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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas / Semester Alokasi Waktu Keterampilan I.

Standar Kompetensi Membaca Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan : SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak : Bahasa Inggris : X / Ganjil : 2 x 45 Menit : Membaca :


Kompetensi Dasar

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk recount.



1. Mengidentifikasi main idea dari sebuah paragraph 2. Mengidentifikasi dengan tepat komponen Generic structure and Generic Features dari teks narrative. 3. Merespon dengan tepat wacana monolog yang berbentuk recount dengan: Mengidentifikasi kalimat simple past tense yang ada dalam teks recount. Memahami teks dengan menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan wacana.


Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat :

1. 2. 3.

Mengidentifikasi main idea dari sebuah paragraph. Mengidentifikasi komponen Generic structure and feature dari teks recount Merespon dengan tepat wacana monolog yang berbentuk recount dengan: Mengidentifikasi kalimat simple past tense yang ada dalam teks recount. Memahami teks dengan menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan wacana.


Materi Pembelajaran

Recount is a text which retells evebts or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to entertain the audience or to inform about an event in the past time chronologically. There is no complication among the participants and that the differenciates from narrative.

Teks monolog berbentuk recount contohnya: My Day I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks. Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money. Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday. Text Structure of the text above: Paragraph I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late Generic Structure Orientation: setting and provides the


because my alarm clock didn't go off (paragraph 1)


Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money (paragraph 2)

Events: tell what happened, in what sequence.

Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday (paragraph 3)

Re-orientation: optional closure of events.

Dalam text recount selalu menggunakan bentuk past tense, berikut penjelasan bentuk past tense: 1. Simple Past Tense The simple past tense is used to tell actions or situations in the past. Here are the patterns. a. Verbal Sentence.

S + V2 + O (positive sentence)

S + did + not + V1 + O (negative sentence)

Did + S + V1 + O (interrogative sentence) Example:

Donita went to Jakarta yesterday. Iman walked alone last night.

b. Nominal Sentence. S + to be (was/were) + adj/adv/N (positive sentence) S + was/ were + not + adj/adv/N (negative sentence) Was/ were + S + adj/adv/N (interrogative sentence)

Example: VI. Rani was here last month. Bani was not in Jakarta yesterday. : Snap reading dan diskusi : Waktu(Mnt)

Metode Pembelajaran

VII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran No. 1.

Tahapan dan Kegiatan Pembelajaran Kegiatan Awal ( Pre- Reading ) Mengucapkan salam Mengecek kehadiran siswa Menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan menghubungkannya dengan materi yang akan diajarkan Menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai


Kegiatan Inti (Whist activity) Eksplorasi: Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount. Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa mengenai teks 70

berbentuk recount, serta membahas generic structure dan simple present tense. Membagi siswa menjadi 8 kelompok terdiri dari 4 orang. Siswa membaca teks dibimbing dengan guru. Siswa melakukan snap reading yaitu: a. Guru membaca nyaring teks recount pendek dengan kecepatan normal. b. Guru tiba-tiba berhenti disebuah kata dan menunjuk siswa untuk melanjutkannya. c. Kemudian siswa kembali berhenti membaca disebuah kata dan guru menunjukan siswa yang lain untuk

melanjutkannya. d. Siswa dituntut untuk berkonsentrasi. Apabila siswa tidak menyimak dan tidak dapat melanjutkan bacaan maka kegiatan membaca diulang dari awal. Setiap kelompok diberikan sebuah lembar kerja siswa dan diminta untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendiskusikan: main idea dari setiap paragraph, generic structure dan 5 kesalahan yang terdapat pada teks pendek berbentuk recount. Perwakilan dari kelompok membacakan hasil jawaban masing-masing kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok kembali mengidentifikasi dan mendiskusikan 5 kosakata terkait dengan bacaan dan

mencocokannya dengan arti yang tepat.

Elaborasi: Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan latihan soal yang ada pada buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara kelompok. Konfirmasi: Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya. Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh siswa melalui sumber buku lain. Memfasilitasi siswa melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang sudah dilakukan. Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi mengenai pertanyaan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount Kegiatan Akhir ( Post Activity)

Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang belum jelas 10

Bersama-sama siswa menyimpulkan tentang recount text.


Sumber/Bahan/Alat Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester Gasal Lembar Kerja Siswa

White board dan spidol


Penilaian 1. Indikator dan Teknik Indikator Teknik Bentuk Setiap kelompok diberikan sebuah teks recount, lalu mereka secara berkelompok mendiskusikannya.


Mengidentifikasi main idea dari Tertulis dan lisan setiap paragraph


Mengidentifikasi komponen Generic structure and feature dari teks recount


Merespon dengan tepat wacana monolog yang berbentuk recount dengan: Mengidentifikasi kalimat simple past tense yang ada dalam teks recount. Memahami teks dengan menjawab pertanyaan terkait dengan wacana.


Instrumen Penilaian Teks Recount The Football Match My brother and I go to a football match yesterday. Our school team were playing against another High School team. Our team wears red and white shirts, white shorts, and red stockings. The other team wore orange and black shirts, orange shorts, and black stockings. They look like bees, my brother said, and we laughed.

They plays like bees too. They ran very fast, attacked very hard, and passed the ball to each other very fast. Soon they scored their first goal. My brother and I shout and shouted, Come on, Valley School! Come on, the Valleys! Our headmaster was near us and he was shouting too. He seems very enthusiastic. However, the high school scored another goal. We were very sad. Then, one of the bees stop the ball with one of his hands, so our team got the free kick. Our captain took it and scored a goal. We shouted, Hooray! The score was now 2:1. That is better. Now our team begins to play betteror the bees were getting tired. Our team scored another goal before half-time. In the second half of the match, both teams tried very hard, but neither scored, so at the end the score was still two all.

Based on the text above, the students have to identify the main idea on every paragraph, identify the generic structure of the text, identify the use of past tense, and answer some the questions related to the text!

Main Idea First paragraph: Second paragraph: Third paragraph: Generic structure 1. 2.

3. Past Tense: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7 8 Questions! 1. What does the text tell about?

9 10

2. What did the writer and his brother do after the rival team scored the first goal? 3. What does the enthusiastic mean? 4. What is the purpose of this text?


Pedoman Penilaian Nilai maksimal 100

Mengetahui Dosen Pembimbing

Pontianak, Agustus 2011 Guru Mata Pelajaran

Sumarni, M.Tesol NIP. 19690526 200012 2 001 Mahasiswa PPL

Liman Malau, B A NIP. 19550311 198103 1 001

Karina Rizqa Fadhlillah NIM. F12108009

Kunci jawaban: Teks Recount The Football Match My brother and I went to a football match yesterday. Our school team was playing against another High School team. Our team wore red and white shirts, white shorts, and red stockings. The other team wore orange and black shirts, orange shorts, and black stockings. They look like bees, my brother said, and we laughed. They played like bees too. They ran very fast, attacked very hard, and passed the ball to each other very fast. Soon they scored their first goal. My brother and I shouted and shouted, Come on, Valley School! Come on, the Valleys! Our headmaster was near us and he was shouting too. He seemed very enthusiastic. However, the high school scored another goal. We were very sad. Then, one of the bees stopped the ball with one of his hands, so our team got the free kick. Our captain took it and scored a goal. We shouted, Hooray! The score was now 2:1. That was better. Now our team began to play betteror the bees were getting tired. Our team scored another goal before half-time. In the second half of the match, both teams tried very hard, but neither scored, so at the end the score was still two all.

Based on the text above, the students have to identify the main idea on every paragraph, identify the generic structure of the text, identify the use of past tense, and answer some the questions related to the text!

Main Idea First paragraph Second paragraph : The writer and his brother went to a football match yesterday. : The High School scored another goal.

Third paragraph

: At the end the score was still two all.

Generic structure 1. Orientation : My brother and I went to a football match yesterday. Our school team was playing against another High School team. 2. Events: Soon High School team scored their first goal. Then, one of the bees stopped the ball with one of his hands, so our team got the free kick. Our captain took it and scored a goal. 3. Re-orientation : so at the end the score was still two all.

Past Tense: 1. Went 2. Was 3. Wore 4. Played 5. Shouted Questions! 1. What does the text tell about? The text tells about attending a football match 2. What did the writer and his brother do after the rival team scored the first goal? They shouted to support their team 3. What does the enthusiastic mean? Enthusiastic means showing a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it. 4. What is the purpose of this text? The purpose of the text is to entertain the readers and to inform about an event in the past time chronologically. 6. Seemed 7. Stopped 8. Was 9. Was 10. Began

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