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Here’s what I think amen ay | -Your views America just marking time. As Americans, we are/all behind “(relations plaiform for them: It took President Carter in Seeking'release of "weeks to put through a watered-down the hostages ia Iran. But so far all we resolution in the U.N, Security. Council have aceomplished is to.give the Aya- .-( and,a decision was. delayed for Wald- tala a great propaganda opportunk helms return, ty. It is now two months, since 50 ss Amneticans were locked up under con”. “Tk seems that all we are doing is ditions about which we do not know... stalling and giving these murderers We did see them at the beginning time and a chance to fabricate accusa- blindfolded with hands tied, but of late tions. against this country and con- we see them unbound and more or~ demn our government and "the | Toso normal President. Sometime when offering | But we do not know i this wal be the ober cherk al one gts is another permanent or if it is just for propa- Oe ed Me a eee anda purposes. We ald see’ Young < “ the Soviets. Everyone knew all these | man talking on television, but the para tly ea est whole work! Knew that his 1s were ae te vert Orin | sentea. ‘any disturbance. in any part of the ‘One of our Congressmen went over | World. but we did. business with the | ewice™ and” all he achioves ie to fvOwed liar Gromyko, Now even strenghten their position, ‘The three President Carter has found out that Sirenghten their Posie rae acet Chairman Brezhnev did not tell the Chretmas services and Rev. Coffin. truth. It is a fact that during all the wractically justified their stand. U.N, Years the Russians were getting a Becerotary” General Waldheim went — foothold in any part of the world thane tod a second time and the mad Where they could do harm and block oor aad act wen gant hima. Ow merchant fleet and oil supply we meeting. But on his return he had — ™erely overlooked it I hope the | something good to say about their @Wakening is not too late. | demands | All the while, we stand helpte: 33 Pera and are providing te biggest public Gsinng | A aa MAY pe 4 The ‘Big Lie’ clouds arms sale 1 don't recall whether the phrase originated with the Communist Big matter of record that the sale of planes to israel was promised by the two pre- | Brother or in the Hitler era, but it vious administrations. The statement would seem our administretion now dat no pressure will be exercised | also has stooped to fts use. The slogen, again: cl in peace negotiations | the Big Lie, meaning it is co big and un believable that people will not believe itis a lic ake the matter of s latest sophisticated planes to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Sadat threatened that if peace negotiations fail he sill fight to the end. Saudi Arabia was a articipant in the 1873 Oetober war and it is common knowiedge that should war break out it will he either an active participant or give military aid to Egypt, Jordan or Syria President Carter and Secretary of State Vance state that supplying these ‘vo nations with the latest war planes plying the has by tion, Bul Secretary Vance, answering questions before a Congressional com: mittee, states emphatically that the planes sale is a package deal and if the Congress should block sale to one party sutomatically stop the sale to Ti this is not arm twisting, shade of the Big Lie, am sorry if 1am forced to be blunt, but Teall ‘em xs 1 ‘em. T would much rather hold them in the esteem their rank enti‘les them to. A.COHEN

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