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The purpose of this note is to understand the subject Indian Management Thoughts & Practices. StudentsinTYBMShavethissubjectintheirVIsemester. It has been observed that this subject is taught and learnt in various colleges differently. Although the coverage has been defined, that too broadly, the depth to which one needs to treat a particular topic is not mentioned. In the absence of a single standard text book, things become more complicated. Well intentionedfacultyandstudentshavecreatedsomestandardanswersforsomeofthesamplequestions mentioned in the seminar report. These answers have different approaches and hence quite confusing to the students. Since the subject deals with Spiritual aspects, Indian Ethos, Environment, Indian Personalityetc.isamultidisciplinaryaspecttothesubject. It has been seen that many equate the subject with only Spiritual aspects. In the bargain, they emphasize more on Sanskrit slokas, Hindu scriptures, etc... Others emphasize on Indian Ethosmore on the Social aspects. As is expected everyone has a favorite strength and deals with the topics through that favorite strength. At the end of the semester, I have found that students are totally confused about the very purpose of this subject to the extent to which they take is a pain. Being too young to appreciate the complexity of the subject, which is based on Indian Values, primarily, I notice that we needtohavereallycompetentpeoplewhoknowtheutilityofthesubject,whoareabletocorrelatethe various limbs of this subject and translate it into fundamental understanding to the students in the mannerinwhichtheyunderstand. I understand this is a thinking subject to be answered by building up the answers from solid first principles. The question is: what are the first principles? I have created some basic points which when read would form the basic understanding of the various modules. Instead of mugging up standard answers, it is important that students know the basic fabric of the subject, its purpose, its application, anditsusefulnessincareer. Ifindthissubjecttobeextremelyrichincontentandwecouldgodeepintomanyareasandyetwemay havenotcoveredevenasmallarea.Myvisionisasfollows: 1. IMTP is to be studied in the following manner: basic revision of FHS I & II, POM, followed by introduction to Indian Ethos through the typical home model, wherein we through discussions andexamplesmakethestudentsidentifyhowtheirbackgroundsatthefamilylevelhavecertain builtinvalues,etc. 2. AspertheseminarreportofNMcollege,followingarethemodules: a. Personalities&PersonalityDevelopment. b. LearningNature,NatureSynthesis,WorkMotivation&WorkEthics,Productivity. c. Leadership,LeadershipRoleModels. d. NaturalEnvironment&HumanSociety. e. Conflict&HarmonyinSocietyandWorkOrganization. 3. The Indian Ethos is based on the concept of Sanatana Dharma the oldest religion of mankind, which includes all that is covered in all religions. The Sanatana Dharma covers primarily the CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page1


5. 6. 7.






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spiritual aspects of the cosmos, creation, man, etc. Certain realities are enunciated and put down for mankind to comprehend through Shruti (Listening) and Smriti (Contemplation). What SanatanaDharmaenunciatesisenunciatedinallreligionsindifferentforms. Firstandforemost,SanatanaDharmastatesthatthereisSupremeBeingwhoistheprimecause of all that happens or does not happen. It is the Will of this Supreme which ultimately prevails overeverything. Next, Sanatana Dharma states that all of us come from the Supreme Being and hence all the propertieswhichtheSupremeBeingpossesses,wetoopossess. ItfurtherstatesthattheonlyPurposeoflifeistofindourwaybacktowardstheSupremeBeing. The way back to the Supreme Being consists of certain understanding of the road maps leading to the Supreme Being. These road maps are based on certain laws of Universe. We need to understand these laws and abide by them, without violating them and find our way backtotheSupremeBeing.] The whole purpose of life is to understand these Universal laws and learning every attempt to live by them. Religion provides the guidance for understanding these complex Universal laws andlivingbythem.Religionisastructuredformofspiritualpracticesputdownwithcertaindos anddonts. Everylandconsistsofadominantreligionwhichaffectsthepracticesandcustomsofthepeople of that land. By dominant is meant, majority of the people follow and profess a particular religion. Due to sheer numbers, this majority has an influence on the others more by default thanbydesignonthecustoms,practices,etcofthepeopleofthatland. In India, we have had Hinduism as the dominant religion and the practices and customs of people of India regardless of their religious background have been influenced by Hindu religion. The same applies to say a country like Saudi Arabia. The dominant religion, Islam, in Saudi Arabia, influences the people who reside there. This is true with every country. It is said that religion/spiritualism renders a character and direction to the country making it contribute constructivelytotheworldlivingandpeace.Everynationneedsthusneedsaspiritualbaseforit toleadanddirectitscitizenstoharmoniouslivingandworldpeace. Tolerances, Rightful living, Peace, Love are some of the attributes that are common to all religions. But the approaches are different in different religions. In IMTP, we learn how these are approached from the Sanatana Dharma angle & how these are a part of our living and how theseaffectourPersonalitiesandinturnourattitudes,behaviors,etc.attheworkplace. We need to know this particularly in global India, to understand how the Indian minds respond to the fast changing global world of business. We are in a position to understand the drivers andtheretardersofthetypicalIndianprofessional. BylearningIMTP,weareinapositiontoconductaformofSWOTonourselvesasanationand oneachofusindividuallyaswell. In Personality (module one), we study the Indian aspect of what constitutes Personality as different from the Personality of the West. Here is where we need to brush up FHS understandingofPersonalityforreadycomparisonandcorrelation.Asanextension,weneedto correlatewithexamples/cases. In Personality, we are addressing Man not a mere a physical form, but we start form how we are composed. The five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space ( Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu, Page2


Akash) Entire Universe is composed of combination of the five elements in varying degrees. The humanbodyiscomposedofthesefiveelementsaswell.Sowehavefivebodiesofwhichweare composed (not one physical) (the five Koshas). We need to lead a balanced life to return to the Supreme Being from where we come. For this balance, we need to balance our five bodies. So thatallthefiveelementsareinoptimumbalanceasisrequiredforharmoniousliving.Withinus resides a part of Supreme Being. The Supreme Being is called as Param Atma (Supreme Soul) andthatpartwithinusiscalledasJivaAtma(LivingSoul).Whenwelivebalancedlives,wearein touchwithourJivaAtma andfind the purposefulnessoflife,whichisfinding uswaybacktothe SupremeBeing. 16. Every human being is divine and hence the Indian approach with any human being is one of seeingtheSupremeBeingwithinhim.(ConceptofDivinity) 17. Since the Supreme Being Param Atma pervades all that is there in this universe, and since our prime/only duty is to work towards making our way back to Param Atma, we need to lead rightful living of balance. In spite of this many of us tend to leave this mortal world (die) with incompletion with a set of unfinished duties. To fulfill these unfinished duties, we are made to be reborn. Hence the principle of rebirth. When we are living we perform certain actions which are towards the Param Atma and certain actions which are away from the Param Atma. Usually due to ignorance of the Universal laws or partial understanding, we tend to get diverted form the path to Param Atma. As a result, we create certain Karmas that need to be cancelled. Through rebirth, we are given an opportunity to cancel these bad Karmas and finallymergewiththeParamAtma. There are five modules in IMTP. The building blocks are established in PERSONALITY, the basics. The nextmoduleisbasedonNATURE&ENVIRONMENT,anextensionoftheearliermodule. PERSONALITYMODULE 1. In Personality (module one), we study the Indian aspect of what constitutes Personality as different from the Personality of the West.(Here is where we need to brush up FHS understandingofPersonalityforreadycomparisonandcorrelation.Asanextension,weneedto correlatewithexamples/cases). 2. In Personality, we are addressing several basic concepts, like Karma, Divinity, Attachment, Dharma,Yoga,Selfaphysicalform,butwestartformhowwearecomposed.Thefiveelements Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space ( Prithvi, Jal, Agni, Vayu, Akash) Entire Universe is composed of combinationofthefiveelementsinvaryingdegrees.Thehumanbodyiscomposedofthesefive elementsas well.So we havefivebodiesofwhich weare composed(notonephysical) (thefive Koshas). We need to lead a balanced life to return to the Supreme Being from where we come. For this balance, we need to balance our five bodies. So that all the five elements are in optimum balance as is required for harmonious living. Within us resides a part of Supreme Being. The Supreme Being is called as Param Atma (Supreme Soul) and that part within us is calledasJivaAtma(LivingSoul).Whenwelivebalancedlives,weareintouchwithourJivaAtma andfindthepurposefulnessoflife,whichisfindinguswaybacktotheSupremeBeing. 3. Every human being is divine and hence the Indian approach with any human being is one of seeingtheSupremeBeingwithinhim.(ConceptofDivinity) CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page3

4. Since the Supreme Being Param Atma pervades all that is there in this universe, and since our prime/only duty is to work towards making our way back to Param Atma, we need to lead rightful living of balance. In spite of this many of us tend to leave this mortal world (die) with incompletion with a set of unfinished duties. To fulfill these unfinished duties, we are made to be reborn. Hence the principle of rebirth. When we are living we perform certain actions which are towards the Param Atma and certain actions which are away from the Param Atma. Usually due to ignorance of the Universal laws or partial understanding, we tend to get diverted form the path to Param Atma. As a result, we create certain Karmas that need to be cancelled. Through rebirth, we are given an opportunity to cancel these bad Karmas and finallymergewiththeParamAtma. NATURE&ENVIRONMENTMODULE All Creation is a gift to mankind and need to be used properly. We must respect Nature and be grateful towardsitsabundance.ByleadinganeedbasedlifeofSelfControlweautomaticallygetsensitivetothe surroundingsandpreventanyexploitationorravageofNatureandEnvironment. TherearethreemodulesinIMTPthatareofrealtimesocialcontext:Learning,LeadershipandConflict. TobeusedinpracticeinmanagingIndiancorporateworld. A)LEARNINGmodule 1) Ethics & Morals. Ethics being inner benchmark one sets for oneself based on ones Value system (please draw the Value diagram discussed in the class better clarity!). Morals being ethicsinpractice. 2) IntegritywhichistheHolisticPersonalityattributes.WalkingtheTalk 3) Motivation in Indian contextValuebased motivation.Dharma, Artha, Kama Moksha path..notalwaysformaterialgains.(DrawtheDharma.pyramid) 4) Motivation in Western context.Needbased motivation usually material/tangible based (DrawtheMaslowsPyramid) 5) Learning in Indian context..Gurukul system.learning the hard inculcate Dharmaas a primary building block of life.learning is holistic.material gain ensues as result of the DharmaArthaKaamaMoksha path. Implicit Trust between Guru and Shishya that the Guru would always mean Shisyas welfare/progress. Inside out approach. Values, Skills, Results, People(TransformationalLeader) B) In LEADERSHIP, we have to study what modern leaders are composed of, in terms of Personality characteristics, Behaviors, Values, etc. This is a broad coverage based on FHS. Then we need to understand how the Indian Leader compares and contrasts with the Western counterpart. TransformationalLeadersvs.TransactionalLeadersvs.OrdinaryManagers.(GiveexamplesofRatan Tata,NarayanMurthy,BMMunjal,SureshKrishna,etc.) C) In CONFLICT, the same approach needs to be followed. FHS fundas on Conflict to be brushed up. Then, the Indian context, where we follow the SamaDamaBhedaDanda principle of Conflict CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page4

resolution. Issue based and not Personality based. This path takes care of Conflicts due to Perceptions &alsoduetoValues.Intheprocess,issuebasedConflictisencouragedandpersonality basedConflictisdiscouraged. ADDITIONAL I)SincewearedealingwithIMTPwhichisbasedonIndianEthos,weneedtostudythefours: 1. FourYugas.SatyaYuga,DwaparaYuga,TretyaYuga,KaliYuga 2. FourVedas..YajurVeda,RigVeda,SamaVeda,AtharvaVeda 3. FourAshramas.Brahmachari,Grahastashrama,Vanaprastha,Sanyaas 4. FourPurusharthas..Dharma,Artha,Kama,Moksha 5. FourVarnas..Brahmin,Kshatriya,Vaishya,Shudra 6. FourStepsofConflictResolutionSama,Dama,Bheda,Danda Youneedtocorrelatetheseinyouranswers. II)Wealsoneedtorememberthefives 1. Fiveelements..Prithvi,Agni,Vayu,Jal,Akash 2. FiveKoshas.AnnaMaya,PranaMaya,ManoMaya,Vignayana,AnandaMaya 3. Five Pollutants of the Personality: Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Matsarya. (Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion,Jealousy) III)Therearethethrees: 1. ThreeattributesoftheCreator:Sat,Chit,AnandaTruth,Consciousness,andBliss. 2. Three Gunas: Satvic, Rajasic, Tamasic Divine/Sublime, Dynamic/ Material actionoriented, Inert/Noncreative/Nongenerativeprimordialdrivesinhumanbeings. 3. Three Shariras: Sthula Sharira, Sukshma Sharira, Kaarana Sharira Gross Body, Subtle/Aura Body,CausalBody. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page5

4. ThreeformsoftheSupreme:Brahma,Vishnu,ShivathethreeaspectsofCreation,Operation, Destruction 5. Three Yogas: Jnyana Yoga, KarmaYoga, Bhakti Yoga. (these are Yogas prescribed for the individual based on what primordial drive is predominant in themSatvic, Rajasic or Tamasic. Not to be mixed up with the Eightfold path of Yoga, which are the stages of practices leading totheUltimateGoal) IV)Thentherearethetwinconjugates: 1. Raaga&DweshaAttraction&Repulsion(Like/Dislike) 2. Shruthi&SmritiListening&Contemplation(EffectiveLearning) 3. ParamAtma&JivaAtmaSupremeSoul&LivingSoul

INDIANETHOSMANAGEMENT Oxforddefinesethosas The characteristic Spirit and Beliefs of community/ people which distinguishes one culture from the other. IndianethosisdrawnfromtheVedas,theRamayana,Mahabharat,theBhagwadgita,andUpnishads. RightfromtheVedicageithasbeendiscoveredtwobasicuniversaltruthsoflife. 1. Theessentialinfinitudeanddivinityofallsouls. 2. Theessentialonenessandsolidarityofuniverseandalllife. ThefirsttruthwasexpressedUPNISHADAas AHAMBRAHMASI(IamBrahman) CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page6

Or AYAMATMABRAHMANi.e.TheIndividualsoulisBrahman Or TATTWAMASI(Thouartthat).

Thisisthefirsttruththoughttoeverychild.EvenapooruneducatedmanlivinginahutknowsthatGod isineverybodyandthereforethereissamenessinall. The second truth is about a holistic universe. Where at a level of pervading consciousness everything is interconnected at VYASTHI LEVEL (Individual level) my limbs, hands, legs, cars, eyes, heart, lungs. Everything are me. I live in all of them. Their sorrows and joys are my sorrows and joys. Similarly at SAMASTHI level (the whole universe) I am not a single individual but I am a part of the whole universe justasmylimbsarepartofme. Modernsciencehasacceptedthatinthisholisticuniverseallmindsandmattersareinterconnectedata deeperlevel.Thebasicunityoflifecannotbebroken.Love,sacrificethereforeemergeastheonlyfora meaningful living. On the basis of this holistic vision, Indians have developed work ethos of life. They found that all work, physical or mental, managerial or administrative have to be directed towards single purpose. The manifestation of the divinity in man by working for the good of others, for the happiness ofothers. TheseIndianethosarerequiredallovertheworldinpresentscenarioinmanagingbusinessandindustry effectivelyandefficiently. Someoftheseethosareasfollows: THEVEDANTICVIEWOFKARMA Allwork/Karmatomanifestdivinity,hencethesemustbepure,good,honestandsincere.Indian philosophy also teaches to perform every work without having any attachment to result, becauseresultsdonotfallunderthejurisdictionofadoer.Suchthinkingandunderstandingwill changethewholeattitude.NowtheresultswillbecomeaPRASADgratitudecomingfromthe God himself. You can now accept the result with open mind without apprehensionsjust as you acceptmembersintoKarmaYoga. THESELF(ATMAN)ASTHESOUREOFALLPOWER: Considering motivations as internal every human being has the same divine atman with immense potentialities within Vedanta brings infinite expansion of mind, breaks down all the barriersandbringsouttheGodinman. Motivation is to be internal and not external. Such motivation involves the inner beauty and doesnotpromoteanygreedinanindividualtohavemoreandmoreinreturnofhiswork. WELFAREOFALL(YAGNASPIRIT) Vedantateachestoperformallactivities. ATMANOMOKHARTHJAGATHITAYCHA CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page7

Serveyourpersonalinterestbutdonotforgetothers Shankaracharya has given the concept to gain perfection in individual life as well as the welfare ofthewholeworld. UNIQUEWORKCULTURE:B Work is considered as duty or SADHANA and there is no difference between KARMA (work) and DHARMA (religion). The term DHARMA does not indicate any particular religion. Dharma is a dutytobeperformedinagivensituation.ThusDharmaispossiblethroughKarmaonly. SKILLINACTIONANDEVENNESSOFMIND. MEANSAREEQUALLYIMPORTANTASTHEENDS. (YADRISIBHAVNAHYASYASIDDHIBHAVANTITADRUSI) Thussociety acceptablevaluesaretobefollowedindeterminingtheobjectivesaswellasinthe processofachievingtheseobjectives. Integrated human personality of selfdeveloped manager can assure best and competent management of any enterprise, involving collective works and efforts. The refined or higher consciousness will adopt holistic attitude. It will bring out the divine in man. It will achieve perfection or excellence in whatsoever sector you work. We shall achieve peace, harmony and prosperitywithinandwithouti.e.,inorinternalworldandinourexternalworldsimultaneously. ThisistheidealofIndianethos: ATMANOMOKSHARTHAMJAGATHITAYACHA (Forgainingperfectioninindividuallife,aswellasforthewelfareoftheworld) Human and ethical values or qualities such as courage, vision, social awareness, fearlessness, integrity, pure and clear mind, truth, etc, are subjective and intangible concepts. These representdivinewealth. INSIGHTSINTOINDIANETHOS: Business need not be regarded evil, trained and unethical. Business is scared. It is a matter of attitude, approachandlevelofmanagementconsciousness. Indianethosdemandssubjectivemanagementsystem. 1. Managementattitude. 2. Humanizingtheorganization. 3. Interiorsingmanagement 4. Selfintrospection 5. Brainstilling(decisionmakinginsilence) 6. Selfdynamisingmeditation. Indian Ethos is more vital to modern management than any other management theory for the simple reason that it takes into account a whole man rather than approaching man in a partial fashion as the other theories do. Each and every situation can be met effectively if one takes time to reflect over it. Reflection with a tranquil mind helps in drawing out solutions from within.Suchguidancefromwithinhelpsamanagerlookattheperceivedproblemsituationina creativemanner.Itleadstoamorecoherentandcompleteunderstanding.



India belongs to feminine collectivistic category. In feminine oriented culture cooperation and sharing are the basic ethics and human actions are governed by the giving orientations. Femininecollectivisticmanagersaresoftnessoriented. For them Caring and Sharing comes fist. Such managers tend to take a highly humanistic approach to management, and have a greater ability to inspire people. By taking care of subordinates,theyareabletoensureachievementforthem. Indian culture is predominantly a Spiritual and Inward looking culture. It has a sociocentric vision. The orientation of the spiritually dominated culture is that of welfare, the social good or thegoodofthegreatermembers.Simplelivingandhighthinkingisthecharacteristicfeatureof ourculture. One of the dominant features of the Indian culture is the Joint Family System. The values that are particular to our society are extremely important in the context of management, where group effort rather than an individual endeavour is more important. Living in a joint family, an individual endeavour is more important Living in a joint family, an indiviual is brought up in a system of management, which may be termed the KARAT style of management. Karta in a joint family is a fatherly figure. Everyone in the family reposes confidence in him, he is respected and he is open to constructive and respectful criticism. There is the warmth of relationship, closeness,considerationforothersandafeelingofsacrificeforthelargerfamilyinterest. Another characteristic of Indian culture is PURUSHARTHAS The Mission of Life. Purushartha means and connotes the aims, mission or purpose of life. These four Purusharthas comprise mans aspiration. Purusharthas are four in number impact and significance will be lost to a significantextent.

THE CRITICLAL ASPECTS OF THE INDIAN ETHOS NEED TO BE IMBIBED BY AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY SEEKINGTOSETUPBSINESSININDIA: Before we talk about the culture specific system of management suited to Indian psyche, we shouldfirstunderstandandappreciatethesalientcharacteristicsofIndianculture. Such an understanding is essential before embarking on the task of building the indigenous systemofmanagement. Theseare: Essentialdivinityofhumansoul Essentialownersandsolidarityofuniverseandalllife. Philosophyofanintegralexperience. Familyisthebasicunitofsocialsystem. Rishiandashramiacculture. Purusharththemission. ISITPOSSIBLEINTODAYSWORLDTOINTEGRTEVALUESANDMANAGEMENT: Ans. To answer the following question let us know the core meaning of both values and management. Values: CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page9

The mental contents of a good person are called ethical values. This is also called daivi sampati ordivinequalities.Somefundamentalvalueswhichareuniversallyapplicableare: 1. Cosmic unity That the individuals soul or jivatvam is linked to the universal soul/idea/energy orparmatmanorBrahman. 2. Ahimsaornonviolence,derivedfromthisunity. 3. Satyaortruth 4. Chitorconsciousness 5. Anandaorbliss,asapermanentstateofmind. Management: Managementisaprocessofdesigningandmaintaininganenvironmentinwhichpeopleachieve common organizational goals in most effective and efficient manner. In short, management is gettingthingsfromothers. Now if we coagulate both the meanings then we would realize that both are complimentary to eachotherthansupplementary. Our effectiveness at work is tied to exercising intrinsic human values i.e. moral and ethical values such as communication excellence, credibility, innovation, creativity and coordination, the human values help self development managerial functions such as direction control, supervision, communication, integration, and coordination are much easier, the human values help good inter personal interactions. They reduce conflicts and disputes. They are part and parcel of achieving accelerated process of improvement, customer, worker and citizen satisfactiontheyenhancethegoodwilloftheorganization. We seek fulfillment, happiness and success it is achievement of inner and outer success needs holisticview.Innerspiritual,mental,emotional,physical,enrichment. The outer achievement is related to achieving set goals using ones talents and experience for the benefit of others (Employees, customers, clients and public). Outer success fulfils social responsibilities and ecological balance. Outer success is related to all parts of our personality thus by analyzing the above points. I come to the conclusion that values and management can beintegratedineveryyugi.e.thatisinSatyug,DwaparyugTartyugorKaliyugaswell. HOW FAR IS IT IMPORTANT FOR MANAGERS TO SEARCH FOR INNER PEACE IN THE MIDST OF HUSTLEANDBUSTLEOFCORPORATELIFE? As stated in the Bhagwad Gita, the ultimate goal of life is not earning money and building up properties but to attain the state of ananda or bliss. To achieve this state, one has to have peace within is heart, mind and soul. Peace is the most covetable possession on the earth. It is the greatest treasure in the universe. Peace is the most important and indispensable factor for all growth and development. Peace is a state of quiet. It is freedom from disturbance, anxiety, agitation, riot or violence. it is harmony silence, response, rest. Peace is the natural state of mind.Itishisbirthright. Intodaysworldpeoplehaveliterallyeverything:asweethome,car,sufficientmoneytosurvive, luxuriestofulfilltheirdesirebutstilltheydonothavepeace.Trulyspeaking,real,deeperpeace isindependentofexternalconditions.Moneycantgiveyoupeace. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page10

You can purchase many things, but you cannot purchase peace. You can buy soft beds but you cannot buy sleep. You can buy good food, but cannot buy good appetite. You can buy good tonicsbutyoucannotbuygoodhealth.Youcanbuygoodbooks,butyoucannotbuywisdom. Through inner peace, a manager can have a healthy relation with his customers and suppliers since every person likes to interact with a happy go lucky person rather than a person who is mentally disturbed, the best and efficient decisions are made only when someone is at mental peace since such a person can analyze all the alternatives in effective manner. A manager can easilymotivatehisemployeesandworkersashewillbelovedbyeveryonethroughhispeaceful nature and he can very well teach them the concept of Karma Yoga, which states Yogah Karmeshu Kaushalam Samatvam Yogah Udyate i.e. he who works with calm and even mind achieves the most. Thus he can bring out higher productivity with effective use of resources. He would have good relations with his boss and colleagues. Most importantly, he would have great relations with his wife and other family members. He would have a good health since the basic rootofalldiseasesisworryortension. If a person inculcates Daivi sampati or divine qualities such as fearlessness, courage, purity of mind and heart, integration of thought, action and behaviour, straight forwardness, generosity, spirit of sacrifice for the sake of common good, inspired ideas, vision, creativity, empathy, love and affection, patience, forbearance, faith, friendship with all calmness, control of mind and restraint on senses and passions, nonviolence, nongreediness, firm but fair, charity, steadfastness in devotion to knowledge, uprightness, harmlessness, modesty, humility, gentleness, truthfulness, loyalty, integrity, fortitude, vigour, cheerfulness, simplicity and regular practiceofmediatorwoulddefinitelyhelphimtoachieveinnerpeace.

DISCUSSTHEIMPACTOFINDIANCULTURALHERITAGEONTHEYOUTHTODAY? There are many diverse definitions of culture. The Assembly of First Nations defines culture as the customs, history, values, and languages that make up the heritage of a person or people, and contribute to that person's or people's identity. A concept of culture must include specific reference points in the historical experiences of a people. The social sciences provide the categoriesofinvestigation. One area for consideration is the relationship between a society and its environment. The society's economic lifestyles which are based upon resource development, whether it be hunting, trapping, fishing, mining or mineral development, is also a key consideration. Social structuresandinteractionsaffecteducation,family,andcommunityrolesofindividualmembers of the society. These, shaped by the environment, often determine aspects of social life such as recreation, physical fitness, moral, and spiritual development. Respect for nature and the individualarerequisitesforacompassionate,tolerant,andhealthysociety. Whenpeopleinteractwithnatureandeachother,theyusetools,higherlevelthinkingskillsand language. The Aboriginal peoples tend to perceive themselves in harmony with nature while EuroCanadian peoples tend to see nature as a resource to be exploited for individual or collective gain. In modern times, the philosophies of Indigenous peoples have been applied to Page11


problems of waste and pollution, giving rise to environmental movements. The relationship betweennatureandhumanityhasbecomeamatteroflifeordeath. Four main components of culture may be said to include people, technology and objects, relations,andinstitutions.Aculturallysensitivecurriculamustrespecttheseaspectsofasociety and present them accurately, avoiding the pitfalls of anthropological interpretation, bias, stereotyping,andracism. A people's concept of themselves is the most valid form of group identity. Selfdetermination is a struggle crucial to all societies. How the society meets this challenge defines its cultural identity. The retention or loss of traditions, customs, ceremonies, and languages will determine theidentityandcultureoffuturegenerations. The retention of traditional aspects of culture allows individuals and students to be aware of their ancestry, and the value and accomplishments of their race, community, and society. This historicalandculturalawarenessenhancestheconceptofselfandsocialworth. Collective action, whether in a society, community, or classroom influences the development of an individual's beliefs, actions, and social skills. Cultural and community interaction is therefore vital if students are to develop fully their potential. That potential strengthens and supplements allaspectsofthecultureofthestudentandthesocietyinwhichthestudentinteracts. What the individual then creates (products), or changes (processes), alters the structure of society which may force evolutionary changes upon a culture. Technology is the product, and politics, law, philosophy, ethics, the arts, and religion are the processes of change. Cultures alter, depending upon how these products and processes impact upon the individual and society.Interactionwiththeseprocessesandproductsmaybepositiveornegative. Itisthefunctionofeducation,whether itbenatural,cultural,social,publicorprivate,toensure that interactions are positive and productive for the individual and society. Thus Indian culture hadinfluencedIndianyouth.

IS BUSINESS EXCELLENCE POSSIBLE WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON INTEGRITY, QUALITY AND ECONOMY/PROFITABILITY? Businesses make an essential contribution to the development of an economy. From time immemorial the activity of money making has always stood in somewhat uneasy alliance with peoples concern for private aspects of morality. Jokes about business ethics have regularly appeared in the popular press over the past two centuries. Many an executives todayvoicesasimilarcynicismabouttherelevanceofmoralinquirytomanagerialpractices. Even those wedded to the notion that integrity might be an obtainable ideal, nevertheless havetoleavetheexplorationofethicaldilemmastoeachmanagersprivateconscience. Butnowthe environment hascompletelychanged, whereasthe voicingofethicalstandards was formally a concern of few exceptional leaders, today the topic of business ethics is Page12


acknowledged to pervade every area of the corporation just as it is a recurrent issue in media. Corporate codes of conduct are now the norm rather than the exception in most of theorganizations.Corporateleadershavebecomemorevocalabouttheirowncommitment to the ethical standards. The reasons for this elevated place of ethics are many. Managers haveseenthehighcostthatcorporatescandalshaveexacted:heavyfines,disruptionofthe normal routing, low employee morale, internal fraud and loss of public confidence on the reputationofthecompany. Businessesshouldbeethicalbecause: 1. Ethicscorrespondtobasichumanneeds. 2. Valuescreatecredibilityforacompanywiththepublic. 3. Valuesgivemanagementcredibilitywithemployees. 4. Valueshelpbetterdecisionmaking. ImproveorDie No organization can escape the fact that its competitors are getting better. Very few of the leadingcompaniesof20yearsago,inalmostanysector,arestilltheleadingcompaniestoday.In simple terms, the companies that do not improve continually, both in small steps and also by leaps of innovation, will inevitably decline and die. All companies must stress on quality, quality and quality. Benchmarking exercises increasingly enable companies to compare their performance against worldclass competition using a wide variety of both internal and external indicators. Companies must reflect on what major changes has there been in the organization in past five years, what forces have been driving these changes, what ethical issues do you nowfeelarisefromthewaychangeismanaged? The seven core principles while reflecting biblical Christian thought, are expressed in modern language such as might be used in an ordinary business environment. The seven principles are expressions of a desire for human dignity and wholeness in the workplace. Their thoughtful application should humanize the otherwise mechanical processes of wealthcreation and efficiency.

Stewardship: none of our possessions is ours for long, we will eventually leave them behind. What will weleaveforoursuccessors,andforfuturegenerations? Service: true leadership is a service. How well do we serve our subordinates by providing them with the settinginwhichtousetheirabilities? Truth: is a universal requirement. The ability to trust others to keep their word and to honor their signaturestotheverybestoftheirabilities. Interdependence:dowerecognizethatbusinessorganizationislikeapartwithinterdependentparts? Justice: fairness in dealing with all those affected by the conduct of a business is vital if society in the longtermtocontinuetorenewitslicensetooperate. Creativity:thepotentialforhumancreativityindevelopingsound,profitablebusinessesisenormous Consideration:towhatdegreedowegiveconsiderationtotheinterestsorconcernsofothers?



DevelopStrategy DesignServices MonitorProgress ControlPerformance AllocateResources ImplementPlans



IS BUSINESS EXCELLENCE POSSIBLE WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON QUALITY ECONOMY / PROFITABILITY? AccordingtomeIdobelievethatbusinessexcellenceispossiblewithoutcompromisingintegrity quality and economy/profitability. In todays world business is regarded as evil tainted and unethical but it is not so. Business is a sacred sadhana it is a matter of attitude approach and level of management consciousness. One can do business, make money, earn profit, build up property and even then it can be managed with due recognition to human and ethical values and respecting all persons in expertise and in the society as human beings. Let us first consider integrity. Integrityiswholeness,agoodness,courageandselfdisciplinetolivebyyourinnertruth. Wholeness implies totality soundness perfection and completeness. It is our ego which has separated us from others by implementing the concept of wholeness. We can have a peace working environment which would lead to zero conflicts. Goodness covers all essential values such as honesty, morality, mindness, fairness, charity, truthfulness, generosity, etc. This would pureourthoughtsandwouldbeabletomotivateouremployeestoworkeffectively. Courage points out acts of bravery the person with courage has guts to go ahead do something whichisriskythroughcourage.Wecansetupanopenexampletoourfollowers.Selfdiscipline means that we have control on mind and senses. Our quality of life changes with discipline and self control. The quality of life would give us greater harmony and happiness. We always need disciplineandcouragetogethertoreachourobjectiveintime. Livingbyinnertruth: Inner mind or truth communicates through joint whispers intuitive thought feeling buried deep within us. To live by inner truth at work amounts to remain incorruptible, clean and inviolable whichisthemajorcrisisoftodaysworld.Itwouldalsobeprofitabletotheorganizationsinceit willcultivateagoodcompanysimageinthemindofthecustomers. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page14

Quality: Itisoneofthemostimportantfeaturesofaproductorserviceswhicheverycustomerlooksinto a quality product or service gets very well distinguished from other product and service in the market,itcreatesgoodbrandimageinthesightofthecustomers.Intodayscompetitiveworld qualitystheonlyfeaturewhichcanenableacompanytothetopposition. IS THERE A CONFLICT IN THE VALUES SYSTEM OF EAST AND WEST? MAKE A COMPARATIVE STUDY. It is most likely seen that the style that is successful in West is would not successful in east and viceversa. The people in the west grow up comparatively with less emotional security due to factors like high divorce rates, single parent family etc. thus when they enter into their joblives and see a management culture prevalent which is contractual on nature with hire fire style of management, they dont get disturbed. In fact, this motivates them to work. In east people thereisemotionalstabilityandimportanceofbondingisveryhigh.Comparativevalueprofileof eastern(India)andwestern(US)valuesystem Easternculture Life is preplanned, human action is ore determined I can change work to achieve objective I need to adjust, human action is commitmenttoorganizations predetermined Databaseddecisions,andtheyarehealthy Decisions flow from the experience and wisdomofauthorities Icandisagreewithoutbeingdisagreeable Deferencetoageandseniority,supressionof negativefeelings Protestantethic Jointfamilyandauthoritarianvalues Authenticcollaboration Selfrealization Family is the primary social unit of Individual is the central unit (without any interaction and each individual is a part of reference to family) and as individual he is takenasaprimarysocialunit. family Collectivism individualistic Individualistapproachinitsprocesshasgivenbirthtocompetitionandsurvivalofthefittesthas been its war cry. On the other hand, collectivism approach has given birth to cooperation. The social characteristic of masculinity and femininity and individualistic & collectivistic are consideredtogether,thisconfigurationproduces4broadcategories,asunder: Masculineindividualistic MasculineCollectivistic Feminineindividualistic Femininecollectivistic The west belongs to the first paradigm of masculine individualistic, whereas India belongs to thefourthparadigmoffemininecollectivistic Page15 Westernculture Individualscaninfluencefuture



In India is identified as a country in which there is moderate extent of collectivism, a high tolerance of social inequality, a general acceptance of uncertainty, a moderately masculine orientation.

Examples of Indian companies doing well globally are TATA (J R D TATA), Wipro (Azim Premji), Reliance (Dhirubhai Ambani), HDFC (Deepak Parekh), Amul (Varghese Khurien) and Infosys (Narayana Murthy), standsforexcellenceintheirowndomains. FOR ACHIEVING BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE, THE CORE VALUES OF INDIVIDUALS HAVE TO BE ADDRESSED.DISCUSSTHESTATEMENTINTHECONTESTOFINDIANORGANIZATION. Most people, given some time for thought, can produce a list of some of the chief values which theyseedrivingtheirorganization.Usually,,however,itbecomesconsiderablylongerthaneight or ten items, which is about the limit of what can be given consistent attention by busy managers. It is necessary to identify what are the values at the heart, or the core of the organization,whatarethevitalvalueswithoutwhichseriousproblemswillarise.Whenstudying the values in an organization, it is important to distinguish between, what is stated by the peopletobethemostimportanttothemand,ontheotherhandwhatisactuallypractised. Thesixmainreasonforfocusingoncorevaluesare: Businessbenefit Here the leader try to create unity in the organization, so that they can compete to best advantage without shared values and by not creating maximum value for shareholder. This person could be describedastheeconomicpragmatist. Example:DhirubhaiAmbani Therightthing In this case, they want to build the organization with true integrity, not only that does the right things of obeying laws but one that provides a quality of working life for its people and satisfaction for the customers.Thispersoncouldbedescribedasamoralcrusaders. Example:NarayanaMurthy Changingattitudes/aspirations In western society a widespread move towards people are wishing to live their lives as consistent wholes rather than in compartments. Many people are less and less willing to leave their personal values behind when they arrive at the office. The concept of an ethically distinct world of work, where differentvaluesholdsway,isincreasinglyunacceptabletomanypeople.Organizationshavetocometo termswiththis.Thedrivemaycomefromcoaifaceorboardroom. Changingpatternsofwork As a greater proportion of the working population works with the mind rather than with the hand, as the number and variety of professional jobs increases and the proportion of educated and articulate people rises, pressures will be brought to bear on many companies from the inside to change their value systems, including areas where bluecollar employees were often unable to have any substantial influence. Positiveencouragement



Rather than negative prohibition there is today a tendency for many people to resent thou shalt no morality. Organizations will need to maintain their rule books of what is and is not permissible, especially where legal compliance is the issue. Values development, however, enables management to focus on positive messages of improvement, which are much more affirming and empowering than prohibitions. Anurgentneedforvalueseducation Values are guiding principles that determine ones evaluation of what is right and wrong. Values constitute the foundations of ones discipline. They are deeprooted, fundamental beliefs. They lay downonesstandardsofproperity.Theyareresponsibleforalargepartofonesstandardsofpropriety. They are responsible for a large part of ones instantaneous response to situations. When one is forced toasituationwherehehastodosomethingwrong, viz.,something contrarytowhat thevaluesdictate asproper,onesconsciencepricks.Conscienceisthecustodianofvalues.Inmanywesterncountries,as the traditional foundations of moral education and standards are being removed, increasing numbers ofyoungerpeopleappeartohaverejected,orevenbeunawareof,thebasiccodesthatmakeacivilized society sustainable. Some industrialists believe that schools, churches and families have failed in this, and that there will be an increasing educational role for business to play with respect to literacy, numeracy and standards of behaviour. Otherwise many in the rising generation, especially but not only incities,willbeincapableofworkingconstructivelywithothers. WHAT CRITICAL ASPECTS OF THE INDIAN ETHOS NEED TO BE IMBIBED BY AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANYSEEKINGTOSETUPBUSINESSININDIA? BeforewetalkabouttheculturespecificsystemofmanagementsuitedtoIndianpsyche,weshouldfirst understand and appreciate the salient characteristics of Indian culture. Such an understanding is essential,beforeembarkingonthetaskofbuildingtheindigenoussystemofmanagement.Theseare Essentialdivinityofhumansoul Essentialownersandsolidarityofuniverseandalllife Philosophyofanintegralexperience Familyisthebasicunitofsocialsystem Rishiandashramiacculture Purusharththemission Varnaashramsystem Spiritisfreeenquiry,toleranceandselectiveassimilation. ThecharacteristicsofIndiancultureisthatittendstobepervasiveandenduring. WhenaninternationalcompanyissettingupbusinessinIndia,itwillhavetolookfortheacceptabilityof theirmanagementinitspresentformintheIndiansituation. ThefourbasicculturaldimensionswhichmayaccountfordifferencesinmanagementandHRDpractices acrosscultureare Theextenttowhichasocietyemphasizescollectiveratherthanindividualactivity Theextentofpowerdistanceortoleranceforsocialinequality Theextentofacceptanceofuncertainty The extent to which a society emphasizes masculine values and behaviour such as assertiveness, ambitiousness,dominationetc. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page17

Now coming to the East, we must realize how this cultural dimension of inward looking is likely to affectourmanagementsystem.Probablyadiagrammaticrepresentationwillexplain Jobskills


Healthyworldview Insightsinfinitepotential Intheabovediagramthebasicorthefundamentalrequirementforamanageishisvisionandattitude towards the environment in its totality, i.e. cosmic view based on cultural values. Next comes the emotionalstabilityofthe manager.He mustbeaselfcontrolledandselfpropelledman.Thiscancome by the heavy input of sattvic gunas and the constant practice of niskama karma. Job skills is the last input,whichthoughimportant,isnotthecorerequirementasthewesternersviewit. Henceanyinternationalcompanyshouldimbibeabovementionfeaturesbeforeseekingthebusinessin India. MAKEACOMPARATIVESTUDYOFVALUESSYSTEMPRACTICEDINJAPAN,CHINAAND AMERICA. ValuesystemsinJapan,ChinaandAmericadifferasfollows: A Japanese employee remains in a single organization, once he joins it. Actually, this happens because,inJapan,jobsecurityisvaluedmost.Ontheotherhand,inChina,hirefirepolicyworks on rampant scale. Major sectors have stateowned players. China practises communism, hence equitable wages exist everywhere. Jobhopping is virtually nonexistent because of similar opportunities. In America, jobhopping has become obvious. Employees keep on changing jobs insearchofbetteravenues. InJapan,workersplayimportantroleindecisionmaking,asintheyareconsideredasownersof the organization. They practice various concepts like quality circles and help organization towards achievement of goals. Usually groupincentive schemes are common practice in the Japan. In China, state is the owner of all the channels of production. Employees have got nothing to do with the decisionmaking process. In the US, capitalism has resulted into private ownership. Employees are a part of decisionmaking process, but usually through individual incentivescheme. Page18


Japanese believe in Keiretsu, the longterm relationships with their stakeholders, their suppliers.Itisbecauseoftheirsocialattachmentthattheycollectivelyachievesuccess.InChina, government maintains relationships with the stakeholders as per its communist ideology, while in the US, relationships exist on professional level, and suppliers are selected on the basis of costeffectivenessandarechangedforbetterbargains.

TheaboveweresomeofthedifferencesinJapanese,ChineseandAmericanideologies. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page19

TRUEPERSONALITY&ROLEPERSONALITY Personalityisanattributethatplaysanimportantroleinourlives.AsweunderstandPersonality in the broadest form, it is the sum total of what is inside the individual and what is outside plus somethingmore. Personality comprises of the psychological and physiological aspects of the human being. It impliesthatithasalltodowiththehumanbeinghimselfandnothissurroundings.Inrealterms Personality constitutes besides the psychological and physiological aspects, the environment situationalaspectstoo. We could say that Personality has a contextual aspect and also an interactive aspect also besidesthepsychologicalandphysiologicaldimensions. We must remember that by our very existence we display a natural Personality without our knowing it and quite effortlessly. This happens as a result of the various attitudes/behaviors/habitsetc.whichwecreateforlivinginacomfortzone.ThisPersonalityis knownasTruePersonalityandissaidtoconstitutetherealperson. InourlivesweplaymultipleRolesforattainingmultipleGoals.FortheGoalstobeaccomplished effectively,wemustdevelopRoleClarityandGoalFocus.

For example a man plays a role of a father to his children to achieve the goal of proper nurturing his children; a role of a husband to his wife for attaining the goal of protecting her and creating the progeny; the role of an executive at the workplace to attain the goal of working efficiently and earning hisliving.Foreachoftheseweneedtodevelopasetofattitudes,behaviors,habits,etc.whichtheserve the purpose of the respective goal achievement. There are contextual and interactive attitudes, behaviors, habits, etc. to be cultivated. With the careful and conscious cultivation (keeping in mind the role and the goals) of these attitudes, behaviors, habits, etc. we develop a Role Personality for each of theRolesthatweplay. Thus we have one True Personality and several Role Personalities. Although these appear to be put on for every Role, it is clearly seen in the long run that the True Personality in underlying theseveralRolePersonalitiesthatweplay. It must also be remembered that Role Personality does not much reflect the Values and the basicBeliefsoftheindividual,whereastheTruePersonalityreflectstherealperson

ApplicationinOrganizationalWorking At the workplace, we see a number of roles being played by all of us. We are in the workplace for efficient and effective work accomplishment. Through the understanding of True and Role Personality,weareinapositiontodefineandclarifytheRoleandGoalsfortheindividualwhich CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page20

make him put on those roles which are congruent to his True Personality.The expression Right person for the Right Job thus stand corrected as Right job for the Right Person with a muchmorepowerfulshiftinparadigm. WHATPERSONALITYTRAITSNEEDTOBEDEVELOPEDBYANEFFECTIVEMANAGER? Personality is the sum total of what we are. It reflects our views, characters, beliefs, attitude, knowledge, abilities etc. We act / behave /think in a particular way because values, ethics and culturesdeterminetoaverylargeextentorpersonality. Thefollowingtraitsneedtobedevelopedare: 1. Authoritarianism: Authoritarian tend to be rigid in their positions, place high moral value systems and are strongly oriented towards conformity to rules and regulations. They naturally prefer stable and structured work environments,whicharegovernedbycleanrulesandprocedures. 2. LocusofControl: Locus of control refers to an individuals belief that events are their within ones control or are determined by forces beyond ones control. These personality traits are manifested in different behaviours,whicharesignificanttomanagers. 3. Machiavellianism: Machiavellianism, a term refers to an individuals propensity to manipulate people. In jobs that require bargainingskillsorwheretherearesubstantialrewardsforwinning,Machiavellianismperformbetter. 4. AchievementOrientation: Managers with a high need to achieve continually strive to doing things better. They want to overcome obstacles,buttheywanttofeeltheirsuccessorfailureisduetotheiractions. 5. SelfEsteem: Managers should have a high selfesteem. People with high selfesteem believe that they have abilities to undertake challenging jobs. They tend to choose uncongenial jobs than those with low selfesteem. Highesteemsaremoresatisfiedwiththeirjobs. 6. RiskTaking: Highrisktakingmanagersmakemorerapiddecisionsanduselessinformationinmakingtheirchoices. 7. Straightforwardnessandsimplicity: Itreferstoanindividualsabilitytoadjusthisorherbehaviourtoexternalfactors.Thehighselfmonitor is capable of putting on different faces for different audiences. Managers high in selfmonitoring can showconsiderableadaptabilityinadjustingtheirbehaviourtoexternalsituationalfactors. Managersshouldbeemotionallystable: 1. Managersshouldhaveaverycordialrelationwithothersintheorganizationandheshouldbuild harmoniousenvironmentintheorganization. 2. Heshouldhaveanexcellentrapportwithhissuperiors,peersaswellashissubordinatesinthe organization. 3. He should be stable enough i.e. instead of getting evaluated by others he should gain importancebyhisownviews. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page21 Ans.

4. 5. PERSONALITYISTHEPRODUCTOFHEREDITYANDENVIRONMENT.EXPLAIN? PersonalityistomanwhatperfumeistoflowerCharlesM.SchwabTencommandentsofsuccess.

Thedecisionstakenbyanemotionallystablemanagersarerationalananxietylevelsarelow. An emotionally stable manager has detached involvement towards his work and he is not worriedabouttheconsequencesofactionsi.e.hisactionsarerational.

The word personality has an interesting derivation. It can be traced to the Latin word "per sona". The Latintermwasusedtodenotethemask,wornbyactorsinancientGreeceand Rome. ThisLatinwordis particularly relevant to the contemporary analysis of personality. Common usage of the word emphasis therolewhichthepersondisplaystopublic. WhatIsPersonality? 1.Adynamicconceptdescribingthegrowthanddevelopmentofapersonswholepsychologicalsystem 2.Personalitylooksatsomeaggregatewholethatisgreaterthanthesumoftheparts. 3. Personalitythe dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determinehisuniqueadjustmentstohisenvironment. 4.Personalityisthesumtotalofwaysinwhichanindividualreactstoandinteractswithothers. Itismostoftendescribedintermsofmeasurabletraitsthatapersonexhibits. But the most meaningful would be to include both person and role. So personality is the characteristic pattern of behaviour (communication skill / ability, good interpersonal relation, etc) and modes of thinking that determine a persons adjustment to the environment. Personalitycanalsobedescribedashowpersonaffectsothers. (Charisma) how an individual understand and views himself and his pattern of inner and outer measurable traits. In the process of development individual acquires distinctiveness and uniquenesswhichgiveshimidentitywhichenablesustorecognizehimapartfromothers. So personality is a sum total of different traits, which also includes external appearance, communication skills, interpersonal relations, sensitivity, emotionality and intelligence. Every personisincertainaspect.

PersonalityDeterminants Anearlyargument Personalitywastheresultofheredityorofenvironment. Personalityappearstobearesultofbothinfluences. Heredity 1) Heredityreferstothosefactorsthatweredeterminedatconception. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page22

2) The heredity approach argues that the ultimate explanation of an individuals personality is the molecularstructureofthegenes,locatedinthechromosomes. 3) Threedifferentstreamsofresearchlendsomecredibilitytotheheredityargument. Thegeneticunderpinningsofhumanbehaviorandtemperamentamongyoungchildren a. Evidence demonstrates that traits such as shyness, fear, and distress are most likely caused by inheritedgeneticcharacteristics. Thestudyoftwinswhowereseparatedatbirth b. Study of more than 100 sets of identical twins separated at birth and raised separately, but the researchersfoundalotincommon Theconsistencyinjobsatisfactionovertimeandacrosssituations c. Individual job satisfaction is remarkably stable over time. This is indicates that satisfaction is determinedbysomethinginherentintheperson. The impact of heredity on personality is very active but still unsettled area of understanding. The problem is that geneticists face a major obstacle is gathering information scientifically on human beings. Studies of twins, have proved newsworthy. For example, "Jim Twin " who were identical twins separatedatberth,werebothnamedJim,bytheiradoptedparents.BothoftheirfirstWifewerenamed Linda, second Wife Betty, both named their son James Allan, both had dogs named toy. Both were mediocore student, both suffered heart attack and they both started getting migraine headache of about the same duration in the same period of their lives. These cases of similarities of twins raised apart supported the position that heredity plays a major role in personality. Despite these unusual and interesting cases, a recent comprehensive review of research found that personality is more affected by environment than any other areas of human functioning but there are still questions to be answered. Heredity Vs environment debate is still alive and no definite conclusions are yet possible. But it is clear thatphysicalattributearelargelyattributedtoheredity. a) b) c) Environment Factorsthatexertpressuresonourpersonalityformation Thecultureinwhichweareraised Earlyconditioning Normsamongourfamily Friendsandsocialgroups Theenvironmentweareexposedtoplaysasubstantialroleinshapingourpersonalities. Culture establishes the norms, attitudes, and values passed from one generation to the next and createsconsistenciesovertime. Man cannot be separated from his environment. His consciousness is inextricably linked with his surroundings, physical and social. He adapts himself to his social environment as well as his physical environment. Both environments affect his organic and mental development. Neither nature nor nurture is more important because they are both essential for the development of the human personality. The basic relativity of nature and nurture cannot be overlooked. Sentience imports for us to be conscious of something and that something, whether painful, pleasurable, or indifferent, comes within our experience. Some experiences are agreeable and Page23


some disagreeable; some are of our own seeking and some are thrust upon us. The character, quality, and trend of such experiences depend upon and are, to a great extent, determined by ourbirth,nationality,place,etc.inshort,byheredityandenvironment. By far the most important part of the overall environment of man is the social environment. It differs from one nation to another, one period to another, one class to another, and its influences are outside the control of any one individual. The social system needs to be remodeled such that individual success does not conflict with communal welfare. This can be achieved by encouraging such social traits as altruism, readiness to cooperate, sympathetic enthusiasm, and so forth, instead of putting a premium on many antisocial traits such as egoism,cunning,andinsensitivitytohumanmisery. All in all, differences among mankind are the outcome of nature and nurture, of heredity and environment.Somearesharp,somearedull.Neverthelessmanyapparentlydullpersonscanbe restored to normal intelligence by proper education, regular exercise of the mind, and facilities for wholesome association. The way to progress lies in a ceaseless effort to develop our knowledge and intelligence. Such development is possible only when the mind is kept steady andwellpoised. Thus, Heredity sets the parameters or outer limits, but an individuals full potential will be determined by how well he or she adjusts to the demands and requirements of the environment. PORTRAYSOMEPERSONALITYTRAITSINTHEINDIANCONTEXT: Ans. Bhagwad Gita has identified different Personality Models / Traits / Behaviours in the Indian context: # Tamasic: Living with the values which are utterly selfish, egocentered motives, dull and meanttosatisfyonlypersonalinterest. # Rajasic: Living with tendencies which are extremely passionate and ambitious, dynamic in nature but centered to fulfilling selfish desires. Motives slightly nobler but centered on selfish etc. # Sattvic: The attitude and motives are selfless, more balanced and discrimination based on highervalues. ThewesternviewtalksaboutvariouspersonalitytraitswhicharefoundintheIndiancontext: 1) Passivepersonality: Eg:Bhisma,Vidur&DhronacharyashowedtheirbehaviourduringDraupadiVastraharan. 2) AggressivePersonality: Eg:DuryodhanaandDushashan. 3) Manipulativepersonality: Eg:Shakuni. 4) AssertivePersonality: Krishna. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page24

TheothertraitsthatarefoundintheIndiancontextare: 1) Respect The respect for others as well as elders and youngsters can be figured out as a distinct personalitytraitintheIndiancontext. 2) Trust: Indiansdotrusteasilyandveryfastonothers. 3) Emotion: Indiansareverymuchemotionalinnatureandfeelingsaffectthem. 4) StraightforwardnessandSimplicity: The straightforwardness and simplicity in the life of an Indian can be clearly seen as a special personalitytrainintheIndiancontext. 5) Perseverance: This is a unique feature of a personality trait found in Indians and along with it. Indians have a sense of highanddeepthinking HOLISTICAPPROACHTOPERSONALITY Qualitiesrequiredfordevelopmentofapersonality(SarvangiVikasorSarvatomukhiPratibha)are: 1. Atmavishwas(selfConfidence):Selfconfidenceisamustineachandeveryindividual.Cando attitudemustbedevelopedineveryindividual. 2. ParaSamman(Reverenceforallcreation):Anindividualmust havereverence fornature, man, animal,etc. 3. Sahas (Daring): An individual must have the daring to face challenges and accept everything thatisnewandsuddenwhetheritisanewthoughtorasuddencircumstanceetc. 4. Dhairya(Patience):Slowandsteadywinstherace.Theattitudeofwaitmustbedeveloped. Results always take time. A person must have patience. He must not do things in a hurry, as HasteisWaste. 5. Nischaytmakta (Decisiveness): An individual must be decisive and not indecisive. A person musthaveNirnayShaktiandNischayatmakBuddhi. 6. AbhyasuVrutti(Readinesstolearn):Readinesstolearnandcuriositytolearngohandinhand. Theyhelpanindividualgainknowledge,resultinginthedevelopmentoftheindivdual. 7. Straightforwardness and simplicity: A person should be straightforward and simple in life if he wantstodevelop.Apersonmustknowhowtoadjustinanysituation. 8. Satata(Continuity):Hemustbeaconstantandconsistentlearner. 9. Perseverance:Hemusthaveperseveranceanddeepthinking. 10. Sportsmanspirit:Hemustlearntoacceptfailuresjustasheacceptssuccess. 11. Audarya()Generosity):Apersonmusthaveabigheartandnotanarrowone. 12. Sahanshilta (Tolerance): He must have the quality of tolerating any human being and any situation. 13. Tyagi (sacrificing): He must be a tyagi. He must learn to sacrifice his personal interests for a cause. 14. Compassionate:Hemusthaveloveandcompassionforall. 15. Appreciation:Apersonmustlearntoappreciateothers. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page25

16. 17. a. b. c.

Alertness and Awareness: He must be alert about good and bad and must know how to carry hisdutiesandresponsibilities. Tanmavta:Hemustbecompletelyengrossedinhiswork. Inordertoinculcatethesevaluesinanindividualanidealmustbeplacedinfrontofthem;from whomtheycanlearnthesequalitiesthemselves. TheidealofAristotalwasAbrahamLincoln. VivekanandsidealwashisguruRamkrishnaParamhansa. TheidealofShankaracharyawashisguruGaudpadacharya. Thedevelopedthequalitiesoftheiridealsinthemselvesandbuilduptheirpersonality. Hence we can say that the above mentioned people are great examples of Holistic approach to personalitysincealltheabovementionedvaluesareimbibedinthem.

CULTURAL BACKGROUND AND VALUE SYSTEM MOULD THE PERSONALITY OF AN INDIVIDUAL.DISCUSSWITHEXAMPLES. Personality of an individual is determined by two factors. These are biological factors and social factors. Biological factors include i. Genes of a person ii. Physique and iii. Body chemistry. Social factors are the family, peer groups and culture. Culture is the mental equipment of life. Culture establishes the norms, attitudes and values that are passed along from one generation to the next and create consistencies over time. Value articulates how we intend to live as we pursue our mission. In every culture, certain values have developed over time and are continuously reinforced. At the base rituals and rites are no more than set of disciplined behavioural movements, with the underpinning of some higher principle. It is the disciplined repetition of these behaviour procedures which can impress our mind with enduring and useful practical attitudes and values. When a child is born values of the biological parents play an important part. These values arise out of the culture which includes customs and other ways of behaviour whicharecommontoasociety. Since the basic personality type approved by each cultural group is composed of traits that contribute to the successful adjustment of members of the group to its particular and unique life pattern, the basic personality patterns of no two cultures are identical. Noting this, Stendler writes,Asculturesdiffer,sodothepersonalitiesembeddedinthesecultures. Even cultures, which are similar in many respects, put varying degrees of emphasis on commonly, held values. When a national group is composed of people from different countries, variations in the cultural values held by the group as a whole are quite marked. Each subculture as well as the general culture has its own values and each attempts to mold in its members a basic personality pattern that will conform to this values. Regional cultural values differ somewhatintheemphasisplacedonthegeneralculturalvalues. Clearlydefinedsubgroupvaluessetthemodelforthebasicpersonalitytypetobemoldedinthe young of the subgroup. Middle class values emphasize selfcontrol, getting ahead, and making the most of ones abilities and opportunities, even when this means denying present pleasures for future gains. By contrast, lowerclass values stress immediate pleasures and conformity to Page26


groupstandardsislesshighlyvaluedthaninthemiddleorupperclassgroups.Otherdifferences in admired personality traits within a cultural group may be based on racial, ethnic, religious evenpoliticalgrounds. The person whose personality pattern has been molded along lined approved by members of the cultural group with which he is identified has a far better chance for successful social adjustments and happiness than the one whose pattern is a typical for the group. The rugged individualistmakesthepoorestadjustmentofall.Hebecomesasocialmisfitandthisaffectshis selfconcept unfavorably because he realizes how unacceptable his nonconformity is to the groupwithwhichhecontinuestobeassociated.

Example: Mr. Narayana Murthy is a vocal proponent of the value of honesty, integrity, honouring commitments,valueaddedperformance,willingnesstosacrificeforopportunitiesandsoforth. GOODMANAGERSSHOULDBEEMOTIONALLYSTABLE.DISCUSS Answer: Spiritual i CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page27

To be successful in life person has to attain emotional stability. If a manager is not emotionally stableitnotonlyeffecthisphysicalhealthbutalsohisworkingability. In this competitive and unstable economy, innovation is the mantra of today, so to be on the topmanagershavetoemotionallystrong. As shown in the diagram to achieve the spiritual capacity your base i.e. your physical capacity should be strong. When your physical capacity is sound you can be emotionally stable. Emotional stability not creates the internal climate that drives the ideal performance state. If person is not emotionally strong he may not be able to climb the ladder up. Once when the emotional capacity is achieved, a person can climb further ahead and will achieve mental capacity. This mental capacity focuses the emotional and the physical ability to the task. It has beenobservedthatveryfewpeoplewereabletoachievethespiritualcapacity. So after, seeing this model it is clear that steps to achieve the success in the life is through the emotionalcapacity.

Example:AnuAgaChairpersonThermaxLTd. Anu Aga was a fun person enjoying her dual roles of house wife and professional companion to her creative husband Rohniton while working with him at Thermax. In 1996 came a personal tragedy in her lifeRohintondiedofaheartattackandinanother14monthsshesufferedanotherenervatingloss,the deathofhersonKurushinacaraccidentandshelosthermotherinlawandpetdog.Thiswastheserial bomb blast in her life. Anu read extensively on death after Rohinton passed away. Two days after he died she took the charge of Thermax as chairperson and managing director. She bravely managed the transitionandtheambitionsofcolleagues. WHATISKARMA?



Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning action. According to the Law of Karma, you shall reap in thislifeorthenextasyouhavesowninthisandpreviouslives. Every thought, feeling and need impels a corresponding reaction. However, it is more the motiveandintentbehindadeepthatimpelsareactionratherthanthedeeditself.Thisiswhya child only creates very little karma through his actions. This is also why deeds seeming good, but with an egoistic motive behind, only have a small positive effect. On the other hand, a policeofficer killingapotentialevildoertosaveavictimslifewill onlyfacelittlekarma.Krishna tells us is in the Bhagvad Gita: One who acts by dedicating all activities to the Ultimate Truth, givingupattachment;isnotaffectedbysin;justasalotusleafinwater. Ignoranceistoafargreaterextentthanmalicethecauseofhumansuffering.Aslongasweare attached to transient earthly things, we shall experience suffering when we lose them. Therefore, all great and enlightened souls, who have taught us humans about eternal values, firsttoldustoseekthekingdomofGod;thenweshallbegivenallthatweneed.Still,wehavea freewilltochooseandlearnthroughourchoices. It is important to emphasise that karma not only involves all the positive effects we have brought about through our many lives, but also the painful circumstances we have had to deal with and learn from. Bad Karma results in suffering and the purpose is to help man get back on the right path. Good karma on the other had opens up for possibilities, and the aim here is for mantousehisgoodexperienceandqualitiestohelpothers.Thushewillhelphimself. THELAWOFKARMAHOWITWORKS Actually it is very simple and has been known for thousands of years. The law of Karma is knowninChristianteachings,aswellasinmanyothercultures.Itsays: Whateveryoudotootherswillbedonetoyou,inthisoranyfutureincarnationofyoursoul. Thislawissostraightforwardandlogical,itsometimesishardtobelieve,thatsomepersonsstill think they may somehow get around it. If you knock your head against a wall, it is obvious it may damage the wall and it may hurt your head. If you knock someone by physically fighting youmaycauseharm,pain,injurytothepersonandthelawofKarmarequiresyoutoexperience the same pain. This is to have you learn to behave in a way that accuses but pleasant experiencetoothersandyourselfalike. Whatever you do, you may attract persons around you, that have a same or similar Karma than you have. If you are of a physically fighting nature, you may attract such persons again and again. Until you start to become aware of your own behavior and start to be fed up with the result of your very own actions. Until you start to strive for a more peaceful environment. The onlysuremethodoffindingoneischangingyourveryownbehavior. This law applies for individuals as much as for families, groups, villages, cities, nations, cultures orevenentireplanets. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page29

Leadershipis thenaturalabilityofanyindividual todirectanyoneoragroup ofpeopletowards gettingsomegoalaccomplished. Leadership in the Indian context is a buildup process. It an overall buildup of various human attributesthatonebuildsupfromhisyoungerdaystobeacceptedasaLeader. Leadership in the Indian context has its foundations on ethical base and character of the individual. They are paramount for a person to be accepted as a Leader. Results have to ensue fromastrongethicalbaseandcharacter(followingtheDharmaArthaKaamaMokshapath). Asaresultofhisethicalbehaviorandmoralpractices,hecommandsrespectandinspiresothers tofollowhim.Thushecommands,ratherthandemandsrespect. Such people who have rigorously lived a Dharmic life automatically qualify to be a Leader, and when they run businesses they run Dharmic businesses, based on human values and relationshipsleadingtoprofits. Unlike in the Indian context Leaders in the West are driven by tangible factors of achievement and material success. As a matter of fact, leaders in West are focused on issues of dominant leadership, where leaders are glorified and talked about as super achievers, with media exposure. In the Indian context, on the other hand, Leaders emerge from a background that comes from acceptance by society, (because of the virtues) and not by being thrust upon them. He is pleasantly and willingly accepted as a leader more by nomination than by thrust anddomination.IndianleadersareacceptedasleadersonlywhentheyareseentobeDharmic in action, whereas the Western leaders are accepted as leaders when they are resultoriented and goal focused, the Dharmic part of the task, being given a secondary or little importance (morebydefaultratherthandesign) Leadership is symbolic of hero worship in the Indian context, because the Indian leader is seen as a paragon of virtue from which emerges results and goal achievement. While in the Western context, the Leadership symbolism is functional in content. Beyond the functional aspect, there ishardlyanymasshysteriaovertheLeadershipposition.

DHARMICLEADERSHIP We have come across principlecentered Leadership which Stephen Covey talks about. Simply stated, Dharmic Leadership is an allencompassing approach towards leading people into goal achievement. It emphasizes as much on the means as on the ends. In fact, there is a greater emphasisonthemeans. Dharmic Leadership is based on the concept of Dharma, which includes the path of Truth & Righteousness. In the corporate context, to be a Dharmic Leader is not easy. On one hand we Page30


have the challenges of performance in a highly competitive marketplace, while on the other hand we have the brand/image of the company to be maintained in the marketplace as a truly fairandethicalplayer. While in the past due to certain compulsions, companies mindlessly and/or ignorantly emphasizedonresults(ends)anddidnotgiveimportancetothemeans,intheglobalbusinesses oftoday,companieshaveincreasinglybecomeconsciousoftheirbrandandimage.Tocreatean enduring true brand, one needs to be valuecentered, in other words Dharmic centered. Hence Dharmic Leadership is more relevant today and imperative to be understood and followed and propagated.

LEADERSAREBORN&MADE. Leadership is the ability to articulate a vision, embrace the values of the vision and nurture an environment where everyone can reach the organizations goal and their own personal needs. Leadership is an indescribable ability based on concrete principles and a tool that anyone can learn that helps guides an organization or group of people in a beneficial direction or to a valuabledestination. The ability to get work done with and through others, while at the same time winning their confidence respect, loyalty and willing cooperation. Before we get started, lets define leadership. Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. A person carries out this process by applying her leadership attributes (belief, values,ethics,character,knowledge,andskills). The complete definition highlights the difference between simply managing and being a leader. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and will power, you can become an effective leader; Good leaders develop through a neverending process of selfstudy, education, trainingandexperience. There is very little evidence that the socalled naturally born leader really exists. Continuing and ongoing studies are showing that the concept of a natural born leader has little merit. One reason for this error may be that people often mistake charisma for leadership. It is true that some leaders possess a great amount of charisma. However, many leaders do not. In reality leaders are not born, they are forged by many factors. Some factors that often forge effectiveleadershiptraitsareeducation,preparation,experienceandopportunity. To inspire your people into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must know and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. The best leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, lead, etc. gives you the authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization this power does not make you a leader. It simply Page31


makes you the boss. Leadership makes people want to achieve high goals and objectives, while ontheotherhand,bossestellpeopletoaccomplishataskorobjective. Bassstheoryofleadershipstatesthattherearethreebasicwaystoexplainhowpeoplebecome leaders. The first two explain the leadership development for a small number of people. These theoriesare: Somepersonalitytraits mayleadpeoplenaturallyintoleadershiproles.Thisisthe TraitTheory. A crisis of important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinaryleadershipqualitiesinanordinaryperson.ThisistheGreatEventsTheory. People can choose to become leaders. People can learn leadership skills. This is the Transformational Leadership Theory. It holds that, contrary to popular belief, no one is born a leader but some people do have certain abilities that predispose them to developing into a leader like public speaking, and many other skills, leadership can be learned and developed. While there is no agreed list of qualities that make a good leader and different leadership styles suitdifferent situations.Itisthemostwidelyacceptedtheorytoday.Bornleadersaretheones who have inborn qualities of a leader. Where as, in case of made leader, it is often a mentor whoshapesaleader.

E.g. Born Leader: Dhirubhai Ambani, JRD Tata, Bal Thackeray, Dalai Lama, Shivaji Maharaj, Indira Gandhi, Gandhiji,Alexander,ShreeRam. MadeLeader:KMBirla,IKGujral,thegreatNarayanMurthy,SwamiVivekanand. DHIRUBHAIAMBANIRELYONHIM DhirajlalHirachandAmbanipopularlyknownasDhirubhaiAmbanihasbecomecorporateIndias living legend. Ambani, a high school dropout from Chorwad in Gujarats Junagadh district, has puzzled conformists and competitors with his brand of management where the only things that matteredwereresultsandbenefitsforhisshareholders. Dhirubhai had been an opportunity right from his childhood. All he needed was a whiff of a business opportunity and he was to tap it. During the Mahashivratri festival, he would sell ganthia to the local community to earn money. Later, due to shortage of money, he left educationaftermatriculationandwenttoAdentoearnaliving.Heworkedforalmost8hoursin apetrolpumpwherehelearntallabouttheoilbusinessuntiladaycamewhenhewasbittenby the entrepreneurial bug. He came back to Bombay to start his own business. With a loan, he started Reliance Commercial Corporation, involved in general merchandising. He then started his yarn business in the 60s followed by his own spinning mill in 1966 known as Reliance Textile Industries.



He firmly believed that if a person wishes to succeed, then complete access to information is crucial. He always collected updated information on competitors, market size, government rulesandregulationsetc.

HebelievedinSimpleliving,modernthinking. Hewasalwaysapioneer.Hewouldactinstantlyandcapitalizeonmarketchanges,newpolicies etc. and would implement his plans successfully. He did not believe in meeting demand but creating demand. He always produced in large quantities. He always aimed at providing best goods to the consumer at affordable prices. Moreover, he unlike other leaders, he was an expertinvariousfields.Hewasamanufacturingaswellasmarketingwiz.Heknewhowtooffer the right product mix, identify markets and establish efficient distribution centers and structures, which holds true for one of his famous brands, Vimal. He is also referred to as the ManchesterofIndia. He didnt mind copying ideas, which he could implement better than his competitors. As in the case of copying the concept of selling through showrooms to counter the resistance from traditionalmarketsfromBombayDyeing.Healwayshadthedynamismandconfidenceinfuture andwasalwaysreadytogoagainstallodds.Healwaysbelievedinhimself. He always believed in his responsibility towards stakeholders. He was also known as the stock master messiah. This is because once some marwari men were trying to bring down the price of his shares by short selling; he counter attacked them in turn earned a hefty sum from them. He always had a wide investor base and most of his subscriptions were always oversubscribed. An innovator in the financial market, he reintroduced concepts like partial convertible bonds, fullyconvertiblebondsetc.healwaysbelievedinthinkbig,thinkfast,andthinkahead. Dhirubhai is one of the greatest leaders of India who had the zeal to achieve something big ratherthanjustearningmoney.Heworkedtillhisdeath. As a true leader, Dhirubhai had once said, People think I have finally arrived, but I think I have justbegun. In 20 years Dhirubhais Reliance empire has grossed sales of Rs.13,740 crore (Rs.67 crore in 1997)andmadeanetprofitofRs.1,653crorefortheyearended1998.Itsassetshavegrownto Rs.24,388 crore from Rs.33 crore in 1977. When most industry players went to the banks for money, Dhirubai went directly to the public. A fighter, Ambani always tried to safeguard the interests of his investors along with his companys. If Reliance bets on the right people, it will alwaysremainacompanyofentrepreneurs.SaysMr.Ambani. DR.APJABDULKALAMTHEMISSILEMANOFINDIA He was born in Dhanushkodi in Rameswaram district of Tamil Nadu on October 15, 1931. His father rented out boats to pay Abdul Kalams school fees. The young man distributed newspapers to help and contribute towards the household and his school expenses. He did his B.Sc.atSt.JosephsCollege,Trichi,andDMITinAeronauticalEngineeringatMIT,Madras. AbdulKalamjoinedtheDefenceResearchandDevelopmentOrganisation(DRDO)in1958.Later he moved to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he succeeded in putting the CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page33

35KgRohiniIsatelliteonalowearthorbitwiththehelpoftheSLVIII(SatelliteLaunchVehicle). After spending 19 prolific years in ISRO, he returned to DRDO to head the countrys missile developmentprogramme,whichculminatedinthesuccessfullaunchoftheAgniandthePrithvi. He went on to be the Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister and Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development, and has been appointed Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. As chief of Indias defence research and development programme, Kalam, transformed moribund government organizations into fighting machines that can deliver. The three underground nuclear tests in the Pokhran range of Rajasthan despite mounting pressure to abandon nuclear programme under his able guidance has made India reaffirm its nuclear preparedness. The only brief experience that he had abroad was in 196364 when he was invited by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to spend four months in the US at the WallopsIslandRocketryCentreandtheLangleyResearchCentre. He has been awarded with the Indias Highest Civilian Award the Bharat Ratna in 1998. Othe rprestigious awards include Dr. Biren Roy Space Award, Om Prakash Basin Award for Science and Technology, National Nehru Award, Arya Bhatta Award. He is also the author of Wings of Fireanautobiography. The 66 year old, scientist leads an austere life and when he is not working his usual 18 hours a day,healsowritespoetryandplaystheveena. Krishna was a born leader to which the Indian community looks at. He is someone who is the bestdefinitionofsuccessfulleader.

SimilaritybetweenDhirubhaiandLordKrishna Holistic vision both possessed it. Krishna always knew that was happening and developed timelystrategies. Wellnetworkedbothhadstrongcontactswithpeople,andknewhowtogetworkdone. Opportunistandshrewd. Aggressive,proactiveandhighlypolitical. Verycreative. Peopleorientedleaders. Optimumutilizationofallresources,alsorecognizeandidentifyskillsofpeople. Situationalleaders. Highlevelofconfidenceandselfbelief. Quickdecisionmaker. CharacteristicsofaLeader: 1. Heshouldbeinnovativeandcreative 2. Heshouldbeoriginali.e.heshouldtakeinitiative. 3. Heshouldhavegoodcommunicationskills. 4. Heshouldhavedecisionmakingskills. 5. Heshouldhavegoodhumanrelationskills. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page34

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. OtherimportantCharacteristics 1. They have a clearly articulated vision of what the knowledge agenda and knowledge management is about. Their thinking about their business, their business environment and their knowledge goals was clear. 2.Theyhaveenthusiasticknowledgechampionswhoaresupportedbytopmanagement. 3. They have a holistic perspective that embraces strategic, technological and organisational perspectives. 4.Theyusesystematicprocessesandframeworks(thepowerofvisualisation). 5.They"betonknowledge",evenwhenthecostbenefitscannoteasilybemeasured. 6.Theyuseeffectivecommunications,usingallthetricksofmarketingandPR. 7. There is effective interaction at all levels with their customers and external experts. Human networkingtakesplaceinternallyandexternallyonabroadfront. 8.Theydemonstrategoodteamwork,withteammembersdrawnfrommanydisciplines. 9.Theyhaveacultureofopennessandinquisitivenessthatstimulatesinnovationandlearning. 10.Theydevelopincentives,sanctionsandpersonaldevelopmentprogrammestochangebehaviours. The character of a leader is not onedimensional: compromises spectrum of traits that include integrityandcompassionintheyogicpsychology.Thetraitofcompassionisfoundatthefourth chakra,thesubtleenergycenteroftheheart. Leaders who are attached to third chakra the center of ambition and the will to power are unrealized as leaders dictators such as Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin are deluded by dreams of glory. Those who have evolved to the higher fourth chakra will exhibit compassionate unity withtheirfollowers. Leaders construct and define their own value system, and they proceed with morality toward noblegoals. In the final analysis good intentions are not enough. The quality of leadership should be judged also on the quality of the outcome or consequences of the leaders actions and they must maintains moral symmetry as the deal with various stakeholders. Organizational and political success correlates significantly with fitness of character, thought. Great leaders are moral; they CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page35

Heshouldhaveconceptualskills. Heshouldbeabletofocusonpeople. Heshouldbeaninspirei.e.heshouldhavemotivationskill. Hshouldhavelongrangeperspective. He should be able to develop his follower so that they can take initiative, which generates a senseofselfinvolvement,whichisverymuchnecessaryinmanagement. Heshouldalwayshavehiseyeonthevision. Heshouldalwaysbereadytoacceptinterruptiblechallenges. Leaderisnotlikeasoldier;heisapersoninhimself.Heleads,everyonefollows. Intelligenceacademicachievement. Socialmaturity Selfmotivationandanachievementorientation. Awiderangeofinterests.

operate from a deep ethical platform that considers values such as justice and goodness, to be theguidingprinciplefororganizationdecisions. MANAGERIALGRID TheBlakeandMoutonManagerialGrid(1985)usestwoaxis: "Concernforpeople"isplottedusingtheverticalaxis "Concernfortask"isalongthehorizontalaxis. They both have a range of o to 9. The notion that just two dimensions can describe a managerial behaviorhastheattractionofsimplicity.Thesetwodimensionscanbedrawnasagraphorgrid:

I. II. III. IV. V.

Mostpeoplefallsomewherenearthemiddleofthetwoaxis.But,bygoingtotheextremes,that is,peoplewhoscoreonthefarendofthescales,wecomeupwithfourtypesofleaders: Authoritarian(9ontask,1onpeople) TeamLeader(9ontask,9onpeople) CountryClub(1ontask,9onpeople) Impoverished(1ontask,1onpeople). AuthoritarianLeader(hightask,lowrelationship) People who get this rating are very much task oriented and are hard on their workers (autocratic). There is little or no allowance for cooperation or collaboration. Heavily task oriented people display these characteristics: they are very strong on schedules; they expect people to do what they are told without question or debate; when something goes wrong they tend to focus on who is to blame rather than concentrate on exactly what is wrong and how to prevent it; they are intolerant of what they see as dissent (it may just be someone's creativity), soitisdifficultfortheirsubordinatestocontributeordevelop. TeamLeader(hightask,highrelationship) Page36


This type of person leads by positive example and endeavors to foster a team environment in which all teammemberscanreachtheirhighestpotential,bothasteammembersandaspeople.Theyencourage the team to reach team goals as effectively as possible, while also working tirelessly to strengthen the bondsamongthevariousmembers.Theynormallyformandleadsomeofthemostproductiveteams. CountryClubLeader(lowtask,highrelationship) This person uses predominantly reward power to maintain discipline and to encourage the team to accomplishitsgoals.Conversely,theyarealmostincapableofemployingthemorepunitivecoerciveand legitimate powers. This inability results from fear that using such powers could jeopardize relationships withtheotherteammembers. ImpoverishedLeader(lowtask,lowrelationship) A leader who uses a "delegate and disappear" management style. Since they are not committed to either task accomplishment or maintenance; they essentially allow their team to do whatever it wishes and prefer to detach themselves from the team process by allowing the team to suffer from a series of powerstruggles. The most desirable place for a leader to be along the two axis at most times would be a 9 on task and a 9 on people the Team Leader. However, do not entirely dismiss the other three. Certain situations might call for one of the other three to be used at times. For example, by playing the Impoverished Leader, you allow your team to gain selfreliance. Be an Authoritarian Leader to instill a sense of discipline in an unmotivated worker. By carefully studying the situation and the forces affecting it, you will know at what points along the axis you need to be inordertoachievethedesiredresult. TRANSFORMATIONALLEAERSHIP Because of the major shifts in all aspects of organizational life, a new kind of leadership is emerging. It is the kind of leadership that enables the exploration of new and innovative ways to drive value and deliver real results in an everchanging business environment. This new leadership allows individuals and organizations to thrive at the edge of chaos, inspiring the innovationandcreativityneededtodevelopnewproductsandtechnologies,evennewbusiness modelsthatcanleadtosustainablecompetitiveadvantageintheneweconomy.Thisnewform ofleadingiscalledtransformationalleadership. The spirit of transformational leadership is founded in the ethos of pioneering, innovating and theexplorationofnewdimensionsofhumanendeavor. The competency of transformational leadership is founded in the ethos of pioneering, innovatingandtheexplorationofnewdimensionsofhumanendeavor. The competency of transformational leadership provides leaders and managers with a whole new way to energize and enliven individual contributors to deliver their best effort and ideas to organizationalobjectivesasamatterofpersonalexpressionandprofessionalespirtdcor. From the behavior standpoint, transformational leadership begins with selfdevelopment and extends to the coaching and developing of others. It is about making sure that the people around you have the tools and resources they require to do their best work. It is about taking personal responsibility to remove the barriers that inhibit the optimal sustainable performance CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page37

of people who follow you. This kind of leadership is about recognizing the explicit and implicit valueofindividuals,networks,andrelationshipsand providingenergyandinspirationforothers toachievethemutualaimoftheenterprise. Thekeydirectionalideasoftransformationleadershipare: Open Systems: This idea is about recognizing the interconnections and interrelationships between just about everything. Its about creating synergies between people, process, an technology.Itsaboutinfluencevs.control. Chaos: This idea points to the sheer magnitude of interconnections, relationships, and dependencies that defy categorization and manipulation. It is also about the natural order inherentinseeminglychaoticeventsthatcanbeharnessedasasourceofcreativity,innovation, andinspiration. Willingness: is about influence, confluence, and synergy vs. domination, control of willfulness. To be willing is to attract and allow things (people, process, technology, opportunity) to self organizevs.imposingorderandmakingthingshappen. Defiance: This is about standing in the face of opportunity, at the edge of what is possible, and doingeverythinghumanlypossible(ethicallyandmorallycorrect)toachievegoalsthatdrivethe missionandfulfillthevisionoftheorganization. Leaderswhobringaboutimportantchangesaresaidtoexercisetransformationalleadership.In recent years transformational leadership has become a major new emphasis in studying leadershippartlybecausesomanyorganizationsneedtobetransformed. In study of leadership charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others. A key dimension of Charismatic leadership is that it involves a relationship between the leader and the people being led. The beliefs of the group members must be similar to those of the leader, and unquestioning acceptance of and affection for the leader must exist. The group members must willingly obey the leader, and they must be emotionally involved both in the mission of the leader as well as theirowngoals.Finallytheymusthaveastrongdesiretoidentifywiththeleader. Transformational leaders are the ones who motivates individual more than the individual expects himself to perform. This results in an overall development of the leader and the following.Italsoraiseshierarchyofneedfromsatisfactiontowardsselfactualization. Transformationalleadershiphasfourcomponents: Idealizedinfluence:havingaclearvisionandsenseofpurpose.Suchleadersareabletowinthe trustandrespectoffollowers. Individual consideration: paying attention to the needs and potential for development of their followers,delegating,coachingandgivingdirectionandconstructivefeedback. Intellectualstimulation:activelysolicitingnewidesandnewwaysofdoingthings. Inspiration:Motivatingpeople,generatingenthusiasm,settinganexample,beingkeentoshare theload. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page38

CharismaandTransformationalleadershiparecloselyintertwined,thoughallcharismaticleadersmay not be transformational. The specific characteristics of transformational leaders listed below apply to leadersingeneral. VISION: A transformational leader offers an exciting image of where the organization is headed and how to get there. A vision is more than a forecast because it describes an ideal version of thefutureofanentireorganization. MASTERFUL COMMUNICATION SKILLS: To inspire skill, he transformational leader uses colourfullanguageandexcitingmetaphorsandanalogies. ABILITY TO INSPIRE TRUST: Group members and constituents believe so strongly in the integrity oftransformationalleadersthattheywillrisktheircareerstopursuethechiefsvision. ABILITY TO MAKE GROUP MEMBER FEELS CAPABLE: One technique for helping group members feel more capable is to enable them to achieve success on relatively easy projects. The leader thenpraisesthemandgivesmoredemandingassignments. ENERGY AND ACTION ORIENTED: Like entrepreneurs, most transformational leaders are energeticandserveasamodelforgettingthingsdoneontime. EMOTIONAL EXPRESSIVENESS AND WARMTH: A key characteristics of transformational leaders is the ability to express feelings openly. Nonverbal emotional expressiveness, such as warm gesturesisalsocharacteristicoftransformationalleaders. WILLINGNESS TO TAKE PERSONAL RISKS: Transformational leaders are typically risk takers, and risktakingaddstotheir charisma.RichardBransonofthevirgingroupisanexemplaryrisktaker inhisbuyingandsellingofcompanies. USE OF UNCONVENTIONAL STRATEGIES: Part of being creative is to use unconventional strategiestoachievegoals. SELFPROMOTINGPERSONALITY:transformationalleadersarehardlydiffident;theytoottheir hornsandallowotherstoknowhowimportanttheyare. PROPENSITY TO EMERGE DURING RISIS: Early formulations of transformational leadership emphasized that the transformational leader arises in response to a crisis. Such emergence is more evident with political and union leaders because they may arise to power when economic conditionsareattheirworst. MINIMUM INTERNAL CONFLICT: Transformational leaders are confidant and determined that they are right, even though setbacks. They appear to have less internal conflict between their emotions, impulses, and feelings and their consciences than do most people. Because they are convincedtheyareright,theyexperiencelessguiltthandomostpeople. Also,theyactaschangeagents,theybelieveinpeople,haveastrongsetofvalueslifelonglearners,and abovealltheyarevisionaries. JehangirRatanjiDadabhaiTata(19041993)E JRD Tata has been one of the greatest builders and personalities of modern India in the twentiethcentury. He assumed Chairmanship of Tata Sons Limited at the young age of 34; but his charismatic, disciplined and forwardlooking leadership over the next 50 years and more, led the Tat Group CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page39

to new heights of achievement, expansion and modernization. Under his stewardship, the number of Tata ventures grew from 13 to around 80, encompassing steel, power generation, engineering, hotels, consultancy services, information technology, art and culture, consumer goods,industrialproducts,etc. He was the pioneer of civil aviation in India. In 1932, he introduced air transport in the country theenterpriselaterbecameAirIndia. He implicitly followed the principles of business ethics of the great visionary Jamsetji Tata, his ideal. He also personally crusaded for issues that he felt were imperative for Indias developmentfamilyplanning,womenseducation,andspreadofliteracy.The100%successful family welfare schemes at Tata Steel and the various educational programmes for all, directly emanatefromJRDTatasinsight. Government of India conferred the highest civilian award of the land , Bharat Ratna to JRD Tata in1992. For all his colossal achievements, JRD Tata was a modest, sensitive man, forever espousing the cause of his employees. His natural love for people endeared him to all.. across the entire spectrumofsociety.

Thedistinctskillsthatcharacterizedhimasatransformationalleaderare: Anticipatoryskills:foresightintoaconstantlychangingworld. Visionary skills: a process of persuasion and example by which a person or leadership team induces a group to take action in accord with the leaders purposes or more likely the shared purposes of a large group. Valuecongruence skills: the need of corporate leader to be in touch with the employees economic, safety, psychological, spiritual, aesthetic and physical needs in order to engage people on the basis of thesharedmotives,valuesandgoals. Empowermentskills:thewillingnesstosharepowerandtodosoeffectively. Selfunderstanding:introspectionandassessmentofonesandothersgoals. HowTransformationstakeplace Theleader: RaisesPeoplesAwareness The transformational leader makes group members aware of the importance and values of certain rewards and how to achieve them. He/She might point to the pride, workers would experience, should the firm be number one in its field. At the same time, the leader should point to the financial rewards accompanyingsuchsuccess. Helpspeoplelookbeyondselfinterest Transformationalleaderhelpsthegroupmemberslooktothebigpictureforthesakeoftheteamand theorganization. Helpspeoplesearchforselffulfillment The Transformational leader helps people to go beyond the focus on minor satisfactions to a quest for selffulfillment. Helpspeopleunderstandneedforchange CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page40

Transformationalleadermusthelpgroupmemberstounderstandtheneedforchangebothemotionally and intellectually. The problem is that change involves dislocation and discomfort. An effective transformational leader recognizes this emotional competent to resisting change and deals with it openly. Organizational change is much like a live transition. Endings must be successfully worked throughbeforenewbeginningsarepossible. Investsmanagerswithsenseofurgency To create the transformation, the leader assembles a critical mass of managers and imbues in them the urgency of change. The manager must also share the top leaders vision of what is both necessary and achievable. To sell this vision of an improved organization, the transformational leader must capitalize onavailableopportunities. Iscommittedtogreatness Business can be an opportunity for individual and organizational greatness. By adopting this greatness attitude, leaders can ennoble human nature and strengthen societies. Greatness encompasses striving for business,effectiveness such as profits and high stock value as well as ethics and emphasis on ethical leadership instills a desire for customer service and quality and fosters feelings of proprietorship and involvement. TheLeader o Raisespeoplesawareness. o Helpspeoplelookbeyondselfinterest. Transformations o Helpspeoplesearchforselffulfillment o Helpspeopleunderstandneedforchange o InvestsManagerswithsenseofurgency o Iscommittedtogreatness IMPORTANCEOFVALUESINLEADERSHIP Humanandvaluesconstitutethewealthofcharacter.Valuesexpressdharmaordivinenature as understood in he East, particularly in the Indian ethos and insight, and ideas of integrity as understoodintheWest. Oureffectivenessatworkistiedtoexercisingintrinsichumanvalues,i.e.moralandethicvalues. These human values support established business values such as service, communication, excellence, credibility, innovation, creativity and coordination. The human values help self development and good interpersonal interactions. They reduce conflicts and disputes. They are part and parcel of achieving accelerated process improvement, customer, workers, and citizen satisfaction.Theyenhancereputationandgoodwilloftheorganization. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page41

Ethical and moral values and character alone can accelerate the unfolding of persons divinity. Such a person will have poise, wisdom, harmony and peace to manage effectively others and to assureenrichedqualityofmindaswellasenrichedqualityofwork. Effectiveness in performance of leader and workers is a function of values and skill together; every effort must be made by the leaders (top management) in the organization to inculcate values. Values relate to the internal domain of business i.e. interactions with employees; customers,suppliers,creditors,publicetc.inthecorporatemissionorcreedwedescribevalues, vision,goalsandobjectivescherishedbytheorganization. Values should be an integral part of corporate mission, objectives. They should be expressly mentioned in the mission document. Te members of the management team and the union leaders of workers must be regularly exposed to spiritualization, satsang of spiritual leaders, seminars and workshops, meditation, introspection common prayers etc. the leaders should inculcatethespiritofgivingratherthantakingintheworklife. One must also emphasize integrated personality development in which enduring values enjoy the right place along with the requisite skills. To bring about a radical change in the thought, speech, action nd behavior oneself needs disciplined, sustained, conscious and well directed effortorsadhana. Values driven management combined with requisite skills improves the quality of work life and enhances the reputation of a company. When management and the staff translate value orientation into their everyday lives, they would be better leaders and team members. They would also receive voluntary cooperation from their peers and juniors of our mind and heart. Managementbyconsciousnessdemandsprescienceofvaluesinorucharacterandpersonality.

Therealisticobjective JnanaYoga







Managerial effectiveness based on holistic value based management can solve many problems harassing the economy in all countries. Such management offers human welfare, the quality of Page42


life and the quality of work.Value emerge effectively only from a purified mind i.e. from the innermindofhigherconsciousness. Fourtraditionalmethodsofmindpurificationis: 1. Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge): Discrimination enables to distinguish lower self from higher selfandfindout(rediscover)ourRealNatureGodrevealthyselfinmyheartandactions. 2. RajaYoga(PathofMindControl):Ifoperateswitthemind,aimsatperfectionsofmindcontrol, then enter into concentration and trance of Samadhi, we have training of whole mental system apreconditionofperfection. 3. Bhakti Yoga (Path of Devotion): Self surrender to the Lord and emotionally one can reach the goalofpureconsciousnessorDivinity. 4. Karma Yoga (Path of Action): Selfless action purifies our mindintellect. Purer mind can concentrate, contemplate and meditate to approach perfection or divinity i.e. pure consciousness. Allthesepathsmeettheseaofwisdomintheend. IMPORTANCE OF VALUES IN LEADERSHIP, HOW LEADERS / MANAGERS SHOULD RESPOND TO HUMNVALUES: Values express dharma or divine nature as understood in the east, particularly in the Indian ethosandinsightandtheideasofintegrityasunderstoodinthewest. Valuescreatesinvaluablecredibilityandgoodwillofindividuals. Leaders with values has state of mind, equanimity. Such a person can mobilize his and others energyandhelpaccomplishwonders. Leaders having values develop themselves and help others to develop values in time. Further thismakesleaderamodeltobeemulatedbyothers. The final proof of sincerity and seriousness in uncompromising emphasis on integrity of character in a job. For it is character through which leadership is exercised, it is character that setstheexampleandisimitatedinturn. Leader lacking in character and integrity which are the part of values no matter how knowledgeable, how brilliant, how successful he destroys people the valuable asset of company.Hedestroysspiritandhedestroysperformance. Leader having values will poise, wisdom, harmony and peace to manage effectively others and to assure enriched quality of mind as well as enriched quality of work. This would result in effectivenessofperformance. Leaders are after all basically human being who can manage himself with the aim of reaching theperceptionthehumanspiritiscapableproofvaluebasedleaderscaneasilypurifyheartsand mindsofthemselvesdecisionstakenbysuchpeoplewouldbeunbiasedone. Leaders effectiveness at work is tied to exercising intrinsic human values. These human values support established business values such as service, communication, excellence, creditability, innovation, creativity and coordination. Human values helps self development. Managerial functions such as direction, control, supervision and communication, integration and co ordination are much easier. Human values help good interpersonal interactions. They reduce CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page43

conflicts and disputes. They are part and parcel of achieving accelerated process improvement customer, workers and citizen satisfaction. Leaders through their values enhance reputation andgoodwilloftheorganization. People constitute the greatest dynamic inputs in any organization. They are the center or pivot and must be regard as the vital and integral part of organization and management. Every individual is the representation of a divine essence. The true leader has due regard for the divine, essence in every member of the organization and recognizes practically unlimited potential energy of a human being which can be tapped by any manager. Development of peoplenotinskillsbutinnormal,ethicalandspiritualvaluesnowbecomesthenecessaryendin itself. Human harmony and happiness are the main objectives of any enterprise to justify its survival and progress. Due overburden of science and technology at use has bought undesirable results suchasunwantedstressesandstrainsunrestandlonelinessinthehumanmindwhichhastobe removedbyaddingvaluesatqualityofworktowardswhichleadersmusttakethestep. Leaders must start altering the oldman machine situation man must be given positions as masters and not a slave to machine or technology. Human values would honour the core humannessandbringaboutharmonyandbalancebetweenvaluesasmeansandvaluesasends.

Conclusion: Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for thebetter. EXPLAIN THE CONSULTATIVE, ENTREPRENEURIAL, PROFESSIONAL, BUREAUCRATIC STYLE OF LEADERSHIP. AuthoritarianStyle: Known in its acronym as bureaucratic or autocratic style, authoritarian style involves retention of full authority by the leader. Leader decides, decision is passed on to subordinates, instructions about the implementation of decision are given and the subordinates are expected todowhattheleaderhastoldthemtodo.Assuringthattheleaderiscompetent,theadvantage of this leadership style is that tasks are efficiently completed, since there is no opportunity for thetimeconsumingtwowaycommunicationassociatedwithdemocraticstyles. Theprimaryproblemwithauthoritarianleadershipstyleisthatworkersaremadeawareofwhat todo,butnotwhy.Thismayleadto(1)lowemployeemorale,and(2)workers followingleaderdirectionsloseinitiativeandavoidresponsibilityforanyerrors. Buttherearesomeworkerswhopreferautocraticleader.Theyfeelsecureunderhisleadership. Insuchcases,productivityandmoraleoftheworkerstendtobehigh. Consultativeleaders: CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page44

Theysolicitopinionsfromgroupbeforemakingadecision,yettheydonotfeelobligedtoaccept thegroup'sthinking;theseleadersmakeitclearthattheyalonehavefinalauthoritytomakethe finaldecision.

ProfessionalStyle: Also called laissezfaire, professional leader chooses not to adopt a leadership role and actually abdicates leadership position, generally relinquishing it to someone else in the work group While technically not a leadership style (it is more the absence of one), it does warrant brief mentionsincetheabsenceofleadershipmayhaveapositiveornegativeeffect. On the positive side, professional leadership works when the group is composed of highly committedmembers.Onthenegativesideitmaybestatedthattheleaderabdicatesleadership role because of his own incompetence, the fear of failure, or the perceived social cost of criticismbytheworkgroup. EntrepreneurshipLeadershipStyle: Entrepreneurisapersonwhoconvertsaninnovativeideaintobusiness.Thewordentrepreneur is generally associated with smallscale industry. What is an entrepreneurship leadership style? Based on both their personality characteristics, and the circumstances of operating a business, manyentrepreneursuseasimilarleadershipstyle.Themostnotablefeaturesofthisstyleare: Impatienceandbrusquenesstowardsemployeesbecausetheentrepreneurisalwaysbusy. A heavy task orientation combined with a very directapproach to giving instructions to employees. Acharismaticpersonalitythatinspiresotherstowanttodobusinesswithhimorherdespitethe impatience. Amuchstrongerinterestindealingwithcustomersthanemployees. Astrongdislikeforbureaucraticrulesandregulations. Anxietytoconsolidatebusinessgainsasquicklyaspossible. THESITUATIONALLEADERSHIPTHEORY Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard have developed a situational model of leadership that adds "maturity" of followers as a contingency variable which deserves due consideration. The two authors feel that situational leadership requires adjusting the leader's emphasis on task behaviors (i.e., giving guidance and direction) and relationship behavior (i.e., offering socio emotionalsupport)accordingtothematurityoffollowersinperformingtheirtasks.Maturityin thiscontextisunderstoodnotasageoremotional stability but as desire for achievement, willingness to accept responsibility, and taskrelated ability and experience. The goals and knowledge of followers are important variables in determiningeffectiveleadershipstyle. Hersey and Blanchard believe that the relationship between leader and subordinates moves throughfourphasesakindoflifecycleassubordinatesdevelopandmatureandthatmanagers needtovarytheirleadershipstyleswitheachphase.Intheinitialphase,whensubordinatesfirst CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page45

enter the organization, a high task orientation by the manager is most appropriate. Subordinates must be instructed in their tasks and familiarised with the organisation's rules and procedures. At this stage a nondirective manager causes anxiety and confusion among new employees, however, a participatory employee relationship approach would also be inappropriateatthisstagebecausesubordinatescannotyetberegardedcolleagues.Thisstyleis calledthe"directing"or"telling"approachofleadership. As subordinates begin to learn their tasks, taskoriented management remains essential, as subordinates are not yet willing or able to accept full responsibility. However, the manager's trust in and support of subordinates can increase as the manager becomes familiar with subordinates and desires to encourage further efforts on their part. Thus, the manager may choose to initiate employeeoriented behaviours. This style is called "telling" or "coaching" approachtoleadership. Inthethirdphase(hereitisthe"participating"or"supporting"style)asthesubordinate'sability and achievement motivation are increased, and subordinates actively begin to seek greater responsibility. The manager will no longer need to be directive (in fact, close direction might be resented). However, the manager will continue to be supportive and considerate in order to strengthenthesubordinates'resolveforgreaterresponsibility. "Delegating" is the style that the manager follows in the final stage. Here, the manager can reduce the amount of support and encouragement as subordinates gradually become more confident, selfdirecting, and experienced. Subordinates are "on their own" and no longer need orexpectadirectiverelationshipwiththeirmanage.




The situational leadership theory has generated considerable interest because it recommends a leadership that is dynamic and flexible rather that static. The motivation, ability and experience of subordinate must be constantly assessed in order to determine which style combination would be most appropriate under flexible and changing conditions. If the style is appropriate it will not only motivate employeesbutalsohelpthemmovetowardsmaturity.Furtherthetheorygivesspecificattentionabout a task or a job to be done. Finally the theory is one of the more popular leadershiptraining models availabletoday. Criticism: 1) The theory requires that the leader be perspective enough to determine a subordinates maturitydevelopmentlevelonatask.Determiningmaturitylevelisdifficult. 2) Situational leadership like most contingency theories is heavily based on need for style flexibility. It is possible to change as subordinates mature. It is desirable that the leader are adaptablethereisastrongbeliefthisisnotpossible. Finally the theory assumes that the nature of the task being supervised is such that the leader can treat each employee in slightly difficult way. There is no doubt that this is a reasonable assumption in many cases but in practice can a leader exhibit different leadership styles where allmembersofthegroupperformthetasktogether.Thisquestionremainsunanswered. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORKING STYLE OF AN INDIAN MANAGER AND AN MNC MANAGER? Indianmanager Wisdom leadership is clear that some kind of spiritual anchorage is a common feature in the profile of all leaders. Some Indian leaders are more spiritual than others. JRD TATA did not believeinanyorganisedreligion.for himgodwasloveand hesawtheloveofgodinthe loveof thepeople. All those business leaders who had spiritual anchorage had their initiation in early childhood. Either the school or the family provided the necessary formal education in business ethics. All Indian business leaders lamented the deterioration of values in the present generation of managers. Even a business leader who himself is very sound ethically and subscribes to the Indian values, confessed that the moral standards of his next generation were not so good. Spiritual anchorage helps sustain a manager in the present prevailing turmoil is the common belief of the business leaders. the important thing is understanding the process of the working of this spirituality and religions narrated and experienced by these business leaders. Thisexperiencedsharingmaythrowsomelightonhowthispracticalwisdomworks. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page47 Thus viewed from conceptual and methodological perspective the theory remains intuitive appearingmodelthatstillrequiresempiricalsubstantiation.

Thefirststepintheprocessappearstobethesystemicconditioningofthemindagainstreckless avarice. This is the basic guideline for managing oneself against endless and uncontrolled desires.Thishelpsinsettinghigh(moral)goalbeforeaman. M.S khanna is a believer in the existence of a transcendental power influencing the life patterns of people. He pointed out a two sep process( as his mother had experienced ) of prayers and meditations. Suresh Krishna (chairman, Sundaram Fasteners Ltd) maintains that he is not a religious man. He states, I do spent an hour or so daily to go within myself, search for any disharmony and resolveitwithintegrityassoonaspossible. This is the process of deep meditation, when his selfreferes to the self. In such a self referral process, disharmonies are bound to be resolved. For such a self referral process one need not subscribetoanyreligiousfaith(dogmasorrituals)butfirmfaithingod.Thatiscosmicpower. Two other business leaders R.K Talwar (Former Chairman SBI and IDBI) and M S Verma (chairman SBI now retired also share their experience. both of them are religious by nature and spiritual in temperament. The Gita has been a guiding force in the case of Shri Talwar. One of themspokeofDivineInterventionandtheotherofdivinevoice. Letussharetheexperiencesofarastheprocessisconcerned.Theseare Firmfaithingod,firmfaithinwhatIdoandrationalityinaction. Sincerity,silenceandnopreference. FordevelopingAntarDrishtitherouteliesthroughMukhitaandAntarshuddiinthatorder. The other virtue, which comes close to integrity in the leaders profile, is moral values or ethics. All this goes to show the impact of religion and spiritualism in our business leaders. The third virtueintheprofileisleadingfromthefront.Amongstothervirtueshardwork,efficiency,honor , transparency , openness were mentioned by business leaders, and the army chief mentioned professionalcompetenceasanadditionalvirtue.

Westernmanagers. Lee Iacocca a business leader is amongst the top notches in the country , but others are not so wellknown.Lincolnisthegratesleaderthiscountryandperhapsthisworldhasyetknown. He was not a born king of men but a child of the common people who made himself a great persuader,thereforealeaderbydintoffirm,resolve,patienteffortanddoggedperseverance. His qualities include honesty, fairness, sincerity, truthfulness and straight forwardness. Sound moral principles and ethics were always part of his dealings . he always treated people the way hewouldwanttobetreatedthewayheknewotherswantedtobetreated. Hewascourageous.thelistcontinues. Page48


The qualities like aggressiveness, reasoning, analytical ability and individualism, which attributed to American culture, are singularly absent in the profile of Abraham Lincoln. These saintly virtues can be nothing but the dominance of Sattwa Gunas in the personality of Lincoln. Lincolnneverstayedintheivorytowers.Healwaysfollowedanopendoorpolicy.Hemanaged by wandering and was always visible. His leadership style was paternal. He nurtured and guided his sub ordinates much as parents do their children. To him organisation was like a family and theleaderwastheheadofthefamily. Life is always not going to be fair. This opens a window to the mindset that was working in him. Taking the profile first, Iacocca had a number do qualities important amongst them my be power of communication, positive thinking, hard work, strong belief in god, dignity of labour, materialistic outlook , courtesy , speed the press called him tough , demanding and lacking in compassion.Mostofthesequalitiesofthehead,whichatypicalwesternmangerinalllikehood is supposed to possess. Some of the qualities may at the first look appear to be queer in the present setting. It may be due to his being a son of immigrants parents or his upbringing in a happyfamilyorhisownhappy. Leading by example was the style of Iacocca leadership. He believed in the equality of sacrifice from the trade unions. In this area of decisionmaking, he consulted others but took his own decisions.Prioritisationwasthemethodofhisworking. Therehasbeenahistoricalsplitbetweenbodyandspiritsincethesixteenthcenturyinthewest. Intellect centered spirit science has held the stage and values / emotions centered spirit has been pushed back. Europe has perhaps lost touch with the inner world. The very word spirit is messy , dirty so it needs to be pushed back. Only those managers who had an exposure to managementbyhumanvalues:Indianinsightstalkedaboutvalues,emotionsandethicsetc.

Conclusion West is mainly on the practice and process of leadership whereas in the East the focus has always been asthequalitiesandcompetenceoftheleader,

IMPORTANCEOFLERNINGINORGANIZATIONS Learning is defined as a process where a living being experiences certain relationships between events and is able to recognize an association between events and as a consequence the subjects behaviour changes because of the experience. More simply, learning is the process of recognizinghowalivingbeingsactionchangesitsenvironment,otherbeingsactionsetc. Page49


Alllivingthingscanlearn.Therearetwobasicstagesoflearningnamely: Acquisition Maintenance. When an individual is first learning something, this is called the acquisition stage. This stage of learning is usually gradual. Once armed with new information, an individual will act on the new information when it is appropriate. This is known as the maintenance stage. Learning begins to plateauduringthemaintenancestage. Learning is the most powerful, engaging, rewarding and enjoyable aspect of our personal and collective experience. The ability to learn about learning and become masters of the learning processisthecriticalissueforthenextcentury. Too often our understanding of learning has been restricted by concepts of training of school/university experiences, or of a sense of inadequacy in meeting others expectations of what we should know. Learning is often seen as education and training and as unrelated to daily life and work. It is sometimes used as a way of unfairly discriminating between individuals throughsystemsofaccreditationwhichareoftenfelttobeunrelatedtorealneeds. The biggest missed opportunity for policy makers and leaders in organizations is the failure to capitalize on the collective learning ability of people. Organizational leaders need to harness relevant knowledge and experience so that the organization as a whole and the people who comprise it can learn more effectively. The same principle applies at community national and international levels. Every person, team and organization both survives and progress through theabilitytointernalizeandactuponthisfundamentaltruth. Themainobjectivesoflearningareasfollows: The primary objective of learning is to gain knowledge the knowledge of organizations, its policy,itsobjective,environment,mission,peopleandsoon. Secondly, learning helps to develop skills. One of the most commonly applied methods is training and development programme. Organizations have realized the importance of inhouse and outside training both at entry level and at different levels of employees career growth. Appliedknowledgeispower.Skillfacilitatesapplicationofknowledge. The longterm objective of learning is to create desirable changes in the organization. The entireobjectiveoforganizationallearningistocreatenecessarychange. Thenatureoflearning Learninghasanumberofkeyfacets: Learning is complex and various covering all softs of things such as knowledge, skills, insights, beliefs,values,attitudesandhabits. Learningisindividualandcanalsobecollectivelygeneratedingroupsandorganizations. Learningcanbetriggeredbyanyexperiencefailures,successesandanythinginbetween. Learningisbothaprocessandanoutcome. Learning may be incremental, adding cumulatively to what has previously been learned, or it an betransformational. Learningcanbeconsciousorunconscious. Learningcanbebothplannedandunplanned. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page50

Learningoutcomesmaybedesirableaswellasundesirable. Therecanbenolearningwithoutchange. Learningcanbeboththecauseofchangeandtheconsequenceofchange. Learninghasmoraldimension. Learning and choice links the past to the present and crates possibilities taking us from the knowntotheunknown. Learning for the future can give us options for sustainable development, clarity of vision, and thevaluesandthebehavioursneededtoachieveourpurpose.

There is no one right way to learn since a match is needed between diverse opportunities and learningstylepreferences. Whereas the learning process is essentially internal, making it explicit and sharing it with others adds valuetothelearning.Theeffectivenessofhowpeplelearncanbeimproved. Therearedifferenttypesoflearning,namely: Perceptuallearning:Itistheabilitytolearntorecognizestimulithathavebeenseenbefore.Its primary function is to identify and categorize objects and situations. Its includes changes within thesensorysystemsofthebrain. Stimulus response learning: It is the ability to learn to perform a particular behaviour when a certain stimulus is present. It also involves the establishment of connections between sensory systemsandmotorsystems.Itconsistsoftwotypes,namely: o Classicalconditioning: Classical conditioning is one way of learning. It is the ability to associate between two stimuli. The terms of Uncoditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response. Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response et. Re very commonly heard here. In an organization setting,. We can see classical commonly heard here. In an organization setting we can see classical conditioning operating Eg. At one manufacturing plant, every time the top executives from the head office would make a visit, the plant management would clean up the administrative offices and wash the windows. This went on for four years. Eventually employeeswouldturnontheirbestbehaviourandlookprimandproperwhenthewindows were cleaned even in those occasions when the cleaning was not paired with the visit from the top management. People had learnt to associate the cleaning of the windows with the visit from the head office. From the above cited example, it can be made out that the response given by the worker is a natural one, also called as a reflex. This reflex is dependentuponastimulusoravisitmadebythetopexecutive. o Instrumentalconditioning: A more complex form of learning is that of operant/instrumental conditioning. It stresses thatbehaviourisafunctionofitsconsequences.Behaviourislikelytoberepealedwhenthe consequences are favourable and viceversa. E.g. the boss assures his subordinates that he would be suitably compensated in the next performance appraisal, provided the employee works over time. However, when the evaluation time comes, the boss does not fulfill his assurance to his subordinates, though the latter did attend to overtime work. Next time the CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page51

subordinate coolly declines to work overtime when the boss requests. The behaviour of the employee is explained by operant conditioning.Thus, it can be rightly said as the ability to associate between a response and a stimulus. It allows an organism to adjust its behaviour according to the consequences of the behaviour. It includes reinforcement and punishment,whoisthepositiveandnegativeresponsetostimulusrespectively. Motorlearning Itistheestablishmentofchangeswithinthemotorsystem. Relationallearning Itinvolveslearningabouttherelationsamongmanystimuli. Spatiallearning Itinvolveslearningabouttherelationsamongmanystimuli. Episodiclearning Itinvolvesrememberingsequencesofeventsthatwewitness. Observationallearning Itincludeslearningbywatchingandimitationofotherpeople. Cognitivelearning It assumes that the organism learns the meaning of various objects and events, and that lerned responsesdependuponthemeaningassignedtothestimuli. Sociallearning It stresses upon the ability of an individual to learn by observing models (parents, teachers, peers, motion picture, bosses and others), they learn by observing their behaviour and consequenceoftheiractions. Thus these are the different ways of learning as seen in different organizations and a mans day to day life. WHATAREDIFFERENTMECHANISMSOFLEARNING? Learning is defined as a process where a living being experiences certain relationships between events and is able to recognize an association between events and as a consequence the subjects behaviour changes because of the experience. More simply, learning is the process of recognizinghowlivingbeingsactionchangesitsenvironment,otherbeingsactionsetc. Learningisacontinuousprocess,fromprebirthtthenextbirth.Itistheoutflowofexperience, values, morals, ethics etc. Thus learning is associated with accumulation of information, knowledge and its application regulating in wisdom. The Indian tradition believes that only the teacher can help a student to learn. The student is not expected to accept what the teacher conveys, but is expected to apply his mind and validate the lessons before accepting them. Conformityisnotexpected.Thusthemechanismoflearningistotallydifferentfromourcurrent practicesoflearning. Thedifferentmechanismsoflearningareasfollows: One learns through experience. Experience is known to be the best teacher as it has the real touchinit,oneexperiencesthetrialsandtribulationsoflifeandthenlearnstoresolvewithit.It isassimpleasthiswithoutgettingintothewater,onecannotlearnswimming.



Onecanlearnthroughassociation,assimilation,exploration,andsolutionofcorrectresponse. Basedonthisformshabitswhichultimatelyboilsdownalongwithourvaluestoformcharacter. Ones family, friends are also a major source from which one can learn. They are the ones who have given us values, culture, taught us principles and hence their teachings form an important sourceoflearning. Institutions like school, college etc. which inculcate values in young children also forms an importantsourceoflearning.TheteacherorguruisgiventhenextplaceofGodasheinstillsthe seedsofvirtuesintheyouthattheirmaturingstage. Atma manthan (Introspection) is also a source of learning because it gives a chance to an individual to search within himself what are his core competencies, values, what are his strengths, self realization makes a man realize his inner consciousness and helps to deal with emotions and accept the positive aspects of life. Learning is based on selfacceptability and it is throughintrospectiononeknowswhattoacceptandwhatnottoaccept. Mana Vrat (silence) it is a search within oneself, which, helps to realize selfexcellence which leadstoselfpurification. Dhyana (meditation) opens access to unlimited knowledge within. The source of personal learningcomesfromwithinandmeditationprovidesamediumtoit. Oursocialinstitutionslikechurches,templesetc.,whichprovidethesourceofspirituallearning actsasguidestoduty. Thus,thesearethemechanismsoflearning. GURUKUL Guru refers to the teacher or the master. Kul refers to his domain. It also means the one who can carry on the new generation Gurukul is an ancient Indian concept of education whereintheparticipantimbibedknowledgebyresidingwithhisteacherasapartofhisfamily. Indian has been known as the Land of Gurus and Gurukuls. The Guru was more than merely a teacher.Hewasafather,aguideandarolemodelforallthestudents. The students of the Gurukul lived a life of tutelage and obedience. They would leave their homes and their loved ones and come and live at the Gurukul for years to learn the lessons of lifefromtheirguru. Life at the Gurukul was tough but at the end of their training, the students emerged as responsible individuals that were well learned and capable of facing the toughest challenge of life. THEGURU Guru means the one who can play the role of friend, Philosopher and Guide. Guru, who brighten up the five rooms of our life those are: social, economical, mental, political and religious. Like the same way we can explain mud made by GOD, but water jug made by potter, same way our physical body maker are our biological parents, like GOD but our life makers are ourGURUSwhogiveusparticularturn,shapetoourlife,justlikeapotter. GURKULSYSTEMOFEDUCATIONINDIA CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page53

Education in India has always been regarded as one of the basic inputs in human resource development. In the ancient days, the Gurukul system of education was prevalent. The teacher was the Guru and the disciple was the Sisya. The disciples lived in the Gurus aashram during the course of their training and in turn offered their services to the ashram. This period of learningof,about12years,wasconsideredasagreatsacrificeorapenance.TheGuruidentified the capability of his Sishya and accordingly imparted knowledge. The sishyas learnt amidst the naturalsurroundingsoftheashram,inopenair,inclosecontactwithnature. At the end of their training, the disciples thanked their Gurus with a gift in the form of a gurudakshinawhichliterallymeansofferingtotheGuru. ExamplesofrecentGurukuls Shantiniketn Kalakshetra Nalanda GURUSISYAEXAMPLESFROMOUREPICSANDMYTHOLOGY To illustrate by examples from Mahabharata, the contrast in the learning processes through which Eklavya, Arjuna and Abhimanyu acquired their knowledge brings out the essentials of the relationship. Eklavya acquired his knowledge through an impersonal guru, while Arjuna under thelovingcareandaffectionofhisguru,andAbhimanyuthroughamediumhismother.Inthe lastcase,thefailureofthemediumrenderedthelearningprocessincomplete. The gurus exhalted position and the necessity of his continued supervision in rendering guidance through the learning process best brought out by examples. Even in Ramayana, King Dasrath reluctantly entrusts Ram and Lakshman to the care of sage Vishwamitra so that they couldlearnfromthesage. The gurus position in indispensable and going by Avadhoots example, a guru can both be impersonal and inanimate. It is the guru who any study of the gurushishya parampara would be incomplete without allusion to the Bhagavadgita. Three references to the Gita which highlighttheheistvaluesofthegurushishyaparmparaare: Theexaltedpositionoftheguruinthepramparaisbestbroughtoutby: GuruBrahma,GuruVishnu,GurDevoMaheswara GuruSakshatParaBrahma,ThasmayeShriGuruveNamaha ADVANTAGESOFGURUKULSYSTEMOFLEARNING Intheoldendays: As it was the only system of learning known in India at the time, most of the shishyas gained theireducationthroughthismedium. Itwastheonlyformofeducationknownthen. Theshishyasreceivedknowledgeinallsubjects. Theygotapracticalandindepthlookintolife. Childrenfromallclassesofsocietylivedunderthegurukulroofasbrothers. Alongwithpracticalknowledgetheyalsoreceivedknowledgeonvariousaspectsoflife. Theyaretaughtimpeccablemannersandvaluesthatlifeisbasedon. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page54

Theyweremainlytaughtrespectforelders,mother,fatherandmainlyteacher. Thechildrenweretaughttolivewithmeagermaterialthingsandnofancy,pretentiousobject. Thegurukulwasacomprehensivelearningcenter. Theywerealsotaughtskillslikesinging,dancing,arching,fightingetc. Theyweretaughtinopenairi.e.mainlyinjungles,fieldsorintheshadebelowaspreadingtree. They were learning in a nonpolluted atmosphere as a result of which the children remained freshandgraspedeverythingmoreeasily. Atpresent: Though not many gurukul are seen in present, a need is felt to have this amazing system of learningintodayscorruptworld. The children today are losing touch of our values and culture, which can be imbibed at an early ageandcanbedonethroughgurukuls. Manyskillscanbetaughttotheshishyasinthegurukulslikearching,classicalmusicetc. Thechildrencanlearninapollutionfreeenvironment. Thechildren canbegiven amorepracticalandrealisticapproach toliferatherthanjustbookish knowledge. Thechildrenoftodaywhoarestarvedforrolemodelsmayfindoneinformoftheirgurus. DISADVANTAGESOFTHEGURUKULSYSTEM: Intheoldendays: The children had to stay away from home for long periods of time, i.e. for more than 12 years. Hencewhenthechildrenreturnedthefeltlostintherealworld. Theywerekeptawayfromtheirparentsandfamily. Theyledashelteredlifeatthegurukul. Theydidnotfacetheharshrealitiesofeverydaylifeatthegurukul. Theyhadtoblindlyfollowtheguruinallaspectswhetherhewasrightorwrong. Atpresent: Itsanoutdatedsystemoflearningthatiswaytoobehindfortodaysjetage. Thechildrenoftodaywouldhaverespectneitherforthegurunorforthegurukul. Theskillstaughtinthegurukulwouldnotarmthechildrenoftodayforthepresentlife. Peoplewouldscoffattheideologiesandteachingthatareofferedthegurukulsofyesteryears. MODERNDAYGURUANDGURUKUL An ideal modern day Gurukul is an environment free of caste restrictions, conventional examinations and textbooks, fostering discipline and selfreliance. It offers an atmosphere of serenity and intellectual growth in which a students questioning nature is never satisfied. A respectfornatureand theenvironment,patriotism, andthevalueofsimplelivingarejustsome ofthevaluesinstilled. There are many advantages and disadvantages of Gurukul system of education. However theres Bengali proverb, gancai noale vas, mas korbe tans tas_; When the bamboo is green, you can bend it, but when it is yellow, dried, it will crack. So education begins from the very CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page55

chil;dhood.ThereforeaGurukulisrequired.ItdoesntrequirehowmuchhehaslearnedABCD andgrammar.Gurukulsystemwillfirstemphasizeoncharacter. OnlybythegraceoftheGurucanthediscipleattaintheFinalLiberation. 1. AncientEducationSysteminIndia THESYSTEM: In the ancient days, the Gurukul system of education was prevalent. The teacher was the Guru and the disciple was the Sishya. The disciples lived in the Gurus aashram during the course of their training and in turn offered their services to the ashram. This period of learning of about 12 years, was considered as a great sacrifice or a penance. The Guru identified the capability of this Sishya and accordingly imparted knowledge. The sishyas learnt amidst the naturalsurroundingsoftheashraminopen air,inclosecontactwithnature. The present system of education is formulated by the government appointed educationists committee and the education ministers, the students attend school or college and stay at hometherestofthetimethereisnothinglike a sacrifice for education hence at times it is not taken in all its seriousness, though there are some boarding schools still prevalent. According t the grade that they are in as per theiragetheyaretaughtthefixedcurriculumit is not imparted as per his caliber instead he is supposed to have the caliber as per his age t graspthefixedcurriculum.Alsotheyretaught in classrooms and only sometimes taken into natureforpicnicsortours. Todayallgotoschoolsopenforcommonpublic there are no more many existent kings. Leaving out a few exceptional schools and families. Today its pay for education. Fees are collected by institutions or schools or colleges out of which salaries are paid to the teachers. The holiness of the whole meaning of gurudakshinaisgone. Today for each grade there is a fixed syllabus. Mostly concerning on material studies and encompassing mathematics, medicine, geography, history, economics, arts and crafts and languages and literature which is all introduced to the student in school and then left on to the student to decide his own line of Page56 Presentsystemofeducation


The Kings sent their Princes to Gurus for training. At the end of their training, the disciples thanked their Gurus with a gift in the form of gurudakshina which literally meansofferingtotheGuru.


SYLLABUS There was no fixed syllabus. The main purpose of this learning was to preserve the Vedas and guard them from non Brahmins. Besides religious texts, students in the ancient universities learnt about Ayurveda (Medicine), Ganita (Mathematics), Arthashatra (Political


Science), Jyotisha (Astrology, Vykarna interest and pursue it further. Further studies (Grammar), Shilpasana Vidya (Art and arebasedonhisgradesandaptitude. Crafts),andAdyatmaVidya(Philosophy). 4. The main objective of education are the The main objective is to prepare the student ot development of personality of an face the world in any circumstances and make individual, building his outlook / character hisliving. to help him prepare to face the challenges ofthelifeaheadofhim. Direct contact with teachers of noble yet simplecharactercreatefruitfulimpressions upon the students mind during his stay in thegurukul. Direct contact to teachers possible only for a few hours after class. Except for what the teacher teaches in class there is no other times when a teacher can leave any other kind of impressiononthestudentsmind. In modern times much time is diverted in watching TV, parties and other such activities. Also actual learning happens by the students only in class or when he actually sits down, wit hisbookstoreachbeforehisexams.Ingurukul the student devotes all his time and energy to studiesandotherbeneficialactivities. Admissionsareopentoall.



The tranquil atmosphere in the gurukul certainly creates a beneficial affect on the minds of the young students. Also ancient traditions and culture can be well preserved by imparting such education in thegurukuls.


ADMISSIONS: Gurukul was never open to the majority of masses. About 85 to 90 percent of population was outside the pale of Gurukuls. Only the 15 percent population wasbeingcateredbyGurukuls.

Theysometimeshappen basedoncertainscore insomeentranceexamsoronpreviouslypassed examination grades, personal aptitude of student and family backgrounds judged Only the boys were admitted and not the throughinterviews. girls. There were no criteria for admission Thoughtherestillexistsonlygirlsandonlyboys apart from the caste and whims and schools. fancies of the teacher. Examples of denial of admission to very meritorious candidatesonthebasisofcasteareseen.



Propagations of Gurukul system seem to Selection of the teachers in each of the present beverysurethatteachersselectedwereof education institutes is done based on their high caliber in knowledge and character. qualifications and no caste discrimination is Page57


Each and every person by virtue of being involved. Only in certain institutions teachers born as a Brahmin had a inherent right to reside in the campus or else only the principal be a teacher. Hew could open an ashram livesoncampusallothersliveoutside. and take pupils as and when he likes. And he could give certificate of completion of studiesasandwhenhechooses. He was not bound by any law of land nor anyconversionofteachersbody. Most of the gurukuls were single teacher residential ones free from any royal or academiccontrol. ROLEOFGURUSHISHYAPARAMPARAINMODERNINDIANBUSINESSES

TraditionallyandconventionallyIndianBusinesseshaveoperatedlikeafamily.Inatypicalfamily modelthereexistsapatriarchafatherfigureormatriarchamotherfigurewhoactsaguru (mentor)treatingallothersasshishyas(mentees). Thispositionisadoptedonthebasisoftraditionalstrengthinbusinessacquiredbythepatriarch asaresultofwhomhe/sheknowslifemorethanjusttheordinary.Intherecentpostliberalized India, businesses including family businesses were subjected Western influences of management styles and Western Management success factors. These were predominantly task oriented.Tangiblesmatteredmorethanintangibles. ThehallmarkoftheGuruShishyarelationistheimplicitTrustwhichtheShishyahasonhisGuru, A Trust that emerges from the faith that the Guru knows what is best for me in line with my Personality. He will lead me to Transformation. He is a form of the Creator who has come into lifetoredeemmefromtheentrapmentsofthematerialworld In a typical business, those employees who stick on in an organization over a period of time, understand the overall vision/mission of the organization, is spite of the inconsistencies. Such employees have a deeper meaningfulness towards their Roles and Goals. They are committed and seek more guidance and look up to someone who could act as a Mentor/Coach. Usually they get attracted to seniors with whom they have Valuecongruence and with whom they have established Comfort Zone. By default, they get a Mentor/Coach. The Mentor as a result, also acts like a spiritual guide of sorts, guiding and protecting the Mentee from the vagaries of Corporatejungle. The commonality between the GuruShishya and MentorMentee relationship is that both are based on mutual Trust and Comfort Zone. The differences are quite a few. While the former is based on a rigorous path, the latter is a relatively easier path. Moreover the end purpose of the MentorMentee is restricted to Corporate Ethics/Goal achievement, while GuruShishya Page58


relationship has a wider implication, goes beyond the Corporate requirements into Self transformationoftheIndividualwithnoselfishagendaonbehalfoftheGuru. Although in traditional Indian (familyrun) businesses we had the patriarch acting as a guide to all his employees, in modern Indian business which is professionalizing, we have a combination oftheoldmethodandthenewone. ROLEOFSRUTHIANDSMRITIINTHEINDIANLEARNINGPROCESS Hindu religious literature, the most ancient writings in the world, is of two types: primary scriptures (Sruti) and secondary scriptures (Smriti). The Sruti scriptures are of divine origin, whose truths were directly revealed to ancient rishis (sages) in their deep meditations. The Smriti scriptures are of human origin and were written to explain the Sruti writings and make them understandable and meaningful to the general population. Sruti scriptures include the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sma and Atharva) and the Bhagavad Gt, and constitute the highest religiousauthorityinHindureligion.Smritiscripturesincludefivedistinctgroupsofwritings: Itihsas(HistoryorEpics) Purnas(Mythology) DharmaShstrasLawCodes gamas&TantrasSectarianScriptures. DarshanasManualsofPhilosophy TraditionalIndianlearningprocesshasemergedformthetwinpracticesofShrutiandSmriti,i.e. Listening and Contemplation, the very basics of effective communication. The various scriptures have come down to modern through the process of these two methods. The various complex Truths of the world have been passed down form mouthtoear in an encrypted form Shlokas.Thesehaveabasicmeaningandseverallevelsofdeepermeanings. Insteadofwritingthem,theyweretoldverbally. When we listen we have both subjective aspect and objective aspect to the listening, (while when we read a written matter, the subjective aspect is most predominant). So each individual starts interpreting both subjectively and objectively in his own unique manner. There are discussionsanddebatesandpointofviewswhichresultingoing deeperlevelsofunderstanding thehiddensecretsthroughSmritithatiscontemplation. Everyone thus goes through the alternating cycle of Shruti and Smriti continuously like a communicationloop. It ensures that the learner identifies the subjectivity of his understanding and separates it form theobjectivityofhisunderstanding,therebytheissuefromthepersonality



In corporate world today there is an emphasis on Communication, especially effective listening. Many senior managers in spite of being successful seem to be poor listeners. Many a time, Corporate Communication has different interpretations with various managers. The cultivation ofShruti&Smritimethodsisveryusefulinthesecontexts.InfactCorporateTrainingisincluding such modules involving, reading, listening and contemplation Cases, more to develop soft skills thananalyticalskills.


There is a general tendency to believe that motivatin is a personal trait of every individual. Somepeoplehaveitandtheothersdont.Inpractice,somearelabeledtobelazybecausethey do not display on outward sign of motivation. However, individuals differ in their basic motivational drives. It also depends upon their areas of interest. The concept of motivation is situationalanditslevelvariesbetweendifferentindividuals,atdifferenttimes. Productivity is defined as the output / input for an organization. Basically, it means the level of outputyouareabletogenerategiveninputsandyourconstraints.

DEFININGMOTIVATIONINMANAGEMENT Motivation is to inspire people to work, individually or in groups such as to produce the best of results. It is the will to act by exerting high level of efforts towards achieving organizational goals, conditioned by smart and efficient working and the ability to satisfy some individual needs. Motivationis,gettingsomebodytodosomethingbecausetheywanttodoit.Itisonceassumed that motivation had to be injected from outside, but it is now understood that everyone is motivatedbyseveraldifferingforces. Motivation is a general term applied to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes and similarforces.Tosaythat managersmotivate theirsubordinates istosaythat theyact insuch a manner so as to satisfy drives and desires and induce the subordinates to act in a desired manner. To motivate others, is the most important of management tasks. It comprises the abilities to communicate, to set an example, to challenge, to encourage, to obtain feedback, to involve, to delegate,todevelopandtraintoinform,tobrieftoprovideajustreward. LINKBETWEENMOTIVATION&PRODUCTIVITY There exists a direct link between motivation and productivity. If we look at the meaning of Motivation and Productivity, it is evident that motivation is a means to achieve higher productivity. Motivated employees automatically are more productive. They are more satisfied withtheirjobandgrowalongwiththeorganization. WESTERNPHILOSOPHYONMOTIVATION William G. Scott defines motivation as a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals. Motivating refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations and strivingforgoalsneedsdirectcontrolofbehaviorofhumanbeingsaccordingtoD.E.McFarland. Thustomotivateistoinducepeopletoactinadesiredmanner. Inwesternphilosophy,therefore,thereismorestressonexternalmotivation. INDIAN(VEDANTIC)APPROACHTOMOTIVATION InIndianphilosophy,motivationisnotsomethingexternal.Itisratherinternal.Infact,Bhagwad Gita is a story of motivation. Arjuna was motivated from the very beginning but he lost his motivationduetosomeobstacles,hurdlesandconfusioninhismind.Allthatwasrequiredwas to remove these obstacles only. Thus, removing obstacles during the performance of a job is motivationinIndianphilosophy. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page61

Similarly,everysoulisdivine,havingimmensepotentialities.Managementhasonlytobringout that potentiality by removing the obstacles and hurdles which restrict him to perform. Such motivation involves the inner beauty and does not promote any greed in an individual to have more and more in return of his work As work itself is viewed in a unique way in Indian Philosophy. LordKrishnamotivatedArjunasuccessfullybythistechnique.InthebeginningArjunasaysIwill notfightandattheendhesaysIwilldowhatyousay.Arjunawasnotofferedanypositionetc. forthisbutalltheobstacleshavebeenremoved.Motivated hewasfromthe beginningheonly requiredsomeofhisdoubtscleared.

TheGitashowsthefiveclearstagesofmotivation 1. Patient Listening When Lord Krishna did not interrupt Arjuna and gave patient listening when Arjunaputforthhisproblems. 2. PuttingStressongoodpoints/strengthwhileremovingArjunasdoubts. 3. DiscussingonintellectuallevelShowingtheessenceofKarma/Duty. 4. Showingtheactionplantoachievethegoal. 5. Discussingtheconsequencesofproposedactualplan. Apartfromthestepsdiscussesabove,Indianethoshighlightstwoveryimportantfactorsinmotivation: 1. The importance of being an acharya In Sanskrit a teacher is called acahrya i.e. he who teaches others by practicing the ideals himself. In India common men expect the leader to be uncommon, a better person than themselves. So a leader or a manager can motivate people moreifhehimselflivesuptotheidealshespeaksof. 2. The concept of divinity of man that is, how the motivator should look at himself and at others. The significance is: everyone has got both good and weak sides, but harping on ones weak point will not solve the problem. Rather, highlight his strong or good aspects; it will help him in the right direction. Stressing on this aspect you can boost him and this can make him more productive which in turn will help the organization and the society. A human being has unlimitedpotentialforpersonalgrowthbecauseheorsheispotentiallydivine. ThusBhagwadGitateacheshowtomotivatetheindividualfromwithin. MASLOWSTHEORYOFMOTIVATION&THECOMPARATIVEINDIANNEEDSHIERARCHY One of the most widely mentioned theories of motivation is the hierarchy of needs theory put forth by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow saw human needs in the form of a hierarchy, ascending from thelowesttothehighest,andheconcludedthatwhenonesetofneedsissatisfied,thesekindsofneeds casestomotivate. Asperhistheoryneedsare: 1) Physiological needs These are important needs for sustaining human life. Food, water, warmth, shelter, sleep, medicine and education are the basic physiological needs which fall in the primary list of need satisfaction. Maslow was an opinion that until these needs were satisfiedtoadegreetomaintainlife,noothermotivatingfactorscanwork. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page62


SecurityorSafetyneedsThesearetheneedstobefreefromthephysicaldangerssuchasthe fear f losing a job, property, food or shelter. It also includes protection against any emotional harm.

Social needs Since people are social beings, they long for societal acceptation. People try to satisfytheirneedsforaffection,acceptanceandfriendship. 4) Esteem needs According to Maslow, one people begin to satisfy their social needs, they want to be held in esteem both by themselves and by others. This kind of need produces such satisfaction as power, prestige, status and self confidence. It includes both internal esteem factors like selfrespect, autonomy, achievements, and external esteem factors such as status, recognitionandattention. 5) Need for selfactualization Maslow regards this as the highest need in his hierarchy. It is the drive to become what one is capable of becoming; it includes growth, achieving ones potential andselffulfillment.Itistomaximizeonespotentialandtoaccomplishsomething. As each of these needs are substantially satisfied, the next need becomes dominant. From the standpoint of motivation the theory would say that although no need is ever fully gratified, a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates. So if you want to motivate someone, you need to understand what level of the hierarchy that person is on and focus on satisfying those needs orneedsabovethatlevel. Maslows need theory has received wide wide recognition, particularly among practicing managers. This can be attributed to the theorys intuitive logic and ease of understanding. However,researchdoesnotvalidatethesetheories. Maslow provided no empirical evidence and other several studies that sought to validate the theoryfoundnosupportforit. Maslowsmotivationframeworkemphasizesthreebasicpremises: 1) Manalwayswantsandhewantsmore. 2) A satisfied need can never be a motivator of human behavior. Only needs not yet satisfied can influencehisbehavior. 3) Mans needs are arranged in a hierarchy of importance i.e. in a series of preference. Once a lowerlevelneedissatisfied,anotherhigherlevelneedemergesanddemandssatisfaction. INDIAN(VEDANTIC)PERSPECTIVEONNEEDSHIERARCHY AccordingtoVedantaPhilosophy,needsfallinto3categories: Desire/NeedforExistence(SAT) This desire / need includes physiological, safety and security needs given by Maslow. Vedanta describes this need in its unique way. There is very strong desire in man to perpetuate his existence. This is a Natural Desire. Lif is dearest to everybody. Man has a long agenda to be accomplished. All the means ofsecurity good job, good salary, safety that he surrounds himself withshelter,comforts,etc.areallwithaviewtocontinuelifeasmuchaspossible. But at the same time everybody knows that he or she will die one day. There is a feeling in everyoneofusthatifthebodydoesnotremain,letmynameremain.Thisdesirerepresentsthe love for life or immortality or existence in Indian Philosophy. The man works for satisfying this desire. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page63


Hence managementisrequiredtoprovideforallthebasicnecessitiesoflife,safetyandsecurity which are described as existence need / desire in Vedanta philosophy to motive the employees fordesiredaction. DesireforKnowledge(CHIT) We do want to know about everything that is happening in the world. Nobody can stand ignorance. This love for knowledge in all of us is also Natural Desire. Thus after existence, knowledge is another thing that a man is seeking. The manner in which a man pursues knowledge differs from person to person but the desire is very strong in everybody. Hence the employees want to know about all the things that affect them, their jobs, their working conditions, etc. They would also like to know about the new things happening in their areas of activities. For this management should provide all the necessary information about not only its own organization, its plans, policies, programs etc. to the employees and keep them informed about the happenings in the firm but also give them opportunities to develop themselves to expand their knowledge in their respective areas. Thus it can prove a very powerful means for motivation. Eg. At Vikram Ispat, the Steel Manufacturing Associations (SMA) Publications are distributed to employees on a regular basis to provide a holistic view of Industry happenings. At Tata Steel, Management has gone a step further and besides SMA Journals, they also have an inhouse publication to inform employees about the latest developments within the organization. These journals give employees a greater understanding of their environment and make them more secureandawareoftheirroleintheorganization. A young boy, Nachiketa, is given 3 boons by Yama (the Lord of Death) when it is time for him to die.Forthe3rdboon,heasksforknowledgeoftheselfintheface ofdeath.Yamatriestoentice him away from this demand by offering him every material boon, such as sons, grandsons, elephants,gold,land,beautifulwomen,andsoon. However, the youthfgul Nachiketa rejects them all, and firmly declares Navittena tarpaniyo manushyo, i.e. Wealth etc. can never satisfy man. (Scene 1: The Nachiketa Yam Dialogue of Kathopanishad) DesireforHappiness(ANANDA) Thethirdpursuitinlifeistogainhappiness.AccordingtoVedantaPhilosophy,mansbasicdesire is to attain happiness and avoid unhappiness. The desire for happiness is implied even in desire for existence and knowledge. By continuing his existence longer and by getting knowledge, the manwantstobehappy. For getting happiness which is the ultimate end of the satisfaction of all needs and desires themandoes4kindsofefforts(Purusharthas)accordingtoVedanddaPhilosophy. Dharma Artha Kama Moksha Rectitude & Money & Desires & Liberation CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page64

Righteousness Wealth Needs of the Spiritual Core

TheseculargoalsofArthaandKamaareintegratedintothemodelwithintheboundsofDharma or ethicomoral propriety and moskaha or liberation of the inner spiritcore. Positive and moderninterpretersofthissystemview,likeVivekanandasumupthemessagepithily:Everyact is a spiritual prayer, every step is a pilgrimage. To put it in another way, the key task of management in any secular aspect of life is to transform and elevate it into a sacred process. Otherwise, secular life is subject to entropic degeneration under cover of exterior gloss. Simple Living,HighThinkingisexiledanditsplacedbyComplexLiving,LowThinking. Dharma(EffortstosatisfyArthaandKamageneratedwantsethically) Dharma is the first element in the scheme of Purusharthas. In its abstract conception, it means theunderlyingfundamentallowofonesbeing,thatwhichholdsathingtogether,makesitwhat it is, prevents it from breaking and changing into something else. The purpose of Dharma is stability of society, maintenance of social order and generl welfare of mankind. Dharma is Sadhya as well as Sadan, i.e. The means to achieve the remaining phases of Purusharthas (Artha, Kama and Moksha) and also it is an end in itself. This is a unique characteristic of Dharma. Artha(Effortsforgettingnecessitiesoflife) The first thing a man will try to get in his life are food, clothing and shelter. These are the basic necessities of life for his existence. For getting them fulfilled, the man works and gets money through which he can satisfy his basic needs. Apart from this, a man wants to acquire various things that he does not possess and also wants to protect those things that he already possess. Thesearethedesiresfeltatphysiologicallevel. Kama(Effortsformentalsatisfaction): Whenphysicalneedsaresatisfied,therearisestheneedofthemind,desireformentalpleasure, desire for satisfaction of mind. This is described as Kama in Indian Philosophy. It is basically delightincreativityandcreativityisrootedinhumannature. Moksha(Effortsforeternalhappiness): The fourth and the last of the Purusharthas is Moksha. It is the Param Purushartha, i.e. it is not mundane, it is purely spiritual in nature. It is such a stage where the soul is no longer subject to the effects of Karma and is freed from the possibilities of its taking further bodies in future lives onaccountoftheconsequencesofsuchkarma.ItisdescribedinVedantaaslimitlesshappiness. No gain in the world can satisfy this requirement because every worldly gain is limited. This quest of mankind is placed at the highest level of needs. It requires the consideration in motivating personnel, because there must be some people in every organization whoa re thinkinginthisdirection. Maslow describes his need hierarchy theory and goes upto the level of Self Actualization need. Though Maslow also explained later on Transcendence of Ego Self, Selfishness, EgoCentering, et.Whenwerespondtothedemandcharacterofexternaltask,causes,duties,responsibilities towards others and the world of reality, Vedanta Philosophy goes one step ahead and states a Page65






need for achieving limitless happiness. It further states that this is a natural desire as physiological needs are and every natural desire in this universe does have a solution. Eg. Hunger and thirst are natural desires, so food and water are provided by nature. Breathing is alsoanaturalrequirement,forwhichairhasbeenprovided. Thus we have seen that Purushartha is the satisfaction of the whole man. It is the integrated pursuitofvaluesinhumanlifetheethical(Dharma),economic(Artha),,Sensual(Kama)anthe spiritual(Moksha).ManshouldnotpracticeDharma,Kama&Arthaexclusivelybutallthethree must be used in harmonious way. First part of the day must be Dharma, second part for economicactivities(Artha)andthethirdpart(night)forKama.

LEADERSHIPSTYLES,HUMANTOUCHANDJOBSECURITYASMOTIVATORS Keeping in mind the different situations and people that one has to manage in the corporate world, the Vedasdescribedfourdifferentleadershipstylesasshownbelow. Sam,Daam,Dand,BhedPhilosophy LetusfirstunderstandwhatdothewordsSaamDaamDandBhedmean. Saam:thepolicyofgettingworkdonethroughbrotherhood. Daam:thepolicyofgettingworkdonethroughmoney. Dand:thepolicyofgettingworkdonethroughpunishment. Bhed:thepolicyofgettingworkdonethroughcreatingdifferences. InGita,LordKrishnatalksaboutthreetypesofpeople: TheTamasicsarethosewhodonthavevision,lessintellect,lesscapableanddontwanttotake responsibilities. For them, the management strategy should be Dand (stick/strict order) so that theydeveloptherightattitude.E.g.BheemaintheMahabharatha. The Rajasics are those who want to take responsibilities at work and are more capable but looking for right returns. They are in the majority. They should be managed by Daam or attractions/incentives. Theyarethe notthe mostresponsibletypesand thusjobsecurityneeds tobearound.Iftheyperformwellhumantouchshouldbedisplayed. As they become more mature, time comes when job insecurity levels can be decreased and managementshouldbebyassociatingtheminthedecisionmakingprocess.Tryingtoincentivise everything with this group of people can back fire, for, they are looking for recognition. Eg. NakulaandSahadeva. The Satvisk are highly intellectual and are visionaries. These people should be treated with Bed, i.e.,treatingdifferentlyfromothersbydelegatingpowers. They would be most productive with least job security and perhaps even without any extra display of human concern. They need to be left alone and trusted completely. Management by delegationworkswonderswiththem.E.g.ArjunaandYudhishtira. Our PSUs are known to be full of Tamas and to make them efficient and hardworking will require the approachofDand. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page66

Lord Krishna in the best example of how these four leadership strategies can be effectively implemented by one single person keeping in mind the changing circumstances. That is why he is not only known as theorchestratorofMahabharatabutalsoGodofLove. As said in the lighter note, Lord Krishna had two great qualities which leaders in general dont have he knewhowtodanceandhowtomakeothersdance.

o ORGANIZATIONS, INSTITUTIONS AS WELL AS NATIONS ARE LIVING ENTITIES HAVING COLLECTIVECONSCIOUSHEARTANDMIND:ELUCIDATE. Management and organizations are now recognized as living entities. They have mind, heart and soul. They have their own distinct dharma. They are bound to nature ecological, human, ethical and moral values,. Which determine their public image. Dharma means right through, rightspeech,rightactionandrightbehaviour. The citizens and government all over the world are demanding quality enhancement of peoples living environment. Management must maximize life quality but also the quality of work. All living things are related to one another. They are also related to their physical environment or nature. Organizations, institutions as well as nations comprise of human beings, nature and environment and all these are interrelated to each other. If we harm one, the other two will have an impact. Holism means oneness. The unity or oneness demands social responsibility, socialawarenessandsocialresponsivenessofmanagementtosociety. An enterprise must interact with and live in as a responsible enlightened citizen in the society. Inageoffastchangingandturbulentenvironmentproactivemanagementisdemandedtomeet challengesofchangeinthesociety,throughwisdom,leadership,andlearningorganization. Page67


EachorganizationandmanagementisconsideredbyIndianethosasalivingentity,havingheart and soul and dharma. The traits of dharma or integrity. E.g. Courage, Self Discipline, Goodness, Righteousness and all other essential human and ethical values constitute the character (collectivecharacter)ofmanagementororganization,justastheyareofindividualcharacter. All the human beings follow their own dharma. They have their heart, mind and soul with their ownopinions,values,ethosthatconstituteanorganization,instituteandsoonhencerepresent livingentity. Soul less company has no life. The spirit is the root or ultimate source of all values and character.Thesevaluesandcharacteraretheinvaluableassetsofthecredibilityandgoodwillof individuals,organizationandmanagement. Thedharmaofthechairmanorpresidentofacompanyisdifferentfromthedharmaofaclerkin the office. They are in different places in life. They have different roles, duties and responsibilities. The corporate/organizationcultureandcharactergoverntheirimage,credibilityandgoodwillin themarketandwehaveprofitability,harmonyandprosperity. HOW DID THE VIOLATION OF ETHICAL VALUES AND HUMAN RIGHTS LEAD TO ECOLOGICAL DEGRADATION? In todays world, if we talk about ethical values, we may say that to be ethical is not to harm anybody for our benefit and only earn through righteous means. But we hardly find all of us includingthebusinessfollowingthesevalues. Almost all of us are on the verge of disturbing and harming environment for our own benefits and advancements. We are always ready to violate all the laws and human rights to make moneyforourownselves. Wehaveseenpeoplemakingbusinessoutofcuttingtreestoacquirewoodformakingfurniture and also cutting of trees to build highways for better motorization. Nonetheless these people forget that cutting trees would definitely benefit them, but what about the increasing pollution it would cause. This is where they forget about the ethical values. If exploitation of one person byanotherpersonisnowconsideredunethical,wecannotjustifyexploitationofearthmerelyto satisfygreedandnotneed. We dont think while dumping the wast garbage in the nearby river or land in order to keep our house clean. But what about the hometown in which we live. The water is thus contaminated thuscausinghealthhazardstothousandsoflives. The government very well wanted to build a dam across Narmada River which would mean a destruction of forests and displacement of large number of tribals. This violation of ethic would leadtoecologicaldegradationaswellwouldharmthehumanlife. Organizations find themselves out of the competition if they resort to ethics and hence would startdestroyingtheenvironmentandsavingthemselvesofthecorrespondingcosts.

The above example illustrates how the violation of human ethical values leads to environmental degradation. Not to forget the killing of animals for making leather, wool, for coats etc Who has given ustherighttokillanotherlivingbeing.Isthisnottheviolationofhumanrights? CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page68

HOW DOES THE MODEL OF SELFSUFFICIENT VILLAGES BEAR RELEVANCE IN THE PRESENT ECOLOGICALLYDEGRADEDSCENARIO? Nature has been a gift for mankind. Right from the start of creation it has been a good companion to manbutmanforhisownbenefitshavemadealterationsinitsmakeupintheformofbridges,damsetc. which has spoiled its balance. Today we find Mother Earth suffering and that is because of we humans. Everythingwasmadeavailablebynaturetous. If we look at the Indian village, they were selfsufficient in all aspects. The farmer grew foodgrains, which were made available to all the people in the village. There were potters and other artisans who made pots and other things and exchanged them for foodgrins with the farmers.The majorreasonbehindallthiswasnatureofthepeople.Theywere happywithwhat theyhadandneverdemandedforanythingmore. Our Indian history had stated that even Kings like Maurya, Asokaetc. took care of their subjects and fulfilled their needs. Socialism was of this kind them. But with the rise in desire we find factoriescomingin,damsbeingbuilt,nuclearweaponsproducedetc. Wefindpollutionbeingcreated,cuttingdownoftrees,increaseinpopulation thusstrainingthe availableresources,thusreducingournaturalresourcesandevenburdeningthecivicamenities. This shows that ancient Indian selfsufficient model still bears a lot of relevance today but the fact is that we can revert back. In the village model, people used fuel like gobbergas, cowdung thatcauseslesspollutioncomparedtodieselandpetroltoday. Lastly,themodeoftransportwasbullockcartandnotcarliketodaywhichcausespollution.For making products people used indigenous technology handmade tools which did not cause pollution or any waste residue compared to machines and newer technology which causes a lot of pollution today. Thus the villages model provides a lot of benefits compared to modern technology. DISCUSSTHECORELATIONBETWEENHUMANSOCIETYANDNATURE: The nature has given a lot of things to us but what has human given to nature in return? Pollution. Which only degrades the society. Any industrial activity however environmentally friendly it is, is bound to create pollution. In todays world, industry is competing with each other in order to give best of its products and thus comes up with new ideas and innovations whichinturnpollutestheentirenature. Foreg.Cars,AirConditionersetc.theseareluxurieswhichonecandowithoutbutdoesntwant todoso. Nature is the greatest teacher as Rutherford has said if you have a serious scientific problem lookatthenature.Theanswerisavailable.Hence,oneshould notbe technologicalslavesbut should try to get rid of this. Industries are like parasites which only degrade the society more andmoreandinreturnMotherEarthsuffersfromthis. But no industrialist thinks of pumping his profit back to nature in ways like planting more trees, treating of waste pollutants that is discharged from their factories, conserving water by constructing an irrigation dam etc. we can see that industries are concentrated only in some CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page69

parts of our state and hence in order to keep the equilibrium, one should try to spread the industriesevenlyalloverthecountry. One shouldnt forget the river Ganga which is holy river of the Hindus has been polluted by humans only. Ganga, which has been polluted by the industries who discharge the wastes directlyintothewaterwithouttreatingit. Humans are the reason for deforestation, for creating bombs and nuclear weapons and try to degrade the environment. We pollute the environment by using polythene bags which cant be recycled.Herewehavethealternativeofusingpaperbagswhichcanatleastberecycled. Henceitishightimethatweprotectourenvironment.Naturehasgiveneverythingtousbutwe are not satisfied by this and try to get more of everything. One should think of what we are giving to the next generation and thus should try to improve so that we dont feel ashamed whenourfuturegenerationsaskusthequestionwhodidallthistomyearth?

DEVELOPMENT OF INDIAN SOCIETY DRAWS ITS BASIS FROM THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. EXPLAIN: The dominant characteristic of Indian tradition is that it is nonreligious, secular in outlook, tolerant of diversity and differences, respectful of all living beings believing in the oneness pervading the entire universe.IfwlookattheIndianSocietyatawholewewouldobservetheHumanmankindisverymuch influenced by te nature and environment. A look at ancient past would show that how our ancient ancestorsusetosurviveonnaturefortheirlivelihood. Everysourceoffood,clothingandshelterusetocomefromenvironment.Nothingwassocalled artificial. As in the Indian human society we have to respect for our elders also in the environment we respect or worship many of the objects and elements that are to call to be divine in some or the other way. A good e.g. Can be river Ganga, which is worshipped by the whole nation and seen as a holy sacred river, which is a part of the environment and nature. The belief that goddess Ganga, who was very pure, away from all the sins and impurity and dirt is submerged in the river Ganga and that is the reason everyday thousands of people take bath inthatrivertowashawaytheirsins. As in the olden days there were no artificial foods available man survived on natural resources. One such resource was milk obtained from the cow. Cow without asking anything continued to feed human for years and also today it does that considering them as children. Similarly a mother also feeds her child till she becomes independent and strong enough to take care of itself. Cow who also acts as a mother to mankind is worshipped as good because it is the one who helped the mankind for its survival. We in the Indian society have always admired and prayedtonatureandconsidereditasaLivingentity. Nature has always given and never taken anything from us. Indian society also believes in the same Karma yoga without expecting anything in return and working for well being of others. Forest that gives us flower, fruits, fragrance, and pure air would have to be destroyed if Narmada Dam would be built. Also many tribal would be displaced it is only the respect and affectionthatinspiresustofightagainstsuchdestructionofnature. The care for earth, for the well being of all living entities, physical environment mental and spiritual environment are aspects of each other i.e. interconnected under holism. If anyone is CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page70

harmed all others will have an impact, Indian society is built on the very values of Karma, Dharma,MokhsandAartha. VALUES AND IDEALS IN OUR CULTURE AND ETHOS ARE BASED ON AND EVOLVED FROM THE DEEPESTTRUTHOFMAN,LIFEANDNATURE.EXPLAIN: Thevaluesandideasinourethosandculturearebasedonandevolvedfromthedeepesttruthofman, life, and nature, i.e. the deepest truth of all three of above elements of universe which are assumed to beinterconnectedandinsolatedunderanycircumstances. When we talk about man, life and nature as a whole, the concept of holistic approach has to come in Indian values are dharmas (divine nature), integrity, oneness, fearlessness, non greediness, nonviolence, spirit of sacrifice for the sake of common good and so on and the peoplewhoimbibethesequalitiesinthemandlineoftheirinnertruthbecometheidealsinour society.All theseyearswhatwaspassedascustoms orbeliefsfromonegenerationtoothersby ourforefatherslateroncametobeknownasvaluesofoursociety. Dharma is the law of right living the observance of, which secures the double object of happiness in your own life and also happiness in life of others. It stands for all those ideas, purposes, influences, institutions and ways of life and conducts that shape the character and evolution of man both as an individual and as a member of the society. What all the leaders of our nation had been doing Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and others have lived their lifeinexplainingandpreachingthevaluesofmankind. Under the holistic approach man and nature are deeply inter connected and inter dependent. Hence there is no such right to exploit nature for purely selfish motives. If exploitation of one personbyanotherisnowconsidered unethicalwecannotjustify exploitation ofearthmerelyto satisfy greed and not need. Value based holistic management alone can prevent this exploitationofmotherEarth. Value oriented management also recognizes the divine model of men and alters the old man machine equation drastically. Ethos and culture which are expressions of its mind and soul, that is why we give importance to our heritage insight, temperament and genius of its mind and soul. The higher consciousness or the inner mind is the right instrument or medium to have the experience of the soul the portion of the divine which enables you to lead a much better life, much more qualitatively superior life which is possible only through value based holistic management. HOWCANHOLISTICMANAGEMENTHELPINCURBINGTHEEXPLOITATIONOFNATURE? It is imperative to understand the concept or philosophy of holistic management before we proceed in using holistic management for curbing the exploitation of nature. Holistic/Holism meansoneness. Holism is a state of consciousness, which reflects integrated consciousness evident in human feelings of the whole or the one i.e. the divine origin, the source of the universe and all living creatures.HolismEkatmanubhutiindicatesoneness. It is an accepted fact that all living entities including nature are closely interconnected and interrelated as well as interdependent with one another because the pure consciousness or CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page71

chetana is one common unchangeable vital element. Holistic approach brings about a state of mindpointingoutemotionalentity,harmony,puritybetweentheindividualanduniverse. Tillthepresenterathenaturehasbeenexploited.Inordertocurbsuchexploitationoneresorts totheingredientsofholisticmanagement. i. BegoodanddoGood: Be good and do Good to others is an important aspect of holistic management. In order to curb exploitationofnaturewecaningrainsuchvaluesofbeinggoodtothenature.Ifonesetsanexampleof notgoinginforlargescalecuttingoftreeswillemulateit.Wefeelthatcuttingitselfisanactofviolence andsoweshouldabstainfromitthoughtheremaybecontradictoryviewsaboutthisissue. ii. SelfDiscipline: The human civilization should be selfdisciplined towards usage of nature. Only that much amount of resources should be drawn from the nature which would satisfy our basic needs and not exploit it for ourexaggerateddesiresofcomfort. iii. Dharma(AbidingwithEthicalStandards): o Dharmashouldberesortedtoavoidexploitationofnature. o Dharmaisthelawofrighteousliving. Dharmaiswhatsustainssocietyandproducessocialstabilityandharmony.Eachorganizationor individual should internalize the purpose and principal of dharma. Once it is internalized we would be on the path of saving the nature as dharma would in no means suggest exploitation andhencenoexploitationofnature. Dhrma upholds, maintains, sustains and expresses universally of ethicomorality providing for universal brother/sisterhood i.e. Global Family or Khutumb nature would definitely be a part of thisglobalFamilyandhenceonewouldnotthinkingofharmingorhurtingthenature. iv. Cooperation: The holistic approach stresses on cooperation between business entities. Through holistic approach mutualbenefitisachievedandthesocietysenlistmenttakesplace. v. Goldenrulesofethics: Lastly we can also use the golden rules of ethics provided by the holistic approach to life and management.Theyare Everythingyouwantotherstodotoyou,youshalldotoothers. Donottoothersthatwhichyoudonotwishthemtodotoyou. Donotdoanythingtoothersthatifdonetoyou,wouldcauseharmtoyou. Thusifonerelatesthesegoldenprinciplestonaturewecandefinitelycurbexploitationofnature. Thereforewecanstatethatfloweringandblossomingofanysocietyliesin theevolutionofvaluebased holisticapproach. CRITICALLYANALYSETHEBENEFITSOFETHICALPRACTICESINMANAGEMENT. "Whatisethics?"Simplyput,ethicsinvolveslearningwhatisrightorwrong,andthendoingthe right thing but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great deal of business ethics literature. Values, which guide how we ought to behave, are considered moral values, e.g., values such as respect, honesty, fairness, responsibility, etc. Statements around howthesevaluesareappliedaresometimescalledmoralorethicalprinciples. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page72

Whatis"BusinessEthics"?The concepthascometomeanvariousthingstovariouspeople,but generally it's coming to know what it right or wrong in the workplace and doing what's right thisisinregardtoeffectsofproducts/servicesandinrelationshipswithstakeholders. Business ethics is now a management discipline. Business ethics has come to be considered a management discipline, especially since the birth of the social responsibility movement in the 1960s. In that decade, social awareness movements raised expectations of businesses to use their massive financial and social influence to address social problems such as poverty, crime, environmental protection, equal rights, public health and improving education. An increasing number of people asserted that because businesses were making a profit from using our country's resources, these businesses owed it to our country to work to improve society. Many researchers, business schools and managers have recognized this broader constituency, and in their planning and operations have replaced the word "stockholder" with "stakeholder," meaningtoincludeemployees,customers,suppliersandthewidercommunity. The emergence of business ethics is similar to other management disciplines. For example, organizations realized that they needed to manage a more positive image to the public and so the recent discipline of public relations was born. Organizations realized they needed to better manage their human resources and so the recent discipline of human resources was born. As commerce became more complicated and dynamic, organizations realized they needed more guidance to ensure their dealings supported the common good and did not harm others and sobusinessethicswasborn. Note that 90% of business schools now provide some form of training in business ethics. Today, ethics in the workplace can be managed through use of codes of ethics, codes of conduct, roles of ethicists and ethics committees, policies and procedures, procedures to resolve ethical dilemmas,ethicstraining,etc.

GoldenRuleofEthics 1. Everythingyouwantotherstodotoyou,youshalldotoothers. 2. Donotdotoothersthatwhichyoudonotwishthemtodotoyou. 3. Donotdoanythingtoothersthatifdonetoyou,wouldcauseharmtoyou. Thesearethebasisofallhumanandmoralvalues.Theyhaveuniversalapplication.Theseare thecorevaluestochangeoneselffirst. Amanagerandworkerwithmoralandethicalvalueshasastateofmind;equanimity.Sucha personcanmobilisehisandothersenergyandhelpaccomplishwonders. Oureffectivenessatworkistiedtoexercisingintrinsichumanvaluesi.e.moralandethical values.Thesehumanvaluessupportestablishedbusinessvaluessuchasservice,communication, excellence,credibility,innovation,creativity,andcoordination.Thehumanvalueshelpself development. Managerialfunctionssuchasdirection,control,supervisionandcommunication,integrationand coordination are much easier. The human values also help good interpersonal interactions. They reduceconflictsanddisputes.Theyenhancereputationandgoodwilloftheorganization. Page73


ValuesandQualityofworklife. Ethicsandvaluesmustbeanimportantpartofmanagementandworkculture.Humanharmony and happiness are the main objectives of any enterprise to justify its survival and progress. Any organization,whichcaresforitspeople,shouldnotignoreanyunhealthydevelopment. ValueDrivenManagement. Ethical and moral values and moral character alone can accelerate the unfolding of persons divinity. Such a person will have poise, wisdom, harmony and peace to manage effectively others and to assure quality of mind as well as enriched quality of work. Effectiveness in performance of managers and workers is a function of values and skills together. Values should be an integral part of corporate mission, objectives. They should be expressly mentioned in the missiondocument. LetusnotethatsuccessofJapanisbasedonvaluesfamiliartoIndians,usingspiritualeducation and practices e.g. concentration, meditation, lectures of spiritual leaders, mind stilling, intuition etc to neutralize the evil effects of reckless industralisation and to synthesise the human values into management and organization. Japan has combined spiritualism and materialism and adopted value driven holistic approach in management and organization. Let the global managementadoptthis.

Fewbenefitsofethicalpracticesinmanagement: Ethics programs cultivate strong teamwork and productivity. Ethics programs align employee behaviorswiththosetoppriorityethicalvaluespreferredbyleadersoftheorganization.Usually, an organization finds surprising disparity between its preferred values and the values actually reflected by behaviors in the workplace. Ongoing attention and dialogue regarding values in the workplacebuildsopenness,integrityandcommunitycriticalingredientsofstrongteamsinthe workplace.Employeesfeelstrongalignmentbetweentheirvaluesandthoseoftheorganization. Theyreactwithstrongmotivationandperformance. Ethics programs promote a strong public image. Attention to ethics is also strong public relations admittedly, managing ethics should not be done primarily for reasons of public relations. But, frankly, the fact that an organization regularly gives attention to its ethics can portray a strong positive to the public. People see those organizations as valuing people more thanprofit,asstrivingtooperatewiththeutmostofintegrityand honor.Aligningbehaviorwith values is critical to effective marketing and public relations programs. Bob Dunn, President and CEO of San Franciscobased Business for Social Responsibility, puts it best: Ethical values, consistently applied, are the cornerstones in building a commercially successful and socially responsiblebusiness. Overallbenefitsofethics:DonaldsonandDavis,inBusinessEthics?Yes,ButWhatCanitDofor the Bottom Line explain that managing ethical values in the workplace legitimizes managerial actions, strengthens the coherence and balance of the organizations culture, improves trust in Page74


relationships between individuals and groups, supports greater consistency in standards and qualities of products, and cultivates greater sensitivity to the impact of the enterprises values andmessages. WHAT ARE HALLMARKS OF A GOOD STRATEGY RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VALUES? LINK THIS TO THE RECENT CASES LIKE THOSE OF ENRON AND STOCK EXCHANGE SCAMSININDIA. The Honourable Union Finance Minister, Shri Yashwant Sinha, while inaugurating the 17th AnnualSessionofFICCILadiesOrganization(FLO),stressedtheneedtoformulateandadhereto a set of strong corporate governance practices. He was addressing the august audience of leadingbusinesswomenofFICCIon"TheEmergingNeedforCorporateGovernance". He said : "Today we need a pragmatic approach rather than a narrow doctrinaire approach to serve our needs. It is essential that we have high ethical standards of corporate governance, followed voluntarily, having community sanctions which will have much more effectiveness. Onlythenourendeavourateconomicreformsandliberalizationwillfructify". Finance Minister exhorted the business leaders to set up examples in corporate governance of high ethical standards, which will create better value for all the stakeholders and will lead to growth, which in effect will help the country to fight poverty and debilitating diseases. This alone, he felt, will enable the Government to justify the efforts at liberalization and bringing in economicreforms. Enron,theysay,isanexampleoftheethicsofcorporationsandthefreemarket.Commentators havetoldrepeatedlythatEnron'sexecutivesweremotivatedby"greed"and"selfishness." Philosopher Harry Binswanger points out, the premise behind this statement is that lying, cheating and stealing is the best way to make money and be selfish and the fear of prison is theonlydisincentiveforwholesalefraudandlooting.ProfessorBinswangergoesontopointout that this statement reflects a whole approach to morality. To be principled and moral, in this view, means to sacrifice one's interests by, say, going into social work or taking a vow of poverty.Thelogicalflipsideisthattobeselfinterested,topursuewealthandhappinesswell, that requires no principles or morality at all, just a random, rangeofthemoment grab for whateveronecangetone'shandson. This is the predominant moral outlook today, especially on the left. Ironically, Enron seems to have implemented this view of morality to a T. To enrich themselves, Enron's executives lied to Page75


shareholders and cooked the books to produce fake profits, ignoring the company's longterm financial problems. The joke was on them, though, because it didn't work. They didn't make money;instead,theybankrupted their companyanddestroyedtheirownreputations.Andthey don'tseemtohaveprofitedevenintheshortterm. A social institution, including a corporate entity, derives its legitimacy from its ability and desire to fulfill social needs. It is therefore, accountable to the society. No institution, however high and mighty it is, can ignore its responsibility towards the society from which it derives its strengthandsustenance. The recurring financial crises and the scams that rocked the nation in the recent past call for a sharperfocusoncorporategovernance.Theonlywaywecanprotectourinterestandalsothose of the public at large is to build "firewalls" by putting in place the practices of good corporate governance.Corporate Governance has succeeded in attracting a good deal of public interest becauseofitsimportancefortheeconomichealthofcorporationsandthewelfareofsociety. According the Economist and Noble laureate Milton Friedman, Corporate Governance is to conductthebusinessinaccordancewithownerorshareholdersdesires,whichgenerallywillbe to make as much money as possible, while conforming to the basic rules of the society embodied in law and local customs. This definition is based on the economic concept of market value maximization that underpins shareholder capitalism. Over a period of time the definition of Corporate Governance has been widened. It now encompasses the interests of not only the shareholders but also many stakeholders. J. Wolfensohn, President, World Bank as saying that "Corporate Governance is about promoting corporate fairness, transparency and accountability". Corporate governance also includes in its ambit, the manner in which their boards of directors govern the business and affairs of individual institutions and their functional relationship with seniormanagement.

CorporategovernanceisdeterminedbyhowOrganizations: Setcorporateobjectives(includinggeneratingeconomicreturnstoowners); Runthedaytodayoperationsofthebusinessand; Consider the interests of recognised stakeholders i.e. employees, customers, suppliers, supervisors,governmentsandthecommunityand Align corporate activities and behaviours with the expectation that organizations will operate in asafeandsoundmanner,andincompliancewithapplicablelawsandregulations. soundcorporategovernanceshouldhave,asitsbasis,thefollowingstrategiesandtechniques: The corporate values, codes of conduct and other standards of appropriate behaviour and the systemusedtoensurecompliancewiththem; Awellarticulatedcorporatestrategyagainstwhichthesuccessoftheoverallenterpriseandthe contributionofindividualscanbemeasured; Page76


The clear assignment of responsibilities and decisionmaking authorities, incorporating an hierarchyofrequiredapprovalsfromindividualstotheboardofdirectors; Establishment of a mechanism for the interaction and cooperation among the board of directors,seniormanagementandtheauditors; Strong internal control systems, including internal and external audit functions, risk managementfunctionsindependentofbusinesslines,andotherchecksandbalances; Specialmonitoringofriskexposureswhereconflictsofinterestarelikelytobeparticularlygreat, including business relationships with borrowers affiliated with the bank, large shareholders, seniormanagement,orkeydecisionmakerswithinthefirm(e.g.traders); The financial and managerial incentives to act in an appropriate manner offered to senior management, business line management and employees in the form of compensation, promotionandotherrecognition;and Appropriateinformationflowsinternallyandtothepublic. For ensuring good corporate governance, the importance of overseeing the various aspects of the corporatefunctioningneedstobeproperlyunderstood,appreciatedandimplemented. Ethicsandvaluesincorporategovernance No discussion on public affairs will be complete without a reference to Ethics and Values. The quality of corporate governance is also determined by the manner in which top management, particularly the Board of Directors, allocates the financial resources of the company as between themselves and other interest groups such as employees, customers, government etc. The basic qualities invariably expected inthisregardaretrust,honesty,integrity,transparencyandcompliancewiththelawsoftheland.There is an increasing body of public opinion that would expect a business enterprise not only to be a mere economic unit but also to be a good corporate citizen. For this, its corporate governance must be based onagenuinerespectforBusinessEthicsandValues. ToquotethewordsofBenjaminFranklin " A little neglect may breed great mischief for the want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for the want of a shoe, the horse was lost and for want of a horse, the rider was lost and for want of a rider the war was lost" Littledropsofwatermakethemightyocean.Littleactsofneglectmightcausemajorscams.Ittakesonly a small hole to drown a big ship. Therein lies the secret of good corporate governance and the key to CorporateExcellence. WORKETHICSV/S.ETHICSATWORK Ethics is the science of a human beings character. The phrase work ethics renounces sustained hardlabourfilledwithvigourandenthusiasminpursuitofagivenorchosentask. Work ethics is performed by drawing upon their one of these two sets of psychic resources, i.e. daividivineresourcesandasuridemonicresources. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page77

Work ethics inspired by divine resources are similar to the sattwa gunas whereas work ethics inspiredbydemonicresourcesaresimilartorajogunas. Work ethics means doing ones deeds with passion and zeal, whereas ethicsinwork stresses upon doing deeds with passion and zeal but in consonance with the universal law of righteous deeds. Work ethics refers to the skills required to perform a work whereas ethicsinwork relates to performanceofworkvaluesingrainedinit.

BLISS(ANANDA) The word Bliss means perfect joy. It is a feeling of being in heaven. Bliss is not happiness or pleasure. The latter are only the complimentary opposites of sorrow or pain. Happiness is only theoutersurfaceofthetruecomentmentknownasBLISS(astateofcompletehappiness). Some people understand the concept that bliss and happiness are related directly but are not equal in meaning. There are some who believe that the doors to complete happiness only open when a personfully understands and accepts the unexplained realities of lifes many unanswered questions. Total control over ones inner self leads to the concept of eternal bliss. Understanding the significance of life, the control of mind, the unity of all things, and the realization of time will release the mind of many puzzling questions that are in realistic sense, pointless. Complete happiness will not be achieved unless the mind is able to fathem the completeness of life even though many unanswered questions lie in that plane. To prevail against the mind you have to step forth, above and beyond the plane of thinking created by societyandintoadifferentrealmofthought. MENTALHEALTH Theprimeprivilegeofthehumanbeingisthepresenceofmind,whichhelpshimtothink,judge and work. Thinking, judging and working should be logical, understandable and admissible to self and society. The derangement of this process an be said to be a mental disorder. Man havingprodigiousmentalpowerhassucceededinrulingthewholeworld. The mans desire for power and exploitation of the weak has not changed. Biologically, he is yet in the pushman stage though in a civilized disguise. His sufferings and illness have found no lasting remedy. Meanwhile, natural catastrophes and war threaten to wipe out his existence. There is essential lack in his wisdom, which disputes, all that modern science and civilization standfor. Ananda is the state where Samatwa or Equivision towards these pairs of opposites (Dwandwas) isexperienced. VALUESANDSKILLS Values expresses dharma or divine nature as understood in the East particularly in Indian ethos and insight, and the ideas of integrity s understood in the West. Values and skills could be discussed as follows: 1. Tobecomeweneedvalues.Todoweneedskills. 2. Becoming (needing values) must precede dong (needing skills) in valuesoriented management.Valuesactasabaseofskills. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page78


Values are the means of perfection. Skills must have sound system of values as the base. Otherwise, one can manipulate skills like communication. Skills may be misused for manipulatingmen,money,andmaterialsifmanagementignoresvalues. Values are internal. Dealing with internal development of a person, purifying mind and heart. Thepersonbecomesgoodinthoughtinspeech,inaction,joborwork.Skillsonlymakeaperson proficient.Valuesarethemeansofperfectionofpersonality. The fields of values are governed by union, holism, and relatedness. The area ruled by skills is division,fragmentationandseparation. Values bring about excellence and universal good, i.e. Software aspect skills see us through mechanicsofmanagement(hardwareaspect).Bothmeansandendsmusthavevalues. Skills are not enduring due to fatigue. Values are enduring. Skills change with passage of time. PolicyisflexiblebutPrinciplesarenot.Wehavepermanentfundamentalvalues.


5. 6. 7.

Conflict is the state when there is discomfort/threat experienced as a result of differences in perceptions/values between two or more bodies. The discomfort/threat results in unresourcefulattitude/behaviorwhichhampersharmonyandproductivityofthesituation. Conflictisapartofliving.TherearemixedperceptionstowardsConflict.SomefeelthatConflicts havetobeavoidedatallcosts,whilesomeotherfeelthatConflictsaretoencouraged. Botharerightintheirviewpoints.



TheConflicts that needto beavoidedarewhatisPersonalitybasedConflict, while theConflicts thatneedtobeencouragedareIssuebasedConflicts. Personalitybased Conflict arises from identifying the Conflict to the individuals who are involvedintheConflictsituation.Allaspectsarefocusedsubjectivelyonthepeople,ratherthan onthe causes/reasons/issuesthatareresponsiblefortheConflict.Asaresult,theissuesremain unresolvedinmostcases,andpeoplegetintounresourcefulbehaviorsthatdemotivatethem. IssuebasedConflictarisesduetotheissuesratherduethepeoplewhoareinit.Thetendencyis toaddresstheissuesthroughobjectivitybyseparatingtheissuefromtheperson. Ittakesamaturedoutlooktoseparatetheissuefromthepersonwithouttheemotionalcontent ofthehumanelements.

Conflictscouldhappenduetothefollowingreasons: a) b) c) d) In most corporate scenarios, Conflicts due to Perceptions not matching are common. In these cases, the Values are in congruence (the heart is in the right place) and in turn the attitude s and behaviors are aligned with the company mission. Such conflicts are usually Issuebased and resultinmoreorlesseasyresolution. Also, we must remember that Conflicts due to Values are not many in an organization. This is facilitated through the recruitment & selection process wherein the mismatch of Values is noticeableandaccordinglythecandidateiskeptaway. When both Values and Perceptions do not match, we have a major problem. It turns out to be both Issue as well as Personality based Conflict, with little or least chance of effective resolution. There are structural differences leading to constant misunderstandings, leading to discomfortandbreakdownincommunication. Interestingly, in quite a few situations, especially in fasttrack work cultures, it has been observed that people adapt their Perceptions to suit the need of the hour. Since the stakes are perceived to be crucial and high, there is a careful cultivation of Perceptions that are politically acceptable. Deep within there may be structural differences in Values. These never surfaceuntilacriticalincidentoccurs.Weallknowthatincriticalincidents,theindividualsTrue Personality emerges automatically to survive and fight the situation. The hidden Value systemsemergestarklyandmakeitevident.Suchaconflictseemstocomefromtheblueasa shock,intheformofahithertounseenbehavior. Page80 Perceptionsbetweentwopeoplenotmatching. Valuesbetweentwopeoplenotmatching. BothPerceptionsandValuesnotmatching. Perceptions(seemingly)matching,butValuesnotmatching.


In the Indian system of Conflict resolution we have the Dharma approach in the form of Sama DamaBhedaDanda. The principle behind this is the concept of Divinity (hate the sin not the sinner.Issue not the Personlity) and is guided by the Group principle of living together in Harmony. SamainvolvesamediationprocessofcomfortabledialogueurgingtheIssuetoemerge.

I. II.

Damaisresortedtonextwhenthefirststepfailstoproduceconflictresolution.Inthisthereis a deeper dialogue getting into the Value part of the individual as well, again with the view of an amicablesolution.Thedialogueistakentoareasonablenesslevelofmutualacceptance. Bheda is the next stage wherein through the process of Differentiation of the Values and Perceptions, a viable solution is resorted to. Again this process is peaceoriented dialogue.(not one ofviolenceorbullying) Dandaisresortedasthelaststepwhenalltheabovethreeprocessesfail.Simplystatedwhenall Dharmic steps fail, then action to punish the sinner to remove the sin is resorted to. It is the stickapproach,asevereapproach. (In MahaBharata, we have the classical example of Lord Krishna reprimanding the evil Sisupal throughthispath.WhenSisupalstartsinsultingKrishna,theLattershowscompassionforSisupal the person who is afflicted by the sin of Adharmic thinking and words and actions. Krishna patiently adopts the SamaDama BhedaDanda approach. After Sisupal insults Krishna 108 times,heisslainbytheSudarshanChakra,theDiscusweaponasthelastresort) (It is also relevant to understand that there are three types of dialogue in the traditional Indian culture: Vidhanda Vaada, Jalpa Vaada, & Samm Vaada. While the first is based on proving oneselfright,thesecondisbasedonprovingtheotherwrong.Boththeseare Personalitybased dialogues which usually lead to debates and Conflicts. These dialogues lead to Problem basis ratherthanSolutionorientation. The third type of dialogue is Samm Vaada, which is what encouraged, i.e. Issuebased dialogue is. In this type of a dialogue, the Issue is discussed, not the persons involved in the Issue. The sole purpose of this dialogue is to seek the Truth not to nail down the person by proving him/herwrong.ThusthedialogueisSolutionoriented,notProblembased At the end of every Chapter in Bhagwad Geeta, there is mention. Krishna Arjuna Samm Vaadey. Meaning that the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna is one of Issue and seeking a solution,ratherthanoneofPersonalitytobewiththeproblem/people.)



Personalitybased Conflicts are dysfunctional, as in they stay with the problem and compound the problem, rather than direct towards the solution. And hence, Personalitybased Conflicts are discouraged.Theydepictstagnationandhamperprogressofgoalachievement.



Issueoriented Conflicts are functional, as in they orient with the solution and seek fulfillment of goals. Hence Issueoriented Conflicts are encouraged. They are synonymous with movement and direction towardsgoalfulfillment. INDIANORGANIZATIONSANDCONFLICTS. Indian organizations handle conflicts in a manner different than the Western counterparts. Traditionally, Indians are groupcentric people, who prefer staying together to being alone/individualistic. This Ethos permeates in the Indian thoughts and hence in the Indian organizations, we find that there is sense of tolerance towards Conflict situations. One does not resort to quickfix immediate resolutions (unlike in the West). One takes the path of Sama DamaBhedaDanda path of Conflict resolution, though which enough chance is given to the ConflicttoberesolvedwithoutdisturbingthepeaceandComfortZoneofthegroup. In situations where Conflicts arise, Indian Managers do not hireandfire people with instant actions. Rather they wait till all paths have been tread and finally as a last resort they go the extremes, justifiably so. This is not in line with the Western approach which handles Conflict by a cutanddry approach. In trying to solve Conflicts, they inadvertently create extreme discomfort to the concerned parties leading to breakdown in mutual Trust. Their action steps arealmostinstant.TheyareaTaskorientedculture. Indian Managers on the other hand, belong to the Peopleoriented culture. The Indian Ethos believes that people matter more than Task alone. Hence the Indian path of Conflict Resolution appears to the Western eye as timeconsuming, unproductive, and lenient even procrastinating toalargeextent.



HARMONYWITHENVIRONMENT ThetermcanbebestdescribedasEthicomoralreponsivenessofbusinesstoallthemembersof theenvironment. Man and nature are deeply interconnected and interdependent. The social responsibility of business must ensure that dealings and transactions with its stakeholders are ethicomoral. Ecology or nature is also an important stakeholder. Hnece there is no such right to exploit natureforpurelyselfishmotives. As some one rightly said, Man, nature, divine are one, attack one, the other two get the impact.Theyarepartofagrandcycle.Holdaglobalvisionanddonotbegreedy.Dependenceof any business on its social and ecological environment is so complete that the very existence, survival and growth of any enterprise depends upon its acceptance by society and environment (who provide all inputs of resources). If it outlives its utility to the Society and environment it hasnoplaceandreasontoexist. Today, we insist on the social responsiveness and awareness, the ability to relate the plans, policies and programmes to the social environment in such a way that these are mutually Page83


beneficial to the organization, society and ecology. The current trend is an organizations involvement in social actions. The mission and vision of any organization must express deep involvement in social actions to improve the quality of life in the society and quality of the environment. SELFCONTROL Controllingisanimportantfunctioninmanagement.Buttoperformthiseffectively,oneshouldbeself controlled.Thisimpliesthatonemusthavecontroloverdesires,whicharise,atthementallevel. A person having selfcontrol is detached form the sense objects, free of desire and anger and remains engrossed in the bliss of the self. He who thus remains absorbed in the self may be considered without doubttohaveastableintellectandinsight. Itindicatesmaintainingabalanceagainstthepairsofoppositeslikejoyandsorrow,successand failure, praise and insult, victory and defeat and so on. Feeling of stability in the mind helps to achieveinnerpeaceandhappiness.Worldlysorrowsdonotenteracheerfulmind. It implies performing duties with full concentration and dedication without having any attachmenttotheresultthereof. It also implies ones perfect control over Raga (attachment), Krodh (anger) and Bhava (fear) in onesdaytodaylife. Selfcontrolhelpsapersontoresolveconflictsinlifeandcreateabalancebetweenhimandhisdesires. DHARMA,SWADHARMAANDDETACHMENT Dharma: (Lit,thatwhichholdsuptheexistenceofathing)Essentialquality;religion,codeofduties,duty. The law of being. Our religious scriptures have laid down the duties for different varnasclasses ofpeopleandashramsstagesoflife. The most central and core concept of Hindu philosophy is known as Dharma. All the other principles and values flow from dharma. The word Dharma is formed from the root, dhr and literallymeanstohold,sustainandmaintainathinginitsbeing.Thereisnoaccuratetranslation of the word into English but it an be termed as a right action, right conduct, virtue, moral law etc.Everyformoflife,verygrouppeoplehasitsDharma,whichisthelawofitsbeing.Dharmais the duty or the path of righteousness. Dharma comprises of Satya (truth), Yagna (dedication) andTapas(sublimation). ThebasisofDharmaisTruth.Dharmaorvirtueisconformitywiththe truth of things; a dharma or voice is opposition to it. Dharma or duty is at the center of the Hindu way of thinking, with its stress on personal responsibility, the concept gives to Hinduism itsparticularstressonthecentralityofhumanityintheuniverse. Swadharma: Gita emphasizesthatSwadharma (onesduty based ononesSwabhavainclinationandaptitude one the work that falls into ones lot by virtue of ones placement in the society) should be carriedonforthegeneralwelfareofthesocietyandasworshipoftheDivine,asourofferingto God. The will to support and actively cooperate in the Divines evolutionary design and to live withthemotherearth,safeguardinghergrandecologicalbalance. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page84

Detachment: It refers to detached involvement also known as Niksham Karma. It is among the most surest and most enduring preventive methods against stress and burnout in situations faced by us. According to this theory one has to engage in quiet inner sadhana to appreciate the true meaning, for it does not hold out a technique but beckons towards anubhuti, a deep inner feeling. Detachment helps one to keep out speculation about gain or losses from his work / activities. One can look after family with all love and care they need, because its ones duty to do so. Possessions including relations and friends are transient in nature. They do not last. Neither should one be ecstatic at having it nor be horrified at losing it. It is only when one is very proud of his possessions that he gets depressed at losing them. Detachment is one of the simplesttechniquestomaintainequanimity. HOLISTICAPPROACHTOPERSONALITY The holistic approach is based on the principle of unity, oneness, nondual or Advaita concept: jiva, jagat, jagdish are one. Under the principle of unity, the universe is an undivided whole where every particle is interconnected with every other particle and forms a golden chain. Hence,entirehumanityisone. The only dharma or law of life is the offer of service to others. I cannot cheat you without cheating myself, it is a holistic world. The management must recognize the Oneness of Humanity. Respect the divine in all beings. See yourself in all selves. This is the yoga of the highest order. Let the inner beings or higher consciousness assume the managerial leadership to manage and lead effectively your physical, vital, mental, intellectual entities. Your inner beingsisthedelegateofthedivine. Such an integrated human personality of selfdeveloped manager and worker an assume best and competent management of any enterprise, involving collective works and efforts. The refinedorhigherconsciousnesswilladoptholisticattitude.Itwillbringoutthedivineinman.It willachieveperfectionorexcellenceinwhateveryoudo.WeshallachievePeace,Harmonyand Prosperity in our internal world and in our external world simultaneously. This is the idea of IndianEthos.AtmanoMoksharthamJagatHitayaCha(forgainingperfectioninindividuallife,as well s for the welfare of the world). This is the motto of the Ramakrishna Order founded by Swami Vivekananda. The holistic approach of management will not exploit shareholders, employees,customers,societyandnature. DHARMICLEADERSHIP Dharmicleadershipcombinesethicaldecisionmakingandethicalbehavior,anditoccursinboth an individual and an organizations context. Dharmic leadership emphasizes perfection of the self through planned selfdevelopment as a whole human being man in the manager first and then blending work ethics. A dharmic leader is someone who supposedly tells the people the difference between right and wrong. A major responsibility of a dharmic leader is to make ethical decision and behave in ethical ways and to see that others understand and practice the ethicalcode. CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page85

The Indian Ethos of Management contains principles to guide ones life. These principles are described in the Upanishads and Geeta. The following are certain principles as per Indian wisdomandinsight.

CONEPTOFDIVINITY These texts do not refer to any God, but to a certain divinity, which pervades all beings. According to this concept all people are equal and divine to be dealt with equal respect. This attitudeatworkservestheinterestsofboththeworkersandcustomers. Discriminatoryremunerationpackageswillbeavoided,trustandsupportwillimprove,thesense of concern would be avoided, trust and support will improve, the sense of concern would make counseling and development more natural and managers will find it easy to take disciplinary actionsastherewouldbenofeelingofremorseifsevereactionbecomesnecessary.Thiswould greatlyimprovetheatmosphereatwork.Itistherespecttodivinity,individually,whichassures maximum productivity in them and Total Quality Minds. Truth, divinity and culture are more powerful than money. Civilization is the manifestation of divinity in man. Hence, entire HUMANITYisONE. CONCEPTOFMAN Manisconstitutedofvarioussheaths. The grossest of them is the physical body called annamaya which constitutes of matter createdbyfood. The second sheath covering the physical body is the pranamaya which is related to the breathing. The third sheath is manomaya which is the mind. The forth sheath is the vijnanamaya the powerofdiscrimination. The final sheath is the anandmaya eternal bliss. Every person has the capability to move fromtheconstraintsofthephysicalsheathandliveineternalbliss. Human being is not just a body. Within the physical body there lies the SELF the HRAHMAN Knowledge, Existence and Bliss (SAT, CHIT and ANAND). This is the real nature of a human being. Every man has immense potentiality and divine spirit. Our Upanishads repeatedly say, I amBrahman.ThatiswhyShankaracharyasang,CHITANANDRUPAHSHIVOHAMSHIVOHAM. Vedanta brings expansion of the mind, breaks down all the barriers and brings out the GOD in MAN. CONCEPTOFKARMA According to this concept, the future of an individual depends upon what he does or does not do with his life. His actions (Karma) and the consequences of his actions shape his future. The cycle of birth and rebirth has the concept that each action (karma) one takes, causes other actionsonetakesinthefutureandhasbeencausedbyactionsinthepast. Sinceoneassumesthislifeasanecessaryconsequenceofpreviouslivesandpreviousactions,it followsthatoneshouldperformtheprescribeddutiesoflifeunflaggingly.



A major facet of karma is the work one does, and the attitude with which he goes about his duty.Toworkforselfishreasons,suchastobeabletoaffordluxuriessuchasconvertiblecarsis badkarma,especiallywhenonecravesthesepossessionstogainstatureinsociety.Actionssuch as materialism restrain one from furthering his place in life and from attaining an honest satisfaction with his spiritual growth. Good karma and advances towards knowledge are achievedfirstthroughthefreedomtomakepersonaldecisiontoworkforthesakeofgettingthe job done in a selfless manner. Only when a person handles a duty in this fashion will he find himselfinprogression.

CONCEPTOFDHARMA Dharma: (Lit, that which holds up the existence of a thing) Essential quality; religion, code of duties, duty. The law of being. Our religious scriptures have laid down the duties for different varnasclassesofpeopleandashramsstagesoflife. The most central and core concept of Hindu philosophy is known as Dharma. All the other principles and values flow from dharma. The word Dharma is formed from the root, dhr and literallymeanstohold,sustainandmaintainathinginitsbeing.Thereisnoaccuratetranslation of the word into English but it an be termed as a right action, right conduct, virtue, moral law etc.Everyformoflife,verygrouppeoplehasitsDharma,whichisthelawofitsbeing.Dharmais the duty or the path of righteousness. Dharma comprises of Satya (truth), Yagna (dedication) andTapas(sublimation). ThebasisofDharmaisTruth.Dharmaorvirtueisconformitywiththe truth of things; a dharma or voice is opposition to it. Dharma or duty is at the center of the Hindu way of thinking, with its stress on personal responsibility, the concept gives to Hinduism itsparticularstressonthecentralityofhumanityintheuniverse. CONCEPTOFYOGA The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit, one of the world ancient languages. In its simplicity, Yoga means a bringing together of the parts in order to create a union or balance of a persons body, mind and spirit. Yoga teaches guidelines and values to follow, and practices for purificationforthebody,mindandspirit. The roots of Yoga evolved from the spiritual and metaphysical disciplines of the Vedas and Upanishads,asacredtextfromnear600B.C.Yoga,however,rejectsthepursuitofmetaphysics, and sticks to the practical path of transcending the ego in order to awaken the center self, the pure being of consciousness and awareness. Yoga looks top engage in the spiritual path rather than to speculate about it. The term YOGA indicates a special condition of the mindtranquility ofthementalcomposureinsuchaconditiononecanperformdesirelessaction. Therearevariousformssuitedtothedifferentnaturesofpractitioners.Threepathshavebeen delineated to achieve this purpose. Bhakti Yoga The way of Devotion, KarmaYogaaction, clarityofthinkingandJnanayogaknowledge.Oncethesearerealizedemployeescontribution to corporates objectives can be achieved. To the customer substandard products will not be sold, warrenties would be respected, there will be no over pricing, misrepresentations or compromiseswithsafety,environmentalprotectionwillbeavoided. Howisthisrelevanttotheindividual/organizationintodayscontext CompiledbyMANAGEMENTPARADISETEAM. Page87

We are living in an age of Tamasic/Rajasic predominance. There is overall material progress and prosperity. Individual consumerism has taken over group contentment of the past. More and morewanttoincreasetheirstandardofleaving,drivenbyallroundconsumerism.Greeddriven living has replaced needbased living of groups. We are all pulled in the opposite directions of high material indulgence and the need to find larger meaningfulness in life. Increased materialism leads to greed and dissatisfaction and today we are caught up in a stressful state of existence, wherein human sensitivity has been hijacked by human indifference. We are hard pressedfortimeandare notina positiontoconnectto theAlmighty evenif wehave the desire todoit.

CONCEPTOFATTACHMENT Attachment is the band of desire we form with things of the outside world. The gunas are responsible for the attachment. Those who are deluded remain attached to those modes and actions. The senses play a very important role in the development of attachment. The individual,thinkingofsenseobjects,developsattachmentwiththem.Fromattachmentareborn variousdesires.Fromdesiresarisesanger.Fromangercomesdelusion,andfromdelusionarises confusion of memory. From confusion of memory comes loss of intelligence and when intelligenceislostthebreathoflifeisalsolost. CONCEPTOFPURUSHARTHA Therearefourstagesman isprescribed through inrightfulliving. Theyarecollectively knownas Purushartha. This consists of Dharma, Artha, Kaama Moksha. These are comparable with the Western model of Maslows Pyramid of Hierarchy of Needs. While Maslows Model addresses need fulfillment, Purushartha model addresses the dutybased necessary and sufficient that is a mustforappropriatespiritualgrowth. In the Purushartha model we have Dharma taking the first and foremost stage through an individual is dutybound to start his life learning process. Largely, this stage is characterized by Valuesowing and nurturing and strengthening the character and ethical base of the individual at the early age. Catch them young is the approach. Dharma is the path of righteousness and truth. This training is imparted through the hard approach through the rigorous but highly effectiveGurukulmethodofeducation. Aftertheconvocationthestudentreturnstohisabode(home)andentersintothenextstage. He enters into the next stage of life duty, Artha fulfillment, meaning the creation of material wealth through Dharma path and setting up his home and making himself selfsufficient and adequatelycomfortable.Thisagainisaduty,notawhimwhichonecouldtakeitorleaveit Having made himself comfortable materially, man enters into fulfilling his desires in the Kaama stage of duty fulfillment, in which he is prescribed to fulfill all his desires with Dharma as the Page88


guideline following the path of moderation (not overindulging, neither repressing his desires).This includes settling with a married partner, having a family, raising children, nurturing themandsowingValuesinthem(allactivitiesofinvolvedliving,inshort) ThelastdutyformanshouldstrivetofulfillistheattainmentofMoksha.IntheKaamastage,he goes through involved living of life. Although it is prescribed that he has fulfill his Kaama tendencies through moderation, man tends to overindulges or underindulges as a result he experiences a certain attachment with his not fully experienced and not fully expressed desires. Through understanding and careful steps he should address these issues and enter into Moksha stage, where the individual enters into transcending (going beyond the twin attributes ofattractionandrepulsion,notgettingaffectedbytheextremes,byjoyorsorrow).Hepractices the wise art of detachment both mentally and physically from the world of interaction, involvementandindulgence.AttheendheisreadytomeettheCreatorthroughsheddinghis mortal coil (physical death) into the life thereafter. This stage is prescribed to make the transitionspirituallyeasierandmeaningfulandlesspainful. OnecouldcomparethePurusharthamodelwithMaslowsPyramid.Thebasicnotabledifference is that in the Indian context need fulfillment has to happen with Dharma as the first stage not through the physical need fulfillment as the first stage. Artha, Kaama Moksha stages are similar tothefivestagesoftheMaslowsPyramid,withtheadditionalbaseatthebaseofDharma.

MINDSTILLING&DHYANA Mind stilling is a form of mind control thorough careful thought channeling. We are a stormof mixedthoughtsmostofthetime.Everytimewewanttoconcentrateorfocus,wefindourselves making efforts to concentrate or focus. The mind i. e. the Mano Maya Kosha follows the streaming principle like water. If thoughts are forced to be contained then the thoughts fill thesameverycontainer.Ontheotherhandifthethoughtsareleftaloneandjustobserved, they take a natural course of flow, which does not disturb the individual with opposing and mixedthoughts. Mindstillingisaprocessinwhichthoughtstreamingisobservedbytheindividualwithoutany effort.ThisistaughtbyaqualifiedMaster.Whileobservingthethoughts,astagecomeswhen the thoughts are seen to flow and their randomness does not affect the individual. The individual takes the position of an observer rather than a involved particiapant. The dissociation of the person from the thoughts through observation leads to disidentification of thethoughtsasmine.Hencethemindgraduallybecomescalmandstill.HencethetermMind stilling. Dhyana is a form of meditation. By adopting a calm disposition, the individual does observation of a form or chants a mantra. There is a focus but without effort. It is more of a happening rather than a doing. Initially it starts with a guidance through effort, till the observation starts. Page89


Then on, the observer takes over and acceptance follows. For Dhyana to be effective, the prescribed conditions are calmness, letgo, observation, effortlessness or minimum effort. The keyistonottoputineffortandthuskeepthestresstotallyout.



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