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Jake Nesler CI 401 10/31/11 Spatial Analysis Mr. Tureks middle school classroom is situated with groupings of desks.

Two sets of about twelve desks each are situated on the right and left sides of the classroom facing toward each other. There is a third set at the back facing the front board next to Mr. Tureks desk. This is generally the lesser-occupied space and is where I observer when not in front of the class. In the center of the room as a round table Mr. Tureks uses for storing papers and other classroom materials. At the head of the class is a long rectangular table with a few chairs Mr. Turek uses mostly for missing assignments and his Monday activity Top Dog he uses as a one-on-one interview with a student in front of the entire class. The projector is between these two tables and usually displays the Question of the Day, an introductory activity. Mr. Tureks class telephone is next to the door so he is able to leave the room if he needs to take a call, something that has happened more frequently than I expected. Mr. Tureks layout is very typical I think for most classrooms. I prefer his style to the classic rows of desks in the center always facing a teacher as though it were lecture. His desk is at the back of the room so he can always monitor the class when they work silently alone on a question. When he is discussing with students Mr. Turek likes to float around the proximity between the center round table and his students. I have taken advantage of this technique as it is sometimes hard to hear or difficult to understand students. I also believe Mr. Turek uses class displays such as posters in an appropriate way but could use a few more.

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