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TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION FORM Name: Job Location: Please Rate the Following for Each

Course: Job Function: Specify which number reflects your opinion. (1 Through 5) Highest (5)

Lowest (1) Skill: Skill A: 1 1A I use this skill regularly on the job. never use

use frequently

Answer this question if the skill is never used. This skill is never used because, (circle the most appropriate responses), a.) It isnt part of my job. b.) It is too difficult. c.) I forget how to do it. If your response is a, you can skip questions 2 through 5 for this skill.

2 2A

I have mastered this skill.

unable to perform


Answer this question if you are unable to perform this skill. Skip questions 3 through 5 for this skill. I am unable to perform this skill because (circle the most appropriate responses), a.) It is too difficult and complicated. b.) No one else is using it. c.) No one is available to help.

3 4 5

I was able to perform this skill immediately after I received the training. I learned to perform this skill as a direct result of the training course. The skill is performed in the manner described during the training.

took two weeks to learn obtained the necessary information from another source procedure from training is completely wrong

immediately proficient learned in training procedure from training is exactly right

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