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Making sure you understand what is being said to you

Desculpa, (eu) no entendi. Desculpa, (eu) no falo portugus. Deslcupa, (eu) no falo portugus muito bem. Voc / O senhor / A senhora pode repetir, por favor?

Sorry, I dont understand. (Lit: Im sorry, I didnt understand.) Sorry, I dont speak Portuguese. Sorry, I dont speak Portuguese very well. Could you repeat , please?

Pode repetir, por favor? Voc / O senhor / A senhora pode falar mais devagar, por favor? Could you speak more slowly, please? Pode falar mais devagar, por favor? What does ____________ mean? O que quer dizer____________? The verb dizer means to say, so the literal translation here is: What does _____ want to say What is the meaning of __________ ? What does this word mean? Whats does this word mean? How do you say ... in Portuguese? verb dizer = to say How do you say (talk) ... in Portuguese? verb falar = to talk

O que significa ___________? O que quer dizer essa palavra? O que significa essa palavra? Como se diz ___________ em portugus?

Como se fala ___________ em portugus?

Making sure you understand what is being said to you All materials Copyright Nonohay Language Services

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