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1) Grant (n) : burs. They gave her a grant to study abroad for one year. Synonym : scholarship.

2) Grasp (v) : kapmak, kavramak, alglamak. We must grasp every opportunity to strenghten economic ties with other countries. Synonym : grab, perceive. 3) Grateful (adj) : minnettar. If you can get that report finished by Thursday, I will be very grateful. Synonym : thankful. 4) Gratitude (n) : kran, minnettarlk. She sent them a present to show/express her gratitude. Synonym : gratefulness. 5) Grave (adj) : ciddi, nemli. This was a grave situation which necessitated great experience. Synonym : serious, crucial, severe. 6) Greed (n) : a gzllk, doyumsuzluk. I do not know why I am eating more it is not hunger, it is just greed. Synonym : insatiable. 7) Grief (n) : znt, keder. Her grief at her sons failure was terrible. Synonym : sorrow, sadness. 8) Grievance (n) : yaknma, ikayet. A special committee has been apointed to handle prisoners grievances. Synonym : complaint. 9) Grim (adj) : karamsar. According to the recent report the future of the country looks grim due to the economic policy that does not suit to the needs of the country. 10) Groundless (adj) : yersiz, dayanaksz, aslsz. My fears turned out to be groundless. Synonym : without basis. 11) Grumble (v) : ikayet etmek. She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job. Synonym : complain. 12) Guilt (n) : su. Both suspects admitted their guilt. Synonym : crime, offence.

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