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1 - Complete using the Simple Past.

Yesterday my friend Sally and I________________(go) to the supermarket to buy food. We __________
everything we _____________(want), except my favorite cookies. John usually goes to school by bus, but yesterday
he ________________
(walk) because it
(be) a beautiful day.When Mary and
Jake_____________ (arrive) at the party, they
______________ (look) for Mike but couldn't find him.We
________________ (see) Star Wars last week. I
________________ (like) it a lot, but my friends didn't. My TV
________________ (be) broken last week, so I ________________ (read) all my magazines in my free time.Janet
________________ (make) three delicious dishes for lunch last Saturday. We
________________ (eat) all the
food - there was nothing left.Tony and Tim ________________
(play) basketball as children. Tim also
________________ (study) French and piano. I ________________ (lose) my wallet yesterday, but thankfully a girl
from my school ________________(find) it and _______________ (give) me a call. Where Monica and Sandra
________________ (be) children, they
________________ (have) three dogs and a bird. They
________________ (live) in a farm, so the dogs ________________ (have) a lot of space to play.
2 - Order these sentences.
a) TV did watch - night what program you last - ?
b) him yesterday - happened to what - ?
c) her break - how she arm did - ?
d) last vacation I not travel
e) Month my not study - sister last ______________________________________________________________________________________________
3 - Complete the conversation with was, wasnt, were, or werent.
Nancy: ___________________ you in college last year, Chuck?
Chuck: No, I _____________. I graduated two years ago.
Nancy: So where ___________ you last year?
Chuck: I __________ in France.
Nancy: Oh! ___________ you in Paris?
Chuck: No, I _________________. I ____________ in Nice. I had a job
Nancy: What ____________ the job?
Chuck: I _____________ a receptionist at a hotel.
4 - Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:
a) Friday / where / you / last / morning / were?
b) was / this / I / year / Canada / last / in / time / at.
c) home / was / at / Sunday / not / I / on / evening.
d) birthday / yesterday / it / Brendas / was?
1Rewrite these questions correcting the mistakes.
a) What clothes she wore at the party?_______________________________________________
b) What time it started to rain?_____________________________________________________
c) What you were doing when the bomb exploded? ____________________________________
d) Was it snowed when you woke up? _______________________________________________
e) Why he did wear jeans to the wedding?____________________________________________

Complete com o Past Continuous:

a) The teacher _____________________________________ (not talk) when Mary
b) The Boys _______________________________________(play) when the bell rang.
c) __________Lucy _________________ (do) her homework when someone
knocked the door?
d) Marks parents __________________________________(write) him a letter when
they heard a crash.
e) Ann _______________________________________________ (not sleep) when the
alarm clock rang.
f) They ___________________________________________(not watch) TV when their
parents arrived.

02 Look the picture and write what they were doing yesterday morning:

3 - Simple Past or Past Continuous? Complete the spaces with the correct form of the verbs in

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