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I Apologise By Moses Mahumapelo

I apologise for the vanity of my thoughts My world, although in its natural form Is survived through the puzzles seeing through thoughts For many it is confusing and misplaced in theory But for me there are no limits, nor any sense of confusion Only a wandering mind intrigued by the endless of life

In thoughts, I come to explore in words or otherwise the world before me How real or not, about everything shall or should be Thus, let me not be misunderstood or misplaced in the eyes of man Im not deep nor try to be Im just a wondering being in human Intrigued by the confusion that surrounds me, thus making sense of everything that does not surround me

I apologise for leading your mind astray It is neither my intention nor the objective of my actions To say, write or do anything to the contrary Only expressing a world of beauty in words Created through the free-spirited mind a sentiment I intend not to echo in ignorance

So i apologise from the depth of my heart For looking at the physical traits of life in its spirited form. I apologise.

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