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August zoiz

Vo|ume Number o8 cbicago|

Clicago Lawyer

August ioii
i8 Saving bomes from forec|osure
Pro bono lavycrs play an imporLanL parL in Chicagos morLgagc
orcclosurc proccss, hclping Lhosc in oangcr o losing Lhcir homcs.
o Latera| damage
Somc lavycrs ano lav irm consulLanLs say Dcvcy & Lc8ocu Look
cxLrcmc risks in hiring iLs laLcral parLncrs, a movc LhaL ulLimaLcly lco Lo
iLs oovnall.
8 Inspiring Innovators: Ann C|aire Wi||iams
|uogc Ann Clairc Williams pavco Lhc vay or black, cmalc lavycrs by
hclping ouno scvcral organizaLions ano by bccoming Lhc irsL black
juogc Lo scrvc on Lhc ;Lh U.S. CircuiL CourL o Appcals.
q6 xpert testimony
Lavycrs, procssors ano juogcs vho ocvoLc somc o Lhcir pracLicc Lo
scrving as cxpcrLs sharc hov Lhcir inLcrcsLs ocvclopco ano vhaL iL
Lakcs Lo bccomc crcoiblc in Lhc courLroom.
zz C|imbing tbe Ladder
z) ]udging History
z8 Communication Conundrum
zp Inside Out
q MedMa| Matters
L and tbe City
6 Money Sense
qq Above & 8eyond
q Law and We||ness
qp Inte||ectua| Assets
q tbics
C|iffords Notes
6 Info Tecb Law
) Owning tbe Practice
8 Counse|s Tab|e
p Opening Statement
66 C|osing Argument
zq Pro 8ono
o Cbaritab|e Organizations
On the coer {/rom /eft to r|qht) Kath/een Robson seres as one of about oo /aw,ers tra|ned |n med|at|on b, Ch|caqo vo/unteer /eqa/ Ser|ces Robson, a
pro bono forec/osure defense attorne,, used the process to he/p sae Maror|e /and,s home
Micbae| 8. Kramer
O|ivia C|arke
AssisLanL LoiLor
Amanda Robert
Copy LoiLor
]obn Corcoran
Roy Strom
Craphic ArLs/ProoucLion
Pbi| Lonergan
ConLcnL ManagcmcnL SpccialisL
Adam Music
Salcs Managcr
Micbae| Loquercio
Publishco by
Law 8u||etin Pub|isbing Company
Lanning Macfar|and ]r.
Cbicago Lawyer(ISSN: oipp-8)q) is publishco
iiLimcs a ycar byLav8ullcLinPublishingCompany,
i N. SLaLc SLrccL, Chicago, lL 6o6. AovcrLising
ano coiLorial oiccs arc locaLco aL Lhc SLaLc SLrccL
aoorcss. i.6.;8oo.
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ano aL aooiLional mailing oiccs. PosLmasLcr. Scno
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Cover Pbotograpby: Lisa Predko
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o8 ditors Note
io firm Life
iz Q&A
i Non-bi||ab|e Hours
iq Socia| Scene
i6 Lawyers Witb Sty|e
! !&
$ "$
& kuust zovz
EdItors Note : ocparLmcnL
by O|ivia C|arke -@EJH
t leasi one lawye: asleo ne if I sia:ieo
waiching The Iews:oon on HBO
aLoui a ficiiiious naiional ielevision
news :og:an. The show involves Aa:on
So:lins ialenis, Lesi lnown fo: The Vesi
Ving. In sho:i, ihe answe: is yes.
I wanieo io iall no:e aLoui ihe :og:an
Lecause I ihinl ii seals io nany issues. Fi:si,
I oo lile ihe show ano I oo lile ihai a show
exisis aLoui jou:nalisn. Ano yes, I oo lnow
ihai nany, nany eole oo noi lile ihe show
ano I also ag:ee wiihihenaLoui ihe :oLlens
wiih ii. Mainly ihai ii seens :eachy ano ihai
ihe nonologues each acio: nusi give iale
away f:onihe sio:y ano oo noi give ihe acio:s
a chance io :eally aci.
Bui I oo lile ihai ii shows how nuch wo:l
ano how nuch hea:i goes inio uiiing a news
neoiuniogeihe:, wheihe: ii Le a TV:og:an
o: a newsae: o: nagazine. Tooay, sone eo-
le ihinl jou:nalisnano :eo:iing ihe news is
so easy. This is oue, in a:i, io so nany eole
geiiing ihei: news f:on Llogs ano Inie:nei
siies in an alnosi insianianeous fashion.
I wani io oesc:iLe how nuch wo:l goes
inio uiiing ihis nagazine iogeihe: ano how
nuchieanwo:lii :equi:es eve:ysingle oay
a:iicula:ly since I oouLi Aa:on So:lins will
:ofile ou: effo:is on HBO.
Ii sia:is wiih si:aiegizing whai fou: sio:ies
shoulo Le in ihe issue. Fo: ihis issue, ihai lan-
ning sia:ieo in ]une. The cove: sio:y iales ihe
ihene of ihe issue. This nonih iis :o Lono.
As fo: ihe colunnisis. They lnowihei: scheo-
ules aheaoof iine. Ai ihe enoof ihe :io: issue
I seno ihenan e-nail :eninoing ihenio iu:n
ihei: colunns in ai ihe eno of ihe nonih.
Feo:ie: Foy Si:on w:iies ou: cove: sio:y
each nonih ano one oihe: sio:y. He wo:ls on
his sio:ies ou:ing ihe :io: nonih ano iu:ns
one in ai ihe eno of ihe nonih ano ihe oihe:
ou:ing ihe fi:si weel of ihe nexi nonih. He
juggles ihis wiih his Chicaqo Dail LawBulletin
ouiies. Ano as a fo:ne: :eo:ie: fo: ihe nag-
azine I can aiiesi io ihe la:ge anouni of wo:l
ihai goes inio an issue-o:ienieo iece of ihis
lengih lei alone iwo. Fo: ihis nonih, one of
his sio:ies focuses on :o Lono lawye:s hel-
ing eole avoio fo:eclosu:e. Ii sia:is on age
18. His oihe: sio:y lools ai whai ihe Dewey &
LeBoeuf oisasie: says aLoui how fi:ns hanole
laie:al hi:es. Ii sia:is on age o.
Ea:lie: in ihe yea:, nosi Illinois law fi:ns
conleieo a su:vey. Du:ing ]une, ]uly, Augusi
ano SeienLe: we use ihai info:naiion in
sea:aie cha:is. The wo:l of o:ganizing ihose
cha:is sia:is wiih Gene Davis ano ihen goes io
Fhil Lone:gan.
Two oihe: sio:ies gei w:iiien Ly f:eelance
:eo:ie:s, so ihe ioics nusi Le consioe:eo a
coule nonihs in aovance. Fo: each sio:y we
neeo f:eelance hoiog:ahe:s io iale hoios
io go wiih ihose sio:ies, as well as hoios fo:
ihe oea:ineni feaiu:es we :un. Again, nuch
lanning ano si:aiegy goes inio assigning ano
ialing ihose hoios ano ihe cove: hoios Le-
cause In noi ihei: only clieni. I neeo io give
ihen enough noiice of ihe assignnenis. My
goal ihis yea: wiih each cove: involveo noi
shooiing ina lawfi:noffice. Ive nei ihai goal
so fa:, Lui ii can Lecone ve:y challenging io
ihinl of new, c:eaiive locaiions.
I cannoi si:ess how nuch :oofing goes in-
io each age. Ou: Assisiani Eoiio: Ananoa
FoLe:i ano Coy Eoiio: ]ohn Co:co:an :eao
each oocuneni ihai aea:s in ihe nagazine
iwoiines once onihe conuie: sc:eenano
once on :oof. I ioo :eao each iece iwice ano
I :eao eve:y sio:y an aooiiional coule iines.
Ou: oesigne:, Fhil, lays oui each iien, nal-
ing su:e each ages lools conleie ano
unique. Ve :eally gei going on ihe eoiiing of
ihe issue ou:ing ihe fi:si iwo weels of ihe
nonih. Bui ou: cycle nales ii whe:e we nusi
always wo:l on a iece of ihe nagazine eve:y
oay ih:oughoui ihe enii:e nonih, wheihe: ii
Le Ananoa figu:ing oui whai will Le on ihe
Ion-LillaLle Hou:s ano Fi:nLife ages o: ne
ialling wiih ihe lawye: feaiu:eo in ihe Q&A
ano in ihe Lawye:s Viih Siyle seciions.
Ano when all of ihai finishes, a whole oif-
fe:eni sei of wo:l ano iine goes inio ihe VeL
ve:sion Ly Conieni Manageneni Secialisi
Aoan Music f:on vioeo io hoio galle:ies
io layoui io e-nail Llasis.
Iexi iine you :eao a Llog, asl you:self how
nuch iine :eally weni inio whai you:e :eao-
ing. Hownuch:oofing ano faci-checling? A
la:ge anouni of wo:l goes inio each issue of
ou: nagazine so ihai each :eaoe: :eceives a
c:eaiive, info:naiive :oouci ihai iells a con-
leie sio:y ano noi jusi a slice of a sio:y.
This nonih, f:eelance :eo:ie: She::y Ka:a-
Lin w:oie aLoui lawye:s who also wo:l as ex-
e:is. Ii aea:s onage 6. ]uoge Anne Clai:e
Villians goi feaiu:eoonage 8 as a:i of ihe
Insi:ing Innovaio:s se:ies Ly f:eelance :e-
o:ie: Ch:isiine K:aly. Ou: :o Lono ano vol-
uniee: slills cha:is a:e on age : ano o.
Also, Duane Mo::is wanieo us io nale one
change ioiis ]uly oive:siiy su:vey info:naiion.
The su:vey shoulo have saio ihai ihe fi:n has
one Illinois nino:iiy a:ine:.
kuust zovz
FIrm LIIe : ocparLmcnL
Cook County CIrcuIt ]uoge G:ace G. Dicl-
le: :eceiveo ihe CollaLo:aiive LawInsiiiuie of
Illinois fi:si-eve: Leaoe:shi Awa:o in Alie:-
naiive Disuie Fesoluiion.
Jenner & BIock Fa:ine:s C:aig C. Ma:iin,
conlex civil ano conne:cial liiigaiion, ano
Davio ]inenez-Elnan, :ofessional liaLiliiy
liiigaiion, anoAssociaies ]osehF. Dunn, con-
lex civil liiigaiion, ano K:isiin L. Falowsli,
liiigaiion, :eceiveo ihe :o1: Awa:o fo: Ex-
cellence in F:o Bono Se:vice f:on ihe U.S.
Disi:ici Cou:i fo: iheIo:ihe:nDisi:ici of Illin-
ois anoihe ChicagoChaie: of ihe Feoe:al Ba:
Associaiionfo: ihei: :oLono:e:eseniaiionof
Sanhaus. Ove: six yea:s, ihe fi:n heleo :e-
oucean811.;nillionjuogneni againsi ihe anii-
san o:ganizaiion io 8 nillion.
Motherway &NapIeton Fa:ine: Iicholas ].
Moihe:way, lainiiffs e:sonal-inju:y, was
awa:oeoiheLeona:oM. FingLifeiineAchieve-
neni Awa:o ai ihe Illinois T:ial Lawye:s
Associaiion conveniion.
> AppoIntments
CIIIIordLawOIIIces Fa:ine: KevinF. Du:lin,
e:sonal-inju:y ano liaLiliiy, was aoinieo io
ihe aoviso:y Loa:oof ihe ChicagoFolice Men-
o:ial Founoaiion.
CIIIIordLawOIIIces Connunicaiions Fa:i-
ne: Fanela Salowicz Menale: was elecieo io
ihe Loa:oof gove:no:s of ihe Caiholic Lawye:s
Guilo of Chicago.
CIIIIordLawOIIIces Fa:ine: FoLe:i A. Si:e-
lecly, lainiiffs neoical nal:aciice liiiga-
iion, was inoucieo inio ihe Ane:icanBoa:o of
T:ial Aovocaies.
Corboy & DemetrIo Associaie Michelle M.
Kohui, e:sonal-inju:y, was insialleo as fi:si
vice :esioeni of ihe Vonens Ba: Associaiion
of Illinois.
CrowIey Barrett & Karaba Fa:ine: Thonas
F. Ka:aLa, co:o:aie ano conne:cial law, Lanl-
ing ano enloyneni, was elecieo ioihe Union
League CluL of Chicago Boa:o of Di:ecio:s.
Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth
Fa:ine: Ka:en Kies DeG:ano, aellaie, was
insialleo as ihe :esioeni of ihe Aellaie
Lawye:s Associaiion.
HInshaw & CuIbertson Associaie ]ennife:
M. Balla:o, laLo: anoenloyneni, was elecieo
io ihe Vonens Ba: Associaiion of Illinois
Boa:o of Di:ecio:s.
Mahoney, SIIverman &Cross MenLe: ]ean
A. Kenol, co:o:aie, :eal esiaie ano local gov-
e:nneni, was aoinieoioanai-la:ge Loa:oof
gove:no:s seai of ihe Illinois Siaie Ba: Asso-
QuarIes &BradyAssociaieMichael S. Fhine-
ha:i, conne:cial liiigaiion, was aoinieo io
ihe Fu:oue FooiLall Leaoe:shiCouncil Boa:o
of Di:ecio:s.
UImer & Berne Associaie Kasey M. Foll,
conlex Lusiness liiigaiionanoconne:cial liii-
gaiion, was aoinieoioiheVanoe:Lili Unive:-
siiy Alunni Associaiion Boa:o of Di:ecio:s.
> Mergers
The LawOffice of Feie: F. Olsonano Sieele
Law Fi:n conLineo io fo:n ChIcago FamIIy
Law Group, which focuses on oissoluiion of
na::iage involving ihe eloe:ly ano eole
wiih oisaLiliiies. Feie: F. Olson is a a:ine:
ano Kelly D. Thanes, fo:ne:ly of Sieele Law
Fi:n, is an associaie.
ElizaLeih A. Ga:lovsly ano Theooo:e E.
F:oun ne:geo ihei: solo :aciices io Lecone
Froum&GarIovsky. They :ovioe esiaie lan-
ning, :oLaie ano i:usi aoninisi:aiion.
> PromotIons
Chuhak &Tecson naneo F:ancisco E. Con-
nell, Lanling ano liiigaiion, ano Sanjay Shiv-
u:i, co:o:aie ano enloyneni, io a:ine:.
HInshaw & CuIbertson :e-elecieo Chai:-
nan Donalo L. M:ozel, conne:cial liiigaiion
ano Lusiness i:ansaciions, io se:ve anoihe:
ih:ee-yea: ie:n. He has filleo ihe :ole of fi:n
chai:nan since 1p8p.
Much SheIIst naneo F:incial Miichell S.
Foih, Lusiness ano finance, chai:nan of ihe
fi:ns nanageneni conniiiee.
The law fi:n also :e-elecieo cu::eni con-
niiiee nenLe:s, incluoing fo:ne: nanage-
neni conniiiee chai:nan ano Boa:o Chai:-
nan Davio T. B:own, Lusiness ano finance,
F:incial Sieven L. DeG:aff, conne:cial :eal
esiaie, F:incial Sieven Schwa:iz, Lusiness
anofinance, anoF:incial Anihony C. Valiulis,
> Moves
To Chapman and CutIer. Fa:ine: Villian
E. Co:Lin ]:., Illinois uLlic finance, f:on
Fe:lins Coie.
To Greenberg TraurIg. Sha:eholoe: Alais L.
M. G:iffin, liiigaiion, i:anso:iaiion ano :eg-
ulaio:y, f:on ihe U.S. Dea:ineni of T:ans-
o:iaiion in Vashingion, D.C., ano Associaies
Benjanin A. Householoe:, :eal esiaie, f:on
Ki:llano & Ellis, ano FeLecca D. Fosenihal,
Lusiness :eo:ganizaiion ano financial :esi:uc-
iu:ing, f:on Aoelnan & Geiilenan.
To KeIIey Drye & Varren. Associaie Con-
sianiine (Dino) KouisouLas, inielleciual :o-
e:iy ano aieni liiigaiion, f:on Sioley Ausiin.
ToThePattersonLawFIrm. AssociaieSieh-
anie E. Sinson, Lusiness, f:on ihe Legal As-
sisiance Founoaiion of Mei:ooliian Chicago.
To Jones Lemon & Graham. Associaie
Maiihew F. Fiege:, liiigaiion, insu:ance ano
Lusiness law, f:on Fiege: Legal.
Constant|ne {D|no) Koutsoubas moed to Ke//e, Dr,e e Warren from S|d/e, Aust|n He pract|ces |nte//ectua/ propert, and patent
kuust zovz
Q&A : ocparLmcnL
TIIIany R. Harper
Age: :p.
FamIIy. She is na::ieo io Aniel Ha:e:.
EducatIon. She ea:neohe: unoe:g:aouaie oeg:ee
f:on Da:inouih College in :oo ano he: law
oeg:ee f:onVashingionUnive:siiy inSi. Louis
in :oo8.
ProIessIon. She is an associaie in ihe loan en-
fo:ceneni :aciice g:ouai Folsinelli Shugha:i
ano conceni:aies on loan enfo:ceneni, con-
ne:cial liiigaiion ano Lanl:uicy. F:io: io
joining ihe fi:n, she se:veo as a juoicial law
cle:l in ihe Io:ihe:n Disi:ici of Illinois,
Easie:n Division.
i. Vhy dId you become a Iawyer?
I was a Laiin Ane:ican ano Ca:iLLean siuoies
najo: ano I hao io lea:n eiihe: Sanish o:
Fo:iuguese. I chose Fo:iuguese Lecause I hao
ie::iLle lucl in Sanish in high school. As a:i
of ihai I weni io B:azil ano was ihe:e fo:
a:oxinaiely a yea:. Vhile I was ihe:e I oio
connuniiy se:vice wo:l ano oeali wiih a loi
of hunan :ighis issues ano consiiiuiional
:ighis issues. I hao a :eal assionfo: ihai wo:l.
Vhen I goi Lacl I ihoughi whai Leiie: way
fo: ne io coniinue ihai fighi he:e in Ane:ica
ihan Ly going io law school.
z. Vhat do you IIke the most and the Ieast
about beIng a Iawyer?
Vhai I lile nosi aLoui Leing a lawye: is ihai
iis neve: ihe sane. Eve:y oay is oiffe:eni. In
always lea:ning. The:e a:e always new chal-
lenges ano newLa::ie:s ano ihe:es always new
oo:iuniiies io ove:cone ihose challenges
ano ihinl ouisioe ihe Lox.
Vhai I oislile aLoui ihe law is I ihinl iis a
liiile Lii Lehino ihe iines. I ihinl law as con-
a:eo io oihe: fielos seens io noi have caughi
u io ihe :1si ceniu:y. Feole in oihe: inousi-
:ies a:e no:e oive:se, ihey:e no:e fo:wa:o
ihinling ano oen.
. Vhat Is the Iast bIg case or matter that you
handIed and what dId It entaII?
I oio have a Lig Chaie: 11 case in Iew Yo:l
ano I was :e:eseniing a c:eoiio: in ihe Lanl-
:uicy case. Vhen a conany goes Lanl:ui
ihe quesiion isni how nuch youll gei aio,
iis soneiines if you will Le aio ai all. Vhai
ihis a:iicula: c:eoiio: was Lanling on was
geiiing aio soneihing oui of ihe Lanl:uicy
case so ii can coniinue io oe:aie. Ve we:e
aLle io seiile wiihihe oeLio: inaovance of ihe
clain oisi:iLuiion. Ii was ihe ouicone we
wanieo ano we achieveo ii.
q. Vhat advIce do you have Ior new Iawyers?
Ieve: give u. I ihinl ihai ihe:e a:e so nany
ihings you can oo wiih a lawoeg:ee. If ihe:e is
soneihing ihai you wani io oo, a assion ihai
you have o: a joL ihai you wani, ihe:e a:e so
nany ways io slin a cai. The:e a:e so nany
ways io gei ihe:e. The ooo: is neve: closeo.
. Vhats the strangest thIng thats happened
to you as a Iawyer?
I aciually hao a case whe:e one of ihe a:iies
in ihe case enoeo u Leing soneone I nei
:eviously ai a neiwo:ling eveni :anoonly. I
conleiely fo:goi ihis e:sons nane o: who
ihey we:e. In wo:ling on ihis case ano ihe
oosing counsel ano his clieni cone in ano
iis ihe f:ieno ano he says, Tiffany, :ighi? Do
you :enenLe: ne? Ii was ve:y si:ange ano
6. II youcouIdhave IunchwIthanyone, IIvIng
or dead, who wouId It be?
Ha::iei TuLnan.
She was alnosi fea:less. She hao a goal in
nino ano she ui he:self inoange: ano ine:il
ano she oio ihai oay in ano oay oui. She neve:
seeneo io gei oiscou:ageo ano she coniinueo
io oo ii. I aoni:e ihai. Given ihe econony ano
so nany oihe: ihings you wo::y aLoui, ii can
Le ha:o io go fo: whai you Lelieve in. Ev-
e:yone canlea:nsoneihing f:onHa::iei TuL-
nan, who u:sueo he: goals no naiie: whai.
). Vhat Is the Iast TV show, book, movIe or
pIay about Iawyers that youve seen or read?
The Gooo Vife. The ihing I lile ihe nosi
aLoui The Gooo Vife is ii L:ings a hunan
qualiiy iolawye:s ihai I haveni seenina :eally
long iine.
Ii shows lawye:s in ihe cou:i:oonhanoling
cases, Lui ii also shows ihe enoiion ihai goes
inio ii.
8. Vho has mentored you?
I an a:i of an o:ganizaiion calleo ihe Blacl
Vonen Lawye:s Associaiion ano I have hao
couniless wonen in ihai o:ganizaiion nenio:
Also, I nei Monila Machen seve:al yea:s
agoih:oughihe ChicagoConniiiee of Mino:-
iiies in La:ge Law Fi:ns. Shes Leen a g:eai
nenio: io ne. She has one of ihe qualiiies ihai
a:e soneiines nissing in nenio:s. She is will-
ing io iell ne ihe gooo, ihe Lao ano ihe ugly. A
loi of iines you neeo ihai as a lawye: fo: you:
own g:owih.
p. Vhat Is your IavorIte chIIdhood vacatIon?
Ii woulo Le ihe G:ano Canyon Lecause ii was
ihe fi:si iine I :oLaLly saw ny a:enis
sca:eo. I oioni lnow ihey we:e sca:eo of
heighis. Ii jusi enoeo u Leing a :eally fun
io. Vhats your IavorIte ChIcago restaurant?
If I we:e going fo: izza ii woulo Ly fa: Le
Hone Fun Inn. In a Souih Sioe: ano iis ihe
uliinaie Souih Sioe izza.
By OIIvIa CIarke
/hoto b, Da|d Duroch|k
! kuust zovz
ocparLmcnL Non-bIIIabIe Hours
Theodore L. Banks spent z,ears |n-house w|th Kraft /oods /nc, where he /earned to take h|s own
approach to pro bono
/ thouqht the best th|nq / cou/d do was cap|ta/|ze on what corporate /aw,ers do not ust to
knowthe /aw, but to understand the wa, orqan|zat|ons work and howto make connect|ons between
d|fferent peop/e and orqan|zat|ons, he sa|d 1hat was how / /ooked at |t Where can / br|nq a/ue
to orqan|zat|ons that |nterest me`
Banks, now a partner at Scharf Banks Marmor, takes that same approach as pro bono qenera/
counse/ of Keep Ch|caqo Beaut|fu/, an orqan|zat|on that promotes en|ronmenta/ awareness and
educat|on One of |ts ma|n proqrams |no/ed creat|nq a curr|cu/um that teachers use to teach
e/ementar, students about rec,c/|nq and other en|ronmenta/ |ssues
We had the |dea that |f we teach the teachers, the,// teach the|r k|ds, the k|ds w|// teach the|r
parents, he sa|d 1h|s has been er, successfu/, and oer the ,ears, wee tauqht thousands of
teachers and hundreds of thousands of students
A few ,ears aqo, Banks, a/so a board member of the few|sh Nat|ona/ /und, |s|ted the Araa
/nst|tute for Ln|ronmenta/ Stud|es, a schoo/ |n /srae/ that offers underqraduate and qraduate
courses to a q/oba/ student bod, that |s one-th|rd /srae/|, one-th|rd Arab and one-th|rd other
ethn|c|t|es Banks became |nsp|red b, the schoo/s m|ss|on to he/p students /earn how to transcend
,ears of conf/|ct and work toqether to he/p the en|ronment
Work|nq w|th the few|sh Nat|ona/ /und and Keep Ch|caqo Beaut|fu/, he created an
en|ronmenta/ |nternsh|p |n Ch|caqo Lach summer, one /srae/| student and one Arab student from
the Araa /nst|tute spend s|x weeks /earn|nq how Ch|caqo compan|es and qoernment aqenc|es
address en|ronmenta/ |ssues At the same t|me, the, speak to schoo/s and commun|t, qroups about
how |t |s poss|b/e for Arabs and fews to /|e toqether |n the M|dd/e Last
1he |nterns come awa, w|th a qreat broaden|nq of the|r hor|zons about what can be done to
protect the en|ronment and the, show how |t |s poss|b/e to /|e |n peace, he sa|d
hicae Lawyer sia:ieo ihis age io highlighi :esiau:anis, lays, golf
cou:ses, sio:es, eic., ihai lawye:s enjoy. Ve also lan io :ofile each nonih
inie:esiing :o Lono cases. If you have any suggesiions lease lei us lnow
Ly e-nailing a:oLe:i_lLc.con.
ln the restaurant. S|nce Cem|n| B|stro, .o; N /|nco/n Ae, opened |n
.ooy, Lxecut|e Chef fason /askew|tz has cont|nuous/, re|nented |ts menus to br|nq
fresh, seasona/ fare to |ts quests /n recent months, the /|nco/n /ark b|stro, wh|ch offers
contemporar, Amer|can cu|s|ne w|th /rench and Med|terranean |nf/uences, added such
d|shes as Musse/s /a B|ere, w|th /L/ musse/s, Be/q|an wh|te a/e, shaed ce/er,, th,me,
and qr|//ed bread, and roasted sa/mon, w|th sao, cabbaqe, smoked bacon and cor|ander
|na|qrette /|nd the fu// menu and other |nformat|on at qem|n|b|stroch|caqocom
kt the cantina. Cant|na/aredo, o8N State St, brouqht |ts modern, Mex|can
cu|s|ne toR|er North|nSeptember /nadd|t|ontofaor|tes /|ke hand-ro//edench|/adas and
top-she/f quacamo/e, the |nternat|ona/ restaurant cha|n seres entrees /|ke 1ama/es de
Barbacoa, homemade tama/es f|//ed w|th s/ow-roasted br|sket, art|chokes, sauted sp|nach,
roasted red peppers and queso fresco, and 1amp|co, qr|//ed ch|cken breast topped w|th
sauted art|choke hearts, mushrooms, sp|nach, red be// peppers w|th sour cream-pob/ano
sauce and Montere, fack cheese /earn more at cant|na/aredocom
ln the teareem. /nNoember,
Adaq|o 1eas, 1; N State St, ex-
panded from downtown Naper|//e
and O/d Orchard Ma// |n Skok|e to |ts
new R|er North /ocat|on 1he shop
features at /east ;o k|nds of tea and
herba/ t|sanes, |nc/ud|nq he|r/oom
ar|eta/s from Ch|na, /nd|a, South
Afr|ca, New Zea/and, Lq,pt and
fapan Customers can samp/e the teas
and |nteract w|th tea consu/tants |a a
/onq-bar tab/e that extends throuqh
the shop v|s|t adaq|ocom for further
deta|/s on tea ar|et|es and other
products /|ke cast-|ron teapots and
hand-b/own q/ass teaware
/hoto b, Mar|na Makropou/os
" kuust zovz
SocIaI Scene : ocparLmcnL
fudqe /au/ B|ebe/ fr {center), pres|d|nq udqe of the Cr|m|na/ D||s|on of the Cook Count, C|rcu|t
Court, rece|ed an honorar, deqree after address|nq qraduates at 1he fohn Marsha// /awSchoo/ at
commencement ceremon|es on fune 1he deqree was conferred on B|ebe/ b, /eonard Amar| {/eft),
pres|dent of the /aw schoo/s board of trustees, and Dean fohn L Corker,
fohn Marsha// /aw Schoo/ adunct professor Ke|n Hu// {center) eno,ed a /auqh w|th Da|d W
L//|s {/eft), former spec|a/ prosecutor of Co Rod R B/aqoe|ch, and Da|d Kohn, execut|e
d|rector of the Un|on /eaque C/ub of Ch|caqo 1he, met before L//|s made a presentat|on to Hu//s
/eq|s/at|e Draft|nq c/ass on Apr|/
1he /o,o/a Un|ers|t, Ch|caqo Schoo/ of /awfourna/s
s,mpos|um, 1he /uture of C/ass Act|ons and /ts
A/ternat|es, on Apr|/ 1, exp/ored current trends |n
aqqreqate /|t|qat|on Kenneth R /e|nberq {aboe),
adm|n|strator of the Cu/f Coast C/a|ms /ac|/|t, and
spec|a/ master of the federa/ Sept 11 v|ct|m Comp-
ensat|on /und, de/|ered the ke,note address
1h|rd-,ear /o,o/a /awstudents Suzanne /|tzqera/d and Brad/e, Sn,der won the .o1. C|/es Suther/and R|ch Memor|a/ Moot Court Nat|ona/
Champ|onsh|p|nWash|nqton, DC, |nApr|/ /nthe photo {from/eft to r|qht) are Dona/dDunner, a partner at /|nneqan, Henderson, /arabow,
Carrett e Dunner, /|tzqera/d, fudqe f|mm|e v Re,na, US Court of Appea/s for the /edera/ C|rcu|t, Sn,der, and fudqe Sharon /rost, US
Court of Appea/s for the /edera/ C|rcu|t
D|bora Berhanu {/eft), a student at 1he fohn Marsha// /aw
Schoo/, was awarded the Northwest Suburban Bar Assoc|at|on
/oundat|ons .o1. Honorab/e 1|moth, C Lans Scho/arsh|p
Berhanu rece|ed the award from fudqe She//e, Sutker-Dermer,
pres|d|nq udqe |n the .nd Mun|c|pa/ D|str|ct of the Cook Count,
C|rcu|t Court, at the NWSBAs recent annua/ fudqes N|qht
Ke//, O/||er and /atr|ck v|ktora, the team from De/au/
Un|ers|t, Co//eqe of /aw, recent/, won the Wh|tt|er /aw
Schoo/s Nat|ona/ fuen|/e /aw Moot Court Compet|t|on,
defeat|nq a teamfromUn|ers|t, of Ca/|forn|a Hast|nqs Co//eqe
of the /aw |n the f|na/ round
{/rom /eft to r|qht) Brothers Mar|o and foseph Car/asare
qraduated toqether and were amonq the .8; students who
rece|ed /aw deqrees from //1 Ch|caqo-Kent Co//eqe of /aw on
Ma, 1 /hoto courtes, of Da|d Duroch|k
# kuust zovz
ocparLmcnL SocIaI Scene
fane Nosb|sch, staff counse/ at the Amer|can Bar Assoc|at|on,
was amonq about yo peop/e who stepped oer the edqe .;8 feet
aboe State and /ake streets |n Sk,/|ne //unqe/ Ch|caqo on Ma,
and /art|c|pants rappe//ed .; stor|es to ra|se about
:1.o,ooo for Resp|rator, Hea/th Assoc|at|on of Metropo/|tan
Ch|caqos /oca/ /unq d|sease research and proqrams
fenner e B/ock partner Dan|e/ f W|nters {front row, far r|qht) posed w|th the Urban /rep Academ|es mock tr|a/ team W|nters /ed
a qroup of fenner e B/ock /aw,ers who partnered w|th Urban /rep Academ|es to estab/|sh an Urban /rep mock tr|a/ team, wh|ch
part|c|pated |n the oth annua/ ///|no|s State Bar Assoc|at|on H|qh Schoo/ Mock 1r|a/ /n|tat|ona/
On Ma, ., 1he Ch|caqo Bar Assoc|at|on ounq /aw,ers Sect|on part|c|pated |n |ts second |mp/ementat|on of the A//|ance for the Creat /akes Adopt-a-Beach /roqram 1he proqram was orqan|zed b, the
/S Ln|ronmenta/ /aw Comm|ttee /S o/unteered at North Aenue Beach, work|nq |n qroups of three to co//ect, sort and c/ass|f, the |tems found us|nq Adopt-a-Beach worksheets vo/unteers conducted
/|tter remoa/ and mon|tor|nq and comp/eted a beach hea/th assessment form At the Ma, |mp/ementat|on, 8 peop/e w|th /S o/unteered and p|cked up ..o8 pounds of qarbaqe and rec,c/|nq
On Apr|/ ., the /nte//ectua/ /ropert, /aw Assoc|at|on of Ch|caqos Women |n // Comm|ttee
presented a /roqress|e Network|nq D|nner for Ch|caqo-area fema/e // attorne,s 1ab/e
moderators were {from /eft to r|qht) Lr|n /othson of D/A /|per, Se/ena Spr|tz of /|tch, Len, 1ab|n
e //anner,, N|co/e Chaudhar| of D/A /|per, A/|sa S|mmons of /|tch, Len, 1ab|n e //anner,, and
Me/a|na fobs of McCracken e /rank {not p|ctured)
{/rom /eft to r|qht) At 1he fohn Marsha// /aw Schoo/ board of trustees Sp|r|t of fohn Marsha//
Award banquet |n fune, Du/aqe Count, C|rcu|t fudqe Stephen Cu//|ton, Appe//ate fust|ce foseph
B|rkett and Cook Count, C|rcu|t fudqe Russe// W Hart|qan chatted /hoto b, /au/ McCrath
$ kuust zovz
Lawyers VIth StyIe : ocparLmcnL
Peter M. Ashmore, , was hi:eo as a Chicago
Voluniee: Legal Se:vices (CVLS) siaff aiio:ney
uon g:aouaiion f:on law school. Tooay, his
nanaging aiio:ney oesignaiion :eflecis in-
house ouiies ihai incluoe oi:eciing CVLS IT
ano oaiaLase neeos, o:ganizing siaff ano nan-
ageneni neeiings anoaoninisi:aiionof CVLS
MCLE:og:an. He siill aovises voluniee:s on
an ecleciic va:ieiy of cases, incluoing io:i oe-
fense, eviciion, fo:eclosu:e, coni:acis, :eal es-
iaie, Lanl:uicy, :oLaie, iax ano uLlic Len-
efiis. In aooiiion, as oi:ecio: of CVLS
Gua:oianAoLiienfo: Aoulis F:og:an(GAL),
he i:ains, :ec:uiis ano sue:vises voluniee:s
who se:ve as GALs fo: oisaLleo aoulis.
i. Vhats your IavorIte store to shopIor work
Syo ]e:one. They lnow cloihes ano enjoy
heling ihei: cusione:s o:ess fo: success. I lile
ihei: ieana:oachioullingiogeihe: a g:eai
shi:i ano iie conLo io conleie a lool. I also
lile Io:osion fo: Lusiness casual.
z. II youare meetIngwItha newcIIent or have
your IIrst day In court or at a transactIonaI
meetIng, whats your IavorIte power outIIt?
A navy Llue insi:ie suii ai:eo wiih a Lolo
iie in ihe :eo fanily is ny go-io owe: ouifii.
. Vhat brand Is your watch?
I have a Lox full ano g:aviiaie iowa:o viniage
o: sinle oesigns. My cu::eni :oiaiion in-
cluoes iwo neial Slagens, a Micley Mouse
wiih a leaihe: si:a ano a Seilo ny non gave
ne oecaoes ago.
q. In one word, howwouId you descrIbe your
. Vhat do you wear on weekends?
Fo: ihe sunne:, I wea: sho:is (noca:gosho:is)
ai:eo wiih a colo:ful T-shi:i (no g:ahic Ts)
o: a sho:i-sleeve, linen, Luiion-oown shi:i.
Vhen shoes a:e :equi:eo, I wea: TOMS.
6. Vhats your IavorIte brand oI jeans?
Faige. They fii well ano a:e ve:y confo:iaLle.
AG is a close secono.
). Vhose styIe do you admIre?
Tin Gunn. His use of iie ano shi:i colo: ano
aiie:n wiih his suiis is :eally fun.
8. Vhat was the IIrst expensIve pIece oI cIoth-
Ing that you purchased when you became a
A]hane Ba:nes iie. Ai ihe iine ii was a slu:ge,
Lui I goi a loi of wea: oui of ii oue io ihe
ve:saiile colo: ano aiie:n.
p. Vhat Is your No. i styIe pet peeve?
Ill-fiiiing cloihes. I lile nany oiffe:eni colo:s
ano aiie:ns ano conLinaiions, Lui if sone-
ihing ooesni fii, ii woni lool gooo no naiie:
whai ii is o: how nuch ii cosi.
io. Vho Is your IavorIte desIgner?
E:nenegiloo Zegna. I lile ihe cui of his suiis
ano ihe colo:s ano naie:ial of his casual ieces.
ii. Vhat advIce do you have Ior a Iawyer try-
Ing to Improve hIs or her proIessIonaI styIe?
Fino a gooo iailo:. Even an inexensive suii
can lool g:eai if iailo:eo :oe:ly.
iz. Vhy shouId Iawyers care about theIr styIe?
You neve: gei a secono chance io nale a fi:si
in:ession. Clienis a:eciaie a :ofessional
aea:ance ano naling an effo:i io lool you:
Lesi shows :eseci fo: ihe cou:i. Asuii ooesni
have io lool lile a unifo:n.
By OIIvIa CIarke
/hotos b, Da|d Duroch|k
& kuust zovz
Fereclesure fleed creates
need fer pre bene atterneys
8y Roy Strom
n ihe Daley Cenie:s :8ih floo:, hun-
o:eos of Chicago honeowne:s a-
ea: Lefo:e one of ihe 1o Cool
Couniy fo:eclosu:e juoges each weel.
Inihehall ouisioeof cou:i:oons onaF:ioayin
]une, aiio:ney Ch:is Haooaonay helaLoui 8o
of ihesehoneowne:s. Soneof ihen, shesaio, can
Lecone ne:vous anoove:whelneowiiha legal
:ocess ihey fea: will :esuli in losing ihei: hone.
Haooao senos iwo o: ih:ee oays a weel ai
ihe Chicago Legal Clinic (CLC) fo:eclosu:e
aovice oesl as a CLC siaff aiio:ney.
Aa:i f:on conleiing alicaiions io save
clienis a 8:o6 cou:i fee ano Leginning io fill
oui ihei: noiions io oelay fo:eclosu:e, Hao-
oao saio she hanoles ihe enoiion ano con-
fusion ihai soneiines cones wiih aea:ing
in cou:i fo: ihe fi:si iine.
Du:ing a :eceni neeiing, she ci:cleo u-
coning cou:i oaies ano exlaineo, A noiion
is jusi a fancy wo:o fo: a :equesi.
She also oesc:iLeo neoiaiion as a negoii-
aiion :ocess io lowe: nonihly no:igage ay-
nenis fo: ihose in financial neeo.
This is whai is going io save you: hone,
she iolo one e:son.
Many iines, lawye:s lile Haooao Lecone
ihe fi:si aiio:ney a clieni facing fo:eclosu:e
will neei. Bui as honeowne:s navigaie ih:ough
whai nay Le a iwo-yea: :ocess io save ihei:
hones, ihey lilely will consuli a hosi of oihe:
aiio:neys, nany of whon voluniee: ihei: se:-
vices on a :o Lono Lasis.
F:o Lono lawye:s se:ve a viial :ole in Chi-
cagos fo:eclosu:e :ocess, sia:iing f:on ihe
iine a honeowne: :eceives a fo:eclosu:e no-
iice. Bui Lecause of ihe huge neeo ano a con-
lex :ocess ihai sone lawye:s say involves
nuch wasieo iine, ihe oenano fo: :o Lono
lawye:s coniinues io ouiace ihe suly.
Afie: Haooao sees a clieni, she :efe:s ihe
e:sonioihe 1ihfloo: CLCChance:yAovice
Desl, whe:e siaff o: :o Lono aiio:neys con-
leie ihe :esi of ihe alicaiions fo: neoiaiion
o: :equesis io siay a fo:eclosu:e.
Kath/een Robson {/eft), a pro bono forec/osure defense /aw,er, he/ped sae Maror|e /and,s home b, str|k|nq a dea/ to reduce her month/, mortqaqe pa,ment Robson represents one of the about oo
attorne,s tra|ned b, Ch|caqo vo/unteer /eqa/ Ser|ces to hand/e the med|at|on process, wh|ch saw ,o;. cases s|nce |t beqan |n .o1o /hoto b, /|sa /redko
' kuust zovz
caLurc Pro Bono
Afie: clienis aly ano gei acceieo inio
neoiaiion, Chicago Voluniee: Legal Se:vices
(CVLS) assigns one of iis oo neoiaiion-
i:aineo voluniee: lawye:s io ihe e:sons case.
These aiio:neys also liiigaie sone cases. Cen-
ie: fo: Conflici Fesoluiion voluniee:s, who
gei i:aineo as neoiaio:s, sii ai ihe iaLle wiih
ihose CVLS aiio:neys.
The couniless :o Lono aiio:neys ooiiing
ihe aih io :esolving a fo:eclosu:e :ove viial
io a clienis chances of siaying in ihei: hone,
saio aiio:ney Mile Ka:nuih, who voluniee:s
io hanole neoiaiion cases fo: CVLS.
I ihinl (honeowne:s) woulo Le confuseo
ano f:usi:aieo Ly ihe :ocess wiihoui :e-
:eseniaiion f:on a :o Lono aiio:ney, he
Thi:iy-eighi e:ceni of ihese neoiaiioncas-
es :esuli in a clieni leeing ihei: hone, says
ihe Cool Couniy Ci:cuii Cou:is Chance:y
Division Mo:igage Fo:eclosu:e Meoiaiion
F:og:an ]une :; :eo:i.
ALoui half of ihe neoiaiioncases :esuli ina
seiileneni, which can :ange f:on a :eouceo
no:igage ayneni io a oignifieo exii, a sho:i
sale o:, Leiie: hanoing ihe house Laclioihe
Lanl wiih ihe ouisianoing no:igage Lalance
In :oo, Cool Couniy saw 16,p fo:eclo-
su:e filings, ihe ]une :; :eo:i says. F:on:oo8
io :o11, ihai nunLe: neve: cane in Lelow
o,ooo. In :o1o alone ihe couniy saw o,6:1.
Vhile CVLS nanages io assign a :o Lono
aiio:ney io each qualifieo clieni, ihe anouni
of fo:eclosu:es ove:whelns ihe :og:an,
saio Ma:ga:ei Benson, execuiive oi:ecio: of
CVLS. Benson ano oihe:s saio ihe neeo fo:
:o Lono aiio:neys :enains huge wiih fo:e-
closu:es showing no sign of slowing in
Ano, a sho:iage of voluniee:s io hel ihese
eole can leao io a half-a-yea: oelay in
scheouling neoiaiion, Benson saio. Thai
neans, nany lawye:s saio, ihai nisseo ay-
nenis aoo u ano :esuli in highe: nonihly
aynenis ano coniinueo fo:eclosu:e :oL-
lens fo: honeowne:s.
I was goIng to Iose my home
Ma:jo:ie Fanoy, a 6:-yea:-olo naiive of Be-
lize, founo he: Chicago Souih Sioe hone she
lives in wiih Calve:i, he: 66-yea:-olo husLano,
unoe:waie: when ihe :eal esiaie na:lei col-
laseo in :oop.
She :efinanceo he: no:igage, lanning io
nove Lefo:e ihe na:lei oeclineo, she saio. Bui
wiih he: house suooenly wo:ih fa: less ihan
he: no:igage cosi, she saio she couloni fino a
He: no:igage ayneni cosi 81,1o; a nonih
afie: she :efinanceo ano she only L:oughi in
aLoui 8poo a nonih f:on oisaLiliiy checls.
She saio she calleo he: lenoe: ano asleo if ii
woulo accei a ayneni of 8;oo a nonih.
She ano he: husLano lanneo on living off
ihe :enaining 8:oo a nonih f:on he: oisaLil-
iiy checls lus ihe snall incone he: husLano
nales f:on Social Secu:iiy.
I woulo Le wiih no gas ano no lighis, Lui I
woulo siill have ihe hone, Fanoy saio. They
saioif I cani give ihenihe 81,1oo, ihenihey:e
noi going io iale anyihing.
She soon :eceiveo a fo:eclosu:e noiice, Lui
:esolveo io fino a way io siay inhe: hone nea:
ihe Bacl of ihe Ya:os neighLo:hooo.
I was going io save ny hone, Lecause, hey,
I oioni wani io lose ii, Fanoy saio. I hao
enough invesieo in ii ano so eve:y iine ihey
saio, You have io show u in cou:i. I oio.
Du:ing he: fi:si cou:i aea:ance, ihe juoge
oi:ecieo he: io ihe CLC iaLle ouisioe ihe
cou:i, she saio. The:e, she goi helfigu:ing oui
whai ae:s io conleie ano whai oeaolines
she faceo. She ihen weni io ihe 1ih floo:
Chance:y Aovice Desl.
Kaihleen FoLson, a voluniee: CVLS aiio:-
ney who has wo:leo on ai leasi o neoiaiion
cases, Legan :e:eseniing he:. Afie: FoLson
iool he: case, Fanoy saio she neve: again
showeo u in cou:i alone.
She saio she lisieneo io eve:yihing FoLson
iolo he:. Vhen cou:i oaies cane u, she naoe
su:e io Le in cou:i. Vhen FoLson neeoeo any
no:igage oocunenis o: he: financial siaie-
nenis, Fanoy goi ihen io he:.
Youhave iogoih:oughall ihe sies, Fanoy
saio. You have io follow whai ihey iell you io
Following all ihe sies can iale a long iine,
ihough. Cou:i siaiisiics say ii iales nine
nonihs f:on Leing o:oe:eo io neoiaiion Le-
fo:e ihe fi:si session occu:s.
In Fanoys case, ihe neoiaiion iool aLoui a
yea: of Lacl ano fo:ih wiih ihe Lanl ano
lenoe: Lefo:e she :eceiveo a nooifieo ay-
neni, she saio.
She now ays 8p a nonih on he: no:i-
gage, she saio.
Viihoui FoLsons hel, Fanoy saio, I was
going io lose ny hone, no oouLi aLoui ii.
I was i:ying io save ny hone, Lui ii wasni
easy. You have io have noney io fax ihese
ihings. You have io gei io cou:i. Bui in ihe eno
ii was wo:ih ii. Ano I couloni have oone ii
wiihoui Kaihleen. Ano if I hao io ay he:, I
couloni have oone ii eiihe:.
DeaIIng wIth the Issue
Sone honeowne:s facing fo:eclosu:e ooni
sha:e Fanoys :esolve, ihey feel lile no oiions
exisi, FoLson saio.
Iis ove:whelning ano ihey:e sca:eo, she
saio. Ano I ihinl ihe:es a liiile Lii of a con-
oneni of oenial.
Ofien, honeowne:s hioe f:ona fo:eclosu:e
noiice, fea:ing ihai when ii cones in ihe nail,
ihey will neeo io leave ihei: hones wiihin
weels, FoLson saio.
They ooni unoe:siano ihai a she:iffs noi
going io cone io ihei: house nexi nonih, she
saio. They ooni unoe:siano ihai even if ihey
oio noihing (geiiing evicieo) is lile a yea:
away f:on :eceiving a fo:eclosu:e noiice.
Sone honeowne:s call FoLson afie: ihei:
hone geis solo, she saio, looling fo: ways she
can hel ihen lee ii.
Ano ihais ihe fi:si iine iheyve :eacheo
oui io an aiio:ney, she saio. Ano ihe:es ve:y
nininal siuff I can oo fo: ihen ai ihai
Vaiiing io :each oui fo: f:ee legal aovice
neans honeowne:s niss aciual oo:iuniiies
io save ihei: hone, FoLson saio.
Fo: insiance, a hone cannoi gei solo while
Leing :evieweo unoe: ihe Hone Affo:oaLle
MooificaiionF:og:an, a feoe:al iniiiaiive ihai
seis nininun :equi:enenis fo: loan nooifi-
caiions, FoLson saio.
Thai :og:aninienoeo io sio ihe clocl on
hone sales uniil a loan nooificaiion ai leasi
geis consioe:eo, she saio. Bui honeowne:s
ooni always lnow ihai ano ofien sell ihei:
hones while unoe: :eview, FoLson saio.
I haoiwoeole inihe lasi coule weels ai
CLC cone in ano ihey hao valio oefenses
ihey we:e siill Leing :evieweo, she saio. Bui
fo: Loih of ihen ihe sale hao al:eaoy Leen
confi:neo, ano I was lile, The:es noihing
we can oo. So, ihey shui ooo:s ihai a:e oen
io ihen ano iis :eally, :eally sao. Iis a Lao
Be:wynCausey, a unionainie: whosaiohe
kuust zovz
Pro Bono : caLurc
wo:leo ihe equivaleni of one oui of ihe asi
ih:ee yea:s, saio he i:ieo navigaiing ihe fo:e-
closu:e :ocess on his own Lefo:e a juoge sug-
gesieo he fino a lawye: io hel hin lee his
Fa:l Fo:esi hone.
He saio he :eiaineo an aiio:ney io aea: in
cou:i on his Lehalf fo: 86oo a nonih in Oc-
ioLe:. He saio he aio ihe aiio:ney ih:ough
Ano in a nuishell, ii Lasically goi solo oui
f:on unoe: us wiih an aiio:ney, Causey saio.
I ooni lnow whai :eally io oo.
On a Thu:soay in ]une, he weni io ihe
Chance:y Aovice Desl io gei hel filling oui a
:equesi io siay ihe eviciion :ocess scheouleo
io sia:i ihe following Tuesoay.
He neeoeo no:e iine io fino a :enial hone
fo: his wife ano five chilo:en, he saio.
Because of ihe sho:i anouni of iine uniil
his scheouleo eviciion, A:iel Valoes, a siaff ai-
io:ney ai ihe aovice oesl, saio ihe juoge woulo
unlilely g:ani ihe siay.
Causey saio finoing an affo:oaLle hone io
:eni can Lecone challenging in ihe cu::eni
Ive goi sone leaos, he saio. You :un inio
a loi of oiffe:eni oLsiacles. Bui you lee lool-
ing uniil you fino soneLooy ihais willing io
gooff you: :evious hisio:y anoiale ihe non-
ey ihai you have.
FIndIng the rIght advIce
Valoes, an aiio:ney, saio honeowne:s :e-
ceive all ihe info:naiion ihey neeo io sia:i
oefenoing ihei: hone f:on Day One in ihe
Ii iells you whai you have io oo, saio
Valoes, oislaying a clienis sunnons in his
snall cuLicle on ihe 1ih floo: of ihe Daley
Ano youcansee inLig, Lolo leiie:s. Do noi
igno:e ihis oocuneni.
Ii goes on io say, You nay siill Le aLle io
save you: hone.
Tu:n io ihe secono age ano a honeowne:
finos hone nunLe:s fo: legal aio se:vices lile
CLC ano CVLS. Ii iells ihen whai nunLe: io
call io sia:i ihe :ocess fo: neoiaiion.
Sone of ihe aovice, such as scheouling a
neeiing io oeie:nine if you neei neoiaiion
:equi:enenis, couloLe oone Lyihe honeown-
e: alone, Valoes saio.
Ii :equi:es a sinle hone call, he saio, Lui
nany eole waii ouisioe his office sia:iing ai
8 a.n. fo: hel naling ihai call. Because of
such a high oenano, a long line fo:ns ouisioe.
They iyically sio ialing new clienis ai 1o
a.n. Ano nany waii uniil : .n. fo: hel.
Aiio:ney ]e::y Szynansli, who voluniee:s
ai CLC, saio one of ihe nosi ino:iani :oles
:o Lono aiio:neys se:ve fo: oisi:esseo hone-
owne:s cones f:on :ovioing a sinle, face-
io-face exlanaiion of ihe :ocess.
Ofieniines, honeowne:s gei confuseo Ly a
LonLa:oneni of nail selling ihen aovice o:
legal suo:i Lefo:e ihey even :eceive ihei:
sunnons fo: fo:eclosu:e, he saio.
They:e geiiing so nuch in ihe nail Le-
iween oelinquency noiices, colleciion noiices
ano hone calls, ihai when ii cones io ihei:
fo:eclosu:e case, iis yei anoihe: e:son
lnocling on ihei: ooo: fo: noney ihai ihey
ooni have, he saio.
Desiie whai Valoes calleo si:aighifo:wa:o
oi:eciives io gei hel, sone honeowne:s
facing fo:eclosu:e ooni lnow io :each oui
io legal aio se:vices uniil ihey aea: in
Glaoys Gue::a saio she Lecane f:usi:aieo
wiihoui an aiio:ney heling he: oeal wiih he:
noihe:s fo:eclosu:e. She couloni affo:oa :i-
vaie aiio:ney io save ihe hone whe:e Loihshe
ano he: noihe: now live in Chicagos Io:ih
Sioe Eogewaie: neighLo:hooo.
Ve oioni even lnow (f:ee aiio:neys) ex-
isieo uniil we weni io cou:i, she saio.
Ai cou:i, he: noihe: L:ole oowninf:oni of
ihe juoge when he asleo, Do you lnow
you:e aLoui io lose you: hone? Gue::a
He hanow:oie ihe nunLe: fo: ihe Legal
Assisiance Founoaiionano I calleo ihe follow-
ing oay. Thais when we we:e connecieo io
Kaihleen (FoLson) ano she exlaineo ihe :o-
cess ano naoe us feel :eally :elieveo.
FoLsonwo:leowiihGue::a anohe: noihe:
uniil ihey eveniually goi a loan nooificaiion
ihai Gue::a saio ihey can affo:o.
Vhen she iells oihe:s facing fo:eclosu:e
aLoui FoLson heling he: save he: hone fo:
f:ee, she saio nany ooni Lelieve he:.
Thais noi i:ue. How nuch oio she cha:ge
you? she saio ihey say io he:.
Ano I lee saying go io ihe Legal As-
sisiance Founoaiion. The:e a:e :esou:ces avail-
aLle io helyousave you: hone. Because I can
gua:aniee ny noihe: woulo Le wiihoui a
hone hao Kaihleen noi inie:veneo.
HIgh demand, wasted suppIy
]eff ]ones, a voluniee: aiio:ney who has
hanoleo aLoui po neoiaiion cases fo: CVLS,
saio ihe alicaiion :ocess leaoing u io
neoiaiion wasies aLsu:o anounis of iine.
Iis Leen : yea:s of f:usi:aiion fo: ihese
honeowne:s, ]ones saio. Mosi of ihen have
seni in five io 1o oiffe:eni seis of oocunenis
ove: a yea: o: iwo i:ying io nooify ihei:
]ones ano ihe oihe: :o Lono aiio:neys
inie:vieweo fo: ihis a:iicle oeiaileo sinila:
scena:ios :esuliing in ihe long-waiis. A hone-
owne: ano :o Lono aiio:ney :ea:e all ihe
:elevani naie:ials fo: a neoiaiion alicaiion,
seno ihen io ihe Lanl o: loan se:vice: ano
ihen, ihey waii.
Faiiy Ielson, oi:ecio: of ihe Fo:eclosu:e
Meoiaiion F:og:an ai CVLS, saio eole waii
fo: o io 6o oays o: uniil ihey :eceive a leiie:
f:on ihe no:igage se:vice: sc:aing ihei:
Ofien, alicaiions gei oenieo fo: ihings
lile checling one w:ong Lox o: oocunenis
siiiing ai ihe Lanlfo: solong ihai ihey :equesi
an uoaieo ve:sion, she saio.
Thai neans ihe oo i:aineo :o Lono aiio:-
neys, :oo of which :enain aciive, ooni gei io
as nany cases as ihey coulo, she saio. In oihe:
wo:os, wiih c:esiing oenano fo: :o Lono
aiio:neys, ihe :ocess wasies :ecious iine fo:
ihese lawye:s.
Daniel Koen, a CVLSvoluniee: whohanoleo
aLoui six neoiaiions, saio in his exe:ience, ii
iyically iales aLoui five neeiings wiiha Lanl
aiio:ney uniil ihey :eceive a conleie file.
A iyical loan nooificaiion aoos ihe oelin-
queni ayneni onio ihe anouni oweo on ihe
no:igage. As nonihs iicl Ly waiiing fo: ne-
oiaiion, ihe oelinqueni ayneni g:ows la:ge:.
Thai geis s:inlleo onio fuiu:e aynenis
wiih inie:esi aooeo.
The longe: ii goes on ihe no:e ihais
oweo, Ielsonsaio. The no:e ihais oweo, ihe
less lilely ihai you:e going io Le aLle io affo:o
io ay ii off.
]ohn Z:nich, a CVLS voluniee: who han-
oleo aLoui nine neoiaiions, saio fo:eclosu:e
oefense aiio:neys cani oefeno againsi a Lanl
ihai leis oocunenis go siale.
Ano iis unfo:iunaie, he saio. Ou: clienis
will sc:anLle in gooo faiih io gei eve:yihing
iogeihe: fo: a neoiaiion, ano if ihe Lanl siis
on ii, ihen ihe:es noihing we can oo.
kuust zovz
caLurc Pro Bono
Cool Couniy Ci:cuii ]uoge Moshe ]aco-
Lius, who :esioes ove: ihe Chance:y Divi-
sion, saio ihe cou:i L:oughi in case nanage:s
io hel honeowne:s navigaie ihe sysien.
In laie ]une, The Chicago Connuniiy
T:usi Legan wo:ling on oeveloing a flow
cha:i io na ihe :ocess fo: honeowne:s, he
Iis a ve:y ini:icaie :og:an on ihe one
hano, ano iis conlex, he saio, :efe::ing io
ihe neoiaiion :og:an oeveloeo in :o1o.
On ihe oihe: hano, ihe :og:an is unique
Lecause ii is Lasically one of ihe nosi exien-
sive :og:ans in ie:ns of hel ihais :ovioeo
in ihe naiion.
Since ihe :og:an sia:ieo, ihe cou:i a-
oinieo ,o;: cases io neoiaiion, says ihe
Cool Couniy Ci:cuii Cou:is Chance:y Di-
vision Mo:igage Fo:eclosu:e Meoiaiion F:o-
g:an ]une :; :eo:i.
Of ihose, , goi conleieo Ly laie ]une,
wiih 1,o enoing in honeowne:s leeing
ihei: hone.
Siill, oue ioihe cou:is Lacllogof neoiaiion
cases, ihe iine io conleie a neoiaiion case
f:onihe issuing of a fo:eclosu:e noiice sianos
ai nea:ly :1 nonihs, ihe :eo:i says.
One of ihe ihings ihai weve wo:leo on is
i:ying io cui oown on ihe nunLe: of cases
ihai a:e awaiiing neoiaiion :esoluiion, ]aco-
Lius saio.
The case nanage:s i:iage cases Ly senoing
io neoiaiion ihose honeowne:s wiih ihe
Lesi chance of :eaching an ag:eeneni io
nooify ihei: loan ano siay in ihei: hones, he
Fo: insiance, ihe cou:i ooes noi wani io
seno io neoiaiion cases ihai will :esuli in a
honeowne: giving u ihei: hone ih:ough a
oignifieo exii o: cash fo: leys seiileneni
whe:e ihe :enaining Lalance on a no:igage
geis fo:given when ihe owne: leaves ihe
Bui iine ano noney coniinue io Le a facio:
fo: seve:al local :esioenis.
Ge:aloine Faiie:son, one of Z:nichs clienis,
saio he: hone in Chicagos Souih Sioe Beve:ly
neighLo:hooo weni inio fo:eclosu:e afie:
Lusiness sloweo oown ou:ing ihe :ecession ai
ihe fanilys iowing se:vice.
She saio she Loughi a fax nachine Lecause
of all ihe oocunenis she neeoeo io seno io he:
I cani lan ny oay conleiely Lecause I
have io sio, gaihe: u all ihese oocunenis
ano :efax ihen, she saio. Ano I i:ieo ooing
sone ieno:a:y wo:l, Lui iis lile you:e on
call I lanioLe f:ee, Lui nowI have ioseno
iine ooing ihis geiiing incone siaienenis
iogeihe: again.
Faiie:son saio he: no:igage ayneni Le-
cane aLoui 8:,1oo a nonih when she fell
Lehino on aynenis. Afie: a nooificaiion,
she aio 81,1oo fo: a sho:i iine. Tooay,
ihough, afie: aooing laie aynenis ano fees,
she saio he: ayneni nighi aoo u io aLoui
She saio she consioe:s ihe neoiaiion a suc-
cess, Lecause oihe:wise I woulo Le in fo:e-
Siill, wiih he: iow i:ucl Lusiness noi icl-
ing u ano he: no:igage ayneni ai 8:,;oo a
nonih, she nighi :evisii ihe :ocess.
She saio. A:e we going io have io go
ih:ough ihis again?
kuust zovz
CIImbIng the Ladder : column
,J >A an ioioL
lefi :ivaie law:aciice ano i:ansiiioneo io
ihe acaoenic wo:lo in ihe fall of :oop. This
neans ihai ny ve:y fi:si coho:i of 1Ls g:ao-
uaieo in May of ihis yea: ano nany will Le
enie:ing ihe :ivaie :aciice of law ihis fall.
Vhy ooes ihis naiie:?
Vell, Lecause ihe:es now a loi :ioing on
ihis colunn. ihe Io:ihwesie:n Unive:siiy
School of Law Class of :o1: useo io oeeno
on ne fo: aovice on how Lesi io consi:uci
an ouiline o: nasie: a civil :oceou:e issue
soiie: exan.
Alas, ihey no longe: neeo ne io hel oe-
nysiify ihe :ocess-o:ienieo asecis of law
school lea:ning. Insieao, ihey coulo Le :eaoing
ihis ve:y colunn ano execiing ne io offe:
ihen sone sage aovice gua:anieeing ihen an
illusi:ious ca:ee:. So ihis ones goiia Le gooo.
O: Ill cosi Chicaqo Lawer a loi of oieniially
oevoieo :eaoe:s.
Thus, I wani io offe:, in ihis colunn, ihe
Lesi aovice ossiLle. The sec:ei ley io success
ai a law fi:n. The nagic Lullei gua:anieeo io
gei you a a:ine:shi offe:. The :eal oeal.
If only if we:e ihai easy.
Vhai I can say is ihis. Though ihe:es no
one sue:-oue:, oouLle-sec:ei :oLaiion
answe: io ihe quesiion of how io succeeo ai
a law fi:n, ihe following nani:a ooes gei you
a gooo oeal of ihe way ihe:e. Doni Le an
This seens oLvious io nany of you. Mosi of
you a:e :oLaLly ihinling, Vell, ouh In
noi an ioioi, so why woulo I suooenly Lecone
one once I sia:i wo:ling ai a law fi:n? Vell,
hisio:y, siaiisiics ano ny e:sonal exe:ience
inoicaie ihai sone (nany?) of you will Le
ienieo io enL:ace you: inne: igno:anus
wiihoui even lnowing ii once you i:aoe you:
lawschool IDfo: a lawfi:nley ca:o. Bui I can
hel. Ill ouiline sone of ihe nosi connon
ioioi i:as ihai ieni young lawye:s so ihai
you can ci:cunveni ihese lano nines ano
gua:aniee snooih sailing io Fa:ine:ville.
Ioioi T:a Io. 1. You ooni unoe:siano ihe
coniou:s of ihe facis of you: case, o: whai
exacily ihe a:ine: wanis you io :esea:ch, o:
whe:e you:e suoseo io fino ihe answe:
anoyouooni aslanyone. Aslsoneone The:e
a:e lawye:s ai you: fi:n junio: o: niolevel
associaies who a:e. 1) noi as sca:y as ihe
a:ine: ano :) lnow ihe answe:s io ihe vasi
najo:iiy of you: quesiions.
The :isls youll incu: Ly noi asling a:e in-
neasu:aLle. Mo:e senio: aiio:neys ieno io as-
sune ihings a:e clea:e: ihan ihey a:e, o: ihai
you lnow no:e ihan you oo Lui once you
asl you: quesiion, iheyll :eseci you fo: con-
ing clean ano ihinling ih:ough ihe assign-
neni enough io lnow whai :ecisely ii is you
oo noi lnow. Vhen in oouLi, always asl. Al-
Ioioi T:a Io. :. You ooni :eceive a oeao-
line fo: an assignneni, so you suly one
you:self ano you nale ihai oeaoline
lnown io ihe assigning aiio:ney. Then, sone-
ihing cones u ano you ooni hano in you:
assignneni Ly you: nanufaciu:eo oeaoline.
You ooni ihinl iis a Lig oeal, Lecause ii was
you: oeaoline, noi Maoane Fa:ine:s. V:ong.
Any oeaoline, coni:iveo o: clieni-insiiiuieo,
is a :eal oeaoline. Ieve: suly a oeaoline ihai
you cani neei ano neve: niss a oeaoline.
Ioioi T:a Io. . Youve Leen asleo io w:iie
a o:afi neno, whichwill goih:oughcouniless
iie:aiions of :eview :io: io Leing seni io ihe
clieni. You o:afi ihe neno. You incluoe a
o:afi sian ai ihe io of each age. You i:eai
ii as a o:afi, Lecause ihe senio: aiio:ney lei
:efe::ing io ii as a o:afi ano Lecause you lnow
ii will lilely go ih:ough aLoui ;oo :evisions
Lefo:e ihe clieni sees ii. So, you ooni :oof-
:eao ii as well as you shoulo, you leave you:
e:sonal noies inihe iexi (FIXTHIS Inse:i
ciie) ano you ooni ui ihe neno in ihe final
neno:anoun fo:nai.
An hou: laie: ihe a:ine: sio:ns inio you:
office fu:ious ai ihe shoooy naiu:e of you:
wo:l :oouci ano ihe aa:eni ca:elessness
wiih which you a:oach you: wo:l ai ihe
fi:n. Lei ne iell you a liiile sec:ei. Anyihing
yousenoioanyone ai ihe fi:nnusi Le infinal
fo:nai. Even ihough iis going io Le :eviseo.
Ano even ihough iis iechnically a o:afi. Be-
cause noihing is siill a o:afi once ii leaves you:
ouiLox. Ioihing.
Ioioi T:a Io. . Soneone senos an e-nail
io ihe all lawye:s lisise:v. The e-nail is funny
(as nany of ihese Llasi e-nails uninieniionally
You fo:wa:o ihe e-nail io you: f:ienos ano
incluoe a cleve: jole. You hii seno. Ano ihen
you :ealize youve accioenially incluoeo All
Lawye:s on you: e-nail ano now you:e ihai
guy. Doni oo ihis. Feally. Sho:i lesson. Feao
ove: you: e-nails Lefo:e you seno ihen ano
only seno ihen io ihe eole fo: whon you
o:afieo ihe e-nail in ihe fi:si lace. Sinle.
The:e a:e couniless oihe: Ioioi T:as of
which I coulo wa:nyou, Lui ihey a:e saoly noi
wiihin ny wo:o linii.
So Ill leave you wiih a :eca. Thinl iwice
Lefo:e you nale any oecisions, hano in any
assignnenis o: hii seno on e-nails. You: inne:
ounce has Leen ca:efully iucleo away fo:
yea:s now. All ii iales is ihai exi:a slii-secono
of ihoughi io ensu:e you:e ihe sia: associaie,
:aihe: ihan ihe one wiih ihe quesiionaLle
juogneni, ihe asi:aiional iinelines, ihe slo-
y wo:l :oouci ano ihe nean-si:iieo sense
of huno:. T:usi ne.
By Susan Spes Roth
NorLhvcsLcrn UnivcrsiLy School o Lav
! kuust zovz
" kuust zovz
Survey : Pro bono
Recommended pro bono bours
Tota| #
Pro bono bours
app|ied to bi||ab|e goa|
Pro bono coordinator Partners Associates
Money contributed to
pro bono causes
Kirklano & Lllis 6i ioo pcrccnL |ulic LaLacc AL lcasL o hours a ycar AL lcasL o hours a ycar 5;i,;i
Siolcy AusLin ; NA
Kclly Huggins, capiLal liLigaLion
projccL ano poliLical asylum ano
immigranLs' righLs projccL managcr,
Lmily Wcxlcr, vcLcrans projccL
managcr, Richaro . O'Mallcy |r., pro
bono parLncr, Angclyn ChcsLcr, pro
bono cooroinaLor
6o hours 6o hours NA
Maycr 8rovn 8; ioo Marc Kaoish
Lncouragco Lo mccL goal o 6o
hours annually
Lncouragco Lo mccL goal o
6o hours annually
WinsLon & SLravn 8o Up Lo o hours Crcg McConncll hours hours 5o,ooo
McDcrmoLL Will &
i ioo pcrccnL
LaLonia Hancy KciLh, pro bono
6o hours or pcrccnL o billablc
6o hours or pcrccnL o
billablc Limc
|cnncr & 8lock o ioo pcrccnL Pamcla S. Abrahamson
Lncouragco Lo oo aL lcasL o
Lncouragco Lo oo aL lcasL
o hours
KaLLcn Muchin
Up Lo ioo hours a
|onaLhan 8aum, oirccLor o pro
bono scrviccs
o hours a ycar o hours a ycar 5ii6,;6
Hinshav & CulbcrLson
ull-hour crcoiL
applics Lo Lhc
billablc goal or
LhcrcaLcr, no
billablc crcoiL
Dan 8oho, chairman, pro bono
o or morc hours o or morc hours NA
Schi Haroin
.; pcrccnL or
morc ocpcnoing
on commiLmcnLs
Paul L. Dcngcl ano Mark C. Zaanocr NA NA NA
ScyarLh Shav ip
irsL 6o hours
apply Lo Lhc
billablc hour goal
viLh aooiLional
Limc Lovaro LoLal
conLribuLion goal
Allcgra Rich pcrccnL o billablc hours pcrccnL o billablc hours
Pro bono causcs &
organizaLions. 5;i,oo, Pro
bono & oLhcr nonproiL
causcs. 5i;,oo
DLA Pipcr i6
ull billablc crcoiL
or signaLurc
projccLs. or oLhcr
projccLs, cnLry-
lcvcl, o hours
counLco aL ioo
pcrccnL, ano oLhcr
associaLcs, up Lo
ioo hours counLco
aL ioo pcrccnL
Annc CcraghLy Hclms 8o hours ioo hours 5i6,8oo
8akcr & McKcnzic i ioo hours
Doug Sanocrs, parLncr, ano Lrin
Maus, parLncr
Minimum o 6o hours Minimum o 6o hours NA
Vcoocr Pricc ip8 irsL o hours Michacl Mulcahy Minimum o o hours Minimum o o hours NA
|oncs Day i;8 NA Lcc Ann Russo, parLncr, Chicago NA NA NA
Chapman ano CuLlcr i;i
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
o hours
|oscph Lombaroo, parLncr hours o hours NA
K&L CaLcs i6p
Oncc Lhc billablc
hour Lhrcsholo is
achicvco or
bonus cligibiliLy, all
pro bono hours
crcoiLco in
bonus. ln
Lhrcsholo, up Lo
ioo hours or
associaLcs, ;
hours or sccono-
ycar associaLcs
ano o hours or
associaLcs ano
Richaro Scvcik o hours o hours NA
Skaoocn i6 ioo pcrccnL Lovaro Houlihan pcrccnL o billablc hours pcrccnL o billablc hours ln cxccss o 5,o,66
Ncal, Ccrbcr &
i6i ioo pcrccnL Maria |. Minor o hours o hours NA
LaLham & WaLkins i6 NA
Lach oicc has a pro bono
Lncouragco Lo spcno 6o hours a
ArnsLcin & Lchr i6 ioo pcrccnL SLcvcn N. MaliLz
Lncouragco Lo spcno as many
hours as appropriaLc
Lncouragco Lo spcno as
many hours as appropriaLc
A// |nformat|on was pro|ded b, the f|rms Sure,s were sent to the /arqest .oo ///|no|s /aw f|rms, accord|nq to data from the .o11-.o1. Su//|ans /aw D|rector, /|rms were orqan|zed b, the number
of ///|no|s attorne,s as of fan 1, .o1. /|rms were /|sted a/phabet|ca//, when the number of ///|no|s attorne,s was |dent|ca/ /f a f|rm /eft an answer b/ank or wasnt spec|f|c then |t sa,s NA /f a f|rm
does not count pro bono hours towards the b|//ab/e qoa/, |t sa,s, No
# kuust zovz
Pro bono Survey
Recommended pro bono bours
Tota| #
Pro bono bours
app|ied to bi||ab|e goa|
Pro bono coordinator Partners Associates
Money contributed to
pro bono causes
SNR DcnLon i8
irsL ioo hours
apply Lo billablc
goal ano
aooiLional crcoiL
approvco on a
casc-by-casc basis
8cn Wcinbcrg, pro bono parLncr 6o hours 6o hours 58o;,p
Crccnbcrg Traurig ip
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
ioo hours,
viLhouL prior
CrcLchcn N. Millcr ano Crcgory L.
ioo hours ioo hours NA
olcy & Laroncr ip . pcrccnL MarLin |. 8ishop NA NA NA
Rcco SmiLh i; NA |amcs Rolcs o hours o hours 5p,ooo
rccborn & PcLcrs ii . pcrccnL ano up
|ohn T. Shapiro ano Lugcnc . Zclck
All maLLcrs go Lhrough pro bono
All maLLcrs go Lhrough pro
bono commiLLcc
SmiLhAmunoscn io No NA No rccommcnoaLion No rccommcnoaLion NA
Lockc Loro ii
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
ioo hours
Ann Walsh (Chicago) ano ArL
AnLhony (Dallas)
No scL hours rccommcnoco No scL hours rccommcnoco 586,6;
McCuircWooos ii NA |crcy Rogcrs
AL a minimum, pcrccnL o
billablc hours
AL a minimum, pcrccnL o
billablc hours
Hcyl, RoysLcr, Voclkcr
& Allcn
iop NA TimoLhy L. 8crLschy NA NA 5;,6oo
8arack crrazzano
Kirschbaum &
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
ioo hours
NA hours hours 56,p68
Svanson, MarLin & 8cll io pcrccnL Ccorgc . iLzpaLrick |r. No spcciic rccommcnoaLion
No spcciic
Lovaros Wiloman io
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
ioo hours
Davio Askcv 6o hours 6o hours NA
Trcsslcr io NA Lrin Majka NA NA NA
UngarcLLi & Harris io irsL o hours |ohn T. Ruskusky
Up Lo o hours Lovaro billablc
Up Lo o hours Lovaro
billablc goal
8rinks Hocr Cilson &
p; o hours Vincc Cnoo o hours o hours NA
Dykcma p
o hours, morc i
NA o hours o hours 5;,8
Hollano & KnighL p ioo pcrccnL RobcrL LabaLc ioo hours a ycar ioo hours a ycar 58,ooo
8arncs & Thornburg 88
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
o hours
Kcvin Driscoll o hours o hours NA
Scgal McCambriogc
Singcr & Mahoncy
8; hours CaLhcrinc L. Colohabcr NA hours NA
Marshall, CcrsLcin &
;p ioo pcrccnL Paul 8. SLcphcns hours a ycar hours a ycar
Wc supporL various pro
bono organizaLions Lhrough
sponsorships, cLc.
Quarlcs & 8raoy ;8 ioo pcrccnL RobcrL L. CamraLh o hours o hours NA
Much ShclisL ;; pcrccnL SLcvcn P. 8lonocr o hours o hours 5i,ooo
Pcrkins Coic ; ioo pcrccnL
Vincc Maloncy, Chicago oicc pro
bono commiLLcc chairman, Lcah
Mcovay, irmvioc pro bono
o hours o hours 5i,
Lcyoig, VoiL & Maycr ;
Colobcrg Kohn ; oo hours a ycar Davio Chizcvcr NA NA NA
Chuhak & Tccson 68 No NA
Lncouragco Lo pursuc ovn
communiLy scrvicc inLcrcsLs
Lncouragco Lo pursuc ovn
communiLy scrvicc inLcrcsLs
Qucrrcy & Harrov 68 No NA NA NA NA
Shcsky & roclich 66 ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA 5,8o
8ryan Cavc 6
ioo pcrccnL o
approvco hours
PaLrick McKcy, Chicago oicc pro
bono cooroinaLor, Lllcn 8onacorsi,
chairvoman, pro bono commiLLcc
o hours o hours NA
Thompson Coburn 6
ioo pcrccnL up Lo
o hours
Polsinclli ShugharL 6 ioo pcrccnL Paula Kim o hours o hours AbouL 5,ooo
Morgan, Lcvis &
6 ioo pcrccnL Thomas Hurka o hours or morc o hours or morc NA
Lcvcnclo PcarlsLcin 6o o hours a ycar |ason Ncumark NA NA NA
Simmons 8rovocr
Cianaris Angcliocs &
; No Amy CarrcLL Nonc rcquirco Nonc rcquirco NA
ranczck RaoclcL ioo pcrccnL SLaci KcLay RoLman NA NA Ycs
$ kuust zovz
Survey : Pro bono
Recommended pro bono bours
Tota| #
Pro bono bours
app|ied to bi||ab|e goa|
Pro bono coordinator Partners Associates
Money contributed to
pro bono causes
Wilson Llscr 8 ioo pcrccnL Davio Holmcs AL oiscrcLion o aLLorncy AL oiscrcLion o aLLorncy NA
Coulo & RaLncr 6 ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
Duanc Morris 6 o hours crcoiL NA o hours o hours NA
8anncr & WiLco No Louis DiSanLo NA NA NA
Schillcr DuCanLo &

ioo pcrccnL up Lo
o hours
Mcighan A. Harmon No spcciic numbcr AL lcasL o hours a ycar NA
iLch, Lvcn, Tabin &
i ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA 5i,ooo
8crgcr SchaLz o ioo pcrccnL NA DiscrcLion o Lhc parLncrs io Lo o hours NA
Ropcs & Cray o Varics NA
Lncouragco Lo parLicipaLc
viLhouL a cap
Lncouragco Lo parLicipaLc
viLhouL a cap
Crippo & Llocn p ioo pcrccnL Mailc H. Solis-Szukala NA NA NA
Limcr SLahl 8 ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
Sanchcz Danicls &
8 Unknovn
Ccralo M. Dombrovski ano Manucl
AL lcasL hours AL lcasL hours 5i,ooo
LiLLlcr Mcnoclson ; o pcrccnL Davio K. Haasc hours hours Pro bono only - 5,ooo
8uLlcr Rubin SalLarclli &
6 ioo pcrccnL |amcs Morsch, parLncr pcrccnL o billablc hours pcrccnL o billablc hours NA
Masuoa unai LicrL &
6 ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
Colobcrg Wcisman ano
Anocrson Rasor &
ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
Mulhcrin, RchcloL &
No NA o o 5o
Locb & Locb ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA 5,;o
ox, HcLcr, Svibcl,
Lcvin & Carroll
ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
acgrc 8akcr Danicls ioo hours NA NA NA NA
lcc Millcr i
or bonus
purposcs, ioo
pcrccnL up Lo ioo
or bonus purposcs, ioo pcrccnL
up Lo ioo hours
or bonus purposcs, ioo
pcrccnL up Lo ioo hours
Michacl 8csL i No NA NA o hours NA
Kayc Scholcr i
Ticr i. p pcrccnL,
Ticr . i pcrccnL
Michcllc Marck (Chicago pro bono
commiLLcc mcmbcr)
o hours o hours WND
Novack ano Maccy o ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
Hall Pranglc &
o No NA NA NA 5,ooo
8rovn, Hay &
SLcllaLo & SchvarLz 8 No NA NA NA NA
|ackson Lcvis ;
Maximum o o
Pro bono cooroinaLors arc Douglas
SmiLh (PiLLsburgh) ano SLcphanic
Lcvis (Crccnvillc)
o hours o hours NA
ishcr Kanaris ;
Lcss Lhan
SLcpLoc & |ohnson 6 NA NA ioo hours ioo hours NA
Scogvick NA Davio M. Colohabcr NA NA
ConLribuLions maoc arc
PaLLishall, McAulic,
Ncvbury, Hilliaro &

. pcrccnL, or o
NA AL lcasL o hours AL lcasL o hours NA
Crccnsclocr, Hcmkcr
& Calc

UnlimiLco or
cocral courL
cascs, up Lo o
hours or oLhcrs
NA DiscrcLionary DiscrcLionary NA
Spcrling & SlaLcr ioo pcrccnL NA NA NA NA
Cozcn OConnor
8o pcrccnL up Lo a
maximum o 6o
ChrisLophcr H. Murphy 6o hours 6o hours 58,io
Davis ricoman o ioo pcrccnL NA o ivc hours a monLh 5i,ooo
Schop & Wciss ip ioo pcrccnL KrisLcn L. Huoson NA NA 5o
Corboy & DcmcLrio i8 No MaLLhcv T. |cnkins o Lo ioo hours o Lo 6o hours NA
% kuust zovz
column JudgIng HIstory
6DA FAFA as Lhc juogc
ug. 6, ipiz: Ai ihe Iaiional F:og:es-
sive Fa:iy conveniion in Chicago, fo:-
ne: F:esioeni Theooo:e Fooseveli
:eiie:aies his Lelief ihai ihe eole shoulo
ossess ihe owe: ai ihe Lalloi Lox of :ecalling
juoges as well as close Su:ene Cou:i juoicial
:ulings on ce:iain consiiiuiional issues.
Eve:y fou: yea:s, canoioaies seeling ihei:
a:iys noninaiion fo: :esioeni Lecone en-
iangleo in coni:ove:sy, usually whieo u Ly
ihei: oonenis o: ihe vi:al owe: of ihe
neoia. This yea:, seve:al FeuLlican :ina:y
canoioaies saio o: oio ihings ihai gene:aieo
ungene:ous noio:ieiy. Fooseveli suffe:eo ihe
sane unleasani sc:uiiny fo: siances he iool
ou:ing ihe 1p1: canaign fo: :esioeni.
Afie: winning nine oui of 1: FeuLlican
:ina:ies, Fooseveli was i:ounceo Ly F:esi-
oeni Villian Howa:o Tafi ai ihe FeuLlican
conveniion. Foosevelis suo:ie:s walleo oui
of ihe Chicago Coliseun ano o:ganizeo ihe
Iaiional F:og:essive Fa:iy (ihe Bull Moose
Fa:iy) io fe::y Fooseveli Lacl io ihe Vhiie
House. On Aug. 6, 1p1:, he gave his Lase whai
ihey wanieo a :ousing acceiance seech,
aining a chunl of ihe 16,ooo-wo:o aoo:ess on
ihe juoicia:y.
Fooseveli oec:ieo ihe oifficuli :ocess of
ineaching inconeieni juoges. He also
exounoeo on his :aoical :oosal ihai ihe
final a:Liie: on sone consiiiuiional issues Le
ihe eole insieao of ihe highesi cou:i.
He L:iefly focuseo on his oLjeciion io in-
eachneni as ihe sole neihoo io gei :io of an
inconeieni juoge. To Fooseveli an incon-
eieni juoge was a juoge who acieo oihe:
ihan wise ano u:ighi.
His oefiniiion of inconeience incluoeo a
juoge howeve: vi:iuous who has g:own so
oui of iouch wiih social neeos ano facis ihai
he is unfii fo: ihe Lench. Thai a:i of his
oefiniiion woulo Le a nighina:e in iooays
ioeological whi:lwino.
The neans of :enoving juoges was less in-
o:iani io Fooseveli ihan finoing alie:naiives
io ineachneni. He :econnenoeo ihai siaie
La:s ano juoges wo:l iogeihe: wiih ihei: leg-
islaiu:es io fino a no:e efficieni neihoo.
Alihough he favo:eo an aoiniive juoicial
sysien, he :oLaLly woulo have a:oveo ihe
sysien we enloy in Illinois eleciion fol-
loweo Ly :eieniioncycles ihai allows voie:s io
oecioe wheihe: ioleeihe juoge inoffice. Bui,
ai ihe iine, his osiiion on :enoving juoges
f:onoffice was Leyono ihe nainsi:ean. Mo:e
unusual ano oieniially oivisive was his iale
on ou: Consiiiuiion ano ihe :ighi of ihe eo-
le, :aihe: ihan ihe cou:is, io gei ihe final say
on ce:iain consiiiuiional quesiions. He saio
cou:is inie:fe:eo wiih ihe legislaiive ano ihe
execuiive L:anches ano shoulo Le :esi:aineo.
He wanieo ihe eole, following an anle
inie:val fo: oeliLe:aiion, io nale ihe final
oeie:ninaiion in ihose cases in which a high
cou:i slii, finoing unconsiiiuiional social
welfa:e ano uLlic olicy quesiions.
Fooseveli :oclaineo. I oeny ihai ihe
Ane:ican eole have su::enoe:eo io any sei
of nen, no naiie: whai ihei: osiiion o: ihei:
cha:acie:, ihe final :ighi io oeie:nine ihose
funoanenial quesiions uon which f:ee self-
gove:nneni uliinaiely oeenos. The eole
ihenselves nusi Le ihe uliinaie nale:s of
ihei: own Consiiiuiion, ano whe:e ihei:
agenis oiffe: in ihei: inie::eiaiions of ihe
Consiiiuiion, ihe eole ihenselves shoulo Le
given ihe chance, afie: full ano oeliLe:aie
juogneni, auiho:iiaiively io seiile whai inie:-
:eiaiion ii is ihai ihei: :e:eseniaiives shall
ihe:eafie: aooi as Linoing.
He saio his :oosal woulo enanciaie
(ihe cou:is) f:on a osiiion, whe:e ihey siano
in ihe way of social jusiice ano enanciaie
ihe eole f:on ihe inequiiy of enfo:ceo
suLnission io a ooci:ine which woulo iu:n
consiiiuiional :ovisions which we:e inieno-
eoiofavo: social jusiice anoaovanceneni inio
:ohiLiiions againsi such jusiice ano aovance-
He soughi io allowihe elecio:aie io oecioe
wheihe: iofollowihe legislaiu:e o: ihe cou:i.
He :ecognizeo, howeve:, ihai achieving ihis
oLjeciive on ihe naiional level woulo Le in-
ossiLle. Vhen Fooseveli fi:si announceo his
concei of eole as juoge, ihe NewYork 1imes
uLlisheo a :eio:i f:on a FeuLlican i:ial
juoge, siaiing ihai Fooseveli was saying. Lei
all ihings Le oecioeo fi:si Ly ihe siaie cou:is,
ihen Ly ihe Uniieo Siaies Su:ene Cou:i, ano
ihen Ly ihe noL. FoLe:i Tooo Lincoln con-
oenneowhai he calleoFoosevelis unchecleo
oenoc:acy, which he oesc:iLeo as a fo:n of
gove:nneni full of oange:.
Vhile his ush io give ihe elecio:aie ihe
aLiliiy io :enove inconeieni juoges has Le-
cone a fanilia: :ealiiy, noi so :ega:oing eo-
le as juoge. Ioi only oio eole as juoge
ea:n L:oao conoennaiion ai ihe iine, Lui ii
neve: gaineo oliiical c:eoiLiliiy fo: nany :ea-
sons incluoing iis :enoing of ihe Lasic faL:ic of
siaie consiiiuiions, suLve:sion of juoicial in-
oeenoence, oieniial oe:ivaiion of ihe
:ighis of ihose in a nino:iiy ano oui-ano-oui
oliiicizaiion of ihe juoicial oecision-naling
:ocess. Much of Foosevelis vision of Ane:-
ica has Leen iho:oughly assinilaieo in ou: na-
iions life. The flai :ejeciion of his eole as
juoge :oosiiion, howeve:, shoulo noi Le
seen as a oooneo quesi. Faihe: ihis was an
honesi aiieni io si:engihen ihe uLlics
conniineni io oenoc:aiic ioeals. Fo: ihai
Fooseveli shoulo Le connenoeo.
By Judge Mchael B. Hyman
Cook CounLy CircuiL CourL
& kuust zovz
CommunIcatIon Conundrum : column
/AJJEC C@ viLh Lhc L voro
IkabIIIty, ihe nagic Lullei cha:acie:-
isiic of e:suasion, is a connon ie:nfo:
ihose fanilia: wiihihe sychology of in-
fluencing oihe:s. You lnow ihose guys/gi:ls.
They neve: hao io siuoy as ha:o, :un as fa: o:
wo:l as laie, yei siill seeneo io Le voieo in,
:aiseo o: :onoieo. The Goloen Chilo is a
ie:n useo io oesc:iLe all, Lecause ihey we:e
Much has Leen w:iiien on Leing lileaLle.
The:e a:e oaily :eo:is on F:esioeni Ba:acl
OLanas L-Facio:, as auiho: Tin Sanoe:s
calls ii. FoLe:i Cialoini is lilelyihe faihe: of all
ihoughis on lilaLiliiy. In ihe si:ii of geiiing
on ihe -ononics Lanowagon, Fohii Bha:gava,
w:oie Lileononics. Ca:ioons, siicons, o:a-
nas ano :ealiiy shows all oeoicaie iine io ihe
e:sonaliiies, as well as ihe :owess, of cha:-
My favo:iie iis on Leing lileaLle cone
f:on BoL Sonne:s, lnown as ihe lilaLiliiy
guy. His w:iiings a:e aLunoani on ihe In-
ie:nei. His iale onhowioLe lileaLle coniains
ihe sane Lasic cononenis as oihe: exe:is. I
jusi a:eciaie ihe way he a:oaches ihen.
Ve lile eole who
1. Lile us.
:. A:e lile us.
. Male us feel safe ano welcone.
. Elevaie ou: nooo.
. Ve have f:equeni coniaci wiih.
6. Ve collaLo:aie wiih.
;. Show :eseci (io ihenselves ano oihe:s).
8. A:e Leauiiful.
p. Ve associaie wiih gooo feelings.
1o. A:e :elevani in ou: lives.
11. Ve hel.
1:. Can laugh ai ihenselves easily.
Sowhe:e a:e youonihe lilaLiliiyscale, lile-
aLle, unlilaLle o: sonewhe:e in Leiween
which is geiiing you nowhe:e? Mosi of us a:e
lileaLle io ihose who lnowus Lesi, Lui eiihe:
show u unlilaLle o: in linLo io ihe :esi.
Ii is iine io Lu:y you: :ioe ano Lecone ihe
nosi lileaLle e:son on you: Llocl. So whai
oo you have io oo? Fo: sone, o:asiic neasu:es
will Le calleo fo:, while oihe:s neeo a liiile
iwealing. You nay noi lile ny fi:si :econ-
nenoaiion, sosii Lacl, nayLe a cocliail woulo
hel. Touch eole. Yes, I lnow you :ecenily
finisheo a cou:se on a:o:iaie sensiiiviiy.
Ioneiheless, iouche:s a:e lileaLle Lacl
slaing, shouloe: hugging ano hano-shaling
Ii is easie: io fi:si focus on whai nales you
noi lileaLle. Leis :ew:iie Sonne:s lisi in ihe
oosiie, having ihese aii:iLuies can nale
youeiihe: noi lileo o: oislileo. Vhensia:iing
a new joL, i:ying io Luilo lasiing :elaiionshis
o: jusi waniing io nale you: :ounos of golf
no:e fun, you neeo io gei on ihe osiiive sioe
of ihese Lehavio:s. If you ihinl Leing neui:al
is Leiie: ihan Leing noi lileo iis noi.
No. i. You dont IIke most peopIe. You
ihinl ihis is a ha:nless i:aii. You snile when
you neeo io, a:e noi :uoe ano woulo neve: lei
anyone lnow you feli ihis way Lui we can all
snell a fale.
No. z. Youare dIIIerent. This is a iough one.
Mencani Le wonen, ciiy follcani Le fa:ne:s
ano nono:inle:s shouloni o:inl io L:eal inio
ihe c:owo. I f:equenily fino lawye:s wo:ling
in an away venue anoe:ing io ihe ju:y in an
effo:i io noi aea: oiffe:eni. They chee: ihe
hone so:is iean, say ihey weni io school
sonewhe:e in ihe siaie, iall aLoui ihei: iine
in ihe nea:Ly L:anch office. Usually, none of
ihis wo:ls io nale a e:son sinila: enough io
ihe ju:y o: juoge ioacconlishanyihing oihe:
ihan io lool foolish.
No. . BeIng wIth you IeeIs unweIcome.
No. q. You are negatIve. Being sa:casiic is
funny, as is aooing o:ana ano gooo sio:y-
ielling a:ouno a Lao o: sao eveni. Howeve:,
consiani negaiiviiy is o:aining. Conlaining,
whining ano c:iiicizing a:e aciiviiies oihe:s
only wani io a:iiciaie in fo: a sho:i iine.
No. and No. 6. You onIy show occasIon-
aIIy or you show but preIer to be wIth your-
seII. OLviously ii is challenging io lile sone-
Looy who is noi a:ouno, Lui noi inossiLle. If
you showu Lig when you a:e in ihe :esence
of eole you wani io lile you, you nale
neno:ies ihai lasi.
No. ). You dIsrespect yourseII or others.
No. 8. You are not beautIIuI.
No. p. You dont do anythIng to make
others IeeI good.
No. io. You do not make a connectIon to
others IIves.
No. ii. You do not ask Ior heIp. If you:
noihe: iaughi younoi io :ely onoihe:s o: noi
ioLo::owihe neighLo:s lawnnowe:, she was
jusi w:ong. So::y Mon, we lnow you neani
well, Lui Leing self-:eliani causes you io a-
ea: siuLLo:n ano uni:usiing. Fo: exanle,
you will fino Io. 11 in Cialoinis Lool The
Fsychology Influence of Fe:suasion unoe:
ihe heaoing of Feci:ocaiion. Ve lile ihe
eole we oo favo:s fo: Lecause ihey i:usi us
io hel ihen.
No. iz. You are seII-conscIous and dont
IIke to be the butt oI the joke. These i:aiis
nale a e:son aea: oefensive. Oihe:s a:e
unconfo:iaLle a:ouno eole who cannoi
laugh ai ihenselves. Ii is ioo exhausiing hav-
ing io oeal wiih such a sensiiive ego.
Much of you: e:sonal ano :ofessional
success oeenos on how lileaLle you a:e. So,
oo you:self a favo: ano assess whe:e you fii on
ihe LilaLiliiy Scale, ihen wo:l ih:ough ihe
aLove lisi io in:ove you: L-Facio:.
By 1heresa Zagnol
Zagnoli McLvoy olcy LLC
' kuust zovz
column InsIde Out
*A@EC JM ELAI inLo onc
ere is a o:iion of ihe conve:saiion.
To lea:n no:e on ihis a:iicula: ioic
visii chicagolawye:nagazine.con.
Howdo youbaIance havIng two Iawyers In
the househoId?
TIna MartInI. On Lalance, I ihinl having
iwo lawye:s in one householo is no:e of a
Llessing ihan a cu:se. Scheouling ienos io Le
ihe Liggesi challenge, a:iicula:ly when we
Loih have neeiings inio ihe evening o: neeo
io Le on ihe :oao ai ihe sane iine. Vhen ihai
haens, we neeo io figu:e oui how we a:e
going io iale ca:e of ou: eis ano oihe: house-
holo :esonsiLiliiies. Ai ihose iines, ii is also
challenging io conneci wiih each oihe: io see
how ihe oihe: is ooing ano io caich u on ihe
evenis of ihe oay, esecially if ihe:e is a sig-
nificani iine zone oisa:iiy. Thai can Le
iough, esecially when scheoules a:e iniense
ove: a longe: e:ioo of iine. Thai Leing saio,
ihe:e a:e ve:y few eole who can i:uly un-
oe:siano Loih ihe :ewa:os ano challenges of
Leing a lawye: as well as anoihe: lawye: can,
anoone cannoi unoe:esiinaie ihe ino:iance
of Leing wiih soneone who :eally geis ii.
DavId SusIer. Fo: us, ihais how ii has al-
ways Leen, so ii neve: occu::eo io ne as sone-
ihingunusual o: oifficuli. I wouloalsosayihai
ou: scheoules ano finoing iine io conneci a:e
:oLaLly ihe nosi challenging asecis. How-
eve:, I also ihinl ii hels ihai we:e Loih
lawye:s as we each :eaoily unoe:siano ihe oe-
nanos ihe :ofession laces on ou: iine, a:-
iicula:ly when an unexecieo wo:l oenano
fo:ces us io change ou: e:sonal lans.
Vhat wouId you have done dIIIerentIy
wIth your career II gIven the chance?
MartInI. I :eceiveo ny unoe:g:aouaie oe-
g:ee in inousi:ial enginee:ing (nanufaciu:-
ing). Vhile in college, I sia:ieo ny nasie:s
oeg:ee, also in nanufaciu:ing, ano hao Leen
offe:eo a full schola:shi io u:sue a Fh.D. I
ui Loih on holo once I was acceieo inio law
school. If I coulo oo ii all ove: again, I woulo
have founo a way io finish ny nasie:s ano
goiien ny Fh.D. in aooiiion io ny law oeg:ee.
I ofien :efleci on ihe i:enenoous eoucaiion
ano slill sei I oeveloeo as anenginee: ano ihe
anazing assei ii has Leen fo: ny :aciice ano
oeveloneni as a :ofessional. Lile ihe law,
enginee:ing ieaches youhowio ihinl ano :ea-
son. Ii also oevelos you inio a c:iiical ihinle:
who :oLlen solves ano :ocesses issues in a
ve:y oiffe:eni way f:onoihe: oiscilines. F:o-
cess enginee:ing, which is nuch of whai nan-
ufaciu:ing is, :ovioes slills which a:e :eaoily
alicaLle ac:oss all ihe oiffe:eni faceis of le-
gal :aciice as well as in ihe nanageneni ano
oe:aiions asecis of ihe Lusiness sioe of ihe
SusIer. On one hano, noihing, Lecause ihe
ca:ee: Ive hao nales ne ihe lawye: I an io-
oay, ano I cu::enily have a joL ano ca:ee: ihai
I love. Howeve:, hao I lnown ihen whai I
lnow now, I woulo have ialen no:e Lusiness
ano finance cou:ses in college. I woulo siill
have oone e:sonal-inju:y wo:l Lui nayLe
woulo have aooeo conne:cial liiigaiion ea:-
lie:. I ihinl I also woulo have alieo fo: joLs
wiih eiihe: ihe U.S. o: siaies aiio:neys offices
io gei no:e i:ial exe:ience. I have i:ieo a
nunLe: of cases, howeve:, noi nea:ly as nany
as I woulo have in ihose osiiions.
Also, hao I :ealizeo ihen how valuaLle ano
fun Leing aciive in La: associaiions is, I woulo
have Leen aciive f:on ihe ouisei of ny ca:ee:,
insieao of waiiing uniil 1 yea:s inio ii.
Vhat specIIIcaIIy InspIres you?
MartInI. Being ihe Lesi :ofessional ano
e:son I can Le insi:es ne io gei u each
no:ning. My conass is oi:ecieo ai naling as
nuch of a osiiive oiffe:ence fo: ny clienis
ano ihe connuniiy as ossiLle. My fanily is a
i:enenoous insi:aiion ny faihe: ano
ih:ee L:oihe:s in a:iicula:, who have shown
exi:ao:oina:y si:engih ano e:seve:ance in
ihe face of ove:whelning aove:siiy ano loss
anowhose :ofessional anoe:sonal successes
a:e awe-insi:ing.
Alihough she oieo : yea:s ago, ny noihe:
coniinues io insi:e ne eve:y oay. She was so
aheaoof he: iine inhe: L:illiance, he: cou:age
ano he: ienaciiy io Le so nuch no:e ihan jusi
anoihe: Mexicaninnig:ani viciinizeoLy ois-
c:ininaiion ano :ejuoice.
Davio insi:es ne eve:y oay wiih his gen-
e:osiiy, aiience, conassion ano suo:i. My
f:ienos, colleagues ano nenio:s insi:e ne io
Le ihe Lesi I canLe, io see issues f:onnuliile
angles ano io ay ii fo:wa:o Ly heling ihe
younge: gene:aiion along.
SusIer. These oays, I fino ihe law siuoenis
ano Fosse schola:s ihai I nenio: quiie insi:-
ing. They a:e all anazing, inielligeni, o:iven
leaoe:s, on ihe cuss of ihei: ca:ee:s ano I
leave eve:y inie:aciion wiih ihen insi:eo.
My fanily has always insi:eo ne, esecial-
ly ny faihe: ano g:eai uncles :ofessionally.
Though ny faihe: is nosily :eii:eo now ano
ny uncles a:e no longe: living, all ih:ee we:e
g:eai lawye:s ano :ofessionals. They asseo
on io ne a love fo: ihe lawano :eseci fo: ihe
:ofession ano I consianily asi:e io hono:
ihei: nanes ano :euiaiions.
A consiani in ny life fo: ihe asi 1 yea:s
ihai I canalways :ely on, of cou:se, is Tina. He:
inexo:aLle o:ive iowa:o excellence, fo: con-
iinual in:oveneni Loih :ofessionally ano
e:sonally, is eninenily insi:ing io ne. The
faniasiic ca:ee: I have iooay is, in la:ge a:i,
oue io ihe insi:aiion I o:aw f:on he:.
By Chrstna Martn
DLA Pipcr
By Davd Susler
NaLional MaLcrial L.P.
! kuust zovz
Leekin at laterals
in the wake ef
0ewey &Le8eeufs
8y Roy Strom
he fi:si lawsuii L:oughi againsi Dewey
& LeBoeufs nanageneni Ly a fo:ne:
a:ine: alleges i:ouLle anong ihe a:i-
ne:shi f:on ihe ve:y sia:i of ihe fi:ns :oo;
Many of ihe ne:ging a:ine:s we:e un-
hay wiihihe ne:ge: anoih:eaieneoioleave
ihe newly fo:neo fi:n, Hen:y Bunsow, a fo:-
ne: Dewey & LeBoeuf a:ine:, saio in his suii.
In o:oe: io eniice ihose a:ine:s io :enain
wiih Dewey &LeBoeuf, Bunsows conlaini
alleges ihe fi:ns nanageneni enie:eo inio
long-ie:n fixeo anouni conensaiion ag:ee-
nenis wiih a:iicula: a:ine:s.
Bunsow saio in ihe suii ihai ihese gua:an-
ieeoaynenis si:aineoihe fi:ns financials ano
ihai nanageneni :eso:ieo io :ec:uiiing high-
:iceo laie:als he goi a 8 nillion a yea:
gua:aniee hinself io Loosi :evenue.
Iniheconlaini, hecalleoDewey&LeBoeufs
se:ies of laie:al hi:es a Fonzi schene.
If ihe allegaiions :ove i:ue, lawye:s anolaw
fi:nconsulianis saioDewey&LeBoeuf se:ves as
an exanle of sone of ihe exi:ene :isls in-
volveo in ce:iain iyes of laie:al hi:e si:aiegies.
The iye of laie:al hi:ing oone ai ihis faileo
fi:n sounos a wa:ning io lawye:s aLoui sone
of ihe si:aiegies law fi:n nanageneni nay
use ihai coulo cause long-ie:n :oLlens.
Fo: insiance, lawfi:ns sho:i oncashcansee
a sia: :ec:uii as a quicl way io Loosi :evenue,
while ihe cosis involveo in lanoing ano aying
ihai :ec:uii ooni inneoiaiely aea: in ihe
fi:ns Lools, saio Eowin Feese:, a Lusiness
lawye: ano a fo:ne: office nanaging a:ine:
ai ihen-Sonnenschein, Iaih & Fosenihal.
Sone of ihe g:owih we:e seeing ai law
fi:ns isni Lecause ihey:e healihy, iis Lecause
ihey:esicl, saioFeese:, now:esioeni of Eowin
B. Feese:, A F:ofessional Law Co:o:aiion.
Gua:anieeo ay aclages lile ihose allegeo-
ly given ai Dewey & LeBoeuf fo: high-value
a:ine:s can also oesiaLilize fi:ns :esuliing
in conensaiion oisa:iiies anong a:ine:s
ihai seeouihe :ushioihe exiis whena fi:n
finos iiself in financial oisi:ess, Feese: saio.
Bui nanaging a:ine:s in Chicago offices
saio ihe laie:al :aciices oeiaileo in :eo:is
ano Bunsows conlaini nales ihe Dewey &
LeBoeuf case an exi:ene one. Lawfi:ns nale
laie:al hi:es oaily ano fo: gooo :eason. Fa:i-
ne:s, ioo, nale well-info:neo oecisions io
nove Leiween fi:ns.
Fo: insiance, ElizaLeih Maje:s, aoninisi:a-
iive a:ine: of LoeL & LoeLs Chicago office,
cane io he: fi:n in :oo8 f:on McDe:noii
Vill & Ene:y. She saio she noveo, in a:i,
Lecause she ano ihe lawye:s ai LoeL & LoeL
oio a loi of sinila: wo:l.
F:on ihe law fi:n sioe, Folsinelli Shugha:i
g:ewf:onsixlawye:s whenii oeneoanoffice
inChicagoaLoui sevenyea:s agoioenloying
68 as of ihe sia:i of ]uly. Chicago Managing
Fa:ine: Tony Iasha:: saio ihe sieaoy g:owih
cane as a :esuli of :aciice g:ou neeos.
Iasha:: saio his g:owing fi:n lans io Le-
cone a naiional owe:house ince:iaina:eas,
:aihe: ihan an inie:naiional sue: fi:n lile
Dewey & LeBoeuf.
Ve ooni ihinl we:e soneihing we:e
noi, Iasha:: saio. Ano we:e noi a Dewey.
LateraI Iessons
Bunsows conlaini alleges ihai Dewey &
LeBoeuf :ec:uiieo hin ano oihe: Lig-noney
laie:als lnowing ihai ihe fi:ns financials
oioni naich u io whai ii iolo ihe uLlic.
His conlaini says Dewey &LeBoeuf lisieo
g:oss :evenues of 8p nillion in ihe :o11 An
Law 1oo su:vey, when in :ealiiy ihe fi:n
L:oughi in 8;81. nillion ihai yea:. F:ofiis
cane inai 8::. nillion, 888 nillionless ihan
:eo:ieo. F:ofiis e: equiiy a:ine:, lisieo ai
81.; nillion, we:e aciually less ihan 81 nillion.
Vhy woulo a fi:n wiih falling financials
lool iowa:o a cosily laie:al na:lei io lug iis
noney i:ouLles?
You can nasl o: hioe ihe i:ue cosis fo: a
e:ioo of iine, Feese: saio.
Feese: exlaineo a lino of laie:al feeoLacl
loo ihai Dewey & LeBoeuf founo iiself in. A
failing fi:n can Loosi :evenue in ihe sho:i
ie:n Ly L:inging in Lusiness ih:ough laie:als.
Viih ihe hel of sone c:eaiive accouniing, ii
ays ihe cosis associaieo wiih ihai laie:al ove:
a nunLe: of yea:s.
In effeci, ii Lolsie:s cu::eni ea:nings ai ihe
fi:n ano nales laie:als lool :ofiiaLle no:e
quiclly. Bui ii also fails io accouni fo: ihe full
cosi of ihe laie:al hi:e, ano when ai:eo wiih
conensaiion gua:aniees, can leao io huge
i:ouLles oown ihe :oao.
A ve:sion of accouniing useo ai sone law
fi:ns, lnown as nooifieo cash Lasis accouni-
ing, enaLles ihai feeoLacl loo, Feese: saio.
Fo: exanle, a laie:al wiih 8: nillion in
Lusiness can inneoiaiely aoo ihai nunLe: io
ihe fi:ns annual :evenue, Lui ihe cosis io
L:ing ihai laie:al ove: :ec:uiie: fees, fo:
insiance show u in ihe Lools ove: a five-
yea: e:ioo, Feese: saio. The fi:n, in iu:n, a-
ea:s no:e :ofiiaLle.
The :oLlen is Lusinesses ooni fail Le-
cause ihey fail io nale a :ofii, Lusinesses fail
Lecause ihey :un oui of cash, Feese: saio.
Afie: a while, ihe high cosi of aying ihose
8 nillion gua:anieeo coni:acis Lecones :eal
io a fi:ns cash osiiion ano ii Lecones iough
io ay Lills o: a:ine: conensaiion, Feese:
Th:ee yea:s oown ihe line youve Luili in a
iine LonL, he saio. Ano ihe only way io ay
ii Lacl is io :eouce cu::eni ea:nings, Lui if
! kuust zovz
you:e unoe: :essu:e f:on you: a:ine:s io
nale noney, anoyou:eouce cu::eni ea:nings,
ihey leave.
Aa:i f:on nasling financial wealnesses,
:icey laie:al hi:es can oesiaLilize a:ine:-
shis, saio Sieven Ha:e:, a fo:ne: a:ine: ai
Ki:llano &Ellis who :uns a Llog, The Belly of
ihe Beasi, ihai connenis on law fi:n nan-
The no:e noney io equiiy a:ine:s nale
cona:eo io ihose ai ihe lowe: eno of ihe
scale, ihe no:e :eca:ious ihe ih:eaos ihai
holo iogeihe: ihe fi:n, Ha:e: saio.
Fay s:eaos, o: :aiios, ai law fi:ns hisio:-
ically :egisie:eo a:ouno io 1 o: io 1, saio
Ha:e:, who w:oie ihe uconing Lool, The
Lawye: BuLLle. Thai neani ihe highesi aio
equiiy a:ine: naoe ih:ee o: fou: iines as
nuch as ihe lowesi aio.
In Dewey & LeBoeufs case, sone a:ine:s
:eo:ieoly naoe u io 86 nillion annually
while oihe:s :eceiveo less ihan 8oo,ooo. Thai
:e:esenis a ay :aiio of 1: io 1. Oihe: :eo:is
ui ihai nunLe: close: io :o io 1.
Low- ano niolevel a:ine:s ooni sha:e as
nuchof ihe :ofii ingooo iines ano gei asleo
io iale a ay cui when g:ous of laie:al hi:es
ooni wo:l oui, Ha:e: saio. All ihe while, ihe
sane laie:als whose cosis coni:iLuieo io ihe
:oLlen can sinly leave a fi:n ihai i:ies io
holo Lacl conensaiion.
You lose ihe nioole class, Ha:e: saio.
You ooni have ihe nioole a:ine:s ihai of-
fe:eo sone so:i of checl ano Lalance.
Iis ihe :a:e e:son ai ihe low eno of ihe
equiiy a:ine: seci:un who will :aise his
hano ai an equiiy a:ine: neeiing ano asl ihe
nanaging a:ine:. Vhy is ihai a gooo
Geiiing :io of ay s:eaos, ialing ihe io
oown, as Ha:e: calleo ii, can leao io a fi:ns
oissoluiion, he saio. Equiiy a:ine:s ai ihe io
eno iyically :esisi ay cuis.
You have ihis :elaieo henonenon, which
is also o:iving all of ihis, which is a:ine:s
ihinling, Vell, if I cani nale ii he:e, Ill jusi
go sonewhe:e else, Ha:e: saio.
B:yan Schwa:iz, chai:nan of Levenfelo
Fea:lsiein, saiohe siuoies fi:nfailu:es. He saio
he noiiceo ay s:eaos wiihin la:ge fi:ns Le-
ginning io wioen yea:s ago.
In fi:ns lile Levenfelo Fea:lsiein, (ihe ay
s:eaois) :oLaLlyclose: ioo: io1, he saio.
Ano so, ihose eole a:e siill a:ine:s iogeih-
e:. Vhen soneLooy is naling 16 o: o io 1,
calling ihen a a:ine: is lino of insuliing.
The inaci ihai wioening ay s:eaos can
ui on fi:n culiu:e neeos io Le facio:eo inio
ihe oecisionio ay a laie:al hi:e no:e ihanihe
najo:iiy of exisiing a:ine:s, he saio.
Ano nayLe when fi:ns a:e in no:e oif-
ficuliy ihey:e facio:ing ihai in less, he saio.
MakIng a move
Desiie ihe ossiLle iifalls of seelinghighly
conensaieoaiio:neys iog:owa fi:n, ii coniin-
ues io Le a successful si:aiegy fo: nany law
fi:ns ano a gooo ca:ee: nove fo: sone a:ine:s.
Duane Quaini, fo:ne: nanaging a:ine: of
ihen-Sonnenschein, Iaih & Fosenihal who is
now :eii:eo, saio laie:al noves iyically occu:
fo: :easons oihe: ihan whai Bunsows con-
laini says haeneo ai Dewey & LeBoeuf.
In nosi fi:ns ihai I lnowof ano in ialling
wiih colleagues of nine who a:e siill :unning
fi:ns, o: who :an fi:ns in ihe asi, I ihinl all
of ihen have ex:esseo ihe sane view I have,
which is ihis sio:y is :eiiy anazing, he saio.
Maje:s, f:on LoeL & LoeL, :e:esenis whai
coulo Le consioe:eo a no:e iyical laie:al
nove. F:io: io he: nove io LoeL & LoeL, she
wo:leo ai McDe:noii as ihe fi:ns gloLal co:-
o:aie finance g:ou chai:wonan ano a:i-
ne:-in-cha:ge of clieni :elaiions.
Vhile ihe:e, she saio she Lecane one of ihe
no:e exe:ienceo aiio:neys ai ihe fi:n, oeal-
ingin:ivaie lacenenis of secu:iiies. In:oo;,
while :e:eseniing Io:ihwesie:nMuiual Life
Insu:ance as ii :esi:uciu:eo iis c:eoii faciliiy
wiih a no:igage o:iginaio:, she nei a LoeL &
LoeLaiio:ney ooing ihe sane iye of wo:lfo:
Me::ill Lynch.
Ou: clienis inie:esis we:ealigneoanosoweo
ialla loi, Maje:s saio. AnoI saio, Vow, I oioni
{/rom /eft to r|qht) L/|zabeth Maers, Lr|k Cha/ut and 1heresa Da|s o|ned /oeb e /oebs Ch|caqo off|ce as /atera/ partners between .oo8 and .o11 Maers, her current f|rms off|ce adm|n|strat|e
partner, sa|d, Our qrowth |s a/wa,s er, strateq|c and not ust to f|// off|ces D|fferent f|rms hae d|fferent ph|/osoph|es on that /hoto b, Ben Speckmann
! kuust zovz
LateraIs : caLurc
lnowLoeLoioihis wo:l. Ano(iheLoeL&LoeL
aiio:ney) saio, Ve oo ihis wo:l all ihe iine.
Vhenshe inie:vieweowiihwhai wouloLe-
cone he: newfi:n, she seni six ioeighi hou:s
ai iis Iew Yo:l ano Los Angeles offices.
Scoii Schneioe:, IewYo:l-Laseo co-chai: of
LoeL&LoeLs laie:al a:ine: :ec:uiiing, saioihe
fi:nLegins io consioe: howa laie:als :aciice
will fii inio ihe fi:n f:on ihe fi:si inie:view.
Ve:e neeiing wiih ihai canoioaie ano
ihinling, Vho can ihis canoioaie wo:l
wiih? Schneioe: saio. Anowhai we:e i:ying
io oecioe is wheihe: ihis can Le syne:gisiic. If
ii ooesni aoo u io soneihing no:e ihan one
lus one equals iwo, ii ooesni wo:l fo: us.
Ofien iines, syne:gy can Le founo Ly lool-
ing ai a laie:als clieni Lase, Schneioe: saio.
Analyzing hownany clienis a oieniial lai-
e:al can L:ing wiih ihen :oves one of ihe
nosi ino:iani ways io assess ihei: value, Ma-
je:s saio. Bui Lecause aiio:neys cannoi :ouno
u clienis Lefo:e naling a nove, ihe analysis
ofien cones oown io a no:e suLjeciive :a-
iionale, she saio.
I was ihe only one ai ny :io: fi:nihai oio
ihe :ivaie laceneni wo:l ai ihai high of a
level, she saio. The:e we:e younge: eole
ihai heleo ne, Lui I was :eally ihe one wiih
ihai high of a slill sei. So as a :oLaLiliiy, oio
I lnow ihai (ny clienis) we:e going io siay
wiih junio: lawye:s whon I lnew we:e less
oeveloeo ihan I was? Ii was less lilely.
Schneioe: saio Maje:s slills, he: exe:ience
as a nanage: ano he: :aciice a:ea naoe he:
aii:aciive io ihe fi:n.
Aiio:neys a:e noio:iously noi ihe Lesi
nanage:s, so finoing soneone whos goi gooo
nanageneni slills is a :eal Lonus, Schneioe:
saio. The:e was always a ninosei of he: ao-
vanceneni wiihin ihe office, ano noi long af-
ie: she joineo us, she co-heaoeo ihe conne:-
cial finance :aciice.
In a fi:n ou: size iis nuch Leiie: when
(laie:als) cone inanoinieg:aie wiihihei: a:i-
ne:s, ano once oihe: lawye:s lnow ihen ano
:eseci ihen, iis easie: io say. This e:son
now has ihis iiile.
Bui ii oioni always lool so :osy. Ten
nonihs inio he: nove, Bea: Siea:ns solo io ]F
Mo:gan Chase fo: 8: a sha:e. He: nove cane
jusi :io: io ihe na:lei oi ihai iu:neo nany
laie:al hi:es inio lose:s fo: fi:ns.
Howeve:, while ihe econony heaoeo souih,
he: :aciice siayeo healihy, she saio.
Bui success as a laie:al also siens f:on in-
ieg:aiing a :aciice inio ihe wo:l ihai oihe:
lawye:s al:eaoy oo, she saio.
Fo: insiance, when ihe fi:n L:oughi on an
ene:gy :aciice in Vashingion, D.C., ano in
Iew Yo:l, ihe g:ou iniiially honeo in io
confe:ence calls wiih Maje:s finance :aciice.
The ene:gy g:ou iolo he: iean whai lino
of financing ihey ofien see in ihe oeals ihey
wo:l on. Vhen ihey :ealizeo sone of ihei:
clienis coulo use Maje:s slill sei, ihey inviieo
he: io a confe:ence in Las Vegas io neei wiih
ihei: clienis.
In noi a nenLe: of ihei: g:ou ano
ihey:e noi a nenLe: of ny g:ou, Lui Le-
cause we nei ove: one of ou: hone calls, ano
we founo oui we hao syne:gies, we wo:l
iogeihe: now, she saio.
LateraIs as a growth strategy
Fo: Iasha::, nanaging a:ine: of Folsinelli
Shugha:is Chicago office, laie:al :ec:uiiing
neve: :eally enos.
The fi:n nea:ly i:ileo in ioial size io 6o
lawye:s since he joineo 6 yea:s ago. The
Chicagooffice, ai ihe sane iine, g:ewf:onsix
lawye:s io 68.
He saiohe wo:leoonai leasi o laie:al a:i-
ne: hi:es ano :o laie:al associaie hi:es.
Desiie ihe :elaiively :aiog:owih, Iasha::
saio ihe fi:n siicls io hi:ing only fo: :aciice
g:ou neeos.
Ve:e noi going io chase oolla:s, he saio.
Ve ooni u:sue nunLe:s. The nunLe:s ha-
en Lecause we have neeos. Ve gei ihe :ighi
eole, ihey gene:aie wo:l ano, as ihey gen-
e:aie wo:l, we fino we neeo no:e eole.
Fo: insiance, Sence: Vooo joineo ihe
fi:ns inielleciual :oe:iy :aciice f:on
Dewey & LeBoeuf in IovenLe:.
The IF :aciice he:e is ve:y significani, he
saio. Iis a g:ou ihai is a :evenue gene:aio:
iiself ano noi jusi a se:vice a:n fo: oihe:
g:ous in ihe fi:n.
Vooo saio Dewey & LeBoeufs Chicago of-
fice :eceiveo liiile aiieniion ou:ing ihe yea:s
afie: ihe ne:ge:. Eveniually, ihis naoe hin
lan io leave.
Iasha:: saio Folsinelli Shugha:i i:ies io vei
a e:sons inieniions fo: noving ano ihei:
inieniions of siicling a:ouno, he saio. Iasha::
saioihe fi:nvalues a:ine:s wiiha i:acl:eco:o
of 1o, 1 o: :o yea:s wiih ihe sane fi:n.
If he geis a sense ihai a laie:al wanis io use
ihe fi:n as a s:ingLoa:o, V. Fussell Velsh,
ihe fi:ns CEO ano chai:nan, who uliinaiely
seis conensaiion ano nales offe:s fo: lai-
e:als, will neve: nale an offe:. Ii jusi woni
haen, Iasha:: saio.
Bui if a laie:al a:ine: nales ii ih:ough ihe
fi:ns six- io 1:-weel inie:view :ocess, ihey
will fino ihenselves in Velshs office, ois-
cussing conensaiion.
Vooo saio he hao a snall clieni Lase as
counsel ai his olo fi:n, Lui one a:iicula:
clieni hao Leen ve:y gooo io ne in ihe few
yea:s :io: io ny nove.
Ano wiih ihai as so:i of ny oow:y, ihey
we:e inie:esieo inL:inging ne inas a si:aiegic
fii, io hel coniinue io g:ow ihe science ano
iech :aciice, he saio.
Inconi:asi wiihDewey &LeBoeuf, Iasha::
saio ay anong a:ine:s is noi a s:eao as
nuch as a :ange.
Anong equiiy a:ine:s, ihe fi:n uses 1: io
1 iie:s of conensaiion. Six io eighi iie:s ex-
isi fo: incone a:ine:s ano sone of ihe iie:s
ove:la neaning ihe:e a:e sone incone
(a:ine:s) ihai nale no:e ihan equiiy (a:i-
ne:s), Iasha:: saio.
He saiowioe ayoisa:iiies can:oil a a:ine:-
shi, Lui ihe faci ihai Folsinelli Shugha:i lees
oen conensaiion :eco:os anong iis aLoui
oo a:ine:s nales ihe sysien inhe:enily fai:.
Iasha:: also noieo ihai his Kansas Ciiy,
Mo.-Laseo fi:n is no:e Miowesi conse:va-
iive ano ooes noi use nooifieo cash Lasis ac-
couniing io nale laie:als lool no:e success-
ful no:e quiclly.
Conensaiion has io Le funoanenially
fai:, he saio. Bui of ihe oo a:ine:s ihai see
whai each oihe: nale, ihe:e a:e ve:y few if
any conlainis. So, jusi Ly ihai faci alone, iis
fai:. Ive seen ii in :aciice fo: ihe lasi six-lus
The fi:nnales ii clea: io inconing laie:als
ihai ii lans io coniinue g:owing, he saio.
Vooo saio ihe fi:ns g:owih aii:acieo hin.
Afie: Leing ai Dewey & LeBoeufs neglecieo
Chicago office, he wanieo io cone io a lace
wiih a g:ou of lile-ninoeo aiio:neys seeling
oui a g:owing Lool of Lusiness.
Befo:e Dewey sia:ieo io unfolo, ihe oe-
cision hao al:eaoy Leen confi:neo fo: ne ihai
ii was ihe :ighi one, he saio. I quiclly ioen-
iifieo ihe g:ou of colleagues he:e who we:e
lilely io Le ny a:ine:s in g:owing ihe :ac-
iice, ano we nesheo well iogeihe: :ighi away.
!! kuust zovz
caLurc LateraIs
Ano ihen, of cou:se, ii was unoe:sco:eo how
iinely ny oecision hao Leen Ly laie s:ing.
LookIng out IateraIIy
Ha:e:, ihe fo:ne: Ki:llano &Ellis a:ine:,
saio fi:ns looling io g:ow fo: ihe sale of
g:owih, which he saio aa:enily haeneo
ai Dewey & LeBoeuf, shoulo :eihinl ihei:
He saio coneiiiion in ihe laie:al na:lei
fo: sia: a:ine:s coni:iLuieo io ay s:eaos
ihai i:uly have exlooeo in ihe lasi five yea:s,
Lui ce:iainly in ihe lasi 1o io 1:.
Does anyLooy :eally ihinl ihai ihe cu::eni
gene:aiion of so-calleo sia:s is ihe fi:si gen-
e:aiion of legal sia:s? Ha:e: saio. Iis an aL-
su:o :oosiiion if you give ii any consioe:-
aiion. Ano so ihe quesiion is. Vhai was ha-
ening ihen ihai was oiffe:eni?
Ha:e: oinieo io law fi:n nanageneni.
You hao eole who :eally we:e connii-
ieo, I ihinl no:e so ihan eole a:e connii-
ieo now, io Luiloing a lasiing insiiiuiion
:aihe: ihan icling off ialeni ano i:ying io
jusi g:owihe (fi:n) fo: sone sho:i-ie:ngain,
he saio.
Iasha:: saio his fi:n, Folsinelli Shugha:i,
saves fo: laie:al hi:es, ii execis a Lun of
hi:es in ihe fi:si six nonihs of ihe fiscal yea:,
he saio. Because laie:als iyically iale sone
iine io L:ing ove: :evenue, ihe fi:n iales
an aeiiie su:essani afie: ihose ea:ly-yea:
Ove:all, we lool ai (ou: laie:al hi:es) as a
class, so io seal. ]usi as long as you:e noi
naling Lao oecisions ona :egula: Lasis, you:e
going io Le fine, he saio.
Schneioe:, LoeL & LoeLs co-chai: of laie:al
a:ine: hi:ing, oeclineo io oiscuss ihe fi:ns
ay :aiios, Lui saio. Ve:e a fai:ly :ofiiaLle
fi:n... Ve:e ooing i:ansaciions o: L:inging in
eole on ie:ns ihai a:e :easonaLle. Eve:y
once in a while, you have io exieno you:self a
liiile Lii no:e ano ou: a:ine:s execi ihai.
Exienoing you:self nighi nean aying a
Lii no:e fo: a io-iie: laie:al, he saio.
Bui ihai ooesni neanyougua:aniee sone-
one exo:Liiani suns of noney fo: iwo o:
ih:ee yea:s wheihe: ihey show u o: noi, he
Schwa:iz, f:on Levenfelo Fea:lsiein, saio
oesiie nanagenenis Lesi effo:is, ii can Le
oifficuli io :eveni a oiaso:a of lawye:s once
ihe fi:ns :ofiiaLiliiy ois.
Iis noi easy io Le a nanaging a:ine: in a
Lig fi:n whe:e eve:yLooy wanis no:e ano
no:e noney, ano ihe only ihing ihey unoe:-
siano is u, noi flai ano noi oown, he saio.
Ano ihais noi whe:e ihe econony is ai.
The legal :ofessions :ules ihai allow
lawye:s io nove f:eely Leiween fi:ns oeneo
uihe gaie fo: ihis linoof conouci, Schwa:iz
saio, :efe::ing io a:ine:s fleeing a fi:n ai ihe
fi:si sign of financial oisi:ess.
You have a guy whos naling 8 nillion
ihai has no e:sonal gua:aniees, hes noi on a
lease, ano he can jusi gei u ano wall oui ihe
ooo:, no consequence, Schwa:iz saio.
So, if you ooni have ihe lino of cou:age io
siano u io ihese lino of eole ihen you:e
going io gei lilleo.
Ano e:has ihais whai haeneo (ai
Dewey &LeBoeuf), Lui noone eve: lnows ihe
:eal sio:y. Thais ihe one ihing Ive lea:neo
f:on siuoying ihese faileo siiuaiions.
!" kuust zovz
MedMaI Matters : column
6DA .K@AHI voulonL approvc
oII. Majo:iiy suo:is secial cou:is fo:
nal:aciice suiis.
Thai heaoline :ecenily aea:eo in
ihe healih-ca:e Llog of The Hill, a cong:es-
sional newsae:. The heaoline is Laseo on a
news :elease seni oui Ly Connon Gooo, a
self-siyleo, legal :efo:no:ganizaiion. In iis :e-
lease, ConnonGoooclains ihai a oll ii con-
nissioneoshows ihai 66 e:ceni of voie:s su-
o:i ihe ioea of c:eaiingsecial healihcou:is
io oecioe neoical nal:aciice clains. In ihai
:elease, Fhili K. Howa:o, founoe: of Con-
non Gooo ano a c:iiic of ihe civil jusiice sys-
ien, saio, Ane:icans lnowihey:e aying un-
necessa:y healih-ca:e cosis Lecause ou: sysien
of neoical jusiice is un:eliaLle.
The soluiion, Howa:osaio, is ihe c:eaiionof
:eliaLle healih cou:is.
Howa:o ooes noi exlain how Ane:icans
lnow ihai ou: civil jusiice sysien is un:e-
liaLle. He also :ovioes aLsoluiely no oeiails as
io how ihe oll was conoucieo o: even whai
ihe quesiions we:e. Eve:y ollsie: lea:ns in
FuLlic Oinion Fesea:ch 1o1 ihai ihe secific
way a quesiion is asleo will ofien oeie:nine
ihe answe:. Of cou:se, Howa:o is noi ialling
aLoui a secial g:ou of exe:ienceo i:ial
juoges, o:ganizeo ano enowe:eo io nove
neoical negligence cases along no:e quiclly
anoefficienily. He is iallingaLoui elininaiing
ju:ies ano leiiing anels of oocio:s ano juoges
oecioe ihese cases.
The healih cou:i concei is jusi ihe laiesi
inca:naiion in an ongoing effo:i io elininaie
o: o:asiically :eouce ihe :ighis of inju:eo a-
iienis. The concei is ano:hous ano iis su-
o:ie:s ooni ag:ee on all of ihe oeiails, Lui
vi:iually eve:y ve:sion woulo si:i an inju:eo
aiieni of his o: he: Sevenih Anenoneni
:ighi io a ju:y i:ial. The concei is funoanen-
ially un-Ane:ican. In ihe 18ih ceniu:y,
B:iiains evisce:aiion of ihe :ighi io i:ial Ly
ju:y was one of ihe oi:eci causes of ihe Ane:-
ican Fevoluiion.
Mosi conneniaio:s woulo ag:ee ihai ihe
:ighi ioa ju:y i:ial inEnglishconnonlawcan
Le i:aceo io ihe Magna Ca:ia in ihe 1ih cen-
iu:y. By ihe nio-18ih ceniu:y, ihe :ighi was
oeely eni:encheo in Ane:ica. Vhen Fa:lia-
neni asseo a se:ies of :oieciionisi neasu:es
io :ohiLii ihe colonisis f:on i:aoing wiih
anyone Lui favo:eo B:iiish Lusiness inie:esis,
ii Lecane clea: ihai Ane:ican ju:ies woulo
noi convici fellow colonisis accuseo of snug-
gling unoe: ihe Suga: ano Iavigaiion acis. In
:esonse, ihe B:iiish aLolisheo ju:y i:ials ano
c:eaieo vice aoni:aliy cou:is io i:y colonisis.
In ihis 18ih ceniu:y ve:sion of healih cou:is,
B:iiish naval office:s i:ieo ano convicieo
colonisis a:ehenoeo Ly ihe B:iiish navy.
The colonisis we:e oui:ageo ano noi jusi Ly
ihe loss of ju:y i:ials in c:ininal cases. One of
ihe nosi haieo effecis of ihe Suga: ano Iav-
igaiionacis was ihe elininaiionof ihe :ighi io
seel noney oanages f:oncusions officials in
a civil aciion i:ieo Lefo:e a ju:y. Inoeeo, one of
ihe nain :easons ihe founoe:s feli ihe neeo io
oecla:e ihei: inoeenoence was ihis oe:iva-
iion ... innany cases of ihe Lenefii of T:ial Ly
As o:iginally :aiifieo, ihe U.S. Consiiiuiion
:oiecieo ihe :ighi io ju:y i:ial in c:ininal
cases Lui naoe no neniion of civil cases. This
onission causeo violeni oosiiion ano al-
nosi :evenieo :aiificaiion. Only ihe :onise
of anenoneni afie: :aiificaiion io :ovioe fo:
ihe Bill of Fighis alloweo ihe consensus nec-
essa:y fo: :aiificaiion. ]anes Maoison was one
of ihe siaunchesi suo:ie:s of ihe :ighi io a
ju:y i:ial in all cases. He saio f:eeoon of ihe
:ess, f:eeoon of :eligion ano ihe :ighi io a
i:ial Ly ju:y inc:ininal anocivil cases we:e ihe
ih:ee nosi ino:iani safegua:os of liLe:iy. He
calleo ihen ihe G:eai Fighis ano oesc:iLeo
ihe laiie: using language al:eaoy :eseni in
new siaie consiiiuiions.
In suiis ai connon law, Leiween nan ano
nan, ihe i:ial Ly ju:y, as one of ihe Lesi se-
cu:iiies io ihe :ighis of ihe eole, oughi io
:enain inviolaie.
In ihe fi:si Cong:ess, Maoison :ooseo a
nunLe: of anenonenis io ihe Consiiiuiion.
In 1;p1, 1o anenonenis we:e a:oveo ano
Lecane lnown as ihe Bill of Fighis. The Sev-
enih Anenoneni ihus gua:aniees ihe :ighi io
i:ial Ly ju:y in civil cases ano ihe:e is no
exceiion fo: neoical negligence cases.
Thonas ]effe:son calleo ihis :ighi ...|i|he
only ancho: yei inagineo Ly nan Ly which a
gove:nneni canLe helo io ihe :inciles of iis
Ficha:oHen:y Lee siaieoihai ihis :ighi was
jusi as ino:iani as ihe w:ii of haLeas co:us
ano ihe :ighi io a ju:y i:ial in c:ininal cases.
|ihey| all siano on ihe sane fooiing, ihey a:e
ihe connon :ighis of Ane:icans. Alexanoe:
Hanilion saio one of ihe few ihings ihe su-
o:ie:s ano oonenis of ihe Consiiiuiion
ag:eeo uon was ihe value ihey sei uon ihe
i:ial Ly ju:y. Suo:i anong ihe founoe:s was
so unive:sal ihai ihe:e was no :eco:oeo oeLaie
on ihe anenoneni.
Healih cou:is a:e jusi anoihe: nanifes-
iaiion of vice aoni:aliy cou:is. Docio:s o:
gove:nneni aoiniees siiiing in juogneni of
oihe: oocio:s. The :ighi of an inju:eo aiieni
io have his o: he: case oecioeo Ly a ju:y is noi
a :ivilege o: a convenience. Ii is a funoanen-
ial :ighi ensh:ineo in ihe Bill of Fighis. Fe:-
has Connon Gooo shoulo incluoe ihai in-
fo:naiion in iis oll quesiions.
By 1homas A. Demetro
Corboy & DcmcLrio
By Kenneth 1. Iumb
Corboy & DcmcLrio
column L and the CIty
Ihe lessens ncvcr cno
ve finally :eacheo ihe eno of ny lawschool
ca:ee:. Afie: ih:ee yea:s of one of ihe nosi
challenging ano :ewa:oing e:ioos of ny
life, Ive naiu:ally Leen asleo Ly f:ienos ano
fanily how I feel now. Ano ihe i:uih? In noi
enii:ely su:e yei.
Ai ihe g:aouaiion ce:enony, ny classnaies
ano I oonneo ihe official ce:enonial cosiune,
walleo ac:oss a siage ano we:e :esenieo wiih
ihe ha:o-won iece of a:chneni. Ii was nai-
u:al io feel exciieo ano even a:ehensive ai
ihis novel veniu:e, even oesiie ny faihe: :e-
ninoing ne ihai he hao sai ih:ough ihe sane
ihing iwo iines :io:.
]usi lile ihe :io: iwo ce:enonies, ihe en-
ihusiasn s:ung f:on ihe aniiciaiion of un-
ce:iainiy ano oo:iuniiy.
Bui ii was oiffe:eni ihan college ano high
school. Bacl ihen I feli naively confioeni ihai
I coulo oo anyihing, wiihoui aciually lnow-
ing whai ihai neani. I was :oiecieo f:on
:eal life wiih ihe lnowleoge ihai I siill hao
ih:ee no:e yea:s Lefo:e I aciually hao io face
ii. Iis easy io Le exciieo aLoui a ne:e os-
siLiliiy. Lawschool, ai ihai iine, seeneo a sin-
le way io avoio ii.
Having conleieo ihe ihi:o g:aouaiion ce:-
enony ano nea:ly iwo oecaoes of fo:nal eo-
ucaiional i:aining, I lnow ihai ii was noi a
sinle :oao. Alihough I was jusi as guiliy of
geiiing caughi u in ihe ioea of ihe infiniie
oieniial ny oeg:ee affo:os ne as Lefo:e,
fieloing quesiions aLoui how ii naoe ne feel
L:oughi ne Lacl oown io ea:ih. Even ihough
I was aLle io ois:ega:o ihai I hao noi :eceiveo
all of ny g:aoes, I lnew I siill have one Lig
As I w:iie ihis, I an a nonih away f:on
siiiing fo: ihe Illinois Ba: Exan. I iniiially ai-
iacleo La: :e enihusiasiically Lui oLsiinaie-
Ill lay you: gane, Ba:L:i I ihoughi io
nyself, Lui Innoi gonna lile ii. I hao hea:o
ihe neloo:anaiic whining f:on f:ienos who
hao ialen ihe La: Lefo:e ne, Lenoaning ihai
e:ioo as ihe wo:si of ihei: enii:e lives.
Vhile I acceieo ihai I wouloni have fun
siuoying eve:y oay, ai leasi I wouloni Le nis-
e:aLle. Ano I oio lile ii ai fi:si. The:e was a
coneiiiive aseci ihai a:iicula:ly aealeo
io ne. I woulo oefeai ihe La: exanine:s. Ano I
foolishly ihoughi ihis seniineni woulo lasi
ih:oughoui ihe sunne:.
My f:ienos hisi:ionics we:e u:ely iheai:i-
cal accounis neani only io evole ny syn-
aihy. I woulo Le fine.
Ii was un:ealisiic io execi ihai ouilool
woulo su:vive. Mosi oays I vacillaie Leiween
i:enenoous confioence ano soul-c:ushing un-
ce:iainiy. Soneiines ny :aciice MBE sco:es
a:e so gooo I in:ess nyself. Oihe: iines ihey
a:e so Lao I ihinl I coulo have oone Leiie: hao
I avoioeo :eaoing ihe quesiions aliogeihe: ano
ne:ely icleo ny favo:iie leiie:.
Aa:i f:onny enoiional ioll, ihe La: exan
has Leen a iesi on ny saniiy. Mosi iines I
choose io aiieno live leciu:es only as an in-
ceniive io gei o:esseo in ihe no:ning.
On ihe oays I ooni go, I wall a:ouno ny
neighLo:hooo wiih highlighie: na:ls all ove:
ny face while nunLling io nyself aLoui ihe
:ule againsi e:eiuiiies ano wea:ing whai a:e
a:guaLly ajanas. I feel oisconnecieo f:on :e-
al life. Days ano iine have losi all neaning.
Ioiwiihsianoing ny aiienis ai no:nalcy,
I iu:n eve:y conve:saiion wiih f:ienos on any
ninuiiae of life inio a chance io :eview ihe
Vhile :ioing on a Lus, I ihinl of ihe ouiy
ihe CTA o:ive: owes io ne. Vhile aLseni-
ninoeolyi:iingove: a c:aclinihe sioewall,
I ois:ega:o a ossiLle L:olen ioe ano si:uggle
io:enenLe: if Illinois is a u:e o: a:iial con-
a:aiive negligence ju:isoiciion. I nowsign all
ny checls io ihe Lanl as :esi:iciive enoo:se-
Sone oays a:e no:e oifficuli ihan oihe:s,
Lui ai ihe eno of ihe oay, ai ihe ve:y :ooi of
eve:yihing, I cane io law school Lecause I
wanieo io Le a lawye:.
Desiie ny couniless :anis io ihe coni:a:y,
a:iicula:ly ou:ing ihe lasi few weels, I oo
Lelieve law school has Leen a wo:ihy enoeav-
o:. Ioi only anI aLle io oo ihis, Lui I have ihe
:ivilege io oo ihis.
I hao ihe oo:iuniiy io aiieno law school
ano I was oeoicaieo enough io nale ii ihe
enii:e way ih:ough. Thai is soneihing io Le
:ouoof. AnonowI gei iosii fo: ihe La: exan,
in ihe hoes ihai in ihe nea: fuiu:e I gei io
wallac:oss anoihe: siage as anaoniiieonen-
Le: of ihe Illinois Ba:.
VhenI ihinl Lacl io ny execiaiions as an
enie:ing 1L, ny :easons fo: choosing law
school ihen have changeo. Bacl ihen I hao a
:onaniicizeo noiion of whai a legal ca:ee:
woulooffe: ne. As Ive lea:neono:e aLoui ihe
legal fielo ano have ui ihe iheo:y inio :ac-
iice ou:ing inie:nshis, I have Lecone inii-
naiely fanilia: wiih ihe :esonsiLiliiy I have
acceieo. I woulo neve: now consioe: law
school ihe easy way oui.
Evenihoughihe La: exanis ihe Liggesi iesi
I nay eve: have ioiale, ii is noi ny lasi. Alegal
ca:ee: will offe: ihe chance iolea:nsoneihing
new all ihe iine, io consianily Le challengeo,
io face coneiiiion, ano wins ano losses. De-
siie senoing nosi of ny life engageo in ihe
u:suii of eoucaiion, I an noi oone lea:ning.
Io: oo I wani io Le. I chose a :ofession ihai
will iesi ne eve:y oay of ny life, ano I an
fo:iunaie fo: ihai.
By Jula Strehl
Thc |ohn Marshall Lav School
Money Sense : column
8taytng sane in a crazy markcL
t seens na:lei volaiiliiy has Lecone ihe
no:n ve:sus ihe exceiion since :oo8. Ve
oio have a L:ief e:ioo of caln f:on lasi
OcioLe: io ihe :eceni high in A:il. Keeing
you: cool can Le ha:o io oo when ihe na:lei
goes on one of iis e:iooic :olle:-coasie: :ioes.
Iis useful io have si:aiegies in lace ihai :e-
a:e you Loih financially ano sychologically
io hanole na:lei volaiiliiy. He:e a:e 11 ways
io hel lee you:self f:on naling hasiy oe-
cisions ihai coulo have a long-ie:n inaci on
achieving you: financial goals.
i. Have a game pIan.
Having :eoeie:nineo guioelines ihai :ec-
ognize ihe oieniial fo: iu:Luleni iines can
hel :eveni enoiion f:on oiciaiing you: oe-
cisions. Fo: exanle, you nighi iale a co:e-
ano-saielliie a:oach, conLining ihe use of
Luy-ano-holo :inciles fo: ihe Lull of you:
o:ifolio wiih iaciical invesiing Laseo on a
sho:ie:-ie:nna:lei ouilool. You also can use
oive:sificaiion io i:y io offsei ihe :isls of ce:-
iain holoings wiih ihose of oihe:s.
z. Know what you own and why.
Vhenihe na:lei goes off ihe i:acls, lnow-
ing why you o:iginally naoe a secific invesi-
neni can hel you evaluaie wheihe: you: :ea-
sons siill holo, :ega:oless of whai ihe ove:all
na:lei is ooing. Unoe:sianoing howa secific
holoing fiis inyou: o:ifolioalsocanhelyou
consioe: wheihe: a lowe: :ice nighi aciually
:e:eseni a Luying oo:iuniiy.
. Remember that everythIngs reIatIve.
Mosi of ihe va:iance in ihe :eiu:ns of oif-
fe:eni o:ifolios cangene:ally Le aii:iLuieoio
ihei: assei allocaiions. If youve goi a well-
oive:sifieo o:ifolio ihai incluoes nuliile as-
sei classes, ii coulo Le useful io cona:e iis
ove:all e:fo:nance io :elevani Lenchna:ls.
If youfino ihai you: invesinenis a:e e:fo:n-
ing in line wiih ihose Lenchna:ls, ihai :e-
alizaiion nighi hel you feel Leiie: aLoui
you: ove:all si:aiegy.
q. TeII yourseII that thIs too shaII pass.
The financial na:leis a:e hisio:ically cycli-
cal. Even if you wish you solo ai whai iu:neo
oui io Le a na:lei eal, o: :eg:ei having sai
oui a Luying oo:iuniiy, you nay gei an-
oihe: chance. Even if you:e consioe:ing
changes, a volaiile na:lei can Le an inoo:-
iune iine io iu:n you: o:ifolio insioe oui.
. Be wIIIIng to Iearn Irom your mIstakes.
Anyone can lool gooo ou:ing Lull na:leis,
sna:i invesio:s a:e :oouceo Ly ihe ineviiaLle
:ough aiches. Even ihe Lesi a:eni :ighi all
ihe iine. If an ea:lie: choice now seens :ash,
soneiines ihe Lesi si:aiegy is ioiale a iax loss,
lea:nf:onihe exe:ience ano aly ihe lesson
io fuiu:e oecisions. Exe:i hel can :ea:e
you ano you: o:ifolio io Loih weaihe: ano
iale aovaniage of us ano oowns.
6. ConsIder pIayIng deIense.
Du:ing volaiile e:ioos in ihe siocl na:lei,
nany invesio:s :e-exanine ihei: allocaiion io
such oefensive secio:s as consune: siales o:
uiiliiies (ihough lile all siocls, ihose secio:s
involve ihei: own :isls ano a:e noi necessa:ily
innune f:on ove:all na:lei novenenis).
). Stay on course by contInuIng to save.
Even if ihe value of you: holoings fluciu-
aies, :egula:ly aooing io an accouni oesigneo
fo: a long-ie:n goal nay cushion ihe eno-
iional inaci of na:lei swings. If losses a:e
offsei, even in a:i, Ly new savings, you: Loi-
ion-line nunLe: nighi noi Le quiie so ois-
cou:aging. If you:e using oolla:-cosi ave:ag-
ing invesiing a secific anouni :egula:ly
:ega:oless of fluciuaiing :ice levels you
nay Le geiiing a La:gain Ly Luying when
:ices a:e oown.
8. Use cash to heIp manage your mIndset.
Cash can Le ihe financial equivaleni of ial-
ing oee L:eaihs io :elax. Ii can enhance you:
aLiliiy ionale ihoughiful oecisions insieaoof
inulsive ones. If youve esiaLlisheo an a-
:o:iaie assei allocaiion, you shoulo have :e-
sou:ces io :eveni selling siocls io neei o:-
oina:y exenses o: a na:gin call.
p. Remember your road map.
One of ihe :easons a oive:sifieo o:ifolio is
so ino:iani is ihai si:ong e:fo:nance of
sone invesinenis nay hel offsei oo: e:-
fo:nance Ly oihe:s. Even wiih an a:o:iaie
assei allocaiion, sone a:is of a o:ifolio nay
si:uggle ai any given iine. Male su:e you:
assei allocaiion is a:o:iaie Lefo:e naling
o:asiic changes.
io. Look In the rearvIew mIrror.
If you:e invesiing long-ie:n, soneiines ii
hels io lool Lacl ano see how fa: youve
cone. If you: o:ifoliois oownihis yea:, ii can
Le easy io fo:gei any :og:ess you nay al:eaoy
have naoe. Though asi e:fo:nance is no
gua:aniee of fuiu:e :eiu:ns, of cou:se, ihe
siocl na:leis long-ie:n oi:eciion has hisio:-
ically Leen u. Viih siocls, iis ino:iani io
:enenLe: ihai having an invesiing si:aiegy is
only half ihe Laiile, ihe oihe: half is Leing aLle
io siicl io ii. If aiience heleo you Luilo a
nesi egg, ii jusi nighi Le useful now ioo.
ii. Take It easy.
If you feel you neeo io nale changes in
you: o:ifolio, ihe:e a:e ways io oo so sho:i of
a ioial naleove:. You coulo iesi ihe waie:s Ly
:eoi:eciing a snall e:ceniage of one assei
class inio anoihe:. Taling g:aoual sies is one
way io s:eao you: :isl ove: iine as well as
ove: a va:ieiy of assei classes.
}effre Simons website is He
works at PBC Wealth Manaqement, a division of
PBCCapital Markets LLC, member NYSE/ FINPA/
By Jeffrey C. Smon, CFP
R8C WcalLh ManagcmcnL
Williams may be the first, but
she deesnt want te be the last
MAJO yea:s ago ihis SeienLe:, aLoui
;o lawye:s, juoges anoguesis gaihe:eo
in Chicago. D:esseo in Llacl iie ano
fo:nal wea:, ihey cane io wish ]uoge ]anes
Fa:sons, ihe fi:si Llacl U.S. Disi:ici Cou:i
juoge, well in his :eii:eneni f:on ihe Lench.
To ihei: ho::o:, o:ganize:s :ealizeo ihe
singe: io oen ihe eveni faileo io show.
As Fai:icia B:own Holnes iells ii, ]uoge
Ann Clai:e Villians leaneo ove: io soneone
ano asleo, Iow, (ihai songs) ihe one ihai
sia:is off, Oh, say can you see, :ighi?
She sies io ihe (nic:ohone) ano she a
caella sings ihe The Sia:-Sangleo Banne:
in ihe nosi Leauiiful voice, saio Holnes, a
a:ine: ai Schiff Ha:oin. Eve:yone was awe-
si:ucl. Io one lnew she coulo sing.
This noneni illusi:aies ihe way f:ienos ano
colleagues consisienily oesc:iLe Villians. A
:esou:ceful :oLlen solve: ano soneone
Llesseo wiih ny:iao ialenis, incluoing a voice
ano ihe huniliiy noi io flauni ii. Because of
he: e:sonaliiy, if you :an inio he: ai ihe
g:oce:y sio:y, you nay noi :ealize she enoeo
u on a sho:i lisi io Lecone a U.S. Su:ene
Cou:i jusiice.
Shes oown io ea:ih, Holnes saio. Shes
eve:yoay eole.
Villians, who iu:ns 6 on Aug. 16, g:ewu
in Dei:oii, ihe oaughie: of a ieache: noihe:
ano Lus o:ive: faihe:. She g:ew io a:eciaie
ihe Leauiy ano :ioe of gooo, honesi, oeceni
She g:aouaieof:onVayne Siaie Unive:siiy
This stor, is part of a ,earlonq series profilinq members of the leqal communit, who think outside the box and inspire their colleaques.
C/ockw|se, fromtop /eft /hoto one fudqe Ann C/a|re W|//|ams attended the 1th annua/ M|dwest /|qht of Human R|qhts Awards, where she |ntroduced ke,note speaker, Mar|a H|noosa, correspondent
for /BS /ront/|ne and host of N/Rs /at|no USA, |n fune /hoto two W|//|ams ran a meet|nq w|th four /aw c/erks |n her temporar, off|ce |n fune /hoto three Ret|red US Supreme Court fust|ce
Sandra Da, OConnor and W|//|ams attended a .o1o Ch|caqo Bar Assoc|at|on /uncheon where OConnor was schedu/ed to speak /hoto four W|//|ams and attorne, M|chae/ Mon|co ta/ked at a Ma,
eent 1op two photos b, Nata/|e Battaq/|a and bottom two photos b, /au/ McCrath
caLurc InspIrIng Innovators
in1p;o wiiha oeg:ee inelenenia:y eoucaiion.
She ea:neo a nasie:s oeg:ee in guioance ano
counseling f:on ihe Unive:siiy of Michigan
in1p;:, while ieaching nusic io Dei:oii ihi:o-
Afie: ea:ning he: law oeg:ee f:on Ioi:e
Dane Law School in 1p;, Villians cle:leo
fo: ]uoge FoLe:i A. S:eche: of ihe ;ih U.S.
Ci:cuii Cou:i of Aeals ano laie: Lecane an
assisiani U.S. aiio:ney in Chicago. She :ose io
Lecone chief of ihe O:ganizeo C:ine D:ug
Enfo:ceneni Tasl Fo:ce in 1p8.
In 1p8, FeuLlican F:esioeni Fonalo Fea-
gan naneo Villians io ihe U.S. Disi:ici Cou:i
fo: ihe Io:ihe:nDisi:ici of Illinois. The nove
naoe he: ihe fi:si Llacl wonan in ihis ois-
He: juoicial success woulo c:oss ihe olii-
ical aisle 1 yea:s laie:. In 1ppp, Denoc:aiic
F:esioeni Bill Clinion hanoeo he: anoihe:
fi:si. He aoinieo he: io ihe ;ih Ci:cuii,
nalinghe: ihe fi:si Llacljuoge iose:ve onihe
;ih Ci:cuii ano only ihe ihi:o Llacl wonan io
se:ve on any aeals cou:i.
Villians c:eoiis he: success anoo:ive iohe:
a:enis. Boih ea:neo college oeg:ees, yei nei-
ihe: coulo lano wo:l in ihei: :eseciive
Fo: 1: yea:s, he: noihe: iaughi in a school
fo: oelinqueni chilo:en Lecause Llacl eole
coulo noi gei licenseo in Dei:oiis uLlic
schools ai ihe iine.
In a vioeo se:ies Faihways io ihe Bench
:oouceo Ly ihe U.S. cou:is, Villians :efleci-
eo on ihe sia:l oiffe:ences in :ofessional
aihs availaLle io he: ano he: a:enis.
I ihinl ii was :eiiy exi:ao:oina:y fo: ne
io have ihis lino of oo:iuniiy io go f:on
lnowing no lawye:s ano ihen io eno u Leing
a juoge on ihe U.S. Cou:i of Aeals, she
She iolo ihe sio:y of how, as a confuseo ano
f:usi:aieo young e:son, she asleo he: faihe:
a sychology najo: how he coulo siano
his loi in life. Vasni he ang:y?
He saio, Io one coulo iale ny eoucaiion
away f:on ne, she saio.
He: faihe: eveniually weni Lacl io school
io Lecone a ieache:. They iool classes iogeih-
e: when she u:sueo a Lachelo:s oeg:ee ai
Vayne Siaie.
She lea:neo Ly exanle, Villians saio, io Le
o:iven, io ain high ano neve: give u.
Shes ihai Llacl wonan lawye: we all lool
io, saioHolnes, whofi:si nei Villians when
she, ioo, se:veo as an assisiani U.S. aiio:ney.
(Ve ihinl) if she canoo ii, I canoo ii, Lecause
she is ne.
Groups to ensure a Iuture
Iis Leen :o yea:s since Villians layeo un-
oe:siuoy ano woweo ihe c:owo wiihhe: voice
ai whai woulo Le ihe Li:ihlace of ihe ]usi
The Beginning Founoaiion.
Afie: ihe success of Fa:sons celeL:aio:y
weeleno, Villians floaieo ihe ioea of esiaL-
lishing a founoaiion io s:eao info:naiion,
financial funoing ano suo:i io insi:e ni-
no:iiy siuoenis io give ihe legal :ofession a
Villians saio she :enains :ouo ano con-
ieni fo: L:ealing La::ie:s, fo: Leing ihe fi:si of
nany ihings.
Bui, she saio, I ooni wani ioLe ihe lasi. You
neeo io ass on whai youve lea:neo.
Shes consianily i:ying io i:ain soneLooy
io Le ihe nexi, saio Holnes, :esioeni of
ihe ]usi The Beginning Founoaiion Boa:o of
Di:ecio:s. Shes goi a Folooex as oee as you-
lnow-whai. Thais how she is shes always
i:ying io hel soneLooy gei ihe:e, i:ying io
use he: conneciions.
The:e is liiile coincioence ihai Villians
senos nuchof he: iine inanooui of ihe :oLe
insi:uciing oihe:s. The fo:ne: nusic ieache:
neve: :eally lefi ihe class:oon. He: :oon now
jusi houses oiffe:eni linos of lessons, wiihoif-
fe:eni linos of siuoenis.
I an a ieache:, she saio wiih :ioe as she
oiscusses he: juogeshi. Teache:s have io e:-
suaoe, lawye:s have io e:suaoe. Teache:s have
io counsel, lawye:s have io counsel.
The ]usi The Beginning Founoaiion o:ga-
nize:s oesigneo ano exanoeo ihe :og:an
since iis infancy io illusi:aie how c:iiical ii is
io :each young eole, saio Villians, who
se:ves as chai:wonan of ihe founoaiions ]u-
oicial Aoviso:y Conniiiee.
Vhai Legan as a Chicago-g:own ain io
guioe no:e nino:iiy law school ano college
siuoenis wiih ease inio ihe legal :ofession
exanoeo io incluoe :og:ans fo: siuoenis in
high school ano nioole school ano ih:ough-
oui ihe couni:y.
B:anoon Loggins cle:leo fo: U.S. Magis-
i:aie ]uoge A:lanoe: Keys in:oo8 whenhe goi
What inspires Ann Llaire Williams?
ho mentored you earIy In your career?
I was nenio:eo Ly ]uoge FoLe:i A. S:eche:, whon I cle:leo fo: :ighi oui of
lawschool, ]uoge Ma:ianne ]aclson, who :ec:uiieo ne io joinihe U.S. aiio:neys
office, ]uoge Ilana Fovne:, who was ny fi:si sue:viso: in ihai office, ano ]uoges Villian ].
Baue:, Geo:ge Leighion ano Iicl Bua, who gave ne souno, :aciical aovice in ihose ea:ly
Vhat musIc do you IIsten to Ior InspIratIon?
I enjoy all linos of nusic f:on classical io Moiown io gosel io snooih jazz.
Name a person who InspIres you.
In aooiiion io ny a:enis, ]uoge Consiance Bale: Moiley, ihe fi:si Af:ican-Ane:ican
wonan io se:ve on a feoe:al cou:i in ihis naiion. I ihinl of he: si:uggles ano ihe challenges
she faceo ano :ealize ihai whaieve: hu:oles I neeo io ove:cone ale Ly cona:ison. Ano I
g:eaily aoni:e ]usiice Sano:a Day OConno:, ihe fi:si wonanonihe Su:ene Cou:i ano he:
wo:l afie: ihe Lench ihai focuses on eoucaiing chilo:en ano ihe gene:al uLlic aLoui ihe
legal sysien ano civics.
Vhats the bIggest change to the IegaI communIty?
The g:owih ano oo:iuniiies fo: nino:iiies ano wonen since I Legan ny ca:ee:. Much
siill neeos io Le oone ano no:e glass ceilings neeo io Le L:olen, Lui ihe change is anazing.
Also, ihe sly:ocleiing cosis of a legal eoucaiion ano ihe anouni of oeLi ihai g:aouaies face.
Thai has an inaci on ihe choices siuoenis nale once ihey g:aouaie ano nales nany uLlic
inie:esi oiions unaffo:oaLle.
Vhats the bIggest chaIIenge In your day-to-day job?
Being liniieo io ihe :eco:o ihai is Lefo:e us. Ve ooni oe:aie wiih a clean slaie.
InspIrIng Innovators : caLurc
ihe chance io se:ve as a founoaiion sunne:
legal insiiiuie iean leaoe:.
Teaching in ihe insiiiuie :oveo esecially
ino:iani fo: Loggins, he saio, Lecause he a:-
iiciaieo in a sinila: :og:an as a high school
I lnow how ihai can Le a sa:l of insi:a-
iion fo: a young e:son, saio Loggins, an as-
sociaie ai ihe Law Office of E:nesi B. Fenion.
Ii oens a ooo: io a ossiLle oo:iuniiy ihai
you nay noi have consioe:eo :eviously.
The :og:an :ovioeo ihe aeal, ioo, of
wo:ling alongsioe fellow fo:ne: ieache:
Villians Loggins oelayeo law school fo:
iwo yea:s io ieach fou:ih g:aoe in Mississii
ih:ough Teach fo: Ane:ica.
Du:ing ihe founoaiions sunne: insiiiuie,
siuoenis hea: f:onseale:s lile Villians ano
oihe: juoges ano lawye:s who oeiail ihei: own
success sio:ies. Villians saio she hoes siu-
oenis lea:n ihai we we:e noi Lo:n wiih a
gavel o: a Llacl :oLe.
If ihey can oo ii, so can ihe siuoenis, she
Loggins wiinesseo ihe insi:aiion gleaneo
f:onVillians oeoicaiionioequiing young
eole wiih lnowleoge.
Aloi of ihe siuoenis who Ive seen, you see
ihai sane lighi ano sa:l ihai goes off when
ihey enjoy ihe aovocacy, Loggins saio.
Even if ihey ooni go inio law, he saio, Ii
jusi :esenis anoihe: iool, anoihe: avenue ihai
ihey nay ossiLly consioe: laie: in life.
Anoihe: of Villians assion :ojecis, Mi-
no:iiy Legal EoucaiionFesou:ces (MLEF), ex-
e:iences a nilesione annive:sa:y ihis yea:.
In 1p;, Villians i:ieo io join a :og:an ai
Io:ihwesie:n Unive:siiy School of Law
aineo ai in:oving La: assing :aies Ly ni-
no:iiies, iaughi Ly Fonalo E. Kenneoy. Afie:
lea:ning she oio noi qualify fo: ihe :og:an
Lecause she was noi a Io:ihwesie:n siuoeni,
Villians a:oacheo Kenneoy aLoui exano-
ing ihe :og:anio oihe: schools. Inihe nean-
iine, she asseo ihe La:, Lui siill eyeo exieno-
ing ihe :og:an.
MLEF Legan offe:ing ihe La: :ea:aiion
:og:an as an official non:ofii in ihe sun-
ne: of 1p;;.
MLEFF:esioeni ]oi Thonas calleo Villians
ush io exano ihe :e :og:an an exanle
of he: ioeniifying a neeo ano finoing a
The Leauiy of MLEF is ihe suo:i sysien
ano oeoicaiion of voluniee:s, si:ange:s, whose
nain focus is you: success, saio Thonas, an
associaie ai Hollano & Knighi.
Voluniee:s hel :ea:e nino:iiy law siu-
oenis :aise ihe La: assing :aie io ai leasi neei
o: exceeo ihe naiional ave:age.
Hao (Villians) noi ialen ihai iniiiaiive,
MLEF woulo noi Le MLEF, Thonas saio.
Shes one of ihe :easons why MLEFhas Leen
aLle io go ih:ough ihe g:owih ihai ii has.
Loggins also a:iiciaieo in MLEF.
Boih :og:ans have Leen i:uly insi:a-
iional in ny life ano gave ne a sense of vision
in how you can, as an aiio:ney, have a ve:y
:oouciive ca:ee:, he saio. Bui (you can) also
nale su:e ihai ihe nexi gene:aiion has ihe
sane oo:iuniiies.
Villians colleagues :aise he: fo: ihe
oo:iuniiies she affo:oeo ihen in L:ealing
juoicial :eco:os.
She goi ihe:e fi:si, anoshes aving ihe way,
ano In following :ighi Lehino saying, Thanl
you, ihanl you, ihanl you, Holnes saio.
Villians heleo ave ihe way fo: oihe:
Llacl, fenale lawye:s in1p8;, whenshe heleo
founo ihe Blacl Vonen Lawye:s Associaiion
(BVLA) of G:eaie: Chicago Inc.
fudqe Ann C/a|re W|//|ams {r|qht) prepared to huq ke,note speaker, Mar|a H|noosa, correspondent for /BS /ront/|ne and host of N/Rs /at|no USA, after she |ntroduced her at the 1th annua/
M|dwest /|qht of Human R|qhts Awards |n fune 1he awards ceremon, benef|ted Heart/and A//|ance Nat|ona/ /mm|qrant fust|ce Center /hoto b, Nata/|e Battaq/|a
caLurc InspIrIng Innovators
BVLA ouigoing :esioeni, T:acy Can-
Lell, connenoeo Villians fo: ihe g:ace ano
oise wiih which she has navigaieo ihe legal
sysiens nilesiones.
Vhai she i:uly is, is a nenio: ano insi-
:aiion io ne, in ie:ns of whai is ossiLle, saio
CanLell, a a:ine: ai Schiff Ha:oin.
She aea:s io have insi:eo ai leasi one
oihe: young Llacl wonan inio ihe legal :o-
fession. he: oaughie: Clai:e also :aciices as a
lawye:. (He: son, ]onaihan, is in :eiail.)
In an A:il :o11 inie:view wiih IBCs An-
o:ea Miichell, Villians sole aLoui ihe :ise
of fenale owe: in ihe juoicia:y ano ihe :e-
sonsiLiliiy ihai follows ii.
Iow, no:e ano no:e wonen a:e Leing a-
oinieo, she saio. Viih ihai g:owih, wonen
have no:e owe:. Vhai juoges have io oo is
gei Leyono oecioing ihe cases io assune leao-
e:shi :oles io nale :eal change in socieiy.
Down to earth, II even near hIghest court
Anoihe: fi:si Villians nea:eo :ecenily
woulo have ialen he: io Vashingion, D.C., io
Lecone ihe fi:si Llacl wonan io sii on ihe
highesi cou:i in ihe lano.
In A:il :o1o, ihe Vhiie House confi:neo
ihai Villians was anong aLoui 1o eole
ihen consioe:eo fo: a noninaiion io ihe
Su:ene Cou:i. The osi eveniually weni io
]usiice Elena Kagan.
Villians oenu:s when asleo aLoui ihe
Su:ene Cou:i chaiie:, saying oliiely ihai
she ooes noi wani io elaLo:aie on he: con-
I was hono:eo ano flaiie:eo io Le unoe:
consioe:aiion, she saio sinly ano :eseci-
Holnes calleo Villians Leing asseo ove: a
so:e soi, as a f:ieno as well as a fellowLlacl
fenale lawye:. Holnes saio seve:al suo:ie:s,
incluoing nuliile La: associaiions, w:oie io
F:esioeni Ba:acl OLana on Villians Le-
Shes so e:feci fo: ihe joL, Holnes saio.
You ooni :eally unoe:siano why she oioni
gei ii.
Kagan ano ]usiice Sonia M. Soionayo:
confi:neo in :oop, also na:leo a iine of un-
confi:neo :unLlings aLoui Villians a:e
wonoe:fully qualifieo, Holnes saio.
Bui shes ou: LaLy, Holnes saio of
Villians. You wani you: LaLy io win ihe
On he: a:i, Villians Lecane no:e fo:ih-
coning inhe: exciieneni onwinning anoihe:
:ize, Ioi:e Danes So:in Awa:o.
Aunive:siiy i:usiee, Villians wonihe hon-
o: givenioanouisianoingalunni whocon-
i:iLuieo io ihe unive:siiy ano connuniiy
in ]une.
Thai was :eally a ih:ill, Villians saio. Ii
was :eally an exi:ao:oina:y hono:.
Anoihe: such hono: cane in :o1o, when
Villians :eceiveoihe Deviii Awa:o, givenio
A:iicle III juoges wiih oisiinguisheo ca:ee:s
aovancing ihe :ule of law ano Lenefiiing so-
F:ienos ano colleagues who sole fo: he:
Vashingion, D.C., ce:enony calleo he: un-
sioaLle, oi:eci, iho:oughly :ea:eo
ano aLle io oelive: connenis wiih a oevilish
sense of huno:.
Hawaii-Laseo lawye: F:anl Foihschilo
:aiseo he: hilanih:oy ano siella: nenio:-
She lighis ueve:yclass:oonanohas a way
of naling aLsoluiely eve:yone so confo:iaLle
in he: :esence, Foihschilo saio. The:e a:e
iens of ihousanos of lawye:s a:ouno ihis wo:lo
who fonoly :enenLe: lea:ning f:on Ann.
Iicole ]aclson, Villians 1ih law cle:l
ano a a:ine: ai Alegaie & Tho:ne-Thon-
sen, :aiseo Villians as a nenio: ano ieache:
of young aiio:neys.
She iaughi us ihai lawis no:e ihan a sei of
:ules io Le alieo, lawis aLoui alying ihose
:ules in a fai: ano equiiaLle way io achieve ihe
nosi jusi :esulis fo: ihe a:iies ano fo: so-
cieiy, ]aclson saio.
Villians :eceiveo nune:ous oihe: acco-
laoes, incluoing ihe Iaiional Ba: Associaiions
Ge:i:uoe E. Fush Awa:o in :oo8 ano The
Chicago Ba: Associaiions ]usiice ]ohn Faul
Sievens Awa:o ihe sane yea:.
Ano ihis yea:, Newsweek/1he Dail Beast
naneo he: one of ihe 1o Fea:less Vonen in
ihe Vo:lo.
Ii nales ne feel ve:y ove:whelneo ano
ve:y hunLleo, :eally, she saio. I :eally annoi
in ihis fo: ihai.
Iis clea: io ihe eole who lnow he: ihai
Villians focus neve: has Leen fane o: ac-
colaoes, Thonas saio.
/n fune 1y8, /res|dent Rona/d Reaqan appo|nted Ann C/a|re W|//|ams to the US D|str|ct Court for the Northern D|str|ct of ///|no|s
/n the photo |n her off|ce, she was be|nq sworn |n w|th her fam|/, present /hoto b, Nata/|e Battaq/|a
InspIrIng Innovators : caLurc
She is soneone who Lelieves in eve:y inch
of ihen ihai you:e suoseo io se:ve,
Thonas saio.
Vhai Villians seens genuinely inii fo: is
he: wo:l, ihe L:eaoih of legal cases f:on
c:ininal io coni:aci io oisc:ininaiion ihai
wafi ih:ough he: chanLe:s.
I love Leing a juoge, esecially a feoe:al
juoge, she saio. She saio ii alnosi wiih a gio-
oiness, as nighi a cle:l in he: secono weel of
wo:l. She auseo io conneno he: f:ienos ano
colleagues se:ving in oihe: :oles, iis alnosi an
aology fo: he: g:aiiiuoe. She iales noihing
fo: g:anieo.
Nary enough hours In the day
She fanously iales no ninuie inihe oay fo:
Vhen noi wiih he: husLano, Davio Siew-
a:i, ai ihei: Hyoe Fa:l hone, Villians nay Le
founo juoging nooi cou:i coniesis ai va:ious
law schools o: i:aveling ih:ough oiffe:eni
a:is of Af:ica.
Th:ough he: wo:l wiih Lawye:s Viihoui
Bo:oe:s, Villians i:aveleo io Kenya, LiLe:ia
ano Tanzania, sha:ing neihooologies on oif-
fe:eni cou:i sysiens.
Uzona Ilwonia cle:leo fo: Villians in
:oo8 ano i:aveleo in A:il io Ghana wiih his
fo:ne: Loss. Ilwonia, now an associaie ai
Ki:llano&Ellis inVashingion, D.C., seni his
iine heling ieach Ghanas legal officials how
io :un a legal sysien efficienily.
Ii was an unfo:geiiaLle exe:ience,
Ilwonia saio of his iine heling i:ain juoges
in evioence ano case nanageneni.
He oesc:iLeo his oesi:e io nale anoihe:
such i:i io ieach ove:seas as jusi an exanle
of ihe inaci (Villians) leaves. You waich
how she oeoicaies he: iine io ihe goal of in-
:oving ihe lives of oihe:s.
Villians calleo ii viial io sha:e Lesi :ac-
iices wiih ihe inie:naiional legal leaoe:s ano
noi jusi show ihe Ane:ican way.
She iaughi oonesiically ai Io:ihwesie:n
Unive:siiy School of Law, Ha:va:o Law
School, The ]ohn Ma:shall Law School ano
ihe Iaiional Insiiiuie fo: T:ial Aovocacy.
She has se:veo on seve:al Loa:os ano con-
nissions, incluoing ihose of ihe Uniieo Siaies
Su:ene Cou:i Fellows F:og:an, Ca:negie
FounoaiionanoChicagos Museunof Science
ano Inousi:y.
Ii Laffles nanyf:ienos ihai shenanages iooo
all ihis, while ca:ing fo: fanily nenLe:s Loih
ai hone in ihe Vinoy Ciiy ano Dei:oii.
As he: fo:ne: cle:l ]aclson saio fo: he: De-
viii ce:enony, ]uoge Villians has nooeleo
fo: us how we can u:sue ou: ca:ee:s wiih
assion ano inieg:iiy while leeing ou: loveo
ones fo:enosi in ou: lives.
Villians saiohe: faihe: once goi asleohow
she Lecane such an acconlisheo iaslnasie:.
He saio Ive always Leen lile ihis, she saio,
f:on g:aoe school io g:ao school.
Inagine youngVillians, ihe highschool siu-
oeni, ialing iine away f:onihe siuoeni news-
ae: io oi:eci i:affic in ihe school hallways.
Ive always Leen a ooe:, she saio. Ive al-
ways feli ihai Ive Leen exi:enely Llesseo in
ny life. Thai is a lesson f:on hone when
you a:e Llesseo lile ihai, you have an oLli-
gaiion io give Lacl. I have i:ieo io live ny life
lile ihai.
{/rom /eft to r|qht) /aw c/erks Shannon Hodqe and Or|on Danuma, fudqe Ann C/a|re W|//|ams and /aw c/erk Lr|n McC|n/e, met for a d|scuss|on |ns|de W|//|ams temporar, off|ce |n fune /hoto b,
Nata/|e Battaq/|a
Above & Beyond : column
Pre bene as a bar aomission rcquircmcnL
s a neans of aoo:essing ihe la:ge, un-
nei neeo fo: lawye:s io :e:eseni ihe
oo:, Chief ]uoge ]onaihan Linan
announceo in May ihai a nininun of o
hou:s of :o Lono se:vice will Le :equi:eo of
all aiio:neys seeling aonission io ihe La: in
Iew Yo:l (F:o Bono Fequi:eneni). In his
aoo:ess ai ihe Cou:i of Aeals annual Law
Day, Linan siaieo (i) :o Lono is a co:e
value of ou: :ofession, ano ii is ano if we
asi:e fo: all :aciicing aiio:neys io oevoie a
neaningful o:iionof ihei: iine iouLlic se:-
vice, ano ihey shoulo ihese ioeals oughi io
Le insiilleo f:on ihe sia:i, when one fi:si as-
i:es io Le a nenLe: of ihe :ofession.
As Iew Yo:l will Le ihe fi:si siaie io in-
leneni a :o Lono :equi:eneni, ihe a:an-
eie:s fo: which a:e siill unoe: consioe:aiion,
ano as oihe: siaies nay Le conienlaiing a
sinila: :ule, I wanieo io sha:e wiih you a seg-
neni of ihe osiiion ae:, Feconnenoa-
iions. Iew Yo:l Siaie Ba: F:ooseo F:o Bono
Aonission Fequi:eneni, :ea:eo Ly ihe
Loa:o of ihe Associaiion of F:o Bono Counsel
(AFBCo), of which I an a a:i. AFBCo is a
nenLe:shi o:ganizaiion of aLoui 1: aiio:-
neys ano :aciice g:ou nanage:s who :un
:o Lono :aciices in 8 of ihe couni:ys
la:gesi lawfi:ns. Ou: nenLe:s oi:eci sone of
ihe naiions nosi successful lawfi:n:oLono
:aciices ano have significani lnowleoge
aLoui ihe :o Lono oelive:y of legal se:vices
ih:oughoui ihe Uniieo Siaies.
AFBCo connenos ihe effo:is of Linan
ano his conniineni io inc:ease ihe oelive:y
of legal se:vices iolow-incone IewYo:le:s. Ii
Lelieves ihai effeciive inleneniaiion of ihis
:ule :equi:es consioe:aiion of ihese issues.
1. Defining eligiLle :o Lono wo:l. Al-
ihoughnany oefiniiions of :o Lono se:vice
have Leenuseo ove: ihe yea:s, ihe nosi wioely
acceieo oefiniiion is ihe one :onulgaieo Ly
ihe F:o Bono Insiiiuie (FBI). This well-oefineo
sianoa:o is useo Ly nosi fi:ns ano co:o:aie
law oea:inenis in ihe Uniieo Siaies, ano
nany La: associaiions ano neoia ouileis ihai
su:vey :oLonouse ihe FBI oefiniiionas well.
The FBI oefiniiion is na::ow enough io en-
cou:age a focus on ihe neeos of low-incone
eole ano ihe o:ganizaiions ihai se:ve ihen,
while L:oao enough io ensu:e ihai Iew Yo:l
La: alicanis, who cone f:on a va:ieiy of
schools, Laclg:ounos ano couni:ies, will Le
aLle io saiisfy ihe :equi:eneni.
:. Vo:loone ouisioe IewYo:lsiaie. Many
aiio:neys who u:sue ca:ee:s in Iew Yo:l
have aiienoeo law schools ouisioe ihe siaie o:
ouisioe ihe couni:y (in ihe case of alicanis
eligiLle io seel aonission Lecause ihey oL-
iaineo LL.M. oeg:ees in ihe Uniieo Siaies).
Oihe: alicanis a:e :aciicing lawye:s al-
:eaoy aoniiieo in oihe: siaies. To aoo:ess ihis
:ealiiy, AFBCo :econnenos ihai eligiLle :o
Lono se:vice shoulo qualify whe:eve: ii is e:-
. Conensaieo :o Lono se:vice. The FBI
consioe:s wo:l oone in ihe cou:se of sunne:
associaie o: aio inie:nshi :og:ans in ihe
uLlic o: :ivaie secio: io Le eligiLle se:vice.
Fega:oless of ihe conensaiion ihai nay Le
ea:neo, as long as ihe clieni is noi aying a fee,
ihe Lenefii of inc:easeo :e:eseniaiion io ihe
connuniiy of low-incone clienis :enains ihe
sane. AFBCo :econnenos ihe :o Lono :e-
qui:eneni incluoe :o Lono se:vice oone in
ihe cou:se of conensaieo enloyneni.
. Sue:vision. The :o Lono :equi:eneni
will :esuli in huno:eos of ihousanos of ao-
oiiional hou:s of legal se:vices availaLle fo:
inoigeni clienis, Lui nosi of ihese hou:s will
Le e:fo:neo Ly inexe:ienceo ano unli-
censeo law siuoenis ano new g:aouaies. Su-
o:iing ihis effo:i wiih exe:i sue:vision is
viially ino:iani. Fules . ano . of ihe Iew
Yo:l Fules of F:ofessional Conouci ano ihei:
analogues in oihe: siaies, which gove:n ihe
ouiy of sue:vision ano ihe conouci of unau-
iho:izeo :aciice of law, :equi:e ihai new
g:aouaies who :ovioe :o Lono assisiance Le
sufficienily sue:viseo Ly licenseo aiio:neys.
A fo:nal sysien of ove:sighi ano ce:iificaiion
shouloLe ui inlace ioensu:e ihai newg:ao-
uaies a:e Leing sue:viseo a:o:iaiely ano
noi engaging in ihe unauiho:izeo :aciice of
law. This sysienwill hel :onoie coneieni
:e:eseniaiion of :o Lono clienis.
. Tine fo: conleiing conliance. Sone
canoioaies nay face suLsianiial hu:oles ioe:-
fo:ning eligiLle se:vice :io: io sia:iing en-
loyneni afie: ialing ihe Iew Yo:l La:. As
such, AFBCo :econnenos ihai ihe Iew Yo:l
:ules offe: ihe aLiliiy io aly fo: anexiension
of iine io conleie ihe :o Lono :equi:eneni
fo: canoioaies who a:e oihe:wise eligiLle fo:
aonission, io as nuch as one yea: afie: La:
aonission, in ce:iain siiuaiions.
Because nany law schools :ovioe oo:-
iuniiies fo: :o Lono se:vice, Loihwiihinclin-
ical seiiings ano ih:ough inoeenoeni wo:l,
AFBCo encou:ages ihe IewYo:l Ba: io allow
ihis se:vice io couni iowa:o ihe :o Lono :e-
qui:eneni. Ii also u:ges ihe Iew Yo:l Ba: io
:ovioe si:ong inceniives fo: schools io su-
o:i siuoeni :o Lono se:vice, so ihai ihe na-
jo:iiy of canoioaies fo: ihe La: will have nei
ihe :equi:eneni Lefo:e g:aouaiion.
As ihis :equi:eneni will Le a change of :o-
founo ino:iance, ii is c:iiical ihai ihe :o
Lono se:vice Le of ihe highesi qualiiy. Fo: any
siaies conienlaiing a sinila: :ule, ihoughiful
inleneniaiion will Le necessa:y io :ese:ve
ihe inieg:iiy of ihe conniineni.
By Iatona Haney Keth
McDcrmoLL Will & Lmcry
column Law and VeIIness
8uperstztng lavs
wenty yea:s f:on now, inagine i:ying
io exlain io you: awesi:ucl g:ano-
chilo:en ihai in ihe oloen oays
you coulo wall inio a convenience sio:e any
iine you lileo ano u:chase ;: ounces of sooa
in a single coniaine:.
IewYo:lCiiy Mayo: Michael BloonLe:gs
coni:ove:sial :oosal ioLanihe sale of sue:-
sizeo, suga:y sofi o:inls sa:leo lois of ques-
iions. The Liggesi of which is. Vhais nexi?
A:e :ohiLiiions on oouLle cheeseLu:ge:s,
oee-oishizza anoiuLs of Luiie:y novie-ihe-
aie: oco:n fa: Lehino?
Feaciions ioBloonLe:gs :oosal have Leen
wioe-:anging as oliiicians, ioeologues, nui:i-
iionisis, aviosooa consune:s anoeve:yLooyelse
have weigheo in on ihe :oosal ano iis la:ge:
inlicaiions, anongihen. The ene:gence of a
Ianny Siaie, Ane:icas oegene:aiing oieia:y
haLiis ano ihe effecis sooa can have on ones
healih cona:eo io oihe: consunaLles.
Alihoughihe ouicone anoafie:naihof ihe
Lan :enain unce:iain, one ihing is noi. The
Iew Yo:l Ciiy gove:nneni, lile any oihe:
Ane:ican civic Looy, is e:fecily wiihin iis
:ealn of auiho:iiy io enaci legislaiion oe-
signeo io :oieci you f:on you:self.
Diciaiing whai conanies cansell o: ielling
:ivaie ciiizens hownuch ihey canLuy, eai o:
o:inlis neve: aneasy sell ina couni:y founoeo
on ihe :incile of e:sonal f:eeoon. Eiihe:
way, iis a conce:n ihai coniinues io exisi.
Leis :eiu:nio ihe issue ai hano. Inaneffo:i
io conLai oLesiiy ano ease ihe ciiys healih-
ca:e cosis oue io inc:easeo weighi issues ano
oiaLeies, BloonLe:gs :oosal woulo Lan ihe
sale of any suga:-Laseo o:inl in se:vings la:ge:
ihan 16 ounces. BloonLe:g insisis ihai ihe le-
gal auiho:iiy exisis io :esi:ici sooa sales wiih-
oui ouisioe agencya:oval Laseoonihe ciiys
ju:isoiciion ove: local eaiing esiaLlishnenis.
Ianny Siaie c:iiics a:gue ihai such a fa:-
:eaching Lan inf:inges on e:sonal f:eeoons
ano ihai BloonLe:g is ove:sieing his au-
iho:iiy. Bui local gove:nnenis can inleneni
such Lans wiihoui violaiing a e:sons :ighi io
life, liLe:iy ano ihe u:suii of hainess. T:a-
oiiionally, suchlaws have wiihsiooolegal chal-
lenges. Chicago has Leen ih:usi inio ihe na-
iional soilighi in :eceni yea:s wiih iis own
Lans on ingesiiLle iiens. The Chicago Ciiy
Councils :oo6 Lan on foie g:as lasieo iwo
sho:i yea:s. In ihe Illinois Gene:al AssenLly, a
Lan on i:ans fais L:eezeo ih:ough ihe Illinois
House of Fe:eseniaiives, only io Le shoi
oown Ly ihe siaie Senaie. A sinila: Laiile was
:ecenily wageo in Ohio, when Clevelano in-
siiiuieo a Lanonfooos coniaining inousi:ially
:oouceo i:ans fais. Befo:e ihe law coulo go
inio effeci, ihe siaie legislaiu:e asseo a law
:e-eniing local gove:nnenis f:on :esi:ici-
ing ihe sale o: consuniion of fooo Laseo on
nui:iiional info:naiion. Fecenily, a cou:i u-
helo Clevelanos :ighi io ihe Lan.
InBloonLe:gs oefense, iis easyioioeniifyihe
scou:ge ihai ihe inenoing sooa Laninienos io
cu:L. The oLesiiy eioenic affliciing ou: coun-
i:y coniinues io si:al oui of coni:ol. Feceni
siuoies say aLoui one-ihi:o of U.S. aoulis (.;
e:ceni) a:e classifieo as oLese, u f:onjusi 1
e:ceni in 1p6:. These figu:es also i:anslaie io
siagge:ing healih-ca:e cosis, in :oo8, neoical
cosis associaieowiihoLesiiywe:e esiinaieoai
81; Lillion.
Healih exe:is have naneo calo:ie-:iooen
sofi o:inls as one of ihe io oLesiiy coni:iL-
uio:s io oLesiiy in ou: naiion. The uwa:o
i:eno in oLesiiy ove: ihe asi few oecaoes has
ni::o:eo ihe uwa:o i:eno of oihe: :elevani
facio:s, incluoing ihe o:iion sizes of con-
ne:cial fooos which, of cou:se, incluoe sooa.
Anounlile cheeseLu:ge:s anoizzas, which
can aciually :ovioe an inlling of oieia:y ne-
cessiiies lile :oieins ano ene:gy, sooa ca::ies
vi:iually no nui:iiional value. Ione. So, Le-
cause sooas a:e so high in calo:ies (:o in a :o-
ounce Loiile of Coca-Cola), eole who con-
sune seve:al each oay a:e :eceiving a high
calo:ic iniale f:on a suLsiance ioially oevoio
of any healih Lenefiis.
Fighi now ihe quesiion is wheihe: o: noi
16 ounces shoulo Le Lanneo, Lui in ny oin-
ion, elininaiing sooa f:onou: oieis aliogeihe:
woulo Le Leiie:, saio La:a Fielo, a :egisie:eo
oieiicianinChicagowhowo:ls :ina:ily wiih
fanilies. The:es noihing Leneficial ai all aLoui
ii. The:e a:e no viianins o: nine:als, iis jusi
exi:a suga: ihai is :oven io leao io oLesiiy.
The nosi ino:iani ihing is ihe ioial calo-
:ies in sooa ve:sus ihe ioial calo:ies we con-
sune in a oay. If ihe iyical 1:-ounce sooa has
1o calo:ies, ano you:e a wonan wiih a oaily
calo:ie :ange of 1,oo, ihenjusi one canof sooa
nales u 1o e:ceni of you: :econnenoeo
oaily iniale, Fielo saio.
Fo: sone eole, :eliance on sooa, a:iic-
ula:ly oiei sooas, is a Lona fioe aooiciion. Sci-
eniisis have iheo:izeo ihai ihe a:iificial sweei-
ene:s founo in oiei sooas can aciually lu:e :e-
ceio:s in you: L:ain io c:ave ihe Leve:ages.
Diei-sooa aooicis have even soughi :ehaL se:-
vices io hel licl ihei: haLiis ano clinicians
:eo:i wiinessing sinila: wiiho:awal syn-
ions in sooa aiienis as ihose i:ying io wean
ihenselves f:on he:oin.
BloonLe:gs :oosal woni cone u fo: a
voie uniil SeienLe:, ano even if ihe Lan is
a:oveo, ii wouloni iale effeci uniil Ma:ch
:o1. Ai ihe ve:y leasi, ihe oiscou:se su::ouno-
ing ihe :oosal has al:eaoy succeeoeo in :ais-
ing awa:eness aLoui ihe healih oange:s of
sooa ove:consuniion.
By Martn Dolan
Dolan Lav
Lawyers put
their leal
skills te use in
creative way
Da|d A Bronner, a corporate /aw partner at Unqarett| e Harr|s, beqan dee/op|nq an expert
w|tness pract|ce about four ,ears aqo /hoto b, Ben Speckmann
caLurc Experts
8y Sberry Karabin
ay ihe wo:os exe:i wiiness ano nany
eole envision a neoical exanine: o:
sychiai:isi iesiifying in cou:i, Lui in
:ealiiy exe:is gei useo io exlain all linos of
ioics ano noi jusi Ly giving neoical iesiinony.
Inihe case of ihe legal a:ena, lawye:s anolaw
:ofesso:s se:ve as consulianis io si:engihen
cases Lefo:e i:ial ano as exe:is io oo :eo:is,
give oeosiiions ano :ovioe iesiinony if a
case goes io i:ial.
Vhai haens when lawye:s iale on ihese
Ii iu:ns oui nany enjoy ii, so nuch so ihai
ihey oevoie a o:iionof ihei: :aciice ioLeing
exe:is while oihe:s choose io oo so only
Chicaqo Lawer sole io lawye:s, :ofesso:s
anojuoges iosee howihese :aciices oeveloeo
ano whai ii iales io Lecone a c:eoiLle exe:i.
Expert wItness practIces
Geo:geGe:sinan, aa:ine: ai Seyfa:ihShaw,
has se:veo as an exe:i wiiness fo: nany yea:s
Ly weighing in on aieni cases.
In ofien calleo in Lecause In a fo:ne:
UniieoSiaies aieni exanine:, Ge:sinansaio.
Sone of ihe cases have involveo Lillion-oolla:
lawsuiis ano Lig nane clienis.
Alihough ihe anouni of iine he oevoies io
ihis wo:l fluciuaieo ove: ihe yea:s, he now
oevoies aLoui ;o e:ceni of his :aciice io
aciing as an exe:i wiiness.
The fi:si ihing I always oois nale su:e ihai
ihe case will noi cause a conflici of inie:esi in
ihe fi:n, Ge:sinansaio. Iniyically :eiaineo
Ly ihe lawye:s hanolingihe case o: anaiio:ney
ai ihe conany involveo in ihe suii.
He saio he woulo noi iale on a case he ooes
noi Lelieve in ano ihe cases ofien :equi:e
lea:ning a loi of iechnical naie:ial.
Ge:sinanLegins Ly:ea:inganexe:i :eo:i.
Once he conleies ii, he usually geis oeoseo.
Ano, if ihe case ooes noi seiile, he iesiifies.
I ihinl liiigaio:s nale ihe Lesi exe:i wii-
nesses Lecause ihey a:e useo io asling ques-
iions ano ihey lnow how io avoio Leing
i:icleo Ly ihe oihe: sioe, Ge:sinan saio.
DavioA. B:onne:, a co:o:aie lawa:ine: ai
Unga:eiii & Ha::is, Legan oeveloing an ex-
e:i wiiness :aciice aLoui fou: yea:s.
I was a co-eoiio: of ihe Ane:ican Ba: As-
sociaiions Mooel Siocl Fu:chase Ag:eeneni
wiih Connenia:y, which has Lecone a :i-
na:y sou:ce fo: ne:ge:s ano acquisiiion ai-
io:neys, B:onne: saio. As a :esuli, I Legan
sealing ai va:ious ABA evenis ano I was a-
:oacheo Ly a a:ine: ai a najo: Iew Yo:l
Ciiy law fi:n io Le an exe:i wiiness in ihe
Cenesco v. Finish Line case. Afie: ihai, oihe:
oo:iuniiies sia:ieo coning ny way.
B:onne: saiohe usually geis calleoiniohel
wiih co:o:aie coni:aciual ie:n inie::eia-
iions ano legal nal:aciice cases.
I have Leen involveo in sone ve:y high-
:ofile cases ano I :eally love ii, he saio.
In ny :egula: co:o:aie :aciice, I an a
oeal lawye: ano :e:eseni Luye:s ano selle:s,
soInalways inihe nioole of a oeal. Bui, Leing
an exe:i wiiness afie: ihe faci, I gei io lool
Lacl ai a sei of facis ano oeie:nine whai was
oone :ighi ano w:ong ano whai soneihing
neans in lighi of aciions al:eaoy ialen.
Iis also liiigaiion which nales ii inie:esi-
ing Lecause I an noi involveo in liiigaiion
:egula:ly in ny co:o:aie :aciice.
The joL of ihe exe:i wiiness can Le chal-
lenging since ihe e:son nusi :enain inoe-
enoeni while focusing on influencing ihe
si:aiegic a:oach io a case, B:onne: saio.
I ihinla gooo exe:i nusi have a iho:ough
unoe:sianoing of ihe lawano cusiona:y :ac-
iices, he saio. The exe:i nusi also Le aLle io
wiihsiano c:oss-exaninaiion ano nusi have a
oeneano: ihai is founo affaLle Ly ihe juoge,
a:Lii:aio: o: ju:y ano yei auiho:iiaiive ano
oi:eci in a:oach.
The conieni nusi Le connunicaieo in a
succinci nanne: anoihe exe:i cannoi Le e:-
ceiveo as a Liaseo aovocaie fo: ihe a:iy ihai
hi:es hino: he:. You nusi Le aLle io aclnowl-
eoge oinis aove:se io ihe a:iy ihai engageo
you, Lui siill Le suo:iive of ihe osiiions
ihai you a:e naling.
He oevoies o e:ceni of his :aciice io ihe
I ooni ihinl ihe:e a:e ihai nany lawye:s
who oo ihis :egula:ly Lecause ihe:e a:e La:-
:ie:s io eni:y, he saio. To Le an exe:i, you
neeo sone c:eoeniials ihai oisiinguish you
f:on oihe: aiio:neys. I ihinl whai liiigaio:s
lile aLoui ne is ihai I an siill in ihe i:enches
Iixon FeaLooy inielleciual :oe:iy liiiga-
io: Ma:l Halligan saio he fi:si Legan ialing
on cases as an exe:i on i:aoe sec:eis in ihe
Mosi of ny wo:l has involveo counseling
aiio:neys hanoling cases on i:aoe sec:ei law,
Halligan saio. I have given oeosiiions in cas-
es, execuieo oecla:aiions ano iesiifieo as an
exe:i in a Lench i:ial :ega:oing ihe aciiviiies
of anenloyee :ea:ing ioconeie againsi a
fo:ne: enloye: while siill enloyeo Ly ihe
The nain oiffe:ence Leiween Leing a :e-
iaineo exe:i as ooseo io Leing ihe aiio:ney
in a case is ihai aiio:ney-clieni :ivilege ooes
noi aly, so anyihing I lea:n as an exe:i is
noi :ivilegeo info:naiion.
Vhile Halligan saio he :enaineo quiie Lusy
in ihe laie 1ppos ano inio ihe ea:ly a:i of ihe
:1si ceniu:y, he no longe: :eceives as nany
This is oue io a nunLe: of facio:s, incluo-
ing ihe faci ihai ihe Inie:nei was noi a :eaoily
availaLle :esou:ce on i:aoe sec:eis law. Iow, ii
is ossiLle fo: an aiio:ney io eoucaie hinself
via ihe Inie:nei ano ihe u:gency of :eiaining
an exe:i in i:aoe sec:eis law has oissiaieo,
Halligan saio.
The oihe: :eason is ihai nany juoges oo
noi allow iesiinony on ihe exisience o: nis-
a:o:iaiion of i:aoe sec:eis Lecause such
iesiinony will invaoe ihe :ovince of ihe ju:y.
The 1pp U.S. Su:ene Cou:i oecision in
Daubert inoseo a newsianoa:o fo: oeie:nin-
ing wheihe: exe:i iesiinony can Le hea:o in
feoe:al cases, naling juoges ihe gaieleee:s
ove: ihis oecision ano fu:ihe: :eoucing ihe
iesiinony of exe:is in nany iyes of cases.
As a :esuli, ny :ole as a consuliing exe:i
has inc:easeo, Lui :equesis io Le a iesiifying
exe:i a:e ve:y :a:e. This is noi ihe case, how-
eve:, in aieni ano legal nal:aciice cases.
Faieni liiigaio: Foy Hofe: of B:inls Hofe:
Gilson&Lione saio he :eceiveo leniy of cases
io choose f:onwhenhe oecioeo io Lecone an
exe:i wiiness.
I sia:ieo ialing on cases aLoui 1p yea:s
ago, Hofe: saio. Befo:e ihai I was :aciicing
full iine ano I woulo noi iale on assignnenis
Lecause I consioe:eo nyself a i:ial lawye: ano
I oio noi wani io gei a :euiaiion fo: Leing an
exe:i wiiness.
As I sia:ieo io wino oownny i:ial :aciice,
I oiosia:i acceiingexe:iingassignnenis, Lui
I was ve:y seleciive. I woulo noi iale on ihe
nunoane o: usual aieni inf:ingeneni cases.
He focuseo on nal:aciice cases, whe:e ihe
Experts : caLurc
inielleciual :oe:iy aiio:ney was accuseo of
nishanoling ihe liiigaiion.
As a :esuli, ny oo:iuniiies we:e liniieo
ano ny exe:iing only accounieo fo: 1o io 1
e:ceni of ny :aciice, Hofe: saio.
The assignnenis we:e challenging ano ii
was lile Leing Lacl in law school.
He iesiifieo ai a nunLe: of oeosiiions, as
well as in one case ihai weni io i:ial, whe:e he
seni ih:ee io fou: oays on ihe wiiness siano.
I woulo say ihai ii is easie: io Le ihe one
asling ihe quesiions ihan ihe one answe:ing
ihen, he saio.
Hofe: sioeo ialing on exe:i wiiness as-
signnenis in which he woulo neeo io iesiify
aLoui ih:ee yea:s ago, Lui he saio ihose who
oo shoulo nale su:e ihey Lelieve in ihe case
ano wo:l ha:o.
Youhaveiolnowwhai youa:eiallingaLoui
anohave you: wiis aLoui you, he saio. Oihe:-
wise ihe oihe: sioe will :i you io sh:eos.
DabbIIng In the area
Husch Blaclwell a:ine: A. Sioney Kaiz,
who se:ves as nanaging a:ine: of ihe fi:ns
Chicago office ano chai:nan of iis naiional
inielleciual :oe:iy g:ou, saio he has se:veo
as an exe:i in aieni inf:ingeneni cases
aLoui a oozen iines.
I ooni ihinlIve eve: soliciieo ihe joLs, Lui
I have hao i:ial aiio:neys asl ne if I woulo Le
an exe:i fo: ihen, Kaiz saio.
Soneiines ihe cases have lasieo a long
iine, ano Ive Leen calleo on io give oeo-
siiions ano iesiify on va:ious asecis of aieni
:oceou:es since I an a fo:ne: exanine: in
ihe U.S. Faieni Office.
Vhile he enjoys ii, Kaiz also sees oisaovan-
F:on ihe financial sianooini of ihe fi:n,
ihe wo:l is inossiLle io leve:age since I an
usually ihe only aiio:ney involveo ihai can
Lill, he saio.
The:e is also ihe :isl ihai ihe osiiion you
iale as an exe:i nighi nale ii oifficuli io
:e:eseni a clieni in ihe fuiu:e if ii is coni:a:y
io ihai clienis inie:esi.
Ieal Blocl, inie:naiional iaxaiion senio:
counsel ai Bale: &McKenzie, goi his fi:si call
io iesiify ai an a:Lii:aiion :oceeoing involv-
ing a oonesiic inie:naiional sales co:o:aiion
aLoui 1o yea:s ago.
The quesiion was wheihe: B:iiish Fosial
Ioies coulo Le owneo Ly a DISCCo:o:aiion
as an assei wiihoui oisqualifying ihe DISC,
Blocl saio.
I woulo say ii was successful ano I oio en-
joy ooing ii.
He also geis L:oughi in Ly a:ine:s ai his
fi:nio se:ve as an exe:i on exo:i inceniives
in ihe Inie:nal Fevenue Cooe.
Using ou: secialisis as exe:is in a :o-
ceeoing is noi unusual as we a:e an inie:na-
iional fi:n. Vhen we have a case involving a
fo:eign couni:ys laws, we nay L:ing in one of
ou: fo:eign-i:aineo aiio:neys io exlain
oinis of fo:eign law, Blocl saio.
FoLe:i A. Cliffo:o of Cliffo:o Law Offices
saio he uses exe:i wiinesses eve:y oay io
:ove cases, Lui only occasionally iales on ihe
:ole hinself.
I have se:veo as an exe:i in cases whe:e
e:sonal-inju:y aiio:neys a:e cha:geo wiih
nal:aciice o: as an exe:i fo: insu:ance con-
anies suing ove: sone aseci of a e:sonal-
inju:y case, Cliffo:o saio.
He saio ii hels hin io c:ysiallize whai he
neeos f:on an exe:i.
The Lesi exe:i wiinesses a:e always fully
:ea:eo ano lnowihe faciual file in iniinaie
oeiail, Cliffo:o saio. An exe:i can Le ihe
wo:los Lesi inihei: suLsianiive iechnical a:ea,
Lui if he o: she ooes noi lnow ihe file, ihen
iheyll fail as wiinesses anolose ihe case fo: ihe
clieni ano lawye:.
ProIessors as experts
IIT Chicago-Keni College of Law conne:-
cial ano Lanl:uicy law:ofesso: SievenHa:-
:is saio he se:veo as an exe:i wiiness aLoui a
oozen iines, incluoing one in which he ies-
iifieo Lefo:e a ju:y.
Tesiifying is an inie:esiing nix, Ha::is
saio. On ihe one hano, you have io Le ca:eful
ano accu:aie ano on ihe oihe: you have io
connunicaie in language ihai is noi ioo iech-
nical so ihe ju:y can unoe:siano you.
The Lull of his engagenenis cane f:on
lawye: :efe::als, fo:ne: siuoenis o: Lecause of
soneihing he uLlisheo.
Mosi ofien ihey a:e consuliaiions giving
aovice on si:aiegies ano legal a:gunenis fo:
liiigaiionalong wiih:equesis fo: assisiance on
howio :oe:ly si:uciu:e a i:ansaciion, Ha:-
:is saio.
Ma:l D. Fosen, a consiiiuiional law :o-
fesso: ai IIT Chicago-Keni, saio he w:oie nu-
ne:ous exe:i affioaviis on issues :anging
f:on who can :un in a local eleciion io
wheihe: ihe siaie can inose oLligaiions on a
ieleconnunicaiions conany.
My affioaviis nale ne oeosaLle, Lui I
have neve: Leen oeoseo o: asleo io iesiify,
Fosensaio. I have iesiifieo as anexe:i Lefo:e
Cong:ess io oine as io wheihe: a Lill was
consiiiuiional. Ii is noi unusual fo: ne io Le
:eiaineo io :ovioe unoe:-ihe-:aoa: aovice o:
io hel a lawye: o:afi ano oeie:nine whai ihe
si:ongesi a:gunenis nay Le in a case.
I fino ihe wo:l io Le ve:y inie:esiing Le-
cause I gei io :aciically aly ioeas ihai I
ieach iheo:eiically.
Alihoughlawschools ooni ieachlawye:s io
Lecone exe:i wiinesses, sone offe: cou:ses
oesigneofullyo: ina:i io:ea:e iheniouse
exe:is in ihei: cases.
Ai The ]ohn Ma:shall Law School, :eii:eo
juoge ano aojunci :ofesso: Gil G:ossi ieaches
an exe:i wiiness cou:se ihis sunne:.
The cou:se cove:s a L:oao seci:un of is-
sues, incluoing oecioing when io L:ing in an
exe:i, ihe oiscove:y :ules ihai aly, exe:i
oeosiiions, along wiih:ea:ing wiinesses io
iesiify, G:ossi saio.
He saio siuoenis who choose io Lecone ex-
e:i wiinesses laie: on coulo aly whai he
ieaches in ihe class.
Exe:is nusi Le ioially fanilia: wiih ihe
alicaLle legal sianoa:o o: iheo:y involveo in
ihe case ano nusi :aciice Leing oeoseo ano
iesiifying Lefo:e ihey gei io ihe cou:i:oon,
G:ossi saio.
Chief U.S. Disi:ici ]uoge ]anes F. Holoe:-
nan also ieaches ai seve:al law schools, in-
cluoing The ]ohn Ma:shall Law School ano
ihe Unive:siiy of Illinois College of Law. He
saio his inielleciual :oe:iy i:ial aovocacy
cou:se can, in a:i, :ea:e siuoenis ano
young lawye:s io :eseni exe:i wiinesses in
cou:i :oceeoings.
Ove: ihe yea:s, he saio he saw a nunLe: of
aiio:ney exe:i wiinesses iesiify in his cou:i,
nainly in conneciion wiih legal nal:aciice
Vhai I lool ai is wheihe: ihe exe:i has
accu:aiely evaluaieo ihe facis in ihe case,
wheihe: ihe oiniongivenis sufficienily Laseo
on ihe evaluaiion of ihose facis ano wheihe:
ihe exe:i is alying ihe :inciles in ihe
secific a:ea of law :eliaLly in ihe a:iicula:
case, Holoe:nan saio.
column InteIIectuaI Assets
A new day or copyrighL lav
he ousiu ove: Iewi Ging:ichs can-
aignuse of Eye of ihe Tige: is faoing,
Lui a :eceni oecision:ega:oing anoihe:
:aoio siale will lilely have a no:e lasiing
inaci on songw:iie:s, :eco:oing a:iisis ano
oihe: auiho:s in ihe nonihs ano yea:s aheao.
In Scorpio Music v. Willis (C.D. Cal.), U.S. Dis-
i:ici ]uoge Ba::y Teo Moslowiiz oeie:nineo
ihai o:iginal Village Feole nenLe: Vicio:
Villis nay ie:ninaie his ea:lie: i:ansfe:s ano
:ecaiu:e a oi:eci coy:ighi inie:esi in nany
of ihe g:ous songs, incluoing YMCA.
As a:i of ihe onniLus coy:ighi :evisions
of 1p;6, Cong:ess alloweoauiho:s ioie:ninaie
i:ansfe:s of ihei: coy:ighis afie: yea:s. The
inieni was io :oieci auiho:s againsi un:e-
nune:aiive i:ansfe:s ano aoo:ess ihe un-
equal La:gaining osiiions of auiho:s, :esuli-
ing f:on ihe inossiLiliiy of oeie:nining a
wo:ls value uniil ii has Leen exloiieo. Sec-
iion :o gove:ns coy:ighi i:ansfe:s naoe on
o: afie: ]an. 1, 1p;8, neaning ihai ihe fi:si
ie:ninaiions unoe: ihe anenoeo law can Le-
cone effeciive in ]anua:y :o1. The Village
Feoles songs :ovioeoihe fi:si juoicial show-
case fo: ihese :inciles.
AssenLleo Ly F:ench conose:-:oouce:
]acques Mo:ali in 1p;;, ihe Village Feole ia:-
geieoa g:owinggay auoience Ly ai:ingly:ical
oouLle enieno:es wiih sinle, infeciious
Leais, oelive:eo Ly a casi of cosiuneo cha:-
acie:s. The songs we:e collaLo:aiive affai:s.
Mo:ali was noi flueni in English, so he ano
Hen:i Belolo (whose coni:iLuiions a:e siill in
oisuie) soliciieo Villis io i:anslaie ano c:eaie
aooiiional English ly:ics fo: sone songs.
Consisieni wiih inousi:y :aciice, each co-
auiho: i:ansfe::eo his inoivioual coy:ighi in-
ie:esis io a nusic uLlishe:, Sco:io (con-
i:olleo Ly Mo:ali), in :eiu:n fo: :oyaliies. Iei-
ihe: Villis no: ihe oihe:s coulo have lnown
whai lay in sio:e. Beiween 1p;; ano 1p;p ihe
Village Feole unleasheo a io::eni of can
classics lile Macho Man, In ihe Iavy ano
Go Vesi, Lui ii was ihe oihe:wise fo:gei-
iaLle ihi:o LF, C:uisin, ihai helo ihe noihe:
looe YMCA, a e:ve:ieo uLlic se:vice an-
nounceneni ihai sia:ieo as a gay anihen, Le-
cane a Io. : single, ihen Llew u inio ihe
nainsi:ean following ihe g:ous aea:ance
on Ane:ican Banosiano, whe:e ihe now-fa-
nilia:, leiie:-shaing-a:n-calisihenics oance
was Lo:n.
Villis lefi ihe g:ou in 1p;p ano ihe heyoay
was ove:, Mo:ali oieo of AIDS conlicaiions
in 1pp1. Bui ihe songs lei :ighi on going. In
aooiiion io couniless :aoio lays ano so:is
venue sing-alongs, YMCA has se:veo as a
wale-ucall onihe sace shuiile anofounoiis
lace in ihe Guinness Bool of Vo:lo Feco:os
when,ooo fans oanceo inunisonai ihe :oop
Sun Bowl. Culiu:al uLiquiiy c:eaies signifi-
cani coy:ighi value. Ano, ihus, Villis :e-
iu:neo io his songs yea:s laie:, seeling io
:eclaincoy:ighis he says a:e nowgene:aiing
nillions annually. Viih suo:i f:onhis ai-
io:ney-wife (his heie:osexualiiy aooing a iwisi
of i:ony), Villis noiifieo Sco:io ihai he was
ie:ninaiing ihe :io: i:ansfe:s. Sco:io sueo,
a:guing ihai Villis coulo noi ie:ninaie Le-
cause a najo:iiy of eachsongs auiho:s haonoi
also ag:eeo io ie:ninaie ihei: i:ansfe:s. The
cou:i sioeo wiih Villis, :uling ihai an auiho:
can unilaie:ally ie:ninaie ihe i:ansfe: of his
sha:e in a coy:ighieo wo:l, if he o:iginally
i:ansfe::eo his inie:esi sea:aiely f:on ihe
oihe: auiho:s. Villis sianos io Lecone ihe un-
oivioeo owne: of a one-half io one-ihi:o in-
ie:esi in song coy:ighis.
Alihough ii aoo:esses a fai:ly na::ow oini
conce:ning nuliiauiho: i:ansfe:s, ihe Scorpio
oecision seis ihe siage fo: ihe Ligge: Laiiles
looning on ihe :eco:oeo sioe of ihe nusic
Lusiness. The sane ie:ninaiion :oceou:es
aly io all coy:ighieo wo:ls, incluoing ihe
sea:aie anoequally luc:aiive souno:eco:oing
coy:ighis i:ansfe::eo io :eco:o laLels as a:i
of sianoa:o :eco:oing a:iisi coni:acis ove: ihe
yea:s. The nexi logical sie is fo: Villis io
ie:ninaie ihe i:ansfe:s of Village Feole
:eco:oings as well, now owneo Ly ihe Uni-
ve:sal Music G:ou. Bui ihose ie:ninaiions
woulo involve issues noi :aiseo in ihe Scorpio
liiigaiionvexingquesiions as iowhoshoulo
Le incluoeo anong ihe auiho:s of a a:iic-
ula: :eco:oing ano wheihe: souno :eco:oings
qualify as wo:ls fo: hi:e, fo: which ihe:e is
no ie:ninaiion :ighi.
As ihe Laiile lines fo:n, ihe Scorpio cou:i
has :eaffi:neoCong:ess o:iginal inieni of giv-
ing inoivioual auiho:s a secono Liie ai ihe
coy:ighi ale. Fo: now, Unive:sal is :eoc-
cuieo wiih iis effo:i io gain :egulaio:y a-
:oval fo: iis lanneo acquisiiion of ihe EMI
nusic laLel, :eoucing ihe fou: najo: nusic
laLels io ih:ee. Bui in iine ihe najo:s aiien-
iionwill Le o:awnLacl noi only io ihe Village
Feole, Lui io all ihe osi-1p;; :eco:oings nes-
ileo anong ihei: coy:ighi Lalance sheeis.
If ano when ihe fi:si souno :eco:oing coy-
:ighi falls io ie:ninaiion, ii will signal a
a:aoign shifi of :oo:iions :a:ely seen in
ihe Ane:ican nusic inousi:y, one causeo
noi Ly new iechnologies, Lui ihe oecioeoly
olo-school ioea ihai all auiho:s oese:ve io
negoiiaie ihei: coy:ighi inie:esis a secono
iine, when ihei: full value has Leen assesseo
Ly ihe only La:oneie: ihai counis uLlic
Kevin Parks is the author of Music o Cop-
riqht In America. 1oward the Celestial }ukebox,
cominq in Auqust from ABA Publishinq.
By Kevn Parks
Lcyoig, VoiL & Maycr
Survey : ChariLablc organizaLions
Tota| #
of I||.
Lawyers on pro bono boards
Kirklano & Lllis 6i
David rie, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc, 8arry fie|ds, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, Chicago Applcscco uno or |usLicc, Micbae|
foradas, McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs, Ricbard Codfrey, Applcscco, ]ordan Heinz, Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs |unior 8oaro, Todd Maynes, Lavycrs
CommiLLcc or 8cLLcr Housing, Setb Castwirtb, Laoocr Up, 8rian Wo|fe, Chicago Lcgal Clinic, Andrew Kassof, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion o Chicago, Danie|
Laytin, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, Pau| Steadman, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs, Cbristina Henk, DomcsLic Violcncc Lcgal Clinic, Les|ie
Smitb, Lcgal Aio SocicLy o McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs Aovisory 8oaro, ]onatban 8unge, CooroinaLco Aovicc ano Rccrral Program or Lcgal Scrviccs, Wendy
Netter pstein, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr Lcaocrship Council, ]ordan Heinz, AlDS Lcgal Council o Chicago, ]ames Medek, CooroinaLco Aovicc ano
Rccrral Program or Lcgal Scrviccs AssociaLc 8oaro, Andrew Li||is, CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav Young Procssionals 8oaro, Lucy Park, CcnLcr or DisabiliLy
ano Llocr Lav, A|ison Triggs, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion Young Procssionals 8oaro, Terry Dee, Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, Chicago 8ar
ounoaLion, ]essica 8ai|ey, Chicago CoaliLion or Lhc Homclcss, 8arry Irwin, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs
Siolcy AusLin ;
ACLU- Scott Lassar/Ricbard O8rien, Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio Clinic (CCLA) - 8rad Kapnick/Courtney Rosen, CARPLS - ]onatban Lotsoff, CcnLcr or ConlicLs
RcsoluLion (CCR) - rin Ke||y, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion (C8) - Wi||iam Con|on, Chicago Council o Lavycrs - Racbe| 8|um Niewoebner, Chicago Lcgal Clinic -
Antbony Aie||o, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav (CLCCRUL) - Linton Cbi|ds/Susan Stone, Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs ounoaLion
(CVLS) - Kevin fee, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs (LCA) - Micbae| C|ark, Lavycrs CommiLLcc or 8cLLcr Housing (LC8H) - Creg furda, Lcgal Aio 8urcau (LA8) -
David Crabam, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicago (LA) - Maja aton, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr (Nl|C) - Me| Wasbburn/Ke||y Huggins,
Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc (PlLl) - Ricbard OMa||ey
Maycr 8rovn 8;
Lori Ligbtfoot, CcnLcr or ConlicL RcsoluLion, Ceorge W. Craven, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Marc Kadisb, CranLs CommiLLcc, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, ]eff 8runs,
Lcgal Aio SocicLy, Sbennan Harris, |unior 8oaro o DirccLors, Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs
WinsLon & SLravn 8o
Kimba|| Anderson, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc, Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio Aovisory 8oaro, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion Abraham Lincoln Circlc o |usLicc, NorLhvcsLcrn
UnivcrsiLy CcnLcr On Wrongul ConvicLions, Dan Webb, NorLhvcsLcrn UnivcrsiLy CcnLcr On Wrongul ConvicLions, ]oe Torres, lllinois Lqual |usLicc ounoaLion,
Sam Mendenba||, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Arnie Cougb, CVLS, Doressia Hutton, AlDS Lcgal Council, 8rad Crave|ine, Lcgal Aio SocicLy, Ivan Pou||aos, NaLional
lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr Lcaocrship Council, Mary Hutcbings Reed, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLro Chicago, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs, 8ruce 8raun,
CARPLS, Tim Rive||i, CaLholic ChariLics Lcgal AssisLancc ProjccL, Nisba Verma, CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav AssociaLc 8oaro, Creg Hawver ano Nikki
8bargava, CVLS |unior 8oaro, Creg McConne||, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, UpLovn Pcoplcs Lav CcnLcr, Thc Lav ProjccL Aovisory
McDcrmoLL Will & Lmcry i
8oies, 8i|| - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, 8oykins, Micbae| - LlNK UnlimiLco, 8rooks, Regina - Orocr o Lhc LasLcrn SLar, 8urke, Micbe||e - lllinois Lcgal Aio Onlinc,
8ut|er, 8i|| - Horizons or YouLh, Coco, Natban - Chicago DcbaLc Commission, Crafton, Katrina - AlDS Lcgal Council o Chicago, Doy|e, Linda - Rcbuiloing
TogcLhcr, Duncan, Margaret - Chicago ChapLcr o Human RighLs WaLch, Chicago ounoaLion or Womcn, fried|i, He|en - Urban lniLiaLivcs, Cbo|son, rica - Lcgal
AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicagos Young Procssionals 8oaro, Mcrcy Homc or 8oys ano Cirls, Cordon, Amy - LlNK UnlimiLco, Womcns TrcaLmcnL
CcnLcr, Chicago ooo 8ank, Harring, mi|y - Womcns Lcaocrship ano McnLoring Alliancc, Harrington, Caro| - lllinois NaLurc Conscrvancy, Hawkins, 8rent - Aoa S.
McKinlcy CommuniLy Scrviccs, Thc Acaocmy or Clobal, CiLizcnship CharLcr School, CooociLy NP, Herpe, David - 8cLh LmcL ounoaLion, Hi||iker, Dona|d -
Alphavooo ounoaLion, Hunter, ]eanette - McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs, ]ani, Raam - Clcnvicv YouLh 8ascball, ]obnson, 8rett - NaLional lmmigraLion |usLicc CcnLcr,
]urek, Kennetb - 8oys ano Cirls Club o Lakc CounLy, 8oys Hopc Cirls Hopc, Lvans Scholar ounoaLion, Keitb, Latonia Haney - Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs
ounoaLion, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, Kramer, Andrea - Womcns Lcaocrship ano McnLoring Alliancc, Chicago ounoaLion or
Womcn, Womcns TrcaLmcnL CcnLcr, Le8eau, Nico|e Leigb - LasL Villagc YouLh Program, Mangoubi, David - Chicago Hispanic HcalLh CoaliLion, Martire, Mary Kay
- Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, McCune, Andrew - AovocaLc ChariLablc ounoaLion, Miku|ina, ]ennifer - Working in Lhc Schools,
Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs, Mi||er, Stepben - Chicago Council on Clobal Aairs, Hunorco Club o Cook CounLy, CcnLcr or Companics ThaL Carc, Murpby, Cbris
- 8ig Shoulocrs uno, Natbanson, Nata|ie - Laoocr Up, Newgard, 8rant - Micah Lcgal Aio, Lcgal Aio SocicLy or McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs, CcnLcr or Lconomic
Progrcss, O'8rien, Maureen - Shrivcr CcnLcr, Pope, Micbae| - Lavycrs TrusL uno o lllinois, lllinois Lqual |usLicc ounoaLion, Ross, Nancy - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion,
Rubine||i, ]osepb - 8ig Shoulocrs uno, LiLLlc SisLcrs or Lhc Poor, Mazza ounoaLion, NorLhvcsLcrn Mcmorial ounoaLion, Senecba||e, Peter - |ohn Hovaro
AssociaLion, So|omon, Todd - AlDS Lcgal Council o Chicago, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, Lquip or LqualiLys Spccial LoucaLion Clinic,
Stone, Andrew - |ohn C. ProcLor LnoovmcnL, Sucb, Domingo - Chicago CommuniLy TrusL, Vance, Ceoffrey - Chicagolano ChapLcr o AuLism Spcaks, Vink
Venegas, Krista - HcalLh Schools Campaign, Yeager, Mark - Lvans Scholars ounoaLion
|cnncr & 8lock o
Stepbanie Ai|or - Amcrican Canccr SocicLy, Reena 8ajowa|a - Apna Char, Debbie 8erman - 88YO, Debbie 8erman - AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc, |cvish CommuniLy
CcnLcrs o Chicago, |cvish UniLco uno / |cvish cocraLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, ]osepb 8isceg|ia - SL. |uoc Chilorcns Rcscarch HospiLal, David 8radford -
DcaLh PcnalLy lnormaLion CcnLcr, |. Roocrick MacArLhur ounoaLion, Micbae| 8rody - LvansLon CommuniLy ounoaLion 8oaro, ]erry 8urgdoerfer - Clcvclano Clinic
HcarL CcnLcr, UniLco Ccrcbral Palsy AssociaLion o CrcaLcr Chicago, ]obn 8uttita - Chilorcns Mcmorial ounoaLion, ArL lnsLiLuLc o Chicago, CiL Planning Aovisory
CommiLLcc, |izabetb Co|eman - NorLhvcsLcrn Mcmorial ounoaLion, Park WcsL CoopcraLivc Nurscry School, Womans 8oaro o NorLhvcsLcrn Mcmorial HospiLal,
]effrey Co|man - MacArLhur |usLicc CcnLcr, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion Chicago, ]obn Cox - 8oys & Cirls Clubs o Chicago, Debra M. Doy|e - Shcrvooo
ConscrvaLory o Music, D. Mattbew fe|dbaus - AlDS Lcgal Council o Chicago, ]ames fe|dman - Thc amily lnsLiLuLc aL NorLhvcsLcrn UnivcrsiLy, Cabrie| fuentes -
CooroinaLco Aovicc ano Rccrral Program or Lcgal Scrviccs, Lspcranza CommuniLy Scrviccs, Rona|d Crais - Housing OpporLuniLy DcvclopmcnL CorporaLion,
Thrcsholos PsychiaLric RchabiliLaLion CcnLcrs, Thrcsholos RchabiliLaLion lnousLrics, Ricbard Cray - CysLic ibrosis ounoaLion, . Lynn Crayson - Chicago
LnvironmcnLal Lav Clinic ano CcnLcr or SusLainablc DcvclopmcnL, Womcn ln Ncco Croving SLrongcr (WlNCS), CoaliLion o Womcns lniLiaLivcs in Lav irms,
]osepb Cromacki - Milvaukcc ArL Muscum, NaLional TrusL or HisLoric PrcscrvaLion, ArL lnsLiLuLc o Chicago, CommiLLcc on Luropcan DccoraLivc ano CommiLLcc
on Amcrican ArL, HisLoric Dccriclo, PaLrons o Lhc ArLs in Lhc VaLican Muscums, 8iovcll Housc Mucscum, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav,
Pbi|ip Harris - Chicago HumaniLics csLival, Chicago Zoological SocicLy 8oaro o TrusLccs, Thc NaLurc Conscrvancy, Alaska ChapLcr, Regina|d Hi|| - Chicago
Rccovcry Alliancc, Chicago Arca Council, 8oy ScouLs o Amcrica, Scholarship Chicago, Keri Ho||eb Hota|ing - Young Womcns Lcaocrship CharLcr School, David
Hutcbinson - OuLrcach or Lcgal LiLcracy, Stepbanie ]ean-]acques - Womcn Lvcryvhcrc. ParLncrs in Scrvicc ProjccL, David Layden - DomcsLic Violcncc Lcgal Clinic,
Chicago Lcgal Aovocacy or lncarccraLco MoLhcrs (CLAlM), ]orge Leon - ZcLa CorporaLion, 8arry Levenstam - RcspiraLory HcalLh AssociaLion o McLropoliLan
Chicago, YouLh Choral ThcaLcr o Chicago, Susan Levy - AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc CrcaLcr Chicago/Uppcr MiovcsL Rcgion, Ravinia csLival, Chicago Symphony
OrchcsLra, Cary Ligbt - Chicago SisLcr CiLics lnLcrnaLional Program, HlAS, S. Tony Ling - Chicago Dragons ALhlcLic AssociaLion, Craig Martin - 8oys & Cirls Clubs o
Chicago, Lyric Opcra o Chicago, Terri Mascberin - Thc CLLAR lniLiaLivc (Criminal Lav LoiL, AlignmcnL ano Rcorm), Micbe||e McAtee - CaLholic ChariLics o Lhc
Archoioccsc o Chicago, 8enjamin Mi||er - Sojourn Womcns CcnLcr, Cai| Morse - Thc Womcns TrcaLmcnL CcnLcr, lllinois Womcns lnsLiLuLc or Lcaocrship, Danie|
Murray - Thc 8crnaroin CcnLcr, 8ig Shoulocrs uno, Ron Peterson - NorLhcasL lllinois Council - 8oys ScouLs o Amcrica, Suzanne Prysak - AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc,
PAWS Chicago, ]osbua Rafsky - ViLal 8riogcs, HcarLlano HcalLh OuLrcach, Rona|d Reicin - NaLional Kioncy ounoaLion o lllinois, Thc RuLh Pagc ounoaLion,
Dona|d Resnick - 8uiloing WiLh 8ooks, Car|a Rozycki - AgcOpLions, ric Sacks - Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc, AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc, CrcaLcr Chicago/Uppcr
MiovcsL Rcgion, |cvish Council on Urban Aairs, Lawrence Scbaner - HcarLlano Alliancc, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr, Asb|ey Scbumacber - Knovlcogc ls
Povcr Program (KlPP), Chilo ano amily ParLncrs, Lisa Scruggs - Mikva Challcngc, Chicago ounoaLion or LoucaLion, Cabrie||e Sige| - ricnos o Lhc Parks (OTP),
Chicago ounoaLion or Womcn, ]obn Simon - Lincoln Acaocmy, Margaret Simpson - irsL Slicc, Howard Suskin - |cvish Chilo ano amily Scrviccs, Nangab Tabab -
CcnLcr On HalsLco, Sandi To|| - Changing Worlos, ViolcnL Crimc VicLims AssisLancc AcL (VCVA) Aovisory Commission, Terrence Truax - 8rcakLhrough Urban
MinisLrics, Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio Clinic, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Andrew Vai| - Thc CcnLcr or |usLicc in CapiLal Cascs aL DcPaul UnivcrsiLy School o Lav,
Andrew Vai| - Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio, Anton Va|ukas - 8usincss ano Procssional Pcoplc or Lhc Public lnLcrcsL, 8oy ScouLs o Amcrica, Sbyni Vargbese - Amcrican
Civil LibcrLics Union o lllinois, Cbar|otte Wager - ourLh PrcsbyLcrian Church, Danie| Winters - Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs
KaLLcn Muchin Roscnman 6
Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio Clinic - Cbristian Kemnitz, CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav - ]ames Hutcbison, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav
- A|exander Vesse|inovitcb, CommuniLy Lconomic DcvclopmcnL Lav ProjccL - Mark Simon, DomcsLic Violcncc Lcgal Clinic - ]ennifer Ryan, Lcgal AssisLancc
ounoaLion or McLropoliLan Chicago - Ted He|wig, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc - Danie| Lange
A// |nformat|on was pro|ded b, the f|rms, as of fan 1, .o1. /n some cases a shortened ers|on of an orqan|zat|ons name was q|en Bes|des correct|nq t,poqraph|ca/ errors, the maqaz|ne reported the
|nformat|on as q|en b, the f|rms 1he f|rms that d|dnt answer the quest|ons |n the pro|ded space were not |nc/uded
ChariLablc organizaLions Survey
Tota| #
of I||.
Lawyers on pro bono boards
Hinshav & CulbcrLson
Acosta, Sergio - Hispanic Lavycrs AssociaLion o lllinois, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Mayors LLhics Rcorm Task orcc, Mcmbcr, Chicago Applcscco uno or |usLiccs |uoicial
Pcrormancc Commission, Mcmbcr, Arrinde||, Ceri Lynn - Cirl ScouLs o CcnLral lllinois, 8oaro Mcmbcr, CcnLral lllinois Womcns 8ar AssociaLion, PrcsiocnL,
Sangamon CounLy 8ar AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8akane, Avanti - lnoian Amcrican 8ar AssociaLion (lA8A), Co-Vicc PrcsiocnL o Mcmbcrship, 8ensinger, 8rette -
Chilorcns Mcmorial HospiLal ounocrs' 8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Chicago Chilorcns Aovocacy CcnLcr AssociaLcs 8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Schnccbcck amily
ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8oom ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8ent|ey, ]ason - HcarLlano lnLcrnaLional - Covcrning 8oaro o DirccLors, DirccLor, 8obo, Dan - Polish
Amcrican AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Chicagolano Chambcr o Commcrcc, 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8onanno, Steven - Chicago McLropoliLan Ski Council, Alpinc Racing
Chairman ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8oswe||, Tom - Prairic SLaLc Lcgal Scrviccs, 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8re|and, A|ex - William C. Rcavis LlcmcnLary Local School Council, 8oaro
Mcmbcr, ounoing 8oaro o Chicago CollcgiaLc CharLcr School, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Campbe||-Viamontes, Stacy - CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav, Young
Procssionals 8oaro Mcmbcr, Coste||o, Danie||e - amily Counscling Scrviccs o NorLhcrn lllinois, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Couyoumjian, Anne - |unior 8oaro or Urban
lniLiaLivcs, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Denberg, Ken - CircuiL CourL o Cook CounLy Llocr Lav Task orcc, Mcmbcr, pperson, Ke||y - amily Counscling Scrviccs o NorLhcrn
lllinois, 8oaro Mcmbcr, ferrero-Patten, Rbonda - SL. rancis Collcgc o Nursing, 8oaro Mcmbcr, fo|ey, Katberine Ward - DisLricL o ounoaLion (School
ounoaLion or LlmhursL School DisLricL), 8oaro Mcmbcr, foster, Nabi| - NorLhvcsLcrn UnivcrsiLy Club o Chicago, PrcsiocnL ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, NaLional
Homccomcrs Acaocmy aL Phclps SLokcs (WashingLon, D.C.) Aovisory 8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, frost, Steven - Napcrvillc Planning ano Zoning Commission, 8oaro
Mcmbcr, Caban, Micbae| - NoLrc Damc Club o |olicL Scholarship uno, SccrcLary-Trcasurcr, Cay|es, Monte| - ChaLham 8usincss AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr,
Chicago MulLiculLural Dancc CcnLcr, lnLcrim PrcsiocnL, Ci|bert, ]obn - Major Casc Squao o CrcaLcr SL. Louis, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Cing, Tbomas - Clobal Mcoical
ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Co|dstein, ]obn - Thc |oscph |ccrson Avaros CommiLLcc, Trcasurcr, AC8L DisLricL i 8riogc AssociaLion, Vicc PrcsiocnL, Creene, A|an
- C|L ScniorLic, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Hardy, Wi||iam - AppcllaLc Lavycrs AssociaLion, PrcsiocnL ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, Har|an, Sberry - Winncbago CounLy 8ar
ounoaLion, PrcsiocnL, Rockoro Library ounoaLion, Vicc PrcsiocnL, Heaton, Rodger - Springiclo Tcnnis Acaocmy, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Hevrin, Mattbew - NorLhcrn
lllinois UnivcrsiLy ALhlcLic Aovisory Council, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Horan, Ceci|ia - Lcsbian ano Cay 8ar AssociaLion o Chicago, 8oaro Mcmbcr, ]acob, Tony - Ciloas Club
Chicago AssociaLc 8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Lconomic ano 8usincss DcvclopmcnL Council or ProspccL HcighLs, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Kee|ing, ]ames - Rockoro Collcgc,
8oaro Mcmbcr, Rockoro Park DisLricL ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Thc irsL Tcc o CrcaLcr Rockoro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Leake, T.]. - lllinois ChapLcr o Lhc March o
Dimcs, 8oaro Mcmbcr, NorLhcrn Division, March o Dimcs, Chairman, Lestikow, ]ames - lllinois 8ar ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, lllinois lnsLiLuLc or ConLinuing Lcgal
LoucaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, CrcaLcr Springiclo Chambcr o Commcrcc ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Levitt, David - lllinois AssociaLion o Dccnsc Trial Counscl
(lDC), no Vicc PrcsiocnL, CongrcgaLion 8nai Tikvah in Dccriclo, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Lopez, Wi||iam - LqualiLy lllinois ano Thc Lcsbian & Cay 8ar AssociaLion o
Chicago, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Matcbinski, ]ayme - llinois ChapLcr, VolunLccr OpLomcLric Scrviccs Lo HumaniLy (VOSH), 8oaro Mcmbcr, Moore, Stepben - |crcmiah
DcvclopmcnL, PrcsiocnL ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, Morriss, D.L., Dr. MarLin LuLhcr King |r. 8oys ano Cirls Club, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Mrozek, Don - ConsLiLuLional RighLs
ounoaLion o Chicago, Vicc Chairman ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, Dcans Council o Lhc DcPaul UnivcrsiLy Collcgc o Lav, PrcsiocnL, Mue||er, Marcia - Rockoro (lllinois)
Symphony OrchcsLra, 8oaro Mcmbcr, NorLhcrn lllinois Plan Civing Council, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Rockoro Policc Pcnsion 8oaro, TrusLcc, Crccnvich Villagc ArL air
(bcnciL or Lhc Rockoro (ArL Muscum), Mcmbcr, SLccring CommiLLcc, Muncb, Lisa - Rcmcoics, SccrcLary ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, Nigbtinga|e, David - Chicago
HcighLcning OppoLuniLy ano PoLcnLial or LoucaLional Succcss (o/b/a Chicago H.O.P.L.S. or Kios), 8oaro Mcmbcr, Thc UnivcrsiLy o Michigan Alumni Club o
CrcaLcr Chicago, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Nowak, Conrad - Polish Amcrican AssociaLion, Chairman o Lhc 8oaro, O'Carro||, Tbomas, Amcrican Canccr SocicLy AssociaLc
8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Ocrant, Yvonne - Horscmcns Council o lllinois (HCl, 8oaro Mcmbcr, P|acber, ]esse - Pcoria CounLy 8ar AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Porter,
Ricbard - Rosccrancc HcalLh NcLvork, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Puiszis, Steven - Dccnsc Rcscarch lnsLiLuLc (DRl), 8oaro Mcmbcr, NaLional ounoaLion or |uoicial
Lxccllcncc, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Quinn, Untress - lllinois CcnLcr or AuLism, 8oaro Mcmbcr, SLuocnL Nursc AchicvcmcnL Program SouLhcrn lllinois UnivcrsiLy aL
Lovarosvillc, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Rhcma ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Ricbards-Ye||en, Les|ie - Chicago CommiLLcc o MinoriLics in Largc irms, Chairvoman, NaLional
AssociaLion o Womcn Lavycrs (NAWL), 8oaro Mcmbcr, Aovisory Council lnsLiLuLc or lnclusion in Lhc Lcgal Procssion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Rucker, Adam - |oin Hanos
LasL SL Louis, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Russo, Heatber - |unior Lcaguc o Pcoria, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Sabo, ]obn - Lcvis ano Clark Council o Lhc 8oy ScouLs o Amcrica, 8oaro
Mcmbcr ano Lcgal Aovisor, Scbramm, Linnea - Tim Tcbov ounoaLion, Pro 8ono Lcgal Counscl, Scbroeder D. Renee - Rockoro Lcgal ollics, 8oaro Mcmbcr,
Sender, ]ennifer - DivcrsiLy Scholarship ounoaLion, Corrcsponoing SccrcLary/8oaro Mcmbcr, Snyder, Cregory - Thc Molly D. 8urns ounoaLion or Chilorcn, 8oaro
Mcmbcr, Tbomas, Cbar|es - OS HcalLhcarc ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, OS HcalLhcarc |oinL 8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, CaLholic Dioccsc o Rockoro Sicnna on
8rcnocnvooo, 8oaro Mcmbcr, SL. AnLhony HospiLal Aovisory 8oaro, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Trevino, Danie| - lllinois Mcoical DisLricL Commission, Mcmbcr, Logcbrook
CommuniLy AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Vincent, ]osb - Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc (PlLl), 8oaro Mcmbcr, Wagner, Micbae| - SL. Clair CounLy 8ar AssociaLion,
8oaro Mcmbcr, Woooriogc LsLaLcs Homcovncrs AssociaLion LxccuLivc CommiLLcc, PrcsiocnL, MasLcrvorks Choralc, 8oaro Mcmbcr, 8cllcvillc Khoury Lcaguc, 8oaro
Mcmbcr, Webster, Diane - ALPA Chicago, LxccuLivc Vicc PrcsiocnL ano 8oaro Mcmbcr, Yu, Wi||iam - Korcan Amcrican 8ar AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, AA8A
Lav ounoaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Yuknis, C|ifford - CcnLral CiLy Housing VcnLurcs, 8oaro Mcmbcr, CaLholic ChariLics o Chicago - 8oaro o Aovisors, 8oaro Mcmbcr
DLA Pipcr i6
CARPLS - Mariab DiCrino, CASA (CourL AppoinLco Spccial AovocaLcs o Cook CounLy) - Kimber|ie Pear|man, NorLhvcsLcrn Lav School - CcnLcr or Wrongul
ConvicLions - ]ames Kap|an, Chicago Alliancc Lo Lno Homclcssncss - Ricb K|awiter, Chicago Applcscco uno or |usLicc - Stan Ade|man, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion -
Sa||y McDona|d, Chicago CommiLLcc on MinoriLics in Largc Lav irms - Cbristina Martini, Chicago Council o Lavycrs - Pau| Sbad|e, Chicago SinonicLLa - Darre||
Tay|or, Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs ounoaLion - Cbristopber Skey, CiLy o Hopc - MiovcsL CommiLLcc - David Mende|sobn, CiLy Ycar Chicago - Ricb
K|awiter, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion o Chicago - David Mende|sobn, Cirl ScouLs o Chicago - Portia Morrison, Clobal ooobanking NcLvork - 8i|| Rudnick,
CrcaLcr Chicago ooo DcposiLory - Norman Leon, Cuilo or Lhc 8lino - Dennis Wieczorek, Hull Housc 8oaro o TrusLccs - Mark Yura, lllinois SL. Anorcv SocicLy -
Wi||iam Campbe||, lnLcllccLual PropcrLy Lav AssociaLion o Chicago - Monica Tbompson, |uvcnilc |usLicc lniLiaLivc - Larry Wojcik, Lambs arm - Peter Levy,
Lavycrs CommiLLcc or 8cLLcr Housing - Ridg|ey ]ackson, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs - Keitb Medansky, Lcaocrship CrcaLcr Chicago - David Reifman, Lcgal Aio
8urcau Young Procssionals 8oaro - Micbae| Kasdin, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicago - Ricb K|awiter, Logan Squarc Club o Lhc 8oys & Cirls
Clubs o Chicago - ]ason Levin, MalignanL HypcrLhcrmia AssociaLion - Steven Napo|itano, Mcoical Rcscarch lnsLiLuLc Council - A|ison Mitcbe||, McLropoliLan
Planning Council - Ted Novak, MY Lcgal Scrviccs - ]im Kap|an, Mobilc C.A.R.L. ounoaLion - Ricbard Cinsberg, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr - Ho||y Spur|ock,
NorLhcasL lllinois Council (NLlC) 8oy ScouLs - Stepben Scbwab, ORT Amcrica - Mer|e Teite|baum Cowin, Pcggy NoLcbacrL NaLurc Muscum - Ted Novak, ProjccL
LxploraLion - Renee Scboenberg, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc - A|ison Zirn, SargcnL Shrivcr NaLional CcnLcr on PovcrLy Lav - ]im Irving, Thc Coooman ThcaLrc -
Peter 8ynoe, Umoja SLuocnL DcvclopmcnL Corp. - Ken Scbmetterer, UniLco Ccrcbral Palsy o CrcaLcr Chicago - Steve Napo|itano, UnivcrsiLy o lllinois Lav Alumni
- Mark 8radford, UpLovn Pcoplcs Lav CcnLcr - Pau| Homer, Young Womcns Lcaocrship CharLcr School - Portia Morrison
8akcr & McKcnzic i
Pro 8ono CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav - rin Maus, PasL PrcsiocnL, Addison 8raende|, lmmcoiaLc PasL PrcsiocnL, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr - Hugo
Dubovoy, David Serwer, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o Chicago - Doug Sanders on 8oaro, Katb|een Sanderson on AssociaLc 8oaro, Lcgal Aio 8urcau - 8ob 8erner,
Cbristopber 8arto|i, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc - Ron Obren, Laoocr Up - Micbae| Donovan, CVLS - Sasba Reyes, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion - 8ob Deignan, CranLs
CommiLLcc, Conccrn Worlovioc (Chicago) - Ky|e O|son, AssociaLc 8oaro, Applcscco - ]ackie Pampe|, LlNK UnlimiLco - Pbi| Suse, mcmbcr o Lhc 8oaro o
DirccLors, AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc or Lhc CrcaLcr Chicago/Uppcr MiovcsL Rcgion - Pau|a Krasny, LxccuLivc 8oaro Mcmbcr, Young CcnLcr or Chilorcns lmmigranL
RighLs, Aovisory 8oaro, Chicago ounoaLion or Womcn, Procssional Aovisory Council, Amcrican |cvish CommiLLcc - Aaron Rice, Co-hcao o Young Procssionals
Chapman ano CuLlcr i;i
David Crossett, Caos Hill CcnLcr, Doug Hoffman, Coroon & lrcnc Phillips ounoaLion, Van Ho|keboer, Clobal Alliancc or Arica, ]osepb Lombardo, Public lnLcrcsL
Lav lniLiaLivc, A|yson Mi||er, Chilocarc NcLvork o LvansLon, Mark O'Meara, Drcams or Kios, ]ennifer Tedjeske, AssociaLion Housc o Chicago, Lawrence Wbite,
Akiba-SchcchLcr |cvish Day School
K&L CaLcs i6p Scott Mende|, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc, David M. Sa|tie|, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs
Skaoocn i6
ric ]. Corman, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, Cbar|es f. Smitb, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Cregory S. 8ai|ey, Lcgal Aio SocicLy, R. Ryan
Sto||, Chicago ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion, frances Kao, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, frances Kao, Chicago ARDC Hong Kong
Oicc SargcnL Shrivcr NaLional CcnLcr on PovcrLy Lav, frances Kao, 8usincss ano Procssional Pcoplc or Lhc Public lnLcrcsL, Micbae| Y. Scudder ]r., CaLholic
ChariLics o Lhc Archoioccsc o Chicago, CaLholic ChariLics Lcgal AssisLancc, Cretcben Wo|f, Chicago Applcscco uno or |usLicc.
Ncal, Ccrbcr & Liscnbcrg i6i
Howard L. 8ernstein, Thc lnsLiLuLc or Pcoplc WiLh Criminal Rccoros, Robert C. Cerber, Chicago Lcgal Aio Clinic, Sarab C. Ma|ia, Shrivcr CcnLcr, Maria Minor,
Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs, Leab A. Scb|eicber, DomcsLic Violcncc Lcgal Clinic, Micbae| D. Sber, cocral Dccnocr Program ano Cook CounLy Public
Dccnocrs Aovisory 8oaro, Mike R. Turner, Lquip or LqualiLys LqualiLy or Kios Campaign, ano Micbae| Zmora, Rainbov Housc
LaLham & WaLkins i6
This is an incrcoibly lcngLhy lisL or LaLham as ncarly cach aLLorncy in our oicc siLs on a boaro aL somc lcvcl. lllinois Lcgal Aio Onlinc, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion,
Chicagos Lcgal Aio SocicLy, A 8cLLcr Chicago, DomcsLic Violcncc Clinic Lo namc a cv.
ArnsLcin & Lchr i6
Robert Cicbocki, Aovisory 8oaro Mcmbcr, lnsLiLuLc or lnclusion in Lhc Lcgal Procssion, Wi||iam ve|and, 8oaro o DirccLors or boLh Lhc NaLional Lcsbian ano Cay
Lav AssociaLion, ano Lhc Lcsbian ano Cay 8ar AssociaLion o Chicago, 8arry Katz, LqucsLrian ConnccLion NP, Micbe||e Novick, 8oaro o DirccLors o Lhc Chicago
ChapLcr o Thc Risk ManagcmcnL AssociaLion, Mary Cannon Veed, 8oaro o DirccLors o Lhc NaLional AssociaLion o Womcn in ConsLrucLion, ano Lhc lnLcrnaLional
AssociaLion o lnsurancc Rcccivcrs
SNR DcnLon i8
Steve Libowsky, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc (PLl), Nata|ie Spears, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Mark f|essner, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr, Sam fifer, 8cLLcr
CovcrnmcnL AssociaLion, ]obn Crossbart, Lquip or LqualiLy, Anne Sutton, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o Chicago, Young Procssionals 8oaro, Haro|d Hirsbman,
Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, Mary Anderson, CaLholic ChariLics Lcgal Aovisory 8oaro, Caro| Anne 8een, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs,
Les|ie Davis, CARPLS, Linda Harris, AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc, Cami||e 8ennett, Lcgal Aio SocicLy, ]im K|enk, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion, ]eff Lennard, CcnLcr
on Wrongul ConvicLions, Cauri Cbopra, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Young Procssionals 8oaro
Crccnbcrg Traurig ip Howard ]erucbimowitz - AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc, Creg Ostfe|d - AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc, Cai| Saracco - Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav
Survey : ChariLablc organizaLions
Tota| #
of I||.
Lawyers on pro bono boards
olcy & Laroncr ip
My|es 8erman - Public lnLcrcsL Lav lnsLiLuLc, Chicago CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc, lllinois Lqual |usLicc Commission, 8usincss &
Procssional Pcoplc or Lhc Public lnLcrcsL, Martin 8isbop - Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs, Steven Cade - MinoriLy Lcgal LoucaLion Rcsourccs, dwin Mason -
Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio, ||en Wbee|er - NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr
Rcco SmiLh i;
ACLU/Rogcr 8alovin ounoaLion o lllinois. Santini, Marina, Anshc Sholom 8nai lsracl CongrcgaLion. Leib, Micbae|, AnLi-DcamaLion Lcaguc (Rcgional 8oaro).
Quinn, ]onatban (Co-chairman o iLs Civil RighLs LxccuLivc CommiLLcc), 8usincss ano Procssional Pcoplc or Public lnLcrcsL. Sacbnoff, Lowe||, CARPLS (Colocn
Cavcl CclcbraLion SLccring CommiLLcc). Pietrkowski, Henry, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion. Hirscb, Austin, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion Young Procssionals 8oaro. Moore,
Raven, Chicago Council o Lavycrs (Applcscco). Westover, Casey, Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lhc Lav. Stein, Max, Chicago Scholars.
Cap|an, Cary (SccrcLary), Chilorcns Oncology Croup (PaLicnL Aovocacy CommiLLcc). Mussman, ]obn, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion Chicago. Creen-Ke||y, Diane,
Lquip or LqualiLy (LqualiLy or Kios Campaign CommiLLcc). Quinn, ]onatban, arLhcr ounoaLion. Ro|fes, ]ames, oglia YMCA Lakc Zurich (aovisory boaro). Doran,
Wi||iam, Holy TriniLy High School. Ro|fes, ]ames, lllinois Lcgal Aio Onlinc (LvcnL CommiLLcc). Petersen, Mattbew, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr (Lcaocrship
Counscl). Sige|ko, Duane/Moss, Andrew, NoLrc Damc Club o Chicago Scholarship ounoaLion. Dondanvi||e, Patty (PrcsiocnL), Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs.
Wasbe|esky, Ange|a, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o McLropoliLan Chicago. Wo|ff, Sarab, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc. Ro|fes, ]ames (PrcsiocnL), RcsoluLion SysLcms
lnsLiLuLc. Rocbe, 8rian (Mcmbcr LxccuLivc CommiLLcc), Rivcr NorLh Chicago Dancc Company. LoVa||o, Micbae|, SargcnL Shrivcr NaLional CcnLcr on PovcrLy Lav.
Anne Pi||e (AssociaLc 8oaro), Stein, Max (DcvclopmcnL CommiLLcc), Thc Chicago 8oLanic Carocn. ||is, Peter, Thc Harris ThcaLcr or Music ano Dancc. ||is, Peter
(TrusLcc), Thc lllinois Criminal |usLicc lnormaLion AuLhoriLy. ||is, Peter (Chairman o Lhc 8oaro), Thc Sclhclp Homc. Hirscb, Austin (PrcsiocnL ano Chairman), Thc
Parks ounoaLion o Oak Park. S|attery, Danie| (PrcsiocnL), Thc TrusL or Public Lano. S|attery, Danie|
rccborn & PcLcrs ii
CARPLS - ]obn Z. Lee, lnspiraLion CorporaLion - ]obn T. Sbapiro, lnLcraiLh Housc - He|en N. 8aker, lllinois CcnLral HospiLal AssociaLion - Cyntbia A. 8ergmann,
lllinois Tcchnology AssociaLion - Andrew L. Co|dstein, PubliciLy Club o Chicago - Andrew L. Co|dstein, Shcrry Lansing ounoaLion - ]obn Stiefe|, PriLzkcr MiliLary
Library - ugene f. Ze|ek, ]r., SLcp Up - Catberine A. Mi||er, CoaliLion o Womcns lniLiaLivcs in Lav irms - Catberine A. Mi||er
Lockc Loro ii Ann Wa|sb. NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr, CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav, Matt furton. Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc
McCuircWooos ii
Craig Cu|bertson (Oicc Managing ParLncr) - Abraham Lincoln Library ano ounoaLion (mosL visiLco PrcsiocnLial Library), NorLhvcsLcrn U 8luhm Lcgal Clinic -
CcnLcr or Wrongul ConvicLions, CaLalysL CharLcr Schools, Chairman LmcriLus o Lhc boaro or Voiccs or lllinois Chilorcn, SL. AnLhony HospiLal ounoaLion, Scott
C|ickson (Co-chairman o Lhc CorporaLc Mcrgcrs ano AcquisiLions DcparLmcnL) - lllinois Tcchnology AssociaLion, i.c. sLars (lnncr CiLy CompuLcr SLars), Tcmplc 8cLh-
Ll, ]im Ri|ey (Chairman o Lhc HcalLhcarc DcparLmcnL) - Amcrican Kioncy uno, DCl Donor Scrviccs, lnc., Rcbuiloing TogcLhcr NorLh Suburban Chicago, Amy
Manning (LxccuLivc CommiLLcc ano 8oaro o ParLncrs) - Co-ounocr, Chicago Womcn AnLiLrusL Lavycrs NcLvork, Chairman, Chicago Amcrican DiabcLcs
AssociaLion, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Thc lnsLiLuLc o Lhc Chicago Symphony OrchcsLra
Hcyl, RoysLcr, Voclkcr &
iop Cbris Larson, Prairic SLaLc Lcgal Scrviccs (8oaro Mcmbcr), Sbari 8erry, Prairic SLaLc Lcgal Scrviccs (unoraising CommiLLcc)
8arack crrazzano
Kirschbaum & Nagclbcrg
Sarab M. 8ernstein, Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc (PlLl), Randa|| L. Oy|er, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr, A|ison Leff Triggs, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion Young
Procssionals 8oaro, Sarab 8. Waxman, LaLinos Progrcsanoo
Lovaros Wiloman io
Antbony C. Hopp, PrcsiocnL, 8oaro o DirccLors, Lavycrs CommiLLcc or 8cLLcr Housing, Leonard S. Kurfirst, Mcmbcr, 8oaro o DirccLors, Chicago Lavycrs'
CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, David M. Simon, Chairman, 8oaro o DirccLors, irsL Dccnsc Lcgal Aio (DLA)
8rinks Hocr Cilson & Lionc p;
8rad Lane - Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiaLivc (PlLl), ]erome Ci|son - Public lnLcrcsL Lav lniLiLivc (PlLl), Ra|pb Cabric - Cook CounLy CooroinaLco Aovicc ano Rccrral
Program or Lcgal Scrviccs (CARPLS), Ke||y 8urris - Anglc lighL CcnLral, Vince Cnoffo - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion lnvcsLing in |usLicc Campaign, 8i|| franke| -
Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs, Mike Cbu - Asian Amcrican 8ar AssociaLion o Lhc CrcaLcr Chicago Arca
Dykcma p
Wayne Cree|. Young Procssionals 8oaro or Lhc CcnLcr or DisabiliLy ano Llocr Lav (CDLL), Heatber Kramer. LiLigaLion CommiLLcc o Lhc NaLional lmmigranL
|usLicc CcnLcr, Creg Wrigbt. NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr |unior 8oaro, Mo||y Tbompson. Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion Young Procssionals 8oaro, Andrew
Connor. Canal Corrioor AssociaLion ano MonLcssori LlcmcnLary School
Hollano & KnighL p
Asbbrook, Cbe|sea, Chicago McLropoliLan 8aLLcrco Womcns NcLvork, Carmicbae|, Cbristopber, DcPaul CcnLcr or Public lnLcrcsL Lav, Cut|er, Lynn, CommuniLics
in Schools Chicago, |rod, Steven, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion Chicago, Chairman, |cvish NaLional uno, farris, Danie|, SL. 8cns School, furr, ]onatban,
Chicago Aovisory 8oaro o LoucaLion Pionccrs, U.S. Aovisory 8oaro o Link CommuniLy DcvclopmcnL, Link CommuniLy DcvclopmcnL (U.S), Cerstein, Robert H.,
McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs, ]enero, Kennetb, Chicago Policc Mcmorial ounoaLion, Scarch, Chicago SouLhlano Chambcr o Commcrcc, ]obnson, ]enny, 8cLLcr
CovcrnmcnL AssociaLion, Mann, David, Cli Dvcllcrs Club, CaxLon Club, ricnos o Young AoulL MinisLry, Ke|dermans, frank, Lcaocrship 8oaro o Lhc Amcrican
Lung AssociaLion o Lhc Uppcr MiovcsL, Kinasz, Tbomas, Chicago Archoioccscs Archoioccsan PasLoral Council, Moore, Cuinevere, DomcsLic Violcncc Lcgal Clinic,
Norton, Mattbew, Aovisory Council, Holy TriniLy High School, Parish Council, SL. Alphonsus Church, Petersen, Scott, MinisLry McnLors, Thc ManuscripLs SocicLy,
cco Lhc Drcam, Ricb, Trisb, Makc-A-Wish AssociaLc 8oaro, Sbayne, David, Horizon Hospicc ano PalliaLivc Carc, Chicago Symphony OrchcsLra, Ravinia csLival,
|cvish cocraLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, Chicago CommuniLy TrusL, Tbomas, ]oi, MinoriLy Lcgal LoucaLion Rcsourccs, PrcsiocnL, Westapber, |isa, Chilorcns
lnncr CiLy LoucaLion uno, Lcgal Prcp CharLcr School, Chicago Dancc Crash, Visccral Dancc Chicago, Zanger, Larry, Chicago ilm Archivcs
Scgal McCambriogc Singcr &
Catberine . Co|dbaber - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Mcmbcr, 8oaro o DirccLors (oop-oi), Kimber|y A. Kayiwa - Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs, Mcmbcr,
LxccuLivc 8oaro, Wi||iam f. Maboney - Chicago Lcgal Clinic, Mcmbcr, 8oaro o DirccLors, Natacba von Wi|| - Mcmbcr, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion Young Procssionals
8oaro (oo8 - PrcscnL)
Quarlcs & 8raoy ;8
Antbony Steinike - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion Young Procssionals 8oaro, Andy Hettinga - AssociaLcs 8oaro o Lhc Lcgal Aio SocicLy, Sepideb smai|i Smitb -
AssociaLcs 8oaro o Lhc Lcgal Aio SocicLy, Norab ]ones - AssociaLc 8oaro, Chairvoman, SargcnL Shrivcr NaLional CcnLcr or PovcrLy Lav, Steven Hunter -
ChinaLovn Lcgal Clinic - Clinic Co-Chairman, Robert Camratb - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion lnvcsLmcnL CommiLLcc
Much ShclisL ;;
]osepb D. Ament (8crnic Mac ounoaLion), Steven P. 8|onder (ricnos o Lhc lsracl Dccnsc orccs-MiovcsL Rcgion, |cvish CommuniLy CcnLcr o Chicago), David
T. 8rown (|cvish UniLco uno /|cvish cocraLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, |cvish cocraLions o NorLh Amcrica), ]onna Da|eiden imer (NorLh Shorc Mcoical
Rcscarch |unior 8oaro), Howard M. Denenberg (Chilorcns Oncology Scrviccs), Robert ]. manue| (8UlLD, lnc.), ]ames M. Kunick (CommuniLy Thrcaos), 8etbany L.
Laf|am (Tcam Kios, lnc.), David M. Pi|otto (|unior AchicvcmcnL o Chicago), ]oe| S. Po|isky (DlA/Chicago), Nei| 8. Posner (Hcbrcv lmmigranL Aio SocicLy, |VS
Chicago), ]effrey C. Rubenstein (Hcbrcv lmmigranL Aio SocicLy), dward D. Sbapiro (CcnLcr or ConlicL RcsoluLion, UniLco Way o Lhc NorLh Shorc), Micbae| 8.
Sbaw (|cvish Counscl or YouLh Scrviccs), Cregg M. Simon (lnLcrnaLional Music ounoaLion), ]u|ia A. Steinway (NorLhShorc UnivcrsiLy HcalLhSysLcm |unior 8oaro),
Micbae| 8. Viner (|cvish CommuniLy CcnLcrs o Chicago-NorLhcrn Rcgion, Lavson Housc YMCA), Micbae| R. Wo|fe (our SLars o Chicago)
Pcrkins Coic ;
]ames Carro||, A. LpsLcin & Sons lnLcrnaLional, lnc. 8oaro Mcmbcr, Patrick Co||ins, 8cLLcr CovcrnmcnL AssociaLion 8oaro Mcmbcr, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion
Chicago 8oaro Mcmbcr, Lcgal Aio SocicLy McLropoliLan amily 8oaro Mcmbcr, Wi||iam Corbin, Chicago Summcr 8usincss lnsLiLuLc 8oaro Mcmbcr, ]ames
Cougb|an, Oak Park YouLh 8ascball ano SoLball Lcaguc 8oaro Mcmbcr, Danie| Coyne, Ccncral AssisLancc 8oaro Mcmbcr, Lvans Scholars ounoaLion TrusLcc ano
Ccncral Counscl, WcsLcrn Col AssociaLion DirccLor ano Ccncral Counscl, Mission ano MinisLry, lnc. 8oaro Mcmbcr, HcriLagc aL Millcnnium Park Conoominium
AssociaLion 8oaro Mcmbcr ano PrcsiocnL, Susan Da|ey, NaLional AssociaLion o SLock Plan Procssionals, Chicago ChapLcr PrcsiocnL, 8urcau o NaLional Aairs
(8NA) Pcnsion ano 8cnciLs Aovisory 8oaro Mcmbcr, Lisa Diaz, Chicago 8ar AssociaLion, Young Lavycr SccLion (C8A YLS) 8ankrupLcy CommiLLcc Vicc
Chairvoman, Adam Docks, i Divcrscy Conoominium AssociaLion PrcsiocnL, Steve Ducommun, TriniLy UniLco McLhooisL Church TrusLcc, ChromaLin SccrcLary,
]an fe|dman, Camp Maoron Homcovncrs PrcsiocnL, ]uditb Co|d, Chicago Alliancc Lo Lno Homclcssncss, ounoaLion or NaLional Progrcss DirccLor, Womcns
Mcoia CcnLcr DirccLor, Amcrican |cvish CommiLLcc DirccLor, Norman Co|d, lllinois inancc AuLhoriLy 8oaro Mcmbcr, Pbi||ip Cordon, Making Wavcs ounoaLion
8oaro o TrusLccs Mcmbcr, Roscvooo HoLcls ano RcsorLs DirccLor, SpcrLus lnsLiLuLc or |cvish SLuoics 8oaro Mcmbcr, Vovcl RcprcscnLaLivc Mcmbcr ano Managcr,
]ennifer Hagstrom, Huskics Hockcy Club SccrcLary, Marce|o Ha|pern, lllinois Lcgal Aio Onlinc 8oaro Mcmbcr ano PrcsiocnL, Kip Ko|kmeier, Ncv Voicc SLraLcgics
DirccLor, 8ates McIntyre Larson, Womcns 8ar ounoaLion Vicc PrcsiocnL or LxLcrnal Aairs, ]oe| Levin, RoLary Club o Clcnvicv Sunrisc 8oaro Mcmbcr, ]osepb
McCoy, Lcgacy (SporLs ManagcmcnL LLC) SLakcholocr, Lcaocrship CrcaLcr Chicago Mcmbcr, NorLhvcsLcrn UnivcrsiLy School o Lav 8oaro Mcmbcr, Urban Prcp
Acaocmics 8oaro mcmbcr, lllinois Lqual |usLicc ounoaLion 8oaro Mcmbcr, ]ac|yn McNa||y, Thc Young PhilanLhropisL 8oaro o Thc Chicago LighLhousc LxccuLivc
CommiLLcc Mcmbcr, Roseann O|iver, Cook CounLy 8oaro o LLhics 8oaro Mcmbcr ano Chairman, Pravin Rao, Asian Amcrican 8ar AssociaLion o Lhc CrcaLcr
Chicago Arca Lav ounoaLion 8oaro Mcmbcr, Mindy Sberman, Lugcnic Tcrracc Tovnhousc Conoo AssociaLion SccrcLary, CcorgcLovn UnivcrsiLy Aovancco
Commcrcial Lcasing lnsLiLuLc Aovisory 8oaro Mcmbcr, Pby||is Vo|k, o L. Pcarson Conoominium AssociaLion DirccLor ano SccrcLary, Cbar|es Mu|aney, CiLy Ycar
Chicago AssociaLc 8oaro Mcmbcr, Urban lniLiaLivc |unior 8oaro Mcmbcr
ChariLablc organizaLions Survey
Tota| #
of I||.
Lawyers on pro bono boards
Chuhak & Tccson 68
Kara A||en, Miscricoroia Siblings AssociaLion 8oaro, Kim 8oike, ChariLablc Council, AovocaLc lllinois Masonic HospiLal, Mark 8roaddus, 8oaro o DirccLors, NaLional
AccrcoiLaLion Council or Agcncics Scrving Pcoplc viLh 8linoncss or Visual lmpairmcnL, 8arry feinberg, 8oaro o DirccLors, CasLro-lnLcsLinal Rcscarch ounoaLion,
UnivcrsiLy o Chicago, David feinberg, Mcmbcr o Lhc 8oaro o 8uiloing Appcals or Lhc Villagc o Dccriclo, Micbae| Ci|martin, 8roLhcr Ricc High School, alumni
boaro mcmbcr, Larry C|ick, ocpuLy chairman o Lhc 8oaro o Covcrnors o Hcbrcv UnivcrsiLy in |crusalcm, vicc chairman o Lhc 8oaro aL Amcrican ricnos o
Hcbrcv UnivcrsiLy, a ounocr ano mcmbcr o Lhc boaro o ovcrsccrs or Lhc Truman lnsLiLuLc o Pcacc, boaro mcmbcr or lllinois Masonic Mcoical CcnLcr
ounoaLion, ano boaro mcmbcr, pasL vicc prcsiocnL chairman ano pasL chairman o Lhc Campaign o Thc |cvish cocraLion o McLropoliLan Chicago, Andrew
C|ubisz, DirccLor o CommuniLy Aairs on Lhc 8oaro o DirccLors, Amcrican Ukrainian YouLh AssociaLion, Mcmbcr o Ukrainian Congrcss CommiLLcc o Amcrica,
lllinois Division, Amy Crace, SL. ClcLus School, prcsiocnL o Lhc ALhlcLic AssociaLion ano junior varsiLy Lrack coach, Ryan Haas, Chicago lnLcraiLh Workcr |usLicc
OrganizaLion, S|one Isse|bard, Mcmbcr o Thc |usLicc Council, Lhc youLh boaro or NorLhvcsLcrn UnivcrsiLys CcnLcr on Wrongul ConvicLions, Mark ]obnson,
Managcr, Homcvooo 8ascball, Loretto Kennedy, SL. Mary o Lhc Wooos, VarsiLy Chccrlcaoing Coach, Cirl ScouLs, scnior Lroop lcaocr or Troop op, PrcsiocnL o
Lhc CclLic Lcgal SocicLy o Chicago, Lindsey Markus, |cvish UniLco uno, Young Lcaocrship Division, cxccuLivc boaro mcmbcr, CiL Planning Aovisory CommiLLcc
ano Procssional Aovisory CommiLLcc, AovocaLc ChariLablc ounoaLion, CiL Planning Aovisory CommiLLcc, Mereditb Casper Pike, CcnLcr or lnocpcnocnL uLurcs,
auxiliary boaro mcmbcr, Kevin Purti||, mcmbcr o Thc |ohn Marshall Lav School Alumni McnLoring Program, i|een Setbna, Miscricoroia HcarL o Mcrcy, Andrew
Tecson, DcvclopmcnL Council ano HcarL ano Vascular lnsLiLuLc ounoaLion Council, AovocaLc ChrisL Mcoical CcnLcr, David Tecson, Provcna Mcrcy Mcoical CcnLcr
ounoaLion, Terence Tiu, Chincsc-Amcrican Scrvicc Lcaguc, ]acque|yn Venga|, |unior Council 8oaro or Chilorcns Mcmorial HospiLal. 8cnciLing PcoiaLric ano
AoolcsccnL HlV & AlDS Programs, Mitcb Weinstein, Planning Commission, 8ualo Crovc, 8oaro o TrusLccs, Tcmplc Chai, Long Crovc
Simmons 8rovocr Cianaris
Angcliocs & 8arncro
Amy Carrett, boaro mcmbcr o ro |uoicial CircuiL CourL Pro 8ono CommiLLcc & Simmons Lmploycc ounoaLion, ]o Anna Po||ock, Maoison CounLy lnLcrnship
Program CommiLLcc Chairvoman, Perry 8rowder, lllinois 8ar ounoaLion boaro mcmbcr, Ted Cianaris, Lano o Lincoln Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion boaro mcmbcr,
Pau| Lesko, AA| lnLcllccLual PropcrLy Croup boaro mcmbcr, Marty Mengare||i, PrcsiocnL o Simmons Lmploycc ounoaLion, Cody favi||a, SL 8oaro mcmbcr, Public
Scrvicc Chairman o AA| Ncv Lavycrs Division, ]obn Simmons, ADA STLP OUT. Walk Lo SLop DiabcLcs CorporaLc Sponsorship Chairman, UniLco Way LxccuLivc
boaro mcmbcr, 8rian Cooke, Missouri AssociaLion o Trial Lavycrs 8oaro o Covcrnors, mi|y Kirk, Vicc Chairvoman o 8oaro o DirccLors, lllinois YMCA YouLh &
CovcrnmcnL Programs, Suvir Dbar, Simmons Lmploycc ounoaLion 8oaro Mcmbcr
ranczck RaoclcL
Abizer Zanzi - ParLncrship 8oaro, Avcnucs Lo lnocpcnocncc, ||en 8abbitt - 8oaro, ounoaLion or Hcaring ano Spccch RchabiliLaLion, Danie| Sa|emi - |unior 8oaro,
LiLLlc CiLy ounoaLion
8anncr & WiLco Louis DiSanto - Lavycrs CommiLLcc or 8cLLcr Housing, Darre|| C. Mott|ey - D.C. 8ar ounoaLion
Schillcr DuCanLo & lcck
Timotby M. Daw, CASA o DuPagc, Dona|d C. Scbi||er, Aovisory CommiLLcc - Schillcr DuCanLo & lcck amily Lav CcnLcr, DcPaul UnivcrsiLy Collcgc o Lav,
8enjamin S. Mackoff, Aovisory CommiLLcc - Schillcr DuCanLo & lcck amily Lav CcnLcr, DcPaul UnivcrsiLy Collcgc o Lav, DomcsLic Violcncc Aovisory
CommiLLcc - Cook CounLy CircuiL CourL, lnLcrnaLional Acaocmy or DispuLc RcsoluLion, ]ane D. Wa||er, Prairic SLaLc Lcgal Scrviccs, Kimber|y A. Cook, Young
Procssional 8oaro - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Patrick T. Ryan, Cabrini Crccn Lcgal Aio
Limcr SLahl 8
Natban P. imer - Chicago Lavycrs CommiLLcc or Civil RighLs Unocr Lav, NorLhvcsLcrn School o Lav, Scott C. So|berg - Thc Lcgal Aio SocicLy o McLropoliLan
amily Scrviccs ano McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs
Sanchcz Danicls & Homan 8
Martba-Victoria Diaz, along viLh oLhcr aLLorncys in Lhc irm, has vorkco viLh Mcxican naLionals Lhrough Lhc Labor & LmploymcnL Program aL Lhc Mcxican
ConsulaLc in Chicago, Cera|d Dombrowski ano Manue| Sancbez hcao up Lhc Chicago 8ar ounoaLion Campaign in our oicc.
LiLLlcr Mcnoclson ; CARPLS, lnvcsLing in |usLicc Campaign, Lcgal Aio 8urcau, ConsLiLuLional RighLs ounoaLion Chicago
8uLlcr Rubin SalLarclli &
]ames A. Morscb, NaLional lmmigranL |usLicc CcnLcr, Andrew D. Sbapiro, Chicago CoaliLion or Lhc Homclcss, ]ames . Sojoodi, Lakcvicv LmploymcnL Croup,
Micbae| A. Stick, DirccLor, On Your ccL ounoaLion
acgrc 8akcr Danicls
]. Patrick fitzsimmons - Maymc . Spcnccr Mcmorial SLrccL Lav Clinic, Co|by Anne Kingsbury - |amcs 8. Moran CcnLcr or YouLh Aovocacy, ]u|ie P. Sbe|ton -
Chicago Chilorcns Aovocacy CcnLcr, Stacey L. Smiricky - CooroinaLco Aovicc ano Rccrral Program or Lcgal Scrviccs
lcc Millcr i rin ckboff - |usLicc Council or Lhc CcnLcr on Wrongul ConvicLions aL NorLhvcsLcrn Lav School, Susan Cbar|es - Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs
Kayc Scholcr i
Andrea frost - CARPLS AssociaLc 8oaro, Micbe||e Marek - |unior 8oaro o Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs, Sbe|don So|ow - Sunshinc Through Col ounoaLion
(chariLablc arm o Chicago DisLricL Col AssociaLion), Antbony Stamato - lllinois Lcgal Aio Onlinc
Novack ano Maccy o
ric Macey - NaLional 8oaro o Thc Possc ounoaLion, Don Tarkington - 8oaro o DirccLors or Lhc McCav YMCA., Andrew Campbe|| - Young Procssionals 8oaro
or Horizons or YouLh, ]obn Haar|ow - ounoaLion 8oaro o Lhc Suc Duncan Chilorcns CcnLcr, Steve Siege| - 8oaro o Covcrnors o Lhc Chicago Council o
Lavycrs, Tim Mi||er - 8oaro o DirccLors o Lhc Chicago ooo DcposiLory, Courtney Tedrowe - Lavnoalc ChrisLian Lcgal CcnLcrs Aovisory 8oaro, Adam
Waskowski - McLro 8oaro or McLropoliLan amily Scrviccs, ]osb Liebman - |cvish Council or YouLh Scrviccs (|CYS) 8oaro o DirccLors, Kristen Werries Co||ier -
CoaliLion o Womcns lniLiaLivcs in Lav ano a mcmbcr o Lhc CoaliLions 8oaro o DirccLors, O|ivia St. C|air - Womcn Lmploycos Aovocacy Council, Rebekab
Parker - NcxL CcncraLion vhich supporLs Lhc U.S. HolocausL Mcmorial Muscum.
|ackson Lcvis ;
]ane Mcfetridge. Thc McLropoliLan Housing DcvclopmcnL CorporaLion, Cregory Andrews. 8oaro o 8cLhlchcm LuLhcran Church, SL. Charlcs, 8oaro or Lhc NaLional
Alliancc o McnLal HcalLh, Kanc, Kcnoall ano DcKalb CounLics, K Racc Walk or McnLal HcalLh, ]ody Moran. Chairman o Lhc Local School Council or a Chicago
public high school, Sullivan High School, ]ames 8otana. Thc Oak Park Chilorcns Clinic, Thc Chilorcns CcnLcr o Ciccro ano 8crvyn, Thc Chicago SLaLc UnivcrsiLy
ounoaLion, Thc UniLco SLaLcs Civil RighLs Commission lllinois SLaLc Aovisory Council, Laurie Rompa|a. 8oaro o Womcn Lmployco
SLcpLoc & |ohnson 6
Abby Lemek - 8oaro Mcmbcr, Young Procssionals 8oaro, Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o Chicago, Amanda Streff - 8oaro Mcmbcr, Young Procssionals 8oaro,
Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion o Chicago
David M. Co|dbaber - Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs, C. Kinnier Lastimosa - Chicago 8ar ounoaLion, Antbony ]. Anscombe - CcnLcr or ConlicL RcsoluLion,
Diana Tremback - Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs - |unior 8oaro
PaLLishall, McAulic,
Ncvbury, Hilliaro &
Pbi| 8arengo|ts, Lavycrs or Lhc CrcaLivc ArLs
Cozcn O'Connor Tia Cbattas. VolunLccrs o Amcrica
Davis ricoman o Mu||er Davis, Lcgal Aio SocicLy, 8enton H. Page, Lcgal Aio SocicLy, Larry R. Kane, Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs
Schop & Wciss ip
Peter V. 8augber, PrcsiocnL, Chicago lnLcrnaLional DispuLc RcsoluLc AssociaLion, Ian H. fisber, DirccLor, |anc Aooams |uvcnilc CourL ounoaLion, Marcus D.
frucbter, Mcmbcr o Covcrning 8oaro, SargcnL Shrivcr NaLional CcnLcr on PovcrLy Lav, Artbur ]. Howe, Vicc PrcsiocnL, 8oaro o DirccLors, Young Chicago
AuLhors, Mcmbcr 8oaro o DirccLors, NaLional AssociaLion o Wabash Mcn o Wabash Collcgc, SusLaining Mcmbcr, Springboaro ounoaLion, Kristen . Hudson,
8oaro Mcmbcr, Chicago VolunLccr Lcgal Scrviccs, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Samc PlancL DicrcnL Worlo Dancc CcnLcr, Pau|a . Litt, 8oaro Mcmbcr, NaLional 8oaro o
DirccLors, Womcns Campaign uno, ]ason M. Rosentba|, 8oaro Mcmbcr, Amcrican ThcaLcr Company, Steven A. Weiss, Vicc Chairman, Chicago 8ar ounoaLion
lnvcsLing in |usLicc Campaign
Corboy & DcmcLrio i8
Mattbew ]enkins, CcnLcr or DisabiliLy & Llocr Lav, Pbi|ip Harnett Corboy, ]r., Lcgal AssisLancc ounoaLion ano lllinois Lqual |usLicc ounoaLion, Wi||iam T. Cibbs,
Chicago Policc Mcmorial Aovisory 8oaro, francis Patrick Murpby, Lavycrs AssisLancc Program 8oaro Mcmbcr
EthIcs : column
8leppy supervtstng ano pcnalLics
uIes .1 ano .: of ihe Illinois Fules of
F:ofessional Conouci sei fo:ih ihe ci:-
cunsiances when an aiio:ney nay Le
oiscilineo fo: conouci of an aiio:ney suL-
o:oinaie io hin o: he: ano, unoe: which, ihe
suLo:oinaie aiio:ney nay Le exone:aieo fo:
following ihe sue:vising lawye:s oi:eciion.
Fule .1(L) says a lawye: wiih oi:eci sue:-
viso:y auiho:iiy ove: anoihe: lawye: is :e-
qui:eo io nale :easonaLle effo:is io ensu:e
ihai ihe oihe: lawye: confo:ns io ihe Fules of
F:ofessional Conouci. Fule .1(c) :ovioes
ihai a lawye: nay Le oiscilineo fo: anoihe:
lawye:s violaiion of ihe Fules of F:ofessional
Conouci if. 1) ihe lawye: o:oe:s o:, wiih
lnowleoge of ihe secific conouci, :aiifies ihe
conouci involveo, o: :) ihe lawye: is a a:ine:
o: has cona:aLle nanage:ial auiho:iiy in ihe
law fi:n in which ihe oihe: lawye: :aciices,
o: has oi:eci sue:viso:y auiho:iiy ove: ihe
oihe: lawye:, ano lnows of ihe conouci ai a
iine when iis consequences can Le avoioeo o:
niiigaieo Lui fails io iale :easonaLle :eneoial
In In re Howarter, o1 SH p (:oo:), an ai-
io:ney was :e:inanoeo fo: allowing a suL-
o:oinaie aiio:ney io coniaci naneo oefen-
oanis ano nanage:ial enloyees of a oefen-
oani, io signihe nanes of wiinesses io wiiness
siaienenis wiihoui ihei: e:nission ano io
suLnii oiscove:y coniaining nissiaienenis of
wiinesses lnowleoge.
In In re Smith, p CH1, M.F. 1o;1 (1pp),
an aiio:ney was censu:eo fo: conouci ihai in-
cluoeo failing io sue:vise a suLo:oinaie in
iwo Lanl:uicy cases, when ihe suLo:oinaie
volunia:ily oisnisseo ihe iwo cases wiihoui
ihe lnowleoge o: conseni of ihe clienis ano
wiihoui aovising ihe clienis of ihe conse-
quences of ihe oisnissal of ihei: cases.
In In re Dobkin, o FC 11;, M.F.1p8o
(:oo), an aiio:ney was :e:inanoeo fo: con-
ouci ihai incluoeo failing io aoequaiely su-
e:vise an associaie io ensu:e ihai ihe asso-
ciaie accu:aiely info:neo ihe clieni of ihe sia-
ius of ihe clienis innig:aiion eiiiion.
In In re Vrdolak, 1; Ill. :o o;, 6o I.E.:o
8o (1ppo), howeve:, ihe cou:i enhasizeo
ihai an aiio:ney is noi guiliy of :ofessional
nisconouci Laseo onane::o: of a suLo:oinaie
when ihe aiio:ney hao no lnowleoge o: :ea-
soniolnowof ihe e::o: ano oio noi auiho:ize
The aiio:ney was accuseo of conningling
ano conve:sion of clieni funos Lecause ihe of-
fice nanage: of ihe fi:n oeosiieo ihe funos
in ihe fi:ns oe:aiing accouni afie: she was
iolo Ly ihe sec:eia:y of ihe associaie assigneo
io ihe case ihai ihe funos we:e fo: cosis. The
cou:i oeie:nineo ihai ihe aiio:neys connec-
iion io ihe office nanage:s e::o: was, ai nosi,
ienuous ano he hao no lnowleoge ihai ihe
noney was laceo in ihe fi:ns oe:aiing ac-
In finoing no nisconouci wiih :eseci io a
failu:e io sue:vise, ihe cou:i noieo ihai an
aiio:ney who oelegaies wo:lio oihe:s canon-
ly Le suLjeci io oisciline fo: conouci he au-
iho:izeo, hao lnowleoge of o: hao :eason io
lnow, ciiing :io: oiscilina:y cases.
Fule .:(a) oi:ecis ihai a lawye: is Louno Ly
ihe Fules of F:ofessional Conouci noiwiih-
sianoing ihai ihe lawye: acieo ai ihe oi:eciion
of anoihe: e:son. The cou:i also oiscilineo
ihe aiio:neys who acieo ai ihe oi:eciion of a
sue:vising aiio:ney.
One of ihe ea:liesi cases involving sue:io:
anosuLo:oinaie aiio:neys is In re Armentrout et
al., pp Ill.:o ::, ; I.E.:o 1:6: (1p8). Inihai
case, ihe siaies aiio:ney fo: Kane Couniy oe-
viseo a schene io fo:ge signaiu:es on a :ef-
e:enoun eiiiion. He enlisieo ihe hel of an
assisiani siaies aiio:ney, whoiniu:n:ec:uiieo
seve:al aiio:neys io aciually fo:ge ihe signa-
iu:es ai :ouno-iaLling sessions. These ses-
sions :esulieo in ihe fo:ging of ihousanos of
signaiu:es. All a:iicianis we:e inoicieo ano
leaoeo guiliy io violaiing va:ious :ovisions
of ihe Eleciion Cooe. Alihough ihe :incials
:eceiveo ha:she: oiscilina:y sanciions, ihe
cou:i censu:eoihe suLo:oinaie aiio:neys, noi-
ing ihei: inexe:ience ano lacl of leaoe:shi
:ole inihe schene ano ihai ihey unoouLieoly
we:e influenceo Ly ihe faci ihai |Cha:les| Fe-
ie:sen, an assisiani siaies aiio:ney, ano |Eu-
gene Lee| A:neni:oui, ihe siaies aiio:ney, a-
:oveo ihe :ojeci.
In In re Podosk, Io. M.F. :o, Io. o CH
6 (:oo), an associaie assisieo in ihe :ea-
:aiion ano filing of a oecla:aiion ano ali-
caiion fo: aiio:ney fees ano a suo:iing
neno:anoun :equesiing an awa:o of 8:.;
nillion fo: fees ano exenses ano siaiing ihai
ihe fi:n woulo noi :eceive any aooiiional
conensaiion. Alihough ihe oocunenis ois-
closeo ihai ihe fi:n hao one-ihi:o coniingeni
fee ag:eenenis wiih ce:iain naneo lainiiffs,
ii oio noi oisclose ihai ihe fi:n lanneo io
enfo:ce ihose ag:eenenis in aooiiion io ihe
fees awa:oeo f:on ihe 8 nillion funo. Al-
ihough ihe oecla:aiion ano neno:anoun
we:e :ea:eo ai ihe oi:eciionof a sue:vising
aiio:ney who :evieweo ihenLefo:e ihey we:e
fileo, ihe associaie was censu:eo fo: he: a:-
iiciaiion in o:afiing ano filing ihe oocu-
A sue:vising aiio:ney nay also Le oisci-
lineofo: failing ionale :easonaLle effo:is io
ensu:e ihai a non-lawye:s conouci is con-
aiiLle wiih ihe :ofessional oLligaiions of
ihe lawye: unoe: Fule .(L).
By 1homas P. Mcarry
Hinshav & CulbcrLson
By 1homas P. Sukowcz
Hinshav & CulbcrLson
column CIIIIords Notes
When an effer is noL an ocr
henis anoffe: of seiileneni noi a
:eal offe:? Defense counsel ove:
ihe yea:s have lea:neo how io
sha:en ihei: slills ai :eienoing io nale
whai sounos lile a legiiinaie offe: when, in
faci, noihing has Leen offe:eo ai all.
Tale, fo: exanle, ihe insiance of ihe oe-
fense insu:e: naling a lun sun offe: of
seiileneni io ih:ee lainiiffs seve:ely inju:eo
oue io ihe sane w:ongful conouci in a e:-
sonal-inju:y case wiihoui oiffe:eniiaiing a
sea:aie anouni offe:eo io each inoivioual.
Vhen asleo io nale sea:aie offe:s io each
lainiiff, ihe insu:e: :efuses. This is noi a le-
giiinaie offe: io seiile.
Ioneiheless, ihe eihical oLligaiion of ihe
lainiiffs lawye:s in a siiuaiion lile ihis is io
connunicaie ihe offe: io ihe clienis. Bui
quesiions a:ise. Vas ihe insu:e: i:ying io sei
u lainiiffs counsel fo: a conflici of inie:-
esi? Shoulo ihe cou:i Le asleo io holo a hea:-
ing io oeie:nine ihe oivision of ihe anouni if
ihe ioial sun was acceiaLle io ihe ih:ee
lainiiffs? Does ihe insu:e: have a gooo faiih
ouiy io iis insu:eo io nale sea:aie offe:s? All
of ihese quesiions cone io Lea: uon such a
Logus :equesi.
The Lasis fo: a liaLiliiy insu:e:s ouiy io sei-
ile is ihe insu:e:s exclusive coni:ol ove: sei-
ileneni negoiiaiions as well as ihe oefense of
ihe liiigaiion. Desiie liaLiliiy insu:e:s aciu-
ally Leing ihi:o a:iies io ihe liiigaiion Le-
cause ihe clain gene:ally is L:oughi againsi
ihe olicyholoe:, ii is ihe insu:e:s exclusive
coni:ol ove: seiileneni negoiiaiions as well as
ihe oefense of ihe liiigaiionihai is ihe Lasis fo:
iis ouiy io seiile in gooo faiih.
Fu:suing Lao faiih liiigaiion againsi an in-
su:e: can Le iine-consuning ano exensive.
Insu:ance ca::ie:s have a ouiy io oefeno civil
clains againsi ihei: olicyholoe:s as well as a
sea:aie ouiy io inoennify, Lui ihey also have
a ouiy io aci in gooo faiih when ihe clain is
cove:eo Ly ihe insu:ance olicy. In nany ju-
:isoiciions whai ihai neans is ihai ihe insu:e:
nusi seiile wiihinihe coni:aciual liniis of ihe
olicy when ihe:e is no viaLle oefense ano Ly
inoeenoeni invesiigaiion o: oiscussions wiih
ihe lainiiffs :e:eseniaiives, ihe insu:e:
shoulo lnow ihe olicy liniis a:e lilely io Le
Vhenasling oio ihe insu:e: aci inLao faiih
ano a ihi:o a:iy oenanos seiileneni wiihin
ihe olicy liniis, one nusi lool ai ihe clain
naoe againsi ihe insu:eo io oeie:nine
wheihe: ihe:e is a :easonaLle :oLaLiliiy of
:ecove:y in excess of ihe olicy liniis ano a
:easonaLle :oLaLiliiy of a finoing of liaLiliiy
againsi ihe insu:eo. Haddick v. Valor Insurance.
1p8 Ill.:o op, ;6 I.E.:o :pp (:oo1). The fail-
u:e io aci in gooo faiih in :esonoing io a
seiileneni oenano nay leao io ihe insu:e:
Leing helo liaLle fo: ihe enii:e juogneni
againsi ihe insu:eo, incluoing any anouni in
excess of ihe olicy liniis.
Many insu:ance ca::ie:s, ihough, f:ivolous-
ly :efuse io seiile, cosiing ihe juoicial sysien
iine ano noney while fo:cing lainiiffs io go
io i:ial on cases unnecessa:ily whe:e liaLiliiy
of ihe oefenoani was clea: cui. Gooo faiih
seiileneni offe:s cone unoe: sc:uiiny, a:iic-
ula:ly when ihe vasi najo:iiy of cases seiile
:aihe: ihan go io ve:oici. ]usi as ihe :ighi io a
i:ial is ley io ihe civil jusiice sysien, ihe :ighi
io ano ihe iining of a fai: seiileneni also a:e
inoisensaLle io in:oving aojuoicaiion io
saiisfy ihe a:iies neeos ano inie:esis.
Illinois has oefineo an insu:e:s vexaiious
ano un:easonaLle :efusal io seiile ano :o-
vioeo :eneoies io ihe inju:eo a:iy incluoing
aiio:ney fees ano cosis io unish ihe insu:e:
fo: nisconouci. McCee v. State Farm Fire and
Casualt Compan. 1 Ill.A.o 6;, ;
I.E.:o 1 (:o Disi. :ooo), :1 ILCS /1 Vesi
(1pp8). Sinila:ly, in Bedoa v. Illinois Founders
Insurance Co., :p Ill.A.o 668, 688 I.E.:o
;; (1si Disi. 1pp;), ihe aellaie cou:i uhelo
sanciions againsi ihe insu:e: fo: vexaiious
anoun:easonaLle L:eachof iis ouiy iooefeno
unoe: iis olicy. As anoihe: cou:i ui ii, al-
lowing such exi:a-coni:aciual :eneoies :e-
venis insu:ance conanies, wiih ihei: sue-
:io: financial :esou:ces, f:on o:agging oui
clains in o:oe: io oiscou:age clainanis. Ver-
baere v. Life Investors Life Ins. Co. ::6 Ill.A.o
:8p. oo, 8p I.E.:o ; (1si Disi. 1pp:).
The cosi of going io i:ial is one consioe:-
aiion, ano ihe econonics of liiigaiion is a se-
:ious conce:n fo: all a:iies, Lui now ca::ie:s
seen io Le naling conse:vaiive offe:s fo: oif-
fe:eni :easons ganLling wiih faie, seiiing
exanles if ihey can fo: fuiu:e lainiiffs, oe-
fense counsel waniing io coniinue Lilling Le-
fo:e ihe case seiiles, insieao of seiiling ihe val-
ue of ihe clain ihai is Lefo:e ihen.
Illinois cou:is have helo ihai ihe ouiy io
seiile is oesigneo io :oieci ihe La:gain en-
Looieo in an insu:ance coni:aci, noi sinly
hono: ihe :elaiionshi Leiween coni:aciing
a:iies in gene:al. Iowa Phsicians Clinic Med-
ical Foundation v. Phsicians Insurance Compan
of Wisconsin, ; F.o 81o (;ihCi:. :oo8), ciiing
Cramer v. Ins. Exch. Aqenc. 1; Ill.:o 1, 6;
I.E.:o 8p;, po (o1pp6). Insu:ance conanies
shoulo noi Le alloweo io aLuse ihei: owe:
ove: a seiileneni Ly ina:o:iaiely :efusing
io :esono io a seiileneni oenano o: naling
Logus offe:s, ihe:eLy exosing ihei: insu:eos
io liaLiliiy in excess of ihe olicy liniis.
Afie: all, :oieciion againsi such a siiuaiion
is :eciselywhyihe insu:eou:chaseoliaLiliiy
insu:ance in ihe fi:si lace.
By Robert A. Clfford
Clioro Lav Oiccs
Cybersquatttng violaLions
By Alan S. Wernck
S8 ishcr8roylcs LLP
InIo Tech Law : column
nenii:e newinousi:yof Inie:nei na:-
leiing si:aiegisis ano consulianis has
oeveloeoio:ovioe se:vices aineoai
heling oihe: Lusinesses g:ow ihei: online
:esence. Howeve:, when eiihe: ihe Lusiness
o: ihe Inie:nei na:leiing si:aiegisi fails io
iale inio consioe:aiion ihe legal inf:asi:uc-
iu:e, whaieve: gains ihe Lusiness nay achieve
wiih ihei: e-conne:ce Lusiness nay Le wieo
oui Ly oanages ano a juogneni o: seiileneni
oue io negleciing ihe legal signosis.
The:e a:e a nunLe: of elenenis io ihe e-
conne:ce legal inf:asi:uciu:e. One such legal
eleneni is ihe AniicyLe:squaiiing Consune:
F:oieciion Aci (ACFA). Even ihough ACFA
was signeo inio law in 1ppp, nany Lusinesses
ano Inie:nei na:leiing si:aiegisis fail io iale
inio consioe:aiion ihe oanages ihai can flow
f:on cyLe:squaiiing violaiions.
ACFA :ovioes :oieciion, wiih sone ex-
ceiions, fo: i:aoena:l owne:s, owne:s of a
e:sonal nane :oiecieo as a na:l ano nanes
of living eole. Ii also :ovioes a neihoo io
oeal wiih ihe cha:acie:isiic of anonyniiy
availaLle on ihe Inie:nei, whe:eLy oonain
nane :egisi:anis a:e noi always who o: whai
ihey aea: io Le in ihe :egisi:aiion. A vi-
olaiion of ACFAcan :esuli in a cou:i o:oe:ing
injunciive :elief such as fo:feiiu:e o: cancel-
laiion of ihe oonain nane o: i:ansfe: of ihe
oonain nane, as well as aciual oanages ano
:ofiis, o: siaiuio:y oanages of u io 81oo,ooo
a oonain nane. This liaLiliiy exienos io ihe
:egisi:ani o: ihai auiho:izeo licensee.
Oui of a nunLe: of cyLe:squaiiing con-
lainis Ly sone well-lnownL:anos unoe: AC-
FA, sone have :esulieo in vicio:ies fo: ihe
i:aoena:l owne:s ano sone have noi.
In a :eceni oecision Ly ihe 11ih U.S. Ci:cuii
Cou:i of Aeals, ihe cou:i :evieweo a sce-
na:io whe:e a conany :elieo uon an Inie:-
nei na:leiing conany io acqui:e sone ,ooo
oonain nanes ano c:eaie a nunLe: of nini-
weLsiies, o: nic:osiies, which inco:o:aieo
i:aoena:ls of oihe:s in ihe oonain nanes as
a:i of ihei: Inie:nei na:leiing si:aiegy. In
Pensacola Motor Sales Inc., d.b.a. Bob 1ler 1oota
vs. Eastern Shore 1oota, LLC (11ih Ci:. :o1:),
iwo ca: oeale:shis squa:eo-off ove: allega-
iions ihai Loileo oown io an alicaiion ano
inie::eiaiion of ACFA. In Pensacola ihe own-
e: of ihe oefenoani, Easie:n Sho:e, aiienoeo a
oeale:s confe:ence whe:e, as ihe cou:i siaies,
he was ini:oouceo io an Inie:nei na:lei-
ing exe:i who offe:eo io hel ihe oeale:s
:evan ihei: weLsiies ano s:uce u ihei:
iechnology sysiens.
AovanceoDeale: Sysiens (ADS), iicheo
iwo Inie:nei na:leiing si:aiegies io Easie:n
Sho:es owne:, one oefensive ano ihe oihe:
offensive. The oefensive si:aiegy was fo:
Easie:n Sho:e, unoe: ADS guioance, io Luy
ano holo oesi:aLle oonain nanes io lee
ihen oui of coneiiio:s hanos. Howeve:,
ihose oefensive si:aiegy oonain nanes woulo
noi Le oe:aiional. The offensive si:aiegy :o-
oseo involveo ihe c:eaiion of a la:ge nunLe:
of nic:osiies. By sinly enie:ing oonain
nanes inio ihe sofiwa:e :og:anano clicling
a Luiion, he coulo insianily nass :oouce ni-
c:osiies fo: Easie:n Sho:e, each one using a
nane :elaieo in sone way io ihe ca: Lusiness,
fo: exanle, :oopcan:y.con. Those nic:osiies
woulo eiihe: auionaiically :eoi:eci use:s who
clicleo on ihen io Easie:n Sho:es official
weLsiies o: ihey woulo oislay a one-age
weLsiie aove:iising Easie:n Sho:e.
Seve:al of ihose oonain nanes ano nic:o-
siies incluoeo :efe:ences io ihe lainiiffs (BoL
Tyle: Toyoia (BTT)) na:ls. Agene:al nanage:
fo: Toyoias souiheasie:n oivision info:neo
ihe owne: of Easie:n Sho:e who inneoiaiely
noiifieo ADS io oisaLle ihe nic:osiies. A few
oays laie: Easie:n Sho:e :eceiveo a oenano
leiie: f:on BTTs aiio:ney ih:eaiening io file
a lawsuii unoe: ACFA unless Easie:n Sho:e
ag:eeo io ay his clieni 8:o,ooo wiihin seven
oays. Viihin : hou:s afie: :eceii of ihe
oenano leiie:, all of ihe nic:osiies inf:inging
on BTTs na:ls we:e oisaLleo. Howeve:, a
coule of nonihs laie: BTTs aiio:ney seni
anoihe: leiie: io Easie:n Sho:e oenanoing
ihe :eiu:n of ihe oonain nanes ano a 81
nillion ayneni. ALoui a weel laie: BTT
fileo a lawsuii. Afie: a i:ial Ly ju:y ano an
aeal, ihe 11ih Ci:cuii :enoe:eo iis oecision
affi:ning ihe ju:ys finoings unoe: ACFAihai
ihe oefenoani violaieo ACFA ano also qual-
ifieo fo: ihe :oieciion of ihe acis safe ha:Lo:
:ovision Lecause ii hao a :easonaLle Lelief
ihai ihe use of ihe oonain nane|s| was a fai:
use o: oihe:wise lawful. 1 U.S.C. s11:(o)(1)
Alihough ihe 11ih Ci:cuii siaies, |T|hose
answe:s a:e inconsisieni Lecause a oefenoani
who falls wiihin ihe scoe of ihe safe ha:Lo:
:ovisionnecessa:ily lacls ihe Lao faiihinieni
io:ofii ihai is necessa:y ioviolaie ihe siaiuie.
See io. s11:(o)(1)(A), ihe cou:i helo ihai BTT
waiveo any a:guneni ihai ihe ve:oici was in-
consisieni Ly noi oLjeciing Lefo:e ihe ju:y
was oischa:geo. The cou:i lisieo ihe nine fac-
io:s ioeniifieo in ACFA ihai a cou:i nay con-
sioe: when oeie:nining wheihe: a oonain
nane inf:inge: hao a Lao faiih inieni io :of-
ii f:ona i:aoena:l ano noies ihai ihe facio:s
a:e noi liniieo io ihese nine facio:s.
Those i:ying io in:ove ihei: Inie:nei na:-
leiing si:aiegy ano ihose :ovioing si:aiegies
neeo io Le ninoful of ihe legal inf:asi:uciu:e
io avoio oanages.
Alan S. Ve:nicl
column OwnIng the PractIce
Bvery phene call is vorLh making
have a colleague who nea:ly always nales
hinself availaLle Ly hone. Ioi cellhone,
noi e-nail, Lui he nales su:e ihai he senos
as nuch iine as ossiLle osiiioneo nea: a
lano line. The:e is a siaff e:son who answe:s
calls, Lui he :efe:s io iale ihenoi:ecily. Hes
nasie:ful ai enoing ihe un:oouciive calls,
while naling iine fo: i:ue clienis.
Ive ofien wonoe:eo if ihais ihe nosi ef-
ficieni use of iine, Lui in ihe eno, ihe clienis
a:e exi:enely saiisfieo wiih his wo:l on ihei:
Lehalf ano nayLe no:e ino:ianily his
availaLiliiy. His clienis a:e invesieo in hin.
Ove: ihe yea:s, Ive oeLaieo ihe nosi ef-
feciive neans of connunicaiing wiih clienis.
Fo: a la:ge: :aciice, siaff can hanole nosi of
ihe conve:saiion wiih clienis. Bui fo: snall
:aciices ano solo aiio:neys, ihe oiffe:eniiai-
ing facio: is connunicaiion. The:es nolegacy
o: nane on ihe ooo: ihai o:aws clienis.
Theyve chosen you: :aciice Lecause of you,
ihe :incial.
Ce:iainly, iis inossiLle io answe: eve:y
quesiion ano Le availaLle ai all hou:s ai
leasi if you lan on Leing in ihe legal :o-
fession fo: ai leasi a weel.
Howeve:, ihe no:e f:equenily you inie:aci
wiih you: clienis, ihe Leiie: ihey feel aLoui
you: :e:eseniaiion. Anoif you:e noi neeiing
in e:son, ihe:e is no suLsiiiuie fo: answe:ing
ihei: call.
This is a Lii of a ih:owLacl noiion ihese
oays, whenno:e ano no:e aiio:neys ano Lusi-
nesses :ely on e-nails io nainiain clieni con-
nunicaiion. E-nail is quicl, noLile ano gen-
e:ally ooesni :equi:e you io answe: follow-
us. The Lusiness wo:lo has naoe ihis no:e
acceiaLle, as cusione:s in :eiail, Lanling
ano oihe: inousi:ies have g:own acclinaieo
io anonynous, ooni-:esono-io-ihis-e-nail
noiices. The:e a:e even law fi:ns ihai c:eaieo
noLile alicaiions ihai si:eanline ihis fu:-
ihe:, esseniially auionaiing ihe oialogue Le-
iween you ano you: clieni.
The oe:aiional-efficiency sioe of ne loves
how ihis sounos. Clea:ly ihis iye of connu-
nicaiion saves iine Lecause ihe:e a:e fewe:
hone calls, oiscussions ano whai-if conve:-
saiions. In ihe eno, ihough, iis ioo nuch au-
ionaiion fo: ny iasie.
I noiice a g:eaie: nunLe: of solo aiio:neys
favo:ing eleci:onic connunicaiionove: voice
eachyea:, anoiis lilely going ioconiinue. The
Daley Cenie: hallways a:e filleo wiih aiio:-
neys fu:iously e-nailing ihei: clienis o: siaff
ou:ing L:eals. All of ihis is oone oesiie ihe
iniiial inousi:y hesiiaiion ove: e-nail conve:-
saiions. The:e was a iine when aiio:neys :e-
fe::eo io avoio a long si:ing of :eco:oeo oi-
alogue ihai nighi soneoay cone Lacl io
hauni ihen. Fe:has sone Lii of casual aovice
o: info:naiion in an e-nail nighi c:eaie a
si:ingof nal:aciice evioence, nany aiio:neys
fea:eo. Even ihai conce:n is oissiaiing, as e-
nail Lecones ihe nosi connonfo:nof clieni
The :eal conce:n, insieao, shoulo Le ihai a
oisconnecieo, ine:sonal e-nail conve:saiion
oisiances ihe aiio:ney-clieni :elaiionshi.
Vhen ihe Lull of connunicaiion Leiween
aiio:ney ano clieni is auionaieo, ihe :elaiion-
shi is no longe: Leiween ihe aiio:ney ano
clieni. Iis Leiween ihe clieni ano you: e-nail.
Ive hao nany clienis ove: ihe yea:s aci one
way ove: e-nail ano Le fa: no:e :ese:veo ove:
ihe hone o: in e:son. The oisiance c:eaies
aninosiiy ano anonyniiy.
Exiensive :esea:ch has Leen oone ove: ihe
asi :o yea:s :ega:oing ihe effeci of ine:-
sonal connunicaiion on clienis in a oocio:-
aiieni seiiing. The Lull of neoical nal:ac-
iice clains a:ise f:on oo: connunicaiion.
In ihe legal :ofession, oo: clieni :ela-
iions is consisienily one of ihe io 1o causes
of nal:aciice clains, ihe Ane:ican Ba: As-
sociaiion :eo:is. Mishanoling clieni connu-
nicaiions is ofien a fa: g:eaie: sin ihan a :o-
ceou:al e::o:.
An a:ea of g:eai oo:iuniiy fo: nany solo
aiio:neys o: snall :aciices is io e:sonalize
clieni inie:aciions. I lea:neo ve:y quiclly ihai
no naiie: whe:e a case falls in an aiio:neys
seci:un of aiieniion, iis :oLaLly ihe nosi
ino:iani case ihe clieni has eve: hao.
In jou:nalisn schools, w:iie:s a:e iaughi io
i:eai each inie:view suLjeci wiih g:eai ca:e
Lecause chances a:e ihai ihe noneni you:e
inie:viewing ihenis eiihe: ihe Lesi oay o: ihe
wo:si oay of ihei: lives. Legal clienis a:e no
oiffe:eni. Vheihe: iis a fo:eclosu:e, oivo:ce
o: c:ininal oefense case, ihe clieni has :oL-
aLly :eacheo a lowoini. Iis easy io :ecognize
ihai a clieni oese:ves a quicl call Lacl insieao
of an e-nail. This is esecially ha:o when ihe
info:naiion ihai nusi Le asseo along io ihe
clieni is Lao news.
The:es siill leniy of :oon fo: na:leiing
connunicaiions ano siaius uoaies as well. E-
newsleiie:s ano case nanageneni e-nails a:e
exi:enely ino:iani, Lui ooni in:ove clieni
:elaiions. E-newsleiie:s hel you gene:aie
fuiu:e Lusiness. Ano a case siaius e-nail
ooesni give a clieni any e:seciive on ihe
case, jusi a oaie ano iine. Ai ihe ve:y Lesi, an
e-nail Llasi will hel you: clienis :enenLe:
ihai you: fi:nis siill a:ouno ano whai iyes of
cases you hanole. Bui ii ooes noi :elace ihe
ino:iance of a suLsianiive conve:saiion.
As lawye:s a:e inunoaieo wiih eleci:onic
gaogeis ano neihoos of auionaieo connu-
nicaiion, a :eiu:neo call siill can Le ihe Lesi
way io nainiain a saiisfieo clieni Lase.
By Mchael Mazek
Mazck Lav Croup
Ne ene hema aL 8ar Toma
By Mchael Phlpp
UngarcLLi & Harris RcsLauranL CriLic
CounseIs TabIe : column
ne of ny 1: loyal :eaoe:s accuseo ne
of neve: :eviewing a :esiau:ani I
oioni love. ToLe a :esiau:ani c:iiic,
he saio, neans soneiines youaciuallyhave io
c:iiicize soneihing. MayLe, Lui if I an ioo
gene:ous wiihny :eviews ihenI cani inagine
whai io ihinl of Chicaqo Maqazines io :o
Lesi new :esiau:ani lisi.
Ai Io. 8is Acaoia ihe ove:-ihe-io, Souih
Loo foooie, nininalisi, geonei:ic, vegeiaLle
lace ihai is so cool ii ooesni even have ihe
nane oui f:oni. He:es a hini. Avoio any lace
ihai incluoes foan as a:i of an eni:ee. The
signaiu:e oishof loLsie: oi ie sounoeog:eai,
Lui ii :eally isni a oi ie. Iis a liiile Lii
of loLsie: in a whiie sauce wiih sone eas,
ca::ois ano ia::agon onnes wiih a Liscuii.
Gooo enough, Lui Le :eaoy io sio ai ihe on-
:an ai ihe Dan Fyan Ex:essway ano Taylo:
Si:eei fo: a o:l cho sanowich ano a o.
Au Cheval naoe ii ai Io. 1o ano ii is an
inie:esiing, nouveau Fanoolh Si:eei offe:ing
wiih ouisianoing iunes, a g:eai Lee: ano se-
cialiy cocliail seleciion ano a genuinely
f:ienoly siaff of eole, Lui youo Leiie: lile
live: ano L:ine.
The signaiu:e f:ieo Lologna sanowich is
siacleo high ano :ich enough io cone wiih a
sioe of Liiio:, Lui ihey jun ihe sha:l wiih
ihe house secial cocliail iwin shois, one
of ]aneson ano ihe oihe: of iclle L:ine, io
Le ialen one afie: ihe oihe:. Vhen oio
Chicagoans sia:i ihinling ii was OK io o
86.o fo: a shoi of iclle juice?
I cani even w:iie aLoui Io. :-:anleo Iexi,
Lecause I have neve: Leen ihe:e ano since you
have io gei iicleis online fo: ihe :ivilege of
senoing ioo nuch fo: ioo liiile fooo, I neve:
will. Se:iously, a loiie:y fo: a :ese:vaiion?
I can w:iie a liiile aLoui Ba: Tona, which
La:ely naoe ihe lisi ai Io. 1p. I wanieo io lile
ihis chee:y Si:eeie:ville lace wiih iis uscale
La: feel ano exoseo conc:eie illa:s. Bui ihe
:oLlen was ihai ihe fooo was lino of lousy.
The nenuaineo ano nisseo fo: ecleciic. Ii has
live:y s:eaos in nini-Mason ja:s, a la Fu:le
Fig, Lui ihe ja:s a:e cunLe:sone, ihey ii ove:
ano ihe live: s:eao ihai we hao nusi have
Leensileo wiihsawousi. I nocl AuCheval a
liiile fo: Leing a live:-ano-L:ine lace, Lui nan
ihey have sone gooo, c:eany live: s:eao. Ioi
Tona anoInnoi enii:ely su:e ihai chiclen
live: s:eao is Iialian La: fooo.
I woulo have lileo io iell you aLoui ihe
o:inls, Lui I cani Lecause no one offe:eo us
any. Of ihe eighi oiffe:eni fooo caiego:ies on
ihe nenu ( ihings in all) nosi i:ieo ioo ha:o
ano nisseo. F:on ihe slewe: seciion we i:ieo
ihe Mooenese a so:i of o:l :ino-w:aeo
sweeiL:eao ihai cane oui gelaiinous ano g:oss
enough io nale Ano:ew Zinne:n w:inlle
his nose.
The Mozza:ella Ba: was a liiile confusing. I
aciuallyexecieoa La: whe:e yousaw, oinieo
ano chose, Lui insieao you gei ih:ee liiile
ieces of cheese ano sone nuis o: esio on a
lanl fo: 81:. The cheese was fine, Lui noih-
ing secial. F:onihe salao seleciionwe icleo
Leeis ano go:gonzola an easy choice ihai
was neiihe: oisaoiniing no: neno:aLle.
Liiile cuLes of colo, iclleo Leeis sai on sha:
a:ugula wiih sone c:usheo hazelnuis ano
cheese c:unLles a e:fecily gooo, f:esh
choice on a hoi oay. So we:e ihe cha::eo ca:-
:ois, Lui ihe ihing is, you ooni see cha::eo
ca::ois nuch ano nayLe ihe:e is a :eason fo:
ihai. These cane Llacl-cha::eo, :eLaiheo in
Lalsanic ano a goo of goai cheese ano woulo
Le a :eiiy iasiy ano :easonaLly healihy La:
snacl alie:naiive. Inie:esiing, Lui I oouLi ihey
a:e going io caich on. LanL :iLs cane nexi,
which we:e :eally sho:i :iLs :uLLeo wiih a
sicy iana:ino so:i of nix whichou: se:ve:
oesc:iLeo as i:aoiiional, Iialian ha:issa ano
oneg:anaie. Ha:issa is a nice, sicy, ionaio-
Laseo asie, Lui ihe only iine ii goes io Iialy is
when soneone f:on Io:ih Af:ica L:ings ii
ihe:e. Youhaoiolile ihe se:ve:, ihoughlile
a loi of noiion call lawye:s no:e ce:iain
ihan :ighi.
The sia: is suoseo io Le ihe wooo-Lu:n-
ing, a:iisan izzas ai close io 8:o a o wiih
lois of fancy ing:eoienis. Lile a:iisan izzas
f:on Doninos, we we:e sie:nly wa:neo ihai
ioings coulonoi Le nixeoo: naicheo. They
we:e se:veoas aove:iiseo, alihoughii seeneoa
liiile ooo ihai if ihey we:e jusi cooling ihen
:o feei away, ihey couloni aoo a liiile Lasil o:
noi ui on sone :aisins, Lui ihai was ihe :ule
ano as office:s of ihe cou:i we a:e :ule-aLioe:s.
Ve chose ihe CalaL:ese wiih Becle: Lane
sausage I have neve: Leen io Becle: Lane,
Lui I Lei iis nice ano ihey nale a fine sausage
ano ihe Lo:enzo wiih c:isy anceiia ano
Lasil. Boih we:e ve:y gooo. Ieiihe: we:e life-
changing. Insho:i, jusi lile :eiiy gooo, wooo-
oven fi:eo izza in a loi of laces.
This lace nighi Le wo:ih anoihe: i:y, Lui
io :o? I ooni ihinl so. Se:vice was soiiy,
info:naiion noi quiie :ighi ano fooo i:ying
ioo ha:o. The ioe: was waiiing :o ninuies
fo: ihe valei io gei Lacl f:on whe:eve: he
weni io :elease ou: ca:. I anihinling he weni
oui fo: lunch sonelace else.
Ba: Tona
11o E. Fea:son Si.
(1:) :66-11o
Court costs.
Aeiize:s. 8-81
Eni:ees. 811-81p
VerdIct: One
Drama tells ef orgoLLcn oisasLcr
By Julan J. Frazn
RcLirco Cook CounLy CircuiL |uogc LnLcrLainmcnL CriLic
column OpenIng Statement
ay ii lease ihe cou:i
The nosi ho::enoous oisasie: in
1p1, when ihe SS Easilano :olleo ove: on iis
sioe in ihe Chicago Five:. The:e we:e :,oo-
lus Vesie:n Eleci:ic Co. enloyees ano ihei:
fanilies onLoa:o ihe sieane: fo: anexcu:sion
ac:oss ihe lale io Michigan Ciiy, Ino. Ai leasi
8o assenge:s ano c:ew losi ihei: lives ihai
oay as, nonenis afie: ihe shi oea:ieo f:on
ihe oocl Leiween LaSalle ano Dea:Lo:n
si:eeis, ii suooenly vee:eo io iis lefi ano slio
ove: on iis sioe, i:aing nany Lelow oecl.
To ui ii in e:seciive, ihe nunLe: of losi
lives exceeoeo ihose of ihe G:eai Chicago Fi:e
of 18;1 ano ihe I:oquois Theai:e fi:e in 1po.
To gei ihe full hunan inaci of ihis i:ageoy,
visii Loolingglass Theai:e Conany, 8:1 I.
MichiganAve., Lefo:e Aug. 1p io see ihe wo:lo
:enie:e e:fo:nance of Easilano. An O:ig-
inal Musical. Easilano is a:i lay, a:i ione
oen ano a:i chanLe: oe:a, oeiciing ihe
lives of ihe assenge:s ano c:ew. Ii is a Leau-
iiful ano sensiiive o:ana/ghosi sio:y w:iiien
Ly Ano:ewVhiie wiihnusic Ly Ano:e Fluess
ano Ben Sussnan.
Ingeniously oi:ecieo Ly Ananoa Dehne:i,
ihe lay oens on an ausie:e, eniy siage
naoe of lanls of wooo, whe:e sone of ihe
nenLe:s of an asiounoing ensenLle have
gaihe:eo io Loa:o ihe ill-faieo vessel, singing a
song of g:eai execiaiion of ihe voyage aheao.
They a:e acconanieo Ly a Lano of oihe: casi
nenLe:s, cosiuneo as c:ew who noi only
se:ve as nusicians Lui also iale ihe :oles of
oihe: assenge:s.
Vhai follows a:e a nunLe: a flashLacls io
ihe lives of ihe assenge:s as well as flash-
fo:wa:os ioihei: iine i:aeowiihinihe shi.
Mosi noiaLly ihe:e is ihe :ole of ihe hunan
f:og (layeo Ly ihe ve:y aihleiic Doug Ha:a),
a cha:acie: Laseo on ihe :eal-life Feggie
Bowles, a 1;-yea:-olo jou:neynan nechanic,
who oove iine ano again inio ihe holo of ihe
shi ano L:oughi u o Looies Lefo:e Leing
fo:ciLly :enoveo Ly an anLulance. Bowles is
visiieo Ly ihe si:ii of Ha::y Houoini (De:el
HasensiaL), who ialls aLoui who can holo his
L:eaih ihe longesi unoe: waie:.
The Aansiaos we:e anoihe: :eal-life fanily
con:iseo of BoLLie (Clai:e Vellin), he:
noihe:, Ma:ianne (Ch:isiine Ma:y Dunfo:o),
he: uncle, Olaf (La::y E. DiSiasi), ano he: sisie:,
Solveig (Tiffany Tool), all of whon su:viveo,
incluoing BoLLie who was :escueo afie: 11
hou:s, nanaging io su:vive Ly lighily floaiing
lile a leaf as she was iaughi Ly he: uncle.
The nusical also incluoes ihe ficiionalizeo
sio:y of Ilse (Monica Vesi), a Leauiiful, young
innig:ani wonan, who a::iveo wiih hoe fo:
oo:iuniiy in Ane:ica only io fino he:self
laLo:ing ai a Lo:ing joL wiih oihe: wonen,
winoing eleci:ic coil ai ihe lani. She na::ies
a o:unla:oanoagainfinos life Lo:inguniil she
finos g:oce: (E:il Hellnan), wiih whon she
falls in love ano wiih whonshe sec:eily neeis
uniil she ano he: son leave io Loa:o ihe shi.
Meanwhile, ihe nusic, consisiing of nainly
si:ings, incluoing a Lanjo, a::angeo Ly Dehn-
e:i ano oi:ecieo Ly Malcoln Fuhl, coniinues
ih:oughoui, ofienL:inging aneihe:eal qualiiy
io ihe :oouciion. This qualiiy is o:anaiically
enhanceo when oeaih of each assenge: is ac-
lnowleogeowiiha nunLe: anoihei: cloihing,
o:iing wiih waie:, is hoisieo aLove. Ii :o-
vioes a hauniing inage as ihese soaleo :e-
nains join ihe casi of su:vivo:s in a cho:us.
Oiio Muchna (also DiSiasi), ihe :eal-life un-
oe:iale: who is given ihe :esonsiLiliiy of ois-
osing of aLoui ;oo co:ses, gives a ghoulish
ano sonewhai conical solo aLoui :ea:ing
ihe Looies. Ha::y Feoe:sen (Michael Ba::ow
Sniih), caiain of ihe SS Easilano ihai faieful
oay, sings a laneni of ihe i:ageoy, Lui :oiesis
ihai he nusi Le ihe one io Llane. Ioies f:on
ihe Easilano Disasie: Hisio:ical Socieiy inoi-
caie ihai ai a hea:ing whe:e aiio:ney Cla:ence
Da::ow :e:esenieo hin, Feoe:sens exi:aoi-
iion f:on Michigan io face cha:ges was :e-
fuseo fo: insufficieni cause.
The shi was :ighieo, :econoiiioneo ano
solo io ihe Illinois Iaval Fese:ve. Ii was laie:
:enaneo ihe USS Vilneiie ano se:veo as a
gunLoai in Vo:lo Va: I ano as a i:aining shi
in Vo:lo Va: II. In Augusi 1p, ii was given
ihe hono: of i:anso:iing F:esioeni F:anllin
D. Fooseveli ano nenLe:s of his siaff on a 1o-
oay c:uise on Lale Michigan. Ii was solo ano
sc:aeo in 1p;. The a:no:y on Vesi Vash-
ingion Si:eei, which se:veo as a ieno:a:y
no:gue, laie: Lecane O:ah Vinf:eys Ha:o
Siuoios. Funo:s have e:sisieo ihai ihe ghosis
of sone viciins we:e siill seen ano hea:o.
Ione of ihis shoulo oeie: you f:on seeing
ihis na:velous :oouciion. Fo: yea:s ihis has
Leen lnown as Chicagos fo:goiien oisasie:.
Fe:has now, wiih ihis wonoe:ful wo:l, ihe
viciins ano su:vivo:s will :eceive ihe :ecog-
niiion ihey so :ichly ano :oe:ly oese:ve.
I :esi ny case.
FInaI VerdIct:
Easilano. An
O:iginal Musical fou:
Lawyer to Lawyer ReIerraIs : ocparLmcnL
ocparLmcnL Lawyer to Lawyer ReIerraIs
ServIce Mart : ocparLmcnL
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Securities Law Attorney
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ically publicly listed clients and raise money
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Solid academic and experience credentials
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i N. State St, Clicago, IL 6o6
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A midsize Clicago based law firm is cur-
rently seeking 8usiness 1ransactional 1ax
lawattorney candidates or groups. 1le ideal
candidate will lave approximately i-io
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slipandcorporate structures. Solidacademic
and experience credentials are required.
8ox L8 pp
Law 8ulletin
i N. State St,
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8riggs and Morgan, a Minnesota firm, is
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ecute but also delegate and train younger
attorneys. 8ook of business not required if
you can demonstrate a strong ability to
work witl clients. Must pass or waive into
tle Minnesota bar. Please submit your cover
letter to
Lee Holland, 8riggs and Morgan, PA,
iioo IDS Center, 8o Soutl 8tl Street,
Minneapolis, MN
Looking for a )-ii year attorney witl
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boutique commercial litigation law firm in
tle loop. Need leaderslip qualities.
8ox L8 p6, Law 8ulletin
i N. State St, Clicago, IL 6o6
Associate Attorney
Petitioners prominent workers comp. firm
seeks associate. 8ilingual Spanisl speaking
required. 8enefits.
Iax resume to.
ii-6-)pp or
email to.
Interested in p|acing an ad in
an upcoming issue?
P|ease contact Lindsey at:
or emai|
zo Nortb C|ark Street
Office Space for Rent
ATTN: Attorneys
Office space in luxurious law office i block
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dow office (ixii} witl secretarial station
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(ii} i6-i6.
iq N. LaSa||e
p x ii furnisled window offices in office
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cludes plone usage (local and long dis-
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Conference room, copier, and all services
Real estate closings and otler referrals
Price reduction and slort term lease
Call ii-)i6-8))o
for more information.
zoo West Madison
1wo prime adjacent windowoffices on ligl
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Contact Robert at
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Iurnisled window offices available in pres-
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net and secretarial work stations. Contact
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Fer Rent
fer up-te-date
IeaI jeb epenins
Iessens learned rom Lhc busincss vorlo
By Mtchell Roth
Much ShclisL
CIosIng Argument : column
n lawschool, fuiu:e lawye:s a:e noi i:aineo
how io ihinl lile Lusiness eole, how io
:un a Lusiness o: even how io :eao a finan-
cial siaieneni. Say ihe h:ases inc:easing :ev-
enues o: in:oving na:gins io nosi aiio:-
neys ano ihey fi:si ihinl of Luiloing ihei:
Lools of Lusiness :aihe: ihan inc:easing ihei:
clienis io lines. This is unfo:iunaie Lecause
lawye:s gene:aie g:eaie: value if ihey oevelo
a clieni-focuseo Lusiness ninosei.
As a fo:ne: Lusiness owne:, ihe:e a:e nany
lessons f:on ihai exe:ience ihai heleo ne
Lecone a Leiie: :aciiiione:.
LessonNo. i: Knowyour cIIents deIInItIon
oI success.
The only lace whe:e success cones Lefo:e
wo:l is in ihe oiciiona:y. Vioal Sassoon
Ive lnown ve:y few eole who have
achieveo success wiihoui a significani nea-
su:e of ha:o wo:l. As an eni:e:eneu:, ihis
neans consianily ihinling aLoui howyoucan
Lesi se:ve you: cusione:s, oiffe:eniiaie you:
:oouci ano g:ow you: Lusiness. As an aiio:-
ney, ii neans esseniially ihe sane ihing
ihinlingaLoui ihe success of you: clienis. Ano
ihe Lesi way io oo ihai effeciively is io ui
you:self in you: clienis shoes ano asl ihe
linos of quesiions ihai can leao io valuaLle
insighis ano Leiie: Lusiness e:fo:nance.
These nighi incluoe ihe following.
Vhai a:e ihe conanys goals ano/o: vision
fo: ihe fuiu:e? Unoe:sianoing ihis funoanen-
ial issue ofien hels aiio:neys aovise ihei:
clienis nosi effeciively.
Vhai a:e ihe oynanics of ihe Lusiness? De-
ie:nine wheihe: ihe:e a:e gove:nance, a:i-
ne: o: fanily-owne: issues. Does ihe conany
have an inoeenoeni Loa:o io hel aovise ihe
execuiive iean? Oihe: c:iiical oynanics can
incluoe Lanling, accouniing, ove:seas nanu-
faciu:ing ano/o: :egulaio:y issues.
Vhe:e a:e ihe :isls ano challenges fo: ihe
Lusiness? An annual :eview of ihe conanys
vulne:aLiliiies will helfine-iune ihei: lool ai
Lusiness :isls o: ihe so-calleo Llacl swan.
Vhai a:e ihe conanys oo:iuniiies? Ai-
io:neys can ano shoulo also hel ihei: clienis
leve:age si:engihs ano seize oo:iuniiies. Fo:
exanle, L:ing ihen insighis o: ini:oouciions
ihai coulo oelive: new cusione:s, :evenue
si:eans o: in:oveo na:gins. Male sugges-
iions on hi:ing o: si:aiegic a:ine:shis o: in-
fo:n ihen aLoui new oevelonenis in ihei:
inousi:y ihai nighi :e:eseni g:owih
:osecis. The Loiion line is ihai g:eai ai-
io:neys unoe:sianoihei: clienis Lusinesses in-
sioe ano oui ano, as a :esuli, a:e well-equieo
io suggesi ihe nosi effeciive ways io niiigaie
ih:eais while naxinizing oo:iuniiies.
Lesson No. z: ThInk and execute wIth pas-
To Le successful, you have io have you:
hea:i in you: Lusiness, ano you: Lusiness in
you: hea:i. Thonas ]. Vaison
Fo: aiio:neys, I woulo aneno Vaisons
siaieneni io say, have you: hea:i in you:
clienis Lusiness ano you: clienis Lusiness in
you: hea:i. One of ihe Lesi ways io oenon-
si:aie you: value is io show you: clienis ihai
you have ihei: goals, neeos ano Lesi inie:esis
in nino ai all iines.
Fo: exanle, neei wiih you: clienis nune:-
ous iines annually io lea:n aLoui new oevel-
onenis in ihei: Lusinesses. This can ofien
leao io new ioeas o: new ways of looling
ai ihings. Ieve: unoe:esiinaie ihe owe: of
offe:ing clienis c:eaiive ano innovaiive a-
:oaches io solving :oLlens, inc:easing sales,
saving cosis o: oihe:wise heling clienis suc-
ceeo. In aooiiion, hel you: clienis Luilo a
neiwo:l of lile-ninoeo :esou:ces. This neans
ini:ooucing ihen io oihe: si:aiegic aovise:s
who will Le as assionaie as you a:e aLoui
ihe clienis inie:esis. G:eai leaoe:s su::ouno
ihenselves wiih exceiional aovise:s.
Lesson No. : Lead wIth vIsIon.
Leaoe:s ooni c:eaie followe:s, ihey c:eaie
no:e leaoe:s. Ton Feie:s
Gooo leaoe:shi involves esiaLlishing a se:-
vice-focuseo culiu:e in you: wo:llace ano
leaoing Ly exanle eve:y oay. Fesonsiveness
ano accouniaLiliiy io clienis a:e co:e ieneis of
ihis se:vice-focuseo wo:l eihic. In aooiiion, a
osiiive, :oouciive ainoshe:e whe:e eve:y-
one is i:eaieo wiih :eseci ano :ewa:oeo fo:
g:eai se:vice will ce:iainly inaci all clieni
:elaiionshis osiiively.
Leaoe:shi also :equi:es vision. Mosi suc-
cessful Lusiness leaoe:s have an ioea of whai
ihei: conany will loollile infive o: 1o yea:s
iine. Ii is ino:iani fo: law fi:ns io oo ihe
sane. Vo:l wiih oihe:s in you: fi:n io fo:-
nulaie a sha:eo vision fo: ihe fuiu:e ano en-
cou:age eve:yone wiihin ihe fi:n io enL:ace
ano a:iiciaie in ihe execuiion of ihe vision.
If you: cu::eni culiu:e is an assei io ihe o:-
ganizaiion, iale all necessa:y sies io :oieci
ii while wo:ling iowa:o :ealizing you: fuiu:e
Uliinaiely, clieni saiisfaciion is eve:yihing.
ToLuiloa g:eai se:vice-focuseofi:n, aiio:neys
shoulo inc:easingly aly ihe lessons ihai
nany of ou: successful clienis can ieach us.
Success will Le ineviiaLle if you consisienily
exceeo you: clienis/cusione:s execiaiions
ano nainiain a culiu:e whe:e ihis a:oach is
In ihe Lusiness wo:lo, eve:yihing else is sec-
onoa:y. Law fi:ns will lilewise Le no:e suc-
cessful ano no:e valuaLle io ihei: clienis if
ihey i:ain ihei: lawye:s io ihinl no:e lile
Lusiness leaoe:s.

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