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Copyright 2013 Camille Leone This story is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, places and incidents are invented by the author or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author.

Most people stay away from Cinders cause its an abandoned lot.
Its also the same place a missing womans body was found once the snow melted. She was just lying on a bed of broken liquor bottles and beer cans all winter, even though people let their dogs go in there. Only nobody bothered to tell the cops theyd seen a dead body. So I prayed for her, because she deserved better. Even knowing all this I still used Cinders to cut through to my house, since its the fastest way to get there. I was speed walking like one of those joggers in the mall, picturing my stepdad Tim going back and forth from the kitchen window to the front door, wondering where the hell I was because he had to get to work. So that meant my staying after school just messed up the whole schedule. Which also meant my little baby brother would be alone. Because my mom was still in bed and probably out of it, as usual. Hey Tiffany! I couldnt see the girl who called my name. But I ignored her, like I usually did when kids tried to get my attention. It was always better just to shut everything out since other stuff followed, like jokes about my hand me down clothes and stupid comments about me having a different dad than my sister and brother. I cant say I was used to it by now. You never get used to bullying, but thats just how it is where I live. Only this time they werent satisfied with just calling me names. A bunch of girls were coming up fast behind me. Your hair is so pretty. Whoever said it began patting me on the head, almost like I was a pet or something.

I heard a girl say that this was gonna be fun. Another told her to shut up, and I knew then that taking this shortcut was a bad idea. I tried to walk even faster, but there were other kids stepping through the bushes and a couple of them were boys. Last night Tim made us watch the DVD of the first Lord of the Rings for about the hundredth time. So it was no wonder the boy coming towards me with pointy ears and big nostrils reminded me of an Orc. Shes cute, he said to the kid at his side, the one aiming a camera phone at my face. I hope she can fight. He turned to me with a question that sounded more like a demand. Can you kick ass? You better be able to. Muscling past him didnt work. I have to get home. I dont have time to fool around with you guys. He glanced over at his friend, twisting my arm the whole time. Dont record her whining. His friend was busy angling his cell phone. She looks like Rihanna. I dont look like Rihanna. Boys are so stupid sometimes. They just say stuff and think whatever they say is cool. Whyd you stop me? I asked. What do you want me for? The Orc spoke up. You know, to fight another girl, like the ones you see on YouTube. But I dont wanna fight. I gotta get home. I tried to tell them Tim was waiting, but they ignored me. And it wasnt like I had any choice, especially after they kept pushing me along another path, one that went deeper into the lot where old cars and furniture had been dumped, just like that ladys body. What if her dad comes looking for her? the camera operator wondered. So? Itll be over by then. Orc boy decided to threaten me, saying the fight would be nothing compared to what he would do if I told on them. There was a girl curling her fists and throwing practice punches, so I figured she was my opponent. She had curly brown hair with blonde streaks. I knew her, because wed been in the same homeroom in sixth grade. But we were never

friends. I think the faces she made were supposed to scare me, but she just looked constipated. Lets do this, the Orc commanded, and so me and the girl faced each other. Out of fear I tried to run, but she grabbed my hoodie and a huge chunk of my hair. As she swung me in a complete circle my feet left the ground. There were cheers and groans after I managed to hold tight on her wrists so she couldnt throw me down. When she had to catch her breath I used one of my hands to claw at her face, cause I thought maybe shed turn me loose if I scratched her. That only made her pull my hair even harder, until she forced my head down. All I could see was the ground quickly coming up so I put my hands out. When they made contact with the hard grass my palms stung something awful, and she started punching and beating me along my back, trying to perform all the moves the kids screaming at her suggested. She tried to knee me, so I blocked her leg and held on tight, causing us both to tumble. Somehow I landed on top as we wrestled and threw wild punches at each other. I heard a crack, sort of like when an egg shell hits a bowl. Then I saw a bloody wound on her head gushing thick and deep red, like ketchup squirting from a bottle. Everything seemed to move in slow motion after that. I looked down and instead of sitting on the girl I was standing high up on a mountain top that poked out of thick clouds. I dived off, flying through the air, my eyes locked on prey that ran as soon as I burst from the clouds. But it was too late. I had em in my sight and I wasnt gonna let them escape. I wasnt scared anymore. I felt invincible. I call next. And I want you, pussy face. I knew that voice. At first I didnt dare hope it was really my sister Megan. I thought maybe I was the one on the ground and the girl was kicking my butt, and in reality I was just hallucinating. But I took a quick look over my shoulder, spotting my big sis calmly smoking a cigarette with one hand and dragging a baby stroller with the other. I wanted to tell her she was doing it wrong, that the stroller was supposed to be in front, not behind. But my little brother Alec didnt need to see me fighting anyhow.

I stood up, offering the girl Id just fought a helping hand. She seemed surprised that Id actually do something like that. But our fight was over. Because my sister had come for me. Megan repeated her challenge. Ay, little big man. Its me and you now. What? the Orc tried laughing it off, but I know my sister. She was serious. Megans dangerous and reckless, and everything I wanted to be. Get outta here you ugly bitch. And take your baby with you, he said, and the other kids laughed because they were afraid not to. That cigarette was ripped out of her mouth as she ran up on him, stamping it into the side of his neck. His scream had everyone feeling his pain, even the kid using his phones camera. But he never stopped shooting. The Orc clutched at his throat, and I could swear even though the cigarette was implanted on his skin, it flared even brighter instead of going out. No matter how hard he pulled, the thing wouldnt budge. The very thought of burning flesh made my stomach roll. Megan forced him to his knees, taking a swipe along his face that had him screaming even louder and begging her to stop. My sister has crazy looking eyes. Theyre really big and dark, like black shiny marbles. But its not just their color, its how she uses them. One of my moms old boyfriends said Megan was pretty, but she was scary looking, especially the way shed stretch her eyes and stare all the time. Now shed added eyeliner around the bottom rims which made them stand out even more. Not so tough now, are ya? she hollered down at Orc boy while squeezing his shoulder. In a voice as high as a little girls he told her she was effin crazy. That only made her smile. If I see my sister on Youtube, Im gonna do the same thing to each and every one of you. Im Megan fuckin queen of this damn place from now on, and if you ever mess with my little sister again, Ill make you all disappear. Kids scattered faster than roaches when the lights come on. Some of them knew who she was. The ones that didnt werent stupid enough to stick around to find

out. There was something about Megan that made her look like she had all kinds of ways to hurt someone, even worse than what shed done to that boy. By this time the Orc was blubbering incoherently with snot bubbles coming out of his nose. And Megan loved it. Each time she got ready to punch him, hed cover up and duck. Lemme see the damage, she said, jerking him to his feet. Then I swear, to this day I dont know why I didnt hurl at what she did. She licked his wound, which started the kid to screaming again. He was so scared that he took off running, and he only stopped when his already too low pants dropped past his knees. Wheres that girl you were fighting? Ill bust her up next. Megan was hopping around, getting such a rush off all this. I couldnt find my voice at first. She-she ran off with the others. You shoulda bit her ear off and spit it out. Megan said it as easily as ice cream sliding down her throat. Left your brand on her so that she never forgets youre not someone to mess with. Her voice lowered, and her eyes had gone even scarier. Little sister, do you know what human flesh tastes like? My expression must have told her I found that gross beyond words. And I wondered why shed saved me from those kids just so she could frighten me even worse. Flesh is as sweet as sugar. And just as addictive. She smacked her lips, as if the memory was pleasant, as if shed really done something so nasty sounding. I wanted to warn her not to talk like that. Shed just gotten home. I didnt want her to give Tim or even Mom a reason to commit her again. For an awkward few moments she just stared at me. The only sound was Alec whining and kicking his legs in frustration, cause once he heard my voice he wanted out of the stroller. Oh will you shut the hell up, Megan said, and that only made him cry harder. I didnt like the way she talked to him. Alec hadnt even been born when she went away. I bent down, scooping him out of the seat and bouncing him in my arms. He doesnt know you well enough yet. But now that youre back-

I aint no babysitter. This was a one-time thing. She turned her back to us, lighting another cigarette. Before she spoke again she inhaled on it hard. Smoke came out her mouth along with a flurry of curse words. Fuck it all to hell. Ive only been home an hour and I already want to go back. I covered my brothers nose and eyes with one hand, propping him on my hip as we started walking home. I didnt want him breathing in all that smoke. It was bad enough that our mom would get up and the first thing shed reach for was a pack of cigarettes. What made you get bangs? I asked, trying to say something that wouldnt make her any angrier. You-you look really pretty with them. I dunno. I just felt like a change. She reached over to finger comb my seriously tangled hair. Girls will always go for your hair in a fight, she murmured, I told you that. I even taught you how to wrap your hair before you gotta go at it. She shook her head like I was a lost cause. I wont always be around to save your ass. I wish I could wear bangs. I wish I looked more like you. And mom. Megan snorted. Smoke poured out of her nose, reminding me of hot steam from an iron. Your hairs just fine the way it is. And you better hope you never end up anything like me or mom, cause your life will be a whole hell of a lot easier. I knew what she meant. People talk, and they tell their kids, whod come back to school and throw stuff in my face. They told lies about Tim being a drug dealer and that my mom had done porno movies. And they said Id end up on a stripper pole or have a breakdown just like Megan. But time in a mental institution didnt seem to do anything but make my sister madder. The stroller suffered the bulk of her rage once we got to the edge of Cinders. With our house in view she alternated between kicking and flinging it the rest of the way. Alec started fussing again, so I stopped to swing him between my legs. I wanted to ask Megan how shed gotten out so soon, cause she wasnt scheduled to be released for another six months. But I couldnt come right out and say it, because shed bite my head off. I wish Id been there when you got home. I wish mom had told me you were coming home today.

Even she didnt know. You should have seen her face when I showed up with her sorority sister. Which one? I kind of already knew without asking. It had to be Aunt June, because shed spoken at Megans hearing. She wasnt related to us but shed known mom for so long she was like her big sister. Even with all Aunt Junes connections Megan still got sent away. Aunt Junes car was parked in front of our house. Before we got to the steps I could hear the jazzy sounds of Billie Holiday on the CD player. The screen door didnt have a screen in it, so we got a good view of mom doing that weird dance of hers while sipping straight from a jug of wine. Bacchus makes the best brew. Oh how Ive missed this. Mom threw her hands up, letting them sway from side to side. Tell him thank you for me when you see him again. One of Aunt Junes legs crossed over the other. Long dresses and skirts with slits in the sides were her favorite outfits to wear, along with big clunky jewelry. Without so much as turning her head to acknowledge us, she told mom that we were home. Aunt June stood up, fidgeting with her jewelry like she was nervous. Mom tried to get her to dance, but Aunt June walked over and turned the music off. We should be going, she said, but mom was still dancing. Humming to herself, mom started going on about all the parties they used to have and how come no one ever threw any big celebrations like the ones she remembered. Its called downsizing. Aunt June smoothed the hair at her neck, as if she knew we were staring. Her micro-braids were twisted into a large bun with a few hanging in front. I never bought in to the whole sorority sister thing with her and mom, since I couldnt imagine Aunt June pledging. I guess its cause I couldnt ever picure her being young. She barely tolerated me, and she ignored Alec. The only ones she showed any interest in were mom and Megan. And speaking of Megan, shed plopped down on our saggy couch, which had suddenly sprung a bunch of new clothes on hangers and in bags. Whered those come from? I asked.

Aunt June bought them for me. Oh. The way Megan said for me made it pretty clear that there was nothing there in my size. When mom saw us she forgot all about dancing. My babies! My beautiful children are here, safe and sound. Aunt June snatched the wine jug from mom as she stumbled our way. I didnt see any brand name on there, so I wondered how mom knew the company that made it was called Bacchus. I told you Megan would find her, Aunt June told her. That you did. Mom stopped to let out a burp, then tried to glide across the floor as if that would fool us into thinking she wasnt totally wasted. Her hair flowed loose around her, like a cloudy red mist against her pale face. Alecs fingers dug into my shoulders as he began to cry, cause mom got all loud and dramatic when she saw my banged up face. Who did this? Who the hell dared to mess with one of my kids? I was embarrassed at the way she inspected the bruise on my cheek, tilting my head different angles to check if there were any more marks. Between Alecs iron grip on me and mom all in my face, I had to speak up. Come on, it was one little fight. Her eyes narrowed. The way they burned into mine made me realize she wasnt as drunk as Id thought. Youre not just saying that to make me feel better, are you? No mom. Im fine. Its a good thing Megan came when she did. My little Meggies timing was fortunate. Its like she has a sixth sense where youre concerned. I caught the sarcasm in her voice. So did Aunt June. Even Alecs big blue eyes slid from moms face to Aunt Junes as if he knew something was up. I need to go clean up my- I mean our room so Megan can put her stuff in there. Aunt June couldnt wait to jump in. Tiffany, theres going to be some changes in the sleeping arrangements. Id heard this speech before, like when we were about to move, and when any of moms boyfriends were history. Tims not leaving, is he mom?

Aunt June gave me a cold stare. She couldnt stand Tim, so his leaving wouldnt bother her one bit. Youll have to sleep in your brothers bedroom. Megan needs a room all to herself. So not fair! That room is small, only Alecs crib can fit in there. Id have use Tims sleeping bag on the floor- Aunt June nodded. And mom just looked away. Megan didnt say anything. I felt like crying until Alec nuzzled his face into my hair, as if to comfort me. There is . . . another way, Aunt June said, straightening her back and crossing her hands in front, as if she were about to recite poetry on a stage. Me and Megan spoke at the same time. What way? June no, mom said. Your father wants to see you. So? All three of them stared at me like Id gone crazy, but I didnt care. WTF, he wanted to see me? What about all the times I wanted to see him, and Id call but he was too busy to spend time with me? Maybe I dont want to see him. Aunt June acted like Id offended her. But hes your father! Only when he wants to be. I dont have to jump just cause he says so. Oh sure, if I wanted tickets to a concert, no problem. A messenger would be at the door within an hour, thats how much pull my dad has. But trying to get him to sit down for five minutes just to talk is like pulling teeth. Hes either texting or talking on his phone, or working on his laptop. Such is the life of a high powered entertainment agent. His clients are the rich and famous from all over the world, and in different fields like Opera, Hip-hop, Country, Video Games . . . So basically, even as his daughter I cant get an appointment with him. And hes always on. His clients call him Paulo and Paulie. But when he asked me to start calling him P Dog thats when I started ignoring him. And whoever did his facelift must be the same doctor who worked on Aunt Vee, because they looked really young to be so old.

I feel more comfortable around Uncle Aaron, only I couldnt say that to mom or Aunt June. Apparently Uncle Aarons been in and out of prison, and hes the black sheep of their whole clique cause they never have anything good to say about him. But hes always been there for me. You really dont want to see him? You could even live with him for the summer, Aunt June insisted. I couldnt understand why Aunt June was speaking for my father. And I really didnt get why my mother wasnt saying anything to stop her. Id rather stay here in the summer. But youd have a room all to yourself- This day was already one I wanted to forget but not my joy at having Megan back home so Id have to suck it up and be the sacrificial lamb once again. Thats okay. Megans back, and I get why she needs her own space. I was upset at first, but I can sleep in Alecs room. It wont kill me. I could tell Aunt June didnt know what to make of all this. But I didnt really care. She wasnt related to us anyway. Sure, it was nice that shed drop by to bring us food or to get mom out of the house, but most times I think all those sorority sisters just came over to feel better about themselves. Theyd look at how crappy we lived, acting as if mom could do better, telling her to leave Tim and let them help us. Most times all they did was talk about each other anyway. And whenever mom went out with them she was dead to the world for days afterward. The only ones I liked were Diana and Aunt Tina, and the other one whose name I keep forgetting since she hardly ever came by except to drop off cosmetic samples. I see her on QVC all the time selling her wrinkle creams and oily, piss colored youth serum makeup. Megan started collecting her new outfits off the couch. Come on, put the brat down for his nap and help me take these clothes into my room. Dont call him that! I dont know why I snapped. I didnt recognize my own voice, because it sounded so cruel. Hes not a brat, his name is Alec. Hes our little brother and I love him!

Aunt Junes lips were twitching. Megans eyes got wide. But mom, she was just staring at me like she was seeing me for the first time. Music! Lets hear some more music, she sang out, starting up again with that crazy dancing. Now where the hells my wine? ***** As soon as mom and Aunt June left, Megan announced she was going out too. I just tried to stay out of her way so I did my homework in Alecs room and only came out after putting him to bed. When I placed him in his crib he was so tired that he was snoring. After I got him settled, I picked up the bags and plastic wrap that Megan ripped off her new clothes, because stuff like that isnt safe around little kids. I knocked on Megans door before going into her bedroom, which used to be my room just this morning. She was sitting on the bed, staring at the opposite wall. I mean, shed always been moody, or difficult like the teachers told mom whenever she had to go to school when Megan acted up. They used words like challenging and has a problem with authority. Later on the school psychologist claimed she was deeply troubled. And during her court case they came right out and called Megan a borderline sociopath. Im sorry about . . . you know, earlier. I kept my head down and waited for her to blast me. She kicked one of her legs out, pushing most of her new clothes to the floor. Sit down. Ive got lots to tell you. Propping her chin on an elbow, this was the sister I remembered, the Megan whod read bedtimes stories to me, the one with secrets to share, and whose secrets Id sworn to keep. My dad came to visit me. I was so shocked my voice came out even softer. He did? But I thought mom put a restraining order on him. Not anymore. Aunt June made her drop it. Now he can see me and I can see him whenever we want. I even got to meet some of my half brothers and sisters. And I met moms family.

I knew my mother had other family. Blood relatives. Two older sisters that she couldnt stand. What are they like? Theyre gorgeous. They both look just like mom, except ones got black hair and the others a blonde. Did they say why they fell out with her? Nope, but Aunt June did. My eyes widened at that. Whatd she say? The whole thing was over a man. Nothing but soap opera he said, she said bullshit.

End of Excerpt


Stay in your room until theyre gone. Megan was already giving orders, but this time I wasnt a child for her to boss around. Still, I kept to Alecs room, hoping I could see a car pull up and get a glimpse of her new friends. Neither one happened, cause I think I fell asleep. The next thing I remembered was waking up to Megans voice, anxiously rising then lowering as she threatened someone or a bunch of someones. The gurgles and squeaky pops she got in return made me jump up from my sleeping bag. I went over to Alecs crib, and thankfully he was still out of it, his chubby little fist stuck in his mouth while he frowned at something in his dream. I smoothed his hair back, trying to reassure him that big sis was near. His face softened, as if he knew Id make the bad dreams go away. Megans voice was getting louder, along with the

weird replies that either sloshed like feet paddling through water or growled low. There was a crash in the living room, so I stepped to the door to open it a crack. I wish Id listened to Megan. God how I wish Id stayed asleep. The thing standing over her had to be at least seven feet tall, with raised skin like bubble wrap. It was something out of a nightmare, one that made you wake up screaming. But that wasnt the worse part. There were other creatures, one with a sinewy tail that was slowly wrapping itself around Megans leg. I saw outer coverings with different shaped holes and suction cup like protrusions. A few were slimy and deformed, and others were adorned with prickly hair or skin that swirled into a pattern, with eyes that werent aligned or having no eyes at all. Horrifying beasts that shouldve stayed under the rock theyd crawled out of. This couldnt be real. I prayed it was just a dream. A big shouldered thing lumbered in front of the door, blocking my view. I couldnt make out what Megan was saying, but she sure wasnt speaking English. The only word I did recognize was the name she hollered just before that big ass monster in front of her bared its fangs. Enoch! My breath caught, and the creature standing by the door swung around, its single bulging eye rolling in confusion, until it landed squarely on me. I think I flipped out and screamed just then. I did scream, cause Megan turned to look my way, and she shouted the name Enoch again. I tried pushing the door shut, but the thing with the yellow egg yolk, runny eye had its long fingers wedged between the jamb. I could hear it slobbering in anticipation, so I shrieked, because I so wanted out of this nightmare. A blob of something dark and smelly oozed through the opening even as I tried hard to push the door closed. It was heavy enough to knock me back towards Alecs crib, and thats all I thought about, grabbing him and jumping through the window even if it meant Id get all cut up. Alecs head was nestled in the crook of my neck, and I was hugging him close, still shielding his face from the thing that wanted to make a meal out of us. But no sooner than whatever the hell the thing was had forced itself into the room, its sagging middle turned from solid to clear, trapped in the widening edges of a circular ring that kept expanding, erasing the

creature, until all that was left was an eye frantically rolling and pulsing, as if it didnt want to get sucked away to parts unknown. In the eerie quiet that followed, I couldnt believe I was still standing. Or breathing. All I wanted to do was fall on my knees in relief, but I had to know if Megan was okay. I rushed out of the room, expecting to find the worst. Oh hey, Im glad youre awake. Megans voice was light, but I could tell it was forced. She was trying to play it off, acting as if I hadnt experienced what I did. Tiffany, this is Enoch. I saw his abs first because his shirt was open, so I got an eyeful of a six pack rolled so tight I thought they were airbrushed. He was breathing hard, and it was no wonder. Clearing out a group of Megans friends in less than five minutes had to make him otherworldly strong. But what struck me the most were his incredible, smoky gray eyes that alternated from dark to silver. Depending on how he tilted his head, they were so light I almost couldnt make out the color. And I could swear I saw my reflection in them, just like I was standing in front of a mirror. With skin as smooth and brown as the beer bottle he was holding, Enoch wore straight legged jeans that hugged his muscular thighs and long legs. After getting tongue tied at the sight of him, I wasnt sure whether I said hi or thanked him. His eyelids narrowed, looking me over before speaking in a voice hypnotic and deep, just like his gaze. Tiffany. All he did was repeat my name, causing a shudder that ran the length of my body. And OMG, wouldnt you know it, Alec took that exact moment to spit up those over seasoned garlic mashed potatoes Id begged Megan not to feed him. Sooooo . . . I could only stand there with bile running down my hair and chest, softly patting Alecs back, assuring him that I wasnt upset. Ew. Megan scrunched up her nose as if Alecs puke was the worst thing ever. And that would be the first and the last time hed throw up on me. I shot her a look, one that clearly spelled over my dead body, then mumbled something to Enoch about it being nice to meet him and walked to the bathroom with Alec, shaking the whole time.

Enoch didnt say anything as I left the living room, which was totally trashed so I wondered how Megan would explain her way out of this one. In-between wiping off Alec and rinsing out my hair, I could hear Enoch vowing to ignore Megan the next time she called on him. I never thought I could be so enamored by anyone, but that was before Alec was born. Once I saw him I wanted to hold him forever. I know mom carried my brother for nine long months, but deep down I really thought of him as mine. Because no other male affects me the way he does. Every new thing he learns leaves me speechless. But that was before I met Enoch. And maybe I was wrong, but I couldnt help feeling a little bit of satisfaction when Megan tried getting cute with Enoch, saying he was bound to do anything she commanded of him, whatever that meant. Youre spoiled. And Ive got better use of my skills than babysitting someone elses problem, he snarled back at her. But my daddy said- The way she got cut off and with how his voice hissed made me think hed gotten in her face. Your father does not rule me. Im not one of his subjects, nor one of his slave minions. I battled my way to freedom all those long years in the warrior pits. Ive never, ever, heard Megan tell anyone she was sorry. Not to mom, never to me, not even to Aunt June. But she sure was stumbling all over herself to apologize to this Enoch guy. Im sorry. I promise I wont do it again. Its just that I told them never to come here, but they wouldnt listen. Please dont be mad at me, Hellraiser. Hellraiser. I needed to know what his title meant. Enoch gave a long sigh before answering. Princess, Im not mad at you. Im angry with your father, because hes the one who granted you the power to summon the underbelly of Tartarus. By his gift, youve fucked us one and all.

End of Excerpts

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Characters from FURIES:

Tiffany and Ash the Enforcer

Tiffany and Enoch the Hellraiser

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