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Useful Abbreviations
c/o : complains of
h/o : history of
Dx : diagnosis
Rx : treatment
Dz : disease
c : with
s : without
s/p : status post
POD : post-op day
PEx : physical exam
USOH : usual state of health
PTA : prior to admission
FHx / SHx / PMHx : family-, social-, past medical – history
ROS : review of systems
NKDA : no known drug allergies
LOC : loss of consciousness
SOB : shortness of breath
CP : chest pain
BRBPR : bright red blood per rectum (hematochesia)
N / V / D: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
F / C: fevers / chills
SS Insulin: sliding scale insulin
PRN: as necessary
QD: once per day
BID: twice per day
TID: three times per day
QID: four times per day
T#3: Tylenol #3 (Tylenol with codeine)
ABx: antibiotics
OOB: out of bed (ie when discussing plans for activity – OOB to chair)
IS: incentive spirometry (see this a lot on surgical services)
I/O’s: ins and outs (diet/waste)
L / R : left / right
B : bilaterally
CABG : coronary artery bypass graft
txp : transplant
LRRT : living related renal txp
LURT : living unrelated renal txp
TAH-BSO : total abdominal hysterectomy – bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy
Fem-Pop : Femoral-Popliteal bypass
BKA / AKA : below-knee amputation / above-knee amputation
TKA : total knee arthroplasty
THA : total hip arthroplasty
LOA : lysis of adhesions
PNA: Pneumonia

PEx abbreviations:

NC/AT : normocephalic / atraumatic
Ø LAD: no lymphadenopathy
Cardiac exam (CV):
Ø M/G/R : no murmurs, gallops, rubs
2+ PT/DP B : 2+ posterior-tibial and dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally
Ø JVD : no jugular venous distension
Ø LE edema: no lower extremity edema
Lung exam:
CTA B : clear to auscultation bilaterally
Abdo exam:
NT/ND : non-tender, non-distended
Ø HSM : no hepatosplenomegaly
+ BS : bowel sounds present
Back exam:
Ø CVAT : no costovertebral angle tenderness
EOMI / PERRL : extraocular mvmnts intact / pupils equal, round, reactive to light

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