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UDBENICI STRANIH JEZIKA Kolarev narodni univerzitet je do sada objavio sledee udbenike za uenje stranih jezika: Engleski, l Engleski,

2 Engleski, 3 Engleski kroz razgovor Engleski u 50 lekcija 'Nemaki, l Nemaki, 2 Nemaki, 3 Nemaki, 4 Francuski, I Francuski, 2 Francuski, 3 Francuski /ero; Italijanski, l Italijanski, 2 Srpskohrvatski (Serbo-Croatian Srpskohrvatski (Serbo-Croatian panski, I dr Ljiljana Mihailovi dr Ljiljana Mihailovi Slavna Babi dr Danka oki dr Danka oki Z. Kuki V. Notaro K.uki M. Ostoji-Hripa V. Hadi Z. Kuki V. Notaro-Kuki M. Ostoji-Hripa V. Hadi O. Milutinovi M. Kneevi Bojana Jakovljevi dr Ksenija Jovanovi razgovor D. Marodi R. Dimitrijevi mr T. Jeremi dr S. Turconi mr T. Jeremi dr S. Turconi za strance br. / for Foreigners Book One) za strance br. II for Foreigners Book Two) Slavna Babi Slavna Babi S. Davio-urovi - D. Lompar Spanski kroz razgovor D. Milojevi KOLAREV NARODNI UNIVERZITET Centar /a izdavaku delatnost Telefon 636-272 11000 Beograd, Studentski trg 5

Engleski u 50 lekcija 'IV PRERAENO (VII) IZDANJE Dr Danka oki IH KOLAREV NARODNI UNIVERZITET 1989. UDBENICI STRANIH JEZIKA Broj 182 Struna ocena MADGE TOMASEVI Dr SHEILA SOFRENOVI Glavni i odgovorni urednik OLGA MILUTINOVI Ilustrator BRANISLAV MOJSILOVI Tehniki urednik JELENA KRUNI Prvo izdanje 1964. Prvo preraeno (IV) izdanje 1982. Tira 6.000 primeraka tampanje zavreno septembra 1989. YU 86-7249-028-2 Izdava KOLARCEV NARODNI UNIVERZITET Centar za izdavaku delatnost 11000 Beograd, Studentski trg 5 Telefon 636-272

tampa OOUR Radia Timoti, Beograd, Obiliev venac 5 PREDGOVOR I PRERAENOM IZDANJU Nove tendencije u nastavi i uenju stranih jeziJca uslovile su pr radu udbtnika Engleski u 50 lekcija. t; Polazei od potrebe za komunikacijom u svakodnevnom ivotu, imala sam za cilj razvijanje komunikativne sposobnosti uenika za korienje engleskog jezika u zemlji i inostranstvu. Uz primenu funkcionalno-pojmovnog pristupa uenju stranog jezika, kori-eni su rezultati istraivanja u oblasti motivacije uenja odraslih i analize greaka. Sproveden je princip postupnosti, zasnovan na uestanosti oblika i njihovoj funkcionalnosti, kao i na tekoama pri uenju engleskog jezika. U 50 dijalog-tiva i 250 dijalog--vebi obuhvaene su osnovne strukture i osnovna leksika vezanog govora uslovljene svakodnevnim situacijama. Velika panja je posveena izrazima u drutvenoj komunikaciji, i oni sainjavaju i posebnu dijalog-vebu. Svaki dijalog sadri opis situacije i uput-stvo kako da se obradi, tako daje predvien i veliki-broj analognih situacija. Autentini materijali su dati u obliku natpisa, for-mulara, mapa, pisanih razglednica, iseaka iz novina, kako bi se uenici neposredno upoznavali sa ovim oblicima komunikacije. Klju vebanja obuhvata gramatika objanjenja ilustrovana tabelama, kao i reenja nekih vebanja. Ona treba da omogue ueniku i individualno korienje udbenika. Dijalozi su snimljeni na traku koja zvuno ilustruje udbenik. Vebe su zasnovane i na mojim rezultatima prouavanja greaka u intonaciji, ritmu, naglasku i glasovima engleskog jezika. elim da se zahvalim Med (Madge) Tomaevi i dr ili (Sheila) Sofrenovi, lektorima pri Katedri za engleski jezik i knjievnost Filolokog fakulteta u Beogradu, zbog korisnih sugestija, kao i kolegama i koleginicama koji su mi ukazali na svoja iskustva u radu sa ovim udbenikom. Autor SADRAJ Engleska azbuka .............................................. IX Fonetska azbuka. Samoglasnici i dvoglasnici...................... X Fonetska azbuka. Suglasnici.................................. XI Unit l London Airport .............................................. l Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 270 Unit 2 In the Classroom .............................................. 5 Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 271 Unit 3 At the Hotel.................................................. 10 Objanjenja i klju vebanja .................................. 272 Unit 4 In the Coffee Room .......................................... 15 Objanjenja i klju vebanja----->............................... 274 Unit 5 In Parliament Square .......................................... 19 Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 275 Unit In the Office.................................................. 25 Objanjenja i klju vebanja.................................... 276 Unit 7 Li the Bookshop.............................................. 30 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............................... Unit 8 On Monday Morning .......................................... 35 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............................... Unit 9 Madge is Preparing Dinner...................................... 40 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............... 277 279 vebanja

Live klju vebanja 281 IV Unit 10 \ At Home................ ' Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 11 An Evening at Home ..... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 12 A Quiz Programme ........ Objanjenja i klju Unit 13 An English House........ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 14 How the Objanjenje Unit 15 The Weekend ............ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 16 At the Railway Station ..... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 17 In the Train ................ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 18 Summer Holidays .......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 19 At the Travel Agency ......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 20 Arthur Meets a Friend.......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 21 At the Customs ............. Objanjenja i klju vebanja 45 282 50 284 55 285 60 286 65 288 70 289 76 291 81 292 86 294 91 295 97 296 102 298 Unit 22 Looking for a Hotel ...... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 23 Asking about a Room .... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 24 A Visit to Bled .......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 25 Breakfast in the Hotel Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 26

At the Post Office ........ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 27 Lunch in Zagreb .......... Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 28 On the Way .............. Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 29 A Rest at a Motel ........ Objanjenja i klju vebanja Unit 30 Meeting Milan Jovi............ Comments and Key to Exercises Unit 31 A Telephone Conversation ...... Comments and Key to Exercises Unit 32 Losing a Camera .............. Comments and Key to Exercises Unit 33 At the Lost Property Office ..... Comments and Key to Exercises 107 300 112 302 118 303 123 305 128 307 133 309 139 310 144 312 149 314 154 316 160 317 165 319 Unit 34 A Drive around Belgrade........................................ 170 Comments and Key to Exercises .*.............................. 321 Unit 35 Talking about the Past ........................................ 176 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 322 Unit 36 At the Airport .............................................. 181 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 324 Unit 37 A Stay at Ohrid .............................................. 186 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 326 Unit 38 Madge Goes Shopping ........................................ 192 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 327 Unit 39 Catching a Cold................................................ 197 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 329 Unit 40 A Basketball Match .......................................... 203

Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 331 Unit 41 A Day in the Country ........................................ 208 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 333 ; Unit 42 In Sarajevo .................................................. 214 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 335 Unit 43 A Picnic Lunch .............................................. 220 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ . 336 Unit 44 Camping in Dubrovnik ........ Cornmi lents and Key to Exercises 226 338 VI VII Unit 45 The Summer Festival .......................................... 231 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 340 Unit 46 Sightseeing in Dubrovnik ...................................... 237 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 341 Unit 47 An Excursion ................................................ 243 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 343 Unit 48 Aboard the "Yugoslavia" ...................................... 249 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 345 Unit 49 A Day in Split. ............................................... 255 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 346 Unit 50 A Letter from Britain.......................................... 261 Comments and Key to Exercises................................ 348 Nepravilni glagoli.............................................. 267 Objanjenja i klju vebanja ............................,..... 270 Renik ...................................................... 351 Lista linih i geografskih imena ................................ 370 1 ENGLESKA AZBUKA A /ei/ Bb C c Dd E e F f Gg Hh /bi:/ /si:/ U1" /di:/ /i:/ /ef/ /d3:/ /citj/

I i J J Kk L 1 Mm Nn /' Oo 1 P P Q1 Rr S s T t Uu V v Ww Xx Y Z z

/ai/ /daei/ /kei/ /el/ /em/ en/ 'au/ /pi'-/ /kju:/ /a:/ /es/ /ti:/ /JU'-/ /vi:/ /'dAblju:/ /eks/ /wai/ /zed/

IX VIII FONETSKA AZBUKA Samoglasnici /i:/ sea /si:/ leave /li:v/ /i/ city /'siti/ bridge /brjd3/ ' /e/ pen /pen/ /s/ bag /basg/ /A/ jug /d3Ag/ /a:/* car /ka:/ arm /arm/ /a/ dog /dog/ /o:/ door /do:/ wall /wo:l/ /u/ room /rum/ /u:/ two /tu:/ spoon /spu:n/ /a:/ sir /sa:/ girl /garl/ /a/ again /a'gen/ correct /ka'rekt/

meat /mi:t/ ship /Jjp/ desk /desk/ cat /kaet/ bus /bAs/ park /pa:k/ clock /klok/ talk /to:k/ book /buk/ suit /sju:t/ work /wa:k/ breakfast /'brekfast/

Dvoglasnici ili diftonzi

/ei/ day /dei/ /ai/ eye /ai/ /au/** cow /kau/ /oi/ boy /boi/ /au/ go /gau/ /ia/ here /hia/ /ea/ pear /pea/ /ua/ tour /tua/

rain /rein/ time /taim/ town /taun/ coin /koin/ road /raud/ beard /biad/ rarely /'reali/ Europe /'juarop/

face /feis/ like /laik/ house /haus/ point /point/ boat /baut/ theatre /'9iata/ scarce /skeas/

/p/ pen /pen/ /b/ bed /bed/ /t/ ten /ten/ /d/ dog /dog/ /k/ key /ki:/ /g/ give /giv/ /tj/ cheese /tji:z/ /d3/job /d3Db/ /m/ men /men/ /n/ night /nait/ /0/ /1/ look /luk/ /f/ face /feis/ /v/ very /'veri/ /6/ thing /9irj/ /6/ this /6is/ < /s/ see /si:/ /z/ zoo /'zu:/ /f/ shoe /Ju:/ /3/ /h/ hand /hasnd/ /r/ room /rum/ /w/ well /wel/ /j/ yes /jes/ Suglasnici (Redosled) happy /'haepi/ about /a'baut/ letter /'leta/ ready /'rcdi/ pocket /'pokit/ forget /fa'get/ teacher /'ti:tja/ enjoy /in'dsoi/ number /'lumbo/ any /'eni/ finger /Tings/ colour /'kAla/ often /'ofn/ river /'riva/ nothing /'nA0irj/ . father /Ta:5a/ person /'pa:sn/ busy /'bizi/ station /'steijan/ usual /'!/ behind /bi'haind/ carry /'kaeri/ away /a'wei/ few /fju:/ lip /lip/ job /dsob/ put /put/ good /gud/ dark /da:k/ big /big/ rich /ritJY page /peids/ farm /fa:m/ lesson /lesn/ sing /sirj/ apple /'aepl/ root /ru:f/ live /liv/ tooth /tu:0/ with /wi6/ bus /tu/ nose /nauz/ push /puj/ garage /'gsera:3/ far away /'farrc'wei/ * /a;/ treba da se ita too /:/ ** /au/ treba da se ita kao /an/ Xl UNIT 1 LONDON AIRPORT CUSTOMS HALL Q NO ENTKT ri ^i 7"7 I This is London Airport. Mr Heath is at London Airport. Mr Tom* is at London Airport, too. Mr Heath: Hello! I'm Arthur Heath. Mr Tomi: Hello! I'm Petar Tomi. Mr Heath: How do you do! Mr Tomi: How do you do! Mr Heath: Where's your luggage? Mr Tomi: It's here. Mr Heath: My car's over there. This way. Renik

unit /'junit/, jedinica one /WAH/, jedan airport /':1/, aerodrom hello /'he'lsu/, zdravo 1 /ai/, ja l Engleski u SO lekcija am /, /, sam 'm/m/, skraeni oblik od em this /Sis/, ovo is /iz/, je 's/z,s/, skraeni oblik od u Unit 1 Mr /'mista/, gospodin Mrs/'misiz/, gospoda at /aet, at/, na, u too /tu:/, takoe How do you do! /'hau dju 'du:/, Milo mi je! where /wea/, gde your /ja:/, tvoj, va luggage /lAgids/, prtljag it /it/, to, ono here /hie/, ovde my /mai /, moj car /ka:/, automobil over /'auva/, preko there /dea/, tamo over there, tamo, preko this way /wei/, ovuda, ovim pravcem London /'Undan/, London Arthur /'a:6a/, Artur Heath /hi:6/, Hit Dodatni materijal i vebanja Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: I SOUVENIR SHOP Who's this? A: Where's Mr Heath? B: He's . A : Thank you. A: What's this? B: It's London .. #ina Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: London Airport f[__i ... your car? B: It's Mrs Heath. B: She's over there. B: It's over there. A: Thank you. B Popunite odgovarajue oblike ('m, is, 's): At London Airport , (f) / Mr Heath .'r. at London Airport. Mr Tomi . 'x at London Airport, too. Mr Heath: Hello! H. Arthur Heath. Mr Tomi: Hello! I'. H Petar Tomi. Mr Heath: How do you do! Mr Tomi: How do you do! Mr Heath: Where'. Y. your luggage? Mr Tomi: It'.->. here. Mr Heath: My car' .>. over there. This way. . Nalazite se na beogradskom aerodromu, gde saekujete f. Hita. Dramatizujte dijalog. In London Mrs Heath f?, in London. Mr Heath .Vat Heathrow Airport. Mrs Heath: 321 4567. Mr Heath: Hello! Arthur here. Mrs Heath: Hello, Arthur! Where are you? Mr Heath: I'H. at Heathrow. 2 il I Unit 1 Nalazite se na londonskom aerodromu i telefonirate g. Hitu. Neka jedan od studenata bude g. Hit. Numbers l 2

one two 3456 three four five six 7 8 9 10 seven eight nine ten Proitajte sledee brojeve telefona: 442 8959; 628 7958; 345 9813; 531 5432; 778 9876; 332 5432. What's your telephone number? Popunite odgovarajue izraze: At Heathrow Airport Mr Smith and Mr Peri are at Heathrow Airport. Mr Smith: Mr Peri: . Mr Smith: Mr Peri: I'm Harry Smith. , I'm Marko Peri. Jb> ^ # I 4a "f Nalazite se na londonskom aerodromu, gde vas je saekao g. Smit. Poto vam se predstavio, odgovorite mu. Dramatizujte dijalog. r port . ' 4Prevedite na engleski: J Gospodin Smit je na londonskom aerodromu. Gospodin Peri je takoe na londonskom aerodromu. Dobar dan. Ja sam Hari Smit. Dobar dan. Ja sam Marko Peri. Milo mi je. Milo mi je. Gde je va prtljag? Ovde je. Moja kola su tamo. Ovuda. UNIT 2 IN THE CLASSROOM y Mrs Heath is a teacher. She is in the classroom. Teacher: Good morning. Class: Good morning. Teacher: My name's Madge Heath. I'm your teacher. Class: How do you do! Teacher: What's your name? Student: My name's Lucy Abi. Teacher: Spell your name, please. __ v Miss Abi: L-u-c-y A-b-i. e|- JU- f->'- WA* - ^ ~ Teacher: Thank you. Are you a student, Miss Abi? Miss Abi: Yes, I am. Teacher (points to a student): Is she a_ student? Miss Abi: Yes, she is. Teacher: Is he a student? Miss Abi: No, he isn't. He's a clerk. Teacher (points to a student): Are you a doctor? Student: No, I'm not. I'm an engineer. Teacher (points to a student): What do you do? Student: I'm a journalist. i f Unit 2 Renik Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: the /, di:/, odreeni lan classroom /'klarsrufn/, uionica teacher /'tirtja/, nastavnik, profesor a /a/, neodreeni lan good /gud/, dobar morning /'ma.-nirj/, jutro good morning /'gud 'mo :nirj /, dobro

jutro name /neim/, ime class /kla:s/, razred What's your name? Kako se zovete? spell /spel/, sricati please /pli:z/, molim thank you /'6jenk ju/, hvala are/a:/, si, smo, ste, su student /'stju.-dant/, student Miss /mis/, gospoica she /Ji:/, ona he /hi:/, on clerk /kla:k/, slubenik yes /jes/, da doctor /'dokta/, doktor no /nau/, ne isn't- /iznt/, skraeni oblik od no/ engineer /,end3i'nia/, inenjer What do you do? ime se bavite? ta ste po profesiji? journalist /'d39:n3list/, novinar Madge /msedj/, Med Lucy /'lursi/, Lusi Abi /'Abi/, Abi ' a housewife? : Yes, she is. No, she isn't. She's a typist. Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: A: What do you do? B: ' A: Is Miss Bird a secretary? B: Yes, .< /4: Is Mr Parker a clerk? B: No, . ,,. '-; B Popunite izostavljene oblike e, ili the: In the Classroom 0 Mrs Heath is . ^. teacher. She's in .^. Mrs Heath: Are you .. . student? Student: Yes, I am. Teacher: Is she,?, clerk? Student: No, she isn't. She's V nurse. Teacher: Is he.^l engineer? Student: No, he isn't. He's . Q doctor. Teacher (points to a student): What do Student: I'm fi-.f actor. Dajte potvrdne ili odrene kratke odgovore: In the Classroom Teacher: Is he a worker? Student: Yes, he, ii Teacher: Is she a pupil? Unit 2 Student: No, she . . . She's a student. Teacher: Are you a journalist? Student: No, I'M. I'm an officer. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta su po profesiji, tako da daju kratke odgovore. Popunite dijalog jednom od profesija. Vodite rauna o neodreenom lanu: What do you do? Mrs Heath is in the classroom. Teacher: What do you do? Student: I'm an.Q$\\te/~ , Teacher: What do you do? Student: I'm a . ^^ Teacher: What do you do? Student: I'm a . In the Classroom Pitajte druge studente ta su po profesiji postavljajui pitanje : What do you do? Dopunite izostavljeni pozdrav i izraze: In the Morning

The teacher is in the classroom. Teacher: Good morning. Class: &&<?"' l r n f i,./. " Teacher: What's your namef^ Student: Marko Peri. Teacher: Spell your name, [O^QoC Student: M-a-r-k-o -e-r-i-. ' Teacher: "''"-' " >' ' > Pozdravite jednog ili vie studenata pozdravom koji se upotrebljava pre podne do 13 asova, i neka vam oni odgovore. Pitajte jednog od studenata kako se zove, zamolite ga da srie svoje ime i prezime, i zahvalite mu se. D Prevedite na engleski: Dobro jutro. Dobro jutro. Ja sam vaa nastavnica: Milo nam je. Kako se vi zovete? Zovem se Marko Peri. Sriite vae ime^ molim vas. M-a-r-k-o P-e-r-i-. Hvala. Da li ste vi student? Da, jesam. Da li ste vi student? Ne, nisam. ta ste po profesiji? Ja sam slubenik. Da li je" on inenjer? Ne, nije. On je lekar. Da li je ona bolniarka? Ne, nije. Ona je domaica. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski : At the Hotel UNIT 3 AT THE HOTEL Arthur and Peter are in Park Street. They are in front of Peter's hotel. At the Reception Desk Arthur and Peter are at the reception desk now. Arthur's car is in front of the hotel. Mr Heath: Good afternoon. This is Mr Tomic. Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir. Mr Tomi: Good afternoon. Receptionist: Your passport, please. Mr Tomi: Here you are. Receptionist: Please, sign your name here. Mr Tomi: Here? Receptionist: Yes, please. Thank you. Room 15. Here's your key. Renik hotel /hau'tel/, hotel we /wi:/, mi Here we are, evo nas, ovde smo very /'veri/, vrlo nice /nais/, lep and /aend, and/, i street /stri:t/, ulica they /dei/, oni in front of /in 'fn\nt 3v/, ispred reception desk /ri'sepjan desk/, recepcija now /nau/, sada receptionist /ri'sepjanist/, recep-cionista good afternoon /'gud 'a:fta'nu:n/, dobar dan sir /sa:/, gospodin passport /'pa:spo:t/, paso please /pli:z/, molim Here you are, izvolite sign /sain/, potpisati room /rum/, soba fifteen /'fiftiin/, petnaest Here's /hiaz/, evo key /ki:/, klju registration form /,red3Js'treij3n ,fo:m/, formular za prijavljivanje surname /'sa:neim/, prezime first /fa :st /, prvi first name, ime Peter /'pi:t3/, Petar Park /pa:k/ Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: A: Whose suitcase is this? B: ...

A: Whose pen is this? B: ... 10 A: What's the hotel like? B: .... 11 At the Hotel Unit 3 Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: A:... hat ...? B: It's Mr Parker's. A:... bag ...? B: It's Miss Kelly's. A: . . your room...? B: It's very nice. Mr Tomi: } . . 's very nice. Mr Brown: What's Mrs Heath like? Mr Tomi: ... 's very nice, too. Pitajte druge studente kakav je hotel, soba g. Tomia, kao i kakvi su g. Hit i ga Hit. Numbers 12 13 14 15 eleve twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen n 16 17 18 19 20 sixtee sevent n nineteen twenty n eei eighteen > 19 17 15 13 H, What's the number of your room? -19, 17, 15, u, , 14 16' 18> 2 B Popunite odgovarajui oblik (-'*) At the Reception Desk The porter is at the reception desk. Porter: suitcase is this? Receptionist: Mr Tomi... Porter Is this Mr Tomi ... passport? Receptionist: No, it isn't. It's Mr Johnson.. . Porter: Whose key is this? Receptionist: It's Mr Smith ... Neeiji pao* i kljuc nalaze se a recepciji hotela. Pitajte druge studente *, su ti predmeti. Stavite odgovarajuu zamenicu (he, she, it): At the Hotel Mr Tomi and Mr Brown are in the lobby. Mr Brown: What's your room like? Mr Tomi: ... 's nice. Mr Brown: What's Mr Heath like? Popunite odgovarajue izraze: At the Reception Desk Mr Heath and Mr Tomi are at the reception desk. Mr Heath: Good afternoon. This is Mr Tomi. Receptionist: ________, sir. Mr Tomi: _________ Receptionist: Your passport, ________ Mr Tomi: ________ Receptionist: ________, sign your name here. Thank you. Nalazite se na recepciji hotela. Dramatizujte dijalog sa jo dva studenta. Popunite formular: REGISTRATION FORM 1. Surname 2. First Names 3. Nationality. 5. Occupation . Signature . 4. Sex (M or F) ..........


6. Passport issued at ... -No . Unit 3 Prevedite na engleski: D Evo nas. Ovo je va hotel. Vrlo je lep. Dobar dan. Ovo je g. Peri. Dobar dan, gospodine. Va paso, molim. Izvolite. Hvala. Molim vas, potpiite ovde vae ime. Ovde? Da, molim. Hvala. Soba 18. Izvolite klju. iji je ovo kofer? Gospodina Peria. iji je ovo klju? Gospodina Smita. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: PUSH 00 14 UNIT 4 IN THE COFFEE ROOM It is coffee time. All the students are in the coffee room. Lucy and Peter are at a table. Peter: Here's your coffee. Lucy: Thank you. Where are you from? Peter: I'm from Yugoslavia. Lucy: What's your nationality? Peter: I'm Yugoslav. And where are you from? Lucy: I'm from France. I'm French. Peter (points to a student): Where's he from? Lucy: He's from Italy. Peter(points to a student): Is she from Germany? Lucy: No, she isn't. She's from Sweden. Peterfpoints to two students): Are they from Spain? Lucy: No, they aren't. Peter: Where are they from? Lucy: They're from Greece. 15 Unit 4 Renik tea /ti:/, aj or /a: I, ili coffee /'kofi/, kafa coffee room /'kofi 'rum/, prostorija u kojoj se pije kafa ili aj time /taim/, vreme coffee time /'kofi 'taim/, vreme za kafu ali /o:l/, svi table /teibl/, sto from /from, from/, od Where are you from? Odakle ste? Yugoslavia /'jugau'slarvia/, Jugoslavija Yugoslav /'jugau'slarv/, Jugosloven; jugoslovenski nationality /, Je'nsliti /, narodnost France /fra:ns/, Francuska French /frentj/, Francuz; francuski Italy /'itali/, Italija Germany /'dssrmwii/, Nemaka Sweden /'swi.-dsn/, vedska Spain /spein/, panija 're /o/, skraeni oblik od are aren't /a:nt/, skraeni oblik od ore no/ Greece /gri:s/, Grka Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Surname: TOMI 2. First Name(s): Petar 3. Nationality: Yugoslav 1. Surname: ABI

2. First Name(s): Lucy 3. Nationality: French Where's Mr Tomi from? What's his nationality? Where's Miss Abi from? What's her nationality? Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: Surname: BROWN First Name(s): Mary Nationality: British Sex (M or F): F Surname: BERGMAN First Name(s): Olaf Nationality: Swedish Sex (M or F): M She's from Britain He's Swedish. 16 In the Coffee Room B Upotrebite odgovarajue oblike glagola to be: In the Coffee Room All the students ... in the coffee room. Their books, notebooks and pens K*. on their desks in the classroom. Miss Abi: .' . . you from Spain? . Student: No, I* . . . F . . . from Yugoslavia. Where .Tr you from? Miss Abi: I* 1 . . from France. Student: \L he from France? Miss Abi: No, he '^.^fle' * . . from Sweden. Student: .--/ . they from Greece? Miss Abi: Yes, they . . . Nalazite se u grupi stranih studenata. Pitajte ih odakle su. Dopunite kratke odgovore: Coffee Time It is coffee time. The students are in the coffee room. A: Is she French? B: Yes, she A,, A: Is he Swedish? B: No, he..; A: Are they Italian? B: No, they . . . They're Spanish. Nalazite se u grupi stranih studenata. Pitajte ih odakle su, odnosno koje su nacionalnosti, tako da odgovaraju sa Yes, ili No,. Stavite odgovarajue oblike glagola to be: What nationality are you? /; Peter, Lucy and a student : . in the street. j'.f-Student: What nationality ..'. you? Lucy: ... French. And what nationality ;. you? Student: .1 American, but my father .'.->Greek. 2 Engleski u 50 lekcija 17 Unit 4 Peter: What nationality is your mother? Student: She'.":' Russian. Nalazite se na ulici sa grupom stranaca. Pitajte ih koje su nacionalnosti, kao i njihovi otac i majka. Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: At a Table Lucy and Peter are at a table in the coffee room. Peter: Tea or coffee? Lucy: Tea ,p/^<H? Peter: '1 your tea. Lucy: ' hf":* '/CZf Nalazite se u prostoriji gde se slui aj ili kafa. Ponudite svog sagovornika ajem ili kafom. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: aj ili kafu? aj, molim. Izvolite aj. Hvala. Odakle ste? Ja sam iz Jugoslavije. Koje ste narodnosti? Ja sam Jugosloven. Odakle ste vi? Ja sam iz Francuske. Francuskinja sam. Da li je on takoe iz Francuske? Ne, nije. On je iz Italije. On je Italijan. Da li su oni iz panije? Ne, nisu. Oni su iz Grke. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: ENTRANCE

18 UNIT 5 IN PARLIAMENT SQUARE Arthur's sister is a tourist guide. At the moment she is with a group of tourists from different countries. They're in Parliament Square. Guide: We're in Parliament Square. These are the Houses of Parliament. Tourist: Excuse me, what's that? Guide: It's Big Ben. Tourist: And what's the name of that bridge? Guide: It's Westminster Bridge. Tourist: And what's that building over there? Guide: It's Westminster Abbey. Tourist: Thank you. Excuse me, are all the London buses red? Guide: Yes, they are. Tourist: And what are those buildings over there? Guide: They're new blocks of flats. Tourist: Thank you. Guide: Let's go to Westminster Abbey now. This way, please. 2 19 Unit 5 Renik parliament /'pa:bmant/, parlament square /skwea/, trg Excuse me /iks'kju:z mi:/, izvinite that /daet, 6at/ to, ono Big Ben /'big 'ben/,- Big Ben sister /'sista/, sestra tourist /'tu:rist/, turista guide /gaid/, vodi moment /'maumant/, trenutak with /wi6/, sa group /gru:p/, grupa of /af, av/, od different /'difrant/, razliit country /'kAntri/, zemlja these /6i:z/, ovi, ove, ova house /haus/, kua the Houses of Parliament /'hauziz af 'pa:lamant/, Parlament bridge /brids/, most building /'bildirj/, zgrada abbey /'aebi/, opatija Westminster /'westminsta/, Vest-minster bus /bAs/, autobus red /red/, erven those /6auz/, oni, one, pna fiat /flaet/, stan block of flats /'blok of 'ftets/, velika stambena zgrada go /gau/, ii Let's go /'lets 'gau/, hajdemo Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: A: What are these buildings? B: ... 20 A: What are those buildings? B: ... A: What colour are the London buses? B: ... In Parliament Square

postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: A:... B: It's Westminster Bridge. B: It's Big Ben. A: ... the London coaches? B: They're green. B Stavite imenice u zagradi u oblik mnoine: _, In Parliament Square >>' Arthur's sister is a guide. She's with a group of (tourist) in Parliament Square. They're from different (country). Peter is with them. t Guide: These are the (House) of Parliament. Tourist: Excuse me, what are those (building) over there? Guide: They're new (block) of (flat). Tourist: Are all the London (bus) red? Guide: Yes, they are. The (bus) are red, but the (coach) are green. Tourist: Thank you. Pokazujete stranim turistima zgradu Skuptine u Beogradu, park Skuptine i nove stambene zgrade. Neka drugi studenti budu turisti. 21 Unit 5 Upotrebite tUs, that, these, those ili it: Big Ben A guide is with a group of tourists in Parliament Square.* K^ is Parliament Square. What's .71^-^ i . .'s Big Ben. And . . . _are the Houses of Parliament'. Excuse me, what's . !' /^building over there? JJVs Westminster Abbey. What's the name of / bridge? J L's Westminster Bridge. And what >58 over there? They're new blocks of flats. Guide: ' Tourist: Guide: Tourist: Guide: Tourist: Guide: Tourist: Guide: Gledajte u sliku Trga Parlamenta i postavljajte pitanja drugim studentima upotrebljavajui this, that, these ili those. Numbers 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred Recite sledee brojeve: 30, 50, 70, 90, 80, 60, 40, 20, 100. What's the number of your house? Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: In Parliament Square A group of tourists is. in Parliament Square. Tourist: '. *where*s Parliament Square? Guide: This is Parliament Square. Tourist: Thank you. /-> '..i r' what's the name of that bridge over there? Guide: It's Westminster Bridge. Tourist:____:__i_ very much. Nalazite se sa grupom turista ispred zgrade Parlamenta u Londonu. Postavljajte pitanja vodiu, obraajui mu se svaki put sa Excuse me. * Naite na mapi Parlament. 22 UDBENICI STRANIH JEZIKA Kolarev narodni univerzitet je do sada objavio sledec udbenike /a uenje stranih je/Jka: Engleski, l Engleski, 2 Engleski, 3

Engleski kroz razgovor Engleski n 50 lekcija Nemaki, l j\'eniaki, 2 Nemaki, 3 Nemaki, 4 Francuski, l Francuski, 2 Francuski, 3 Francuski kroz razgovor Italijanski, l Italijanski, 2 dr Ljiljana Mihailovi dr Ljiljana Mihailovi Slavna Babi dr Danka oki dr Danka oki Z. Kukie V. Notaro K.uki M. Ostoji-Hripa V. Hadi Z. Kuki V. Notaro-Kuki M. Ostoji-Hripa V. Hadi O. Milutinovi M. Kneevi Bojana Jakovljevi dr Ksenija Jovanovi D. Marodi R. Dimitrijevi mr T. Jeremi dr S. Turconi m r T. Jeremi dr S. Turconi Srpskohrvatski za strance br. / Slavna Babi (Serbo-Croatian for Foreigners Book One) Srpskohrvatski za strance br. // Slavna Babi (Serbo-Croatian for Foreigners Book Two) panski, l Spanski kroz razgovor S. Davio-urovi D. Lompar D. Milojevi KOLAREV NARODNI UNIVERZITET Centar /,a izdavaku delatnost Telefon 636-272 11000 Beograd, Studentski trg 5 In Parliament Square 23 Unit 5 D Prevedite na engleski: Izvinite, ta je ono? To je Big Ben. Kako se zove onaj most? To je Vestminsterski most. Izvinite, da li je ovo Parlament? Da, jeste. - A koje su ono zgrade? To su nove stambene zgrade. Kako se zove ona zgrada tamo? To je Vestminsterska opatija. Hvala. Izvinite, da li su svi londonski autobusi crveni? Da, jesu, ali su meugradski autobusi zeleni. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: GENTLEMEN 24 UNIT 6 IN THE OFFICE It's 8 o'clock. Arthur is in his office. Peter is late. Peter: I'm sorry I'm late. Arthur: That's all right. What's the time? Peter: It's five past eight. Arthur: It's eight o'clock by my watch, How are you today? Peter: I'm fine, thank you. And you? Arthur: I'm very well, thanks. (knock at the door) Arthur: Come in. This is my secretary, Miss Parker. This is Mr Tomi. Peter: Hello! Miss Parker: Hello! Arthur: What time is it by your watch, Miss Parker? Misa Parker: It's five past eight. Here's your mail. Arthur: Thank you, Miss Parker. 25 Unit 6 What's the time? It's a quarter past 7. It's half past 7.

It's a quarter to 8. Renik office/'afis/, kancelarija I'm sorry /'sari/, ao mi je Sorry, ao mi je skraeni oblik That's all right /rait/, u redu je, ne mari It's 8 o'clock /a 'klak/, osam je sa<i be late /leit/, zakasniti What's the time?, Koliko je sati? What time is it?, Koliko je sati? past /pa:st/, prolo by /bai/, na, po watch /vvatj/, runi sat clock /klak/, zidni sat, sat na tornju how /hau/, kako How are you? kako si/ste? today /ts'dei/, danas fine /fain/, fino, lepo well /wel/, dobro thanks /Oxrjks/, hvala knock /nak/, kucanje door /da:/, vrata come in /'kAm 'in/, ui; uite mail /meil/, pota quarter /'kwarta/, etvrt half /ha:f/, pola to /tu, ta/, do 26 fri the Office Dodami materijal i vebanja Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: This is Madge's watch. What's the time by her watch? This is Arthur's watch. What time is it by his watch? A: What time is it by our clock? B: ... Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: A:..... by their clock? B: It's ten past four. A:... B: It's half past three. A: ... B: It's twenty to 1en. 27 Unit 6 Stavite odgovarajui prisvojni pridev (my, your, his, her, our, their): The Teacher is Late Mrs Heath isn't in the classroom. She's five minutes late today. Peter: What's the time by ... watch, Lucy? Lucy: It's twelve minutes past ten, but. . . watch'isn't right. Ask the student next to you if... watch is right. Peter: What's the time? Student: Sorry, Peter, . .. watch isn't right. Ask the student next to you if. . . watch is right. Peter: What time is it by... watch? Student: It's five past ten. ... teacher is late today. Peter: .. . teacher is late, but... teacher is on time. Pitajte druge studente koliko je sati i da li su im satovi tani. Stavite at, in, from, over ili with: Parliament Square Peter isWty'sf group of tourists. They're fT-Tdifferent countries. the moment they are ./vy. Parliament Square. Guide: We are.'.i Parliament Square now. Big Ben is !V. front of

you. Peter: Excuse me, what are those buildings? Guide: They're the Houses of Parliament. Westminster Abbey is there. Tourist: Excuse me, where are you ~T?.7 Peter: I'm ff? Yugoslavia. And wfiere are you ,'^ftKJ~*~' Tourist: I'm ... Spain. ramatizujte dijalog. Stavite a ili an gde je potrebno: What does he do? Peter and Lucy are in the coffee bar opposite ... Parliament Square. Lucy: What does your father do? Peter: He's . . . engineer. 28 In the Office Lucy: And what does your mother do? Peter: She's... clerk. What does your father do, Lucy? Lucy: He's ... dentist and my mother is ... nurse. Pitajte druge studente ta su njihovi otac i majka po profesiji. Popunite odgovarajue Izraze: In the Office It's 8 o'clock. Arthur is in his office. Peter is late. Peter: Arthur: Peter: Arthur: Arthur: Peter: Miss Parker: ------____I'm late. ------------I'm early. How are you today? ------------ thank you. And you? ________, thanks. (knock at the door) Come in.________my secretary, Miss Parker. Mr Tomi. Zakasnili ste na as. Izvinite se svome nastavniku. Sreli ste svog poznanika Engleza i raspitujete se kako je. ramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Izvinite to sam zakasnio. Ne mari. Koliko je sati? Pola deset. Da li je va sat taan? Da, jeste. Kako ste danas? Hvala, odlino. A v'? Vrlo sam dobro, hvala. (Kucanje na vratima) Napred! Ovo je moja sekretarica, gospoica Parker. Ovo je g. Tomi. Milo mi je. Milo mi je. Izvolite vau potu. Hvala, gospoice Parker. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: INFORMATION NO SMOKING 29 UNIT 7 IN THE BOOKSHOP It's Friday evening. Peter is ih a bookshop. Peter: Assistant: Peter: Assistant: Peter: Assistant: Peter: Assistant: Peter: Assistant:

Peter: Assistant: 30 Good evening. Good evening, sir. Can I help you? Have you a map of London? Yes, we have. Here's one. How much is it? It's 90p. All right. And have you a guide to London? Yes, we have. Here are two very good ones. How much are they? One is 2.40 and the other one is 3 pounds. Give me this one, please. Here's 4. Please, pay at the cash-desk. Unit 7 '* Peter: Here's the 'bill. Assistant: Thank you. Here's your map and guide. Excuse me, sir, is this umbrella yours? Peter: Yes, it's mine. Thank you very much. Goodbye. Assistant: Goodbye, sir. Renik bookshop /'bukjop/, knjiara evening /'i:vnin/, vece Good evening /'gud 'i:vnig/, dobro vee Friday /'fraidi,'fraidei/, petak assistant /a'sistsnt/, prodava Can I help you? /'kaen ai 'help ju/, ta elite? ime vas mogu us luiti? have /haev, tov, sv/, imati map /nwep/, mapa much /nutJ/, mnogo how much /'hau '1/, koliko How much is it? Koliko staje? Poto je? penny /'peni/, peni _j>ence /pens/, oblik mnoine od penny ' p oznaka za peni All right /':1 'rait/, u redu je, odgovara mi other /'/, drugi pound /paund/, funta , oznaka za funtu give /giv/, dati pay /pel/, platiti cash-desk /'kaej-desk/, blagajna bill /bil/, raun umbrella /Am'breb/, kiobran yours /jo:z/, va mine /main/, moj goodbye /'gud'bai/, zbogom 31 In the Bookshop Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: Peter: How much is this guide? Assistant: .. . Peter: What day is it? Lucy: ... Lucy: Has Mrs Heath a son/ a daughter?

Peter: No, ... Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: Lucy: ... a car? Peter: No, I haven't. Lucy: ... the Heaths a cat or a dog? I'tier: They have a dog. Peter: . . . Clerk: (It's) 20p. 32 In the Bookshop " -*"--^ ' Stavite odgovarajue oblike glagola have (have, haven't). In the Bookshop (1) Arthur and Peter are in a bookshop. Peter: n&Tt. you a map of London? Assistant: Yes, wehw^Here's one. Arthur: !H^T they a map ofJLpndon? Yes, theyt.4(/T?JereJit__~~ Excuse me, * got; a bus map? Peter: Arthur: Assistant: Sorry, sir, we .k\t* Upotrebite one iii ones: In the Bookshop (2) Have you a guide to England? Yes, we have. Here's . -*- e<*5 How much is it? It's 3.50. Oh, that's expensive. Peter: Assistant: Peter: Assistant: Peter: , .u ,,u Assistant: Here are two other l3K This ... is only 1.00. It's cheap. Peter: All right. Give me this g}lA 'please. Upotrebite / ili yours: In the Bookshop (3) Peter: Here's the bill. Assistant: Here's your guide to England, sir. Peter: Thank you. Goodbye. Assistant: Excuse me, sir, is this bag. .4|(jU "^ Peter: Yes, it's INyM'hank you very much. Assistant: That's all right. Goodbye, sir. Nalazite se u knjiari u Londonu i hoete da kupite vodi kroz London. Izvrite kupovinu sa jo jednim studentom kao prodavcem. Pri tome ste skoro zaboravili svoj kiobran na tezgi. Proitajte sledee cene: 33.00; 13.50; 55.50; 15.Z5; 31.40 3 Engleski u SO lekcija 33 Unit 7 UNIT 8 Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Taxi! It's half past six in the evening. Peter is in Trafalgar Square. Peter: Taxi! Taxi-driver: Good evening, sir. Peter: ________27, Garden Street. Taxi-driver: Here we are, sir. Peter: ________? Taxi-driver: 1.75. Peter: _____ 2.

Taxi-driver: Thank you, sir. Goodbye. Dramatizujte dijalog. My address is: 23, Park Street. What's yours? D Prevedite na engleski: Dobro vee. Dobro vee, gospodine. ta elite? Imate li mapu Londona? Da, imamo. Evo jedne. Poto je? 90 penija. To je skupo. Evo jedne druge. Kota samo 50 penija. Sasvim je jeftina. U redu. A imate li vodi kroz Englesku? Da, imamo. Evo dva vrlo dobra vodia. Poto su? Jedan je 2 funte, a drugi je l funta i 50 penija. Dajte mi ovaj, molim. Izvolite 2 funte. Molim vas platite na blagajni. Izvolite raun. Izvolite vau mapu i vodi. Hvala. Izvinite, gospodine, da li je ovaj kiobran va? Da, moj je. Veliko hvala. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: NO ENTRY NO EXIT ON MONDAY MORNING CAKES.......... ,12p BISCW73.... SWWCHE5....25p COFFEE: ........ 15/, TEA ....... .12? MILK ........ 12 HAVBSlY YOU 60V A BROTHER? 34 ..... 'COCA COLA.'.. 15p It's eleven o'clock on Monday morning. It's time for the coffee break. Peter and Lucy are in the coffee room. Peter: Haven't you got a brother, Lucy? Lucy: Pardon? Peter: Haven't you got a brother? Lucy: No, I haven't. I've only got a sister. Peter: How old is she? Lucy: She's very young. She's only seventeen. Peter: What's she like? Lucy: Oh, she's very pretty. She's tall and slim. Peter: Has she got brown eyes, too? Lucy: Yes, she has. She's got brown eyes and black hair. And have you got a sister? Peter: No, I haven't, but I've got two brothers. Lucy: How old are they? Peter: They're both twenty. They're twins. Lucy: Twins? What are they like? 35 Unit 8 On Monday Morning Peter: They're quite handsome. One is fair, with blue eyes and fair hair and the other is dark. Here's a photograph. Have a look! Renik Monday /'mAndi.'nundei/, ponedeljak 4e /v/, skraeni oblik od have haven't /'haevnt/, skraeni oblik od have not got /got/, oblik glagola get koji se upotrebljava sa glagolom have brother //, brat pardon /'pa:dan/, Molim? ta ste rekli? coffee break /'kofi 'breik/, prekid za kafu, pauza za kafu old /auld/, star How old is he? Koliko ima godina? young //, mlad pretty /'priti/, lep, lepukast tali /to:l/, visok slim /slim/, vitak has /haez, hsz/, ima 's /z, s/, skraeni oblik od has hasn't /'haeznt/, skraeni oblik od has not brown /braun/, mrk, sme eye /ai/, oko black /blaek/, crn hair //, kosa both /bsu6/, oboje, obojica twin

/twin/, blizanac handsome /'hasnsam/, lep fair /fea/, svetle boje (lica, koe, kosej blue /blu:/, plav dark /da:k/, taman, crnomanjast photograph /'fautagra:f/, fotografija look /luk/, pogled; pogledati Have a look! Pogledaj! Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. How many brothers has Peter got? 2. Hasn't Peter got a sister? 3. How old are his brothers? 4. What are they like? 5. Have you got a brother or a sister? Postavite odgovarajua l......? No, she hasn't. 2......? Yes, she has. 3......? She's seventeen. 4......? She's tall and slim. 5......? Yes, I have. - drugim studentima: Stavite odgovarajui oblik glagola have: Coffee Break It's the coffee break. Peter and Lucy are in the coffee room. Peter: ... you got a brother, Lucy? Lucy: No, I... but ... got a sister. And you? ... you got a sister? Peter: No, I... but 1' ... got two brothers. Lucy: ... Mrs Smith got any children? Peter: Yes, she ... She'... got a son and a daughter. Lucy: What are they like? Peter: The girl's very pretty, but the boy's short and fat. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima da li imaju brata ili sestru, odnosno koliko ovi imaju godina i kako izgledaju. Stavite a, an ili the gde je potrebno: In the Coffee Room Peter and Lucy are at... table. Lucy: What's ... Mr Heath like? Peter: He's .. . very nice man. Lucy: His wife is ... very nice woman, too. Peter: Yes, she is. What are Mrs Brown and Mrs Jones like? 36 37 Unit 8 Lucy: They're both... very nice women. And what are their husbands like? Peter: They're both... very nice men, too. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima u vezi sa dijalogom. Uporebite odgovarajuu prisvojim zamenicu (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs): Back in the Classroom Peter and Lucy are back in the classroom. There are some notebooks, textbooks and pens on the desks. Peter: Whose notebook is this? Lucy: It's m s.. Is this textbook ?. -' Peter: No, it isn't. It's Marco's. Lucy: Is this pen h41.,' too? Peter: No, it isn't. It's, Vera's. Lucy: Is this pencil h;.. ?; Peter: No, it isn't. It's m ... f* There are some tests on their desks, too.

Lucy: And whose tests are these? Peter: O ... and th ... . Lucy: Are their tests as good as o... .? Peter: No, they aren't. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima kome pripadaju razni predmeti u uionici. Dopunite odgovarajue izraze: At the Table Peter and Lucy are in the coffee room again. Peter: Has Maria got a sister? Lucy: ________? Peter: Has Maria got a sister? Lucy: No, she hasn't, but she's got two brothers. Peter: On Monday Morning are they? Lucy: They're sixteen. Peter: ________? ; - Lucy: They're both tall and thin. C Dramatizujte dijalog sa jo jednim studentom. D Prevedite na engleski: Izvolite va aj. Hvala. Imate li brata? Molim? Imate li brata? Da, imam. Koliko ima godina? Ima devetnaest. Kako izgleda? Vrlo je lep. Visok je sa plavim oima i crnom kosom. Zar nemate vi brata? Nemam, ali imam sestru. Koliko ima ona godina? Dvadeset i pet. Kako izgleda? Lepa je. Ima crne oi i plavu kosu. Da li je visoka? Ne, nije. Prilino je niska rastom, ali je vitka. Izvinite, da li je ova kafa vaa? Ne, nije. To je Verina. Ona ponekad pije kafu za ovim stolom. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: CLOAKROOM COLLECT UMBRELLAS AND BAGGAGE 5* 38 39 Madge is Preparing Dinner UNIT 9 . V Renik MADGE IS PREPARING DINNER It's Sunday evening. Madge and Arthur are in the kitchen. The kitchen is small. There is a cooker, a refrigerator, a table and two chairs in it. The cooker <S~is-otrthe~Je?k and the fridge is on the right. The table and the chairs are in Uie middle' of the kitchen. .,, 4> Arthur is hungry and thirsty. Madge: What's the matter with you, Arthur? Arthur: I'm hungry. Er is there any cheese in the fridge? Madge: No, there isn't. Arthur: And is there any butter? Madge: Yes, there is. There's some cold meat and ham, too. Arthur: Ham's all right. Is there any beer? Madge: No, there isn't, but there's some milk. Arthur: Milk? No, thank you. What else is there? Madge: Open the fridge and have a look. Arthur: All right. Look, there's a bottle of wine. Madge: Is it white or red wine? Arthur: It's white. All right. Ham and white wine's fine. Sunday /'sAndi, 'sAndei/, nedelja What's the matter with you? ta ti je? hungry /'hArjgri/, gladan kitchen /'kitfin/, kuhinja small /smo:l/, mali there is /' iz; iz/, ima, cooker /'kuka/, sporet refrigerator /ri'fridsareita/, friider fridge /frids/, friider (skraeno) chair /tfea/, stolica left /left/, levo right /rait/, desno middle /midl/, sredina

thirsty /'8a:sti/, edan cheese /tji:z/, sir butter /'oAts/, maslac cold /kauld/, hladan meat /mi:t/, meso ham /hsem/, unka beer /bis/, pivo milk /milk/, mleko What else /els/... ta jo . open /'aupn/, otvoriti bottle /botl/, flaa, boca wine /wain/, vino red /red/, crven white /wait/, beo Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: \ What's there in the fridge? Is there a bottle of wine? Are there any bottles on the top shelf? Are there any glasses? Are there any plates on the bottom shelf? Are there any saucepans? 40 41 Unit 9 Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: 1......? There's some meat. J / 2......? There's some bread. 3......? Yes, there is. 4......? No, there isn't. There's some salad. B Stavite a, some ili any: On Sunday Evening It's Sunday evening. Madge and Arthur are in the kitchen. > - Arthur: Is themK. (butter in the fridge? Madge: No, there fsn't. Arthur: Is there./v'cheese? Madge: Yes, there isv Arthur: What else is there? Madge: There's :>V''ham. Arthur: Ham's all right. Is there Madge: No, there isn't, but there's. ^bottle of wine. There's, mineral water, too. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta se nalazi u njihovom friideru. Stavite much ili many: In the Kitchen The Heaths' kitchen is white. The cupboards are white, too. The cups, saucers and plates are in the top cupboard. The knives, forks and spoons are in the bottom cupboard. Madge: How.''.. cups are there in the cupboard, Arthur? Arthur: There are four cups and four saucers. There are six plates, too. 42 ....... Madge is Preparing Dinner Madge: And how .". T knives are there? Arthur: There are only two knives and three spoons. AH the knives and spoons are in the dishwasher. c\-~~/j<y>( Madge: Er and is there any bread in the box? Arthur: Yes, there ,is. Madge: How/^Hwead is there? ^ Arthur: Well, there isn't .^j u &,,j ^^" Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta se nalazi u gornjim i donjim elementima u njihovoj kuhinji. Stavite odgovarajui oblik line zamenice (me, him): Blackie's hungry Madge and Arthur have a dog. His name is Blackie. Arthur: Blackie's hungry, Madge. Given A''some chocolate. Madge: All right. Arthur: Please, give... some chocolate, too. Madge: All right, Arthur. Here you are. Arthur: Thank you, Madge. Zamolite jednog od studenata da vam da svoju knjigu i zahvalite mu se. 1,1* Dopunite odgovarajue izraze:

Arthur's Hungry Arthur's hungry and thirsty. , 'j/^,' , Madge: _________ Arthur? Arthur: I'm hungry and thirsty. What's there in the fridge? Madge: Open it and have a look. Arthur: There's some ham. There's some white wine, too. Ham and white wine's fine. Dramatizujte dijalog. Unit 9 D Prevedite na engleski: ta ti je, Arture? Gladan sam i edan. Ima li sira u friideru? Ne, nema. Ima li hladnog mesa? Da, ima. A ima li piva? Ne, nema, ali ima mleka. Mleka? Ne, hvala. ega jo ima? Arture, otvori friider i pogledaj ega ima. Ima unke. Ima i flaa belog vina. U redu. unka i belo v.'no to je odlino. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: FOOD DEPARTMENT FRESH MEAT Art! /i Ma ArtK Ma Anh Ma Rtajtl UNIT *> AT HOME It's twenty to six on back home. He's early._, Madge: Hi, Arthu<Aren4 you early today? ia^Sr.i.: Isn4 Madge: No, it isn't. Mine , nght isn't it cold m P-e and What's tKe date toda, : It's 31st May. a, Unit 10 At Home Stavite at, in ili to: At Home Madge and Arthur are ^ "Thome. They are .'.'. the living-room. Arthur: What day is it today? Madge: It's Tuesday. Arthur: What's the time? Madge: It's a quarter.^ seven. Arthur: Isn't it twenty .^0 seven? Madge: No, it isn't. Your watch is slow. Arthur: Isn't it cold .\. here? Madge: Cold? It's quite warm. Pitajte druge studente koliko je sati i recite da je hladno. Stavite me, him, her, them: A Message Mr Heath's secretary is at her desk. Mr Smith is there, too. Mr Smith: Excuse .V.f is Mr Heath in? Secretary: No, he isn't. He's out. Mr Smith: Please, give il/j^his letter. And is Mrs Brown in? Secretary: No, she isn't. She's out, too. Mr Smith: Can I leave a message for. k (Q.(* Secretary: Of course, sir. Mr Smith: Please, tell ./^1 phone me about 3. Secretary: All right, sir. ,< ^ Mr Smith: Please, can you tell both off., to phone me about 3?

Thank you. Secretary: Excuse .1^ sir, can you tell .\ your name and phone number? ~ ^ Nalazite se u jednoj kancelariji i elite da razgovarate sa g. Hitom. Sekretarica vam kae da nije u kancelariji. Ostavite poruku za g. Hita. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Madge is Right Madge and Arthur are in the living-room. Madge: I'm cold. Give me my jumper, , I4S'! Arthur: What's the date today, Madge? Madge: It's 2nd July. Arthur: Isn't it 1st July? Madge: No, it isn't. Look at the date in today's paper. Arthur: _ It's July 2nd. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Provedite na engleski: . - < Zdravo, Med. Zdravo, Arture. Zar nisi danas poranio? Ne, nian). Zar nije pet do est? Ne, nije. Dvadeset je do est. Tvoj sat ide napred. A zar tvoj ne kasni? Ne, ne kasni. Moj je tacan. Zar nije ovde hladno? Ne, nije. Sasvim je toplo. Toplo? Prilino je hladno. Molim te zatvori prozor i daj mi demper. Koji je danas datum? Prvi novembar. Zar nije trideseti oktobar? Ne, nije. Evo dananjih novina. Pogledaj datum. U pravu si. Sluaj ovo: Hladno vreme danas." Zar nisam u pravu? Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: BUS STOP REQUEST STOP (H /U<f* ,'." rJ / /af'i h - N1$ Ifr'i li O 15 48 4 Englnki u 50 lekcija 49 UNIT 11 AN EVENING AT HOME It's Wednesday evening. Madge and Arthur are at home. Arthur's in the living-room. He's sitting in an armchair and(is\reading the paper. Madge is hi the kitchen. She's preparing dinner. They're having soup, roast beef and vegetables for dinner. Madge: Where are you, Arthur? , i ' Arthur: Here I am in the living-room. f;K) fa9 Madge: Are you listening to the radio? Arthur: No, I'm not. Madge: Are you watching TV? Arthur: No, I'm not. Madge: What are you doing then? Arthur: I'm reading the paper. And what are you doing? Madge: I'm preparing dinner. Arthur: What are we having for dinner? 50

P/yV i * Madge: Soup, roast beef and vegetables. Arthur: Fine. Aren't we having a dessert? Madge: No, we aren't. Arthur: What a pity! An Evening at Home Renik prepare /pri'psa/, pripremati dinner /'dina/, glavni o bed for /fo:, fa/, za dessert /di'za:t/, slatki pity /'piti/, teta What a pity! Kakva teta' Wednesday /'wenzdi, 'wenzdei/, sreda sit /sit/, sedeti armchair /'armtjea/, naslonjaa soup /su:p/, supa roast beef /'raust'bi :f/, peena govedina vegetable /'vedsatabl/, povre have dinner, veerati ili ruati listen /'lisn/, sluati radio /'rsdiau/, radio watch /wotJ/, gledati television /'teli'visn/, televizija TV /'ti:'vi:/, TV skraeni oblik do /du:/, initi, raditi then /den/, onda Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: Is Arthur speaking on the phone? No,-.. He (read) the paper. What's Madge doing? ... (teach) the students. Is the child playing in the garden? Yes,... 51 Unit 11 An Evening at Home Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: ... the boy ...? He's riding the by-cicle. ... the boys ... ? They're going to school. ... the girls ...? They're looking at the picture. B Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajui oblik sadanjeg trajnog vremena: An Evening at Home Arthur's in the living-room. He (read) the paper. Madge's in the dining-room. She (lay) the table. Madge (ask) Arthur questions and he (answer) them. Madge: Where are you, Arthur? Arthur: In the living-room. Madge: You (watch) TV? Arthur: No, I... Madge: What you (do)? Arthur: I (read) the paper. And what you (do)? Madge: I (lay) the table. ' Postavite pitanja drugim studentima ta rade u ovom trenutku. A Telephone Call George, Arthur's friend, (stand) and (speak) to Madge on the phone. George: Hello! George speaking! Madge: Hello, George. What's the news? George: Is Arthur in? Madge: Yes, he is. George: What he (do)? Madge: He (type) a letter. George: Can I speak to him? Madge: Just a moment. Hold on, please. Bye. Telefonirajte jednom studentu i pitajte ga ta radi u ovom trenutku. Dramatizujte razgovor. In the Garage

Arthur's in the garage. He (repair) his car. Madge: Arthur, what you (do) in the garage? You (wash) your car? Arthur: No, I'm not. I (repair) it. And what you (do)? Madge: I (cook) supper. Arthur: What we (have) for supper? Madge: Fish and chips. Arthur: We (not have) pork chops? Madge: No, we... Pitajte druge studente ta Artur i Med rade u ovom trenutku. C Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: Madge is Getting Dinner Ready Madge is in the kitchen. She's getting dinner ready and talking to Arthur. Arthur: What are we having for dinner, Madge? Madge: Soup, pork chops and vegetables. Arthur: ________ Are we having cakes, too? Madge: No, we're not. Arthur: _________! Dramatizujte d'jalog. 52 53 Unit 11 D Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: - Gde si, Arture? - Ovde sam u dnevnoj sobi. - Gleda li televiziju? ~ ne/edam' ~ Da H slua radi? - Ne, ne sluam. - ta onda !L~, nOVine' A ta tf fadi? - Spremam veeru- - Sa imamo oMS M SUPU> 8Vee "^61* ' P0*' - Odlinoslatki? Ne, nemamo. teta! Prevedite na engleski: UNIT 12 A QUIZ PROGRAMME The Heaths' living-room is large and comfortable. There is a couch, two armchairs and a bookcase. There's a small table in front of the couch. There are some magazines on the table. There's a lamp beside the fireplace. In one corner of the room there is the television set. There's a carpet and rug on the floor. There are three pictures on the walls. There's a mirror above thef ireplace.* It's Thursday evening. Madge and Arthur are in the living-room. They're drinking coffee and watching a quiz programme. Chairman: Is Yugoslavia bigger or smaller than Britain? Yes, Mr Jones? Mr Jones: It's smaller. Chairman: That's right. One point to Mr Jones. Now, which is the highest mountain in Yugoslavia? Yes, Mr Steward? Mr Steward: It's Triglav. * (vidi sliku i na strani 50.) 54 55 Unit 12 A Quiz Programme Chairman: Mrs Parker Chairman: Mrs Brown: Chairman: Mr Jones: Chairman: Yes, it is. One point to Mr Steward. Another question on Yugoslavia. Which is the longest river? Yes, Mrs Parker? ;The Danube. No, it isn't. Mrs Brown? The Sava. Right. And which is the largest lake? Yes, Mr Jones? Lake Ohrid. It is. The scores are: twelve to Mr Steward, twelve to Mrs Parker, eighteen to Mrs Brown and twenty-eight to Mr Jones. Df&iatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno:

Renik quiz /kwiz/, kviz programme /'praugrasm/, program, large /laidj/, veliki, prostran comfortable /'kAmfatabl /, udoban couch /kautJV, kau bookcase /'bukkeis/, orman za knjige corner /'kama/, ugao small /smo:l/, mali television set /'telivisn 'set/, televizor magazine /,ma5ga'zi:n/, asopis lamp /Iemp/, lampa beside' /bi'said/, pored fireplace /'faiapleis/, kamin carpet /'ka:pit/, veliki tepih rug /rAg/, mali tepih floor /flo:/, pod wall /wa:l/, zid mirror /'mira/, ogledalo above /a'bAV/, iznad Thursday /'6a:zdi, '0a:zdei/ etvrtak than /, dan/, nego chairman /'tjsaman/, voditelj That's right, tano Right, tano point /paint/, poen which /wit//, koji high /hai/, visok mountain /'mauntin , planina another /'/, jedan drugi long /larj/, dug river /'riva/, reka lake /leik/, jezero score /ska:/, rezultat Jones /dsaunz/ Steward /'stjuad/ Parker /'pa:ka/ Brown /braun/ Customer: Which dress is longer: the white one or the red one? Assistant: ... Customer: Which skirt is larger: the yellow one or the green one? Assistant: . .. Customer: Which coat is bigger: the black one or the grey one? Assistant: .., Postavite odgovarajua pitanja drugim studentima: [Mens suits] Customer: .. . . ? Assistant: The red one. Customer: .... larger? Assistant: The white one. Customer: . .. suit. .? Assistant: The blue one. 56 57 Unit 12 A Quiz Programme B Stavite prideve u zagradi u pravilan oblik: A Quiz Programme on London Madge and Arthur are in the living-room. They're watching a TV quiz programme. Blackie is lying under the television set. Chairman: Is London bigger or smaller than Edinburgh? Mr Jones? Mr Jones: It's (big). Chairman: Right. One point to Mr Jones. Now, which is the (long) street in London? Mrs Parker? Mrs Parker: Oxford Street. Chairman: That's right. One point to Mrs Parker. Next question. Which is the (large) park in London? Yes, Mr Steward? Mr Steward: Hyde Park. Chairman: It is. One point to Mr Steward. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima u vezi sa kvizom o Londonu. In a Store Mrs Jones is in a store. She's buying a coat. Mrs Jones: Is this the (large) coat you have? Assistant: No, it isn't. We've got a (large) size. Here it is. Mrs Jones: Which coat is (long): this one or that one? Assistant: This one is (long), madam. Mrs Jones: This one is (long), but the other one is (nice). Assistant: This one is very nice, too. Nalazite se u jednoj robnoj kui u Londonu gde kupujete haljinu/odelo. Dramatizujte dijalog. Upotrefaite lan a, an ili the gde je potrebno:

.. . Quiz Programme o ... Britain ... Heaths are watching... TV quiz programme on ... Britain. Chairman: Is ... Scotland bigger or smaller than... Wales? Mrs Parker? Mrs Parker: It's bigger. Chairman: Right. Which is ... highest mountain in ... Scotland? Mr Jones: .... Ben Nevis. Chairman: That's right. Which is ... longest river in ... England? Mr Steward? Mr Steward: .. Thames. Postavite pitanja drugim studentima u vezi sa kvizom o Britaniji. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Another Quiz Programme Madge and Arthur are watching a quiz programme on Yugoslavia. Chairman: Is Belgrade larger or smaller than London? Mrs Brown? Mrs Brown: It's smaller. Chairman: ________ One point to Mrs Brown. Now, which is the longest river in Yugoslavia? Yes, Mrs Parker? Mrs Parker: The Danube. Chairman: No, it isn't. Yes, Mr Steward? Mr Steward: The Sava. Chairman; _____ Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Da li je ovo najvea bluza koju imate? Ne, nije. Imamo vei broj. Izvolite. Koja je od ovih bluza dua: ova ili ona? Ova je dua i ira. Ona druga je lepa. I ova je vrlo lepa. Poto je ova bluza? Dvadeset funti. Da li imate jeftinije bluze od ovih? Da, imamo, ali ove su lepse. U redu. Dajte mi ovu bluzu. Izvolite dvadeset funti. Molim vas platite na kasi. Izvolite raun. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: LOOK RIGHT LOOK LEFT ! 58 59 V X \v ci \ V t \> UNIT 13 AN ENGLISH HOUSE Mr and Mrs Heath have a house in a London suburb. It has the ground-floor and the upper floor. The living-room, the dining-room, and the kitchen are on the ground-floor. The bedrooms and the bathroom are on the upper floor. There is a small garden in front of the house and a larger one behind it. There is a garage, too. ^,- "' The dining-room is not very large. There is a dining-table, a sideboard and six chairs in it. Mr and Mrs Heath usually have their meals in the dining-room, but sometimes they have breakfast in the kitchen. On Sundays they always have dinner in the dining-room. In the evening the Heaths sit in the living-room. They watch TV, listen to the radio or talk. Sometimes Mr Heath reads a book and Mrs Heath writes letters. At ten o'clock they usually drink tea or coffee. They go to bed about eleven o'clock. It's Saturday evening. Madge and Arthur are in the living-room. Arthur: Do you want to go to bed early tonight? Madge: No, I don't. I want to go-te^the~emeina. Arthur: To the cinema? Why, Chat's on?--fl)> ; " Madge: There's a very good film on aTtheOdeon. 4' An English House Arthur: But, Madge, I want to watch a football match on TV. Madge: A football match? Who's playing? Arthur: England and Yugoslavia. ^o

Madge: But, Arthur, I don't like football matches. You know I prefer the cinema. Arthur: And I prefer football matches. Madge: All right. Switch on the television. Renik suburb /'sAteib.'sAbsb/, predgrae ground-floor /'graund-flo:/, prizemlje floor /fla:/, sprat bathroom /'ba:6rum/, kupatilo upper /'/, gornji behind /bi'haind/, iza sideboard /'saidba:d/, kredenc, orman za posue usually /'ju:3ueli/, obino jneal /mi:l/, obed but /DAt, bet/, ali sometimes /'sAmtaimz/, ponekad breakfast /'brekfast/, doruak always /'orlweiz/, uvek bed/bed/, krevet Saturday /'ssetadi, 'saetodei/, subota want /wont/, eleti cinema /'sinamtf/, bioskop tonight /tu'nait/, noas why /waiy, zato be on /'bir'an/, davati se football match /'futbo:! 'rmetj/, fud-balska utakmica like /laik/, voleti prefer /pri'fs:/, vise voleti Tfflow~7n8u/, znati switch on /'switj 'an/, upaliti Dodatni materijal a nj a Odgovorite na sledea pitanja 1. Where have the Heaths got a house? 2. What's the Heaths' house like? 3. Which rooms are on the ground-floor? 4. Which rooms are on the upper floor? 5. What's there behind the house? 6- What's the dining-room like? 60 Unit 13 An English House 7. What furniture is there in the dining-room? 8. Where do the Heaths have their meals? 9. What do the Heaths usually do in the evening? 10. What do they sometimes do? Postavite sledeca pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What do the Heaths usually do at ten o'clock? 2. When do they go to bed? 3. Does Madge want to go to bed early on Saturday evening? 4. What does Madge want to do? 5. What does Arthur want to do? 6. Who's playing? 7. Does Madge like football matches? 8. What does she prefer? 9. What does Arthur prefer? 10. What does Arthur do then? B ) Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajui oblik sadanjeg vremena: In the Bedroom H' '"'''' The Heaths' bedroom is small. There isn't much furniture in it. There are two beds and a wardrobe. The walls of the bedroom are yellow, but the ceiling is white. Madge and Arthur are in the bedroom. Madge says that she (want)^to go to bed early. Arthur says he (want^Tto read in bed. Madge: I (want) to have an early night, Arthur. Arthur: And I (want) to read in bed a little. Madge: Oh, Arthur, you always (want) to read in bed. Arthur: Not alwavst sometimes.

Madge: How lonfcyftu (want) to read? Arthur: For about half an hour. Madge: All right. Good night, Arthur. Pitajte druge studente ta Med i Artur ele da rade jedne veeri. In the Coffee Bar Peter and Lucy are in a coffee bar. Lucy asks Peter what he usually in the evening. Peter says he usually (read)5(listento the radio or (watchjCTV. 62 Lucy-' What you usually (do) in the evening? ., Peter: I (read), (listen) to the radio or (watch) TV. And whiyyou (do)? Lucy: I (listen) to the radio or (watch) telly, too. I often (go) to the cinema. Peter: You (want) to go to the cinema tonight? Lucy: No, thank you, Peter. Tonight I (want) to stay at home and watch a show on TV. I (not^want) to miss it. Pitajte studente ta oni vole da rade uvee. Do you Like the Cinema? Peter asks Lucy if she (like) the cinema. She says she (do) but she (prefer) the theatre. Then she asks Peter if he (like) the cinema. Peter says he (love) it. Peter: You (like) the cinema, Lucy? Lucy: Yes, I do, but I (prefer) the theatre. And you? You (like) the cinema? Peter: Yes, I do. I (love) it. Lucy: You (prefer) it to the theatre? Peter: Well, it (depend). If there's a good play on, I (love) the theatre, too. Pitajte druge studente da li vole bioskop, odnosno da H vie vole pozorite. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: A Football Match Il's seven o'clock on Tuesday evening. Madge and Arthur are at home. ; I want to go to the cinema tonight. Arthur: To the cinema? Why, - ? Madge: There's a very good film on at the Odeon. Arthur: And I want to watch a football match tonighf. .- Who's playing? 63 Unit 13 Arthur: England and Yugoslavia. I don't want to miss the match, Madge:________, Arthur. I'm going to bed. Arthur:_________, Madge. Kaite jednom studentu da elite veeras da idete u bioskop. On, meutim, ne eli da ide, ve eli da gleda televiziju. Dramatizujte dijalog. UNTT 14 D Prevedite na engleski: Subota je vee. Med i Artur su kod kue. Med eli da ide u bioskop. Artur eli da gleda fudbalsku utakmicu na televiziji. elim veeras da idem u bioskop. U bioskop? Zato, ta se daje? Daje se jedan vrlo dobar film kod Odeona. Ali ja hou da gledam fudbalsku utakmicu na televiziji. Ko igra? Engleska i Jugoslavija. Ali ja ne volim fudbalske utakmice. Vie volim bioskop. Ti zna da ja vie volim fudbalsku utakmicu. Ne elim ovu da propustim. U redu, Arture. Ukljui televizor. Ja idem da legnem. Laku no, Med. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: ONE WAY ONE WAY STREET HOW THE HEATHS LIVE 64 Arthur works in a car factory. He works from eight to five-thirty every day. He gets up at half past six every morning. He has a bath and then has breakfast with Madge. He usually goes to work by train. He starts work at eight o'clock. He has lunch in the factory canteen. He finishes work at five-thirty. Then he leaves his office and goes home. He sometimes goes home by bus. Madge works in a school of English and foreign languages where she teaches English. She has classes in the morning, but twice a week she has classes in the afternoon. When she comes home from work, she gets supper ready.

She usually has supper with Arthur at 7 o'clock. Once or twice a month they go to the cinema or the theatre. Sometimes they go to a concert, too. Both Madge and Arthur like music. They often go for a walk, too. When they are at home, they watch TV if there is a good programme on. On the Train One day Arthur meets Mr Brown on the train. Arthur: Hello, Mr Brown. Nice to see you. Mr Brown: Hello, Mr Heath. How are you? 5 Engleski u JO lekcija te Unit 14 How the Heaths Live Arthur: Fine, thanks. And you? Mr Brown: Fm very well, thanks. Arthur: I say, do you still live in Edinburgh? Mr Brown: No, I don't. I live in Manchester now. Arthur: What do you do for a living now? Mr Brown: I work with an import-export firm. Arthur: Don't you work in a factory any longer? Mr Brown: No, I don't. Arthur: And how's .Mrs Brown? Does she still work? Mr Brown: Yes, she does. She works in a bank now. Arthur: Does she like Manchester? Mr Brown: So-so. She prefers Edinburgh. Arthur: Give her my regards. Goodbye, Mr Brown. Mr Brown: Goodbye, Mr Heath. Renik work /wa:kf, raditi factory /'faektori/, fabrika every /'evri/, svaki get /get/, stii; dobiti up /'get '/, ustati have a bath /ba:9/, kupati se train /trein/, voz by /bai/, pomou start /start/, poeti lunch /UntJ/, lak ruak canteen /ksn'tirn/, menza finish /'finij/, zavriti foreign /'form/, strani language /'lasngwids/, jezik once /WAUS/, jedanput twice /twais/, dvaput theatre /'6ista/, pozorite concert /'konset/, koncert both ... and, i... i music /'mju:zik/, muzika often /'ofan/, cesto walk /wo:k/, etnja; etati se if /if/, ako see /si:/, videti I say, sluajte, sluaj What do you do for a living /'livirj /? ta radite? ime se bavite? import /'import/, uvoz export /'ekspa:t/, izvoz firm /form/, firma so /sau/, tako Give her my regards /ri'ga:dz/, Pozdravite je Manchester /'masntjasta/, Manester Dodatni materfjal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where does Mr Heath work? 2. How long does he work every day? 3. What time does he get up? 4. What does he do when he gets up? 5. How does he usually go to work? 6. When does he start work? 7. Where does he have lunch? 8. When does he finish work? 9. What does he do after work? 10. How does he sometimes go home? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. Where does Mrs Heath work? 2. What does she teach? 3. When does she have classes?

4. What does she do when she gets home? 5. What time does she usually have supper? 6. How often do the Heaths go to the cinema or theatre? 7. Where do they go sometimes? 8. What do they both like? 9. What do they often do? 10. When do they watch TV? Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajui oblik sadanjeg vremena: On the Train One day Arthur (meet) Mr Brown on the train. Mr Brown (live) in Man-e* > kut 'S in London on business. Arthur (ask) Mr Brown what he ( ) for a living. Mr Brown (says) he (work) with a firm. Arthur: you still (live) in Edinburgh? Mr Brown: No, I... I (live) in Manchester now. Arthur: Where you (work)? f Brown: I (work) with an import-export firm. 66 67 Unit 14 How theHeaths Live Arthur: You (not work) in a lacloiy? Mr Brown: No, I ... Arthur: Mrs Brown still (work)? Mr Brown: Yes, she . . . She (work) in a bank now. Pitajte druge studente ime se bave i gde rade The Daily Programme One day Peter asks Lucy what time she (get up) Lucy says she (get up) at 8 o'clock when she (have) classes in the morning. But when she (have) classes in the afternoon she (not get up) about 9. Peter: What time you usually (get up)? Lucy: Well, it (depend). When I (have) classes in the morning, I (get up) at 8 o'clock. Peter: And when you (have) classes in the afternoon? Lucy: I (not get up) about 9. Peter: What time you (go) to bed? Lucy: I usually (go) to bed between 10.30 and 11. And you? Peter: Well, I (go) to bed later. I usually (not go) to bed before midnight. Pitajte druge studente kada ustaju, odnosno leu. Stavite by, on ili to: In a Cafi Lucy and Peter are in a caf. Peter asks Lucy how she goes ... her English classes. She says she usually goes... bus or tube. Sometimes she goes on foot. Peter: How do you go ... your English classes, Lucy? Lucy: I usually go ... bus. When I'm late I go ... tube. Peter: Do you ever go... foot? Lucy: Yes, I do. When the weather is nice I usually walk. And you? Peter: I usually go ... train. Sometimes I go ... bus. Pitajte druge studente kako dolaze na asove, idu kui sa posla, itd. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: On the Train Mrs Heath meets Mrs Jones on the train one day. Mrs Heath: Hello, Mrs Jones. ________ Mrs Jones: Hello, Mrs Heath. How are you? Mrs Heath: Mrs Jones: Mrs Heath: Mrs Jones: thank you. How's Mr Jones? He's very well, thanks. ________Goodbye, Mrs Jones. __:_____, Mrs Heath. Dramatizujte dijalog.

U Londonu ste i u vozu sretnete jednog svog poznanika. Pitajte ga kako je, kako je njegova supruga, i pozdravite je. D Prevedite na engleski: Gde ivi g. Braun? ivi u Londonu. Gde radi? Radi u fabrici automobila. Zar ne radi u banci? Ne, ne radi. Da li njegova ena radi? ^- Da, radi. Gde radi? Radi u banci. A gde vi ivite? ivim u Beogradu. ime se bavite? Radim u jednom uvozno-izvoznom preduzeu. U koliko sati poinjete da radite? U sedam sati. Kada zavravate posao? U tri sata. ta obino radite uvee? Obino ostajem kod kue ili idem u bioskop ili pozorite. Da li esto idete u po-zonte? Obino idem jednom ili dva puta meseno. I moja ena i ja mnogo volimo pozorite. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: UNDERGROUND CENTRAL LINE 68 69 The Weekend UNIT 15 THE WEEKEND At weekends the Heaths often go out of London. They go for a drive in the car or catch a train and go to the country for a long walk. Sometimes they stay the night at a hotel. Arthur sometimes goes to a football match on Saturdays. He usually goes without Madge, because she doesn't like football much. When the weather is bad, he watches the match on TV. On Sundays he is usually busy in his garden. Both he and Madge love flowers a lot. It is seven o'clock on Friday evening. Madge and Arthur are having Mr Bruce, a businessman from the States, to supper. Arthur: What will you have: gin or whisky? Mr Bruce: Whisky, please. Thank you. Arthur: And you, Madge? Madge: Gin and tonic for me, please. Thanks. Excuse me for a moment. Mr Bruce: Can I have an ashtray? Arthur: Of course. Here you are. Mr Bruce: Thank you. By the way, what do you usually do at weekends? Arthur: Well, it depends. We often go out of London. Mr Bruce: Do you always go by car? Arthur: Not always. We sometimes catch a train and go to the country for a walk. Mr Bruce: Don't you ever go to a football match? Arthur: Of course, I do. I'm very fond of football. Mr Bruce: Does your wife go with you? Arthur: Very rarely. She doesn't like football much. Mr Bruce: What are you doing tomorrow? Arthur: We're going to the country. Mr Bruce: Are you going by car? Arthur: No, we're not. We're going by train. Listen, can you come with us? Mr Bruce: I'm sorry I can't. I'm going to Brighton tomorrow. Arthur: Can't you put it off? Mr Bruce: No, I can't. I'm going with some friends. Arthur: What a pity! Will you have some more whisky? Mr Bruce: Yes, please. Just a little. Thank you. Renik weekend/'wi:kend/, vikend o of /'aut af/, van d"ve /draiv/, voziti; vonja catch /kaetj/, uhvatiti stay the night, prenoiti without /wi'daut/, bez ^ause /bi'koz/, zato to ad /ba;d/, lo bsy /'bizi/, zauzet flower /Tlaua/, cvet love /IAV/, voleti a lot/ a 'lot/, mnogo will /wil, wal/, u, e, e, itd. What will you have? ta hoete da popijete? gin /dyn/, din whisky /'wiski/, viski tonic /'tonik/, tonik ashtray /'asjtrei/, pepeljara of course /sf 'ko:s/, naravno depend /di'pend/, zavisiti By the the way, Uzgred budi reeno be fond of /fond/, voleti 70 71

Unit IS Weekend rarely /'resli/, retko tomorrow /ta'marau /, sutra can /kaen, kan, kn/, mogu, moe, moe, itd. cannot /'kaenat/, ne mogu, ne moe, itd. can't /ka:nt/, skraeni oblik od cannot put off /'put 'af/, odloiti friend /frend/, prijatelj some more, jo Will you have . . . Hoete li ... just /dsAst/, samo the States /steits/, Sjedinjene Amerike Drave Brighton /'braitan/, Brajton Dodatni materijal i vebanja A .Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. What do the Heaths often do at weekends? 2. How do they go to the country? 3. What do they sometimes do? 4. What does Arthur sometimes do on Saturday? 5. Why does he go to football matches without Madge? 6. What does Arthur do when the weather is bad? 7. What does Arthur'usually do on Sundays? 8. What do both he: and Madge love? 9. Who is coming to supper on Friday evening? 10. Where's Mr Bruce from? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What does Mr Biruce have: gin or whisky? 2. What does Madge have? 3. Why does Arthur often go to football matches? 4. Where are they going over the weekend? 5. How are they goiing to the country? 6. Can Mr Bruce go with them? 7. Why can't he go?? 8. Can he put the tirip off? 9. Why can't he put: it off? 10. Does Mr Bruce hiave some more whisky? B Stavite can ili can't: A Weekend Madge and Arthur are going to the country over the weekend. Mr Bruce go with them. He's going to Brighton. He... put the trip off, because he's going with some friends. Mr Bruce: What are you doing over the weekend? Arthur: We're going to the country. ... you come with us? Mr Bruce: I'm sorry I ... I'm going to Brighton. Arthur: ... you put it off? Mr Bruce: No, I... I'm going with some friends. Arthur: ... you come with us next weekend? We're going to Oxford. Mr Bruce: Oh, yes, I... Thank you very much. Pitajte druge studente gde e Hitovi provesti vikend i zato g. Brus ne moe da poe sa njima. Stavite svaku reenicu u pravilan red reci: The Weekend The Heaths go out of London (often, at weekends). They go for a long walk (to the country). They stay the night (often, at a hotel). Arthur goes to a football match (sometimes, on Saturdays). Arthur goes without Madge (generally). Madge doesn't like football (much). Mr Bruce: What do you do at weekends (usually)? Arthur: Well, we go out of London (often). Mr Bruce: Do you go (by car)?

Arthur: Not always. We catch a train (sometimes). Mr Bruce: Don't you go to a football match (ever)? Arthur: Of course, I do. I like football (a lot). Mr Bruce: Does your wife go with you? Arthur: Very rarely. She doesn't like football (much). Pitajte druge studente kako oni obino provode vikend. 72 73 Unit 15 The Weekend Upotrebite prosto sadanje ili sadanje trajno vreme: In the Cafeteria Peter and Lucy are in the cafeteria. They (have) lunch. Peter asks Lucy what she usually (do) over the weekend. Peter: What you usually (do) over the weekend, Lucy? Lucy: Well, it (depend) on the weather. When the weather is nice, I often (go) out of town. Peter: And when the weather is bad? Lucy: 1 usually (stay) at home or (go) to the theatre or a concert. Peter: What you (do) this weekend? Lucy: I (go) to the country with a girl-friend. Peter: Oh, that's great. Can I join you? Lucy: Yes, of course. You're most welcome. Pitajte druge studente ta e raditi ovog vikenda. k' nut idemo vozom. Da li Braunovi ikad idu sa vama? Da, idu. Oni ' ogo vole selo. Idete li sutra na selo? Da, idemo. Hoete li da pori te sa nama? Ne, ne mogu. Sutra idem u Brajton. Zar ne moete to da odgodite? Ne, ne mogu. Idem sa prijateljima. teta! Hoete li jo viskija? Ne, hvala. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: PEDESTRIAN SUBWAY UNDERPASS Stavite odgovarajue izraze: A Guest to Supper It's seven o'clock in the evening. The Heaths are having Mr Bruce to supper. Arthur: What .: gin, whisky or a soft drink? ___ Thank you. Mr Bruce: Whisky, ____ Arthur: And you, Madge? Madge: A soft drink, please. Thanks. ________ Arthur: ________ some more whisky? Mr Bruce: ________ Just a little. Thanks. Imate poslovnog prijatelja iz Engleske na veeri. Pitajte ga ta eli da pije-Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: ta elite da pijete: din ili viski? Viski. Hvala. A ti? Ja u din i tonik. Hvala. Izvinite me za trenutak. ta obino radite preko vikenda? Obino idemo van grada. Idete li kolima?. Ne uvek. Ne74 75 UNIT 16 AT THE RAILWAY STATION Arthur's father and mother live in York. His father is a pensioner and his mother is a housewife. They have a small cottage with a large garden where Arthur's father grows vegetables and flowers. Arthur's mother is a very good cook and makes excellent cakes. From time to time Arthur and Madge go to see them. If Arthur is too busy with his work, he talks to them by phone. Madge and Arthur are at the railway station. They're going to visit Arthur's parents. They want to go to York for the day. They are standing in front of the time-table. Arthur wants to see when the train for York leaves. There is a train every hour on Sundays. Arthur has no tickets yet. He must go to the booking-office and buy them. Madge needn't go with him. She is going to wait for him in the refreshment-room. On the Platform Madge: Let's look at the time-table and see when our train leaves. Arthur: Let me see. There's a train for York every hour on Sundays.

76 At the Railway Station Madge: Fine. What platform does it leave from? Arthur: Platform number 6. Madge: When do we arrive in York? Arthur: In two hours. It's a quarter to ten now. Our next train's at 10.00. Madge: Have you got the tickets? Arthur: No, I haven't. I must go and buy them. Wait for me here. Madge: Must I wait here? Arthur: No, you needn't. You can go to the refreshment-room and wait for me there. I shan't be long. At the Bookmg-Office Arthur: Two to York, please. Clerk: Single or return? Arthur: Return, please. How much is it? Clerk: Twenty pounds. Renik railway /'reilwei/, eleznica station /'steijan/, stanica pensioner /'penjsna/, penzioner cottage /'kotidj/, kua make /meik/, praviti excellent /'eksebnt/, odlian grow /greu/, gajiti from time to time, s vremena na vreme visit /'vizit/, posetiti; poseta Went /'pearent/, roditelj for the day, na obdanicu time-table Aaim-'teibl/, red vonje <*et /'tikit/, karta yet /Jet/, jo mst /niAst, msst, mas/, moram, mora, itd. booking-office /'bukirj 'ofis/, blagajna wait /weit/, ekati refreshment-room /ri'frejmsnt 'rum/, restoracija platform /'plaetfo:m/, peron arrive /s'raiv/, stii next /nekst/, sledei needn't /'ni:dnt/, ne moram, ne mora, itd. I shan't be long /ai 'Ja:nt bi: 'lan/, Neu dugo. single /sirjgl/, pojedinaan single ticket, karta u jednom pravcu return /ri'tam/, vratiti se return ticket, povratna karta York /jo:k/, Jork Oxford /'oksfad/, Oksford 77 Unit 16 At the Railway Station Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where do Arthur's parents live? 2. What's Arthur's father? 3. What's Arthur's mother? 4. What sort of cottage have Arthur's parents got? 5. What does Arthur's father grow in his garden? 6. What sort of cook is Arthur's mother? 7. What does Arthur's mother make? 8. What do Arthur and Madge do from time to time? 9. What does Arthur do if he's busy with his work? 10. How do they usually go to York? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. Where are Madge and Arthur one Sunday? 2. Who are they going to visit? 3. Where do they want to go? 4. How long are they going to stay in York?

5. Where are they standing? 6. What do they want to see? 7. When are there trains for York on Sundays? 8. What hasn't Arthur got yet? 9. What must Arthur do? 10, Where is Madge going to wait for him? B Stavite must ili needn't: A Phone Call One Saturday morning Lucy is still in her room. She... go to her classes, but she ... do her homework. She ... learn English. The telephone rings. Lucy: Hello! Peter: Hello! Peter speaking. Lucy: Hello, Peter. How are you? Peter: Fine, thanks. Listen, are you free now? Can you come for a walk? Lucy: Sorry, Peter, I can't. I ... do my homework. * ter ' Come on, Lucy. You ... do it now. You can do it in the afternoon. Lucy: I . . listen to English by radio, too. Peter: Look, it's lovely weather. Let's go for a walk. You can learn English in the afternoon. Lucy: All right, Peter. I'm coming. Pitajte druge studente ta moraju da rade svaki dan, a ta ne moraju da rade subotom i nedeljom. Upotrebite odgovarajui oblik glagola be i izraz going to: After the Walk Peter asks Lucy what she. . . do in the evening. She says she. . . study English. Peter . . . watch a Western on TV. Peter: What . . .you ... do in the evening, Lucy? Lucy: I ... study English. Peter: ... not you . . . study in the afternoon? Lucy: Well, I am, but I ... study in the evening, too. And you? Peter: I ... watch a Western on TV. Lucy: Then both of us ... be at home, arent' we? Pitajte druge studente ta nameravaju da rade uvee. Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajui oblik imperativa: At the Station Lucy, her friend Sheila, and Peter are at Victoria Station. They want to go to Oxford. They're looking at the timetable. They want to see when the tram for Oxford leaves. Sheila: . . . (iook) at the time.table and see when the train for Oxford leaves. " . (see). There's a train at 11.15 a.m. cy: When does it arrive in Oxford? At 1.00 p.m. It's ten to eleven . (hurry up), All right . . . (go). dijalog. 79 Unit 16 P't-ebite odgovarajui izraz, odnosno pdgovor: In Ft*ont of the Time-Table ( and Arthur are in front of the time-table. . piatform Six. . Have you got the tic . No> j haven't. I must go and buy them. Wait for me here. _ Madke. Hurry up> Arthur. It's late. ^ite se na zeleznickoj stanici u Londonu sa prijateljem. Recite mu da morate da kupite karte i da vas eka u restoraciji. Kupite dve karte za Oksford Preveite na engleski: D da pogledamo red vonje. Hou da vidim kada polazi voz. Sa koga koloseka polazi voz? Sa drugog. Kada stiemo u .Oksford? . Kroz ^va sata jmaj jj karte? jsie> nemam. Moram da idem i da ih kupiir, ekaj me ovde _ Moram i; ekam ovde? Ne, ne mora. me eka u restoraciji. Neu dugo. Dve karte za Oksford, molim. Jednom pravcu ili povratnu? Povratnu, molim. Dvadesest funti s^ penija, molim. na srpskohrvatski : TICKETS AND INFORMATION

TICKET OFFICE WEST NORTH t \ EAST SOUTH 80 UNIT 17 IN THE TRAIN ,s'Madge and Arthur are sitting in a second-class compartment. Arthur is reading jt the paper. Madge is looking out of the window. There are two other passengers ^in the compartment. One of the passengers asks Arthur for a light. He also goffers him a cigarette. Arthur says that he doesn't smoke. pf*** ticket-coKtorlconies and checks the tickets. He tells Arthur that i( isn't \ a through train and that they must change trains. They will change trains at Leeds. They will be in Leeds in half an hour. Their train is five minutes late, but they will have time to catch the other train. Arthur's father will meet them at the station. He'll be there a quarter of an hour before the train gets in. Passenger: Is the corner seat free? Arthur: Sorry, it's occupied. That one is free. assenger: Thank you. Excuse me, have you got a light? Arthur: Yes, I have. Here you are. ^assenger: Thank you. Have a cigarette?-}!!-Arthur: NO, thank you Collector: Tickets> p]ease Here you are. 6 Engleski u 50 <r , C/' ,ekcija 81 Unit 17 In the Train Collector: This isn't a through train to York. You must change trains at Leeds. Arthur: When do we arrive in Leeds? Collector: In half an hour. There's a train for York at 12.30, Arthur: Is our train late? Collector: Yes, sir. It's five minutes late. Don't worry. You'll have time to catch the other train. On the Platform Arthur: The train for York, please. Porter: Platform Two, sir. Arthur: When does it leave? Porter: In a few minutes. Hurry up or you'll miss it. Arthur: Thank you very much. Porter: You're welcome. Renik compartment /kam pa: tmant/, kupe smoke /smauk/, puiti light /lait/, svetlost Have you got a light? Imate li vatre/ ibicu? offer /'ofa/, ponuditi cigarette ^siga'ret/, cigareta ticket-collector /'tikit-ka'lekta/, kondukter u vozu check /tjek/, pregledati, proveriti tell /tel/, rei through /Oru:/, kroz through tram, direktan voz '11 /l/, skraeni oblik od shall, will change /tjeinds/, promeniti get in /'get 'in/, ui (u stanicu) seat /si:t/, sedite occupied /'akjupaid/, zauzet Have a cigarette, Izvolite cigaretu. worry /'wAri/, brinuti welcome /'welkam/, doekati You're welcome, Nema na emu a few /a 'fju.1/, nekoliko hurry /'/, uriti se up, pouriti se Leeds /li:dz/

Lidz Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sleea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where are Madge and Arthur sitting? 2. What is Arthur doing? 82 i What is Madge doing? 4 How many other passengers are there in the compartment? 5 What does one of the passengers ask Arthur for? 6. Has Arthur got a light? 7' What does the passenger offer Arthur? 8. What does Arthur say? 9 Where does a passenger want to sit? 10. Is the corner seat free? Postavite sleea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What does the ticket-collector do? 2. What does he tell Arthur? 3. Where will the Heaths change trains? 4. When will they be in Leeds? 5. Is their train late? 6. Will they have time to catch the other train? 7. Who will meet them at the station? 8. What time will Arthur's parents be at the station? 9. What platform does the train to York leave from? 10. What does the porter tell Arthur? B Stavite glagole u zagradi u budue vreme: The Secretary Answers the Phone It's 9.15 on Monday morning. The telephone rings. Mr Heath's secretary answers the phone. Secretary: 789-6543. Mr Brown: Brown speaking. Is Mr Heath in? Secretary: Sorry, sir. He isn't in yet. Mr Brown: What time ... he (be) in? Secretary: Any moment 'now! Mr Brown: ... he (be) in the office about one o'clock? Secretary: No, sir. He's usually out at that time. But he ... (be) in any time after two. r Brwn: All right. I ... (ring) him up after two. Thank you very much. Goodbye. -- Jednom studentu. Njegova majka je na telefonu. On nije kod Pitajte njegovu majku kada e on biti kod kue i recite majci da ete ije telefonirati. 6 Unit 17 A Telephone Call It's Friday evening. Madge and Arthur are at home. The telephone rings Arthur answers it. It's his friend Tony. Arthur: 321-4567. Tony: Hello! Is that you, Arthur? Tony speaking. Arthur: Hello, Tony! How are you? Tony: Fine, thanks. Listen,... you (be) at home tomorrow? Arthur: No, we ... We're going to the country. Tony: How long... you (be) there? Arthur: Just over the weekend. ... you (come) with us? Tony: Sorry, I can't. I'm busy in the evening. Thanks anyway. Bye. Telefonirajte jednom studentu i pitajte ga da li e sutra biti kod kue. Recite mu da ete doi da ga vidite. Stavite glagole u zagradi u odreni oblik imperativa: Another Phone Call Arthur phones his parents to tell them that Madge and he will spend the weekend with them. He asks his father not to tell his mother about it. Arthur: Look, Madge and I will come to see you over the weekend. But ... (not tell) mother about it. Then it'll be a surprise. Arthur's father: All right. I won't. Arthur: And ... (not bother) to meet us at the station. We'll take a taxi. Arthur's father: Oh, ... (not be) silly! It's no bother at all. When is

your train due? Arthur; At two o'clock. Arthur's father: All right. I'll meet you at the station. Telefonirajte jednom studentu i zamolite ga da ne kae vaim roditeljima da ete provesti vikend sa njim. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: In the Train Madge and Arthur are in the train to Leeds. One of the passengers asks Arthur for a light. /TI the Train ., have you got a light? Passenger:------Arthur: Yes, I have-------------Passenger: Thank you. Arthur:------------passenger: _---------/Aw: No, thank you. I don t smoke. Pitajte jednog studenta da li ima ibicu i ponudite ga cigaretom. Neka student prihvati /odbije cigaretu. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Izvinite, imate li ibicu? Da, imam. Izvolite. Hvala. Izvolite cigaretu. Ne, hvala. Ne puim. Karte, molim. Izvinite, da li je ovo direktan voz za Jork? Ne, nije. Morate da menjate voz u Lidzu. Kada stiemo u Lidz? U pet sati. Da li voz kasni? Da, kasni deset minuta. Nemojte da brinete. Imaete vremena da uhvatite voz. Hvala veliko. Nema na emu. Voz za Jork, molim. Drugi kolosek. Kada polazi voz? Za nekoliko trenutaka. Pourite, izgubiete voz. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: DON'T WALK UNIT 18 SUMMER HOLIDAYS Every summer Madge and Arthur go to the seaside for their holidays. They like swimming in the sea and both of them can swim well. Their holidays usually last for three weeks. This summer they want to go to Yugoslavia. They want to go to Belgrade first and then to the Adriatic Coast. In Belgrade Arthur has a friend, Mr Jovi, and he wants to see him. Arthur says that he'll have his holiday in August. Madge tells him that she'll have hers at the same time. Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge : Arthur: Madge: Arthur: When will you take your holiday this year? From August 1st to August 20th. Fine. I'll have mine in July and August as usual. Where shall we go this year? Well, I don't know. What about Yugoslavia? Everybody says it's a beautiful country. That's an excellent idea. There's plenty of sun and the sea's very warm. Splendid. Where shall we go? Let's go to Belgrade first. I want to see Milan. From there we can go to the Adriatic Coast. Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Summer Holidays Sounds great. How shall we travel? ( What about going by cat? Isn't it cheaper to go by train? I don't know. I must go to a travel agency and ask about it. There's a Yugoslav Travel Agency in Regent Street.

Go there. Do you know the number? I think it's number 147, but I'm not sure. All right. I'll go there tomorrow. Won't you come with me? Sorry, Arthur, I can't. I've got classes tomorrow. Hiring a Taxi Arthur: Taxi! Taxi-driver: Where to, sir? Arthur: Yugoslav Travel Agency, Regent Street. Taxi-driver: Do you know the number, sir? Arthur: I think it's number 147. How long will it take? Taxi-driver: About half an hour in this traffic. Renik summer /'sAma/, leto holiday /'holidei/, raspust, praznik sea /si:/, more seaside /'sh'said/, morska obala swim /swim/, plivati swimming /'swimirj /, plivanje 'ast /la:st/, trajati same /seim/, isti wast /kaust/, obala What about...? Kako bi bilo. . .? everybody /'evribodi/, svako beautiful /'bju:tiful/, lep ldea /ai'dia/, ideja Plenty /'plenti/, puno sun /AH/, sunce splendid /'splendid/, odlino sound /saund/, zvuati great /greit/, veliki; sjajno! travel /'treeval/, putovati travel agency /'travi putna agencija sure /Jua/, siguran hire /haia/, iznajmiti How long will it take? Koliko dugo treba? traffic /'traefik/, saobraaj Adriatic /'eidri'aetik/, jadransko Regent /'ri :dj3nt / 98 87 Unit 18 Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where do Madge and Arthur go for their holidays every summer? 2. What do they like? 3. What can both of them do well? 4. How long do their holidays usually last? 5. Where do they want to go this summer? 6. Where do they want to go first? 7. Why does Arthur want to go to Belgrade? 8. Where do they want to go after Belgrade? 9. When will Arthur have his holiday? 10. When will Madge have hers? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What does everybody say about Yugoslavia? 2. What's the weather like in Yugoslavia in summer? 3. Is Madge pleased about going to Belgrade? 4..How are they going to travel? 5. "Where must Arthur go? 6. Is there a Yugoslav Travel Agency in London? 7. Does Madge know the number? 8. Why won't Madge go with Arthur?

9. How does Arthur go to the travel agency? 10. How long will it take by taxi? B Stavite glagole n zagradi u odgovarajui oblik futura: Summer Holidays Ajthur meets his neighbour Mr Brown on the train one morning. Arthur asks him that he (have) his holiday in August. Arthur: When you (take) your holidays this year? Mr Brown: In July, 88 Arthur: Mr Brown Arthur: Mr Brown, Summer Holidays You (not take) them in August as usual? No, I This year I (take) them in July for a change. What about you? When you (have) yours? In August. Madge and I usually have our holidays in August. It's good that we (not be) away at the same time. Then we can look after each other's pets. Pitajte druge studente kada e uzeti godinji odmor. Going to the Cinema Peter phones Lucy and asks her to go to the cinema. Lucy says she's engaged. Peter asks her if she (come) to the classes in the afternoon. Lucy says she . . . Peter: Hello, Lucy! This is Peter. Lucy: Oh, hello, Peter. How are you? Peter: Fine, thanks. Look, what about going to the cinema tonight? Lucy: Sorry, Peter, I can't. I'm already engaged. Peter: You (not come) to the classes in the afternoon? Lucy: Of course, I ... but I'm busy in the evening. Peter: You (be) free tomorrow evening? Lucy: Yes, I ... Peter: OK then. I (call) for you at 6.30 tomorrow. Bye. Predloite jednom studentu da ide sa vama u bioskop jedno vee. On prihvata/odbija predlog. Dramatizujte dijalog. Upotrebite glagole say ili teli: up Smoking! the cinema Peter . . . Lucy that he must get some cigarettes. Lucy . . . him that he smokes too much. Also she ... it's very bad for him. She . . . him that he must give up smoking. eter: I must get some cigarettes, Lucy. Lucy; You smoke too much, Peter. It's very bad for you. p*ter: I know that, Lucy. Lucy; You must give it up, Peter. eter: OK. I can try, but I can't promise anything. ec'te jednom od studenata da suvie pui i da mora prestati sa puenjem. eka drugi student ponovi ta ste rekli. 89 Unit 18 Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: Hiring a Taxi Arthur's boss, Mr Ross, must go to Edinburgh on business. Arthur with him. They take a taxi to Victoria Station. Mr Ross: Arthur: Taxi-driver: Where to, sir? Arthur: Victoria Station. Mr Ross: _____ ? a taxi? Here comes one, Taxi! Taxi-driver: About three quarters of an hour in this heavy traffic. Mr Ross: How much is it? Taxi-driver: 1.70. Mr Ross: _________ two pounds. Keep the change. U Londonu ste sa kolegom i elite da idete na Stanicu Viktorija. Predloite mu da uzmete taksi. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: - Hoe li da telefoniraj Donu i da ga pita kada e on da koristi godinji odmor.-Oneaob,no koristi u julu.-Reci mu da emo mi da koristimo u avgustu , p.taj ga da li hoe da se stara o naem psu dok smo na putu. - Zar nee ti da mu telefonira i da mu to kae? - U redu hou i pozvacu ga u petak na veeru.

Prevedite na sprskohrvatski: ESCALATOR TO THE LIFTS UNIT 19 AT THE TRAVEL AGENCY Arthur is at the Yugoslav Travel Agency. He wants some information about travelling to Yugoslavia. The clerk asks him how he wants to travel. Arthur says he doesn't know yet, but he asks the clerk how much it is by plane. The clerk tells him the fare. Arthur says it is rather expensive. The clerk advises Arthur to go on an organized tour, because it's cheaper. Arthur wants to write down the price, but he hasn't got a pen. The clerk 8'ves him one. Then Arthur asks the clerk if he must book rooms in Belgrade in advance. The clerk tells him that he must, because Belgrade is usually crowded in summer. Arthur Clerk: Arthur Clerk: 90 Good afternoon. Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you? I'd like some information about Yugoslavia. I want to go there for my holiday. Where do you want to go? rthur: I want to go to Belgrade first and then to the Adriatic Coast. *-' How do you want to travel: by train or by plane? rtflur-' I don't know yet. How much is it by plane? rkHow do you want to fly: first or economy class? 91 Unit 19 Arthur Clerk: Arthur Clerk: Arthur, Clerk: Arthur. Clerk: Arthur: Clerk: Arthur: Clerk: : Economy class. , Let me see. The return fare is 275. : That's rather expensive. Why don't you go on a package tour? It's much less expensive. : I don't like package tours much. Well, organized tours are cheaper. Excuse me, may I use your ball-point pen? I want to write down the fare. Certainly, sir. Here you are. Must I book rooms in advance? You must book a room in Belgrade, because Belgrade is usually crowded in summer. All right. I'll think it over. Thank you very much. Goodbye. Goodbye, sir. At the Travel Agency Renik information /^nfe'meijsn/, obavetenje aeroplane /'earaplein/, avion plane /plein/, 'skraeno od aeroplane by plane, avionom. fare /fes/, cena prevoza advise /ed'vaiz/, savetovati tour /tua/, turneja, putovanje package tour /'/, paket putovanje write down /'rait 'daun/, zapisati price /prais/, cena if, da li book, rezervisati in advance /in e'dvams/, unapred crowded /'kraudid/, pun sveta would /wud, wad/, bih, bi, itd. 92 I would like, voleo bih 'd /d/, skraeni oblik od would I'd like /aid 'laik/, skraeni oblik economy class /i'konomi

'kla:s/, turistika klasa fly /flai/, leteW flight /flait/, let less /les/, manje stop /stop/, zaustaviti se organized /'o:ganaizd/, organizovan Well, pa May I. .. /'mei 'ai/, Mogu li... use /ju:z/, upotrebiti ball-point pen /'bo:l-pomt pen/, hemijska olovka certainly /'ssitanli/, svakako think over /'6ink 'auvs/, razmisliti Dodatni materijal i vebanja Odgovorite na sledeca pitanja Jiimeno: 1. Where's Arthur? 2. What does Arthur want? 3. What does the clerk ask Arthur? 4. What does Arthur answer? 5. What does Arthur ask the clerk? 6. What does Arthur say when he hears the plane fare? 7. What does the clerk advise Arthur? 8. Why does the clerk suggest a package tour? 9. What does Arthur want to do? 10. What hasn't Arthur got? Postavite sledeca pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What does the clerk give Arthur? 2. Does Arthur like package tours? 3. What does the clerk tell Arthur about package tours? 4. How does Arthur want to fly? 5. Where does Arthur want to go first? 6. Where does Arthur want to go after Belgrade? 7. What must Arthur do? 8. Why must Arthur book a room well in advance? 9. What does Arthur tell the clerk? 10. Where's the Yugoslav Travel Agency in London? B Stavite to gde je potrebno: Another Talk on Holidays Madge and Arthur are in the living-room. They're talking about their holidays. Madge: Where do you want ... go for our holidays this year? Arthur: I want ... go to Yugoslavia. I'd like... see the coast. I'd also like ... go to Belgrade... see Milan. Madge: Oh, I see. Do you want ... go by car or by plane? Arthur: I'd like ... go by car. 93 I Unit 19 .Madge: It's quite ^Pensive now. Why don't we go on a package tour? ^Arthur: Because yo^ can t ... go where you like and you can't stop at a p'ace as 'ong as you like. 'Madge: That's true. Then you must... go to the Yugoslav Travel Agency and^ ask about travelling to Yugoslavia ^Arthur: All right. I" 8 there tomorrow. *Mddge: Must I... 8 with you? ^Arthur: No, you needn't. I can ... go alone. Hitajte druge studente Kuda ele da idu na godinji odmor i kako. ^-Jpotrebite say, nil ' ask-"%C the Travel Agenc}' \.n English tourist is at the Yugoslav Travel Agency. He the clerk th 4s wants to fly toDubrovnik on July 10th. The clerk ...' him if he want % travel first or economy class. The tourist... he wants to fly economy The C4rk ... him that toe* a MT Flight from Heathrow at 16.45 The tourist >.. the clerk what tim he has to be at Heathrow. *$ourist: I want tofty to Dubrovnik on July 10th flerk: I'll see what there is. Do you want to fly first or economy class? ' 'Jurist: Economy, please. 4/*.- Theres' a JAT FligM from Heathrow at 16 45 jurist: All right. What time do I have to be at Heathrow? *: You must be at the airport before 16.00 or at theVerminal at 15.00.

lc*ourist: Thank you very much. C4erk: You're welcome. sVu. ^0ndnU Ste ' Zdite * l6tite ^ NJUJOrk' Vodite raz8ovor sa jo jednim "'"identom kao slubenik""1 P"tne agencije. St^avite dijalog u nt^ni govor: Information about Travelling to Edinburgh i:er wants to go to Edinburgh over the weekend. He goes to a travel l-t- about travelling to Edinburgh. Lucy's with him. I'd like to go W Edinburgh over the weekend. Do you want 1 80 by train or by plane? I don't know ^- How much is it by train? Let me see, A first-class return is 45. 94 At the Travd Agency le Peter: Er And how much is it by plane? Clerk: Day or night flight? Peter: Night flight. It's cheaper, I believe. Clerk: Yes, it is. The return fare economy class is 75. Peter: All right. Thank you very much. I'll think it over. Lucy: What does he say? Peter: He says... (repeat the conversation between Peter and the clerk) U Londonu ste i elite da putujete za Edinburg. Vodite razgovor sa slubenikom putne agencije. Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: Asking for a Pen Peter wants to write down the London-Edinburgh train and plane fare. He asks the clerk for his ball-point pen. your ball-point pen? I want to write Peter: Excuse me, ____ down the train and plane fare. Clerk: ________, sir. Here you are. Peter: Thank you. Clerk:_________ Zamolite jednog studenta za njegovu heraijsku olovku. Student treba da odgovori potvrdno. D Prevedite na engleski: Kuda eli da ide na godinji odmor? Volela bih da idemo u Jugoslaviju. elim da vidim jadransku obalu. eli! li da ide autom ili avionom? Volela bih da idem automobilom. To je prilino skupo sada. Zato da ne idemo sa organizovanim putovanjem? Ne volim organi-zovana putovanja. Ne moe da ide kuda eli, a ne moe ni da se zaustavi na jednom mestu onoliko dugo koliko eli. U redu. Onda moram da odem do jugoslovenske putne agencije. Ne mora. Moe da telefonira. Da li zna broj telefona? Ne znam, ali moe da pogleda u telefonskoj knjizi ili da pita Informacije. 95 Unit 19 Prevedite na sprskohrvatski: PEDESTRIANS KEEP RIGHT PEDESTRIAN^ KEEP LEFT WEATHER FORECAST TODAY'S WEATHEK 1| mm MY - a IJ M m SUED AJfl -^ UNIT 20 ARTHUR MEETS A FRIEND Arthur meets his friend Tony Smith on the bus one day. Tony tells Arthur that he was in Yugoslavia for his summer holiday in 1978. He was with some friends for two weeks. They were in Dubrovnik all the time. Arthur asks him if he was pleased with his holiday. Tony says that he was. Arthur asks him what the weather was like and Tony says it was fine all the time. He tells Arthur to ring him up if he wants some more information. He a'so asks Arthur to give his love to Madge. Arthur; Tony; Arthur:

Tony; Arthur: Tony; Arth Tony; Ur; 96 On the Bus Hello, Tony! Oh, hi, Arthur. How are you"? Not too bad. And you? Fine, thanks. How's Madge? She's getting ready for the holidays. Where are you going this year? We're going to Yugoslavia. Really? I was in Yugoslavia in 1978. u 50 lekcija Unit 20 Arthur: Tony: Arthur: Tony: Arthur: Tony: Arthur: Tony: Arthur: Tony: Arthur: Tony: Conductor. Arthur: Conductor. Arthur: Conductor: Arthur Meets a Friend How interesting. Where were you? I was. in Dubrovnik with some friends. How long were you there? We were there for two weeks. That was just enough What's Dubrovnik like? It's the most beautiful place on the coast. I think it's more beautiful than any other town in Yugoslavia What was the weather like? Fine. There wasn't a single rainy day. Not like here. Look, it's raining again. What awful weather! We're really having a bad summer this year. True. I say, were you pleased with your holiday? Very much indeed. Listen, ring me up if you want some more information. Here's my stop. I must get off. Give my love to Madge. Bye. Any more fares, please? Piccadilly Circus. Haven't you got any small change? Let me see. Yes, I have. Here you are. Thank you, sir. Renik was /woz, wsz/, bio were /we:, wa/, bili pleased /plirzd/, zadovoljan Not too bad, ne tako loe really /'risli/, zaista interesting /'intristin/, zanimljiv How interesting! Ba je zanimljivo! just, ba, upravo enough /i'iuf/, dovoljan more /mo:/, vie most /maust/, najvie rain /rein/, kia rainy /'reini/, kiovit it's raining, pada kia

98 not like here, ne kao ovde awful /'o:ful/, uasan stop /stop/, stanica get on /'get 'on/, popeti se get off /'get 'of/, sii I say, sluaj Give my love to ..., Pozdravi. Any more fares, please? Karte, molim small change, sitan novac I'm afraid /a'freid/, na alost Tony /'tsuni/, Toni Piccadilly /,pika'dili/, Pikadili Circus /'s3:kss/, Cirkus Dodatni m.aterijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na stedea pitanja pismeno: , ^ere does Arthur meet his rfriend Tony Smith -day? 2. What does Tony tell Arthu*r? 3 Who was Tony with? 4 How long was Tony in Yugoslavia? 5.' Where were Tony and his ffnends all the tune? 6. What does Arthur ask TonjC'? 7. What does Tony tell Arthurr? 8. What else does Arthur ask Tony? 9. What does Tony say about the weather? 10. What does Tony tell Arthur* to do? Postavite sledea pitanja drugiim studentima: 1. What does Arthur say wherm he sees Tony? 2. What does Tony answer? 3. What does Arthur say aboitit Madge? 4. Where are the Heaths goingg for their summer holiday? 5. What does Tony say about Dubrovnik? 6. What was the weather like on that day? 7. What does Tony tell Arthuur to do? 8. Where does Arthur want too get off? 9. What does the conductor Arthur? 10. Has Arthur got any small change? Stavite Last was> wasn't, were ili weren't: fe s Holidays nd Lucy are on their wa-*y to their classes. They're talking about last - holidays. Lucy- I say'.where... you : for your holiday last summer? Peter. ' in Greece. I... with two friends of mine. Lucy'. T,* ''' the weather- like? " lovely. There____a single rainy day. 7 99 Unit 20 Peter: ... it too hot? Lucy: No, it... We ... therf in the first half of September Peter: How long. .. you there' Lucy: A fortnight. Peter: ... you pleased with yo<ir holiday? Lucy: Very much indeed. I .. very sorry to leave. Pitajte druge studente gde su i kat o proveli godinji odmor. Upotrebite ask, say ill tell. Stavit dijalog u indirektni govor: In the Supermarket Madge meets her friend Sheila in w supermarket. Sheila .. Madge if they were at home last Sunday. Madge .. they were in York. Sheila... her how long they were there. Madgi .. they were there just for the day. Sheila ... Madge to give Arthur he. regards.

Sheila: Were you at home last -Sunday? Madge: No, we weren't. We were in York. Sheila: How long were you there? Just for the day. What was the weather liKe? Lovely. It was quite hoi. Oh, fine. I must hurry now Give my love to Arthur. Bye. Bye, Sheila. Give my love to Robert. Madge Sheila: Madge. Sheila: Madge: Pitajte druge studente gde su bili jue/prole nedelje. Upotrebite in, out ili to: Lucy is out Peter rings Lucy up one day, but the landlady tells him that Lucy's ... Pe<er wants to know where she is and the landlady tells him that Lucy's ... town. Peter: Hello! May I speak ... Lucy, please? Landlady: Sorry, Lucy's ... Peter: Excuse me, do you know where she is? Landlady: She's ... town. Peter: What time will she be...? Landlady: About one o'clock. Peter: Thank you very much. Goodbye. Telefonirajte svom prijatelju. On nije kod kue. Vodite razgovor sa njegovon1 gazdaricom. Arthur Meets a Friend Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: On the Tube Arthur meets his friend John on the tube one day. John: Hello, Arthur! How are you? ., thanks. And you? .. How's Madge? to Madge. Arthur: John: Fine, Arthur: She's very well, thanks. John: Oh, here's my stop. I must get off here. Bye. U Londonu ste i sretnete jednog svog prijatelja u podzemnoj eleznici. Vodite razgovor i, pre nego to se oprostite, pozdravite njegovu sestru. D Prevedite na engleski: Da li ste prole godine bili u inostranstvu? Da, jesmo. Bili smo u Jugoslaviji. Da li ste opet bili u Dubrovniku? Ne, nismo. Bili smo u Cavtatu ovog puta. Koliko ste dugo bili tamo? Tri nedelje. Kakvo je bilo vreme?Bilo je veoma lepo. Zar nije bilo suvie toplo? Ne, nije. Bili smo u prvoj polovini septembra. Da li ste bili zadovoljni svojim odmorom? Veoma. Cavtat je najlepe mesto na jadranskoj obali. Zar nije Dubrovnik lepi? Zavisi. Za mene je Cavtat lepi od Dubrovnika. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: USED TICKETS SPECIAL FARES 100 101 UNIT 21 AT THE CUSTOMS WILL YOU 5HOH/ MB PASSPORT? Madge and Arthur are at the Yugoslav Customs. They are waiting to get their luggage through the Customs. The customs officer examines the luggage. He asks Arthur if he has anything to declare. Athur tells him that he has things for his personal use, a camera and a few films. The customs officer wants to see the camera. Arthur cannot find it. Madge asks him if he had a look in the travelling-bag. Arthur finds it there and gives it to the officer. The customs officer asks Arthur to show him his passport and his driving-licence. Officer: Good morning, sir. Have you anything to declare? Arthur: I've only got things for my personal use. Officer: Where are your cases? Arthur: Here they are. Officer: Will you open them, please. Have you got a camera or a transistor radio? Arthur: 1 have a camera, but no transistor radio. Officer: Is your camera new? Arthur: No, it isn't. 102

Officer-Arthur: Madge-Arthur: Officer. Arthur: Officer. Arthur: Officer. Arthur: Officer. At the Customs Can I see it? Certainly. Madge, where's the camera? I can't find it. I had it a moment ago. I know you had it. Did you have a look in the bag? No, I didn't. There's something here. It's the camera. Give me the camera, please. Thank you. How much Yugoslav money have you got? One thousand, five hundred new dinars in notes. That's all right. Now, will you show me your passport and your driving-licence? Here you arc. Excuse me, where can I change some foreign currency? There's an exchange-office over there. You can also change foreign currency at any exchange-office in the country. Thank you very much. Good morning. Good morning, sir. Renik Customs /'kAstamz/, carina luggage /'Ugids/, prtljag get the luggage through the Customs, proi carinsku kontrolu officer /'afisa/, oficir, slubenik customs officer, carinik examine /ig'zaemin/, pregledati anything /'eniOir) /, ita declare /di'klea/, deklarisati, izjaviti thing /9irj/, stvar personal /'parsanl/, lini use /ju:s/, upotreba camera /'kaemara/, fotografski aparat had /haed, had/, imao, imali ago /a'gau/, pre travelling-bag, putna torba show /Jau/, pokazati driving-licence /'draivirj 'laisans/, vozaka dozvola transistor radio /tran'zista 'reidiau/, radio na tranzistor something /'/, neto money /' /, novae dinar /'di:na:/, dinar bank-note /'baenknaut/, banknota note /neut/, skraeni oblik od bank-note currency /'kAransi/, devize exchange-office /iks'tjeindj 'ofis/, menjanica 103 Unit 21 Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sleea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where are Madge and Arthur? 2. What are they doing? 3. What does the customs officer do? 4. What does the customs officer ask Arthur? 5. What does Arthur tell him? 6. What does the customs officer want to see? 7. What happens then? 8. What does Arthur say?

9. What does Madge tell Arthur to do? 10. Where does Arthur find the camera? Postavite sleea pitanja studentima: 1. What does the customs officer ask Arthur to do? 2. Has Arthur got a transistor radio? 3. Is Arthur's camera new? 4. How much Yugoslav money has Arthur got? 5. What does Arthur want to do? 6. What does Arthur ask the customs officer? 7. What does the customs officer answer? 8. Where can a tourist change foreign currency? 9. Is there an exchange-office at a hotel? 10. What sort of passport have the Heaths got? Upotrebite odgovarajui oblik glagola have: A New Car In the car Madge asks Arthur if the Joneses ... the same car last year. Arthur says they.... They ... a cheaper car, a Mini-Morris. Now they.. a Sunbeam. Madge: ... the Joneses (have) the same car last year? Arthur: No, they ... They ... (have) a Mini-Morris. Madge: . .. they (not have) a Hillman? Arthur: No, they ... A Hillman is a much more expensive car. 104 ?5 At the Customs Madge: What... they (have) got now? Arthur: A Sunbeam. It's a very good car. Madge: Mr Jones is doing very well, isn't he? Pitajte druge studente ta su imali prole godine od kuhinjskih aparata, da H su imali automobil, itd. Stavite dijalog u indirektni govor: Going through the Customs A foreign tourist is going through the Customs. The customs officer asks him if he has anything to declare. Customs officer: Have you anything to declare? Tourist: No, I haven't. I've only got things for my personal use. Customs officer: Open the suitcase, please. What's this? Tourist: It's a present for a friend. Customs officer: And this? Tourist: It's a bottle of brandy. Customs officer: All right. You can go. Nalazite se na carini. Dramatizujte dijalog sa jo jednim studentom kao carinikom. Promenite redosled podvuenih delova reenica (direktni + to indirektni objekat): Na primer: Give me the book -> Give the book to me. At the Customs At the Customs a tourist declares his camera. The customs officer asks the tourist to show him the camera. The tourist gives the officer his camera. The officer examines the camera und-gives the tourist his camera back. Officer: Have you anything to declare? Tourist: Yes, I've got a camera. Officer: Show me the camera, please. Tourist: Here you are. Officer: Thank you. Nalazite se na carini, gde ste prijavili fotografski aparat. Sa jo jednim studentom kao carinikom, dramatizujte dijalog. 105 Unit 21 Upotrebite odgovarajui izraz: Madge is Hot Madge and Arthur are in the car on their way to Ljubljana. open the window, please? Madge: I'm quite hot. ____ Arthur: Is it all right now? Madge: Yes, it is. ________ give me a sweet, Arthur. Arthur: Here you are. Madge: It's not so hot any longer ____ Arthur: Oh, ------------ stop it, Madge. shut the window? Zamolite jednog studenta da vam neto uini. Upotrebite izraz Will you , Dramatizujte dijalog. D

Prevedite na engleski: Prole nedelje sam bio veoma zauzet. Nisam imao vremena da odem nekud preko vikenda. Zar nisi imao vremena da vidi film kod Odeona"? Na alost, nisam. Nisam imao vremena da gledam televiziju. teta. Program je bio vrlo dobar. Imao sam toliko posla da nisam imao vremena da se uvee proetam. teta. Vreme je bilo veoma lepo prole nedelje. Da, bilo je svakako bolje nego ove nedelje. Gledaj, ponovo pada kia. Ba je uasno vreme! Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: JVTIND THE STEP MIND THE STAIRS 106 UNIT 22 LOOKING FOR A HOTEL Madge and Arthur arrived in Ljubljana on their way to Belgrade. The weather was beautifully warm. They parked their car and walked about the town for half an hour. They liked the town and decided to stay the night at a hotel. They asked a police-officer for a hotel in a quiet street. Luckily, the police-officer spoke English. He recommended the Union Hotel. He also explained to them how to get there. Madge: It's beautifully warm today. It was quite cold in Austria yesterday. Arthur: Well, I hope this fine weather will last. Now let's ask the police-officer about a hotel. Madge: Let's hope he can speak English. Arthur: Most young people speak English nowadays. Excuse me, officer, do you speak English? Officer: Yes, I speak English a little. What can I do for you? Arthur: We're looking for a hotel. Officer: What kind of hotel do you want? 107 Unit 22 Looking for a Hotel Arthur: Officer. Madge: Officer. Arthur: Officer: Arthur: Officer: Arthur: Officer: Arthur: Officer: A B category hotel in a quiet street. There's one in this street, but the street's rather noisy. Yes, this street's too noisy for us. There's another hotel quite near here. The Union Hotel. The street's fairly quiet. Do you know Ljubljana? No, we don't. We arrived here about an hour ago. Which way is it? Go straight on and turn left at the third crossing. It's on the left-hand side of the street. You'll find the hotel easily. Can I park my car in that street? Yes, you can. Only it's a one-way street. Is there a filling-station near here? Yes, there's one in the same street. Thank you very much. Not at all. Renik look for /'luk 'fo:/, traiti park /pa:k/, parkirati vozilo decide /di'said/, odluiti police /pa'li:s/, policija police-officer, saobraajac luckily /'lAkili/, sreom spoke /spauk/, prolo vreme glagola speak recommend ^reka'mend/, preporuiti explain /iks'plein/, objasniti last /la:st/, trajati

hope /haup/, nadati se kind /kaind/, vrsta category /'ksetigari/, kategorija quiet /kwaiat/, miran noisy /'noizi/, buan 108 too /tu: /, suvie near /nia/, blizu fairly /'feali/, prilino straight /streit/, prav, pravo turn /ta:n/, okrenuti, skrenuti crossing /'krosin/, peaki prelaz hand /hand/, ruka side /said/, strana right-hand side, desna strana left-hand side, leva strana easy /'i:zi/, lak one-way, jednosmeran .filling-station /'filirj 'steijan/, benzinska stanica Not at all, Nema na emu. Union /'ju:njan/ Austria /'ostria/, Austrija Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where did the Heaths arrive on their way to Belgrade? 2. What was the weather like? 3. What did they do first? 4. Did they like Ljubljana? 5. What did they decide to do? 6. What did they ask the police-officer? 7. What sort of street did they want? 8. Did the police-officer speak English? 9. Which hotel did the police-officer recommend? 10. What did the police-officer explain to them? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. What sort of weather did the Heaths have in Austria? 2. How long did they walk about the town? 3. Do young people speak English nowadays? 4. Did Arthur and Madge know Ljubljana? 5. What sort of street were they in? 6. What sort of street is the Union Hotel in? 7. Is the Union Hotel on the right-hand side of the street? 8. Is it a one-way or two-way street? 9. Is there a filling-station near there? 10. Did they find the hotel easily? B Stavite glagole u zagradi u prolo vreme: In a Tea-shop Peter and Lucy are in a tea-shop. Peter asks Lucy what she (do) last Saturday. She says she (be) at home all day. She (type) a few letters, (cook) supper and (watch) TV. Then she asks Peter what he (do). He says he (be) in the country. He (like) it so much that he (stay) the night there. Peter: More tea? Lucy: Yes, please. 109 Unit. 22 Peter: I say, what you (do) last Saturday? Lucy: I (be) at home all day. I (type) a few letters, (cook) supper and (wateh) TV. And you? What you (do)? Peter: I (be) in the country. I (stay) the night at a hotel. Lucy: Why you (do) that? Peter: Because I (arrive) late. Anyway, I (like) the place and (decide) to stay the night. Pitajte druge studente ta su radili jue/prole subote, itd. Looking for a Bed-Sitter Peter (decide) to move out of his hotel, because it (be) too expensive for him. He (want) to find a bed-sitter. He read some advertisements in the papers and one day he (phone) a number in one of the advertisements. Peter: Hello! You (give) the advertisement in the Evening News for a bed-sitter? Voice: Yes, I (do). Peter: When can I come to see the flat? Voice: Any time after 10 o'clock. Peter: All right. Thank you very much. Voice: Who's speaking? Peter: Peter Tomi. Voice: Can you spell that, please? U Londonu ste odseli u jednom hotelu. Meutim, elite da naete nameten stan. Proitali ste oglas i telefonirate vlasniku. Dramatizujte dijalog. Stavite prideve u zagradi u priloki oblik: In the Town Madge and Arthur find the weather (beautiful) warm in Ljubljana. They ask a police-officer for a hotel. (Lucky) the

police-officer can speak English. He tells them that there's a hotel very near, in a (fair) quiet street. He tells them the way and adds that they'll find the hotel (easy). Madge: The weather's (beautiful) warm today. Arthur: Yes, it was so (terrible) cold in Austria yesterday. Madge: Let's ask a police-officer about a hotel. Arthur: Excuse me, officer, is there a hotel near here? Officer: Yes, there's one in the third street from here. Looking for a Hotel Arthur: Is the street quiet? Officer: Yes, it's (fair) quiet. Go straight on and turn left at the third crossing. You'll find the hotel (easy). Dramatizujte dijalog. Neka jedan od studenata prepria ta Artur i saobraajac razgovaraju. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Asking the Way Madge and Arthur ask another police-officer the way to the hotel. Arthur: Excuse me, officer, ________ the Union Hotel? Officer: Certainly, sir. Drive straight on to the first crossing and turn left. The hotel's in that street. Arthur: Thank you very much. Officer: ________ U Londonu ste i pitate saobraajca za put do Hotela Nacional. Dramati-zujte dijalog sa jo jednim studentom u ulozi saobraajca. D Prevedite na engleski: ta ste radili preko vikenda? Bili smo na selu. Bilo je veoma toplo, tako da smo tamo noili. Da li su i vaa deca ila sa vama? Ne, nisu. Ona su ostala kod kue. Kada ste se vratili? Sino. Stigli smo vrlo kasno, jer je bilo mnogo automobila na drumu. A ta si ti radio? Gledao sam fud-balsku utakmicu na televiziji. Da li si je ti gledao? Ne, nisam. Kakva je bila utakmica? Prilino slaba. Ovog puta na tim je loe igrao. Prevedite na sprskohrvatski: CAUTION MIND THE STEP CAUTION MIND THE STAIRS no 111 UNIT 23 ASKING ABOUT A ROOM Arthur and Madge got to the Union Hotel very quickly. Arthur got out of the car and went in. He asked the receptionist for a double room. There wasn't a vacant room. The receptionist recommended the Slon Hotel. He rang up the Slon and asked about a double room. There were vacant rooms at the Slon, but the receptionist did not book a room. He told Arthur the way to the hotel. Madge and Arthur were very pleased about the room and went to the Slon immediately. Arthur: Good evening. Can I have a double room for the night? Receptionist: I'm sorry, sir, but we're full up. There will be a room vacant tomorrow. Arthur: I'm afraid I'll need a room tonight. Receptionist: I can ring up the Slon Hotel to see if they have any rooms. Arthur: What sort of hotel is it? Receptionist: It's a first-class hotel. 112 Asking about a Room Arthur: How much is a double room with bath? Receptionist .'I'm afraid I don't know the exact price. I'll ring them up and find out. How long are you going to stay? Arthur: One night only. Receptionist: All right. I'll telephone immediately. Excuse me, sir. (After a few moments) Receptionist: Yes, they have a double room for tonight. Arthur: Did you book the room? Receptionist: No, I didn't. You didn't tell me to do that, sir. Arthur: Is it far away from here? Receptionist: No, it isn't. Drive straight on to the first traffic-lights, then turn right. The Slon is on the right-hand side. Arthur: Will you repeat, please. I didn't quite understand. Receptionist: Drive straight on to the first traffic-lights, then turn right. The Slon Hotel is on the right-hand side.

You'd better check in right away. Arthur: Thank you very much. Receptionist: It's a pleasure. Good evening. Renik got /got/, prolo vreme od get, stii get oat of, izai go in /'gsu 'in/ ui went /went/, prolo vreme od go double /dAbl/, dvostruk double room, dvokrevetna soba single room /singl/, jednokrevetna soba vacant /'veikent/, slobodan, prazan rang up /'raen '/, prolo vreme od ring up immediately /i'mirdiatli/, odmah 8 Engleski u 50 lekcija full /ful/, pun need /ni:d/, trebati with bath, sa kupatilom exact /ig'zaekt/, tacan find out /'faind 'aut/, saznati found /faund/, prolo vreme od/m^ far /fa:/, dalek far away /'fa:ra'wei/, daleko traffic-lights /'trsefik 'laits/, semafor repeat /ri'pi:t/, ponoviti understand /^nda'staend/, nepr. gl., razumeti 113 Unit 23 understood //nds'stud/, pr. vr. od understand You'd better /'jud 'bete/, bolje bi bilo da... right away, odmah check Iq /'t/ek 'in/, prijaviti se check out /'tjek 'aut/, odjaviti se pleasure /'plesa/, zadovoljstvo It's a pleasure, Nema na emu. Pleasure, skraeni oblik od It's a pleasure Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. How did Madge and Arthur get to the Union Hotel? 2. What did Arthur do then? 3. What did he ask the receptionist for? 4. Was there a vacant room? 5. What did the receptionist recommend? 6. What did the receptionist do? 7. Were there any vacant rooms at the Slon? 8. Did the receptionist book a room? 9. What did the receptionist do then? 10. What did Madge and Arthur do then? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. Was the Union Hotel full up? 2. When did Arthur need the room? 3. What sort of hotel is the Slon? 4. What didn't the receptionist know? 5. How long did Arthur and Madge want to stay? * 6. Is the Slon Hotel far from the Union? 7. What did Arthur ask the receptionist to do? 8. Did Arthur understand the receptionist? 9. What is the usual check out time at hotels? 10. What did the receptionist answer when Arthur thanked bin)? Stavite glagole u zagradi u prolo vreme: A Visit to Yugoslavia Madge tells Arthur that the Joneses (visit) Yugoslavia in 1979. They (stay) in Yugoslavia about three weeks. They (have) nice weather all the time. Madge 114 Asking about a Room says they (go) swimming every day. They (like) Yugoslavia so much that they (decide) to visit it again. Madge: Did you know that the Joneses (visit) Yugoslavia in 1979? Arthur: No, I .... Which places they (visit)?

Madge: They (go) to Dubrovnik first and then to Split. Arthur: How long they (stay) there? Madge: About three weeks. Arthur: What the weather (be) like? Madge: They (have) nice weather all the time. They (go) swimming every day. Arthur: How they (like) Yugoslavia? Madge: Very much indeed. They (decide) to go again next year. Pitajte druge studente o njihovoj poseti nekoj stranoj zemlji. Showing the Bed-sitter Peter (go) to see the flat. The landlady (open) the door and (invite) him in. She (ask) Peter to follow her and (show) him the bed-sitter. There (be) also a small kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. Peter (like) the flat. Peter: How do you do! I'm Peter Tomi. Landlady: Oh, yes. How do you do! Come in, please. Put your umbrella in the stand, please. The bed-sitter's upstairs. This way. f eter: Thank you. Landlady: This is the bed-sitter. Peter: It's very nice. Is there a kitchen? Landlady: Yes, there's a small kitchen over there. This is the bathroom and that's the toilet. Peter: Oh, I see. How much is it? Landlady: It's 55 a week. Doli ste da vidite nameSten stan na oglas. Dramatizujte dijalog sa jo jednim studentom u ulozi gazdarice. Upotrebite a, an ili the gde je potrebno: Checking into ... Hotel English tourist is at... Union Hotel. Tounst: Good evening. I'd like... single room with bath for tonight. 115 Asking about a Room Unit 23 Receptionist: Sorry, sir, but we're full up. I can ring up... Majestic Hotel and find out if they've got... single room. Tourist: What sort of ... hotel is it? Receptionist: It's ... first-class hotel. Excuse me, sir. Yes, they've got ... single room with bath for tonight. Tourist: All right. Is... Majestic far from here? Receptionist: No, it isn't. Let me show you on... map. Here it is. You'd better check in right away. Nalazite se u Hotelu Union, gde traite sobu, ali sve su sobe zauzete. Receptionista vam preporuuje Hotel Metropol. Dramatizujte dijalog. Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: Asking about a Double Room Tourist: Good afternoon. Have you got a double room for tonight? Receptionist:_____. , sir, but we haven't. I'll phone the Majestic and ask about a room. ____.____, sir. Yes, there's a double room for tonight. Tourist: How far away is it? Receptionist: .________it's not vdry near. I'll show you on the map. Tourist: Thank you very much. Receptionist: ________. Na recepciji ste i traite dvokrevetnu sobu. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Dobro vee. Mogu li da dobijem jednokrevetnu sobu za noas? alim, gospodine, sve je zauzeto. Imaemo sutra slobodnu sobu. Na alost, treba mi soba za veeras. Mogu da telefoniram Hotelu Metropol da pitam imaju li slobodnu sobu. Poto je jednokrevetna soba? Na alost, ne znam tano. Koliko elite da ostanete? Tri dana. U redu. Odmah u da telefoniram. Izvinite, gospodine... Da, imaju jednokrevetnu sobo sa kupatilom. Da li ste je rezervisali? Ne, nisam. Niste mi rekli da to uinim. Da li je daleko odavde? Ne, nije. Vozite pravo do prvog semafora, onda skrenite levo. Hotel Metropol je na levoj strani. Veliko hvala. Nema na emu. prevedlte na srpskohrvatski: PARKING PARKING GARRAGE BRITISH MONEY

Pound=; Pence=p l = 100p COINS 1 /2 p a half penny lp a penny 2p two pence 5 p five pence 50 p fifty pence NOTES 1 a pound 5 five pounds 10 ten pounds 20 twenty pounds BANKOF ENGLAND nSwii TO m WE - 317071 117 116 UNIT 24 A VISIT TO BLED The next morning Madge and Arthur decided to spend the day at Bled. They left Ljubljana at ten o'clock in the morning and arrived at Bled at noon. When they got to Bled, they parked their car and took a boat for a trip round the lake. They liked the small islapd in the middle of the lake and took a lot of photographs of it. After that they went swimming in the lake and in the afternoon they visited the castle and had tea in the restaurant. Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: 118 Will you have some more tea? No, thank you. What a beautiful place. Look at the mountains. Aren't they lovely? Yes, they really are. It must be lovely in winter here, too. It says in the guide-book that there are excellent skiing-grounds. Yes, especially for beginners. Do you think you can still ski well? I don't know. I could ski quite well when I was in Austria several years ago. I A Visit to Bled Madge: Do you think people can skate on the lake in winter? Arthur: Well, it depends on the winter. It's possible if the winter's very cold. Madge: We must come to Slovenia again for a winter-sports holiday. Arthur: Er... I don't think I'll be able to get away in winter. Madge: You can always try. Arthur: That's true. But now we must be off. Let's ask the police-officer the way to Ljubljana. Losing the Way Arthur: Excuse me, officer, is this the way to Ljubljana? Officer: No, sir, you're going the wrong way. Go back to the first crossroads, cross the bridge and turn right. That's the way to Ljubljana. Arthur: Thanks a lot. Officer: Don't mention it. Renik oon /nu:n/, podne left /left/, prolo vreme od leave took /tuk/, prolo vreme od take boat /baut/, amac, brod trip /trip/, izlet, putovanje, vonja island /'attend/, ostrvo take a photograph, fotograf isati castle /ka:sl/, zamak restaurant /'restarent/, restoran winter /'winta/, zima ski /ski/, skijati se, skija ground /graund/, teren, tie siding-ground, skijaki teren

begin /bi'gin/, nepr. gl., poeti beginner /bi'gina/, poetnik could /kud, kad/, mogao, mogli, it. skate /skeit/, klizati se possibe /'posibl/, mogu sport /spo:t/, sport winter-sports holiday, zimski raspust I don't think, ne verujem be able /eibl/, moi get away /'get a'wei/, otputovati try/trai/, pokuati be off /'bi: 'af/, otii lose /lu:z/, nepr. gl., izgubiti wrong way, pogrean put crossroads /'krasraudz/, raskrsnica na drumu mention /'men/an/, spomenuti Don't mention it, Nema na emu 119 Unit 24 Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. What did Madge and Arthur decide to do the next day? 2. When did they leave Ljubljana? 3. When did they arrive at Bled? 4. What did they do when they got to Bled? 5. What is there in the middle of the lake? 6. Why did they take photographs of the island? 7. What did they do after the trip? 8. What did they visit in the afternoon? 9. Where did they have tea? 10. How long does it take from Ljubljana to Bled by car? Postavite sledea pitanja drugim studentima: 1. Did Madge want some more tea? 2. What did Madge tell Arthur to do? 3. What are the mountains like in Slovenia? 4. What's winter like in Slovenia? 5. What sort of skiing-grounds are there at Bled? 6. When could Arthur ski quite well? 7. Can people skate on the lake in winter? 8. What must Madge and Arthur do? 9. What can Arthur try to do? 10. What happened to Madge and Arthur? B Stavite odgovarajui oblik (can, f an't, could ili be able to): A Talk on Sports One morning over coffee Peter and Lucy talk about sports. Peter: I say, do you go in for any sports, Lucy? Lucy: Well, I... skate quite well. What about you? Peter: I'm afraid I... skate, but I... ski. I ... ski as a boy. you ski, Lucy? \ A Visit to Bled Lucy: Well, I don't know if I... ski well any longer. I... ski quite well a few years ago, though. Peter: Next year come to Yugoslavia for your winter-sports holiday. We... go skiing to Slovenia together. I'm sure you... to ski well again. Lucy: Well, I... always try. Peter: Listen, ... you come for a swim tomorrow? Lucy: I'm afraid I... I'm busy tomorrow. But any other day will be

fine. Pitajte druge studente koje sportove upranjavaju, kao i koje su sportove upranjavali. Stavite glagole u zagradi u prolo vreme: Moving into the Flat The bed-sitter (be) rather expensive for Peter. He (go) to see some other flats, but he (like) the first one best. After a few days he (phone) the landlady. Peter: Hello! Peter Tomi speaking. Landlady: Hello! Who's speaking? Peter: Peter Tomi. I (come) to see the flat last week. Landlady: Oh, yes, I remember. You (like) the flat, but you (say) it was too expensive. Peter: That's right. If the flat's still vacant, I'll take it. Landlady: Yes, it's vacant. Peter: When can I move in? Landlady: Any time after lunch. Peter: All right. I'll be there about three. Goodbye. U Londonu ste i odluili ste da iznajmite nameten stan koji ste ve razgledali. Telefonirajte gazdarici. Dramatizujte dijalog. Stavite odgovarajui predlog by, for, on ili to: ' A Walk in Hyde Park One day after the classes Peter and Lucy decided to go ... Hyde Park. They went... tube. When they got... Hyde Park they walked about... an hour. When they got tired, they sat down . .. the grass and relaxed. Peter: Shall we go back ... bus or ... tube? L"cy: Let's go ... bus. 120 121 Unit 24 Peter: It'll take much longer. Lucy: Yes, but we'll be able to see more of London. Peter: All right. Let's get... a 77 bus. There's a bus stop very near here. Lucy: All right. Let's go. It's rather late. Nalazite se u Hajd-parku i elite autobusom da se vratite do svoga hotela Predloite broj autobusa svome sagovorniku. Upotrebite odgovarajue izraze: Going the Wrong Way Madge and Arthur are on their way to Zagreb. UNIT 25 ., officer, is this the way to Zagreb? Arthur: ____ . ...-._ ----Officer: No, sir, you're going the wrong way. Go back to the first crossroads and turn right. That's the way to Zagreb. Arthur: Thanks a lot. Officer: ________ Nalazite se na pogrenom putu za Oksford. Dramatizujte dijalog sa jo jednim studentom kao saobraajcem. D Prevedite na engleski: Kada su oni stigli u Beograd? Stigli su pre nedelju dana. Da li su se zadrali u Sloveniji? Da, jesu. Koliko su dugo bili u Sloveniji? Bili su samo tri dana. Koja su mesta obili? Posetili su Ljubljanu i Bled. Da li im se Bled dopao? Veoma. Na Bledu su ostali ceo dan. Zar nisu ili na Bohinje? Ne, nisu mogli da idu na Bohinje, jer nisu imali vremena. Da li e moi da posete Plitvika jezera? Ne verujem, jet moraju da budu u Engleskoj krajem meseca. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: BREAKFAST IN THE HOTEL VVWICH CURRENCY Ml/ GOT SIR? Madge and Arthur are sitting in the dining-room and having breakfast. Arthur tells Madge that he'll have to change some money, because he won't have enough to pay the bill. He'll also have to send a telegram to Milan Jovi to ask him to book a room for them. Madge tells him that she'll have to go to their room after breakfast to finish packing. She also tells him that she had to put her coat in his suitcase, because there was no room in hers. NO PARKING KEEP CLEAR What would you like, sir: tea or coffee? Coffee for me, please. And you, Madge? I'd like a soft-boiled egg and tea. Could we have some toast, please? Certainly, madam. Anything else? I could have bacon and eggs. Yes, sir. Listen, 111 have to change some money. We shan't have enough to pay the hotel bill. Madge: Didn't you change some money when we arrived here?

Waiter: Arthur: Madge: Waiter: Arthur: Waiter: Arthur: 122 123 Unit 25 Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: I did, but we spent it at Bled yesterday. Also I mustn't forget to send a telegram to Milan to ask him to book a room for us. That's a good idea. It's always better to have a reservation. I'll go and change the money immediately after breakfast. All right. I'll have to go upstairs and finish packing. I had to put my coat in your case, because there was no room in mine. I say, can you remember where I put the guide to Yugoslavia? It's in the travelling-bag. Oh, good. I must be off now. Ask the porter to put the suitcases in the car and wait for me in front of the hotel. At the Exchange-Office Arthur: I'd like to change some money. Clerk: Which currency have you got, sir? Arthur:. I've got pounds in travellers' cheques and some cash. What's the rate of exchange today? Clerk: Eighty two new dinars to the pound. Arthur: All right. I'll change forty pounds in travellers' cheques. Clerk: May I have your passport, please. Thank you. Here you are, sir. Here is the receipt. Renik pay /pei/, nepr. gl., platiti bill /bill, raun send /send/, nepr., gl., poslati telegram /'teligrasm/, telegram finish /'finiJV, zavriti pack /peek/, pakovati What would you like? ta biste eleli? egg /eg/, jaje boil /boil/, vreti soft-boiled /'soft-'baild/, meko skuvano, rovito '' 124 Breakfast in the Hotel hard-boiled /'ha:d-'baild/, tvrdo skuvano bacon /'beiksn/, slanina bacon and eggs, 2 pTena jajeta sa slaninom toast /toust/, pren hleb mustn't /'mAsnt/, ne smem, ne sme, itd. forget /fa'get/, nepr. gl., zaboraviti better /'beta/, bolje upstairs /'Ap'stesz/, gore, na gornjem spratu put /put/, nepr. gl.. staviti room, mesto, prostor remember /ri'memba/, setiti se currency //, valuta traveller /'travels/, putnik cheque /tjek/, cek cash /kaej/, gotov novac rate /reit/, kurs rate of exchange, kurs razmene receipt /ri'si:t/, potvrda Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where are Madge and Arthur sitting? 2. What are they doing?

3. What will Arthur have to do? 4. Why will he have to change some money? 5. What else will he have to do? 6. What will he ask Milan to do? 7. What will Madge have to do? 8. What did Madge have to do? 9. Why did she have to put her coat in Arthur's suitcase? 10. What will Madge and Arthur have for breakfast? Postavite sledea pitanja studentima: 1. What did Arthur do when he arrived in Yugoslavia? 2. What did he do with the money? m 3. What mustn't Arthur forget to do? 4. What do you think about booking rooms in advance? 5. Who put the guide to Yugoslavia in the bag? 6. What did Arthur tell Madge to do? 7. Where did Arthur tell Madge to wait? 8- Which currency did Arthur have? 9. What was the rate of exchange for the pound? 10. How much money did Arthur want to change? 125 Unit 25 Stavite odgovarajui oblik have to ili must: Lucy Had a Lot to do Lucy tells Peter that she had a lot to do on Friday. She... go to the supermarket. Then she... return a book to the library. She also ... finish a dress. Lucy: Peter: Lucy: Peter: Lucy: Peter: Lucy: Peter: I ... a lot to do yesterday. Why, what ... you ... do? First of all, I ... go to the supermarket to get some food. Then I ... go to the library to return a book. Finally I... finish the dress for the party tomorrow. Oh, I see. I ... a lot to do, too. I... move out of my hotel. You ... move out of your hotel? But why? Because it was too expensive for me. Where are you now? I found a bed-sitter quite near the school. I moved in yesterday. Pitajte studente ta su jue morali da rade. Upotrebite must mustn't: Arthur tells Madge that he... change some money. He also says he... forget to send the telegram to Milan. Arthur: I ... go and change some money. Madge: .... you change the money now? Arthur: I'm afraid I ... I've got hardly any left. And I... forget to send the telegram to Milan. Madge: Yes, you ... do that. Arthur: I ... forget to get some petrol, too. Madge: You certainly ... forget to do that. Pitajte studente ta obino moraju, odnosno ta ne smeju da rade. S/a vite priloge u zagradi u pravilan oblik: Speaking Foreign Languages One day Lucy asks Peter which foreign language he speaks (well): Russian or French. Peter says he speaks Russian (well). Lucy: Which language do you speak (well): Russian or French? 126 Breakfast in the Hotel Peter: Russian, because I learnt it at school. Lucy: And which do you like (much)? Peter: Well, it's difficult to say. Which languages do you speak? Lucy: I speak Italian, Spanish and German. Peter: Do you? And which language do you speak (well)?

Lucy: Spanish. I like it (much), too. Pitajte studente koje strane jezike govore i kako ih govore. Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Having Breakfast Madge and Arthur are sitting at a table in the dining-room and having breakfast. Madge: Arthur: Yes, please. some more jam, Arthur? Madge: Arthur: another piece of bread and butter? but I'd like some more toast. Madge: Here you are. Arthur: Thanks. Za dorukom ste. Ponudite ajem ili kafom osobu koja sedi za stolom sa vama. Ona prihvata/odbija nuenje. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Da li biste eleli jo malo aja? Hvala, mogu. Hoete li jo tosta? Ne, hvala. ta ste radili jue? Imala sam mnogo posla. Morala sam da idem u supermarket da kupim hrane za nekoliko dana. Zatim sam morala da idem u knjiaru da kupim vodi kroz Jugoslaviju. Da li ste ga nali? ~~ Da, jesam. Onda sam morala da idem na stanicu da saekam roditelje. ~ A ta ste uvee radili? Morala sam da idem i obiem sestru. Kako Je na sada? Mnogo je bolje. Pozdravite je s moje strane. Hvala. ~ Morau i ja da je obiem. Ali ne smete joj rei da u je obii. To e biti iznenaenje. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: CAR PARK COACH PARK 127 UNIT 26 AT THE POST OFFICE Arthur has exchanged sixty pounds at the hotel exchange-office. He has paid the hotel bill and now wants to send a telegram to Milan. He asks the porter if there is a post office near by and the porter tells him that there is one just around the corner. In the meantime, Madge has locked the cases and the porter has put them in the car. Arthur wonders if they have left anything behind, but Madge says they have not. Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Have you paid the bill, Arthur? Yes, I have. Where are the cases? The porter has put them in the car Have you locked them? Yes, I have. Here are the keys I hope we haven't left anything behind. No, we haven't. I had a last look round before I left the room Have you asked the porter about the post office? No, I haven't. I must do it right away. Excuse me for a moment. OK. I'll wait for you here. Don't forget to buy some stamps and picture postcards. At the Post Office Arthur: Excuse me, is there a post office near by? Porter: Yes, there's one just around the corner on the left-hand side. Arthur: Thanks a lot. Porter: Pleasure. At the Post Office

Arthur: A telegram form, please. Clerk: Here you arc, sir. Will you, please, write the sender's address at the bottom of the form. Arthur: All right. Here you are. I've filled it in. Clerk: I'm sorry, sir, but you haven't written the full address of the receiver. What's the number of the street? Arthur: A hundred and thirteen. What's the charge for ten words? Clerk: It's two dinars a word. Twenty dinars in all. Arthur: Here you are. Excuse me, I'd like to buy some stamps. Which counter is it? Clerk: Counter Fourteen. TELEGRAM ARRIVING ON WEDNESDAY STOP BOOK ROOM STOP ARTHUR Renik 128 Post office /'paust 'ofis/, pota near by, u blizini around /3'raund/, okolo around the corner, iza ugla meantime /'mim'taim/, meuvreme "* /l*/, zakljuati * /'wAnd3/, pitati se, uditi se leave tehin, zaboraviti, ostaviti 2a sobom 9 Engleski u 50 lekcija right away /'rait a'wei/, odmah stamp /staemp/, marka postcard /'pgus(t)ka:d/, dopisnica picture postcard, razglednica as well, takoe form /fo:m/, formular sender /'sends/, poiljalac bottom /'botam/, dno fill in /'fil 'in/, popuniti receiver /ri'siiva/, primalac 129 Unit 26 charge /tJa :d3/, naplatiti What's the charge? Koliko se naplauje? free of charge, bez naplate word /ward/, recta all, ukupno counter /'kaunta/, alter Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. How much money has Arthur exchanged? 2. Where has he exchanged the money? 3. What else has he done? ' > 4. What does he want to do? 5. What does he ask the porter? 6. What does the porter tell him? 7. What has Madge done in the meantime? 8. Where has the porter put the cases? 9. What does Arthur wonder? 10. What does Madge say? Postavite studentima sledea pitanja: 1. What does Madge ask Arthur? 2. Has Madge locked the cases? 3. What does Madge give Arthur? 4. Where will Madge wait for Arthur? 5. What does Madge tell Arthur not to forget? 6. What does the post office clerk ask Arthur to do? 7. What hasn't Arthur written? 8. What's the charge for ten words? 9. What else does Arthur want to do? 10. Which counter is it? B Stavite odgovarajui oblik glagola u zagradi (present perfect) : Back from the Post Office When Arthur comes back, Madge asks him if he (send) the telegram. Also she asks him if he (buy) any stamps and picture postcards. Arthur shows them

130 At the Post Office her and then asks her if she (lock) the car properly. Unfortunately, Madge (forget) to do it. Madge: ? you (send) the telegram, Arthur? Arthur: Yes, I ... Madge: ? you (buy) the stamps and picture postcards? Arthur: Yes, I ... Here they are. I say, you (lock) the car properly? Madge: Of course, I ... Here are the keys. Arthur: Let me have a look. Madge, you (forget) to lock the car again. Madge: Oh, I'm so sorry, Arthur. Well, it happens sometimes, doesn't it? Pitajte studente ta su sve uradili tog jutra/dana. Checking Out of the Hotel Madge asks Arthur if he (check out) . Arthur says he hasn't, but is going to. Then Arthur asks Madge if she (lock) the suitcases properly. Madge says she has. Madge: ? you (check out)? Arthur: No, I . . . , but I'm going to now. Madge: When must we check out at the latest? Arthur: At 12 a.m. There's plenty of time. Listen, you (lock) the suitcases properly? Madge: Yes, I ... You can check if you want to. Nalazite se u Londonu. Treba da putujete to popodne. Pitajte recepcionistu kada treba da napustite hotelsku sobu. Back from the Bank Peter (be) to the bank to change some travellers* cheques. He tells Lucy about it. Peter: I (be) to the bank today. Lt*cy: What for? Peter: I (change) some travellers' cheques. Lucy: Again! You already (change) some money this week. eter; No, I ... I (not change) money for a fortnight now. Lucy: Oh, I see. What's the rate of exchange now? eter: It's 82 new dinars to the pound. The rate (go up) lately. alazite se u Londonu. Menjali ste novac u banci. Ispriajte jednom od studenata o tome. 131 Unit 26 to send a telegram. Stavite odgovarajue Izraze: At the Post Office Peter is at the post office. He wants to send some letters by air mail. Clerk: By air mail or by ordinary mail? Peter: By air mail, please. Clerk: One pound fifty pence. Peter: Here you are. Excuse me, ____ Which counter is it? Clerk: Counter Seven. Peter: Thank you very much. Clerk:_______. Nalazite se u poti u Londonu, odakle elite da poaljete pismo avionom. Upotrebite izraz f d like. Dramatizujte dijalog sa jo jednim studentom. D Provedite na engleski: Htela bih da se javim tvojim roditeljima. Hoe li da ode i kupi razglednice? Sada? Upravo sam se vratio. Zar ti zaista odmah trebaju? Da, elim da ih poljem po podne. U redu. Da li je to sve? Pa, hoe li pokuati da nae neke engleske novine. Ve sam ih kupio. Evo ih. Odlino. A hoe li da kupi malo voa? U redu. A sad idem, inae e mi traiti da jo neto kupim. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: UNIT 27 CAR PARK ENTRANCE COACH PARK ENTRANCE LUNCH IN ZAGREB In Zagreb Madge and Arthur went to see the most important sights. They drove to the older part of the town. They visited St Mark's Church and stopped to see some other old buildings. They wanted to see the Fairgrounds, but it was too late, so they went to the Esplanade Hotel for lunch. They chose a table on the terrace and ordered lunch. They decided to leave Zagreb after lunch, because they wanted to be in Belgrade before dark. Arthur: Where are we going to sit?

Madge: Let's sit outside on the terrace. It's rather stuffy in here. Arthur: There's a table over there. Let's go there. Waiter: Can I help you, sir? Arthur: The menu, please. What are you going to have? Madge: I'm not very hungry. I'll just have some grilled meat. What about you? Arthur: Let me see. I'll have chicken soup, veal cutlets and fruit salad. Aren't you going to have anything sweet? Madge: All right. I could have a cake. Waiter: Anything to drink, sir? 132 133 Unit 27 Lunch in Zagreb Arthur. Madge. Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: What shall we drink? I'd like some red wine. All right. Let's have half a litre of red wine and some mineral water. I'm very thirsty. Arthur, look at the sky. I think it's going to rain. I don't think so. Anyway, we're not going to do any more sightseeing, so it doesn't matter. Have we seen the most important sights? More or less. We haven't seen the new part of the town, though. Well, it doesn't matter. We've done enough sightseeing today. When do you think we'll be in Belgrade? It depends when we leave Zagreb. I hope we'll get to Belgrade before dark. Will you be able to drive that fast? Why not? I hope the road is good and the sun doesn't set before half past six. Shall we be in Belgrade before it gets dark? I think so. Anyway, I'll do my best. Renik MENU Shrimp Coctail Tuna Salad Tomato Juice Roast Chicken Roast Beef Grilled Steak Roast Lamb Pork Chops Veal Cutlets Cheese and Biscuits Ice Cream Chocolate Pudding Fruit Salad important /im'pa:tsmt/, znaajan sight /sail/, znamenitost part /pa:t/, deo church /tJa:tJ7, crkva fair /fea/, sajam Fairgrounds /'fesgraundz/, sajmite choose /tju:z/, nepr. gl., izabrati terrace /'teres/, terasa order /'a:d3/, poruiti dark /da:k/, mrak get dark, smrknuti se outside /'aut'said/, napolju stuffy /'sufi/, zaguljiv menu /'menju/, jelovnik grilled /grild/, pren na rotilju chicken /'tjikin/, pile veal /vi:l/, teletina cutlet /'kAtlit/, kotlet fruit /fru:t/, voe salad /'saslsd/, salata litre /'li:ta/, litar sky /skai/, nebo anyway /'eniwei /, ionako sightseeing /'sait'si :irj /, razgledanje znamenitosti more or less, manje-vie though /deu/, mada set /set/, nepr. gl., zaci do one's best, dati sve od sebe St

Mark /san 'ma:k/, Sveti Marko Dodatni materijal i vebanja A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. What did the Heaths do in Zagreb? 2. Where did they drive first? 3. What did they see in the older part of the town? 4. What else did they want to do? 5. Why didn't they see the Fairgrounds? 6. Where did they go for lunch? 7. Where did they choose a table? 8- Why didn't they sit inside? 9- When did they decide to leave Zagreb? 10. When did they want to be in Belgrade? Postavite sledea pitanja studentima: ' What was Madge going to have and why? - What was Arthur going to have? 3- Which dessert was Madge going to have? 4' Wnat were Madge and Arthur going to drink? 5. What did Madge ask Arthur to do? 134 Unit 27 Lunch in Zagreb 6. What was the weather like? 7. Were they going to do any more sightseeing? 8. Did they see the new part of the town? 9. What is the ZagrebBelgrade road like? 10. What time does the sun set in August? B Stavite odgovarajui oblik izraza going to: At a Restaurant One day after classes Peter and Lucy go to a restaurant for lunch. Peter: What ... you ... have, Lucy? Lucy: Well, I'm not very hungry. I ... have fish and chips. ... you ... have the same? Peter: No, I'm not. I... have roast chicken and roast potatoes. What ... we ... drink? Lucy: Just mineral water for me, please. Peter: I... have white wine. Half a pint will do. Lucy: Look, it ... rain. Peter: Yes, it looks like rain again. Nalazite se u restoranu sa jo jednim prijateljem u Londonu. Pitajte ga ta e da porui, i recite mu ta ete vi uzeti. Stavite glagole u zagradi u pravilan oblik sadanjeg perfekta: Asking Somebody to the Cinema After lunch Peter asks Lucy to go to the cinema with him. Lucy: Look, it (start) raining. Peter: You're right. It's raining. What about going to the cinema. Lucy: Fine. I (not be) to the cinema this month. Peter: I (not be) to the cinema for more than a month. Lucy: What's on? Peter: There's a very good film on at the Odeon. Lucy: All right. Let's go. Predloite svom prijatelju/prijateljici da idete u bioskop; on/ona to prihvata. Dramatizujte dijalog. Stavite glagol* u zagradi u pravilan oblik: Getting to Belgrade before Dark Madge wants to know if they'll be in Belgrade before it gets darlr. Madge: Shall we be in Belgrade before it (get) dark? Arthur: I don't think so. Madge: How long will it take? Arthur: Not more than five hours if I (drive) fast. Madge: Will Milan wait for us if we (get) there late? Arthur: I think so. Anyway, we shan't be late unless something unexpected (happen). Treba da stignete u Brajton pre mraka. Vodite razgovor sa jo jednim studentom. Stavite izraz / think so ili / don't think so: On the Way Madge asks Arthur if they'll get to Belgrade before dark. Madge: Shall we get to Belgrade before dark? Arthur: ________ It's already 5 o'clock. Madge: Will Milan be at home?

Arthur: I ________ Madge: Are we going to stop on the way? Arthur: I .________I could do with a cup of coffee. Dramatizujte dijalog. Postavite pitanja studentima na koja oni treba da odgovore: / think so ili / don't think so. D Prevedite na engleski: Gde emo da sednemo? Hajde da sednemo na terasu. ta ete vi da uzmete? Uzeu meso na aru. A ja u uzeti peeno pile sa prenim krompirom. ta emo da pijemo? Za mene samo mineralnu vodu. A ja u da pijem crno vino. Koliko dugo ete da ostanete ovde? Ako vreme bude lepo, ostau dve nedelje. Kada ete da vidite stari deo grada? Sutra. 136 137 Unit 27 Kada e da doe vaa prijateljica? - Nadam se da e stii nre ne se smrkne. Pogledajte nebo. Mislim da e da pada kia. - Ne veruiem , ne vidite da se razvedrava? *ar Prevedite na sprskohrvatski: SELF-SERVICE RESTAURANT PLEASE PLACE YOUR DIRTY TRAYS HERE BRITISH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Weights 1 ounce (oz.) = 28.3495 g. 1 pound (lb.) = 453.59 g. 1 stone (st.) = 6.35 kg. Liquid Measures 1 pint (pt.) = 0.4732 I. 1 quart (qt.) = 0.9463 1. 1 gallon (gal.) = 3.7853 Long Measures J inch (in.) = 2.54 cm. 1 foot (ft.) = 0.3048 m. 1 yard (yd.) = 0.9144m. 1 mile (mi.) =1.6093 km. UNIT 28 ON THE WAY Madge wants to know a little more about Milan's stay in Britain. Arthur tells her that Milan got a grant in 1982 and went to Britain for six months. While he was there lie worked in the same factory as Arthur. That was how they became friends. At that time Arthur was not married. He went to Scotland with Milan on a climbing holiday. While he was there, Arthur fell and hurt his arm and leg and had to go to hospital. Luckily, he came across a very good doctor who fixed him up very well. Madge: I'd like }o know a little more about Milan's stay in England. Was he the engineer who visited Britain in 1982? Arthur: Yes, he was. He was one of the Yugoslavs who came to my factory for practical experience. Madge: I see. How did he manage to come to Britain? Arthur: He got a grant. Madge: Oh, I see. How long did he stay in Britain? Arthur: Six months. That's how long his grant lasted. Madge: Did he work in your factory all the time? 138 139 Unit 28 On the Way Arthur. Madge Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Yes, he did. He worked in all the departments because he wanted to get to know the whole organisation of the factory. Was Milan the Yugoslav you took to all the branch offices in the country? Yes, he was. He's also the one I went to Scotland with on a climbing holiday. Oh, I see. That's when you fell and hurt your arm and

leg and had to go to hospital. Yes, but luckily, as you know, I came across a very good doctor who fixed me up very well. What sort of person is Milan? Quite good-looking and friendly. He's also very fond of telling jokes. Oh, I like people who are fond of jokes. How long is it since you saw him last? Well, I haven't seen him since 1982. He hasn't been to Britain for seven years. Quite a time. Luckily, you've written to each other. Yes, we've kept in touch. Renik grant /gramt/, odobrena svota as I XT., 97./, kao become /bi'kAtn/, nepr. gl., postati married /'merid/, oenjen, u da ta climb /klaim/, penjati se, planinariti while /wail/, dok fall /fo:l/, nepr. gl., pasti hurt /hart/, nepr. gl., povrediti arm /a:m/, ruka leg /leg/, noga hospital /'hospital/, bolnica come across, naii fix up /'fiks '/, namestiti, urediti practical /'praktikl/, praktian 140 experience /iks'piarians/, iskustvo practical experience, praksa manage /'mzenids/, uspeti department /department/, odeljenje get to know, upoznati organisation /^rgenai'zeijsn/, organizacija branch /brarntj/, grana branch office, filijala person /':$/, osoba good-looking /'gud'lukin/, zgodan each other /'i:tj '/, jedan drugi joke /dssuk/, ala keep /ki:p/, nepr. gl., drati touch /UtJV, kontakt, dodir keep in touch, odravati kontakt Dodatni materijal i vebaiija A Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. What does Madge want to know? 2. When did Milan get a grant? 3. How long did Milan stay in Britain? 4. Where did Milan work? 5. What happened then? 6. Where did Arthur and Milan go together? 7. Why did they go to Scotland? 8. What happened to Arthur while they were in Scotland? 9. Where did Arthur have to go? 10. Who did Arthur come across? Postavite studentima sledea pitanja: 1. Did Milan work in Arthur's factory all the time? 2. Why did Milan work in all the departments? 3. Where did Arthur take him? 4. What sort of person is Milan? 5. What is Milan fond of? 6. What sort of people does Madge like? 7. How long is it since Arthur saw Milan last? 8. How long is it since Milan was in Britain? 9. Have Arthur and Milan kept in touch? 0. How have they kept in touch? B Upotrebite odnosnu zamenicu who gde je potrebno: !;; Asking Questions about a Friend Before Arthur left, one of the engineers at the factory asked him some questions about his friend in Belgrade. Engineer: Was Milan Jovi the engineer . . . came to the factory for practical experience? Arthur: Yes, he was. He was one of the engineers land in 1982. visited Eng141 Unit 28

On the Way Engineer: Yes, I remember now. He was the one ... you took to all the branch offices in the country. Arthur: That's right. He was also the one ... I went to Scotland with for a climbing holiday. Engineer: Was it then that you hurt your-arm and leg arid had to go to hospital? Arthur: Yes, it was. Luckily, I came across a very good doctor ... fixed me up all right. Postavite pitanja studentima u vezi sa dijalogom. Stavite odnosnu zamenicu who gde je potrebno: The Sort of People I Like One day Peter asks Lucy what sort of people she likes. Peter: I say, what sort of people do you like,.Lucy? Lucy: First of all, I like people ... are kind and friendly. Then I like people... have a hobby. Interesting people, anyway. Peter: I also like interesting people. Listen, who was the man... we saw at Mary's last night? Lucy: You mean the man ... I introduced you to at the end of the party? Peter: Yes, him. Lucy: Well, he's a writer... has written some very good novels. Peter: What a pity I didn't talk to him longer! Pitajte studente kakve osobe vole, odnosno ne vole. Upotrebite since ili for: Talking about a Writer Peter goes on asking Lucy questions about the writer. Peter: How long have you known him? Lucy: ... quite a time. ... I first went to Mary's. That's where I met him. Peter: How long has he been a writer? Lucy: ... about ten years. Actually, ... he graduated. Peter: How many novels has he written so far? Lucy: About ten or so. Peter: I haven't read a novel... a long time. Lucy: Then you must try and read at least one of his novels. Diskutujte sa studentima o nekom mladom romanopiscu. 142 Upotrebite odgovarajui izraz: A Climbing Holiday Peter tells Lucy that he wants to go to Scotland on a climbing holiday. He asks her to come along. Peter: I've decided to spend my summer holiday in Scotland. Lucy._______. I haven't been to Scotland yet. Peter: I'm going on a climbing holiday. Why don't you come along? Lucy: I'm afraid I'm not very fond of climbing. Peter:_________ Recite drugim studentima da elite da idete na planinarenje. Predloite jednom od njih da poe sa vama. Dramatizujte dijalog. Prevedite na engleski: V Ko je taj dovek sa kojim si razgovarao? To je inenjer koji je doao u London pre tri meseca radi prakse. A odakle dolazi? Dolazi iz Jugoslavije. Da li je ve bio u Engleskoj? Ne, nije. Prvi put je u Engleskoj. A, tako. Da li je on inenjer koga si vodio u sve filijale po Engleskoj? Da, jeste. eleo je da upozna rad svih naih fabrika. On je zapravo inenjer sa kojim sam iao da planinarim po kotskoj. A, tako. Nisam to znao. Kakva je on osoba? Veoma je simpatian i vredan. On je upravo vrsta osobe koja mi se svia. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski: CAR EXIT COACH EXIT 143 JJ A Rest at a Motel UNIT 29 A REST AT A MOTEL MOTEL TWENTY LITRES > OF PETROL, PLEASE. The dnve along the highway was rather tiring. It was hot and Arthur was feeling tired. They wanted to stop at a motel for a rest. They decided to stop at the motel Milan recommended in his last letter. Arthur wanted to get some petrol, too. Suddenly the weather changed. It got cooler and it started raining when they pulled up at the motel. Madge:

Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: 144 Why are you driving so fast? Why must you overtake every car? Since we left Zagreb, you've overtaken every car on the way. I'm not driving fast. Look at the speedometer. Haven't you just slowed down? Just a little. Don't you like fast driving? You know I do, but not at a speed of over sixty miles an hour. Don't you think that's too fast? Well, it depends. I want to get to Belgrade as soon as possible. I'm feeling tired. Do you mind if we stop at a motel and have a rest? Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Of course not. Look, a motel! Thafs the motel Milan recommended in his last letter. How can you tell? Because he recommended the motel which is 100 kilometres from Belgrade. Are you sure that's the motel he recommended? Yes, I am, because we are 100 kilometres from Belgrade. All right. I'd love a cup of coffee. Let's pull up. I've run out of petrol, so I must fill up. Arthur, it's beginning to rain. Yes, it's going to rain heavily. Go inside and order some coffee while I get the petrol. At the Filling-Station Arthur: Twenty litres of petrol, please. Attendant: Any oil, sir? Arthur: No, thank you. Attendant: Shall I check the tyres? Arthur: Yes, please. Will you clean the windscreen, too. Thank you. How much is it in all? Attendant: Six hundred and fifty dinars, please. Renik rest /rest/, odmor; odmoriti se highway /'haiwei/, autoput totag /'taiarin/, zamoran feel /fi;]/, nepr. gj., oseati fill up /'fil '/, napuniti suddenly /'sAdanli/, iznenada col /ku:l/, sve get cooler, zasveiti Pull up /'pul '/, zaustaviti auto overtake /,3uv3'teik/, nepr. gl., Prestii *&*& /spi :d/, brzina speedometer /,spi'domite/, brzinomer 'O Engleski u 50 lekcija slow down /'sbu 'daun/, usporiti mile /mail/, milja (1.609m) soon /su:n/, uskoro as soon as, to pre mind /maind/, imati protiv Do you mind if... Ima li neto protiv ako ... run //, nepr. gl., trati run out of, ostati bez petrol /'petrel/, benzin attendant /s'tendant/, lice na usluzi oil /ail/, ulje tyre /taia/, guma windscreen /'windskri:n/, vetrobran 145 Unit 29 A Rest at a Motel Dodatni materijal i vebanja Lucy Oh, yes, I remember now. We were at Mary's. Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. What was the drive along the highway like? 2. What was the weather like? 3. How was Arthur feeling? 4. What did they decide to do? 5. What else did Arthur, want to do?

6. What happened suddenly? 7. What was the weather like when they pulled up? 8. What must Arthur always do while driving? 9. How does Madge feel about fast driving? 10. What did Arthur tell Madge? Postavite studentima sledea pitanja: 1. What did Madge ask Arthur to do? 2. Did Milan recommend a motel in one of his letters? 3. Which motel did he recommend? 4. How far were they from Belgrade? 5. What would Madge love to do? 6. Was there a filling-station near the motel? 7. What did Arthur tell Madge to do? 8. How many litres of petrol did Arthur buy? 9. Did he buy any oil? 10. What did he ask the attendant to do? B Stavite which ili that gde je potrebno: At Lucy^s Place One evening Lucy asks Peter to call on her for a cup of coffee. Peter brings Lucy a book... she wants to read. Peter: Is this the book... you want to read, Lucy? Lucy: Yes, it is. How nice of you, Peter. But how did you know? Peter: Don't you remember what you said to me the other day: "There's a book ... I want to read. It's 'The Orient Express' " 146 i-*V . ., Peter: That's right. cy Actually, it's the book . . . Mary recommended to me. She found it exciting. Peter: If you find it good, I'll read it, too. Razgovarajte sa jednim studentom o knjizi koju su vam preporuili. Stavite which ili that gde je potrebno: The Films I Like. Over coffee Peter and Lucy talk about the sort of films .. . they like. Peter: What sort of films do you like, Lucy? Lucy: Well, I like films . . . deal with an interesting problem. Historical films, too. Peter: I'm afraid I don't like historical films. Lucy: What kind of films do you like? Peter: Well, I like thrillers and Westerns. The last film ... I saw was a very good thriller. Lucy: What was it about? Peter: It was after the novel by Agatha Christie "N or M". Lucy: Oh, that's the film. .. everybody talked about at Mary's. Pitajte studente kakve filmove vole. Stavite glagole u zagradi u odgovarajue vreme (present perfect ili past tense:) Lucy was in Italy in 1987. She tells Peter about her impressions. A Stay Abroad Peter: ? you ever (be) to Italy, Lucy? ;Lucy: Yes, I have. I (be) to Italy several times. Peter: When you (be) last? Lucy: In 1987. But I (not be) since. Peter: Which places you (visit)? Lucy: I (visit) Rome, Florence and Venice. peter: Which town you (like) most? Lucy: Florence. I think it's the most beautiful town in Italy. 'tajte studente da li su ikada bili u inostianstvu (be abroad) i, ukoliko jesu, razgovarajte o tom boravku. 10' 147 i Unit 29

Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Do you mind if. .. Peter feels like smoking with his coffee. Peter: Lucy: if I smoke, Lucy? . I'd like a cigarette, too. if I open the window? It's very stuffy, inthw I'll A~ ; Peter: Here you are. Lucy: Thanks._____ , .__ .__ ,. Peter:_________Don't bother. I'll do it. Pitajte studente da li im smeta ako puite. Upotrebite izraz Do you mind. Neka jedan student odgovori odrecno. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: * ?" " BegradU? ~ d PrVg aprila' - Gde * nisam N J1 T mU PrePrUi0- ~ " Ste Videli ve >* otkad ie dl ^ Vlde d PrO'0g "^Video sam & sv<*a tri puta Sm Ivo ? M T ~ " Ste 8a Vdili U restoran kome *am vam govor.0? - Ne, jo nisam, ali nameravam da ga vodim idue nedelje. - Da h je ovaj fotografski aparat va? _ Da, jeste. - Ovo je vrsta aparata koja m, se svito. Da l, su ovo fotografije koje ste snimili u Zagrebu? - Da, SL7 * '' 'T'! net PrtiV da "^"1 jedan snimak vaim apa-ratom? _ Svakako da nemam. Dozvolite da vam pokaem kako da snimate. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski : WAY IN KEEP CLEAR WAY OUT KEEP CLEAR UNIT 30 MEETING MILAN JOVI Milan lives in a new bjock of flats in Novi Beograd. He got his flat through his factory. It's a self-contained flat consisting of a bed-sitting room, a bathroom and a khdisn. Milan has been living in it for almost a year now. Madge and Arthur had some difficulty in finding Milan's house. It was almost nine o'clock when they got to his place. When Arthur rang the bell, Milan answered the door and showed them in. Milan: Hello, Arthur. How are you? Do come in. It's nice to see you after such a long time. Arthur: Hello, Milan. I'm glad to see you. Let me introduce you to my wife. This is Madge. Madge, this is Milan. Madge: Hello! Nice to meet you, Milan. Milan: Hello, Madge! Welcome to Belgrade. rthur: I'm sorry you've been waiting so long. Never mind. I've been reading the paper anyway. Did yU haVC a pleasant Journey? YCS> WC ' We enJved our drive to Belgrade. The weather was quite hot, wasn't it? A 'an: 149 Unit 30 Meeting Milan Jovit Arthur Milan: Arthur Milan: Arthur Madge Milan: Madge Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan : Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Milan: '. Yes, part of the way. But we had some rain, too. When did you cross the frontier? / Three days ago. We stayed in Slovenia two days. How did you like Slovenia? .- Very much. We wanted to stay longer, but we had no time. : You've got a very nice flat, haven't you? I was very lucky. I got it through my factory. : How long have you been living in it? Since last March. I moved in on March 22nd. Your English is very good, isn't it? How long have you been learning? Seven years. Actually, since the year I went to England.

How do you keep it up? By reading magazines and technical books in English. Sometimes I watch the English lessons on TV. Now, what would you like to drink: beer or a soft drink? Beer for me. A soft drink, please. Thank you. Did you manage to book a room for us? Yes, I did. It's pretty difficult with accommodation in the high season, but I managed to book a room at the Union Hotel. Let's go there as soon as you finish your drinks. Renik get through, dobiti preko self-contained /'self kan'teind/, komforan consist /kan'sist/, sastojati se almost /'oilmaust/, skoro difficulty /'difikalti/, tekoa bell /bel/, zvono such /SAtJ/, takav never mind /'neva 'maind/, ne mari pleasant /'plezant/, ugodan journey /'dsa.-ni/, putovanje, put enjoy /in'dsoi/, uivati frontier /'fi-Antja/, granica learn /b:n/, nepr. gl., uiti keep /ki:p/, nepr. gl., drati keep up /'ki:p '/, odravati technical /'teknikl/, struan soft drink /'soft 'drink/, voni sok .ccommodation smestaj pretty season /si:zn/, godinje doba high season, glavna sezona Dodatni materijal i vebanja A ,, Odgovorite na sledea pitanja pismeno: 1. Where does Milan live? 2. How did he get his flat? 3. What sort of flat has he got? 4. How long has he been living in it? 5. What happened when Madge and Arthur got to Belgrade? 6. What time was it when they got to Milan's place? 7. What did Arthur do? 8. What did Milan do? 9. Where did Milan manage to book a room? 10. Why was it difficult to find a room? Postavite studentima sledeca pitanja: 1. What 2. What 3. What 4. What 5. What 6. What 1. What 8. What 9. How 10. How does Milan say when he sees the Heaths? doss Arthur say? has Milan been doing? does Arthur say about the drive to Belgrade? does he say about the weather on the way? does Milan ask Arthur? does Arthur say about Slovenia? does Madge think of Milan's English? long has Milan been learning English? does Milan keep up his English? B Stavite glagole u zagradi u sadanji trajni perfekt: Loking for a Home 'S "^"^ to John Steward. They've got two children: and Meg, 6. They (live) in a block of flats since they got married. 150 151 Unit 30 Meeting Milan Jovi Now that the children are getting bigger, they've decided to buy a house They (look) for one for six months now. Sheila tells Lucy about it On ,h' phone. Lucy:

Sheila: Lucy: Sheila: Lucy: Sheila: Lucy: Sheila: Lucy: Hello, Sheila! Lucy here. How are you? Not too bad. We haven't managed to find a house yet. Oh, really? How long you (look) for one now? For six months. And how long you (live) in the piesent flat? Since John and I got married. What's wrong with the houses you've seen? We haven't found one we really like. Don't give up. After all, you (look) for one for six months only. I'm sure you'll find one you'll like. Pitajte druge studente gde i koliko dugo stanuju u sadanjem stanu/kui. Stavite glagole u zagradi u sadanji perfekt ili sadanji trajni perfekt: Learning a Foreign Language Peter asks Lucy how long she (learn) Spanish. She says she (learn) since she went to Spain for the first time. Peter: How long you (learn) Spanish, Lucy? Lucy: For five years. Actually, since I first went to Spain. Peter: ? you (be) to Spain since? Lucy: Yes, I ... Three times. Peter: How you (keep up) your Spanish? Lucy: I (read) Spanish magazines and books. I (watch) Spanish lessons on TV, too. Peter: That's why your Spanish is so good. Pitajte studente koliko dugo ue engleski ili neki drugi strani jezik i kako odravaju svoje znanje. Stavite odgovarajue upitne izraze (Question-Tags): Talking about the Weather Peter and Lucy are talking about the weather. Peter: Lovely weather, ...? Lucy: Marvellous. It was absolutely awful yesterday, ...? Peter: Yes, it was pretty cold, ...? nnite I had to put on a sweater. Lucy: e u^ers can be quite cold in Britain,...? Peter: J1^^ too Sometimes you think it's autumn, . ..? -,. vremenu sa turistom iz Engleske. Dramatizujte dijalog. Razgovarajte v Stavite odgovarajue izraze: Discussing a Hotel Milan tells Arthur that the Union is not a first-class hotel. Milan: Sorry, Arthur, but the Union isn't a first-class hotel. Arthur:________Actually, I don't like first-class hotels. Milan: It's in the old part of the town. We shan't be very near. Arthur:________We can always talk by phone. Do you mind if I ring you up about eight tomorrow morning? Milan: ________I'll be in my office. Here's my office number. Rezervisali ste sobu u hotelu svom poznaniku iz Engleske. Objasnite mu kakav je hotel. Dramatizujte dijalog. D Prevedite na engleski: Od kada ivite u novom stanu? ivimo ovde ve skoro dve godine. Kada ste se uselili? (Uselili smo se) kada smo se vratili iz Nemake. Od kada radite u fabrici? Ne tako dugo. (Radim) samo est meseci. Da li i Jovan radi u istoj fabrici? Da, radi. Koliko dugo radi? Ve dve godine. Da li poznajete Jovanovu sestru? Da, poznajem je. Poznajem je ve nekoliko godina. Gde ste je prvi put sreli? Sreli smo se kod Jovana. Da li ona jo uvek trai stan? Da, trai. Ona trai stan ve godinu dana, ali jo nije uspela da ga nae. Prevedite na srpskohrvatski:

KEEP CLEAR OF THE GATE NO________ UNAUTHORIZED PARKING 152 153 A telephone Conversation UNIT 31 A TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Madge and Arthur got up at seven o'clock, because they wanted to start their sightseeing tour as early as possible. Arthur rang Milan up to find out if he could join them, but Milan was busy. While Arthur was talking to Milan, Madge was getting ready for the tour. Arthur: May I speak to Mr Jovi, please? Milan: Speaking. Hello, Arthur! How are you? Did you have a good rest? Arthur: Very good, thanks. I tried to phone you half an hour ago, but I couldn't get through. The line was engaged. Milan: Oh, yes. I had a trunk call. I was speaking with London. Arthur: Oh, I see. I wanted to ask you to join us on our tour. Milan: I'm afraid I'm very busy at the moment. I shan't be able to join you. Arthur: What a pity! Listen, which places do you think we should see? Milan: First of all, you should visit the National MuseumThere's a very good art gallery and some fine sculptures. There are also some frescoes from our monasteries. Arthur: Milan-' Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur. Milan: Arthur. Milan: Arthur Milan : Arthur Oh, fine. Where is it? It's in Republic Square. It's very near your hotel. You can go on foot. Ask the porter to explain to you how to get there. Which other places do you think we should see? Then you should go to Kalemegdan Park. If you have time, go to the Military Museum, too. Can't you try and join us later? Well, I may be free about one o'clock. Look, when you finish with the Museum, give me a ring. There must be a public telephone in the Museum. Isn't there a telephone-booth near by? Well, there's a post office at the second corner on the left-hand side of the street. Go there. All you need is a two-dinar coin. All right. I'll do that. You know my phone number, don't you? Yes, 620050. That's right. Remember me to Madge. See you later. Bye. ' Bye. Vocabulary conversation ^konva'seijan/, razgovor start /start/, poeti as early as possible, to je mogue ranije join /dsoin/, pridruiti se get through, dobiti vezu "ne /lain/, linija engaged /in'geidsad/, zauzet ** call /'tfAok 1:!/, meugradski razgovor ** /lud, Jad,, treba of all, pre svega /, muzej art /a:t/, umetnost gallery /'gselari/, galerija sculpture /'skAlptJa/, skulptura fresco /'fraeskau/, freska monastery /'monastari/, manastir republic /ri'pAblik/, republika military /'militari/, vojni public /'pAblik/, javni give a ring, telefonirati telephone booth /'telifaun 'bu:d/, telefonska govornica coin /koin/, metalni novac See you later. Videemo se kasnije. Remember me to..., Pozdravi... 154 155 Unit 31 Further Points and Exercises

Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What time did Madge and Arthur get up? 2. Why did they get up early? 3. Who did Arthur ring up? 4. What did Arthur want to find out? 5. Why couldn't Milan join them? 6. What was Madge doing while Arthur was talking to Milan? 7. What did Arthur try to do? 8. Why couldn't he get through? 9. Who was Milan speaking with? 10. What sort of call was it? Put the following questions to other students: 1. Which places should Madge and Arthur see? 2. Why should they see the National Museum? 3. Where's the National Museum? 4. How can the Heaths get to the National Museum? 5. Which other places should they see? 6. What should they see at Kalemegdan Park? 7. What does Milan tell Arthur to do? 8. Where does Milan tell Arthur to phone from? 9. Does Arthur know Milan's telephone number? 10. What does Milan ask Arthur to do? B Supply the correct form of the past continuous tense: A Phone Call from the Post Office After the National Museum Arthur and Madge went to the post office. Arthur (try) to get through to Milan for about ten minutes, but at that time Milan (speak) with a branch office. At last Arthur got through. While Milan and Arthur (speak), Madge (wait) outside. Arthur: Hello! Arthur speaking. Milan: Hello, Arthur. Where are you? 156 A Telephone Conversation Arthur: I'm at the post office. I tried to get through to you, but the line was engaged. Milan: Oh, yes, I (speak) with a branch office. Arthur: Will you be able to join us? Milan: Terribly sorry, but I'm busy. Listen, ring me up when you get back to the hotel. Arthur: All right. See you later. Bye. You are in the National Gallery in London from where you phone a friend of yours. You ask him to join you for lunch. Dramatize the dialogue. The Line was Engaged Peter asks Lucy what she (do) between eight and ten o'clock on, Sunday evening. She says she (watch) TV first and then she (speak) to Sheila on the phone. Peter says he tried to phone her about nine, but the line was engaged. Peter: What you (do) between eight and ten on Sunday evening? Lucy: Nothing special. I (watch) TV from seven to ten and then I I went to bed. Peter: So early? You rarely go to bed so early, don't you? Lucy: Yes, but I (read) in bed for about an hour. Peter: 1 see. I tried to phone you about nine, but couldn't get through. The line was engaged. Lucy: 6h, yes, I forgot. I (speak) to Sheila for quite a time. Peter: Actually, I wanted to ask you to come for a walk. Ask other students what they were doing at ten o'clock last night. Supply may or should: Visiting Museums i Peter and Lucy are talking about the museums Lucy hasn't visited yet. Peter advises her which museums she... see. Peter: Have you been to the British Museum, Lucy? Lucy: Not yet, I'm afraid. Peter: It's certainly a museum you.. .see. And have you seen the National Gallery? Lucy: No, I haven't. Actually, I wanted to go to the Tate Gallery last week, but I didn't. 157 Unit 31

Peter: That's another museum you ... visit. Well, if I... say so, you ... visit all these museums as soon as possible. I ... be free tomorrow, so let's go to the British Museum together. Ask other students which sights a foreigner should see in Belgrade /their town. A Telephone Conversation Translate into Serbo-Croat: OPENING HOURS Mon Sat 10 a.m. 5 p.m. Closed on Tuesdays Supply the corresponding expressions: Going to the British Museum Peter happens to be free and phones Lucy to tell her that he can go to the British Museum. Landlady: 684-7930. Peter: ________Lucy, please? Landlady: Just a moment. Hold on, please. Lucy: Hello! Lucy ________ Peter: Hello, Lucy! Peter_______ Look, I'm free in the afternoon. I can go to the British Museum with you. Lucy: Great! Where shall we meet? Peter: Let's meet at 2 o'clock in front of the main entrance. Lucy: All right. ________Bye. Ring up a student and ask him/her to go to the National Museum with you. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Mogu li da govorim sa gospodinom Joviem? Na telefonu. Zdravo, Arture. Kako si? Da li si se dobro odmorio? Hvala, jesam. Pokuao sam da ti telefoniram pre pola sata, ali veza je bila zauzeta. Da, imao sam meugradski razgovor. Razgovarao sam sa Londonom. Hteo sam da te pozovem da nam se pridrui pri razgledanju znamenitosti. Na alost, trenutno sam vrlo zauzet. teta! Sluaj, ta misli koja mesta treba da vidimo? Treba da vidite Narodni muzej i Kalemegdan. Zar ne moe da nam se pridrui kasnije? Pa, moda u biti slobodan oko dva sata. Kada budete zavrili sa razgledanjem Narodnog muzeja, telefoniraj mi. U redu. Videemo se kasnije. Zdravo. ADMISSION FREE TELEPHONE MESSAGE Message for Mr/Mrs......................Room , from Mr/Mrs............................ telephone No.............................. Received at ................ a.m./p.m. Date ..... BEOGRAD ;Q30 JUGOSJLAV.IJA 1095 S 158 159 Losing a Camera UNIT 32 LOSING A CAMERA At Kalemegan Park Madge and Arthur went to see the old fortress, from where they had a lovely view of the Sava and the Danube as well as the new parts of Belgrade. They enjoyed looking at the bridges across the Sava, the Museum of Modern Art and the building of the Executive Council. Then they went to visit the Military Museum. After they had visited the Military Museum, they sat down on a bench to rest. About half past twelve they returned to the hotel for an early lunch, because they wanted to go to Avala to see the Monument to the Unknown Soldier. They had already finished lunch when suddenly Arthur noticed that his camera was missing. Arthur: Madge, where's my camera? Have you got it? Madge: No, I haven't. I haven't seen it since we took photographs at Kalemegan Park. Did you leave it in the car? Arthur: I don't think so. I must go and have a look. I shan't be a minute. Madge: It isn't in the car, is it? Arthur: No, it isn't. I turned everything upside-down, but I couldn't find it. I looked under the seats, too. 160 Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur:

Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge, Er... can you remember when you had it last? I remember having it at Kalemegan Park. Let's try and remember all the places we've been to today. I remember having it at the fortress, because I took photographs of it. Did you have it when we went to the Military Museum? Yes, I did. I remember leaving it in the cloakroom. Then perhaps we left it on the bench where we were sitting after we'd visited the Military Museum. In that case I don't think we'll ever find it. Oh, come on! It's not an expensive camera, is it? That's not the point. I've had it for three years now and I'm used to it. If you don't find it, I'll buy you a new one for your next birthday. That's very sweet of you, darling. But I'll need a camera here. If I don't find it, I'll have to buy a new one. You don't mind, do you? I'm afraid I do. Cameras must be quite expensive here, mustn't they? Vocabulary lose /lu:z/, nepr gl., izgubiti fortress /'fo:tris/, tvrava lew /vju:/, pogled, izgled across /a'kros/, preko contemporary /kan'temparari/, savremen executive /ig'zaekjutiv/, izvran council /'kaunsl/, vee bench /bentj/, klupa monument /'monjumant/, spomenik unknown /'An'naun/, nepoznat oWier /'sauldja/, vojnik notice /'nautis/, primetiti issing /'misirj/, koji nedostaje I shan't be a minute, odmah u u 50 lekcija everything /'evrlOin/, sve upside /'Apsaid/, gornja strana down /daun/, dole upside-down /'Apsaid 'daun/, tumbe turn everything upside-down, sve isprevrtali perhaps /pa'haeps/, moda cloakroom /'klaukrum/, garderoba case /keis/, sluaj That's not the point. Nije stvar u tome. used /ju:st/, naviknut sweet /swi:t/, sladak darling /'da:Iirj /, draga 161 Unit 32 Losing a Camera Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did the Heaths go to see at Kalemegdari Park? 2. What sort of view did they have from there? 3. What did they enjoy looking at? 4. What did they visit after that? 5. What did they do after they'd visited the Military Museum? 6. What time did they return to their hotel? 7. Why did they return so early? 8. What did they want to see at Avala? 9. What did Arthur suddenly notice? 10. What had they already finished at that moment? Ask other students the following questions: 1. When was it last that Madge saw the camera? 2. Where did Madge think Arthur had left it? 3. What did Arthur do? 4. When did Arthur have the camera last? 5. What did Arthur know? 6. Where did he leave his camera in the Military Museum? 7. How long had Arthur had the camera? 8. What sort of camera was it? 9. What did Madge decide to do? 10. Why did Arthur object to it ? B Supply down, for, to or up: Bad Luck!

Arthur rang Milan... to tell him what had happened. He said be had turned everything upside..., but couldn't find his camera. Arthur: Hello! Arthur speaking. Milan: Oh, hello, Arthur! What's the news? Arthur: Bad news, I'm afraid. I've lost my camera. Milan: Are you sure? Have you looked... it everywhere? 162 Arthur: Yes, I have. I've turned everything upside... Milan: Was it an expensive camera? Arthur: Not really, but I'm used ... it. Milan: That's bad luck. You must go to all the places you've been Wait . .. me. I'll come along. Ask other students what Arthur told Milan on the phone. Supply the correct form of the pluperfect: My Umbrella is Missing Peter and Lucy went to the British Museum on Saturday. After they (visit) the Museum, they went to a coffee bar. When Lucy got to her guest-house, she noticed that her umbrella was missing. She couldn't remember where she (leave) it. She was sure she (lose) it. She rang Peter up. Lucy: Hello! Lucy here. Peter, my umbrella's missing. I can't find it anywhere. Peter: Did you have it with you this afternoon? Lucy: Yes, I did. I know I had it after we (visit) the British Museum. Peter: And did you have it after we (leave) the coffee bar? Lucy: I don't know. I remember putting it on a chair there. Peter: I'm sure that's where you left it. Look, I'll go there early tomorrow morning to see if anybody found it. I'll ring you up immediately. Bye. You've lost your driving-licence. Phone a friend and tell him/her about it. Supply the corresponding tags: A Few More Questions Peter asked Lucy a few more questions about her missing umbrella. Peter: It's not the first umbrella you've lost, . . .? Lucy: No, it isn't. Actually it's the third one. Peter: I just can't understand how people lose things. Lucy: You've never lost anything, . . .? Peter: Not that I can remember. Lucy: You've never been absent-minded, . . . ? Peter: Of course, I have. But I don't think I've ever lost anything. other students what Peter and Lucy talked about on the phone. U* 163 Unit 32 Supply the corresponding expressions: / don't think so Here are some more questions that Peter asked Lucy. Peter: Did you leave your umbrella in the cloakroom? Lucy:________ I'm sure I had it when we went out. Peter: Did you leave it in the tube? Lucy: ________ Peter: Can't you remember when you had it last? Bucy: I know I had it when I left home. Peter: Do you mind my questions? Lucy: ________ Ask other students questions beginning: Do you mind if. . . They should give positive/negative answers. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Poto su posetili Vojni muzej, seli su na klupu da se odmore. Kad su se vratili u hotel, primetili su da im nedostaje fotografski aparat. Nisu znali gde su ga zaboravili. Pokuali su da se sete svih mesta koja su posetili. Artur je znao da je ostavio aparat u garderobi Vojnog muzeja. Imao je taj aparat ve tri godine i bio je navikao na njega. Odluili su da odu do svih mesta koja su to jutro obili. Ali fotografski aparat nisu nigde nali. Njihova je jedina nada bila da ga je neko poten naao.

Translate into Serbo-Croat: WELCOME TO YOUR PARK PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRASS UNIT 33 :-> .- AT THE LOST PROPERTY OFFICE The following day Arthur went to the Lost Property Office to inquire about his camera. He was surprised that the attendant could speak English. When he described the camera to him, the attendant said there was a camera which corresponded to the description. When the attendant showed Arthur the camera, he said it was his. He asked who had found it and the attendant said that a boy had found it in Kalemegdan Park the day before and had brought it in. Arthur was delighted to have his camera back. Arthur: Good morning. I lost my camera yesterday and I've come to see if anybody found it. Attendant: What sort of camera is it, sir? Arthur: It's a Kodak model 418. Attendant: Here's a camera which corresponds to the description. Is it yours? Arthur: Yes, it is. This really is a stroke of luck. Who found it? Attendant: A boy. He found it on a bench in Kalemegdan Park. Arthur: It's surprising that nobody kept it. Attendant: Now, would you mind giving me your particulars, sir. 164 165 Unit 33 While Arthur was at the Lost Property Office, Madge was waiting for him in the hotel lobby. She was reading a booklet about Belgrade that Milan had given to them. After some time Arthur arrived. Arthur: Look! I've found the camera. Madge: Lucky you! Who found it? Arthur: A boy. He told the clerk that he'd found it on a bench in Kalemegdan Park. Madge: That's where we left it after we'd visited the Museum. Arthur: Exactly. I thought that if somebody found the camera, he would keep it. Madge: Yes, I never thought we'd get it back. That's why I promised to get you a new one. Arthur: I told the clerk it was nice to see that there were honest people. Madge: Did you offer a reward for the boy? Arthur: I'm afraid I didn't. Actually, I completely forgot about it. Vocabulary property /'propeti/, svojina Lost Property Office, Biro za izgubljene stvari inquire /in'kwaia/, raspitati se surprise /sa'praiz/, iznenaditi surprised /ss'praizd/, iznenaen describe /dis'kraib/, opisati description /dis'kripjan/, opis correspond /,koris'pond/, odgovarati delighted /di'laitid/, ushien somebody /'sAmbodi/, neko anybody /'enibodi/, neko, ma ko nobody /'naubadi/, niko 'model /'modi/, model stroke /strauk/, udar stroke of luck, srea surprising /sa'praizirj/, iznenaujue Would you mind ... Molim vas particular /pa'tikjula/, podatak lobby /'lobi/, hodnik, hol booklet /'buklet/, broura exactly /ig'zaektli/, tano get back, dobiti natrag promise /'promis/, obeati honest /'onist/, poten reward /ri'wo:d/, nagrada completely /kom'pli:tli/, potpuno Kodak /'keudaek/ 166 At the Lost Property Office Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: j. Where did Arthur go the following day? 2. Why did Arthur go to the Lost Property Office? 3. Why was Arthur surprised? 4. What sort of camera was it? 5. What did the attendant say when Arthur described the camera? 6. What did Arthur say when the clerk showed him the camera? 7. What did Arthur ask the attendant? g. What did the attendant say? 9. Where had the boy found the camera? 10. Why was Arthur delighted? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What did Arthur say when the clerk gave him the camera?

2. What surprised Arthur? 3. What was Madge doing meanwhile? 4. What was she reading? 5. Who had given them the booklet? 6. What did Arthur do when he got back? 7. What did Arthur think? 8. What was nice, according to Arthur? 9. Did Arthur offer a reward for the boy? 10. Why didn't he do it? B Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Sequence of Tenses): Finding the Umbrella When Peter went to the coffee bar the next day he asked the cashier if anybody (find) an umbrella. The cashier asked him what sort of umbrella it (be). Peter said it (be) coral red with a black handle. The cashier told him that there (be) such an umbrella. Peter rang Lucy up immediately and told her that he (find) her umbrella. Peter: May I use the phone, please? Cashier: Of course, sir. 167 Unit 33 At the Lost Property Office Peter: Hello, Lucy. Peter here. I've found your umbrella. Lucy: Oh, fine. I didn't believe you (find) it. Peter: Neither did I. I was sure somebody (take) it. Lucy: I thought I (have) buy a new umbrella. Peter: So did I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the interrogative: Lucy: Who (find) the umbrella? Peter: One of the customers. Lucy: Where he (find) it? Peter: On the chair where you had left it. Lucy: What the cashier (do) when you told him my umbrella was missing? Peter: He asked me to describe it. Lucy: What (happen) then? Peter: Well, he gave me your umbrella. That's all. Ask other students what happened when Peter went to the coffee bar and what he told Lucy on the phone. Supply somebody, anybody or nobody: Leaving a Message When Peter returned to his flat he asked the landlady if... had phoned. She said ... had phoned about ten o'clock and had left a message. Peter also asked if... had brought a parcel for him. Peter: Did . . . phone? Landlady: Yes, .. . phoned about ten o'clock and left a message. I wrote it down. Here it is. Thank you. I say, did ... bring a parcel for me? I'm afraid .. . brought a parcel. At least while I was here. Look, I must go out again. If... phones, will you please tell him to leave a message with you. Thank you. Peter: Landlady Peter: Ask other students what Peter did when he returned to his flat. Ask other students if they've had a similar experience. Dramatize te dialogue. Supply the missing expressions: At the Lost Property Office Attendant: Arthur: Attendant: Arthur: Attendant: Arthur:

giving me your particulars, sir. Your name. Arthur Heath. spelling your name, sir. A-r-t-h-u-r H-e-a-t-h. Your nationality. . British. Attendant: Marital status and occupation. Arthur: Married. Engineer. Attendant: Your permanent address. Arthur: 13, Oaks Drive, London S.E. 19. Attendant: ________ writing your address down, sir. Thank you. You are at the Lost Property Office in London, because you've lost your briefcase. Dramatize the dialogue with another student as attendant. D Translate into English: Da li je neko telefonirao? Jeste. Nekoje telefonirao dvaput i pitao da li ste u kancelariji. Da li znate ko je to bio? Na alost, ne znam. Da li je jo neko telefonirao? Da, g. Braun. Pitao je kada ete biti u kancelariji. Da li je ostavio poruku? Jeste. Zamolio vas je da mu telefonirate im se vratite. Putuje sutra za Sjedinjene Amerike Drave. Za Sjedinjene Amerike Drave? Ja sam mislio da ide za Evropu. Ne, rekao je da prvo ide u Njujork, a zatim u Vaington. Niko mi o tome nita nije rekao. Da li je rekao u koliko e sati biti kod kue? Jeste. Rekao je da moete da mu telefonirate ma u koje vreme posle est. Translate into Serbo-Croat: LITTER PLEASE NO LITTER 168 L 169 A Drive around Belgrade UNIT 34 A DRIVE AROUND BELGRADE On Sunday Milan decided to take Madge and Arthur for a drive around Belgrade. He wanted to show them some of the places they hadn't seen yet. He rang them up to say he would call for them at noon. When he got there Madge and Arthur were already waiting for him. He was sorry he was late but said he had been delayed by the traffic. Milan: Arthur: Milan : Madge: Milan : Madge: Milan : Hello, Madge! Hello, Arthur! Sorry I'm late. I was delayed by the traffic. That's all right. We haven't been waiting long. Where have you parked your car? In the car park. I couldn't find a free parking place anywhere else. Where are you going to take us, Milan? Well, I thought of showing you the Museum of Modem Art first. Do you mind? No, not at all. I'd love that. It's on the left bank of the Sava just at the place where the Sava flows into the Danube. Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan : Arthur: Milan : We saw the Museum from Kalemegdan Fortress the other day. It looks quite attractive. Where else are you going to take us? Then we could go to the Fairground. I'd like to show you the pavilions. There's also a motor show on. I thought both of you would like to see it. Yes, we'd love that. We've always been interested in cars. All right then. Let's go. On the way I'll show you the place where the new Opera House will be built. I find Belgrade a much bigger city than I'd expected. How many inhabitants are there? Over a million. The number of inhabitants has more than doubled since the end of the war. Was Belgrade much damaged during the war? Yes, it was. Some parts of the town were destroyed, but all that's been rebuilt now. In addition to that whole new parts have been built. I find Belgrade a very lively town. It seems to be expanding very fast. That's true. A friend of mine who came back from Australia last year could hardly recognize it. The same thing may happen to us next time we come to Belgrade. That's why you must come back as soon as possible. Vocabulary take /teik/, nepr. gl., voditi, provesti

anywhere /'eniwea/, bilo gde, bilo kud anywhere else /'eniwes 'els/, bilo gde na drugom mestu flow /flau/, nepr. gl., tei flow into, ulivati se car show, izloba automobila interested /'intristid/, zainteresovan build /bild/, nepr. gl., graditi opera /'apanl, opera city /'siti/, veliki grad expect /iks'pekt/, oekivati inhabitant /in'hxbitant/, stanovnik million /'miljan/, milion 170 171 Unit 34 A Drive Around Belgrade double /(Ubi/, udvostruiti end /end/, kraj war /wa:/, rat damage /'daemidj/, otetiti destroy /dis'troi/, unititi rebuild /'ri:'bild/, nepr. gl., ponovo izgraditi in addition to /s'dijsn/, osim expand /iks'psend/, iriti se recognize /'rekagnaiz/, prepoznati lively /'laivli/, iv that's why, zbog toga Australia /o'streilja/, Australija Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Milan decide to do on Sunday? 2. What did he want to show Madge and Arthur? 3. Why did he ring them up? 4. When did he say he'd call for them? 5. What were Madge and Arthur doing when he got there? 6. Why was Milan sorry? 7. Why was he late? 8. Where did Milan park his car? 9. Why did he park his car there? 10. What did Milan think of showing them first? Put the following questions to other students: 1. Where did Madge and Arthur see the Museum from? 2. Where's the Museum of Modern Art? 3. Where else did Milan want to take them? 4. What did he want to show Madge and Arthur? 5. What was on at the Fairground? 6. What did Milan want to show them on the way? 7. What did Milan say about the development of Belgrade? 8. What did Arthur want to know? 9. What did Madge think of Belgrade? 10. What happened to a friend of Milan's? B Supply the correct tense of the passive voice: London during the War London (be bombed) during the war. Large parts of London (be destroyed). The Houses of Parliament badly (be damaged), but everything (be rebuilt) since the end of war. Peter tells Lucy about it. Lucy: This part of London (be bombed) during the war? Peter: Well, I can't tell you that, but I know that large parts of London (be bombed and destroyed). Lucy: I thought that only the East End much (be destroyed). Peter: Not only the East End, but other parts too. The West End, too. Lucy: Oh, I see. Peter: Did you know that the Houses of Parliament badly (be damaged)? Lucy: No, I didn't. Peter: Of course, everything (be rebuilt) since the end of war. Ask other students about the bombing of London/Belgrade/your town during the war. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive: Talking about a Town While Madge, Arthur and Milan were at Novi Beograd, Milan told them about its development. He said the first blocks of flats (build) immediately after the war. Little by little a whole new town (build up). Then Milan said he'd show them the Sava Congress Centre, which (open) in 1978. Milan: You see, the first blocks of flats (build) immediately after the war.

Arthur: It's unbelievable how large Belgrade has grown. Milan: Yes, but there are still parts which have to (build up). Madge: What's that building over there? Milan: It's a big store. It just (finish). Now I'll show you the Sava Centre. Madge: What's the Sava Centre? Milan: It's a Congress Hall where all sorts of conferences (hold). 172 173 Unit 34 A Drive around Belgrade Arthur: When it (open)? Milan: In 1978. Several conferences (hold) there since then. Ask other students about the development of Belgrade. You're showing the sights of your town to a foreign tourist. Dramatize the dialogue. Supply a, an or the: Showing Some Sights On ... way to ... Sava Centre,.. . three people were discussing... Museum of... Modern Art. Madge: I found . . . Museum very impressive. Milan: Yes, it is, isn't it? Arthur: Of course, if you're interested in ... modern art. Madge: You know I am. I also liked its position. Milan: Yes, it's at... very place where... Sava flows into... Danube. Madge: What's that tall building over there? Milan: It's... Inter-Continental Hotel. We could have... coffee there after seeing ... Sava Congress Centre. Ask other students what the three people say about the Museum of Modern Art. Supply the appropriate expressions: Awful Weather, isn't itl Peter and Lucy were on their way to school when it suddenly started raining heavily. Lucy: Awful weather, isn't it? Do you mind if I take your umbrella? I've left mine at home. Peter: ________ The weather's been awful these days, hasn't it? Lucy: ________ It's rained almost every day. Peter: It's been quite cold, too. Lucy: ___._____ Summers in Britain are really awful, aren't they? Make remarks about the weather. Another student should express agreement with the statements. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: __ Kada je ovaj most podignut? Odmah posle rata. Da li je Beograd mnogo oteen za vreme rata? Da, jeste. Bio je teko bombardovan. Neki delovi su bili razoreni. Da li je sve ponovo izgraeno? Da, jeste. Osim toga, itavi novi delovi grada su sagraeni. Sada u da ti pokaem mesto gde e biti sagraena nova Opera. Takoe u ti pokazati Kongresni Centar, koji je otvoren u jesen 1978. Da li je to zgrada gde se odravaju meunarodne konferencije? Da, jeste. Do Sava Centra izgraen je i Hotel Interkontinental. __Reeno mi je da je Beograd iv grad, ali nisam znao da je toliko veliki. Translate into Serbo-Croat: LOOK BOTH WAYS] | BEWARE OF CARS] BEOGRAD : u/W4 1095 S 174 175 UNIT 35 TALKING ABOUT THE PAST Madge, Arthur and Milan were having supper at a restaurant. They were listening to folk songs which a well-known woman singer was singing. One of the tunes reminded Milan of his childhood and he told Madge and Arthur about that period of his life. Milan was born in South Serbia. He lived there until his mother died. Then he came to live with his aunt and uncle in Belgrade. His father was killed during the war. Milan was seven years old then. Milan: Cheers! Arthur: Cheers! Madge: What a lovely tune! I find your folk songs marvellous. Milan: This song comes from the part where I used to live as

a child. Madge: Which part is that? Milan: South Serbia. That's where I was born. Arthur: How long did you live there? Milan: Until my mother died. You see, my father was killed during the war, so when my mother died I came to live with my aunt and uncle in Belgrade. They brought me up. Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge. Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur. Talking about the Past Oh, I see. I didn't know your father was killed during the war. Yes, he joined the Resistance Movement and fought in the Liberation Army. In which year was he killed? In 1945, a few months before the end of the war. How awful! How old were you then? Seven. I'd just finished the first year of primary school. I grew up without my parents. My own father was captured by the Germans in Africa and was sent to a prisoner-of-war camp in Germany. You told me once that your father had been a prisoner of war, didn't you? That's right. If I remember well, he tried to escape, didn't he? Yes, but was caught almost immediately after he'd run away from the camp. How long was he kept in the camp? Until the camp was liberated by the Allies in Autumn 1944. Vocabulary past /pa:st/, prolost folk /fouk/, narod; narodni song /san/, pesma sin8 /sin/, nepr. gl., pevati singer /'singa/, peva tune /iju:n/, melodija remind /ri'maind/, podsetiti childhood /'tjaildhud/, detinjstvo Period /'pisriad/, period "fe /laif/, ivot tear /bes/, nepr. gl _t roditi un< /an'til/, dok ne die /dai/, umreti ait /a:nt/, tetka unc'e f/mkl/, ujak kill /kil/, ubiti during /'dju:rirj/, za vreme Cheers /tjiaz/, iveli! Resistance Movement /ri'zistans 'mu:vrmnt/, Pokret otpora fight /fait/, nepr. gl., boriti se Liberation Army /^iba'reijan 'a;mi/, Oslobodilaka armija primary school /'praimari/, osnovna kola

capture /'kaeptja/, zarobiti prisoner of war /'priznar av wo:/, ratni zarobljenik camp /ksemp/i logor, kamp 176 ,ckcija 177 Unit 35 escape /is'keip/, pobei run //, nepr. gl., trsati run away, pobei Ubemte /'libareit/, osloboditi Bosnia /'baznie/, Bosna Africa /aefrika/, Afrika Points and Exercises A Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What were the Heath: s and Milan doing at the restaurant? 2. What were they listerning to? 3. What did one of the tunes remind Milan of? 4. What did Milan do tthen? 5. Where was Milan born? 6. How long did he lives there? 7. Who did he live with after his mother's death? 8. Where did his aunt aind uncle live? 9. When was his father IJdlled? 10. How old was Milan aet that time? Put the following questioons to other students: 1. What did Madge thinHc of Yugoslav folk songs? 2. What did Milan's fath-ier do during the war? 3. In which year was MiDan's father killed? 4. Where was Arthur's farther captured? 5. Where was Arthur's fa-ither sent? 6. What did he try to doe? 7. When was he caught? 8. How long was he kept; in the camp? 9. When was the camp lilberated? 10. When was the end of he Second World War? Supply the correct form otf the passive voice: An Air Crash While Milan and Arthur wsre talking about their past, Madge suddenlyiaM her own parents (kill) in an air crash. All the passengers and the crew (). Only one of the pilots (resceue). 178 Talking about the Past This reminds me. My own parents (kill) in an air crash. ,*: How awful! How did it happen? M d e The plane was about to land when one of the engines blew up. : Everybody (kill)? Madge: Only one of the pilots (rescue). Milan: So sorry to hear that. Madge: I must say it was terrible. It took me a few years to get over their death. Tell other students about an air crash that happened some time ago. Supply used to: , Things Madge Used to Do While they were listening to the folk songs, Madge said she ... sing quite well. Arthur added that she . . . play the piano very well, too. Madge: I ... sing quite well. . Milan: Did you? When was that? Madge: When I was a teenager. Milan: Can't you sing any longer? Madge: Not so well as I ... Arthur: Madge . . . play the piano very well, top. Madge: I'm afraid I can't play any longer. I haven't played for almost ten years now. Ask other students what things they used to do. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Sequence of Tenses) : A Visit to the Zoo One day Lucy told Peter she had been to the zoo in the morning. Peter got a ittle angry, because Lucy (go) to the zoo without him. Lucy didn't know that Peter (like) animals.

" : I went to the zoo this morning. : But why did you go without me? You knew I (want) to along. come "cy: No, I didn't. Actually, I didn't know you (like) animals. Lu'' them- As a Child I always had a pet' Ov So sorry, Peter. Don't be angry with me. Listen, I wouldn't Pet mmd going again. e er: All right. Let's go some time next week. 5 m -he Lndon Zo with a student. Ask him/her if he/she likes and if he/she has a pet. Tell other students about your conversation. 12 179 Unit 35 _, when my parents died I had to give up my piano Use the appropriate expressions: Giving up Piano Lessons Madge told Milan that when her parents died she had to give up her piano and singing lessons. Madge: ____ and singing lessons. Milan: Pity! Couldn't you carry on with your singing lessons? Madge: I'm afraid I couldn't.________, I couldn't pay for my lessons any longer. Milan: .________ Dramatize the dialogue. Ask other students to tell you what they had to give up and why. They should use the expression You see. D Translate into English: Gde ste roeni? Roen sam u Splitu. Kada ste doli u Beograd? 1969. godine. Kada vam je majka umrla? Kada mi je bilo deset godina. I otac i majka su mi poginuli u avionskoj nesrei. ao mi je to to ujem. Nisam znao da su vam roditelji poginuli u avionskoj nesrei. Kako se to desilo? Pri sletanju jedan od motora je eksplodirao. Uasno! Da li su svi poginuli? Da, sva posada i putnici su poginuli. Samo jedan putnik je spaen. Trebalo mi je nekoliko godina da prebolim njihovu smrt. Translate into Serbo-Croat: UNIT 36 PRIVATENO ADMITTANCE BEWARE OF THE DOG AT THE AIRPORT Madge and Arthur decided to fly to Ohrid for a couple of days. Arthur managed to book seats on the plane, which was pretty difficult because it was the high season. He had to go to the Yugoslav Air Transport Office several times and eventually managed to get tickets. So here they are at Belgrade Airport waiting for the announcer's voice telling them to board the plane. Milan is with them. He has come so see them oft. Madge: How long does it take from Belgrade to Ohrid direct? Arthur: Not more than an hour and twenty minutes. If you fly via Skopje, it takes three quarters of an hour more. Madge: Do we land in Skopje? Arthur: No, we don't. This is a direct flight. Milan: I've never flown to Ohrid. In fact, I'm not very fond of flying. Madge: Neither am I. But we can't avoid it nowadays, can we? Milan: Quite. How often do planes fly to Ohrid? Arthur: There's a regular flight three times a week. The plane takes off at eight o'clock in the morning and arrives at Ohrid at twenty minutes past nine. 180 181 Unit 36 At the Airport Milan: So you'll be enjoying the beauties of Ohrid very soon Arthur: Yes. We'll be bathing in the lake in two hours' time Madge: Don't be so sure about it. The weather may change in the meantime. Arthur: Oh, I don't think so. The weather forecast says there will be lovely weather throughout the country all day

Milan: What about your further plans? Arthur: We'll be staying at Ohrid for two days. Madge: If we like Ohrid, we'll stay for another day. Milan: That's a good idea. When will you be leaving Belgrade then? Well, it depends. If we stay two days, we'll leave Belgrade on Friday. By the way, why don't you join us on our trip? That's not a bad idea. If I manage to start my holiday a little earlier, I'll join you. Announcer's voice: We announce the departure of JAT Flight 210 to Ohrid. Gate Number 5. Arthur: Here we go. Thanks for coming to see us off. Try to do something about your holiday. Bye. Milan: Have a nice trip. Bye. Vocabulary Arthur: Milan: couple /kApl/, dva, par because of, zbog transport /'transport/, prevoz eventually /i'ventjuali/, najzad announce /a'nauns/, objaviti announcer /a'naunsa/, spiker voice /vois/, glas board /bo:d/, ukrcati se see off /'si:'of/, ispratiti direct /di'rekt/, direktan; direktno via /'vaie/, preko in fact /fxkt/, u stvari flying /'flaiirj/, letenje regular /'regjub/, redovan take off /'teik'of/, uzleteti, skinuti beauty /'bju:ti/, lepota bathe /beid/, kupati se forecast /'fo:ka:st/, prognoza throughout /0ru(:)'aut/, irom, skroz further /:/, dalji plan /plain/, plan by the way, uzgred budi reeno trip /trip/, putovanje departure /di'pa.-/, polazak gate /geit/, kapija, izlaz Further Feints and Exercises A Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Madge and Arthur decide to do? 2. What did Arthur manage to do eventually? 3. Why was it difficult to book seats on the plane? 4. Where did he have to go several times? 5. Where are the three people at the moment? 6. What are they waiting for? 7. Why has Milan come to the airport? 8. How long does it take to fly from Belgrade to Ohrid direct? 9. How long does it take via Skopje? 10. What sort of flight is it? Put the following questions to other students: 1. How does Milan feel about flying? 2. Has Milan ever flown to Ohrid? 3. What does Madge say about flying? 4. What will Madge and Arthur be doing soon? 5. What will they be doing in two hours' time? 6. What does the weather forecast say? 7. How long will the Heaths be staying at Ohrid? 8. What will they do if they like Ohrid? 9. What will Milan try to do? 10. What does Arthur thank Milan for? $ B Supply the correct form of the simple future or future continuous: A Trip Lucy (go) to Brighton for a few days. She (stay) at a small hotel. She (be) back for the weekend. She tells Peter about it. Peter: I say, how are you going to the seaside? Lucy: By coach. It's much cheaper than by train. Peter: That's true. Where you (stay)? 182 183 Unit 36

At the Airport Lucy: At a hotel Sheila recommended to me. I've taken full board The price is quite reasonable. Peter: Fine. How long you (stay)? Lucy: Till Friday. I (be) back for the weekend. Peter: The sea's pretty cold. I don't think you (be able) to swim Lucy: I can always try. Peter: Certainly. Anyway, I hope you (have) a pleasant trip. Ask other students where they'll be spending the weekend. Put the verbs in brackets into the future or present tense: Further Plans Madge tells Milan that if they (like) Ohrid, they'll stay on for another day. Arthur says if they (have) time, they'll visit Lake Prespa, too. And if they like Ohrid, they (spend) their summer holidays there next year. Madge: Listen, if we like Ohrid, we (stay) on for another day. Milan: Oh, I'm sure you (love) it. Arthur: If-we have time, we (visit) Lake Prespa, too. Milan: That's a good idea. Lake Prespa is very attractive. Arthur: Anyway, if we (like) Ohrid, we'll spend our next summer holidays there. Milan: Fine. Then we'll see one another next year again. Arthur: Of course, if all these "ifs" (come) true. Ask a foreign tourist on a visit to Yugoslavia about his further plans. Dramatize the dialogue. Express agreement with the negative statements: A Stay in Brighton Peter and Lucy go on talking about Lucy's trip. Peter says he's never been to Brighton. Lucy hopes she'll enjoy her stay. Peter: I've never been to Brighton myself. Lucy: ... Actually, I've never been to the Coast. Peter: ... I wonder what Brighton's like. Lucy: Sheila said I'd love it. I'm afraid I don't often agree with her. Peter: ... Well, it's a matter of ta'ste, isn't it? Lucy: Certainly. But I'm sure my impressions will depend very much on the weather. / Ask other students which places they haven't been to on the Adriatic Coast. Supply the appropriate expressions: At the Check-in Desk While Madge and Arthur were queueinj. at the check-in desk, Milan suddenly noticed Ronan, an English friend of his. Ronan is studying Serbo-Croat at Belgrade University. Milan: Hi, Ronan! What a surprise! What are you doing here? Ronan: Milan : Ronan Milan! I'm just off to Ohrid. Have you been there yet? No, I haven't. Milan: You'll love it. It's marvellous. Ronan: I hope so. I'm off now. ________ Milan: It was nice seeing you again. _____ You've met an English friend of yours at the check-in desk at Belgrade Airport. Dramatize the dialogue. Bye. I D Translate into English: U koliko sati polazi avion? U osam. Koliko cesto leti avion za Ohrid? Tri puta nedeljno. Koliko treba avionom od Beograda do Ohrida? Sat i dvadeset minuta direktnog leta. Nikada nisam leteo za Ohrid. Zapravo, ne volim ba mnogo da letim. Ni ja. Ali ponekad to ne moemo da izbepnemo, zar ne? Tano. Vi ete se, dakle, kupati u jezeru kroz dva sata. Da, uskoro u uivati u lepotama Ohrida. Kakvi su vai dalji planovi? Ostaemo u Ohridu dva dana i vratiemo se u sredu po podne. Ako nam se Ohrid bude dopao, ostaemo jo jedan dan. Kada ete napustiti Beograd? Zavisi od toga kad emo se vratiti. Evo, polazimo. Do vienja. Do vienja. Srean put. Translate into Serbo-Croat: FASTEN SEAT BELTS EMERGENCY EXIT 184

185 A Stay at Ohrid UNIT 37 A STAY AT OHRID The Heaths spent three days at Ohrid. They flew to Ohrid on a sunny day. At Ohrid they went swimming and sailing on the lake and Arthur spent one morning trout-fishing. He caught two big trout, which they had for supper the same evening. They went to see St Sofia Church, where they admired the frescoes from the eleventh century. They also visited St Naum's Monastery, where the guide told them about the educational activities of the two monks, Clement and Naum. They were very sorry to leave Ohrid so soon. Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: 186 It's a pity we haven't got more time. I'd like to stay here for a week at least. If we had more time, I'd also like to see more of Macedonia. Yes, especially Skopje and its surroundings. I'd like to sec the frescoes at the Monastery of Nerezi. Er... was it from Nerezi that Milan sent us those beautiful reproductions of frescoes? I think so, but I'm not sure. I say, if you drove to Ohrid from the north, which route would you take? Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Madge, Arthur: If you mean from Skopje, I'd drive down the Vardar Valley. If I had to choose, I'd rather drive down the Debar Gorge. Milan told me the mountains were covered with snow even in summer. That must be thrilling. Only I don't know what the road is like. As you know, I prefer good roads to interesting scenery. Well, we could find out about that from Milan. Yes, I must remember to ask him about it when I see him. Listen, what we could do one year is to come straight to Macedonia by car and then go to the South Adriatic Coast. Not a bad idea. That would be an excellent opportunity to get to know that part of the country well. Oh, I'd love that. Then we could see all the parts we've missed this time. By the way, what have you decided? Would you mind if we stayed here for another day? Of course not. I'd love it. OK. It's settled then. We'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. Vocabulary sunny /'sAni/, sunan Mil /soil/, jedro; jedriti front /traut/, pastrmka admire /ad'maia/, diviti se century /'sentJari/, vek educational /^dju'keijanl/, obrazovni activity /iek'tiviti/, delatnost monk /nwrjk/, kaluer at least /at 'li:st/, barem surroundings /sa'raundirjz/, okolina reproduction /,ri:pre'dAkJn/, reprodukcija north /no:9/, sever route /ru:t/, pravac putovanja valley /'vjeli/, dolina rather /':/, radije I'd rather, radije bih

gorge /ga:d3/, klisura cover /'kAva/, pokriti snow /snau/, sneg thrilling /'9rilin/, uzbudljiv scenery /'si:nri/, predeo south /sauO/, jug opportunity /(opa'tjuniti/, prilika 187 Unit 37 A Stay at Ohrid Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. How many days did the Heaths spend at Ohrid? 2. What .was the weather like when they flew to Ohrid? 3. What did they do at Ohrid? 4. What did Arthur do one morning? 5. How many trout did he catch? 6. What did they do with the trout? 7. What did they do at St Sofia Church? 8. Which monastery did they visit? 9. What did the guide tell them at St Naum's Monastery? 10. Why were they sorry to leave Ohrid? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What would Arthur like to do? 2. What would Madge like to do if she had more time? 3. Which part would Arthur like to see? 4. What would he like to see at Nerezi? 5. What did Milan tell Madge about the Debar Gorge? 6. What could Madge and Arthur do one year? 7. What would they get to know? 8. What could they see in that case? 9. Would Madge mind if they stayed on for another day? 10. Why did they decide to stay for another day? B Supply the correct form of the Terbs in brackets (If-Clauses): More Time to Spare One day Peter and Lucy were talking about what they would do if they (have; more time to spare. Peter: What (do) if you had more time to spare, Lucy? Lucy: First of all, I (go) to the theatre more often. Peter: So would I. Lucy: I also (go) to concerts more frequently. Yes there are such marvellous concerts. I (like) to go more often myself. What else you (do)? Well, I (read) more, I (see) more of my friends. I also (go) to the country more often. What about you? What you (do)? Peter: Well, I (go) in for sports more. Lucy Which, for instance? Peter: Tennis. I used to play it quite well. And of course, skiing. Lucy If we (try) to organize our life properly, we'd be able to do all these things. Ask other students what they would do if they had more time to spare. // / Had a Lot of Money Peter asked Lucy what she (do) if she had a lot of money. Peter: I say, what would you do if you (have) a lot of money? Lucy: Let me think. First of all, I (give) a large sum for the hungry children of the world. Peter: That (be) very generous of you. What else you (do)? Lucy: Then I (give) a large sum of money for cancer research. Peter: You do sound generous. I must say I (be) more selfish. Lucy: Why, what you (do)? Peter: Well, I (travel) more. I (like) to see the Far East, for instance, or go on trip round the world. Lucy: What else you (do)? Peter: I (buy) an expensive car. Lucy: You sound rather selfish, don't you? Peter: Well, the only trouble is that we haven't got much money, have we? Ask other students what they would do if they had a lot of money.

Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (would+ infinitive): Going to a Football Match > Friday after classes Peter tells Lucy that he (like) to go to the football ch between Arsenal and Manchester City. Lucy says she (like) to go, too. hey deci<*e to go together. Lu~: L^lke^ to 8 to the football match on Saturday. ^: Who's playing? 188 189 Unit 37 A Stay at Ohrid Peter: Arsenal and Manchester City. Lucy: I (like) to see that match, too. Peter: AH right. Let's go together then. Lucy: You (get) the tickets? Peter: Of course. Only if I were you, I (wear) an overcoat. The weather forecast says it'll be cold. There's an international football match between Yugoslavia and England on Saturday. You'd like to go to the match, but you haven't got the ticket. Tell a friend about it. Dramatize the dialogue. ili automobilom do Dubrovnika, kojim biste putem ili? Iao bih b'Stko Sarajeva. To bi bila odlina prilika da upoznam taj deo zemlje. Uz-. budi reeno, i ja bih voleo da poem sa vama. Nikad nisam iao kolima pubrovnik. ' Vrlo rado. Javiemo vam ako budemo ili. Translate into Serbo-Croat: FRONT HALL ENTRANCE FRONT HALL EXIT Use the appropriate expressions: The Healthiest Sport While they were talking about the football match, Peter asked Lucy which sport she thought was healthiest. which sport do you think is healthiest? Peter: _____ ---J----. Atvainucai.' Lucy: Well, any sport is healthy. Skiing is healthy and so is swimming. skating or running. Peter: Don't you think skiing is healthiest? Lucy: Well, it's difficult to say. Peter: Perhaps you're right.----------, shall we go swimming tomorrow? Lucy: Oh, I d love to. I happen to be free tomorrow. Ask other students which sport is healthiest. Suggest going to the swimming-pool the afternoon. They accept/ refuse the proposal. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: ta biste voleli da pijete: rakiju ili voni sok? Rakiju, molim. Kako vam se ovde svia? Veoma. Voleo bih da ostanem jo nedelju dana. Da imate vie vremena, koja biste mesta voleli da vidite? Pa, voleo bih da vidim sve delove zemlje. A koja bi mesta volela da vidi vaa supruga? Ona bi volela da vidi Jadransku obalu. Kako biste voleli da idete: vozom ili automobilom? Radije bismo ili automobilom. Ako 190 International football England v Spain WEDNESDAY 25 MARCH Kick-off 7.45pm SEATS AVAILABLE 12.50 & 10.50 also at 8.50 & 6.50 BOOK NOW Standing Enclosures: 3.50, Stadium TEL-JM-9021234 Please forward_____tickels at_____each (or the ENGLAND V SPAIN match on 25 March. Cheque/P.O. payable to Wembley Stadium Ltd enclosed valu______ and stamped addretMd envelop Nam___ Addre_ _TINo_

I Send to Football Box Office, Wembley Stadium, Wembley, Middx KAftO DW 191 Madge Goes Shopping UNIT 38 MADGE GOES SHOPPING The next morning after Madge and Arthur had returned from Ohrid, Milan rang them up. He told Arthur he had managed to start his holiday a little earlier and would join them on their trip to the coast. He said he was very much looking forward to it. Arthur told Milan that he was very pleased about it. Then he said Madge had seen a leather coat in a handicraft shop and wanted to buy it. Since he hated shopping, he asked Milan to go with her. Arthur said he would be waiting for them at the cafe opposite the shopt Milan: Hello! Milan here. Listen, I've managed to start my holiday a little earlier. Arthur: That's good news! So you'll be travelling with us, wont you? Milan: Yes, I'll join you on your trip. Arthur: That'll be great fun. Milan: Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Arthur: Madge will be very happy about it, too. By the way, s e saw a leather coat in a handicraft shop and wants to u> it. As you well know, I hate shopping. Can you go *lt her instead of me? 192 Milan: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Yes, of course, with pleasure. I happen to be free till noon. I'll call for her at ten. There's a caf opposite the shop. I'll be_ waiting for you there. See you later. Bye... Madge, where are you? In the bathroom. Who phoned? Milan. He said he'd managed to start his holiday a little earlier and would join us on our trip. Oh, I am glad to hear that. I told him you'd seen that leather coat and wanted to buy it. You didn't ask him to go shopping with me, did you? Yes, I did. Why, wouldn't you like him to join you? Oh, I'd love him to. Only I didn't want to bother him. He said he'd call for you at ten. All right. I'll be ready. What about you? Er I'll be waiting for you at the caf opposite the shop. Would you join me there for a cup of coffee? Oh, I'd love to. Did you tell Milan about it? Yes, I did. Only don't be too long. Vocabulary shopping /'Jopirj/, kupovina go shopping, ii u kupovinu look forward to /'luk 'foiwad/, radovati se unapred handicraft /'haendikrarft/, runa radinost sin<*, poto //, zadovoljstvo 4'" be great fun. Odlino emo provesti (to e biti veliko zadovoljstvo) 13 * u JO hate /heit/, mrzeti opposite /'opozit/, preko puta happy /'haspi/, srean, zadovoljan leather /'leda/, koa leather coat, koni kaput instead of /in'sted ev/, umesto with pleasure, vrlo rado happen to be, sluajno biti bother /'bo6e/, uznemiravati I'd love to. Vrlo rado Don't be long. Nemoj dugo. 193 i in

Unit 38 Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Milan do after the Heaths' return from Ohrid? 2. What had Milan managed to do? 3. What did Milan tell Arthur? 4. What did he say about the trip? 5. How did Arthur feel about it? 6. What had Madge seen in a shop? 7. What did she want to do? 8. How did Arthur feel about shopping? 9. What did he ask Milan to do? 10. Where did he say he'd be waiting? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What time did Milan say he would call for Madge? 2. Where was Madge during the telephone conversation? 3. What did Madge say when she heard Milan would join them? 4. Why was Madge surprised? 5. Why didn't Madge want Milan to go shopping with her? 6. What sort of_ shop was it? 7. What did Arthur suggest? 8. Did Madge agree with him? 9. What did Madge say? 10. What did Arthur ask her? B Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Indirect Speech): In the Handicraft Shop Milan explained to the assistant which leather coat Madge (want) Madge tried the coat oh, she said it (be) too small for her. The a*5 said it (be) the largest they (have). He also said they (get) some new in a few days. Milan: I thought you (buy) the coat. It wasn't too small, ^*8 Madge: No, but it wasn't large enough either. When did he say (have) my size? 194 Madge Goes Shopping ,...,. in a couple of days. !'- Did he say if they (get) the same cut and style? / Yes he did. He said they (have) exactly the same coats. Matge: I only wonder if we'll still be in Belgrade then. Ask other students what Milan and Madge talked about. Not the Right Size Arthur had told Madge and Milan he (be waiting) for them at the caf opposite the handicraft shop. That's where Madge and Milan found him. Madge told Arthur she (not buy) the coat, because they didn't have her size. Madge: HiJ Have you been waiting long? Arthur: Not really. I've just arrived. Madge: I thought you (be) late. Arthur: As you can see, I'm on time. You didn't buy the coat, did you? Madge: No, I didn't. They didn't have my size. Milan: But the assistant said they (.have) your size in a couple of days. Madge: Yes, but I don't think we'll still be in Belgrade then. Arthur: You can always drop by before we leave. You went to a big store in London to buy a pair of trousers but they didn't have your size. Tell other students about it. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Indirect Speech): Going to Windsor Lucy wanted to go to Windsor one day. She asked Peter to come along but e &a:d he (be) busy, However, Peter managed to get a day off and immedi-teiy called Lucy to tell her about it. Lucy was out. Peter left a message with the landlady. Lucy: Landlady: Lucy: Landlady: Lucy: Landlady: Lucy; 13 Good evening. Did anybody call?

Yes, Mr Tornic. He rang up about an hour ago. Did he leave a message? Yes. He said he (manage) to get a day off tomorrow and (fan) go to Windsor with you. He (call) for you at 8 o'clock. Did he say anything else? Yes, he said if you (come back) before ten you (can) ring him up. Thanks a lot. 195 Unit 38 Ask a student to leave a message with you for another student. Repeat h words to the other student. Supply the appropriate expressions: Making a Phone Call Lucy immediately rang Peter up. Lucy: Hello, Peter! Lucy here. Peter: Hello, Lucy!________, I happen to be free tomorrow. Lucy: Yes, I know. The landlady told me. Splendid. Peter: Would you like to go by coach? Lucy: Oh,________I much prefer the coach to the train. Peter: All right. I'll call for you at eight. Try to be on time. Bye. Ring up a student and suggest going on an excursion.He accepts/refuses the proposal. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Navraao jeDon. eleoje da razgovara sa tobom.Da li je neto rekao? Da, rekao je da je odluio da otputuje na more na dve nedelje. Na more? Pa, pre neki dan mi je rekao da e ii da planinari. Da, to je i meni rekao, ali je promenio miljenje. Da li je rekao kuda ide? Da, u Dubrovnik. Takoe je rekao da e ii kolima. U stvari je doao da te upita hoemo li da mu se pridruimo. ta si mu rekla? Da ne verujem da moemo poi, jer tvoj odmor poinje kroz dve nedelje. Pokuau da ga dobijem malo ranije. Ukoliko uspem, moemo da mu se pridruimo. Da li bi ti to volela? Veoma. Translate into Serbo-Croat: PLEASE PAY HERE BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS UNIT 39 CATCHING A COLD 196 The next day Madge, Arthur and Milan wanted to go to see some of the surroundings of Belgrade. In the morning Madge told Arthur she was not feeling well. Arthur decided to call a doctor. When the doctor came, Madge told him she had a slight temperature with a headache and a sore throat. The doctor asked her when she had started feeling ill. Madge said she had started feeling like that the night before. After the doctor had examined her, he said she had a bad cold. He wrote a prescription and told Madge not to go out until she felt better. Madge: Listen, Arthur, I'm not feeling well. I've got a bad headache. I think I'm ill. Arthur: I must say you don't look well. Shall I call a doctor? Madge: Yes, do. Arthur: All right. Take your temperature right away. Here's the thermometer. I'll ask the receptionist to call a doctor. * ' j Doctor: Good morning, madam. What's the matter with you? Madge: I've got a bad headache and a sore throat. Doctor: Have you got a temperature? 197 Unit 39 Catching a Cold Madge Doctor Madge Doctor Madge: Doctor: Madge: Doctor: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge:

Just a little above normal. : When did you start feeling like this? : Last night. That's when my headache started. : Let me you. Your heart and lungs are all right Do you cough? No, I don't, but I've been sneezing all morning. Now open your mouth and show me your throat. Yes you've got a sore throat. Well, it's just a bad cold. I thought I had 'flu. No, you haven't got 'flu, but you must stay in bed for a day or two until you feel better. Take two aspirins three times a day after each meal. Here's the prescription. Thank you, doctor. Thank you very much for coming. (a little later). What did the doctor tell you? He said I had a bad cold, but not 'flu. What did he tell you to do? He told me to take two aspirins three times a day after meals 'and advised me to stay in bed until I felt better. All right. I must call Milan immediately and let him know about it. Please, tell him how very sorry I am. Give him my love, too. Vocabulary 1-.. a had cold, jak nazeb catch a cold, nazcpsti temperature /'tempritja/, temperatura slight /slait/, blag head /bed/, glavrf headache /'hedeik/, glavobolja sore /sa:/, bolan throat /6reut/, gua 198 sore throat, gusobolja prescription /pris'kripjen/, recept ill /il/, bolestan had better, bolje bi bilo da take a temperature, izmeriti temperaturu thermometer /6e'momits/, termometar normal /'normal/, normalan sneeze /sni:z/, kijati mouth /mau9/, usta influenza /influ'enza/, grip 'flu /flu:/, grip, skraeni oblik od influenza aspirin /'zspirin/, aspirin Further Points and Exercises A Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did the Heaths and Milan want to do the next morning? 2. What happened in the morning? 3. What did Arthur decide to do? 4. What did Madge tell the doctor? 5. What did the doctor ask her? 6. What did Madge answer? 7. What did the doctor do then? 8. What did the doctor tell Madge? 9. What did the doctor do? 10. What did the doctor advise Madge? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What did Arthur tell Madge to do? 2. What did Arthur give Madge? 3. What did the doctor tell Madge? 4. What did the doctor ask Madge to do? 5. How long did the doctor advise Madge to stay in bed? 6. What did the doctor tell Madge she must do? 7. What did Madge thank the doctor for? 8. What did Arthur ask Madge? 9. What did Madge tell Arthur? 0- What did Madge ask Arthur to do? ^. , ,, B SuPply the correct form of the verbs to brackets (Indirect Speech) : Feeling a Little Better Arthur got angry with Madge because she-didn't stay in bed as the doctor k** advised her to. She said she (feel) a

little better and (not have) a sore throat any longer. 199 Unit 39 Catching a Cold Arthur: Madge, you're up again. Didn't the doctor advise (sta in bed? " Madge: Well, he told me (not get up) until I felt better. But I feeling better, Arthur. m Arthur: Come on, Madge. A couple of hours ago you said you (hav ^ o Koorlo^Uo , /'. ill ' a bad headache and (feel) ill. Madge: That's how I was feeling then. Arthur: You said you (have) a sore throat, too. How about that' Madge: I haven't got a sore throat any longer. Honestly, I'm feeling much better. Ask the students how Madge was feeling after a couple of hours. Tell the students what the doctor advised you to do when you had 'flu. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Indirect Speech): Calling Off a Trip Lucy and Peter didn't go to Windsor after all. Lucy called Peter early in the morning to tell him that she (not feel) well and (cannot) go to Windsor. Peter asked her if she (have) a temperature. Lucy said she (not take) it yet. Peter told her (take) it and go to bed. After a while Lucy rang up her friend Sheila. Sheila: What's the matter with you, Lucy? Lucy: I'm not feeling well. I had to call off my trip to Windsor. Sheila: What a shame! What did you tell Peter? Lucy: Well, that I (have) a cold and (cannot) go to Windsor. Sheila: Pity! What did Peter say? Lucy: He told me (take) my temperature and (go) to bed. Sheila: Is he going to Windsor? Lucy: No, he isn't. He said he (not want) to go without me. Sheila: Do you need anything? Lucy: No, thanks. Peter asked me when he (can) come and bring me some magazines. Sheila: All right. I'll drop in some time in the afternoon. Ask other students what happened on the day Lucy and Peter planned to 8 to Windsor. Ask other students if anything similar happened to them. Put the verbs fa brackets in the correct form of the infinitive: Just a Bad Cold When Peter came, Lucy told him she had a temperature. Peter told her she'd better (stay) in bed for a day or two. He also said she'd better (not get up) until her temperature dropped. Peter: Hi! Have you got a temperature? Lucy: I'm afraid so. 101 Fahrenheit. Peter: Then you'd better (stay) in bed for a day or two. Lucy: Come on, Peter, I'll be all right tomorrow. Peter: Well, 1 think you'd better (not get up) until your temperature drops. Here are the magazines. Lucy: Oh, thanks a lot. Peter: But you'd better (not read) too much either. Ask other students what Peter advised Lucy to do when he came. One of the students has got a bad cold. Advise him what to do. Dramatize the dialogue. Supply the appropriate expressions: Calling the Doctor Peter asked Lucy if he should call the doctor, but she refused. Peter: _ call the doctor? Lucy: No, don't. It's just a cold. peter: Shall I switch on the fire? Lucy; ___ - In fact> j,m a little cold : And shall I switch off the radio? I can't hear you properly. Ucy: - Just turn it down a little. And can I suggest somePeter:

thing? What is it? Lucy: Do sit down and let's have a chat. st doing a few things, to which other students should give positive or answers. Dramatize the dialogue. 200 201 Unit 39 D Translate into English: Telefonirala je Meri da pita da li emo veeras biti kod kue. ta si joj rekla? Odgovorila sam da hoemo. U kofiko sati je rekla da e doi? Oko osam. A kako je njihov sin Dim? Bio je lekar i rekao da ima grip. ta mu je savetovao da radi? Rekao mu je da ne izlazi dok se ne oporavi. Takoe mu je rekao da ostane dandva u krevetu. Da li je jo neko telefonirao? Ne, nije, ali je g. Smit navraao. Zamolio me je da ti dam ovu knjigu. A, da, rekao je da e mi je doneti. Da H je neto poruio? Da, rekao je da mu knjiga nije potrebna do idueg etvrtka. Translate into Serbo-Croat: UNIT 40 HOSPITAL GENERAL SURGERY 202 A BASKETBALL MATCH Arthur rang Milan up to tell him that Madge had a bad cold and couldn't go for a drive. Arthur also said Madge was very sorry about it. Milan asked Arthur to go to the basketball match between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. At first Arthur hesitated, because he didn't want to leave Madge, but then he agreed. Milan told him to be ready at half past three and asked him not to be late. Arthur: Hello! This is Arthur. Listen, Madge's got a bad cold and can't go for a drive. She's very sorry about it. Milan: What a pity! I'm sure she'll be all right in a day or two. Look, let's go to the basketball match in the afternoon. Arthur: Who's playing? Milan: Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. It ought to be good. Arthur: I hope Madge won't mind. In fact, I ought to stay with her. Milan: I'm sure Madge won't mind. Look, I'll call for you at 3.30. Try not to be late. Give Madge my love. 203 Unit 40 A Basketball Match Milan: Arthur Milan: Arthur. Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan : Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: At the Stadium It's almost the end of the second half. The Yugoslav team seem to be better. It's 80 to 76 for them. The Russians are very good, too. The difference in score is very small. I wonder who'll win the match. : Look, the Russians have drawn. It's getting very exciting, isn't it? Quite. I say, is basketball more popular than football with you? No, it isn't. Football is by far more popular. Do you still play basketball? No, I don't. I do play football sometimes. What about chess? Are you still keen on it? Yes, I am. I enjoy playing it in my spare time. I play for the factory club. Chess is very popular in this country, isn't it? It is. We're among the best in the world. What about athletics? Well, quite a lot of young people go in for it. Look,

84 to 80 for the Yugoslavs. It's fantastic, isn't it? The referee's signalling the end. Hurrah! We've won. basketball /'ba:skitbo:l/, koarka hesitate /'heziteit/, oklevati stadium /'steidjsm/, stadion ought to /o:t/, treba da seem /si:m/, izgledati Russian /'/, ruski score /ska:/, rezultat; postii rezultat win /win/, nepr. gl., pobediti draw /dre:/, nepr. gl., izjednaiti exciting /ek'saitirj/, uzbudljiv popular /'popjula/, popularan 204 Vocabulary with you, kod vas, u vaoj zemlji chess /tjes/, ah be keen on /ki:n/, mnogo voleti enjoy /in'dsoi/, uivati among /' /, izmeu athletics /asO'letiks/, atletika fantastic /faen'tasstik/, fantastian referee /refa'ri:/, sudija signal /'signl/, signal; dati signal hurrah /ha'rei/, ura the Soviet Union /'ssuviet 'ju:njan/. Sovjetski Savez Further Points and Exercises A Answer the following questions in writing: 1 Why did Arthur ring Milan up? 2. Why did Arthur say he was sorry? 3 Where did Milan ask Arthur to go? 4. Who was playing? 5. Why did Arthur hesitate at first? 6. What did Milan tell Arthur? 7. What did he ask Arthur? 8. What was Milan sure about? 9. What did Arthur say about the Yugoslav team? 10. What did Milan say about the Russians? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What was the score near the end of the second half? 2. What happened suddenly? 3. Is basketball more popular than football in Yugoslavia? 4. What did Milan say about football? 5. Does Milan still play basketball? 6. What does he play sometimes? 7. What is Milan keen on? 8. How popular is chess in this country? 9. What does Milan say about athletics? ! Why is Milan happy? B Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Indirect Speech) : Going to the Basketball Match bask" if fthUr hUDS UP> he t0'd MadSe that Milan had ^151 him o e r shetba11 match between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. He asked Madge e would mind if he (go). Madge didn't mind and said she (be) quite on her own. to the . did Milan 8? - That you (be) all right in a day or two, and told you (not worry). He sends his love. 205 Unit 40 A Basketball Match Madge: Thanks. That's very kind of him. Arthur: Listen, he asked me (go) to the basketball match this after noon. Would you mind if I went? Madge: Of course not. I'll be quite happy on my own. Where are you going to meet? Arthur: Milan said he (call) for me. He told me (be) ready at 3.30 and asked me (not be) late. Ask other students what Arthur told Madge. A student has rung you up and asked you to a basketball match. Repeat your conversation to another student. Getting Angry Milan picked Arthur up at 3.30. He asked Arthur how Madge (be). Arthur said she (be) a little better. He told Milan how he (get) angry with her because she (be) up almost all the time. Milan: How's Madge? Arthur: She's a little better, thanks. She sends her love. Milan: Thanks. I thought she (be) better soon.

Arthur: I got angry with her. The doctor advised her (stay) in bed but she's up almost all the time. Milan: Well, if she was not feeling well, she wouldn't be up, would she? Arthur: That's exactly what she says. Ask other students what Arthur told Milan about Madge. A friend of yours is ill and should stay in bed. He's up almost all the time. Tell another student about it. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Gerund): At a Pub Peter and Lucy are sitting at a pub. Peter is drinking beer and Lucy is having tomato juice. They are talking about the things they enjoy (do) in their spare time. Lucy: What do you enjoy (do) in your spare time, Peter? Peter: Well, I love (drive) a fast car, (sail) a boat, (play) tennis, (ski). Lucy: Don't you enjoy (see) a good play or film? Peter: I do, but I prefer (watch) a good football game. What about you? rucy: I love (watch) a good play or film or (read) a good book. Peter: Aren't you keen on (play) tennis any longer? lucy: I am, but I'm just as keen on (swim) or (skate). Peter: We seem to be fond of many things, don't we? Ask other students what they enjoy doing in their spare time. Supply the appropriate expressions: Would you Mind if... Arthur asked Madge if she would mind if he went for a walk after the match. Madge said she would. Arthur: Milan sends his love. Madge: ________ Arthur: ________if I went to the basketball with Milan? Madge: ________ I'll be quite all right on my own. I say,________if I went for a walk afterwards? Arthur: Madge: I don't feel like being on my own so long. Ask one of the students of he would mind if you took his copy-book. He should give either a positive or negative answer. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Koje sportove volite? Volim plivanje i skijanje. Volim i tenis. A vi? Ja volim veslanje i klizanje. Jedno vreme sam se bavio boksom, ali sam pre izvesnog vremena prestao. Izvinite to vas prekidam. Da li ste zavrili da govorite o sportu? Ne, jo nismo. Htela sam da vas pitam moete li da idete sa mnom u etnju. Na alost, ne moemo. Moramo da zavrimo izvetaj. Osim toga, ja ne volim ba mnogo da se etam, kao to zna. teta! Da li biste imali neto protiv da se sama proetam? Svakako da ne. Translate into Serbo-Croat: AMBULANCE KEEP CLEAR FOR AMBULANCE 206 207 A Day in the Country UNIT 41 A DAY IN THE COUNTRY When Madge was fully recovered, Milan took tjhe Heaths for a drive in the country. He decided to take them to some relat ives who live in a village in the surroundings of Belgrade. Milan thought Mladge and Arthur might like to see a farm and the way peasants live. They left early in the morning, because they wanted to go to the farm before it got too hot. On the way, they passed fields in which peasants were working. Booth Madge and Arthur found the countryside beautiful. Madge: What lovely countryside! There are quite a lot of cottages, aren't there? Who do they belong to? Milan: Mostly to people who come herre to spend their wee ends or to peasants. Madge: I can see some peasants working; in the fields. What they grow here? ,. Milan: Mostly wheat and maize. But thesy also grow all sorts vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beans, cabbage. Arthur: What do you think of this year's harvest? .g Milan: It's going to be very good. There was plenty of rain t 208

Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge. Milan: Madge. Milan: Madge Arthur. Milan: spring. Last & was rather Poor because of the drought. Do they keep horses? Hardly any. At least in this part of the country. They do raise cattle, though. Do they keep any poultry? Yes, they do. They raise chickens, hens, turkeys. They must work very hard all the year round. They do. In summer they usually get up as early as three o'clock. , Do women work as hard as men? To my mind they work even harder. : What sort of work do they do? In addition to what I said, they milk the cows and feed the animals. They work in the fields, too. : That's really very hard work. : Do peasants do everything by hand? Not any longer. Most peasants use tractors now. Anyway, when we get to the farm you'll be able to see how a peasant lives. Besides, I hope you'll enjoy yourselves, too. Vocabulary recover /ri'Uva/, oporaviti se frrm /fa:m/, farma, seosko dobro relative /'rebtiv/, roak village /Vilids/, selo peasant /'pezant/, seljak fi'W /fi:ld/, polje belong /bi'laq/, pripadati wheat /wi:t/, pjenica mai /meiz/, kukuruz /, fito /, sargarepa /, grah, pasulj =aW>age /'kabids/, kupus har /'ha:vist/, etva spring /sprirj/, prolee because of, zbog drought /draut/, sua horse /hois/, konj raise /reiz/, odgajivati cattle /'kaetl/, stoka Vl poultry /'paultri/, ivina hen /hen/, kokoka turkey /'ta:ki/, urka to my mind, po mom miljenju cow /kau/, krava feed /fi:d/, nepr. gl., hraniti tractor /'trsekts/, traktor enjoy oneself, zabavljati se H En i u Jo lekcija 209 Unit 41 Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Milan do when Madge was fully recovered? 2. Where did he decide to take them? 3. What did Milan think? 4. When did they leave? 5. Why did they leave early? 6. What did they pass on the way? 7. Who could they see in the fields? 8. What did the Heaths think of the countryside? 9. Who do the cottages belong to? 10. What do people use weekend cottages for? Ask other students the following questions: 1. What do peasants grow in the fields?

2. What did Milan think of this year's harvest? 3. What was last year's harvest like? 4. What do peasants raise? 5. What sort of poultry do they keep? 6. When do peasants work hardest? 7. When do they usually get up in summer? 8. What sort of work do women do? 9. Do peasants do everything by hand? 10. What will the Heaths be able to see? B Supply the correct reflexive pronoun: On the Farm At the farm Madge, Arthur and Milan were met by Milan's relatives. They were offered a special kind of jam made by the hostess ... After coffee, they went to have a look at the orchard. Milan left them to ... for a while. When he came back, he asked them if they were enjoying... Milan: Help ... to some jam, Madge. Madge: Thank you. It's delicious. Who made it? Milan: The hostess ... 210 A Day in the Country Listen, we'd like to have a look at the fruit-trees. ,' AH right. I'll leave you to ... for a while, if you don't mind. I shan't be long. , g. it's lovely here, isn't it? Look, here comes Milan. Milan: Are you enjoying ... ? Madge: Very much indeed. And you? Are you enjoying ...? Milan Very much so. I always enjoy ... when I come to the country. Ask other students what the three people did on the farm. Ask other students how they spend a day in the country. Supply the correct form of the adverbs in brackets: A Motor Show Lucy and Peter went to the motor show one afternoon. Lucy was late. Peter was angry, because Lucy had been late a few times (late). Lucy said it wasn't her fault, because her friend Margaret had kept her on the phone for (near) ten minutes. Margaret had invited them to call on her after the show. Peter: Lucy, you're late again. You promised you'd try (hard) not to be late again. Lucy: Only five minutes, Peter. Peter: You've been late a few times (late). After all, you live quite (near) to this place. Lucy: It wasn't my fault this time. Margaiet kept me on the phone for (near) ten minutes. She asked us to call on her after the show. Peter: But, Lucy, I (hard) know her. Lucy: Never mind. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself there. pe'er: All right. ou are late for an appointment with a friend of yours. Apologise to him and explain that your delay is due to an unexpected phone call. Dramatize the dialogue. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Indirect Speech): Listening to Records After a while Peter asked Lucy what time they (be supposed) to be at Market's. Lucy said they (can) drop in any time after six. Peter wondered if U 211 Unit 41 A Day in the Country it (be going) to be a party. Lucy said Margaret (ask) a few listen to some LPs. in to Peter: What time are we supposed to be at Margaret's? Lucy: Margaret said we (can) drop in any time after six. Peter: Is it going to be a party? Lucy: Well, Margaret said she (have) a few friends in, too. Peter: Is it her birthday by any chance? Lucy: Oh, no. She said she (ask) a few friends in to listen to some new LPs. Did you ask her if we (should) bring anything along? VT_ T JIJ --- - Peter: --------, ...., "i./inlllg

Lucy: No, I didn't, but she didn't mention it either. Ask other students what Peter and Lucy said about Margaret's party. You've been invited to a party. Tell other students about it. Be surprised, thrilled, annoyed by using what (a): What a Car! At the motor show Peter and Lucy were rather annoyed by the crowd. Lucy was thrilled when she saw the latest Rolls Royce model, but was amazed when Peter told her the price. And crowd! -------noise! lovely cars! What make is that car over there? Lucy: Peter: Lucy: _ _________. .,. wl v Peter: Oh, Lucy! Don't you see it's a Rolls Royce? Lucy: ________ beautiful car! How much is it? Peter: I dont know exactly, but it must be about 30,000 pounds. Lucy: ________ price! D Translate into English: v * i iuce vodio svog prijatelja iz inostranstva? - Vodio sam ga na selo.. """ /STAUI ideja! Kuda ste ili? - smo na selo gde ive neki moji roaci. sam da bi moda voleo da vidi kako na seljak ivi. - Da li se dobro uTao? Veoma. Sve ga je interesovalo. - ta je na njega ostavilo vTblii utisak? - Kako naporno na seljak radi. Takoe je jedva mogao Ja veruje da je veina kua koje smo videli sazidana za poslednjih nekoliko godina. Translate into Serbo-Croat: FIRST AID EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE & 212 213 In Sarajevo UNIT 42 IN SARAJEVO ffiUKE THE M05T IMPORTANT MOSQUES. ^ Sarajevo attracts many tourists every year. It is famous for its history, its mosques and its bazaar. On the first day of their stay in Sarajevo, Milan wanted Madge and Arthur to see the place where Gavrilo Princip shot the Austrian archduke. Then he wanted them to see the most important mosques and the bazaar. In the afternoon he decided to call on one of his cousins and he wanted Madge and Arthur to come along. Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: 214 Which sights do you suggest we should see? Well, first of all, I want you to see the spot where the Austrian archduke was shot. If I remember rightly, he was shot by a young revolutionary, wasn't he? That's right. His name was Gavrilo Princip. His footprints have been marked in the pavement to commemorate the event. That certainly is a must. Then I'd like you to see the most important mosques. Madge-Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan-' Madge: Arthur: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Madge. Arthur: Milan: I'd love that. I've never been inside one. From what I kaow, we'll have to take off our shoes before going into a mosque. That's true. It's the Moslem custom. Then, of course, you must see the bazaar.

A friend of min_e who visited Sarajevo two years ago told me that the bazaar was great fun. It certainly is a place worth seeing. All the goods are displayed in the open. It's the Oriental way of selling goods. Sounds very interesting. I shan't miss buying a souvenir. What about the surroundings? We'd better leave that for tomorrow. All right. In the afternoon I'd like to call on one of my cousins. He lives with his family in his parents' house. We can go for a walk about town while you're there. Well, I'd like yoii to come along. I told him I was with some English friends and he asked me to bring you along. What do you think about it, darling? It's OK with me. All right then. What time is he expecting us? He'd like us to be fairly early, because his wife's just had a baby and can't sit up late. Vocabulary attract /a'traekt/, privlaiti famous /'feimss/, uven history /'histari/, istorija mosque /mask/, damija bazaar /be'za:/, arija shoot /Ju:t/, nepr. gl., pucati archduke /'a:tj'djujc/, nadvojvoda cousin /'Uzn/, roak revolutionary ^reva'luijansri/, revolucionar footprint /'futprint/, otisak stopala mark /ma:k/, obeleiti pavement /'peivmant/, plonik commemorate /ka'memareit/, obnoviti event /i'vent/, dogaaj 215 Unit 42 it's a must, to se mora uiniti I'd love that, mnogo bih to voleo custom /'kAstam/, obiaj worth /wa:8/, vredan neega goods /guds/, roba display /dis'plei/, izloiti souvenir /'su:Venia/, suvenir In Sarajevo family /'faemili/, porodica bring along /'brin e'bn/, povesti baby /'beibi/, beba sit up /'sit '/, sedeti kasno uvede Oriental /^rri'entl/, orijentalan Moslem /'mozbm/, muslimanski Austrian /'ostrien/, austrijski Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What 2. What 3. What 4. What 5. What 6. Who 7. Why 8. What 9. What 10. How is' Sarajevo famous for? did Milan want Madge and Arthur to see? else did he want them to see? did Milan decide to do in the afternoon? did he want Madge and Arthur to do? shot the Austrian archduke? were his footprints marked in the pavement? must one do before going into a mosque? sort of custom is it? does Madge feel about visiting the bazaar? Ask other students the following questions:

1. What else does Milan want them to see? 2. What did a friend of Madge's tell her about the bazaar"! 3. What's interesting about the bazaar? 4. When did they decide to see the surroundings? 5. What would Milan like to do? 6. Where does his cousin live? 7. What did Arthur suggest? 8. What did Milan tell his cousin? 9. What did Milan's cousin ask him to do? 10. When would he like them to come and why? B Supply in, off m on: Going into a Mosque When Madge, Arthur and Milan got to the largest mosque in Sarajevo, Milan told them to take ... their shoes before going ... Madge was afraid of catching a cold, so Milan told her to put... her cardigan. Madge: I say, is this the largest mosque in Sarajevo? Milan: It is. Now, let's take... our shoes. As I've told you, it's the Moslem custom. Arthur: OK. Here. I've taken them ... Madge: So have I. Milan: AH right. Let's go . . ., shall we? Madge: I hope I shan't catch a cold. Milan: I don't think so. Anyway, you'd better put... your cardigan. It may be cold inside. Ask other students what the three people did before going into the mosque. Ask other students if they've ever been inside a mosque. Put the nouns or pronouns in brackets in their proper place ( Verb + Object + to Infinitive): Not Very Happy At Margaret's the young people were talking about pop music. Peter didn't look very happy, because he didn't know anybody. Lucy: What's wrong with you, Peter? You don't look very happy. Peter: What do you expect to do (me)? Lucy: Well, I'd like to cheer up (you). Peter: But I am perfectly all right. What do you want to do (me)? Lucy: I'd like to take part in the conversation (you). Peter: Oh, come on, Lucy. I'm listening. Isn't that enough? Lucy: Er I'm sure everybody would like to join in (you). Ask other students what Peter and Lucy talked about at Margaret's. You have some friends in. One of them doesn't look very happy. Try to cheer him up. Dramatize the dialogue. 216 217 Unit 42 Verb + Object + to Infinitive Seeing the Surroundings The next day Milan wanted to see the surroundings of Sarajevo (Madge and Arthur). First he wanted to see the source of the Bosna and Ilida Spa (them). Then he wanted to visit Mount Jahorina and see the skiing-centre there (them). Arthur: What do you want to show us today? Milan: I'd like to see the source of the Bosna (you). It's very beautiful. Madge: Oh, I'd love that. Arthur: What else would you like to see (us)? Milan: Ilida Spa. It's one of the most famous spas in this country. Arthur: Splendid. What else do you suggest? Milan: Well, if we have time, I want to visit Mount Jahorina (you). It's a famous skiing-centre. Madge: Sounds marvellous. Is there any snow now? Milan: I'm afraid I don't know. Arthur: Madge, you don't expect to know everything, do you (Milan)? Ask other students what Milan wanted the Heaths to see the next day. Ask other students what they would like a tourist to see in their town. In Sarajevo

D Translate into English: _ Koje znamenitosti eli da vidimo? Pre svega elim da vidite mesto gde je ubijen austrijski nadvojvoda. To je svakako neto to moramo videti. Onda bih voleo da posetite najveu damiju. Koliko mi je poznato, moraemo da skinemo cipele pre nego to uemo. Tano. To je muslimanski obiaj. ta bi jo eleo da posetimo? ariju. I to je mesto koje vredi videti. Sva roba je izloena pod vedrim nebom. To bih zaista voleo. ta jo eli da vidimo? Ako budemo imali vremena, voleo bih da vidite okolinu. Da li oekuje da sve to vidimo za jedan dan? Pa, moemo da ostavimo okolinu za sutra. Da li vam to odgovara? Odgovara mi. Translate into Serbo-Croat: MEN'S WEAR LADIES' FOOTWEAR COSMETICS Supply the appropriate expressions: Going to a Grill Restaurant After seeing the main sights, Milan asked Madge and Arthur if they would like to have grilled meat for lunch. Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: What about having grilled meat for lunch? ________ I love grilled meat. How about you, Arthur? ________ I don't mind whatever we have. All right then. Let's go to a grill restaurant near here which is famous for its grilled meat. Suggest something to another student. He should agree to it by using the expressions: f d love that /It's OK with me I It's all right with me. 218 219 UNIT 43 A PICNIC LUNCH The next morning Madge, Arthur and Milan left Sarajevo. During the night, there was a heavy storm. It was thundering all night. It was raining heavily too, so the road was still wet in the morning. After some time they decided to pulf up and have lunch. Madge wondered if it was dry enough to sit on the grass, but Milan said it was. They sat under a tree from where they could see sheep grazing all around. Arthur could hear the birds singing. While they were having lunch, they talked about the Battle on the Neretva. Madge: Shall we eat? Milan: Yes, let's. We could pull up here. There's a wonderful view of the hills. Madge: Is it dry enough to sit on the grass? It must be wet after last night's rain. It's almost dry. We could sit under that tree over there. Madge, where are the sandwiches? Madge: In the bag. Don't forget to take out the biscuits. What a lovely spot! I can see sheep grazing. 220 Milan: Arthur A Pfcnic Lunch Arthur: Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge, Milan: Arthur. Milan: And I can hear the birds singing. Could you pass me a sandwich, Arthur. Thanks. Listen, what time do you think we'll be in Mostar? About four. On our way we'll go past the famous bridge on the Neretva.

What's the bridge famous for? It's the bridge which was blown up during the war when the battle on the Neretva took place. What sort of battle was it? Why, haven't you heard of it? Haven't you seen the film "The Battle on the Neretva"? No, I haven't. I only remember reading in the papers that it was one of the candidates for an Oscar a few years ago. That's right. Unfortunately it failed to win the first prize. Thii battle is also called "The Battle for the Wounded". Is it? Why? Because when the Liberation Army crossed into Montenegro, they didn't leave the wounded behind, but carried them along. Oh, I see. Who made the film? One of our best film directors. I'll tell you more about the battle while we watch the Neretva flow by. Vocabulary picnic /'piknik/, izlet u prirodu heavy /'hevi/, teak, jak storm /sta:m/, oluja thunder /'8Anda/, grmeti; grmljavina wet /wet/, vlaan dry /drai/, suv grass /gra:s/, trava under /'Ands/, ispod sheep /Ji:p/, ovca, ovce graze /greiz/, pasti bird /te:d/, ptica battle /b;etl/, bitka eat /i:t/, nepr. gl., jesti hill /hil/, breg sandwich /'sxnwitj/, sendvi biscuit /'biskit/, biskvit go past /pa:st/, proi pored blow up /'blau '/, nepr. gl., dii u vazduh 221 Unit 43 take place, desiti se, odigrati se candidate /'kasndidit/, kandidat fail /feil/, ne uspeti prize /praiz/, nagrada wound /wu:nd/, raniti; rana the wounded, ranjenici carry /'kari/, nositi director /di'rekte/, reiser Montenegro /nwnti'nKgreu/, c Gora ' ^ Oscar /'oske/, filmska Oskar na8rada Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What was the weather like during the night? 2. Why was the road wet in the morning? 3. What did they decide to do after some time? 4. What did Madge wonder about? 5. What did Milan say? 6. Where did they sit? 7. What could they see all around? 8. What could Arthur hear? 9. What sort of food did they have? 10. What did they talk about? Put the following questions to other students: 1. Where did Milan suggest sitting? 2. What did Madge tell Arthur not to forget? 3. What did Madge ask Arthur to do? 4. What time did Milan think they'd be in Mostar? 5. What would they pass on their way? 6. When did the Battle on the Neretva take place? 7. What is the bridge famous for? 8. What did Arthur remember? 9. What didn't the film win? 10. What is the battle also called and why? 222 A Picnic Lunch B the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form (Present Participle): The Dam On the way to Mostar, the three young people pulled up to have a look at the Jablanica dam. While Milan was telling them about the building of the dam, they could see the water (pour) into the artificial lake. Arthur: It's a very large dam. When was it built? Milan: A few years ago. It supplies this part of the country with

electric power. Madge: Look at the water (pour) into the lake. Arthur: I can hear it (thunder), too. Madge: What a noise! Milan: We certainly can't hear the birds (sing) here. Madge: But we can see the sheep (graze) on the surrounding hills, can't we? Ask other students what the young people were talking about while looking at the Jablanica dam. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form (Present Participle or Infinitive) : In the Canteen Peter had a quarrel with his friend Marco. One day he was having lunch in the students"canteen when he suddenly ,aw him (come in). He told Lucy about it. Peter: I saw Marco in the canteen today. I was having lunch when I saw him (come in). Lucy: Did you talk to him? Peter: No, I didn't, because he turned his head away. He saw me (have) lunch, though. Lucy: Why did he do it? Did you quarrel? Peter: Yes, we did, because I said his girl-friend was rather stupid. Lucy: Oh, Peter! How could you? What made you (say) such a thing? Peter: Well, he asked me what I thought of her and I just let him (have) my opinion. Ask other students what happened in the canteen one day. Ask another student about a quarrel he's had with a friend of his. 223 Unit 43 A Picnic Lunch Put the adverb enough into its proper place: Warm Enough While Madge, Arthur and Milan were looking at the dam, it got cooler Arthur asked Madge if she was warm (enough). He told her that if she wasn't warm, she'd better put on her cardigan (enough). Arthur: Madge, are you warm (enough)? Madge: Yes, I'm fine. Arthur: Look, it's got cool. If you aren't warm, you'd better put on your cardigan (enough). Madge: I am warm, darling (enough). Don't worry. If I weren't warm, I'd put it on (enough). Ask other students what Arthur asked Madge at the dam. Da li si ga ^uo ^ Je 4^' Ne, nisam, ali mogu da ga ujem kako peva ""'svojoj sobj Sada. Zar ne moe da ga uje? A, da, ujem ga sada. Mogu da ujem i da se neko smeje. Tano. A gde je Sila? Ne znam. V'dela sam je da pie pismo pre pola sata. Zar nije u svojoj sobi? Ne nije. A, da, sad sam se setila. Rekla je da e ii na potu kad zavri __ Da li bi mogla da zatvori vrata? Prilina je promaja. Hvala. Translate into Serbo-Croat: FROZEN FOODS BEVERAGES Supply the appropriate expressions: Getting Hot About noon the sun was very strong. Arthur asked Madge to pass him his sunglasses. Arthur: The sun's quite strong.____ Madge? Madge: ________Here you are. pass me my sunglasses, open the back windows? It's got Arthur: Thanks. Madge, quite hot. Madge: Is it all right now? Arthur: Yes, fine. Thanks. Ask other students to do you a favour by using Could youjWould you/ Will you ... Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Meri, zahladnelo je. Da H ti je dovoljno toplo u toj haljini? Jeste. Ako ti nije dovoljno toplo, bolje obuci demper. U redu. Sluaj, da li si video Petra? Da, jesam. Video sam kako parkira auto pre pola sata. CINEMAS ABC 1&2 SHAFTESBURY AVE, 836 8861 ALL SEATS BKBLE 1: THE JAZZ SINGER (A) 70mm Dolby stereo Wk.&Sun: 2.0. 5.15. 8.15

2: FLASH GORDON (A) Wk.&Sun: 2.0. 5.15. 8.15 ACADEMY 1. 437 2981 Fifth month Joseph Losey's film of Mozart's DON GIOVANNI (A). Perfs. 1.00 (not Sun.) 4.10, 7.40. ACADEMY 2. 437 5129. Andrei Tar-kovsky's haunting new film STALKER (A). Pfs 1.50 (ex. Sun). 4.50. 8.00. ACADEMY 3. 437 8819. Cocteau's ORPHEE (A) and Renoir's PARTIE DE CAMPAGNE (A). Progs. 5.45, 8.15. Sat., Sun. 3.15. COLUMBIA Shaftesbury Ave (734 5414) A John Casevetes Film GLORIA (AA) Cont. Progs Dly f.30 (not Sun.), 3.45, 6.00, 8.20. CURZON. Curzon St., W. 1. 499 3737. BURT, LANCASTER, SUSAN SARANDON in LOUIS MALLE'S ATLANTIC CITY (A), at 2.0 (not Sun.). 4.05. 6.20,48.40. 224 15 Enftaki u SO lekcija 225 UNIT 44 CAMPING IN DUBROVNIK The mild Mediterranean climate of the coast and the moderate continental climate in other parts of the country make Yugoslavia very suitable for camping. Camping sites can be found all over the country. In Dubrovnik the camping site is situated among pine woods at Lapad, not far from a sandy beach. That is where Madge, Arthur and Milan decided to put up their tent during their stay in Dubrovnik. Milan : Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Madge: Milan : Good morning, Arthur. Did you have a good rest? I'm afraid not. I hardly slept at all. I woke up at three o'clock and couldn't fall asleep again. So sorry to hear that. What's the trouble? I've got a bad toothache. My tooth's been aching all night. That's bad luck. You ought to go and see a dentist. I'm afraid so. I must say I don't like going to the dentist much. Neither do I. I hate it. Well, I don't think anyone likes going to the dentist. But you'd better have it looked at. Arthur: Milan-' Madge-' Arthur: Milan: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Milan : Arthur: Milan : Arthur: Camping in Dubrovnik All rfght. Is there a dental clinic near here? There's a dental clinic in the centre of the town. Let's go there. I must go to the market to get some fish and fruit for lunch. Do you mind if I come along? Of course not. I say, Milan is there a cleaner's somewhere around? Yes, there's one opposite the market. What do you need it for? My brown trousers are so dirty that I must have them cleaned. Oh, darling, can't you have them cleaned when we get

back to England? No, I can't. I just can't wear them like this any longer. All right. Take them along. We can go to the cleaner's after the dentist. So sorry to trouble you about it. No trouble at all. Let's get moving. Vocabulary mild /maild/, blag climate /'klaimat/, umeren continental /(konti'nentl/, kontinentalni suitable /'sju:tabl/, pogodan site /sail/, zemljite situated /'sitjueitid/, smeten pine /pain/, bor wood /wud/, uma, drvo sandy /'ssndi/, peskovit beach /bi:tj/, plaa put up /'put '/, smestiti tent /tent/, ator sleep /sli:p/, nepr. gl., spavati wake /weik/, nepr. gl., probuditi se asleep /a'sli:p/, uspavan fall asleep, zaspati trouble //, nevolja; uznemiriti tooth /tu:6/, zub ache /eik/, boleti; bol dentist /'dentist/, zubar dental /'dentl/, zubni clinic /"klinik/, klinika market /'ma:kit/, pijaca clean /kli:n/, ist, istiti cleaner's /'klimaz/, radnja za hemijsko ienje wear /WES/, nepr. gl., nositi 226 15* 227 Unit 44 Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What's the climate like on the Adriatic Coast? 2. What's the climate like in other parts of the country? 3. Why is Yugoslavia suitable for camping? 4. Where can camping sites be found? 5. Where's the camping site situated in Dubrovnik? 6. How far is it from the beach? 7. Where did the three people put up their tent? 8. Why did Arthur hardly sleep at all? 9. What time did he wake up? 10. Why couldn't he fall asleep again? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What ought Arthur to do? 2. How does Madge feel about going to the dentist? 3. Where's the dental clinic? 4. Where must Madge go? 5. What does Arthur need a cleaner for? 6. What does Madge suggest? 7. When can they go to the cleaner's? 8. How often do you take your clothes to the cleaner's? 9. How often do you go to the dentist? 10. Have you been to the dentist lately? . B Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form by using have-{-something +done: Having a Tooth Pulled Out At noon Milan and Arthur met Madge at a cafe. Arthur told Madge that he (pull out) a tooth. Arthur: Madge, I (pull out) a tooth.

Madge: You (pull out) a tooth? But why? Arthur: Because that's what the dentist suggested after he (examine) it. 228 Camping in Dubrovnik / dee: Oh, dear! How are you feeling now? A thur: Much better. My toothache's gone. M'lan: He had no choice. He had to (pull out) his tooth. Arthur: I say, you look lovely. What have you done to your hair? Madge: I went to the hairdresser's and (trim) it. Arthur: Just (trim)? Madge: Not only (trim). I had a shampoo and set, too. Arthur: It looks very nice. Ask other students what Arthur and Madge talked about at the cafe. Ask other students what they have usually done at the hairdresser's or barber's. At the Chemist's Peter had taken a number of snaps with his camera, when something went wrong with it. Peter took it to the chemist's to (repair) it. He wanted to (develop) the film, but the assistant told him that the light had got in. Assistant: Can I help you, sir? Peter: My camera's out of order. Could I (repair) it? Assistant: Certainly, sir. What's wrong with it? Peter: The film's got stuck. It's still inside. Assistant: Let me see. I'm afraid your film's spoilt. The Jight's got in. Peter: Pity! Well, here's another film I want to (develop) and (print). Assistant: What size of prints do you want? Peter: Medium. Just one print of each. When will it be ready? Assistant: Today week. I'll put another film inside. Here's the receipt. Ask other students what happened with Peter's camera. There's something wrong with your camera. You've taken it to a chemist's to have it repaired. Dramatize the dialogue with another student as assistant. either so or not to the remarks: Ging to Cambridge "eter and Lucy wanted to go to Cambridge over the weekend. Lucy was wondering if Peter's camera would be ready on time. Peter suggested that she should take hers, but Lucy said hers didn't work either. Lucy: Will your camera be ready for the weekend? "eter: I hope . . . But if mine isn't ready, can you take yours? Lucy; I'm afraid . . . Mine doesn't work either. Pefer: Bad luck! Listen, shall we go by train? 229 Unit 44 Lucy: I think ... Peter: Look, it's pouring again. I hope it'll clear up over the weekend Lucy: I hope ..., too. Ask other students what Peter and Lucy were worried about. Ask other students if they are worried about anything. UNIT 45 THE SUMMER FESTIVAL Supply the appropriate expressions: Doing a Favour Lucy's camera was out of order. Lucy asked Peter to take it to the chemist's. Lucy: Peter, you told me you were going to the chemist's today. Could you do me a favour? Peter: Certainly. What is it? Lucy: Could you take my camera along and have it repaired? Peter: With pleasure. Lucy: ________ about it. Peter: ________at all. Ask one of the students to do you a favour. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Moram dati da mi se sat opravi. Prestao je da radi. Da li e danas da ide asovniaru? Ne verujem. Moram da zavrim jedan lanak koji sutra treba da dam da mi se prevede. A da li e ii sutra? Verujem da

hou. Zato? Da li bih mogla neto da te zamolim? I moj sat je pokvaren. Da li bi mogao da ga odnese na popravku? Vrlo rado. Izvini to te time uznemiravam. Ne uznemirava me uopte. Vrlo rado u ti to uiniti. Translate into Serbo-Croat: DEVELOPING & PRINTING JLOWER PRICES QUALITY MAINTAINED Every summer a music festival is held in Dubrovnik. For a pend of six weeks theatre performances and concerts are given on open-air stages. Leading actors and musicians take part in the programme. The festival had already begun when Madge, Arthur and Milan arrived in Dubrovnik. One day they decided to go to the concert of a folklore group from Macedon'a. But when Arthur came to the box-office the clerk told him that the tickets were sold out. Arthur should have booked them much earlier. However, he managed to get seats for Saturday's performance. Arthur: Have you seen the festival programme anywhere? I've been looking for it everywhere but I can't find it. Madge: Here it is. I've just had a look at it myself to see what's on. Arthur: Anything you'd like to see? Madge: Yes, there's the folklore group from Macedonia and "Hamlet" at Fort Lovrijenac tonight. Arthur: I certainly don't want to miss the folklore group. Madge: Neither do I. Milan told me the dancers were excellent. ?30 Unit 45 The Summer Festival Arthur Madge Arthur Madge Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Clerk: Arthur: Clerk: Arthur: Clerk: Arthur: : I imagine so, though I'd like to see "Hamlet" in Serbo-Croat. By the way, where's Milan? : He's gone out. : Shall I get a ticket for him as well? : Of course. I'm sure he'd like to join us. Actually, we should've booked as soon as we arrived here. Yes, we should've done that. Now, I'd better go straight away to get tickets. Won't you come along? All right. I won't be a minute. At the Box-Office I'd like three tickets for tonight's folklore group. Sorry, sir, but there aren't any left. You should've booked much earlier. Yes, I should've done that. Pity! I've got a few tickets left for Saturday's performance. Will that do? Yes, that's OK. Which seats have you got? The twenty-third row. Everything else is sold out. All right. I'll take them. Vocabulary festival /'festival/, festival performance /pe'fo:mens/, predstava stage /steids/, pozornica lead /li:d/, nepr. gl., voditi leading /'li:dirj/, vodei actor /'askts/, glumac musician /mju'zijsn/, muziar folklore /'feuk-lo:/, narodni, folklorni group /gru:p/, grupa box-office /'boks 'ofis/, blagajna sell /sel/, nepr. gl., prodati 232 sell out, rasprodati fort /fo:t/, tvrava dance /da:ns/, igrati dancer /'da:nss/, igra imagine /i'mxdyn/, zamisliti I imagine so, mogu da zamislim left, preostao

row /rau/, red everything else, sve drugo I won't be a minute. Odmah u biti gotov. Serbo-Croat /'sa:ba 'kreuat/, srpskohrvatski Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What is held in Dubrovnik every summer? 2. How long does the festival last? 3. Where are theatre performances and concerts given? 4. Who takes part in the programme? 5. What did Madge and Arthur decide to do one day? 6. What happened when Arthur came to the box-office? 7. What should Arthur have done much earlier? 8. What did he manage to get? 9. Where was the folklore group from? 10. Where was the performance of "Hamlet" held? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What had Arthur been looking for? 2. What had Madge just done? 3. What didn't Arthur want to do? 4. What were the dancers like? 5. What did Madge advise Arthur to do? 6. Where was Milan? 7. When should Madge 'and Arthur have booked tickets? 8. What did Arthur tell Madge to do? 9. What sort of seats did Arthur get? 10. Why didn't Arthur get anything else? B Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Perfect Infinitive): Getting Tickets When Arthur told Madge that he hadn't managed to get tickets for that evening, she said they should (buy) them as soon as they arrived. Arthur thought Milan should (tell) them about it. He said, however, he had managed to get tickets for Saturday's performance. 233 Unit 45 The Summer Festival Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Madge: Arthur: Did you manage to get tickets? Not for tonight. Both performances are sold out. You see. We should (buy) tickets as soon as we arrived If you had told me, I would (do) it. Actually, Milan should (tell) us to do it. I wonder if Milan could (book) tickets for us in Belgrade Well, we should (ask) him. Pity! Which day did you manage to get tickets for? For Saturday. I got the twenty-third row, because everything else was sold out. Ask other students what they did yesterday, but what they should have instead. Calling London From Dubrovnik Arthur called his office. He wanted to check if his secretary had fixed an appointment with a partner, Mr Ramsay. In fact, he should (have) an appointment with him before leaving. Milan: You'll have to wait a little. The line's engaged. We should (come) in the afternoon. Yes, it's always easier to get through in the afternoon. Anyway, I should (make) the call before. Why didn't you? You should (tell) me about it.

Call to London. Booth Number 1.........You're through. Go ahead. Hello! Heath speaking. I'm calling from Dubrovnik. I'd like to know if you've fixed an appointment with Mr Ramsay. Secretary: Oh, hello, Mr Heath. I'm sorry, sir, but Mr Ramsay win be away till September 15th. Arthur: Bad luck! I should (have) an appointment with him before leaving. Secretary: I'm terribly sorry. I could easily (fix) an appointmen . Arthur: Never mind now. Make an appointment for Septemoe 16th. Thank you. Goodbye. You are on holiday. Call your office to see if your secretary has fixed appointment with a partner. You should've had the appointment be o leaving. Arthur: Milan: Operator: Arthur: Supply the appropriate expressions: * Borrowing a Typewriter One afternoon Lucy called on Peter to ask him if he could lend her his typewriter. Peter: Hi, Lucy! What a surprise! Do come in. Lucy: Thank you. Listen, could you lend me your typewriter? Peter: Of course.________sit down? Lucy: Thank you. Peter: What do you need the typewriter for? Lucy: Well, I must type out an essay. Peter: OK. You can have it. Listen,________ borrow your notes on English grammar? Lucy:________I happen to have them with me. Here you are. Peter: Thanks. Let's have some coffee, shall we? Lucy: Yes, fine. I'd love some. You've called on one of the students. He invites you to sit down. Ask him to lend you something. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: Nema nijednog mesta za avion za 1. avgust. Trebalo je da rezerviemo mesta ranije. Trebalo je da me podseti. Mogao si i ti da se seti. Tano, mada je Don mogao da nam kae da kupimo karte ranije. On je neto pominjao, ali mi nismo na to obratili panju. A da li si dobio karte za koncert veeras? Ne, nisam. Sve je rasprodalo. teta! Sluaj, <& li bi mogao da mi pozajmi svoju henvjsku olovku? Hou da napiem nekoliko karata. Svakako. Izvoli. Translate into Serbo-Croat: PRICES OF ADMISSION: stalls Dress Circle-Upper Circle_ 234 235 Unit 45 CONCERTS QUEEN ELIZABETH HALL. ' 01-928 3191. BOYS OF THE LOUGH, with Flora MacNeil (Barra) on Tues., Feb. 24, 7.45. Traditional music from Ireland, Scotland & Shetland. Tickets 2.00 3.00. THEATRES ADELPHI. S. C.C. 01-836 7611 Eves, at 7.30. Sats. 4.0 and 7.45. Mats. Thursday at 3.0. TONY BRITTON JILL MARTIN, PETER BAYLISS and ANNA NEAGLE in MY FAIR LADY "A MARVELLOUS SHOW." Now mag. "SPECTACULAR SHOW," D. Express. "STUNNING," Time Out. For Group Booking ring 01-836 7358 or 01-379 6061. Now booking through to Oct. ALBERY, OMEGA SHOW GUIDE. ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF AN ANARCHIST, EDUCATING RITA, TOMFOOLERY, DUET FOR ONE, POL JOEY. CREDIT CARD SALES 379 6565 from 9 a.m. All major cards no

booking fees. Group bkgs 836 3962. Student stdby 2.90. ALBERY. S. 836 3878. CC Bkgs 379 6565. Grp bkgs 379 6061, 836 3962 Eves. 8. Thurs. mat. 3.00. Stalls from 2.90. Sat. 5 & 8.15. SIAN PHILLIPS "A KNOCKOUT", S. Times/S. Exp. DENIS LAWSON. Most Promising New Actor. DRAMA AWARD 1980. "The marvellous musical," S. Tms. UNIT 46 SIGHTSEEING IN DUBROVNIK 236 One afternoon Madge, Arthur and Milan went to see the sights of Dubrovnik. Madge and Arthur learnt from Milan about its history. Dubrovnik was founded in the 7th century. For several centuries Dubrovnik was the main trading centre in the Balkans. It was at the height of its power in the 16th century. Its decline began in 1667, when a disastrous earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. Three quarters of the population were killed then. Dubrovnik lost its independence in 1808. Madge: How pleasant to find that there are no cars or buses within the walls. Milan: Well, the streets are so narrow that traffic is simply impossible. Arthur: When was Dubrovnik founded? Milan: In the 7th century. When the nearby Roman town of Epidaurus was destroyed, its inhabitants settled down here. Madge: How did it happen that the whole town is built only of stone? 237 Unit 46 Sightseeing in Dubrovnik Milan: Madge Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Arthur: Milan : You see, when a great fire burnt down the old Wooden houses, timber was not used any longer. Stone was used instead. '.- Oh, I see. And when were the walls built? In the Middle Ages, to protect the town from attacks from the sea. Dubrovnik was the main trading centre in the Balkans for several centuries, wasn't it? That's right. A strong fleet was built and trade with other countries developed. When was Dubrovnik at the height of its power? In the 16th century. Its prosperity was reflected in its political and cultural life. Er Dubrovnik lost its independence when Napoleon abolished the Republic, didn't it? Yes, in 1808. But its decline began earlier, in 1667, when a disastrous earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. Three quarters of the population were killed. How awful! Were there any buildings left? Yes, the Duke's Palace and two or three others. Which sights are you going to show us first? Would you like to see the Duke's Palace first, because it's open only till twelve o'clock. Oh, I'd love that. Could we see the museum as well? I'm afraid not, because it's closed for repair. Vocabulary found /faund/, osnovati trade /treid/, trgovina; trgovati

height /hait/, visina power /'paua/, mo decline /di'klain/, opadanje disastrous /di'zarstres/, uasan earthquake /'s:6kweik/, zemljotres independence ^indi'pendbns/, nezavisnost within /wi'din/, iznutra, unutar narrow /'naerau/, uzan impossible /im'pasabl/, nemogu settle down /'sell 'daun/, nastaniti one /steun/. kamen 't /faia/, ^' vatra Ur //tiinb3/> drV .Za **?" Middle Ages /'midl'eid3iz/, srednj. vek protect /pw'tekt/, tititi fKet /flirt/, flota prosperity /pros'periti/, blagostanje reflect /ri'flekt/, ogledati se political /pa'litikl/, politiki abolish /s'balij/, ukinuti Roman /'rauman/, rimski Epidaurus /epi'da:ras/, Epidaurus the Balkans /'bsxlkanz/, Balkan Napoleon /ns'peuljan/, Napoleon Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did the three people do one afternoon? 2. What did Madge and Arthur learn from Milan? 3. When was Dubrovnik founded? 4. What was Dubrovnik for several centuries? 5. When was it at the height of its power? 6. When did its decline begin? 7. What destroyed almost the whole town? 8. How many people were killed? 9- When did Dubrovnik lose its independence? 10. Who abolished the republic? Put the following questions to other students: 1- Why are there no vehicles within the walls? 2. Why is the whole town built of stone? 3. When were the walls built? 4. What reflected its prosperity? 5. Which buildings were left after the earthquake? 6. Which sight did Milan want to show them first? 7. When could they see the Duke's Palace? 8. Could they see the museum as well? 9. Why couldn't they see the museum? 10. What is the site of Epidaurus caHed today? 238 239 Uidt 46 Sightseeing in Dubrovnik Supply a, an, or the: At the Height of Its Prosperity Madge wanted to know how... economic prosperity of... Dubrovnik was reflected in its cultural life. Milan said there was... large number of men of letters, ... philosophers and... mathematicians, and that... education was widespread. Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: I didn't know... Dubrovnik was once centre in ... Mediterranean. Not in ... Mediterranean, in ... Balkans.

Oh, I see. When did it first develop ... trade with .. countries? As early as ... 12th century. What sort of ... goods did they trade in? Oh, ... all sorts of fabrics, ... wine, ... oil, ... How was its prosperity reflected in ... cultural life? There was... large number of ... men of letters, . main trading other spices. phieducation was losophers and ... mathematicians, and widespread. Madge: I think... life must've been very interesting in Dubrovnik at that time. Ask other students what Milan told Madge about Dubrovnik. Supply few or a few: Missing a Few Sights Madge said there were always... sights one missed when visiting a town-On the other hand, there were towns that had ... sights to be seen. Madge: There are always... sights we miss when we visit a town. Milan: That's true, because we all get tired of sightseeing. Madge: On the other hand, there are towns that have... sights be seen, aren't there? Milan: True, quite... Madge: In such a case, sightseeing is no problem, is it? Ask other students what they think of sightseeing in general. 240 rbs brackets into the correct form (Perfect Infinitive) p!it the verw A Rush through the Palace sorry to (rush) through the Duke's Palace. She told Arthur that if Me^f known it was open till 12 only, they could (leave) the camp much earlier. , . pity we rushed through the Palace. If we'd known it was open ' till 12 only, we could (leave) the camp much earlier. Arthur- Yes If only Milan had told us that the day before. Madge: Well,, if we'd asked him, he would (do) so. After all, we should (think) of that ourselves. Arthur: Yes, we ought to (enquire) about it. Ask other students what Madge was sorry about. Tell other students about things you should've done, bot didn't Say how sorry you were about it. Use the appropriate expressions: Lending Money Arthur had run out of dinars, so he asked Milan if he could lend him some. Arthur: Listen, could you lend me some money? I've run out of dinars. Milan:________How much do you need? Arthur: Could you lend me 1.000 new dinars? Milan:________I haven't got that much. I've go only 300 on me. -_______do? Arthur:_________I'll go to the bank in the afternoon. Ask one of the students to lend you his text-book. The student should give a Positive / negative answer. Dramatize the dialogue. u 50 lekciji 241 Unit 46 D Translate into English: Folklorna grupa se upravo vratila iz Sovjetskog Saveza. Izgleda da su imali ogroman uspeh. Verujem. Veliki uspeh su postigli i prole godine u Belgiji i Halandiji, naroito u Hagu. Da, itao sam o tome. Malo je folk-lornih grupa imalo takav uspeh. Ponovo idu na turneju idue nedelje. Kuda idu ovog puta? Idu u Junu Ameriku. Posetie nekoliko zemalja: Argentinu, Brazil, ile i Peru. Bie to dug let preko Atlantika. Tano. Zapravo, ne znam da li je to direktan let. Ne verujem. Verovatno e sleteti u Grenlandu. Ne verujem. Grenland je van puta.

Da li bi mogao da mi pozajmi svoj atlas? Hteo bih da vidim gde je tano Grenland. Na alost, ne mogu. Nemam ga ovde. Pozajmio sam ga Donu pre neki dan. Translate into Serbo-Croat: UNIT 47 FIRE ALARM FIRE EXIT DUBROVNIK Stradun a***-* *+*( AN EXCURSION A disastrous earthquake in 1979 badly damaged most buildings and historic monuments on the Montenegrin Coast. Fortunately there were not many casualties. The ruins were cleared away and life resumed its normal course. Before leaving Dubrovnik, Milan wanted his friends to see the Bay of Kotor and visit Cetinje. At Kotor he showed them the historic monuments, explaining to them how the town had suffered from the earthquake. Madge: What a disastrous earthquake! Milan: Fortunately, there were not many casualties. Life almost immediately resumed its normal course. Everything's been restored now. Madge: Oh, I see. Well, where are we going now? Milan: To Cetinje. On our way we'll have a short break to admire the Bay. Madge: Splendid. The view must be fantastic. Milan: It is. When we get to Cetinje, we'll first go to see the mausoleum of Njego, who was one of the most important rulers of Montenegro. 242 243 47 Madge Milan: Arthur. Milan: Madge. Milan: Arthur: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Milan: Madge: Arthur: When did he rule? In the first half of the 19th century. : As far as I know, he was a great poet and philosopher, too, wasn't he? Yes. His best-known work is "The Mountain Wreath". : Where are we going after Cetinje? We'll go to see Sveti Stefan, which was one of the few places on the coast not damaged by the earthquake. It used to be a fishing village, didn't it? Yes, until it was turned into a hotel with furnished apartments. You mean the whole place was turned into a hotel? But what happened to its inhabitants? There were only a few and they were given houses on the coast. If it's not too late when we get there, we can go swimming. I'm afraid I can't. I haven't got my bathing suit with me. If you'd told me, I would've brought it along. Never mind! We needn't go swimming either. Now, darling, will you do me a favour? Will you drive more slowly? Come on, Madge! I wasn't driving too fast, was I? Anyway, if you insist, I'll drive more slowly. Vocabulary excursion /iks'ka.'Jan/, izlet historic /his'torik/, istorijski fortunately /'fortjsnotli/, sreom casualty /'kaejjtralti /, rtva udesa ruin /ruin/, ruevina dear away /'klio a'wei/, raistiti resume /ri'zjurm/, nastaviti neto prekinuto normal /'normal/, normalan course /ko:s/, tok 244 bay /bei/, zaliv Suffer /'sAfo/, patiti restore /ris'to:/, obnoviti fantastic /fon'tsestik/, fantastian mausoleum ^mo.'so'liam/, mauzolej rule /ru:l/, vladati

ruler /'ru:ta/, vladar poet /'pauit/, pesnik wreath /ri:0/, venae turn into, pretvoriti You mean, hoe da kae furnished /'fa:nijt/, nameten apartment /a'partmant/, apartman bathing suit, kupai kostim An Excursion insist /in'sist/, insistirati Montenegrin /{nK>nti'ni:grin/, crnogorski; Crnogorac I Further Points and Exercises A Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What were the consequences of the earthquake? 2. How many casualties were there? 3. What was done with the ruins? 4. What did Milan want his friends to do? 5. What did Milan do at Kotor? 6. What did Milan explain to Madge and Arthur? 7. What could Arthur see? 8. What did Milan think? 9. Where were they going after Kotor? 10. What did Milan suggest? Put the following questions to other students: 1. What did Milan want Madge and Arthur to see at Cetinje? 2. What did Milan say about Njego? 3. What else was Njego? 4. Which is his best-known work? 5. What else did Milan want to show them? 6. What was Sveti Stefan turned into? 7. What happened to its inhabitants? 8. What did Milan suggest? 9. Why couldn't Madge go swimming? 10. What did Madge ask Arthur to do? * B Supply who, whom, whose, which or that where necessary: A House-Warming Party Peter and Lucy went to a house-warming party given by some friends of Lucy's. When they got there, they found a lot of people ... they knew. Among them were the Smiths,... Peter and Lucy had met at another party. 245 Unit 47 Lucy: Peter: Lucy: Peter: Lucy: Peter: Lucy: Is that Doctor Smith, . . .'s talking to the host? Yes, that's him. I didn't know he'd be here. And is that his wife over there? ... we first met at Mary's? Yes, that's her. And who's the young man . .. Mrs Smith is talking to? The hostess's brother, . . .'s a well-known pop-singer. Bob Luke's his name. You mean Bob Luke,. . . third LP record came out last week? Exactly, which is quite something in the pop-music world isn't it? You are at a party. Identify some of the guests to other students. Dramatize the dialogue. Put the adverbs in brackets into the comparative or superlative: Driving More Slowly On the way down to the coast, Madge once again asked Arthur to drive (slowly). He answered by saying he was driving not only (slowly), but even (carefully) than on the way up. Madge: Oh, Arthur. Can't you drive (slowly)?

Arthur: But I am driving slowly and even (carefully) than on the way up. Madge: Which doesn't mean you aren't driving too fast. Arthur: Come on, Madge. We aren't in town, where you generally have to drive (carefully) than on the highway. Madge: Personally I think you must drive (carefully) you can, no matter where you are. So please slow down. Arthur: All right. Don't fuss. Ask other students questions about the way of driving in town and on the highway. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Perfect Infinitive): Almost an Accident As Arthur was driving, a car suddenly appeared from around a bend. Ar had just enough time to .brake. If Arthur hadn't been driving rather slowly, an accident (occur). Madge: Heavens! He almost hit us. Arthur: If I hadn't braked, he (crash) into us. Milan: Yes, we (have) an accident. 246 I An Excursion if he'd been driving on the right-hand side, there (be) A danger of an accident. The fool' We could (be killed). ' Well, if Arthur hadn't been driving rather slowly, he (not be Arthur: FofonVl did follow your advice, didn't I? Tell other students about an accident that almost occurred. Supply the appropriate expressions: An Unfulfilled Promise Lucy had promised Peter to bring him a book she had just finished reading. Peter got angry, because it was the third time she'd forgotten to bring "Murder on the Orient Express" by Agatha Christie. Peter: Have you brought "Murder on the Orient Express", Lucy? Lucy: So sorry, Peter, but I forgot. How stupid of me! If you had only phoned to remind me. Peter: ________ you forgot to bring the book for the third time? Lucy: Don't get angry. I'm really sorry, Peter._________it. You promised one of the students to lend him your notes, but you forgot to bring them. Apologise to him by saying how sorry you are. Dramatize the dialogue. D Translate into English: - ta e sada da nam pokae? - Prvo emo da vidimo Mauzolej Nje-gou, koji je radio jedan od naih najpoznatijih vajara. - Da h jeMNje go bio vladar koji je bio takoe pesnik i filozof? - Da, jeste. - Koje je njegovo najpoznatije delo? - Gorski vijenac", ^ delom nae knjievnosti. - Da li je mogue nai prevod - Verujem da jeste. Kad se vratimo u Dubrovnik, pokuacu a na. Sluaj, da li si se setio da ponese vodi kroz Crnu Goru -Veoma m, je ao, ali sam zaboravio. Da si me samo podsetio. - Hoe da kae da s, Ponovo zaboravio da ga ponese? - Nemoj da se ljuti. Za.sta mi je ve ma ao. 247 Unit 47 Translate into Serbo-Croat: SHOW TICKET AT THE BARRIER ALL TICKETS TO BE SHOWN AT THE BARRIER PLEASE DUBROVNIK _ crkva v. Vlmh. 248 . er, '"4 UNIT 48 ABOARD THE "JUGOSLAVIJA" The "Jugoslavija" sailed from Gru Harbour at eight o'clock in the morning. Passengers of all nationalities were aboard: Yugoslavs, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Germans, Austrians, Americans. Most of them were lying in deckchairs, sunbathing, while ethers were walking on the deck or taking photographs of the coast. Madge, Arthur and Milan had failed to get cabins, because they had gone too late to the shipping-office to enquire about them. If they had gone a day earlier they would have got them. They decided to stay the night in Split. Madge: What a pity we haven't got a cabin! Arthur: Well, if I'd gone to the shipping-office a day earlier, I

would've got one at least. Never mind! We'll stay the night in Split. Madge: All right. I don't mind. By the way, where's Milan? Arthur: He's gone to see how long the boat stays at Hvar because he'd like us to go ashore. I say, do you feel like a cup of coffee? Madge: Not now, thanks. I 'd rather have it a little later. Look, who's coming! Mary! Where on earth have you come from? 249 Unit 48 Mary: I'm on my way home. I've been spending my holiday at Korula. Madge: Have you? Didn't you say you'd be going to Holland? Mary: I did, but the weather was awful. If the weather'd been nicer, I would've stayed in Holland all the time. Arthur: Did you go youth-hostelling as you intended to? Mary: I did and enjoyed it very much. It's such fun being on the move all the time and not bothering about much luggage. Arthur: Sometimes that can be quite a trouble. I once had a very unpleasant experience. It was when I went abroad for the first time. I was youth-hostelling with two other friends. We had no luggage whatsoever, just rucksacks on our backs. Madge: That's very pleasant, isn't it? Arthur: Quite. Well, we came to a town rather late. As there wasn't a hostel and we couldn't find rooms anywhere, we had to go to an expensive hotel. Mary: That was bad luck, wasn't it? Arthur: Yes. When the porter saw us looking the way we did, he refused to give us a room at first. It was only after a a lot of arguing that he gave us one. Mary: Really? Well, if you hadn't looked the way you did ., . Arthur: Actually, if we hadn't told the porter we were students, he wouldn't have given us a room at all. Madge: That wouldn't have been very pleasant, would it? Arthur: Not in the least. Now, will you excuse me for a moment. I want to bring my Yugoslav friend here. I shan't be long. Vocabulary aboard /a'bard/, na brodu harbour /'ha.'ba/, luka deck /dek/, paluba deck-chair /'dek /, stolica za leanje sunbathe /'sAnbeid/, sunati se fail /feil/, ne uspeti cabin /'kebin/, kabina shipping-office, pomorska agencija enquire /in'kwaia/, raspitati se 250 "V, -*t ashore /a'Jo:/, na obali, na kopnu go ashore, iskrcati se go aboard, ukrcati se at least /ii:st/, barem earth /:/, zemlja where on earth, odakle, pobogu on the move /mu:v/, u pokretu youth-hostel /'ju:9 'hostal/, prihvatilite za studente Aboard the "Jugoslavija" go youth-hostelling, noe vat i u prihvatilitima za studente unpleasant /An'plezant/, neprijatan whatsoever /'watsau'evs/, ma kakav rucksack /'ruksaek/, ruksak back /bask/, lea not in the least, ni najmanje Further Points and Exercises A Answer the foollowing questions in writing: 1. What time did the "Jugoslavija" sail from Grn Harbour? 2. What kind of passengers were aboard? 3. What were the passengers doing? 4. What had Madge, Arthur and Milan failed to get? 5. What would've happened if they had gone earlier? 6. Where did they decide to stay the night? 7. Where had Milan gone?. 8. What would he like them to do? 9. Who turned up suddenly? 10. Why didn't Mary stay in Holland?

Put the following questions to other students: 1. What would Mary have done if the weather had been nicer? 2. How did Mary travel? 3. What did Mary say about youth-hostelling? 4. What happened to Arthur when he went abroad once? 5. What sort of luggage did he have? 6. What happened when he came to a town rather late? 7. Where did he and his friends have to go? 8. Why did the porter refuse to give them a room? 9. What did they have to tell the porter? 10. What would've happened if they hadn't told the porter they were students? 251 Unit 48 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (lf-Clauses): Impressions of Yugoslavia Madge, Mary and Arthur were lying in deck-chairs discussing their impressions of Yugoslavia. Madge said if she (know) Yugoslavia was such a beautiful country, she would've come before. Mary said she (visit) more places than she had. Madge: If we'd known Yugoslavia was such a beautiful country, we (come) before. Arthur: Yes... and we (stay) longer, this time. Mary: So would I. I also (visit) more places if I'd had more time. But we're always bound to miss something. Madge: True. Well, if we (know) you were at Korula, we would've gone to see you. Mary: What a pity you didn't know I was there. I (love) to have spent a few days with you. Arthur: Well, if we hadn't gone to the Bay of Kotor, we (go) to Korula. Madge: Well, if we (have) more time, we would've visited the Plitvice Lakes, too. Mary: Never mind. Another time you come to Yugoslavia. Ask the students where they spent their summer holidays and what places they would've seen if they'd had more time. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets: A Bottle Party Lucy's friend Anne gave a bottle party and asked Lucy and Peter to come along. They were rather late, because Peter had to finish writing an essay. If Peter (not have) to write the essay, they would've come earlier. Peter: I never thought we'd have such a good time. Lucy: I'm sony we didn't come earlier. Peter: Well, if I (not have) to write that essay, we would've come earlier. Lucy: Well, you should (do) it yesterday. Peter: Yes, I should (write) it before. Let's be off. It's past midnight. Lucy: All right. Anne, we must be going. Thanks a lot for the lovely party. 252 Aboard the "Jugoslavija" Anne: What a pity you're going so soon. Delighted to (meet) you, Peter. Goodnight. Ask the students how Lucy and Peter enjoyed themselves at Anne's party and what Peter should've done before. Express surprise at some of the statements: West-Side Story Lucy told Peter she hadn't been to the cinema for more than a month and Peter was surprised to hear that. She said she'd like to see "West-Side Story" and once again Peter was surprised, because he thought she'd already seen it. Lucy: I'd like to go to the cinema. I haven't been for more than a month. Peter: ... ? I thought you went last week. Lucy: Not to the cinema, to the theatre, Peter. Peter: Oh, . .. ? What would you like to see? Lucy: Well, I'd like to see "West-Side Story". Peter: ... ? I thought you'd seen it before. It's such an old film. Lucy: It is. I missed seeing it while it was on. Peter: All right. I'll get tickets in the afternoon. Make statements to which other students will express surprise. Use the appropriate expressions: A Cup of Tea

After seeing the film "West-Side Story" Peter asked Lucy if she felt like a cup of tea. Lucy said she'd love one. Lucy: A very good film, isn't it? I loved the music. Peter: Marvellous. I found the main actress rather ugly, though. Lucy: Not me. I found her quite attractive. Peter: Well, we don't agree there, do we? I say,________a cup of tea? Lucy: Oh, _________one. Peter: Then let's cross the street. There's a snack bar over there. Suggest doing something to another student by using the expression Do you feel like . . . Dramatize the dialogue. 253 Unit 48 Translate into English: D Da li si letos iao u Jugoslaviju, kao to si nameravao? Jesam. Iao sam na Korulu. Zaista? Kada si iao? U prvoj polovini avgusta. Zaista? Mi smo bili u Dubrovniku u isto vreme. Da sam znao da ste tamo, posetio bih vas. A mi bismo napravili izlet do Korule! To je zaista teta, zar ne? Inae, kako vam se dopala Jugoslavija? Veoma, mada nismo mnogo videli. Samo Dubrovnik i okolinu. Da smo imali vie vremena, videli bismo i crnogorsku obalu. Ni ja je nisam video. Rekli su mi da je to najlepi deo Jadranske obale. I meni. Ne mari. Videemo je drugi put. Sluaj, da li si raspoloen za kafu? Vrlo rado. Onda preimo ulicu. Preko puta se nalazi jedan bar. Translate into Serbo-Croat: INSTANT PASSPORT PICTURES INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPHS 254 *"* UNIT 4! A DAY TN SPLIT Madge, Arthur and Milan stayed the night in Split. Mary was with them. Early the next morning they went to see the remains of Diocletian's Palace. Madge was thrilled to see the palace where the Roman emperor came to end his days. She said she wished she could remain in Split for at least a week. Arthur wished he had asked for a longer holiday. It turned out that it was Milan's birthday and everybody wished him: "Many happy returns of the day". Madge said if she'd known it was his birthday, she would've got him a present. Madge: How thrilling to see that people live within the walls of a palace. Milan: Yes, where so many centuries ago the Roman emperor came to end his days. Arthur: Er... Why did he choose this place for his residence? Milan: Because he was born near here and wanted to die in his native region. Madge: What a pity we can't stay longer in Split. I wish I could remain here for at least a week. 255 Unit 49 Arthur: So do I. I wish I'd asked for a longer holiday. And you, Mary? Mary: I'm in no hurry. My term begins in October and I've got plenty or time. Madge: I say, did you take any exams in June? Mary: I did, and passed them all right. Arthur: Congratulations. You still have finals, haven't you? Mary: That's right. I'll have to work very hard this year. Milan: I have a surprise for you. It's my birthday today. Madge: Oh, Milan! Many happy returns of the day! I wish you'd told us before. Arthur: What a surprise! Happy birthday! Milan: Thank you very much. Arthur: I wish we'd known before. Madge: Yes, if you'd told us it was your birthday, we would've got you a present. Arthur: We can always do that now. Milan: Oh, please, don't bother. Thanks a lot anyway. I say, do you feel like having a cup of coffee? Madge: Not yet, thanks. A little later. Arthur: Where do we go now? Milan: Let's go to see a small medieval town about 10 miles from Split. That'll be our last sightseeing trip before we say goodbye. Vocabulary

remains /ri'meinz/, ostaci remain /ri'mein/, ostati thrilled /'6rild/, uzbuen emperor /'empsre/, imperator turn out /'tarn 'aut/, ispasti birthday /'bs:8dei/, roendan wish /wij/, eleti present /'prezent/, poklon thrilling /'Orilin/, uzbudljiv residence /'rezidans/, boravite native /'neitiv/, rodni region /'rirdsan/, oblast term /ta:m/, semestar examination /igzaemi'neijsn/, ispit exam /ig'zaem/, skraeni oblik take an examination, polagati ispit pass an examination, poloiti ispit congratulation /kw^grsetju'leijsn/, estitka 256 A Day in Split finals /'fainlz'/, diplomski ispit Happy birthday, Srean roendan Many happy returns of the day, Srean roendan! medieval /,medi'i:val/, srednjovekovni say goodbye, oprostiti se Diocletian /daia'kli:Jan/, Dioklecijan Further Points and Exercises Answer the following questions in writing: 1. Who was with Madge and Arthur in Split? 2. What did they do early in the morning? 3. Why was Madge thrilled? 5. What did Madge say? 4. What did Arthur wish? 6. What did that day turn out to be? 7. What did everybody wish Milan? 8. What would Madge have bought Milan? 9. What did Madge find thrilling? 10. Why did Diocletian choose Split for his residence? Put the following questions to other students: 1. When did Mary's term begin? 2. Did Mary take any exams in June? 3. Which exams did she still have to take? 4. What did Arthur suggest? 5. Did Milan agree to it? s 6. What did Milan suggest? 7. Did Madge feel like a cup of coffee? 8. What did Madge say? 9. Where did Milan decide to take them? 10. What did Milan say? 17 Eagletkl u IO lekcija 257 Unit 49 Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (I wish): Having More Money Arthur told Madge he wished he (have) more money, because he'd travel more. Madge said she wished she (have) a larger house. She thought it was high time they (buy) one. Arthur: I wish I (have) more money. Madge: Why, what you (do) with it? Arthur: Well, I (be able) to travel more and go to far-off places. Madge: Oh, Arthur! We haven't visited most places in Europe yet. I wish we (have) a larger house. It's high time we (buy) one. Arthur: Oh, come on, Madge. You make me laugh. We haven't paid off this one yet. Madge: I wish we (can) afford a larger house. That's all. Arthur: I wish I (not start) the conversation. Madge: You sound as if you (be) angry. Arthur: Well, we always fall out when we talk of money, don't we? Ask other students what they would do if they had more money. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: / Wish I'd Met Peter listened in to the radio programme called / wish I (meet). He told Lucy about it.

Peter: I listened in to a very interesting programme called / wish I (met). Have you heard of it? Lucy: No, I haven't. What is it about? Peter: Each time a different speaker gives his choice of a famous person from the past he wishes he (meet). Lucy: That must be extremely interesting: Who was it this time? Peter: Doctor Fleming. Lucy: I wish I (meet) him myself. He was certainly a great man. Ask other students which famous person from the past they wish they'd met. 258 A Day in Split RADIO FOUR 6 00 News Briefing. 6 10 Farming Week. 6 25 on 1/w Shipping. 30 Today. 8 35 The Week on 4. 8 45 Glyn Worsnip. 9 00 News. 9 05 Start the Week with Richard Baker. 10 00 News. 10 02 Money Box, rpt. 10 30 Service. 10 45 Morning Story. 11 00 News. 11 05 The Barons of Fleet Street: Alexander Frater examines the influence of the great newspaper proprietors. 11 50 Poetry Please! 12 00 News. 12 02 You and Yours. 12 27 Quote ... Unquote: S. 12 55 Weather. 1 00 The World at One. 1 40 The Archers. 1 55 on 1/w Shipping. 2 00 News. 2 02 Woman's Hour. 3 00 News. 3 02 'A Long Way Home": S. Play by Mike Walker, rpt from Saturday. Express surprise at some statements: A Cancelled Wedding Lucy's friend Ruth was getting married to a young architect. Three days before the wedding, Ruth changed her mind and decided not to marry him. Lucy: I didn't go to Ruth's wedding, I'm afraid. Peter: Oh, . . . ? Why not? Lucy: Because the wedding didn't take place after all. Peter: .. . ? Why, what happened? Lucy: Ruth changed her mind three days before the wedding. Peter: Oh, . .. ? Poor Michael! What explanation did she give? Lucy: Suddenly she realized she didn't love him. Peter: . .. really? Sounds incredible, doesn't it? Make statements about an event to which other students would express surprise. 17 259 Unit 49 Supply the appropriate expressions: Happy Birthdayl One day Lucy told Peter it was her birthday. Peter wished her... and suggested going to a restaurant to celebrate. Lucy: I've got a surprise for you, Peter. It's my birthday today. Peter: Is it really? ________ I wish you'd told me that before. I would've got you some flowers. Lucy: ________ Thanks anyway. Peter: Let's celebrate. Shall we go to a restaurant for supper? Lucy: Oh,________ Tell other students that it's your birthday. Let them wish you Many happy returns of the day. Dramatize the dialogue. UNIT 50

D Translate into English: Volela bih da imam vie vremena. Zamisli da ima. ta bi radila? Pa, posvetila bih vie vremena itanju. I, pretpostavljam, putovanju. Zapravo ne. Ne volim mnogo da putujem. Zaista? A ja sam mislio da mnogo voli da putuje. Zar ne misli da je krajnje vreme da naui koje stvari volim, a koje ne volim? Izgleda da si se naljutila. Nisam. Samo sam se alila. Sluaj, danas mi je roendan. Zaista? Srean roendan! Voleo bih da si mi to ranije rekla. Kupio bih ti cvece. Ne mari. Hvala ti. Hajde da to proslavimo. Kako bi bilo da idemo u neki restoran na veeru? Vrlo rado. Translate into Serbo-Croat: PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE EXHIBITS A LETTER FROM BRITAIN 13, /I/ k**, On their return to Britain, Arthur wrote a letter to Milan thanking him for what he had done for them during their stay in Yugoslavia. Both Arthur and Madge had brought back unforgettable impressions of Yugoslavia. 13, Oaks Drive, London S.E. 19 28th August, 1981 My Dear Milan, We arrived in London after a three-day drive across the Continent. We found the journey most interesting, but tiring. The weather was quite hot, especially through Italy. We had a good crossing with a calm blue sea. As we were nearing London it started raining and we've had rainy and cold weather ever since. The first thing we did was to fetch our dog from our neighbours, who were looking after him while we were away. 260 261 Unit 50 Pve been very busy since I arrived. Last week we had some buyers from Switzerland over, and I had to escort them for several days. Madge has gone back to work and is working hard both at school and at home. As you can see, both of us are very busy. Once again I want to tell you how much we enjoyed our stay in Yugoslavia. We have rarely had such a lovely time. I can't thank you enough for all that you did for us. Our holiday wouldn't have been nearly so enjoyable without you. Both Madge and I have brought back unforgettable impressions of Yugoslavia. We think all that's been said about Yugoslavia is true. One of my relatives is getting married next week and he wants to spend his honeymoon in Yugoslavia. We've told him about the places we've visited and our impressions. We also told him we would've stayed longer if we'd had more time. I hope to hear from you soon and am very much looking forward to it. Madge sends her love. With all our best wishes, Yours, Arthur Vocabulary unforgettable /'Anfo'getbl/, nezaboravan continent /Tcontinsnt/, kontinent crossing /'krosirj/, prelaz (preko mora ili okeana) calm /ka:m/, miran ear /nis/, pribliavati se fetch /fetj/, otii i doneti neighbour /'neiba/, sused krak after /'luk 'arfts/, starati se be away, biti odsutan, biti na putu escort /eslcoit/, pratiti have a good /lovely/ pleasant/ time, lepo se provesti nearly /'nisli/, priblino enjoyable /in'dsoiabl/, ugodan moon /mu:n/, mesec honeymoon /'/, medeni mesec hear from, imati vesti send one's love, toplo pozdraviti 262 A Letter from Britain Further Points and Exercises

Answer the following questions in writing: 1. What did Arthur do on their return to Britain? 2. What did Arthur thank Milan for? 3. What sort of impressions had he and Madge brought back? 4. How long did the drive across the Continent last? 5. What did Arthur think of the journey? 6. What was the weather like? 7. What sort of crossing did they have? 8. What was the weather like as they were nearing London? 9. What sort of weather had they had since they arrived home? 10. What was the first thing they did? Put the following questions to other students: 1. Is the Heaths' dog,a he or a she? 2. What did Arthur have to do after returning home? 3. Was Madge busy as well? 4. What did Arthur want to tell Milan? 5. What sort of time did they have in Yugoslavia? 6. What wouldn't have been so enjoyable without Milan? 7. What did they think about Yugoslavia as a country? 8. What did Arthur write about one of his relatives? 9. What had Madge and Arthur done? 10. What is Arthur looking forward to? B Supply that or what where necessary: On Returning Home Arthur told Madge he'd written to Milan. Madge asked him if he'd thanked Milan for ... he'd done for them. Arthur replied he had and said he had described their journey home. The only thing... he didn't mention was that they almost had an accident in France. 263 Unit 50 Arthur: I've finished my letter to Milan. Madge: Good. Did you thank him for... he'd done for us? Arthur: Yes, I did. I also said all... was written about Yugoslavia was true. Madge: Well, it's certainly the most beautiful country... we've visited so far. Did you describe our journey home? Arthur: Yes, I did. The only thing... I didn't mention was that we almost had an accident. Madge: But why not? I'm sure it's something. .. Milan would've been interested in. Arthur: You mean I should've written how our car almost crashed into a tree. Madge: Yes, I'm sure that's something ... he would've been interested to hear about. Tell other students about an accident you almost avoided. Write a letter to a friend about your holiday. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Unreal Past): Adding a Few Lines When Madge heard that Arthur had written to Milan she said she (add) a few lines. Arthur said that if he (know) that, he would've left room for her. Madge: If I'd known you'd be writing to Milan, I (add) a few lines. Arthur: Well, if I (know) that, I would've left room for you. Anyway, what you (write) about? Madge: First of all, I (describe) how we lost our way in the north of Italy, which you didn't do. Arthur: Well, I completely forgot about it. What else? Madge: Then I (write) about our difficulty in finding a room in Paris. Arthur: Well, I could (write) about it myself, but I didn't think it very interesting. Madge: I'm sure Milan (enjoy) reading about it. Arthur: Well, If I'd known you would write about all these things, I (let) you write the letter yourself. A student wrote a letter to a friend of yours and posted it. Tell him you would've added a few lines. Dramatize the dialogue. 264 A Letter From Britain Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Gerund): Saying Goodbye The moment has come for Peter and Lucy to say goodbye. They both say it was great fun (be) together and think that (come) to England was worth while.

Lucy: I'm so sorry to say goodbye, Peter. Peter: So am I. It was such fun (be) together, wasn't it? Lucy: Yes, it was. It was worth (come) to England, after all, wasn't it? Peter: True. I enjoyed (learn) English on the spot. Did you? Lucy: Yes,, very much so. Peter: I hope you'll be writing soon. Lucy: Of course I will. Peter: I'll be looking forward to (hear) from you. Ask other students what they usually say when they say goodbye to somebody. Supply the appropriate expressions in the letter: A Letter from a Friend When Arthur got home after work one evening, Madge told him there was a letter from his friend Michael Steward. 25, Ramsay Gdns. Edinburgh 3 3rd September, 1981 ... Arthur and Madge, I'll be in London on Thursday week. I'd very much like to see both of you. If you happen to be free, we could have supper together. I'll give you a ring as soon as I get to London. Looking forward to seeing you soon, Michael Write a letter to a friend in Britain. In the top right-hand corner write your address and date. 265 Unit SO Translate into English: D Kako ste uivali u svom boravku u Jugoslaviji? Veoma. Izvanredno smo se proveli. Kakvo je bilo vreme? Uglavnom lepo, mada smo jednog dana imali kiu. Da li vam je vonja bila naporna? Malo, naroito po toplom vremenu. Da li ste uspeli da vidite sve to ste planirali? Jesmo, mada, da smo imali vie vremena, posetili bismo jo neka mesta. Da li je Jugoslavija zaista tako lepa zemlja? Jeste. Sve to je pisano o njoj je NEPRAVILNI GLAGOLI Infinitiv Proilo vreme ProSli particip tano. Ono to bih voleo da uradim jeste da obiem elu obalu i ostrva. be /bi:/ was, were /woz, we:/ To je nemogue da uradite odjednom. Ono to bih vam ja savetovao jeste bear /bra/ bore /bo:/ da prvo obiete obalu, a zatim ostrva. beat /bi:t/ beat /bi:t/ Translate Serbo-Croat: become /bi'kAm/ became /W'keim/ into begin /bi'gin/ began /bi'gaen/ ! DUAL CARRIAGE WAY FERRY BOAT bend /bend/ bent /bent/ blow /bbu/ blew /blur/ break /breik/ breed /bri:d/ bring /brirj/ buiM /bild/ burn /ba:n/ buy /bai/ catch /kartJV broke /brauk/ bred /bred/ brought /bro:t/ built /bilt/ burnt /ba:nt/ bought /bo:t/ caught /ko:t/


GUIDE BY PETER KNIGHT 90 0 NEWS, WEATHER. 92 A TOWN LIKE and Jean are finally 5 ALICE Joe reunited in Cairns but find it difficult to bridge the gap of yean until they take a holiday on the Great Barriel Reef. 10 COSMOS A Personal Voyage. A new 1315 part series presented and written by the astronomer and author, Dr. Carl Sagan, NASA award winner for his recent contributions to space exploration. Dr. Sagan invites us to join him on a spectacular voyage through space and time retracing fifteen bilion years of cosmic evolution that have transformed matter into life and eventually into consciousness. 10 WIMBLEDON 8L the Day. David 00 Match of Vine and Gerald Williams report the highlights of the ladies' singles and men's doubles final*. 10 45 NEWSNIGHT.

choose /tju:z/ come /kAm/ cost /kost/ cut /k\t/ deal /di:l/ do /du:/

chose /tjouz/ came /keim/ cost /kost/ cut /kAt/ dealt /delt/ did /did/

draw /dro:/

drew /dru:/

drink /drink/

drank /draerjk/

drive /draiv/ > fall /fo:l/ eat /i:t/

drove /drauv/ ate /set/ fell /fel/

feed /fi:d/ ; feel /6:1/ fight /fait/ t find /faind/ 4 fly /fJai/ forget /fa'get/

fed /fed/ felt /felt/ fought /fort/ found /found/ flew /flu:/ forgot /fs'got/

266 267 Nepravilni glagoli Infiniliv forgive /fa'giv/ get /get/ give /giv/ go /gau/ grow /grau/ hang /hjen/ have /h<ev/ hear /his/ hit /hit/ '; hold /haul d / hurt /hart/ keep /ki:p/ know /nau/ lead /li:d/ learn /la:n/ leave /li:v/ lend /lend/ let /let/ lie /lai/ light /lait/

lose /lu:z/ make /meik/ mean /mi:n/ meet /mi:t/ overtake /^auvs'teik/ pay /pel/ put /put/ read /ri:d/ ride /raid/ ring /rio/ run // say /sei/ see /si:/ sell /sel/ send /send/ set /set/ shine /Jain/ shoot /Ju:t/ Prolo vreme Proli particip forgave /fa'geiv/ forgiven /fa'givn/ . got /got/ got /got/ gave /geiv/ given /'givn/ went /went/ gone /gon/ grew /grur/ grown /graun/ (bung // hung // {hanged /hand/ hanged /hasnd/ had /haed/ had /had/ heard /ha:d/ heard /hard/ hit /hit/ hit /hit/ held /held/ held /held/ hurt /ha:t/ hurt /hart/ kept /kept/ kept /kept/ knew /nju:/ known /naun/ led /led/ led /led/ learnt /)a:nt/ learnt /larnt/ left /left/ left /left/ lent /lent/ lent /lent/ let /let/ '.., let [let/ lay /lei/ "'.:,,; lain /lein/ lit /lit/ lit /lit/ lost /last/ lost /lost/ made /meid/ made /meid/ meant /men!/ meant /ment/ met /met/ met /met/ overtook /,3uva'tuk overtaken /,auva / 'teikn/ paid /peid/ paid /peid/ put /put/ put /put/ read /red/ read /red/ rode /raud/ ridden /'ridn/ rang /rarj/ \ rung // ran // run // said /sed/ said /sed/ saw /so:/ seen /sirn/ sold /sauld/ sold /sauld/ sent /sent / . . f sent /sent/ set /set/ v\"' set /set/ shone /Jon / shone /Jon/

shot /Jot/ shot /Jot/ 268 Nepravilni glagoli Infinitiv Prolo vrerne show /Jau/ showed /Jaud/ shut /JAt/ shut /jAt/ sing /sirj/ sang /sasrj/ ;. sit /sit/ ' '-; u3'i sat /sast/ '" sleep /sli:p/ slept /slept/ speak /spi:k/ spoke /spauk/ spell /spel/ spelt /spelt/ spend /spend/ spent /spent/ spread /spred/ spread /spred/ stand /stand/ "* stood /stud/ ' stick /stik/ stuck /stAk/ swim /swim/ swam /swjem/ take /teik/ took /tuk/ teach /ti:tj/ >d taught /to. -t/ Kft--. ^t-'' tell /tel/ told /tauld/ think /Oirjk/ thought /60 :t/ throw /0rau/ ,"/' threw /0ru:/ understand understood /,Anda'stasnd/ /,Anda'stud/ wake /weik/ ?,?' wear /wea/ win /win/ write /rait/ v woke /wauk/ wore /wo:/ WOn /WAn/ wrote /raut/

Proli particp. shown /Jaun/ shut /1/ SUng /8/ sat /sat/ slept /slept/ spoken /'spaukn/ spelt /spelt/ spent /spent/ spread /spred/ stood /stud/ stuck /stAk/ swum /swAm/ taken /'teikn/ taught /tort/ told /tsuld/ thought /0o:t/ thrown /6raun/ understood /,Anda 'stud/ woken /"waukn/ worn /wo:n/ WOn /WAn/ written /'ritn/ '

269 OBJANJENJA I KLJU VEBANJA UNIT I Vebanja A i B / Who J what 4n i ivotinje. Who What l is this? upitne zamenice. Who se upotrebljava za lica, Ko je ovo? To je g. Hit. ta je ovo? To je Hitrou. Who's this? It's Mr Heath. What's this? It's Heathrow. Glagol to be Oblici am /aem, am, m/ i is /iz, z, s/ oblici su sadanjeg vremena glagola be /bi:/, jesam. Oblik am upotrebljava se za prvo lice jednine, a oblik is za tree lice jednine. U razgovornom i prisnom stilu upotrebljavaju se skraeni oblici: What is->-what's /wots/ Who is -* who's /hu:z/ Where is->where's /wsaz/ I am--I'm /aim/ He is->-he's /hi:z/ She is->-she's /Ji:z/ It is--it's /its/ Zamenica prvog lica jednine / pie se uvek velikim slovom. Mr i Mrs stavljaju se ispred prezimena i piu se velikim slovom. Naziv aerodroma pie se velikim slovom: Heathrow Airport. Telefonski brojevi itaju se svaka cifra posebno. Nula se ita /au/.

Vebanje C Pozdrav Hello! u znaenju Zdravo! moe da se upotrebi u svakoj prilici prilikom pozdravljanja. Takoe se upotrebljava u telefonskom razgovoru. Izraz How do you do! upotrebljava se prilikom upoznavanja, kao odgovor ako nam se* neko predstavi sam, ili nam je predstavljen. U drugom sluaju, oba lica ga upotrebljavaju. 270 ObjaSnjenja i klju vebanja Mr Heath: Mr Brown, this is Mr Tomi. Gospodine Braun, ovo je g. Toml. Mr Brown: How do you do! Milo mi je. Mr Tomi: How do you do! Milo mi je. U razgovornom stilu govora umesto izraza How do you do! upotrebljava se Hello! Reenje vebanja: Hello! Hello! How do you do! How, do you do! Vebanje D Mr Smith is at London Airport. Mr Peri is at London Airport, too. Hello! I'm Harry Smith. Hello! I'm Marko Peri. How do you do! How do you do! Where's your luggage? It's here. My car's over there. This way. UNIT 2 Vebanja A i B I am C teacher. You are I student. He is | clerk. nurse. an engineer. U engleskom jeziku postoje dva lana: neodreeni fln a /a/, odnosno an /asn, an/ i odreeni lan thejfol. Oblik an upotrebljava se ispred zajednike imenice u jednini koja poinje samoglasnikom. Odreeni lan the izgovara se /di:/ ispred imenice koja poinje samoglasnikom. Neodreeni lan a, an upotrebljava se da oznai jedinku iz pojedine vrste lica, ivotinja ili stvari u znaenju Jedan od, bilo koji. This is an airport. Ovo je aerodrom. He is a teacher. On je nastavnik/profesor. Odreeni lan the upotrebljava se da oznai odreeno lice, ivotinju ili stvar koji mogu biti odreeni elom situacijom ili su ve pomenuti, te poznati. The teacher is in the classroom. Nastavnik je u uionici. Where's the classroom? Gde je uionica? Glagol to be Oblici am 1?, are you?, is he/she?, upitni su oblici sadanjeg vremena glagola be /bi:/, jesam. Oblici: / am not, you are not, he/she is not su odreni Oblici. / am not se skrauje u I'm not, you are not u you aren't /a:nt/, he/she is not u he/she isn't /iznt/. 271 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Am I I am not a Are you You are not a teacher? teacher. Is he/she He/She is not Prilozi yes ili no upotrebljavaju se u odgovorima na pitanja koja poinju glagolom. U potvrdnim kratkim odgovorima, posle yes ne upotrebljavaju se skraeni oblici: Is he a student? Yes, he is. Da li je on student? Jeste. Spell your name. Oblik spell je zapovedni nain glagola to spell. Vebanje C Izraz Good morning je pozdrav koji se upotrebljava pre podne do 13 asova, u znaenju Dobro jutro, Dobar dan. Izraz please upotrebljava se u znaenju molim kad nekoga molimo da nam neto uini. Izraz thank you upotrebljava se u znaenju hvala kada se nekome na neemu zahvaljujemo. She is

Reenje vebanja: Good morning; please. Thank you. Vebanje D Good morning. Good morning. I'm your teacher. How do you do! What's your name? My name's Marko Peri. Spell your name, please. M-a-r-k-o -e-r-i-. Thank you. Are you a student? Yes, I am. Are you a student? No, I'm not. What do you do?- I'm a clerk. Is he an engineer? No, he isn't. He's a doctor. Is she a nurse ? No, she isn't. She's a housewife. UNIT 3 Vebanja A i B / Mr Heath's /s/ car. Arthur's /z/ car. John's /z/ key. This is Madge's /iz/ bag. (student's /s/ book. teacher's /z/ classroom. nurse's /iz/ bag. 272 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Nastavak-V dodaje se imenici u jednini koja oznaava ivo bie da pokae pripadanje. Nastavak -'s izgovara se: /s/ posle bjzvunih suglasnika, izuzev posle /s, J, tj/: Mr Heath's /s/; the student's /s/, /z/ posle samoglasnika i zvunih suglasnika, osim posle /z, 3, dj/: Arthur's /z/; the teacher's /z/; John's /z/; /iz/ posle imenice koja se zavrava na /s, z, J, 3, tj, dj/: Madge's /iz/; the nurse's /.'z/; lan se ne stavlja ispred osobenih imenica koje pokazuju pripadanje. Lina zamenica treeg lica jednine he upotrebljava se za bia mukog pola, she za bia enskog pola, a it za stvari i ivotinje ji rod nije poznat. Where's Mr Heath? He's at Heathrow Airport. Where's Mis Heath? She's in the classroom. Where's Mr Heath's car? It's in the street. Whsre's that dog? It's over there. Gde je g. Hit? On je na aerodromu Hitrou. Gde je gospoa Hit? Ona je u uionici. Gde je automobil g. Hita? On je na ulici. Gds je to pseto? Tamo je. Izraz What's... like? upotrebljava se i za iva bia i za stvari u znaenju Kakav/Kakva je. . . .? What's Lucy like? She's nice. What's your room like? It's Kakva je Lusi? Simpatina je. Kakva je vaa soba? Lepa je. Imenica sir upotrebljava se u znaenju gospodine, pie se malim slovom i nije praena prezimenom. Vebanje C Pozdrav Good afternoon upotrebljava se od 13.00 asova tokom popodneva i odgovara naem pozdravu Dobar dan. Izraz Here you are upotrebljava se u znaenju Izvolite kada nekome neto dodajemo ili pruamo. Your passport, please. Va paso, molim. Here you are. Izvolite. Reenje vebanja: Good afternoon; Good afternoon; please; Here you are. Please. 18 Engleski u 50 lekcija 273 l Objanjenja i klju vebanja Vebanje D

Here we are. This is your hotel. It's very nice. Good afternoon. This is Mr Peri. Good afternoon, sir. Your passport, please. Here you are. Thank you. Please, sign your name here. Here? Yes, please. Thank you. Room 18. Here's your key. Whose suitcase is this? Mr Peri's. Whose key is this? Mr Smith's. Vebanja A i B UNIT 4 Sadanje vreme glagola TO BE Potvrdni Odreni oblici Upitni oblici oblici A 1 I am I am not m Yo Ar yo are a You are not student u e u . a f } a He He stuhe student ? is net dent Is 1 She She ? . she {w We We e Yo student Ar yo student are You are not stuu s. e u s? Th The dent the ey y s. y Upitni oblici sadanjeg vremena glagola to be obrazuju se kad se oblici am, is, are stave ispred subjekta, odnosno inverzijom. Odreni oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem rece not oblicima am, is, are. U razgovornom ili intimnom nainu govora upotrebljavaju se skraeni oblici: I'm /aim/ we're /wia/ you're /jua/ you're /jua/ he's /hi:z/ they're // she's /fi:z/ isn't /iznt/ it's /its/ aren't /a:nt/ / am not skrauje se u I'm not. Zamenica you upotrebljava se za drugo lice jednine i mnoine. lan se ne upotrebljava ispred gradivnih imenica, kada su upotrebljene u uptem uiislu ili se misli na materiju u optem smislu: Tea or coffee? Tea, please. aj ili kafu? aj, molim. 274 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Vebanje C Izraz Here's. . . upotrebljava se kad nekome neto dodajemo, a da pri tome imenujemo predmet koji dodajemo. Here's your tea. Izvolite va aj. Reenje vebanja: please; Here's; Thank you. Vebanje D Tea or coffee? Tea, please. Here's your tea. Thank you. Where are you from? I'm from Yugoslavia. What's your nationality? I'm Yugoslav. Where are you from? I'm from France. I'm French. Is he from France, too? No, he isn't. He's from Italy. He's Italian. Are they from Spain? No, they aren't. They're from Greece. UNIT 5 Vebanja A i B

These /Those


new blocks of flats /s/. my keys /z/. my pens /z/. the London bridges /iz/. the London buses /iz/.

Mnoina imenica obrazuje se kad se obliku jednine doda nastavak -s. Nastavak -s izgovara se: /s/ posle bezvunih suglasnika, osim /s, J, tj/: blocks, flats, books; /z/ posle samoglasnika i zvunih suglasnika, osim /z, 3, dj/: keys, pens; /iz/ ako se imenica svrava na /s, z, J, 3, buses, coaches, bridges. Imenica house glasi u mnoini houses /'hauziz/. Ako se imenica zavrava na: y kome prethodi suglasnik, v se menja u i i dodaje se nastavak -es. koji se izgovara /z, : country countries; kdy ladies: 2) s, x, z, sh, eh, dodaje se nastavak -es. koji se izgovara /iz/: bus buses; coach coaches This se upotrebljava da oznai lice ili stvar koji su u neposrednoj blizini lica koje govori. Ovo se odnosi i na oblik mnoine these. That se upotrebljava da oznai lice ili stvar koji su na manjoj ili veoj udaljenosti od lica koje govori. Ovo se odnosi i na oblik mnoine those. 18* 275 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Lina zamenica it upotrebljava se u odgovoru na pitanja koja sadre zamenice this ili that. What's thislthat? ta je ovo/ono? /r's Big Ben. To je Big Ben. Vebanja C Izraz Excuse me upotrebljava se u znaenju Izvinite kad hoemo da se obratimo nekome, da prekinemo nekoga u govoru ili da napustimo sagovor-nika za trenutak. Reenje vebanja: Excuse me; Excuse me; Thank you. Vebanje D Excuse me, what's that? It's Big Ben. What's the name pf that bridge? It's Westminster Bridge. Excuse me, are these the Houses of Parliament? Yes, they are. And what are those buildings over there? They're the new blocks of flats. And what's the name of that buMding over there? It's Westminster Abbey. Thank you. Excuse me, are all the London buses red? Yes, they are, but the coaches are green. UNIT 6 Vebanja A i B my your his Where is her car? our your their Prisvojni pridevi my, his, her, its, our, your, their stavljaju se ispred imenice na koju se odnose. Prisvojni priev your odnosi se na drugo lice jednine i mnoine. Where's your car? His suitcase is at the reception-desk. Our teacher is late today. Gde su tvoja/vaa kola? Njegov kofer je na recepciji. Na nastavnik je danas zakasnio. Prelog se obino stavlja ispred imenice, odnosno zamenice, i ini predloku grupu. U pitanjima predlog se stavlja na kraju pitanja. 276 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Mr Heath is at the airport. G. Hit je na aerodromu. Where's Mr Tomi from? Odakle je g. Tomi? He's from Yugoslavia. On je iz Jugoslavije. Glagol come in je jedan iz grupe glagola koji se sastoje od glavnog glagola i priloke partikule. Glagol sa partikulom ini znaenjsku celinu. Naglasak

se nalazi na prilokoj partikuli. Come in 'in/. Uite. Zamenica it se upotrebljava da uvede kazivanje vrem.-na. It's two o'clock. Re minute dodaje se prilikom kazivanja vremena ukoliko broj nije deljiv sa pet. 2.07 It's seven minutes past two. 3.52 It's eight minutes to four. Vebanje C Izraz I'm sorry ili Sorry upotrebljava se kad se nekome za neto izvinjavamo. Izraz That's all right upotrebljava se u znaenju U redu, Ne mari, kao odgovor na neije izvinjenje. Izraz Thanks je skraeni oblik od Thank yon i obino se upotrebljava u prisnom govoru. Reenje vebanja: (I'm) sorry; That's all right; I'm very well/fine; I'm fine/ very well; This is; This is; How do you do! How do you do! Vebanje D I'm sorry I'm late. That's all right. What's the time? It's half past ten. Is your watch right? Yes, it is. How are you today? I'm fine, thank you. And you? I'm very well, thanks, (knock at the door) Come in. This is my secretary, Miss Parker. This is Mr Tomi. How do you do! How do you do! Here's your mail. Thank you, Miss Parker. Vebanja A i B UNIT 7 Sadanje vreme glagola TO HAVE Potvrdni oblici Odreni oblici Upitni oblici I I (hav I 1 [have Hav yo You e You not ej u He } He 1 he a a sh a She j She [has brother not so has e sister? . ; n. We 1 We j r we Hav yo You lhav You lhave e not ej u The J the They | ' L y y 277 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Glagol have u sadanjem vremenu ima oblik have /haev, hav, av/ za sva lica, osim oblika has /haez, haz, oz/ u treem licu jednine. Odreini oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem recce not potvrdnim oblicima. Upitni oblik obrazuju se stavljanjem oblika have i has ispred podmeta, odnosno inverzijom. Skraeni oblici; rve /aiv/ we've /wi:v/, haven't /'haevnt/ ^ /hi:z/ you've /ju:v/ '/ /haeznt/ rte'* /Ji:z/ fAe/ve /6eiv/ Zamenica one upotrebljava se da zameni imenicu koja je pomenuta, odnosno da se izbegne njeno ponavljanje. U mnoini glasi ones. Have you a guide to London? Imate li vodi kroz London? Yes, we have. Here's one. Da, imam. Evo jednog. Mine i yours su oblici prisvojne zamenice prvog i drugog lica i upotrebljavaju se samostalno. Prelazne glagole neposredno prati objekat: She has a dog. Britanski novani sistem. Englezi su preli na decimalni monetarni sistem 1972. godine. Osnovne jedinice su funta pound (znak ) i peni penny (znak p). Sto penija ine jednu funtu. Sitan novac je u opticaju kao bakarni (l /2 p, l p, 2p) i srebrni (5 p, 10 p, 50 p). Banknote su u vrednosti od l, 5, 10 i 20 (vidi stranu 117). Vebanje C Pozdrav Good evening u znaenju Dobro vee upotrebljava se uvee. Pozdrav Goodbye upotrebljava se pri rastanku.

Kod prisnih sagovomika obino se skrauje U Bye-bye ili samo Bye. Izraz All right upotrebljava se u znaenju U redu je/ Odgovara mi. Reenje vebanja: Good evening; How much is it? Here's. Vebanje D Good evening. Good evening, sir. Can I help you? Have you a map of London? Yes, we have. Here's one. How much is it? 90p. That's expensive. Here's another one. It's only 50p. It's quite cheap. All right. And have you a guide to England? Yes, we have. Here are two very good ones. How much are they? One is 2, and the other one is 1.50. Give me this one, please. Here's 2. Please, pay at the cashdesk. 278 Objanjenja i klju vebanja __ Here's the bill. Here's your map and guide, sir. Thank you. Excuse me, sir, is this umbrella yours? Yes, it's mine. Thank you very much. UNIT 8 Vebanja A i B Upitno-odreni oblici sadanjeg vremena glagola TO HAVE Neskraeni oblici Skraeni oblici Hav 1 Haven' e] you t I you he/she/ a Has he/she/ no a Hasn't it t brother? it pen? Hav e/ we you they Haven' t we you they

Upitno-odreni oblici glagola have obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike doda reca not. Skraeni oblici glase: haven't I, hasn't he, itd. Oblicima glagola have obino se dodaje proli particip glagola get, koji glasi got: Have you got a brother? Imate li brata? We haven't got a car. Mi nemamo auto. Haven't they got a dog? Zar nemaju pseto? Opisni pridevi u engleskom jeziku su nepromenljive reci i ne dobijaju nastavak ni za rod, ni za broj. Prethode imenici ili se upotrebljavaju samostalno u imenskom delu predikata. She's got a tall brother. Ima visokog brata. She's a tall girl. Ona je visoka devojka. They're tall boys. Oni su visoki deaci. Arthur is tall. Artur je visok. Madge is tall, too. Med je takoe visoka. They're tall. Oni su visoki. 279 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Nepravilna mnoina imenica. Imenice man, woman, child imaju nepravilan oblik mnoine: men /men/, women /'wimin/, children /'tjildrin/. Imenice u mnoini, ako su uzete u optem smislu, upotrebljavaju se bez lana. This umbrella mine. yours. his. hers. ours. yours. theirs. Prisvojne zamenice mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs izraavaju prisvajanje i upotrebljavaju se samostalno. Is this umbrella hers? No, it isn't. It's mine. Whose house is that? It's theirs. Je li ovaj kiobran njen? Ne, nije. Moj je. ija je ono kua? Njihova. Imena dana piu se velikim slovom: Friday, Monday. Vebanje C

Izraz How old is he/she? upotrebljava se u znaenju Koliko on/ona ima godina? kada se raspitujemo za neije doba starosti. Izraz Pardon? je skraeni oblik izraza / beg your pardon? i upotrebljava se u znaenju Molim, Izvinite, ta ste rekli? kada nismo razumeli sagovornika, a elimo da ponovi ono to je rekao. Reenje vebanja: Pardon? How old . . . ? What are they like? Vebanje D Here's your tea. Thank you. Have you got a brother? Pardon. Have you got a brother? Yes, I have. How old is he? He's nineteen. What's he like? He's very handsome. He's tall with blue eyes and black hair. Haven't you got a brother? No, I haven't, but I've 8' a sister. How old is she? Twenty-five. What's she like? she s pretty. She's got dark eyes and fair hair. Is she tall? No, she isn't. She's rather short, but she's slim. Excuse me, is this coffee yours? o, it isn't. It's Vera's. Sometimes she has her coffee at this table. 280 Vebanja A i B Objanjenja i klju vebanja UNIT 9 (a refrigerator in the kitchen. (some is ham in the fridge. some plates in the cupboard. There are ------------------------------- --------- . -----------(a refrigerator in the kitchen. (any There isn't ham in the fridge. aren't any plates in the cupboard. Is there a refrigerator in the kitchen? (any ham in the fridge? (any plates in the cupboard?

Are Posle izraza there is ima, nalazi se stavlja se neodreeni lan ispred zajednike imenice u jednini u znaenju jedan, neki. There is a bottle of milk in the Nalazi se /Ima jedna flaa mleka u fridge. friideru. Is there a table in the kitchen? Da li ima sto u kuhinji? There isn't a book on the table. Nema knjige na stolu. Some se stavlja ispred gradivnih imenica i imenica u mnoini4u potvrdnim reenicama da oznai deo jedne koliine, ili u znaenju nekoliko sa imenicom u mnoini. There is some ham in the fridge. There are some children in the park. There are some plates in the top cupboard. Ima unke u friideru. Ima neke dece u parku. Ima nekoliko tanjira u gornjem delu ormana za posude. Any se upotrebljava ispred gradivnih imenica i imenica u mnoini u odrenim i upitnim reenicama. There isn't any butter. There aren't any glasses on the table. Is there any beer? Are there any knives on the table? Nema maslaca. Nema aa na stolu. Ima li piva? Ima li noeva na stolu? 281 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Umesto not any moe da se upotrebi no: There is no butter. Nema maslaca.

There are no glasses on the table. Nema aa na stolu. Imenica knife glasi u mnoini knives /naivz/. Much se upotrebljava sa gradivnim imenicama, a many sa zajednikim imenicama u mnoini. How much butter is there in the fridge? How many cups are there on the table? Koliko maslaca ima u friideru? Koliko ima olja na stolu? Lina zamenica kao objekat. Oblik line zamenice prvog lica me i .treeg lica jednine mukog roda Mm upotrebljava se kao predmet glagola ili predloga. Vebanje C Izraz What's the matter with you? upotrebljava se u znaenju ta ti l Vam je? kad se raspitujemo za neije raspoloenje ili zdravlje. Reenje vebanja: What's the matter with you? All right. Vebanje D What's the matter with you, Arthur? I'm hungry and thirsty. Is there any cheese in the fridge? No, there isn't. Is there any cold meat? Yes, there is. And is there any beer? No, there isn't, but there's some milk. Milk? No, thank you. What else is there? Arthur, open the fridge and have a look. There's some and ham. There's a bottle of white wine, too. All right. Ham and white wine's fine. UNIT 10 Vebanja A i B Upitno-odreni oblici sadanjeg vremena glagola TO BE Neskraeni oblici Skraeni oblici Am I jl Are you a student? Aren't |you a doctor? (he Is [she I we you they not students? Aren't Isn't {she we you they fhe



282 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Uoitno odreni oblici glagola to be obrazuju se kada se na upitne oblike glagola w be doda reca not. Oblik prvog lica jednine glasi: Aren't I? Aren't I right? Isn't he cold? Aren't we late? Zar nisam u pravu? Zar mu nije hladno? Zar nismo zakasnili? Glagol Listen Predloki objekat {me. him/her, us. them. Glagol Give Indirektni objekat me him/her Direktni objekat the book.

us them Zapovedni naCin ili imperativ u drugom licu jednine i mnoine ima isti oblik kao i osnova glagola. Close the window. Zatvori prozor. Line zamenice imaju dva oblika: /, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, koji se upotrebljava kao podmet reenice. Oblik me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them, koji se upotrebljava kao predmet glagola ili predloga. Give her the book. Daj joj knjigu.

Listen to me. Sluaj me. Look at them. Pogledaj ih. Red reci. Ako glagol prate dva objekta, indirektni i direktni, indirektni objekat obino prethodi direktnom. (Primer u tabeli). Redni brojevi obrazuju se kad se na odgovarajui prost broj doda nastavak -th. Brojevi one, two i three obrazuju redne brojeve na nepravilan nain. Kod desetica se krajnji suglasnik -y menja u -ie ispred -th: first, second, third, fourth, itd.; twentieth, twenty-first, itd. Datumi se piu i itaju na sledei nain: 3rd May (the third of May) ili May 3rd / May 3 (May the third). Vebanje C Pozdrav Hi! upotrebljava se umesto Hello! u prisnom optenju. Izraz You're right u znaenju U pravu si, Ima pravo, upotrebljava se kad svome sagovorniku dajemo za pravo za neto to je rekao. Reenje vebanja: please, Here you are. You're right. 283 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Vebanje D Hi, Madge. Hi, Arthur. Aren't you early today? No, I'm not. Isn't it five to six? No, it isn't. It's twenty to six. Your watch is fast. Isn't yours slow? No, it isn't. Mine is right. Isn't it cold in here? No, it isn't. It's quite warm. Warm? It's quite cold. Please, close the window and give me my sweater. What's the date today? November 1st. Isn't it 31th October? No, it isn't. Here's today's paper. Look at the date. You're right. Listen to this: "Cold weather in Britain." Aren't I right? Vebanja A i B UNIT 11 Sadanje trajno vreme Potvrdni oblici Odreni oblici Upitni oblici I You He She We You They am are | is reading. ] \ are J I You He She We You The y am not are not 1 is not sitting. ) 1 are not I Am Are -f I you he she writing?

Are / 1


Skraeni oblici: I'm reading I'm not reading You're reading You aren't reading He's reading He isn't reading She's reading She isn't reading We're reading We aren't reading You're reading You aren't reading They're reading They aren't reading Sadanje trajno vreme (the Present Continuous Tense) obrazuje se kad se sadanjem vremenu glagola to be doda particip prezenta glagola koji se menja. Particip prezenta obrazuje se kad se glagolskoj osnovi doda nastavak -ing /irj/: read reading. Ako se osnova svrava na: 1) nemo -e, ono se gubi ispred nastavka -ing: write writing 2) suglasnik, a prethodi mu kratak samoglasnik, krajnji suglasnik se udvaja: sit sitting. You're not reading He'j not reading She's not reading We're not reading You're not reading They're not reading 284 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Sadanje trajno vreme upotrebljava se za radnju koja je: a) u toku u sadanjosti, a ogranienog je trajanja: They're watching TV. Gledaju televiziju.

b) planirana u budunosti: What are we having for supper? ta imamo za veeru? Nazivi obeda upotrebljavaju se bez lana. Vebanje C Izraz What a pity! u znaenju Kakva teta! upotrebljava se kad elimo da izrazimo aljenje u vezi sa neim. Izraz (That's) fine u znaenju Odlino! upotrebljava se kad izraavamo zadovoljstvo u vezi sa neim. Reenje vebanja: Fine; What a pity! Vebanje D Where are you, Arthur?Here I am in the living-room. Are you watching TV? No, I'm not. Are you listening to the radio? No, I'm not. What are you doing then? I'm reading the paper. And what are you doing? I'm preparing dinner. What are we having for dinner? We're having soup, roast beef and vegetables. That's fine. Are we having a dessert? No, we aren't. What a pity! UNIT 12 Vebanja A i B ( larger than Green Park, is [ the largest park in London. Prvi stupanj poreenja ili komparativ jednoslonih i veine dvoslonih prideva obrazuje se dodavanjem pridevu nastavka -er /s/. Posle komparativa stavlja se reca than. John is older than Peter. Don je stariji od Petra. Mary is younger than Anne. Meri je mlaa od Ane. Drugi stupanj poreenja ili superlativ obrazuje se dodavanjem pridevu nastavka -est /ist/. Odreeni lan stavlja se ispred superlativa. John is the tallest student. Don je najvii student. Anne is the youngest pupil. Ana je najmlaa uenica. Ispred nastavka -er i -est dolazi do ovih promena u pravopisu: 1) pridev udvaja krajnji suglasnik ako mu prethodi kratak samoglasnik: big bigger biggest 285 Objanjenja i klju vebanja 2) pridev gubi nemo e: large larger largest 3) ako se pridev svrava na -y, menja y u i ako mu prethodi suglasnik: busy busier busiest Odreeni lan se stavlja ispred imena reka: the Sava; the Thames Odreeni lan se upotrebljava sa prezimenima u mnoini: the Heaths Apostrof ' se dodaje imenicama u mnoini koja oznaavaju iva bia, kao i prezimenima u mnoini, da bi se izrazilo pripadanje: the girls' coats; the boys' books; the Heaths' living-room. Which se upotrebljava kao upitna zamenica i pridev u znaenju koji. Upotrebljava se za lica i za stvari, obino kada je izbor izmeu izvesnog broja lica ili stvari: Which of you has got a dog? Ko od vas ima pseto? Which is the largest park in Koji je najvei park u Londonu? London? Which blouse is cheaper? Koja je bluza jeftinija? Vebanje C Izraz That's right, skraeno Right upotrebljava se u znaenju To je tano, odnosno Tano, da se izrazi saglasnost sa neijim tvrenjem. Reenje vebanja: (That's) right. (That's) right. Vebanje D Is this the largest blouse you've got? No, it isn't. We've got a larger size. Here you are. Which of these blouses is longer: this one or that one? This one is longer and larger. The other one is nicer. This one is very nice, too. How much is this blouse? Twenty pounds. Have you got cheaper blouses than these? Yes, we have, but these are nicer. All right. Give me this blouse then. Here's twenty pounds. Please pay at the cash-desk. Here's your bill. Vebanja A i B UNIT 13 Prosto sadanje vreme ! Potvrdni Odreni oblici Upitni oblici oblici I ) I )do not ! I Hyde Park

| You He She It We You The

drink / drinks tea .

You He She It We You The y

drink. 1 does not j drink.

Do | Doe s!

I drink

)do not drink.


yo u he sh e it we yo u the y

drin k

tea ?

Objanjenja i klju vebanja Prosto sadanje vreme ili Prezent (the Present Simple Tense) obrazuje se od osnove glagola koji se menja. Prezent ima isti oblik kao i osnova glagola, sem u treem licu jednine, kad se dodaje nastavak -s, koji se izgovara: /s/ posle bezvunih suglasnika, osim /s, J, t J/: sits /sits/; talks /ta:ks/ /z/ posle samoglasnika i zvunih suglasnika, osim /z, 3, dj/: plays /pleiz/; reads /ri:dz/ /iz/ posle /s, z, J, 3, tj, ds /: switches /'switjiz/; brushes /'br\Jiz/ Glagoli do i go glase does /dAz/ i goes /gauz/ u treem licu jednine. Odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se na odrene oblike glagola do doda osnova glagola koji se menja: do/does not+drink Upitni oblici obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike glagola do doda osnova glagola koji se menja: Do/'does+imenica/zamenica+drink I don't drink tea. Ne pijem aj. He doesn't like tea. Ne voli aj. Do they watch TV every evening? Does he go to bed early? Da li gledaju televiziju svako vee? Da li rano lee? Odreeni lan se upotrebljava sa nazivima bioskopa: the Odeon. Vebanje C Izraz What's on? upotrebljava se u znaenju ta se daje? kad elimo da saznamo ta se prikazuje u bioskopu, pozoritu, na TV, itd. Good night u znaenju Laku no upotrebljava kada se sa nekim rastajemo uvee ili nou, odnosno kad odlazimo na poinak. Reenje vebanja: What's on? All right; Good night. Vebanje D It's Saturday evening. Madge and Arthur are at home. Madge wants to go to the cinema. Arthur wants to watch a football match on TV. I want to go to the cinema tonight. To the cinema? Why, what's on? There's a very good film on at the Odeon. But I want to watch the football match on TV. Who's playing? Engiaad and Yugoslavia. Bui I don'i like football matches. I prefer the cinema. You know I prefer a football match. I don't want to miss this one. All right, Aahur, Switch on the television. I'm going to bed. Good night, Madge. 287 Objanjenja i klju vebanja UNIT 14 Vebanje A i B Neskraeni oblici Skraeni oblici I Do 1 you Don't you r he he Doe | she not like tea? she like tea? s lit it {we Do you you



Upitno-odreni oblici prezenta obrazuju se kad se na upitno-odrene oblike glagola do doda glagolska osnova. U govoru se upotrebljavaju skraeni oblici. Don't you like tea? Doesn't she like music? Zar ne volite aj? Zar ona ne voli muziku? Glagoli koji se svravaju na -s, -ss, -x, -sh, -eh u treem licu jednine dobijaju nastavak -es /iz/. brush brushes /'brAjiz/, teach teaches /'ti :tJiz/, watch watches /'watjiz/ Glagol have u znaenju jesti, piti obrazuje odrene i upitne oblike pomou glagola do kada sa imenicom koja ga prati ini celinu po znaenju. When do you have breakfast? Kada dorukujete? She doesn't have supper. Ona ne veerava. Prosto sadanje vreme upotrebljava se za radnju ili stanje koje se ponavlja ili je uobiajeno u sadanjosti. I listen to the radio every day. Sluam radio svaki dan. She usually gets up early. Obino ustaje rano. Vebanje C Izraz Nice to see you skraeno od It's nice to see you upotrebljava se u znaenju Milo mi je to vas vidim kad se sa nekim poznanikom sretnemo. Izraz What do you do for a living? upotrebljava se u znaenju ime se bavite? ta radite? Izraz Give herlhim my regards upotrebljava se u znaenju Pozdravite je/ga kada pozdravljamo nekoga sa kime nismo prisni. Reenje vebanja: Nice to see you; I'm fine/very well; Give him my regards. Goodbye. 288 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Vebanjv D Where does Mr Brown live? He lives in London. Where does he . ,__ W0rks in a car factory. Doesn't he work in a bank? No, he* doesn't. Does his wife work? Yes, she does. Where does she work? She works in a bank. And where do you live? I live in Bel^e __What do you do for a living? I work with an import-export ftrm __(At) what time do you start work? At seven o'clock. When do you finish work? At three o'clock. What do you usually do in the evening?__I usually stay at home or go to the cinema or theatre. Do you often go to the theatre? I usually go once or twice a month. Both my wife and I like the theatre very much. UNIT 15 Vebanja A i B Potvrdni oblici Odreni oblici Upitni oblici I I I You You you He He he driv cann driv Can driv She can She she e. ot e. < e? We We we You You you The The they y y Nepotpuni glaglol can /kaen, kan, kn/ ima samo jedan oblik za sva lica. Upotrebfjava se u znaenju biti sposoban, moi, znati. Odrene oblike gradi dodavanjem rece not, koja se pie zajedno sa glagolom can i glasi cannot. Oblik cannot skrauje se u can't /ka:nt/. Upitni oblici obrazuju se promenom reda reci ili inverzijom. He can drive. On zna da ofira. They can speak English. Oni znaju da govore engleski.

We can't see John. Ne moemo da vidimo Dona. Can you come with us? Moete li poi sa nama? Prilog za Glavni Dodatak Dodatak za neodreeno Predmet glagol za mesto vreme vreme usually to the We go on Sundays. generally country often always never 19 Engleski u 50 lekcija 289 Objanjenje i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Red reci. Kada se u reenici nalazi dodatak za mesto i dodatak za vreme dodatak za mesto prethodi dodatku za vreme (vidi tabelu). Dodatak za nain obino prethodi dodatku za mesto. Posle glagola go, dodatak za mesto prethodi dodatku za nain. Prilozi za neodreeno vreme, kao to su usually, generally, often, always, itd. stavljaju se izmeu podmeta i glavnog glagola, a posle glagola be i ostalih pomonih i nepotpunih glagola. UNIT 16 Obino nedeljom idemo na selo. esto uvee idem u bioskop. We usually go to the country on Sundays. I often go to the cinema in the evening. ali: She is never late. Nikad ne kasni. Kada se imenu dana doda nastavak za mnoinu -s, na primer on Sundays, onda to znai svake nedelje, nedeljom. Vebanje C Izraz What will you have? odnosno Will you have..., upotrebljava se u znaenju ta elite?, odnosno Hoete li..., kad nekoga nudimo jelom ili piem. Ako prihvatamo ono to nam je ponueno, odgovaramo: Yes, please, odnosno ako odbijamo No, thank you. Will you have some more whisky? Hoete li jo viskija? Yes, please. / No, thank you. Hvala, mogu. / Ne, hvala. Reenje vebanja: will you have; please; Excuse me for a moment; Will you have.. . Yes, please. Vebanje D What will you have: gin or whisky? Whisky, please. Thank you. And you? Gin and tonic for me, please. Thank you. Excuse me for a moment. What do you usually do over the weekend? We usually go out of town. Do you go by car? Not always. Sometimes we go by train. Do the Browns ever go with you? Yes, they do. They like the country a lot. Are you going to the country tomorrow? Yes, we are. Can you come with us? No, I can't. I'm going to Brighton tomorrow. Can't you put it off? No, I can't. I'm going with some friends. What a pity! Will you have some more whisky? No, thank you. Vebanja A i B PntvrHni oblici Odreni oblici Upitni oblici flJl ---- . I I Vl -----------__ ----I You you You He he He must She needn't wait Must she She wait. It wait. it ?

It We We we You You you The The they y y Nepotpuni glagol must /nust, mast, mas/ (moram, mora, itd.) ima samo jedan oblik za sva lica u potvrdnom i upitnom obliku. Oblik need not upotrebljava se u odrenom obliku u znaenju ne moram, ne mora, itd. Oblik need not skrauje se u needn't /ni:dnt/. Moram da spremim sobu. Mora prvo da kupi karte. Ne mora ovde da eka. Mora li ona to sada da uradi? Da, mora. Ne, ne mora. Oblik going to + inf initiv glagola upotrebljava se da izrazi nameru u budunosti. Obliku going to prethode odgovarajui oblici glagola to be. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Nameravam da to sutra uradim. He's going to buy a new car. Namerava da kupi nov automobil. We're going to wait here. Ovde emo ekati. I must do my room. He must buy the tickets first. You needn't wait here. Must she do it now? Yes, she must. No, she needn't. me him her us them .shut ^ the window.

Zapovedni nain ili imperativ u prvom i treem licu jednine i mnoine gradi se pomou glagola let+zamenica u predmetnom padeu+osnova glagola. Umesto zamenice treeg lica jednine i mnoine moe da se upotrebi imenica. 290 19 291 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Let us se skrauje u let's (lets) i tada znai sugestiju da se neto uradi. Let me shut the window. Pusti me da zatvorim prozor. Let him /John do it. Neka on /Don to uradi. Let them book the seats. Neka oni rezerviu karte. Let's wait for John here. Hajde da saekamo Dona ovde. Vebanje C Izraz / shan't be long upotrebljava se u znaenju Neu dugo kada se nekom izvinjavamo to emo biti odsutni za trenutak. Reenje vebanja: What platform does the train leave from? I shan't be long. Vebanje D Let's look at the time-table. I want to see when our train leaves. What platform does it leave from? Platform number 2. When do we arrive at Oxford? In two hours. Have you got the tickets? No, I haven't. I must go and get them. Wait for me here. Must I wait here? No, you needn't. You can wait for me in the refreshment-room. I shan't be long. Two to Oxford, please. Single or return? Return, please. Twenty pounds and ten pence, please. Vebanja A i B UNIT 17 Budue vreme Potvrdni oblici Odreni oblici Upitni oblici shal I I shall not Shall I l

You -v He She > We

will shal l will

com e.

He She J We

will not

come .

Will I Shall

you he come? she we

shall not

You You will not Will you l l | they The The y} y] Budue vreme ili futur obrazuje se kad se pomonim glagolima shall (za prvo lice jednine i mnoine*), odnosno will za ostala lica, doda osnova glagola. Shall i will skrauju se u V/ /l/. Odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se na odrene oblike shall not, odnosno will not doda osnova glagola. Shall not skrauje se u shan't /ja:nt/, odnosno will not u won't /waunt/. 292 itni Objanjenja i klju vebanja i obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike Shall I?, odnosno Will you?, itd. doda osnova glagola. 1 be at home at ten o'clock. Biu kod kue u deset sati. She'll come at one. Doi e u jedan. He won't be late. Nee zakasniti. They won't see him tomorrow. Nee ga sutra videti. Will you be in tonight? Da li ete veeras biti kod kue? open Don't I the window. shut Odrecan oblik zapovednog naina ili imperativa obrazuje se kad se oblik Do not stavi ispred potvrdnog oblika. Oblik do not skrauje se u don't /daunt/. Don't open the window. Nemoj /Nemojte da otvorite prozor. Don't worry. Nemoj / Nemojte da brinete. A few upotrebljava se u znaenju nekoliko i stavlja se ispred imenice koja obrazuje mnoinu. I have a few English books. Imam nekoliko engleskih knjiga. Vebanje C Izraz Have a cigarette? skraeno od Will you have a cigarette? upotrebljava se u znaenju Izvolite cigaretu, Hoete li cigaretu? kad nekoga nudimo cigaretom. Izraz You're welcome upotrebljava se u znaenju Nema m emu, kao odgovor na neije zahvaljivanje. Reienje vebanja: Excuse me; Here you are; You're welcome; Have a cigarette. Vebanje D Excuse me, have you got a light? Yes, 1 have. Here you are. Thank you. Have a cigarette. No, thank you. I don't feel like smoking now. Tickets, please. Excuse me, is this a through train to York? No, it isn't. You must change trains at Leeds. When do we arrive in Leeds? At five o'clock. Is our train late? Yes, it's ten minutes late. Don't worry. You'll have time to catch the other train. Thank you very much. You're welcome. The train to York, please. Platform Number 2. When does the train leave? In a few minutes. Hurry up or you'll miss your train. 293 Objanjenja i klju veibanja ObjaSnjenja i klju vezbanja UNIT 18 Vezbanja A i B Neskraeni oblici

Shall f Will 1

I you he she

not come?

Shall we Will you 1 they Skraeni oblici Shan't I Won't you he she I Shan't we


Won't you [ they Upitno-odrecni oblici futura obrazuju se kad se upitnim oblicima doda reca not. Upitno-odrecni oblici skrauju se u shan't I/we, odnosno won't he/she, itd. Shan't we invite John? Zar neemo pozvati Dona? Won't you come with us? Zar neete poi sa nama? Glagoli say i teli upotrebljavaju se u znaenju rei, kazati. Posle glagola say dolazi iskazna reenica, koja poinje svezom that. Sveza that obino se izostavlja. Posle glagola teli neposredno dolazi indirektni objekat. Artur kae da e imati godinji odmor u avgustu. Lusi kae Petru da mnogo pui. Petar joj kae da on to zna. Arthur says (that) he'll have his holidays in August. Lucy tells Peter (that) he smokes too much. Peter tells her (that) he knows that, U svim ovim reenicama ponavljaju se neije reci. Takav se govor naziva indirektni govor. Swimming je'glagolska imenica koja se obrazuje dodavanjem nastavka -ing glagolskoj osnovi. Ima isti oblik kao i prilog vremena sadanjeg. They like swimming in the sea. Vole da plivaju / plivanje u moru. Vebanje C Izraz What about... u znaenju Kako bi bilo da ... upotrebljava se kad elimo nekome neto da predloimo. Izraz What about... prati imenica ili glagolska imenica. Umesto izraza What about.".. moe da se upotrebi izraz How about... What about a taxi? Kako bi bilo da uzmemo taksi? What about going by taxi? Kako bi bilo da idemo taksijem? Resenje vezbanja: What about; OK; How long will it take? Here's. Vrfbanje D __Will you phone John and ask him when he'll take his summer holiday. __He usually has his holiday in July. Tell him (that) we'll have ours in August and ask him if he's willing to look after our dog while we're away. Won't you ring him up and tell him about it? All right I will, and I'll ask him to supper on Friday. UNIT 19 Vezbanja A i B Podmet Glavni glagol PredmetDodatak infinitiv /to go (wants J to travel


1 to drive to Greece. r go | travel 1- drive Neodreeni nain ili infinitiv glagola je bezlini glagolski oblik, koji prati izvesne glagole u linom glagolskom obliku kao njihov predmet. Obeleje infinitiva je predlog to, koji mu prethodi. Posle nepotpunih glagola can, must, needn't upotrebljava se infinitiv glagola bez to. l want to see that film. elim da vidim taj film. She wants to drive to Greece. * Ona eli da ide autom u Grku. He can drive to Greece. Moe da ide autom u Grku. She must go to England. Mora da ide u Englesku. You needn't get up early tomorrow. Ne morate sutra rano da ustanete. Indirektni govor. Kada u indirektnom govoru ponavljamo neije pitanje, red reci je potvrdan. Pitanja koja poinju pomonim ili nepotpunim glagolom, u indirektnom govoru poinju sa if da li. Peter: Do you smoke? Peter asks Lucy if she smokes. Can you drive? Peter asks Lucy if she can drive. Pitanja koja poinju upitnim pridevom \zamemeom ili prilogom, u indirektnom govoru zadravaju upitnu re. Clerk: Where do you want to go? Arthur: What time must I be at the airport? The clerk asks Arthur where he wants to go. Arthur asks the clerk what time he must be at the airport. 294 295 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i kljuf vebanja Glagol come oznaava kretanje ka licu koje govori. Glagol go oznaava kre tanje od lica koje govori. He wants to come to Belgrade. eli da doe u Beograd. He wants to go to London. eli da ide u London, U prvoj reenici lice koje govori je u Beogradu. U drugoj reenici lice koje govori je ma u kom mestu, sem u Londonu. Imenica information ima samo oblik jednine. Vebanje C Izrazom May /Can I use ... u znaenju Mogu li da upotrebim .,. koristimo se kada nekoga molimo da upotrebimo neku stvar. May /Can I use your pen? Mogu li da upotrebim vase stilo? Izrazi Certainly ili Of course upotrebljavaju se u znaenju Naravno, odnosno Svakako, kada elimo da izaemo u susret neijoj molbi. Reenje vebanja: May / Can I use ...; Certainly / Of course; You're welcome. Vebanje D Where do you want to go for your summer holiday? I'd like to go to Yugoslavia. I want to see the Adriatic Coast. Do you want to go by car or by plane? I'd like to go by car. It's rather expensive now. Why don't we go on a package tour? I don't like package tours. You can't go where you like, and you can't stop at a place as long as you like. All right. Then I must go to the Yugoslav Travel Agency. You needn't. You can ring them up. Do you know the telephone number? No, I don't, but you can look it up in the Directory or ask Directory Inquiries. Vebanja A i B UNIT 20 Prolo vreme glagola TO BE Potvrdni Odreni oblici oblici I w I wa a s s not Y w Y we o e o re f can \ must

u r e H e | S w h a e s W ] e Y \ o w u e r e T ' h e y

u not h e r e in 1 9 7 8. H e S h e W e Y we o re u not T h e y | wa s not h in e 19 r 78 e .

Upitni oblici Was I Wer you e f he Was 1 she {we you

her e

in 1978?

Wer e

they Glagol to be u prolom vremena ima dva oblika: was /waz, waz/, i were /wa:, ws/. Oblik was upotrebljava se za prvo i tree lice jednine, a oblik were za ostala lica. Odreni oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem rece not oblicima was i were. Oblik was not skrauje se u wasn't /'waznt/, a oblik were not u weren't /wa:nt/. Upitni oblici obrazuju se stavljanjem oblika was i were ispred podmeta, odnosno inverzijom. Upitno-odretni oblici: Was I not Wasn't I?, Were you not -r- Weren't you?, itd. I was in Dubrovnik in 1978. They were in London last year. She wasn't at home yesterday. We weren't in the country last week. Were you here yesterday? Wasn't he at home last night? Bio sam u Dubrovniku 1978. Bili su u Londonu prole godine. Jue nije bila kod kue. Prole nedelje nismo bili na selu. Da li ste jue bili ovde? Zar nije sino bio kod kue? Zapovedni nain kojim se obino izraavaju zahtevi i naredbe u indirektnom govoru dobija oblik infinitiva. Shut the door, please. He asks me to shut the door. Ring me up if you have time. John tells Arthur to ring him up if he has time. Sheila more beautiful than her sisters, the most beautiful of the sisters. VBesIoni pridevi porede se kada se ispred prideva stavi more za prvi stupanj poreenja, a most za drugi stupanj poreenja.

He is more interesting than his Zanimljiviji je od svoga brata. brother. She is the most beautiful of all. Najlepa je od svih. 296 297 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Any upotrebljen u potvrdnim reenicama znai ma koji. Godine se u engleskom itaju na sledei nain: \978-nineteen seventy-eight ili nineteen hundred and seventy-eight. Vebanje C Izraz Give my love to ... u znaenju Pozdravi... upotrebljava se kad elimo da pozdravimo nekoga sa kime smo prisni. Reenje vebanja: Not too bad; thanks; Give my love Vebanje D Were you abroad last year? Yes, we were. We were in Yugoslavia. Were you in Dubrovnik again? No, we weren't. We were at Cavtat this time. How long were you there? For three weeks. What was the weather like? It was lovely. Wasn't it too hot? No, it wasn't. We were in the first half of September. Were you pleased with your holiday? Very much indeed. Cavtat is the most beautiful place on the Adriatic Coast. Isn't Dubrovnik more beautiful? It depends. To me, Cavtat is more beautiful than Dubrovnik. Vebanja A i B UNIT 21 Prolo vreme glagola TO HAVE Potvrdni Odreni oblici oblici I I Y o u H e S h i l h a t a e d s t y e a r. W e Y o u H e S di h d e no t ha ve W e i l t a s t

y e a r .

Y o u T h

Y o u T h

e y

e y

Upitni oblici I you ne Did she hav it? e we you the y . i to bave ima u prolom vremenu oblik had /haed, had/, za sva lica. Odreni oblici obrazuju e kad se na odrene oblike prolog vremena glagola to __ did not doda osnova glagola koji-se menja. Oblik did not skrauje se u didn't /didnt/. Upitni oblici obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike prolog vremena glagola do __ it did yout did he, ltd. doda osnova glagola koji se menja. I had the camera a moment ago. We didn't have time yesterday. Did you have this dress on Sunday? Imao sam fotografski aparat pre jednog trenutka. Jue nismo imali vremena. Da li ste imali tu haljiru u nedelju? I / have something l haven't anything in the bag. Have I anything Neodreene zamenice. Neodreena zamenica something upotrebljava se u potvrdnim reenicama, a anything u odrenim i upitnim. Neodreena zamenica something moe da se upotrebi u upitnim reenicama, kada se oekuje potvrdan odgovor. She has something in the bag. Ona ima neto u torbi. I haven't got anything here. Nemam ovde nita. Have you anything to declare? Imate li neto da prijavite? Indirektni i direktni objekat. Prelazne glagole kao bring, give, offer, show, itd. prate dva objekta: indirektni i direktni. Kada direktni objekat prethodi indirektnom objektu, stavlja se predlog to ispred indirektnog objekta. Give me the camera. Dajte mi fotografski aparat. Give the camera to me. Dajte meni fotografski aparat. Offer Lucy a cigarette. l Ponudi Lusi cigaretom. Offer a cigarette to Lucy. J Direktni objekat obino prethodi indirektnom objektu pri naglaavanju. Kada su oba objekta zamenice, direktni objekat prethodi indirektnom. Indirektnom objektu prethodi predlog to. Show it to me. Pokai mi to. Give it back to him. Vrati mu to. Vebanje C "ill you _|_ osnova glagola upotrebljava se da izrazi utiviji oblik zapovesti ''i molbe: Will you open the case. Molim vas otvorite kofer. 298 299

Objanjenja i klju vebanja Pozdravi Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening upotrebljavaju se i pri rastanku, prilikom formalnog optenja. Melodija reenice je silazna. Reenje vebanja: Will you; Will you; Will you; will you. Vebanje D I was very busy last week. I didn't have time to go anywhere over the weekend. Didn't you have time to see the film at the Odeon? I'm afraid I didn't. I didn't have time to watch TV. What a pity! The programme was very good. I had so much to do that I didn't have time to go for a walk in the evening. Pity! The weather tvas lovely last week. Yes, it was certainly better than this week. Look, it's raining again. What awful weather! Vebanja A i B UNIT 22 Prolo vreme Potvrdni oblici I You He arrived yesterday. She We You They -Odreni oblici I You He did not She arrive We You They


Upitni oblici I you he Did she arrive yesterday? we you they Prolo ili preterit pravilnih glagola obrazuje se kad se glagolskoj osnovi doda nastavak -ed. Ako se glagol zavrava na -e, dodaje se nastavak -d. Nastavak -ed ita se: /t/ posle bezvunih suglasnika: he asked /'a:skt/ /d/ posle samoglasnika i zvunih suglasnika: I stared /stead/; we arrived /a'raivd/ /id/ posle suglasnika /t/ i /d/: I wanted /'wontid/; I decided /di'saidid/ 300 Objanjenja i klju vebanja . . ^iicj obrazuju se kad se na odrene oblike prolog vremena glagola !L/flrf not doda osnova glagola koji se menja. Oblik did not skrauje se u didn't /didnt/. U Uni oblici obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike prolog vremena glagola do doda osnova glagola koji se menja. She decided to stay the night. They arrived last night. I didn't talk to him yesterday. He didn't watch the football match last Sunday. When did you work in a bank? When did they see John? Odluila je da prenoi. Sino su stigli.

Nisam jue sa njim razgovarala. Nije gledao fudbalsku utakmicu prole nedelje. Kad ste radili u banci? Kada su videli Dona? Opisni pridev Her English is rather bad. She is a nice girl. The weather is beautiful. Prilog za nain She speaks English' badly. She is doing nicely. It is beautifully warm. Prilozi za nain grade se od opisnih prideva dodavanjem nastavka -ly. Pri-devi koji se zavravaju na -/ udvajaju ga pri dodavanju nastavka. Her English is rather bad. She speaks English badly. She's a nice girl. She's doing nicely. The weather is beautiful today. It's beautifully warm today. Njen engleski je prilino lo. Ona loe govori engleski. Ona je simpatina devojka. Lepo joj ide. Vreme je danas lepo. Danas je divno toplo. Odreeni lan upotrebljava se sa imenima hotela: The Metropol Hotel. Vebanje C Izraz Can you tell me the way to...? u znaenju Moete li mi rei u kom je pravcu... ? upotrebljava se kad nekoga pitamo za pravac neega. Izraz Which way is... ? upotrebljava se u znaenju U kom je pravcu ... Izraz Not at all upotrebljava se u znaenju Nema na emu, kao odgovor na neije zahvaljivanje. Reenje vebanja: Can you tell me the way to; Not at all. Vebanje D What did you do over the weekend? We were in the country. It was beautifully warm, so we stayed the night. Did your children go with 301 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja you? No, they didn't. They stayed at home. When did you get back? _ Last night. We arrived very late, because there were a lot of cars on the road. And what did you do? I watched the football match on TV Did you watch it? No, I didn't. What was the match like? (It wasj rather poor. This time our team played poorly. UNIT 23 Vebanja A i B Neskraeni oblici I you he that Did she not say ? we you they Skraeni oblici I you he Didn't she say that ?

we you they Upitno-odreni oblici prolog vremena obrazuju se kad se na upitno-odrecne oblike prolog vremena glagola do doda glagolska osnova glagola koji se menja. U razgovornom i prisnom obliku govora upotrebljava se oblik didn't. Didn't you talk to him yesterday? Zar niste jue sa njim razgovarali? Didn't they tell you to come? Zar vam nisu rekli da doete? Nepravilni glagoli su oni glagoli koji ne obrazuju prolo vreme, kao ni particip proli, dodavanjem nastavka -ed. Odrene, upitne i upitno-odrecne oblike, obrazuju pomou prolog vremena glagola do, kao i pravilni glagoli. Na primer, glagol say je jedan od nepravilnih glagola i u prolom vremenu ima oblik *eiW/sed/. Odreni oblici glase Ididn'tsay.. .', itd., a upitni/>//...? itd., odnosno upitno-odreni Didn't I say..., itd. (Vidi tabelu.) He said that yesterday. She didn't say that. What did you say? Didn't you say that? (Vidi listu nepravilnih glagola). Prolo vreme ili preterit upotrebljava se za radnju ili stanje koje se desilo u prolosti u vremenskom periodu koji je zavren. I went to the cinema yesterday. Jue sam iao u bioskop. He worked in the factory in 1970. Radio je u fabrici 1970. godine. On je to jue rekao. Ona to nije rekla. ta ste rekli? Zar to niste rekli? broj prie ostaje kao prilog, kao to su straight, ,W, rightmost,!***, i. * straight road. -rker. works hard. s a long street. be iong. Ovo je prav drum. Idite pravo. On je veliki radnik. On mnogo radi. Ovo je duga unca. Neu dugo. Vebanje C \Izraz Excuse me upotrebljava se kada dva ili vie lica razgovaraju, pa se izdvoji jedno lice, koje e rei: "Excuse me". Izraz I'm afraid u znaenju Na alost upotrebljava se kad izraavamo aljenje zbog neega. . Izraz It's a pleasure, skraeno Pleasure, upotrebljava se u znaenju Nema na emu, kio odgovor na zahvaljivanje. ReSenje veibanja: (I'm) sorry; Excuse me; I'm afraid; (It's a) pleasure. Vebanje D Good evening. Can I have a single room foi) tonight? I'm sorry, sir, we're full up. We'll have a vacant room tomorrow. I'm afraid I need a room for tonight. I can ring up the Metropol Hotel and ask if ^they've got a vacant room. How much is a single room? I'm afraid I don't know exactly. How long do you want to sidy? Three days. All right. I'll telephone immediately. Excuse me, sir ... Yes, they've got a single room with bath. Did. you book it? No, I didn't. You didn't tell me to do it, sir. Is it far away from here? No, it isn't. Drive straight on to the first traffic-lights, then turn left. The Hotel Metropol is on the left-hand side. Thank you very much. It's a pleasure. UNIT 24 Vebanja A i B Potvrdni oblici I You He well She could ski . We You They Odreni oblici I You He


could not


well .

We You They 302 303 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja l; Upitni oblici I you well he she ski ? we you they Nepotpuni glagol can ima oblik could /kud, kad/, u prolom vremenu. Odreni oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem recce not. Oblik could not skrauje se u couldn't. Upitni oblici obrazuju se inverzijom, odnosno stavljanjem oblika could ispred podmeta. Upitno-odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike doda reca not ispred glagola koji sledi. U razgovornom i prisnom stilu upotrebljava se skraeni oblik couldn't. I could ski well ten years ago. We couldn't come yesterday. Could you find him last night? Couldn't you skate on the lake? Dobro sam skijao pre deset godina. Nismo mogli jue da doemo. Da li ste mogli sino da ga naete? Zar niste mogli da se klizate na jezeru? Nepotpuni glagol can ima samo oblike can i could. Za ostala vremena upotrebljava se izraz to be able. I'll be able to see him tomorrow. He won't be able to do it. Will you be able to come? Moi u sutra da ga vidim. Nee moi to da uradi. Da li ete moi da doete? Neodreeni pridev i zamenJca some upotrebljava se u upitnim reenicama kada se oekuje potvrdan odgovor ili prilikom nuenja. Have you got some money on you? Imate li pri sebi novaca? Will you have some more tea? Hoete li jo aja? Pridevski izraz za koliinu a lot of upotrebljava se u potvrdnim reenicama umesto prideva many i much. They've got a lot of records. Oni imaju mnogo ploa. He's got a lot of money. On ima mnogo novca. Vebanje C Izraz That's true upotrebljava se u znaenju To je tono kada izraavamo saglasnost sa neijim miljenjem. fiat at all, Don't mention it, You're welcome i It's a pleasure (skraeno pleasure) upotrebljavaju se u znaenju Nema na emu. Reienje vebanja: Excuse me; Don't mention it. Vebanje D __ When did they arrive in Belgrade? They arrived a week ago. Did they stay in Slovenia? Yes, they did. How long were they in Slovenia? Three days only. Which places did they visit? They visited Ljubljana and Bled. Did they like Bled? Very much. They stayed at Bled the whole day. Didn't they go to Bohinje? No, they couldn't go to Bohinje, because they had no time. Will they be able to visit the Plitvice Lakes? i don't think so, because they must be in England at the end of the month. UNIT 25 Vebanja A i B Potvrdni Odreni oblici Could

oblici I Y ou H e Sh e

I Y o u H e S didn h 't e hav e W e Y o u T h e y

h a d

t o d o

i t .

to do it.

W e Y ou

Upitni oblici I Di d you be hav to she e do it? we you they ePtPnl glagol most ima samo ovaj oblik. Za ostala vremena upotrebljava "mf to, odnosno odgovarajue vreme glagola have + to infinitiv koji ga prati. e had to get up at five yesterday. Jue je morala da ustane u pet. ey didn't have to pay the bill. Nisu morali da plate raun. have to see him last night? Da li ste morali sino da ga vidite? 304 20 u 30 lekcija Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Didn't you have to show him your Zar niste morali da mu pokaete driving-licence? svoju vozaku dozvolu? I'll have to get some petrol. Morau da kupim benzina. He won't have to do it. Nee morati to da uradi. Will you have to send a telegram? Da li ete morati da poljete telegram? Oblik must not upotrebljava se u znaenju ne smem, ne srne!, itd. Oblik must not skrauje se u mustn't /'nusnt/. You mustn't park your car here. Ne smete ovde da parkirate auto. Pozitiv Komparativ Superlativ

good \ well J bad much 1 many j little

better worse more less


most least

Nepravilno poreenje nekih prideva i priloga. Izvesni pridevi i prilozi nepravilno se pprede: She's a better /worse student than John. She speaks English better / worse than John. This is the best / worst room. She speaks English best / worst of all. She's got more /less money than Mary. I like this coat more. She likes the green dress most / least. Vebanje C Ona je bolji/gori student od Dona. Ona govori engleski bolje/gore od Dona. Ovo je najbolja / najgora soba. Ona govori engleski najbolje / najgore od svih. Ona ima vie /manje novaca od Meri. Ovaj mi se kaput vie svia. Najvie / najmanje joj se svia zelena haljina. Izraz What would you like? odnosno Would you like ... ? upotrebljava se u znaenju 1a biste valeli?, odnosno Da li biste eleli... ? kad nekoga neim nudimo. ReSenje vebanja: Would you like; Would you like; No, thank you. D __ Would you like some more tea? Yes, please. Would you like some more toast? No, thank you. What did you do yesterday? I had a lot to do. I had. to go to the supermarket to buy food for a few days. Then I had to go to a bookshop to buy a guide to Yugoslavia. Did you find one? Yes, I did. Then I had to go to the station to meet my parents. And what did you do in the evening? I had to go and see my sister. How is she now? Oh, she's much better. Give her my regards. Thank you. I'll have to go and see her. But you mustn't tell her about it. Then it'll be a surprise. UNIT 26 Vebanja A i B Potvrdni Odreni oblici oblici I 1 m Y Y ha a o o ve v u u not e H j e h l o th e H 1 e has l o i t

S a h e s W e Y h o a u v e T h e y

c k e d

d o or .

S h e not W e Y ha o ve u not T h e y

c k e d

Upitni oblici f I Have | you f Has | c Have I he she we you they locked it?

Sadanji perfekat obrazuje se pomou sadanjeg vremena glagola, have i prolog participa glagola koji se menja. Proli particip pravilnih glagola obrazuje se kad se glagolskoj osnovi doda nastavak -ed. Ako se glagol svrava na -e, dodaje se nastavak -d. Nastavak -ed ita se kao: 306 20 307 Objanjenja i klju vebanja /t/ posle bezvunih suglasnika: asked /a:skt/4 walked /wa:kt/ /d/ posle samoglasnika i zvunih suglasnika: played /pleid/; charged /,t Ja .'d /id/ posle suglasnika /t/ i /d/: wanted /'wontid/; decided /di'saidid/ Nepravilni glagoli obrazuju particip proli na nepravilan nain: be-b:en /bi:n/; do-done /d//; put-put /put/; pay-paid /peid/. Odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se na odrene oblike glagola have doda proli particip glagola koji se menja. U razgovornom i prisnom stilu govora upotrebljavaju se skraeni oblici haven't i hasn't. Upitni oblici obrazuju se kad se na upitne oblike glagola have doda proli particip glagola koji se menja. Sadanji perfekat upotrebljava se za radnju koja se dogodila, a vremc nije naznaeno. Govornik obino podrazumeva vremenski period koji je poeo u prolosti i traje do ovog trenutka. Posledice radnje obuhvataju trenutak kada se govori. Objanjenja i klju vebanja Zakljuao sam vrata. Razmenio je deset funti. Nije poslala pismo. Jo se nismo spakovali. Da li ste oprali ruke? Da li su platili raun? I've locked the door. He's exchanged ten pounds. She hasn't posted the letter. We haven't packed yet. Have you washed your hands? Have they paid the bill? Vebanje C

Izraz I'd like upotrebljava se u znaenju elim, hteo bih. Posle izraza I'd like dolazi imenica ili infinitiv sa to. Izraz OK, skraeni oblik od That's OK, upotrebljava se u znaenju U redu i izraava, saglasnost s neim. Reenje vebanja: I'd like; It's a pleasure /Pleasure. Vebanje D I'd like to write to your parents. Will you go and get some picture postcards? Now? I've just come back. Do you need them right away? Yes, I do. I want to send them in the afternoon. All right. / OK. Is that all? Well, will you try and get an English paper? I've already bought one. Here it is. Oh, good. And will you get some fruit? OK. But now I'm off, or you'll ask me to get something else. 308 UNIT 27 Vebanja A i B I am You are He \ going to She }is a car. buy We 1 You are The } y Sadanje vreme glagola be praeno oblikom going to + infinitiv upotrebljava se da izrazi: a) nameru u bliskoj budunosti; He's going to buy a new car. They're not going to visit Bled. What are you going to drink? Isn't he going to come? b) verovatnou u bliskoj budunosti: It's going to rain. It's going to snow. Kupice / namerava da kupi nov automobil. Oni nee posetiti Bled. ta ete da pijete? Zar on nee doi? Padae kia. Padae sneg. Sadanji perfekat upotrebljava se za radnju koja se desila u vremenskom periodu koji nije zavren, kao today, this week, this month, ltd. We've seen John today. Videli smo danas Dona. I haven't heard from him this Ovog meseca nisam imao od njega month. vesti. Have you been to the cinema this Da li ste bili u bioskopu ove week? nedelje? when He will go there as soon as he has time. if U zavisnim prilokim reenicama koje poinju svezama when, if, as soon as, before, after, itd., upotrebljava se sadanje vreme da oznai buduu radnju. He'll go to London when he Ii e u London kada bude zavrio finishes this course. ovaj teaj. 309 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja We'll get to Belgrade before it Stii emo u Beograd pre nego t gets dark. se smrkne. They'll leave here as soon as Otii e odavde im budu zavrili they finish lunch. ruak. Vebanje C Izraz / think so upotrebljava se u znaenju Verujem da... kada dajemo potvrdan odgovor na neije pitanje. / don't

think so upotrebljava se u znaenju Ne ve-rujem kada je odgovor negativan. ReSenje vebanja: I don't think so; I think so; I think so. Vebanje Where are we going to sit? Let's sit on the terrace. What are you going to have? I'm going to have grilled meat. And I'm going to have roast chicken with roast potatoes. What are we going to drink? I'm going to have mineral water. And I'm going to have red wine. How long are you going to stay here? If the weather is nice, I'll stay two weeks. When are you going to see the old part of the town? Tomorrow. When is your girl-friend going to come? I hope she'll arrive before it gets dark. Look at the sky. I think it's going to rain. I don't think so. Don't you see it's clearing up? UNIT 28 Vebanja A i B , who came yesterday. the man J we Thi is saw at the station. 1 / told you s about. Odnosne zamenice (Relative Pronouns) za lica glase who (whom), whose i that-Upotrebljavaju se da povezu zavisnu odnosnu reenicu sa imenicom ili nicom u glavnoj reenici. Who se upotrebljava kao subjekat odnosne reenice. This is the engineer who worked in the factory. The woman who came yesterday is at the door. The people who live on the second floor are very friendly. Ovo je inenjer koji je radio u fabrici. ena koja je jue dolazila je na vratima. Ljudi koji stanuju na drugom spratu veoma su ljubazni. j zamenica kao objekat odnosne reenice skoro se uvek izostavlja, ada moe da se upotrebi zamenica that. man (that) we saw at Mary's oveka koga smo jue videli kod 7116 - - -"Meri je Petrov brat. Devojka koju elite da vidite je stigla. Ljude koje smo jue upoznali su vrlo dosadni. Ono je ena o kojoj sam vam priala. Ko je ovek u koga gleda? Ovo je inenjer sa kojim sam iao u Zagreb. yesterday is Peter's brother. The girl want to see k** arrived. The people we met yesterday are very dull. U odnosnim reenicama predlog se obino stavlja posle glagola, a odnosna zamenica that se izostavlja. Ukoliko predlog doe ispred glagola, prati ga od-aosna zamenica whom, koja se ne moe izostaviti. That's the woman (that) I told you about. Who is the man you are looking at? This is the engineer I went to' Zagreb with. This is the engineer with whom I went to Zagreb.

Sadanji perfekat upotrebljava se za radnju koja je poela u prolosti i nastavlja se do sadanjeg trenutka. Predlog since oznaava trenutak poetka radnje, a predlog for celokupan period trajanja radnje. I haven't seen him since 1979. Nisam ga video od 1979. iiif s been a teacher for ten years. Nastavnica je ve deset godina. Vebanje C Izraz I see u znaenju A, tako upotrebljava se kad elimo nekome da stavimo do znanja da smo razumeli ili primili neto k znanju. ReSenje vebanja: I see; Oh, I see. Vebanje D ~- Who's the man you were talking to? It's the engineer who came to ondon for practical experience three months ago. Where does he come ^. He comes from Yugoslavia. Has he been to England before? ti, .he ^11'4- He's in England for the first time. Oh, I see. Is he e engineer you took to all the branch offices in the country? Yes, he is. e wanted to get to know the organisation of all our factories. Actually, he's j engineer I went to Scotland with on a climbing holiday. Oh, I didn't know that. What sort of person is he? He's very nice and -working. He's the sort of person I like. 310 311 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja UNIT 29 Vebanja A i B This is (which /that is near Belgrade. recommended, he wrote about. ~ he

Odnosne zamenice za stvari glase which i that. Which ili that upotrebljavaju se kao subjekat odnosne reenice. This is the motel which/that is Ovo je motel koji je nekoliko milja a few miles from Belgrade. od Beograda. This is the book which/that was Ovo je knjiga koja je bila rasproout of print three months ago. dana pre tri meseca. Which ili that, kao objekat odnosne reenice, obino se izostavljaju u razgovornom i prisnom obliku govora. This is the motel he recommended. Ovo je motel koji je on preporuio. The snaps (that /which) we took at Fotografije koje smo snimili na Bled are very good. Bledu su vrlo dobre. U odnosnim reenicama predlog se obino stavlja posle glagola, a odnosna zamenica that se izostavlja. Ukoliko se predlog upotrebi ispred glagola, sledi mu odnosna zamenica which, koja se ne izostavlja. This is the motel he wrote about. Ovo je motel o kome je pisao. This is the house they live in. > Ovo je kua u kojoj ive / stanuju. This is the house in which they \ live. J Upitno-odreni oblici sadanjeg perfekta Haven't f1 1 you Hasn't he/she seen him since 1979? {we Haven't you they Upitno-odreni oblici sadanjeg perfekta obrazuju se kad se na upitno-odrene oblike glagola have doda particip proli glagola koji se menja. Sadanji perfekat upotrebljava se: a) za radnju koja se dogodila, a vreme nije naznaeno. Posledice radnje obu-hvataju trenutak kada se govori. Have you posted the letter? Da li ste poslali pismo? Nastavnica sam od 1965. godine. Nismo je videli ve dva meseca.

adniu koja je poela u prolosti i nastavlja se do sadanjeg trenutka. d) za j been a teacher since 1965. We haven't seen her for two months. How long have you known her? Koliko je dugo poznajete? ) za radnju koja se desila ili se ponovila vie puta u vremenskom periodu koji jo nije zavren i koji zahvata i sadanji trenutak. We've passed three motels up till now. He hasn't seen her this week. She's been to the cinema three times this month. d) za radnju koja se tek dogodila. He has just gone out. Haven't you just slowed down? Do sada smo proli tri motela. Nije je video ove nedelje. Bila je u bioskopu tri puta ovog meseca. Upravo je izaao. Zar nisi upravo usporio? Vebanje C Izraz Do you mind if... upotrebljava se u znaenju Da li imate neto protiv ako .. kada nekoga pitamo za dozvolu da neto uradimo. Ukoliko sagovornik nema nita protiv, odgovorie: No, I don't, Of course not, Certainly not. Reenje vebanja: Do you mind; Of course not/Certainly not; Do you mind; No, I don't / Of course not / Certainly not. Vebanje D How long has Mr Brown been in Belgrade? Since April 1st. Where is he staying? He's staying at the hotel I recommended to him. Have you seen him this week? No, I haven't. I haven't seen him since last Friday. I've seen him only three times since he came to Belgrade. Have you taken him to the restaurant I told you about? Not yet, but I'm going to take him next week. Is this camera yours? Yes, it is. This is the sort of camera I like. Are these the snaps you took in Zagreb? Yes, they are. Do you mind if I take a snap with your camera? Certainly not. Let me show you how it works. 312 313 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercises A and B UNIT 30 Potvrdni oblici ' I You | have I He / She has > been learning English since 1979. We You have/ They Sadanji trajni perfeKal (The Present Perfect Continuous) obrazuje se kad se sadanjem perfektu glagola be doda particip prezenta glagola koji se menja. Odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se odreemm oblicima sadanjeg perfekta glagola be doda particip prezenta glagola koji se menja. Upitni oblici obrazuju se kad se upitnim oblicima sadanjeg perfekta glagola be doda particip prezenta glagola koji se menja. Upitno-odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se upitno-odrenim oblicima sadanjeg perfekta glagola be doda particip prezenta glagola koji se menja. Odreni oblici

I You He/She We You

| haven't hasn't

been waiting


[ haven' t J They j Upitni oblici I Havel you he / Has been waiting she Havel we yoa they


I've been learning English since 1979. She hasn't been living in London very long. Uim engleski od 1979. godine. Ona ne ivi dugo u Londonu. Da li dugo ekate? Zar oni ne trae kuu ve est meseci? Have you been waiting long? Haven't they been looking for a house for six months? 5 dafnji trajni perfekat upotrebljava se za radnju koja je poela u prolosti, 5 uvek traje u trenutku kada se govori i verovatno e se nastaviti u budunosti. It's lovely today, isn't it? You know my address, don't you? He can speak English, can't he? Upitni izrazi (Question Tags) obrazuju se pomou pomonih i nepotpunih glagola i odgovaraju naem izrazu zar ne? Upitno-odreni oblik pomonog ili nepotpunog glagola upotrebljava se posle potvrdne reenice. It's lovely today, isn't it? You know my address, don't you? You've met John, haven't you? They'll come on time, won't they? He can speak English, can't he? Danas je veoma lepo, zar ne? Vi znate moju adresu, zar ne? Upoznali ste Dona, zar ne? Doi e na vreme, zar ne? On govori engleski, zar ne? Exercise C Izraz Never mind upotrebljava se u znaenju Ne mari kao odgovor na neije izvinjenje u vezi sa nekom radnjom. Reenje vebanja: Never mind; Never mind; Of course not / Certainly not. Exercise D How long have you been living in this flat? (We've been living here for) two years. When did you move in? (We moved in) when we returned from Germany. How long have you been working in the factory? Not so long. (I've been working) for six months only. Does Jovan work in the same factory? Yes, he does. How long has he been working there? (For) two years. Do you know Jovan's sister? Yes, I do. I've known her for several years. Where did you meet her for the first time? (I met her) at Jovan's (place). Is she still looking for a flat? Yes, she is. She's been looking for a flat for a year now, but hasn't managed to find one yet. 314 315 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercises A and B UNIT 31

Potvrdni oblici I was

You He She We

were J was 1

watching TV at ten o'clock last night.

You | were The J y Prolo trajno vreme (The Past Continuous Tense) obrazuje se pomou prolog vremena glagola be i participa prezenta glagola koji se menja. Odreni oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem rece not oblicima was i were. Was not i were not skrauju se u wasn't /woznt/ i weren't /warnt/. Upitni oblici obrazuju se inverzijom, odnosno stavljanjem oblika was i were ispred subjekta. We were watching TV at ten o'clock. Gledali smo televiziju u deset sati. She wasn't listening to me. Nije me sluala. What were you doing when I rang up? ta ste radili kada sam telefonirao? Prolo trajno vreme upotrebljava se za radnju: a) koja je bila u toku u jednom ogranienom trenutku u prolosti. I was/ talking to Sheila between Razgovarala sam sa ilom izmeu six and seven o'clock. est i sedam asova. b) koja je trajala u trenutku kada se desila neka druga radnja. She was typing a letter when I Kucala je pismo kada sam uao. came in. c) koja je istovremeno trajala kad i druga radnja u prolosti. Madge was getting ready while Med se spremala dok je Artur Arthur was talking to Milan. razgovarao sa Milanom. ________ I __ You He/She may } should the National tomorrow. We jvisit Museum You They ptmi glagol may upotrebljava se: t aenje dozvole u znaenju smem, mogu, itd. Odrean oblik ovako glagola may glasi cannot. Mogu li da puim? Da, moete Ne, ne moete. T smoke? Yes, you may. No, you can't. M da oznai mogunost ili verovatnou da e se neto izvriti u budunosti. I may have more time tomorrow. Moda u sutra imati vie vremena. Nepotpuni glagol should upotrebljava se u znaenju treba da. Which places should we see? Koja mesta treba da vidimo? Exercise C Izraz Speaking upotrebljava se u znaenju Na telefonu ako nas neko trai telefonom. U prisnom stilu govora obino se kae This is+ime ili Ime+here. Izraz See you later upotrebljava se u znaenju Videemo se kasnije. Reenje vebanja: May I speak to; speaking; here; See you later.

------------------- ' ----- ~ -------__ Odreni oblici " ---------------------------- r- ------_ wasn't You weren't He watching | wasn't She TV at ten o'clock last We night. You weren't They

Exercise D May I speak to Mr Jovi, please? Speaking. Hello, Arthur. How are you? Did you have a good rest? Yes, I did. I tried to ring you up half an hour ago, but the line was engaged. Yes, I had a trunk call. I was speaking with London. I wanted to ask you to join us on our sightseeing tour. I'm afraid I'm very busy at the moment. Pity! Listen, which places do vou think we should see? You should see the National Museum and Kalemegdan Park. Can't you join us later? Well, I may be free about two o'clock. When you finish with the National Museum, ring me up. AH right. See you later. Bye. Exercises A and B UNIT 32 I You had He / She John before he came to Belgrade. met We You They Davno prolo vreme (The Past Perfect Tense) ili plustvamperfekt obrazuje se od prolog vremena glagola have i prolog participa glagola koji se menja. Oblik had skrauje se u 'd. 316 317 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Odreini oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem recce not obliku hod. Oblik hod not skrauje se u hadn't. Upitni oblici obrazuju se stavljanjem oblika hod ispred podmeta, odnosno inverzijom. Davno prolo vreme upotrebljava se za radnju koja se desila pre neke druge radnje ili datog trenutka u prolosti. Sreo sam Dema pr nego to je doao u Beograd. Poto su posetili muzej, seli su da se odmore. Nije primetila Dona pre nego to je rekao Zdravo!" Da li je bio u Britaniji pre nego to je iao tamo 1979. godine? Glagol remember prati gerundijum glagola ako se odnosi na prolost. Ako se odnosi na budunost, dolazi infmitiv glagola. I remember leaving it on the Seam se da sam ga ostavio na bench. klupi. Remember to bring the book. Seti se da donese knjigu. I had met John before he came to Belgrade. After they liad visited the museum, they sat down to rest. She hadn't noticed John before he said "Hello!" Had he been to Britain before he went there in 1979? He isn't a good student, is he? You don't know my address, do you? You won't mind, will you? She can't come, can she? Upitni izrazi (Question Tags) upotrebljavaju se i posle odrene reenice. Upitn. obhk pomonih i nepotpunih glagola stavlja se na kraj odrene reenice u znaenju zar ne? He isn't a good student, is he? You don't know my address, do you? You won't mind, will you? She can't come, can she? On nije dobar student, zar ne? Vi ne znate moju adresu, zar ne? Ti nema nita protiv, zar ne? Ona ne moe da doe, zar ne? Vebanje C Ako elimo da damo odrean odgovor na pitanje Do you mind if... moemo rei (I'm afraid) I do ili Yes, I do u znaenju (Na alost) smela mi, odnosno Da, smeta mi.

ReSenje vebanja: I don't think so; I don't think so; Of course not/Certainly not. 318 Objanjenja i klju vebanja D fter they had visited the Military Museum, they sat down on a bench to A When they returned to the "hotel they noticed that their camera was pissing. They didn't know where they had left ft. They tried to remember Vj the places they had been to. Arthur knew he had left the camera in the a pakroom of the Military Museum. He had had the camera for three years c d was used to it. They decided to go to all the places they had visited in * e morning. But they didn't find the camera anywhere. Their only hope was somebody honest had found it. UNIT 33 Exercises A and B he was a doctor. John had a new car. Lucy smoked. Peter could drive well, they had been here for a month. Sheila would be back tomorrow.

didn't know (that)

Slaganje vremena (Sequence of Tenses) I- U engleskom jeziku dolazi do pomeranja vremena u sporednoj reenici, ufccoliko je glagol u glavnoj reenici u prolom vremenu. > za radnju koja je istovremena sa radnjom u glavnoj reenici, upotrebljava se* prolo vreme. * didn't know (that)... he was a Nisam znao da je lekar. Nisam znao .da.Don ima nov automobil. Nisam znao da Lusi pui. Nisam znao da Peter zna dobro da ofira. didn't know (that) John had a car. didn't know (that) Lucy smoked. didn't know (that) Pet,er could ive well. * za radnju koja je prethodila ili je trajala do radnje u glavnoj reenici^ upoNisam znao da je Meri uradila domai zadatak. Nisam znao da su ovde ve mesec dana. 319 se davno prolo vreme. didn't know (that) Mary had **ne her homework. n't know (that) they had been for a month. Objanjenja i klju vebanja c) za radnju u budunosti upotrebljava se would sa infinitivom. I thought (that) Sheila would be Mislio sam da e se ila sutra back tomorrow. ----'"' I thought (that) they would arrive on time. vratiti. Mislio sam da e stii na vrenje II. Kad je glagol u glavnoj reenici \j/sadanjem vremenu, sadanjem perfektu ili buduem, glagol u sporednoj reenici je u onom vremenu koji smisao zahteva. I don't know if... they like the theatre, they arrived yesterday, they'// arrive tomorrow. Ne znam da li. vole pozorite. su jue stigli, e sutra stii. somebody There \ 1 Was wasn't there nobody anybody anybody in the room. in the room?

Neodreena zamenica somebody upotrebljava se u potvrdnim reenicama. Anybody se upotrebljava u odrenim i upitnim reenicama. Nobody se upotrebljava u potvrdnim reenicama u znaenju not anybody. There was somebody here. Bilo je nekog ovde. There wasn't anybody here. Nikog nije bilo ovde. Was there anybody in the room? Da li je ikog bilo u sobi? There was nobody in the room. Nikog nije bilo u sobi. U engleskom jeziku upotrebljava se samo jedna negacija u reenici. Kada je upitna zamenica who, which, what podmet upitne reenice, glagol u linom obliku je u potvrdnom obliku. Who found the umbrella? Which comes next? What happened? Exercise C Ko je naao kiobran? ta dolazi kao sledee? ta se desilo? Izraz Would you mind... upotrebljava se u znaenju Molim vas, Hoete li da... za izraavanje zahteva ili molbi. Prati ga glagolska imenica. Reenje vebanja: Would you mind; Would you mind; Would you mind. 320 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Ejerdse D Did anybody phone? Yes, somebody phoned twice and asked if you ~~ jn Do you know who it was? I'm afraid I don't. Did anybody T phone? Yes, Mr Brown. He asked when you'd be in the office. Did he leave a message? Yes, he did. He asked you to ring him up as as you came back. He is leaving for the States tomorrow. For the States? I thought he was going to Europe. No, he isn't. He said he was going to New York first and then to Washington. Nobody told me anything about it. Did he say what time he would be at home? Yes, he did. He said you could ring him up any time after six. UNIT 34 Exercises A and B is 1 in The Book Fair each year. was I Belgrade . . } held has been f will be j Trpno stanje ili pasiv (The Passive Voice) obrazuje se kada se odgovarajuem vremenu glagola to be doda particip proli glagola koji se menja. Odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se odrenim oblicima glagola to be doda particip proli glagola koji se menja. Upitni oblici obrazuju se kad se upitnim oblicima glagola to be doda particip proli glagola koji se menja. The Book Fair was held in Belgrade last week. The bridge has been built this year. The letter isn't written yet: I haven't been told to come. Sajam knjiga odran je prole nedelje u Beogradu. Most je sagraen ove godine. When will the exhibition be closed? When was he taken to hospital? Wasn't he told to bring the book? Hasn't she been asked to come? Pismo jo nije napisano. Nije mi reeno da doem. Kad e izloba biti zatvorena? Kada je odveden u bolnicu? Zar mu nije reeno da donese knjigu? Zar ona nije bila pozvana da doe? Trpno stanje pokazuje da podmet trpi radnju, odnosno da se radnja vri na njemu. 21 Engleski u 30 lekcija 321 Objanjenja i klju vebanja

Odreeni lan upotrebljava se sa imenima institucija: the National Museum, the Military Museum, the Congress Centre. lan se ne upotrebljava sa imenima institucija ako se u naslovu nalazi geografski naziv koji se upotrebljava bez lana: Kalemegdan Fortress, Trinity College, Cambridge University. lan se upotrebljava ako se u naslovu nalazi geografski naziv koji se upotrebljava sa lanom: the Sava Centre. Imenica moe da se upotrebi u funkciji prideva ako se stavi ispred druge imenice. Takoe se odrava i izloba automobila.. Koji je va broj telefona? There's also a motor show on. What's your telephone number? Exercise C Izraz Yes je jedan -od naina za izraavanje saglasnosti sa neim to je reeno. Iziazi (That's) right ili (That's) true takoe su u upotrebi. Izraz No, not at all u znaenju Ne, nemam nita protiv takoe se upotrebljava kao-potvrdan odgovor na neije pitanje Do you mind if... Imate li neto protiv ako ... Odrean odgovor obino glasi I'm afraid I do. * Reenje vebanja: No, not at all; Yes; True. Exercise D When was this bridge built? Immediately after the war. Was Belgrade much damaged during the war? Yes, it was. It was heavily bombed. Some parts were destroyed. Has everything been rebuilt? Yes, it has. Besides, whole new parts of the town have been built. Now I'm going to show you the place where the new Opera House will be built. I'll also show you the Congress Centre, which was opened in autumn 1978. Is that the building where international conferences are held? Yes, it is. The Inter-Continental Hotel was built next to the Congress Centre. I was told that Belgrade was a lively town, but I didn't know it was so largeExercises A and B UNIT 35 Akthno stanje Pasivno stanje They built a new theatre last year. Somebody has locked the door. The Germans captured him. A new theatre was built last year. The door has been locked. He .was cap t ured by the Germans. Objanjenja i klju vebanja reenica stavlja se u pasivnu kada predmet aktivne reenice postane t pasivne reenice, a glagol se stavi u pasivno stanje. Thekat aktivne reenice ispred koga se stavi predlog by prati glagol u onim luajevima gde je neophodan za smisao reenice. U veini sluajeva se izostavlja. People speak English all over the world. They told me to come. Somebody has left this bag here. The Allies liberated the Camp. Aktivno stanje English is spoken all over the world. I was told to come. This bag has been left here. The camp was liberated by the Allies. Pasivno stanje He gave Mary a nice present. Mary was given a nice present. Ako se u aktivnoj reenici nalazi indirektni i direktni predmet, onda obino indirektni predmet postane podmet pasivne reenice. She gave me a camera for my I was given a camera for my birthday. birthday. They gave her the best mark. She was given the best mark. They will show him the moHe will be shown the monument. nument. I used to speak German well. Oblik used to /'justs/ praen infinitivom upotrebljava se da pokae da se radnja ponavljala u prolosti, ali da se vie ne ponavlja u sadanjosti. I used to ski well. Nekada sam dobro skijao. We used to be friends. Nekada smo bili prijatelji. Odreeni lan upotrebljava se sa oblicima mnoine imena nacija kada se nisli na grupu kao celinu. My father was captured by the Mog oca su Nemci zarobili u

Germans in Africa. Africi. Vebanje C Izraz You see, upotrebljava se u znaenju Znate, vidite kad elimo da uka-envo sagovorniku na neku injenicu. Izrazi Cheers! u znaenju iveli!, kao i Your health! U vae zdravlje! upotrebljavaju se kada nekome nazdravljamo. ReSenje vebanja: You see; You see; Oh, I see. 322 21* 323 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Vebanje D Where were you born? I was born in Split. When did you to Belgrade? In 1969. When did your mother die? When I ten. Both my father and mother were killed in an air crash. Oh, f sorry to hear that. I didn't know your parents were killed in an air crash How did it happen? The plane was about to land when one of the engines exploded. How awful! Was everybody killed? Yes, they were. All the passengers and the crew were killed. Only one passenger was rescued. It took me a few years to get over their death. Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercises A and B UNIT 36 I shall You He She '11 i will 11

be leaving in June. shall We '11 You 1 will J '11 They ' Budue trajno ili trajni futur fThe Future Continuous Tense) obrazuje se *ad se buduem vremenu glagola be doda particip prezenta glagola koji se menja. Odrelni oblici obrazuju se od odrenih oblika futura glagola be i participa prezenta. Upitni oblici obrazuju se od upitnih oblika futura glagola be i participa prezenta. Upittv-odreni oblici obrazuju se od upitno-odrenih oblika futura glagola be i participa prezenta. I'll be seeing him tomorrow. We shan't be staying long. What will you be doing tomorrow? Won't they be coming tonight? Sutra u ga videti. Neemo dugo ostati. ta ete sutra da radite? Zar oni nee veeras doi? Budue trajno vreme ili trajni futur upotrebljava se za radnju ili stanje koje e se desiti u budunosti. Priloki dodatak koji oznaava budunost obino prati ovo vreme. I'll go for a walk if I have time. If I have time, I'll go for a walk. noeodbena reenica izraava uverenje da e se radnja desiti ako uslov . "*" unjen. U glavnoj reenici najee se upotrebljava budue vreme, a 6 ' ; idanie vreme i zapovedni nain. U zavisnoj pogodbenoj reenici l att^*^' J upotrebljava se sadanje vreme. go for a walk if I have time. !f i have time, I'll go for a walk. !f you have time, go and see him. 324 Ii u u etnju ako budem imao vremena. Ako ima vremena, poseti ga. Konstrukcija Nor (neither) + pomoni (nepotpuni) glagol + imenica (zamenica) izraava istovetnost radnje sa reenicom u odrenom obliku. I don't smoke much. Ne puim mnogo. Neither / Nor do I. Ni ja. Mary hasn't known John long. Meri ne poznaje dugo Dona. Neither / Nor have we. Ni mi. John can't play the guitar. Don ne zna da svira gitaru.

Neither / Nor can Peter. Ni Peter. Exercise C Izrazi That's a good I great idea ili Fine/Great u znaenju To je dobra / odlina ideja ili Odlino upotrebljavaju se kad neto odobravamo ili prihvatamo neiji predlog. Izraz Have a nice / pleasant trip u znaenju Sretan put upotrebljava se kad nekome elimo prijatno putovanje. Reienje vebanja: Hi; Fine/Great; Bye; Have a nice trip. Exercise D What time does the plane take off? At eight o'clock. How often does the plane fly to Ohrid? Three times a week. How long does it take from Belgrade to Ohrid by plane? An hour and twenty minutes direct fight. I've never flown to Ohrid. Actually, I'm not very fond of flying. either am I. But we can't avoid it sometimes, can we? That's true. So " " be bathing in the lake in two hours. Yes, I'll soon be enjoying "* beauties of Ohrid. What are your further plans? We'll be staying *'Ohrid two days and we'll be back on Wednesday afternoon. If we like d, we'll stay for another day. When will you be leaving Belgrade? ~~. depends when we come back. We're off now. Bye. Have a nice tap. Bye. 325 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercises A and B UNIT 37 I should 'd You 1 would He 'd She should We f 'd J You } [would They /M > like to see Ohrid. ----------------_j Sadanje vreme kondicionala (The Present Conditional) obrazuje se kad se nepotpunim glagolima should /Tud, Jed, cd/ i would /wud, wed, sd/ doda osnova glagola koji se menja. Should se upotrebljava za prvo lice jednine i mnoine, a would za sva ostala lica. Should i would skrauju se u 'd /d/ u razgovornom i prisnom stilu. Oblik would upotrebljava se sve ee za sva lica. Odreni oblici obrazuju se dodavanjem recce not nepotpunim glagolima should i would. Should not skrauje se u shouldn't, would not u wouldn't. Upitni oblici obrazuju se kad se na upitan oblik nepotpunih glagola should i would doda glagolska osnova. Upitno-odreni oblici obrazuju se kad se upitno-odrenim oblicima nepotpunih glagola should i would doda glagolska osnova. I'd like to see Ohrid. He'd like to meet you. They wouldn't like to go there. Would you like to go to the theatre on Saturday? Wouldn't she like to come with us? I'd go for a walk if I had time. If I had time, I'd go for a walk. Voleo bih da vidim Ohrid. Voleo bi da se upozna sa vama. Ne bi voleli da tamo idu. Da li biste voleli da idete u subotu u pozorite? Zar ne bi volela da poe s nama? Kondicionalna reenica koja izraava neku pretpostavku suprotnu stvarnosti ili neku nemogunost u sadanjosti ili budunosti naziva se potencijalnom kondicionalnom reenicom. U glavnoj reenici upotrebljava se sadanji kondicional, a u sporednoj prolo vreme. Glagol be obino ima oblik were za sva lica u sporednoj reenici, mada se was sve ee upotrebljava u treem licu jednine. I'd go for a walk if I had time. 326 Iao bih u etnju da imam (kad bih imao) vremena

Objanjenja i klju vebanja i ud time, I'd go for a walk. Da imam (kad bih imao) vremena, iao bih u etnju. Da sam na tvom mestu, uio bih engleski svaki dan. jf i were you, I'd study English every day. pridev i prilog little ima nepravilne oblike poreenja: less za komparativ i least za superlativ. Imenica trout ima isti oblik za jedninu i mnoinu: one trout, three trout. Exercise C Izraz I'd (would) rather + osnova glagola u znaenju Vie bih voleo da upotrebljava se da izrazimo elju koja je obino u suprotnosti sa predlogom sagovornika. Izrazi / say, Listen, Look, u znaenju SluSaj(te), upotrebljavaju se da bi se privukla, neija panja na ono to emo rei. Izraz By the way, u znaenju Uzgred reeno, upotrebljava se kad elimo da uvedemo novu temu razgovora. Resenje vebanja: By the way /1 say; I say, / Listen, / Look. Exercise D What would you like to drink: plum brandy or a soft drink? Plum brandy, please. How do you like it here? Very much. I'd like to stay on for another week. If you had more time, which places would you like to visit? I'd like to visit all the parts of the country. Which places would your wife like to see? She'd like to see the Adriatic Coast. How would you like to travel: by train or by car? We'd rather go by car. If you went to Dubrovnik by car, which route would you take? I'd go via Sarajevo. That would be an excellent opportunity to get to know that part of the country. By the way, I'd like to join you. I've never been to Dubrovnik by car. Fine. We'll let you know if we go. Exercises A and B UNIT 38 Direktan govor Peter said: "7 don't like tea much." "/ have never seen her before." "John left yesterday." "We'll be at home at eight." 327 Objanjenja i kljul vebanfa Peter told me (that) he didn't like tea much. he had never seen her before. John left yesterday. John had left the day before. they would be at home at eight. Pri pretvaranju reenice iz direktnog u indirektan govor vae ista pravila kao i pri slaganju vremena. Kada je glagol u glavnoj reenici u prolom vremenu dolazi do pomeranja vremena u sporednoj ledenici, kao i pri slaganju vremena (vidi UNU 33). Potvrdne i odrene reenice obino se uvode glagolima tell, say, reply, posle kojih se stavlja sveza that, koja moe da se izostavi. Dolazi do promene linih zamenica, prisvojnih prideva i zamenica, onako kako smisao zahteva. "T *'" "*-- ' " Ne volim mnogo aj." Rekao mi je da ne voli mnogo aj. "I don't like tea much." He told me (that) he didn't like tea much. "I have never seen her before." He told me he had never seen her before. "We'll be at home at eight." He told me they'd be at home at eight. Nikad je ranije nisam video." Rekao mi je da je nikad ranije nije video. Biemo kod kue u osam." Rekao mi je da e biti kod kue u osam. Ako je reenica u direktnom govoru u prof lom vremenu, u indirektnom govoru ostaje prolo vreme ukoliko je vremenski period ostao nepromenjen u odnosu na sadanji trenutak govora. "John left yesterday". Don je jue otputovao."

He told me John left yesterday. Rekao mi je da je Don juce otputovao. (yesterday nepromenjen u cdnosu na trenutak kada se govori) He told me John had left the Rekao mi je da je Don otputovao day before. dan ranije. (yesterday promenjen u odnosu na trenutak govora i zamenjen sa the day before) Pokazne zamenice i prilozi koji oznaavaju blizinu u prostoru i vremenu zamenjuju se zamenicama i prilozima koji oznaavaju udaljenost, ukoliko smisao zahteva. this->-that, today-+that day, yesterday-+the day before, last night-*the before, tomorrow->-the next /following day, here-+there, ago-+before, now-^ 328 Objanjenja i klju vebanfa .. promena ne dolazi ukoliko je ; vremenski period ostao nepromenjen OV1 na sadanji trenutak govora.-.. Videu ga sutra." Rekla mi je da e ga sutra videti. Rekla mi je da e ga videti sle-deeg dana. ril see him tomorrow." sbe told me she would see him tomorrow, (tomorrow nepromenjen) She told me she would see him the next day. (tomorrow promenjen i zamenjen sa the next day). Exercise C Izraz I'd love to upotrebljava se u znaCeenju Vrlo rado ako prihvatamo neiju ponudu ili predlog na neku radnju. Reenje vebanja: Listen / Look: I'd l*ove to. Exercise D John called. He wanted to talk to y-ou. Did he say anything? Yes, he said he'd decided to go to the seas i ode for two weeks. To the seaside? But the other day he told me he'dB be going climbing. He told me that, too, but he changed his mind.-----Did he say where he was going? Yes, to Dubrovnik. He also said he * was going by car. Actually, he came to ask if we'd like to join him. What did you say? That I didn't think we could, because your holidajv began in two weeks' time. I'll trj fo get it a little earlier. If I manage to get it, we can join him. Would you like that? Oh, I'd love it. 39 Ewrdses A and B Direktan (II) He said: "What do^~s she want?" "How lon>az have you known him?" "When wil*l John be at home?" "Are you i Jl?" "Have yotf posted the letter?" "Will you do it? 329 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Indirektan govor (II) He asked what she wanted. how long / had known him. when John would be at home. if / was ill. if / had posted the letter. if / would do it. Pri pretvaranju upitne reenice iz direktnog u indirektan govor red reci postaje potvrdan. Indirektna pitanja obino se uvode glagolima: ask, wonder, inquire. Ako je glagol u glavnoj reenici u prolom vremenu, dolazi do pomeranja vremena glagola sporedne reenice, kao i pri slaganju vremena. Upitne zamenice, upitni pridevi i prilozi ostaju u indirektnom pitanju. "What does she want?" He asked me what she wanted.

"How long have you known him?" He asked me how long I had known him. "When will John be at home?" He wondered when John would be at home. ta ona eli?" Pitao me je ta ona eli. Koliko ga dugo poznajete?" Pitao me je koliko ga dugo poznajem. Kad e Don biti kod kue?" Pitao se kad e Don biti kod kue. Ako upitna reenica poinje pomonim ili nepotpunim glagolom, stavlja se sveza if ili whether posle glagola ask, wonder, itd. "Are you ill?" He asked if I was ill. "Have you posted the letter?" She asked me if I had posted the letter. "Will you do it?" Da li ste bolesni?" Pitao je da li sam bolestan. Da li ste poslali pismo?" Pitala me je da li sam poslao pismo. Da li ete to da uradite?" Pitao se da li u to da uradim. He wondered whether I would do it. Oblik had better u znaenju bolje bi bilo da, koji se upotrebljava da izrazi predlog, savet ili pretnju, prati infinitiv bez to. You'd better take your temperaBolje bi bilo da izmeri temperature, turu. Exercise C Oblik Shall+ 1+ osnova glagola u znaenju Da li da +prvo lice sadanjeg vremena upotrebljava se da izrazi predlog nekome da neto uradimo. Uko330 liko prihvatamo predlog, odgovor e biti Yes, do. Ukoliko predlog ne ihvatamo, obino emo odgovoriti: No, don't ili No, thank you. geSenje vebanja: Shall I...; Yes, do; No, don't; Yes, do. Exercise D Mary rang up to ask if we'd be at home tonight. What did you tell her? I said we would. What time did she say they'd come? About eight. I say, how's their son Jim? The doctor came to see him and said he had 'flu. What did he advise him to do? He told him not to go out until he got better. He also advised him to stay in bed for a day or two. Did anybody else phone? No, nobody else did, but Mr Smith came to see you. He asked me to give you this book. Oh, yes, he told me he'd bring it. Did he leave a message? Yes, he said he didn't need the book before Thursday next. UNIT 40 Exercises A and B swimming, ( climbing. enjoys sailing, skiing, Peter ^ is fond of boxing. 1 Glagolska imenica ili gerundijum (The Gerund) upotrebljava se kao objekat: a) predloga, kao for, in, of, on, to, itd. Uspeo je da rezervie sobe. Ona voli klizanje / da se kliza. On voli skijanje / da se skija. He succeeded in booking rooms. She is fond of skating. He is keen on skiing.

b) glagola u linom glagolskom obliku, kao enjoy, excuse, finish, give up, mind, put off, stop, itd. Uivamo da ostanemo kod kue. Izvinite to sam zakasnio. Jo nisam zavrio sa kucanjem. Prole godine je prestao da pui. Molim vas proitajte ovo. We enjoy staying at home. Excuse my being late. I haven't finished typing yet. He gave up smoking last year. Would you mind reading this? He puts off going to the doctor. Odlae da ide lekaru. 331 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Direktan govor (III) Indirektan govor He said: "Open the door." "Don't open the door.' Pri pretvaranju zapovedne reenice u indirektan govor, glagol se stavlja infinitiv. Kada je zapovedna reenica u odrenom obliku, onda se u indirektnom govoru stavlja reca not ispred infinitiva. Indirektne zapovesti obino se uvode glagolima: tell, ask, order. "Open the door!" Otvorite vrata." He told me to open the door. Rekao mi je da otvorim vrata. "Don't open the door!" Nemojte da otvorite vrata." He asked me not to open the Zamolio me je da ne otvorim door. vrata. Odreeni lan upotrebljava se sa imenima zemalja u mnoini ili imenima zemalja koja imaju znaenje mnoine: the United States; the Soviet Union; the Netherlands. Nepotpuni glagol ought to ima samo ovaj oblik i upotrebljava se u znaenju treba da. Ima sve odlike nepotpunih glagola, sem to ga prati infinitiv sa to: We ought to hurry up. Treba da pourimo. Predlog between upotrebljava se u znaenju izmeu dva lica ili stvari, a predlog among ako je u pitanju vei broj od dva. Exercise C Izraz Would you mind if... u znaenju Da li biste imali neto protiv ako . upotrebljava se kad pitamo sagovornika da li bi se protivio nekom predjogu. Ukoliko sagovornik ne bi imao nita protiv, rei e: No, not at allj Of course not J Certainly not. Ukoliko bi imao neto protiv, moe rei: I'm afraid l would ili Yes, I would. Izraz That's very kind of... u znaenju To je ljubazno od... upotrebljava se kad se nekome zahvaljujemo na uinjenoj ljubaznosti. Resenje vebanja: That's very kind of him; Would you mind; Certainly not / Of course not; Would yon mind; I'm afraid I would / Yes, I wouldExercise D Which sports are you keen on? Well, I love swimming and skiing. I Jlke tennis, too. What about you? Well, I'm fond of rowing and skating-I used to go in for boxing, but I gave it up some time ago. Excuse 332 Objanjenja i klju vebanja pting you- Have vou fulisned talking about sports? Not yet. 'nt* o __ i wanted to ask you if you could come for a walk with me? fraid we can't. We must finish the report. Besides, I'm not very on walking, as you know. What a pity! Would you mind if I my own Exercises A and B Of course not. UNIT 41 I myself You yourself He himself She enjoyed herself last night. We ourselves You yourselves

They themselves Povratne zamenice (Reflexive Pronouns) glase: myself, yourself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves i bezlian oblik oneself. Povratne zamenice imaju oblike za lice i broj. Povratna zamenica drugog lica razlikuje se od mnoine: yourself i yourselves. U treem licu jednine povratne zamenice imaju oblike i za rod: himself, herself, itself. W<- enjoyed ourselves last night. Lepo smo se proveli jue uvee. Are you enjoying yourself / yourDa li se lepo zabavlja / zabavljate? selves? He cut himself with a knife. Posekao se noem. Povratne zamenice upotrebljavaju se: a> sa povratnim glagolima, odnosno kad je vrilac radnje i predmet radnje lstovetan. Lok at yourself in the mirror. Pogledaj se u ogledalu. John isticanje: made the cakes herself. He Sama je (lino) napravila kolae, repaired the car himself. Don je sam (lino) opravio auto. by myself, by himself, itd. znae sam, usamljen: as sitting by himself in the Sedeo je sam u mraku. 333 ObjaSnjenja i klju vebanja ObJaSnJenja i klju vebanja Izvesni pridevi koji ostaju nepromenjeni kao prilozi, imaju i drugi prilo.-oblik, obino sa promenjenim znaenjem. Tako pridev hard ostaje neprome ' kao prilog, ali ima i drugi oblik, hardly, koji znai jedva. Evo nekolik takvih priloga: UNU 42 They all work hard. They hardly work at all. He usually goes to bed late. I haven't seen him lately. He lives near her. It's nearly ten o'clock. Svi mnogo rade. Jedva da neto rade. Obino kasno lee. U poslednje vreme nisam ga video ivi blizu nje. Skoro je deset. Might je oblik prolog vremena nepotpunog glagola may. Odrene oblike obrazuje dodavanjem rece not, a upitne stavljanjem oblika might ispred subjekta, odnosno inverzijom. Mislio sam da e mu se to dopasti. Rekao je da moda nee doi. I thought he might like it. He said he might not come. Nepotpuni glagol should ostaje nepromenjen u indirektnom govoru. Exercise C Pri izraavanju oduevljenja, uenja, ljutnje moe da se upotrebi pridev what u usklinim reenicama u znaenju Sto, kako. Posle prideva what dolazi imenica u jednini ili mnoini. Ispred zajednike imenice u jednini stavlja se neodreeni lan. What a lovely girl! What awful music! What marvellous pictures! to je lepa devojka! Kakva uasna muzika! to su lepe slike! Reenje vebanja: What a; what; What; What a! What a. Exercise D Where did you take your friend from abroad yesterday? I took him to the country. What an excellent idea! Where did you go? We went to a village where some of my relatives live. I thought he might like to see how our peasants live. Did he enjoy himself? Very much. He was interested in everything. What impressed him most? How hard our peasants work. Also he could hardly believe that most cottages we sa* had been built in the last few years. 334 want expect should like would prefer to come earlier. vesni glagoli, kao expect, like, love, prefer, want i jo neki, mogu biti praeni konstrukcijom imenica / zamenica +

infinitiv, kao svojim objektom. Imenica / zamenica u ovoj konstrukciji ima znaenje vrioca radnje glagola u infinitivu. Oekujemo da e se oni sutra vratiti. Voleo bih da vidite ariju. Vie bih voleo da doe kasnije. elim da Meri otkuca izvetaj. We expect them to be back tomorrow. I'd like to see the bazaar. I'd prefer him to come later. I want Mary to type the report. ali: We expect to be back tomorrow. I'd like to see the bazaar. I'd prefer to come later. I want to type the report. Oekujemo da emo se.sutra,vratiti. Voleo bih da vidim ariju. Vie bih voleo da doem kasnije. elim da ja otkucam izvetaj. Posle pJdeva worth upotrebljava se glagolska imenica. It is a place worth seeing. To je mesto koje vredi da se vidi. Is it worth buying? Da li to vredi da se kupi? Imenica goods ima samo oblik mnoine i prati je glagol u mnoini. The goods are on stands in the Roba je na tezgama pod vedrim open. nebom. Predlog into oznaava kretanje iz nekog prostora u drugi. Show him into the room. Uvedite ga u sobu. Izvestan broj engleskih glagola sastoji se od glavnog glagola i priloga. O se obino nazivaju dvolani glagoli. Glavni glagol sa prilogom ini zna-^njsku celinu. To su glagoli kao come in, get up, go out, itd. Kod ovih naglasak se nalazi na prilogu, tzv. prilokoj partikuli. U koliko sati ustajete? Zato ne obue demper? time do you get'up? don't you put 'on your sweater? 335 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja Ako je objekat prolaznog dvolanog glagola imenica, ona moe da prethodi ili sledi prilokoj partikuli. Take your shoes off. 1 Skinite cipele. Take off your shoes. J Ako je objekat zamenica, ona samo moe da prethodi prilokoj partikuli Take them off. Skinite ih. Exercise C Izraz It's OK with me ili It's all right upotrebljava se u znaenju Odgovara mi i izraava saglasnost sa neijim predlogom. Izraz I'd love that upotrebljava se u znaenju Mnogo bih to voleo i izraava oduevljenje za neiji prediog. Reenje vebanja: All right; It's OK with me. Exercise D Which sights do you want us to see? First of all, I want you to see the spot where the Austrian archduke was shot. That certainly is a must. Then I'd like you to visit the largest mosque. From what I know, we'll have to take off our shoes before going in. That's right. That's the Moslem custom. What else would you like us to visit? The bazaar. That's another place worth seeing. AH the goods are displayed in the open. I'd love that. What else do you want us to see? Well, if we have time, I'd like you to see the surroundings. Do you expect us to see all that in one day? Well, we can leave the surroundings for tomorrow. Does that suit you? It's OK with me. UNIT 43 Exercises A and B


Glavni glagol


Infinitiv dodatak objektu come

Priloki dodatak

see watch hear let make



posle glagola see, watch, hear, let, make, upotrebljava se konstrukcija objekat funkciju dodatka objektu. I saw him park his car at 10 o'clock. We watched him play tennis. They heard Peter come in. She let us go to the movies. What makes you say that? He helped me carry the bag. feel, kao i esto posle glagola help, + infinitiv bez to. Infinitiv ima Video sam ga da je parkirao auto u 10 sati. Gledali smo ga kako igra tenis. uli su Petra da je uao. Pustila nas je da idemo u bioskop. ta vas navodi da to kaete? Pomogao mi je da ponesem torbu. Particip prezenta dodatak Podmet Glavni glagol Objekat objektu I see watch hear him coming.

I can see him parking his car. We watched him playing tennis. Glagoli see, watch, hear, feel mogu da budu praeni i konstrukcijom objekat -f particip prezenta. Particip prezenta ima funkciju dodatka objektu. Mogu da ga vidim kako upravo parkira auto. Posmatrali smo ga dok je igrao tenis. I felt her shivering. Oseao sam kako drhti. Dok infinitiv pokazuje radnju koja je zavrena ili se ponavlja, particip pre-senta pokazuje radnju koja je u toku. Pridev enough stavlja se ispred imenice na koju se odnosi, a prilog enough Posle prideva: We haven't enough time. Nemamo dovoljno vremena. Is it dry enough to sit here? Da li je dovoljno suvo da se ovde sedi? taienica sheep ima isti oblik za jedninu i mnoinu. Borio se protiv bogataa. Preneli su ranjenike preko mosta. 1 lan upotrebljava se sa pridevom, kao i participom prolim, koji uPotrebljen ima znaenje zbirne imenice. e fought against the rich. ey carried the wounded across the bridge. 336 22 Engleski u 50 lekcija 337 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercise C Oblik Could you + osnova glagola upotrebljava se za izraavanje neke molbe ili zahteva. Videli smo da takoe moemo rei: Can you, Will you Would you. Moemo da odgovorimo potvrdno sa Certainly ili Of course a formalnom stilu govora sa With pleasure. Moemo i da uradimo to od nas trai bez ikakvog odgovora. Oblik Could you izraava vei stepen utivosti od oblika Can you. Reenje vebanja: Could you; Certainly / Of course; Could you. Exercise D Mary, it's got cooler. Are you warm enough in that dress? Yes, I am. If you aren't warm enough, you'd better put on your cardigan. All right. I say, have you seen Peter? Yes, I have. I saw him parking his car half an hour ago. Did you hear him come in? No, I didn't, but I can hear him singing in his room now. Can't you hear him? Oh, yes, I can hear him now. I can hear somebody laughing, too. True. Listen, where's Sheila? I don't know. I saw her writing a letter half an hour ago. Isn't she in her room? No, she isn't. Oh, I remember now. She said she'd be going to the post office as soon as she finished the letter. Could you please shut the door. It's rather draughty, isn't it? Thanks. UNIT 44 Exercises A and B


Olagol have has had had had will have


Particip proli repaired

Dodatak in this garage.


his car

Glagol have upotrebljava se u konstrukciji have + objekat + particip proli odgovarajueg glagola (Causative Have) da oznai da subjekat ne vri radnju sam, ve daje nekome da je uradi. I usually have my car repaired in this garage. I had my car repaired in this garage last week. 338 Obino u ovoj garai dajem da se opravi auto. Prole nedelje sam dao da mi se auto popravi u ovoj garai. j-ve had my car repaired in this garage several times. I'll have my car repaired in this Objanjenja i klju vebanja Davao sam da mi se auto popravi u ovoj garai nekoliko puta. Dau da mi se auto popravi u ovoj garai. U Uni i odreni oblici prezenta i prolog vremena obrazuju se sa pomonim i golom to do. Upitni i odreni oblici ostalih vremena obrazuju se kao i odgovarajui oblici glagola have. Where do you usually have your hair done? When did John have the film printed? I haven't had this suit cleaned yet. She won't have a new dress made. Gde (Kod kog frizera) obino ureujete kosu? Kad je Don dao da mu se izrade slike? Jo nisam dao ovo odelo da mi se oisti. Nee dati da joj se ije nova haljina. Do you think he is at home now? I think so. I hope so. Did he buy the book yesterday? I believe so. I'm afraid so. Has he understood the lesson? Is I'm afraid not. it true she won't come? Did you have a good rest? So se upotrebljava posle glagola believe, expect, hope, think, kao i izraza -'ni afraid, da zameni potvrdnu iskaznu reenicu u odgovoru na postavljeno pitanje, ime se izbegava ponavljanje iste reenice. U negativnom odgovoru upotrebljava se not umesto so. Do you think he is at home now? I think so / not. Did he manage to book the room? I hope so. Has he understood the lesson? I believe so. Did you have a good rest? ~~ I'm afraid not. Da li mislite da je on sada kod kue? Mislim da jeste / nije. Da li je uspeo da rezervie sobu? Nadam se da jeste. Da li je razumeo lekciju? Verujem da jeste. Da li ste se dobro odmorili? Na alost, nisam. Oblik / don't think so mnogo se ee upotrebljava od oblika / think not, kJi izraava naglaavanje. * Imei

raica tooth ima nepravilan oblik mnoine teeth. ica trousers ima samo oblik mnoine. 22 339 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercise C Izraz I'm so sorry to trouble you odnosno So sorry to trouble you upotrebljava se u znaenju ao mije Sto vas uznemiravam kada se nekome izvinjavamo zbog neke molbe koju upuujemo, a pri tome mislimo da ga uznemiravamo. Obino se odgovara sa No trouble at all. Reenje vebanja: So sorry to trouble you; No trouble... Exercise D I must have my watch repaired. It's stopped working. Are you going to the watchmaker's today? I don't think so. I must finish a report I've got to have translated tomorrow. Are you going tomorrow? I think so. Why? Could I ask you a favour? My watch's out of order, too. Could you take it to the watchmaker's? Of course. So sorry to trouble you about it. No trouble at all. I'm only too glad to do it for you. UNIT 45 Exercises A and B I You He would She should have done it. We could You They Infinitiv perfekta (The Perfect Infinitive) obrazuje se od infinitiva glagola have i participa prolog glagola koji se menja. U razgovornom i prisnom stilu have se obino skrauje u 've /s\/. Na primer: to have watched; to have booked; to have done; to have written; to have gone. Modalni glagoli would i should praeni perfektom infinitiva bez to oznaavaju radnju koja bi se desila ili je trebalo da se desi u prolosti, ali se nije desila. I would have done it. Milan would have booked tickets instead of us. Madge would have written the letter instead of Arthur yesterday. 340 Ja bih to bio uinio. Milan bi rezervisao karte umesto nas. Med bi napisala pismo jue umesto Artura. jota and Mary would have done it instead of me. I should've done it. Madge should have written the letter. Milan should have booked tickets instead of us. John and Mary should have done it instead of Peter. Objanjenja i klju vebanja Don i Meri bi to uradili umesto mene. Trebalo je da ja to uradim. Trebalo je da Med napie pismo. Trebalo je da Milan rezervie karte umesto nas. Trebalo je da Don i Meri urade to umesto' Petra. Modalni glagol could praen infinitivom perfekta oznaava radnju koja je mogla da se desi u prolosti, ali nije. We could have gone to the cinema yesterday. We were free. They could've called on us over the weekend. We were at home.

Mogli smo jue da idemo u bio-skop. Bili smo slobodni. Mogli su da navrate do nas preko vikenda. Bili smo kod kue. Exercise C Izraz Won't you + osnova glagola u znaenju Hoete li..., Izvolite .. ., upotrebljava se kad nekoga neim nudimo ili predlaemo. Won't you come along? Hoete li da poete sa nama? Won't you sit down. Izvolite esti. Reenje vebanja: Won't you; could I; Of course /Certainly. Exercise D There isn't a single seat left on the plane for August 1st. We should've booked seats much earlier. You should've reminded me.Well, you could 've thought of it yourself. That's true, though Milan could've told us to buy tickets earlier. He did mention something, but we didn't pay attention to it. I say, did you get tickets for tonight's concert? No, I didn't. They're sold out. What a pity! Listen, could you lend me your ball-point pen? I want to write a few cards. Yes, of course. Here you are. UNIT 46 Exercises A and B Cultural life was highly developed, is Cottage cheese very nutritious, have New houses been built. 341 Objanjenja i klju vebanja lan se ne upotrebljava ispred mislenih, gradivnih i zajednikih imenica mnoini, kada su upotrebljene u optem smislu. Jedan, dva ili vie prideva upotrebljenih ispred ovih imenica ne povlae upotrebu lana. Life is short. Cultural life was highly developed. Cheese is very nutritious. Cottage cheese is very nutritious. Children are fond of toys. Small children are fond of toys. ivot je kratak. Kulturni ivot bio je veoma razvijen. Sir je veoma hranljiv. Beli sir je veoma hranljiv. Deca vole igrake. Mala deca vole igrake. Ako su mislene i gradivne imenice, kao i zajednike imenice u mnoini, neim blie odreene, stavlja se odreeni lan. The life of Marco Polo was interesting. The cheese you bought yesterday isn't very good. The children who live in our house are noisy. ivot Marka Pola je bio zanimljiv. Sir koji ste jue kupili nije vrlo dobar. Deca koja ive u naoj kui su buna. Odreeni lan i geografska imena. Odreeni lan upotrebljava se sa: Imenima reka, mora, okeana: the Sava, the Adriatic, the Atlantic; imenima planinskih venaca: the Alps, the Apenines, the Carpathians; imenom jednog grada: the Hague; imenima nekih zemalja i oblasti u jednini: the Vatican, the Argentine, the Ruhr; imenima zemalja u mnoini ili koje imaju znaenje mnoine: the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom. Odreeni lan se ne upotrebljava: sa imenima jezera: Lake Ohrid, Lake Ontario; sa imenima planina u jednini: Triglav, Ben Nevis; sa imenima gradova: Belgrade, London, Pari. Izuzetak: the Hague. sa imenima veine zemalja u jednini: Yugoslavia, Britain, France. Few se upotrebljava sa imenicama u mnoini u znaenju malo, a few u znaenju nekoliko. He has few friends. He has a few friends. 342 On ima malo prijatelja. On ima nekoliko prijatelja. Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercise C

Izrazi sorry I ari t ili I'm afraid I can't / I'm afraid not upotrebljavaju se u znaenju ao mi je, ne mogu ili Na alost ne mogu kad elimo da damo negativan odgovor na neiju molbu ili predlog da neto uradimo. Reenje vebanja: Of course; Certainly; I'm sorry / I'm afraid I can't / I'm afraid not. Will that. ..; (That's) OK. Exercise D The folklore group's just come back from the Soviet Union. They seem to have had a great success. I expect so. They had a great success in Belgium and Holland last year, especially in the Hague. Yes, I read about it. Few folklore groups have had such a success. They're going on a tour again next week. Where are they going this time? They're going to South America. They'll be visiting several countries: the Argentine, Brazil, Chile and Peru. It'll be quite a flight across the Atlantic. Quite. Actually, I don't know if it's a direct flight. I don't think so. They'll probably land in Greenland. I don't believe so. Greenland's out of the way. Could you lend me your atlas? I'd like to see where Greenland is exactly. I'm afraid I can't. I haven't got it here. I lent it to John the other day. UNIT 47 Exercises A and B Mrs Brown, who is forty-five, looks quite young. whom you'll meet now, is Mary's sister. Odnosna zamenica who (whom) upotrebljava se u umetnutim odnosnim reenicama za lica. Umetnute odnosne reenice odvajaju se zapetama i mogu se izostaviti, poto nisu neophodne za smisao reenice. Mrs Brown, who is forty-five, Gospoa Braun, koja ima etrdelooks quite young. set i pet godina, izgleda sasvim mlada. Gospoa Braun, koju ete sada Mrs Brown, whom you'll meet now, is Mary's sister. upoznati, Merina je sestra. 343 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja My camera, which was out of order, is now mended. which I damaged some time ago, is now mended. UNIT 48 Odnosna zamenica which upotrebljava se u umetnutim odnosnim reenicam za stvari. Umetnute odnosne reenice mogu se izostaviti. My camera, which was out of Moj fotografski aparat, koji je bio order, is now mended. pokvaren, sada je popravljen. My camera, which I damaged Moj fotografski aparat, koji sam some time ago, is now mended. pokvario pre izvesnog vremena, sada je popravljen. Poreenje priloga (Comparison of Adverbs). Viesloni prilozi se porede kada se ispred njih stavi more za komparativ, i most za superlativ. Can't you drive more slowly? Zar ne moe da vozi sporije? John walked the most slowly. Don je hodao najsporije. Modalni glagol might praen perfektom infinitiva bez to oznaava radnju za koju se .pretpostavlja da se mogla desiti, ali nije. She might have phoned. Mogla je da telefonira, (ali nije) We might have taken our Mogli smo da ponesemo kupae swimsuits along. kostime, (ali nismo) Exercise C Izraz I mean it u inaenju Zaista to mislim upotrebljava se u situaciji kada hoemo da podvuemo da neto zaista mislimo. Izraz You mean... u znaenju Hoe da kae... upotrebljava se kada se pozivamo na neije reci prethodno izgovorene, a elimo da potvrdimo da smo razumeli smisao onoga to je reeno. Reenje vebanja: You mean; I mean it. Exercise D What are you going to show us now? First, we'll see the Mausoleum of Njego, which was made by one of our best-known sculptors. Was Njego the ruler who was also a poet and philosopher? Yes, that was Njego. Which is his best-known work? "The Mountain Wreath", which is considered a masterpiece of Yugoslav literature. Is it possible to find a translation of his poems? I think so. When we get to Dubrovnik, I'll try to find one. Listen, did you remember to bring the guide to Montenegro? So sorry, but I forgot. If you had only reminded me. You mean you forgot to bring it again? Don't get angry. I'm sorry! I mean it.

E,ercises A and B J 1 would have seen the film I if I had had time. would have watched TV would have read the book would have phoned him would have gone there Kondicionalna reenica koja izraava neku pretpostavku ili uslov koji se nije ostvario u prolosti naziva se irealnom kondicionalnom reenicom. U glavnoj reenici upotrebljava se would + infinitiv perfekta, a u sporednoj davno prolo vreme ili pluskvamperfekat. Oblik would have obino se skrauje u would've /3v/. Gledao bih film da sam imao vremena. Gledao bi televiziju da je imao vremena. Ili bismo tamo da smo imali vreI would've seen the film if I had had time. He would've watched TV if he had had time. We would've gone there if we'd had time. She would've phoned him if she'd had time. They wouldn't have gone to see the play if they'd known it was so long. Sporedna reenica sa i/moe da se nalazi na poetku kondicionalne reenice. If I'd had time, I would've read Da. sam imao vremena, proitao the book. bih knjigu. " we had hurried up, we wouldn't Da smo pourili, ne bismo izgubili have missed the train. voz. mena. Ona bi mu telefonirala da je imala vremena. Ne bi ili da gledaju taj komad da su znali da je tako dugaak. I see John every day. I saw John yesterday. I've seen John today. I'll see John tomorrow. Do you? Did you? Have you? Will you? Srozavanje uenja (Expressing Surprise). Ako elimo da izrazimo uenje 'li interesovanje kao odgovor na potvrdnu reenicu, upotrebiemo upitan oblik pomonog ili nepotpunog glagola. 344 345 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Objanjenja i klju vebanja I see John every day. Do you? I saw John yesterday. Did you? I've seen John today. Have you? I'll see John tomorrow. Will you? Viam Dona svaki dan. Zaista? Video sam Dona jue. Zaista? Video sam Dona danas. Zaista? Videu Dona sutra. Zaista? Exercise C Izraz Do you feel like + imenica / zamenica u znaenju Da li ste (raspoloeni) za ... upotrebljava se kao jedan od izraza kad nekome neto predlaemo Jedan od moguih pozitivnih odgovora je: Oh, yes, I'd love (one). Jedan od moguih negativnih odgovora je: No, thank you. I don't feel like it. Reenje vebanja: Do you feel like; I'd love one. Exercise D Did you go to Yugoslavia this summer as you intended to? Yes, I did. I went to Korula. Did you? When did you go? In the first half of August. Did you really? We were in Dubrovnik at the same time. Well, if I'd known you were there, I would've visited you. And we would've made an excurision to Korula. That's a pity,

isn't it? I say, how d:d you like Yugoslavia? Very much, though we didn't see much. Just Dubrovnik and its surroundings. If we'd had more time, we would've seen the Montenegrin coast as well. I didn't see it either. I was told it was the most beautiful part of the Adriatic coast. So was I. Never mind. We'll see it another time. Listen, do you feel like a cup of coffee? I'd love one. Then let's cross the street. There's a coffee bar over there. UNIT 49 Exercises A and B I wish we had a car. she were here. she worked harder. we had had a car last year. she had been here yesterday. she had worked harder last term. Posle izraza i sveza I wish, suppose, it's high time, I'd rather, if only, as '*' kojima se izraava neka elja, nemogunost ili pretpostavka, upotrebljava se prolo vreme za sadanjost, a davno prolo vreme za prolost. l wish we had a car. I Wish we had had a car last year. It's high time we got ready. I'd rather John did it. I'd rather John had done it. Glagol be ima oblik were za sva mnogo upotrebljava was. If only she were here. If only she'd been with us yesterday. Voleo bih da imamo automobil. Voleo bih da smo imali automobil prole godine. Krajnje je vreme da se spremimo. Vie bih voleo da Don to uradi. Vie bih voleo daje Don to uradio. lica, mada se u treem licu jednine veoma Kad bi samo ona bila ovde. Da je samo ona bila jue sa nama. I don't see John every day. I d Don't you? dn't see John yesterday. I Didn't you? haven't seen John today. I shan't Haven't you? see John tomorrow. Won't you? Izraavanje uenja (Expressing Surprise). Ako elimo da izrazimo uenje ili interesovanje u odgovoru na negativnu reenicu, upotrebiemo upitno--odreni oblik. I haven't seen John today. Haven't you? I han't see John tomorrow. Won't you? She doesn't like chocolate. Doesn't she? Danas nisam video Dona. Zaista? Sutra neu videti Dona. Zaista? Ona ne voli okoladu. Zaista? Uzajamno povratne zamenice glase each other i one another. They'll say goodbye to one another. Oni e sutra jedan drugom rei zbogom. Exercise C Oblik Do you feel like + gerundijum u znaenju Da li ste raspoloeni <fe + sadanje vreme upotrebljava se kad nekome neto predlaemo. Umesto oblika Do you feel like, moemo rei What about / How about u znaenju Kako bi bilo da... Izraz Many happy returns of the day ili Happy birthday u znaenju Srean roendan upotrebljava se kada nekome

estitamo roendan. Ako to inimo Pismeno, moemo napisati: "With best wishes for a happy birthday from . .." 346 347 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Reenje vebanja: Many happy returns of the day/ Happy birthday; Never mind; I'd love to. Exercise D I wish I had more time. Suppose you had. What would you do? Well I'd devote more time to reading. And travelling, I suppose. Not really. I don't like travelling much. Don't you? I thought you were very fond of travelling. Don't you think it's high time you learnt the things I like and dislike? Come on, you sound as if you were angry. No, I'm not. I was only joking. Listen, it's my birthday today. Is it really? Many happy returns of the day. I wish you'd told me that before. I would've got ypu some flowers. Never mind. Thanks anyway. Let's celebrate. What about going to a restaurant for supper? Oh, I'd love to. Objanjenja i klju vebanja UNIT 50 Exercises A and B All that is said about him is true. The only person that knows the truth is Mary. Any person, that knew the truth would tell it. It's the person that came this morning. She is the sweetest person that ever lived. Odnosna zamenica that upotrebljava se umesto who ili which u odnosnim reenicama posle all, the only, any, it's, i superlativa. Sve to je reeno o njemu je tano. Jedina osoba koja zna istinu je Meri. Ma koja osoba koja bi znala istinu rekla bi je. To je osoba koja je jutros dolazila. All that is said about him is true. The only person that knows the truth is Mary. Any person that knew the truth would tell it. It's the person that came this morning. She's the sweetest person that ever lived. Odnosna zamenica that obino se izostavlja ako je objekat odnosne reenice. All I know about him is this. Sve to znam o njemu je ovo. John is the only person I know Don je jedina osoba koju ovde herepoznajem. 348 Ona je najdivnija osoba koja je ikad ivela. Bring along any record you like. It's the writer we met at the party last night. She's the sweetest person I know. Odnosna zamenica that obino se izostavlja, a predlog stavlja posle glagola. Ponesi ma koju plou koja ti se svia. To je pisac koga smo sreli na zabavi sino. Ona je najdivnija osoba koju znam. This is all (that) he's interested in. John is the only person Mary's interested in. Bring along any book you're interested in. It's the problem John's interested in. Ovo je sve to njega interesuje. Don je jedina osoba koja interesuje Meri. Ponesi ma koju knjigu koja te interesuje. To je problem koji interesuje Dona. Nezavisna odnosna zamenica what upotrebljava se nezavisno u znaenju ono sto. What is said about him is true. Ono to je reeno o njemu je tano. What you say about him is true. Ono to kaete o njemu je tano. This is what he's interested in. Ovo je ono to njega interesuje.

Posle glagola look forward to upotrebljava se imenica / zamenica ili gerundi-jum glagola. Exercise C Pri pisanju pisama adresa onoga koji pie i datum stavljaju se u desni gornji ugao. Datum moe da se pie na nekoliko naina, od kojih su najei sledei: 27th August, 1980 August 21 th, 1980 August 27, 1980. Ako piemo pismo osobi sa kojom smo u formalnom odnosu, napisaemo u zaglavlju Dear Sir ili Dear Mr + prezime, sa zarezom. Ako piemo pismo nekom svom poznaniku ili prijatelju, poeemo sa Dear John, odnosno My Dear John, i u oba sluaja staviemo zarez. Formalno pismo zavriemo sa Faithfully yours, Truly yours ili Sincerely yours. Pismo poznaniku zavriemo sa With best wishes, ili Yours, mada se esto upotrebljavaju oba izraza. Pismo prijatelju obino zavravamo sa Love (from), i imenom onoga koji pie. Reenje vebanja: My dear; Love, 349 Objanjenja i klju vebanja Exercise D How did you enjoy your stay in Yugoslavia? Very much. We had marvellous time. What was the weather like? Mostly fine, just on* day of rain. Did you find the drive tiring? A bit, especially in hot weather. Did you manage to see all you'd planned? Yes, we did, though if we'd had more time, we would've visited some more places. i Yugoslavia really such a beautiful country? Yes, it is. All that's been written about it is true. What I'd like to do is to see the coast and the islands. That's impossible at one go. What I'd advise you to do is to see the coast first and then the islands. RENIK /a:/ treba da se ita kao /a:/ /au/ treba da se ita kao /au/ 350 a /g/, neodreeni lan able /'eibl/, sposoban aboard /9'ba:d/, na brodu abolish /a'balij/, ukinuti about /a'baut/, oko, otprilike "above" /9'bAV/, iznad "abroad /a'bra:d/, inostranstvo "aBsent-minded /'aebsant-'maindid/, rasejan absolutely /'aebsslurtli/, apsolutno accident /'aeksidant/, nesreni sluaj accommodation ^koma'deijon/, smetaj according to /s'kodin/, prema ache /eik/, bol; boleti """Scross /a'kras/, preko act /aekt/, delo; dekret activity /aek'tiviti/, delatnost actor /'askte/, glumac actually /'aektjuali/, zapravo adapt /a'daept/, prilagoditi add /aed/. dodati addresser /,<eU.i e:/, primalac admire /ad'mais/, diviti se admission /ad'mijan/, pristup; ulaz (u muzej, galeriju, itd.) admittance /ad'mitans/, pristup advertisement /ad'vaitismant/, oglas advise /ad'vaiz/, savetovati aeroplane /'eaplein/, avion afford /3'fo:d/, priutiti afraid /a'freid/, uplaen I'm afraid, na alost after /'a:fta/, posle afternoon /'a:ft3nu:n/, poslepodne again /a'gen/, opet against /a'geinst/, protiv ago /s'gau/, pre agree /e'gri:/, sloiti se; slagati se aid /eid/, pomo ar leal, vazduh aircraft /'eakra:ft/, avion airport /':1/, aerodrom alarm /e'la:m/, alarm ali /8:1/, svi all right, u redu allow /a'lau/, dozvoliti almost /'o:limust/, skoro alone /a'laun/, sam . along /a'lan/, du already /o:l'redi/, ve also /'a:lssu/, takoe always /'a:lweiz/, uvek ambulance /'ambjulans/, kola hitoe pomoi among /9'/, izmeu an /an/, neodreeni lan angry /'asngri/, ljut animal /'senimal/, ivotinja announce /a'nauns/, objaviti; oglasiti announcer /a'naunss/, spiker

announcement /a'naunssmant/, sa-optenje annoy /a'noi/, dosaivati another /'/, jedan drugi answer /'a:nse/, odgovoriti any /'eni/, ma koji anybody /'enibodi/, neko; ma ko anything /'eniBin/, ita anyway /'eniwei/, ionako; u svakom sluaju anywhere /'eniwee/, bilo gde apartment /s'paitmsnt/, stan apple /'1/, jabuka apologize /a'pobdsaiz/, izviniti se April /'eipral/, april archduke /a:tfdju:k/, nadvojvoda architect /'a:kitekt/, arhitekta arm /a:m/, ruka armchair /'a:mtjw/, naslonjaa around /a'raund/, okolo arrival /a'raival/, dolazak arrive /a'raiv/, stii art /a:t/, umetnost artificial /.arti'fijel/, vetaki as /aez, az/, kao ashore /e'Ja:/, na obali; na kopnu ashtray /'ajtrei/, pepeljara asleep /a'sli:p/, uspavan 351 Renik ask /a:sk/, pitati; zamoliti; traiti -about, raspitati se aspirin /'aespirin/, aspirin assistant /a'sistant/, prodava at /set, at/, na; u athletics /ae0'letiks/, atletika atlas /'aetlas/, atlas attack /s'tsek/, napad; napasti attendant /a'tendant/, slubenik attention /a'tenjan/, panja attract /a'traekt/, privlaiti attractive /a'trektiv/, privlaan August /'a:gast/, avgust aunt /a:nt/, tetka authorized /'o:6araizd/, dozvoljen autumn /'o:tam/, jesen avoid /a'void/, izbei awful /'a:ful/, uasan B baby /'beibi/, beba back /bask/, natrag; lea bacon /'beikan/, slanina bad /baed/, lo bag /basg/, tana; torba baggage /'baegids/, prtljag balcony /'batlkani/, balkon bank /baenk/, banka bank-note /'baerjk-naut/, banknota barber /'ba:ba/, berberin barley /'ba:li/, jeam barrier /'baeria/, pregrada basketball /'ba:skit'bo:l/, koarka bath /ba:6/, kupati se u kadi; kada bathe /bei6/, kupati se bathroom /'ba:6rum/, kupatilo battle /baetl/, bitka bay /bei/, zaliv bazaar /ba'za:/, arija be /bi:/, biti -away, biti na putu, odsutan -back, vratiti se

-off, otii -on, odravati se beach /bi:tj/, plaa bean /bi:n/, grah, pasulj bear /bee/, nepr. gl., roditi beat /bi:t/, nepr. gl., tui beautiful /'bjurtiful/, lep beautifully /'bjuiufuli/, lepo beauty /'bju:ti/, lepota 352 because /bi'ka:z/, zato to -of, zbog become /bi'lovm/, nepr. gl., postat]. bed /bed/, krevet P tatl bedroom /'bedrum/, spavaa soba bed-sitter /'bed'sita/, nameten jednosoban stan beer /bis/, pivo before /bi'fo:/, pre begin /bi'gin/, nepr. gl., poeti beginner /bi'gina/, poetnik behind /bi'haind/, iza believe /bi'li:v/, verovati belong /bi'lorj/, pripadati below /bi'lau/, dole belt /belt/, pojas bench /bent j/, klupa bend /bend/, nepr. gl., sagnuti se; okuka benefit /'benefit/, imati koristi beside /bi'said/, pored besides /bi'saidz/, osim toga best /best/, najbolji better /'bete/, bolje between /bit'wi:n/, izmeu beverage /'bevrids/, pie beware /bi'wea/, bojati se; uvati se big /big/, veliki; krupan bili /bil/, raun bird /bs:d/, ptica birth /be.-6/, roenje birthday /'ba:9dei/, roendan biscuit /'biskit/, biskvit bit /bit/, malo black /bla*/, crn block /blok/, blok kua blouse /blauz/, bluza blow /blau/, nepr. gl., duvati -up /'blau'Ap/, eksplodirati, dii u vazduh blue /blu:/, plav board /bo:d/, ukrcati se boarding /'bo:dirj/, ukrcanje boat /baut/, amac, brod boil /boil/, vreti book /buk/, rezervisati; knjiga boot /bu:t/, izma bomb /bom/, bombardovati bookcase /"bukkeis/, orman za knjige booking-office /'bukirj 'ofis/, blagajna 'bukjap/, knjiara /'boreu/, pozajmiti od nekoga , oss /bas/, ef ^th /beu6/, oboje Jitter /'boce/, gnjaviti se; gnjavaa bottle /batl/, flaa, boca bottom /'botem/, dno; donji

bound /baund/, prinuen box-office /'baks 'ofis/, blagajna boxing /'baksirj/, boks boy /boi/, deak brake /breik/, konica; koiti branch /bramtJV, grana -office, filijala brave /breiv/, hrabar bread /bred/, hleb break /breik/, nepr. gl., slomiti breakfast /'brekfast/, doruak breed /bri:d/, nepr. gl., uzgajivati (odabiranjem) bridge /brida/, most briefcase /'bri:fkeis/, kancelarijska tana bring /brirj/, nepr. gl., doneti -along, povesti brother /'/, brat brown /braun/, mrk build /bild/, nepr., gl. graditi -up, izgraditi building /'bildin/, zgrada bus /bAS/, autobus za gradski saobraaj business /'biznis/, posao busy /'bizi/, zauzet; prometan but /bAt, bat/, ali butter /'bAta/, buter, maslac buy /bai/, nepr. gl., kupiti buyer /'baia/, kupac by /bai/, pomou; do bycicle /'baisikl/, bicikl cabin /'kasbin/, kabina cabbage /'kaebids/, kupus cafe /'kaefei/, kafana cake /keik/, kola, torta call /ka:l/, zvati; poziv -at, navratiti; zaustaviti se -for, doi po 23 Engleski u 50 lekcija Renik -on, svratiti (k nekome) -off, otkazati calm /ka:m/, miran camera /'kamara/, fotografski aparat can /kaen, ken, kn/, moi cancel /'kaensal/, otkazati canned /kaend/, konzerviran canteen /kam'ti:n/, menza capture /'kasptja/, zarobiti car /ka:/, auto card /ka:d/, karta; formular cardigan /'ka:digan/, demper na zakopavanje careful /'keaful/, paljiv carpet /'ka:pit/, veliki tepih carriage /'kaerids/, vagon; koija carrot /'kaerat/, argarepa carry /'ksri/, nositi -on, nastaviti case /keis/, sluaj cash /ka?J/, gotov novac cash-desk, blagajna cashier /'kxJiaY, blagajnik castle /ka:sl/, zamak cat /kart/, maka catch /kanJV, nepr. gl., uhvatiti -a cold, nazepsti category /'katigari/, kategorija cattle /'kaetl/, stoka caution /'ka:Jan/, upozorenje; opreznost ceiling /'si:lirj/, tavanica celebrate /'selabreit/, proslaviti centre /'senta/, centar century /'sentJari/, vek certainly /'se:tanli/, svakako chair /tjsa/, stolica chairman /'tjeaman/, voditelj championship /'tjaempjanjip/, ampionat change /tjeinds/, promeniti; kusur charge /tja:d3/, naplatiti cheap /tji:p/, jeftin check /tJek/, proveriti; pregledati -in, prijaviti se -out, odjaviti se -up, proveriti cheer up /'tjia '/, razveseliti se cheerio /'tjiari'au/, zdravo cheers /tjiaz/, iveli! cheese /tji:z/, sir 353 Renik chemist's /'kemists/, drogerija cheque /tjek/, ek; bankovna uputnica chess /tjes/, ah chicken /'tjikin/, pile child /tjaild/, dete children /'tjildran/, deca

childhood /'tjaildhud/, detinjstvo chips /tjips/, pren krompir chocolate /'tjakalit/, okolada choice /tjois/, izbor choose /tju:z/, nepr. gl., izabrati church /tJa:tJ7, crkva cigarette /siga'ret/, cigareta cinema /'inama/, bioskop city /'siti/, grad class /kla:s/, razred; klasa classroom /'kla:srum/, uionica clear /klia/, ist -up, razvedriti se clerk /kla:k/, slubenik climate /'klaimat/, klima climb /klaim/, penjati se; planinariti clinic /'klinik/, klinika cloakroom /'klaukrum/, garderoba clock /klak/, sat na zidu, zgradi, tornju close /klauz/, zatvoriti clothes /klau6z/, odelo club /klAb/, klub coach /kautj/, autobus za meugradski saobraaj coast /keust/, obala coat /kaut/, kaput coffee /'kofi/, kafa coffee-break /'kafi-breik/, odmor (za neko osveenje) coffee-room /'kafirum/, prostorija, soba u kojoj se pije kafa ili aj za vreme odmora coin /kain/, metalni novac cold /kauld/, hladan; nazeb collect /ka'lekt/, pokupiti; skupljati colour /'kAla/, boja come /kAm/, nepr. gl., doi -across, naii -along, poi sa -back, vratiti se -in, ui comfortable /'kAmfatabl/, udoban commemorate /ka'memareit/, obnoviti uspomenu 354 compartment /kam'partmant/, complain /kam'plein/, aliti' se completely /kom'plhtli/, Potpuno concentrate /'kansantreit/, koncen trisati concentration camp /kansan'treijn 'kamp/, koncentracioni logor concert /'kansat/, koncert concerto /kan'tja:tau/, koncerat (kompoz'c'ja) confectionary /kan'fekjanari/, poslastice conference /'kanfarsns/, konferencija congratulation /kan^rastju'leijan/, estika congress /'kangres/, kongres consequence /'kansikwans/, posledica consider /kan's.'da/, smatrati consist /kan'sist/, sastojati se construct /kan'strAkt/, izgraditi contemporary /kan'temparari/, savremen continent /'kantinant/, kontinent Continental /kanti'nentl/, kontinentalni continous /kan'tinjuas/, neprekidan contrary /'kantrari/, suprotno conversation ^konva'seijan/, razgovor cook /kuk/, kuvati cooker /'kuka/, tednjak cool /ku:l/, sve corn /ka:n/, ito corner /'ka:na/, ugao correspond ^koris'pond/, odgovarati neemu cosmetics /koz'metiks/, kozmetika cost /kost/, nepr. gl., kotati cottage /'katids/, kua; seoska kua couch /kautj/,

kau cough /kaf/, kaalj; kaljati could /kud/, mogao, mogla, itd. council /'kaunsl/, vee count /kaunt/, brojati counter /'kaunta/, alter country /'kAntri/, zemlja; selo couple /'kApl/, dva; par cousin /'kAzn/, roak cover /'kAva/, pokriti cow /kau/, krava crash /'kraj/, sudar; sudariti se crew /kru:/, posada cross /kras/, prei crossing /'krasirj/, peaki prelaz; prelaz (preko Kanala Lamana ili Atlantika) crossroads /'krasraudz/, raskrsnica na drumu crowded /'kraudid/, pun sveta cupboard /'kAbad/, orman cultural /'kAltjaral/, kulturni up /kAp/, olja currency /'kAransi/, devize; valuta curve /ka:v/, okuka custom /'kAstam/, obiaj customer /'kAStama/, muterija customs /'kAstamz/, carina -officer, carinik ut /kAt/, nepr. gl., ei; kroj D daily /'deili/, dnevni damage /'daemidj/, otetiti; teta dance /da:ns/, izgrati dancer /'da:nsa/, igra danger /'deindsa/, opasnost dangerous /'deindara/, opasan dark /da:k/, taman; crnomanjast get dark, smrknuti se date /deit/, datum daughter /'da:ta/, erka day /dei/, dan deal /di:l/, nepr. gl., imati za predmet dear /die/, skup; drag death /de6/, smrt December /di'semba/, decembar deck /dek/, paluba deck-chair /'dek 'tjea/, stolica za leanje decide /di'said/, odluiti decision /de'sisan/, odluka declare /di'klsa/, deklarisati; izjaviti decline /di'klain/, opadanje delay /di'lei /, zadrati; zadravanje delicious /da'lijas/, izvrsno delighted /di'laitid/, ushien dental /'dentl/, zubni dentist /'dentist/, zubar; zubni lekar department /di'pa:tmant/, odeljenje departure /di'pa:tja/, polazak Renik depend /di'pend/, zavisiti describe /dis'kraib/, opisati description /dis'kripjan/, opis desk /desk/, pisai sto, kolska klupa dessert /di'za:t/, desert; slatki destroy /dis'trai/, unititi develop /di'velap/, razviti devote /di'vaut/, posvetiti die /dai/, umreti different /'difrant/, razliit difficult /'difikalt/, teak difficulty /'difikalti/, tekoa dinar /'di:na:/, dinar dinner /'dina/, glavni obed, obimniji obed dining-room /'dinirj-rum/, trpezarija direct /di'rekt/, direktan; direktno directory /di'rektari/, telefonska knjiga dirty /'da:ti/, prljav disappoint /disa'paint/, razoarati disastrous /di'za:stras/, uasan dish /dij/, inija; jelo dishwasher /'dijwoja/, maina za pranje sudova display /dis'plei/, izloiti

do /du:/, nepr. gl., initi; raditi doctor /'dakta/, lekar dog /dag/, pseto door /do:/, vrata double /dAbl/, dvostruk; udvostruiti down /daun/, dole, du draught /'dra:ft/, promaja drawer /dra:, draa/, ladica, fioka dress /dres/, haljina dress circle /'dres' sa:kl/, prvi balkon drink /drirjk/, nepr. gl., piti drive /draiv/, nepr. gl., voziti; vonja driver /'draiva/, voza driving-licence /'draivirj-'laisans /, vozaka dozvola drop /drop/, ispustiti -in navratiti dry /drai/, suv dual /djual/, dvostruki due /dju:/, odreen da stigne (u dato vreme) during /'dju:rirj/, za vreme duty /'dju:ti/, carina 355 Renik each /irtJY, svaki early /'arli/, rano earth /a:6/, zemlja earthquake /'a:6kweik/, zemljotres easily /'i:zili/, lako east /irst/, istok easy /'i:zi/, lak eat /i:t/, nepr. gl., jesti economy /i'kanomi/, ekonomija -class, turistika klasa education /,edju'kei Jan/, obrazovanje egg /eg/, jaje eight /eit/, osam eighteen /ei'tirn/, osamnaest eighty /'eiti/, osamdeset electric /i'lektrik/, elektrini eleven /i'levn/, jedanaest else, /els/, jo; drugo emergency /i'mardsansi/, opasnost emperor /'empara/, imperator empty /'empti/, prazan end /end/, kraj; okonati enemy /'enami/, neprijatelj engaged /in'geidsad/, zauzet engineer /endsi'nia/, inenjer English /'irjglij/, engleski enjoy /in'dsai/, uivati oneself, zabavljati se enjoyable /in'dsaiabl/, ugodan enough /i'nAf/, dovoljno enquire /in'kwaia/, raspitati se enquiries /en'kwaiariz/, informacije entrance /'entrans/, ulaz entry /'entri/, ulaz escalator /,eska'leita/, pokretne stepenice escape /is'keip/, pobei

escort /es'ko:t/, pratiti essay /'esei/, esej evening /'irvnirj/, vee 'event /i'vent/, dogaaj eventually /i'ventjuali/, najzad; konano ever /'eva/, ikad every /'evri/, svaki everybody /'evribadi/, svako everything /'evriOin/, sve exact /ig'zaekt/, taan exactly /ig'zaektli/, tano 356 exam /ig'zasm/, skraeni oblik od examination /ig;zaemi'neijan/, js. pit examine /ig'zaemin/, pregledati excellent /'eksalant/, odlian exchange-office /iks'tjeinds 'ofis/ menjanica ' excursion /iks'ka:Jan/, izlet executive /ig'zaekjutiv/, izvran exercise /'eksasaiz/, vebanje exhibit /eg'zibit/, eksponat exit /'eksit/, izlaz expand /iks'paend/, iriti se expect /iks'pekt/, oekivati expensive /iks'pensiv/, skup extremely /eks'trirmli/, neobino experience /iks'piarians/, doivljaj; iskustvo explain /iks'plein/, objasniti explanation /ekspla'neijan/, objanjenje export /'eksport/, izvoz express /iks'pres/, izraziti; ekspres eye /ai/, oko fabric /'faibrik/, materijal factory /'faektari/, fabrika fail/feil/, ne uspeti fair /fee/, svetle boje (lica, koe, kose); sajam fairground /'fsagraund/, sajmite fairly /'feali/, prilino fali /fo:l/, nepr. gl., pasti -out, posvaati se family /'faemili/, porodica famous /'feimas/, uven far /far/, daleko -away, daleko fare /f83/, cena karte farm /fa:m/, poljoprivredno seosko dobro fascinate /'faesineit/, opiniti fashion /'fxjan/, moda fast /fa:st/, brz fasten /'fa:sn/, privrstiti fat /faet/, debeo father /'fa:6a/, otac favour /'feiva/, usluga February /'februari/, februar feed /fird/, nepr. gl., hraniti feel /fi:l/. nePr- gl" oseati female /'firmeil/, enski, enskog roda festival /'festival/, festival fetch /fetj/, otii, doneti few /fju:/, malo a few, nekoliko field /fi:ld/, polje fifteen /fif'ti:n/, petnaest fifth /fif8/, peti fifty /'fifti/, pedeset fight /fait/, nepr. gl., boriti se fill /fil/, napuniti -in, popuniti -up, napuniti filling-station /'filin-'steijan/, benzinska stanica filter /'filta/, filter finals /'fainlz/, diplomski ispit find /faind/, nepr. gl., nai -out, saznati fine /fain/, fino; lepo; odlino finish /'finij/, zavriti fire /faia/, poar; vatra fireplace /'faiapleis/, kamin firm /fa:m/, firma first /farst/, prvi fish /, riba; loviti ribu five /faiv/, pet fix up /'fiks '/, namestiti; urediti flat /fleet/, stan; ravan fleet /flirt/, flota flight /flait/, let floor /flor/, pod, sprat

flow /flau/, tei flower /'flaua/, cvet flu /flu:/, grip (skraeni oblik) fly /flai/, nepr., gl. leteti flying /'flain/, letenje folk /fauk/, narod; narodni folklore /'fauklar/, narodni follow /'folau/, pratiti following /'folauin/, sledei food /furd/, hrana fool /furl/, budala foot /fut/, stopalo; mera za duinu (0.3048 m) football match /'futbarl 'maetj/, fudbalska utakmica footprint /'futprint/, otisak noge footwear /'futwea/, obua for /far/, za Renik forecast /'forkaist/, prognoza foreign /'forin/, stran forename /'forneim/, ime fork /fark/, vilj-uka forget /fa'get/, jiepr. gl., zaboraviti form /form/, foimular fortnight /'fortnait/, dve nedelje fortification //ortifi'keijan/, utvrenje fortress /'fartris /, tvrava forty /'ford/, etrdeset found /faund/, osnovati four /far/, etiri fourteen /'fortiia/, etrnaest fourth /fa:6/, etvrti free /frir/, slobodan frequent /'fri rkwant/, est fresco /'freskauy, freska fresh /frej/, sve Friday /'fraidei, 'fraidi,/, petak fridge /frids/, Friider (skraeno) friend /frend/, prijatelj friendly /'frendli/, ljubazan from /from/, od, sa front /frAnt/, prednji in front of /'in'frAnt /, ispred frontier /'frAntjs/, granica frozen /'frsuzn/, smrznut fruit /frurt/, voe full /ful/, pun fun /fan/, zadovoljstvo; zanimljivost funny //, smean furniture /'farnitja/, nametaj further /'fa:6a/, dalji gallery/'gaelari/, galerija gallon /'gaelen/, mera za tenost i zapreminu (4,5436 litra) garage /'gsrars, 'gasrids/, garaa garden /'gardn/, bata gate /geit/, kapija; izlaz general /'dsenaral/, opti generally /'dsenarali/, obino generous /'dsenaras/, plemenit gentlemen /'djentlman/, gospoda get /get/, nepr. gl., stii -back, dobiti natrag -better, oporaviti se

357 Renik Renik -in, ui (u stanicu) -off, sii -on, popeti se -out of, izai -over, preboleti -ready, pripremiti -up, ustati -through, dobiti vezu gin /dsin/, din girdle /ga:dl/, mider girl /ga:l/, devojka; devojica give /giv/, nepr. gl., dati -back, vratiti -in, popustiti -up, odustati; dii ruke od neega glad /glasd/, zadovoljan glass /gla:s/, aa glove /glAv/, rukavica go /gau/, nepr. gl., ii -in, ui -in for, baviti goodbye /gud'bai/, zbogom goods /gudz/, roba good-looking /'gud 'lukirj/, zgodan gold /gauld/, zlato; zlatan golden /'gauldan/, zlatan gorge /gords/, klisura gorgeous /'go:d3as/, boanstven graduate /'grsedjueit/, diplomirati grandchild /'grsentjaild/, unuk(a) grant /gra:nt/, odobrena svota grapes /greips/, groe grass /gra:s/, trava graze /greiz/, pasti great /greit/, veliki; sjajno, odlino green /gri:n/, zelen greeting /'gri:tirj/, pozdrav grey /grei/, siv grilled /grild/, pren na rotilju ground /graund/, teren; tie ground-floor /'graund-flo:/, prizemlje group /gru:p/, grupa grow /gnu/, nepr. gl., gajiti, rasti -up, porasti growth /grau6/, rast; razvitak guest /gest/, gost guesthouse /'gesthaus/, pansion guide /gaid/, vodi guitar /gi'ta:/, gitara 358 H hair /hea/, kosa hairdresser /'hsadresa/, frizer hall /ho:l/, dvorana ham /haem/, unka hand /hasnd/, ruka handicraft /'hasndikra:ft/, narodna radinost handle /haendl/, ruka handsome /'haensam/, lep hang /haen/, nepr. gl., visiti; obesiti -up, zavriti telefonski razgovor half /ha:f/, pola happy /'haspi/, srean; zadovoljan happen /'/, desiti se harbour /'ha:ba/, luka hard /hard/, teak; naporan; naporno hard-working /'ha:dwa:kin/, vredan hardly /'ha:dli/, jedva harvest /'ha:vist/, etva hat /hast/, eir hate /heit/, mrzeti house /haus/, kua have /haev/, nepr. gl., imati he /hi:/, on head /hed/, glava headache /'hedeik/, glavobolja healthy /'helOi/, zdrav heart /ha:t/, srce Heavens /'hevanz/, Za ime boga! heavy /'hevi/, teak; gust

height /hait/, visina hello /'he'bu/, zdravo help /help/, pomo; pomoi -oneself, posluiti se hen /hen/, kokoka her /he:/, njen here /hia/, ovde hers /ha:z/, njen hesitate /'heziteit/, oklevati hi /hai/, zdravo! high /hai/, visok highway /'haiwei/, autoput hill /hil/, breg hire /haia/, iznajmiti historic /his'torik/, istorijski history /'histari/, istorija hit /hit/, nepr. gl., pogoditi, udariti hobby /'hobi/, hobi hold /hauld/, nepr. gl., drati -on, ostati na telefonu holiday / iMlidei/, raspust; praznik Some%un/. dom; kua honest /'onist/, poten honeymoon /':/, medeni mesec hope /haup/, nadati se horse /ho:s/, konj hospital /'hospital/, bolnica host /haust/, domain hostess /'haustis/, domaica hot /hot/, topao; vreo hotel /'hautel/, hotel house /haus/, kua house-warming party, priredba povodom novog naselja housewife /'hauswaif/, domaica how /hau/, kako however /hau'eva/, meutim hundred /'hAndrid/, sto hungry /'hArjgri/, gladan hurrah /ha'rei/, ura hurt /ha:t/, nepr, gl., povrediti hurry /'/, uriti se -up, pouriti se husband /'hAzband/, mu I /ai/, ja idea /ai'dia/, ideja identify /ai'dentifai/, identifSkovati if /if/, ako ill /il/, bolestan imagine /i'madjin/, zamisliti immediately /i'nii:diatli/, odmah immigration /imi'greijn/, doseljavanje import /'impo:t/, uvoz important /im'po:tant/, znaajan impossible /im'posabl/, nemogu impression /ina'prejan/, utisak in /in/, u into /'intu, 'inta/, u jnch/intJ7,meraza duinu (2.54 sm) incredible /in'kredibl/, neverovatan

indeed /in'di:d/, zaista independence /,indi'pendans/, neza_ visnost influenza /^nflu'enza/, grip information /^nfa'meijn/, obave-tenje inhabitant /in'haebitant/, stanovnik inquire /in'kwaia/, raspitati se inquiries /in'kwaiariz/, telefonske informacije insist /in'sist/, insistirati inspection /in'spekjan/, pregled instance /'instans/, primer instruction /in'strAkJan/, uputstvo intend /in'tend/, nameravati instead of /in'sted av/, umesto international /.inta'nasjanal/, meunarodni interrupt /^nta'rApt/, prekinuti interested /'intristid/, zainteresovan interesting /'intristirj/, zanimljiv introduce ./,intra'dju:s/, predstaviti it /it/, to; ono issue /'ijju/, izdati jacket /'dsaekit/, sako jam /dsaem/, dem January /'dsasnjuari/, januar job /dsob/, posao join /dsoin/, pridruiti se joke /dsauk/, ala; aliti se journalist /'d3a:nalist/, novinar journey /'dsami/, putovanje; put juice /d3u:s/, sok July /dsu'lai/, jul jumper /'dsAmpa/, demper June /d3u:n/, jun just /dsAst/, samo; ba; upravo K keep /ki:p/, nepr. gl., drati; zadrati -up, odravati key /ki:/, klju kili /kil/, ubiti kind /kaind/, vrsta kitchen /'kitjin/, kuhinja knife /naif/, no knitwear /'nitwea/, pletenina know /nau/, nepr. gl., znati best-known, najpoznatiji lady /'leidi/, dama lake /leik/, jezero * lamp /laemp/, lampa 359 Retnik land /land/, iskrcati se landing /'lasndirj/, sletanje landlady /'Isndleidi/, _gazdarica language /'Isrjgwidj/, jezik large /Ia:d,3/, veliki; prostran last /la:st/, trajati; poslednji late /leit/, kasni; dockan lately /'leitli/, u poslednje vreme laugh /la:f/, smejati se lavatory /'laevatari/, klozet lead /li:d/, nepr. gl., voditi leading /'lirdirj/, vodei leaflet /'li:flat/, broura learn /la:n/, nepr. gl., uiti least /li:st/, najmanji at least, barem leave /li:v/, nepr. gl., napustiti; otii; dopust leg /leg/, noga left /left/, preostao; levi lend /lend/, nepr. gl., pozajmiti nekome less /les/, manje lesson /'lesan/, lekcija let /let/, nepr. gl., izdavati; pustiti letter /'lets/, pismo; slovo liberate /'libareit/, osloboditi library /'laibrari/, biblioteka lie /lai/, nepr. gl., leati -down, lei life /laif/, ivot lift /lift/, lift; dii light /lait/, upaliti, nepr., gl., svetlost; ibica; lak lik /laik/, voleti line /lain/, linija listen /'lisan/, sluati literature /'litratja/, literatura litre /'li:to/, litar litter /'lita/, otpaci little /'liti/, mali, malo a litlle, neto malo living-room /'livrn-rum/, dnevna soba lobby /'lobi/, hodnik; hol lock /lak/, zakljuati look /luk/, gledati -after, starati se -for, traiti

-forward to, radovati se long /larj/, dug; eznuli lose /lu:z/, nepr. g)., izgubiti 360 a lot /a'Iot/, mnogo love /Uv/, voleti; ljubav lovely /'Uvli/, divan luck /Uk/, srea lucky /'Uki/, srean luckily /'Ukili/, sreom luggage /'Ugids/, prtljag lunch /lAntJ/, lak ruak lung /1/, plua M madam /'maedam/, gospoa magazine ^maega'zirn/, asopis main /mein/, glavni maintain /men'tein/, odravati maize /meiz/, kukuruz make /meik/, nepr. gl., praviti; marka male /meil/, muki, mukog roda man /masn/, ovek man of letters, knjievnik manage /'maenids/, uspeti many /'meni/, mnogo-map /maep/, mapa March /ma:tj/, mart marital /'maerital/, brani mark /ma:k/, obeleiti market /'ma:kit/, pijaca marry /'mseri/, venati se married /'maerid/, oenjen; udata marvellous /'ma:valas/, izvanredan masterpiece /'ma:stapi:s/, remek-delo match /maetj/, slagati se material /ma'tirrial/, materijal mathematician /,'1/, matematiar matter /'maeta/, mariti; stvar mausoleum /,ma:sa'liam/, mauzolej may /mei/, smem; smes, itd. May /mei/, maj meal /mi:l/, obed mean /mi:n/, nepr. gl., misliti; znaiti measure /'/, meat /mi:t/, meso mechanic /mi'kasnik/, mehaniar medal /'medi/, medalja medieval /,medi'i:val/, srednjovekovni medical /'medikl/, medicinski medium /'mi:diam/, srednji meet /mi:t/, nepr., gl., sresti, saekati nekoga na stanici, aerodromu gtenswear /'menzwea/, muka odea mention /'menJan/, spomenuti menu /'menju/, jelovnik message /'mesidj/, poruka middle /midl/, sredina midnight /'midnait/, pono mild /maild/, blag mile /mail/, milja (1.609 m) military /'militari/, vojni milk /milk/, mleko million /'miljan/, milion mind /maind/, miljenje; paziti; imati neto protiv mine /main/, moj mineral /'mineral/, mineralna minute /'minit/, minut mirror /'mira/, ogledalo miss /mis/, propustiti Miss /mis/, gospoica missing /'misin/, koji nedostaje model /'modi/, model moderate -/'modarat/, umeren modern /'modan/, moderan moment /'maumant/, trenutak monastery /'manastari/, manastir Monday /'nundei, 'mAndi//, pone-deljak money /'nwii/, novac monk /mArjk/, kaluer monument /'manjumant/, spomenik moon /mu:n/, mesec

morning /'ma:nin/, jutro mosque /mask/, damija more /ma:/, vie most /maust/, najvie motel /mau'tel/, motel mother /'/, majka mountain /'mauntin/, planina mountainous /'mauntinas/, planinski mouth //, usta move /mu:v/, kretati se; seliti se -m, useliti se -out, iseliti se Mr /'mista/, gospodin Mrs /'misiz/, gospoa much /m\tj/, mnogo murder /'ma:da/, ubistvo museum /mju'ziam/, muzej /Jen/Jfc music /'mju:zik/, muzika musician /mju'zijan/, muziar must /mAst, mast/, moram, mora itd. mustn't /'mAsnt/, ne smem, ne sme, itd. my /mai/, moj N name /neim/, ime narrow /'naerau/, uzan national /'naejanl/, narodni nationality /,';/, nacionalnost native /'neitiv/, rodni near /nia/, pribliavati se; blizu -by, u blizini nearly /'niali/, priblino need /ni:d/, trebati needn't /ni:dnt/, ne moram, ne mora, itd. neighbour /'neiba/, sused neither /'naia/, ni news /nju:z/, vest; novosti newspaper /'nju:speipa/, novine next /nekst/, sledei nie /nais/, lep night /nait/, no nine /nain/, devet nineteen /'nain'tirn/, devetnaest ninety /'nainti/, devedeset no /nau/, ne nobody /'naubadi/, niko noisy /'noizi/, buan noon /nu:ii/, podne normal /'na:mal/, normalan notice /'nautis/, primetiti Borth /no:9/, sever nose /nauz/, nos nothing /'/, nita novel /'naval/, roman November /nau'vemba/, novembar now /nau/, sada number /'nAmba/, broj nurse /na:s/, bolniarka nutritious /nju:'trijas/, hranljiv O object /ob'dsekt/, protiviti se occupation /.okju'peijn/, zanimanje occur /a'ka:/, desiti se

361 Renik October /ok'tauba/, oktobar of /ay, ef/, od offer /'ofa/, ponuditi office /'ofis/, kancelarija officer /'ofisa/, oficir; slubenik often /'ofan/, esto oil /oil/, ulje OK /'au'kei/, u redu old /auld/, star on /on/, na; u vezi sa once /wAns/, jedanput one /WAH/, jedan only /'aunli/, samo open /'aupn/, otvoriti; otvoren opinion /o'pinian/, miljenje opposite /'opozit/, preko puta opposition ^opa'zifn/, opozicija opera /'opara/, opera opportunity ^ope'tjuiniti/, prilika or /o:/, ili orchard /'o:t.fad/, vonjak orchestra /'o:kistra/, orkestar order /'o:da/, poruiti; red organisation /,o:ganai'zeijan/, organizacija organize /'o:ganaiz/, organizovati other /'/, drugi ought to /o:t/, treba da ounce /auns/, mera za teinu (28.3495 g) out of /'aut av/, van outside /'aut'said/, napolje outstanding /aut'stsendin/, istaknut over /'auva/, iznad i preko overtake /'auva'teik/, nepr. gl., prestii pack /paek/, pakovati pair /pea/, par palace /'paebs/, dvorac; palata panic /'pcenik/, panika; upaniiti paper /'peipa/, novine parcel /'pa :sl/, paket pardon /'pa:dan/, molim; izvinite, ta ste rekli parent /'pearant/, roditelj park /pa:k/, parkirati vozilo parliament /'pa:lamant/, parlament part /pa:t/, deo particular /pa'tikjula/, podatak 362 pass /pa:s/, proi pored; dodati passenger /'pssindsa/, putnik past /pa:st/, prolo; prolost pavement /'peivmant/, plonik pay /pei/, nepr. gl., platiti -off, otplatiti peasant /'pezant/, seljak pedestrian /pi'destrian/, peak pen /pen/, pero pence /pens/, oblik mnoine odpeny pencil /'pensl/, olovka penny /'peni/, peni (novana jedinica) pensioner /'penJana/, penzioner people /pi:pl/, ljudi; narod perform /pa'form/, izvoditi performance /pa'fo:mans/, predstava perhaps /pa'hseps/, moda period /'piariad/, period permanent /'pa:manant/, trajan person /'pa:san/, osoba personal /'pa:snl/, lini pessimistic /,pesi'mistik/, pesimista pet /pet/, ljubimac petrol /'petrel/, benzin philosopher /fi'losafa/, filozof phone /faun/, skraeni oblik za telephone photograph /'fautagra :f/, fotografija take a photograph, fotografisati piano /'/, klavir pickpocket /'pikpakit/, deparo picnic /'piknik/, izlet u prirodu picture /'piktja/, slika -postcard, razglednica picturesque /,piktja'resk/, ivopisan piece /pi:s/, pare pilot /'pailat/, pilot

pine /pain/, bor pint /paint/, mera za tenost (0.4732 1) pity /'piti/, teta place /pleis/, mesto; mesto stanovanja; staviti plan /plaen/, plan plane /plein/, skraeno od aeroplane plank /plasrjk/, daska plate /pleit/, tanjir platform /'plaetfo:m/, kolosek; peron play /plei/, igrati Renik __ /'plezant/, ugodan please /pli:/, molim pleased /pli:zd/, zadovoljan pleasure /'plesa/, zadovoljstvo plenty /'plenti/, puno plough /plau/, orati pocket /'pokit/, dep poem /'pauim/, pesma; spev poet /'pouit/, pesnik point /point/, poen police /pa'H:s/, policija; milicija -officer, saobraajac political /pa'litikl/, politiki poor /pua/, siromaan; lo pop-music /'pop 'mju:zik/, pop-muzika pop-singer /'pop-sirjga/, pop-peva popular /'papjula/, popularan population ^popju'leijan/, stanovnitvo port /pa:t/, luka porter /'po:ta/, nosa position /po'zijan/, poloaj possible /'posibl/, mogu post /paust/, poslati potom post office, pota postcard /'paustka:d/, dopisnica poultry /'paultri/, ivina pound /paund/, funta; mera za teinu (453.59 g) pour /po:/, pljutati; sipati power /paua/, snaga; mo practical /'praektikl/, praktian prefer /pri'fa:/, vie voleti prepare /pri'pea/, spremiti, pripremiti prescription /pris'kripjan/, recept present /'prezant/, poklon; sadanji preserve /pri'za:v/, sauvati pretty /'priti/, prilino lep; lepukast prie /prais/, cena principal /'prinsipal/, glavni prisoner of war /'priznar av wo:/, ratni zarobljenik print /print/, tampati; izraditi slike private /'praivat/, privatan programme /'praugrasm/, program; emisija promise /'pramis/, obeati; obeanje properly /'propali/, kako treba property /'prapati/, svojina prosperity /pros'periti/, blagostanje protect /pra'tekt/, tititi pub /pAb/, bife public /'pAblik/, javni pull /pul/, vui -up /'/, zaustaviti kola pullover /'pulauva/, pulover; demper pupil /'pju:pal/, uenik put /put/, nepr. gl., staviti -off, odloiti -on, obui -up, smestiti se, odsesti quarrel /'kwaral/, svaa; posvaati se quart /kwo:t/, mera za tenost (0.9463 1) quarter /'kwo:ta/, etvrt question /'kwejtjan/, pitanje queue /kju:/, ekati na red quickly /'kwikli/, brzo quiet /kwaiat/, miran quite /kwait/, sasvim quiz /kwiz/, kviz radio- /'raediau/, radio railway /'reilwei/, eleznica rain /rein/, kia rainy /'reini/, kiovit rapidly /'rapidli/, naglo

rarely /'rsali/, retko rate /reit/, kurs -of exchange, kurs razmene rather /'ra:6a/, prilino read /ri:d/, nepr. gl., itati realize /'rialaiz/, shvatiti really /'riali/, zaista rear /ria/, odgajivati reasonable /'ri:znabl/, umeren rebuild /ri:bild/, nepr. gl., ponovo izgraditi receipt /ri'si:t/, potvrda reception-desk /ri'sepjan desk/, recepcija receptionist /ri'sepjanist/, recepci-onista recognize /'rekagnaiz/, prepoznati 363 Renik Renik recommend /,reka'mend/, preporuiti record /'reka:d/, ploa recover /ri'kAva/, oporaviti se red /red/, crven referee //efa'ri:/, sudija reflect /ri'flekt/, ogledati se refreshment-room /ri'frejmant-'rum/, restoracija refrigerator /ri'fridja'reita/, friider refuse /ri'fju:z/, odbiti registration /'redsislreijan/ prijavljivanje regular /'regjula/, redovan reknown /ri'noun/, uven; poznat relative /'relaliv/, roak relax /ri'laeks/, odmarati se remain /ri'mein/, ostati remains /ri'meinz/, ostaci; ruevine remember /ri'memba/, seliti se remind /ri'maind/, podsetiti repair /ri'pea/, popravljati repeat /ri'pnt/, ponoviti report /ri'part/, izvetaj reproduction /'ri:pradAkJn/, reprodukcija republic /ri'pAblik/, republika request /ri'kwest/, zahtev rescue /'reskju:/, spasti reserve /ri'za:v/, rezervisati residence /'rezidans/, boravite rest /rest/, odmor; odmoriti se restaurant /'restarant/, restoran resume /ri'zju:m/, nastaviti sa neim to je prekinuto return /ri'tam/, vratiti se revolutionary /,'1:/, revolucionar reward /ri'word/, nagrada ride /raid/, nepr. gl., jahati, voziti bicikl right /rait/, desni; tano -away, odmah all right, u redu ring up /'rir//, nepr. gl., telefonirati river /'riva/, reka road /raud/, put, drum roast beef /'raust bi:f/, peena govedina 364 room /rum/, soba; prostor double room, dvokrevetna soba single room, jednokrevetna soba round /raund/, oko, okolo; okrugao route /ru:t/, put routine /ru:'ti:n/, uobiajeni niz radnji row /rau/, red rucksack /'ruksask/, ruksak, ranac rug /rAg/, mali tepih rule /ru:l/, vladati ruler /'ru:la/, vladar run //, nepr. gl., trati -away, pobei -into, ulivati se -out of, ostati bez rush //, juriti; jurnjava safety /'seifti/, bezbednost sail /seil/, jedro; jedriti; isploviti salad /'saslsd/, salata same /seim/, isti sandwich /'saenwilj/, sendvi sandy /'sasndi/, peskovit Saturday /'saeladi. 'saeladei/. subota saucer /''sa:sa/, lacna--------------~ savoury /'seivari/, pikantna zakuska say /sei/, nepr. gl., rei scarf /ska:f/, earpa

scenery /'si:nari/, predeo school /kuri/, kola score /ska:/, rezultat sculptor /'skAlpla/, skulptor sculpture /'skAlplja/, skluptura sea /si:/, more seaside /'si :'said/, morska obala season /'si:zn/, godinje doba; sezona high season, glavna sezona seat /si:t/, sedite second /'sekand/, drugi; sekunda secretary /'sekretari/, sekretarica see /si:/, nepr. gl., videti -off, ispratiti seem /si:m/, izgledati self-contained/'self-kan'teind/, komforan self-service /'self-'sa:vis/, samous-luga . /'selfij/, sebian seli /sel;, nepr. gl., prodati -out, rasprodati send /send/, nepr. gl., poslati sender /'senda/, poiljalac September /sap'temba/, septembar set /set/, nepr. gl., zaci; aparat; vodena ondulacija settle /setl/, resiti; odluiti -down, nastaniti se seven /sevn/, sedam seventeen /'sevn'tim/, sedamnaest seventy /'sevanti/, sedamdeset several /'sevral/, nekoliko sex /seks/, pol shame /Jeim/, sramota shampoo /Jam'pu:/, ampon; pranje kose shave /Jeiv/, brijati se she Hi:l, ona sherry /'/eri/, vino (pansko) sheep /Ji:p/, ovca; ovce shelf /Jelf/, polica ship /Jip/, brod shipping-office, pomorska agencija shirt /Ja:t/, koulja shoe /ju:/, cipela shoot /Ju:l/, nepr. gl., pucati shopping /'Japirj//, kupovina shop /Jap/, radnja go shopping, ii u kupovinu short /Ja:l/, nizak rastom; kratak should /Judjad/, treba show /Jau/, nepr. gl., pokazati; revija -in, uvesti shut /1/, nepr. gl., zatvoriti sick /sik/, bolestan side /said/, strana sideboard /'saidba:d/, bife u trpezariji; kredenac sight /sait/, znamenitost sightseeing /'sait'si:rj/, razgledanje znamenitosti signal /'signl/, signal; dati signal signature /'signalJa/, potpis similar /'simila/, slian silly /'sili/, glup since /sins/, polo; od laa sing /sin/, nepr. gl., pevali

singer /'singa/, peva single /sirjgl/, pojedinaan; jedini sir /sa:/, gospodin sister /'sista/, sestra site /sit/, nepr. gl.k, sedeli -up, sedeli kasno uvee sit /sail/, zemljile situated /'sitjueilid/, smelen six /siks/, esl sixteen /'siks'li:n/, esnaesl sixty /'siksli/, ezdesel sie /saiz/, veliina; broj skate /skeit/, klizali se ski /ski/, skijati se; skija skiing-ground, skijaki teren skirt /ska:t/, suknja sky /skai/, nebo sleep /sli:p/, nepr. gl., spavati slide /slaid/, dijapozitiv slight /siait/, blagi slim /slim/, vitak slipper /'slips/, papua slow /slau/, spor -down, smanjiti brzinu small /sma:l/, mali smart /sma:t/, elegantan smoke /smauk/, puili snap /snap/, fotografija sneeze /sni:z/, kijali snow /snau/, sneg so /sau/, lako soft /saft/, blag; nean -drink, voni sok soldier /'sauldja/, vojnik some ./sArn, sam, sm/, neki; nekoliko somebody /'sAmbadi/, neko something /'sAmOirj/, neto sometimes /'SAmtaimz/, ponekad son /SAn/, sin song /sorj/, pesma soon /sum/, uskoro as soon as, io pre ore /sa:/, koji boli 'sorry /'sari/, izvinite, ao mi je sort /sa:t/, vrsta sound /saund/, zvuali soup /su:p/, supa south /sau9/, jug source /sa:s/, izvor souvenir /'su:vania/, suvenir spa /spa:/, banja 365 Remk spare /spea/, utedeti speak /spi:k/, nepr. gl., govoriti special /'speJal/, specijalan speed /spi:d/, brzina speedometer /spi'domita/, brzino-mer spell /spel/, nepr. gl., sricati spend /spend/, nepr. gl., provesti pice /spais/, zain splendid /'splendid/, odlino spoil /spoil/, nepr. gl., pokvariti se spoon /spu:n/, kaika sport /spo:t/, sport sports /sports/, sportski spot /spot/, mesto spread /spred/, nepr. gl., rairiti spring /sprirj/, prolee square /skwea/, irg stadium /'steidjam/, stadio stage /steids/, pozornica stairs /steaz/, stepenice stali /sto:l/, fotelja (u pozoritu) stamp /stasmp/, marka tand /staend/, nepr. gl., stojati; tezga; iviluk start /sta:t/, poeti station /'steijan/, stanica

status /'steitas/, status step /step/, stepenik; koraknuti stick /stik/, nepr. gl., zalepiti; zaglaviti still /stil/, jo uvek stone /staun/, kamen; mera za teinu (6.35 kg) stop /stop/, stanica; zaustaviti se store /sto:/, robna kua storm /sto:m/, oluja story /'stori /, pria straight /strftit/, prav; pravo street /strirt/, ulica stroke /strauk/, udar strong /strorj/, jak struggle /strAgl/, borba student /'stju:dant/, student study /'sudi/, studirati; uiti stuffy /'sUfi/, zaguljiv stupid /'stju:pid/, glup style /stail/, stil; model suburb V'sAbab/, predgrae subway /'sAbwei/, podzemni prolaz such /SAtJ/, takav suddenly /'sAdanli/, iznenada 366 suggest /sa'dsest/, predloiti suit /sju:t/, odelo; odgovarati-pristajati ' suitable /'sju:tabl/, pogodan suitcase /'sju:tkeis/, kofer um /SAm/, suma summer /'sAma/, leto sun /AH/, sunce sunbathe /'sAnbei'6/, sunati se Sunday /'sAndi. 'sAndei/, nedelja sunny /sAni/, sunan sunset /'sAnsit/, zalazak sunca superb /sju'pa:b/, boanstven supermarket /'sju:pa'ma:kit/ .supermarket supper /'/, veera supply /sa'plai/, snabdevati sure /Jua/, siguran surgery /'samari/, doktorska ordinacija; hirurgija surname /'sa:neim/, prezime surprise /sa'praiz/, iznenaenje; iznenaditi surprised /sa'praizd/, iznenaen surprising /sa'praizirj/, iznenaujue surroundings /sa'raundirjz/, okolina sweater /'sweta/, demper sweet /swirt/, sladak; slatki swim /swim/, nepr. gl., plivati swimming /'swimirj/, plivanje swimming-pool /'swimirj pu:l/, bazen swimsuit /'swimsju:t/, kupai kostim switch /svvitj/, prekida switch on /'switj'on/, upaliti -off, ugasiti symphony /'simfani/, simfonija table /teibl/, sto table-tennis /'teibltenis/, stoni tenis take /teik/, nepr. gl., uzeti; voditi -off, uzleteti -place, odigrati se talk /to:k/, razgovarati tali /to:l/, visok taste /Kist/, ukus taxi /'Keksi/, taksi tea /ti:/, aj teach /ti:tj/, nepr. gl., predavati Renik teacher /'ti:tjs/, nastavnik; profesor team /ti:m/, tim technical /'teknikl/, struan teen-ager /'ti m'eidsa/, tineder teeth /ti:6/, zubi ten ./ten/, deset tent /tent/, ator telegram /'teligrasm/, telegram telephone /'teli'faun/, telefon; telefonirati booth /bu:6/, telefonska govornica television /'tete,vi /, televizija television set /'telavisn 'set/, televizijski aparat teli /tel/, nepr. gl., rei temperature /'tempritja/, temperatura

ten /ten/, deset tennis /'tenis/, tenis terrace /'teras/, terasa terrible /'teribl/, straan than /dan/, nego thanks /Gajrjks/, hvala thank you /'9aenkju/, hvala that /6st/, to; ono; da the //, odreeni lan theatre /'9iata/, pozorite their /6sa/, njihov them /dam/, njih; njima then //, onda there /dea/, tamo thermos flask /'6a:mas fla:sk/, ter-mos thermometer /0e'momita/, termometar these /6i:z/, ovi; ove; ova _ they /6ei/, oni " thin /6in/, mrav thing /6;rj/, stvar think /9irjk/, nepr. gl., misliti -over /'9irjk 'auva/, razmisliti third /9a:d/, trei thirsty /'0a:sti/, edan thirteen /'6a:'ti:n/, trinaest thirty /'9a:ti/, trideset this /6is/, ovo those /6auz/, oni; one; ona though /6au/, mada three /9ri:/, tri thrill /9ril/, uzbuditi thrilled /Orild/, uzbuen thriller /'9rila/, triler thrilling /'9rilirj/, uzbudljiv; uzbudljivo throat /9raut/, gua through /9ru:/, kroz; preko -train, direktan voz throughout /9ru:'aut/, irom; skroz throw /9rau/, nepr. gl., baciti thunder /'9Anda/, grmeti; grmljavina Thursday /'9a :zdi, '6a:zdei /, etvrtak ticket /'tikit/, karta return ticket, povratna karta single ticket, karta u jednom pravcu ticket-collector /'tikit-ka'lekta/, kondukter u vozu; Hce koje pregleda karte na peronu tie /tai/, kravata till /til/, do timber /'timba/, drvo za gradnju time /taim/, vreme time-table /'taim 'teibl/, red vonje tired /taiad/, umoran tiring /'taiarirj/, zamoran to /tu, ta/, do toast /taust/, pren hleb today /ta'dei/, danas together /ta'geda/, zajedno toilet /'tailat/, klozet tomato /ta'ma:tau/, paradajz tomorrow /ta'marau/, sutra tonic /'tonik/, tonik tonight /tu'nait/, noas too /tu:/, takoe; suvie

tooth /tu:9/, zub top /top/, gornji; vrh touch /tAtJV, kontakt; dodirnuti tour /tua/, turneja; putovanje; kruna vonja town /taun/, grad tourist /'tu.-rist/, turista tractor /'traekta/, tiaktor trade /treid/, trgovina; trgovati traffic /'trasfik/, saobraaj traffic-lights /'traefik 'laits/, semafor train /trein/, voz translate /trzn'sleit/, prevesti translation /traais'leijan/, prevod transport /trxns'po:t/, prevoz travel /'traeval/, putovati 367 Retnik Renik travel-agency, putna agencija traveller /'traevala/, putnik tray /trei/, posluavnik trim /trim/, ianje, podiati trip /trip/, putovanje trolley /'trali/, pokretna kolica; posluavnik trouble I'llAbl/, nevolja; uznemiriti trousers /'trauzaz/, pantalone trout /traut/, pastrmka true /tru:/, taan try /trai/, pokuati tube /tju:b/, podzemna eleznica Tuesday /'tju:zdi, 'tju:zdei/, utorak tune /tju:n/, melodija; pesma turkey /'ta:ki/, urka turn /ta:n/, okrenuti; skrenuti -down, smanjiti jainu; odbiti -into, pretvoriti -out, ispasti -up, pojaviti se TV /ti:vi:/, skraena upotreba reci television twelve /'twelv/, dvanaest twentieth /'twentia0/, dvadeseti twenty /'twenti/, dvadeset twenty-first, dvadeset prvi , twice /twais/, dvaput two /tu:/, dva type /taip/, kucati typewriter /'taipraita/, pisaa maina typist /'taipist/, daktilograf-kinja tyre /taia/, guma U ugly /'Agli/, ruan umbrella /Am'brela/, kiobran unauthorized /An'a:6araizd/, nedozvoljen uncle /Arjkl/, ujak under /'Anda/, ispod underground /'Andagraund/, podzemna eleznica underpass /'Andapa:s/, podzemni prolaz understand /'Anda'stasnd/, nepr. gl., razumeti unexpected /'Aniks'pektid/, neoekivano 368 unforgettable /'Anfa'getabl/, nezaboravan unfortunately /An'fa:tjanitli/, na nesreu; na alost unfulfill /'Anful'fil/, ne ispuniti unique /ju'ni:k/, jedinstven unit /'junit/, jedinica; kuhinjski elemenat university /juni'va:siti/, univerzitet unknown /'An'naun/, nepoznat unless /An'les/, ukoliko unpack /'An'paek/, raspakovati unpleasant /An'plezant/, neprijatan until /an'til/, dok ne /up /AP/, gore upper /'/, gornji upper circle /'Apa'sa:kl/, gornji balkon

upside /'Apsaid/, gornja strana upside-down /'Apsaid-'daun/, tumbe upstairs /'Ap'steaz/, gore; na gornjem spratu use /ju:z/, upotrebiti use /ju:s/, upotreba used /ju:zd/, upotrebljen used /ju:st/, naviknut usually /'ju:3uali/, obino vacant /'veikant/, slobodan; prazan valid /'vaeL'd/, koji vai; vaei valley /'vaii/, dolina veal /vi:I/, teletina vegetable /'vedsatabl/, povre very /'veri/, vrlo via /'vaia/, preko View /vju:/, pogled; izgled village /'vilids/, selo violin /'vaialin/, violina visit /'vizit/, posetiti; poseta vocabulary /va'kaebjulari/, renik voice /vois/, glas W wait /weit/, ekati waiter /'weita/, kelner wake /weik/, nepr. gl., probuditi se wall /wa:l/, zid walk /wa:k/, etnja; etati se weight /weit/, teina want /want/, eleti war /wo:/, rat wardrobe /'wo:draub/, orman; garderoba warm /wa:m/, topao warning /'wo:nirj/, opomena was /waz, waz/, bio wash /waj/, prati watch /wotj/, gledati; runi sat watchmaker /'watj,meika/, casov-niar water /'wa:ta/, voda way /wei/, put; pravac way in /'wei 'in/, ulaz way out /'wei 'aut/, izlaz wear /wea/, nepr. gl., nositi; obui weather /'weds/, vreme wedding /'wedirj/, venanje Wednesday /'wenzdi, 'wenzdei/, sreda week /wi:k/, nedelja weekend /'wi:k'end/, vikend welcome /'welkam/, dobrodoao You're welcome, nema na emu well /wei/, dobro; pa west /west/, zapad western /'westan/, vestern; zapadni wet /wet/, vlaan what /wot/,' ta whatsoever /'watsau'eva/, ma kakav wheat /wi:t/, penica when /wen/, kada where /wea/, gde which /witj/, koji while /wail/, dok whisky /'wiski/, viski white /wait/, beo who /hu:/, ko

whose /hu:z/, iji; ija; ije why /wai/, zato widespread /'waidspred/, iroko; rairen wife /waif/, ena, supruga willing /wilirj/, voljan win /win/, nepr. gl., pobediti window /'windau/, prozor windscreen /'windskrim/, vetrobran wine /wain/, vino winter /'winta/, zima wish /wij/, eleti with /wi6/, sa within /wi'din/, iznutra; unutra without /wi'caut/, bez woman /'wuman/, ena wonder /'wAnda/, pitati se; uditi se wood /wud/, uma: drvo word /wa:d/, re work /wa:k/, raditi worker /'wa:ka/, radnik world /wa:ld/, svet worry /'wAri/, brinuti worth /wa:6/, vredan neega wound /wu:nd/, rana; raniti wreath /ri:6/, venae write /rait/, nepr. gl., pisati -down, zapisati writing-desk /'raitirj-desk/, pisai sto wrong /rarj/, pogrean yard /ja:d/, mera za duinu 0.9144 m) year /jia/.godina yellow /'jebu/, ut yes /jes/, da yesterday /'jestadei/, jue yet /jet/, jo you /ju:/, vi; ti young //, mlad your /ja:/, va yours /ja:z/, va youth-hostel /'ju:6 'hostal/, prihvatilite za studente zoo /zu:l, zooloki vrt 24 Engleski u 50 lekcija 369 .List of Proper and Geographical Names List of Proper and Geographical Names Adriatic /,eidri'aetik/ Africa /'sefrika/ African /'aefrikan/ Agatha /'aega6a/ America /a'merika/ American /a'merikan/ Amsterdam /'asmsta'dsem/ Argentine /'a.-contain/ Arthur /'a:9a/ Asia /'eija/ Asian /'eijan/ Athens /'a;6anz/ Atlantic /at'lsentik/ Australia /os'treilja/ Australian /os'treiljan/ Austria /'ostria/ Austrian /'astrian/ Balkans /'ba:lkanz/ Beethoven /'beithauvn/ Belgium /'beldsam/ Belgian /'beldsan/ Belgrade /'belgreid/ Big Ben /'big 'ben/ Brazil /bra'zil/ Brighton /'braitan/ Britain /'britan/ British /'britij/ Brussels /'brAsalz/ Bucharest /'bjurkarest/ Budapest /'bju:da'pest/ Bulgaria /bal'gsaria/ Bulgarian /bal'gsarian/ 370 Chile /'tjili/ China /'tjaina/ Chinese /tjai'ni:z/ Christie /'krrsti/ Constantinople /(kanstasnti'naupl/ Copenhagen /^aupn'heign/ Croatia /krau'eija/ Czechoslovakia /'tjekauslau'va :kia/ Czech /tjek/ D

Danish /'demij/ Denmark /'denma:k/ Dutch /dAtJ/ E Edinburgh /'edinbare/ Egypt /'i:d3ipt/ England /'ingland/ English /'inglij/ Englishman /'iqglijman/ Epidaurus /epi'da:ras/ Europe /'juarap/ European /'juara'pian/ Finland /'finland/ Finnish /'finij/ France /'fra:ns/ French /frentj/ Frenchman /'fient/man/ German Germany /'d3a:mani/ Glasgow /'gla:zgau/ Greece /gri:s/ Greek /gri:k/ Greenland /'gri:nland/ H Holland /'holand/ Houses of Parliament /'hauziz av 'pa:lamant/ Hungarian /hAo'gearian/ Hungary /'hAijgari/ Hyde /haid/ Ireland /'aialand/ Irish /'aiarij/ Italian /i'taeljan/ Italy /'itali/ Japan /dsa'psn/ Japanese /dssepa'ni :z/ Jones /dsaunz/ K Kodak /'kaudsk/ Leeds /li:dz/ Liberation Army /libe'reijan 'a:mi/ London /'Undan/ Lucy /'lu:si/ M Macedonia Madge /mads/ 23* Madrid /ma'drid/ Manchester /'maentjasta/ Mediterranean /^edita'reinian/ Montenegrin /^onti'niigrin/ Montenegro / (monti'ni:grau/ Moscow /'moskau/ Moslem /'mozlam/ N Napoleon /na'pauljan/ Netherland /'necaland/ Norway /'no:wei/ Norwegian /na:'wi:d3an/ O Orient /'a:riant/ Oriental /^ri'entl/ Oslo /'azlau/ Oxford /'aksfad/ Paris /'paeris/ Parker /'pa:ka/ Peru /pa'ru:/ Poland /'pauland/ Polish /'paulij/ Prague /pra:g/ Resistance Movement /ri'zistans 'mu:vmant/ Rome /raum/ Roman /'rauman/ Roumania /ru'meinja/ Roumanian /ru'meinjan/ Russia /'/ Russian /'/ 371 List of Proper and Geographical Names U Scotland /'skotbnd/ Scottish /'skatij/ Slovenia /sb'vi:nig/ Soviet Union /'ssuviet 'jurnjan/ Spain /spein/ Spanish /'spaenij/ St. Marco /sen 'ma:kau/ St. Sofia /'SMI sa'faia/ Sweden /'swi:dan/ Swedish /'swi:dij/ Switzerland /'switsalwid/ Swiss /swis/ Turkey /'to:ki/ Turkish /'ta:kij/ Union /'ju:nJMi/ United Kingdom /'ju'naitid 'kiijdam / Vienna /'Viene/ W Wales /weilz/ Warsaw /'worsau/ Welsh /welj/ Westminster /'westminsta/ York /jo:k/ Yugoslav /'jugau'sla.-v/ Yugoslavia /'jug3u'sla:via/ DODATAK RENIKU

abbey /'sebi/, opatija address /a'dres/, adresa and /send, and/, i as ... as, onoliko ... koliko as well, takoe B ballpoint-pen /'b.xlpaint'pen/, hemijska olovka bar /ba:/, bar be /bi:/, biti -in, biti kod kue -out, biti van kue beef /bi:f/, govedina boarding-house /'boidiij 'haus/, pansion bore /ba:/, dosaivati boring /'ba:rin/, dosadan bright /brait/, svetao, bistar bring /brig/, nepr. gl. doneti -up, vaspitati brush /brA.f/, etka; etkati cafeteria /'kaefi'tiaria/, ekspres restoran call /ka:l/, zvati -up, pozvati (telefonom) cartoon /ka:'tu:n/, crtani film central /'sentral/, sredini, centralni chop /1/, kotlet clean /kli:n/, ist; istiti cleaner's /'kli:naz/, hemijsko ienje cloudy /'klaudi/, oblaan coffee-bar /'kafi' 'ba:/, kafedinica college /'kalid^/, koled -on, hajde come /kAm/, nepr. gl., doi -on, hajde contact /kon'tsekt/, doi u dodir course /kn:s/, tok of course, naravno cry /krai/, plakati curious /'kju:ri3s/, radoznao cutlet /'k.vtlit/, kotlet D degree /do'gri:/, stepen direction /di'rekjan/, pravac dull /d.vl/, dosadan elder /'elda/, stariji (za lanove porodice) exciting /ek'saitiij/, uzbudljiv excuse /iks'kju:z/, izviniti fantastic /fan'taestic/, fantastian finally /'fainali/, konano, najzad flood /fl.vd/, poplava; poplaviti fond /fond/, koji voli on foot, peke fuss //, uzrujavati se get /get/, nepr. gl., stii; kupiti; nabaviti; dobiti -away /a'wei/, otputovati girl-friend, prijateljica go /gau/, nepr. gl., ii -on, nastaviti good /gud/, dobar guess /ges/, pogoditi H half /ha:f/, polovina historic /his'tarik/, znaajan historical /his'torikal/, is tori j ski homework /'haumwa:k/, domai zadatak 373 hostel /'host.)!/, omladinsko prenoite hour /auo/, sat ice-cream /'ais-'kri:m/, sladoled invite /in'vait/, pozvati ' island /'ailond/, ostrvo issue /'ij'ju/, izdati K kind /kaind/, ljubazan; vrsta knock /nok/, kucati O occupy /'okjupai/, zauzeti one-way, jednosnieran orange /'.irindy,/, pomorand/.a ordinary /'.xdinori/, obian our //, na page /peids/, strana pain /pein/, bol party /'pa:ti/, priredba, nabava passport /'pa:sp.)t/, paso

pea /pi:/, zrno graka play /plei/, igrati; pozorini komad pork /p.xk/, svinjetina potato /po'leil.iu/, krompir pudding /'pudiij/, puding push /pu.f/, gurali lamb /laem/, jagnje landscape /'laendskeip/, predeo lay /lei/, nepr. gl., postaviti laid /leid/, prolo vreme i par ticip proli glagola lay lemon /', limun live /liv/, iveti look /luk/, gledati -up somebody, potraiti nekoga low /Liu/, nizak M mail /meil/, pota meantime /'mi:ntaim/, mediavreme N ' new /nju:/, nov next to, do notebook /'n.iutbuk/, sveska 374 R ready /'redi/, spreman, gotov receive /ri'si:v/, primiti receiver /ri'si:v,i/, primalac regard /ri'ga:d/, pozdrav registration form, formular za prijavljivanje report /ri'p.Kt/, izvetaj; prijaviti resort /ri'zo:t/, letovalite ring /riij/, nepr. gl., zvoniti -up, telefonirati rubbish /'r.\bijy, smee; koje-tarija S saucepan /'s.Kspr>n/, erpa shortage /'Jo:tid;5/, oskudica shower /'/, tu; pljusak; tuirati se single /siijgl/, pojedinaan, jedini; neoenjen/neudata smoking /'smoukiij/, puenje spoonful /'spu:nful/, puna kaika stay /stei/, ostati steak /steik/, reanj mesa, biftek steal /sti:l/, nepr. gl., ukrasti study /'st.vdi/, studirati; uiti; radna soba sugar /'Jjug^/, eer T taste /teist/, ukus; probati tasty /'teisti/, ukusan telly /'teli/, skraeni oblik za television terminal /'ta:min,>l/, krajnja stanica test /test/, test textbook /'tekstbuk/, udbenik toothbrush /'1:(7, etkica za zube toothpaste /'tu:0peist/, pasta za zube tranzistor /trsen'zisto/ tranzistor travelling-bag, putna torba twin /twin/, blizanac U unchanged /An'tJ'eindsad/, nepromenjen upset /Ap'set/, zabrinut usual /'jui^ual/, uobiajen W That's why, zbog toga worried /'wArid/, zabrinut writer /'raits/, pisac youth-hostel /'ju:e'hastal/, prenoite za studente 375 KASETE Kolarcv narodni univerzitet i Produkcija gramofonskih

ploa Radio-televizije Beograd snimili su na kasete sledee udbenike stranih jezika Engleski l Nemaki i Engleski 2 Nemaki 2 Engleski 3 Nemaki 3 Engleski kroz razgovor Nemaki 4 Engleski u 50 lekcija Srpskohrvatski za strance Italijanski l Italijanski 2 Porud/.bine /.a kasete slati na adresu: PRODUKCIJA GRAMOFONSKIH PLOA RADIO-TELEVIZIJE BEOGRAD 11000 Beograd, Makedonska 21 ili na telefon 544-552, 544-061.

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