fear Of Prosecution How U.S. Legislators Use Scare T actics & T he Media T o Pass T reasonous
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Legislation Like T he Patriot Act - U.S. Legislators Controlled By Zionism Are Being Used T o Destroy Am erica - A National Disgrace!

Only A Dictatorship Would Electronically Brain Fingerprint Its Citizens - So What's T he NSA Hoping T o Accom plish By Brain Fingerprinting Us? "Menticide - T he Destruction Of T he Hum an Mind T hrough Brainwashing -- T he Zionist/Illum inati New World Order Plan For T he Hum an Race" By brain fingerprinting the entire United States population: "A subject's bioelectrom agnetic field can be rem otely detected, so
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subjects can be m onitored any where they are. With special EMF equipm ent NSA cry ptologists can rem otely read ev oked potentials (from EEG's). T hese can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. T he subject is then perfectly m onitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject." -- Form er NSA Em ploy ee John St. Clair Akwei

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T he NAT IONAL SECURIT Y AGENCY 'S SIGNALS INT ELLIGENCE EMF SCANNING NET WORK What All Am ericans Should Know About T his Dom estic Cov ert Spy Operation Which Has Destroy ed T heir Priv acy ! In T he Modern Day World, Mind Manipulation Via Com puter T o Brain Interface (Perpetrated T hrough Such Means As T he NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network) Has Becom e A Reality - T he Mind Control Forum s' Website Docum ents Ov er 600 Cases Of Such Nonconsensual Hum an Ex perim entation, Including T hat Of T his Author - Jam es Marino Read My Article Entitled "T ortured By T he FBI" On T he Mind Control Forum s'
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T he Following Are Som e Com m only Reported Mind Control Sy m ptom s From Citizens Who Are Being Subjected T o Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Microwav e hearing T ransm ission of specific com m ands into the subconscious Visual disturbances, v isual hallucinations Inject words, num bers into brain v ia electrom agnetic radiation wav es Manipulation of em otions Reading thoughts rem otely Causing pain to any nerv e of the body
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Rem ote m anipulation of hum an behav ior from space Harassm ent, stress sy m ptom s such as helicopters fly ing ov erhead Seeing, as in a cam era, through y our ey es, i.e. to see what y ou see ex actly Control of sleep patterns Com puter-brain interface, control and com m unication Com plex control of the brain such as retriev ing m em ories, im planting personalities -- Source: Mindjustice Website Mind Control For T he Masses - A Reality In T he New Millennium - Our Brains Are T he T arget Of Billions In T echnology T he Ultim ate Cost May End Up Being T he Hi-T ech Destruction Of T he Hum an
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Soul May er Am schel Rothschild's Plot T o Destroy T he United States Of Am erica By T aking Ov er T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent With One Of His Central Banks How T he House Of Rothschild Global Counterfeiting/Money Laundering Cartel Subv erted T he United States Federal Gov ernm ent & Gradually Destroy ed Am erica - "Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e" By Eustace Mullins NSA Spy Station F83 Menwith Hill, England Accusations Of NSA Spy ing On British Businesses - Are NSA Cry ptologists Using T he Echelon Spy Satellite Network In Which T o Steal T he Intellectual Property Of British Businessm en T hrough Com puter T o Brain Interface & T he
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Rem ote Neural Monitoring Of T he Brainstates & T houghts Of T hese Citizens? Author Richard W. Behan's Ebook "T he Fraudulent War - T he T ruth About T he Bush Adm inistration's War On T error" Is Back On T he Internet - Read It Before T he Intel Com m unity Can Rem ov e It Again "T hat sam e y ear (1862) T he T im es of London publishes a story containing the following statem ent, 'If that m ischiev ous financial policy , which had its origin in the North Am erican Republic, should becom e indurated down to a fix ture, then that gov ernm ent will furnish its own m oney without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will hav e all the m oney necessary to carry on its com m erce. It will becom e prosperous bey ond
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precedent in the history of civ ilized gov ernm ents of the world. T he brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North Am erica. T hat gov ernm ent m ust be destroy ed or it will destroy ev ery m onarchy on the globe.' T his statem ent is proof that May er Am schel (Bauer) Rothschild was intent on destroy ing the United States Of Am erica out of fear that its free society would wipe out the global m onarchy . Also of interest here is that in 17 7 6, the y ear that the 13 Am erican colonies declared their independence from England's King George III, May er Am schel (Bauer) Rothschild created the foundation for what would becom e the Illum inati. T he Am erican people's problem s lead directly back to London, England and the House Of Rothschild & Its Crim inal International
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Banking Cartel. G. Edward Griffin - "Before T he Incom e T ax " - More On T he Zionist Controlled Federal Reserv e Sy stem 's T reasonous Counterfeiting/Money Laundering Operation T he House Of Rothschild How T he Zionist Banking Cartel Cam e T o Be International Bankers Fom enting Wars For Profit T he Project For A New Am erican Century Resurfaces Under A New Group Called T he Foreign Policy Initiativ e - China & Russia Are FPI's New T argets T he San Francisco FBI T errorist Website - An Ex cellent Source Of Inform ation Regarding T he Ram pant Crim inality Of T he Federal Bureau Of Inv estigation
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Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum - Som e Of T he Worst Crim es Ev er Com m itted By T he FBI & BAT F Nothing Vague About FBI Abuse - Here Are T he Dossiers FBI Cov ers Up Murders Com m itted By FBI Agents

Cov ert Activ ites Of T he NSA, FBI, CIA & NED - T hird World T rav eler Website T his Is A Very Good Website For Many Articles On T he
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Cov ert Program s Which T hese Zionist Controlled Organizations Run Against T he Am erican Middle Class & T he Global Citizenry T he Sim ilarities Between T he Patriot Act & T he Nazi Enabling Act Of 1933 Are Ex trem ely Disturbing & Indicativ e Of T he Fall Of T he United States Of Am erica Into A Furtiv e Dictatorship - T he Patriot Act Must Be Abolished "Welcom e to the USSA: Between the FBI entrapping people like this, and hav ing people pim p on their friends we're becom ing a freaking police state. Bill of Rights? What Bill of Rights?" - T he Dem ocratic Underground Website T he Following Article Offers Further Ev idence T hat One's Mind Can Be Rem otely Influenced T hrough T he Use Of Com puter T o Brain
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Interface Another Website Which Docum ents T he T orture Of Men, Wom en and Children From Around T he World Who Are Being T argeted For Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Mind Control Program s & T he Nazi Crim e Of Organized Stalking - T his Website Is A Further Indictm ent Against T he Illum inati & T heir Intent T o Create A Global Dictatorship In Which Basic Hum an Rights Are Com pletely Disregarded T his Is Class Warfare - T he Illum inati's Ultraclass Of Zionists Looking T o T akeov er T he Entire Planet For T heir Own Ev il Agendas T he Real Crim inals Behind T he Bernard Madoff Ponzi Schem e Continue T o T ie Up T heir Loose Ends Im plantable Chips Can Be
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Used T o Both T orture & Kill T hose Im planted With T hem By Rem ote Means -T hese Cov ert T y pes Of Satellite Predation Hav e Becom e Com m on T he Zionist Role In T he Holocaust - Learn T he T ruth About How Zionist Jews Were T aking Part In T he T orture And Murder Of Other Jews During T he Holocaust At T he Website An Am erican Jew Ex poses Zionism For T he EVIL It Represents T he Zionist Controlled Federal Reserv e Sy stem Is Being Used T o Financially Bankrupt Am erica's Middle Class NSA Mind Control & Psy ops By Will Filer - Filer Uses A Pseudom y m T o Protect His Identity , Howev er Based On
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My Ex periences As An Unwitting Mind Control T arget Of T he NSA, Filer's T estim ony Is Frighteningly Accurate T he T rue Story Of Chronic Ly m e Disease "Under Our Skin" Wins Sev eral Film Awards For 2009 - Ly m e Patients Blacklisted By T he Insurance Industry Did T he Centers For Disease Control & National Institutes Of Health Sabotage T he Research Done By Wistar's Dr. Elaine Defreitas Regarding Chronic Fatigue Sy ndrom e? Dr. Ron Paul Initiates House Resolution 833 T o Abolish T he Federal Reserv e Act, Federal Reserv e Board Of Gov ernors & Federal Reserv e Sy stem Organized Stalkers Are T orturers & Murderers - It Will T ake An Education
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Rev olution T o End T hese Vicious Hate Crim es Fluoridation - Mind Control Of T he Masses - How T he Rockefeller Controlled Drug T rust Managed T o Put T ox ic Waste Into Am erica's Drinking Water & Get Away With U.S. Departm ent Of Justice & FBI Inv olv ed In Cov ering Up Collusion FBI/CIA Files Prov e T hat T hese Agencies Were Using COINT ELPRO T o Illegally Spy Upon And Disrupt Activ ism On T he Cam pus Of U.C. Berkley Under T hen California Gov ernor Ronald Reagan

Strong Ev idence T o Suggest

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T hat T he Present Swine Flu Vaccine Which T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Is Urging Am ericans T o T ake Is A Biological Weapon Why Y ou Should Av oid T his Swine Flu Vaccine & Make Certain T hat Y our Children Do Not Receiv e It Either Ev en If T he Gov ernm ent Mandates T hat T hey Must Be Vaccinated Attorney Anita Belle Attem pts T o Ex pose T he CIA's Drug T rafficking Operations In T he United States & Sale Of Such Drugs Within T he Inner Cities Of T he United States In Which T o Destroy T he African Am erican & Hispanic Populations - For Her Efforts T he CIA And FBI Destroy Ms. Belle's Legal Career & Attem pt T o Murder Her Belle Is Ultim ately Forced T o Leav e T he United States In Fear For Her Life

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T he FBI Must Be Abolished! T hese Ly ing Neo Nazi's Continue T o Com m it Egregious & T reasonous Crim es Under T he Color & Cov er Of Law While Decim ating T he Constitutional Rule Of Law Suggested Reading List Which Cov ers Many Books Docum enting T he FBI's Crim inal Operations Did Y ou Know T hat T he 16T H Am endm ent, T he Law T hat T he Internal Rev enue Serv ice Uses In Which T o Im pose A T ax On Y our Wages Is Illegal? Form er IRS Inv estigator Bill Benson T rav elled T o T he Capitals Of T he 48 Continguous U.S. States And Found Irrefutable Proof T hat T he 16T H Am endm ent Was Nev er Ratified By T he T hree Quarters Of States Necessary T o Make It A Law. T his Means T hat In 1913
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Secretary Of T he T reasury Philander Knox Lied T o T he Am erican People When He Stated T hat T he 16T H Am endm ent Was Legal When It Was Not! Now A Judge Has Ruled T hat Benson Cannot Circulate T his Inform ation For Obv ious Enough Reasons. T he IRS Is Im posing An Illegal T ax On Y our Wages. Read About Benson's Shocking Research Here. T he CIA - T he World's Most Dangerous T errorist T he Mind Control Forum s Website - Accounts Of Gov ernm ent Sanctioned T argets Of Mind Control & Other Form s Of Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation From Around T he World Richard W. Behan's free Ebook: T he Fraudulent War: T he Facts About T he Bush Adm inistration's Black
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Propaganda Cam paign Being Used T o T urn T he United States Into A Fascist Police State - the com pletely treasonous Mega LIE called the "War On T error." An Absolute Must Read For All Am ericans: "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order Illum inism And T he Master Plan For World Dom ination" by Dav id Riv era" 1994 -- Just As Im portant As John St. Clair Akwei's Lawsuit Against T he NSA -- Ignore T his Dev astating Inform ation At Y our Own Peril T he T orture Report By Dr. Les Dov e - Updated In 2009 T o Include T he Websites Of Many Victim s Of Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Mind Control Ex perim entation & T he Psy chological Operation Known As Organized
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Stalking T he T rophoblast T heory Behind T he Cause Of Cancer Was Long Ago Prov en Scientifically , Y et Ignored By T he Rich Drug T rust In T he United States. T his Occured Because Laetrile T herapy Would Hav e All But Elim inated Cancer From Our Society Which Is Why It Has Been Dem onized By T his Drug T rust - A Situation In Which Ev en Mem orial Sloan Kettering's Board Of Directors Buried Research Which Prov ed T hat Laetrile T herapy (Vitam in 17 ) Has Been Prov en T o Be Far More Effectiv e T han T he T raditional And Highly Profitable Chem otherapy /Radiation T reatm ents Propagated By T he Drug T rust T hrough T he Am erican Cancer Society , National Cancer Institute, Am erican Medical
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Association And Food & Drug Adm inistration - Read T he T ruth About How T hese Organizations Conspired T o Deny Cancer Patients Laetrile T herapy Which Could Hav e Cured Millions Of People Who Hav e Since Died From T erm inal Cancer. Cure Cancer & Put T he Drug T rust Out Of Business! Dem ocracy Going Dark: T he Electronic Police State - T he FBIs Multi-Billion Dollar High-T ech Surv eillance Program -- Further Proof T hat T he FBI Is Nothing But A Pawn Of London's House Of Rothschild's New World Order Am erican Police State T errorist FBI Attacking Anim al Rights Activ ists Again! FBI's 5 Pointed Plan In Which T o Destroy T he 1ST Am endm ent Under T he Guise Of Fighting T errorism
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Russia's FSB Intelligence Agency States T hat Pop Star Michael Jackson Was Murdered By T he Deploy m ent Of A Directed Energy Weapon Via T he CIA In Which T o Cause Jackson A Heart Attack

Cy ber Security Official Blasts NSA Ov er Powergrab -Further Ev idence Of T he New World Order's Use Of T he NSA As Its Inform ation/Mind Control Network Hub Note that shortly after this author posted the following petition to abolish the Patriot Act, the FBI sabotaged the Website on which the following petition is located. T he Website has been down for day s and is
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just now up and running again. T his a further indication that the FBI is controlled by a crim inal sy ndicate who answers to the House Of Rothschild banking cartel in London the sam e cartel that controls the Federal Reserv e Sy stem central bank in the United States Petition T o Abolish Patriot Act U.S. Intelligence EVIL: FBI/COINT ELPRO Protect Am erica From T he T reasonous Protect Am erica ACT T he Secrets Of T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem By Eustace Mullins It's T im e T o Reform Sex Offender Laws - Agencies Like T he FBI Use Such Laws In Which T o Dem onize Innocent People While
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Leav ing Ex culpatory Inform ation Which Prov es T he FBI's Deceptiv e Practices When T he FBI Was Sued By Dr. Stev en Hatfield For Slander & T he FBI Could No Longer Propagate Its Dem onization Cam paign Against Hatfield, T he FBI Began A Sim ilar Dem onization Cam paign Against Dr.Bruce Iv ins Read About T he Vicious T actics T hat T he FBI Used Against T he Late Dr. Iv ins Here Prior T o T he Attacks On 9-112001 T he FBI Was In Serious T rouble - Which Begs T he Question - Y ou Can Disarm A Dangerous Weapon But How Do Y ou Disarm A Deadly FBI Agent? Political Assassinations Most Am ericans Are Unaware Of
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T he Rothschild/Rockefeller T obacco Cartel -- Why T heir T obacco Giv es Y ou Cancer, While T he Nativ e Am ericans Nev er Did -Boy cott Am erican & European T obacco Com panies Do Y ou Believ e In Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Mind Control? T he John Birch Society Controlled By T he Rockefeller Crim e Sy ndicate Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Caught Withdrawing Stolen Funds From Bank Crozier In Grenada? Read About T he FBI/CIA/NSA Vicious COINT ELPRO Operation Against Canadian Citizen Aaron Jam es & His Fam ily , After Mr. Jam es Was Brutally Beaten During A Northwest Airline Flight
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Although Com m unism , like other `ism s,' had origined with Marx 's association with the House of Rothschild, it enlisted the rev erent support of John D. Rockefeller because he saw Com m unism for what it is, the ultim ate m onopoly , not only controlling the gov ernm ent, the m onetary sy stem and all property , but also a m onopoly which, like the corporations it em ulates, is selfperpetuating and eternal. It was the logical progression from his Standard Oil m onopoly . -- Eustace Mullins Eustace Mullins Ex pose On T he Illum inati Controlled Am erican Medical Association -- "Murder by Injection" -- Can Be Read In Its Entirety Here - T he Rockefeller Controlled Am erican Medical Association & Am erican
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Cancer Society Are T he "Real Murder Incorporated" As Y ou Shall Learn When Reading T his Shocking Ex pose Which Prov es T hat T he AMA & ACS Are In T he Business Of Propagating Cancer In Hum ans - Not Curing T hem Of It T he FBI Suppressed Report Regarding T he Release Of Agents On Crim es Which Include Rape, Child Molestation, Lewd Conduct & Other Crim es T wo FBI Agents Caught Spy ing On T eenage Girls Undressing At Mall -- Y et Another Of My riad Reasons Why T his Crim inal Sy ndicate (T he FBI) Which Although It Has Ex isted Since 1908 (First As T he Bureau Of Inv estigation) Has Nev er Been Giv en A Charter In Which T o Legally Operate Within T he United States - T he FBI Should Be
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Abolished In Order T o Protect T he Inherent & Constitutionally Guarenteed Rights Of All Am erican Citizens

"From the New Paradigm s Project: From : Lloy d Miller <[EMAIL PROT ECT ED]> Subject: Cov ert Operations of the U.S.National Security Agency Date: Friday , May 12, 2000 7 :51 PM Subject: Cov ert Operations of the U.S.National Security Agency John St Clair Akwei v s National Security Agency Ft George G. Meade, MD, USA (Civ il Action 92-0449)" "Webm aster: Whereev er Mr. Akwei is now, he'd better watch his back while getting on a plane..."
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T he Illum inati Subv ersion Of T he U.S Federal Gov ernm ent It is highly recom m ended that those who v isit this Website read through the following inform ation before proceeding any further, since this encapsulates som e of the m ost im portant issues researched and postulated herein. Richard W. Behan's free Ebook: T he Fraudulent War: T he Facts About T he Bush Adm inistration's Black Propaganda Cam paign Being Used T o T urn T he United States Into A Fascist Police State - the com pletely treasonous Mega LIE called the "War On T error." An Absolute Must Read For
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All Am ericans: "Final Warning: A History of the New World Order Illum inism And T he Master Plan For World Dom ination" by Dav id Riv era" 1994 -- Just As Im portant As John St. Clair Akwei's Lawsuit Against T he NSA -- Ignore T his Dev astating Inform ation At Y our Own Peril T he T orture Report By Les Dov e 1995 - Updated In 2009 - Includes Many Websites Of Mind Control T orture Victim s Am erika - T he Zionist Police State - A Must Read For All Am ericans Who Value T heir Freedom And Priv acy T ainting Ev idence:Inside the Scandals at the FBI Crim e Lab -- by John F. Kelly and Phillip K. Wearne -Another Sham e For T he FBI - A Zionist Controlled Stain
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On Am erica Will T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Be Dissolv ed By T he Indiv idual States Of T he Am erican Union? In Light Of T he 9-11 Deception & Present Econom ic Depression In T he United States It Seem s Likely T o Happen T he Disintegration Of T he FBI By Phil Brennan T o Understand How Crim inal T he FBI Is In T he New Millennium , It's Im portant T o Understand Its Roots FBI Adm its Bid T o Disrupt Lawy ers Guild Ex Con John Ginther Claim s T hat Prisoners Are Being Brainwashing Using Psy chotronic (Com puter T o Brain Link) Weaponry "Operation Lightening
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Strike" How T he FBI Used Its Despicable COINT ELPRO Operations In Which T o Destroy T he Liv es Of 12 NASA Em ploy ees - Y et One In A My riad Of Reasons Why T he Gestapo Run FBI Must Be Abolished Was 9-11 Activ ist Bev erly Eckert Murdered By A Rogue Group Within T he United States Intelligence Com m unity ?

Was 9-11 Ey ewitness Barry Jennings Murdered For His T estim ony Regarding How WT C7 Appeared T o Be Im ploded? In Post 9-11 Am erica Ev en T he Most Affluent Of T owns Can Becom e Infiltrated With Intelligence Sanctioned & Financed Groups Of Vigilantes, Nicknam ed Organized Stalkers For T he Way In
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Which T hey Stalk Indiv idual Citizens In Groups "Northrop T o Dev elop MindReading Binoculars" By Sharon Weinberger Man Fram ed By FBI And Left T o Sit On Death Row Ex onerated & Awarded 6.6 Million In Dam ages T he Following Are Som e Com m only Reported Mind Control Sy m ptom s From Citizens Who Are Being Subjected T o Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Microwav e hearing T ransm ission of specific com m ands into the subconscious Visual disturbances, v isual hallucinations Inject words, num bers into
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brain v ia electrom agnetic radiation wav es Manipulation of em otions Reading thoughts rem otely Causing pain to any nerv e of the body Rem ote m anipulation of hum an behav ior from space Harassm ent, stress sy m ptom s such as helicopters fly ing ov erhead Seeing, as in a cam era, through y our ey es, i.e. to see what y ou see ex actly Control of sleep patterns Com puter-brain interface, control and com m unication Com plex control of the brain such as retriev ing m em ories, im planting personalities
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-- Source: Mindjustice Website

"Intrusiv e Brain Reading Surv eillance T echnology : Hacking the Mind" By Carole Sm ith - Global Research, Decem ber 13, 2007 -- Dissent Magazine, Australia, Sum m er 2007 /2008 More T roubling Websites On
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T he FBI & T he Crim inality Of Many Of Its Agents T he "ClintonGAT E" Adm inistration -- T he T ruth About Bill & Hillary Clinton's Crim inal Em pire "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psy chosis in the Light of Mind Inv asiv e T echnology " by Carole Sm ith -- Global Research, October 18, 2007 ; Journal of Psy cho-Social Studies, 2003 If the Dollar Loses Its Position As T he Global Reserv e Currency T his Will Only Hasten T he Collapse Of T he Global Econom y -- T HE END OF DOLLAR HEGEMONY ? T he Use Of "Mind Control" Weapons Deploy ed Via Satellite Based Spy Sy stem s Like T he NSA's Echelon Must Becom e Understood By T he Am erican Public
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T he Am erican Civ il Liberties Union Ex posed As A Fraud - A Must Read Article!

U.S. Intel's "Operation IMPACT " -- T he Crim es Of Organized Stalking & Satellite Based Electronic Harassm ent Are T aking Place Under T his Nationwide Illum inati Orchestrated Program -"Operation IMPACT " Is A Modern Day Version Of Hitler's Nazi Brown Shirt Com m unity Of Dom estic Spies Now Operating Out Of T he United States It's T im e T hat Am ericans Began Spy ing On T he FBI T his T reasonous Illum inati Pawn Is As Welcom e In T he United States As A Case Of
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Sm all Pox

U.S. Intel = T he 4T H Reich Are Y ou A Head Of Cattle? Illum inati Controlled Intel Agencies Like T he FBI, CIA & NSA T hink So. Since 1980 the National Security Agency (NSA) has electronically brain fingerprinted all Am erican citizens and can now track each Am erican by way of their brain's own unique electrom agnetic field while rem otely reading their thoughts, through Artificial Intelligence Com puter driv en spy satellite networks like Echelon & T em pest - Read
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AKWEI VS NSA T o Learn More About T his Modern Day AT ROCIT Y !

U.S. Veterans Sue CIA For Using T hem For Mind Control Research T he NSA's Use Of Am erican Citizens As Mobile Spy cam eras -- Written by Jam es F. Marino -- Rem ote Neural Monitoring Of T he Hum an Brain By Super Com puter Allows T he NSA T o See What Y ou See T hrough Y our Own Ey es -Further Proof Of T he Nazi Foundation Of T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity How NSA Operativ es Read Y our Mind Via Satellite -(Patent # 3,951,134) For Mind Reading T echnology Which Has Ex isted Since T he 1950's Can Be Seen At
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T his United States Patent Office Link - T his Offers Further Proof T hat T he NSA's Signals Intelligence Operations Are Being Used T o Read & Manipulate T he Minds Of Am erican Citizens (And Possibly T hose From Other Countries) For T he Ex press Purpose Of Mind Control Research/ T he Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Of Am erican Citizens By T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity "Patent No. 6,011,991 Inv ented By Aris Mardirossian on January 2, 2000, T itled Com m unication Sy stem And Method Including Brain Wav e Analy sis And/Or Use Of Brain Activ ity " Docum ents T he Ability For T wo-Way Com m unication Via Com puter/Brain Interface T o Occur Via Satellites." T he Abstract Can
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Be Read At T his Link. T his T echnology Has Ex isted For Decades Under T he Cov er Of National Security . Adm ission Of T he T echnology In T he Public Dom ain As Of 2000 Is In Attem pt T o Cov er Up T he Fact T hat Intel Agencies Like T he NSA And CIA Hav e Been Using T his T echnology For Sev eral Decades. "T he world is surrounded by m agnetic fields: som e generated by the earth's m agnetism , others generated by solar storm s and changes in weather. Magnetic fields are also created by electrical dev ices (e.g. m otors, telev isions, office equipm ent, com puters, m icrowav e ov ens, electrical wiring in hom es, power lines). Ev en the hum an body produces a subtle m agnetic field generated by chem ical
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reaction within cells and ionic currents of the nerv ous sy stem . An electrom agnetic field (EMF) is com posed of both an electric and a m agnetic field. T he electric field is due to the presence of charged particles (such as electrons) and the m agnetic field is due to the m ov em ent of the charged particles (such as an electron current). Recently , scientist discov er that ex ternal m agnetic fields affect the body 's functioning in both positiv e and negativ e way s. T he observ ation of this led to the establishm ent of m agnetic field therapy ." -- Alternativ e Medicine T herapies Website Further Proof T hat T he NSA Has Catalogued T he Unique Bio Electrom agnetic Fields Of Each Am erican Citizen Within Its Vast Database -At T he Very Least T his Constitutes Electronic
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T respass & At Most It's An Abject Crim e Against Hum anity : "By brain fingerprinting the entire United States population, NSA personnel can dial up any indiv idual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's com puters will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day . T he NSA can pick out and track any one in the U.S. NSA agents in rem ote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any indiv idual spotted in public who is in contact with surv eillance subject." -- Form er NSA Em ploy ee John St. Clair Akwei As T he Psy chological Operation T urns -- Crim es Of T he U.S. Intel Com m unity -- How Psy ops Work
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T he Phone Call T hat Nev er Really Happened Y et Helped T he Bush Adm inistration T o Propagate T heir Phoney & EVIL War On T error Cam paign -- Barbara Olson's Alleged Phone Call While Aboard Flight 7 7 , T o Her Husband T om Olson T he NSA's EMF Satellite Scanning Network -- How T he NSA Can Dial Y our Own Unique EMF Field Up Like A Phone Num ber In Order T o Illegally Spy On Y ou -Written By Jam es F. Marino Sy nthetic T errorism Made In T he USA - By Webster T arpley -- T his Ex cellent Book By T he Co-Author Of T he Unauthorized Biography On George Herbert Walker Bush - T he Only Legitim ate Biography On Bush And His Crim inal Em pire -- Is Further Ev idence T hat T he Attacks On 9-11 Were Carried Out By
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T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent 30 Questions Which Should Be Answered In Regard T o T he 1995 Oklahom a City Bom bing - T he FBI's Com plicity In Cov ering Up T he Facts In T he Murrah Building Bom bing Sy nthetic T elepathy & T he Early Mind Wars by Richard Allan Miller NSA Dom estic Spy ing Continues T o Grow -- Wall Street Journal Article On T he NSA's Illegal Spy ing Of Am ericans "How T o Spot COINT ELPRO Agents" By Laura Knight Jadczy k House Bill Will Make Illegal Cooperation For Internet & Em ail Prov iders With T he NSA Legal -- Another Congressional Sell Out Of Our Rights As Am erican
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Citizens Riad-Ham ad - Victim of Mossad FBI Murder Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Gov ernm ent -- Giv en Its Com plete Corruption & T otal Mism anagem ent, Many U.S. States Now Seek T heir Sov ereignty From T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent How T he NSA Can Use Its Signals Intelligence T echnology T o Rem otely Hack Into Y our Hom e Personal Com puter -- Ev ery Am erican Citizen Should Read T his Inform ation T he Illum inati And Its Influence On T he Fall Of Am erica's Constitutional Republic -- How Illum inism Has Adv ersely Affected T he Liv es Of Am ericans While Destroy ing T heir Inherent Rights Under T he United
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States Constitution Mind Control, Im plants & Cy bernetics -- An Article Describing How T hose Im planted With Microchips Can Becom e Unwitting T argets For Mind Control Research -- T his Is Not T o Be Confused With Program s Like T he NSA's Signals Intelligence Operations Which Inv olv es T argetting One's Own Bio Electrom agnetic Field Which Is T hen Used As Both A T racking Dev ice & Means In Which T o Enter T he Person's Mind By Way Of T he Infrared Spectrum T he FBI's Destruction Of Senator Robert T orricelli's Career After He Called For An Inv estigation Into T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity After T he 9-11 Attacks T he FBI Can Hav e Us Running In Circles With
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Running In Circles With T heir Psy chotic & Pathological COINT ELPRO Deceptions -- T he FBI's Agents Prov ocateur "Understanding Unabom prov ides in depth insight into the coordinated activ ities of elem ents of the FBI, NSA, and CIA before Septem ber 11th 2001. Activ ities that included the m anufacture and m anagem ent of a series of high profile, random terrorist ev ents and selectiv e assassinations. T he case ex plodes the fiction that the FBI and the CIA did not Com m unicate in high profile cases. T he facts of Unabom hav e been cov ered up in a blizzard of ridicule akin to the lone assassin theory in the m urder of John F. Kennedy . Cov ered up, despite a wide trail of undeniable proof and m ultiple witnesses. T hey are presented here."
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T hose v ictim s of gov ernm ent sanctioned m ind control research v ia satellite tracking sy stem s like the NSA's Echelon, are being subjected to a form of guerrilla warfare which also includes the use of other form s of psy chological warfare carried out by com m unal groups referred to by the T I com m unity as organized stalkers. T he following article is alleged to hav e been written by CIA operativ es to describe how these operativ es use such psy warfare to im pose their will on the m inds of the agency 's v ictim s. Most T I's are already well acquainted with such psy warfare since they are targeted for it daily . T his article is a useful prim er on how these cov ert operations are deploy ed. Especially since it describes the ty pes of tactics used by the FBI and other Intel
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agencies when they seek to underm ine the constitutional protections guarenteed to all Am erican citizens under the Bill Of Rights. T he U.S. Congress Sanctioned FBI/CIA Fram ing Of FBI Special Agent Richard T aus -Another Sham eful Black Ey e For T he Inherently Crim inal U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent Som e Adv ice On What T o Do When T he New World Order's FBI Pit Bulls Drop By Y our Hom e Or Office & Attem pt T o Violate Y our Constitutional Rights -Since T he Patriot Act, T he FBI Is Violating T he Rights Of Am erican Citizens In Way s Not Seen Since It 1960's COINT ELPRO Operations Only Worse In T he 21ST Century Giv en T he FBI's Use Of T he NSA's
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Echelon & T em pest Satellite Spy Networks In Which T o Rem otely T rack Am ericans By Way Of T heir Own Bio Electrom agnetic Fields -Google: John St. Clair Akwei VS NSA T o Learn More About T his Nazi Subv ersion Of T he United States Constitution

Am erican Actress Leslie Oliv er Flees T o India T o Av oid Gov ernm ent Black Psy chological Operation In Which T o Murder Her More Inform ation On Leslie Oliv er & T hose Alleged T o Hav e Perpetrated Black Operations Against Her -Also Includes Som e Inform ation On T he FBI's Magic Lantern Internet Snooping T echnology Am erican Broadcaster/DEW Victim Claim s T hat U.S. Intel Will Soon Adm it T o Its
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Illegal Use Of Directed Energy Weapons On Am ericans Under Bush Regim e Com m entary On Mind War Paper By Form er General Michael Aquino -- Focuses On Psy chotronic Weaponry "T REASON IN T HE FOURT H EST AT E?" by Writer Jam es D. Sanders -- "In light of the current inside-the-beltway insurrection, the rules of political warfare should be ex am ined. T he United States hasn't been a Republic for m ore than six ty y ears. T oday 's form of federal gov ernm ent is a national security state with a dem ocracy faade." -Jam es D. Sanders Website Gov erm ent -- Includes My riad Docum entation Regarding T he FBI's Own Skeletons

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FBI T ried T o Cov er-Up Its Illegal Abuses Under T he Patriot Act FBI Has Conducted Illegal Spy ing On T ens Of T housands Of Am erican Citizens Since 2003 -- More On T his Nazi Whore Of A Crim inal Sy ndicate T he FBI's Connection T o Unidentfied Fly ing Objects -And Its Cov erup Of T he Facts Behind UFO's And Ex traterrestrial Biological Entities Defrauding Am erica -Ex cellent Website With Num erous Articles Docum enting Illum inati Control Ov er T he United States Of Am erica T he Late Jack Berstein's Ex cellent Ex pose On Zionism & Its Illum inati
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Roots - "T he Life Of An Am erican Jew In Racist Marx ist Israel My stery Suicide Of Fam ous Art Couple -- Were T hey Victim s Of Organized Stalking & Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation? Muslim Charity Claim ed T hat T he FBI Fabricated Ev idence FBI Claim s T hat It Has No Hard Ev idence T y ing Osam a Bin Ladin T o T he Attacks On 9-11-2001 -- So Ex actly How Did T he Bush Adm inistration Get Away With Waging Wars On Afghanistan And Iraq, Claim ing T o Be Searching For Bin Ladin In Both Of T hese Countries If T he FBI Couldn't T ie Bin Ladin T o T he Attacks On 9-11? More LIES From T he Bush Adm inistration & Proof T hat It Has Controlled T he FBI For T he Past 8 Y ears
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FBI For T he Past 8 Y ears How T he NSA's Spy ing Of Form er Gov ernor NY S Elliot Spitzer Should Cause All Am ericans Great Concern In Regard T o T he NSA's Attack On Our Priv acy -Article By Dav id Lindorff "ILLUMINAT I/T AVIST OCK" "Once the citizen becom es aware of the true role of the foundations, he can understand the high interest rates, high tax es, the destruction of the fam ily ,the degradation of the churches into forum s of rev olution, the subv ersion of the univ ersities into CIA cesspools of drug addiction, and the halls of gov ernm ent into sewers of international espionage and intrigue. T he Am erican citizen can now understand why ev ery agent of the federal gov ernm ent is against him ; the alphabet agencies, the FBI, IRS, CIA and BAT F m ust m ake war
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on the citizen in order to carry out the program s of the foundations." "T he foundations are in direct v iolation of their charters, which com m it them to do 'charitable' work, because they m ake no grants which are not part of a political goal. T he charge has been m ade and nev er denied, and the HeritageAEI network has at least two KGB m oles on its staff. T he em ploy m ent of intelligence operativ es as 'charitable' workers, as was done in the Red Cross Mission to Russia in 1917 , ex poses the sinister political econom ic and social goals which the World Order requires the foundations to achiev e through their 'bequests.'" T AVIST OCK INST IT UT E -T HE BEST KEPT SECRET IN AMERICA Spy Case T o Open Can Of FBI
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Worm s -- More Ev idence Of How FBI Agents T hem selv es Can Becom e Inherently Corrupted By T he Bureau's Own Draconian And GestapoMinded T actics -- Operate Am ongst Sharks & Y ou Will Inev itably Becom e One Of T hose Sharks As T he FBI's Murderous & T reasonous Agents Hav e Dem onstrated T im e And T im e Again "T he MAT RIX" T he Matrix is a sy stem , Neo, and that sy stem is our enem y . When y ou are inside, y ou look around, what do y ou see? Businessm en, teachers, lawy ers, carpenters, the v ery m inds we are try ing to sav e. Until we do, these people are part of that sy stem and that m akes them our enem ies. Y ou hav e to understand that m ost of these people are not ready to be unplugged and
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m any are so hopelessly dependent on the sy stem , they will fight to protect it. T he Matrix is ev ery where. It is all around us. Ev en in this v ery room . Y ou can see it when y ou look out y our window or when y ou turn on y our telev ision. Y ou can feel it when y ou go to work, when y ou go to church, when y ou pay y our tax es. It is the world that has been pulled ov er y our ey es to blind y ou from the truth. While the Matrix m ay hav e been just a m ov ie, the concept is in fact a reality in the m odern day world. With the ex ception of those Illum inati who control it, we are all liv ing in such a m atrix ; com pletely unaware that ev ery aspect of our liv es, from religious and political doctrine, to society itself, hav e been clev erly m anipulated in which to keep us in the dark.
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T he tim e for the people of this planet to open their ey es is now -- Begin y our education and learn to both recognize and see right through the Illum inati's m atrix . Dr. Wernher Von Braun, T he Nazi Party , & Its Control Ov er Outerspace T hrough T he Creation Of T he National Aeronautical Space Agency (NASA) -- by Jam es F. Marino

Cry pto AG -- T he NSA's T ROJAN WHORE? By Way ne Madsen -- How T he NSA Has Been Intercepting And Decoding International Com m unications For Decades, T he Result Of Backdoors Built Into T he Program s Sold T o Other Countries By Switzerland's
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Cry to AG Com pany -- T he NSA Has Also Had All Com puter Software Makers In T he United States Build Such Back Doors Into T he Com puter Program s Which T hey Sell T o T he Am erican Public So T hat T he NSA Can Rem otely Access Any Am erican Com puter Without T he Owners Knowledge Or Consent -- Y et Another Indication Of T he NSA's NAZI Foundations How T he NSA Illegally T racks Millions Of People At One T im e By Way Of Super Com puter Driv en Satellite T racking Sy stem s & Rem ote Neural Monitoring Of T he Hum an Brain "If the FBI is ly ing to the public in regard to its COINT ELPRO operations against Am erican citizens (the agency clearly is) while coercing their witnesses into perjuring them selv es
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in courts of law in order to obscure the FBI's own crim inality , then it is the FBI that is underm ining the crim inal justice sy stem in this country , by destroy ing the credibilty of law enforcem ent through such abject deception. A situation in which the FBI routinely LIES to cov erup the crim es of its own agents." How T he FBI Protects Am erica's Y outh -- For More T han Half A Century T he CIA Has Furnished Cheap Drugs T o Our Children What Has T he FBI Done For T hem ? Click On T his Link T o Find Out T he FBI -- Agents Of Repression, By Ward Churchill & Jim Vanderwall Angela Clem ente's Ex position Of Crim inal FBI Agent Lin DeVecchio & How T he FBI And Departm ent Of
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Justice Are Now Attem pting T o Destroy Her -- By Jam es F. Marino T he Israeli Mossad Connection T o T he Attacks On 9-11-2001 T he FBI's Censuring Of Form er FBI Agent Dan Vogel Regarding T he FBI Cov er Up In T he Oklahom a City Bom bing - Why Vogel Should Be Allowed T o T estify T he Death Of Journalist Alex ander Hum e -- Another Ex am ple Of Why U.S Journalists Are Afraid Of Crossing T hat Inv estigativ e Line Into U.S. Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Crim es - By Jam es F. Marino FBI COLLUSION WIT H CORRUPT POLICE COMPLAINT S CENT ER FOLLOWING AIRLINE PROFILING AT T ACK -More Ev idence Of T he FBI's
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More Ev idence Of T he FBI's Use Not As Law Enforcem ent But Instead As T he Nazi Operated Crim inal Sy ndicate T hat It Is -- T he FBI Is Not Long For T his World, Facing Abolition Ov er T he Nex t Decade As Am ericans Continue T o Learn Of T his J. Edgar Hoov er Cadre Of Crim inals And T raitors

Rem ote Neural Monitoring : A T echnology Used For Controlling Hum an Brain How T he United States Intelligence Com m unity Destroy s T he Reputations Of T hose Citizens Whom It Uses For T he Heinous Crim e Of Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Departm ent Of Hom eland Security Now T raining New
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Y ork City Firem an T o Spy On Am ericans -- T he Bogus War On T error Is T urning T he Am erican Population Into Spies -- We'v e Saw T he Sam e T hing Happen In Nazi Germ any Under Adolph Hitler With Hitler's Group Of Brown Shirts Spies CARNIVORE Eats FBI By Writer Sherm an Skolnick U.S. Media Makes Its Foray Into Reporting On "Mind Control Weapons" -- Will T hey Be Objectiv e Or Controlled By T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity 's Cov ert Operation Mockingbird Dictates? -- By Jam es F. Marino Regarding U.S. Intel's Nazi's: "A nation can surv iv e its fools, and ev en the am bitious. But it cannot surv iv e treason from within. An enem y at the gates is less form idable for he is known and carries his
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banner openly . But the traitor m ov es am ongst those within the gate freely , his sly whispers rustling through all the alley s, heard in the v ery halls of gov ernm ent itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents fam iliar to his v ictim s, and he wears their face and their argum ents, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all m en. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to underm ine the pillars of the city , he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A m urderer is far less to fear." -- Marcus T ullius Cicero 42 BC "Brainwashing Children T hrough Social Science" -Another Machination Of T he New World Order & Its Control Ov er T he Global Educational Sy stem
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T he NSA's Illegal Spy ing Of Am ericans Ex posed By Murray Horton Dr. Ron Paul's Cam paign T o Repeal T he Federal Reserv e Act T hus Forcing T he Abolition Of T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem , IRS and 16T H Am endm ent T he FBI's COINT ELPRO Attack On Ecoactiv ist Judi Bari -- After T he FBI Failed T o Murder Judi By Blowing Up Her Car Judi Sued T hem And Ev entually (Posthum ously ) Won A 4.4 Million Dollar Settlem ent Against T he FBI - A Landm ark Case Giv en How T he Departm ent Of Justice & U.S. Congress Protect T he FBI's Agents Instead Of Prosecuting T hem For T heir Heinous Crim es Petition T o Abolish T he Crim inal And T reasonous Counterfeiter Known As
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T he Federal Reserv e Sy stem -- T his Well Financed Illum ninati Crim e Sy ndicate Has Stolen T rillions Of Dollars From T he Am erican Middle Class Since 1913 & Must Be Abolished. Please Sign T he Petition T o Repeal T he Federal Reserv e Act & Put T his Crim inal Consortium Out Of Business :Webster T arpley Discusses T he Dire Im plications Of A U.S. Attack On Iran

Read John St. Clair Akwei's Lawsuit Against T he NSA Here. It's T he Most Im portant Lawsuit In Am erican History & Still Y et T o Be Heard Because Of T he Dev astating Im pact T hat It Would Hav e On T he T reasonous NSA
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Mass Mind Control? by Laura Knight - Jadczy k Mother T eresa Working As A Front For T he Vatican Bank --- For Me T his Was T he Final Straw And Just Futher Proof Of T he Illum inati's Control Ov er T he Vatican And Rom an Catholic Church More inform ation on the NSA's illegal spy ing of Am erican citizens through its Echelon and T em pest satellite spy networks On T he T hirtieth Anniv ersary Of T he Jonestown Massacre In Jonestown Guy ana, We T ake A Look Back At T his CIA MKULT RA Cov ert Operation FBI, NSA, DOD -- ALL SPY ING ON Y OU! Were T he Illum inati Architects Of T he
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T reasonous Federal Reserv e Act Behind T he Kidnapping And Murder Of T he Lindbergh Baby ? As Outlandish As It Sounds T hey May Very Well Hav e Been T he Use Of SQUIDS (SUPERCONDUCT ING QUANT UM INT ERFERENCE DEVICES) In NSA Illegal Satellite Surv eillance & Its Mind Control Applications -By Jam es F. Marino How T he U.S. Intel Com m unity Uses T he Medical Com m unity T o Entrap T argets Of Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation

Controlling T he Hum an Mind By Dr. Nick Begich -One Of T he Best Books Ev er

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Written On T he U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence Com plex es Creation And Utilization Of Satellite Based Mind Control Weapons -Learn More About How T hese Weapons Can Be Used T o Inv ade T he Priv acy Of Y our Own Minds By Agencies Like T he FBI, NSA, CIA & Departm ent Of Hom eland Security Without Y our Knowledge Or Consent -- T his Is T he Greatest Scandal In Hum an History -And T hanks T o T he Internet T his T reasonous Gov ernm ent Cov er Up Is Beginning T o Unrav el Right Before Our Own Ey es T he Head Of T he New Y ork Federal Reserv e Sy stem Did Not Pay His T ax es From 2001 T o 2004 -T echnically , He's Done Nothing Wrong It's T im e T o Abolish T he Zionist Controlled FBI
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Paul Baird's Website Surv eillance Issues - Baird Is One Of My riad People T argeted For Illegal Gov ernm ent Spy Satellite Surv eillance And Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation, Who Offers T his Ex cellent Website As Proof T hat T hese New World Order Orwellian Crim es Ex ist And Are Occuring On A Global Scale

Mind Control By Cell Phone A Reality In T he 21ST Century "T he DIA research dates from 197 6 and shows the dangers were known about
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ov er twenty y ears ago. T he Sov iets used the frequencies and intensities used by m obile phones, 1800 MHz and 900 MHz, as weapons. It is a rule of the intelligence com m unity that y ou hide things in plain v iew, getting the public to accept m icrowav e m ind control weapons which affect their behav ior under the guise of m obile phones was a stroke of genius. Getting the public to pay for these m icrowav e m ind control dev ices, so their brains and behav ior can be dam aged, to m ake them m ore docile and easy to control, was pure diabolical genius." -- Dr. T im Rifat Directed Energy Weapons Ex pert Mind Control In T he 21ST Century & T he Use Of Cell Phone T owers T o Manipulate Y our T houghts Microwav e Mind Control -open in browser PRO version
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By Dr.T im Rifat (How Y our Gov ernm ent Can Use T he Ether T o Manipulate Y our T houghts Without Y our Knowledge Or Consent) T he T ET RA Sy stem : Mass UK Mind Control T echnology and the Zom bification Of Britain's Police is Now A Reality by T im Rifat T he U.S. Intel Com m unity Has Found A Very Clev er Way Of Circum v enting T he Constitutional Rule Of Law In Am erica By Claim ing T hat T hose Whom T hey Are T argetting Are T errorists, When In Fact T hese Citizens Clearly Are Not. Howev er, U.S. Intel Is Quite Obv iously Using T his Machination For T he Ex press Purpose Of Concealing Its Own Crim es From T he Public, While Dem onizing T hose Whom T hese Agents Hav e Failed T o Indict, Y et T ortured As A
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Result Of COINT ELPRO. Such T argets Of T he Intel Com m unity Are T hus Subjected T o Vicious Form s Of Calum ny Including Sm ear Cam paigns Which Intel Uses T o Destroy T heir Reputations, While T hese Intel Agents Obscure T heir Own Crim es Com m itted Under T he Color And Cov er Of Law, From T he Public Ey e. T here Is At Least One Constant In T hese Attacks -T his Com m unity Of Nazi Minded Crim inals Is Operating Illegally And Attem pting T o Find Reasons In Which T o Justify T heir Attacks On T he U.S Constitution And Its Bill Of Rights. Howev er, Any Agent Who Com m its Such Crim es Under T he Color Of Law Belongs In Prison - Not In Law Enforcem ent. T hese Are EVIL Minded Indiv iduals Who Crav e Power & Wantonly T orture & Murder T heir Victim s,
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While Com pletely Ignoring T heir Own Outrageous Crim inal Activ ity . T his Website Is Dedicated T o T he Mem ory Of T heir Victim s -T hose Who'v e Been Murdered By T he U.S. Intel Com m unity As Well As T hose Who Are Still Being T ortured By Way Of Its Satellite Based Directed Energy Predation As Well As Other Form s Of Psy chological Warfare. T hose Of Us Who Are Forced T o Liv e In Constant T orm ent -- A Nightm arish Hell "Sharing T heir Dem ons On T he Web" By New Y ork T im es Reporter Sarah Kershaw -- A New Y ork T im es Reporter Makes Her Foray Into T he T roubling World Of Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Classified Mind Control Research Another Im portant Article
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By Dr. T im Rifat Regarding T he New World Order & Its Use Of Satellites & Super Com puters In Which T o Cov ertly Enslav e T he Minds Of T his Planet's Citizens By Way Of NWO Agencies Like T he NSA Petitions T o Sign: Petition T o Rem ov e Satellite Based Weapons From Space Petition T o End T he Crim es Of Electronic Harassm ent & Organized Stalking Being Orchestrated By T he United States Intelligence Com m unity & Other Intel Com m unities Around T he Globe -- T he Fact T hat T he FBI, NSA, CIA & Hom eland Security Are Just Som e Of T he Federal Agencies T aking Part In T hese Nazi Sty le Crim es Against Hum anity Should Giv e T he People On T his Planet An Indication Of T he Murderous Nature Of T hese
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Organizations & How T hey Are Controlled By T he Illum inati, T hrough Its Usurpation Of Our Own Gov ernm ents -- T he FBI, NSA And DHS In Particular Hav e Nothing T o Do With Protecting T he Am erican People & Instead Ev ery thing T o Do With Destroy ing Us & Our Freedom

T he Architecture of T error: Mapping the Network Behind 9-11 A Very Com pelling Account Of A Gov ernm ent Whistle Blower Who Docum ents T he Ex istence Of UFO's & T he US Gov ernm ent Cov er Up Of T his Phenom enon -By Jam es F. Marino President Elect Barack Obam a In 2001 NPR Interv iew Refers T o T he
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United States As Modern Day Version Of Nazi Germ any /FBI Burns T he Fam ily Of AIM Activ ist John T rudell T o Death As Rev enge For Protest At T he J. Edgar Hoov er Building T he Architecture Of Modern Political Power - Ex cellent Resource! Rem ote Behav ioral Influencing T echnology by John McMurtrey , M.A. Other Ex cellent Online EBooks From T he Modern History Project -- What Y our Children Should Be Learning About History In Illum inati Controlled Am erican Schools, Howev er Nev er Will Giv en T he Rockefeller Foundation's (An Illum inati Run Organization Financed T hrough T he Rothschild Fam ily ) Control Ov er T he Basic Paradigm Of T he U.S
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Education Sy stem More Ev idence T hat T he Pentagon Financed T he Creation Of T he AIDS Virus Back In T he 1960's Rem em ber what the *CIA's Dr. Jose Delgado once stated in regard to the free thought of hum an kind?

*T he CIA was created by the Illum inati and has alway s been one of its strongholds here in the United States. "We need a program of psy chosurgery for political control of our society . T he purpose is phy sical control of the m ind. Ev ery one who dev iates from the giv en norm can be surgically m utilated. T he indiv idual m ay think that the m ost im portant reality is his own ex istence, but this is only
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his personal point of v iew. T his lacks historical perspectiv e. Man does not hav e the right to dev elop his own m ind. T his kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We m ust electrically control the brain. Som e day arm ies and generals will be controlled by electric stim ulation of the brain." -- Dr. Jose Delgado T he Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118 February 24, 197 4 Federation Against Mind Control Europe -INFORMAT ION FOR T ORT URE AND ABUSE VICT IMS -- Please Read T he Following Inform ation T o Hav e A Better Understanding Of T he Crim es Against Hum anity Presently Being Perpetrated Against Millions Of Citizens From Around T he World; T hose Who Are Being Subjected T o Gov ernm ent
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Sanctioned Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation Anatom y Of A Public Interest Case Against T he CIA -- Orlikow VS CIA Motiv es For Mind Control Part 1 Motiv es For Mind Control Part II Motiv es For Mind Control Part III T he Project For A New Am erican Century 's Infiltration Of T he White House Under T he Bush Adm inistration, T heir Illegal Attacks On T he United States, Afghanistan And Iraq -- And T he Propaganda Machine T hey Created T hrough T he Bush Created White House Iraq Group, Known As T he War On T error T he Crim inal Conspiracy Perpetrated By T he U.S.
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Congress, priv ately held Federal Reserv e Bank and IRS, T o Steal Money From T he Am erican Middle Class & Redistribute It T o T he Wealthy Banking Industry

Iraqi Journalist T hrows His Shoes At George W. Bush -T he Highest Form Of Disdain For Any one In Iraq Is T o T hrow Shoes At T he Person -- A Sign Of How Much Bush Is Despised Globally FBI Ducks Questions About Its Rem otely Installed Spy ware -- Carniv ore -- HiT ech Spy ware Or A Com puter Virus T hat T he FBI Can Easily Download T o Y our Com puter? Activ ist Leslie Crawford
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Cov ers T he U.S. Industrial Com plex es Illegal Electronic Surv eillance/Predation Of Am erican Citizens SPY CHIPS: How Major Corporations and Gov ernm ent Plan to T rack Y our Ev ery Purchase and Watch Y our Ev ery Mov e by Katharine Albrecht and Liz McInty re - Click On T he Following Logo T o Learn More About T his New World Order Adjunct T o Keep T abs On Y ou

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SANCT IONED T ECHNOT ERRORISM -- By Bill Macintosh T he FBI/NSA Conspiracy T o Electronically Rape Y our Minds & Leav e Y ou As New World Order Vegetables -- By Jam es F. Marino Sy stem s of Surv eillance --An Inform ation Resource Created In Conjunction With Rev elations Of Secret Surv eillance -- T his Is An Ex cellent Website With Many Useful Citations & Links T o Other Websites Regarding T he Cov ert & HiT ech Surv eillance T hat Our Gov ernm ents Are Subjecting Us T o In T he New Millennium After 16 Y ears, Further Ev idence Of T he NSA's Use Of My Person For Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation -- By Jam es F. Marino
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"It Is Illegal & Against Its Charter For T he NSA T o Spy Dom estically Unless It Receiv es Perm ission From T he FISA Court T o Do So -And T hen Only If It Can Prov e T hat T he Am erican Citizen T o Be Placed Under Surv eillance Is In Contact With An International T errorist. So Ex actly What Is T he NSA Doing Illegally Spy ing On My self And Millions Of Other Unwitting Am ericans?" -- Jam es F. Marino NSA Satellite Prisoner/Mind Control T arget
"NSA per son n el ca n di a l u p a n y i n di v i du a l i n t h e cou n t r y on t h e Si gn a l s l n t el l i gen ce EMF sca n n i n g n et wor k a n d t h e NSA 's com pu t er s wi l l t h en pi n poi n t a n d t r a ck t h a t per son 24 h ou r s-a -da y . T h e NSA ca n

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pi ck ou t a n d t r a ck a n y on e i n t h e U.S." -- For m er NSA Em pl oy ee Joh n St . Cl a i r A kwei

"T he following's a diagram of the ty pe of m ind control software that agencies like the NSA utilize on targets of illegal m ind control research. Any Am erican citizen can be targeted for this satellite based weaponry at any tim e, without their knowledge or consent." Click On T o Enlarge

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Dea t h Of A n A m er i ca n Pa t r i ot A a r on Ru sso 1943 - 2007

Click Here T o See Aaron's Legacy Am erica: From Freedom T o Fascism Was Astral T rav eling Pioneer Robert Monroe's Daughter, Laurie, Murdered By Way Of Directed Energy Weapons? -- By Jam es F. Marino T ex an & Directed Energy Weapons Victim Jesus Mendoza Ex poses FBI Inv olv m ent In T hese
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Crim es Against Hum anity Gov ernm ent Whistleblower Who Ex posed PNAC/Bush Adm inistration Illegal Use Of NSA T o Spy Dom estically Now Stalked By FBI See Aaron Russo's Conv ersation With Alex Jones Regarding T he Rockefeller Connection T o T he New World Order Jim Marrs' "Rule By Secrecy - 51 Minute Docum entary On UFO's & T he Illum inati -A Good Basic Prim er In Regard T o T he New World Order T old Only As T he Hum orous Jim Marrs Can T ell It T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent's HAARP Alaskan Antenna Farm -Used For Geophy sical Manipulation Of T he Planet -- Man Made Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Droughts, Floods Are All Possible Now,
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As Y et Another Adjunct In T he Use Of Satellite Based Directed Energy Weapons Used T o Cov ertly Com m it Genocide Against T he Global Proletariat T he CIA Acknowledges Its Nazi Roots T o A Ly ing Hy pocrite Whose Idea Of T he T ruth Changes With T he Weather

T he Mind Altering Abilities Of Chem trails -- T he U.S. Military Industrial Intelligence Com plex Is Using Chem trails Which Originate From T he Contrails Of Jet Planes T o Cov ertly Sicken Us T hrough T he Air We Breathe -Another Aspect Of T he Illum inati's New World Order & Its Genocidal Plan For Most Of T he Inhabitants
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Of T his Planet An Open Letter T o T he FBI & Other T errorist Organizations Which Operate As U.S. Intelligence Agencies -- By Jam es F. Marino T he NSA & FBI Adm it T hey Listen T o Y our Cell Phones - Whether T hey Are T urned On Or Off! Was Conspiracy T heorist Mae Brussell Murdered By Way Of Directed Energy Weapons? -- By Jam es F. Marino

Why Does T he U.S. Intelligence Com m unity

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T est Its Biological, Chem ical & Electronic Weapons On Us Without Our Knowledge Or Consent? Because We Would Nev er Agree T o Such Inhum ane & Orwellian T esting -- How Was It T hat Dr. Robert Gallo Discov ered T he Retrov irus T hat Is T he Causitiv e Agent Behind T he AIDS Virus? Because He Created T his Virus Nearly A Decade Before T he AIDS Outbreak Began. Read Dr. Len Horowitz' T errify ing Book "Em erging Diseases: AIDS & Ebola" Here T ortured By T he FBI -- Mind Control/Cointelpro T arget Jam es F.Marino Docum ents One Of T he Most Outrageous Violations Of T he 4T h Am endm ent And Basic Hum an Rights In United States History State Of Michigan Passes New Law Against Electronic
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Harrassm ent Including Life In Prison For T hose Conv icted Of Such Crim es Website -Many Useful Citations Can Be Found At T his Website Regarding Classified Gov ernm ent T echnology Which Is Being Illegally Used On Many Am erican Citizens As Well As T hose From Other Countries Australian Mind Control T arget Paul Baird Writes About T he Use Of Com puters T o Manipulate T he Hum an Mind

T he Ly m e Disease Conspiracy -- "Under Our Skin" Is A New Film About T he Ly m e Disease Conspiracy -- A Professionally Done Film Created By T hose Who
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Realize T hat T his Biological Weapon Has Becom e An Epidem ic And Destroy ing T he Liv es Of Many Of T hose Who'v e Becom e Infected With It, While A US Gov ernm ent Orchestrated Conspiracy In Which T o Discredit T he T estim ony Of Chronically Ill Ly m e Disease Patients Continues AIM Activ ist John T rudell Describes How His Fam ily Was Burned T o Death Just Hours After He Led A Protest In Support Of AIM Activ ist Leonard Peltier On T he Steps Of T he J. Edgar Hoov er Building Does T he NSA Hav e T he T echnology T o T rap Y our Soul Matrix At T he T im e Of Y our Body 's Death & Use It For T heir Own Nefarious Means? T he Strecker Group -Uncov ering T he Connection
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Between T he AIDS Virus And T he World Health Organization & Pentagon See Dr. Robert Strecker's Docum entary On T he Pentagon & World Organization's Connection T o T he AIDS Virus Here T he FBI's Political Repression -- By Ward Churchill Despite Many Reasons In Which T o Do So, Departm ent Of Justice Refused T o Indict FBI Sharpshooter Lon Horiuchi In T he Murder Of Vicky Weav er Mind Control T error -Another T arget Of Non Consensual Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Mind Control Research Speaks Out -- Well Organized & Inform ativ e Website "T he clev er com batant
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im poses his will on the enem y , but does not allow the enem y 's will to be im posed on him ." -- Sun T zu 'T he Art of War' - Sun T zu 'T he Art of War' Read the oldest m ilitary treatise in the world here

A Com pendium Which Can Help Y ou Determ ine If Y ou Are Being T argeted For Electronic Harassm ent & Organized Stalking Crim es -T he Signs Are Not Alway s Obv ious -- Learn T o Recognize T hem

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T he Bali Disco Bom bing -Another U.S. Intelligence Inside Hit Done By T he FREAKS Who Cov ertly Operate Within T his Com m unity Of T reasonous Miscreants & Sex ual Dev iants Media Packet On Directed Energy Weapons (Includes John St. Clair Akwei's Lawsuit Against T he NSA) -Print T his Inform ation Out And Distribute It T o Y our Com m unities Photos From T he Strasbourg France Protest At T he Hum an Rights Court Dem anding A Ban On Psy chotronic & Directed Energy Weapons (Mind Control Weapons) -- Both Form s Of Electronic Harassm ent Slide Show Created By An Organized Stalking T arget Which Shows Groups Of Organized Stalkers
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(Including Police) T aking Part In T hese T reasonous Crim es Conv ersation With Form er FBI T ranslator And Whistleblower Regarding T he Inside Job T hat T he Attacks On 9-11 Were & T he Pressure T hat T he Pentagon Put On T he Departm ent Of Justice & FBI T o Stop Any Inv estigations Into 9-11. Sibel Edm ond's T estim ony Is Dev astating T o T he Crim inals Within T he US Federal Gov ernm ent Who Are Responsible For Causing 9-11-- Edm onds T hought T hat If She Could Just Get Her Inform ation T o Congress, T hat She Could Ex pose T his Black Operation T o T he Public Instead, She Found T he Republican Party Doing Ev ery thing Possible T o Block Her Inform ation & Stonewall An Inv estigation Into T he T reasonous Cov er
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Up Which T he US Congress Is Party T o US Spy Bill Destroy s T he 4T h Am endm ent While Allowing T he Crim inals Who Perpetrate Such Crim es -Including T he US Intelligence Com m unity -Com plete Im punity T o Com m it T reason. And T he US Congress Is Com plicit In T his T reasonous Crim e U.S. Post Office Gets Pressured T o Spy On Y our Snailm ails T he Cure For All Diseases By Dr. Hulda Clark -- T his Book Can Be Read For Free Here "9-11 Loose Change T he Final Cut" -- T he Quintessential 911 Docum entary T hat Ev ery Am erican Citizen Should See, Since It Ex poses T he US Federal Gov ernm ent's Com plicity In T he 9-11 Attacks & Its Subsequent Cov er Up
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Was Electron Kinetic's CEO, John Iv erson's Unex pected Meeting With T he FBI A Fatal One? I Posted T his Article On T he Internet Som etim e Back And Im m ediately Saw T he FEDS Mov ing In T o Discredit It. John Iv erson Disappeared Shortly After Hav ing Sev eral Run in's with the FBI Ov er T he Agency Hav ing Helped Itself T o His Inv entions Citing Gov ernm ent Priv ledge, And Hav ing Nev er Been Financially Com pensated For T hem . He Had Stated T o Many Associates T hat He Was On T he US Intelligence Com m unity 's Radar & T hat T hey Were Out T o Get Him ; T hen He Disappeared Why Som e FBI Agents Are Blowing T he Whistle On T he Federal Bureau Of Inv estigation Rem ote Electronic Neuroopen in browser PRO version
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Rem ote Electronic NeuroCom m unication -- T he Perfect Crim e

Interv iew With Alien Abduction Regressionist Barbara Bartholic In Regard T o Suppressed Mem ory Sy ndrom e As It Applies T o Alien Abductees T actical Reality Dictionary -Cultural Intelligence And Social Control NSA/FBI Spy ing And T he War On Our Rights -- Under the New World Order Bush Adm inistration T he US Intel Com m unity Is Raping T he Am erican People And T he US Bill Of Rights National Security Whistleblower's Coalition Related Press Articles -Links T o Articles Regarding Whistle Blowing Activ ities
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Whistle Blowing Activ ities Against T he U.S. Federal Gov ernm ent By Form er U.S. Intel Agents -- When Federal Agents T urn Against T he Agencies T hey Are Working For Citing T reasonous Crim es Occurring Within T hese Agencies It's T im e For Am ericans T o WAKE UP T o T he Nazi Subv ersion Of Our Gov ernm ent Microsoft Accidentally Ex poses T he NSA's Infiltration Of T he Windows Operating Sy stem Most Am ericans Hav e On T heir Personal Com puters -- More Phy sical Ev idence T hat T he NSA Has Been Illegally Spy ing On All Am ericans For Many Y ears Republic Broadcasting Network -- Real News All T he T im e -- Not T he Gov ernm ent Disinfo Garbage T hat Am ericans Are Fed A Steady And Daily Diet Of!
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"T he T ruth Cam paign Magazine" -- Host Iv an Fraser Writes About T he Issues T he Mainstream Media Is PAID T O IGNORE "What Happens When T he FBI Spends Millions Of Dollars T argeting An Am erican Citizen For An Illegal COINT ELPRO Operation While Perpetrating Precedent Setting Violations Of T hat Citizen's Constitutional Rights, Y et Fails T o Arrest T hat Person? T he FBI T hen Uses T he Media T o Slander T he T argeted Person, And Coercion T o Blackm ail T hose Around T he T arget (Including T he T arget's Fam ily ) Into Keeping Silent In Regard T o T he T orture T hey Are Being Subjected T o (In Efforts T o Driv e T hem T o Suicide) -- Such Precedent Setting Crim es Are Now Being Perpetrated Against My Person By T he
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FBI, NSA & DHS. Y ou Could Be T heir Nex t Victim ." -Jam es F. Marino (FBI COINT ELPRO T arget) EXOPOLIT ICS -- Dr. Michael Sala's Website On UFOlogy -Addresses Many Im portant Issues Regarding Ex traterrestrial Intelligence & Its Cov ert Presence Here On Earth

T he Code Of T he Brain -Article By Mind Control Victim Chery l Welsh

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"T h e In di go Bl u e Ri bbon Ca m pa i gn T o Pr om ot e T h e A wa r en ess Of Peopl e T a r get ed For Mi n d Con t r ol & Or ga n i zed St a l ki n g Cr i m es"

T I Patricia Stewart's Activ ist Website Ex posing the Illum inati's New World Order Crim es Of Non Consensual Hum an Ex perim entation & Organized Stalking
Lea r n Mor e A bou t T h e Ca m pa i gn Her e:

Blue Ribbon Cam paign T he US Federal Gov ernm ent Is Spy ing Into Am erican Hom es -- T he NSA's Echelon And T em pest Satellite Spy Network -- What Y ou Don't Know About T he NSA Can Hurt Y ou A Whole Lot -- It May Ev en Get Y ou Killed
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Mind Control In T he 21ST Century

"What Is T he US Federal Gov ernm ent Doing Using Satellites T o Spy On Am ericans Within T he Priv acy Of T heir Own Hom es?! T his Has Been Occurring Since Long Before T he 9-11 Attacks; Black Operations Which Were An Inside Job Perpetrated T o Keep T he War On T error Open Ended, So T hat T he Illum inati Run US Federal Gov ernm ent Can Continue T o Erode Our Freedom s Under T he Pretex t Of Protecting Us
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From An Inv isible Enem y ."

Insects Used As Spy Cam eras -- Nanotechnology Allows For Insects Such As Moths T o Be Im planted With T iny Micro-Cam eras Which Allow US Intelligence Agencies T o Cov ertly Spy On Am ericans -"Unfortunately , As Of A Result Of T he NSA's Use Of Electronic Brain Link T echnology T o Rem ote Neurally Monitor T he Brain States Of My riad Am erican Citizens, T hese Citizens Can Also Be Used Unwittingly As Spy Cam eras, Giv en T he NSA's Ability T o See What T hese People See T hrough T heir Own Ey es -- I Hav e Ex perienced T his T housands Of T im es As An NSA Satellite Prisoner/Mind Control T arget"
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-- Jam es F. Marino "We need a program of psy chosurgery for political control of our society . T he purpose is phy sical control of the m ind. Ev ery one who dev iates from the giv en norm can be surgically m utilated. T he indiv idual m ay think that the m ost im portant reality is his own ex istence, but this is only his personal point of v iew. T his lacks historical perspectiv e. Man does not hav e the right to dev elop his own m ind. T his kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We m ust electrically control the brain. Som e day arm ies and generals will be controlled by electric stim ulation of the brain." -- Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado (CIA Asset) Director of Neuropsy chiatry Y ale Univ ersity Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 197 4 Author Gloria Nay lor Writes
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About T he NSA's Cov ert Attacks On Her Person "Consider the dam age done to us as a people by the US Congress, CIA, FBI, DOD, NSA and DHS alone; the biological, chem ical and electronic warfare that they hav e subjected so m any of us to; the illegal and hum iliating NSA satellite spy ing of us within the priv acy of our own dom iciles; the inhum anity of their m ind control torture; the com plete m anipulation of the US econom y through the Illum inati controlled Federal Reserv e Bank and IRS, and the treasonous crim es com m itted by them through the im properly ratified and unconstitutional Federal Reserv e Act; the US Federal Gov ernm ent's usurpation and m anipulation of the US Media through the CIA's Operation Mockingbird; the
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abject treason of the attacks on 9-11; and one can only arriv e at the following conclusion: only a population that is either ex trem ely ignorant of the facts, or m asochistic, would ev er allow for a gov ernm ent which is such anathem a to ex ist within their country ." - Jam es F. Marino NSA Satellite Prisoner/ US Gov erm ent Mind Control T arget T he FBI Has Alot Of Ex plaining T o Do Regarding T he Death Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- 50 Y ears Of Sealed Files Could Im plicate T he FBI In King's Murder "So, to begin, I want to state the m ost basic of all facts about brainwashing: In the entire history of m an, no one has ev er been brainwashed and realized, or believ ed, that he had
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been brainwashed. T hose who hav e been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their m anipulators, claim ing they hav e sim ply been "shown the light" . . . or hav e been transform ed in m iraculous way s." -- Dick Sutphen T he Battle for Y our Mind: Brainwashing T echniques Being Used On T he Public -Ex cellent Article On Mind Control By Author Dick Sutphen

Citizens Around T he World T argeted For Satellite Based Form s Of Mind Control T orture Petition T he United Nations T o End T his Atrocity Against Hum an
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Atrocity Against Hum an Rights

Freedom From Cov ert Harassm ent & Surv eillance Hum an Rights Group -Websites And Blogs Of T I's T argeted For T he Inhum ane Crim es Of Mind Control Research & Organized Stalking T he NSA Being Used By T he Illum inati As An Instrum ent Of State Repression
"Not h i n g wou l d wa r r a n t t h e m on i t or i n g of i n di v i du a l s ev er y m i n u t e h a bi t 24/7 u n l ess t h ey 'r e (US In t el l i gen ce) doi n g i l l ega l i n h u m a n e t est i n g" -Lesl i e Cr a wfor d -- Gov er n m en t Mi n d Con t r ol T a r get

We T he People Will Not Be

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Chipped -- A Website Created In Defiance Of T he New World Order & T he Illum inati's Attem pts T o Enslav e T he Earth's Population T hrough T he Im plantation Of An RFID T racking Dev ice. T he T ruth Of T he Matter Is T hat T he NSA's Use Of Spy Satellites And Super Com puters T o Rem otely T rack Hum ans By T argeting T he Electrom agnetic Fields Which Em anate From T heir Brains Has Already Been Used As An Illegal T racking Sy stem For Decades T he Strecker Mem orandum -- Whistle Blower Dr. Robert Strecker Discusses T he World Health Organization's Com plicity In T he Creation Of Genocidal Plagues Like AIDS & EBOLA -- Strecker Was Blackballed From T he Medical Com m unity After Writing T his Article & A Short T im e Later, His
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Research Data In Regard T o T his Article Was Stolen From His Office & His Brother T heodore, Who Was Also Researching T his Gov ernm ent Conspiracy , Was Murdered In A Made T o Look Like Suicide -- Robert Strecker Believ es T hat T he CIA Is Responsible For His Brother's Murder & T he T heft Of His Research Papers
Men t i ci de == T h e Dest r u ct i on Of T h e Hu m a n Mi n d T h r ou gh Br a i n wa sh i n g -- T h e Il l u m i n a t i New Wor l d Or der Pl a n For T h e Hu m a n Ra ce

I, Jam es F. Marino Support T he World Wide Cam paign Against Abuse Of Directed Energy Weapons & Manipulation T echnologies On Hum ans -- See My T estim ony Here In Both English And Dutch -- Much T hanks T o T he Person(s)
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Who Did T his T ranslation T HE SOUND AND T HE FURY POLICE, MILIT ARY ROLL OUT WEAPONS OF MASS DIST RACT ION By SHARON WEINBERGER -- An Article Describing New Weapons Now Operational For Use By T he New World Order Mercenary Squad (form er the police) -- A Useful Alternativ e News Site Giv ing T he Reader Inform ation T he US Media Is T old Not T o Report 9/11 FBI & CIA Corruption and Cov er-up Farce and Atrocities of the 9/11 Inv estigating Com m ittee Ex posed - Spread the Word
"T h e m ost power fu l wea pon i n t h e h a n ds of t h e oppr essor i s t h e m i n d of t h e oppr essed..." -- St ev en Bi ko

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O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other m y sterious beings -- By Laura Knight-Jadczy k T he Gov ernm ent Is T ry ing T o Wrap Its Mind Around Y ours -- Read About T his Orwellian Power Grab T o Enslav e Y ou And Y our Mind "T he Psy chosocial, Chem ical, Biological and Electrom agnetic Manipulation of Hum ans" By Val Valerian

Mind Control T arget/Organized Stalking Victim Mark Rich's E-Book On T hese Hidden EVILS -Highly Recom m ended Reading T o Any one Looking T o Learn More About T he Illum inati's New World Order
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Mass Mind Control/Psy cho Civ ilized Society -- By Dav id Guy att US Citizen Setup On Bogus Charges Cites T he Corruption Within T he US Justice Sy stem -- Warning, T his Guy Speaks His Mind & Lets T he Ex pletiv es Fly -- So Be Forewarned Zeropoint Energy T echnology -- Free Energy For Ev ery one By T apping Into T he Earth's Magnetic Field -- What T he Oil & Electric Industries Don't Want Y ou T o Know

We T he People Radio Network - Another Source Of Necessary Alternativ e Media Ex cellent Website On T he
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FBI's Div isiv e COINT ELPRO T actics -- T he FBI Uses T hese Anti-Am erican T actics T o T urn People Against Eachother -- Ev en T he T hought T o Be Inv ulnerable Relationships Between Fam ily Mem bers Hav e Been Destroy ed By T he FBI And Its Psy chopathic Agents "T he Ex tensiv e Crim es Against Hum anity Which T he US Federal Gov ernm ent (Controlled By T he Priv ately Held Federal Reserv e Bank) Has Perpetrated Against T he Am erican People (Which Includes T he Crim e Of Menticide) Are So Far Reaching T hat In Most Instances It's Bey ond T heir Com prehension -- T he People Of T his Planet Must Stop T hinking In Groups & Starting T hinking For T hem selv es. T he Illum inati Has Us Conv inced T hat We
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Should Be Fighting Eachother As In Making War On Other Countries, When It Is T he Illum inati Which Operates T hrough Our Banking Sy stem s & Gov ernm ents Whom We Should Be Working T o Destroy ." -- Jam es F. Marino Suggested Reading T o Learn More About How T he Am erican People Hav e Been T aken From Within By T he Jesuit Run Secret Societies Including Freem asonry

In Refer en ce T o T h e FBI: "T h ese

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Gu y s A r e Pr ofessi on a l LIA RS Wh o Ha v e Ra i sed Sel ect ed Mem or y Loss T o A n A r t For m ." - Ecol ogi ca l A ct i v i st Ju di Ba r i In Refer en ce T o FBI A gen t s

AIM Activ ist John T rudell Describes How His Fam ily Was Burned T o Death Just Hours After He Led A Protest In Support Of AIM Activ ist Leonard Peltier On T he Steps Of T he FBI's J. Edgar Hoov er Building T he FBI's Sav age Behav ior At T he Pine Ridge Indian Reserv ation Which Caused T he Deaths Of More T han 60 Nativ e Am ericans & T wo Of T heir Own Agents Form er T ex as Madam e Describes How US Intel Agencies Like T he FBI, CIA, DHS And BAT F Attem pted T o Coerce Her Into Ratting Out Her Politician Custom ers So T hat T hey Could Use Whatev er Dirt
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T hey Found T o Control T hem . She Refused T o Do So And Was Setup By T he FBI And CIA On Bogus Charges And Wrongfully Sent T o Prison For A Decade. Am erican Civ il Liberties Union Slam s FBI For Civ il Rights Violations -- T he ACLU Understands T hat T he FBI's Gestapo T actics Must End T he SPY WHO BILLED ME -OUT SOURCING T HE WAR ON T ERROR by R.J. Hillhouse PH.D.-- How T he US Intelligence Com m unity Violates Y our Rights With Im punity NSA Accused of Psy chologically Abusing Whistleblowers -- By Sherrie Gossett Staff Writer January 25, 2006 -- If T he Public Finds Out About T he NSA's Satellite T racking Of Hum ans While Rem ote
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Neurally Monitoring T heir T houghts By Way Of Electronic Com puter T o Brain Link T echnology , T he NSA Will Be Abolished Crim es Com m itted By FBI Agents Using Crim inal COINT ELPRO Operations -A Good Article For All Am ericans T o Read FBI VIOLAT ES CONST IT UT ION WIT H PAT RIOT ACT FEDAME -- List Of Mind Control/Organized Stalking Victim s Around T he Globe - If Y ou Are A Victim Of Organized Stalking & Illegal Gov ernm ent Sanctioned Mind Control Research Contact FEDAME With Y our Case History
T h e IRS Con t i n u es T o Il l ega l l y Im pr i son A n d Sei ze T h e A sset s Of A m er i ca n s Wh o Refu se T o Fi l e A 1040 In com e T a x Ret u r n .

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Howev er T o Da t e It Ha s Been Un a bl e T o Sh ow A m er i ca n s T h e La w Wh i ch Requ i r es Us T o Do So. IRS, Sh ow Us T h e La w Or Fr ee T h ose A m er i ca n s Wh om You Ha v e Il l ega l l y Im pr i son ed A n d Ret u r n T h ei r A sset s T o T h em

"Before T he Incom e T ax " By G. Edward Griffin, Describes How T he Federal Incom e T ax Was Used T o Redistribute T he Wealth In T he United States By Stealing It From Hard Working Am ericans & Giv ing It T o Wealthy Illum inati Bankers T hrough An Illegal And Com m unist Sy stem Of T ax ation T heft By Deception -Unrav eling T he IRS T ax Code & T he Crim inal Fraud Behind It

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T he Kassandra Project -Working Against Gov ernm ent Disinform ation How T he FBI Murdered Am erican Indian Mov em ent (AIM) Activ ists While Fabricating Ev idence Against T heir Leader, Leonard Peltier, In T he Murders Of T wo FBI Agents, Who Were Utilizing An Illegal COINT ELPRO Operation In Which T o Destroy T he AIM Mov em ent. T he FBI's Illegal Operation Resulted In T he Murders Of More T han 60 Nativ e Am ericans, T wo FBI Agents, And T he Im prisonm ent Of An Innocent Man. Website Mission Statem ent "With T he Creation Of T his Website I'v e Done T he Best I Can T o Docum ent T he NSA's Illegal Spy ing And
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Mind Control Operations Which Adv ersely Affect My self And My riad Other Am ericans In T he Present Day (T here Are Also Citizens From Many Other Countries Reporting T his Sam e Phenom enon). I'v e Also Cited My riad Crim es Perpetrated By T he FBI & Other Federal Agencies And Giv en T hat I'v e Corroborated Much Of T he Inform ation Contained Within Form er NSA Em ploy ee John St. Clair Akwei's Disturbing Lawsuit Against T he NSA, T he FEDS Are Now Attem pting T o Find A Plausible Way In Which T o Murder Me -- As A Result Of T his, For All Intents & Purposes "I Am A Dead Man Walking." In 2006 I Also Contacted T he ACLU In Order T o Warn T hem About T he NSA's Cov ert Electronic Brain Link T echnology And T hey Did File An FOIA Request T o
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Learn More About T he NSA's Satellite Based Mind Scanning T echnology . Howev er, While It's Clear T hat T he ACLU's Rightfully Concerned About T he Satellite Based T racking Sy stem s Which T he NSA Is Illegally Deploy ing T o Electronically Read T he Minds Of Unwitting Am erican Citizens (An Egregious Violation Of T he 4T H & 5T H Am endm ents Of T he US Constitution, T he Genev a Conv ention And T he Nurem burg Code), It Is Also Quite Obv ious T hat T he ACLU Is Steering Clear Of Any one Who Is Being T argeted By T he NSA's Classified T echnology T o Av oid T he Retribution Of T he Powerful US Intelligence Com m unity . As Ev idence Of T his I Hav e Also Offered T o T ake A Poly graph While T estify ing Before T he ACLU & Am nesty International
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Regarding My Ex periences As A Mind Control T arget, Y et Was Nev er Contacted By T hem . People Who Are LY ING Don't Offer T o T ake A Poly graph! Many Others T argeted For Cov ert Mind Control Ex perim entation Are Subjected T o T he Sam e Denial By What Are Supposed T o Be Hum an Rights Organizations -- In T his Case T he ACLU And Am nesty International Hav e Clearly Failed T o Liv e Up T o Our Ex pectations In Protecting T he Rights Of ALL Am ericans."--Mind Control T arget Jam es F. Marino See T he First Six Pages Of John Akwei's Lawsuit Against T he NSA Here 9-11 Was An Inside Job "As For T he 9-11 Attacks, With T he Satellite Spy T echnology T hat T he NSA Has Incorporated Into Its
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Echelon Spy Sy stem T here Is Absolutely No Way T hat T his Agency Would Not Hav e Known About T he Attacks On 9-11 Before Hand. If Osam a Bin Ladin Was Really Behind T hese Attacks As We Hav e Been T old T he NSA Could Hav e Im m ediately Disabled Him T hrough T he Use Of Directed Energy Weapons' T echnology . Bin Laden, Like Lee Harv ey Oswald, Was Nothing More T han A Lightening Rod Used T o Cov er Up Y et Another Major US Intelligence Black Operation Perpetrated Against T he Am erican People."

"Marinoism -- T he belief that

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ev ery thing from political to religious indoctrination is an abject fraud, used to control the m inds of this planet's citizenry as a m eans of effectiv e social control, and that the indiv idual m ust seek their own higher truths in order to rise abov e these psy chological bonds which society uses to enslav e them ."

Dr. Zecharia Sitchin Describes How T he Hum an Race Was Created By T he Annunaki As Slav e Labor A Critical Article Regarding Dr. Sitchin's Rev olutionary Work "T he Earth Chronicles"

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T ruth Be -Som e Interesting Research Regarding T he T rue Foundation Of Christianity - Much Of T his Work Helps T o Corroborate Dr. Zecharia Sitchin's Own Research More Im portant Inform ation On Directed Energy Weapons -- T his Site Concentrates On Morgellons Fibers Which Are Released T hrough T he Chem trails Spray ed T hrough T he Contrails Of Jetliners And T hen Circulated Into T he Air We Breathe -- T he People On T his Planet Are Breathing T hese Microscopic Machines In -- Once T his Occurs T hey Attach T hem selv es T o Various Organs Of T he Body And Can Be Controlled By Rem ote Means

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Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API / 9-11LooseChange -- One Of T wo Major Film s T hat Opened T he World's Ey es T o T he 9-11 Deception -- T he Late Aaron Russo's From Freedom T o Fascism Was T he Other -- Both Should Be Seen By Ev ery Adult On T his Planet 9-11 Loosechange Forum -Key Issues Discussed Here T hat T he US Media Has DELIBERAT ELY Ignored Latest Film On 9-11 Entitled - "T he Ultim ate CON (Spiracy )" See It Here & Share It With Y our Fellow Am ericans 911rev -- An Ex cellent Source Of Alternativ e Inform ation On T he Attacks On 9-11 -- What T he Mainstream Media Doesn't Want Am ericans T o Know
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FBI Ignores Its Own T errorism Code Dr. Stefan Grossm an Regarding T he Real Reasons For T he Attack On 9-11 -T his Is A Well Researched Article Discussing T he Real Motiv ation Behind T he Attacks On 9-11 -- T he Illum inati Black Operation For Oil, And Control T he T he Entire Planet T his Webpage Is Com posed Of A Great Num ber Of Hy perlinks T o Other Websites On T he 9-11 Conspiracy In T he United States -- It Should Be Included On Any Website T hat Concentrates On T he 9-11 Black Operation Another Ex cellent Website Loaded With Useful Links T o Still More 9-11 Websites Sev eral Good Articles On T he US Federal Gov ernm ent And Its Conspiracy T o Blow Up T he World T rade Center T owers On 9-11
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T he Use Of SQUIDS (SUPERCONDUCT ING QUANT UM INT ERFERENCE DEVICES) In NSA Illegal Satellite Surv eillance & Its Mind Control Applications AN OPEN LET T ER T O T HE FBI By Jam es F. Marino A Com pendium Of Websites & Victim s Regarding T he Illum inati & Its New World Order, Electronic Warfare, Mind Control, Organized Stalking Crim es & Other Atrocities Of Basic Hum an Rights T ortured By T he FBI In the 1960's T he FBI's COINT ELPRO Operations Were Used Illegally T o Destroy T he Liv es Of Civ il
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Destroy T he Liv es Of Civ il Rights Activ ists -- In 2008 T he FBI's COINT ELPRO Operations Are Back In Full Swing And More Crim inal T han Ev er -- From Using Satellites T o Spy On Am ericans Within T heir Own Bedroom s And Bathroom s T o Rem otely Reading T heir T houghts By Way Of NSA Supercom puters, T he FBI and NSA Are An Am ericanized Version Of Hitler's Nazi Gestapo

T he 197 2 Crash Of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 & T ... Gov ernm ent Whistleblower Adm its T hat T he U.S. Mili... FBI/NSA Attack T his Author's Father With Directed ... HAARP T echnology Being Used By T he U.S Military In... Organized Stalking Is Part Of A Genocidal Program ... What Y ear Did T he Am erican
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People Becom e Slav es Of... Y ouT ube Videos On Organized Stalking - Mind Contro... T his Author's Father Is Attacked By FBI/NSA With A... In 2000, Dr. Bruce Maccabee Published A Book On T h... T he Am erican People's Vulnerability T o T he NSA's S...

"It Is Dangerous T o Be Right, When T he Gov ernm ent Is Wrong." -- Voltaire "T he Mother Of All Black Ops" Copy right 2013

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