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Arranged Marraige: Human Crusader & Vampire


C hapter T H Phree: er ower

T hey drove around England seeing the popular historical sites. “That’s
big Ben” Christian pointed out to her.

She rolled her eyes. “No shit!” she said sarcastically.

“Alice be nice” her father scolded her. She could hear Christian
snickering next to her.

“Yes father” she said warily.

Moments later Christian pointed out the queen’s palace. “You know I’ve
met her before” he gloated.

“How amazing…” she said getting annoyed of his endless gloating.

“You’re jealous aren’t you?” he asked in a childish way trying to piss her

“No. Who would want to meet some old hag?”

“You’re just jealous” he chuckled.

That was it she thought she’s only been in England for about 10 minutes
and she already hates it. “I heard you are pretty religious”

“Yup but I doubt you are”

“Damn right” she muttered.

What kind of vampire in right mind would be religious!!? I mean is he

really that stupid!?

“I bet you know Jesus Christ”

Christian’s face lit up. “Yeah! You met him!?”

“Yup” she gloated. “I was one of the people who nailed him to the
cross” she grinned. Christian’s mouth dropped.

Salvador laughed nervously. “That’s enough show and tell for now Alice”
he said nervously. Alice what the hell are you doing!!?

After that statement everyone was quiet the whole ride to Cross Castle.
The limo stopped in front of what looked like a palace. It was huge and
looked like it could go on for miles. The castle looked identical to the
one the queen lived in.

“Welcome to the Cross Mansion” Christopher said as we got out of the

limo. It was beautiful and much brighter than the Valoriette Manor.
“What do you think Alice?”

“Too bright” she muttered covering her eyes. Her father elbowed her in
the side. “Oh! I mean it’s lovely! Much more lively than the Valoriette
Manor” she said rubbing her side.

“Yeah right…” Christian coughed. She shot him a glare.

Their fathers just laughed at the conflict and continued to the entrance.
Alice and Christian walked beside each other. “Beautiful isn’t it?” he
asked her.

She looked at him suspiciously and stayed silent.

“Oh come on! If I join the game it means we can’t talk normally?” he

“I was raised to never let my guard down” she said. “I suggest that you
don’t either after all your opponent is a vampire”

“Please I don’t think I need to keep my guard up for someone like you”
he said with a grin.

She glared a t him.

We’ll see about that…

She slowed down a little so she would be behind him. She kicked him in the leg
causing him to fall pathetically on his face.

“Still don’t think you need to keep your guard up with someone like
me?” she asked sarcastically she stepped on him and continued to walk.
Christian got up and rubbed his forehead.

There’s more to this girl than I thought… He thought as he limped

towards the entrance of the castle.

“Son, why don’t you show Alice around the rose garden?” Christopher
asked but was more like an order.

“Fine” he said warily he glared at me and gestured me to follow. He led

her out in the back to the rose garden. It was beautiful all different
assorted colored roses were grown everywhere with some fountains in
the middle of the rose bushes.

“It’s beautiful…” she complimented happily but for some reason her face

He looked at her curiously. “Are you okay? Usually girls would start
skipping or smelling the flowers” he said in a matter of fact way.

“Well I’m not any ordinary girl now am I?” she said as if she was pissed.
She walked through the rose garden just looking but she didn’t dare
touch anything.

You think you’re pissed!!? I’ve tried being nice to you but you never let
your guard down now do you!?

Christian just let it go and followedher around. He noticed thatshe

wouldn’t touch anything. Hmm…maybe she has some respect for
people’s property…

Alice walked around looking at all the bright colored roses. Then she saw
a white rose, for a moment she saw blood splatter on the white roses
but then it disappeared. “Alice~~” he said in a sing-along tone. She felt
him push something against her back. She turned to see him holding a
red rose. “Here” he said handing it to her but she quickly backed away.
He laughed. “Oh come on its not like I put holy water on it” he joked.
Hmm…good idea…

“Keep that away from me” she hissed at him.

“Are you allergic to it or something?”

“No I hate flowers!” she said walking away.

He looked at her suspiciously. There are some girls who hate flowers but
even though it’s not hard to hold one. He grabbed her hand quickly and
stuffed the red rose in her hand. The rose instantly whithered in her
hand. Christian stepped away from her and stared at her in horror. Alice
glared at him trying to hide her tears than she ran inside the castle.
“What the hell…is she?”

Alice ran into her father’s arms like a 6 year old who got picked on.
“Daddy…he saw it…” she sobbed.

“Did Christian do something to you?” Christopher asked.

“It’s fine Christopher” Salvador said. He kneeled in front of Alice. “Alice

what happened?”

“H-He saw my p-power” she sobbed wiping her eyes. Salvador hugged
her. “Don’t worry I don’t think he’s afraid of you” he said not very sure
of himself.


“I AM VERY AFRAID OF THAT MONSTER!!!” Christian yelled form inside his


“Son, quiet down! They could hear you!” Christopher scolded. “Don’t be
mean to her, she’s your wife!”

“Father did you not hear what I said!!? SHE SUCKED THE LIFE FROM THAT
ROSE!!! How in the world am I suppose to be quiet!!?” he yelled even
louder than before.

“Son, she’s different form the girls you’ve dated-”

“Yeah you’re right father. The girls I dated were ALIVE and HUMAN! Why
can’t I marry a girl from my own race!?”

There was a knock on the door. “Christopher it’s me Salvador”

“Come in”

Salvador came in with a worried look. “I was hoping to speak with

Christian alone” he said. Christopher nodded and Christian had an
uneasy feeling that he was gonna get eaten since he upset his daughter.
“Christian what ever I’m about to say please listen carefully”

Christian nodded slowly.

Christian he’s gonna eat you!!! Make a run for the window while you
have the chance!!

Moron maybe he’s just gonna tell you something!!!

Well, don’t take any chances he’s a vampire for God’s sake!!!

Christian thought he was going insane he was arguing with himself!!!

“About Alice…she’s weaker than she looks” he said finally.


What the hell is that supposed to mean!!?

“Alice she just acts tough so people won’t mess with her, but she was
surprised when you just kept going…” Salvador said sitting on his bed.
“She…was happy”

Christian stayed silent.

She’s happy I’m pissing her off…?

Salvador laughed. “You might not understand but she was happy you
weren’t afraid of her” he said.

“Alice had someone who betrayed her and it was the first time it
happened so she was devastated and she never wanted to trust anyone
else so easily” he continued.

“She began acting rude and stubborn towards others and if they were
intimidated then she didn’t trust them at all, in other words she’s
looking for acceptance. Alice has a power where she sucks the life out of
things but she can’t control it” he said taking out a pocket watch.

“That’s why she didn’t touch any of the roses she didn’t want to lose
your acceptance…” he opened the watch and it had a picture on the
other side of the clock it was him and Alice when she was younger and
there was one woman there but her face was burned out.

Christian felt like crap now…

WHAT THE HELL!!? Why’d you have to tell me that!? Now I feel like
“I-I’m sorry” he said finally. “I’m sorry I called you and your daughter
monsters I guess I’m the one acting like it”

Salvador smiled at him. “I don’t mind, but I think you should be

apologizing to Alice right now”

Christian nodded and ran out of the room then stopped and ran back.
“Where’s her room again?” he asked.

Salvador laughed. “7 doors to the right” he said.

“uh Right” he said then he ran off counting the doors. Uh I’m such a

He stopped in front of the 7th door and heard a girl sobbing softly. He
knocked on the door and the sobbing stopped. “Alice can you let me in?”

She recognized the voice and glared at the door. “Stay away from me
you jackass!!!” she growled. Christian sighed. Why do I even bother…?

He ran into the empty room next to hers and opened the window. He
looked down.

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!? I’m about 20 ft from the ground and
about to jump just to say I’m sorry!!?

Well, you need to you were a real jerk after all…

Well, so was she! She could have just told me about her power!

Well, she didn’t want to scare you, remember!!?


Christian couldn’t believe he lost to himself in a mental battle. He

looked at the Alice’s windowsill and stepped on the ledge not daring to
look down. Alice heard something at the window and saw him dangling
off it.

“What the hell are you doing!!?” she said opening the window.

“Can’t you see I’m dangling out your window! Or is it to hard for you to
decipher!” he said rudely.

I really need to learn when to shut my mouth…

Yeah I know I mean you’re not in the right position and situation to say

Just shut up! I already know I’m a moron!!!

Yay! It took you so long to realize that too!!

Alice glared at him and slammed the window shut. “WAIT!!! Alice I didn’t
mean that!!!” He pleaded.

She opened the window again with a grin on her face. “Oh really? How
do I know you’re just saying that so you won’t die!?” She yelled angrily.

Christian remembered what her father said. “Alice had someone who
betrayed her and it was the first time it happened so she was
devastated and she never wanted to trust anyone else so easily”

“You were scared weren’t you?” he asked her.

She glared at him. “What the hell are you talking about!?”

“About the garden…when I saw you suck the life from that rose…”

She visibly stiffened but still kept her glare.

“You were afraid you’d lose me, my acceptance…” he continued. “I’m-”

Suddenly Christian lost his grip and slipped off the windowsill.

“Christian!” she grabbed his wrist at the last moment.

He let out a sigh of relief and looked up. She was crying, probably crying
for him. She pulled him up through the windowsill safely into her room.
She quickly started wiping the tears away but it didn’t help she couldn’t
stop crying.

Damn it why won’t it stop!!!?

Christian chuckled and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.
“Thank you…” he said.

Her face turned red. She was so close to him and they’re bodies were as
close as possible. He was so warm, vampires always felt like they were
in the snow butt naked so she enjoyed his warmth. She snuggled into his
chest then her eyes shot open.


She pushed him away. “It’s fine!” she said. “I’m tired now so get out of
my room!” she growled at him.

Christian just chuckled he could still see her face was red. “Good night
then” he said before closing the door.

She flopped on her bed.


Can’t you tell you’re blushing!


Yes, you are! Just admit it! You enjoyed his hug!^^


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